• frns: DA - I=l R4ADING, PA., NOyEbIBRF.I , 21, 1868. wintimPoinpirli! !ALlFintirra. The following article, which was written by • i correspondent Of the ,Philp. twining , Herald, shows ,that the 'supply ',ono,* i n Gdifornia exceeds the demand, and that the farms, mines and workshope of Pennsyl vania are better places for our workingmen than the "Land of floid," at the present time. If man in Perks coty is willing to work us hard, end live as f r4gally, as he is obliged to do in 'any new country, ho can accumulate much . more money, , And enjoy much more comfort and much better health, by staying at bolos, than'hy Ong to some distant and atrunge territory where the chances are three lq,orke against , his coming back at nll, with of withodt a fortune. Every worklornan sbouldrcad thofollow- , ing cotninuniention, and. 'consider well .the cost before lonvinghis how: , ntul friend,s to seek his fortune in n land•wbere bo.will pro bably lose liis , thne, and his benith, perhaps even his life : • • . iiit.opnrn!' l t - No,v;• 20, 1868. "PA siravili‘itig : ' ' "lAtet 661141' feadin /In the Serail() Oa 'effect that , bots ,emplo . yed on; forma inValifoynia wore paid from. forty to fifty dollkriper Month'lngoldlor their see vices, • Tbo•Avriter,,not long -slate, :wautt , resident of the Golden State,and is able from. la personal knowledge of the facts to contra !diet the stitenleat4 f. It is iteldomiindeed,that able-bodied men can obtainthe amount men-, tionedfand tho elnineen are about ten to One' that they, will be cheated out Oftheir inentiy iii addition, as very few of their employers seem to attach any. value tO their'oin reptithi; ' iioll4 toy hOnesty,••beint- bout on iaisang-* "home strike as they, call it, and care Yea little at'Whotio'eXperise or under Whatelienio stances it is obtained, Not to pay being 00; rule f and to pay the eiception, the firstgney tion usually asked,when perilinas inforniod where II situatianAndybe bade ; l4s,' my money?" And suckis the„ease.aqt on fermi atode; f btit' at a inejoritiof the' quarts' and ,amber, miller sindislacer 'mines alio. ••-I have a letter from Californ ia now beftire . m . p i: in which t he tntiehlaist . a plot neer ot '49,cqrroborates all,thatl lifive, writ?: ten. lie is now. Working . for the Central Pacific Railroad Gottipanyl and ion fiiiitselitis: hand u and is getting but two dollars and seto, enty cents per day., lie sir there are, .at low - estimate, five mechanics wanting weik for every position where onels required.' At the machine shop of Gross ktsimbard;:the largest eitablishment- Of the kind in Sacra: mento, , three-fourths ,of the machinery; is standing idle. Recently, about three hun dred maohlniets and engineel's Came to - 13 a. cramento ; from A.ustralie'On; therepresenta-T tion of_ the agents of the Central Pftelk Rally:4d Company, throUgh . the American' Consul, and, instead, of•gotting Seedy: Oa. ployment and four dollars per ,dag, they could' not get work ' at any priee. 'Those who had the,neciessary 'funds with which, to pay their Passage! went straight back and the rest would like to go if they could. • At anothershop (Smellier, proprietop). within the two weeks prior .to the mailing of the letter, eight maohinists had offered tb Work fir the price of 'their board; ,hut they could not get it even at;that price, for the reason that there was ad. 'This 'is riot the cumin ,Californikalone, for Oregon and Nevada are overrun in a like maoner. In. Nevada Mechanics' are so plenty that they hire put strlnberere wagem—waiting for the more fortunate,members of the various er44 to leave, thatlhey may 'slide into the various situations,i During my residence in ,Cnli fornia,l HAW ono npember of the medical pro! fusion burning elthrcord for a lit'ing; another one driving a, cart, and at. flue little'', near Chinese Camp, I saw a limb of the law en gaged in wheelingsmartz Ina tunnel, During my residomia ,in San Francisco, I saw me °hanks of every hind, engaged in building a culvert on Pacific stunt, and working on the hard'alate ledge, null I heard the contractor say thatiallors• and shoemakers, and even jewelers, applied roe aituntiOns, and were only able to stand the work few days, w hen they quit, losing their pay also, because they were hired by the niontb,whielt enabled him to complete the contract nt a handsome profit. To tell the truth, I never taw so ninny men in real distress as I did . in enlifornin. The landlord of the, llinchesier Hotel, an Pacific street, had quite a pawnbroking establish ment in connection withliis hetet- Pistols, bowie knives, watches, and jewelry were "spouted" daily hi payment of hoard by this poor dupes who were constantly lured to the Pacific coast by the lying reports of interest ed parties: It is about time' that the true facts of the case should birmade known,ia I feel positive it may he the means of saving considerable' trouble and expenst!. to them who may be ntTeeted..with "California on the brain." Carpenters; can do .better than any other elnis of tneehtmies, as the buildings'are principally of woo&-•but even of carpenters there is more thaenough l , which many, will find to their eopt, if they Make' the ',expert • meat." ; • , Tug Working Womeriie AesOciatiOp of New York, are circulating liciitions to Governor Oeary for' tho Pardon of, Hester Vaughn, be young woman who is Miler sentence of death in rhiladelphia, for tho, murder of her nevi-born child. Wo wish them success, and we hope-,their petition. will be favorably, ,received. by Governor , Geary:, and that be will exert , hi s t executive clemency in * halal( jzif 'this unfortunte via. - tim of poverty sink mates,. treachery,' who has already suffered punishment enough, undo the circumstances: a WS. UOWARD, Chief 'of the ,Freedmen's Bureau, !treatises that, that ,delectable in stitution shall be diseentineed Opr the 81st of December. The Ooople have .bad 'too many, att,h pioeliscs—tlioy only when Ail are performed: ':typt Taq : of the . negt.oei roted 'the 60mOttiiiiiii:tieketi however ) 'it' . , possiblo that tongtets will really close do lkites-013,d‘p . t it! Runtish the blade k MI ~t, .)', Laza -1 " . ,, -- '. — ", - ;.,'`,. :';;'"' $, ."'„,•e,r -4 , ~' , :•:, v -;-, ' nattix ii *tient to straighten er ereelleil streets. It would be better if some of her Puritans vroulCstraighten their crooked , ~..;, iv,• ' . i'.; ~ IaFEA.TI t A ft IrE t ;L '111041,111019.:: Eveiy ntiA 4 .thocss *ld ei,eryl . mpreirel went of matketivalite l -7'.:in the'raanufaiture of iron and :steel,itt of such great importance to the Stateof Pennsylvania as to induce a conspicuous notice of all such develoPthents in these columns. To those heretofore in tioduce4 to thelittblie In this wax, we have new to add nriother, and from what is said, of kin England it Will appear that to.. th e names of Patry,Uehatius,' Ma rtin :13essom er, and Stemens, as Connected with.varieue:im• proved processes for thanufactuling Ateel, must now be ridded that of John Heaton; the protirietor . of Langley Mills, sitittite4 in the' Erowash Valley,riear Nottingliam,Englimd. He has in auceetisful practice a direct nteth , od of producing steel cheniienfly, . that bids, ' fair to be of the very fist, Importance, and, almost to revolutionize that branc h of indus try. , ~,. , I • , try. This', to express itritithefeweitWerds t 'Consists in pouring melted konnprin nitrate of soda in a cupola furnace, ~ b y , m eans: of which the oxygen developed from the nitrate combines.with all,, the, impurities, , carbon, silicon; 01001:40, ittlphui, ete.iwllich die:, appears, leaving the iron in . . the form' Of a crridp steel, to be ugedin! that faimor to'he converted by a sabseirept,proccss into coat steel. , The details of; the proces, may,ho, _stated da' foil ev4: ~ . ' Cast lion' of ettiqualiti la ,' (and cre4i lies lone 'dike' iteriteg advaribigei of' the'neir' 'prricess) is inelted.in acemmon ifon,enpola ofurnaceeand 'a Icilowo qoantity4--trOm half, ,tt ton to a ton—is tapped out inte An ordi-, nriVeranelatile, which is 'isivnng,tound : to .the Ride of the convortei:, l'hisle a tall 41: `inder of boiler plate iron,opein it the bottom, !.. 4 pd : with:,aspace,between it'atid the floer.— lhere.is a fire-kriek,liehig to the,rionv,erter, and a conical covering, out of, which an iron fuatiel opens into the atmosp here. , In the bottornltirti pined a niinaber'ofrsheit 'cylia• Arica' pots, lined `wilt brit* arid fire•elay'.— (14 0, the, bottqm,oto to of these pots is placed `n given - weight of evade nitrate,of, soda, the :,iurface rif i'vhieli is *J0110(1,4'94 covered, with perforated'" i'i "f ti I I' La Circular,' , pa o o , lc: cast, ›Otf. At the Aide 'of the eylindor le it liasivir l leovered hy a loosely , hinged . - flap'- Of " li oilOr 4400.,„ This is raised, and the ladle fall of boast iron is poured into the converter,, de-; :apending upon , the . top 'of the perforated ;flats, whii...l:;;:c . ona es graddallYleated and # verietioi sun commences in' the' nitrate, lisulting in the development? of brown ni-' ,trous fum i es, followed by blackish. 'gray end ;Whitishiumes mixed with ; steam, , In _five 4:ir six iriinutes ~ dcflagration ensues, with a ;roaringrittitio a nd the escape, of 'a brilliant, ,yellow flame from the' top 'of the chimney, 'raid lasting for a minute and a half and then settaidiog. • ,Tho,ennv.ortor is thea'detacked IffAtn,the chimney, and the pontoots, of the !pot ,emptied on the iron, pave=lt of the foundry, Consisting of crude' ste el and of slag:. , Tlio steel Is iri a pasty itate,`And' the 'slag fluid. The cast • irOn.plate hue melted atpwith the genejal watts, „ I. , ..,, .The crude steel,thus made is then broken !.i . pp, and again heated in . a balling furnace; aftetWards _rolled I or' forged' ' into suitable ;slittriett;' , ,fThe material in this formis called 4 fstoe),:hon,l and has qualities. ;lolly equal, for most,purposes, to the Lowmooriron. It ; welds perfectly; is neither •"hot-short" nor , I: celd,short,"..and forges well at both a low 'Ted anti clear yellow heat. ' To' convert this 'again into oast-steel, the cakes after squcez • lug itt the shingling hammer, are broken up, and . put , into , ordinary, clay, melting puts bolding about (JO, lbs. each. • To 100 lbs. of the metal aro added 23 or 3 11)3, * of spiegel• eisen, or Its eqUivalent of . oxide Of tnanga• nese and chorcoal, and the whole 'finied and cast into ingots. • It is now cast-steel, told 'from it bars can be produced•ist tho•unual way, tit for nny required pdrpose. Varionsreports hav been,publisbed upon the iron and steel prof aced' by the Heaton process, all of them unanimous in ' its praise. Mr. Robert Mallet. pronounces it in striet.aecordsnecp with theory, and that it can be condueted safely, and economically on any aside, yiebling re:Utlts of greatest val tie, competing well with any other known process. First-class wrought iron• and steel can be produced from inferior brands of pig iron, abounding in phosphohni and sulphur, to which no other method is applienlAe.— Mr. Mallet's report concludes with iiiq ways. Words, "Ileat,oies process constifotes, both with respect to economj , of prOdoetioO and utilization of inferior pig iron, ,mie of those metallurgic advances which leave their mark indelibly on great national induOries."-r:- Ledgc.r. The Indian War. The entire force in the field. against the Indians is governor Crawford's Kansas Cavalry, fifteen hundred strong, seven com panies of the fith cavalry, eleven Companies of the 7th . cavalri, • four companies of the 10th cavalry, one company of the 18th ht. Pantry (colored,) one' company of the 8d ; ir infantry, and vo r! 3 90 ,po oo ts,, amounting in allto 4104 titre iho 4 intend . men. There is Veit Of's% egiMent at ' Vert Wal lace, probably a' ieserve, and quits a 'force Coming from the itnithweatio join' General flully's command, nor moving sontli toward the Arkansas and • Canadian rivers. It is, reverted that. quite a large number of the Ftelndians willalse join this expeditibn. i 'TheprineiPal hostle tribes 015 dui Arapa hoes, Apaehea, Kiorfras, Catnanehes,- tind a , . mixed outlawed band called Dog soldiers. Among the latter are many white despera ! does.. The Dog soldiers are mow . scattered ~ . .. about the'pepo raters of the streams north of ElMoky Hill, 'and Will -probably remain r north of the railroad all winter. f The other four.tribes are south of the Ar , keno, fiver,, where they will build their lodges for the Ivirtter..,, They can muster fkutiihree tot five thousand: warrior's,' all orioYd With' earbinot sittl ievotver:?; and tire welt supplied with ammunition, . General Sheridan Will cenintatel the' , ekjiellitinti perm. . ;Thepae is to , attack the Indians in their winter quarters, destroy, their lodges And everything they have, take away their arms atelforee all those that escape sitteghter to live oa r reservations 'below Arkansas. •, The destination of' the expedition Wilt Probe* be Sand Mink, south •of the Arkansas, making that point a base of supplies. • General Sheridan has a large supply of °Nita horse's, and thebest Outfit that has OM taken the field or plains. - If he can prevent the Indians from breaking up into small bands.and coming north, ho can give them a very severo punishment; but iflthey ©ludo him after the first attack, and reach the railroad in raiding parties, they can dp immense damage. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY • • FRIDAY, Nov. 27. EVacuntion Day was celebrated in New York city on Wednesday, by a grand parade of the firemen and military. John Fox was arrested in New York on Tuesday evening, for beating his wife so that she'will probably not recover. ) A coal train on the Morris , and Essex. IRailroad fell through a rotton trestle work :at Holioken, N. J., on Tuesday, crushing off the leg of Alexander Bates, who will pro., 'bably die from his Injuries. Ho was nt work below.the bridge. • - "CA - 'intelligent boy, named Crossly, em. ployed in a drug store in Second street, qthiladelphia, lilted himself with q • dose 01 !his :str.Nntine an Wednesg, because mother was thed h ay abit ofmornin beating him tiorprely. ;i,Earry; Scattergodd died in Philadelphia on Wednesday, from the effects of a boating the hands of street rowdies. John ;Conover has been arrested. The Atlantic Gardens, formerly Rivers' Melodeon; at Fifth and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia, was destroyed, by fire on Wednesday evening. Three iiremen were injured by the falling walls. • A ,desperate melee occurred early on ! Wednesday morning, in Hugh Campbell's RploQn, Now York, in which Felix Larkin, o'l.3aldwin's backer in the Into prize fight; and a well .known "ring" manager, was ,stablied and killed by . Campbell, and sever nl ,othci roughs were iured. Knives, pis. 'cols and.' clubs were freely.used.. All the combatants Were arrested. The murder of H.. Rives Pollard, editor of the Houthdrn•bpinion,wbs a cowardly affair. He was killed by eleven buckshot, one'of ,which passed through his heart. They were 'fired from, n double-barreled gun, by James Grent l ihe was concealed in the second story of a house opposite. Pollard had published an occount of the elopement of Grant's sis 'tor, who was the daugh,fer of a wealthy to• Necconist. ' Grant was arrested. It litislieen definitely decided to land the American .end of :the now French Atlantic :cable , on a high'knoll on the Duxbury shore, in Plymouth county, Mass. TIM town has 'given a lot of land for the terminus,whichia now leld by Professors Pierce and Whiting, of the Coast Survehas trustees. From Dux bury, the cable will, of coin's° communicate with New York by means of fond wires. The President has appointed John Savage to be Consul at Leeds, 'England. , The omega, of revenue to be raised ,for the fiscal Year eading in July, 1870, is esti :mated by the Secretary of the Treasury of $260,000,000, The.mannfnetured tobacco shipped from Aichmond, Virginity, dnrmg the past nine months, has paid a.tax of $2,500,000. The'Reptil)lienn State Convention of Mk ,sissippt.tnet, at Jackson on Wedneaday. A ;resolution was adopted asking Congress to establish negro suffrage, and a committee was appointed to 'prepare an address to Con gress; ' The opening of the United States Court at Montgoinery, Ala., is prevented by the ab sone° of Judge Ilusteed. It is thought lie 'will not hold this term, as his presence will jio required at Washington to answer the charges against him. Major John 11. Downing, a well-known politician of Schuylkill county, died yester day at Pottsville. Denver;Colorado, is infested with ruffians driven 40111 the towns along the Pacific Railroad byNigilaned Committees; A horse thief was taken,: fcoln jail at Denver, and lynched on the 22 - i1 inst. ,The tug boat 0. L. Swift sank near Bufralo on Wednesday night. Her crew were res• coed, after floating on the cabin for several hours. . JA. number of steamers aro reported to be frozen in on the Upper IslisTurt river. A lady was robbed of WO on the steam er "Sarah," betw eon Nashville' and New Oilcans, on Tuesday night. The robbers nro I}6t. known. The 11ri,g "Ballet Box,'r from New York for Galveston, has been wrecked in the OWL No lives were lost. The'ollieinl return ofsilie vote of Maryland gives 81;813 majority for Seymour. The.Con gfeSsional mnjoritics—all Democratie—arc nsiollows : • Ist district, Ilambleton, 8,200; tld, Archer, 6;840 ; Bd, Swann, 8,2113; 4h, .ann, ; sth, Stone, 8,351, Chief Jiistiee Chase dispensed with the taking of the "iron clad" oath to the Grand Jury, at Richmond, as it interfered with the ends of justice. JAB far as,known, 'two men were hilted and n►ne injured by the . eaving in of a sewer in leyeltod, Ohio. (1 The ship Louvre , from Quebec for 'm nd, has . been abandoned at sea. The clew have been landed on the Scilly is lands.. Municipal elections were held in Now Itampaluroi on Dfonday. Brewster, Rep.. was Olected Mayor of Dover, and JOIIcB, Dem., Mayor'of Portsmouth. The COMP 08 of both towns are Republican. Alio observance Of TlianksgNing Day, was very general throughout the Country. The pnblic'oflicesondinost other places of bu siness in the' principal cities, were closed. In Philadelphia, there Were military and Fenian parades, and services were held' in churches of 'AI denominations. The votes Of twelve parishes of Louisiana have been thrown out for an alleged infor mality, reducing Seymour's majority to 18,- :447A, This also elects a.Republican _con• gfessman from. Abe Second District, and elects Menerd, a negro, to Congress, for the vacancy caused by Mann's• decease. , "fhe Missilisippl Republican Cdnventibn adjourned on Wednesday night. It adopted an address asking Congress to declare the defeated State Constitution ratified, and the officers nominated under it elected. ErPtinnsit, & SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPpt c I LINE, EPPIHIMER &, CO. BLANKET SHAWLS, 1380 CHE SIIAWLS, CHAIN LAIN SHAWLS, PAISLEY SHAWLS, MISSES' SHAWLS, BipIAKFAST SHAWLS, MOURNING SHAWLS, GENTLEMEN'S SHAWLS, Also in Stbek, a full assortment of Silk Vo will be sold by the yard, or made to order in at short notice and moderate prices. - NEW ADVERTISENIEbITN. • • I • rpo Tine, VUOLIC.—Tito pndersignod retTect- I fully informs the former ointment of John firtetringor, deceased, and tho public _generally, that she will continuo the BAKING BUSINESS, at the old stand, No. 619 Chestnut street. Thank ful for their past patronage, she solicit), a oontina anco of the wile. nov t/.2t OATIIARINTI GRCETZINOI3II . TOIL SALE.—AII the fi xingst for a Distillery of 4 23 Bushels, for sale very oheap, guch as Bolter, 20 inches by :30 feet, Still, Doubler Worm, Pumps, Iron and Copper Pipes of all kinds, at Samuel IVArtz'a Mill, bpring township, Burks county, I'a, N.8.--Tho Boiler can bo bought separately. it dinrol. • „Iry 27-3 t N°TICE —An adioureed mooting;of the For tuna Building and Saving Association of Read ing, will ho hold on Tuesday evening next. at 7Xt o'clock, nt Iloyer's Saloon. on Penn street above Sixth. The iniationfte of 25 cents on each share ill be received. There are also nine Directors to ho chosen. Punctual attondancols requested. By order of the I'. J. ROSS MILLER R. Sooty. IToTrinc.—A special tneetingcf Tito Mechanics' and Workingmen's Savings Association will IK:t tld •on Tuestint• evenin PMg, pee. lot, o'clock, at the 1 aylor house, for the purpose of nominating throo or more persons to servo as Di rectors for three years, mid one or More persons to serve as Treasurer for one year ' , the same to he, elected at the regular annual meeting of the sto*- holders, on Wednesday evening, tho meeting orDeeem lier follovring, at the same time and lace. By or- Aorof tin Hoard. AARON STEINBACH, Prost, P. D. WANNIM, Secretary. I n0v27.3t THE NATIONAL '! STOVE, TIN AND HOLLOW-WARE EM PORIUM op TIM CITY OP READING. D. 1. SCHNADER, 414 PENN STREET, Would call the attention of 00 public to his largo stock of Parlor, Office and Cooking Stoves, Itages, Tin, Ilollowwaro and Housekeeping goods of very description. ' Hoofing' and Spouting promptly 'attended to at the lowest price. (live him a call. Inov 27-:laxos aRRAT AUCTION SAbl3 op s 3 mows , kJ' , BUILDING LOIS.. In AStorier)B subdivision of Lebanon, coo seat of Ltbanon emdy, Pa.,at the . Keystone Howie, in 14taling, on Saturday afternoon,Nov.2B,at2o'cloek. ' The numerous and extensive Iron Works and other manufactories ,f Lannon. already in successful °pc-. ration, and buildings inprogress of constructiOnon the lots recently sold and elsewhere, are evidences alike of its enterprise and advantages as a manu facturing town, and indications, .also, of its future growth and importance. The lots to be sold aro mtAurriveLLY and CEN• TRALLY located, and present alare chance lorgood innektmentx, or cheap andpleasant homer. They will be sold without-reserve to the highettt bidder, if one-half their value is bid to start them. TIM PESFECT—TRSIN of SALT $2O CASH and $2O A tONTIC on each lot-or ONK TIMID CASH balance in R3'c vaindat, or all curb at the option of the pur chaser. 010 east; to be paid on each lot whim eetti--* Ile4s free of expeme to purchaser.. For particu lars See Plats, or call on JACOB kIUtIUCICER t Real Vstate Agent, No, 30 North 6th Joint W. BvsKanr, Auctioneer. n0v.25.2t rlitiE NEW YORK OBSERVER is now 1 publishing n Now Serial Story, to run through n large part of the next volume, entitled - "ilfß. BROWNING'S PARISH."' All new subscribers trill get the story onmplete. We send 41rorer .c; Baker's 5 Setting Machine for 18 now subsoribers. In order to introduce the O!' ervertonew realers and new circles ot influenee, we make the following liberal offers for now sulperibore : Wo will fiend the Obierre:r for one year, to 2 subscribers, one or both being new,for • s'o 00 .. 3 " two or all • for 8, 00 4 ' " three or all II for 10 . 00 Or, to any person sending us five or Moll: now subscribers, we will allow one dollareommiesm6 on each. Send !'y cheek, droll, or Post-bike order, Sample copies and °koalas-anent free. Terms, t 3.50 a year, in inlvsnee. _ SIDNEY E. MRSE. JP.„„ t. CO„ I'4rk Row, New York. nos 25-3 t , 10 INsingAric (' OMPANIES.—Tho Coa- Imitten on City Property, Of the corporation of the city of licailing, hereby invite proposals (until o'clock, P. Al., of Nov.;:), leOfi,) from the soveral Fire Insttraiice .Componicii represented In this env, for the insurance of the various properties heiongimc to.the corporation. amount of in surance required on each property and other par ticulars, can be ascertained by applying at the office of the Department, Northeast corner of Fifth and Franklin Ftri:Ct.. nay. td Who CheapeNt Wool to the City, Ila at 1 _ J. S. LOAD'S, ;at PENN STREET. have received the ngehey of a largo Manufac tory in the clip, Willett enables the to sell at the following prices To LEHR FROM 61.45 'to $1.75 pErt lb. . Retßil block and white, 116. per ounce. • Colon, 130. " - This is the be4t quality of Wool; and full 18 ounces to the pound. - ' All I ask is for the beaters to call ,and examine for themselves. - Thin% forget the name and )lAm ber. ' , J. S. LOA°, 701 Penn Street. 2w. n0v.21-e.o.d. ' -_.- __. G RAN ! ) RAFFLING MAWR TWO FAT HOGS At the Deorere Ifotel Ciir.Eighth&:**hillgtohatco ON RATURDA' EVEXU(O NEXT, NOV. 28,Ty t '1868. The highest number of heads thrown takes first choke°. lowest number takes second choice. Tick ets '&5 cenb3, n , r 21 CZ! ORE UOllll TO LET, - /Ili Penn street, Alin ti3qlnuckerllou-setniltling. Apply* Anpng office. AHERMAN HOUSE RESTAUIRABIT I Corner of Fourth and. Penn streets - Rein 14 tiLlananu. Proprietors. Mating tak p posses sion of this saloon, and has log on hands osteom plete stock of everything in the eating . acid drink 7 lug line, we are prepared;to meet our lidends.and accommodate them in the beat manner' (!pliers remelt ilkercry 'tee, ''•, . - . novl7-1 me e)10 . 1 PROTINq t •uub Pr nting !Ilea exeontedati.tua 4:rAtOsua' Priuttda Rstablishmeut. 1 • • F. If AIJS, Secretary. VOll MEEM33 EMI OF BLACK . CLOTH CLOAKS,. , CHINCIULLY, CLOTH CLOAKS, AVRITNY BEAVEROLOAK4. FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS; , WATERPROOF OLOAKR, CIIILTIREN'iI CLOAKS, • OPERA. CLOAKS, 8114 K VELVET 'CI.OAKS. ' vets, Velveteens and Oloaking Cloths. Which the most. durable mid fashionable manner, nor 4. I= NEW ADVEEPTINEMEI4 N EIV , RO CH RY & PROVISIMI STORE J. D 11 . I all Announees to the pnblio that he hi °Pined a . GROCERY ds PROVIS I ON STORE— at tho N:rn. op" cc Ei g hth 100-111011110 oti t i whore he will Iced cehatautly du band e Wire Oil welt selected Btoo of. Orem:Spiv trorlslons. &0., which he will sell at the lowest Imuset re• A share of public Patronise le OW' iced. Country produce bought and sold • 4 - .). N. E. Corner lightn and Pranklht. nov.4-Int •. • N. LYONS HOTEL, . W. It. ARTliatt o Proprietor. One of the best houses outside of th e lane °Wei. It is located on the line"Of the ,Bast Vennulvardh Railroad. about midway between Regine anddil# Nest. All trains between New York and the West. AS well as 111 . way trains., sto at Lon. and Immediately in front of the Lyons uoteli • Wirlirerything in in 4 about he hotel Ira,- passed. A drat rate ivory Stable Is also Op t In connection with the °tel.. • • eb244 MONEY WANTED,. MONEY, wANTitin _ BY THIC 0•IT The tindersignedSoi Corporation of the City ,ithorlied to borrow. the BEVENTY•FIVE" ' 13? the purposeqt eta the oald city, herebX pared to Woo Certincei cent. interest, to partik a the city. Ap to piy el b, Ileidettreleb, 4 BOOKIAIIH11!3 WINE AND LAGER DEBRIS ON •it P Penn strai t between Sixth a . AU kinds of beet Rhenith wino a nd. 'and sold at the lbwert video. • • a•Sta JOSEPH REBROTAZ • ; - 1 • I I • NO. , 710 ' ' PENN BTREIIT, READINGOA:, - ,nn oonstnntly on hand,the BEST BEEF , as Noll as all kinds of meat and sausages, liver pudding, blood pudding. Frnnkfort "dohwarten magott", &o.; all of which will be sold at the lowed prices. Also, all kinds of Sausage Skins, wholesale and retail. nay/ 5-3 m GEN. TAYLOR. HOUSE ! 841 North Eighth Street. Within a Square et, the Upper New York Depot. I J. H, ProprletolF. -610-3 m • GgEAT D . :MEV:ME DEPOT. `. 'SCIIRCEDER ,Wnrereem, corner Fifth and Vtasidngto atreeta. MANUFACTORY. ,WARMINGTON . BELOW FIFTH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. UNDERSIbNED RESPEOTBULLIt I. ivite public attention to their splendid stock of first-class furniture not anti constantly•on bind, and mode to order iciest customers. Among other af'especiel attentloilt in. vited to their unsurpassed . • • .EXTENSION TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, DINING ROGM CHAIRS; CENTRE AND OTHER TABLES, BEDSTEADS OF THE LATEST STYLES, and every other article in their line °Fabius livery article manufactured by the elver ; their admirably arranged mannfaeto with Is . most perfect machinery. and me a n es, and tinishod in an unsurpassed Manner. ' Also prepared 'to execute all order!! for , • 'CARVING, , TURNING, • SAWING, and • • MOULDINGS. - All orders promptly executed. and WarraDied to -give satisfaction. • - • ap.lo FREDERICE . W. LAUER,. "O'LD 'merger KA and: W;sihington tgre r ete.: Ilelidlos a As. ' . . Sole Agent for Berke and Lebatlon (*untie.; forth, celebrated • I SAMPSON SCALE COMPANY. The most relbible and durable Scales ever plaied before the pubrie. - Call and ee them before purebsslne elsiewiro. it u ro e t ri a r secorl e -117:r offered to P A: TF 0 It' .130 ALE 8 . • , • • on bind and for sale cheap. • • • riept 41! -"' CITY:9E 'READING bWoui: raillaire at • • 4 , FARMERS' . :NATIONA4 DAN w) rept 25-3 mos • • . higiT II READING, PA. - i., , „000,..it8 i,"O 05.!*t‘iiii;'i HOOFLANIVB,CIERViN BMUS, Atli) Hooflard's Clornittri Tonlo I'A. Great Remedies for att Diseasesof • • Liver, Stomach, or Mouth. • Organs.' liodantl's Gentian Bitters repoilimed, Wits mittlVthl alt 4 airatt t s . el am maim tasking a prowl' tiaa Ali to tai alat frge NI a cohlie toNgfasiokind. • , HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIO le combhudlon or 41 the hitredlentsoftliet. tersotithtbak pa t AIM/ Wes orsnic tag tug One InOIVOILIIRA ameable routed ea ever or eit: t whose preferring a Mathias e from AtMot sdloisturee will ute i• • HOOPLANDIS GERMAN BITTERS, Thome who bare uo qtjelltiots to the sombhisUou ,of the uttterfous steted4 trill use ~ ••= - ; HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC • , They ere both squall aged, aid totals the fame medicine! virtues,the anew. lotweeuttleto ,being a more wetter of taste. the Tonto being lie most palOable. • • - • • • _ ~ •• • . The stomach, from a tatlet7 citruses. tech a Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Verrone Debility f tfb li b very apt to have its I\inettlis deranged. The r.. er, sympathising as close . ty Ike lk goes with t Womack teatt biomes affeeted, the hash of treble!' is that the pattent suffers from several or more of the following diseases! ', °° oTrirOV l N lt eltl ne t kir g e h a ll et s. iiuses, Hers urn. Dtsgus for fp* L ' . noes or 1 eight ig the atcasoa, a'our • • , Eruotat op; lai aging or fluttering 1 at (be Pitp_f the tempi? &gloaming of Wi the Dead, rd or DI atilt Breathing, Plutteriy at the earti:r Orklufteeet.. km atm Forheitin a ng °slur *DIMON* , ~. otYlilo ~ Of or WOO 2 t t Pill : yelp la I, Itifeata i VA Aori Or oar: i i i l i iii i iietigrA t itit!tfe l it u ittak ,A i l t i o, o ' Side 1 du hn lus aro. eat, 11 1 )tning in t . lash. natant lib 2f i, and, Depriiiiio Or IntiW o The sufferer fror these diseases ihoulta aural,* the 4restost ottut oh hi - th setloq'tlyelaajs for his ease, puro Was 't eat "Mon e u st. itly gored from fits Invest one sMi %QUI Ilk P' - "el tnie g " .. it, kelt t ttl: "MI Adi sews true men, As ski, -Jr coulitulderrs, free from tpjUrtous in t% iftents. an d establuit• ld fttr Oa, a sepacatteujor tito puce qf Ow% t u tuts (*DEMO* **would Oalicsaos. kudwa remedies— LICIOFLA,ND43. GERM424;atTTNI4,, L N 'S 1111 1!$14 N T if to 11 aIIPAI,9OT.. a. 15 . Ita 11, elp, , hi e s • Thiity-tiVept * einklii they 4604* i4ieduaol Into this °opt muermAy•Uurinit "Mob Um@ they have tin ou tedly verwrined mottoam can henented sofferhur hip:mats to • pes t s! c a nto than any other reme es kno w lo the vnblle, , Thesetexaeitlike effect anto4aatom. rJaundice, pispepsts, to or Mims ability; Chrohip Manton. Meet ti doeye L ind all Diteaseil arising Mini a Dia, ordeted biter: Steinke% or tattler*. ' • '.'' D , E 11.144 . 1 T , Ir.',' .' - .'; flegul i rrinit any Caged whitever; Preatretios oft e 13ystem, piluoed by severe Labor, t 504.444 ardships, xposure, IFei: 0, elhelte tuto Medic tie extent.eg to OW. es in igen 084108. A,' tone end le rth. whole system, the ale s Wit* Ohl 0014.10m1, th e pte . matin d este.properig. st o blood is purined; Ott complex , ott'beit t reel s rod healthy, the, yel 9w tinge ls ersd riled ts the eyes, a bloom is g ves to the °nee s, an the weak sud nervous invalid becomes a Aron awl healthy being. . PERSONS ADVANCED IN Lirlio - , .. , And feeling the hand Of time ? r Ighotel It upon them, with all ittattendan i (10114; u IA ,the woof this IIITTHRB or the NI% in It that will instil , now lifeinto their veto, teStto n measure the energy and ardor of mit yonth days. build .up ' their shrunken for dand give health and happiness to their remain yaw, NOTICE. . - . It lea well established apt thatfull, onellalfoi the female portiokof ourr i pulat on, are seldelt IA the, enjoyment of good dealt , or, }o Ve WIT OM expression, "never feel Well, They VII !Abitibi, devoid of all energy, extremely IRMO and have no appetite. al'o this class of persons the BITTER/ or the Takao, is especially recommended. :, ,,,, , • ' WEAK AND DELICATE 0111110 BEN Are made strong by the use pf either of this rein °dies. They will cure avers' eaae of MARAS. DIM without fail. , . Thousands of eeftilleates have accumulated 14 the bands of the proprietor, but space wiliallowol the publication of but few. Those, it will be ob. served, are men of note, and of such etandingthil they must be believed. • TEWtIMONIALS. , Hon. Cieorge W. Wciodwird.' Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, writer : PHILADELPHIA, March 18.1867. dnd Ifoofland'agerman Bitters is aped Wei useful in diseases of the A digestive oraans, and of great benefit in eases ottildebility, and want of nervous action in the system. Yours?in truly .* • , • . WOODWARD. H9h.:ltixtes Thompson. Judge of the - Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.- Pnixenurnis, April k 8,1860. "I consider Ho °Band's German bitters a salsa ble medicine in case of attacks of Indigestion or Sys pepsia. I can certify this from my experience of 111 - Yours, JA M ESet, THOMPSON." ,From Rev. E. D. Fondal. Assistant Editor Christian Chronicle, PhiledellAnt I have derived decidedbenefit from the use or Iloofland's (overman Bliley* and feel it 107Pri1 11 0/1 0 to recommend them as a most valuable (onto, to au who aro suffering from general debility, pr from diseases arising lom derangement of the 11 Y e b Yours, truly, E D. YENDALL ' Prom Bev. Zoiazopb. If..lteaniat, D. D.. , Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church. Phil& Dn. Jsoxisow.—Ds AB Sic havebeen frequenP 17 requested to connect my name withano me cations of different kinds of medicines, out re garding • the ptactibeN as out:of my 11400* ate ephere. I have in all oases deelln i D._ 2l with a clear proof in vas ous Instances. an Parti° . niarly in my own family A of the are of Ar..floof lantirsoomen, Illttero. fillecotoavelrom 16 1' tuna coptse. egPrOrs mar nvlgrt4, general orris% e ewe Por amtpiaint, itis a safe wed valuable ',morellos. a some eases it may fan; but itrually. Ideubt not t il will be very benellelal to those ram suffer from*. above ceases. • Yours, • ' very J p H KENN A' RD, Eighth, belewCoates C : ATT:I.'6'.L. " ty. llooftand'e German Emnediele oonAtelf64 See M a t the eignaturerkofe .JACtinurt mod the wripper °tench hot- tie . others Inv cow L te liktOlpel Officitjkod hteasiteeteei m edicine Store, No. 631 Arch SIMI, Ybwiaeliqua* CHARLES 11.,EVANS, Proprietor, • 4 Pormerly C, ELjACICSON it Co. 1 PRICE. ,' , ilkilt , liof4?" 41 ' 1 , 01 ?#11Th! • f';,:. i't i ' . g, 41• K r t4 4 3 :1erm as T i ns( sd pit ii i tiineart boa* ! l AA% o t i t i o e ri o e r t tb li o a s u soir t r a iii. U. Yot oo t ettft folder to F eSsilto,poo r fii.•- - - .•;2t . `j ‘: • ' .z.:',2t,":,t., i , -••• -C.: ,•,- •i. •,. i ".. • 1: -• i--, 1,..', , ,c‘": 1 , ,==,- • -..1 ' tO t '?: : ' t ','? ',- , ' . ii * :.: p 0.... •,.. ~:. _J.: s . 7,4k;:t. •I ' l';' . 4 1 ' ';',:,-: . 1 ." Druggists . ad StOreketsorof •- ,..f ~,,: ~.. 4 : . - ..1 ' , O ,?.' ' l• „ ,t.''' `I , , ° largitYWHEßt - O.' ' ;‘ 11111 11111 COM , . E,5