Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 23, 1868, Image 3

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TION-12 14 P. M.
1), 1„--Iticot Second, 74. *
LUVROirgMENTII are being made at Mix
iusn's corner, Sixth and Penn streets.
WII.D OEESE.-A large flock of wild gem
passed over the city . jeaterday, bound south
ward. •
IT is rumored that the Reading Railroad
Company aro negotiating for the purchase of
the Lehigh & Susquehanna and the Morris
Lt. Essex Railroads,
THE BALL—The Keystono Second Nino
and the Schuylkill Second Nine, , played a
match game on Saturday afternoon, which
resu lted in favor of the Schuylkill.
iN V ITATIO—The Hope Hose Company of
phimpiphia, sent an invitation to the Nev.
ermink Fire Company of this eity,to be prop
ent at their patty on Thanksgiving eve.
Salt OF A FAloll.—James S. Hill,. Esq.,
sold on Saturday, at the house of D. B.
Bach, Esq., Wernorsvillo, a farm of eighty.
fire acres, near that place, to John Huyett,
for one hundred and seventy-ono dollars per
Sas or Peorsarr.r-The 'Executors of
John - F. hfoers. deed, sold on Saturday, at
the Keystone house in this city, the late
residence of aid deceased, situate on Penn ,
street above 2nd t to Benjamin P. Maack,
flu. $6,125,
Iv Y o u want a splendid overcoat go to Buch At
Bro.'s, Portico Ito% Penn street.
Itoesenv:-Iflhe shoe o makei shop of Daniel
Fry, Chestnut street ahoy() Seventh, was
broken into on 'Friday night and robbed of
a number of things which, however, were of
net much value, This is the third time this
shop was broken Into.
THANKSGIVING SmtvtoEs.—Next Thursday
there will ho serviced in the Fourth street M.
E. Church, in the morning at 101 o'clock.
The sOrvices will be of a Union character—
of all the hi. 1 1 1. Churches in the city. Rev.
Psttison will preach.
. Ling/31MS Baoour:—OnBaturday morn
ing, as four mill of thd firth of Denson &
Jopei, Painters, were carrying a large glass
in front ofJ. R. ltitter's new store on Penn
street, a peanut boy ran against it, and
broke it intopour pieces. Loss $l2O.
street was thronged on Saturday night with
promenaders.. The dry goods houses and
the 'millinery Stores were • crowded, and
clerks were kept very busy. On a Saturday
night more shopping is Bono than at Any
other time. . .
gems' Stirprin.—The gentlemen from
Harrisburg who were hero to attend the
pigeon shooting match Saturday, had a
Hlendid supper served to them at Mishler's
otel, late on Saturday night. They were a
jolly set of men and were much pleased with
their visit to our city.
1 •
n Saturday
night an attempt was made to enter the resi
dence of Dr. Diller Luther, North Sixth
street. The robbers were discOvered by tho
Doctor, when they fled. We hope it will
not be long before these scoundrels will he
captured. They have been "working" in
the city fondle last three weeks.
TrrK Smaahatg,T-Take ono quart of brandy
or whisky, and dissolve one ounce of cam
phor in it and givo for a dose one gill. I In
about two hours after taking this prephra :
Lion, they will get up. Care should be taken
to prevent thorn from drinking water 'for
twenty hours, in which time a complete cure
will be effected.—Morpland Farmer.
TILOIKSUIVItiIi Mt—Religious services
will be held in.tho First Reformed Church
on. Thanksgiving (Thursday morning next)
at 10 o'clock, A. M., in tlio (lemon Inns
Services will be held nt tho usual hour, in
the Siecond Reformed Church (Rev. C. F.
McCauley) in the English language.
DEATH OV A LADY.—WO 800 111 a New
York paper of Saturday t a telegraphic dis
patch from Lynchburg, Va., announcing the
death of Mrs. Fronds M. Cooley, wife of
Captain and 13revet Lieutenant Colonel
Cooley, formerly of this city. The ro•
mains will be removed to Hoosick
Ilensselaer county, Now York, for final in
from different sections of the county, state
the wheat sown the
. present fall looks very
well, and if the coining - winter proves favor
able, a large crop may be expected, as largo
quantities have been sown in all parts of our
county.—Lancaster hitelligencer.
The same may be said of the growing
wheat in this county. If .there be a favor
able winter, and no weevil, our farmers may
likewise expect a large crop.
STOLI? A PISTOL.—Two boys, one living in
Elm below Sixth and the other in Walnut
above Seventh, wont into McGowan tt Mil
timore's hardviare store, on Wednesday, and
by some means got possession of a . pistol and
carried it away with them, keeping it in their
possession until Saturday afternoon, when
they sold it to Mr. Delany, who ,keeps
gunsmith shop on Sixth street; opposite the
Sebamcker House, for five dollars. The po;
bee were after them on Saturday, but the
young scampi kept out of eight.
(laws rash for overcoat" at Duch Jr liro.'F. Por
tico Row.
ass arrested by officer Haggerty, on Friday
evening last. Thomas is from New York and
came hero to get work, but he "fell in"
with other bummers,
and soon became drunk.
When he was called up" in the 'morning he
had '"nary a *tamp" to pay his fine, and he
bad to stay it out.
Twelve lodgers found shelter in the Stialkn
HousO, on Saturday night. ".
No infests for drunkenness on Saturday
melt; Fourteen lodgers in the Station
BAPTIST _jtivitett.—The congregation of
the Baptist Church were entertained with
deeply interesting and instructive discourses
Yesterday, both in the morning and evening.
Although the Pastor, Rev. George Freer,
was laboring under the disadvantage of a
very hoarse throat, he delivered his discour
ses in a mannetrboth profitable to himself
and the congregation, and all were, no doubt,
convinced of the truth of his arguments.
The excellent choir of this Church also A 2•
quitted itself in ' creditable. manner, and
sustained its reputation as one of, if not the
best, in the city. There will be services in
this Church oa Thanksgiving day, at 10
o'clock A. M. •
Tax Nautical'Ahninac for 1871, pabliihed
by the United States. Government, it is Sta .
ted, is nearly ready for distribution. The
large Almanac for 1871 will be finisbed about
March, 4onit: Considerable Pintos h"
been made in the Almanac for 1872, and . it
is probable that, as is the rase with the Brit
ish NautiCal Almanac, it will be issued three
years in advanee'of the date. •
The pigeon shooting match at Einstein's
Park on &buddy, between Harrisburg and
Ileading, resulted' in a victory for the latter,
as the following score will show
' ' Reading.
J. U. • 4--7 G. Mel.. • b 7
J. R. • 6-7 J. G. • 8-7
W. 8. • 6-7 J. 0. • 6 7
J. F. • 4-7 B. E. •
J. M. • • 61-7 W. H. • C-7
S. F. • 7-7 O. 11. • 6—,-7
Total, • 31
The attendance w
of excitement prova
A a PUNDID lot of gent? furnishing goode at Buch
& Bro.'s.
entertainment which ap
peared to give great pleasure to all the spec
tators, took place at Sixth and Penn streets,
on Saturday afterno,on. Two rather rough
looking Italians entered the bar-room of the
Keystone House, and contrived to raise a
row, when one of them was 'knocked down
by a scientific blow "straight from the
shoulder," and both were ejected._One left,
but the other retailed to go, and - ned some
very unparliamentary language, whereupon
a young and lightly built, but plucky clerk,
."went in" and thlashed him soundly. This
not satisfying the stranger, he "went in" on
his own responsibility a few minutes after
wards, and received another dose of the
same medicine, after which he concluded
that the Keystone was the wrong, place for
rowdies, and. departed. In the scuffle the
clerk received a cut over the eye. which,
hoVrever, was not serious. ‘-The manifest de.
light of the audience proved that many of
the citizens of Reading have, a high appre
ciation of the "arts and sciences."
comparatively of our laboring classes'real•
ize the importance of laying by something
for a rainy day, and yet such a course is but
the suggestion of prudence. Too many per
sona, unfortunately, are willing to incur the
risk of sickness, want of employment and
other unhoped for but not improbable con
tingencies, and spend from week to week
their entire earnings. This is simply gross
improvidence, especially in the cane of
persons who have families to support, and
whose income is dependent upon their daily
labor. We are aware that it does not sound
generous on our part to come' a hard
working man to practice economy, and yet
the advice is sound and sensible. A very
small sum laid by. each week, with the deter•
mination that it shall not be touched, except
in cries of absolute necessity, soon grows
into a very reseeetable amount; and when
once this practice of setting apart a penny or
a dime or a quarter of a dollar becomes habit
tial, it is scarcely missed from the week's
wages. Last winter, when eighty thousand
persons were said to be out of work in New
York, most of them, it is said, were able to
support themselves from the savings laid by
during more prosperous seasons. Phis is an
instructive fact ; and as our city abounds in
savings institutions of known reliability and
safety,. and in which the smallest sums are
received and interest paid therefor, we can•
not but feel it a duty to urge upon our'read:
era the importance of availing themselves of
the advactages Miley offer, and deposit a por
tion of their weekly earnings in them. A
workingman, With a hundred dollars in a
sound savings bank, enjoys a feeling of inde
pendence and satisfaction which must neces
sarily be a stranger to him wh'ese rent.mark
et,and grocer's bills on• Saturday eveningare
HO largo as to require every penny of his
week's wages. -
black eye, we like a blue one. We do not like a
Week and blue one. -
Watches aro ofton stolen: Every watch should
ho upon Ha guard,
'When Autumn is married to Winter, the wed
ding-enko is always frosted.
Ruby is announced as the color for this winter
A number of fine oil paintinge'are now on °AI.
bition at Odd Fellows' Hall.
Who saw the meteors on paturday night Y Wo
notice quite a number saw "kora."
The trains that came into the city ye terday were
coverall with snow.
Ssyoral street fights took place on Saturday night
Mr. Dan Rice ham retired from the eaw-dust
arena to enter the field of rural journalism.
A hunter eamilnon Sgurday with nine rabbits.
Lucky !
Furs, muffs, and everything else calculated to
keep the body warm were brought into requisition
AT Duch & Bro.'s a man cannot fail to get a fine
suit of clothes.
A fashionable lady In Washington gives "billiard
breakfasts." •
The Easton Express and the Bethlehem Times
newspapers aro discussing the very interesting (to
their readers) question which can drink the most
"whiskey I" We suggest that they discuss the pea
nut question for n tinao.
The new office of the Schuylkill Navigation
Company, at the south-west corner of Front and
Chesnut streets, is new under roof and will bo
finished in a few wrecks.
, "There Is healing in enilles."—Exchange.
That's so, W e saw a fellpw the other day
turned heels over head from the effects of two or
three mite...
A newly Invented rat exterminator ls warranted
by one anliTto make the vermin sneeze off their
Thoughtful people aro already beginning to buy
their holiday presentP, and have the gratehotee of
the geode. . .
We hear of a man residing In this city, who had
a Ono turkey which was intended for his. Thanks
giving dinner. • But the turkey into in the habit of
appropriiting more territory unto his turkeyship
than belonged to its master, and the neighbors
, fade complaint. 8o it was ordered that the tur
key's wings should be cut off. The hired man did
it, but be cut them boo short—close to the body.—
kordor not to be ouohered out of the dinner, the
turkey had to be killed.
When a mania so sil l oeted that he thinks a hitop
post will fall unless he'holdslt up, it may be in
ferred that either the post or. the man is.out of
the millionaire, became riob by ad
vertising. Business men, go and du likewise.
Ihiqua certificates. manufactured to order, ore
often published in praistof some .wortbtts hair
preparation. "Barrette ii egetable Hair Restore-
Use' does not nee4 to resort to such means. for its
merits are too welt known and appreciated.r—KE
sandaP DisPeticA. ' novl9-Ita
ADvssues'in the gsetre.
Total, •
large, and a great deal
Tat business of our city condones to move &lons
In spite ot the eruptions in business circles In Larg
er elites. There may be some branches of busi
ness dull with us at the present time, while others
are driving establishments to their fullest capacity.
The iron business of our city is brisk; builders
and carpenters have their bands full: the whole-
Mile and retail establishments aruaoing as much
business as usual ; our hat factories are running at
full speed; ttie cotton factory is in operation, and
In fact we hear of no one that is idle for the want
of employment at the present time. Of course.
how it will be in the future, we are not able to,sai,
but it ie not necessary for, our people to be de
pressed. The quiet every-day life of the business
community of our city, partakes but little otthe
activity and excitement of the gold and ,stock
speculators in the larger cities, and whatever
taken place in Philadelphia and blOw York, should
not give tut so much concern. With us business
goes Slowly but steadily, no wild speculations
topipt us, which may mike us rich to-day, and
may leave us poor to-mortow. We go along slowly,
but surely up to the pinnacle of wealth. Dut not eo
in the larger cities, for there speculation runs high
and men's fortunes are made and lost in one day,
hence if an eruption takes place inthe "workings"
of gold and stocks. it falls heavily upon somebody,
and he comes down with a "crash" that is soon
heard all over the country. Thus the cry is her
alded far and near that business is dull, and times
aro in a critical state,slmply because a few specula
tors have failed,and as people are too apt to be de
pressed and influenced by such reporti. they lose
their courage, and will not invest, or drive their
business as before. This is all wrong; as long as
the days are not darker for the future than now,
we have no reason to whine. Dispel &lithe whim
sical ideas of the future hard timmand drive your long as you can, and if you fail to have
a few less orders this week, don't tell your neigh
bor that business is very dull. This cry of dull
times" has much effect upon the business commu
nity, and as soon as people will make up their
minds that they can get along, even if a dOllOll
gold gatablets do fail, things will move on in their
natural channel, and we will all do our share of
• •
IN Philadelphia, the mn e ey market continues to
improve, and the banks a fire discounting nearly all
the first-class mercantile obligations presented at
the legal rate. On the street the quotations are
007 per cent. for call loans on Government boOs,
and 7(0 per cent. sin mixed securities. The spirit
of speculation, so rampant in New York for some
time past, has materially abated, which has a ten
dency to cause a more contldentfeeling throughout
the entire community, Trade is dull for this period
of the season, with but little probability of any
improvement until the commencement of the new
year. Prices of merchandise, however, fluctuate
comparatively little, and the only marked activity
last al k has been a wild speculative movement
in petr loam of which 180,000 barrels were pur
chased forpresent and forward delivery, at a ma
terial advance. But few of the community have
the remotest idea of the amount of business ef
fected in,this article at that port. The total foreign
export since Jan. let amounts to nearly thirty-six
million gallons, against twenty-six million three
hundred thousand gallons for tho same period last
year I The shipments of the past week alone ex
ceed two million and twenty-two thousand gallons.
There aro twenty-four yeast)]s loading there with
the article, and with quite a number on the way
from neighboring ports for the same purpose.
The business at the Stock Board on Saturday
morning was small, and there was evidently less
disposition to embark in speculative operations.
Government and State Loans were not sold to any
extent. City Loans of the new issues Ivor° flrta
at 108, and Lehigh Gold Loan at 14.
Reading Railroad was dull and closed at
. 49.44@49.60—ab0ut the same as at the close on pre
vious evening. PennsYlvania Railroad sold at 533 , 6
—advance of %. 128 was bid for Camden and Am
boy Railroad; 4% for Little Schuylkill Railroad ;
30,i for North Pennsylvania Railroad ; SO% for
Catawissa Railroad, and'2lV. for Philadelphia and
Frio Railroad.
There was no change In Bank, Canal or Passen•
gor It9llway sharer.
notions A . Bro., Bankers, N 0.16 North 6th stmt.
Quoto tie follower
RusinNo, Nov„ Z 31869
Old U. S. 6's 1881
Oh U. B.s'e 1882 -
New U. S. 5,20'e, 1861, July and Jun.
New U. S. 5.20'5. IW. May and Nqy..
Now U. S. 1865. new -
N. U. 8, 5-20'e 180, ,
July and Jan. -
New U. 8.5-20'a , 1858, - -
Ten-Forty Bonds, - - -
Gold in Now York up to 12 o'clock, - -
Gold In Readlngat Bushong 1 Bros.,
Ix Philadelphia. the Breadstuff& market was re
markibly quiet on Saturday. the demand being
limited to the wants of the home consumers. The
receipts aq' small, and the stook of the bettor
grades, which aro most in request, is reduedd to a
very low figure. Sales of 40500 barrels at $7 25@
$8 25 per barrel for common and choice North
western Extra Family, and $9 50@l0 50 for Penn
sylvania and Ohio do., Including some fancy at
$ll 00@l3 00; 100 barrels very choice Minnesota at
89 00; and extras at $l3 03(0 50. There is no change
In Rye Flour ctr Corp Meal. We quote the former
at 87.2507 75.
The market is very bare of prime Wheat and
other descriptions are not wanted. Small sales of
Red at 8242 10 ; 1,000 bushels No. 2 & Spring at
$1 (041 75; and 900 bushels Michigan Amber at
8215. Rye to in better demand, and sales of Penn
sylvania and Western are reported -at 81 .500.1 52:
Corn is scarce and held firmly at the late advance.
Small sales of 3,000 bushels mixed Western at the
same figure. Oats are in fair request, with sales of
3,000 bushels at 07.@)71c. for Western and $0@65.•
for Delaware. No change In Barley or Malt.
Whisky Is dull. Sales of 150 barrels 'at $1 0801 10;
duty paid, for wood and iron bound packages.
White Wheat per bbl.,
Red ::BVra Family per bbl.,
Corn Cliop(ot ew d)
ecl l /W e t ) )
Best Middlingi i •
Common ,
PAYING Palcei •
White wheat psr bushel
Corn (old)
Corn (new)
Bursa—Fresh dairy, V lb., Ws 55
Lump. 40
Onetse—Cheese V 4 tb,.200322
LAna—Lard ; 111.,
Eaaa—Eggs oxen,
Arpixs—A D pples V
gir pock olgs_Bo
Dried +l4 t, 12
PEACHES - '' 20
round V lb.,
ee 0 2O
sirloin. ,i 20
44 GI
rump, „ 1701E1
" Beef roast, 18
" Beef dried. 411 00
" Veal cutlets, • " 03
_, ' chops, II
Mutton, de
16 1 16020
" PT*, 184020
14 steak, 11
Saone fresh, "
46 25
Bes4—ilanis, 25
" Sliced, 30
.. .
L - DE
Pout rav-Chiokens live,
dressed, "
64 Turtles live, " ...... .............. .......
4$ "
dressed, " 6.6
Chickens 1ive....;._ 600100
Potatoes V bushel ..... ..s IR valr,.. .......... ...,.....750100
NEVOPA.P.FR A lima lot ot
§. old w il l be datt is o co, .lor ich mill be sold
otito4P. •
RuDlxa. N0v.93,110L
. 107 N
110 X
12 00
12 00.
- I:ts
1 10
13 5 5
1 10
A 141 O'CLOCK P. $.
Sun rho
Daily Altana .0. .
• - 33 1 Sun seb - • - - 4
Dare length. 9 bouts antnutes. 47
Alta th Weal* I.l i, 3mi
12 certbek M.
Wiad IY.—Clear.
State a/ 77tensometer.
7 A. 33 11. t 2r• u.
Monday. 3 . 413
si.ATE•PENCII. manufacture. is about to
be established at Slatington,•Pa. There is
now bat one such mapufactory in the United
Boors NOTEL—Our exchanges say that
the country is full of bogus fifty ceut cur
rency notes; they are printed in a dark green,
and the engraving is rough. Look out for
TELL EVERYBODY.—TeII everybody what
you have to sell and where your place of
business is r thro'ugh the columns of the
"EAuLt," and see the marked effect it . will
have on your money drawers.
Tug RELIEF Socttrrr.-IYe= would again
call the attention of our readers to the an
nual meeting of this Society, which takes
place at the Odd Fellows' Hall this evening.
Let there be a full attendance.
BARN BURNED.-A barn, belonging to Mr.
Samuel Merkle, in Richmond township, was
destroyed by fire last night. A portion of
the live stock was saved. The barn was a
large one and well stocked with hay, grain,
etc., and is a great loss. It is believed that
it was the work of tin incendiary.
ARTRONOMICAL.—Tho satellites of Jupiter
have been recently undergoing interesting
changes. On the 9th instant, at half.past
six, P. M., satellites Nos. 1 and 2 were mov-_
ing across the disc', of, the , planet t reflecting
their shadows. OA the 10th instant,, at nine
o'clock, P. M., satellite No. 2. appeared on
the planet, a little lower than the bolts; its
shadow, and that of No. 1, appeared as dig.
tinct as a black wafer would appear on white
paper. On the 19th, at eight P. M., one
satellite was apparently following the other.
THE Wsmixa.--=-Yesterday was about the
first really cold day we have had this season.
The rain of Saturday morning' andiTriday
night lett the atmosphere damp and dis
agreeable, and the northeast winds of yes
terday made overcoats, mud's and furs in
dispensable. This is the season when there
is the widest field for the .exercise of true
philanthrophy. A good idea of some - of the
distress existing could be gained from the
host of lodgers, which occupied the station
house on Saturday and 184 night. It was
dull and cloudy yesterday with the wind
principally in the East, sometimes threaten.
ing us with snow, tho thermometer rising .
from 88 degrees in the iiiorning to 47 de.
grace in the 'afternoon, and the barometer
having a slight variation below 80 degreeli.
There was a slight fall of rain between 12
and 1 o'clock.
GROWTH OF RRADINO,—The cllng year
will boa Marked one in the !Oven ement of
Reading as a city. To one who has not
visited us since November 1867, parts of
our city would now present a strange ap
pearance. In place of humble or insignifi
cent buildings, he now beholds great piles
rearing their handsome and massive fronts
three or four stories high, with all the Mod•
ern beauties of brown stone or pressed
brick. Gaps of vacant lots he would find
filled up with snug private residences and
some fine stores, with the whole people giv
ing more heed to business enterprises, and
evincing a more energetic and enterprising
spirit than they have for many -years. We
trust this spirit of enterprise will, continue
with us, until we are up to the mark and
rank as the second City in the State. We
possess all the national advantages for be
coming a great manufacturing city.
Reformed Church, Rev. J. H. Dubbs, Pao.
tor, at Pottstown, was dedica!ed, - with 0r.."
propriate services,on Saturday and yester.
day. The opening sermon was preaChed on
Saturday morning by Rev. S. H. Dubbs, of
Allentown, father of the Pastor. Dr. Gans,
of Norristown, preached in the afternoon.
The dedicatory services yesterday morn•
in were of an impressive character. The
dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev.
John W. Nevin D. D., President of Frank
lin and Marshall College.
The Paitor read a very. interesting sketch
of the origin and progress of the various
churches connected with the - denomination
in Pottstown. [This sketch will be publish.
ed to-morrow in the Montgomery Ledger.]
In the afternoon, Rev. R. Hausman, of
Reading, preached in German, and in the
evening Rev. C. F. McCauley, - also of this
city, preached in 'English. -
Several other clergymen, of Pottstown,
participated in the services.
Largo collections were taken up on each
of these occasions. Crowded audiences were
in attendance throughout, many of those
present being from Reading, Norristown
Chester county, and elsewhere. -
The church is a very handsome one, and
it is A : Credit to the congregation who erected
it, and an ornament to the borough of
Reported by Louis Richards, Attorney a
Law, 680 Court Street,
The Court of Common Pleas for Novena•
ber Term 1868 met " this -morning at 11
o'clock. The List consisted' of 40 causes.
Upon going over file List It was ascertained
that the following cases had been disposed
of in the manner indicated.
Robert Patterson & Co. vs. The Wyomis
sing Woolen Manufacturing Company a at.
21 Nov. '6B. Continued on application and
at costs of PM.
John Ebner vs. J. Bowman Bell, W; lliam
Eckert and Isaac Eckert, Arbitrated.
John Greiner a at. vs. Mark Darrell. 21
- Nov. '6B. Continued on application of defts.
Joshua Keely Boyer,' Knoske & Co.-
199 Aug. T. 1862: Settled. Terms to be
filed. Lew. Wanner, A. B.Wanner, for plff.;
and P. L. Smith for deft.
Franklin 11. Schwartz vs. Daniel K.Roth.
114 Now. T. 1864. 21 Nov. '6B. Settled and
cos plad. • Wm. and J. S. Livingood for
pilL; Hay for deft.
Vaittlititlefib4W and Elizabeth, his wife,
for née of iiaid Elizabeth, vs. Catharine Dm
benhosyer. 12 Noy. 'OB. Continued on ap
plication of deft. .
Allentown Railroad Company vs. Jacob
Solider. 98 Jan. T. 1865. Judgment for
Offs. f0r.5110.27 and costs. foyer for plffs.
'Maltzherger for deft.
Same ye. George Bolter, 99i Jan. T, 1865.
Judgment for plffs. for $83.89 mid costs.
Boyer for pill's. Schwartz for deft.
Same vs. John Kover, 100, Jan. T, 1865.
Judgment foildfro. for $111.20 and coals.
Boyer for Plffs. Schwartz for deft.
Same vs. Amelia lawrecht, Administi ‘•
trix of Henry Halrecht, dec'd, 101 Jan. l
1865. , Judgment •for plffs. for $55.59 d
costa. Boyer .for • plffs. , !laltzberger for
Num . 'vel. Arab= Bieber , Is, Aug. T i
1805. Judgment for plfro. for ' $1384)9 and
ems. Boyer for purl,. IttAtatierger rot
deft. •
Alexander Amnon vs. Jacob fleiger, 188,
April T, 1886. • .
eutTera non•suit. Ilagenuian' far piff.
A. it Wanner and J. S. Richards for deft'.
Michael Herehberger vs. Joseph Brenda".
21 Nov. 68. Continued and off
Ann Lueltenbi)l et. al. widow and heirs of
Thomas Luckeribill, dec'd vs. John Gruber.
61 Nov. T. 1866, Plffs. suffer non-suit.
A. .11. Wanner, for puffs. J. S. Richarji for
deft. . i
James Ruth find Mary &m i lts wife, for
use of said Mary Ann vs. Reading & Colima ,
bis. Railroad Company. 38 Jan. T. 1807.
Judgment for Oh. for: $2787.82 and'costs.
J. S. Livingood for plff. J. 8. Rieharde
'for defts. A
The only ease for !fiat to-day was Daniel
S. Kern vs. Henr y ., S. Kern, 91 Sept. T.,
1868. Thia was a feigned issue directed• by
the Register's Court to try the validity of the
will of Daniel. Kern, late of the borough of
Hamburg, deceased. The will was dated the
Bth day of March, 1800, and a codicil to the
satin) the 26th day of Julr, 1866. The plain.
tiff called the subscribing witnesses to the
will and codicil, who proved the due execu
tion of the instrument and the mental com
petency of the testator at the time of sign
ing. There Was no defence offered, and the
jury, under the instruction of the Court,
rendered a verdict for the plaintiff, and in
favor of the validity' °tithe will. A. R.
Wanner and Ilagenman for plaintiff. 'Ja
cobs and Young for defendant. ,
The court called - ; the attention of the
members of the bar tai a recent decision of
Judge Agnew, of the Supreme Co rt,
.to the
effect that no money was to be con sidered
in court for distribution, until act ally paid
into the oflico of the Prothonotary, subject
to the order of the court. This decision,
by which this court will hereafter be govern•
ed, uprooted the practice that had prevailed
for the past twelve years.
The court referred with some felicity td
the fact that there were no cases remaining
on the list for trial before Wednesday morn•
ing next, Sixjurors were selected to try
an inq uisition i of lunacy in the case of Ma-
Reda Troutman, of Centre township, At two
o'clock to-morrow afternoon; The bAlance
of the jurors were discharged until 9 o'clobk
on Wednesday morning. ' ,
NACES.—It has often been proposed to use,
in some way or other,(whom oxyd as a
heating material in urnaees. It forms a
large proportion of the gases produced in
Sion= s regenerative furnaces, and or the
"heating gas" which it was proposed to
distribute about Barming . hain some years
ago. A German metallurgist now suggests
its use in - blast-furnaces, alone -with air to
diminish the nitrogen while increasing the
heat. 41Ie proposes to make it by, in the
first-place, calcining chalk with some cheap
combustibles in retortB, and passing the
carbonie.acid thus let st liberty into another
idea filled with coke, kept at a rod heat.
'f%e ctirbenie oxyd so obtained is super.
heated and carried on to the air.blast. The
production of the carbonic oxyd in this way
would seem expensive, but • the writer says
the time made in the first retorts will nearly
cover the cost.—Atnerlean Journal of Min.
A LI:CTURR will be delivered in Aulenbaeh's
Halt tomorrow evening, b Rev. Calvin Fair
banks, who was imprisoned seventeen years in
Kentueky,for aiding fugitive slaves to escape.
Subjeol"Seventeen Years' Imprisonment in
Kenticky." Doors open at 7i o'clock, lec
ture to commence at 8. Admission 25
cents. See advertisement,
THE Ono Fsi.t:ows.—The Grand Lodge of
New Jersey assembled at Trenton, last week,-
on which occasion over two hundred repre-
sentatives were present. The reports of the
Grand Officers exhibited
. a iargelncrease in
membership and revenue. Eight new lodges
have been instituted,. (several 'Munk ones
resuscitated during thd , reeesS, and the Or•
der throughout the Ole %jurisdiction is
reported to be in a meat thrifty and prop°.
roue condition.
The Downfall of “krla"—The Chunblera•
Hubble Exploded.
NEW Yonx„ Nov. 21.—A:t a meeting of
the most extensive dealers in.stocks, gay
ernments and gold, this morning, resolu
tions were unammously.`Odopted to throw
out all -Erie Railway stocks in transactions
among brokers, until it was registered in
some trust company or rimpectable banking
house. •
Many of the largest dealers in Wall street
have this morning telegraphed their branch
houses and others in Pluladelphia,Baltimorb,
Washington and Boston, to not order the
purchase or sale of Erie until further notice.
This movement, it is expected,will effectual.
ly break up all further issue of the stock. it
is reported the Erie clique have now'en route
from Europe 200,000 shares of this stock.
BOAS—In this city, on Sunday afternoon, 22nd
hat.. INDIA IttcnAnns, daughter of (imago W.
and Sarah L. Boas, aged 3 months and 4 days.
[Prom the N, Y. Herald at Saturday.]
"The stock market was calm after the exciting
events of-the week and, outside of transactions in
those Mocks which are supposed to be on the pro
gramme for a "corner" by the Erieclique, business
was dull. There is little or nothing new to say of
the situation in Erie, large quantities of which
are in the possession of the elique,without a mar
.ltet. Were it not for the fact that thenyerissues
:of stock may be required at orsy, moMent and the
stook thus got rid of without lossetiliss honest deal
ors in Wall street would haves irsarent oppor;
tunity of turning the tables on e,parindlerii by
refusing to make a Turkel for tothus leaving
them with their load. ,Indeed, there; iiss a proposi
tion to throw out the stock in transactions among
brokers until it is registered in some trust com
pany or respectable lbanking house. Such a step
would not, of course, be of any direct injury to the
swindlers but it would put them to the inconveni
ence of retiring the - overissue, As there are all
the Way from fifty to two hundred thousand shares
on the way front Europe consigned to them their
perplexity would be u much the greater. They
might be forced to take some stap which the law
could punish. The suit against the directors of
the Erie Company will probably be permitted to
remain in the pigeon-holestf the Supreme Coutt,
as the chief operator, the religious six-director and
confessed confederate of ( ) he swindlers has come
promised and abandoned 1 e tight minus a million
and a quarter of dollars, the overissues are now
in a place where they, can do no harm to the pub
lic, if the speculation in Erie °usu. They an a
dead weight to the swindlers. which they can get
rid of cal by another bold step its their Conroe of
fraud, If they take this step they confess the
crime of having fraudulently overbilled the stock.
If they do not they will be how/Wets if the out
side public and the respectable hankers' and brok
ers refuse to have anything further to do with Erie,
old or now, common or preferred. That they are
emrassed by their load wOuld seem to he prov
en by the fact that the • hanks relived to certify
their checks, They were compelled. in conse
quence, to make loans of stook along with the giv
ing •of checks until the money was deposited
against the latter. This - may be some very deep
trick. and it is suggested that it was done to break
the price of Rock Island, which they are reported
to be gathering for another "corner."
NUMB being troubled with lost, the hair.
will And * superior remedy in Dr, i erber's Hair
Restorer, imp orted exclusively Iky rs. Amelia
_Lam pa
m. d or sale at her new_ perfumery Store.
No. 16 Nert Fifth street. titte also imports di
rectly from the ll:lentifecturers the finest Perfume.
ries and Toilet Soppy, all of whtch are Sold at very
low rates. . , . . n0v.21-3t.
liouss-Funalsamo HARDWARL—Knives
forks, spout% leakiag-glaatea, cedar ware. bailers.
lamps. Plated goods. ac,, Ate., at a great rekluctioA
ippop prices. by J.l. Ortrgsraa,6Os rem
M. 31
metir ftit lfenialgiy - 1 1 041 1 m 6 1' W
ade. Ileadsol‘iii *mat* Ikalis e itimas.
Prat Bites, and al , saute paha •
7l) itlierlete titian eittaties Mirada' conatitate the
MOM tint of the WO philoeoittn. Viet the march of
wince In our clam day hae atm* *chimp& 4 dlnctles
'the Inhalation of rhlorekne clod ettiu trt,kly ‘ltle palm
c , ouetqueet upon diMcult eurfical meatless,
will acempitsh by simple outward applirattoa:
Its effect Is perfectly maks% awl Its pr4srtlost's so
entire): harmless is:to In ea ippllcat)l4 tea•
dor ads so 0 . 14 adylß Thoustireti ottaltatvs l calaastie•
lity that tltta Is no ticttott,tatt a tact bersidt4obstsuverbd.
and a single appficilloo of tles.cure wit) rogehoorilas taw:
skeptical sulfite oflts tfgty lotrabototo Park
To. Produ! ib It* •
No family that (nice becomes
with its virtues wit/ be iv ithotitit
rgio• 60 etc Reid by all DroirOsti.
11 E. mlsHLtit!setb.c.
8010 Proprlotore, iloadfolOck.
i Bee ptikt J, A. bodice/6 imp. of thalkill oi • 46411. ,
is/ A IStitrord, oho 'or the loges% it o i l ono'
oatablfabotenttili 04 ogiatri k r i e 0: I
• . „ me. av ulaavas
viral ?e
R. Mumma jr On., Read ail •
r i
It affords me 'emurs to *edit orris. W
gotta ofyour "Pain CUM" IQ OW* 1 1 ,
_l e
J)100 hilt, t was attacked with en lei, i
abdomeosid elde, After outer a
aserly ter week', 1 nos laded** • ti ,
y. and er sa. *OPIIOMIOO.I6 07 ttit 1,, . 0.
I. was TO eyed iiii.a few 'wad,. an • _ • wee
the ren that I could sesroily_ MAIN OWO
seam & toy lzkowwti• of the . , ' 6 /4 ,44 i
drolly bet eye. Wet it will ato'p l':. it' "
every cause mit olmostlottalitly. ',, •
aspoqnally.iora n . i rk, r
WA. dna of Dudley * titatoirrigr
eats. ,- , i - t iit i W s.
, . r t......._ta
____ ,
PEARL C0.A.1' . ..
rim cumpl AtmfLOppfi
WASili 0 morpfrlcxcii. .
take pleaspre In Informing the people.of
and vicinity, (but more particularly Ispb
liouiekeepers) that they are meuufeetut accas
introducing a iioap superior to Ail Olsen pr. tie
folio , ' ng purposes:
II E—Por Cleaning Paint, Areed•workilllat•
bIA t_
E RD—Xor Cleaulag (an 4. Polishing ,ali the
same t me) Retals'of all desoriP*U.7. •• '
Housekeepers can at once sea • grestadyruli
sage of this, ge it is entirely unneceesarttnk*Sin t o,
heretofore, Polishing Powder's, Brlek',lll4l
Ashs t t. ko. , ,
THIR, —For a Palm or . Path Ili% Melt
where t ere are any ImPuritio! or II 1 4.11 ,6 it,
hands, such as Paint, Crease or anY Ica. rc
Ink, Ao.,iko.
POURTE and imit,—goy the thousand '&4)w,-
other purposes for which sopp-is in opneteutnse w
and' which it, is Impossible to'enumSratnaltkia
DITOTIONS 101 NINO 11411219 . Plain WM f
for eac and every purpose above monttor t , /'Be ,
be use In the same gamer icsayotbly , r i ti t tbr
tpla exception, thisill only requires oil
the amount of ourtkiep_to I, , SooliliglllyhtlaVEAU"
sulfa ae others; and oriPeTlistsil 0 t •• ' Tien
and LABOR payed,. . , •.,
WANTPA every Person in Beading tot*. .
Manufactured Riclusivel tht great -.Amato
• Xoup 1.03• Arch St reet, PAiladitpya.'
' liARRIB & 00 ~ Proprleiors.•
ilar BUR% ROLM R 4 /44411141, comer citalfili
and Washington Streets, Bole Amt. far lie isat
, The Soap IA now o ff ered to the Publto at the bi
lowing Stores :
Stauffer & Shenfolder, YOOOll3 & Ibustits.
A. Potteiger, • Iterbir k From. .'
J. & Baylor, K. 0, slater. , =
Date Boone. F, B. ifthorth
D. Kolzer, Dinc i ere Jig A Debi!.
J. Dundore, U.l etre Outer.
A. Swartz, .
J, 0. Thomas, Vi e a jl r e e ti C o,„
P. Kotler & Bro.. M. Wee Le.
J. It. Illidebeitol, 0. K. coyer,
W. Stott, J. Jarne.
B. Mutual& J. 111 ‘ g. \
F. Depart, _ J. line.
W. Boyer. Ott, Bottler. .
0ct..17-1y 1 ,
_c .
At No. 107 North Fifth Etreot,
(OldVall) Reading.
Is now Prepare,' to furnish our oltirens with Con—
fcctionery. Candice and Ice Cream, at wholetal•-
and retail.
Also all kinds of plain and filmy Oak Taw
Cream of all davors constantly on head. A 04414
solicited. Japest. .
NOTICE.—The attention of mechanics sod la..
boring men is, celled to the YOrtu'ne Buildbmt
and Saving Areciotation of Reuling, Thothpro
mein each, and limr, to il ft eephUndred, Al t oAt.
a large number of e Ares are taken, learlac
more for dispopal. hose desiring bad
early in order to secure them.
For further information call at the store at
Jones 0. Thomas, grocer, corner Flfthinld (Mat
streets, or at the residenceof Robert Wisner, N.
E. corner Fifth andllourt streejs_ i _or on the 'under
signed. J. 8 080 MlLlAER,fleceetery. •
oot 291 mo . 06108.621 Court Street,
plitovALs 11 . 181110 . V A 11,11 [ .
• ,
Msl removed from Keystone
1"1"for uteegoo,re
' mum sivralurr,
Where customers will And a via WO stook of Lbs
beat and purest • .
ko., ever -4164 WAR publ le of 11441 k! An. 111-.•
Aran go t a h tio::g b altto i t s tor it 6 fluakTot •
And:Usnufaetirors of . ,
in ilovna swirifirrm *nun*.
Enfri) PsmaktogV4-tliwiv.