THE DAILY EAtiti PUDLISIIIW liVRRY APTERNitION, (Sundays Eleeteda /►T TIN OFBIOR OF TUB READING ADLER so. 351 PENS STREET. The MAMBO DAILY NAOMI will be tarnished to walla. To o t ior ibere in the Oily at ?RN °anytime snail o ubsorlbers at 61611 MT. OT 1,20 q uß n er — to be paid for Warta ly in adyance. A liberal s d c edu rc. o nTolpr bv m n a mi sota k ub s* o M r u e t no rnshoucube eldressed"RlADlXO DAILY IAOUL WILLIAM 0. BlTTilin. JESSE G. HAWLEY. 1868 FALL. BUCH & BROTHER, Have opened a Large and Selected Stock of NEW GOODS! At Portico flow, O NO. 648 PENN STREET, \ I READING, PA. or Lim O. COLIMAti t Cutter. VII Their Stock of NEW FALL GOODS! Were selected in the City of Now York, and will be disposed of At prices far be• low those of any other ea• tablishinent in the City. Gentlemen's Clothing 'nude to order. Boys' Olotling constantly of hand and made to ofdor. The Stook of Furnishing Ooods is decidedly the boat and most extensive in the city. Call, see and satisfy yourselves. The mere fact of having the services of the cele brated cutter, Mr..Leirl 0. Coleman, Is sdatolont guarantee that all garments will be made up in the best style and latest fashions. Remember RUCH & BRO.'S Headquarters of Fashion 1 NO. 548 PENN STREET, READING. Portico Row, IE OURIfiDIAN RYTTER 8 GENUINE ' BLOOD PURIFIER, Jaw under tho name of "FRDTER'S PACK:, 81l ft " a valuable artlolo; for mile at the "Ballo ookstore.k CLOTHES WRINGERS, STEP LADDERS, ALL WARRANTED, W KNIGHT'S HARDWARE STORM 7 1 171R . D AND PENN S7S. ita 10 D AILY FAST FREICIIIT LINE • • • BETWEEN READING AND NEW YORK • • • • • MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILROAD. . . Leaves Reading at 4p. m, rind New York at 5:20 pn. Goods shipped for New York at Reading night lloude.betato o'olookp. ra_,. or for Read- Ntt foot of Barclay street, New York, before 4 b'elock•p. in., will be delivered at either rint with pug\ realtizkent, w_. _y. IIALT, DAY. i c reight Agent. M. St E. R. R.. oboken. • E. .1. WIC% Local Agent, &E. R. R., Reading. ' lentil-9mo NEWSPAPERS._. t o r e e iv on hand et this office, which will bo sold 1868 AT '. . . . . .. . . ' . . . - . . _ . . .. . ~ .. . . . . EA . D . ING .......... ... ..t .: . ~, ....,„. ‘• . 4,......,,,....5.,.. . 7, • ... , i. . . _ v .. • ..„...,,,,, 3: -4 ' _S 4 : 1. ;-../ Mr ',.1 ,' 1 . •± ' i s : s 'r . 4 1 • . V .X•C ' • .., . , ......._ .. .. . . ...............—..—........-........... .. .____, *..1 .r. . o •0 FOR TUN GOOD THAT LACKS ASSISTAAIOI42 'VOA TUN WRONH•THAT NHEDI HI " _ . VOL. 1---No. 267. PROFESSIONAL. D u. LOUIS De DAR= KUHN. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, Ito, 24 4 North Muth Ntreot,Reodlng, Pa. oot 211-lino* wiLLIAIK B. SOMENER• ALDERMAN AND ATTORNEY ArLAw. , Office No. ON Court Street, Illeadlug i t Can be consulted In English and Herman. sr 0ct,31-3m REMIT' M. KEIM, ATTORNEY d ?' LAW. Me, 29 NORTH BIXTII STREET. READING. -Oct 28. Jourt w. BJORN:L. ATTORNNY AT LAW. ()Moo—Loeser Building, (Ist floor, back.) No. LEO contra street, Pottsville. 113.0 an bo consulted la the 'Munn la cane. mar 4 LIIRAEL d. DISOKEIR.• ATTORNEY AND 00 1J NORLLOR AT 'LAW. °Moo: No. O Court, ESL, (near Aix ,)RIIADINO. Pa. ml 4 GEOftaz Y. Milt, .• ATTORNEY AT LAW, RHADINO, PA. , • *ma N o I6I O Court s_yoot, (up Oahe.) TT M. NAtiLE, • H • PHYSICIAN. '(11. S. Pension Surgeon.) 840 Penn Street, Reading , Pa. Moo hours -12 to 2p. in. 6toB p. tn. JENNE O. nAmiLzy, 'ATTORNEY—AT LAW, Moe, NO. '4O (second floor,) North Sixth Street. nearly opposite the Court Nous°, Reading, Pa, Jan. 28- • LOUIS RICHARDS, - ATTORNEY AT LA W, Offtoo, N 0.630 Court street, over the office of John E 4, Itlobards. Eq. fobd- WILLIAM 0. /BREWSTER, (Organist of Firot Reformed Church.) MOILER OF PIANO FORTE, ORGAN AND • HARMONY. No 22311010 Sixth sink. Reading, Pa. N. B.—Pianos Thnod. Utine 20- Dn. E. MOSEIt, SURGEON DENTIST, OFFICE-610 Penwlitreet, pending, Pik Invites tho Publiq to call And oxaminO his new plan for extracting tooth without pain. AU !oper ations in the profession neatly oxoouted and ohnrgoa roaßonnblo, ap2s DR. 4. HERR, • DENTIST, Office—No 6 North Fifth Mt., Readhig, (xxxl. DOOR TO P. O'REILLY'S BITOR STOUR.) - Particular attention paid to outing diseases of the Mouth and (fume, auoh as Scurvy, Preternatu ral Growth of Gume,• Alveolar Abscesses, disarm of the Alveolar proccils, Fissured Palates, and all diseases to which tho mouth and gums aro Imb ed,' 1 T ooth oxtritotot wir ited inentektop el material used tk o,l2l•olettion. , , • °Oleo hours, from'? A. M, to 7 P. M. He . BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE PEOPLE.- THE BEST AND CHEAPEST! REINHOLD & SOHOENER 'No. 41 North Sixth Stroot, READING, PA. MBE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST ESTAB- I_ lished a ilrst-class liootand Shoe-making estab lishment and store at tho above stated plaeo t whore they aro able to necommodato customers with the best articles in their lino of business, and at, lower prices than at any otherplaoo in tho city. The following list of primes proves all wo say : , n's calf boots, ' lit 00 and upwards. Men's kip boots, 83 00 Men's working shoeS, 1 60 Men's French calf Congress gaiters, box toes, 300 Mon's calf Giingyess gaiters. - 2 25 Mon's calf Balinorals, 2 00 Mon's kill Balmoral:1., 1600 Boys' calf Balinorols, 1 G Boys' kip llottnorals, 1'25 • Youths' kip Balinorals, 10( 5 1 -. , Women's lasting high Polish, 2 7 Women's Umgross gaiters to 250 Women's lasting Balmoral:1, 103 . Women's Morocco Balmorals. 200 Women's Morocco shoos, 1 05 Women's kid slip porn, 65 Misses' lasting Polish,l 40 Youths', gaiters from - 15 ets. to 75 Youths' and boys' shoos from 30 ots. to 00 Also, a large stook of notions on hand and for sale. The above prices are lower than nt any other similar place of business in the city. REPAIRING. Particular attention is paid to all kinds of re Pairing. REINHOLD Sc SMENER, • NO. 41 NORTH SIXTH STREET, (SHOTS TIIRL COURT nouale,) READING, PA. April 11- A LBEDYLL CALLAN'S • FRENCH STEAM SCOURING • ESTABLISHMENT, 141 South SpNeutla St., opposite Depot 0111 co in Rending, Pn. 001oes In Philadelphia, 510 Rneo Street. and /32 South 11th Street, Encouraged by our success in. our now method of scouring and dyeing, we have resolved to open a branch office in Reading, and' respectfully call the attention of the public to our above named estab lishment. • Byour process and newly invented machinery, we are enabled to clean and dye goods in a very superior manner. Boas to give_ perfect satisfaction. Wo clean and finish Ladies', Gents' and Child ren's garmentswithout taking them apart or inju ring them In the least. whether the colors are genuine or not.- Our dyeing done in the vet best manner. and the goods in all eases finished off in superior style. Kid 'Oloves..Ostrleh Feathers, &0., cleaned at short notice. - • . • sept 28 -3mo BLANK BOOKS Wo have on hand and for sale a largo variety of Blank Books which will be ;.)141 cheap. RITTER a co. AND DYEING READ % PA., MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER - 28, 1868. RITTER & CO., d Booksellers, Stationers, AND WNOLICEIALI DNALIaII IN PAPER I .,OI7 EVERY DESCRIPTION. PllO. • TOOKAPII ALB M. POCK RT BOOKS. tfo.. I No. 951 Penn Street, (Near Fourth.) R A.DING, PA. t,, 'raving conotar i plotiliW Istria and well *o'4 • 0 }f ' r J ! • 1. ' ea stook :of MISMLANRoItk i ppO4 AND BLANK BOORS, PAPER AND STATIONERY, inch as Writing and Wrapping papors, Envolopos, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Slates, Copy Books,Piss Books, &0., which aro bought for Cash and will be sold on elm as favorabto nathooof any other ham lathe City—pro respectfully Invite Merchants and others who dosiro to make purchases hlour lino to favor us 3 with aeon before purohnsingeisowhere. Orders by mail promptly and carefully filled. JOHN FOLEY'S CELEDRATiD GOLD rioss. For isle at the "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE, No 351 Penn Street, near Fourth. Jan. 28 As R 0 11111 ifr FIRST PREMIUM 4 L * . Of a Silver Medal -, WAS . AWAHDID TO ' BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE 4, 17 „.„.. N.. 11. State Agricultural &whir. at Its Fah u , holden In Huh, Sept. 20 t left nAnit.EirTts Vegetable Hair Restorative Restore* Gray Hair to It Natural Color t pro. motes the gm of the nab t changes the Aso Arta to their ori nal organic action eradi cates Dandrn and Humors t Prevent , Iblr filling out t la s superior Dressing. • It contains no Injurious ingredients. and Is the most popular and reU ableA article throughout the *East West, North, anti &nth. 0 J. R. PARRETT & CO.,' Proprietors, DIANc N. 114 Bold by alf pa n te rr i vr i tur Dealers In s. H. BIRCH & BRO., Da: A. 4.ggirrt W. J. TffiERWEORTER, WILLIAM WELLS. Agents, Reading, Pa: may7l, Written for the Reading Eagle. THE PASSING TEAR. By G. R. WILDIKO. Weary and sadly the lonely Old Year Is tottering off from the scene, Ho sighs as ho catches the Winter's breath ; lie is moaning and passing off to death ; From hts home so lately bright and green, Tho sad Ohl Year. Ho thinks of hieeouch in:tho leaves of June, Of friends, tho Months, away, Of tho loved and lost'-how the stntling,moon. That shone oti the brow dills daughtir May, • And his heart wlll.break ns;he parses away, Tho lonely Old Year. Iris hair is white, and the:Winter winds In his silver beard have piled tho snow: He catches his breath as tho faddy blast Is whirling the eddies to and fro, About his feet, as ho steps so slow , Where but to death should the old mango? The poor Old Year, And ho otos about for a Place / of teat, - In tho iron earth, on the dreary plain. Whore aro his frionds—where can hello ? Where can the old man stop and dio ? For his bones and heart aro chilled with pain, Ho never can fool the sun again. Distracted Old Year. Oh wind, and rain, and hail, and sleet. ' Come weave for your friend a winding sheet, Shroud-like and white, and lay him low, In his dainty shroud of the Winter snow. And chant a dirge as you pass amain, You will never goo your friend ably, The dead Old Year. • PIIILADRLPRIA, Nov. 20, 1868. - A 43140AC10 IMODIOAL NON. Some years ngo,a son of one of the wealth- Teat and most 'respected citizens of Chicago, one dayy.'ery suddenly left his home and ev ery comfort that wealth and the most indul gent and affectionate parents could procure, and 'disappeared with-la traireling circus company. The young man was then nearly 21 years• of am and seemed to bo.prompted to this strange freak by a pure dislike Own trol aUda desire to see the world. Years , passed away and no tidings wore hoard of the wanderer,- and the4aVehts, .now ap- Proichini old age,' had 'begun to give tip" all lives of ever seeing or hearing of WM again. About a year ago, a citizen bf Chicago 'being in Savannah, Georgia, chanced to ; meet the truant-upoA the street, and accosted him by name. The young man, however, denied his identity, but the gentleman told him that it was needless to try and deceive him, as he knew him too well, and finally the wanderer acknowledg ed his name. Ho soon slipped away, how ever, and was again lost sight of. The other day Bailey's Circus Company pitch r ed their tent iin Chicago, and among the per formers was the long lost son, who present ly So i tight his father's house in company wkle, a very worthy young lady who had been connected with the establishment, and Whom ho had married some time ago. They were welcomedl and made rit once, at home, and the young inanhns V settled quiet ly and sensibly dawn after his wanderings, ami will cheer the declining years of hisaged )arents. • MOTHERB.—BaCh mother is a historian. She writes not the, history of empires or of emperors on paper, but she writes her own history on the imperishable mind of her child. That tablets and that history ',vitt ,re main indelible when time shall be mcmore. This histOry each mother shell moot again, and read with eternal joy or unutterable grief in the coming ages of eternity. This thought should weigh on the mind of every mother, and render her don* circumspect and prayerful and faithful in her solemn work,of training up her children while sus.i ceptible .and easily impressed. A word; a look, a frown,. may engrave an impression on the mind of a child, which no lapse -of time can; efface or wash out. You walk along the sea shore when iho tide is out, and' you form characters, or write words or names in the smooth white sand, which is spread out so clear tind beautiful at your feet, according as your fancy may dictate ; but the returning tide will in a raw 'hours -wash out and , efface all you have written: Not so the lines end Characters of truth or error with your conduct im• prints on the' mind of your child. There you write iinpressions for the everlasting good ovill of your child which neither . the' floods nor the stornis of earth can wash out, nor death's cold fingers erase,' nor the slow moving ages , ef eternity obliberate. How careful, then, should each mother be in the treatment' of her child 1 How prayerful,and .how serious; and how earnest to write the eternal truths of God on his mind—those truths which shall be his guide and teacher when her voiee . shall be silent in death. 8 ISTAII OEI. 111 .FLOUT WITII AN ALLIGATOR IN A • The folloiing is an • account of a recent hard fight between 'a man named llitt and a seven-Toot alligator, in Texas i Hitt Was at work in a tan-yard. • Ho went to Work in the morning as usual, but duiing Oo night nn alligator had taken possession, and was in the vat where Hilt left off work the;evening be fore. On arriving at the yard neict morning, Hitt entered the vat without discovering the intruder, took hold of a 81(10 of leather, owl pulled and tugged, but could not raise it, and called his son, to assist. Ho had not yet dip covered the monster lying on the side, near ly covered With tan ooze. He heard n splash behind him, and thought. - it Was his son jumping in. 'Not so, however---theid ligtor made a lunge, but only caught the seat - of his breeches. Thinking his son had missed his grab, he bawled to him: 4 1VItnt are you pulling at me for? Why don't you. take hold of the hide?" His son answered : "Pap, I ain't there."' Applodorua relates that Theseus ant so long on, a rock that at length ho grew to it, so that whey, Hercules tore him away, he left the nether part of the man behind - him Mr. Hitt had a narrow escape from a similar fate. He screwed himself around, minus tho seat of his breeehos, to see the monster in battle array, face to face, confined within the limits of the tan vat. Tho alligator, as is . knoWn by those acquainted with the brute,is,"like him who has his qUarreljust," doubly armed, being able to knock down a man or an animal with a blow of his tail as well na to break bohes with his ponderous jaws ; but in this case the sides of the vat interposed and kept the beast from' bringing its rear into the fight., Hitt struck out with his fists,lit finding the coat of mail of hisadver. nary too much for such assaults, leaped upon his back nod played Kentuck with his thumbs, bringing something more than the fabled tears to the Oyes of the crocodile. In the menntifne the boy had run to the house af ter Mr.'o. and his' gun, the great hurry and extitoment, Mr. G. presented his gun, cocked, at. some huge mass. Hitt, as it turned l out, was on top, his body and head eleVatecl about twelve degrees.. Mr. G. was standing nearly over them in a shooting po• sition. Hitt saw the danger, but too much exhausted to speak, disengaged his hands and elevated them l .when b..fired, killing thelmirnal. Hitter covereda little from his exhaustion, and sang out, ','What did you shoot for? I had him whipped,all to -put; ting the strings on him."—Exchange, A Murderer Discovered Years - After MN Crime. [From the St. Louts Times attic) 12th.) Tweuty-ono years since, at the corner of Third and Green streets, there stood ah old frame building which was dignified by the title of "City Hall." Beneath it was a tavern, where frequently the, lowest characters ro• sorted. In the latter part of the summer of 1847, a man arrived hero from Nashville, Tennessee, and after disposing of allegro for $3OO in gold, stopped in the City Hall saloon to trent. Ito met with h man who was a "hail-fellow well met," and a warm no quaintanceship sprang up between them: The stranger being desirous of seeing thl;e city, his new-mado friend volunteered his services and they started out. When they reached what was then known as .Wadding ham 'pasture, the stranger was sot upon - and beaten until prostrate, when ho was robbed of his $3OO in gold, with which his kind and obliging friend escaped. The injured man was found a short time afterward . by the side of a pond„ and, medical assistance was rendered, but without.' avail, for three days.fafterward ho died.— Every effort was made to discover the as sassin, but to no effect. TWenty-oneyears have passed away, carrying with them every . trace of the•criminal, and burying the crime itself in forgetfulness. The felon thought no eye was upon his foul deed„ and has since moved in society here unmelpsted, and ap.. pnrently without remorse.. or fear of expos. are. In tlie same pasture Aere ho murder.' ed the stranger two givis were plucking ber. ries, and witnessed the whole transaction, though themselves unseen. Alarmed at the sight, they hastened. home, but said nothing about it. One of them afterwards married. a prosperous Main street dry goods rner 7 chant, and now lives in affluence; but the other was destinedito experience the darker shades of life, and fell an early victim to the huh of man. She now is an habitue of a bag stir) on Clark avenue. The murderer is i mato on one of our largo river paekets,and, having given offence to one of the femaled referred to',lshe has. ilivtilged :his secret, which-threatens oven at this late day, so did ant from tbkhour i witerithe crime wes cum; to bring him to justice and a merited Plinishment. THREEENNO PER 00 " TEN OUTS pra WEEK TAN VAT. RETRIBUTION. allittiettaluts ifs *41044 26 bitid 0 tholt 14 lelanala eatltia' tho a* possible, tap dly ittoroadolt ,oltoulattott oorottots us to gt to Press about 2 p. 06)00114104,1010 igenied for ltoettoo to t, • DAILY liAOO 0404 bibOkftl4 *4 by 4 hmoot, i blo rtiln% ass Dailildttro Itvi tlty oo Ow 1 , ," A of the viltite .T. Tht agate W 111124 Publish ea 1 Z 6, ' lose se tiestrea by tut Onlraiktv• • Write only on Into 44(4 o o poor , and ag Ow Ao ly as poulble, without flour s ok, • Suosonintas whotoil rooolyo HAMA rik I. lady, wilt confer aMT by looi x not leo of ti to office. where °mop aints of trfaularitv n 1 !Monona' dolvory yak ho promptly Attowleit Counnspounsurs shOulit raokotheirtotuninni , Lions short awl to tho point. Our swims is too lit .‘ nod for YOl7 long atilotos.' TRAVELRRB I GUIDE. Tux followint tabte show* the thus on which I Passenger trains, on tho different Railroads, an • and depart irons this city; • DIPARr—VOR PIiILADILPDIA§ Reading Acootn., all way stations 700. a. lixprem, principal stati o ns 10:33 . " Way and Market- all stations 11;30' Nxpres.+. principal stations 4:lxt Way and Mall, all stations ' von_ rottavttds. Ashland, Tamaqua, dm., and 11'. Hat Mai .a, 1,,. Pottsville and all way stations. ':i4l Pottsvillo, Ashland, Tamaqua. 640 " NON ItAlantintiNo AND TIIR waAv. Cypress, Lebanon, Harrisburg and west, WO Accont„ Harrisburg and nll way stations 7:15 " iltall,liarrisburg mid principal stations, HMS Fast. .obnnon . l Harrisburg and Mc west. l:to P. W. Way, Harrisburg and till wny stations—, 11V) " Hs pros, Lob., Harrisburg and the west, . - 10;10 A 11 It' v>, from Harrisburg at4:49. 7:06.10:2.5 a. in. ma 4:10, t:2.\, I1:10 p. in. FOR NNW Tent And_ininolpal way Ftations 4:44 n. m. Foil No w York and prinolpalway Oat lone '1:00 ' or. " and lilt way.titat lons ...... —10 : 30 .. For " • 4":40 p. m. rot .; t. .1 4;;,`,0 it. 1:,., Fut ." andwlnuipal way alien& 11:10 '' AIOOVR from Now York at 1:00, 9;00a. in. and 1:to. 0:00,10:10 n. 1n.... • R EADING. AND COLUMBIA R. R. ON AND AFTER WEDNINDAy, 91:1,TENI 186;(, Passongor Trains will run on this Roaa, a a follows I Ler) Lancaster and Columbia nt ' - 8 tlt) A. M. _ Lancaster 3 OOP, M. " Cohunbia , :t 01 P., M . Arrlvo at Rending ~ GI ' ' /01 ' .0 A '.\ I . -:-. 6AtP. M. ItEITUIINING : Loma footling at , 44 , Arrive at Lancaster 1120'A M. Columbia tit " " Columbia and Lancaster at 8 341 P. M, Trains hos. 2 and A make oloso connootioo at 'Wading with Trains North and south, nn Pittitt. and Reading_ Railroad, and Weston Lebanon Val - ley Road. No 2 nlso makes eloso connection with Tai for Now )fork, - • Tie Tickets onto to obtained nt the °Mew; of the Now ersey Contra Itniltond, foot of Liberty St .,. Now York, and Philn and Rending Railroad, 1.1111 - and Callowhill Sts, Through Tickets to Now York and Plitleitel ph sold at all the Principal Stations, and Ibagpngn Checked Through. Trains are run by P. & it. R. Time, which is lit minutes (aster than haunt. R. R, Time. (MO. F. 0/10E, -- _ BnPorintentlent. E. F. KRIM , Gong Frt, and Tiokot gt. of ly Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, (Roland) • ltmAnitt_ i _a Annual' Gru QUItIMER ARRANOEMEN7 01? PASSENO 1.1 TRAINS, August 3, 1853. Five Trainsdown to Philadelphia, passing Refill lag at 730, 10 35 and 11 30 a. in,, and 4 25 and ti a I p. m. Up to Pottsville, at 10 40 a. in., and 550 and Gist p. m. 7Vnitts Weat to Lebanon and Harrisbaro: r l ent Express from Now York, at 1 19 n, to. an 34 and 10 10 p, In. arrisburg Accomtnodation Train at 715,a. in., and mail trains nt 10 45 a. in. and 0 Oft p. In: On Sundays, the down trnins.4tass Rea g din at 040 a. m. and 425 pon„ and up trains at 10 1 - )0 a. m i _andsb7 p, m. Tho 4 Zi p. th, down, mid 10 50 A. nt. tip truini tun only botwoon Philadolnhis anti Reading, up trains lenvo Philadelphia foie Reading, lin r risburg and Pottsville, nt 7 30 and 818 a, in., 12 •l 5 noon. and 830 it. m, and 515 p. ni., for Road hor only. The 815 a, m. trains connect with trains tor Tamarind, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Einem t and Canada. Tho 815 a. m. and 3 30 p, In. up trains from Phil adelphia, and 10 35 a. tn. anti 4 25 p. tn. down train 4 Stop only nt principal stations, below Reading. Reading Accotniumbition Train: loaves itoml in at 730 a, xl., returning loaves Ph iladolphin at 5 p. tn. Pottstown Accomunitlation Train leaves Pm It. town at 0 45 a. tu., returning loaves Philatiell,l.l.l at 4 30 p. in. 'rho Western Express Trains connect nt hlarri bur with express trains on the Pennsylvania H. R. tot Baltimore, Pittsburgh, anti nil points 11 4 1.` and the 10 45 mail train connects nt Harrisburg Pittsburgh, Lancaster,. Chamborsburs titittlowl Scranton, Pittston, NY ilitesharre, \v Alianispoo), Look Haven, Eitnira and the Ctuutdas. Passenger Trains leave Upper Dopot nt 7 00 a. in. and 015 p. tu., for Ephrata, Lilts, Lanoabter Columbia. Through First-class Coupon tioketa and Emi grants' Helots at reduced faros, to all the prinels,...l points in the North West anti the Canade.s. 00/11411`!PATIOS TICKE7'S, With 28 coupons, at 25 per cont. diseottlit hotly cen any points desired. MILEAGE TICKETS, flood for 2000 miles botwoon all points, nt f)25.59 families and business Arms. SEASON TICKETS, flood for the holder only, for 3,0; 0 and 12 moll .lis, between all points at reduced fares. School season tickets at ono-third loss than the above, Arr. Passengers will take tho Express Trains west at tho tipper Depot, and another trains tit tin Lower or Old Depot. 100 pounds of baggage allowed each passenger. Passengers are requested to purchase their Holt cia before entering the cars, as higher fares are ehava - ed if paid in the ears. , Excursion Tickets good for one day, by 730 a, tn., Accommodation Train to Philndelpitinand relit; n . at 112 05 each. O. A. NICOT,LfI, fien'l. A 111.1•11, r t PORTA NT NOTICE!! ' (100 D \MT. COMPANY, OF A I.I,F.,NTOWN PA., ' WouM hereby announco to the citizens of [tending that, owing to a considorablg number of tickets rt. - mining unsold us well as coupons unrclorned. they are compelled W. postpono the drawing tint it tho 42d of December. Tickets can im had, for a short time, of H. D. Meehan!, Agent, Plough um' Harrow hotel, and at fitrickland Bro. • ' nog.s L YONS lIIOTICTie W:11. ARTMAN, Proprietor. Ono of the he houses outside of the largo cilia/. hi)ocated on tho line of the East rennsylvaiii Railroad, about midw between Reading and Ai lentown. All trains etweon New York ant) thn West, as well as nil w y trains, stop at Lyons, Root immediately in front of the Lyons hotel. %Wit-Everything in and about the hotel is tingnr passed. A lint rate Livery fitable is also leept in connection With the Hotel. 61)21- 11E1 , 41.1110 . S aOMPO§MONPAVEMENT , AND FLOORING., TUTS PAVEMENT AND FLOORING IS NOW .1. acknowledged 'to be the best in use. It comes hard and firm Immediately, Is dry, durabl... and Impervious to water; and notaffected by either brat or cold. AR orders promptly attended to, and the vforlC guaranteed to lIIVO satisfaction. APO, to D. O. HELLER, June 18- No, 27, South FOurth St. m 0 Mini • WANTED. • • , I - • MONEY WANTED! • BY TICE CITY OF READING. The undersigned, committee on Finance of tho Corporation o f the City of Reading, having bcon authorised to borrow tho sum of SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND D,OLLS. for the purpose of enlarging the Water Works of the said city, h_ereby give notice that they are pre pared to issue Certificates of [aeon; bearing, AIX tier cent. interest, to parties desiring to loan money t, the city. Apply to either of the undersigned, or is William Ileideireleb, Erg, City Treasurer. • FREK; LAVER, DANIP A I4 DANIEL 81 1 011 N, nutuittee m1E1114)100, II 7 0 0 AN • M. 11 Mil'. M.