Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 21, 1868, Image 3

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iiiiwr EDITION-12 1.2 P. M.
I). Second,
A SoLomssi was spoken of in
this city some time ago. We hope the pro
ject has not failed.
A (loon Inftt.—A number of young men
of this city talk of purchasing farms in West
Virginia, and making that State their future
THE 11.o.L.—The Keystone Second Nine
and the Schuylkill Second Nine will play a
m atch game this afternoon at thii Keystone
Girmvidfoi..—The Firstt—Grand Bop. of
the "L. B. Association" will take place at
Attlembacies Hall, on Wednesday evening,
November 26t117 Prof. Rocheli's Corilllod
Bawl has been engaged for the °cellar).
was brought ,to tho loek•up yesterday by of
ficer Haggerty, for being drunk and disord•
erly, Thomas had no money to phis lino
this morningj Ho was sent back to - stay it
oat. Fourteen lodgers found shelter in the
station house last night, •
tem of this seminary of learning .purpose
holding their annual Fair in the ensuing
month at Library Hall (late Odd FellowA!).
From the preparations undertaken, wo aro
ranguine the occasion will be 'ono of un•
q ualified interest., and form, both for extent
and variety in the useful and ornamental
qiartments, a source of attraction to our
citizens who have hitherto patronized and
appreciated the successive fairs held under
the auspices of the ladies• connected 'with
this Academic institution..
Mr. IL P. Strecker, marble cutter, in Chest
nut street between Lth and oth, this morning
packed a handsome piece of marble work,
which is to bo sent to Mr. Drexel, the bank
er, in Philadelphia, end which is intended
fur his privnto residence. The work is a
vestibule, made of the finest Italian marble.
The-bed or plate is six feet five inches long
and three feet five inches wide, in the centre
of which is laid a shield, the den►ensions of
which nro 10 by 19 inches., This shield is of
Irisltblack marble,inlaid with the figure °fan
antelope in white statuary marble, and por
tions of it in red Lisbon marble. The hoofs
and horns of the figure are of the finest pearl.
This is a beautiful piece of work, and re
fleets much. credit upon the establishu►ant of
Mr. Strecker,
To Cum: A Cm.n.—The following is from
Ilallip Journal ()PIN:IIMT ''‘The moment a
HMI Is satisfied 046 has taken cold, let him
do three things: Vint, eat nothing ; _sec
ond, go to bed, cover up, in a warm roam ;
third, drink as much cold water as he can,
or as he wants, or as much herb tea -as he
can, and in three cases Out of fonr he will
be well in thirty-six . hours. To neglect a
call for fortreight hours aller the cough
commences is to place himself beyond cure,
until the cough has run its course of about a
fortnight. Warmth and abstinence are safe,
certain cures, when applied early. Warmth
keeps the pores of the skin opeh and relieves
it of the surplus which oppresses it, while
abstinence cuts on' the supply of material for
phlegm, which would otherwise be Coughed
TIM CHI:AV/NT IlAttomrrea.---Spiders are
the cheapest 'as well as 04; b l est barometers
111 existence,intismuelt IV they tell what the
weather will be for some'days to come, while
the scientific arrangement only indicates the
weather that is immediately to visit us. A
few instances are given, which it will be well
to recollect. If ;the weather is likely to be
come windy or rainy, the spiders will make
'the terminating filaments or fastenings, on
which their webs are suspended, very aunt
and firm, lint if they make them uneom•
moldy long, the weather will continue pless•
ant for a number of days. It i 3 usual for
Fpihnt to make alterations in their webs
once in twenty-lOnr hours. If they are in
!Heat, and do not watch for flies, rain may
be expected. 511 'hen spiders stay out upon
their webs !luring a shower, and seem ae•
lively engaged in putting affairs in good con
(Rion, you maLtake it its a proof that the
rain will soon he over, and the weather again
clear and pleasant.
Treasurer of the United States hits address
ed the following circular to Assistant Treas
urers and designated depositaries of Ithe
United States :
Treasury Department, Treasurer's Office,
11 nshington, Nov. 13, 1868.
Stn:—You will please select from the
United States legal tender notes that you may
have on Itand,on the receiptof this, and from
those that you may receive tit any time
thereafter, all notes which aro mutilated,
and, in your opinion, so HMO soiled,
faced or worn as to be unfit ) for circulation ;
also all notes of the denomination of filly
dollars. It is the desire of the Department,
as these have been successfully counterfilited,
to withdraw all of this denomination from
You will also retain all notes issued under
the acts of February 25, 1862, and July 11,
1862, known as the convertible issue of legal
tenders, or thoSe bearing upon their back
the legend of which the following is an ex
tract :—"And is exchangeable for United
States - six per cent. twenty year bonds, re
deemable at the pleasure: of- the United
States, after five years." It is desirable to
withdraw these notes as speedily as possible„
as this office is daily in receipt of letters
from individuals who are still persistent in
their requests to obtain bonds for there, al-
though the time allowed for such conversion
has long since . 'expired, as the following
clause from section three of the act approv:
ed March 3, 1863, will show:
And the holders of United States notes
issued under and by virtue of said acts shall
present the same for bonds, as therein pro
vided, on or before the Ist of July, 1803,
and thereafter the right to exchange shall
cease and determine.
You will then please hold all the notes
n‘entioned and advise me of the" amount,
Otat the same may bo transferred here for
eedemption and new notes issued in lieu
thereof, or you may at any time remit them
inn sums of $l,OOO or any multiple of that
Snu through Adams Express Company, or
(thy express company connecting with that
company, - at government expense, in the
same manner as mutilated fractional curren
cy is now forwarded to this office. All such
remittance§ may be charged to this office in
account as a transfer of fluids, or you may
receive at your option a check on Now York,
Boston, Philadelphia, New Orleans, San
Francisco, or new notes of such' denomina-,
Cons as you may designate, will be transmit
ted to you in exchange by Adams Express,
free of charge. E. F. SPINNER,
Treasurer of the United States.
Toe ALENANDER Csso.—The case of the
"United States vs. • George W. Alexander,"
late Internal Revenue Assessor of the perks
.district, was before the Grand Jitri of the U.
R• Distrieti r Court, in Philadelphia, in the
forepart of the Week.' Wo understand that
true bills Were found upon E eve rnl indict
ments, charging Col. Alexander with receiv
ing a bribe, and conspiracy to defraud the
Government. in one of which Messrs. Nor
ritz and Groff, the absconding Assistant As
sessors, are also implicated. The case will
come up for trial before Judge Cadwallader
on thelirst Monday of December next—Col.
Alexander renewing his bail for appenranee
nt that time. We further understand that
Jacob Hoffman, Esq., of this city, and F.W.
Hughes. Esq., of Pottsville, will conduct the
trial on the part of the defendant.—Journal.
Church.—The Fifth Lecture of the course
on the History and Doctrine of the Sects,
hill be delivered Aoluorrow.(Bunday) eve.,
nitrg, by the jtev. 11. Peters. Subject.—
"Methodism. " The public are respectfully
2d Reformed Chnreli.—South Oth st.—A
series of catechetical services will be com
menced by the Rev. C. P. McCauley this
evening nt 7. o'clock. Preaching to-morrow
nt 10 a, in, and 7 p. in., and the usual ser
vices on I Vednesday at 7) p. In.
. St. Peter's Al. R. Church:—South Fifth
street, Rev. Dr. Pattison. Rev. A. Wood
will preach to.morrow morning and evening.
Sunday School I p. m.
St. Peters' M. Church—Fifth St.—Rev:
It. H. Patiimon will preach in this church to•
morrow morning and evening.
. Rev. Calvin Fairbank will preach in the
Washington street Presbyterian
above 10th, on to-morrow (Sunday) after
noon at 2;4, o'clock. • The public are invited.
Our ilumbitra Letter.
IlAmiluito, Nov. 2ftst,lB6B.
have been swollen to . such a height in this
part of the country, from the recent heavy
rain storni, as to make the roads, for a day,
almost impassable, and few 'farmers more
visible on - the streets of our borough in con•
sequence, giving Co it a remarkably dull ap
pearance and a dullness to trade, not very
encouraging to our merchants who have but
lately purchased, heavily, fall and winter
The measles are raging hero to an alarni-
ing extent among. the children. At least
one half of those attending the primary de
partment of the public schools of this, bor
ough, are sick with it.
The rolling,mill of the Hamburg Trop Co.,
which was idle for a few days, in consequence
of needed repairs, has again gone into opera
The Union Fire Co., No. 1, of this bor
ough, which has been inactive for some time,
has'again been organized, and its , ►nembers
are urged by the borough authorities to hold
regular stated meetings, they having to de
fray all expenses incurred in furnishing the
llall, fuel, light, etc.
On to-morrow evening, the members and
teachers of Emanuel. Sunday School will
hold a meeting in the basement of said
church, when questions in. relation to the
efficiency of Sabbath Schools will be,-dis
cussed, and the best methods of conducting
Mr. Jonathan Grim, of Auburn, Selnlyl
kill county, purchased of Jeremiah lMitlt•
baser of Upper Bern township, this county,
a house, situated on White Oak street, this
borough, for $l,OOO.
The series of meetings being, held at the
M. Church, are largely attended by the
young people.
Now that the columns of the EAGLE hre
open to the discussion of questions relating
to schools, it is to be hoped the teachers of
this county will avail• themselves of this
generous offer. S. G. J.
and bunco stolen from the stable of Daniol
Hunter. in Oley township, some time ago, was ro
eovereil the other day in 'Jersey City, N. J.
The firm that went limier wag infirm.
Public debating societies rilaw brain?, and some
tinic.i the lack of [llea.'
The "Unionville Ihrinontan As•-neintinn'' ivill
give n Coneert at Birdsboro this evening,
Home II a good thing—m• ought to be; and yet
many wkli it further. Of this Arts are :'oute mar
ried men. Their 'wetbling ring has been trawl
ferrod to tho nogo.
Win. H. Rhode, Eq., real eqtate roll a
front() house in North Eleventh tit re ot , Reading, to
Jured Miller, of Hamburg, for .31,?:;0.
Frederick Latter, hay just purchased two
engem+ of Canada Barley Malt, which cost, deliv
ered, 03:000. The expenses of freight, insurance,
etc., are included in the above amount. •
Master Heins, rt on of Mr. Frederick Ilnin,, was
thrown oil' of a horse _yesterday afterminn, whiiA
riding up l'onn street. Ito was not seriously hurt.
Yesterday Tuning a dog got into the back yard
of 111r.11onlein's residence, on Pain street, below
Fourth, and killed twenty-three chickens and two
ducks. That dog was anticipating Thanksgiving
Adjectives of lose and gold eolors come as nat
urally to ladies from to '2.las the d eglre for di e gg,
marriage, an establishment and other little ar
rangements of a kindred character, Young ladies
aro nothing if not adjeetively ft).
Fixtures of society—old maid, (Ins fixtures—
old bachelorp,' • '
Clock! and diffident girls resemble each other ii
keeping their hands before their faces.
The best time the human race has ever made
is—in the chronometer watch.
An election for Chief Engineer of the Reading
Vire Department Will take place in January. There
are already nine aspirants for the position.
A gang of gypsies passed down Punn street yes
torday afternoon.
• A little while remains for invalids to enjoy out
door exorcise. Liko the core of a melon, the core
of the days thus far has been delicious.
The IV'ashington Fire Company . has ordered sixty
sots of equipments for use on the coming excursion
to Washington on March 4th. The company ex
pects to take out fifty persons. 1
Brokers and barbers are given to shavings; and
carpenters to making them.
Letters, like kil=so, are beFt when well sealed.
Somebody says that tho beginning and ending of
things is always unimportant. How is it with a
man at the gallows? •
The most truthful portion of many epitaphs is at
the boginning, "hero etc.; and then they go
on to lie, most whoppingly.
Tenement that ie not oceupleahalf the time—the
sown for improvement.
IN justice to our readers, and the ladies in par
ticular, we would mention the tact that Charles
Levan & Co., 411 Penn 'street, are daily receiving
new and fresh goods from Philadelphia and New
Yet*, end . are displaying, at their elegant state,
some supotior styles. Their stock of Zephyrs, No
tions, Trimmings, ore., R iil COMpare With any other
establitihmeut in this section of the country, -- (live
them meal!. and you will find that wo do not ex-
Writer:lto in stating that their goods are liirst-class
and sold at the most reasonable rates.
Bonus certificates; manufactured to eider, aro
often published in privolo of some worthless hair
preparation. • "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restore:-
tiso" does not need to resort to such-moans, for its
merits aro too well known and appreeiated.—N.
SualopDispatch, ' norl9-1m
IN Philadelphia, the money market is /Hotting
easier. and the demand for capital has fallen off.
We quote "call loans" on Government bonds at 6
Ck 7 per cent, and on iniva securities from is :1m
There way It firmer feeling at the Stock 'Rand
yesterday morning, with contiderable
movement in Heading It. R., but the transactions
in the better Oats of shares and bonds were limit
ed. There was no quotable change in tiovernment
and State loans. City Loans' were firm at 102 tor
the new issue,- For Lehigh Hold Loan trJ was bid
and none offered at this figure.
Reading R. It. fluctuated between 49% . q11iii.
closing at the latter flgure,with largo sales.' Penn
sylvania It. It. was firm at 53! Mine 1111111. It.
at NI Camden and Amboy It. R. at 44; ! t ittle
Schuylkill ILt. at 45; Lehigh Valley It. It. at
Cattawissa R. t. preferred ut :ON; and Pbiladel
phiit and Erie at 25!:;,
In Cutlet, Bank and Passenger 11. It. sharea there
were no efilo3.
put the AY. Y. lbwild of gre,riergbiud
"Money was easy at Fix per cont., with frequent
transactions at five and fewer at seven. The Mt ter
wallet the bank rate. but it was not sustained. The
banks turned their attention. in consequence to
discounts. The brokers - have large surplusses,
which their customers are afraid to venture in the
present uncertain state Of the stock market.
Gold opened at laN and rose to l:15, but weak
ened unit relapsed to 41%, at the adjournment of
the board. Subsequently on the report that the
Government is publicly to sell more gold—some
ti 3 OOd i Ond in all—the price declined to hut
Mused with the quotation I:e" , :k,14c1;15):1. An attempt
was made to keep up the loaning rate, but there
was cash gold Rullicient to prevent a "squeeze."
and loans were made .1 113 t before Clearing
Howie thue, after which from two to six per cent.
was paid for carrying. A gold•jobbing despatch
from Washington late on Thursday night fell with.
out any effect on the market. as dealers are now
awake to such strategy. The gross clearings were
$115,42001; the. gold balances, $'2,2M,351, and the
currency balance, $1,197.874."
lit pl.; EY MARKET
Bushong & Bro., Bankers, No. 16 North Gth strees,
quota as follows:
Old 11. R. G's 1881 -
ltr..t niNO, Nov., 21 1846,
- - - 11
Old U. S. 180 -. 110 1 A
Now U. S. 5,20'8, 1861, July and Jan. - 1 07
Now U. S. Gal's. 1865. May and Noy., - 107
Now U. 8. 1865, now - - - 10,4
N.:U. 5-20's 1887, July and Jan. -
Now U, S. 5-20's, 1861. - 10‘J•)4
Ton-Fortir Bonds, - - - 101
Gold in Now York up to 12 o'clock, - - 1:11!
Gold in']toadiugnt Bushong &Bros., - 134
The Now York Morkett4: - -
Peat IV ju t • Me week ending November 21d.,
Tag business world, which had been so depressed
for the past month, was expected, by tho bull par=
ty. to show signs ofrolief on the advance of gold,
but as yet we see nothing of the kind. Prices are
in many 11110 s higher, but consumers do not touch
thesoods if they can avoid it. The advances can
not be sustained.
COTTON — MO demand has been fair but the
market is irregular. The low grades wore plenty
and lower, but the prime qualities continue scarce.
CoA i.—The inquiry for DomestiA has proved light
for tho week, owing to the very high prices cur
rent. The arrivals were liberal and aro likely to
be large through the ‘Vinter. Sales from yard at
$9A15,1) per Um. Foreign is improved and is
FLotTn----Tho nopr market wits 3 weak, and not
midi disposition to operato.
(Ifni:a—The general tone of tho market was
steady with a fair aggregate of business doing.—
Dry !titles on the spot wore' in brisk request, and
dealers report that a much more liberal trade
Might be consummated had they the stock to offer.
(Uterine grades the market was almost bare, and
a large proportion of the cargoes that wore to ar
rive have been disposed of. Prices wore firm.
OtTANo—The market was very quiet, the supply
ample. Sales of Peruvian in small lots, ES per
ton, currency.
Hoen—There !Inn !loon only a moderato doornail
or consumption, but in. paces there has been no
ntrtieular Amigo.
HAY—The demand was moderato and tho slimily
urge, and sold at 55@0,5e. nor 100 !wands for ship-
LHA-TnEn—lkunlock Solo lips boon in native de
mand for both dealers and manufacturers add
prices show inueli strength, with some buoyancy
on very desirable lots.
Woof—llusiness in this branch of trade the past
week has been a little more aetivo, ttill the trans
aelions have lint boon beyond a moderato extent.
In prices there has been no particular change
m o st holders Maim an i ivance, (Ming to the small
supply on bawl, it hits, intycis are unwilling. to op•
era to Illitess at a decline, hence the - puj . ehases for
tint week have been confined to small hits for ha.
mediate maids.
..11tbeit Cows—Tlie increased demand has
brought in more etas, but a tl are taken at Nil
prices. Tho majorifk of theta aro sold at Sioottio
each, with line milker:. at tifts,,iloo,
Swt -•lteceipts mi. 1,210 los.; than lam
week. The arrivals worn very light the latter part
of the week, and prices advanced per th. in a
strong, active market, The demand run ahead of
the ',apply, and the 11 . 011.4.11de WO:: put to it to get
it stock.
Sitgvc.t sin 1, 1,11 llS — ReCeiplF, 40,firo0, or 750 memo
thou fast week,
Tx Philadelphia, there is no essential change in
the Flour market, and we continue Thureday'a.
quetations with the remark that tho smelt of the
better grades is reduced to a very low figure, and
the receipts lire light. Sales of 50.1 lirretOorth
west Extra Family at f:7!,0618 22i per bar el, the
latter figure for choice; I'M barrels Pennsylvania
and Ohio do. do, at `-'9 5('((c10 60; some Miley at
811 00:13 2.A; extras at 16 25:0175 ; -and Superfine
at i 5 ltyd Flour ranges from 8,7 25 to $7
Corn Meal no further sales have been reported,.
The market is poorly supplied with good Wheal
and other descriptions are dull. Small sales of
fair and good lted at 92nd 210, and Amber at 82 15
(u.:20. Itxe is steady, and further sales of 500
bushels Pennsylvania were made lit $1 lA. The
offerings of Corn are very small, and it is in good'
d e n to a ; sales of 1,500 bushels at 81 20 for old yol
low: iF.(al 01 for new do., and 8,1 20 for mixed
Western. Oats are steady at lie 720. for Western.
AV hiskoy is unchanged ; sales of tax paid l it $1 osef
1 10.
Tam housekeepers' market this morning was
well attended, and pi ices ruled as 101111WS: Butter
sold from 48, rd), eta. por It); eggs, 40 et s, per
dor ; apple butter 31 els. per nt ; Sweet potatoea, 12.
15 and :u eta. per !.:; plc ; trash potatoes, Pi and 20
cts - . per ! , 1 plc; apples, 20 and 38 eta. per. plc;
mash meal, 8 eta. per qt; turnip'. 8 eta per pk ;
walnuts, Per lola. 41 - 4; Cabbage. 44! 8 eta. per
head; red peppers, fa - e 8 eta, per doe: cranberries,
-25 els. per tit; scrapple. per lb. 6 eta.; celery, per
bunch, 21 ets.; small whit') beans, 18 els, per ;
Turkeys. (live) 14 eta. por lb; chickens. (live) 1-3
eta. per II); chickens, (dressed) 18 els. per lb. There
was a largo lot of pork and beef which
.sold at
prices we give below:
ItEmnirm HousE KEErints' MARKET.
Bum:it—Fresh dairy,' ll lb l' 50a 1,5
Lump, 10—Cheese V lb., . '20@22
LAnn—Lard lI lb., 25
Etlas — Eggs IA dozen 40 •
APPLES—AppIes it peek, 20:ill. 3.)
41 Dried li (ittyt, 12
PEACHES - " -i0 '..V
NEAT-Beefsteak, round. it lb., 9 0
" sirloin, " 20
rump, ... ' 17@$/8
" Beef roast, 18 -
" ilea dried, ..
" Veal cutlets, GI
... 23
44 " chops, ~
" Mutton, 41
/GP 20
" Pork, • 4.
.44 . 1 A)
4# "
steak, ~
" Sausage fresh, " t 24025
I, , " smoked, " 'Si
llAn—lfams, ~
Sliced, , 41
9 4
0 1)
SIDES- , 11
Pont.vav-Chickens live, "
~ -
" dressed, " ,
" ' Turkica live, " i
.. " dres,q_ed, "
dressed, " .
Chickens !WO", 60g100 • •'
Potatoes bushel, o 1 pair 75460
Ta►: leather business of our city continues brbk,
and our tanneries aro turning out orders as fast as
they are facilitated to do. During the week the
demand for leather for city trade and the country
has boon greater than at any other time, and or
ders have also been filled for Philadelphia. In.
New York for the past week Hemlock sole has
been in active demand for both dealers and manu
facturers, and prices show an upward tendency.
Below we give the Reading prices;
Lt&Tliiiti — Hemlock &40 . 1% ., 316330
Onk 41(4440
Calf 5kin,4660.100
' • 1 2.5@1 80
11 h i p 70@Sper,
BRADINO, Nor. 21, 13tks.
2 1.2 (0'4'1.4141i is. 31.
&Op' .Ato.til .c,
Sun rbes • - - 7 11'1 Sun seut ,- - - 4 1:1
Day's length, 9 hours and '.3 tu inut es.
A'ite of eke WrotA ri ,12 o'clock 31, • : .
Wind N. W:—(:lowly.' • . .
-----t—•—•-- --
&(1M tlf Th C r vi, WI cr. r.
I 7
A. M. , • .2r. v.
Mondar, • 41 , ' • •49' ,
l'ut": 11 tY• 43' • 41.0
Wedne:lslay, 4'3" ,I. 4';'
Friday. 4•2' ' 14:'
Saturday, • ~, . 01
SNOW.—A salmi storm. prevailed at Har
risburg yesterday;
RVAINES3.--The streets were lively this
morning and the stores came in for a good
share of business.
Ilmnens.--After the first day of Janu
ary, 1869, persons must pay filly per cent.
of their indebtedness to, receive n discharge
under the bankrupt law.
liam .1. Loehman, of Hamburg, raised a
pumpkin whiul► measured 51 feet in circum
ference ancreighs 80 po u nds.
MORN CANMATES.-Dr. Lesher Trexler,
of Lonswatup, and J. Seltzer, Esq., of
this city,-are candidates for the Collectorship
of Internal Revenue for the Bth District.
TRAINS DKrAmn.—ln • consequence of
break down of a coal train a few miles be.
low the city, the up passenger trains duo
hero at 10.10 and 10.80, were detained until
12 o'clbek.
ATTRNIPT . TO ROIL—An attempt was
made on Wednesday night to enter the resi
dence or Mt tks Bohm, in Fou'li Sixth
street, near Franklin. Thu ttouves were
driven away. ,
Seiders, the safe robber confined in the
lurks comity Jail, was taken to • Lebanon
this morning by officer Clay, to give testi•
molly at the Lebanon county Court.
ington Hose Company has made arrange
ments to take fifty men to Washington on
March 4th. John I). Mishier, W. G. Von
Nelda and James 11. (hentzlo, 14.15q. t. have
been'appointed the Committee. of Arrange.
FEMAI.R CLERKS.-80 many clerks 11N) pro=
ving defaulters, we wonder employers do not
employ young women instead of fast young
men, The girls don't go on benders, and
spend their eniplaycr's cash, - and njany of
them are as well. qualified to perform the
duties of a clerkship as the . generality of
young men,
LATE: Houns.—Too much license is given
by parents to their children in permitting
then► to remain on the streets at unreasona
ble hours. Parents should curb their off
spring while yet tractable, and the instilla
tion of corrupt principles will be
. prevented.
Nothing is so fruitful of early vice as the
practice of keeping late Wars.
Iv the Second Convention of the General
Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
iii America, assembled in Pittsburg during
the past week, there were present os repre
sentatives for the Lutheran churches of
Iteading,.the following named delegates :
Heys. B. M. Sell:quicker and .1. Fry, and
Messrs. 11. 11. Muhtenberg and, noratio
("red', of Reading, Inn just received it patent,
dated Nov. 17th, 1868, for an improved
monkey or key wrench, for screwing up
pipes, studs, or any round or irregular forms.
It is a very useful implement, and displays
much ingenuity in its' construction, Mr.
Orel is deserving of the H u mpsof mechan
ics generally for this much•needell improve.,
THE LIERARY ROOMS are well ittb\nded at
the present time. Every evening, the tables
are sui rounded by young men and Women,
rending over some books; while others" who
are not so easily pleased, are looking over
the titles of the books on MO Alinlves, to see
it' there is anything there that will suit their
tastes. There eon lie no better plaelilor
the young to spend these long winter even
ings than in the Library Rooms, and we
hope to see then' even better attended than
they now are.
Com..--The demand for coal is sleekin g
oil a little, and the price of Stove and Egg
coal has receded, in order to keep the trade
moving. The fall in stove from the highest
point has reached nearly twO dollars a ton ;
and unless there is a reduction in the recent
advance in wanes, nt the end of the month,
caused by the advance in coal, many of our
operators la find it necessarrto suspend
operations at the close'of this month. A re
duetion in the rates a transportation ought
to take place also after this. month, as they
are higlur now, to Philadelphia than they
were during the ltebellion.--Miners Jeer.
A (InAND 81100TIND MATCII, \ for six tur
keys, took pinee at the White House yester
day afternoon. The first three turkeys re.
quire(' good marksmanship. They were put
singly in a box, so as to expose only the
head and neck as a target. Tlie others were
won alive by shooting at a piece of paste
board, with a white bull's eye in the centre.
Eyerything being prepared by our friend
Edwara A. Mass, landlord of the White
House, who is a capital host, and knows
how to make his guests enjoy themselves,
the fir ing
commenced. The distance was
sixty yards; "off hand" (without rest) with
short target rifles, carrying a small round
ball, at 25 cents a shot.
Fourteen shots were fired at the first three
turkeys before their heads were shot of The
first was won by John Undheim, the second
by Joseph Lutz, and the third by Louis
Swayno. The shooting was excellent.
The shouting
_co, a mark then took place,
in which the following marksmen, all splen
did shots, participated : Adam Hoff,'Joseph
'Lutz, Adam Faust, Joseph Schmucker, C.
W. F. Hoffeditz, Trexler, - J. Kantner,
Louis Swayne, Nelson Delany, John Ernst
and John Undheim.
The first'of the three ; remaining turkeys
was won by John Undheim, the second by
Adam Faust, the third by Nels9n,Delany.
The prizes then stood as follows: 1 .
Ist and 4th turkeys, won by John Und
heim ; 2d by Joseph Lutz; 8d by Louis
Swayno; sth by Admit Faust; oth by Nelson
- The beat shot during the match was made
by John Undheim, the next best by Nelson
Delany, and the third best by Joseph Lutz.
Although the wind was too strong ntid fit
ful, and the light varyihg, causing most of
the go slightly to the left, the shoot
ing was excellent,
Our friend A. S. Witman, late of the
Daily Times, who acted as marker, has our
thanks for favors rendered.
ADVERTISE in the Esoir,
- Proposed (fraud Railroad !Nair
sion from Allentown andniladelphia to the
(bent Cornwall Ore 'Banks near Lebanon,
Pa.. on Monday, November ttOth. •
Few are aware_that ',Pennsylvania can
b4ast of a Minera mountain, or deposit in
thb very eentrO of the richest agricultural
districts of the Statei,,equid in importance to
the famous Iron Mountain of Missouri. In
addition to a vast deposit of iron, extensive
veins 'of copper and 'other minerals are
found, ,
It is suggested that arrangements be made
by our citizens, for an excursion from Al
lentown as above, to join a similar one from
Philadelphia; meeting at Beading, from
thence to Lebanon told to the Ore Banks
only live miles distant, to which there is.a
Railroad—w,cending the "Ore Mountain"
by spiral ascent—equally novel An its ar
rangement to that of the Switch Back at
Mauch Chunk.—Allentown News.'
AccountNo to the provisions of the Hero•
nue Law, all persons who have More than
filly gallons of spirituons liquor in their pos.
session, aro required, to retnr►t them to the
revenue officer, John 11. Zell, U. 8. Onager
for this District.
--The Falls of Idaho are said to be four
hundred yards wide. Tho rapids form a
series of cascades rau F ing from twenty to
'sixty feet in height. ho Falls proper.leop
two handred'audien feet in ono unbroken
- mass. The contour of the Falls is not un
like that of 'a regular horse-shoe. From
this it will be' seen that Idaho Falls abnost
equal to Niagara Falls in sublimity 'and
—Two largb bears were killed last week in
Clarion county. One was shot not far from
Strattanville; by a Mr. Hanbold, and weighed
nearly four hundred pounds. The other was
killed near Jones it Johnson's mill in the
upper part of Clarion township, and, weighed
over four hundred hounds. Such game will
excite the hunter's, and wO , hear of
mote such animals havitig been
—Hon. Win Everhart, of West Chester,
a well known citizen of that 'section of the
State, died on Friday, 6th inst.,in his eighty.
fourth year. Mr., Everhart represented the
Chester and Delaware districts in Congress
several year ago—we believe from 1862 to
—A gray eagle was killed in Williamson
County, Tennessee, a few days ago, which
measured nine feet from tip to tip. lie had
to be shot three times 4ofoOo he fell. There
are several others in the bamo neighbor•
—Ono night last week a huge shell duck,
flying at great speed, struck ono of the
plates of glass constituting the sides of the
great lantern of the Minot Ledge lighthouse,
in Massachusetts, and'shattered it to atoms.
—Two men were instantly killed last
Monday, by the premature discharge of n
blast in an ore'bauk belonging to the Johns•
town Iron Works. , Their names were Rep
and Noble(and both leave families.
—The Richmond and York River Railroad
Company have commenced the completion
of their road to West Point, Va., and the
track will be Maid the entire distance prob•
ably by the first of next January.
—An : lrishman at Bedford, who used some
refusegn's house lime on his potato patch,
unexpectedly dug three hundred bushels o
potatoes instead of a of third that ipiantity,
as formerly.
Nits()sg being- troubled with losing the hair,
will find a superior remedy in Hr. erber's hair
Restorer, imported exelustyely by Irs. Amelia
',semi, and for min at her new Perfumery Store,
No. North Fifth street. She also imports di
rectly from the manufacturers the finest Perfume.
ries and Toilet Soaps, all of which are sold at very
low rates. n0v.21-3t.
Ilouse-Drum:4nm) IlAnnwAtte..—Nniveß and
forks, t• p uons, looking glo:mee, cedar ware, boilers.
In►i►pa, !doted gnoth;. &e., Ake., at n Kroat reduction
in price:l. by .1. lA. SrITOITKI:, 51. 1 .5 Penn, street.
nov Ytl34
FRESH - llnuns.•—Ur. Light, No. 1 North Fifth
street, Reading. Pa.. •lots in his store ono of the
fittest and load selected stocks of fresh drags in this
oily. Dr. Light and his assistant aro always really
to wait on persons who are in want, at any hour at
the day or night. Dr. Light and his heal:dant are
both accomplished druggist:Anna gentlonten,vorsed
In l'harnueolo , y.
11.11i1AT,Itcoueno. - 4 IN 11 1 111111 S.—Ladles
I.)i - desirous of purchasing Furs shoultl call et the
National Fur Store,
-N0.341 Penn street,
three doom below
the EAGLE Office,
there they will that
well selected stook
4' FURS, which tvill
m void at swill pre•
' A varietrof fancy
(ways on hand.
to to order, altered
East Pennsylvania Railroad,
LI Wednesday, May 20th, R'4i.
oeti - I:3mocod
On and after Wednesday, May IPIII, 1868, two
Passenger Trains will leave Reading daily, (except
Sumlnys,)fhr Allentown and way stations, at 104)
A. M. -arid 4.20 P. M., stopping at nil the way stn.
Lions between Rending and New Ytwit, making
also close connections for Mauch Chunk and Phil.
udelphia, via Lehigh %Wier It. It., itnd arrive nt
New York at 3.:93 and 10.15 1 - M.
Four (4) through Expres, Trains will leave;
Bonding daily, (except Sunday,.) for New York
and the Bast ; leaving Reading at 4.41 and 7,00
A. M. and nt 2.40 and 11.40 P. M.
Tlio9o Trains run through from Pittsburgh to
New York, withoutehange of ears. litoppingenly
nt Lyons, Allentown. Bethlehem, Easton, Hamp
ton Sommerville, Plainfield and Elizabeth; and
nrrive nt New York at 10.00 A. M., 12.00 M., 7.25
P. M. and 5.00 A. M.
The 4.41 A. M. train will not leave Rending on
Mondays. The 7.00 A. hi and 11.40 P. M. trains
raa datly, Sundays included.
Trains .leave New York. foot of Liberty street
(except,Sundays) at U.OO A. b1.,12 noon, 5.8
and I'. bt and arrive at Reading at 1.50, OM
and 10.10 P. M.
and nt 1,00 and 2.52 A. M.
The 8.00 P. X train from Now York leavesdally
Sundays included.
A Sunday Excursion Train will leave Reading
every Sunday at 8 A. M., stopping at all Stations
and intermediate points. Arrive at Allentown,
at 10 A. M. Returning; leave Allentown. at 4.00
P. M. Arrive at Reading nt OP,
Passengers arevequested to purchase tickets be.
fore entering the cars, as 25 cents extra will he
charged and collected nn - tlie train from all who
pay the faro to the Conductor.
June Zi• C. SD ILTZ, Eng. and Supt
Dft* SVltifOrNE , B -
For the cure of Totter, Itch. Salt Rheum, Scald
Defects in the Skin, Dasher? Itch, Ulcers, Chronic
Erysipelas of the face. &c. For sale at the
JOB PRlNTlNG,..,'!:;vri(priondeti
Jot) Printing neat y excenteJjai; tue'
Printing Xatablitinuent.
Apositive, permanent, and Re.
welly for Neuralgia, Tootbnelm, Fear_
ache, Headache. Rheumatism, Scalar, Emus,
Frost Bites, and alt aouto pains,
ntleviAto Inun‘n sulroting thonla cowlitnto flat
highest Alm of-the true ptill"lthef. Willa M.. lomat t
A...knot in our own thy illt4 ntromly achto•Nt. 1n (tirettln•t'
the Inhalntion er vtilootorm un,l ether 1,% n 11.% rthis
co . ll4(4ltivut ‘ iltakult 4urgicAl oVolattoMl4, 01,
SAY 11!,'S
-4 1
INSTANT PAIN (71.11tt_i
trill ftc,\lmplif,ll by simple entwartl appbeatien,
IN effect k perfectly umgleal, awl it+ prept tit‘e - ert •,t
entirely lotrtuletta as to, be Ai 11111di(1116 to 111011 i Id t,l n 1..
der nl o Imo the adult, Vbeneande of soeee:t4ll l•
tify that Hifi le no thlion, bit a her 1.11,4001 et, Aro% ol
met n stßato application of the cure trill (-oh% inee the
skeptical Sufferer of truly initneulotk 11,/%lt
To. Probe() 'its Equal,
Ara family that once It eonieB acquainted
with its virtues . will be tcit/ e it. •
Price 50 . Bola by 01l Druggi
. 8010 Proprietors, Item log, I',i.
See what J. A. Dudley, says, of t holm of Duct.
ley do Stafford, ono'of tho largest wholesale drug
establishments in this country
- No. 09 . ST., Nett Yoac
' • • %Tanury b. ISA
N. littipman & ON Reading, 1 ) C,.
It affords tuo pleasure to sAi ena the tvogdortul
offsets of yintr "rain Qum" in WY own ea••e. la
Juno last, I was attacked with Nenrolgia in In! ,
abdomen and side After Pllftelitlit Wens ily for
neatly two weeks, was induced to try woof rem,-
4.Y, and after application, to toy utter sum la t.
I was telloved in n; few seconds. o sada' u rAt
the mud that 1 could. acartoi foliose my own
onset% Vrom In knowledge of the nreparatiou, - (
firmly believe that it 1011 stop 1 ,in trom newels
every cause and almost Instantly.
llospeetffilly, yours.
• J. A. DUDLEY',
Of the-firm of Dudley & Stafford, WhOlosale Drug
gists. wan.
tnko vion,stiro in Informing the people of Itotsdio.
and vicinity,' (hut more parttealorly all goo.t
llousekeepors) that they aro roattutitettiting mot
ntrodueing a Soap superior to nil othors for the
following mitoses: .
• VI - MT—For Cleaning Paint, Wood-work, Mar
ND-7For Cleaning (and Polishing at the
same limo) Metals of all dosoriptious.:
Rouseiceopors can nt ones sod the groat advan
tage of this, as it is entirely unnecessary to keep as.
heretofore, Polishing Powders, Brick Dust, Band,
Ashes Are., Sro. , A = •
THIRD—Ii or a.Palm or Bath Berm, espeololly
where there aro any Impurities or stains upon 1110
hands, Huh as Paint, Orem° of any kind, hinters'
ink kt.,co,
rOURT and last—For the thousand and : one
other purposes for which soap Is in conStant win,
and which it is Impossible to onunterate at thus
for coal nnd ovory purpose abovo mentioned; To
be used In tho ammo manner As any other Bor with
this exeoption, that it only requires ONI.I-1 II HID
thlamount of our Bonn to neemn t he SaM.
au) o no others, and ONE-TIM M of the TIME;
an LABOR saved, _.
WAN Till), fret.," Perßon in Rending to irtfr
llAltft'lS'P.ll Alt I. SOAP.
ManKfuttureet EreltiNirely by 'the Nicol Aof rin
• Soup (b., ID3 Arch Sired, Philaddphilh
II A 1i .11. Ili & 0 0 ~ Vroptiotori.
are IitIRKHOLDER li MADEMA, Vornor of Fifth
1101 IVotth imam) Silvis, Solo Agent H for lit lithos,.
Tho Soap ia now offered to thu Public at the fol
lowing Storem :
Stauffer &Should(ler. , Yoeinn & Mulwo.
A. Potteiger, . • Ilerbino & From,
.1. kB. Sayler, - IS. C , llointl.r
Hafer & Buono, P. B. leieli O torn.
D. Keiger, - llinneraltitv i ti I:ahp,
.J, Durnlore, C. Ilelroltingei,
A. Swartz, P. Shantrer,
'J. 0. Thomas, 1). P. Ureth A: (,'n.,
P. Heifer Si Bro., N. Koller At Bon, l
J. IL Ilildebeitel, 0. K. Boyer, I
W. Stott, - J. Jardine,
B. lleminig, , .T. High,
l& Behan.,.l. Kline, ~
W. Boyer, • Ott di: Dobler. /
CONFECTIONERY I 00111 0 1 . :OTON r atlt'
C.iiki I i _ ~'
L I Cl4 l CR F.:A !
B. r. Hu 13 1 1 n ,
At No. 107 North Fifth Htroot►
(Old:Jail) Rending,
Timm prepnmi to furnish our citiren frith Con
fectionery, Candles and Ice Cream, at wholemilo
and retail,
Also all}clods of plain and fancy . Cakes. leo
Cream of all flavors constantly on band. A call IA
NOTICE. --The attention of mechanics and tit•
boring men is called to the Fortune Building
and Saving Association of Reading. Tito Am i ,
ate 81 each, and limited to fifteen hundred. Already
a largo number of shares aro token, leaving a ft tr
more for digposol. Those desiring had better will
early In order to reeure them.
For further information call at the 1 tore of
Jones 0. Thomas, grocer, corner Fifth and Court
&eels, or nt the residence of Robert Wagner, N.
B. corner Fifth and Court streets or on the under
signed. .1..11088 MILLE It, Secretary.
(4'291 mo Mice. 521 Court litreet.
Has been removed from Me Kowdone Building to
the new and elegant store, • -
NO. 437 PENN
Where customers will find e very large stock of the
best and purest
be., ever offered to the publleof Beading: All fh
proof of the above that is required la trlal. A
than of Patronage fa /Akita. TOBIAS BART(►.
And:Manufieturerm of
LOTS, &o.
11S 14011111 SEVENTH NTIMET,
DENS AND PEN 'DOLDI.3I9. A largo ear
.L-et"fulltrerent makeup for tole t.t the "Bailie
r,, , ‘ ..--• \ . :.
) ,
4 1 / 4 CYs ,
F~i' ~j j
t ~ 7 1