T H READING; P 041404V4M The 'El* 441 1 4** 5100Cfr is alt 004 of the world, eien io near - is' Ne!r.Yetsey and NewYork,hsve caused some excitement and alarm ht ode State, and with tellBol4 though many people consOe them selie. wft the idea that our Country is too highly fa vored by Divine Piovidsnie to be'ptinishid in such a dreadful manner aS by an earth • quake inch as devastated Chill a few weeks ago. Others, again, ridicule the idea of au earthqualcain this part of, the world, and "shut their ayes to the - leisOn ' sought to be conveyed by these terrible ealekoities; National sins bring national punishments, whieb, though brought about by clearly na• toral causes, are so plainly the visitations of an offendeneity that. none who are not grossly ignorant, or wilfully blind, can fail to see the hand of the Almighty Ruler of the Universe in their dirpensation. Sodom and OomOrralt, Jerusaleni, Babylon,' Herculean:. um, Poinpell,and other proud and powerful cities and kingdoins,. rebelled agiinst tiOill, and they wire destroyea l is 6thir Wicked tit les and countries Willie in all OM, to coats. While our 13164, ftiOretuation lived in tat fear of Clod, and .rtes governed on prineiplet of justice and riglit,thetto terriblavieitatiot,. which aesolited ether lands lefitui tompir'i stively unscathed. - . Ont , 'lpeciple' ,, beeins , p proud; haughty aide 3 / 4 1114111ed ; they looliUd upon other nitione iii 'beneath 'fitilis , hi . sl i t respects; their governineni Witness systutis. of fraud and sysongwd, thAY,Yerio lluiaheil ' with a war that hurried tolwAthnolY graTar hundreds of thousands of the best and brai - est of our young menu Ad& filled Our land with *hits widows init;btphanr, *dateable', helplese black thtututrei 'end thousasidir , of cun6ing thieves and reckless shurderers.. ,, 1. Only Partially strakened to the . ileopi cif. their wiekedn'ess and pride] our people forks( , time appeared.to be. 'benefited' by the Chalk tening rod ; , but it was only , forls , tiintiof Again the preceittektfthe good Aid wise of ;lilt ' gefieratioas were scorned and. dlsregarded,, and our hind becaixie &seething hell °foie* nets. 'Years ago, It murder in an adjoining Mate tent's thrill of horror throtighontWatire communities; now, murder; rapine and reb el her, are look 'upon •as common ocontran ces, eliciting st fiber wonder nor remark:-.:-. Our !Midis 'fil ed 'With armed' tnen;'.With drunkards, with gamblers, with knareit,With open and secret' robbers, nit , rit, one eXpresseit uitrpilse,.. ' .atid I but few express . regret. Our 'elections; are 1 • of bargain• and sale, and eVelvtintt most high and holy rite, mittriniony, is to'r often degraded into a Mere sale'of body - and . soul for filtlky lucre, ,Thera, are' no, ilniiiit. more clinics commiticd in nor Country at pri• sent, and fewer of thens zinnished,thtin in any other 4tviiiied cbto t ry pp tke . fito 4i , the earth; and yet W,Q hold:Op:our hatnitt inn, affected horror at thelniqUitieti:nf ; othbr,ita• Cons, and cry, "I,liiel4n.(iiio)edn 1" This state of ti in r ge" Cannot last., tSin, 4 . brings it. own pnnislonetit',' sOo'ner or ,iete ~ ' ,IJuless our peopleatiandoii their,wOrship f t mammon and theiV;own wi c ked 'desires n 4.1 lusts, 6 punishment will 'cotti,'4oitilie4. o,i which the lat s vigil iiiki• *40140:.04 Jii ,'p t du fie. It. may ,not come ' 06 :form of du earthquake, or triett' in the` feint of "War, pestilence or fintilin,"'but tome it will, p' ~ less Our people "turn rtiito their 'wlehettlie • a and live." - ' ' '' , ; ( ~';,l ; ,', '.' Thorn sro t iosny perrits i ipmi , i,tu t idsti.rho will ridicule the idea or national purnstr, m r tl f "al 4.ll o4ee,virYfill•ng 9f: the , kind t 0 niltur o cc(14 08 4 1E00. 1 40444 itiOf rgh went to he theltho 446, we hs l 4 tlio'bpitt or onitiledt icaogideithit iiiistuiatitco;l3 9 ,ll ,T 3 shook and'reot t ,thiqiiibri4,l4:4ll,%iyileit o T city now sts h od4 t ,e4tlSt *ittlltleyin:',lts it will throw il 'lii' bi ) 4 ,04.0 1 i,' ittliAW , ,' 1 : 1 Internet &Si I::f'the i ctirili:Nit'st 'llo4' yam; and titoush ttei iiki tivii4i.ot o.yOtiA'f9 h where the dot of 04'040 AlikAkth O, It it ill air OWitkiingit ie(tkiit Aio ti , Poier which konirOls ' theirliiiik;litlCth.d: wftvel s the ,eo, ll iAll‘ AO 4 6 . 1 114 'O4O ain ul ' Oa ti 7 ' R ,7iiu iflor Ib ,' co t titeil tooltlina eolith 'of oentiiritt,its He fitp,ti titivO and 440 . *1i.4 giii *OO, Ol'obityleike 1 3.11+ 7 1 ( i .tho 4olid, 140 Ati C9Pfltrjell ibolftils `ot mitri *OA,: "d``,' `l''''' ,l ; ._ ',' * , ' •', : ' Ii ie t 0 01 4 , 2,0 1 , 1 0 1 4 0 1 04rthi OtOlii eertillibeisitliio4 l 4l l .oitilAA64 Et4Pi At* tis tfl'oi4Ofliftt* vkaround‘ vane' frouithe otAto; ffit944.iti yospvit,i4 # vim' wbick is in s itvoiootoloh t , , toi l All iPi Is i>i , no' illeoiiii :iitOstked.s ~ 1 ' 4 / terrible okenhquelrehs 4400' 4 AitieileE:iiti' ' 'oh l'ibro 'oristmlilitii4ii - **94l',:iyisiiea I'4 turbolePiik, A'lhmitliait *iffiiptiqii 7 1 P,P 6 i* ••141:‘: Lett!i)lo l 4 ibit 000440, ,Y o'4 l '. ti14:444 1 9#1.q1Pl!:Aeli:P',Iiiihelictu, 4 t 1 P0P1# 0,11 !. 11 49 4 4 tare44l' TIII. k e :P ie i", .1 to dtfok to the'dOittitkO'bittet s oop'whii4 n" bieli rowed ts 9 they UPS Pr 13 094;•te*/ 1 4 14. roolatiti aid ',kW ilea 61'40. ` : ' ' ' ' 4 , , Fil =I =I , TWIWAY, flow. O.—, i On.TqSait morni ; stitpti Jervis, N. il., loeofn9tit" 287 ( 1 : lodkl,while 8 ` lo g In the yard,i4iling thik, ngi‘r, il . ).ed. 01- enburg,hihe4waS 'brown + 10d , :4pd fifty reet;•P0M1ne.. 4 4. 01 . 3 41 4 41; 04 '- being wedged fait between two stumps. The fireman was in front of the engineand,eseap• ed without injury:. The dome of themegiee , went through. the roof of a house twohund• red feet distani, passing through a bedrooM, TOrtunateiy un - oeeupied,landing in the kitchen below. - The cause : of the explosion it not' stated. stated. . Payne a - Lane's floor and grist !mills, at Bar, ~N. Y, were burned on •Tuesday night. Loss $175,000, covered by insurance in about fifty companies. . ' On Sunday.afternoon, in Hartford county, Maryland, a negro man committed a most Violent ' outrage en 'an estimable marrietl ladf, who bad just returned from church, having left ber husband's buggy , bufa row minutes before. She is tog badly, injured to give 'a full account' of the 'matter. This if f theifiiuith or fifth instance of the kind hi that county within the last year.. • There was a heavy snow storm at Keokuk and other parts of lowa yesterday. The Tobacco. Manufactory of White 14 Carriekoon, in St, Louis, wasseizedon Tnes• day by the flOveraraeat authorities fora via: lation of the Itereatuf tbtve. ' ' I ' flies Esther Xendall, aged GO / is . an. minced 'as having died Mysteriousiy •at Sterling, Massachusetts. Her body was dia. covered where it, had apparently lain four i;lft fiva'days,, Samuel J. Seovil, agent of the ,St. Ste. phen'a l linnk at St. John, New stisiiendd4 'and made ati. assignment for fits 'creditors. The. bank eaid to be se. mire. < < The Arkansas Legislature met On Tues,- dpy. (~Tudg9;40)414 IL ?ilitibOf CollMbu.!,o l ;P;f ie arrttigned foriistming fraudulent maturali• itatien pailere. z Minnesota gives an official majority for bf 1049, and for negre eat- 461d:8 1 028. - *Mad vote of Vetroiritt• gives 82,12 g inejority forSienetki Grant. • . , :Ma oftlei4l tonioFity . for Grant in C0nneci ,490)a,84)13., The .returns of New Jersey, give Bernour i mOority, and Randolph, for :IjovertioV,'4ol,Smajority. The maloritieg for Cottkrettaien' itIP-tirst District; Moor 4, Rep,, 8676; Second; Haight,. Dem., , 805 1 ; Third, Mill, Dem., 4124; A Fourth, Hill, rteli t :l' ployeland, Dom., 22.0. The Democratic majority on the total Congrei• atonal Veto is 8483. Since Tuesday tiniow has fallen ` _in the toithwestern States, in portions' Englind; and in Canada. There Is sleighing Ist Caneard, N. 11.. • , The Charleston "Atercury" has snepen;led üblication. The . liforavian . Srioil of Pennsylvania met at, Bethlehem, Pa., yesterday., Itas David Bigler,'nf I.tin'aiister; 'was' (Ace led Preside nt, And ltdv. William of 'York ) See i re. taq. , 'llev.. A. A: Rainhe l , of New York, preached.,. The, ViroMun:s 'Rights Convention met ; , of yesterday. Rev. dames Freenniu and said female suffrage. was .their prliiiar r Y Ofiject.• • ' • I , 'fientl; an offteitiliaajeWitY of 17,679 for Ocii,'Otant:. 1- • There is a vacah"ejidn= the AtiorheY Oehe• tallailPorYlorillo,oud'Oev., Reed and [deaf,: Oleusoujokvo cach.44ty . 1 0 ? . i 1 4 , 1 . 17Py ,s lo,the office, Tlie stpumiliii)Oroidence Collided;witka 'ffeltetinet on lituOidey'niglii; ld Lone Sound. No trace of the schooner could l)e found offersthe ecdlildoo,t ; 404, ip keAurti,d these on boardTcreloa s t.,, }., - Mar) ilaines,tyfte burned . to (leashes. Red-) 'ane4ille; Ohio, Ydsteidai at orniiii,'W Inito fire: , • -1. The jury in tint. Oelmrliscock been' completed,:und,tho examination of wlt pesseslit‘gan yesterday. THE Wedlkkil iioPi*.—Ltliti ' trii;raiiii“ Tidier Mechanic ' reportS ' that the ; . elethand for tricklnyers, , carpenters,. plasterer/ 4 painters, has greatly increased since tie ' eeitlninake in' AttU ''Piiinetice. Olio ? ' great' 41bsiecieeneenutered 14'04 tablir &Chia ils , Oe difficulty of inducing, the AtteniplOyc4 . tp,•,keaye the, city , for . tile, : country, ~t„l4re 4f3 ing,f° v ".-h"'", I CO3 IVPP'Pn, • !, i )i ) „F.riili j 'Cisco w.tulitig w ork, whO won d • i‘at leaVb' 'the City fdr Atte 'ibterier;''ifilieic iliii' could ;ite63fie s'6 or s3o'a :Aioiith.s The' eirriVils dfinechaiticts hi thdt city. have -Meru, greeflyt, 4 1 „keliPilktiefA iP. contectixeleo ‘ , Pf ,, ,thc! , , Mil,h;, d relq4 41: the opposition ?iep , of , 1 etteetnetti. Ile Applicatioos of. .tdi•angers „for ei#pleit:' : 21eili ditriiii Septcnifter being 'n'earl7.2oo,' , t*hito for three *cells iin • Oettibbri the' thirty, ker . , was, only .6 1 1 IThe fitapdgera of /the , :1.40.0,r. BNORPg?„,bave opened ~ 4 B ,f l P i' Ahlpping departencnt in ordcr:to '1; iabc,l.l4‘ ektir,tion off'ilood' l nion , eY :leviiit 1 ty'' tliiil lodging house : keepers n'pdb 'thesititAtin, 1 abel tollestroi the litiftiolibly of the shipping besitt et& ,•Tlie plan, 1t lid'etatell,, , ,boA;,been , , -,,,alkecessfeA beyond Ala° ,expectations ,of the 4 0.' ),..,' to tio?thuarolina, a coliire"ttfeilTlabo er riceives'about' $lOO a 't'ear; bearded 'fobill which boat' about s6o;niakini hispay $16!„ Weeifen and second•rate fitiee hire tor: tiirlr, ,f00.11,r0l trot fixe to ,a9vp4 Ogilicto :fp ;foo, th ,In ill ottelr t :011e firat-Tate,l4!!nx.44 stk , frbni, eiiht . to .ten ,ilelleve ti month in money 4nd theti-food:' , MichanrOs iiite6ol4 h t imifi or; Vtinte in' thit MCC Set higlietleregei`2llo4liie - receive $3 60 to. $2 per datista dot Iffbokere, 1 6 ,Peet.0 P# dai%. , ;;,‘,.. ,t .p „ ~/, ,r,,,,-. , i .. 't Pll a rri 4f 91 1. 1 14 0 . 1 ,4 1 t#,ql l *tiiie, -:, heat iniwprki pavo,beih - faii'6id 10' P!'r i iel ice..,q l ,'• v -, I:• , t to; , t .3; ~,., ~,,,. k it `~ ~1; f The board of School District xi he till of the, 1 1, ' g, Nov. Hilt s ~,z ~,, t, - - . molion of Mr. , ieeSof.,„., ket i was tolled to the,chalt. ~ -....01p , ~„ *., '2. roll was called;. l and the 4001 - 4, iiailed.niernbera.eiera; :irroloi.:ki,:lzA.,,,,w,!; • Messrs. Boyeri:frintiiii,_•Bieillttkpligil,Dloo-' let Ermentrout,. rees,- lieti; IlikwleY, il!k. german, .11arwich,golf, Jones, .„Johnston t flifit; ifikton,'MuKtlight,'MeNtanils; doers, Mulligan, Richards, , Ritter, Roland, Rohr tlach, Rennet. ShalterOprecher, , Shauher, , iriti:Leets . Walier42B. ' ), i ` ' •i Atienfev.lfeasrs. , Beyeile, CI.. M. Staten , trout, Fry, Gernand, Jacobs,, McCurdy, Mc- Gowan, jieN-8. .- The .Pr6ldeat,• John 8: Rithards, Esq., having arrived during the calling of the roll s took the chair. •_ - - - , ‘ 1 =I 'f' I i CT , ' The • minutes of the hit, meeting of the Board 'were read and approved, idler 'which the City Superintendent, , 3, L. Barnes, read his report of the operations ,of the schools, for the WA month. Mr. Frees, Chairman of Normal School Committee, presented the .written requests of Ibissinger and Miss Leiter,' to be excused from attendiiigNormal School. , On motion of Mr. Driller, the commtinica• dons were referred briek to the Normal School' Committee for consideration, with inane• flans to sdid Committee, to report at the next mating of the 'Board some system or plan, for excusing teachers from attending Normal. School, The Chairman of ; the several Committee s then. presented the Mowing bills,, which were ordered to be paid City 'of Reading, 29 fre t frontage pip - o;$1.1.60 Eisenhower, Fink & . work for High . School conintencentont, 10.00 Lizzte V. McGowan, two,days' tenching as substitute for 'Miss 'lleekniatt, 2.00 Lizzie V. McGowan. six days' touching as substitute for Miss Mason, ' . 5.00 John Gehmnn, 850 bushels of charcoal, 49.00 J. if,. litiii t Nackbpar'd rubbers for same- ral %mums, . 43.00 Wellington Boyer, glazing in 3rd Sec * tion, 4.00 J. IL Ritter, blackboard robbers for 3rd Section, J. J. Hessler, repairing curtains in 4th Seetion, • J. M. Bissikumer, four- days' work in 9th Section, • 0.00 Smith ik,Leadei, glazing in 4th Section, 6.40. John' 1.. Snell,. stove pipe and' repairing in 4th§eetion, $26.00 F. 8. Ritter, 404 loads of grfund hauled to gehapt lot at ; nth , ~ and Vim streets; • 1 ' 61.00 ' Mr. Winer, Chairman of Local Commit tee in 6th Section, reported a bill from Geo. A. Baker le ~Co., for putting 'up lightning rods on .the High School building. , At the , last meeting of the Board this bill was re• ferred to the eommittee for examination ' and Mr. Briner stated that ' , inquiries had been made concerning its correctness and he be lieved it agreed with the terms -; of the contract. 1 . -. . , A. length; discusiion took place at this point' '•• with" regard regard 'to the rela. i , live merits ind. 'free' ,of the iiiid put upj as compared with other rods that might have be n - obtained,' when, on motion of ,Mr. Haw ey, the , bill was again referred' to the Committee, with instructions to report the Meta' dud Merits ''Of the• case, to the'lloard at the next'meeting.• Mr. Shatter,- Chairman of Committee on Text Books, offeitAid,the following preamble and reSolution ) ,whieh were adopted: I f Whereas, the penmanship in the common Schobis of our etty, has not hitherto given satisfaction to the Boarkand, whereas, the Speveriati systotti Of iiennitinship Nis:lately been introduced to; rimelly 'Said defects, it Is hereby ~ ~,.. i . 1 ., .1 : •;. ~ , ' , duly . Resolved, That it. Agit be the ,l of theirext Book •Committee'of tho Beard lo examine all the writngliooksln the achools 'of our city in W i hich peniAlinship is taught ) 'at "least once _every 'school session, at•stkeb time as phall 804,11181 r cpnv.cnience, and re piot"the smile to the'lleard. ' _ Mr. , Daniel .Erthentront stated that Mr. s inslcoopos tuernbpc Councils, .wits pres'etit'and woulil like submit an 01111- fleece to the consideration AA' the Befall.. Mr. llngenetan then laid before the, llpaid the _folioeini. Act ' 'of Assembly,' together 'xitith the, accompanying drafts of an Ordi• ;lance of City Qoupcilo. .„ An At eoneerninfltrnatit'ettildren and ab• aentees ftont school, in the city of heading. Section ,1. : Be it , enacted by the , .Senate and .11onee of Ropriietktatives of tare Cona -ntonviialth PenneylVania, , in Geriral Astwiphly.met,4}nd hereby ; enacted, by filo antlioiitY of the saue; that tile, Select and ,Coinnion Councilil)flito city of 'Read. leg 4e, and pat they atel;orebyanthoriFed t io valid set;h l ortlitian96B nlid make such proyi aides:Wed irrangements es. they may deem needful; 'concerning hahimtal truants fro* '0611661 1 b'efßeen the' ages.of six and-sixteen 'yeatio . notto - itieludil the imposition of any litmor.conGneraent, in any other, place than one 45f the several' school houses, 'of said city. t • Et.ten4 Speaker of the Tionge . of Itepreiientativoo4 ~,„‘• • • !::- JAMES L. O r iltillAl4l,l pperiker of the Senate. '• the' ihitteekith Any; of Amio one thousand eight hundred and aixtreight., , • • ' • ''" t" 4iniiir W. 'OtAitii.' ko , Ordinanctireitttive to 'Wink ellikliett #ll4 absentees,frpin tho public aeliools,idthe city Ifc;adin _ Aticriiix -11 Be . it .4iidaiiied' by , the Select, and gommea, c 09 0 04 OC, the QiiY of Itcad lag; thatit "shelf the' dutyy of the' hiay9r, ii(mdeornaplaint.being made before Aet• oath or affirmation, tocauselhearrestor any ehildreit between the ages of 'find sixteen years, who,ritothibitnat truants from aptmcif idthe city, and ,t9.oonAne hinf, theiri;so arreitted, 'siiek public ithoot bowie of the'eity asmey be designated ,by.tho Pear,il of Controllers,ot the, Keadhig School ieiricg, bY the siiiiirOi'aliof the rbleyo teiriod , bf•tinn e ailhemny ail he ' , glqoAjpBl, and uppeF, note,xepeding—houl.s. ' After 'the 'reading itit the' for4oliig, - Afr. lei:hien area ankiiiii4..that:ttftl e iwirs. b - AllittM,4 6 ot,ainence to tne i pmmiterationlof the' did as' a twitter' Of caiirtnily And` ior the , ptirp9sa Of letting. sech :ednenrsent. lo tion as tioght, reuylt t io goo:1001dt nartiep..i tln iriotioti"of Datiiiii.Einientioni; the ilub jitot.,.was ,rpfbrind to' a. select ,coannitteei of five, for,ponaiderationt - 1 , ( Piniident"aiiiiainted 'the - 'follikrlng coWniikne . • ; . u• • Medara. • D. Ermentrout,FreT) 4 ,lligennin, Shaker, and if aydey. The Preilident called 'the atitintion 'of Pik' tioa!d„tolt par' o the, tiuperintendguYs' ' eport ielat ve to chi dren "ti tending echool Ois of thriir roper Sectloilis. Mr. Btines mored,thathhe;sole ~restOrt,ng children' to attend the ietioOlit i ef id which therrOalde , be'enforded,irkieel, of orders of Controllers. 1.! .?7) ifageninan • moved as an inten - tha t tn that.lhe :resotalionj 'shalt "not 1,50 ny vultikwh4,ill 1 . 1 .9* 44 the fititAkalf ${ A. { the 1 :4, Al'hiiiirtitendment wits 'adopted** the' mo 4 liotwCtN lot e9 po dd, 'owas Shea prfo tqf Oo of 'Yakdeer Oder tOr`, : lissCe -direet6l l l 114 1 4 i re 4 • , g. - ;;;„ ";t = MEM Also is Ste ek, n-full assortment of Silk Vet will be'sold by thu yard, or made to order in at short notice and moderatti prices. drawn in ,favor of Mr. Brandtnor, in part payment of salary for' suPerintehding the erection of the new school building in Elm street. The President presented_ the applications of AU. Stewart, Mr. Wells, /dr. Hamlin, and Miss B. A. Stable for permanent certificates from the State Superintendent, and on Ind• tion of Mr. Frees, the 'officers of the , Heard Were directed to sign the necessary papera. Mr. Frees 'called for t report from the special Committee appointed. some.time ago taketo , into -eon sideration the 'propriety of eleetilfglhe qty . Superintendent according to the provision of the State law. • Mr.- Hagenman, Chairman of said Coni mittee, stated that attempts had been made to get the coninkittee together, • hut for some reason or • other, had failed. 'He thought the committee -would be ready to report at the next meeting of tlio'Board. 5.65 2.09 The Secretary read an application, made, by Mr.:. Hoff ) , for permission .to use the sehool.houso at the corner of 6th and Wal nut streets, for holding O'matt night school. Mr. P. Ermeutrout ) moved that the appl . l-' cation be refetred to the Local Committee in 6th Section ! with power to act. Moved to lay the Motion on the table. • The ayes and nays being demanded, tbe motion to lay on the table was lost, as fol lows : • Ayes.—Messrs. Hoff, Jones, i dohnston, McManus, Mulligan, RichardS, Roland, Shaker and Bhaaber—.9. Nays.—Messrs. Boyer, Briner, Bissikti; mer, D. .ErmentrouT; Frees, heiss, Malt' ton, hitter, Bonney, Bprecher and• Walter ----11. Mr. Ermentront's motion was then agreed to, by the to lowing vote: Ayes - ---Mesars:Boret, Winer, BiSsitatmq, D. Ermentrout, krees, Leif's, Mtton, McManus, Ritter, Hammy, Sprecker, IVaf ter-12. e t Nays—Memo. Hoff, Johes, Johnsto4, Mulligan, Richards, Roland, Blialt.:r, /Nt ber—B. , . , • ;' On motion the Board then adjourned. JottN L. BsaNvi, •: -. "/ • Secretary: s.) i. Violent Eruption of Mount Venuvitfp kAPI,E9, Nov. 17.—The streams of lavi, ejected;by the eruption of Mount Vesuviuß, have filled and oveilloWed the Fosse Vetrit• ne, and are still following the course of th i e eruption lei 4866 'nighi the upper cone discharged columns of ashes, occasiofi allyilluminated by flashes of flame. The spectacle is magnificent, and many persoUs are coming here to witness it. A MI itlikAAN igo t rE RESTAURANT. /IL Corneeor; Fourth d - Pentt.' streets; Ittptit' dc llot.t.kxeAmr, Propriet ro. Having taken posies 'ion of this saloon, end having on hand& moot cow tdete kook of everything in the easing and drink hig lino, we are prepared to meet our !Wends and ~a (ecotAinAthavo, thenriu the but, inionent lksters fervid in rniry style. . - 'nor l'/-1 tail AND RAlttigirMATCH ( ' 'TWO FAiT . ,tf, oG, S L Y .',,. ~.•,,!,' ga'i , ft 4--- bfrrnel#9i l 4lB . 64#9 , 74oiil4 . ~ ~ ....* ...i 4 .c.,, • .1: i ,f . ON NAT kiO i 1ek:4159,• pi (k4NWt env . 218;1808' . i ‘l,• i The high . `ifteSteip to ii4 , 4OV t gripa tl edi t lffrr t k 1145,26 Matt. Op. , y kt, vi •4' i MAN:j A, ; 6 /41 7 . 7 1 1 I ', Ito rig: . P '&'.tir 4 o .. 4 - (4 - 2 , &1. 2 ; , ' i iir4' ; u14 , 1% . :: }l.i, P tsiorel e s, 4 14,4t5174 -3* 06 : rio. 'I, • •,' 01 $ 4ll r e kitts, skli . , . , r ~ l' ,f~ 3 ~e s = . L ' - V • -. • , .. . , 'VL 1 .411.1 T, 4.0. t. - 1 wft, tpltlt#Elit . ~,,„,...„... . ~ . .iv, 0 , 4 ot, 4, 4 , 1 i F . • 1, ~,..-'.. 'V: ~, .0. , 1 1. ! , - 9, , f i 11 - ' 2 '. ' . itiASE‘: Et'ittt*tEß' & co. ' . , , - • BI OUT SHAWLS,, T,, . BROCHE SHAWLS, CHAIN LAIN SHAWLS, PAISLEY SHAWLS, MISSES' SHAWLS, lIRRAKIi'AS't SHAWLS, MOURNING SHAVLS, GENTLEMEN'S SHAWLS, —The Detroit police attempted last wettic to arrcst a lunatic who, was at „largo in: the streets, proclaiming that he had breakfasted' oh his wife and hoped to finish his daughter' for supper. Ho immediately unserewetfa wooden leg, and hopping after them on 'o4e, foot, put them to flight, , „ —"At a festive gathering in Kentueky,!a . youth recognized on the person'of a lively, dancer a pair of his own pantaloons. Protutp, newt in action is a characteristic of Ketti. tiiiky.youthilind On .` iwonaltf or evisceration the owner compelled the gaY thief to doff the stolen garment on the spoil . —Men of seeettes- , —negro'soldiers. • = r.w BUILDING AND NA`VINON AN' NOCIATION.—A meeting of the Liberty uildinganil Savings Association will he held tin FrldaY NOVeMber 20th, at 8 teelesk P. M.; at Ben t nor Minima's Saloon, No.l ll B North Tenth stro t, between Washington and Walnut streets, for t o purpose of voting upon the report of the Comm t• tee on ,Conetitotion and, lly-Laws. All the mem- , bbrintOreilittemod to attend ; ohm thoso who intend , . to become members. „ A. T. C. KILF:FfIIt, President pra ed: lv.w s Kama.. Secretary pro tei/4 ‘inov t, • , r 7 . . • morifoosoutur '59; Itg,OF 0. F.—Tho members of Montgomery Lodge are requested to attend a meeting on Thurs day, eyoning next, Nov. 19, at rri o'cloo)c, , Amend tuenta nittto' 11Y-LtiVni;soo.” Art. • Bd, and Art. lb, Hen. %I. • . nov 17-3 t JAS. F. VAN HORNE, Se c re t a ry • • . S. SIIILLEit, , . .. . . E. .4 . .., • . It - . UNDERTAIOE 4: f NO, ago. PENN STREET. ~. !'t .f'o37 , i.t MI 1 i in4lsoleolln4 ttintlshed, nt thertiorterttpotice. runerale. attended in town or country. ' nl7-lwr .....____. ..„....__ - , •Eitelll9l) l ,--Q,n liplurileyafternoon, on Penn vtroote neats AIM WiStlifetkitrateb, huritiotleasea Tbo owner enn obtain it by proving property and paying charges, by applying to • L8W.113 MUTUIIAR ', ‘u.C l l;:l9t.'„i 240 Xrr •ug iVaiblnittligt iL • = 21, 3\ ;C''' MEIN2II SILK VELVE4 CLOAKS. . • Velveteens and Cloaking paths, whith the most durable and, fashionable manner; • , rcismulqws vor 4 tMlii4 , • IVINE AND: I 4 AO lat DEER Penn r,treel, between. Sixthon4 Seventh. All dada o [ boat Rhenteh wineal"gO:ll2,hre) josv,pit Itt - lßtiourA, . No. ,:710':TENN itv.Abltut, PA; • ." •• has constantly on bond the i ' as well as all kinds (lomat linrifu l tsst;liverrul cdPrAititttfi4l t lri:inat tot; S sold h:: noy.s-3in , GEN. TAYLOR; HOUSE l• 4l ,North Highth:.!treet, With ilia Square af th eVi!Pei. Irmo York DePat l ,, „ • READING, PA. 3. B. IP,roprj . etfor,_, gilto=3ol CITY HOTEL 4-:, SOU H, stir/lit STREET, (NearPetin i ) , • ' ; READING ; Pk. ' illa-Cbargoemo'dertife. ; • N. F4PrEIRIX9 rt° ll Fiet?r•.. aunt 0 • . ' . :xito 6.;-,,, • ~/0• ... ~.., 1 5i.,1, - ,,! i .:,-,,,, ,•,000"061004 , ... 4 ..., 1 4st )Or ii : iiiiihrer - liteAst • ' •,, WAS Awmmip To . . i6i • B i rrt OMR atstimovE ~ titßar. 11. . Wale Agrieultitral'tiorlgtr, us ito, holdall In manna, !tsp. tt:i, hp, , ,, : , : ~ i '' '' iiiiilijii l' iiii :.. - Viite s tabie Haft Restorative'. i ' Restores Pray Mir to lb Natural Color 1 M. . 1 n glito l liirtilnli O it lin i VicttitVat . ebg ar 4di ndru and union I Pleventr i g i c h air Tailing out t lea superior Dressing. ilsconi4lps huo utfurfoup invedienb. t , ( , and s the roost itioputat and tell. A:4 able *Mete throughout the 4 4,:ett, Wee; North, and lr o foulth • MEM J. R. EIARRETT & CO., Proprietors, .• *4 41 4 /I f , i'N• l ! , • 00141 by all ltbelaraloqta and Healer. till Palatal INledlalbea. • • • DA. A, H. LT (HIT, • •'• -- • ," - t.kt Ntlelphlt“ CITY OF RE `DING} . , for sale. at s Dfietnint: Enanite at pAitrtnitB , ktlertoNAG BAXit.,‘ Rent 2tV-3rnoo • '' . . ~ L'IMO', 110T15,14, ~ • , ~ „. Li . .. I. , . W.ll.:AHTMAlL'Priiptietei One of thlbest houitc4 out/11440f the tarn, Cities. It to loctiti oii the' line of 00: East reanalratibt ftailrostd, a Old taldWayttityeen Holing and 41- Jentown. Ali trains between Now ja O w A iy_dt wed.. u well as all way Wine. StO_P 41 ro il, oPu immediately in frobtofthe Lyonn Hotel. , "- ii , *ll•Hveryttlint In'end about the 'hotel bit% owed. . A first rate Livery Stable Is also 1 connection with the Hotel. • . fa —.—, ` trim' j liEws won Tr t ho PI/0414.0 to tfie sibp. 4 40110NAl t SHOR it PO ST3 E. ~0. 8 4 rip StroUteo4 OlOwi t IE Pe a' SHOES and lIAT ° B II . enP n 1-mndl .11 veto-302000 , Ta..l.lollTt3Tr . NEW GROCERY& PROVISION STORE, ~.. • ~ . . . ••"13... :11 I G.ll :1 Announces to the poblic,thatio,has fouled. ii, 7 . GROCERY & PROVISION STORE i , *t litO Nell. litirmir ( Of Binh thAd'ltiltallellti 43114 where he will keep constantly on lignd a Into libti well selected Mock of Groceries, rrovlsions. Jkse.. which he will tell it thvelOiraiittnarket pric. `4 t • A Aare or publio patrons a 4 is respeatgolly selie.. itcd. Country produce bought and sojt I s ., ; , z- _ . ,- it „ 5 .D. tells..vt' . :Eta: gotneiJiiiilth an ranklin nov.4-lut , ~ • . . , 1 ' / ' ‘14'14111, P , 13 • ; ~.,,, ~,,:, ~,,. „,, :„.,, , , 1 , ~ , ~i, ' !•• ,- ', : - .3. ,- 4 1, 5,t - 1 , ','1'..i.• , ; ff- ' ' i' C;':n-"` , :,. s 1,. - :k ,i','; 1:0(1';: ; ;„:•‘t L.: l V,' t;:;‘ . "if ' .1 •••' Si, '''' ''''• ''''' "I I, 000, ~ .. . 0 t4 1 1 5 4 4 )11 . 1 i it", - 44' 44 ' i .',,. ~,, ~ ,_ „•t,,,', '.. , : - ...,•1 , -,..., i .,%;1 ; 4. , ,` ' l' .•, !.:( Pi ; ' ' ; '. ' ll4 i 4 l4 , tiii B4 4Alllo4'; . f e ' l '• . 1 Z ' • • •"'.'-' h i l •,.) ;,'t.l: 0,;i,;..5,,•;i',.',,,,,,Vir,.%,i,;V:v4i!.1:';':1:1?11.1:1 f::::t4, M lA:iribiE : ' • : ' 'YLOOBIN•e AV w • L'a4powlaikeid 0 .:" I. ; if. 111 i . ,cottrword's's' ~1. , I , Imlll4ll . 4lt • ' 'l, ". ' ) 1 4 cam. ~:"',,,...'",' - ;, , , , iri, -,::_"...,..i , , •-._ ' .--, I 4 :3. , 'A 3. • it* • promp - , -101 l 0k: • 01, 1 ),P1N4 ,1 4.00,t4 -4 1 9 1 3* ;' ' °l k c t l j • • - ft-- 1 h ard •,, ::1 r t 'i- 4 - t f, i f ,i,i ; i.,• - i cA - , l4 iiic - '' - • ' 4 I f, , , ~,,:^„ ' 1, -. 4 1: r:r 4 '''',. '''" 4 ''+' : ' ',. -.•'" , ' ',' 4 . ". ' '1 BLACK aolii-CLOAKBt cuirmmiOr cum' CLOAKS; :• tYIIi'OII7 BEAVER CLOAK§i VROStED.BEAVER. MOAK% , WATERPROOV 01.9AKS, 011ILDREN'S'CLOAKS, OPERA CLOAKS, IT itr: S. TotEftwtoETEE, WILI A TAM WELLS. Agenis +. ;,~ . • • Amor stsa,:lf . # 4v)ketkzßOrlvte. Routh% itti 41141401kwm013,6144 tele ts SAI PON`SCALFI COMPANY. be mat, relja4l4 mid tiarabs !fo,l44 l •T f its,m44 , g iul t 04 ; 144 A, t ea atibr1ra040414404,4 , tv minuq4ul4oo 44 . tp own " citOrtee,o444;.u4 ', q t :• , i,, ,; • ' , 'P le it TFt•a m . s 6414 .g. li ‘: . , , . , 04 bisa,. Pa ftlim4.l344sP , ' {fel)! 4= , OES; ROOMAIBI4IBRIDEG 1 4 • • .e itailAMar Ho. 242 POILII St, Roaditha t Th• undersigueil nem:MILT hstliss . piano t i ttentims, to his newly invoked liesiter. suant4 =I MI t 1 " • 'tending, ra., si - f4f6io I tEI EE_ Y$ BUM II "•,•P BESI'IIEATER EVER INTRODUCED: - THREE 1111111118. , THRE E It bum! Ws coal,•makes more healitakes utt tele • room, and giro bel l eirtitiketion than anr simi lar invention ever i need rblie. The adtatrurecof t i superr eating &Si tu! will be kiirexplained by t h e priet o o li r i w o orparri l u r tees that he will be able to Lithe , w 0 ti l l; im rt call that it is superior to any one urea he adyentages ‘ are at . manifold , and so easily comprehended. that it need! only to !Alva Ilko eonvino• the must skeptical . - so proPI of WI e yes tinily refers the public, by permission. to te lb WWI named Demo i s w ho 11140 t ITAMS11 Ate AMON t ' , 4. 4 ,iy,,t , tho.,, Want. as. J. fharawrow. 0. D. woos*. . JILL A, Co.. Q. A. &moms. homy Jskitsox • Joag XeKNIGIIT. rah{ KIIIILT. RIMAIIN ADAVA. .% lt. HIM /A. J /Legit KAU FklAti a _ilisafkli.. • • irrphans' IlmsaverClSSimorr. Ile also taiiite spoc,liikoit*lo t o t +•‘‘, ..: 1 , 1 t , BEAUTY :11.ANGIE ; ' wirittgrfoinaricail- t :exix,immiftit' tis oily. his Faure can be men in ,oner il ittn at the Iron City a ll. sin. 428 Perm street lat ster High's, Franklin street abyrfltiousliyuld !Amboy planes. Particular Attention paid to ' . TIN ROOFING , Sib SPOUTING. ' t • Plastio Slate R00110g,.. • • ,_, • Ue employs none but • orders pioniptly ogeaufgd, OHO IIktUSIM4OO. • • ' 4ll ,1 T msy 22 • WHOLESALE a Rgraila DE4LER ,IN U t"' • t , „ , ,-?. . ,r 4„. •,t . _ ; READING, Pk. '2 , 1{ 64 . 4:: iitA'4o/14iat the R W E EIIr - A genii's) inc•timeit of • *MTH ifIOiCOOICI''OPItUOI3II CHERRY; OAK,'ASH, CHESTNUT, INDIANA BLACK & WHITS WALNUT, CAROLINA' YELLOW Ai11443 , I -*And MICHIGAN PANEL B Etup;l-. Thoroughly seasoned and under (lover. VirgrPl' , lP ": 1 1T 3 It 'CAROLINA GREEN SWAMP CEDAR ' °Mein • resitottlillk eo iblted 1114jOnnellitli tended to. For prices , cell at tne NEW BRIOK OFFIOE, On the Corner of Fourth & Pine Sta., Or, addriom - J. KEELy, ..,Pc. r4AT SOUNDER & FELIX' •Weieroomp corner -Fifth and %Whits streets. . febilly MANUFACTORY. WARRINGTON RTRRRI WROLESALE AND RETAIL rl UNDBIUMED ItitIiPECIPRIX st oo k of publio te nt on to their splendid stook or Ant-class furnituro now and constantly on kiwis and made to order to suit customers, Among other articles, espettersti,entlon is sited to their unsurpassed . EXTENSION 'TAI ~E S, ' DRESSING BUR AUS. • DINING ROO4 CHAIRS, • , CENTRE AND °TEM TAM A, REDEItEA SOF* OM • - :0 41 , „ win , and every other ankle fn their linpsf hub Every article is manufactured by tbsonlves their adidrably arranged manufactory, *Eh • wont De sot and skillful moue and finis in an unsurpassed manner. Also prepared to 'exeouto idl orders for OA4III4TQP: P. fit , t 1 rsirtittNitte SAWING, and •-• MOULDINGS. All orders promptly executed, and worranted Rive satisfaction. IMPORTANT NOTICE THE ; 1 4 ) 09P Nits 009'44,11Y• OF AL,LONTOWII I PA., 41 . • Would hereby oonouneo to the oftqns u atoi Asti tojteosoltro , r*d . tOOOl4 'ok lire -oo *Oupo tool are co_pip4444 to tpooo. the g r ow yew 00 nit of Rooembor. Tickets eon Ise, or short time. of E. D. ateebant,-Agent. lonia Mi Borrow Hotel, and olptrioklood & . troy.s . MONEY. WAS?ED. ;1 A 1 1 914,11, 2 4704 14' Zglitt,t3 •41.