Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 18, 1868, Image 3

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tEA D1i142 - 1:k. • NoV*WIR:,IB,
HIST EIGHT/ONml* 11.2 P. iff.
D. I..—Blue, meet Six It, 7, No. 1. .;
Pink, meet Elia h i If, No. 1.
Diac,kl me# , Orlitlir No. /—'01:
. 7
e •,
COURT.—Tho regular term of Common;
Pleas will commence On Monday next, the
24d,inst. .
TfIR PROORRDINGR t - Tiff: 8011001, Boaitti,
are crowded out to•da 1 on account of
great length., .They,wall appear to.tnorroir.•
Toe errangementa for the Ladies'
for the beuelit of the Reading'Libraiy, are
aralw in
can e?cpectt&aeo the largest,
Yeir over held n tide city.
Tu' improvementa at the sheet Works of
Seifert, MeMenu!, & Co., are progreasing
finely, and it is expected .that the - milt will
be in running order in four weeks from now.,
TO BA pron.R.—Tlto Baptiste it is said,
I wo added. over 64,0.00,.by baptism, to their
c ommunion (brill the present . year. They
now number in tins country over 1,000,000,.
Arrottaxewra.--001,, William A. Sande
?dr:Dietrich, of thideity, and Mnj*r,
Ileidenment of Hamburg, have been apt'
pointed guagera of liquora of this (the Bth)
district. . •
WANT . ED.-A . lamp post' should ho placed ,
in lirambington tarot, below Third. It itra
dark road to trsvol t and olio mos the risk or
braking elinib down the, hill over ,the
rough pavement.
Ax Ow P. 74. F-Mr. John Se'berling, Polk
master at LynnOillo, •Lehig county, now
eighty.five_yenra of ago, has I old his office
for an unbroken period of lot peight rare.
He is said to be the Wait Postinaatv in the
United States, ,
ALMA HOtlflle APOOlxTiagtviA.;—Tho Board
of Directors bold, a mooting on Monday last.'
Thicßoard, by ballot, re•elected the present
liteward t
_the Engineer, Clerk, and Dr&
Relater POl, Nagle fentl A Tames .0.. Shearers as
, ,
lihrisitV,O „ 0000x, , sslo was thrown out of
his 6oggy oh rfridayevoning last, IS in a fair
way to recovery. Ho' received a heavy fall
and was a good deal bruised about the head
and shoulders. lie is still •unable to leave
his bed, but is improving slowly.
Wa understand that .1. Dutton Steele, Esuid,
Chief Engineer of the Wilmington and
Reading Railroad, intends to remove to
Pott4own . ,,next spring , HO is now residing
in' BrooklyiiiM; Conducting the affairs
of ths Sterling Mountain Iron and Railroad
Company, of which 1p is President.
Anoinswie,-Wo learn that yeaterilay,while
a little son of Mr, Simon, residing in North
Tenth street ) was loft alone in a room, ho
caught hold of a pot of boiling water A
was on the,4o:o,,attd.,:.pnlling it over it up
set, and scalded hint severely. The little fel.
low was Buffering lunch this morning.
"Clyrsoest, .W.snmo."—We saw, yestor:
intittof gypsies pass ,over .the
Ilarriaburg bridge, bound for wo dopit know
bo • Or peo ,
i)le to watch 'Cm wherever they flit) pitch
tents, as they often appropriate things in
such a manner ns would justify their arrest.
13iitimono:—The building of fire Warning!
ton and Reading Railroad, which terminates
at Birdsboro, and the new Foundry now in
courao of erection, will give an additional
impetus to that place. The large Furnace,
Rolling Miil And .Nail Works of Messrs.
111.13..11id6k0;' aro in a flourishing con
iAI.AIIONAIII.V. lIINTS.—Seo that the pipes.
er your pumps, sinks and roof are all in
good conditiep t .. Arrange them , so that none
of them will freeze.' It *lit help greatly for,
this purplAo if the pipes are placed as nearly
perpendicular as you earl. A. primp frozen,
up, or a pipo burst " ini winter, is a great,
OCR fair correspondent, "Lizzie," assails
melo'bipeds savagely, in an article on our
first page, on account of their ridiculous
style of dross. While pleading that all men
do not so strictly follow the fashions, we
must (Omit that there is much truth in "Lip
zie's" 'statements, and that a
° fashionably
dressed`daridy of the present day ill as ridi
culous in appearance as a woman with the
"Grecian bend." Both styles badly need
A CIIANUfi.-It is repOrted that after tlfe
first of April next, the Rover's Ford Hotel,
at Royer 's Ford Station, Montgomery count
ty, is no longer to be kept as a public hOuse* t.
The property is owned by the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad Company, and if
fieo§holtz, the prenent very obliging land'.
!Ord, is obliged to remove nt all, the only
reason is that the,Conlpany desire the 14111 1
Mg in order . ta (Attila . theli'dePot .necoml
modations. The place..has been kept as a
hotel nearly thirty years, Capt. David God .
being its first landlord.
Tux Brotherhood of Locomotive Engl . ;
nears, it is stated, has been,in existence for
abort years, has spread over the United
times and Canada, and is rapidly increasing
in numbers and influence. The object of
the association is tn elevate the standard of
education and of 'moral character of loccit
motive engineers. It issues a monthly mat+
azine,giving an account of the improvementS
made m locomotives, and by organizing the
members in divisions endeavors to make 60
certificate of their positions a sufficient guar,
nntee of their qualifications.
Rill,lloAll CKosslNo.—The 011ie( Rngincee
of the Philadelphia and Reading 'Radian()
has divined a lan for - an iron bridge; by
which 'lron street, in Philadelphia, CA
cross the ce ding Railroad, and not b
much of Any obstruction ,to the street., Alt
bridge will cost about $14,000; of which ths
Railroad Company'proposes to pay ono hal
Seine such plan as that will have to be adop
ted at the 'crossings in all the cities, or th
ears pr9hib,itqd from:AM:ft along the
streets ; feu. people will 'soon become tired et
being killed and tualmed as they are now.,
Er. .
THU NOMe sktlrtlai t rbiChNIII Rood author'
its on the subject, sass that visiting cordil
will be, for this season, rather larger thad
formerly, and of the finest unglazed Bristol
board. The now sizes will tend rather to
the square than A41127160.Vie 41 baPe
the cars may be vaned; aceordiatlo taste,
the proper adoption to the size of the letter;.:
tagbdfig malettainsd. Among the various:
texts to use, nothing will supersede the,
English somil s hqaa babniAble , styles
of old'English text, ' the jitolit' novel a bebig
those with dropped capitals, and the ex , ;
tremely neat, extra shaded.
ilumemes fok the EAOLL ; ". .
41gt ;the slut
leanly men to L , society—we
mean nbt the 'rich, atm the proud,_ nor the
If astgallAbli 40, lip, kfaitty or the the
latelligeta, lig , bk. ~ eru you find
Men IINI)A - 0 ; . a r. frbm
WhoOectiW . !"ion .ectifoma
tign# it is 'safe to 1;e• found. • It-has
broken" ite*a
with thelow subrvulgitr, *kat, 4604 '3 1 94?
were inbultated and the indecent story told
to excite laughter, or'influence , the bad pus;
Bien's. Lord - Clarendon attributed auccOss
rid happiness in life to associating with per.
sobs!more !carried sand virtuous thin Our
804P. 1f you wish to be, wise mid" re
spected and desire happiness we advise you
to associate with the intelligent and, good.
Strive for, excellence w
and sot int egrity,
and You will never lie found in ,the sinks of
pollution, or on the benches of 'evilers and
gamblers: ,thice hohltbste yoinselves ,-to
virtuous course, or once secure a lirre for
good society, and no punishinetit would be
gr r enter than to be oblig4d by aceidiint "to is-
Scoeiste for half a-day with , the low and vat
Coprt, everything had been 'quiet up to last
evening., Yesterday ' , afternoon officers
Priestly and Livirence brought in a man and
wife, qnd a little gir). They wereon a tramp,
and not having arrived ata conclusion where
to go, they tramped tlarough.the city, occa
sionally taking a "bit of the cratur," until
the husliand , who , by , the way, was a One
legged husband—became indifferent and ley
down at the . corner' of Seventh and, Penn
etre*: wife Catharine did not like this,
and 'Persuaded • hiin "to got 4 'oo and' walk,"
but there was move whiskey in James than
walk, and lienevi be remained . Qt ease.
Catharine beeline vend at his 'disobedience
and hit-deints over the head with a "brick
bat," and thenusigrateful woinnn--,•began
to, pound him over the head with his crutch,
In, ieting several . .wounds'froni Which the
bleed began to flow 'quite freelY. this
attme.of the proceeding'. the above', ()Riders
ewe along mid took them both,inCo custody
and placed them in the leek-up. They bad a
hearing this morning, but us neither bad
money eilongh to pay the sum asked, they
wore sent back to star it but. •
trheee lodgers found shelter in the station
house last night. •
OF 4 TEIV:Vr.-140018 Bell came to
tho office of Aldermen Mengel and . made
'complaint dgainst Valentino Ruffeit for
feloniously taking his horse, Beßpurchased
a blind maie.from Ruffertfor'which bo gave
hint a note, payable at: some future day, and
took the mare and put, her to a livery stable
to board. A ft er the mare had been in Alto
possession 9f Bell some time, Ruffed came
to the stable where she was and took her
away and looked her ep in his own stable,
without Ben's knowledge or Consent. Of.
fleet. Deihl arrested Ruffert, and ho gave
bailin $2OO to answer tho charge at court.
bANIEr, B. LOSAII; ESQ.; succeeds Elias
Obold, Esq., as a member of the Board of
Poor Directors of the county. As now con
stituted theßoard consiste of Joseph . Mut
hart, Silas W. }leiter, and Daniel. B. Lorah,
Esgs. All the parties interested in the
Alexander et at 080 are now before the
Grand Jury of the'. District Court of the
United States at Philadelphia.—Yoster
day thirty-four years ago a moat heavy snow I
fell n our city. Thu ground was covered to
the depth of twelve inches. • Col. Alex
ander, on 'Monday, entered bail for his ap
pearance at the District Court , of the United
States at Philadelphia l le the February
• .Tits EMIL' is an excellent advertising me
beenuso.everybed'y reads it. Akira it
h trial, and be convinted.
TUE DAN AntMT TOWN.—Three or
four bills are on the teptibotweeu now and Christ
was. .
• •
Faahtonable ladles aro like aristociatio
bota•baVe high stoops.
'A number ofomnll boys amused themselves yes
terilAY by tearing boards off of a fence down town.
.Had boys.
First comes a cold, then a cough, then a coign•
The United States will take Turkey on the 26th
of this'utonth. The attack will bo made with knife
and fork.
• A young man had a "beautiful" AMA night at
Fifth and Penn street'', Always look where you
Sweet potatoeS and sweet girls are. plenty here
abouti• The sweetness isn't wasted.
. ,
A large number
_of boats are co►ning down the
441 jnet new—hurry up to make a few more trips
before the anal Weans up.
,The passenger travel over the Railroads centre?
lug hero is uncommonly large for this season of the
Yeir,` i
Peter Jones, Erg., 'Treasurer df the flooding
Sohool•Distrlot; tneeifed through the rust Otflee
sonAtime ago, from An unknown Pennm. 9 1 0*
being amount titerpihi, with interest. ,
Road the beauq4d story on' ur first page to-dokh
headeethe w/mi wasor woman."
A man who. In talking to alady, lays his, hands
upon tar sboutilers,. May bo thought to be too
touching In his remarks.
Itpn3 and &Engrg pnglit on general principles
tobe gOod ministers, since they do ft good doal of
ptintobing. ' • •
understand OM a Spilled' Deteeqve Pollee
(Oro o r _ tii4 city .is shortly lo boo alianted: We
trust good and reliable men will be 'chosen to MI
reaponslble.Po.4lobi• , I
• l'iri , ietk a paw is out of hi;,mor he should go odt oi
A.:4100'41;n alr and a turn or !fro 'up
And asivin the etreot mike Mittel)! better, and
Ilkewleti , look so' , T . ' -
The 10$11 Who time iipiwbutettrg itlth reig . e wa*
only Oreverife4 - by having - is ho tip Nit irt.tb town ‘ovpt
.Wsio fun4erstanat,thet the Idessp..tlailions, of
this eitY,tuiye'l'p tionteniplation to construction of
notroia Prdth tfieti 3 Oineiinarrleiaii the fdadel4
ra property, through"llarnhart's firm to intersect
with the itoading Railipid, If the 'read 'is Wit
it will out one of the handsomest 1144dsonthti,
!Ittinhisrt dtagoiallY.4l•Pdtch:
Scotch shawls. worn inks plaid, aro o threatened
fashion tor gentlemen. I •
To diacc4tir he* many plien there are in n
place. tbr4 P a'nep.iary toeek two dogs. figktl
_ ,
Ma in . einiCe:ot Winn iewdet will purify:
tirelre gallons ofaorrupted water.
It le ones wore, AanitlSltlff t 9 by
than to be hit by a regular mill -er. 1
Tight blOttir ii 446 iziate•ii red note in time
So doom bes 4 mach quicker. . .
."Epacil's nog oleo, is the title driven those who : .
range themselves in line before church doors Bun
day,etbninv. : • ;
. •
Bas ter, ;ell louring that. hi e ' Mend /bums was.
laidicauirkg that' he,Wouid
,bane lop; RA* bmily fisted.. „,
'the, tiiy to 14 uoMilik4riik.i stilith!rh
o . ,
ih his . consitiy is
NO% 0 lit'tiniiinif , Vitsi much
►l O 1 0
is Philadelphia. the money market Stan
SitOrdai thaw for some time past. and obtah—dla
on mash more favoralbls terms tbAXI hid week. the
*SAO statement of the banks made potato fasterp,
day. 'hews that these institutions are tartans*
their discounts. The loam have been oontraCiad
$631.187. a decrease of $1,61:0,0L0 in !wo weeks.
let al,:tenderk'alitoir a falliniefrof $668.638, a total
decrease for two weeks of e1:4.1120. The depoilts
"for two weeks show a decrease of upwards of '2,-
000.000. Thbs statement shows that the banks hive
greatly increased their strewed', and It is highly
prOlaable Its the ftsture. will be able to ettond
greater accommodations to the mercantile plisses.
The longest borrowers at ihiltiniaSire the proton- I
sional stock-Jobbers and gold manipulators, who
demand large discounts to prevent many of them
from going over. ' the failure of several brokers in
New York has' caused distrust in the 'daintily of
some houses who are known to have operated
largely in that market.
1 1 4 e 13100)4 Market Was feverish and unsettled,
and 'the "bear" intuence was in the atiendanoy.
'Government and State loans were inactive. City
Loans advanced 1 4 per cent., anti closed at
lomolo% Lehigh Gold Loan sold at 93. and
Was strong at this Saute.
Beading Railroad sold down to 42Yd—a declipe
of 7 , 6 from the highest point. Pennsylvania Rail
road sold at 633 —no change; and 31inehill Rail
road at 58—an advance of 1. 12814 Was bid for
Camden and Amboy Railroad; 4531 for Little
Schuylkill Railroad; 30 fur Catawissa Railroad.
and 25 for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad.
Canal shares were quiet. Lehigh pavigatiOa
closed at 28%; Schuylkill Navigation Preferred pt
28, and Susquehanna 11.
Bankand Passenger Railway shares were with
on quotable change.
Buibong & Dro., Bankers. No. 10 North tith stress,
quote as follows:
'Old U . 8.6 ' 51881 - -
Old U. 8, s's 1862 - -
Now U.B. MO% 1851. July and *lan.
New U. 8.5.20'5,1865, May and Nov..
NOW Se 3845, new - -
'N. 5-20's 1807, July and Jar. -
New U. S. 5-20'5,'1861 . - -
Ten-Forty Bonds, - - -
(bold in New York up to 12 o'clock, - -
,Gold Ittleading et linshonel/Brat, .
Ix Philadelphia, there is less activity in the
Flour market, but holders are firm In their vlewk.
Sales of NV barrels Wisconsin and Minnesota Extfa
Family at $7 504 825 per barrel; 1159 barrels trecd
Ohio do. do. at $9 75010 NI; fancy lots at 25,
and Extras at $0 5044115. Rye Flour Is dull and
cannot be quoted over $7 5047 75; in earn there
is nothing doing.
There is but little movement in Wheat, owing to
the absence of supplies of prime lots, which is the
only quality wanted; sales of 1,200 bushels goOd
aid prime Rod at Itten 12 ; Amber at 82 10(02 141.
and White at 82 2302 40. Rye is very quiet; small
Pales of Pennsylvania at ftl 48, and Southern itt
$1 40. Corn is very quiet, without change frail
Monday's quotations, &mitigates of old yellow at
61 1401 15; now do, at 80093 cents, and Western
mixed at 81 10@1 13. Coati aro less active. Salesof
5,000 bushels at 07@70 cents, and light Southern
and Pennsylvania at 50@t3.5 cents. 2,000 bushels
two-rowed Barley sold at s2@s2 05.
Whiskey is steady, with sales of duty paid at
81 OWN 10,
- .
White Wheat per bbl., 913 00
lie " Extra Family per bbl,. ,12 00
0 0 12 00
Op Chop (61) .
ocanold) (now) . 1 10
1 35
now) 1 10
Best thidlingt i . 190
Common k 100
Corn meal . , 160
Piorma Plum.
White wheat per bushel 210
Red • . ! , . . •2 00
Corn (old) 120
Corn (now) 95
Tug coal business of our city still continues
brisk, though people do, not buy mere than they
really need for a short time. It Is generally be
lieved that the highest point in prices bats ,been
reached, and hence, people buy sparingly. We
hope it will not be long before wo can report a, de
cline, as the cold winter is upon us, and as wages
are low, there must naturally bo much suffering
among the poor. In New York things have al
ready taken a turn in favor of consumers, and no
doubt there would be much of a reduction if the
coal were not in. tho "clutches" of speoutatore,
who a few weeks ago, bought up all the coal they
could reach ; and at the same time entered into
co-partnership with the operators In a scheme to
hold or raise prices; and now in order to hold
their heads above failure, they hold on to present
prices with a determination, like , rats to ,the sink;
ing ship. Speculation, as We have before stated,
is at the bottom of the extortionate prices,, we
must now ;my for everything we eat and wear. and
we do hope a move will soon be made, on the part
of the working classes, to have a law passed to
prevent it.
The Coal )r ado from Schuylkill county last
week reached 131,008062 tons, of which 95,c01i
tons were shipped by railroad, and 35,483 10 ton&
by , Canal. The demand is slacking off a little at
New York,and egg and stove coal have declined in
price while the rates of transportation' have a&
vanced considerably.
Below we give the prices as wore reported to ub
this morning:
Nut ,
Egg and Brokeu Coal, $7 8048 00 18 top ,
Nut, - - - 00
Pea, -
- 4 60 it
Bituminous Co - al, - 25 eta. bu
THE housekeepers' market this morning was no
so well attended as on Saturday, yet there was mi
abundance of everything. Turkeys, of which there
were a large lot, sold from $2 25 to $3BO per pair;
Pork; $l4 per hundred. Beef at prices which we
givo below. , 1
Burls -Fresh dairy, Xi lb 48a 50
Lump, 5
CH mtsc-Cheese If' lb„ 0022
LARD-Lard VI lb _ 24 1
Facia-Eggs Vi dozen • . -, 40 i
Arrt,ss-A pples '0 peek, 40040
Drie It quart,
PRAMIES-• lb 20 ;
MCAT-Beefsteak, round V ED., 20 •
sirloin, i 20
Beef rump , l es 1701$
. 1 ' t r ee dried . *,..`.. ,
20 .
• ell cutlets, .. 23 i
chops, 20
" Mutton, 41
••tBl 16@20
rojk, 18020,
" alitsk. • :' •••• ' ~ 040
. " flaurage frost, ' 2202.
II .
smoked, Zi:
Il i ti-lisms, 25
Sliced. If • 30
Summon's- II •20 •
i DIM:-
.DI V OTIIT-91148119 itia: " --? " . 1 1.77 • * -
'dressed, " - .
4. Tarkies live " - - 1
II dressed, " T
" • Slckens lire- cOOlOO )
Potatoetlllbtakelo-aOV V5ir,.54.,W,,..4,.4...752100.1
... ..,. ,
.... t . .
~:, ~ t
DiNIRL IrAIIKEIR: Wat asonth bth street.. motile
Fish as follows: i
• White Fish,' 16 cps peril), •
White Perth. 16 . .4 I*
Haddock, - ' -.. ' '',' i.- -5- ';10 ,', '' , "!'•11 i
Fresh Salmon
I 25 64 •6 04,
Codfish Steak; 19 16 di 6i '
Piot Bus,
li :15 Ili ea 4 a :
Blaqk Fish, 32 64 Si 44
lock Fish. , . 20 .4 ito CI
;' a Ilitti . 1, i '. „:•', .. ' ' ,!' 15 • flk: te ~t •
' sliblit, - - - 29 as liii 4.
Pickerell6 Id 44 44
Lake_rilie. • 15 li 4. 44
Salt mackerel. . 22 .4 44 if
DI10 . 6 1 0d0Sh; 7 ' 0 '.
'? ° 1 /0 ' " 6Z
% N mtioftin i t , r.,,: F:-.•:: ), ', ...i,..: , ..:-.) ;;; os te : ,,v+. , , m oi t ,
.. A o ••,. 11. , •
i swe a
, I=On%';,• ;,,..;.',.; :::". n:- iC 1 ,- . :is ut
-'•,, ~ • -- '4I; A "- .-,' • '
~ , .,,,
,ro l ls M I N ' ~)". .' l i ' -..:, n"'' ' . '• '''' . 1
• h kit* • sti ,titia - taarket lbailUild
and dd . •t 040117 'tart 'of thsVelkir, - . reth!'of
&Mita `,. ' • ,- : ' .
77- iiimifito: goy*
Itaktoto, Nov. 18.
- -
U ll4 ;kS
, A
107 r
100.' 4
_..ty Almenie.
Sun ?IMO esti — -
Awls esigth, hobos and ttlainutes.
gra* Wgcsaleb.l2
fAri oielackii4,l:
ppl 4 .004 a. ..? • - •
• Aide tif ISintttnettri,
•` . ; , • ,•,
Atondar. 1f! •
"Z; •
foundilo RIO ratting , mills
tilt* to too lots of work. ,
TIM (hand ~Lodge of ,repiollytipia. I: El.
qt 0. 'l\ 'crithutenaad . stiml•aitnaalseasion
this morning at Philadelphia.
OwlNo to tho heavy rains Nit, night, the
Schuylkill via a wilco to a considerable
4ight,thia morning. • , -
DISAORNEMILL—Beforo dusk yesterday .
northeast rain set in, and a morn diSagreen
ble night than last night can hardly ho
, A CORRESPONDRNT desires to know which
arm a gentleman 'ahould take when with a
lady. Whiphever he can get, and think
himself lucky at that. • -
Pustll.—The "sweet" mode , for ladies
dresses'or '"mohair luktre," Wade with
tunio„of purple reps, festooned in a fashion
,ehtirming prettiness.
A LARGE Tuagave-r4Alderman Schomer
purchased a turkey this morning, whioh
weighed 281 pOunds. Ile Alderman is de
termined to spend Thanksgiving day in the
proper manner.
MR workmen at the mines of the Wilkes
bane Coal mid Iron Caniiiany have demand,,
ed an increasO of 27;per cent, on their wtiges t
which increase haabsen Ferused, and a strike
14P - Octeit. • ' •
A Nounca of stonecutters and masons
passed through this place on Monday morn•
mg, from Heading, on their way to Missouri,
who aro to work upon the "Reading Ette
naeos,' in some otereptien in that state.
They tieVe‘ithdei °beige of Tin:Whit Rieharchi,
Esq., of Reading.—/gbonon Advertiser.
Unatimenit. —Last evening, on Penn
street, a man bolding nn umbrella before
him ran it into- the face of.a lady,and instead
of apologizing for the neeident, ho insulted
her. We d not mention the name of the
man, but it may appear in our police rosport
tozmorrow, as steps have bben taken to have
him arrested.
Loom. News.—Loeal news were very
scarce yesterday., •, The weathetis becoming
cold,..the city alarmingly healthy—so say the
- fraternity of pill:makers—and the' people
very orderly and well conducted. Thc
gamut of offences committed, against the
reviOd statutes , is particularly small, for all
of whibh let us bo grateful to the police and
the oew testament . -T-State•Querd:
I We 'itimpathloo with' oar' Heetemporary.
Same state of affairs exists here, and applies
to us. •
ON A "OR MAN BRNDER."—Last evening,
amid the storm, we noticedon the depot ) a
min who had a violent attack of the Glreciitri
bond. It was not produced in the ordinary
way, however. as the man had evidently
been indulging in the '.'cratue! too, freely.
aiade a bold titteinptio "maintain a sper;
pendicular position, but his load bore him .
heavily, and down ho went, "with no 'ono
to love, nono to caress!' Some kind Manil a
however, took pity on hirn, And sot him oil
his "pinfi t 'l .when he managed to m'svigate
out of sight.
ANOTHER CURIOSITy.•:-130ing Along p c lui
. etreet, nrie will notice in the show window oc
Clewell, 430er Penn street, a curiosity in the
shape of the Berke County Court Housei
built of waling candy. . It hi feet high, mut
3 feet wide, and is a true resemblance of that
building. It is really a curiosity worth sew
ing. It was made in the .esfablishment,:end
reflects' much credit upon Mr. Clewell, whc4
produced it. In connection • with this we
might state that at this . establishment can bn
found ii `splendid
. assortment 'of . candiesi
which are disposed of at prices as low as
any other establishment, u Penn street.
COMPLAINT.—Very often people coma to
PA and complain that certain pace Offieers
do not do their duty, and that at &any plaCes
the city authorities should , make repairs or
impovements. ; If we hod the honov off'
being • rather of the - City, complaints
would come to the right person, but as it is,
they should go to the ?davit-of the city. We
guarantee His Honor will hear them, and see
that 'batters are set right wherever needed!
Of course, if it comes under our observa4
Lion, or if , we are convinced that o ffi cers,
the Mayor, or any. other. man, neglects his
`cluty, tee shalt be after him with a shall);
stick, but we cannot be .responsible for the,
petty complaints that are.daily made to us.
we live wo are more than ever convinced
that nine-tepths of the misfortunes which'
attends huManity are seltinilicted. We see'
this daily exemplified. People jump off,
railroad cars while in motion; go bathing in'
deep water, when they cannot aWinn ; imbibe;
spirituous liquoM, arid meet with accidents ;;
expose th6mselves, regardless of prudence,
and suffer ell Manner pf moat evil ,conse
quences, which a little fore-thiiiight would,
in most cases, have averted. People very
well know that a violation of: the common
law involves a penalty, and yet 'utterly ig
npre the fact that nature 1$ still More tnex,
orable than the I.e4islatnre, and Visits with
correponding punishments every trans
gression of her laws. • I
'A BEAUTIF.EL PRESENT. —Aldermen 'are
sometimes very fortunate people,gt least our
gallant friend, Major Waahington Richards,
one of the Alderman of the 'NorthWards of
this city, is,, and one of the WO :deserving
of men is he to have such luek. Cot. Levi
Maltzberger,one of the largest men physical.
'ly in out eity,and no one ofinn acquaintance
has a bigger heart,' is continually planning
some good actien, and, '4,04, hottet,carry
ing it into effect. He bethought himself that
the Major is an inveterate dutoker, and that
lie is partioillarly fond of the weed,and thete
'foriffniehaied and presented" to Min, lank
evening, a beautiful meerschaum pipe. Not
withstanding the inbleineliq . of the weather,
a large attendance •of the flriends of both
gentlemen, werepresent. at ,the, Major's of
fice, No. 29 North Sixth street, and the do
nor andyeelpient were: heartily applauded
on the neat and happy little speeches they
made. We , werefertunete :enough to be
present, and aftei the interesting presenta
tion ceremony !ma c , ovex,,, the new p,iPe,welo
Ifghied l Atid 01 4 .9 egit141;1011 ;by "the: atifoke
'which se.gracefully enrled"aboire
,the Ma,
jor's be"witi ih' an 'elysinm of
bliss, narcotictir speaking. Long life to
the Colonel aid . ejor!
Ls? shoes avi•
deuce orate—the tal -tale whitealag of 4e looks.
the annatural thinning Of Uncovering which a*
tare designed Wald he prosetved to the period
pfilisiolattan a lone 49 ume neoutlag ;pi bottle of
'Barratt'e vegntable lialltostorauve. th
antidote ta;baidnatt,:grag aaillaigs , ---ts, a
&pros. tod• /6.4010 Q.
4 51
21 0 .14
4 1- t'
43' 3 '
data of
charming —fin aer weather, the wind
suddenly veeredismdfrom btonday.getil to.;
day nothing •gloOpitir Ifuggupid„
The bright, sunshiny days of the igolden'Am
Num we fear, alas are soon to be garnered ,
by the unfeeling a nd irrepressible harvester,
4 : l " , ii3OfthttOnxe. What a melancholy - feel-,
itig spreads ii,`er all as the Autumn sheet
passes swiftly by. Hair like uatotha life A'
man.. lie has his Spring, his Summer, big
Autunnli end then comes - Mat of. - 1I the
,• "Xing ot Terrors," hoary -Ist.ded • IVinter,
his birth;' rise, 'Wind dechim. In 'these
are : the teisomi:. co' MORS& . The "'melan
choly days". are hare, with their beauty and
at the same time their gloomy grandeur. We
love the Spring and summer time; the .sea
•0011' of birds, flowers and sunshine
. Mid have
'often wished 'that we could ever eask in the
pleasares and happiness which they 'uvula.
big bring. 0611 2 Autumn has its delights as
It is a time tor reflection and medi
tation, and these will frequently_ make us
better men and better women: Nature at
thiaseason Assumes ar, entire now aspect of
beauty. • Of this how fotteibly reminded are
we by the golden.tinted leaves of the forest,
and the silent and subdued murmurings o'
the streams.
out into the Century now,
and perceive the change. "the grassy slopes
find green fields have - become sore and yel•
low, and the mantle of' green has been
thrown aside, 'to be assumed when the
Spring and,Siuntnee Oen Come But
a truce to such thoughts, and let us hope
that the dreary .Winter non , so near will be
brief, mid thAt lovely Spring and beautiful
Summer will speedily roll 'around;once
more. • - •
"Those days aro goat.
But beauty MIR Is hero."
bon cotemporary of the Scranton Register
"busts mit" in the following style
"A city editor of a live and lively daily
journalgenerally his his hands full. •He is
expected to hiMi his:eyes - and ears open np•
on all oticaSions, and - we belieVe some pod•
ple labor undiir the hallucination that he
sleeps apron, ready to start at the
first/alarm offire4; ova. oy , In the iityeet;
He is expected lobe grave, and funny, and
wise,- and discreet, and possess all the con
(lied virtues done up In a concentrated
form. As to ideas, pia is supposed to have
them regularly cot and' dried for all ocervi:
alone, from the dedication of a lady's album .
to a solid leader,
it' the "boss" is' deinorall.',
zed" or out of town, .lle is generally ;re
tarded as a man belonging to no particular
ago. Ho must be young with the yoting,
ropp with the rompers, and steady and
sedate with the growing old ; with a -rusts
for anogreeable flirtation ' ivhen bright em
end sweet lips are in qbeation t or prepared
to take a turn at politics or religion. if occa
sion requires. Always readyifor a feast, fee',
thud, funeral, foot-rnee,• or',fight o the eitt
editor sees strange 'sights, many of wide
he is expected not to reveal. If he noticeb
a small flirtation quake stuirs t of course the
last thing in the weed for Wale do is to
mention it; and if meets a deacon of a
church coining out of a piece, of question . *
able repute, ho must not by any means
snake it public. Still , theioleear meet" with
many strange and startling things in then
course of his daily walk and conversation;
Perhaps the strangest sight which has met
our eyes since we have, been in Scranton
was encountered' yesterday.' wo wore re•
turning from our usual 'morning call upon
our amiable . friend Alderman liratres, w 4
were confronted by a spectacle from which
,we thought our , city .would he hee.. .We
cannot describe it. It wastlike Barnum'i
"What is it," without a parallel. It puzzled
us, as did the witches Macbeth upon the
heath. It rooked like a limman, but as we
were too nervous to institute a very close:
examination, we are prepared to speak from_
impreBaions only ;
We were "ievel.'! we remember en the leth•daY of
As mitook a walk we'd often "fetched" before,
We met in the sunlight ratubliftg,,a;figure Queer
'aud shambling; 9
fr ,
Wham.° and who ait thou? No biumanE though;
thou look Roam like lotuon,,
And we scanned the hideous flalire o'er aid:o'er .
AMC thou troubled with the collo. or only;
, .
IIY Jove, I never saw the like afore, ,
"Only this and nothing wore '
Nir sb e y d
o r An g i r r O polt; and wonder, ind . sdsoulato
As the disapbearod v4thin noishbcliins
May the saints Shove defend her,ol:finkt,'.'eurve',
We traC lF ie e glitli r re'eli;it Botpdar: n : "
"Only this Ind' nothing moret,:
Spools! to the
ti,lintylittil County Teschern" 4011;lute.
PoTravit4, Nov. 18.-46 ''.Siirtrylkill
County Teachers' Institute convened 'hero
yesterday. The,uttetidance of Teachers is
larger than ever before. 11. number of
prominent educators are here, Irrigating to
initrUct. diufong others; Prof, A. N. Raub,
of yorricounty; late - Professor of Literature
iu the Keyatone State NorrnalSchool, at
Kutztown, 'who - Will lecture to•dny.
Important from Cuba.
NEW YORK, Nov. 17.—Mail adVices have
been received from Puerto Principito Oct..
80th. Despite false reports from' Havana,
the revolution has overspread the whole
Eastern Department, and the Central De.
partment is almost ready to join in it. The
'Weis iire'inen of high social 'position, great
wealth, and talent, and have commenced the
revolutionary movement by freeing their own
slaves and marching to the front with then:i.
The Spanish troßps can barely hbld tMt
ground they occupy. An attack on' Puerto
Principe was daily . expected and many
families were leaving for Nassau. They
would go to the United States, but are not
allowed to by.the government.- .
FROM—In Me ally, on the 17th RAU LAURA M.
IL, daughter of Isaac and Louisa From, aged 4
• years, 2 months and 13 day/.
The relatives and friends of the family are re
speotfully invited to attend the funeriPJ,on Friday.
November 20tb, at F owe*, P. M., from the resi
dence of her parents, 339 Penn street. to proceed to
the First Corrigan Reformed Church, and from
thence to the Charles Evens Cemetery.
Why should I vex my heart 4r feet,
No more she'll visit me, , •
My soul will mount te her at lest,,. ,
lAntt there infehilii I'll see. •' • .
n 0v.113-2t, -
Faun Dm:mg.—Dr. Light. No. 1 North Fifth
street, Retie, Pa., how in his store one of the
finest slid st. selected stooks of fresh drugs in ibis
city. Dr. ght and his assistant are always ready
. to wait on persons whoare in want. st sag', bout er
the day or night. • Dr.. Light and his sasistanton
both a#3C0123 gibbed druggists and gentienien,versed
in PhsrmeolortY. ' •
GRICAT REDUCTIO* 11l Vlllll4.— Ladies
deslronirof purchasing Van should eitil at the
101 l
is Store.
fig n east,
Dore below
E4oLa co
oe they will Ofil find
cell selected stock
/11118, which will
sold at small pro.
6114 Panel
'way!' haa2 •
19511110. 'W4I4
pnr4tulen,t o and imu,v344te Be.
medy Por Teittaohe,:lar.„
who; seailwbe i Ithiumatism ligrut
Front Bites t and all aouto paint!. •• /
allovhdo human auffer,ing II •
hlghtot aim of tho true phlloosspher, • Whit 'OO • t
wiener!, In our ortiday ha.. Itlemcly achieved; t*diiictin ;
the Inhalation' of chku'oftuti and ether to / *Oil.. thi
eonseypent upon difficult aurgical operation"; '
-.. • -/ .
wit..cnpUsh 'knot. ou(aht spolcitt o t.
Ire rstteCt lo perfectly 'magical, i‘lAtt it: rlt c
entlrity ati to be hpidicaldo to lho chlhl •of iv •
der ago a* '.ho adult, Thousands of att&31"1111 cued ti
tilY that itila la no fiction, but a fact beyond nll confroissr ,
and Anglo application of the cute trill c!‘n Ince thrs , )n, , ,.(
skeptical auffeeer onto truly tultdenlow power,
► To Produce ita
No Amity that, on ea bcconies aop'ipiitte‘i
with ita l virlttes tvili'ba
Prioi 00 etc Etobl by fill
5t.0 0 ,, h .
. . , . , ),
8010 Proprist"' eai rllk t Pt.
. .
• Beawhat J, A. Dudley , says, of the flrtu of llnd..
lay a litofford, one of tilt% largest whololtalo drug.
'eatablbittutonto Inl,blA country '
: , • . NO. 09 Bltatit.l.ltBO. NIIII Yoni, -
• ..
__ January:soo.V '7. , !
4 nit t r." /k i p., peading, r d a,-, 7 4)orkli t ino:—.
It o ame p e t % I n, f A r ►
or the' wen 4r'int i
cots of your "Pain yro, n ai r y own otutei's ni'
upo ltult., 1 was • attaoltdd wth ottralglo , llly
abdomen and Ade l . Allot eufkt na, Antonsaly or
netalrivro week'. I nits Induced to tyy e
tand attor out appltoat °tufo' in, 'Utter turptito.
was telloved I a fov , eoeonde.: tO Sudden Arm+
t o retie that oould scarcely iallovo ray Orgy
senses. From m knowlottoo of-tho preparation. I.
Orally behove, tat it will atop ‘.3l),ROfft *wad,
every Cause and almost Instant:tr. „
.. Respabtt:nliy. drs is ,.,:i
, .um Ti '
Iri t „; ,
Of the Om of Duilley.&Stii . rts WigN4'4l/3111'
slits. ' '' . • Iti . it;
lIARItis , ‘ , '.. '.:l
PE L SOKI ) , -
ir pi,
_eS2' AND REsr, A 14T101 4 1 , ,T0 ll
A LI4 I' ll PIAIN.Y THAT NOA P, M. 1I S h..'D -
' FORy. V 8111NOVIOTIIIM NX.C'EPriat 1
'IRE PRHAT AttlilltlOAN, , SOAP 0000 Y.
Witt tileasurejn Informing the neenleellteilile..
end *laity. (b. ut lore particularly•• all•,gett
1 009 1 4ecilm's gnat t 0Y are inanulaelitting a,d
ntroduchura Soap Gut trier to all Others int l o
foligwinspurposes I . ~ . ... . .. - ,
Fi 13T- , -For Gleaning PALO, Wood-we/ohr.
bte L . ~. , ,
• VA Art — gOr -Oleenteg (am) I:4lohlecat the
i t
Sauget Mel metals of do dosotipt ollei;t , --,
Itentoteepers tab at once see t e treat luiVati
tago of t le, es it s entirely tinne_eessitrito hop as ,
heitt l etotore s rPolla ii 36 l'endpnylirlelt Dest,Baml.
es,__&m,46.l ..;•
HIRI/ i For a Palm as. ilithLßolte editirklallY
where the o are_any Impurities otrilailia Rertly..tliq
t ends, sue „As paint, Grease o,r 4py ,1 ktid, t F,qmiirti
k fitt . • - '. . ' .
li Ana list—For the thousand and ono
other Dilrposes for which snap js In roontikut we,
and which. it is itupessible etwenutuerabtat 0)4
time. , : • ; i ,
~ f ,•,./.,,,
niaruirpwa FOR %Moir; nannte' VsSin. e iV .'i
-for et*. and every purpose ateArrrniehtlOlT • !I e
be used in the same manner as any effigy tio ji *IQ'
this exception, that it only require" Olkip. MAI).
the ainount of our Bonn to apepirrrh ttie.ilapo re
mite *Cotner/4 and ONE-TH . IK of the' Tllllll
and LABOR saved. i
WANTED,, every Pcreoh in itro(fingio 14
"RAftnig , :PjilAnt: sovit*
. ~..?, •
, , I4WAR'R.OP ,ALL /MlTA i kiNitii:. 4 l it ( .
A lfantifne/oreci Rxe/usivi/v tit the'ilrat ,Arterio
1 Soap th., 11.0 Arch Mired, Philatklphyq !
•., '. '
II A, Rlt 111 & ' . O 0 .',' PrOprlotnrali:'
anTrDURiCtIOLARR St Ifspains; 6riter 'Of *NI
AVashingtOn Streets, tioloAgents for ltqadinu.
The Soap li now Offordd to the PUblio ntthe tot
lowin_g Stores : . _ , ' • 2. 1
Stanffor & Shentelder, Yocum .&
Ilousittn. l .
A. Pottelger, Harbin° & term, ~ i
J, &B. Baylor, ' D. IJ. Itchier; ,
Infer & uoono, • le. B; Yielithern,"' l 11
D. Keiser. , Dinnersh Its & llubp,
J, Dundore, (3. ileirolfingor.
A. Swarts, • tihnoffor, ' '
J. O. Thos P. A, (troth 4 c 0.., ,
P. Kotler & Bro., M. Keifer & bid),
J I. Illidebeltel, O. K. Boyar,
B. II emm NH,
i J
. Jardine. a
e Behind J, , .
g, ' .
it i ltne h.
, .
Boyer, Ott & Bohler. , ''• ' ,!
I *- 1 i
'At No. 107 North Iktfth
re now prepared to turnieh OUT citirene with Con
tallowy, Candles and Ice °resal e at wholeento
an Tetail.
leo all Wads of plain antt randy Cakes. ea
Cream of all flavors constantly on band. A call
solicited. June
• ,
VOTICC—The attention of mechanics antir.,Ai
VI boring men is called to the Fortnn Build ngk:
and paving Association •of Reading., be thg int ,
Aran eaffh. and limited tO fifteen hundri . Aedy ,
a large number of sharer aro taiceni lent ng• a fo
more for,disposal. Those desiring bad .better , cart
early in order to securethorn. ,
For further information call at the store of
Jones 0, Thomas, grocer, corner Wiftb.smil em pt
It c
rests, or at ' • tne residence of ROOK Wagner, .
B. corner Fifth and Courtst i r l etts or bit' thn und r-'
s ed. i ,J, ROW SI Oft, rotary; t'.. -
t 29 Imo '0 eel. 521 court fitreet,
•• , t,
41iii4elixii34 , 44'fi r itiiiiteii4ii44iial4
neWand i e egaiit totifii „
• ' .‘'. • .‘•r ,•• ,„;-• ,• ; • •
110. 437•WENN STREET, 7 . • '
. !
.Wheresuritc:' . itiiiiillifiAoriiiyfiliWii'or the
laestiampuresto ••• • , i - • •
40 101;16of Riil4 l: th
root :a b iM " 'PPto ed. al/ep:it
p. 11.11 mirE l e g
IGIAM- 'AMIM" $T 1l• :
v • , .1 ,r
And:Manufacturers of
PlPE]umuzio vok „ tEggspY,
LOT% ! to. I
, ••;1 , )•••1
'll3 sovra Npvinvin
ooNS '; AND PEN ROLDBRO. A Jaw var .
sigauTent now. hr _ lisoW
(Old:JaII) Readlni.