for St Deem 1, the We. SuadAye, MI wlfda . nd littleol;ild ,t 4 a broken legged man in San. Francisco remained too , long out of the house. Ito hobbled • opt to search for them, and ,found that they ;had fallen into a newly dui well. --loth *ere drowned, and •it is feared • 'The poor cripple will become lehaile, from the ;think, , --Brazil keeps a standing offer of $BOOO in gold to anyone Who will invent a mode , of preserving beef so that It will be suitable fot expOrtation, and though four hundred pro cesses have been put ih competithin for this prize, nono have yet , received it. • —The New. York Nail; the .6rgan . of "po-, lite society" says : "Tim Grecian bond, in dulged in by a few idiots'in respectable so ciety, is dew pretty much monopolized by danco•house females.", - —ln NU yburg,on electipn day,o, young man y just past his ni !witty 'was accompanied to the polls by his andfather , owning to the age of nlnotreig it: ' , Both voted for Sey mour, and Blair. —:The . nut bearing trees in !Virginia aro beginning to attract attention from farm eri and merchants as valuable sources of prOlitable commerce. • The pecan nut can be raised in great quantities. —A diunken Tnaii . niuncd John Valentine las drorripd pn Wednejday °Toning, while chasing anOtheilletifiked misty across thee Columbia bridge over the Schuylkill, at Philadelphia.. —The salary of , teachers Orpublki [wheals in New York average $lB 88per pupil; Boston, $18.70 per pupll 3 P h iladelphia,' $9lO per pupil and In New 'Orleans, s2o.' 80 pet pupil. ' ' . , —A traveling "Count," arrested in New York for practieing the "dead beat" game on hotels, pleaded in extenuation that he was insane from &disappointment in love. —lt is said that a poor German . mechanic of Now York has just invented a sounding board which solves the long sought problem, of the prolongation of sound in a piano. —A large box of earth from Polish soll is' kept in , Faris, and 'whenever' 'meinber of the Polish colony in that cit,y dies,a handful, of thixearth is thrown into his coffin: —Hon. Moses Bentley s ono of the col ored *nombera of the Georgia Convention, has been arrested and hold to boil for, lend ing a riot on election dap , —Mr. Lancaster, of Texas, was unpins• antly surprised on a recent; evening" by a party of his neighbors, wh`e took him out andliangothim. —Butler says Kilpatrick was put in prison for stealing mules, and Kilpatrick is of the opinion that' Butler ought' ,to bo there for stealing spoons. —Mr. Dudley (Ta 11, .; of Arcdford, Mass., ' voted owelection day, saying that it would be his last vote; and died immediately on his' return home. —Mrs. Rice, who .*as, reCehtly badly burned in Newark, bY tbo explosion of a kerosene lamp, died on, Friday, and loaves six children. • —A dram dem cobbler 'Jw aed Fano leono.who ClllO , to- be pOpe Urban the Fourth. is to bo pui. obi his octavo town of Troyes. • • • • , • . -A &alai() preached in Chicago recently,. in ca 'Universalist Church. The papers say it was thq first instance of tko loud ip that city. • —Twenty-one days' hard labor was the senteneo ot' • an khughsh laborer who' polled a carrot from afield to eat When he WM hllll7. gr.Y. • —Gen. Basil Duke, the ex• Confederate cavalry General, has established himself in Louisville in the practice ottlni law, ' —Tho "cigar-lighter" manufacturing business, out of oflice.begging letters, goes on briskly at Gen. Grants headquarters. —EuriSpeon physicians hove 'successfully used electricity to restore persons Who hero token overdoses of IRodeouot or opium. —A now 12.inelt rifled cannon has been taken from Pittsburg to Fortress Monroo for experimental purposes: ' —Along tho• coast at Scituato, Mass.; about six thousand barrels of lrtsh moss are collected annually. —A valuable vein of iron ore, covering an area of 100 acres, ,has been discovered near Petersburg, VA., —A young ,lady l of twoiltpono v is said to ho tho,lAttallion wkestlctoftko NinOtoeath WaidrNow • . • • ---r•Earthquilies were of frequent occurrence in New E naland 'luring Ole first century after its settlement. _ , . • —A ktiehigan :fanner, bas husked. 100 bushels of corn in eight hou're i and won $25 premium. -A man in Ifunterdoa county,, N.• has a silver dollar ifilkia poSaession. *Met 49 188 years old. —Last week George Warren, of Meadville. Pa. wakened just in time to IWO "being buried alit% Centre, Alle4hony oohnty, N. Y. has twoutylour , widows in a total populatioik of 400 i „ . 6 t;o' , ' "thoumuld dollar aot" of Russia Me furs is offered for'sali is tiew 'York. —Thelateet 40447 , 10014nd a Inman edict *semi the wearing of mcTatichee. • . --Number of cotton :Mills 14 orillern Staten, 479. In Souther States, 69. --A. A. Bradloy iii‘wititi;d lo l? the , SE vannab police, but be can't, be found. —The Florida pieetere ire , tykAlle; their attention to raising benefits. — • —Ohio has • etity , acres public land ' •• =II yeteelpede td on ice haa'tieen kn 7 e nted lately. ,log ip, to . Aork, no gil l P3itt i dap Oki, ft ~ Mord ,ng t omitting sp. ~ IEBI , c':l,;•3 sapOia • • • .r ; ; • -1 - • i;. lEEE I •t' • ) 110110014 , 111100KSA1 lIEII •• ktust received at thorM/4140 h OREA I'l4llo of booke r ße sne r ►SI•e °els ill rblv city, Oleo. wi be sold a teCoryt riga prices.. It would bo the sdvsotsse or ono woo sro pl.witot of books to egartain our prices before purobisjng elsewbere, -IYe have . • SWoodhury's Now Method_p with (iertash,ll4 et.mposition Hooks. • .2.2 • C Itasquello's Froneli Course. Ittonileastio's Mensuration. Btodtlarrl'at Ari tli el les, 11 11 Parkeeo PhiltoophY, Bolilop'sOininamr, 'Ray a Algebra, 0 • Cutter's Anatomy'. • Ooodrich's U. 13. lqatoir. • Ott pnlearp Lawonnoy's ueologY. . .ffitivie'legendYr. . f E whosnar Etymology ; f 13, A • Dlotionnarlee, • Pons and Penholders. nail and Ob late Pewit"; • SpencerlanVelopy Books, .0 Anthqu'en Viigil, L , R bullion i nk m Oar, 1 • • . , ViVoodbury 'a Elementirary OermayilteaderlD .BohoolLß.Qaekets, -11 a ' ParkOUWAYionVerlio:of Schad Books. L. , Crittenden's Bookkeeptnit. wliti setts of Blank-. noose, . . PENN STREET. Pennock'slntory of &aloud, Oreeop, and ROM% READING. Mitahol'e.liitorinadiato and Primary deographioa.' THE' PENNSYLVANIA CHORAL HARMONY Containing:the prtnoll'a CROW MELODIES, Provided with ~ c*RMAN AND ENCILIAR TEXTS • Bo; eat th‘ [BEI •• . • 44 $AGLE" 110 0KIWOR.P. 1:; •.• , .)- • ‘" 11 . 1 ~~~ :,~ •;` S EOM 851 Penii,Street. MEI pittise l y r D, PEN Hop 1:i441 1 ; , * ; ci f o d mint 'mks& or the • • Boonton. • El] i , 5 El =I !.kri : ,~~., 1121 ~. F ~ • .Mat owttit lc 1E0E1604 . • 1 D . P.41115 :IN .A..R, DW A It‘E., • CUTLERY, OUNS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS' .METALS, TIN PLATES, SHEET IRON ? • Building Materiali, SADDLERY, &0., &a., &0., &o. 4 No.' 612, `PENN ,STREBT, 024- KRYDEp, , dc CO" . • . , : ffiantifatturore of it! • • 7 ' DR. STIEVER'S Celebrated Toni° Horb Bitters, • Importers of • WINES AND LIQUORS. Moo 8010 Agents for BAILItY'S UNRIVALLID RYIt Warams. • • No. 121 North Third Street, f, PUII4DELPHIA. For sale at the Eagle Bookatore. an 33- lIRAOOK 'Cotner Second and EVittsklin Stied*, nava constantly on band and sell at reasonable yiloce p LUMP; BROKEN. 800. do STOVE COAL, NUT OIL z TNUTAND urrummovo COAL, 11[OKORY and 00 WOOD, LIMB AND HAND. KINDLINo*OoD BY THU DARttEL. • Afir ityWe deliver free of extra dares to aO7Pitrt of the b. feb29 fl A. G1111118E2.110113 I . Extensive Grain Warehinise, • Now ready for , • PARIdElia. AND OONOIGNODB, rolltronle g a i s r to easonable. Also, 0 Storage 1.. FLOUR AND _FEED, &c., • Porando wholesale and retail, adower prieestbso oanbo purchased, elsewhere. A lso, superiorlot of . Buokwheat Meal, and Potatoes. °moo, No:105 North t ighth-BLioading,Pa. TAKE NOTICE ! GREAT REDUCTION BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND CLOTHING 1 GEIGER & BRO., 431 PENN STREET, We haVe jest received a splendid stook of the above goods, whioh are now offered et the follow• log low oleos: , • ' ' . „ m .V n . ii relfrot t (B 4 ,.. ' ' s 1 , 4*.g• 1 .! Yretich calf Congress gaiters, ~ 2 0i) ' working shoes, extra, heavy. $2 00 to li 82 1 '''' ' calf balineralksoweil. . 1 80 ._,_• • kip . ~, ig. , • . $1 50 tol 85 IVAnep's lastiniegh Polish, . • , 200 ' 'Pali li fi r g ba l l= ( best). Ligliest balmormay ' " ' • 1 gattA?r!„ • , , 100 •13inis' hilts, • • 50 Women's gdorooco balmorals, Polish. • ''2 00 Vt. •' b ,' • 4' shoes. • , .1 f i ll e a nt a k t ia t sf;,: l i ' d ' ' ' , . 85 glove Eig e r:Abb. high her haimorala.i 1 • 1. $2 85 to 9 25 '• ' . l!etbaegcssttaw as any other slmilst pleisigiialct REPAIRING. .• Particular . attention- ie said to 'all kinds of ro7 Ve n if ' also Lace livid large and, wan saw ted stook. of • FURS, TRUNKS, VALISES, '&o. Renumber the name and st.umbei, dtIiGER 431'RENN STRREZ oleo 22- NEW WINE 110 USE, N 6. 052 Hair' STREET,' • READINOI.-PA. OSCAR , E. °MOST, ROPRIETOB, I)#4lerin all kinds of Dirleatif .Winos of t!ttlookt 41 '1.4Aaia sp 21- • • El , , - • k 11OK I \IRK ,•- • • •'' - ' l 4 ; '‘i •• ' •• . • 'iis - ' 'last teco(Yed a larialot of \ • • 6 • • • lINUOBLIN it dPI7I3)IPIELIPS • • Celebrated Ohemirl Writing Fluid; d in Quart, Pint and smaller bottles, . • • • For sato 'cheap. still° EACifig BOOR STORE, 111114 'REAIANG , The oldest Oertnan Newspaper published in tho 113.Uatted States• ‘ ESTAIILIERIND IN 1707: Circulation over nye Thousand I Tho'lßeading Adler" is the best advertising me. Ottnn for the German Districts in Eastern Pennsyl- vitals, having a circulation of over five• thousand . • ooplott, It contain', twonty-olglit largo oolumna Of advortleementi and carefully selected re adin rmatf Lei, Tbo (Her is thoroughly Democratic! in pilaf oiplo, endeavoring to Inculcate tho sound political doctrines of our forifatb ore, as laid d_o_wn by Joffe,- eon and Jackson. „1- PRICE ONLY $1 50 A YEAR. Published every Tuesday morning, r , 0 I I' VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, WyDDI,NG CARDS, of all kintle, maybe bad at the EMI twee. 1111 . . Electrotypes furni4id it desired. i All olads Ü b eyi done in the post beintlfal_Pani net. tad at the lowest rates. apply it, tile male Bookstore. DR; BIJOIMI sonatmol CELEBRATED SWEDISH DIMAS; „ • . . . o ar ilrt4datiVliroiteiti4itillit 0, tre misteh idn ems, gm** .4.• =r ule the er Mtt ee irae le.4"v • xi Ira • cr iti pi, • • CO! taik• . • It .;• • 351 renn Street. •VI. . , RIT'J I 1 & co., No. 851 Penn Street. • ME= ISM NE ~,, :~, lISM ', • .( 1 4v1504 ;pyr . .Tili,)sss. !,, kj?'- ? -z ; t o ! , 1 ii.:, onus* IT 1 1 . ~ :,. an. 6 146,4il Itoadint Dt• 'SS; lb & _- ,7140kIrt , iThatillir and fur-. kdakete r i l l g 1 4 . 4140/2 taD. l 9 4 % f, 0 o )1( Mt ttt M u le. *down." pettwoltn• villa. Rearnstown. - , BOYERTOWN MAIL AND STAGE LINE,. Leaves Boyertown'at 6' o'elodt, a‘ m.. A 77174 111 Reading o_lo O'oloek.u. in.• - Returtllng, , lames Reading 02% p. sa: Arrives at Byertow* IA 7 p.l . m 4 i t serves , Stoners filler JirtUntitidolush , Ureshville. Yellow Mouse. liarlville MS, Viosers town. • , . • , , usuNvitital MAIL' AND STAGE 1 1i a r ,144131. .: Leaves , Bethel •tt r 3 ,A.Polooll,_ a:, 1n.,. soil,. y Beading at 10 . o'e 00k..a.,n5. .itet I . eaves Reading at 2 ololoe kp i m g - attires it Umbstsw it 9p. m. Its ervetioelnbeebt. I t o. scer tri. Bert- Die t • AntororitturV . Bethel. 1 Tel Oman and moisteri Mills.' -'. BL.V_II ilal. MAIL AND ivrAgß LINE ' ' ' Leaves Reid on:Monday. - WedneMay , and Itrl day at 8o el k eon, itetmning. ler, Blue Ball on TOOlOl 'Th.eredly and Sal tar riving at Read yat Of t 0'0)04 p. m. ' plies Mohn's Store • . hatter a, Itowmaailvt,, uddy Creek, Terre kiA, Nearer's will ail 11 . • PIQUA MAIL AND mu • , Loaves Reading. on Monday. nesday and Pride at 7 1?'oloor a. in. Aarvivm at Reading en • Tu • • y. Thursday,' ad Ward's,* at 6 o'clock, n -it supplies Mt. s t i lui. ileekersville Joanna I/. . ace , Morgantown, botville, lioneißrooke. tiebridge and South Ilermi4o, , ;• .. : 011AVIISVILLE STA,(III D MOULINS * 1 eaves Lobalhsville on 'rue , my: Thrat'and Saturday at 6 b cloth; a. tn. astrE at adios at Oli o'clock. a. ra. iteturning. ' vesßea ding at 21„, odook , p. m. Arrlyes at baohsville at 6 obilock. I). ut, It servos Alsace. Oleysthtl Lelniehs vine. • * READING TO COLUMBIA -t_ • • Daily by. Railroad—Leaves eadlnsir t il t si 0. $ Arrives atl.o:3oa.m. 13np Res glow Me olds fitistiols. Stevens, Er Mi L it an eita,Spoilotrl. And 1 1 - 10; ;Imp!. ly iigs a f 'ii. -,a• Tri-iroo b , 7 - 814110-;' Aas es **tin' - on Monday. vedneedny Ict ' irrldaY . at 7a . In'. ,: Ar. rives at Birdsboro at p: -Itetacimfrieskres it s. on Tuotihkr. an at, on Attlar St 7 ri. in. ' Suppite4uolger a Mi lls, i slue omr. ines. 'lVallace, Sup Lionville and West ' hitt land. • '• • , . , -• : READI OTO ROISON . '. • 13etni-WeeklY bYll er"Leaves eadint onpes day imisatrday A t a. m. and arrives at ad- Ing 4" 111' ' 4it 0 TO ll OST I 1* i f ; L'l_ . • . . R N 11 . - Semi-vieekly by 81 ge—Leaves Reading -Luca day and. idaturdaytte WO a. tn. r i ve_4s•__at . Read ! . ing at 9:30 a. tn. Supplies Addans'invern, Lower Heidelberg, North idelborg, Krick', milts an d Most. . . .. . . IXESP RT TO NtIRA ' Tri-weekly by Stow Loaves LoosPost Tueislai. Thursday and baturdoy at 12 in. Arrives at Ittes port nt 3 p. m. Supplies South Evansville a n d Mdlltow,n . . . CIIXTOWN TO VIRGINSVILLE . . . Tri-wee ly by Stage—Leaves Costir Tuesday. ' Thursday and'hatu'rd ay at VI a. in. A ves at Vex town at 4p. m. Supplies Kirbyville, °adorn and Virginevillo. • • . REIIRWESIIIIII.OV STOIIOIIBIIIIII4 Trl-weekly by Stage— eaves ItehroraburgTues day; Thursday and Satin ay atll a. tu; Arrivetat Reinieraburg at 6 p. rO4. Supplies Win tersville and Rost. READING idAILB. „ . ywrog DAILY. . Now York—Closes at 10A. u. and 10 r. w. • II Althea at "A. M. and 2 P. IL Philitlphia—ArriVes at 10:30A. sr. and 6 P.*. 010i011 at /0 A" If. and 4 P. tr. . • • llarrls!ourg—Arrives at 10:3_'A. D 411 4 4:30 P'. U. 6 Closes nt 10 A. If: anti rou P . V, • • Pottsville—Arrives at 10:30 A. is. and 4:30 r. ir. .. Closes at 10 A. IL and 3:30 P. M. • • ' ALLRNTOWN AND MANTON. , ' ' I Arrives st2;oo P. It. I: .' , 0101101;At10;00 A.M. RNAMTOWN—throo timelplseek t , • , ' Arrives at7:oo P. U. I - ' • 'Ulobett at 5;00 A. 11. BeR1111)14L11. ' • Arrives at10;!Xl A, I closes at2:lo 11101111RSIOWN. Arrives at 10:00 A. 11. 2, Closes 442:30, LOBACOIRVILLII-4Rt0131111108 a WOok t Arrives at 0:30 A. Y. I Close at 2:30 r. Y. I.l4llA—three tithes a reek. ' • Arrives at 7:00r. Y. ICloses at 8:00 A. Y. • BMA BALL—three lima a week. , • Avrives at 4;30 P. N. I CIOSQ at 8:00 A. Y. lIRIDRIAIRRO—tRiOO a Weak; Arrives at OM A. Y. I Close at 11:30 A. it. Bonmunt—twiee a Welk, • Arrives at 1100 A. Y. • close at 7:30 A. to, N. T. GEHO, 'FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAVRRt 4 . 658 Penn Steak BaldOw; Pa. i HAS bONSTANFLY ON NANO THE FINEST GI - h a ir eV; 1 . also ao L a di es ' l a n n i d i ttra t r i ln o P s% r i ot s t3 o h f o n e ll itindr. See list of styles and Prices: •• Alsin s'enlf boots, home made, $025 5'50 kip :" • 400 to 500 . , calf balmorals, 200 . 4 2 • 200 " Broga'ns • 200 2 " Congress gai ters, 275 ' 4 " tilovakidCongress gaiters, 400 • 6 D?ya' hip bobbl e i .• 200 • 3 balmorals, 160 2 Youths' kip boots, • 175 260 " balmorals , ' 125• 1.75 Women's glove kid h i lgh Polish brit- % morals, ' 8.60 400 Wpmen'sicu3tinghigh olishbaittprals,2 00. 3po ~ ' goat patent leather tip • ?.- 200 a 25 " Kid, slippers, 100 Misses' goat patent loather tip hal. • 1 76 morals ..,, 16 0 2,40 Children a goat pat.en leather tip bat- • - morals, • ' , I 126 1 1.0 N. T. °MO, OM-Penn Street. &mil Nemll 1 1 11 HE HEADING FIRE INSURANCE AND I TRUST COMPANY OF DEKKO CO. oIWANIZND Ju Lir, 1867. Woo htfturance IJufldinp, N 0.19 North Fifth otrect,e. E. arner of (bur, 4000. • Office hours froni BA.u. to 8 , • , • ntRECITORBS Henry. Pringlo Joneo, • James MeXnlght, HZ. Von Reed, . Jacob Shaffner, JT. Jackson. . D. IS. Stout, onas Shatter, . •J. T. Valentine, George Moser. • • • This CompanY Insures all hinds of property against loss or damage by llreatratea as low as any other reliable Co tn pany and upon ovary plan known to Reek Insurance Companies. Perpetual Policies issued' requiring ng'renewat and upon which the amount of premium paid oar' bo reclahned at any time, • loss a deduction of Ave Per cort, The van on y. on of this method ore worthy of the attention o fermerland others he in g fret-tdass dwelling owes. arns and othor buildings, in town or country. as ohms the cheap. est and safest. • •• Policies forpne, two, three, five or more yenta, of foriess than one year. issued and'no charge N 2140 for Policy and slimy when renewed or Witt* itsi ountncon are transferred fibm other companies, The llsena rif• Readies and vicinity, hitherto dependent mainly. upon foreign 'Companies, have now the privilege of effecting their lusurances in is hem° institntion;well Organised,with an adequate paid in anti g_uaranjeed_ OSPilali • predating strong a buts of seetirity ail that o itily„otnerpom. pany. The adVantage of doing. btisiness directly with the Company mutilie importknal °thanking some portion of the largo sums mild for instirsnees, in circulation at homeorill be appriated Ws% J. PRINGLB JONES, esident. 4 JAMES MoKRIGIIT, V 06 President; S. R. ANCONA. Bee and T sae. UONOIO. LENNART th °Riau. . NAOHINIBTB, BRASS POUNDERS, • .And • DRALENLI Machinists' and Manufactpsors' Nuppliss 7 No. an .16 es 871111114 " lil{kintr4. PA. CA•pPtTBI OAii,PETS I I • H. H. HAHRLat edo.' ; . 7 Noy ilB Plum beho#l Mxth and fieventie grids, vioblergt iidforaigoo P lll ot. Win an itgro aril* et;744 1" , eit oAsavoal4tm,, 1.4k1:941 Mg . ~ !•• l " n Pitital t keigi war aq ' g neatly axon i at mas " yam Printing tablbbment. • O,V 4 OS CAPITAL .1160,0d0.4. to DI,c11014,41t1,1:8. ~,,.. :..x , 1 .z, 4,, , .! • k ' Wetater',ll4,oodifo, MN , , Webstei`itAtademte.tßeT. • Ed.) , Viebaieti Mat Salop), (Rm., RI.) • Wobster's Vommon School, WebsteeiPrlmirt, Ed kaglish tlotukry, wortestei,i Oommp[ebeAslP• Dictionary, Wore”ter'i &tool Diotioul Adlor'a airman and Rata& Dlonousill Oehboblager's Pronouncing °email Dietlolitty. ' t For WO at Met "EAOLE" BOOKSTOTtk, M 1 Penn Street.,Heir Youth. Ts' GREAT rinnufrooDENT SOUNDER - at FELIX warer o m, itorsi: .. an . 1 inik a w 'whoa .\ .. ~,.•,strooe• ~ ‘,... . .mANurAdionr.‘? WASM:IferOXASTRan 'BELO* nirto ' ' WHOLEFIALE AND RrArti, Eirt gr i gfol i t :°9 4 l oZEllik L et T rei and mattoriet n taottiti t ". 1 1 1" 44 yi trat h o e Ig ur .ur ia tiPO4)ti attrat.on 11 ta. -- • q. - - • EXTENSION TABLES ; . iiIiIii4SING BUREAUS, - .. DINING ROOM ORAIREI t • . CENTRE AND OTHER TABUS, BEDSTEADS OF THE LATEST STYLE, p i nt:T y rol tqi r s n i t k in ttgerb i y "a tt t l its h e their iliwir, ir trot larlt9ry, d i az iTtfilltillir% il:l7,ingiedoinirm, .Atis.o' f :iesieli Lo eseeut°. °it orderifCr' ' CARVING, . - . - .• TURNING, SAWING, tad MOULDINGS, ~ , ; , Aft orders bioTi;ptly eieented, Sid ir:sirictii to ily*antlataotlon. • . sA IN Mithltrilgtilvflt?Lis of tliolablio to t to now and Talus If pre a of ARNIO* , combined with certain Vegote e • tracts; as unsurpassed for its Healing WI II properties in ell those externalcomplaints ore Liniments are used,such AS ' • Cuts, Bruises, Choi - .filictimatino, i Qout, Nervous A: Inflammatory Paint, Neuralgia, ffeaditthe, Pains n aide, Back or Jointa, 'nisi) soh cases ft may be usedwith' alertalsty tenet.of lt le good, Iu rot In all thole r9Pitts where au external anplidatin le required, uit o or Beast, and the subsoer can consolen cy recommend it s s One of t he beet Lldiwenteof lbe day. • Price 20 Ciente per Bottle. Rex Bale et the "/AgLit" 00V110.811, - RITTER & 00; . LAUER'S BRXWERYI . ' Ilatt.Dpiei PA; "' Vie lessgi4errespeetfally366:•Pil ) ; 110 that. t .4 rsooo,lly eiJoi. war or aonaldstrabggrat, an m ip Pat. in all Its d "es ti, awl as lOW, to !Wry al! detnoul Al •-, ~. ;•:,; . ? ~ , : SUPERIOR IitAIN LIQUORS, Voir b inns ond distant etonnuiptlo itOei MsitiOlgora6 WORPS O4 f O .lO O 41144111 , 46. "oOa . . BROWN UT.. scrrruNa Am , 04 0311 B EEI •.„ . , 13.--A Il al W pit Oitaskiiill, tio glioved 'Agents abrod, • jaaSP ,• • - ' Ai "' i4 . o ll t;V : 4ooi 1( El 3 =I