Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 17, 1868, Image 3

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    R E,WG, PA., 0 4 9T,M8: t IV, 1868;
FIRST IIIDITION•--1* 1•11 P. It.
p, I,—Blue, meet Sixth, I, No. 1. . •
Pink, meet Sixth, 71, No. 1. ' •
Black, meet 85ztb,,7104,; I— a ll.
TAN ON Toeioco.—On the 23d of this'
month tho new law in relation to the co
lection of the government tax upon tobacco
and cigars goes into Siteet '
LIROR °AMOR -,llllAno—Mr. Ottarlell
fireenswalt of Greenwich township, bronght
to the liamburif Hanel:pp . st officea cabbage
head, which weighed 11 pounds, and meas.
ti red S feet and 2 inches in circumference.
I{IOIEIIBIR that the excellent concert o t t
Prot. Berg Will take place, this evening, at
Keystone Hall. (See advertisement.) Those
wanting good seats should 'go early,or obtain
reserved seats, as there will .probxbly by (a
l a rge attendance,
Pont PUDDIXO.-1 coffee cup full of !limp
iy chopped salt pork, 2 cups of water, add
e nough flour ty', roll thin; CO it s•ti
$ .l to make two rolls, steam 11 hours, oat
with sauce same u for apple dumplings; If
,rish, spread with fruit before rolling upt
poLlca INTULLIORXOII.—PoIico affairs are
dull. Nohodrgets so drunk or disorderli ,
as to justify arrests. We are glad this state
o f affairs prevails In 'our :city; and , . we, WO
the good order will continue. six lodger);
found 'holler in the station houao last night,.
StRIOUBIX 111,1681W4—h11108 Cutler 'WAS
seriously burned by the explosion Of molte4
iron et the Scott, workit on Saturday.
wee taken to his home on Penn street treat
Ninth s and edies4 aid called in, whb did MI
in their po we r to relieve the sufferer. filo
w as doing w il at last accounts.—Times.
1T1048.-Mr. Edward F. Smith
fold a double, houso situate in Main street s
to William R. and Isaac 13. Smith, for the
foto of $l,llOO.
Thieves eniered the stable of John Bansh•
er t _and stidalt of 01ekensit ••. ,
The the 31 - 6Tibrall;'—altirgo "nitrater of
children lying sink vltlt• v
. • e
OvEneoife."l l —Yestertlay afternoon Mr.
John Horn an • aged workman at the 'limo.
kilns at the 'foot of Penn 'street, was 'oven
coolie by the inhalation' of sulphur. Had hi
not l been,disceitered at, the time be was h 0
woeld certainly, bave lost' his life, as it was
with the greatest dillietilty higeould be brought
to (his •settsia, ; wliett nesistaueo
thitititch* do •d d , I rWtiMell idlidl,4l,oo3Y day
Milk of willar and a
half for their seryleps. .At preisant they get
but 60, 80, 76 ate. and slii'diti t 'atid many of
them having families. tO, support, flo,4'ilt ttl.
moat Impossible to get along on tmeh wages.
Success to tbetit td highoi
wages. They are a hard• Working, deserving
clam, and
,elf6hl4 b 8 leo% ‘: •
GoomeainatillTlVO ltarn that,a number or
ladies,' connected with the various ehurchea
Ofkr,'Pjs7),6yOry Sotorday aftetooeo Mak+
a tour through th 6 streets and speak to the
kikkeno ond,tirto induce them to come ,t 6
51114 , 13eh0010 ; vfo hope thOsti ladles *lll
4. !Child to, go' td
lin Ai' 44
Setio6l, Thiough thin ;many a pa.
rent who does not now seem to know it hi
duty to lead hie children,rnay be bayed trot
witnessing his son go terruin.
den Fre Company is` sadif in need of an
Engine Ro m , and us:l l Q.. hilt company
aiMpffieet Of'h; Vbii fine boy of. men i"they
hive a good gond - Engine and Hose :Car,
ring° but no house to put them in, neither
Imre they any hoso. Councils should see to
this "matt*. 'them nifan
Engine Ifonsolind'aupplY',thern with 'hose,
At present, if fire breaks out in Ifarapdee
they areentireYl' powerless to do anything
towards onenohing '
people keep the world going, but , negative
ones have their me. Many a wife is charmi.
log bonnie other negative qualities; id
other words, because she is quiet, - contentedi
amiable, winning and good. The rivalries;
competitions Td straggles of life requir9
that tuba shOul be pcisitave. It not they ore
shoved aside, trodden upon, and cast anion*
the nobodies. Women are not made bettet
but worse by this contact and rub. It wea k
i i
sus inatead;of Or w euglbens the Now anti
then a etrapp ng exception appears. A wo,'.
!lAA who oug ht to have been a man strute4
up and down the world not only in the most
positive but in the most ridiculous way nisei
The merit of the positive quality depend!)
upon whether it fits,
new was Sfeatd was WWl yealerds ,
at the canal, foot of .Poun. street, which wa
witnessed by a largetiuMberapeeple. Sb
worked well ford new ',engine, but ea firs
tho boys doubted whether she could do a
well. as- was represented. We believe thti
manufacturers guaranteed that she wou ld
throw a stream 0f.250 , feet. She throw a
stream from a 1.846 inch nozzle a distance
of 266 ft. After this the engine was broughf
to the corner of Fifth and Franklin streets'
and when attached to a plug, threw a Area
from the same . nozzle a ilistancet of 250 foe ‘
and - 6 inches. ..trl'hongh•she'did riot borne up
to the mark, we believe the boys are well
satisfied. She did well for a new englnei
and after she hap, been worked for sometimes
she may do bettdr.
, . •
NAIONIL—Tho Locomotive gives as a sum!
wary of boiler accidents a list Of niriety
eißht explosions, which resulted in the death,
or f two hundred and twentynino persons,
and the serious injury of as many more;
During the Mouth ' of. September last, eight
boiler explosions' Oci3urred.. Only two ao•
cidenti,' which could really be 'termed explo
dont, happened during the past. year among
bet Ween fifteen liundrie and two thousand
boilers which were under the care °tribe
Rattford Vomliaty:
had, the lbilelOr 40ilorlasociatien freq
Port that'frord one to J uly ,
,t 4, 1888 In
elusive, five eiplosiins ociurred, , hy Whieh
one person. was ktiCe4-ankt fourteen others!
Nured. tlOt one of ilto boilers, ip question
were under the inSPectiorf Of the 4 8 80Cia'
Lion. There was nothing at all mysterioui
in the Muse
. of thewexplosiono ther, sl !
arose from , jump!"
,facts, spirlquent
ported in othereasuilties. One *as due td:
c oilaPea of iite iltrnftee , tubes, by go overi
Mating of .b„p)outes in,contegueope of tack
or water. ; Mb* wereAue to Ixternat
errosion. ' this it appoira l k that how
ev 14%4144 00 bald
,Nrsmine the In,
teller ' ofthP'bililari it is elso4f Yitel import
sa c sa c ' ray attentionitto' , ttie contidde, .
0041 /- 11 1 0 1 4111 1h4 003.4 k 'W
, 1 1 1 4 `::80xiii It* 41 or
else, covered •by them. as to 'prevent
thOrerifiti */#4440
Conk , 4vet. Any °rim,
izaidni boon %at revorites mnong the la
di"' and i 4, . . tfrdil ki rigioa previous
to joining ~. ; . ,#‘ 4o, :
„ 1 / 4 .the . reel*
t z ,i ! to of o 4'; .. )1 - 0102,1040,114604 3"
Ainerlean: ' . —lO --44,, iiii*. it
is Mid, of:'n egimi, silk t witiviitivirk
10 an i
Bilk fringe d - i irbi sh' te - a4 4 tlitiliilk
tei;ed Pole with saver tip. , and
surmounted with a silver. figure "2" sad gilt
ettgle. In t etold is the Motto of the Com
pill I , gEzi , Acta ftoNsti t t . and on the
wi4te stri s the following inscription':
1% &shin n Hose,lnstituted RejtO s ithi
'lB4ol' Presented by the Ladies of nea4ing.!
It reflects great credit on the donors, and we
kolVe.tto doubt will be highly prized by th e
tOrtuuate recipients. - . • .
At twenty minutes _ past one o'clock, the
members of the Washington Hese were
drew' up in front of .the residence of F, P.
Heiler, Esq., , Houth Sixth' street, when Jill.
Jacobs Ese.', - apPeared Upon the:steps; and
h beluilf of the lady friends of the Companh
presented, in a peat speech; a most beauti
ful Silk . Flag. Mvancebs , spoke of the
general ' good conduct' and, manly bearing
which characterizes ,rho members of the fire
department of the city of Reading. There
Itaista here no feud or enmity between the
different companies—none of that rough el•
enient Which crops outp in those terrible riots
Aihielt ere BO frequent in other cities. Here
men of the highest secial residen t wealth,
end' p#lnemerit' are our leading firemen,
The 'Washington Hose ' Company (and the'
sPealtor•trastod he would not be considered'
'lll nattered tide • Ornposed of the flower of
the flock-=f ever he seen a finer body
. of
intmo,ind never is fi ne 4 'body of firemen'.
The.' stuiliker 'then rdlad!,d 'to the interest
ilittniraittad by the loulies in the effeCtiveness
of'. the organization—the terror and dread
oeeasiemed *by fluffiest, 'finds its'way to the
females of the household—theit shrieks are
first borne out by the crackling flames, and
!heir sighs the lest to haunt the dyieg ‘ent
borfi Of, the charred and blackened, home.
They have n tangible Interest in Whatever'
tendri to your welfare( as a body, mid the
.lady friends of the Waihington Hose want-
fest their interest `'by presenting to you,
through me, this beautiful flaK, typifying
once all that is pure and good in its glorious
field piece of azure blue, and stripes of red
and white, They could not but be reminded
of the gentle hands that made It, and the
kind hearts- that prompted the doing when
following the folds of the silken banner
gloating to the breezo, or' in gazing upon it
as a decoration of their handscinie engine
home. The members were forcibly.remind
odio7ep this gentle in fl uence in view, and
in all heir course to be ever worthy of the
eonfld nee reposed in them by their lady
The flag 'was received, in behalf of the
Cotnpany, by their, President, F. P. Holler,
in brief, though appropriate remarks.
AfterFthe Company returned to the house,
on motion ; of John 1). 'Mahler, Esq., the
following resolutions' were unanimously
adopted: ..
Reseteed,' That the • thanks of the Wash
ington Hose Coingany, be, and are hereby
tendered to their lady friends for the meg.
nificent gift, the Alai's and Stripes, this day
pkosonted to them. -
Resettled, That to Miss Mary Frees, we
owe A debt of gratitude we can never rep ay,
May her'voyage to her "Golden Hothe, be
safe and pleasant, and her life be happy and
full of years,
Resolved, That , a copy of the foregoing
resolutions be presented to each of the don.
ors, and published. , .
Tlllll hi k •Asoine TOWIC—Boys were
kWh oWoraokere last night on Penn street. Should
not be allowed. •
• See advelllsement of IL S. Diciter, unclertnker,
In ihOVltiiii today. •
See advertisement of Liohetern, denier tp
boote, shoes', bats and furs, in the EMl today. . ,
'Fbe DispatA men seem; to be VOl7 unblekv,with
their press. Broke down again.
A large number of men witnessed' the trial ofthe
Rainbow Steam Fire Engine yesterday.
• Clymer is 'putting up a new wall, and
making other improvements at his residence, at
the head of Franklin street..
An attempt was made last week to enter a farm
house in Mtihlenberg township, but the robbers
were driven away.
A large number of stragglers are tramping
throughlhoenuntry at the present timo. Keep a
look out for them. Thee steal If opportubity
offers. •
Two good dicers at the head of our Fire Depart
ment—David A. Stout and John Buoh.
;Cold weather has approaohed—clothing dealer's
look °Wald.
scarce-Local items, money, rich,printore, FOOS
ityPOPS 0111(40011ran,t to be married, ugly babes,
apartments, houses for rent, etc.
4 Mettle editor saya a pumpkin in that - State
gielf so large that eight men could- stand noun&
it; which statement was only equalled by that of
the Hoosier who saw ailock of pigeons fly so love
that he could shake a stick-at them.
An individual to boa fine gentleman has eithei
dot to bo born so or lie bro P t up in it from bill in.
fancy; lie karat bon suddenly any more than he
ken tarn to talk tultm. koreek by practicing on a
Managers of fairs should always employ the lair.
and the latter should always do tho fair thing.
Out young mon are Sporting a slim and graeefld
style of soft hat. of the somi-millieri ordar• which
As quite becoming; It is called the "Alpine."
A strong minded woman In town dononneei
marringes. Wt. 111 . 3PPOSo,
.116ontei thoro's some
thlitif obildtift ikbout It.' .
A lady with 0 "Grecian band" Oohs to &country
youth like a crooked-necked squash struck by,
Itghtnlng. • •
• • •
go* many words would remain, unsaid. if , there
was no' weather to talk about., . r
„, • .
The young ladles on their wak! to church on
guild's.) , looked remarkably pretty.
Plant frees. : 0 Wain that hest waste taw& and
take Care of.those that are planted. -
Retsll busltOas is brisk. Folks tro evidently
preparing for,o.o4*sOber.
It has been proposed that our street supervisor.
be appointed monthly, oh the principal that ' l Ol
brooms sweep clean." '
railenon — lesitiOW in a barber's ehdp. otaEstnr.'•
day's night, at the end of a dozen oustomers i
Time—a qUadat to eleven. . •
Fond oflooleitiouseketwi,who buy eeoond
hand bedsteads. Entomology Is a fine study.
Ofall tile pi &drogues In the world, the verb
meanest , are thaw, who beatlbeir wives. _
Ottsbiktehe kinked oat—llelf the petty orkrelni4
Wes hrought Ware oar egad, and th r d
bringing them Abed. " • • , 1
P °14111 4, Arr id i 9 100 j 1 4 4 ,. A li T4 Wits no inst 4
slight than a Atm* Or MUM* 0rt4141415 paws
also JhdUta idnueb t i Mime Mega hnife=
&Minna 4318004%
°APll4l,frUlt4llo94Pla Or POSire
OA Oath*. q4iteli 49 0 1 1 0 ,1 a4 *moat
weetVer should be 4evoted to, their the,rwe th re a
°Vella*, ' ' " ' '
ititooolo *lO **Ade suiltltad* of
'gee it; ebilet;l94,teit; A 4 the
tent net( fisttiotieb* shouls be labelled, like
watches is 6, *Awl. f Wtrnol4 Ml
jeweled... , ,' • . r
. •
A' 111119INZIS. k
,_ Atgantgtia At
In toy.ic
Philadelphia, thit isioney Market *it
mho, bit the cosigned violent In
uona Itt gold and steels in New York tend to d
atm, *Widest* as to the stability oi vitae. and
Made coalidettdde distrust. The rate for is&
loans on Monday were from T to 9 percent..
on government eollaterals, and firom . .B to 111 P4i
I cent. on mixed seouritits. ffha deposits at the
banks have OM dawn to ail inMeadentedlY /oI?
figure, and these institutions hays not the pow4r
to extend any great relief to needy borrowers. The
statement of the associated banks for this week
*lll show that they are somewhat better off than
at the close of the previous week ofgloom andde-
Mallon- The meratants are nctingwith unusual
caution; and'Prefer toteilixa on their goods at low
ratite for cash, than to in any way extend grout!.
There was an active business:l in Stocks on Mon
day, but at rather irregular figures, as the tele
graph announces that the New York market is
I characterised by the
_most intense excitement.
Prices of Erie there have fluctuated from $lO to $l2
,per Astral , Ctoverninent pd Stitt* LOW were
stronger. City LOans of the now issues sold at 10Wa.
Lehigh °old Loan closed at 93.
Reading Railroad opened at 50 then sold at 50%,
1 but at the close dronPed to 49%. Pannsthante
Railroad was firm at 53%. Norristown Railroad
sold at 07—fio change. Lehigh Valley Railroad
51 --a decline of ii. and Philadelphia and itrii
Railroad at 20, b. 01—an advance of 1. 128 q wait
bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; 45% foi.
Little Schuylkill Railroad t 31% for Catawlem Ralf!.
1 road preferred.
.eanal sto4ke were armor = 2(1)6 was bid for
high Navigation; 20 for SehUylklll Navitatlol
preferred. Ind 14 for Susquehanna.
Bank and Plialtilliet Railway shares were wlthr
out l eisential dote:
IN Now York, after a lengthened periodof stria=
geney in the money. and an unusually depressed
condition of the stock market, the week closed
with a sudden cessation of the causes which prop
dUced the stringency in the onn and the decline
'ln the other. Prlday last mars the day of the.
greatest depression in stocks, the values of which
had continued to fall In the face of an easy state of
money brought about as early as last Tuesday.
The reason of their doing so In contrariety le
the general rule that prices advance when mono,*
is abundant. Was the deep-seated distrust enged
dered by several previous pretended withdrawal)
of the greenbacks looked up by the combination
of bears who engineered the whole erliis, the ef
fect of which each time was to induce renewed
speculation and consequent heavy losses. Operas
tions in Wall street were conducted with a caution
which produced dullness. Those who had their
margins swept away were of course out of the
street, and those who had suffered to the extent of
a fraction, large or small, of their capital. bad lose
to invest, and were more 'carotid about locatine
that little. At the same time money began to be
abundant In the city. Exchange turned In favor
of New York. Tho use of the three per cent. earl
Motes made money easier In the banks: loan'
were scrutinised with more care and a general
conservative fooling pervaded financial i cirelesi t
The combination found that the elasticity of bus.
Inca was beginning to cover the gap in the ottrs
renoy produced by the tying up of the twelve or
fifteen million greenbacks. On Thursday and Frig
day an appearance of another "looklng' f tsp" Rap
produced through the exchanges of the Bank or
the Commonwealth. On the latter day the public);
who had commenced to distrust these signs ap
much as they had those of an easy money market.
wavered In doubt, then became panle-strickerkand
lot go of their stook. Prices touched their lowest ?
the "bears" purchased, covered their abort con .
tracts and brought the greenbacks to light one
Bushong * Bro., Binkeri, : No. 16 North 6th streets
quote as follows:
. Id4RG . to. N0 v . 17,1868.
Old U. H. 6's 1881 .
Old U. o.s's 1862 - . ) - - my%
New U. B. 5,20'5 , 1861, July and Jnn. - 107 t
ow U. H. 5.20'5, 1888, May and Nov., - 1
ow U. S. 1&35, new 1
N. U. 0, 6.20's 1861,
_July' and Jan. - ' 1
Now U. B. 5-93's 186 S. - - , 11
Ton-rrtyßOrs - - - - 101
Gold i n New Y or knp to 12 o'clock, - - 1 138
Gold initeadingat liushong &Bros.. - 135
Deaf cattle were In fair demand last week, but
prices were unsettled and lower; about 1,900 head
arrived and sold at the Avenue Drove Yard, at
Mc. for extra Pennsylvania and Western steers
76N0. for fair to good do., and 4@Oo. per lb;
gross for common, as to quality. Cows were un•
changed; 200 head sold at $40@65 for spridgers,
and $15@85 per head for cow and calf.l3heep wore
dull and lower; 0,000 head arrived and sold at
, ligitXo per lb. gross, as to condition. Dogs, were In'
fair demand at an advance; 3,800 head bold at the
different yards, at $1101)12 50 per 100 tbs, net. -
, IN Philadelphia, there is a fair demandfor Flour
for the supply of the home trade and some inquiry
from shippers. The demand is, however, confine
to the high grades, which aro held firmly, whit‘
low grades are neglected.' Bales of 300 barrel.
Wisconsin and Minnesota Extra Family at
$7 60@8 25 per barrel ; 600 barrels Pennsylvania
and Ohio at $993011060, inoluding2oo barrels Lan ,
castor county, within this range. small lots of
fancy at $lll3 26, and Extra at a .o 504813 75. Na
change in Bye Flour or Corn Me ; small sales of
the former at $B.
The Wheat market is very quiet. Sales of 1,500
bushels lied at $l, 00@2 05 ; Amber at 10®2 15
and Whitest $9 20@235. Bye is steady at $148@164
for Western, • Com comes in slowl( and is verY
quiet.' Small sales of old Yellow at 1 13; new do.
at 80@i13o I according to dryades, and Western Mix
ed at S t 10@112. thite are steady pith sales of
Western at 07@700. 13.000 bushels Barley sold on
secret terms, and 1 000 , bushels Malt at $230,
Whiskey 'is firm; sales of duty,paid at $1 0801 10,
1 ---
White Wheat per bid., ' • 03 0000
Red " Ritra Family per bbl.,
II SI . 12
Corn Chop (old)
Cora o ld ) 1d) 1
. ,
(new) , • 1
1 1
i°l . , ' .
new) 11
Bea iddlinga i 1
Cmon ' 100
Cor meat ! tl
White wheat
Red p . er.bwihel 21
, ' '
Corn (old) ' 1%
Corn (new) 95
Tanen lea marked decline in the price of coil
the New fork market, ips compared with the sale
of a week or two ago, Proiably two causes have
operated to produce this result, first, a little oust
speoubetion, and second, the stringency of the mo..
ney market., ,Theret aPPCIerS to be zko caut3e for
a panic in regard to coal rates. A little Paiieneti
and harmony of action will bring matters all righi
• in duo 'season. •
• - AticolN4 Patella: •
' "
Stove, and Broke_ a.,t0l
- - 17 . 5049 00 II
Pea. 50
Bituminous Coal. - 25 cis. 111);u1
- Derpo, Pasks,s, IN snuckfolli Anil.' quoted
rieb it folio*: •• • • .. , • .
Witte NM, 16 elf per lb; ,
Ed h ttzr ca. 16 .0 I
. 10 ” ail .4 i•
111112011 i ~
... I 1 ' , . 26. , ; " )1•.: 4
‘ o946ltilltesk , -- ,. 0
ve .
ktek Bane
li p a ll:
11 V 14 f
0 7
- -
,' , ~ ,
m........... ai
Bat •kerel; , iki .. 44 44 . 1
. 10 41 sa la I ,
4 ' ' 1
10 44 16 64 ,
~ t , .
, t
. .
.'zi.:•, - ••:?,!..‘..,15•.. • , t• ~
',•', . . ••••1.- , 4.i “,.,... ;...x.ti, - -_.150.••!';`.. 4 ., 00 1
"?•••••" ' • ••.•••". 44 'sk .*.
Ik' , as moilitrktifinbtir.4
ve toss* Se of li" , e111/. - i - oz
-.„1 . • ,1f i), ..,.•' '1 ' ' t
, ' 's
Phlle4lelphlet Cattle Market.
' t
oust to di d -
„ minutes.
• ' ' Witatim,-12ecipck41,
The pew Irpti Foundry, at Birdsboro,
Berke county , is newly complete.. , It will
lato °Oration about fOur weeks.
Tinkbee Ving bit roe. *Mkt
ent mere fa Of the Pea ce Elotlety the cont•
in g winter. The "white feather" iv the
fashionable bonnet ointment of • the season.
Of course such a style Should hive a "ran."
Nuay.i—The sessions of tho Court attract
a large number of our rural friends. These
quarterly gatherings are especially welcomed
by the , landlords patronized by Om different
juries, - while all not implicated in criminal
difficulties look upon them with pleasure.
Flits.—Too lay, between I. and 2 o'elock t
a small frame stable, situate In Cedar alley !
between Bth and oth streets t . was entirely
destroyed by fire. The firemenvero proinpt.
ty on tho. spot Pad saved the surrounding
buildings. It is said that boys set . ,fire to tho
JUNIOR 0. U. A. 11.—:-This oider t which
was instituted all an auxi liary to Me Order
of United Antericin is rapidly
and steadily increasing.• During the past al3t
nionths it has tloubled in the number of
Councils, and added largely to 'its member;
ship. I t t-.
THE Fssmoxii.—lt may interest the ladies
to know that the 'prominent: features of ,tho
winter fashions New Voris Isre high col .
ors. Tartan 'dresses and' tartan suits ire
very bright'and 'pretty, eithOr for the hotzie
or street. High dresses of scarlet, cashmere,
delaine, or French merino, are very much
worn by young,
ladies, with;, little paniercd
over-dresses of black silk.
Fox Hoxv.- 7 A !vend fox hunt is . to come
off, on Thankagiting Day, November 20th,
on Miller's Hill, and the surrounding parts
of the Chestmit , Hills, in the loWer end ,of
Berke and the upper end of Chester 'coon;
ties. A large party of hunters will be hi
attendance, and.all the best, hounds in thq
country around are to be on, hand. Should
the weather be favorable•on that day, fine
sport is anticipated. . •
A SZNBIBLE FARIIIONO 4 -4 English con..
temporary gives an (=Mint of certain'draw
ing clubs now in fssbion in "polls life,"l
which are intended for the cultivation of the
pen 'and pencil among ladies--the fair' Sew;
being privileged to be members. ' Thta
drawing clubs.consist of a certain num or 9
ladies,' who produce an . original dr win
once a month, end send it to the' Pres dehti
a skincd lady , amateur. Nitc,, likc, 0
' 94 idea.'
Ilan' if fl it be intiodiced hero ?i , ' • . ~ ,
IRON Oae.--44Teiv.,discoveries of iro , n ore
are being made very rapidly, in Colebrook:
dale, Washington and other townships in the
lower end of Barks county;and quite ',a nuni4
bar et farms and ore tracts have been lamp&
by their owners for miaitig putpoaee. ' Bo dd
discoveries have also been made in the IC
per find, pf lifolatgeniery.cpluity., WM; valpi
able iii n diieritt Witt be %goad by Weenie: )
brookdale Railroad, and a Envy ore trade .
wilt undoubtedly be throw') on the road, as.
soon as it is etimplited. '
Tap, lioxaDAT. tipsoti.r-Thp petition of
gifts ana kimtwudies is rapidly approaching,
and we notice that our merchants are pre-!
Paiing to meet the business which the pe-,
nod always brings. Most ladies have a pas
sion for furs, and no present is more ao-:
coptable than a handsome sot of these coin)
fortable commodities. It will be good news,l
therefore, to our lady friends, that'all furs
of lower grade than sable, are cheaper this'
'season than last. Mink las fallen twenty
five per cent. Reliable furriers'say they are,
selling ready made sets of mink for less'
money than the skins cost them.
Reported by Louis Richards,. Attorney at
Law, 680 Court Street. .
Edward L. Moyer, convicted on Thursday
of as ; sault and battery, ; sentenced to $6
fine and coati,. • '
'Comm. vs.•Harrhion Shomo.—This was a
prosecution against the defendant for ad.,l
ministering drugs to produce abortion upon
the person of Miss Sarah Varney, whom •it
was alleged ho had seduced: •It was' stated
by the counsel for the Commonwealth in the'
opening of .the case that the crime was sur.
rounded by circumstances of a' partiefilarly
aggravating nature, the most unnatural and
revolting violence having been resorted to
by the defendant as the auxiliary means to
accomplish his object, in condequeace of
which the girl had been physically ruined for
life. Miss 'Varney was then offered as a
witness, but objetted to by the defense as
incompetent. Having been sworn to make
true answers, she stated that she was the
wife of Harrison Shorn?, the defendant,
having been married to him on the 18th of
Fetruary ; last, under the eircumstances al.;
ready referred to in the case of the Com.:
monwealth vs. Jesse Varney et al l before'
reported. The legal point was; then raised
by the defense that a wife was legally in•.
competent to be a witness againsp ;her hue.;
biaid, except for the purpose of teitifyinglo
violence done to her during coverture, The:
Prosecution, on the' other hand, contended:
;that the marriage here set up was illegal and;
;void, and that there was therefore no • legal:
disability on khe part of the wife to testify,.
The objection of the., defense , was sus.,
tamed by the Court,:after a vsiry careful and;
thorough examination of the arithoritiop
The Court 4e14 -. oot the fact Of the Marriage'
hiving been expressly testified to' by the'
*UN this, marriage was valid for every legal'
purpoie,ahtil set gide by. :the j(idgment of
the Court of Cowmen - Pleas in the ordinary,
may. An applitaticia!for a divorce had been
filed by the defendant, alleging force and
frandin the consummation Of the marriage;
ceremony, but as the , judgment, of divercei
hid not/et' been liiiiiitiuneed, the Marriagei
was valid in law until ,jadicially arinulled.l
The old tilelif ,law that a Wife wail incOmpe.l,
tent to testify against her
had never
been relaxed, further *hail allow her to!
give evidence in•regard to violen ce commit
tee during the toverture.' The 'witness was;
therefore excluded. •
The testimony of the attending physicians;
of the young lady proving that an abortion:
WI rep. thcit,heard, but on,
tint et the exclusion', ender 1461 !idea l ,
or the main "'Wiese , to the cr ime, there weir
no evident.) to conneet'llie . defendant with
its coviimissioniand the'. Court accordingly;
instructed the jury that there must bean ac
quittal. c 0 *ad . :Noting'. tor ',COMM..
Green and J: §. Richards for defendant. ,
Comm. To., LOW Ifeyer.--The defendan t
wviljudge at the October , election in Amity
township, and waneharged with* violation ,
of the election. laws, in admitting ,vote
:15 it ill, if
O 0 If CI •6
15 " " "
40 0. 14;
15 " ~.,
1,, ate4(frOOreptee"
-41'940 one
Ferrell, an _J en, nig been challenged on
the ground of hti not haring been a aulileieut
length of time in the wont% the ha* mi.
sented a paper which vie owned to be a
certificate of naturalisation, nom' which the
judge decided that he hid a right to eote.-
One'of the inipector . s,however, insisted that
kliteellibottidbiaworn aS to the period of
his residence in the country. Farrell 11611•
ed to bequalified and in this refusal was
sustained by the Judge who decided thatthe
paper was the oalyavidence acqualification,
ftstd 'admitted •the rote,' This prpseentin
'was then instituted by 1)r. B. Kitft , ea. "-T he ;
paper which Buren, presented proved to be
a declaration of Intention, made befere'the
Prothonotary of • Schuylkill county, on the,
16th of October, 180, though neither Fa
roll, the.ehall'enged nor., tbe election board
appear to have discovered the fact, until the
defendant's arrest a week or two afterwaills.
The question not having been railedotll par
ties supposed it to be a certificate in due form.
The Court charged the jury that the judge
of election had rightly decided that a certili•
eat° of naturalization was the . only proper
svidence •of qualification, and that tf they
hould find that' this was the only question i
raised, before him, he should be acquitted.
On the other band, the Court hold that a
judge of ()lotion, wtui bound, under the pen
alty of the law, to determine correctly the,
question as to whether or not a certificate of
naturalization was ?lade out in duo form,
and instructed the jury. that if they should
find that this question was presented to the
defendant here, he should be convicted, as
a decition that the paper here was a legal
CertifiCate of naturalization would have been
erroneous. The jury returned a verdict of
not guilty. Tryon and 3. S. Richards 'for
comm. Samoan and Ifagenman for deft. ,
AU the.jury trials in the Quarter Session.
having been concluded, the Court at a late
hour on Saturday night, adjourned till it)
o'clock on Monday morning. The Court
was occupied on Monday inhearing several
"eases of desertipn and safety of the peace,
of no pnblio importance. The regular , term
ofVemmon Pleas will 'cbjumeneo on 'Mon.'
Any next, the I
2 P. K.
THE Mmes.—lt will be remembered
just two years ago, in tho month of Novem- ,
her,. 1800, the people of the whole country,'
: waited and watched on a certain clear, cold,
star-light night for a grand shower of mete.
ore or falling stars, which the "wise ones"
had predicted Would certainly take place;
Bleep - less eyes there were that night and
aching beads the next morning, much pains
and little profit, for the display was tilde fi nits).
ly postponed. Since then the meteors have
fallen Into discount, and it might well be
doubted if any prediction however sure,
could keep people from their pillows., But'
it would appear the meteors have come.
Persons in this eity_have Elm -them - for the
past two nights. The noWspaPera heralded
all over the country that at about ibis time
they would appear, and we have not been,
disappointed. WO Ogre they didn't show:
themselves in cottAtlext myriads, but yet'
they blazed across the firmament in numbers;
unusual t thick and fast. Last' night Was'
beautiful, the heavens.twinbled, and thelair
was cold and bracing:' Our informant shya
that shortly after midnight the celestial fire'
works began. First, up from the north.
east shot a brilliant star, like a royal'rocket,'
which left its train of.brilliant light in , the:
heavens, as it dropped out of sight. We'
see by the newspapers that meteors alp
peered in every portion' of the heavens,'
rose in =testy, and exploded ih fire, !nay'
were, visi ble all over the laud. At some
places they made a light so brilliant that
persons were able to read the stnall.type Of
a newspaper. Just before five o'clock they
ceased, but up to that time they averaged
about six per minute.
Our Wernerevalle Letter.
iiranNansvita,E,'Nov. 17tb, 1808.
quite a lively time in bur town, as the new
buildings which were commenced seine time
egg are rapidly 4ding up, 'fearing, falling
weather might set in befbre long..
Ile coal business , has been very falk , this
fall in Wernersville, as'prices are loVier here
than in Reading. Grain is also exchanging
hands more freely here, since the slight im
provement in our eastern cities. New corn
seems to be a drug upon the Market at 'r.•re •
sent, but our friend G. Id. Webber is bay ing
and selling all the time; in connection with
his coal yard. Torkeys are \very. high , but
not too high to get, at least the Other night
one Very large old gobbler was ti t tolen:from
a very high tree in front ofbir.lar*Grlmea'
house. „
The thieves ,who robbed Mr. 'Maurer's
shoemaker:Bl44l're Still at large. . Mr. Jas. 8. Hill met-with an a4eident on
the mountain last Saturday, yrhile taking the
wife of Dr. Frank Seitzinger,deceased k to the
place where he wasneeldentally shot.' No
body'was hurt, however; the horse broke the
tongue and made way down the mountain,
but his speed was checked not far from
whore started. Yours truly, G.
Deotrudglon of a Simmer.
FORUM MONACIV I Nov. 18.—The steam.
er Matanzas, Captain Hazard from Sayan=
nab for New York, with a ca go of cotton,
blew out the tube of her boiler on the night
of the 18th, off Hatteras : set4g tiro to the
vessel. Every effort was'made to save her,
but the fire gained.rapidli p and tl!o crew had
to take to the boats., They were out Seven
Wirt, when they were picked up by the
schooner Frank, of Sidney, from Turk's
Island for HalifiLT, and. brought in. The
Matanzas was a propeller of twelve hundred
tons burden, built in New York in 1801.
The ?ewe Releseed—Rioventente
of Gen. Grant. -
.New Yoaa l , Nov. 16.—Mrs. Uarriet P.
Ward, more familiarly known as "Major
Pauline einholen," the Union spy, was yes
tekday arraigned before Justice Dodge, at
the Jefferson 'Market Police Court, charge ,
‘with having stolen $493 in money from
'Deputy Marshal Abtier R. Newcomb. The
parties settled the matter privately, hoWever,
and'Newcomb declining to press the come
plaint, hire. Ward was discharged.
General Grant returned to the city last
)4 4 , ft* Vi;*o FOlut and is at. thS MOtro•
politan Hotel. • '
A man might's, will try to eanth his head with
the edge of a dre-briet. asto eedeavey to compel
a woman of taste to piss the Dry Goods establish
ment of Ohs lee Levee & 441 Psnu street,
without stolving tp admire their splendldetoek of
erim AT itsurgerog imfduonnv e
aettettrrwifi i d fr
Va t iv a lli
td man Pro
positive ' plummets', immedia6 -
• • •
aiIAY kit: L T ( 4 l k, --,4 0 4,04 0 44r -
soh% atiounatisni, Rohl r,
Frost Bites; a i nd all acute pains. - .
41 1'40 i talcon utilltiiftit 4001 cpnitlnito 114
htgaett t'lttt of alb tho 0 11160 0 0 4% - WM% thf tet.:toti
octenoe In our own +,y his the Itch4tett4, to' itioq ;
the ntheletton et titlwierui and Ober to Allay OM Pail I
conatqueut upon dtfpcull surgk operation*, • 4.
wtlt"EcOmplish by sisipie outinitd application. .
Its attach is portir ‘ tty augtoat, ana tt. liopertl4 two
entirity hartilesa is to bo as appiteablo , to thO rblhi toi•
dor ego as to tho nougat:o.'4 saCcossil‘l
ti (lir that this is no . & donjon% lac t beyoutl all coil k0v,•1,) ,
and a.tiiglouppltcritiotiottho cia;,) "cOnilihso thsia ; ,*
ali.eptlcal,SattitsfpOtila tray iithaiiiton •
. •
ontaxiim 'Tits ',you)
To Produce its Etittsl. `"
No family that fined ike,ontes acquainted
•'evitA vtriftesi will. be ' tviih
Wipe 60 eti. • : gold by 411 Druggisto.
E. raistit.aitt
' Bola Proprietors, &ding, r i ,o;
. - Elsa p t 41,A. Dadloy e min; of tlialrpt• of 1404-
101# titiorde Rae or Pa lit i WkelB3llo Arum
'maul tunontittn tlitg oimtry ,
. i ,
' • i ' No. 00 Bailtgatt 4'4 aufnak. •
• January • 11.0 ii i .
Llltantna it Co.,' Reading,. ra.—Uear Aker .
ILatfortootmlukkurf meat! of thO Idor at
grroota 0 rgur - in
41 . , -, in 1r Olin .41 F n
J$DO las .t, sa ittMo vit.) ouluipui Aly
*Adorn P 111 It 0,. AN er suaqr %tattoo y tor
ito k arly IWO til it ; i1F141444044 4 Your MO.
y e and Ayr t e antra/ ion, to my u tor aUttirtftp.
was rtr o 11111 For aboondo. lio midden Was
the re ar that i coat arooiy ballot° my own
tenses. m aly knit! i o of the Prgparatlon, 1
artnly believe Veld it.' i doh Vitt from notri'
*very OMLIII 111111141011 ti *MY. • . 1 , 1 - i .+, , ,
. "P"t114117 /PV Alit '
Of the 'firm ef Dealer A Ole ; :i ho eisle'bilue
tads. 1110. Mgt.
PlAliaii i
Till R - S 6 lit P
_Ai__ __,J . _ ~ , li_,
ORVAP 'Sy 4tirD REST A iiTlOLMivolt
A kI I R Pu I P MsfiflholciVilaw"
, w qn
take" Witmer in jaforming 'the pdoplo of Arad k ok
nd vicinity ) ; (but more parhoulail* al l *mlt
lousekeepers that the, aro tinufteturkait api
nt l4 rodtg a oat). auporiorto all o top for the
E 31 0 114 r , 0 1 1e a 4itig Paint ! Wood.Worki
,' lasi
bias_ , .- - .. ~ I
BE tr—Xor Clefini fend tlisit6t at tho
0 11
rime t me) Metals of all &Script obil.?
llouseheeperr can at onoo ao ti t e aroat adroit !
lase of ~,,
,r t. is entir e ly unnteessatri_to )(top us
11 1 1 °Wf t e, i 9 isplng Y.oirdem, Erloit Nip!. MO,
A 9
lihr e.
' q Ith 8o it ' • rII
r- or aPa h a Or i 10, , WO a y.
Fhors there at any ippurit clop stabs %Rau:late
ands, such as Faint, incase (luny kind, 1 rintors
,4 1 0. , ~,. ,
~ , „..
~ ~_ •
11:1#14 sad last•-•Fortne ‘housand find ono
lit et mimosas iiir , ration imp s‘ in constant are,
and which It 'iinnollilible to enumorato at this
DOlterril SON USING 11411100 . 101101, sor,iv (
'for e el i every purpose above mentioned. To
eus in awe yowler pa ani °kilt/ ST I tli
Aids ascot o ttla it' only requirob uriE-T !kill)
the amotin t i; our ap to aoisomplleltrhe ea o W. ,
sults fi i i 0 Il e a d vFNE4 , IILAW ot • the „WI MB
1 0
'end LAN inv. . ,
WANTED. nen, Person its . itiading Piifri,
.fl ,A AP,/ t3' PIIIARL„BOAY.
BEirotEti 00 ALL, hitTATiOtitiii,
Matittfooturrd &elusive/a 1)1', , the Omit°, 1
&AP lAN, 1)3 Arch Nreet e Philacteiß i
It A. It it 113 . dr, 00 .. Pr4ilet6 .
ar t pURETIOLDIta 111 . MAGNIII4. corner of, Filth
and 1 ashlngton threats, Bole Agents for Rend him.
, TY - iN TpE 01 , 4iTED STATEN. ~, ~ '
I l'he Soap Is now offered to. tho Publle at the fol
lowiqg Spree 1.•
fltauffer OnentiSider. Yootiff(ilg lipusion•
A. Potts ter, • , Iterhino & rom.
3at B. Baylor, • , E. O. Ifsister,
liaf r &Boone, . 'V, 11. Flobthorq, ,
. ()her, Ilinc i ershits 4 Intim,
J. undore, ' O. I effelenger,
p i P. V , U f etheo.,
~,e . ~ M. : tar, Boa,
i i .
U. l' i li er ont & at, lol
ii. lildebeitel, ' O. . oyer,
V. Stott. • • .1, A ino,
B,liemitig, J. llgh, •
Emhart, - J. line,
w: Boyer, Ott Dobler.
00C174y. • •
___, _
CoNwicommEirfr't CONOMIONIMit
= •
. ,
At No. 107 North Fifth Agree*. '
(Old:Wall) Reading.
!snots prepared to furnish opr °nine with Con.
feetiotiory• Candles and lee Cream, at wholesale
an rotaii.•
Also all kinds of plain avid fancy Oakes. Ice
CrOSPII of all flavors constantly on nand. A call is
solicited. • Janet)
OTIVE—The attention of tneollanies and 10.
VI boring men is tailed to the /Wan° Baliding
and Baring Allit0014t01) of Reading, . Ike stares
are $1 each. end Ilinr to OftoOribundre . Mouldy
a bun MlMber of a ores are taken, leer a• a.
• taw
more or disposal. hose desiring' hO4 bottr toll
early ibonler to secure them.
Fc4 Ober information caU, 4..4 49' a 0 re 61
/own . Thdoss, oroi9o, emir xlft hq {lours
y ti
'Ands, or at tne'lanott of Robert Wet', IL
B. carper Fifth and rt, .d.r„„,„„:„. e Wider
'Mane& J. ei soretory.
oot 'SU 1 mit • • Oleo. 621' mut Street.
. ) •
IVIIIOV Ald FA 111111I1VALLIA . .: '•,' '
• . ‘• • •
• •
gin 4+ rat' pod t a d 0,4 1114#•,, n, • 13_0101,4 . u.
•no ands ton V.. s
i0:437 llzwN friagr
Wilyi•iki•fir't•rgio SiNk, of tbo
bootan p s
WINES, 111141101 p• WBiBI4P,
, • ' l, •
ti,tpubSi - otk e tl*A4 1 11 '
1613 . 31 , 11 E
_ •
~ , •
OAS 41110..,01 1 4 ,m 1 'Friturguti,
'Atitilantcst4tei 4 erii of. •
-•• .;,,,
us siiirtu £ A 7iT 10SaFiAp
4-114100 .
• " :I^ . •
NA .lt
'4IIYII an dsl order, altered
r• PIN liOPllllO. A Arlo va
of nyikt,suilie.,,, pt : fah et taw \
. B. P. HUBRIt,
, • , • ; • I