11111 Milt BRUM, PA" NOVglinlll7, Aso.. 7 , DOXV &SAVO Ti 4114 , . . The great etror of young : i men of the pie: sent &his thellesireloleaite the home farm' at the earliest opportunity, and. *go to some , law town or city to engsici in other busi ness, generally accepting positions of half paid clerks in stores. , let any Voting man consult business men of Years sqd_ ex: 'perfume, and be will learn that where one man retires on a fortune made in the ker., eantile business, a dozen fail utterly, and be- Come so impoierished in „their declining years that they are glad to 4cept clerkships in the establishments of other men Whi) have been more fortunate than themselves. Be sides, the love of speculatlort—the desire for sudden wealth—so inherent in the American character, causes thls ruin of many a man who would otherwise weather the atonal' of money panics and business losses. Besides being the most mid of all Occu pations,that of the farmer is one of the safest also. Farmers may and ao fail frequently in becoMing wealthy, but, there areiviry feiv' farinera who, with/ proper applierition ;and industry, do not at least live comfortably during their lives. Reny a merchant who is supposed, from his style of living, to he roll ing in wealth l is in reality deprived area or enjoyment by the dread anxiety of what the morrow may bring forth—not knowing whether a fluctuation in the mallet May milt leave him penniless before another sun set. We do tiotriike many writers who speak from Imagination onlheonsider thelice-;of Wow to'be aperfect Paradise. *Those City bred persons who think they have nothig to' do but to go into the farming 'busitiesi to make an easy livelihooil, ate greatly mistake en. To be a successful farmer regain* a , knowleege of the business t energy ) perse• verance,and more t han eil,industry and pi4s• teal strength. A man Who, has Sufficient' capital to pay a competent person to do +6, work for him ! may do well as a farmer, but unless be ;has some practical knowledge !of the businees, a loan :should never attetnpt farming on hie own responsibility. $ A good farmoris an n honor to himself and to the emornunity: *He can lobk Over his fertile acres loyitli a feeling o!ipride, and a sense of security to which tbe,. merchant or business man, in tinier like the present,ie a stranger., To the farmer dO all men owe the produatiou of their dully bread,,and to the il 111 . l rikl* While we vidild'net advise an skiklodpersone to expert rent ln farming l we say to the rising genertitipa of country boys —lf you weuld, grow up industrious, honest, healthy and independent: men—men whom the world cannot• do without--stick to ihe farm I ", ' . , , . 'of indent The Washington house, at Stamford,Con nectlent, new being torn down, has brought to light many ancient curlositlea. 'Amcong the relict already found are nineteen copper coins belonging to the reigns of the English Georges or their predecessor, Anne; also 87 other copper and nine silver coins, many of them to old to tell the story of their origin: Among the silver coins is a piece wbotie his tory begins with the fifteenth year of Elliabeth'e reign, only ten years less than three centuries ego, and a third of a century before a white man had traversed the realm of the old Itippowarris in Stamford. Another very interesting relic is a shaming ahinpleater, printed in , red and bluell In one corner is the' British coat of arms, and it is worded' as follOws: 8 ' Thiii Bill of One Shilling PrOaltunation,, is emitted by a Law of the Oniony of New Jetsey,.pssaed in tke fourteenth year of the. reign dr liiS.Mld. jests Ring (31§4:48, Third 4 dated *era 2d,1778; Od the rirfeiap boors' the oUltiiviltirt(tigtO:4; New Jersey, 1771V,aild th'e'' ominousl3o44lo4 "'tie death to counterfeit." It is aurroitud• ed by an ornamental border, whibh remarkably atade and Ow talc4parison with the wetlttnattaliip Of the present day.: Otttriete-4ithuwary IPsultsb ,• November. 8 a Most' 'tnrrible crime; WM committed near BealnaborW, Eretinnel county, ty , fierce Bolding (4egro,) obit the penon 'of Musa litteen' ye el old. phewes dd totWaytto school, when. the ne gro lashed from the 'roadside,'" kfi4Oked her woo*. skt‘a imon4lished i gikurpbmh she was foitid iyhkg ibsensibl(i' by a pitier-by end nettled home And onreoVering related whet bad 'ciftoiSte and ottersi) . ver-, hauled htia usso6lo,Aterville,'-ln the name COilltl l ll* 444015ikir . 1019,9 to when he confused. givlig • inlite4 the' deed. The seine tatty brikroNd, !new proceeded to the jail, took 'him out indhung him'. Previous to his"eptitlu t u, set d, that he and several other negroested:fgrined a ple, on that day to violate the pereots of saterg yilinig Wiles WhO itteaeti in , the tillage, but the others -overslept them 'elves, sad. he etarted:ont W. tree the diet one be rase:--4,§nviineak Yam iilFascrns for the EAGLE'. tt!, iP,-.w ' We are indebted to Ron. J. N. Sypher, Member of Congress from Louisiana, for a Copy oft in port off'` he 40inkpo . nisi' ttio of the Gen lose of Lonilitnt Conduct (i r f 40' Eleairan* as ho Condition pft'eaeimul4 GrdOln Thie pamphlet is si#4lo,oSear J. - Dunn, the negro LientenantGoolor of Lonislana, • and•other persons eqii4,litiown 'to Caine; and approved by : IL C. tarrnoth, carpet bag Governor of the same State, whose army record, according to Oen. Grant htinself, is anYthing buthonorable. This .precions doe- . ument labors hard to create the impressio that the negroes of Louisiana are : long suffering and greatly persecuted saints, . and that white inen are •responaible for all the outrages committed there. . We beg leave to differ with the authors of. 'the document, more especially as the testimony of directly interested parties must be taken with some grains of allowance.. No ,• doubt , it , would give much satisfaction to • carpetbag mem bers of Congress from Louisiana tobe elect ed time after time by bayonet lavy, but we fail to appreciate the benefit to any State of Congressmen and State' officers elected in such a manner..: • • MM 1111 Our statements in regard lo the condition of affairs in Louisiana have better founda lion than,the statements'ofthivery schem f ers, who we trying to bring about the.demort4is: , ing and degraOing system of no g eqUalltY, North and oouth. We have the authority of tried and true comrades of the Union army for our statements ) and in the language of the veteran Col, Oates, of tho Third U. 8. Artillery, we "would sooner,,believe the bare statement of a United Mates soldier when on dpty, than that of , any so•called gentleman who, prevaricates for the sake of profit." ,Without impugning the voracity or the motives of Hon. J. N. Aypher t who may be a gentleman 4fhlg),„ character for all Jiyo know to the contrgy, AQ reiterate, the state ment that if there is disorder in ,Lotiisiona' l it ie caused hy the, 4444 of in that State to forntligtko,triality upon the,whito people at Otq pOtt'of thubayonet, .and that the present 'Congressional, policy of recoil. ,etruction, unless speedily ald materially modified, will , load , to a bloody and protract ed war of races, which will again deluge the once prospereus Southern land in blood 7 To warn the Northern people against the encouragement of such , a policy , is our duty, and in that duty We shall persevere to the I end. •iinsito Srivarni l 'bttha BidstopalChtirch, le pecuttafly zgar o .ol44lo, :AESt TPR,R9're- c overo}49.4lllleurrA k ,iiY Mfr a n It: Sunday 4veu4140.40.M1 Blue, 0 1 4 gi t 4NYO BC9 N,APk. rVrCOFiil,/t$ one 48g PA T All,rf 18 :0 88 ' of hie brOtteiAn.)aiti Pr i nt ; Mk*: .retel!iog idt‘polialOa .wire. rtwol Colturoviox.—ln our editorial on "bnpir• tial 'Suffrage," in -yesterday's EAGLE, the Word "disfranchise" was erroneously toted for. "enfranchise," We beg Pardon, for the mistake, which was probably caused byour nervousnras in view of: "the good time coMiag," .when we must pass thrMigh a eiowd of lady voters . to'reaelf the polle.- 7 : i• Such an idea•is enough to 'make . the best pioCitreador forget himeelf. The 11Initpd Mates, Army. The A4jataiit General, 'in annual rg• port; just made to the Segretary -of War, states that , the strength of the army Qll Sep teraber.Both, was 48,74.1) men, besides 4340 men is tim Engiueor, . Ordnance and, other specie, branches of theserVice.' The regi-, menis t efietahtry aro rapidly decreasing in nienbefs in :eo'ilseirenee 'of the numerous discharges On individual application iii ed dition to the ordinary discharges and Ca131111i; tiee;, Before January Ist, 1869, atieut goo !ilea will have left the servicein consequence of the, expiratioe of their term of eei4iCe.- 7 The lesseslii the army by desertion are to-. sideratify less than they 'were last year, the number of desertions having been 2700 less and the number of eiresto baving been 1000 greater than during that periqi, The caval• ry regiments have been' kept up to their force in consequento of the demand ; for troops to resist th'e radians., Recruiting for all branches of ,the service was carried on till Nov. 26th, 1807,1vhen orders were 'sit:tied to reduce , all ,the !ggimen4ii of infantry and of ertillery,citeept the , ten liglithatteriee, to the number of' 60 privates foreacheoMpany. On Julyt 1868; itistrtietiong vkre issued prohibiting "all coliiitieente r - :except for :the cavalry, and in the lattererm of the service on)) , fire stations, for recruiting have been continued. The'streugth of the colored re giMerits ,is nearly up to` the required atand-' 'eta; ' the ":AiAnititrit detieral - reeonirileildi that the termer service .of , enlisted men be extended from three to five lyeare, , and. lint boys,over• twelve years old, with theeondent of theiryarente,,he.?iiiisted its musiciuni. an also recomaigeds the passage afiiiif Owl:m*6l6g the Prgriident iii'drep..frtim!;the army rolls any officer 'Who deserts and can' not within three months be ,errefited: for court martialh The 208 volunteer Officets in service at the date of ,the lest Ikon* reliorti 4avecwri* t. 49 exception 01.;;611ePer.al, oW are, been t ranstered oat, aeui,t mni4erink !ad disbersii4 ogees in i'bilidelphia,litba . ny tied Columbia, Veen' t ele eat. The Adjutant General coneludeltwifirdif ex tended report atidlecomtn4oo4l.lB the subject of military , t ia= eendy been the , !gut) ,in that State. Day Penitentiary, at tot* six prisoners ittrOment for lii ItirOxinfined in witlftheir wrists bott, ed Cloie to the door,:ilami'4einpefiltiiii fat position of the body. Some bad been under, this discipline for. six ; Ova l end the, officers confessed that in a former , in s tance this aggravated punielinrrit, bad bee tinned for over tiro vieeks: , The Oileficeitbie Which this - punishment was inflketed Were profanity;vulgar reiriatku and a t tempts to escape.. The Governor ordered the release of the prisoners from this painful . restraint, and rejuired a promise from ,the keeper just appointed that this triode, of punishment should be discontinued. It is asserted that these severities have . been practised for years in the New Jersey State Penitew tiarp. Excitement tq the New York Money Nita , Yonx, Nov. 16.—1 t is ,announced on the street that a well•known firm, and exten sive dealers in gold and government bonds, of Broadway, tailed here this morning. There was considerable excitement in the Olinnibiard leek Biding° here this morn: ing, in consequenee'.4tho indications of a sinking Of the galler y, •which was crowded to suffocation with excited brokers. Theie is more excitement here tolls) , in the stock markets than ever heretofore known, The Quctuatiors,'in Erie are very wide, and the ilioek i's very'unsetiled. ME= PRILADELPIII4I ) Nov. 17.—Four shocks Of earthquake were felt at Elizabeth, N. J., on Sunday night. They continued about 20 seconds, and caused a disturbance of'the furniture in houses. (` Policeman Charles Ring, of Jersey City, was dangerously stabbed in the abdomen on Sunday evening, with a pocket knife, by Paul Miller, whom he was trying to forest. killer was afterivardt arreskd. Patrick Flynn and TithottiOwinn . quar reled about a woman in Philadelphia, on Saturday night, when Owinn stabbed Flynn Cdangcroasly with kaimeraaker's kalfe,,aad madabie escape. Both bad been, drinking. John Crane has been sentenced,io two year's' imprisonment with haid "labor; in Mitssachusette r for a fraudulent' return of property in his bankruptcy, schedule. -' The hotel buildings at • Greenwood Lake, in Orange county, Ne ,Y.o4ore destroyed by fire on Sunday morning. Hon. John M. Fitzpatrick has been op. pointed Judge of tbe,Diatriet Court nt Pitts burg, to succeed Judge"Willintris,now on the Supreme Bench. • ;; The Supreme Court of Miesthit4 deckled yesterday that National , Bank ',hares were taxable, like those of other Corporidions. Testimony is being given before tbe Re• trenchment Committee in New York to show that whisky frauds are as successful now as under the'old law. .The annual report of the Comptroller of the Currenokis finished. , Twelve new banks have been organized, and four have failed tlince.his last report., • 'The North Caroline Legislature met yes terday, but there was no guorum in the §en ate.• The House organized. Mayor Hoffman, Of New York, has sent in his resignation insorder that his succes sor may be chosen at the approaching mu• nicipal election. The resignation will take effect on Nov. 80. ,Mr—Moifinanwill be,in nugurated Governor on January Ist. The Conservatives began a contest of the municipal election in Charleston, B. C., yesterday. Wm. Ma - Clove, keeper of a livery stab% at Thirtieth and Market streets,' Philadel-1 phi was beaten and stoned to death on Sunday afteraixon on the Lancaster turn-, pike, by a gang of sixteen boys and meg men, none over 19 years of age. Some Of theni, bad characters, were arrested. ' TO-DANIN ?ONTIFIOMEILY 14,110,/fO, No. 59 ,, 1. OF O. 1?...;-The members of Montkomtiry otos erp.requested to attend a trip li ng op `Pk WM' day evening 'text, Nov. 19;et7%0 clock. Aniend- Meats to Ote,Dy,44tvs, See.' ;St. 3d , and Art. 15, Soo. 2d. ' _ • nov 17-3 t JAS. F. VAN 1109,NE,,Beeretari. F. „ xii4alvAlt nous!, scale/wilt/Ist. Coiner Of' Fourth and Penn streets, Iturns* Plotlietolli. Bayles taken, pomm el on of this ealbon, and hiving on hand a ino3teorn plate stook of everything iwthe eating and drirtk ing line, we. ate Prepared to hied our friendaand noomrpodate titemAnAlle ,beat. manner.. ,Oyakre eereed,sa every Wyk. nOl7-11110 MEM2 i'UNEDRTA:KER- . 's T - • r • awl musTREBT.• All li I Oil cl' Online ittintsktori, nt the kindest nOt leo. ,•ItllniSruln.attßtnP?d tpt i nwn nr country,. , nl7-IwT raing/414W. Bailier.dr .saftemO9n, ',p;an • Arcot, hear Fi ft h, a 8 lief % rate , boating alma. litieevail9ollt. Y.Protins RlN?PartY,and payipg charge& APPl in k t ri% 11‘ TV AT • I. .• ,44.1 1 ,4 , 04i.Vn " aov o. l itA afe, igOTlCE:f•Oeve'ral persona ini4Olkiti i libkint ,IN falteb , chattaniftntigthleAulir, ,ateqcinj if shy one will call at Lai name 1 ant * Ito gnaw :them!, my fat:moral)," Nilo h Op.. 'Alum 4 Atka° churn against me be continued; I wilt roSecUte thlk " °1411.8° 41°1" ' 7 ' I '` 7 0E046* Athti / no* 16:4t,'• 1 , r0 , , , i,; fvoiw ator.isovara. O t it'Atiti itlOtant itgotu •c' :,!,,,,,? • *IA": ; • ' TWOYATAIOGS ; Ae the Droveieittel Eiehtli gt• Walkinitoso/c. • OR tiATUOACti jian; Not 21n;1868, e tube t u ro takes ret hiteeNetteltmittila: v eleold etke 43 4t t r ietite4. iuitlti titiiltei diet Actoryoklopotokt9porißv folatofri, on boo no 46 Drily to ed eat to Or trigoptom7 budbiesoldift 'got amino mtats date. .; not t li • WIT.ILLAM O. KROUSE. =2l quake la New Jersey. TUESDAY, Nov. ADVEKTINESEWIS MEE . . . . . .7•?... , 1) • ~ . .. . . • . . VI ‘ N IT , 4A: Op ( 1 . WL t " ---' ', 4 :! , ' ,•. T.' • a,;'''•-; .'.7 • i -.. , , -',... 'J. ~- i tki IL , ;A . , t "VA.r •`, ' ~ .1' ....,, 1 .1 - . , ;,-.s' N" . ' '", , I. ' i.:1? 1,5 Sil ' '4 ' -' ' * 11 ' '' '' .. 1:k • ~, F. -1., ' .-. : - - , ' .- L % s,' .-p. <'~'~`i~,'' '''"-. ti:lo;"hmitio4 5.1,66, =I _ ...~ Sl~; ~: lIGANKEr SHAWLS, BROCRE SHAWLS, CHAIN LAIN SHAWLS,' PAISLEY• BRAWLS ; • MISSES' SHAWLS, , BREAICkST suor.s; 'l4oi,isNtlsid'l3ll2l.*L'Sy GENTLE*PTS SHAWLS, • Also in Stock, a full absortment oT Silk Vel will be sold by the yard, or . Wade to order in at short notice and moderato prices. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. KEYSTONE OPERA HOUSE.-,- \ ,TUESDAY EVENING, NOV.17Til,"1808 % I I i /, 6)11,00NI! BERG CONCERT{ Oa which' occasion tho following Artiste will air; pear: , MAD. TWARTHA JOHANNSBNI MI HUD. 111 NNIG, CARL SCIIGNE, IMMIMI Organist of St. James' Church. Tickets. • - - •75 eta. Reserved seats, - - - - 81 017 L Tickets to be bad nt R. A. Berg's Musle . Store,4o3 Fenn street, 2d Rim, where a diagram of the Hap may be seen. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Concert to commence 4 8. nov 9-td °"Rhtlf—Two en can b iß,4conndlgboa;3:l39Penn etreo r'--nov 7 2-w . JOSEPH - REBROLTZ, \ • ~' NO. 710 PENII S T REET, i . READING; PA:, , has constantly on hand the BEST BEE I F, as well asolli kinds of moat and swinges. llvo'r puddlq, blood pudding, Frankfort ''Sehwartent !flagon' , ike., all of which will be sold at the - lowest., prices..nov.-3nac; N EW GROCE RY & PROVISION STORE; ' - J. B. HIGH Announces to the publio thatbe has °penal& • f GROCERY & PROVISION, STORE '- at the N. E. Corner of Eighth and Franklin Sts,, where ho will keep constantly on hand a large anil well selected Stook of Groceries, Provisions, &o;, which he twill soll at the lowest market price. A 'there'd publio patronage is respectfully solit ited. Country produce bought and sold. J. D. HIGH. nov.4- ~ N. E. Corner Eighth and Franklin. 1. fyiiiiii I ninir , Ve.. , ': I_,v,_, t. I, `',. ', ~,, •;, , • WA: AWritam* rit i rri r wr L., s !, Oneßi at i *Apo O f hist ono 5a ! ,rabstwool t 4 4 : 41 . AllllO.O, togs • , • ... „mum with the • otel. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, • • • , CHINCHILLY CLOTH CLOAKS; WHITNY BEAVER CLOAI{§. - FROSTED BRAVER CLOAKS WATERPROOF OLOAKS ? . CLOAKS, OPERA CLOAKS,' • , SILK CLOAKS. .. rs vete, Volvoleenti and Otos'Mei Clothe, the most durable and fashionable ii niter,' °C.KM I) 1q 1 !; 8 00 1 4 1 /ii: 1 441; 4 : •: • • WINE AND LAGER, PEER- fii,ALOON t '; l'om street, bateau S4O .and Seventh. All klyida of beat Rhenish wino strays op_banC i and sold at %et lowest pride. , , nOv _ , TAYLOR ,ileittBpl k. . 1 . 841. North Eig ht h ' Streoti Withito Square of the ihtper New York RHADINsti, anAzwipit, CITY T SOUTH' 13IXT)* . . , °, , • ,(Nocti,Sun,) READING, PA. I wo..Charrer'eaOdettate." ' ' A. H. latiiiiiiiior.' , proprietor. • demo • •., ••••• Prima Donnp, 11l LYc WHOLESALE & RETAIL iIEALEA. iN : . llitAlitNek t • Keeps co nitaitlyoniand 'and for ale at tb. • LOWEST PRIOES; A gaPeisil a;iagititne r ikt of WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, splullm CHERRY, istr, cfrEsTrithl, INDIAtIAVLACX &mu yVALIWT, OKltot#A. Y441.0W ?DM 'Ationtahlr PANEL, E$ WIIITI DINE, CYPRESS, AND NORTI CAROLINA GRIM SWAMP CEDAR;• Orders re i veittlally solicited and tirotetitAr tended to. or prices. ace.. call at the NEW BRIOK OFFIO.E, . 41 On the Corner of Fourth Ote;, r. addren, - a. .KEELIij fobllly wavEs, RANGES, HEATER . WILLIAM BRIDECW_W No; 242 Penn E 4., Reading The undersigned respectfully Invites` pub%) attention to Me newly itiyented 'Heaton named Ole , . 11EYSTONE. OtATEIt 1 t, REST HEATER EvElt`'iliTßoDuckti. It ham less coal. .makes more heat. takeeap town, and gives better satisfaction than any. simi lar Invention' ver introduced to the publie. The advantage of thip superfOr beating uppers. tee will be fully explained by the Proprietor, tell guarantees that he will be able to satisfy &KWh ego him a Ca ll that it is superior' to tio, one inven ted, The advanUges ro asq manlleldi , and sO easily.coMprehended. tbat Only to be Seeb to convince the most skeptical. In proof of th he re:irctfully refers the pnblio,;bYPergobtlioni the f owing named persons who are now - um those !eaters: ' H i • Ono. It. Faint", o ryissoNj U. I). Osman, O. A, Nienou.s, 11tl1@Y d i raans, k Jona. M'Kwiout, Joan t lf 11111•16 4RUBICX ADANA. filiter 'JAMB •' 7t A , Orp ans' Tome, Womeliklort Ile also lavltetspeclal attention to the • BEAUTY.RANOE • WM& is a late Improved ? Fttperiot• 44110 fO,r walling in, and for wbiett !Wig the Ata, Asi r in this eity. Th is Range can be seen m omit on et the Iron City Hall, ?(o. 428 Penn street ; at eter High% Franklin streq above Fourth, and t at other places, Partieelar attention paid to rs it DOIGNIING AND NPOUTIN4i. :g t . AND PlasticA Slate Roofing, ;. s tifr 4 004 n Ammo -bap - /kW ?It orders orders promptly executed, u_n rt e trig estisfset4on. . vv. •• way n •• , ,•, . 1 4 , 0.7 14 .1-enur . fiIIPME4IOX IV, LATTER ? :_ , • ‘01 4, p I TA . Lt i rt ; aiite,r.Alih area •Weedisoine ' , imi.c., , ReadifsiCA. Sole Agent for Berke and LOnnoneountfnii 3 Onlike 1 v,'' '• AO/lON SOMA 00141' , ot- i • ,'li,, ~, [..,,,,, •,, f , r ,. 3 . , , r,rt t • , , , , t „•,,,,, , 0 incnit stigste.gitidisioti sesioa***bita (4ffo' tiliptiouo. -' - ' • ' ( 4 "l 4 ) 7l VW* l '''"* . ir '' . 4 1%.7..T,1n I{ 1 ., . ; •:: : ; ) , 8 ,•1 ', I‘Fix , k.LAum si? A.:1141 ,, !f , ! I, iiiii:iiiinitoisics'etaispt ,t / , i',, Miele, • ti i 1 i , ME ME LUMB and ihorsughly seseotted sail ander cover. ate% t . • • ' • ,1= , • Atm . ": try►. Yob, _ M. Great iltlausdies ill Diitem of 14. Moerj#l7Al7,,MgeM,',A! i o, ll fora cteriMur Bitters z hs? OW. IN tea. tati r lti f te•Pas otrei t 4A 4 I* oak Ott t4h, ► a -.we. tonqralwkis • • , IiOIiiLAND'S daltlfAti 'TONIC. tasootnhinationot all k kuts orals tilt matkur gnat lif 8 lie, OriurAm Inu l aai l tl i biter: t i otateV 4l4 Tet i = preferring II odteine es honk Aloe olio admixture, wilt use 1100FtAVIV8VERMAN /OTTERS. TllOllO who have no qldeollou to the oomblattion of taio Bitter", litli ttaptaqtili gosill,r t 4 i ~• # a } ) g A. ROO FL A NVEV OE TIMIN, TOMO They ale both equally god & b and oontate tie ikme me l e th a l virtues. tagogo Detwaqathetwo Wig ti more matter of titsM), o Tonto woe the moot palatable. Theatogiad, from a whit/. Rtes ti pee, eeeb s rudlgeitiON reyespalkkieffoni Web I ti.ott \ ta very apt to bass its flu:talons dewing • :the r. tr, sympattlisint Ls closet 'My as it oes with # • Ul t orekieb, Vioek loootoeillateOtoti, the teak o t *bin le 1.119 pikti t 14114011 fteto lima 0 mote of the foli o, i d osabo: OonnutoPllOn. Y l l l .l kiWatt p Wipes olitoodi 1 ead, oldtty,of 1 a tith. ' , nausea, utu, Arun vor UM of eight iq Ilia Rom So at EyuctA OrN Stoic , ' lulsitteriv- ." 1 11 , -. ol iiii - laid or Stuttering at tile it of I to tonal Swimming el 1 the mad, Herd or pi cult iiireathlng, Muttering at the earto' °kind or Oughost riss Ilciatir when_ in a ing Posture, Amiss, pf hien eta or Webs efore the lithk bull if , or .go rk listitlyaktn , "T 4 , ,- ren tire Stu% Back, u iihts vii. i t 14udSen uslesglleat, rod in 140 ebbs mutant in intngs g y hand rent , , . • PoPreitsba Of Map * , The fruiterer from these co r alt iii .44 swa ts the greatest caution {a the se sot t o pte t temody for his eats; purdialr Only IyMt no ism. cured from his {ayes bat one, an nen slot. sasses true merit, is a 111 Hy 'oompound is free from War ousihnt s gents , and talk • ir for itself a reputation the sure e _Wows, 0 , Sti n thb oonngotion we t w . eit, d submit those well. nowarensediwoci I; '.. t•• A, ,) ?, A' ' ' '' ' - ',), 1100ELANDIC GERMAN BITTERS • ' I, Aiti ' ' ' t ,• . , 1100 PL A ND'S GERMAN TONIO .!tittreeeP PT P 1 4,901. , IMMlSON,P,bilafiti,igils,Pa Thisty-fiierFinee they were' firitintioilissia rats ewe uktieleur Aptine'whish the ey haver Pu a ly,pe I l liek,-mora slimiest enefiteld fr tin ' Villttn oto kliteitVOlk than any o er i reltita .ON•to we VII o ._ 11 7 e i er ' ll a tillee l j Il ett elieb ifiesie lrft ir . 1 II sYt4:4 fa .l i nd i r°l 4lt9 D P3 h lo ' . "or IiSIV" ' ... k 13.51 e. °` Y ` (. 13' 'lt rt ITV '; ' ' ' • Result g kom, spy %alb ithativer i Prostistion of 6 ta4,4 inditeedVjefitra,babor, wiz 11, Iligibiarei iefere, ite, There s sto i ns totlextent 7 nil tot hese sew els in Sabatini; to an vigetts i trted rd.w 410 IlYstetts. eAt 011 1 44 lite O, 40 to 0 °yea, tagitotaao a MA WO Y; ;Ot 14;r0d $B, purified, the ,0010p1OI On 14420akel 7 ,,,,. and healthy, the YollOW tinge is eradicated a the eyes, a Monis ilyea •to , tho cheeks, an ths weak &ad perrous invalid 'becomes a stress all 1 healthy being. . • PERSONS ADVANOED IN MPH ? And feeling the Nerd of tie . Shit& , .. i t s . l i f t t, upon theta, with al atten da n tpl 1/, tt 'le the use 01114 MT/IAB, or the rely, en e b that wilt Instil new life into their veins, istere l t flaysa Melto the anent, and ardor of spore ydtte DY., build up their obrunkon Tomo, sad t n health and happiness to tuoirreereinlng gem • . : .f. • . f t' r t z '- . • N 0 'r T. c t . It tea well established fact that fully one-hilts t the female portion of ourrula on are seldom' is the enjoyment, of good heal . qr l loss lAtit (Ark' IFPIOIIOO. , " abilir feel WWI. Oftiti lanipla, devoid of all energy, egtratuali,gertota and have no appetite.,..,t , ~ , I To this ohms of persons the IJITTRitiI, or do TONI°. la especially recommenneip, , ' ! ' .WHAF Asp , ,illiTiloMill CHILDREN !". 'itel,iitidi strong. 4 the'ttiie4fiair l Ott remedies. They will cure, every ease of MA MUS, without fail. Thousands of certificates have siontqulV Is the hands of the proprietor, but spacewill a log pi the publication 61 but few. Those, It will sole served, are men of note, and of such standing tbs they must bo believed. TESTIMONIALS. , , gop i ergo 7. 7 4 : 4 4 1 ,4:1? ChieiJuidiee Utile MILTOh 16.1161, "I find Hoeg and's German Bitters's stood tole! useful in diseases of theAdirestlve,organs, odor great benefit in eases of . lan want of nervous notion In the sy m. Mire truly ORO. It.-WOODWARI!. Hon. James Thompson. Judge of th 6 Supreme Courtof Pennsylvania. PHILADILPHIAMpriI 4,186 a "I conelder Iloofland's German Bitters seslya ble medicine in case of Attacks of Indigestion or all pepsin. I can certify this from my experience of it Yours, wltivrespeot, JAMBS TROMPS° lf." From Row..E. D. IfendallA Assistant }Miter Christian Chronicle, Phillidolfoi 1 have derived deolded benefit from tbe use in Hoeitand'e German Bitters; and feel it my prirllet• to recommend them as a most valuable tale, to all who are suffering from general debility, or (Vow diseases arising from derangement of tbollver. ours. trUly,B. D, YENDALL, Prom new. Zogeph tf. Kennard, D. D., Pastor hi theTaighttgAlslCluitsh, Phila. be. JAClMaN.Lblitill SIR 3 4144ebeellfteciielit i ly requested to onnoct my name with 'sow 'mendatlons of different kinds of medicines, but ;I• fording the practice ri Nas out of my approgri• ate sphere. I hove in all casco declinedk with a clear proof in va ous Instances, sad 00 6. uteri, In my own family of the use of Dr. mot land sUOTD34II bitters, t depart for once from al usual copra, to express my fall conviction tbVs gelimil **Win Ilk systesarindesprecallybr Omplapist; ittsAmidgaplecthiableigrfriartaido. Ie Okla digs it May Wit 'tont tidally, tdolibt ookli Will be very beneficial to those whosuffer (romps above causes. Yours, ves7respeetfally, KPINARD, • Eighth, below Coates tit • 0 , 14 • 1...4 fji4 tritlfito t hghi ' itWauiiie j , '' otSgri the wta t tper4.ll i ti::Dl - ... twittenrco p agsvolortgiailmowi. CHARLES M. EV4NS, Proprietor, Formerly . 0, 11.440513011 £ Co. ' PRIOR, Itlare , - . - - $ 1 goolfruHreattioN : 4,4 , , , ~,, , .; • v i i a ,,, * lO . l .• tort . 1 litaiToi , iiiiiii , ostifor 1 ~,,,, slot (OW to ex. 0140 troll • to Iph hi order to frit th 4 1 ,00004 , - - : c‘: ~1 ! , ';,:::'.. 1 ; ',i icfl I,', \ t4;' , l, Y' . • ,:: ;.•,., :,,,,:, ', c. 4., c' -. ° ; 7 : 7 1/ l' '''', ......',. s'' ; ‘," l ::.e.,, I, `•*- '' , ;' , l i,;;:- .. .,i ; ; ~, V ' . l: '.' r ,s Ci f' .P ‘'. Z - Z '',e,,,,;gt , ? A , ' 4 ' • ~ ,aml . :Dniultisi - d '' ' to . .#;-#;,„., - -,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,, ~ - ..., , .e , latriiiiitriga4l-',!,., EDE Eall