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Wendaye Irateetoted,) - "4,- ' l ' ' l, ' fr f.- ''''' .. t, .. ~.,.:. ;,.; , : . -.'.,,,,,` „„„„ e4 ~...,. ~: i„. ...: : a r'7.‘; ‘ , 210 . ' -/, • • ."- ''' ':' - ...... ~,,,. 11 ..,.. i ii ,, 1 , ~.: ~,, . ; , , : ' :: , o blo th b e szi rot t ,4. k, b , 4,,i , , r, ..,:,..z- t ut 4 :: : 3 r o b n i a t , o l ..; ~,' ~..';.' ... _ -...,..• - - . , i l k ~ tern so , AT TUE OINIOR OW Tit* BRADJNO ' itotafft. ' ' . , .. ' ririillo- N , --- • ,- " .• • 'L' - 1 !,.! ', '.. 4 ''',':' ' , • • irl !"/"' ' , .., ' . •''.! 1 '. % t ' . . - 110# Silt PXNN samairr. . ' . , - . • , • .• • , . • 1 / 44 - ii g ts . „ . , , w i lt. oniio• oil* •14.0 coniver,_lita_o_s_l:ti 1••, , , • , . . . • . .- • r _ • . . . ~ / .. .. . ' . . , he RUADINCIDAItIfiIIAGLII WIII PO zunnettea ' . . . " " ---7---* • .-.- . ' . 'l' . . - 4 , , 44. , n ' t io ribers Le the 1., , i ttiut s e s e r it o ir i e s r i ewsz. 0 , .....________. _______ . • .! 7 ' •- , , ____ k ..`, - .:ae, r - 44 •' • Op R ILI II ''''—""- ''''....., 1110. Will eo ... aft i t a r i ebt ut iftsYlPg ' llo l l .nt sisillubs0" 1111 r:( ai r "4v . .'-- Al . .-, i • 10 ' t . I 0 ' Itte ll tat be , , for,./ oos old fox Inv, tak salt h- -A 14., de t duction*llDsadetbbums° tIORIOOO 1 iddr ori ed T puma eorema lLen9toul I .4710531 O. atINLIIIIt , 1, 1868 1 FALL. SUCH & BROTHER, nave °penal) Large and Selected Inca of _ NEW G„OODS! At Portico How, NO. MI PENN STREET, ttEkniNl3, PA, sr Levi O. Comoro, Cutter. lel Their Stock of NEW tiALL GQODSI Were selected in the City of New York, anti will be disposed of at prices far be• low those of any other ps• tablishreent in the' • , City. . , onaments acuk to order. • boys' Clothing constantly on hand and made to order, • , . , The Stook of Furnishing goods is decidedly the best and Ines! extensive in the, . city.. call, see and satisfy • . yoitiselVes. . . _ . Tb. tail* 4.1,0 f b. g /he seryle . eu'of the eele4 tasted antler. fir.: . feeyt O. Oedema% le cadent guarantee that all gstmentaylll be made rip In the brat style and latestfashlons. Remember BUCII & BRO.'S Headquarters .of Fashion I NO. MB PENN STREET, READING. Portico Row. CM AIATIAN RITTEMEI • 4 , GENUINE BLOOD PURIFIER, A . , , sy . gm Immo or "PRIABIt'S PACK IC OMP H t l antable article( formic at the "Me' Bookstlirs. • CLOTHES WRINGERS, STEP L'ADD:ERS, ALL WARRANTED. , . AT WKNI.G.kITS IiARDwaiRE svutE THIRD AND Plllll 828 an t 10 • lynx FABT.TREIGHT I NE BETWEEN READINIAND NEW Yong MI NORMS AND ESSEX fiAIIAROAD. kl i r.Ld„Reattpglrent,Mieoarscltiktl iiht S CRIOR m it 01 . 1001—i 00t r a rt, Nrc" u lakt t i Atom, Bt)11:111.k , C . ta•• -44.41 AE:nt;,2. k a . ki. Isi —E— P4 b3 PFßAti ar gL l V ° S t pl- 1 1111. at t.o o ffic e, wh i chwilkbel sold Den, on 01101 D. VOL. P--Noi 252. 1868 PROVENIIIIIONAL. BRA LOUIS De DAILTu DR. OFFICE Aptal*Baquiros. Do. 244 liquiD,MTKDl!ltreit t lielssiiiilt. Pal; oot 2fidolio* . WILLIAM H. mononnEn. • ALDERMAN AND ATTORNEY ATLAH: ' Oak* Ro. Court Itiraet, Can be consulted In Dudish and German. ' 00t.814m REMY X. XXIX. .ATTO : RATRY dtLAW,. 29 RIAU' 81X211 EITOBT. READING. Oei 28. r (4?„7,..,,,,,,,„....,,,,,,0„,„y„&NAt 1ti414 OUST tiF. *SAM 60 0010141100 0 0 110101 10010111110. tatrl, AND at nOKKIaI ATTORNJW AND COUNSELLOR AT LA W . 'OMee to. Omni St.. (near Sixtb.)llcemm . Pa. ml 4 Gzintez p lam, • • ATTORNEY AT LAW, RRADINO; • Craton: N 0.640 Court street, (up stain.) 'Et MAGIAN, i • t 11.• • PRYSIOXAN. (U. 19. Pineton Burgeon.) MOrem) Eitroet, Reading, Pa. °Mee boure-12 to 2p. 6toB p. . I pissE V. HAWLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Moo. No. 40' (seiiirid tfolit,) North Sixth Street. nearlYooPoolto tho Court. House. Reading. Pd, t0n.28- • t. L"18 RICHAIUM :ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mee, N 0.530 Courtetreet r over the oMee ot John 8, Richards. Es. febO. WILLIAM 0. BREWQTEB,' , (Onganirt ctl'Firel.Refortned Ohnreh.) TRAOHER OF PIAWFORTS, ORGAN AND HARMONY. No, 223 North Sixth street, Reading, Pa, • N. B.—Pianos Tuned . !June 20. pH. E. MOSER, . SURGEON DENTIST', OFFICE—MG Penn' Street, Heading, Pa. Invites the public to call and 'examine his new plan for extracting teeth without pain. Alt oper ationg in thoprofession neatly exeoutod and charges reasonable. ap2s DR. A. HERR; 7, 0111 co--No 0 North Firth St., iteollltiir, (Wix? DOOR TO P. D'REILLY'R BROS BTORR.) . Partiouiar attention .paid to curing diseases of the Mou aottlunts,~sueh as Scurvy. Preternatu ral (how of firma, Alveolar Abscesses, disease Of the Alveolariprocess. Fissured Palates, and all diseases to which the mouth and gums are cub e.il. eeth - extraetcd e[ hoo t pain , and inserted on al material used by t he ploregsionE_ . (Moe how. froth/.11, to 'I P. Al. Rept. 3 ') . I ___l Y —_______, SOOTS AND 'SHOES 'THE DEBT AND CHEAPEST! REINHOLD 8; SOHOENER . No. 41'North Sixth Street, TRH SUBSORIBIIRS 11AVB JUST ESTAB lished a Arst-class Boot and Shoe-making estab -1 shment and store at the above stated place where they are able to accommodate customers with the bolt articles in their lino of business, and at lower priceslhan at any other place in the city. The following list of prices proves all we say : en's calf boots, . • . $1 00.nd upWards. lien's kip boots, $3OO en's working shoes,, ' • ' 160 'Men's Frew% calf Congress gaiters, box toes, 390 Men's calf thngress gaiters. 226 Men's cl f Balmorals, 200 • Men's k i p ßalmorals; ' ISO Boys' e((Balmorals, 160 Boys' kip Balmorals, 1 25 Youths' kip Bahnorals, - 200 , Women's lasting high Polish; " 2.76 Women's Cbngress gaiters, to 260 Women's lasting Balmorals, 1.90 Women's Morocco Balmora ls, ' 200 Women's Moo shoes, ' rocc , 165 Women's kid slippers, ' 65 ' 08' 1 aiding polish, • A 45 t r outdo' gaiters from - ,15 ets. to 76 ouths' and boys' shoes from 30 ets. to 90 Also, a large stook 'of notions on hand and for Old It. The above prices are lower than at any other similar place of business in tho city. Pattionlat attention Is paid to all klndeof re- Plitt n , * REINHOLD 4t SOMMER, NO. 41 . NORTH SIXTH . STREET, (*Bova en. weir nov01.) ' ' READING, PA.' A LI)EDYLI. 4 CALLIN'S • • n; , . , • • . • _ • . FitDIOR Infix , • T • • SCOURING • . ' . . AND , . . DYEING • • ES'rAOLISHMENT, i• 141 South Seventh St., opposite Depot. . . , : • • . .. • Office in Reading. Pa. , . 011 ices in Philadelphia, 610 Race Simi,. andl92 South lltb Street. Eneonald by our atoms in our new method of Mr l i r er o l ike a Alt? li o v o t a e re s r ; el i flitb* W e al e rt: taeattention of pu lle our above named eats - Raiment. , • . • • . • . ~ By our gloom Mid nelrly iniented 'maehery. .we ary eruible4 till oh: rd dye goods in in ert el er= l itgal Lola Ofire li nt ri litl i : zr f ron'egyzmenta ulthont taking inn apart or 'du ring rthent la 'ill* least, whether - the ,Mtierl, are scautbe o e it i koL .„„ ~ t; - , l i n k 0 : 7 '" - ' Out dk .hi mimeo o Tem nlarer. and the goods u ail Mum lin lio4 oW. n 011116 9r *to. Kid (Roves. Oqtrieb *sifters.' Igo.. mid at ebo . otlem = •• 1 ', .. = lieu fAano , BLANK BOOXS:rthafol sale a large variety of,lllask Books which will be Ipldcheap. MITER h co. DENTIST, FOR THE PEOPLE. READING, PA. REPAIRING. . - \ Y sl 111 1 084 THU44OOII MOM ASSISTANUNI IlrOft Vitallifitiiiti Tame NMUDS RESISTANCIIII.“ • 1. • • REAM°, 'PA., TUESDAY REIM& NOVO= Vi 1808. SWAYNWPS ALL•HEATJNG OINTMENT, • _ For the opre'of Totter. Iteh, Salt Rheum, scald Ilea djtohingPiles,Rlng_WoripaaPimples.l.llotohm Defeeta In the Okla. Barbera' /toll, Ulcers. Chroahr Errelpelas of the Yam ko. For sale at the "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE, RITTER 100., NA Booksellers, Stationers, PAPER OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, PR O- ii!l TOOBAPIi ALBUMS. POCKET 800K8.ct0.,,, Igo. ;151 Penn Streetj gavin g constantly on hand a largo and well salad,. isyl stook:of MISOEL4ANEOUS' a SCUD OL AND ALA' NK BOOKS, PAPER AND STATIONERY, " I nab .113 Writing and Wrapping papore, invelopes. Pim% Pencils, Ink, Slates, Cog? llooks,l ogee Doan, a/0g Web ItTO bought for Cash pncl ell I be ecildl on terms as favorable ag those of any otluirhonss, in the City—re respectfully Invite Merch.snts and others 4 I I 7 who desire tomakepUraft.olllnsurlitilito favor sus with scall before puroh Salm elsewhere. Ordera by mail prompt/tit and cared filly f Red JOHN -POUT% CELEBRATED ' epLit porirri. Forteal dirge..he "HillOLE".11300i :13T0g, 351 P,enn near Fourth, . HELLER'S WIRC I SITIMAY EMINT ' , ', 411 ,D1F:1400 1 40 - . - _* . • :1 • cows rAtt , • inuomitm Akci tO oovo Vogrori prOitsiiik fr ' 'um) the ink . ituaranteed to 11114 waftetton. pl to . V .I(ELLER Juno 18- atkt Reg .1n Fourth ~ Iv* 351 PENN STREET. AND WIOLSSALS PDAI:II93 (Near /burg.) READING, PA. At a recent-meeting of the Vanier& Club, envoi the weathers read the following coii trast, the first line's* Dr, Prailtlin 1776. • • "Farmer at the plow, • Wife milking cow. Daughter spinning yarn, Son threshing in the barn, All happy to a charm." 180$. • Partner IMO to seoa sh‘t4; Daughter at the piano, Alamo gaily dressed in satin. • MI the boys learning Latin, . With: It aorta - go on the ram, GIANTS TIMM In , one of his recent teetures, Professor Billiton:1, the younprodluded to the diseov . cry of the skeleton,of an enormous lizard, of eighty feet. Prom,this the,Professor infer red,as no living. specimen of such magnitude , has been found, that the 'apticiaS which it represents has become degenerated. The verity of his position ho endeavored to on force by an alinsinn to the well known exist ence of giants in olden thnes. The follow ingis the list on :Melt this singular hypoth .esis is based.: Tito giant exhibited at Rouen in 180, : the Redeem says, menant4 nearly eighteen Foot. ' • • • •• • • fileradius saw a girl that wan ten fSot high. The giant Galabra t brought 'from Arabia to Beale under Claudins'CiFsar l _was ten feet high. ilauntun, who !lived in the time of. grgeno 11., measured 'eleven and A half foot. The Chevalier Scrog, ik his Voyage'to the Peak of Tenneriffe; found in one of his etw• erns of that mountain, the head, ofCanich, who had sixty teeth, and vas not less than fifteen feet high. . • The giant Forregne,i slain by Orlando, inqpliew of Charlemangei vial( twenty•eight feetlikh, ' ' lapilli, near St, Geinain t :Was found the tinabiailtho giant Isorant, who was not less than thiltrifpot, high. Ia 1680,4 ear llouenmas found a skeleton whose skull h41i1:0, bush6l of cora, and who 'was nineteen feetthigh, ' The giant 'kited alisrtitenty-tyto feet high; his thigh•bones were !'odd in 1704, near the rivlr MIAs& lied, 'near theicasite 'in irtAuphinat a tomb was found thinty feat tiong„ sixteen wide, and eight high, on ' which -cut in gray stone these words,"dilintoleohns Alex." Tho skeleton Was found entire; it,went,y4ive and a quarter feet long, ten feet aores's (tie skoulders,and five, feet from the breast bone to the back.. ~ } Near Palermo, in Sicily, in 151.6malound the ukeleton el a giant thirty 'feet high, and in 1660, anoth€4 thirty-four feet long. Near Itazrine j , in Sicily, in 1815,waa found the nkoleton of s► giant thirty feet high; the' head WAS the sizo . of a hogshead l ankl.seaoh.Ofj his teeth weighed five ounces, The following extracts from the exchsaies of the &nix, seem to favor the Professer"s theory From the Peoria (Iowa) Transcript we learn that a gigantic skeleton.: wastaearthed by workmen engaged on the Mankato:l street sewer, ion Saturday week. Its was in a good Mate of preservation, It was Sound 'ins ;sit ting posture, facing south, and is prnhably the remains of.aluge A dispatch from St. Paul, • Minnesota, dated Nov. 14, (lest Saturday ' ) says: it hugeiratone axe, recently deg out of a manta near Vasa, has been donated through Mr. Luddee, of 'this, city, to the Iffstorical l Society. It is the largest stone uxe wcr.svcri saw, and can Scarcely be wielded with both' hands. The axe was - found butted with a skeleton of gigantic size', which maibled to pieces on being dug up. - It is evidealyvei7 ancient, there is'no tellinglow old, perhaps one or two thousand yemi. If this .was a battle' axe, there Meat have been giants . in those days to have'wlelded them.' . • We'have no, doubt , that, there . were "gistnts in those days," and the - past was perhaps more prolific •in producing them than the present. But the history of giants timing the olden time was not, more re:as:o4lo than that of dwarfs, several of whom.. were even smaller than the'Thumbs and Xlatto of oar 0wU.) 1 16 2 0. *- ' • . , 4.• IlintrrnelArho first consideration in Select ing a companion forlife should be good sense, and good 4i9C4ltion. A hoe figure, a good face, and sweet smile, a son; voice And interesting, do very well for the .days of courtshiP i . :theso are the omens of twinning affection, but lot all, Yoong persoa male, and female, rest issued that the y can never retain it; unless they are aided: by an a miable disposition. 1770'AND iseS. ORIVIS tna oar TEN ,arwre PER .wora faun the Butler lterul4. matiivitaim ' ' •••••••••• ,__ , There is'something solemn and beautiful about •the liOne of Midnight. Everything is so The rude noise of the day is hap, ed, and the world lies asleep. "It is time for memories and for tears." As we sit thinking, the dead years conic back from the shores of Time with all their weight of , Joys and sorrows, lost hOpes and buried loves. With still, noiseless tread the forms we loved,in the "olden, golden time," gath er 'around us from the dine land - of dreams, and•for a tinr bring back the beautiful' days of the long ago. Through the dim waste of years we travel backward, hurrying bq the dreary spots, but pausing, obi how lovingly, ht the green, pleasant places which 'timid as well remembered landmarks on the rugged road of checkered lives. And still we wan• der on, until woreach;tho halcyon days of 'boyhood, and, in fancy, we driap down, weary children, at our mother's foot. Ali, that mother, Where is she? We painted a grass-giown mound a little way back, wheio rest the dust and ashes of one who now sine in - the Golden City of God. In our hearts we carry the counterpart of this grave, and at this still hour of night wo love to loin over the headstone and read "Our iticiAieri". with the four simple lines beneath. Hut the haiirs advance, the' 'spirit • returns itS communingii with the ,paitt; WO seal up the tombs in ouilienrts, hush the cries of mem• oryi turn: away Tram- the 'saddening retro . •, iipect, and go-out into the glaring day to struggle on to . SO cud tfirlife's rough 'raid, . - thinking thoWhitO Of 'what tits iasSod away with tho unronienshored winds. .Ah; well, lifo is shart, and wo shall roon be eleoping on the bill,' and be a sonrce of meditatiOn, for those that shall come alter is. And'per• haps ammo ono wandering among tho graves will repeat, 'Tie hOly ground whereon I stand, • • Nor here YO gattiOro 9110 by ono, • , Laid dowel the cross:your day's work dono,. Oh, Pilgrims for the Better Land. • • TOE LOVN of THE BEAUTIFOI.:--:PlaCa a young girl under the care of a kincl-hearted, graceful woman, and she uneonsciOnsly,to herself grows into a graceful lady. Piaci) a boy in the establishment of • a thorough• going, straight-forward busineis man, and the boy becomes a doltroliant, practical business man. Children -are susceptible creatures, and circumstanees,, scones and actions always impress them. 'As you in fluence them,- not by 'arbitrary rules 'not by stern example alone, ,but . . in the • thousand other ways that speak through beautiful forms, through bright scones, Nbft utterances &A pretty pictures, so they will grow. Ten& your, children then to love the beau tiful. dive them a corner in . , the 'garden flOwers4 'encourage them to put in shape the hangingibaskets, allow them to have their favorite strees, send them to Wander in the prettiest woodlets, show them where they can best view the sunsets, rouse them in the morning, not with the stern "time to go to work," but with the enthusiastic "see the beautiful sunrise;" buy for them pretty pic tures anAnceurage them to decorate; their rooms each in his or her childish way. The instinct is in them. Allow them the priyi. lega'and they will make your home Beau tiful. COUPLIMENTARY.-=-A . sentimental young Indy lost.. a ,curly poodle on which she get great .value, and which she fed with her ono, bawls. Not long after the po'odle had de parted this transitory life, Fridolina was seen to , contemplate with great penaltenees thecomatenance of a be•whiskered and he; ringletted young man. ",F,ridolina my dear," said her maiden atint,a very propea old lady, "don't leo); so at young , Frizly '; he'll think you are in Jove with him." "I can't help it, Aunt Sophia," replied Fridolina j with tears iu her eyes, "his expression is so like idoppet's l" • A Fowl) father, the other day, wishing to form an alliance between hie 6trix4di , berksow, and a fine 11* 'of his ,aconaint:' ante, sent him to her mothei. with ihn ing not©: - "Dear. Madam—Allow me to present .my Bill for Your aceivtance,!! , The lady seiti':the apooney back to father; with the followingreply: •,• Dear Si!---Xonr,llia:is vetoed.," _ • • , ?Ins!: Rang; the noireliet, &the, heed of •., • • a o mpany. of )16ir 3rork voluntiere'weit irerely wounded eherghiglh . e , , tights of Chapultepee. We think tide, fact . 4 not gonorally knowit.—Phfia. Post. inn o Moo., Oats of iVatilatlty lateness of dente* est bolltonfotty Attend okt to. conutittomanta etioula innlto nicsa• Ilona short arta to Ito port. tAtettpnFtt Ivo Iktn teed for vcry tong arttotes. liAY 81 „9 I_l9C: Tile following tableal the tiloesort WWI* an Passs atrei ngor trains. on the different to iirohltS 4 ntrive and depart front this (Mit , • • .., ..21 1 .:, 0.111 , ,Ant7 - TOR pillit t A Drumm A. leadinglionm..all wny stations.... , •4 T:10 isou a prcss, ertnelpal stations 10:3,‘ ay and Market t all stations . 101 !' Niprots, tr.incipat Idetioni -CV p.:ln. WaY and malt all stations-- ... Oatst•VOitt Ca) •telsrl.Tanatn Oß e PO a TV V EL ta tloth.loAl a. m. rottavil to otli ,ut 'tray stAtlons 6:, , n it„ in. Pottavllle,"Ashland Tamaqua. ho • 1,.., 6:11) " 1 4 01 7 1011FinURO t AND TITO WEST. Morose, o on. Muth Mona west. ltlo a. pl. I ocomp I brliO blitond h 1 way otatlons 7:IN • alliarrlsottrp, and principal otattons. lo:15 : 4, oat, obap2n, Harrisburg and tho west. 1:r41 tl..l i ne ay, Tarr[ burg and all way PtatiOnft,...; i;tX. sproas Lob. l . ltarrlaburg and the weld, M lo:10 " a awn ttornlarrtsburit OM t 00.1910 a. . and 4:10,0:Z.1140 p. in. . ' . FOR NNW TORE • fml_prindpal s tations 4:11 n. In. wa or Nor/ ork an prinot pal way 1PU1 . 009 1 7:03 or an all i wamtatt?na. ..... ..111:: 6 ' or " , ' ' . ,4. \ ~.' • 2:10 T. m. 11 1. or " 4:lXlp.i.n. or " andirinotpalwaYsO'nti l 11:10, . ~.. Mira hout Now lurk at LOG, 0:1A) a, In. nun i:m GM 10410 p. m. .. . R EADING AND COLUMBIA ,R. U. ON AND AWED yRDNESDAY, BEY . ITIMBER 20d, 1888. r• Pas.sengor Rains wild ion oii this Road; as follow') • . Lowe bincastor and Columbia M f 2(AA. M. haw:Astor . - - • ~,' • 300 V. M. .! • Columbia • , 1 - 1 'OO ‘1'.',141. Arrive at 'Vatting • ' • - ' • 1020 A i . fit. ~ 5 ;••0 1, M. • ' • • \ fIETIIRNINCIt • ,• • Loaxoltoadlng at • .. • 7AO A. M. I, - I t• .: •, , :•• 015 P. N. Arrive at Lancaster - .. 0 '-'0 A, N. . +oolitipbll ••'•'-• !: • 914 ." Colutiabln k in Lancaster at 8' 30 l', M. Trains' bop 2 and make ctosci o*icotton et Reading wit ti Trains North and South, on Halo. andAtoading_ltalliond, and IVost on Lebanon Val'. kyßead. N0„ . .1 also makes plus° conneet ion u flit ein,for Now York, ,• - •••, . , • lets Ott be obialnatt at the (lees of the New drsoY,Uontral Railroado foot, of &forty st., NOW oak, andl'hlla, and. Rending lta I road, I:1th ay Oidlowhlll sta., Philtutolphlti.',. - . 1 ,•. •--,,,•; - . !trough Tickets to lklew York nod Phtliptolf.hie So dat 'all the Pritioinal Btations,• and ilairtflgo Ohepkod Through. Trains are run by 'P. it' R, •Xlime. Which is 10 mitu s tioe faster than retina 11 It 1 .1.1u10, • 01to. Al. , 0/tall.- - ~i , • . • _, nner uteinlestd R. P. Kmnvon.llon'l Frt. and Tiokot• A gt. •At ly But Poringylvaiiia', Ralroci.d. SUMMER ABRAM/0111NT. CONIMENOI NO Wednesday, MO 20th, 1808. • •'• • ° •- • SIX TItAIN Dr a y, i r rum YQNN.lyiwit ,. ouT NN OF UMW • - On and after 4 nits ar t : Iltat„laigtti ;$OB, two Passenger Train.; will leave Heading dolly, (p vept ludays,) for AlLentown and ivity,Stationts, at 10.40 . M._ and 4.20 1 1 . M., stoPplpft at nil ill o v/a ) tita 7 ttons between , Iteadin anti I maw I{6 k.• making Also'olose ognneottons f or muck uhulls And Phil. Adolph's via Lehigh y o ll q y ik, A,. ati, ;noivs at Nor Yorl at 8.30 sad 10.15 r. zd. • role -..( ) • thrillsW tPlpros,:.. TrAins,Alll, leave Reading ally, exe9Pt tillndoo fer• 'Nom? York Wipe *tat I caving Re bur At 4.4A,niiti3 7.0 d i a At 2.40 and 11.4 u 1 m. , thiptrainsqun too t.fron4 fittsburgh to New our, _Withoutchanito call; `Ptoppint only et Lyons...o.B.ooqt Ilothlo tun iit lkuiteq. • ,1 qmi)- toi n Sommervi ll e, plats ( 101 l an - Mulattos oil a neat leVe i gt at. t 9.90, A t , ..,i2,00 A 1 , 11.2.) P and the 4.44 '. M. tinin•will pot bin.Yo , ,Milding on Mondays... Jim 7.04 A. At, and '11.40" 1 1 . m, trains rat) dally, leundals Included, ; , , -.. :, , Trains leave New York, foot of I,lborfithoot daily, excopt Supdays)ato,oo A. M, ' 1n,5, 8 and 8. .P. Iti. and arrive tit limb ,' ti.oo andlo. OP. It o anti at 1, 00 and 2,N - •,-- . 1 The .00P. 1. train from Now Yet l e dally, Sundays jnolu_ded, . •• 4.7iFilli • A Sunday Bxeurslop_Train will lellirclitl Ins every Sunday at 8 Arbb, stoPrlenA i 0 1 . 110 's and Intifraedlato points. Arrivo at liintorfp, at 10 A. . ltotulnlngt losve Anontown# at COO pjd. rrl vo n t Ileac' Ing lo ve 4P,M. ^ ' - Pas/tensors aro requested to purohas tok,ob4 be fore entering the ears, as 25 cents` o tra will be ollariod and collected on the train ft in,tittl • e 1 1 0 PAY the fare to the Conductor. Juno 23- O. STOIHN, Eng. and, Fult. Philadelphia, fir - Readi ng , Railrona. (R„,bod.) . • ltitittlittn. Antattit tltti 1 9 4 9 . ARRANORIIIIIINI PAH:00;11ln 11..77 TltA INS, August 3, 1868, Five Trainsdawn to Phibidolphia.pahltig Rea 1- • lag at 7 30.19 30 and 11 30 a, and 425 null 030 P. Up to Foil:id/1110, at 10 40a. in., and 550 , and t 00 P. 114: Mang Went to 1.44M101 and Western Express from Now York, at I ln a. up, and 1 50 and 10 10 p, m. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at Jr. 7 .a. and maiktrains at 10 45 a. in. and 095 p. m. (In Hundaysitho down trains pass item:ling at 940 a. in. and 4 ti p. in„ ond up trains at lOW a m. and 6 67 9. m. , The 426 p. tn. doivn, and 10 60 a. m. run only botwoon•Philadelphia and Reading. VP trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, lin r , ; 'lours and Pottavillo..at 7 30 and 816 a, ra„ 12 16 noon, and 330- p. in. and 15 •p; for , Rithdii,g only.. The 816 a. in. trains connect with trains Y r nautilus, Williamsport, Elmira, Heal° Mogan& and Canada: , The 8 )5 p m: and 330 p.m. up ,trains from Phil . adelphia, and 10 ai in. and 425 p:m. dawn train stof only atprindipal stations, below ltoading. AccomModationTriiin loaves Iteadill'i at 80 a. tn., returning loaves FhiladelPhia at & 1 p. m. Pot • .. tstown 4Coommoaatlon Train isavoi 'Poi is. town at 645 a. m., refOrming ,leayee Phlimdel tilt i 6 at 430 p i .m. The Western Exprent Trains connost at Barris in it w le: ItiV: f i I I Itt l e V i u ( f• l i t tlL' h i t r Slipoi . 1 a t l i 1 , 1 1 r $ , o i i t i !. fi.ike . lo 45tnai, trail? W13,..te at Ti/ovara to r ra tt4 ntro. b. P i n ter Wr i thes? " e l lr r e. " 4l t (Illa tlu m n s h p i o n ; oak Haven _ L lin ta sod j,h Van admr. , _ Passenger Trains ietoo V yppe Depot stit:7 no n. m; and 015p.m., for !Ante. i .I.ltls„ktiptater a n.t Volptablx. , Through First:class 'Coupon tioloto htul Em t. Pante' tieterred eed fite,_to sit tho rine ii/ ;. 1 panto:ln the Nth, *eta d the 0/6ttidi.lo, 1, ' 'CO NUT •TIO . TIQKliaSi With 2if tr il Oonp. at , peF cent. die.jon At' tiatw ea . t Any pin Wild e _ . --; 1 i ' N r A? Wlli ". , Good or 200173 el bq 0 6 11 ptita . tit f 15.50 fo t families and bfodneet rue .b th e seAsoN fey= Good for ih holder only,' or n;e,itatidl mon IR. between all WOO stredneesl Nisi GehoOl 13 o:o oil thotetty-ttittd ime thriAte above.. Mr. r entire ;in =CUM }harem Milling weet,at e .Vnte vat, ii 4 4 ,511 other trains attl/ cs Lower or Ohs veprit... ' ' - . '.. ~.. ; 190 pounds of baggage sO.loisod . 2 pgientrer, rassen n pre are, requeatw tdputth lb their ti.: ic et 4 *its e rfn the ears, sibither ex tirp, 0/ ark - ,Pl 4 ID a eon, i „, - I s . • XenndOn Kehl gda ottmedart 7720 a. raii 4 3 Aeljeltniodat OM Train to bfladelptihenod return ) atwhOO can. , " • ' • ~ ' ' • . , •O. A:NICOLL% 0,41.43u1A., ' oiii it t Ifiestirs ir 9lt li t T/ I 11 '• : s ylO P NAfricl‘ - it tl iX l olo . , Mho Illgi 0.441 trig Siteittl tio (blot 4 - 7 -' : ' • ; ..' '...:. e tow 0451(iGICV /WO bud • .2 L _citeap and crelll4.o 0 ' BOUT; iillo3B and HATO: .. • ‘, . ;. , oci9-3motiod , ' , , , Ia 1 4 101,IMERN. . = I?&PORl'Atil` iro,riom Ofik r pplittAN . t P Would 130011 inndonvi Oh. Head r , that owing to a couvidtaigemnpligof I k re waning unaott as tali; sou tin eturnol, theY IVO tqplpo gol to pnetpono - teo.dra oet;t the 224 or December. Tlekhis cnn bond for • short time, of E. D. Risehar4, Agent Ploul{h awl Harrow hilts!, and at Striektand & Era. J nov.s . CI Apt. Mur o to 1 thu nlsi. put ' tur.. EIM MEM