!,1 1 0ntio • —Constable %hie; ofiVinsTuw i lownel4; Camden conatp, e tieW'lMay, recei v ed •in formation fe0 1 ,440',41 Ail a giugpf 'fitcomn4 thioYeiNtetkiiricistilped 1h setramP in rho vielnith . titibroetieded ,)vitil'a posse to arrest, theta' -The thieves `mieeitedOd In making eseitfie,-bot all tholi ejtujiP7 mutts and goods, were , captured, consisting of one,bay mire, a black borne i a light mar ket wagon, two-sets harness, a coat ) lot of flannel, pantaloonsorain'bags, five blank ets, lanterns, and quite n large lot of dry goods. The pool& had been mach annoyed for some time past with pettyphloyes. • : , . • —A new loco Motive for city railways has been successfully tried in Philadelphia. In ibis engine the necessity for a fire-box, smoke stack, &c.,- is done away with by sub stituting a strong tank •or reservoir for hold ing water proviously. heated to a high tem perature n a stationary boiler. The water so heated is forced into the locomotive tank. and is capable of giving off an amount of working steam for a-considerable . length of time, saflicent to drive the engine and draw ono or more cam. • —Tim Army and . Navy Sourrial tells a good stol Of ode of Sherman's soldiers, who, at thetlose of the war, when he returned home, never was able to accustom himself .to the soft, luxury of a feather bed, and had to stretch himself, if ho would sleep at all, 'on m__9ther earth.7one night. a , chance - pistol stebt woke .the veteran; when ho instantly turned over and began to entrench himself, scratching up the ground with his hands. —The tobicio crop of Cuba for 1868, it is now _reported,. will be twentr fi ve p6r cent. less thin' that of last year, while. the price will be twenty to trmty- fi ve per cent. higher. Tho Anna) , of tobacco shipped from Havana since the first ofJanuam 1808, is about four million pounds, of which about two million serail hundred thousand went to the United States. ' • —A German peddler, named Stein, was found dead lulls room in . Dirtninglunn, pa., last Saturday. The Coroner hold an inquest, at which: Dr. Roberti annoupeed it' as his . opinion that death resulted from the want of proper nourishment. Ills faithful dog was howling by his alibi Clod help . the poor under Radical rale I The body of Mr. Pablo Pollen, ono of the latest victims of negro mob violence ih Louisiana, was found among the ashes of his dwelling at Torro ant lkeufs, his charred hand still grasping the gun with which ,ho 'endeavored to defend his family against the truly loyal murderers. • —A dispatch from Bremen' says that Cap. tain Percy, and the remainder of the crew of the American chip James F. Patton l ashore near the mouth of the Weser, were taken from the wreak by'tho life boat, and landed in safety. Tho vessel will probably boa total loss.. —Fifteen boxes of now muskets arrived at Memphis, Tenn., Tuesday morning.from St. Louis, consigned to L. Herman, who re • fused to receive thorn, and denied knowing anything abent them. , They were stored, and will bo sold to pay charges. —Harry Hannah,.. of Brooklyn, N. Y., was shot In the mouth on Monday evening, while trying to arrest small who was lurk ing about the hone° of his brother-In-taw.— He will probably dio from She wound. 'The man escaped. . —The Piesident has accepted the 'twenty mile section of the Central Pacific Railroad ) commencing at the 870111 mile and ending at the terminatioti of the 390th . niile east of the initial point at Sacramento' City, Cali. fornia. —A dispatch from Buffalo, N, Y., stated that there WAR n break' in, the canal near Schenectday, Wednesday ) which will require four days tdd repair. The weather was cold ) and it had been snowing for eight hours. —A girl in New Orleans tried to 'hang herself by a cord to a hook in tho ceiling. The cord Was too long, and in her struggles her heels rattled so loudly on the floor that people came up and out her down. —TIM town of Rock port, 111tuet., halt beet mulcted twelve thousand tit - Alava for personn damages sustained by J. E. Hartwell an► Adelia Babson by a defect in the highway —Two greenback counterfeiters were nr rested in St. Lonis on Sunday. They lire in their possession over $3,000 in counter felt greenhoeits and postal currency. —A run on the Milwankie Bank emu. mama on Satnrilay, of last week. The 'Wisconsin State Bank has suspended: .The - liabilities are said to. be heavy. . , ' . —The price of wheat l in St. Paul, Minne sota,- has gone down to soventy•five and eighty cents per bushel, and flour sells at five dollars per barrel. —E. •T. • Dar Wig, a boat builder of Por Jefferson, N. Y. committed suicide Tabs day morning, by hanging himself. Tempo Ty insanity was the cause. --The Imaum' of Muscat his boon do throned without a struggle, and the Chief o the Wababees succeeds to the sovereignty, —A,humber of shooting cases aro before the Philadelphia courts, Moat of them oe. cuffed on the day of the October election. —The Episcopal Convention at Mien N. Y. have elected Rev: Dr. Littlejohn', o Brooklyn, Bishop of the nevi-diocese. Tennessee says she has had the oldest of all our old men—one of her inhabitants having died at the age of 164. —A Russian has invented a steam flying.' machine, which he claims will travel eighty ' , miles ork hour. • —k rifled cannon, Ave centuries old, is paid to have been found at Paris, in making OM)ltatione; •.1 —TwO Ohio raglans lot week murdered a traveler for hie money, and obtained eigh• • teen tenth. • I The Philadelphia - lettei carriers aro to be equipped in tbo nevi gray upiform. —Tho crop of chestnuts is immense. I can only be measured by tone.' —The potato crop in the interior of the State is said to be excellent. —Half a million Arabs . have died daring the Algerian famine. —The intended resignation - of Secretary Sew rs 4 is reported,: • '; : —An earthqunlie shock was recently fel , in New Zealand. , ( - 011111rOOL MOH}, Jost received at_ the EAGLE BOOKSTORE, a full lino of bookain nee in tho'Pnblie Schools in this city which will lie told, at tho cork lowest prices: h w oof' be to the advantago of such Who are in want of books to ateertainotir prices before PurCbasing elsewhere. WO have With (lorman,B Woodbury's Now M• althod, ' Composition Books. CI ID E p.Woodbur) se Element - Fr fay GermaillteadorE BehoolllLOaskots, ParkerlKlVataor . MBories:of School Booke, Ortitondon's Bookkeeatwith Bette of Blank- Pohnook's thatory of Itnterind, Oreeeo, and Romo MitohoPa Intormediato and Primary Climarai;lilea T" PENNSYLVANIA CHORAL 'HAMM. GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXTS For sale at tho , . A,NE' PER • 1101,DEEE. A Nrce atirl pet of different makes, for sale et the &Mr rookatore. ;NitskievidusAigt!ottrO. Ncinoor. 'wogs Vasquelle'd French Course, lionnleastle's Mensuration, Stoddard's Arithinettes, Parker's l'htfuropbY. BaMays Grammar. Bay s Alobra, . Cuttoi's Anatomy, Ooodrich a U. S. llistory, °Teethes Arithmetic. 'renney'a Ueology, Pavia' Legender. Thomas' Eltymolog4 DlotioDnaries. Pon* and I/Penholders. Mato; and ("Slate Pena Us. Hpanaerlanif Copy Bookr, Anthon'en Virgil, Bullion's ll Cceoar. 4.351, - rENN_STIIEET. READING. Containing tho principal CHURCH MELODIES, Provided with itEMILFP- BOOKSTORE, e, 851 Penn Ot!fAhi • :, - 1,4A,t F Romot .w. Lomb "O'LD.JAIL," (bract' 10h4ind Washinprosi Oricts, Solo Agent for Merka and Lebroinn ea - utitie.3„fiiittO celybrateC , SAMPSON SCALE COMPANY. The most reliable and durable Scales evor placed before the public. . . . Call and eeo them before purchasing; elsewhere. Superior inducements offered to buyers, , • A, lot of Eecopd•hand , - F , , • PLATOE:Iit SCALES' on band and for 5010 cheap. feeot 4- . , U . • lo • 4 V G :E I i I I f I O W E —S t: al:71 A ; i b. ' ' relow the hAni.v. dfllee, to buy heap and well-made BOOTSSHOESandit*TK. SHOES andit*TlK . ' oet9-3nioeod -, -4 , ' Th LIWITSTRTIN. ',CITY . HOTEL, b SOUTH SIXTH ,STREET, (Near Penn,) • READING, PA. WI-Otago moderite. . A. S. ESTEULY, Proprietor. Rua n . VitAVELIMS' GUIDE. Tna following table shown the time on which all Passenger trains, on the different Railroads, arrive and depart from this 'city: IMPART-YOB PHILADIMPLIIA. Reaing Accom., all way statio3o m. Expr d ess, principal stations..., ns ....... : ... X 0 '. 335 a. ". Way and .blarket, all stations 11:30 " Express, principal stations - 4:20 p.m. Way an d Mail, all stations 6:30 " •YOB lIITTSVILI.I . . AltdaNd.'lDMaqua, Ara., and W. atatlon B ,lo:3s a, tri rorsvillo and all way stations. 5:50 Nu Yo (AVM% Ashland, Tamaqua, An MO NOR lIANDIRUURG AND TUX WENT. . . Express, Lebanon, Harrisburg and west, 1:10 a. tn. Macau. Harrisburg and all way stations 7:15 Mail, nerrisburicand 'principal stations, 10:45 " Lebanon, Harrisburg and the west, 1:50 p.p. Way, Harrisburg and all way stations—. 6:06 xprese„ Lob. Harrisburg and the west, 10:10 " ARRIvx from harrisburg M4:49,7:00,10:25 a. ut, and 4:10,6:25,11:40 0. m. • ' von "Ngw YORK And_prindpal way stations 414 a. tn. For Now York and prioolpal way stational 7:06 " For " • and all wamtations 10;30 " II For ". . 2:40 p. m. For " GI II 4:20 p. a ta. For " and principal way sta'ns, 11:40 ' Aantsra from Now York at 1:00, 0:00 a. m. and 1:50. 6:00.10:10 p. in. , READIREADING AND COLUMBIR It. R. NG .ON AND AFTER _ WEDNESDAY,• SEPTEMBER 23d, 1868. Passenger Trains will run on this Road, as follows Leave Lancaster and Columbia at 800 A.M. Lancaster 300 P. M. " Columbia 300 P.M. Arrive at Beading . 10 20 A. M. RETURNING: 530 P. M. Leave Ro i ling at • 7 00 A. At • 015 P. Arriya at Lancaster • 020 Columbia at 9 'di " Columbia and Laneaster,at, 8:30 P. M. Trains Nos. 2 and 4 make close, connection at Reading with Trains North and South. on Phila. and ReadinK.Railroad, and Weston Lebanon Val ley Road, No. 2 also makes close connection with Train for New York. Tickets can be obtained. at the Offices of the Now Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty St., ew York, and Philamild Reading Railroad, 13th and Callowhill Sts., Philadelphia. Through Tickets to Now York and Philadelphia gold at. all the Principal Stations, and liaggago Checked Through. Trains aro run by P. dc It. R. Time, which is 10 minutes faster than Penna. R. It. Time. GEO. P. GAGE, • uporintendent. E. F. IC RP.YRR; Gen'i•Vrt. and Ticket Agt. of ly East Pennsylvania Railroad, QUMMER ARR AliOl/IMP,NT, COMMENCING Wednesday, May 20th, 1861. filX TItAINE4 RAKIIY_ TO NAM WITH itf. " On and after Wednosday, May 20th, 18G8, two Passongor Trains wilt leavo Reading daily, (oxceid ;Sundays,) for Allentown and way stations, at 10.30 A. M. and 4.20 I'. M., stopping at all thu way sta ilonB botwoon Reading and New York, making also oloso connections for Maw& Chunk awl Phil adelphia via Lehigh. Yalluy It. IL, and arrive at Now York at 3.30 and 10.151. M. Four (4) thigh Expres, 'Albite; will leavo Reading daily o except Sunday,.) for Nov York awl the East; caving Reading at 4.44 and 7.00 A, M. awl at . 3.40 and 11.40 P. M. Thoso Trains run through from Pittsburgh t Now Yerk, withontehaugo of ears. Stopping only . at s, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Nam; Lmn to n ; Ntritnoryille, Plainfield and Elizabeth, and arrive at Now York at 10.09 A. M., 12.00 111., 7.25 P. M. and 5.00 A. 'rho 4,44 A.M. train will not leave Rending on Monday's. Tho 7.04 A. 111, and 11.40 P. M. trains rt)n tinily Sundays included. Prams leave Now York, foot of Liberty street daily. toxeopt.Sultdays) at 0.00 A. M., 12 noon, 5, 8 and 8.201'. M,, and arrive at Reading at 1.60, 0.00 and 10.10 P. N. and at 1.00 and 2.52 A. M. Tho B.ool'. M. train from Now York leaves ally, Sundays included. A Sunday Excursion Train will leave Re ding every Sunday at 8 A. Nt., stopping at all stations and intermediate poinfil.• Arrive at Allentown, at 10-At; M. 'Returning leave Allentown, at 4.00 P. Nt. Arrive at Reading at OP, . Pastiongtrs are requested to purchase tickets be fore entering the cars, 03 25 cents extra will be charged and colleeted on the train from all who pay the faro to the Conductor. Juno 23- C. STOLTZ, Eng. and Supt. J. R. BARRETT & CO:„ Prokfletars, Sold by all lOn:inlets null Denllint In Potent Medicines. , .BIRCH &, 811,0. Du. A. If. LIGHT, W. J. THIERWECHTEH, WILLIAM WELLS. -:---,, . ;QUEEN OF EN - CLAND.SOAp'. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. ~ GJEEti or.E,NGLAND SOAP. ': •~ ~, , , ~, ~ ._. „ Foil 'dolt ii ,a: faMiti,washini in ,thu hest, gal Cheapest tnauher. tiaatatiteed eitilit I. ahY in_.,ttke 'work' . Ilturall the strehath of old tea Usoull . ..uu the:mild ~ foul lathering: qualities- of smudge. Castile. trz_thli squad ELoa p t . gold by the IL ADXN Oulialklll L WOuetti f 48 Mortis Print* street, -Pis ludelphia. Mt T-6mo • D- wig >ttOTEI i , ARTMAN, Proprietor. Quo of the best Moses ontsidtl of the large ft is located on the line of the Bast PennOlvarda Railroad, abotituddway between Reading litntown. , ,AII trains between ,61 1 1. rorli 4 1 west, as well as alt way trains, stop at Lyorkik p immediate) i n front 01001'1,3 3 0ne Hotel. • hil,perything in and about the hotel is unser- Poserh. A first rate Livery stable is also kept in connection with the Hotel. tab* ILINOLIESTED. N. U. Agents; Reading, Pa. MIMI • sit 11104140 TO GET nit . • '4ll 7.21: ham Street, Rest rip . %.‘ • • • , rt, • I X$ N 11 ti 4: ttii ix Auu. 8311S0 'ALT lIATEitlAt.w; !, The tersest wo•llei tin the city te select from. and prices mob tower ate any piper bout.. A call 'DOM yehons in want grallY artiele of eA ctindtUre from the most expensive down. h toyelt • OARPETINGS, , MATTINGS-AND •. • Oil: CLOTHS: • A-fnueti , Acitiwaisaittow idhinhos X4140.4* • ekik.ollll *ladle% JACOB R. ItITTBat,, febl9 11 7 & 724 Penn-at; McGowan & Miltimore, DRAMS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, "GUNS, • HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS METALS, TIN PLATES, SHEET IRO Building 14toriak, , SADDLERY, &a., Sco,, No. 612 • PENN STREET, READING, PA. al) 24-' INK 1 INK 1 INK 11 -Y- . Just rocoived a largo lot of LAUGHLIN & BUSLIFIRLD'S 061ebratod Ohemiotil Writing Flnid, in Quart, Pint 1111(16=111er bottlith, POT sale oheap, at the BA t LE BOOK STORE. A, tIRIEBFJMER'f kJ Extensive Grain Warehouse, rim= AND CONSIGNORS, -t . Who way wieb t‘i store Grain, &c, Storage and commis:nen reasonable. Also, usuperier stock of FLOUR, AND FEED, &e., Foreale wholcsnlo and relit% ntlowor Orleesthan can ho pureltar.o,l olsoraiero. Also, a superior lot RI Buckwheat Meal, and Potatoes, Ofilco,No;105 North Eig4th-Bt. Itouling4a. re 65- piaci?, NOTICE I GREAT REDUCTION IN ( BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND GEIGER & 431 PENN STREET, We have just received a splendid sleek of tho above goods, which are now offered at the follow ing low prices: Men's calf hoots, 1 kip boots, . • ' French calf Congress gaiters, • • . working shoes, extra heavy, $2 00 t. , eqlf balmorals , sewed; Boys'( , kip Women's lasting, high Polish, ' Congress gaiters, lasting balmorals (best.);_ Lndiestbalmorals, . • ' 111 _ Maine,. • Boys' hats Women's balmorals, Polish, shoes, . MisSes' lasting Polish, Women's kid slippers, - glovo kid, Polish, high hoof balmorals, . $2 G 5 to 325 The above prices are as low as any other slnillar Once of business in the city. REPAIRING - . Particular att6tion is paid to all kinds of re pairing,We also hare on hand a large and `well selected stock of FURS, TRUNKS, VA ISIS, Remember the name and steraber, GEIGER & 431 PENR szessz.‘, soot 22. CITY OF lIIMOINa B 0 N DS for sate, Diatoustr'- Edgar° at '• FARMERS' NATIONAL HANK: '; rept 25.3m0s ~l'!i' Now ready for CLOTHING I el 60 to =I - i.A* grav i j „ OV (1101sed Ner.lth;lB6B.), • ARRIVAL • AND • - DItIPAILTIIIIII • QV .44D . PAILIL • . ien • • . at Bn,' %L td - nee . .17177 day.•\'• Hann:B ttl daytand aid at pi , mil • It iterceitherallowigg named Bast 0117 Past-% • Culgru. Gouklersvilbs, Adatustogn.Echgnits villeilleamstown • • • • • • • - BOY 1111TOWil MAIL'ANH STAGE LINE Leaves Boyertown at 6 o'clock , a. m., Arrives skt Reading qt 10 o'clock. a. tn. eturning, leaves Reading at 23 p. in. • Arrives at Boyertown at 7 p. in. It serves Stoncrsville, Oreshville, Yellow House. Eurlville and Boyers-* togn. • BERNVILLE MAIL AND STAGE LINE -• - Leaves Bethel, at 3 o'cloek t .., nt J , arrives at Reading at 10 0 cloclo a, ra. isattanints, leaves Reading at 2 o'clock clack p tu,. ayrivos, at Millersburg at p. In. It serves tetnbachs. - Lower Bern, Bern vine, Eat:row:bum 7 : 740101. -Tulpehoccon• and Holsters Mills. • • • • BLUE BALL MAIL AhID 'STAGE LINE Leaves 'Reading en Monday, WeducaftY and Fri . day at 8 o'clock , son. Returning. leaves Blue, Bali •on Tuosda,y. Thursday and tiaturdar, ar riving at Reading at Welock. p.m. It supplies Mohn's Store. Knauer Bogniaasvile. Muddy Creek, Tuve 111,11 Weaver ' s Mill andillue Ball. PI QUA MAIL ANDBTA,OII LINE, . Leaves Reading on MondO, Wednesday and Friday at 7 o'clock a. in. Atarives at Reading on Tuesday. Thursd ay and, Saturday at, o'clock. It supplies Mt. - Penn. Becketiville, Joanna ‘urnacchlorgintown;Talbotville, Honey Brooke. mbridge an Sonth Hermitage. LOBAOIIBII LLI,I STAGE AND MAIL LINE, Loav Lob:vitt-3410 on Tueiday. Thursday and Saturday at 6 o cloak. a. tn. Arriveit at Reading at 9 1 0 o'clock, Returning. • - Loaves Bonding at 2 -o'clock. P. in. Arrives. at Lobachsville at o clack. p. M., It, serves Alsace. Oley and Lobaohs ville, • READING TO COLUMBIA Daily by Railroad—Leaves Reading at 6 p. In; A rrives at 10:30 a.m. Su p pliosEr Its tow n_,Rollol_olo Station. 'Stovens, Ephrata, hi Biwa' Lilts, Mtm beim,Sporting Ili% Landisville and Sil l vit Springs. WESTCHESTER TO BIRDS 0 0 • Tri-weekly by . Stage —Leaves Neste ester on Monday,Wednesday and Frlday at 7a; in. Ar rives at Birdsboro at7_pe m e Returning, leaves 'Birdsboro on Tuesday, Thursday, and tiatur6o fit 7a. tn. Supplies Geiger's Mills, Bluoßook, Lo a e, Wallace, Uwohland. Lionville and West White land. ' READING TO ROBESON Semi-weekly hy Stago—Leaveslteading on Tues. day and-Saturday at 7:30 a. In, and arrives at Read:- lug at no. tn. R . . E'ADINGTO HOST • •• , • Semi-weekly by Stage—Leaves Rending Tnes day Old Haturdakat /1:30 m, Arrives at Read ing at 9:30 a. M. Addam's Tavern Lower Heidelberg, Nort • Heidelberg, Krlok'a Mills and Host. LEESI'ORT TO NORA TA-weekly by Stage—Loaves Leesport Tuesday,. Thursday and Saturday at 12 m. Airives at Lees port at 3 p. m. Supplies South Evansville and iriolltown • COXTOWN TO YIROINSVILI,E Tri-weekly b.) , Stage—Loaves Contown Tuesday, Thursday and S aturday at 9a. in, Arrives at Cox town at 4p. m. Supplies Kirbyvillo, hloselem and 'Virginsvillo. REHRERSBURO TO STOIIOIIBBUIiO !hi-weekly . by Stage—Leaves RehrersburgTues d ay, Thursday and Saturday atll a t in. Arrives at Rehrersburg at 6p. , Supplies Winter:wine and Most. • • i • READING MAILS. • TWIOR DAILY. ' . .NoitYork—Closos at 10A. u. and IO P. D. Arrives at 1 A. U. AM 2 P. N. PhilitVphin.—ArriVOB at 10:30A. u. and fl P. D. Olosog at 10 A. N. and 4 P. U. Harrisburg —Arrives at 10:30 A. II ! and 4:30r. u. 41 Closes at 10 A. If. and 6:30 P. N. Pottsville—Arrives nt 10:30 A. sr. and 4:30 r. u. . Closes at 10 A. u. and 5:30 P. U. . ALLNNTOWN AND EASTON ' Arrives at 2:00r. u.. ' O1osobat10:00A.U. IWANSTOWX—throo times a week. Arrives at 7:00 r. u. I • Closes at 8:00A. U. BIDINVILLIS.- . Arrives atlo;ooA.lt t . Closes at 2:00 I , : It. Bovßawrows, Arrlies at 10:00 A. U. J Closes at WO P. U. Lonsggsvmmt—three times a week, Arrives at 0;:70 A. u. I MHO at 2:30 P. u. PtQue—three times a week, Arrived at 7:00 Y. 11,. I OOHS at 6:00 A. u. eMm eAme , -tnreo limos a week, Arrives at 4;30 1.. u. I Oloso at 8:00 A. u. ustastorma—twice a week, ,Arrives at 0:00_,A.. u. . I Close at 1130 A. U. • nonno i:r —tiloo woo , Arrives at 11:00 A. M. I Close at 1:30 A. M/I N. T. GEHO, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MART I R L ! • . 053 ,reran Street, Readittg, Pa. •• : TAB CONSTANTLY ON lIAND THE FINEST i lassortment of ll:wand Heavy Bootsand tOtoes n this oily, also Ladies' and,Children's Shoes of all kinds. See list of styles and prices: • Lion's calf boots, hoino male,• 60 25 65 16 . , 5'50 " kin " 400 to 5 00 41 'elf balinoros, • ,2 60 400 " hip . 200 , 60 " • ' Brogans, . 200 .2 60 Congress gaiters, .2 75 460 " (i roots, 200 300 Ye kid Congress gaiters, 4 00' 600 Boys' kii b . 66 46 bahnorals, 150 225 Youths' hip boots, '-- 175 260 J" batinoralsl 25 175 • Women's glove kid high Polish bal-. morals. 560 .400 Wtuen'slastinghlgli Polislibalnrals,2 00 360 . goat patent leather tip • 2ou 325 " Kid slippers, 100 • 176 Misses' goat patent leather tip bat- - ' • morale, • . 160 240 Children's goat patent loather tip hal mi 25 166 orals, N. T. ono% 653 Penn Street. april 24e0d1 'FINE nedwitvo *IRE voninANtic AND 'COUNT COMPANY, OF BERMS CO. Onamov.F.n JULY. 181 q. CAPITAL 650,000:00. Office Itemlion imor«ace Ihttldinp, No.lB North ,(fik sired, H. E. Wilier of Court etreer. Of nee hours from R A. it. toll P. u." DIREiPTORR: • 3. Pringle Jonei.. James McKnight; Henry Z. Van Reed, Jacob Shaffner,. , J. T. Jackson, ' . • D. E. Stout. • . • Jonas Shelter. J. T. Valentine. Georgo Moser. This Company insures all . kinds of property against loss or damage by Are citrates as lo* as any other reliable Com rainy and upon every plan known to Stock Insurance Companies. • Perpetual Policies issuedrequiring po renewal and upon which the amount gf premium paid can be reclaimed at any time, less a deduction of Ave per cert. The advantages of this method are worthy of the attention of farmers and others hay. in g tirst-claks dwelling houses, barns and other buildings, in town or country, as being the cheap est and safest. Policies Air ono, two, three, Ave or snore years, or forted than one year, issued and no charge Made for Policy and survey when renewed or when in. surances aro transferred ikoM other companies. The citizens of Reading and vleinity, hitherto dependent mainly upon foreign companies, have pow tho privilege Of effecting their insurances in a home institution, well organized, with an adequate paid in and guaranteed capital, presenting as strong a basis of security as that of any other cons. pony. The advantage of doing business directly with the Comply ndo tho importance of keeping some portion of t ellarge sums paid for insurances,ln circulation at omootill he •appreclatedisy 3, PRINGLE JONES, President, JAMES MoKNIGHT, Vice President, -S. E. AINONA, See'y and Treas.: (Junelo IMPORTANT NOTICE! , • • • TILE GOOD WILL FIRE COMPANY, OP ALLENTOWN, PA., Would hereby announce to the citizens of IteadlnE that, owing to a considerable number of tickets re maining unsold as well as coupons unreturned. they are compelled to pflotpone the drawing until "be 22d of December. Tickets can be bad, for short time, of H. D. Riechard, Agent, Pieties and narrow betel, and at Strickland dc Bro. nor.s LRNIIART &ItE:111, • pRABB FOUNDERS, And • . . • • " GENERAL DEALERS IN Mathiniste And DitnnufantnictiV,OuDPllea . • - Na. 67, An 0,629 FnAvnirlw enurt; WM- „ . • iißAtfilia. i o o l ll - .'PRlNTOG:leif f ' b ntlng neatly 'Men arum 01 1 Print ng Establbhment. „ Dtarioirmitte, 111 Weimtei's Vn'atoldged. Wlktrtee!e Aciidetoiri . (Aep. E&) Webster'4lllthßehOol, (lbw. Rd.) 1111 iVebstor's Common School, WeNteiYgPdm fidJ Raids' English Dictionary, Worresteee Coniprehenilve Dietioneri, Worcester's Reboot I)litionsa Mier's (lorman and gnalich Dictionary, Deb'cadence/4 PronouncingOorman Dictionary. For solo at the "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE. 3M Pent► BUM, near Fourth. GREAT FURNITURE'DEPOT. SOUNDER- 8t FELIX S Wareroom, corner Fifth And Wcihington . ' ' streets, ' •1 ~ MANUPAoron 1". wAsmoronasrfiza ' BELOW Fork. WIIOLEISALE 'AND RETAIL. rIllit: U3DBRI3IiiNED 'l‘l l lsll3ollllleltY IN. dirintapsiiibilinitggth to the lint Ortrtt an A l r ' it a n d : tootalrtathltviareitteitiou is ti. vited to their unsurpassed • , . . • EXTENSION' TAB LES, . DREOSINO „BinOs t iit4 4 DiNiNqlioths, plains, . . , • . CENTRE AND :OTBER TABLEg i BEDSTEADS Or TrE LATEST MITA n i ii and every other arttelein the r. liitp of brik Every article is Immuragtute bkrutei v. a their admirably arranged 131 u.., t9ry, pitn • l a n n ° 4 t fing e a inn ri A l l l l; l l r l y riiitire l d a ill l ll,lll:t il T 4180 prepared to execute an orders for OARVISIII TURNING, • . RNING, ' 'SAWING, and MOULDING& , , • 1 All,ordets promptly executed, and warranttta give satisfaction:: . IATFILING'I3 QOI4YOUND ARNIOA MU NI?. iv Rho bitibsoriber begs leave to ca li ttie age 011 ethollublio to this new and valualklit.propara on of - ARNICA, combined with o,,erblitt Vellitabis r tracts; AS unsurpassed for 101 ttsaitur and el re propertiesin nil thoseexternaloomplaintsforw olt Liniinonts are used, snob as ' • ' - Outs, Mitises; Chtlfes, Palle, Rhetimatiso, . 1 Omit, Nervous & Inflammatory hint, k Neuralgia, Heada At, Pains in aide,. Back' or Joint& In all , rual comes it mbe aced with a midriff of relief. It, le good, ill fa ct In all tho4e Com:Wets where an ellemot aprd cation IN required, for Mia or Dowd, and the aubccri or lam coprelentioilel recommend It One Of Pie bed Idnimeatiof tie day. Price 26 Oente por Bottle; For Sale at Om "iAGIAE" BOOXOTOIIO, BITTER & 00. LAUER'S BREWERY! ' • . READING, PA, The subscriberrespectiblly anneunces to tits pub' lio that he tr.i recently enlarged his Brewers lee considerable extent.. and Introduced stem power In all its depertments, end is now ready to setlit all demands Tor - SUPEAtOit MALT Lt4trinuj, , For r and distant eoWittntptlep. IR. V; Melt tenors, warranted to keep in all ' as fol ows: • l_ • BROWN 1)TOBT. FORTE% . BOTTLING .ALE;' AND riAoo . ="" „ , iyitillß:v, • N. 8.--. A. liberal percentage will be all Agents abroad. •, I'o* MOSBY 15'4111`2 MONEY WANTED, , BY Orri" IiNAOtNC The ur litga t ea iiSVOR DA MRINA A E