THE DAILY EAGLE PIIDLIMIRD EVERY Arnititoom (Bundm recoeptedj AT TUX 00100 OP TAO ItRADING ADLER. No. 351 PEVIII.STRiIIiT. The RNADIXO DAILY NAOMI will be tarnish,* gburibe re in the el yat flit 011Yre tall WIRE. 0 est( subscribers at, year, or $1.25 a quarter '3O be paid for Inv ty itt adieus. A fibernl i l o 40r/dicta will be in OP clubs p ten ortgoreob ialbere. To preyent ammo', at letters should he iiirosod "RVADIIIO DAILY MOLY"' WErallikat O. MITTRIB. .. imam O. 31.A.WIMT. • 1868 FALL, BUCH & BROTHER, Here opened a Large and Selected Stock of NEW GOODSI At Portico Row, ?/0. 549 PENN STREET, , • READING, ?A. job lasi G. COLIMAN, Cutter. 'WI Their Stook of NEW FALL GOODS! \Yore selected in the City of New York, and will be disposed of at prices far bo. low those of any other es•. tablifihrnent hi the Oity. Gentlemen's Clothing made to order. Boys' Clothing constantly on hand and made to order. The Stook of Furnishing Goods is decidedly the beat and most extensive in the city. Call, see and satisfy • yourselves. The mere fact of haling the services of the cele brated cutter, Mr. Levi ICI; ColemanOssuffielent suarantee that all garments will be made up In the bat style and latest fashione. Remember BUGH &- BRO.,'S Headquarters of Fashion NO. 548 PENN STREET, READING. Portico Row, OURIBTI4N RITTINVO GENUINE BLOOD ,PURIFIER, Knwn under the name of "PRIAM'S PACK PEN" a valuable article; (orate at the "Eagle" tiookstore. • % 11Z15- CLOTHES WRINGERS, STEP LADDERS, AL4 WARRANTED, al M°KNIGHTS HARDWARE STOREI PAWED AND PENN S 2 S.: aux 10 D AILY FAST FREIGHT LINE BETWEEN READING AND NEW YORK VIA • MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILROAD. • Loaves Reading at 4 p. nt, and Neir — York at 5:20 r. Goode shipped for New York at Reading eight Home before 3 o'olookp. ta, o r for Read it at foot of B odo street, New York, before 4 o clock in. , will be delivmd at either rolnt with out nob pmenk W. P. HALLTD a V Genii refight Agent, Id. AB. IL R.. Hoboken. B. J. RAUCH, eept 3-33 nos • Local Agent , & B. R. R., Reading. 131 j A.N. BOOKS hand on hand and tor "le var eV of Blank Books which will sold chop. arrsit h W. , . • .. ~i• . . . . . , t . . . . . , . .., . . •.•. , 1 _ . . • • . . ......................................... "ea. . • . , ", .. • •'‘V• A. iOt 1- ?,)-;',.. •'..•„••:, ', •t•• ; , 4 - '" .• i . ~' '-, ; 4 1 ,•...- .... •', ..• .., 4 •c s iii..;‘ . . . N' ~. • • . • • , . . . , . . . • - :', 1;;- • • • ' -,, -, • •-,..' - - . . „ . • • . , . , . • . - -‘ 7 "b i r•-;,- ' . . - \ • • - , ... • . .. . . . . . - • , . . . . . ),:e ' I . 1::-, . '`.i.: ~ , I': ;.: , i ; '• = -:. ~ A •' G . , ...,,,,..: ..4„, ~f,,,....„.„.... .Ars•• ~ . • . . , . . , .• . . ~..........T . r ., ._•., ~. ~4 ••• 'E . A.G..11E.. , . .• .. ,_ . . . .. . ._ . .... ."•.. • .......____. . ...._ .........______......___ 1868 =I VOL. 249. PROEESSIONAL. D R. LOUIS De *AKIO SUISIST. OFFICE AND •,RIqIDENOV, So. U 44 North Sloth Street, Remling, PR. oat 264sno* WILLIAM 11. 1501103!NEN, ALDNRMANtAND ATTORNRY AT LAW, ()glee No. 515 Court !Revel, 'Resoling.. Can be consulted In Englleh and Grum. 0et.314m .NRY M. hElff, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 01;0,49 NORTH SIXTH RTRERT, RHADING. Oot . COHN W. DIOILIBTatATTORNEY AT LAW. 011lee-rLosser Bandit:lMM - floor. back.) No, cent street, Pottsville. lilLgan be consulted in the t trona (an e. mar! ANDO. u 11114011E11111 5 ATTORNRY AND COUNpon AT LAW. °Meet If?. oouirkSt., Mar BIithAtIADIXO. PA. MK GEORGE V. RAZE,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RIADIN4II., PA. ()rigout No. MO Court lifted. (up ditto.) • IT N. NA M, 11. PHYSICIAN; • :w. S. Ponslon Surgeon.) 840 Poun Street. Reading. ra. Office hours-12 to 2p. m. 6toB p. m... JESSE O. HAWLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wee. No. 40 (second door,) North Sixth Street, nearly opposite the Court 11000, Reading; Pa.. Jan. ZS- L OUIS RICHARDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlec N 0.530 Court, street, over the office of John B. Richards. Esq.. feb6- "/LUAU 0 : DREWSTEII, (Organist qf Pirst Reformed Chnrch.) TRAMP, OF PIANO FORTE, °ROAN AND HARMONY. No. 223 North Sixth street Reading, Ps, N. B.—Pianos Tuned. (June 20- Du . E . -.S_U-RiG EON DENTIST, onrioz-In9 Penn Elitroet, Reading, I. Invites the nubile to call and examine his new plan for ektfacting teellit without pain. All oiler ations in the profession neatly executed and charges reasonable, • . • 'ROA D u. A. lIERR e D B T Office—No 0 Smith: Fjfth St., Headlll%, (NUT DOOR TO P. o'agfr.Ly's aIIOR ATOM) Particular attention paid to auring_diseases of the Mouth and Gums, such as Scurvy. Preternatu ral Growth of Gums, Alveolar Abscesses, disease of the Alveolarproooss. Fissured Palates, and all diseases to which the - mouth and gums are sub-. act. Tooth extracted without pain, and inserted on all material used by the Profession,_ Oleo hours, from? A. M. to 7 P. M. tie 3-1.. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR Tlll PEOPLE. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST! fiEINHOLD & SOHOENER No. 41 North Sixth -Street, 1 READING, PA. rIPIIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST ESTAB- I lishod a Bret-class Boot and Shoe-making estab lishment anti store at the abovo stated place where they are able to accommodate customers with the best articles in their line of business, and nt lower prices than at any other place in the city. Tho following list of prices proves all we say: Mon's calf boots, $1 00 and upwards. Men's kip boots, --- - • i 3 00 Mon's _working shoes, 1 60 Men's French calf Congress gaiters, box toes, 300 Men's calf thilerestt gaiters, ' 225 Men's calf Balmorals, 200 Men's kip Balmorals, • . 180 Boys' calf Balmorals, 1 60 Boy's' kip Bahnorals, 7 125 • , Youths' kip BalmoralS, 100 Women's lasting high Polish, ' 276 Women's am gross gaiterti, to 250 Women's lasting Balmorals, • 190 Women's Morocco Balmorals, • 200 Women Morocco shoes, 1 05 Women's kid slippers, 65 Misses' lasting Polish, 145 Youths' gaiters from 15 cts. to 75 Youths' and boys' shoes from 30 cts, to 90 Also, a large-stock of notions on hand and, for sale. Thb above prices aro loWer than at any other similar plaoo of business in the city. REPAIRIN.G. Particular attention Is paid to all kinds of re pMring. • REINHOLD & SCITIENER ) NO. 41 NORTH SIXTH STREET, (ABMXIIR COURT ROM.) READING, PA. lIEI A LDFIDYILL & CALM'S FRENCH STEAM SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT, 141 Bonin Seventh St., opposite Depot. Office in Readin#,Pa. Ornees in Philadelphia. 610 Race Street. and 132 South 11th Street, Encouraged by our suocesi in our new method of scouring and dyeing, we have resolved to open a branch office in Beading. and respectfully call the attention of the public to our above named estab lishment. By our process and newly invented niaehine, we aro enabled to clean and dye_goods in a very su_pprior manner, so as to give_ perfect satisfastion. We clean and finish Ladies'. dents' and Child ren's garments without taking then) apart or inju ring them in the least, whether the colors are genuine or net, • • Our dyeing Is done in the very best manner, and the goodein all mutes finished or in superior style. Kd Gloves , ' Ostrich Feathers, &0., cicala a t short notice. . - sept 28-3 mo NEVirSPA.PERS A huge lot ot old newspa pers, on • end at t ie ofUe, which wUL be told ohm. d' so FOR' TEG GOOD TEAT LADIES ASSISTA/Wha I YOll VUE V s iIIiONG I TIIAT DEEDS RBSISTAOOIS• AND DYEING Immo, PA, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18, 1868. TOL IJ . ' • ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, • • . For the Cure of Tatter. Itch. Bel% Rheum, &led Ilesdatob Int l a lleaatingWonar.P/vAlPles.Blotats• Defects la the Elk, Barbers' Itch , Ulcers. Chronic arbipeltus of the Face, !tr. For sale at the • "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE, 351'PENN STREET. BITTER & 00., Booksellers, Stationers, ME AVID WHOLIBAGN DIMINO IN PAPER .OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, PII0• TOORAPH ALBUMS. POOKET BOOKS, to., No. 361 Penn Street, (Near Ebitrile.) READING, PA. Having constantly on hand a largo and well select- ad stook 'of MISCELLANEOUS, 801700 L AND BLANK BOOKS, PAPER AND STATIONERY, much as Writing and Wrapping papers, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Slates, Copy Books,Pass Books, Are., wtioli are bought for Cash and will be sold on torma as favorable as those of any otherhouno In the City—we respectfully Invite liferchante and others who desire to make purchases la outline to favor 111 with anti beforo pured [wing ellowhore. Orders by mail promptly, and cegreully filled. 301 IN FOLEY'S CELEBRATED OOLD PENS. For sale at the "BAGLE"II3OOICBTOF.E. No 351 Penn Street. near Fourth. Jan. 28; ['ELLER'S tiioiii:iiMmv(')kigitTiSkinikini AND FLOORING. roue PAVEMENT AND FLOORING IS I NOW j. ftoknowledged to be the belt Ili use. It be comes bard and firm toimediotokYLio ilortible. and impervious to water. and notaiteetea brother heat or cold. ; All orders -prompt!? attended to. and the Work goilbulto.o to give satisfaction, Appl D ito .O. TELLER Jape 18- No. 27,10ut Fourth Ot. • CARPETS! 041tPETB l 1 . B. U. 'KAREL:EY & CO., •.. - No. 118 Plum street, Mow Ranklin, between • Sixth and Sereitth streets, Respectfitlly inform the oltisens of Beading and vicinity. that they are manufacturing the very best Ingrain, all-wool (impel,, ever offered in this citY. Latest patterns and color/. Wholesale and retail at New York prices. We invite the public. to examine our goods before Aurehaslo elsewhere. andsave 25 per cent, Buy out of first hand/ and save money oct 111-Imo B. 11. m & fiKragy & K RYDER, & CO., Mannfeotyrors of DR. WIIEVER'S Celebrated Tenio Herb *Bitters, Importers of , WINES AND LIQUORS ! vi co s o . f i 34 Agents for BAILIT'S UNIITTALIMD Rim No. 121 North Third &teat, • PHILADELPHIA. Por sale at the Eagle Bookstore. nue 33- LET FACTS' BE KNOWN FAR d 'AND WIDE! That - Ito bast Dino to buy READY MADE CLOTHING, Formon and boys, °rot thorn . made to order, In the, place popularized by good goods, lino styles and low prices, and patronized by iuitnense throngs of people, to whom JAMESON & CO., CORNER sirm AND PENN STREETS, IIAVE BECOME HOUSEHOLD WORD-S i TUB well-known that wo.rnake up nothing but what is igood, that our largo business has been built up by always haying the handsomest styles and tho best fitting garments; and , this, coupled with moderato prices, has been, and is still, the secret why so many people buy at our estabilib ment Wo sell only what wo can recommend and each customer, therefore, has the satisfaction of knowing-ho can depend on the article ho buys. Wo and enabled to buy cheap, and therefore, sell cheap. Call and see ootl3-Im. JAMESON &CO. STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS. WILLIAM BRIDEGAIVI, No. 242 Penn St., Reading The undersigned respectfully Invites public attention to his newly invented Heater, named the KEYSTONE: HEATER 1 ! 4ST HEATER EVER INTRODUCED. TIIREE SIZES,. It burns less coal, makes more heat, takes upless room, and gives hotter Satisfaction than any simi lar invention over introduced to the public. The advantage of this superior heating appara tus will be fully explained by the Proprietor, who guarantees that he will be able to satisfy all who give him a call that it is superior to anyone inven ted. The advantages are so manifold, And so easily comprehended. that it needs only to be seen to convince the most skeptical. In proof of this ho respectfully refers the public, by permission to the folicling named persons who are now using those Heaters: • Or . MRS. J. STRVENSON, (1. L. McKim ijitm. it pa., Cf. A. Nfnuoas, Ilxriiev toitilsox, Joint M'Kmattp, - JOSHUA KRRLY, REUIRRN ADAMS, Wu. lIRRTRRL. JACOB KAUFFMAN, Blandon. Orphans' Home, Vlumeisdorf. Ile also invites special attention to the BEAUTY RANGE Which is a late Improved, Superior Range for walling in, and for which ho is the Solo Agent, in t s city. This Range can be seen in 'operatim i t e Iron City Rail, No, 428 Penn street; at Peter High's, Franklin street above Fourth, and at other places, • Particular attention paid to TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING.' AND Plastic Slate Roofing, lie employs none but skillful Mechanics—all orders promptly executed, and warranted tollie satisfaction. WM. BRIDEGAM, may 22 No. 2eit Penn Bt. G llyillAT REDUCTION IN Elfiltil..:—Lndlies - should call at the clonal Fur Store, o. 841 Penn street, tree doors below EAQLE Office, rhero they wilt find well selected stock ' FURS, which will sold at small pro. A varietof fancy ILG and UFFALOROIII3B !ways on hand. to order, altered L. LIOIITSTERN ocigfioCo • PEACOCK & °RTE. Corner Second and Rank/in Streets, Have constantly on Mind and sell at reasonable prices. LUMP, BROKEN, EGG, & STOVE COAL, NUT' CHESTNUT AND BITUMINOUS COAL, HICKORY and OAK WOOD, LIME AND SAND. KINDLING WOOD BY THE BARREL. We deliver free of extt&cbarge to anyt ot the city. Peab2ilr N . W WINE - HOUSE, No. 852 PENN STREET, READING, PA. OSCAR R. CHRIST, ,PROPRIETOIt, Dealer In all Mile of Doinestle Wines of the Nest q * aalltf• . LAGER BtEit, ALB, my. sr) 24- . ISM OEII Pfl OOPT TEN OWN PE WE EE Writ fcatho Dolly Nagle. ON THE. DEATH OP A 1110111 KR. CY C. A C. Yes, there I hope; she breathes wore free her eyes aro bright lind clear; Oar PriYers Wore heard by our Father above . To spare our mother dear. Last night, as she slept, her chances looked few Her brow was heated and red: Her face that In health smiled on us with Joy, TheWchanged to the smile of the Dead. ' Wo stood by thO bod in childish suspens'o, • Awaiting the change that was nigh, It came in the shape oI a move of her lips, ,1; It came as a gift from on high,' Our hearts, that worn faintithen fluttered with praise We thanked our Creator above, • Who spared us a mother When balanced by death, • Who spared her to echo our love, slut alas, vain hope l you aro built like a dream, A moment may ruin your form, tou madden the Pain by deceiving the thought, As the "calm Were the stCrtit." The move of that lip, Was the &rapid° with deathl The laurel was easily won, As she turned herself witlither Maker above, In his regions beyond the Norgunan, 12, 1869.. BORIC CANNIBALISM IN ALOICRIA. A fearful case of Cannibalisni hadjust come to light in Algeria. • 01:;Ben • Nriebr recently had a cow Btolon frolic his flidd,,and . suspicion having fallen on an 47:rab name Ben Aissa,search was made on his preraises Nothing of the missing animal was f er, found; but on looking into a buslhalittle distance from the hem, a basket full of pieces of, meta was 'discovered. The Wife of Ben Aissa immediately litammered out that they wore the ionmins of a donkey which her lutsbanj bad killed - the preceding night. But sho ItEntn long persist in this, story, for on the pasha! being turned tapsy-' tervy; a number of feet and hands tumbled out! Three heads, which had been singed, wore next discovered in the same spot! Tho remains having been collected togother,they were immediately recognit.ed by Ben Naeer and-his companions as those of a woman named Ben Youssef and her two children.— The clothes of the victims were next found hidden in the same bush Anal° further off. Fatima Ben - Aissa,. being pressed to give some explanation of the affairmade the fol-, lowingvterrible confesSion "My children and I had net eaten anything for several days; when the twin brothers Mohammed Ben Ali and Kadeur Ben Ali Came - to us to propose that wo should kill and eat tivehil dren of Fatima lion'Youssef, aged six and eight Years.We agreed, and forthwith put our project into execution in a ravine situat ed a Short distance from where I lived. Tho mother coming near the spot at the, moment, when wo were strangling the ohjldron,wo de cided to kill her also from fear of being de nounced. The three MOrders consummated, wo cut the bodies up. The twin brothers I ilmve already named, took a part and left us the remainder—the heads, feet' and liana being comprised in our portion. Ati sisted by my children, I forthwhith took the part - allotted me home. I baited a part, which, we ate, and put the rest aside in or. der not to exhaust ail our provisions in ono day. I also flayed the three heads and put them where they have just been found." All parties concerned in this horrible 'affair have been arrested. As usual in such eases, they each deny being the actual murflerer, and endeavor to throw the blame on any body's shoulders but their own. TUE ANTIQUITY Or lAUNPOWDR. There is a passage in Junius Cortina which appears to indicate that Alexander the Great did meet with firearms hi India that were discharged by means of a composition com posed of nitre and sulphur. In the Gontoo Code we find a prohibition of the use of fire• arms, or "arms shooting fire." Gunpowder was certainly known in •China as well as Bindoostan, far beyond ail periods of investigation. The word firearms is liter ally in the sanskrit, a weapon of fire. They describe the first species.of it to have been a kind of dart or arrow, tipped with fire, and discharged upon the enemy from a bamboo. Cannon, in the same language, i is palled "the weapon that kills an hundred men." It is certainly well ascertained that the inhabi tants of India at a very early period knew how to apply the saltpetre, and sulphur vi vum„'with which their plains abound, to the purpose of war, and formed out of them a composition, which,if not actual gunpowder, was of such a nature as to give bodies a pro jectilemotion. In "The Sketches of the Wedeln," Themistius is cited to prove that many centuries before the European disco,. ery of gunpowder, "the Indian Brahmins 6n. countered one another with thunder and lightning, launched from an eminence, and AIM when attacked by their Onemies they did not leave their walls to fight i hetn,but darted upon them missile weapons, in noise and of feet resembling lightning find thunder."— Evening. Herald. —At Memphis, Tenn., on Tuesday, J. Stokes and J.Cunningham went to the house ofOwen Reilly, near the corner of Winches ter and Main streets, and attempted to whip Mrs..Reilly_for remarks made about Stokes' mother. Mr. Reilly resisted, when a fight ensued, during which he was shot in the back and groin,• and is , probably mortally wounded. Stokes and G`unningbaut were arrested and committed. • . Modita, st Use The Perla correspondent ' of tho ten Arin riikies Bays t. "111 digging out the founds• deli* for some new. buitdings,in the:Place do la Birditle;:eitutitO'at*lte.,entrance of the Butt &int Antoine, genie toteresting dis.eor. 'cries have-been liesilve blocks 'of solid masonry hare been come .upon, which no doubt belonged to the. ancient fortress which stood on this site, the first .stone of which was laid by Hughes Ambriot, Provo% of Paris, on the 2210 f Apii 18' Q. Origin• ally, the Bastille Saint Antoine had but two towers, but two others were soon .atlerward Added; and tho'edifico was still flutter en larged in the reigns of Charles VI .and llen ry 11. This Wank., which was raised for the purpose.of protecting, the capital froni the attacks .of- the Bourguignena and the English, afterward Berra the purpose of a State, prison: Henry iV deposited there tbr safety.the.reyal treasury; and ShIlY tells ua in his Menibirs that about the year 1610 the king had stowed away in, the vaults, of the building £15,878,000 in coin, besides .ClO,- 000,000 put aside es a saving fund, Some passages, steps, and cells, almost 'perfect, have been met with; and, among Other re• mains of the past ages ti rifled , eannon has turned up, which sholis that the boasted invention of modern iirilea is not new, but dates some five centuries back. 'Theprogroa of tho.,excavations, which are 'constantly bringing some interesting objects to light, is watched with great curiosity by the F 9 who, daily 'surround the place in . largo numbers." I= A SAD STORY.—mho following accident ro eently took plaeo very close to Koseiuskoei grave, rd 'lttehwyl, in the ':Swiss canton _oE Solouro t A Swisa hl46r, by , the nntne , Bednaiky, scarcely 'Bo4earif. old, who had, fought bravely in 16 . battles, had arrived at Zuchwyl, to pay homage, to the greatliero Poland at his humble grave in the Swiss vit lage churchyard, While some Swiss Willa try soldiers were firing at a target, ho took o walk to the banks :of the Aar, taking MI little eighteen-months old son with him, Al though ho was between two and three thou sand yards from the infantrymou,one of tho ballots fired by them pierced his heart natl killed him on the spot. Whoa ho did noli return two houri after, his wife,,whe hat awaited .him at the village_hOol, grow un easy, and went in so arch of him'. She found his corpse; the lift o child slept peneoftilty , on his father's breast. The .distress tho poor widow excited the greatest compassion throughout Switsorland. , THE; Trenton Gazette says: "The lust Buy , vivorof the party of young ladies who strew od floweiii in the path of Washington; ha pelted through this city, in 1780, on his way to New York to aasumo the Ptesidency, is Mrs. Sarah Hand, dow nearly op years of age, and; i 'resident, of Cape May County, and / notwithstkinding her advanced • age, iy atilt vigorous and in good health. On Suipillyq June 14, she walked to church at Cape Mny Court House and back to her residence, a distance of half a Mile. 'rho neemint of dm beautiful and tasteful ceremony in Mrs. Hand took part has been so often pub lished that wo need not repeat it here in de• tall. A triumphal arch, supported on . thir teen pillars, was erected on the bridge ever the Asanpink (tho Green street bridge),. Vali tho inscription: 'The defender of the dangli terii,iand as Washington passed under the ai ch the matrons and maidens strewed the 'here's way with flowers,' The same triumphal nreh was erected on the reception of G6ierat Lafayette." ..A YOK*ollAtif A (Japritl)PaPer says that on July 26 there was an .elbeti l on there o i munkipal officers, viz: alnunieipal.conueil, consisting of three of the lending merchant i generally ) and a municipal directoi, on officer who is a hind of half Inayor and street inspector. He in elected every year by all the registered citizens of the treaty powers. He receives a salary of s3,rioo a year in gold, and,a house free, and is second in authority to the Governor of Kanagawa, who is generally 4 Daitnio of consideral4 rank. The clioice on the date 'above' teen. tioned fell upon a Boston nian—Vdiverd Sewall Benson, son of the lrit6 Colono John Benson. \Mayor Benson• has boon for sever • al years past a resident of Chinn and Japan. NEW STEAM ENOINE.-A , steam engine has been invented by Ileajamin ,Fraultlin j of Westmoreland county, which floes away with the cylinder principal altogether, and also. with Piston, crank, steam-chest, oil cans, &c. The principle of action on which it depends is that of centrifugal ,foree l whence its name the centrifugal hteum gine. It is declared by competent practical engineers superior in every way to nll other engines, and therefore portends a complete revolution in the ndaptation of steam to. 'all the purposes of life, the . Mechanism being much more - simple and economical, while its economy of work is a marked considera- tion.—Ex. A GENTLIWAN of Cleveland, ohio, ins la med n circular asking aid to assist the -Indi ans in making their own'brankehi, ' This gentleman has traveled among the Indians, and has noticed their love for bright 0°1°1%4, and their desire to bo taug to w,e4vevi hand-looms. He asserts th t when I,tho In. dian women adopt such employment the men will see the utility of,wool•growing, which will then become — their occupati4,ll among the'valleys and mountains of the thr West. Through such industrial pursuits tho Indians,it is belioved,can be induced to sup. ply the wool needed by the marifactaiTes. hr is alirevalent but mistaken idea in the Eastern States, that there are'but row fiicto 'ries in the West. • The fact is, that the cities and villages of the. West aro teeming with busy workshops. Forinstane?, df the cities, St. Louis has over 800 factories and produ ces nearly $60,000,000 worth or - goods twn ally, and of tho villages, Moline, 111„among other things, makes 60,000 plows _of various kinds a year, and has $120,000 invested in shops where a log enters one end of the building and emerges from the other in the shape of tubs, pails, and churns. • • , M