Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 12, 1868, Image 3

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    iii - E
y_ A
IiAtiITION-••12 1-2 P. M.
- •
, _white, Bine, He%
_and Gray, meet
I " Sixth, 8, No. 1 White. Important.
Slue, meet
Sixth,. 7 , No. 1.
pink, meet Sixth, f, No. 1;
White, meet Sixth, 71, N o , 1 ,
purple meet Seventh, 7, sharp, Ni.
I. Invariant.
Red, meet Sixth, 7, No. 2.
SiW LODUIL—A new Masonic lodge hits
t eD i n stitti!ed at Newtown, Ducks county.
cor a —A g e rm 'number of people are in
ton attending Court.- Yesterday the Court
was thronged.
pools E D.—George W. Garst and Georgd
Xsst bop dissolved partnership. big. Garst
will c ontinue the !Justness done. •
Givg .--A number occur sportsmen leave
the c ity daily in vest of wild game, which
i s very abundant In certain localities.
D a y Conn' are coming down rapid! ,and
i h e Wks ar ail beaming with de light at
t he isbargain e
s" they arc getting.,Phita.
logr s.—The near approach 'of Thanks.
,iying.Pay has mado tho poultry market
guile 1 1 0. Turk eys are selling at coven.
Ten cents a pound.
LARGE FUNERAL — The funeral of Mrs.
Cell, the lady who di attendedddenly a few
h is age, was largely from her res
ilence yesterday afternoon.
brie tiro in v progreas on tho Noversink
Motintsin yesterday. It `was, howevTer o 9k.
OguiAed before doing mach damage.
OUND EXIIIIIITION.-A grand Billiard.Ex
libition is announced to take place at the
g e istone Hall, on Wednesday evening next,
is h inst., between two Champion Players.
Loon WELL—The grain sown the pres
ot fall looks very WOII, and if a favorable
tinter comes WO may expect an unusual
c rop, as largo quantities have been sown in
ill quarters.
AUGUSTUS ilOpILMUE111:11 Columbia Hall,
Peon street, between Sixth and Eleventh,
vis opened yesterday, and a free lunch will
is served up today, to which all his friends
tnd patrons are cordially invited. •
ifeermos.—A. series of meetings is how
la progress in the Evangelical Church,
Chesnut street, above Gth. Preaching and
lances every evening, at 71 o'clock. The
;abile are respectfully invited.
Mon:lL—Yesterday afternoon aft a num
ter of small boys wore sitting on iron pipes
at the boiler works cornor of Chestnut and
Second streets, one of the pipes moved and
rolled spinet the foot of ono of 00 boys,
flnching it severely. If it had moved with
mach force it would have crushed the foot.
IhrrusaLt,—Common tnblo snit is recoup
mended as a eortaiti cure for diptheria. The
throst should -- be gargled frequently •sny
'bout every live or ton minutes, and t he in•
teiloi cif the, throat should bo sprinklvl with
little fine gait every ton or Moen minutes,
Ilea relief will certainly follow.
New Vgn Ittu„-rTho new foe billy passed
ty the last Legie%titre, makes numerous and
important alterations in perquisites of pub.
lic officers. Among the changes there is a
mioctlon of the charge by Aldermen and
Justices of tho Peace, for acknowledgments
Weeds and other instruments of writing,
front fifty to twentptive cents.
KNIGHTS Or PYTIIIAO.—Tho following are
&officers of the Supremo Lodge of Knights
of Pythias, now holding its session in Wil.
mington, Del.: Wilbur H. Myers, of Pa.,
S. V. P. ; Samuel Head, of N. J., S. C. ;
James P. Hayes,. of Delaware M. 11; C. ;
Clarence M. Barton, D. C., S. R. and C. B. ;
William A. Potter, of Pa., S. B. ; C. P.
Abbot, 8. Q.. Harry K'ronheimer, D.
C., 8. I, 8. ; Frederick Coppes, of Pa.,
9.0. S.
POLICE INTELI . .IOENCE.- Charles Franklin
was arrested yesterday by Officer Clay.—
Charles was drunk and raised the "dust" in
general. Ile was placed at n place of safety
until this morning, when His Honor, the
Mayor, sent him on the hill for 20 days.
Franklin Green was 'arrested by Officer
lie,ggerty, yesterday afternoon. Frank was
. on a beautiful drunk, and the above:officer
coming within his reach, took him to the sta•
Lion house, where ho remained until this
morning. II() was fined $1.25 and left off.
hous e
Eight lodgers found shelter in the station
last night.
CHEAP Taavri.iso..-=-A new proposition is
now being made in England for a uniform
cheap railway faro, to convey a person for
la cents in the third class, twelve cents in
the second, and ono shilling, British, in the
grit, irrespective of the distance :travelei.
\\e have seen the question argued by able
writers in our foreign , exchanges, and must
confess that the move isguining prominence.
Railroad travel, generally speaking, is enor
tamely high, and we think thero is a remedy
19r the evil, Lot the press.unite in advooa•
unga reduction, and ore long railroad com
panies will give way to public demand!
NKW Noe Ells of manufacturing steel is '
noticed in the English papers. The Besse
mer or pneumatic plan requires pig iron of
the 6neat brand, and is unequal to the 'con
version of metal of inferior quality charged
with lara quantities of sulphur and phos
phorus, The now process, .t is reported ! is
chemical and not mechanical, thus securing
Mat economy 'of time-and labor. Nitrate
of soda is the ingredient employed in the
manufacture, and the report of a committee
ton the tensile and resisting. strength of
(tee! made by this method,. places it upon
In equality with the fittest kinds. Vast de-
Posits of ore, hitherto considered,useless, it
11 asserted, car now btt ,manufatured,into
firttclass steel.
IXTER Srasox.—The winter season is
roe approaching, when warm rooms,-warm
elk and *arm clothin will be called for.
Ceti noses, fingers and toes will soon be•
401 30110 w a common complaint, and means
'ecit bo sought to guard against such incon
seaienee. Comforters, gloves, fur s and
ot her contrivances will be brought into
tequieition, while the hands of` many a stout
fellow will find comfortable quarters in his
bretehes poeketa. Meartwhile it is to be
crt4tly feared that golds, catarrhs and num•
Woe ilia will be induced by neglecting to
hare tho feet properly. cared tor.) Stout
boots and shoes, guru :uxui other overshoes,
cork soles tad otherineautiona for keeping
t he fcet,Warla and dr, ere oifered 'Bale,
at 'reticles places, , to y find which You mu"
tengtilt the advertising colupps of the
16.•••••• m•••••••
PUPASATIONB Were eOlll3ll/011Cid last week
for the erection of shanties and the immedi
ate commencement of the heavier work on
the Lanbaater, Lebanon and Phlegmy) Rail-
Mad, south of Lebanon. The void north
Lebanon htia been progressing finely, daring
the past summer and fall. In the spring the
southern Mad will be pushed rapidly. ,
• --- 1 0- 7 -- -
TRUPTINO.—The near approach of the
holidays is inspiring our business men with
ari increased determination to cater to the
Ohne taste by gorgeously displaying their
show windows. We notice quite a number
on Penn street that are really pleasing to the
eye. Everything is artistically arranged,the
Conceal:mil comprising some 'of the beat ar
ticles of merchandise 111 the market. . Our
colintry cousins as they come to the city,
moil, along slowly on Penn street, to look
at the array of beauty before them,
HOME CIIERIIFULNESS.—Many a child goes
astray, not because there is a want of` pray.
er and virtue at home, but simply because
home lacks sunshine. A child needs smiles
as much no flowers need sunbeams. Child
ren look little beyond the present moment.
If a thing displeases them they-are prone to
avoid it. If home is he place whore faces
and words are harsh, and fault finding is ever
in the ascendant, they will spend as many
hours as possible elsewhere. Let every
'father and mother try to be happy. Let them
look happy. Let, them talk to their child•
ren, especially the little ones, in such,a way
as to make thorn Happy,
Stxaut,Aq.—We were shown, yesterday
morning,..a number of small I;ranches cut
from Apple, Peach and Plum trees which
contained leaves and ' blossoms precisely
similar to those which aro put fotth:by these
fruit trees in the Spriug, These specimens
were shown its by Mr. U. Strickler, of Con.
Aestoga township, this county, who states
that the foliage of the , trees in that section,
having been destroyed by ithe caterpillars,
during the Summer season, they . are putting
. leaSies and blossoms again this fall.
This is certainly a very singular
stance, and we are entirely unable to se
count why Nature should at this late period
in the Autumn, endeavor to produce that
fruit which the ravages of an insect prevent
ed it from producing in prOper season.—
Lancaster Intelligencer.
Avei.v,a.—lt is stated that the apple crop
in the section of the State lying north of
Dauphin county is quite large. We are told
that at Sunbury they are a drug upon the
market at ono dollar per bushel, and from
that town to Milton the venders of the fruit
can find but few buyers at seVenty-five coins
per bushel. In our city, York State apples
bring $6 and $0 per barrel, Containing about
two bushels and .three peeks, and large
quantities hre sold. Dealers get them. by
the hundred barrels at a time. • In the East
and West,.we believe, the very good,
and considerable quantities have already
been shipped in barrels to the New York
and Philadelphia marketii, where they are in
demand. We do hope our farmers will pay
more this excellent fruit, as the
demand for it is increasing yearly, and noth
ing that,they can raise will pay bettor.
PETERSON I fi ICINIAZINE for December, is al.
ready on our table. It is a splendid_ num
ber, with two steel engravings, a mammoth
flishion plate, a colored pattern in Berlin
work, and nearly fifty wood cuts.. The prin.
cippl steel bngraviug, "The Orphan's Christ
mas Eve," will touch every heart. We do
not wonder at the immense circulation of
"Peterson." In 1860,in addition to its usual
quantity of short stories, four original cop.v•
right inovekts will be given, viz : "Marie
Antoinette's Talisman," by Mrs. Ann S.
Stephens; "The Mystery of Blackwood
Grange," by the author of "Sir Noel's Ileir;"
"Kato's Winter in Washington," by Frank
Lee Benedict; and "The Story of Maggie,"
by • the author of "Busy 12. s Diary." The
mammoth colored fashions in this Magazine,
aro always the latest and prettiest, the princi•
pal editor having lately gone to Paris to se
cure patterns in advance. • About a thousand
paw of reading matter will be given in 1869,
when the Alagazine toill be greatly improved.
The terms will howeVer remain two dollars
a year to single subscribers. To clubs it is
cheaper still, viz : four copies for $6.00, with
a large engraving, (24 inches. by 16.) "The
Star of Bethlehem," as apromiiim to • the
person getting up - a club ; or 'eight copies for
$12.00, with-both an extra copy of the Maga
zine and a "Star of Bethlehem," as premi
ums. Now is the time to get up clubs for
1869. Specimens ofthe Magazine sent gratis.
Address Chas. J. Peterson, 806 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, Pa.
T1I1E) DIAN ABOUT TOUTI.—Motto for a
sheriff—Render unto Belzer the things that are
spisure's I
Blind Tom is performing at Easton..
A military company has beg organized in' Eas
ton, called the First Easton ?ayes.
The Woad has tried women as comOsitors and
emphatically given them up.
Th 4 most recently-formed "press club" is an as
sociation of Now Jotßey eider makers,
A newspaper is Indeed a ship at sea, and almost
always in a storm—Louisville Journal.
The pilgrim fathers wore the original "carpet
baggers" in this country, says p New Orleans pa
The Boston oorrespOntlent . of the geringtlela Re
Publican calla the Grecian bond "Hellenic Sinnesi
ty . I •
A Now York paper publishes advertisements of
cemetery lots under the head of "For sale or To
The 14, 1. Ilei•aid contains on an average near
ly MOO advertisements; 413 females want cilium
tlons; 111 people advertise for boarders and iodic
A good instance of absence of mind was an editor
- quoting from a rival paper one of his own articles
and beadinilit "Wretched Attempt at Wit."
There is a landlord in Boston who is in tho habit
of placing an extra fork beside the plate of Itch
boarders as have not paid promptly _ _-being an in
timation to "fork over."
A newspaper in Cleveland, having Advertised
that they would send a eopy gf their paper gratis
for ono year to the person sending them "a club
of ten," received the ten spot of Clubs from a young the country.
In celebrating Franklin's birthday the printers
Mt Buffalo bad "a good time," and among others
the following toast was drank; "Printen' . lyives
May they always have plenty ofBUALL OAPS for the
heads of their little original artiolee." ,
One of the most important items in the cost of a
newspaper Is the paper Itself. /irony newspapers
do not obtain from their subscribers the
. price of
th e w hite paper alone, The entire expense must
be covered by the reeelpta from the advertising.,
' A young lady, who teaches musk: in an academy
In Weitern New York, sent an order to a publisher
tocently; In which she had 'spelled the words von?
poorly. She apologised, by adding a postseript i , as
follows: "You must es/Lit:es this letter nal pla bi
floats, but spell bi ear."
FOR the last few days we have noticed a consid.
arable crowd nt the store of Charles Levan A. Co„
441 Penn street. It ii owing to the fact that they
tow disposing ottheir splendid assortmor of
Dry Uoods at istonishly low prices. A otter
selected stock cannot e.found in the city. co an•
ts7people coming to t ithe city will find it to their
vantage to call on this firm. We guarantee theta
seggiAs. • .
• -
Emma. N0v.12,186t3: ,
Ix PhilltdelPhia. the money. market was again
remarkably tight yesterday morning. and "Call
Loans" on Governments were made at 0102 per
cent., and on mixed saeurities at 10015 per cent.
There was less paper o ff ering on the steeei, and
capitalists were remarkably circumspect in their
selection of names—in fact it was dialcislt to place
the best obligations under one and *half pet cent*
There was but a mall business at the Stock
Board Yesterday morning. and the whole market
was weak and Irregular. Government Loans were
steady. State Loani Were very qui/1100M was bid
for the let series; 1664 for the 2d de.;'-1693 for
the 3d, and 10134 for the War Loan.. City Loans Of
the new issue . were better and sold at MX.
high Gold Loan was strong at Rt. '
Reading Railroad fluctuated bet Ween 48@411%,
closing at 48%. Pennsylvania Railroad declined
le.. and closed at: 53%. Lehigh Valley Railroad
sold at ; Catawissa Railroad preferred at .31g
and Camden and Amboy Railroad at 128%—an ad
vance of 1 4. 45 was bid for Little Schuylkill Rail
road; for North Pennsylvania Railroad, and 2.1>
for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad.
Clllllll stocks were dull. 233 i was the best bid for
Lehigh Navigation; and 20 for Schuylkill Naviga-
on preferred.
Bank and Passenger Railroad shares were bine"
[Prom the N. Y. World of yesterday.)
• Affairs in Wall street are in a mixed condition.
The. street is agitated with rumors now - on the
"bull" side, but chiefly in aid of the "bears." The
suspension of two banks in the West, ono in Mil
waukie, and the severe losses known to have fallen
on Western banks and dealers from the heavy de
cline in the prices of Western produce and Western
railway clique shares, have added to the uneasi
ness:among out bankers and money-lenders. The
stock-Jobbing cliques and their friends are said to
have hypothecated their clique stocks with nation
al banks in the West to an amount which has
brought them into a critical condition, and that
they are pressing the cliques to return these loans.
The clique stocks have boon carried since August
by time loans frpm German baakeis in this qtly
and l bythe aid of Western national banks and bank
ers. The wi(hdrawal of these permanent loans
will throw the cliques on the general money mar
ket for supplies to carry their load. Tho banks
aro in no condition to assist speculators in carrying .
stocks. All their surplus funds will be required
fee the legitimate wants of trade. The legal tend
ors in the New York City banks have not boon so
low as at present since October, 1865, and the drain
upon ; them will be greater than ever before to
meet the demand for greenbacks to the Southern
States. The ease in the money market since Sat
urday is only temporary, arising from the unlock
ing an&putting in circulation of about $5,000,000 of
greenbacks by the bear clique, and at the same
time from a decreased demand owing to the les
sened transactions on the Stock Exchange. The
reports. semi-official and otherwise, in' regard to
the re-Issuing by the government of the cancelled
$44,000M greenbacks and three per oent. cortifi-
Sestet; are not likely to be realized. There is no
warrant in law for any such notion on the part of
the Treasury Department, and there is nothing in
the present condition of affairs to render necessary
a violation of law by tho Secretitry oftbe Treasury.
Mr. McCulloch is not called upon by law or sound
policy to assist either bulls or boars in Wall street.
The Stook Exchange is passing through a liquidat
ing crisis which will Swoop out of existence the
stock-bubbles engineered by the cliques, and the
more rapidly this Is carried out the better it will
be for Wall street and •its permanent interests.—
italliatives to stem the natural dovrnward course
of prices on the Stock Exchange to l e sound stand
ard are injurious, because they simply delay that
Which le inevitable, and the sooner it Comes of
course the better, The surplus funds which have
been monopolized by speculators for years
will be then liberated for the use of legitimate
trade and the increase of national wealth. The
sooner the stook jobbing cliques are annihilated
tho bottor it will bo for the mercantile community,
The-suggestions for Inflation by Mr. McCulloch
aro unlawful and are in the interest only of tho
Wall street stook Jobbing cliques.
Bushong & Bro., Bankers, No. 16 North 6th street,
quote as follows:,
Old U. S. 6's 1881 - , - - - lny
Old U.S. 6's 1862 - I - - - 108
New U, S. 5,20'5,1864, July and Jan. -106 r
Now U. S. 5.20'5,1865. May and Nov., - 106 3
Neyr U. S. 1865, new - - - 109
N. U. S, 6-20's 1867 July and Jan. - lOcr-g i
New U. S. 5-20's, 1866, - - - 110
Ton-Forty Bon ds - - -- - -104 r;
Gold in New York up to 12 o'clock. - - 134
Gold in Reading at Bushong &Bros., - 133,2
TIM flour market of the larger cities is dull,there
being no demand other than for home consump
tion. This leaves an abundance of wheat at home.
Although this state of affairs exists,priees seem to
hold out firmly, and it Is not probable that a de
cline will take place until after the holidays,- As
the cold and gloomy winterapproaohes much com
plaint is made in regard to the high price of our
bread. A few weeks ago people anticipated a de
cline to a reasonable figure, but they are disap
pointed. IVagos aro low., and the price of broad is
high. Who must we blame for this? Somebody
certainly lies at the fault of it. It is not because
there is a scarcity of grain I There is more grain
in the country now than ever before, but it is
through speculation, that we are now compelled to
pay $12@13 for a barrel of flour, and there is
no other way to remedy this until we try National
Legislation. Whenever flour is high, it is the cus
tom for everybody to blame the Western farmers.
Ono might as justly blame the coal-miners for the
high price of gas in this city. Even the United
States Economist; in a late article on holding back
grain at the West—stated that for years that jour
nal has "warned farmers and grain -dealers" of the
danger of holding back produce to their own hurt;
that this year they are likely to hold an enormous
supply until the close of navigation ; that, in the
winter, grain can only be sent by railroad, at much
higher freights; and that, although it might be
expected that' this holding back would advance
prices at the East, yet as it is known the supply is
held back, this is not the cue. Wo blame the
"grain-dealers"—that is to say the grain -specu
lators of the West,and not the farmers, for hoard
ing graiti. There have boon two "corners" in the
Chicago grain market within a few months—one in
wheat and the other in - corn—and a halfa dozen
,grain dealers have been pecuniarily
ruined thereby. Many pecitile d(not understand
what "cornering the grain market" means, al
-though there aro few who have not suffered from
the iii effects of it. To effect a "corner" then, it is
only necessary for a body of mon to conspire to
gether to buy five hundred thottsand bushels of
corn or wheat at a certain price, to be delivered on
a certain day, in a certain market, which is capable
of supplying four hundred thousand bushels only
ln That time. It is principally the smart money
drawn from the failure to deliver the ono hundred
thousand bushels that cannot bo obtained, on
which' the conspirators make their profit. Such
operations u these aro not chargeable to the far
nters,-and never can bo prevented by them. But
they ought to be prevented somehow. If State
legislation is ineffectual, National legialation rapt
be tried.
-..• . • ,
White Wheat per bbl , ~ 213 00
Red ' &Urn Family per bbl., 12 00
19 op
Corn apt) (old) 135
• ' (new) 110
Cgra i o i ld)
, , • 1 ill
Best iddlinp 130
Common " 1 00
&rim 1
m mea 150
White wheat ktr bushel , 2
1 20
Corn (old) .
Corn (new) 95
Daily Ala ms
San Firm -••.7 03 I Sun sets - " 57
DO along*. 9 hours and 4% minute:.
Slated the Weatiles.l.Do'deek N. -
t 1 ittJ W—CloutlY.
State qf 17tenitma der,
tXli )
Tuesday. Wednesdy.
Lams should read the article on "Fash
ions for December," published on the sec
ond page of the Emma to-day.
MAN DROWNED r ---On Vtleadiky night kit,
a captain of a canal bOak fell overboard in
the Blue Mountain Dam above Htmburg,
and was drowned. His name is, ',Tames
Wheeler,and ho it from Norristown., Up to
this morning his body - was tot found.
Di n.—Mr. Aaron Albright, residing in
Washington street, between Fourth and
Fifth, died this morning, between.lo and 11
o'clock. He had several paralytic, strokes
yesterday, from the effects of Which he suf
fered until to - - - day. Ho was widely known
and much respected.
' AIIHIVRD.—Tho splendid now steamer in ,l
ci l
tended for the Rainbow Boys arrive in town
this morning. It is a beautiful spe imen of
workmanship, and surpasses everyth ing we
have ever seen in , the steam eng ine line.
The steamer arrived at the new deinit, and
at 11 a. m. the boys were busy getting 'her
from the ear.
REvivia.l - Paoonsss .—The good work of
redeeming!fouls from the: thraldom - of sin,
is progressing finely in th 6 Fifth street hi.
E. Church. The membero of that' congre
gation aro faithfully laboring for the advance
ment of the Redeemer's Kingdom,and we
hope their efforts may be crowed with
glorious sticcosd, and that the ,unconverted
may ho induced through their iufluenbe
"To plunge beneath the crimstat flood
And rise with all tho We of god.."
WOMAN / 8 Disenimitamow.—Women gen
erally respect men in proportion as they
possess good and worthy qualities. They
are not fools ; nor are all men. It is worth
while for every man to possess something
worthy the admiraltick of woman ; in other
words, to have adme sort of a po_ssession,
more or less—and more, if possible, rather
than less—that is intrinsically' valuable.
Good looks come of nature; but almost every
thing else comes df man's own effort. Wo
men have no respect for mere dummies and
figure-heads—shells and skeletons—but they
like realities, We repeat, women aro no
tools, although they are very near theta,
when,in some men's company.—Setecied.
IMPOItTANT TO 11611,OERS.—The introdue
tion, in some sections, of corrugated iron
for various building purposes, and its do
cided superiority over any other form, is
largely attracting the attention of builders.
As the added strength of corrugated over
plain iron results from folding it, so that
its resistance is wore edgewise than from
a fiat surface, it is clear that the more close
the folds the greater will be the stiffness of
the, iron. It is contended that a beam with
eprrugation half an inch in width from
centre to centre, and four indica deep, is
much stronger than a solid beam of the
same size, and weighing over ten tiling as
much. If this be correct—and scientific ex
periments have demonstrated' that it is—the
adoption of -corrugated iron will be a vast
saving of material, combined with ' he Secur
ing of great additional strength. The
prevenient has been satisfactorily applied to
the entire outside of buildings, rendering
them fire•proof, and at the same time giving
them a neat and showy appearance.—Phila,
Evening Star.
.Reported by Louts Riehards r -Attorney at
Law, 6130 Court .Street.
Comm. vs. Charles H. P. RePpert, Henry
K. Treichler, Jesse Eschbach, Jeremiah
Kohs, and Nicholas Kehs. The defendants
were indicted nailer the 110th section of the
Aet of July 2d, 1889, known as •the General
Election Law of Pennsylvania, for the, riot
ous disturbance f the peace at the polls of
l i o
Hereford towns ip, on the occasion of the
October election. According to the gener
al testimony of the Commonwealth, the de
fendants,who are all residents of the adjoin
ing township of Washington , came to the
tavern of Mahe' Geary, who're the election
wrs being held, about 2 o'clock in the after
noon. They hurrahed for the candidates of
their choice and took a drink at the bar.
'Ono of the party then became involved in a
quarrel with an old German of opposite po
litical predilections, in the courde of whlth,
according to the statement df one of the wit
l'atsses, the-fernier attempted to kink his op
illonent. These occurrences disturbing the
lection officers in the adjoining apartment,
, wiry S.Walker t the constable of the town
ipovhose duty it was to preserve the peace,
was appealed to by the citizens to restore
order. He accordingly repeatedly requested
the defendants to behave; themselves, but
they defied him, and finally, a ft er throe re
monstrances, ie constable put two of them
out, the rest following. .
This prosecution was brought by the con
stable, and the indictment was laid, in the
language of the Act before referred to, for
''riotously disturbing the peace at an elec
tion." . The Court in charging the jury stated
that in order to convict of this offence under
this indictment, something more must bo
proved than mere noise,tnmult and.disorder
—something more oven than the violence
of an assault and battery', ,or •of an a ff ray.
There must be those elenients of violence
and threatening demonstration which would
be calculated to intimidate the citizens
about the polls and obstruct the business of
the occasion, otherwise the occurrence
would not amount, in its legal features,
to a riot. It was for the jury to say whether
the disturbances here were such as
were likely to produce those consequences.
In case of acquittal the question ofeosts was
to be disposed of under the well known rules
of law, which the court reiterated.
Thejury acquitted the defendants, but di
rooted that they pay the costs. Seine twen
ty-fivo witnesses were examined in this case,
and the trial occupied the greater part of the
day. D. Ermentrout for Comm. Tryon
and J. 8, Richards for deft-,
Edward Williams (colored) and. David
Holmes, plead guilty to the larceny of a va
lise and lOt of clothing, valued together at
$4O, from Cornelius Haley. The defendants
were in Haley's employ as boatmen, and de.
camped with the articles on the night of the
28th of October last, while lik. Haley's boat
was lying at the wharf, in Reading. Each
sentenced to $5 fine and 6 months impris
COMM. vs. Frank 'llyneman and William
Dunlap. The defendants are boye, 14 years
of age, who have repeatedly been convicted
of larceny, and were indicted, in this in
stance, together with another lad, Daniel
Fink for stealing between eight and nine
dollars from the cash box of John 0. Fish-
2,1.2, O'CLOCK P. N.
er, a fhriner t _from Lower Beldam. attend
ing the Reading market. Two other
boys testified that they saw • I,ll`nninsu
take the money from Mr. natter's,
wagon, and Dunlap and Fink afterwards ac
company hint into a neighboring rentand
ant. Mak was under bail for this offence,
but did not appear until after the trial,when
ho was bound over to the next term. The
jury convicted Hynetnan of the larceny and
of receiving stolenigoods, knowing
them to have been stolen. The former was
sentenced to one year and the latter to nine
months imprisonment. ' Disk Atty. for
Comm. Tryon for defts.
Loon Premius Knoske, (a Pole), was con.
vieted of the larceny of a lot of clothing,
tto l , consisting of two dresses t two muffs,
a coat, shawl, set of fins, coverlet and other
articles, from Mrs.'llizabeth O'Niel, resid
ing in Canal street, between Fifth and
Sixth! Readiog,s ometime in the lathr
part of August last. The defendant had
been' boarding ,a couple of days with Nis.
O'Neil and left in tho. night with the goods.
Ho Was arrested on, the afternoon or the next
day at ;Pottstown, by Constable William
Smith, of that place, through the instru
mentality of 'Detective Wm. T. Lyon, who
telegraphed the robbery and brought the
prisoner s back to Reading after his appre
hension. A portion .of tho' articles were
found upon him ; the ceaf having been
pawned in Reading and the remainder
thrown away upon the street, where they
were afterwards found. Sentenced to 10
months imprisonment. . District Attorney
for Comm., J. D. Schooner assigned to the
Tin papers publish the particu
lar-8 of a mutiny at sea, mentioned in a
former despatch. The vessel was the P:us•
slim bark Coyattin, which loft Cowag for
Arequipa about Feb. 1, 1808, with a cargo
of fifty cooliei. The second day out tho
cooties mutinied and took possession of the
ship ) killing the captain and mate. The
ba)anco of th i c, emir, nine in nuniher ; were
tied to a hawdt, with' nii anchor attached,.
and thrown overboard. The ;mutineers
attempted to navigate the vessel to China,
but drifted into the Northern sea r and, it is
supposed, were wrecked.
TattIISDAY I Nov. 12.
The troops sent to Tipton county, Tonnes
see, have returned,,all being quiet there.
The Alabama Legislature has appointed
committees to travel through the State and
investigate "Ku• Klux" outrages.
Governor Fletcher, of Missouri has desig•
tutted Nov. 28 as a day of Thanksgiving
that State.
, A brewery in Chicago WU burned yester
day, causing a loss of $29,000.
A school census just. taken in Chicago
shows the population of that city to he 26?,-
054. •
A severe snow storm prevailed at Buffalo
yesterday. Six inches of) snow' hie fallen
since Sunday. at St, Paul. The mining sea
son in Montana is nearly closed.
Miss Mary S. Magee, daughter of Captain
Magee, of Troy, Net , York, committed nui
eide yesterday morning by shooting herself
through the heart with her father's revolver.
Temporary insanity was the censer She
was 20 years of ago.
The ireatee portiort of the brewery of
Frederick Miller, at .Lake avenue, in Fo-_
chester t New York, vi.l_destroyed by fire
yesterday afternoon. I $10,000; insured
for $B,OOO. •
The Chn*llento
CUARIJESTON, Nov. 11.—The result of the
municipal election was announced this of
ternoon amid great excitement. Nearly
10,000 votes .were 'cast, and Pillsbury,
Republican, was elected over ',enure,
citizens' candidate, by a majority of 17.
The 'citizens' party talk of contesting the
Something Worth Knoseing.=--N, T. Ga
be, 60:i Penn street, has the following useful ar
ticles, for which heis the sole agent;
The Champion Raking Powder surpasses every
thing over usedfor making Light, Sweet' and Nu
tritions Bread, Oakes, Pastry, Dumplings, Oto.„and
may be used in every respect . as the Mums. , This
is a very useful article and should bo in the hands
of every housekeeper. Full directions how to use
it on each package.
The Chaion Oil Paste Boot PotisV—This is an
excellent blacking, and as we have used ft for a
long time,we can recommend it as the ben in the
mar t. It makes the boots shine like a utirrqr
and the leather soft and pliable as kid, Try this
g nd you will not do without it,
e Ma ie Boot Polish
_—Shine your boots with
Ma le. Ivo drops of the Magic Boot Polish makes
the leat her soft and pliable as kid, and one rub
woes the boot with the polishing brush gives a
durable brilliant lustre, reflecting your own image
like a mirror, without soiling the hands, or tilling
the bristles °film) brush like ordinary blaching,•it
is therefore the cleanest, the hest; and requiring
so very little, it is tho cheapest ever known,and
the on ly
, boot polish in the world, entirely free
from injurious ingredients.
Wooi head's &Co , English Concentrated Extract
of Soap. pap. This is an excellent article for washing.
It requires buts spoonful in a tub of water—to
make it effective. This powder takes the place of
soda, or concentrated lye. It Is cheap and does not
injure the clothes. Fulidirections on each pack
age. , Mov 11-Bt,
Tuu RR ASON Da. VALIeNTINH MOB goneurnCtion
and all diseases of the Air Passages, be uses instru-
Mena to throw the medicine directly to the seat
of the disease thereby subjecting Ahem to' no
change, as medicines given by the stomach are in
variably subject to. Scores of persons will testify.
to their efficacy in all affections of the Blood , .
Throat, Chest and Lungs . Can be consulted each
day of the week, except Sunday and Monday, at
the Keystone House. Reading.
We giVe a few references trom Reading and Le
banon, of the cures performed by this treatment.
Abraham Herr. Catarrhal Consumption.
gusan Rauch, Heart disease and Neuralgia.
James Moss
of the Kidneys.
M. Mrs Henry .5 Crab"' Catarrhal Ooniumption.
Melina Keitn. Cancer of Stomach. •
George Trottle, consumption.
William Surto, Rheumatism.
rs. William burls, Heart disease.
William Shiner. Rheumatism and Diaconate. '
Mrs. Ferdinand Shantz. Asthma. -
Amanda Garnan Bite for 8 years.
John Wentling. heumatism for 2 years. '
Amanda Smith, its for 4_years.
Kate Walton, B_ronohial Consumption.
' Samuel Brent, Fits. •
Amanda Milltoksaek, Fits for 6 years.
Henry (human, Fits.
Jacob Krill, Disease of Kidne)i. 5 years. •
George Smite. Fits.
Levin& NVAterman. Bionebitb for 10 years.
Amos M. Pox, external Consumption.
• Mary Posey, Consumption and Female Tisk
Abraham Bamberger, Catarrh and Neuralgia.
Mary Tice, Catarrhal Consumption and Female
. Catharine Miller, Falling Rte. • •
Dayld'Wentling, Rheumatism and Heart
John Steokbeck, Bliesse of 4149eYe.
nov 0-Iyr •
LIT those who have detected the premature evi•
dance of Age—the tell-tale whitening of the 'ocke,
the unnatural thinning of the coVatlng which nip
tura designed should be preserved to the period
of dissolution, lose nojime in seouring b a bottle of
"Barrett's Vegetable Bairitestorative, ' thgreat
antidote to baldness, gray, hair and wigs.—liutato
&prcn. oat 16-Imo
FRIBIi Davos.—Dr. bight. O. 1 North fifth
street, Rering,• Pa., Lae ati sto re on . 0 t h e
finest and est selected stocks of free drags in trite city. Dr. *tit And his assistant are always ready
to wait on persons who are in want, at any bony or
the day or night. Dr. Llitht md his aindstant are
both accomplished drllgght4 and gentlotnenhversed
h• P nu:otology.
positive, permanent, and immediate Be.
meiky (lir Neuralgia, Toothache, tarz
ache, Neadablie, Rhennustism, Scalds, BUrns i ,
and alt unto pins.
To alleviate huntan suffering 444 cOostilato,tl:o
highest siruot the true phlloeopher, 'What the irotvhot
kletwe In our own day hai already achieved, ilttircclitis
the Inhalation of chloroform adat ether to alloy the oho
ronsoqueul upon diMeult surgical opetutlotiv, .
gill ~c~mpll .+ h by simple outsmrd
Its effort is porthetly utegiral, mei Its prOlhll C‘li
entirely harmless os to bo u applioable to toe chill of to f u
dor ego as to the Oil.. Thousands of sitocessilil owe it o
tify tbnt Ma Ls no fiction, but I fart boyonil ell i•outrtwort•x;
and it single upPlication of tho cure will courioco 1,1,0 mr4,-
skoptPal mutterer of Hs truly mirtrulous power.
• 1 To Produce its Equal, •
No family that once becomes aequaitited
with OR virtues will be tvithoul
Price 60 Ots.
• Itole Proprietors, fteadinit, Pa:
Bee whe t J A: Dudley.lays, of the arm. of •Piiii
ley & fitatrord, one 'of the largest of/hotel* drug
establishmentAin this °motto' 1 ~„ You ,
Nil. 0 9 11111tItliAN tit, Retie
Jammu', 5. /P.
E, lifisuratit & On.; Reading. PA.7-Vesr s irs 1- •
It affords me pleasure to ssegg of tile wenklepur
effeets/Of your "Pain Otro. In ray own 0100. ,to
June last, I wail Attacked with - .Neuralgia it% lily
abdomen and Me i , After suttering intonsoly tor.
Dearly ON Wiliam I Wils induce d to try your roue.
dy, and after au application, to oily utter surprise,
I was tel toted In I% few seconds. B o sudden was 1
the rene that I could scarcely believe my own
4 )
!ewes. m my knowledge Of the preparation, I'. I
firmly bei eve that it, will atop t : .ill Nu* nearly ' 1
every cause and almost instantly.. ,
• Respeothilly,ourso ,
• d A. UlThEr,,
Of the Ann of Dadley'& Stallo . rd, 1 holesale Dreg , .
gists. ion. 2S-1,1, ,
FOR,U_RPOVB 271 AT OA I' Ay 113 RD
take pleasure in informing the people of Road in
s t Pd minas , (but more particularly nil goOd
housekeepers that they are manufacturing (mil
introducing a soap superior to all others for the
fell win purposes t
1 1
FIBT—For Oleaning Paint , Wood-work i Mar
bitE ND-_
Yor Olettniug (and Pi:dishing at the
same t me) Metals of all, tlosOriptisJ
Housekeepers can at onoe see t he groat advan
tage of this, as It is entirely unneoessory to keep us
heretofore, °Bilking Powders, Brick Dust, Sand;
Ashes At, o .
• T H I ` RD-- or a•Palm or Da soap , esPeolOY
where there are ahy impurities or stalhs upon the '
hands, suolLas Paint, Grease or any kind, Printers'
1nk0.,_40, 1
FOURTH and last—For the thousand and ono
oter purposes for which soap is In constant use,
and wbieh it is impossible to enumerate at this
time., - -
for each and every purpose ahoy° mentioned, To
be used in the same manuer as any other Soap with
this exceptioti, that it only requires ONE-TililtD
the amount of oim How to accomplish the same re
sults as others, and ONE-THIRD of the Timt:'
and LABOR saved, .
WANT RD, every Person in Rtatling N fry
HARRIS' iPtIARIJ 8 0.A,.1) . ,
Manufactured Exc!strictly by 'the areas Anieric
Soap Cb.,llXl Arch Street, Philadelph ia.
&RBI a & 00. E Pkoprietora.
and Washington Street', Solo Agents for Reading.
The Soap Is now offered to the Public at the fol
lowing Stores :
Stauffer & Shenfelder, • Yocum . 6: Unusual.
A. Potteiger, Herhine & From,
i it 11. Saylor, E. 0. Uelster,
iltfer & Hoene, F, D. Fighthern,
D. Keiser, Ilinnerohitz &Rui?,
J. Dundore, 0. Iteffelfinger, .
A. Swart:, P. Shaeffer,
J. 0. Thomas, D. P. troth & Co., ,
F. Keifer & Bro., M. Keifer & Son,
J. 11. Ilildebett(fl, G. K. j.loyer,
W. Stott, J. Jardine,
D. Hommig, J. Iligh,
P_. Depart, - J. Kline,
W. Boyer, • Ott & Dobler.
00t.174y .
At No. 107 North Fifth fftreet,
(oi4 Tall) Reading.
Is now prepared to furnish our citizens with Con-'t
lectionary, Candles and Ice Cream, at wholesale
and retail.
Also all kinds of plain and fancy Cakes. Ice
Cream of all flavors constantly on hand. A call is
solicited. . June to
NOTICE, The attention of mechanics and In
boring men is called to the 'Fortune Building
and Saving Association of Beading. The shares
areal each, and limited to fifteen hundred, Already
a large number of,hares are taken - , loving a fow ,
More for disposal. Those desiring -hg4 hotter cull
early in enter to secure them.
For further • information call at the store of
Jones Moines, grocer, corner Fifth
Wagnerind Conn
streets, or at the rgdence of Robert W, N.
. coirter Filth ithd 40,1treela, or On the Oder-
Fignela J. SO MILLER, Secretary.
Oct 291 mo 011 Ice, f2l NureStriot. ,
Has been retrieved from the Keystone 130141 1 1ne; to'
the new and elegant store, . ,
Where euethmere wUI and * very large stock of the
;er o ff ered to tho public ofjteading. di
shareor the above twit is reg4ite
of patronage is solicited. TO GAB
. AnCifenut*turers of
- ,
oe2p3mo. •
DENEI AND PEN •NO DEM. t he le ‘ten4
iv of differint, waist' s . fo gale at s Essle;
8o1(1 by all DrugglAtx