. . •• • :",! • •.`,' - r"." , " , r- f •'"'' ',- ' ••••- - "'"' ...- - ' .2 4 .4 % , , % • '6 , , ,; ! ' -,,, ,-' •„!., . ..;-. y.,-,,,....,:, Vr,l. 7 " . ..LT' i ; 1 : i 1.3 V", t. tr .7,r - - . .c . "...er . i.^•'' v 'r'" .. ''' , e . : . ' , ....!..! 4,3 ... 41 ` , . 1 7 . . ' : .?'-' S . - . •' , 4 .. ..a. -‘,...' At ":- .. ''• '. - ''' ••• '''' . . .... - . . . -.. . . . . - t • , i .. . . . • . . . • !. . . . . I • . , . ..,, :..,-:: ~,. ~,,,. •:. .., ! ,,,...,„c. x.„.., 44...,;;; - -- N-1 .401. , : • . ....,... i . x. vii_ al ie,,,...., . 1 - ", ,.... : ~ i . . . 1 . . . , ~ • , :,_, ___,.. ..`, • , ' . E .. .. , .. .„ . AG L E. .__........ , . . ......„.,. .... _ • .. ~...,. itito• ~ .. " ' - - _-- . _ - . ' . ---- -- -.---.-----..------ .-------.---.-- THE,DAMY EAGLE PUBLISHED XVPRIT APTEBNOON. 'o3sudesl Exceptsf i f . AT IBS OPYIOI, OP TIM ERAPINO ADLER. ste. $6ll. Pull STMIIST. , Th• Maputo Diu. Lets will bo firtildtedg osbectib•ro tetho OINTILIV2 wars. r iborjboti A . Sybor, or a quartet —to bo psid focIAA ire ears. A itberal glacitoolfill DO In e. 01149 tenor MOT. splr sags. Vprairostip.matiog at 1•13. to should, be o d ro nd MAY NACU, • *iLifiAX Es. urns, JASON a. NAWLEr. 1868 FALL. BuCH & BROTHER, Uare'Opened a Large and Selected Stock of NEW GOODS! At Portico Rim, NO. 648 PENN STREET, READING, PA, OM= or Lulu 0: Commix, .Cutter. Their Stook of NEW FALL GOODS! , Were selected'in the City of New York, and will be disposed oft prices far be- low those of any other tablishinent in the City. amaeinen's aotAtng made to order. Boys' Cabins • constantly on hand and made to order. The Stock of Furnlshing.Goods is decidedly the beat and most extensive in the city. Call, see and satisfy 1 yourselves. • The mere tut-Obelus disservices of4he cele brated eutt4r. Mr. Levi 0. Coleman, is stitflolent sundae that all 'garment* will be made up in the WI style and latest fashions. Remember SUCH & BROW'S Headquarters of Fashion NO. MS PENN STREET, READING. Portico Row. ,524 SUNDAY NEW OL SINGING BOOKS AT TIII? EAGLE . BOOK 'STORE, No. 851 Pena Street, Can "e had 'HAPPY VOION, HAPPY VOICES, TEE NEW GOLDEN CHAIN. THE NEW GOLDEN WAIN. THE SABBATH SCHOOL BELL, TUB SABBATH SCHOOL BELL, • a 'hotter with a inlets of other atirbilipAi - for solooli. /to. Mari FAST LINB. MITWEEN RHADING Al) HEW YORK. VIA 1 MORRIS AND BMX RAILROAD. kai l i"T i s Ram at 4p. m l ed Re% ltr i lt at ' li. M i l , ' Irti_ al0X10. 4 1 1 7: o a r ton.ltosils ° :ek"sf d u g mattrk.bbitt.mo ° riglite tt i rt AY ' ' 1 _re t. Aunt, M. i : , ~ 0,b04;11. tb , Local Aint. li. kk''../ t 3. 11. 4 , AUL: • IP t 11-Smos VOL. I---N0.1247. 1868 PROFESSIONAL. • Vt. 1401/115 De 100111111 OFFICE AND IMIDRNOE. No. 244 North Ninth N t roe t, Reading., PAU oat 2t3-Imo• WILLIAM H. SOMMER, ALDERMAN ANA ATTORNEY AT LA W. 001os No. SIM Court Street, Rending-. Can be consulted In•Eneltsh and German. 0ct.31-3m HENRY IN. REIM, ATTORNEY AT LAW: Moe. 29 NORTH SIXTH STREET. READING. 00.28. RN inkio- - Lie S ee i r ° ButlAtw j Alet Y b ls a ) N W o; 80Qentie street Pottsvpie. ‘l3.oan be eetl a 4eu to the German niusO na, 1S 114 " 4 / 4 nitleaEllay ATTORNf.tY AND COUNSELLQR ;AT LAW. °Mee: to. W Court St,. (near Sittn.IIIIIADINO. Pa. ml 4 GEORIA F. BAER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, READING, PA. Onus: N 0.510 Court Street, (up step.) H. piiiorolAN. I a (U. S. Pension Surgeon.) 840 Penn Street, Reading. Pa. Office bours-12 to 2p, rn. 6 t JESSE G. HAWLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 01lice; No. 49 (second floor,) North Sixth Street. nearly opposfte the Court !lope. Reading. Pa, Jan. 28- LOUIS RICHARDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 01114 e. No.s3oCourt street, over the office of John& Ittoltards, Esq. MO- WILLIAM 0. MEW/ITER, • (Organist of Rut Reformed Chard.) • TEACHER OF PIANOA RMONY FORTE, ORGAN AND H. N 0.223 North Sixth street, Reading, Pa. N. B.—Pianos Tithe& . [June 03- D ix.. E. MOSER, SURGRON DENTIST, OFFICE-519 Penn Street, Heading, F. Invites the publlo to call and examine his new plan for extracting teeth without pain. Ali oper salons In the profession neatly executed and charges reasonable, a p 25 . D R. A. HERR, DINTIST, 00Iro—No 0 North Fifth St., Reading, (NEXT DOOR TO P.O'RRILLY% ODOR OTORR.) Particular attention paid to curing diseases of the Mouth and Gums, such as iicurvy. Preternatu ral Growth of Gums, Alveolar Abscesses, disease of the Alveolar i process. Fissured Palates, and all diseases to which the mouth and gums are au eot. Teeth extracted without pain, and inserted o all material used by the Profession. Ofiloe house. from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. t. 9- 1 BOOTS AND SHOE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST% MITDPIeTW No. 41. North Sixth Street, EIHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST ESTA ; . ished a first-class Boot gnd Shoo-making estab ment s t ud store at the above stated placeewhete bhey are able to accommodate customers with the est articles in their line of business, and at lower prices than at any other place in the city, The following list of priees,proves all we say on's calf boots, 84 00 and upwrd ...i n's kip boots, .. l e ete.B fforkipg shoes, as. 160 $3OO Lena French g a L f . Congress gaiters, box toes, • 390 Men's calf amgross gaiters. 2 25 Men's calf Balmorals, 2 00 Men's kip Balmorals, . 1 80 Boys' calf Balmorals, , 160 Boys' k Balmorals, 1 25 Youths'kip Balmorals, . 100 Women's lasting high Polish,2 75 , , Women's Cbngress gaiters, to 2450 Women's lasting Balmorae, 1 190 Women's Morocco Balmora ls, 2 00 W omen's Morocco shoes, . 165 —An 's kid Mir kiiiii's kid slippers, ages' lasting Polish, - 145 Youths' from ; 15 els. to -75 Youths and boys' shoes from SO ots. to 90 Mao. a large stook of notions on hand and for Mo. _ . . . . • The above prices are lower than at any other Outlier place of business in the city. • Particular attention h paid to all kinds of re pairing. • REINHOLD &,, SCIRENER, NO. 41 NORTH SIXTH STREET, (A 11092 Me COURT IRMO READING, PA. sprint- • LBEDYLL & CALLIN'S A VRENCII STEAM SCOURING AND DYEING • ESTABLISHMENT ) 141 Booth S eventh opposite Depot. Mee in Reading, Pa. Offices in Philadelphia, MO Raeo Street.i - and 132 . Routh llth Street. • - Encouraged by our 61100633 In our new method of soouringand dyeing, we hays resolvpd to *peg. a branch olden in Reading. and respect pally call the Attention of the public to our above named estab lishment., By Our proms and newly invented machinery. we are ena bled, to dean and dye soods in a very eqp_erior manner, soluilo girl; perfect satisfaction. We clean and ilinjsti ladies Gents' and Child ren's garments Ifitneet taking them apart, or inju ring ga rments in the lead. whether the colors are (sputae or not. Owr dyeing is done to the very bed manner. and the goods in all OM ffn ed o in superior style. Kid Gloves, Ostrich either!. do.. cleaned at short notice. • rapt 28-3 mo s telitVC B9OP it V AP som e ch ar e 4! ety of /3 fink ooke w wilt Rims k CO. 8 p. in. FOR THE PEOPLE. READING, PA. REPAIRING. g GOOD =AT LAOKX ANSISTABWM2 WOK !Mil 117ARONGlitir NgEDS RESISTANOR.” ti VOA READING, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, NtiVEMBE4 11, mas. INK ! 1 INK 1I I Just received a large lot of 1 1 n LAUGHLIN & BUSUFIELD'B Celebrated Chemist Writing Fluid, J / ' ,I in Quart, Pint and smaller bottles. Ferule cheap, at the EAGLE BOOK STORE. SWAYNWS • ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, • • For tbe ouro o Totter, Itoh, Salt Rheum, Scald ilead,ltohingPiles,RingWornoe,Plaiploa,blotchos, Defects in the Skin, liarberejtch, Sitcom atonic rfalpelas of tho Face, &o. For pale at the ‘ , EAGLE" BOOKSTORE,' 861 PENN STREET. JOHN FOLEY'S For sale at the "NAOLVIBOOKSTORN. No 351 Penn Street, near Fourth. Jan. 28 BOOKSELLERS 351 Penn Street. DR. MIENS 80110BNING'8 CELEBRATED SWEDISH BITTERS' Cure with certainty\ll chronic derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, is the moat Pow arils! Toniceof the Digestive._ Muscular and Ner vous System and the most Reliable preservative against all kinds of Beyer, Dysentery'. and Infec tious Diseases, especially avast Cholera. Typhoid mad Yellow Fever. Price 75 cents a bottle. Six for N. For sale at the "Eagle" Bookstore RITTER k 851 Penn Street. ['ELLER'S ~PiO~I~IJ. 4w('hi t%'i ~I Vl AND FLOORING. TH'sPA NA ND FLOORING IS NOW aoknowl t ar the the boot in use. It be comes hall Ina inuitodblely.. is dryolusabie. tad hope otto Water.and notailictod by either heat or oeid. Alt Win proutptlt gOtoutect to 'and the work' ltuoranteed to - g i ve satisfaction. qui D.' . June 18- No. 27. Bout Fourth M. CELEBRATED ()FOLD PRINS. RITTER & CO., AND STATIONERS, CARPETS! CARPETS t B. H. MARKt4EY & CO., No. 118P/um street, below Reniktin, between Sixth o,ut Serenth streets, Respeetftilly Inform the citizens of Reading and vicinity. that they are manufacturing the very best Ingrain, all.wool Carpets, ever offered in this city. Latest patterns and colors. Wholesale mid retail at New York prices. We invite the public( to examine l our goods before purchasing elsewhere, endow Zi per cent, Buy out of first hands and save money oot 18-luto . B. 11. Mi(4I{LRY & CO. K RYDF . IIt & C . 0., •Ikt twfacturera of' . DR Sti:EVI!,4II,',S Celebrated Tonic) Herb Bitter& • tl • mporters of . WINES AND LIQUORS. Also Solo Agents for BAILEY'S UNRIVAtT,RD No. 121 North Third Stroot, PHILADELPHIA. For solo ot tho Englo Bookstore. LET FACTS BE KNOWN FAR AND WIDE! _oo That the best place to buy BEADY MADE CLOTHING, Forum and boys, or got them mado to ordor, is the One° popularized by good goods, fine styles and low prices, and patronized by immense throngs - of people, to whom JAMESON & CO., CORNER SUM AND PENN STREETS, ITAVIR BECOME IfOUSEHOLM WORDS* It is well-known• that we make up nothing but What is good, that our largo business has been built up by always having the handsomest styles and the best fitting garments; and this, coupled with moderate • prices, has been, and is still, tho secret why so many people buy, at our establish ment. We sell only what we can recommend and each customer, therefore, has the satisfaction of knowing ho bali depend on the article ho buys. We aro enabled to buy cheap, and therefore, sell cheap. Call and see oet 13-Im. JAMESON & CO. STOVES, RANGES, BEATERS. WILLIAM BRIDEGAM, No. 242 Penniat., Reading Tho undersigned respectfully invites publlo att e ention to his newly invented neater, mimed th KEYSTONE HEATER I! BEST HEATER EVER, INTRODUCED. THREE SIZES. It burns less coal makes more heat, takes up loss room, and givos be t tor sasfaetion than any simi lar invention ever introdu c ed to the publio. The advantage of this sperior heating appara tus will be fldly explained l by the Proprietor, who guarantees that ho will bd able to satisfy all who give him a call that it is superior to any one inven ted. The advantegos atfl so manifold, and so easily comprehended, that At needs only to bosom ho convince the most skeptical, In proof of this e respectfully refers the public, by permission to the following named persens who are now using those Beaters: the. R. FRILL, . AM R B. „. S. J. 11.1TRVENBON, O. D. GRIMM, 6RLI, dr Co., 0. A. NICHOLLS. lINNIZY JOHNBON, JOHN M'KSIOHT, ' Joann/. KNELT, BLUBRN ADAMS, Wu. lIHRTZNI. JACOB KAUFFMAN, Blandon W Orphans' Home, omelad4f. He also invites special attention to the WAUTY,RANGE Which is a late Improved, Superior Rangei for walling in and for which hots the Sole Agent, in this city. !This Range can be seen in operation at the Iron City Rail, Die. 423 Penn street ; at Peter High's, Franklin street above Fourth, and at other piaccs. Particular attention paid to. TIN ROOFING AND SPOIJTING, AND - • . Plastic) Slate Roofing. lie employs none but skillful Mechanics—all orders promptly executed, and warranted to give satisfaction. • WM. BRIDEGAM, may 22 No. '242 Penn St. GDIGAT DEDUCTION IN FURS--.Ladles desirous of purchasing Furs sbould_eall at tho • National Fur Store, `To. 341 Penn street, :ee doors below le HAM Office, here they will fi nd well selected stock 'FURS, which will 3 sold at small pro. s. . A variety of fancy SIGHING and :FFAI I O ROBES ways on Itand. • to order, altered . cepatrvu, . oot9-3moood PEACOCK & ORTR. Corner Second 'and Franklin Struts, Have constantly on hand and moll at reasonable Niece. LUMP. BROKEN. EOO. & STOVE COAL..NUTs CRESTNri I AND BITUMINOUS COAL. 11101aiY and OAK WQOD LIME AND BAND: KINDLING WOOD BY TUB BARREL We deliver tree of extra obarga to any part of the olt4t. • feb79 NEW WINE HOUSE, N o; 852 PENN qTREET, - READING, PA. OSCAR R. CHRIST, PROPRIETOR, Dealer in all kinds of Dome3tio Winos of the bop quaIti. LAGER DEER, ALE, &c . SD 24- ' Bug al- 1 . . A W i iieonsin paper luts'eoine in possession of the following particulars of a little Ku Klux outrage which was recently perpetrated in Alahtna. The boys were rather severe in Omit. treatment of Mrs. Bagger, but she probably deserved it, and ought to thank her stars that she was not seriously hurt : "A horrible outrage was committed some. where in the . State of Alabama a tow days ago. Our informant is a reliable colOred man, who heard the particulars frOm . a mem ber of the "Loyal League," who got his in formation from a follow . Who lost a cousin in the late wiir that a Mr. Car pet-Bagger was *Mack:din his QVIII house by 1,032 Ku Khmer's, aimed with double-bar relled bowie 'knives. They slaughtered and ate nineteen of Mr. Bagger's .children be fore his eyes, and compelled Mrs. Bagger to cut her own head or and hang it on a hook in the cellar. She was then ordered to keep' still upon pain of instant death. She hap , pened to sneeze, and the leader of the 'des-. tardly_ crow immediately had a threshing machine set ttp,and run Mrs. Bagger through. It is very doubtful if she recovers., M. Bagger was then forced to swallow four tops of gunpowder and a .Handful of nitro gly cerine. ,He was next dieted on live coals until au explosion took place, which sub jected Mr. Bagger to . such an intense pain as althost to deprive him of reason. They next shot him full of holes, Made him hurrah for Jefferson Davis and Horace 'Greeley, and finally inoculated 'him with the small-pox, and, soaked him with strong lye. Ile was threatened with instant death if ho revealed the names of any of the perpetrators of this outrage, all of whom aro neighbors of Mr. Bagger, and who hate him because Mr. B. Was a loyal sutler and cot ton speculator during the war, and'now lives on a confiscated I . plantation, with enough niggers to elect hutt to the Legislature. It is feared that Mr. Bagger has sustained such internal injuries that ho is not able to appear as a witness at the military commission ap pointed to try some ex-rebels for rending Democratic newspapers. A correspondent of St, pills Republican whiting front Laramie, Wyoming Territory, under date of Oct. 19th, says : The terrible doings of last night and this morning may be of intareofto your readers. Last night about half-past 10 o'clock l the honest portion of the citizens of Laramie were aroused by a terrible firing in the direction of the "Belle of the West," a low dance;houso on Front street., Soon . the town was in a terrible state of excitement, and it was soon known that the vigilantes were out in full force.— They first visited the abovo dance-house' where they found Asa Moore, who drew his revolver and was about, to fire, when ho was immediately shot down. They. then arrest ed Con. Wagor, who has been harboring thieves-and garroters, and divid ing the spoils with them. These two ivero taken out and immediately hung. i The next victim was a man 'they Call "Big Ned," a noted thief and, garroter. lie was taken over and soon bore the others company, dangling in the airs The vigi lantes then divided themselves in squads, and scoured the town for other victims, but most of them had left town. They found some few of less notoriety, and ' gave them notice to le4ve , the town in so many hours. They all took the hint, with the exception of •a hard-hearted garroter named Steve Young, alias "Big Steve," who defied them to do their worst. This morning he was rested, and in a few niotneats ho was thing ling to a telegraph pole. LICIIT'OERN ATTACHMENT OF HOBBES TO EACH OTHER. —Two Hanoverian horses bad long served together during the Peninsula war, in i a Ger man brigade of artillery. They had . assisted in drawing the same gun, and had been • in• separable companions in many battles. One of them was at last killed; and, after , the en gagement, the survivor was : piqueted as us ual, and his food brought to "him. • All the care that was bestowed, upon him was of no avail. He was surrounded by otherhorses,bat he did not notice them, and he shortly after. wards died,not having once tasted food from the time his former associate was killed. E=XMI THREE OEHTB PER OOP! TEN WITS PER WEEK I PART R ITIE TRRI*IOII,OORROW, nr (Mo. W. WArill. Thou say!st to MO/10111 you not, ' Your hot)°, were tithe and vain,. That future days will fiat tho blot, And morrow soothe the pain. But tell mo not of auro days, Of ealm:antl clear to-morrow; I flower more In,y heart can raise ; I part with MC() in sorrow. The love that tills n true man's heart— The love of heaven's own Lirtt— eau ['o'er be set from hitu apart Foe scenes of milder Mirth. You say these thourthts . will pass away Like morning mists to-morrow, But to this charge I only say— L part with thoo in sorrow. Yet I Will go as thou bast had°. And seek some Car-oil plum And wander tbro' some lonely • And dream I soo tby Into; Put still I will thy bidding do. Foristrongth, front thee I borrow: nd n9W to thee I bid adieu—L ' I part with then In sorrow.; A KU KLUX OUTRAGE* I LYNCH. loAliV IN Y.AIRADIIE. DS al IMO • PRODUOTiOIit Or QUlthitE,e-•:Quinino is pre. duced from h forest tree in South America, known, es the chinchona l of which there are ninny varieties, but the ehinehoua eansava and the chinchona rnbra yield , the metticiite in greateal abundance. Sp great has been the dematid that, in most of the 'districts whence it has been Atained, the suppli, , R, are gradually diminishing and, as no eat)• stituto of equal value is likely to he aunt, ist is of the utmost importance that new sources shall be discovered. ItOntunica the chluchona rubra has been culivatcd rattli cientlyto show that it will grow well oWthat island,_ And the Government is Urged to ett• courage and assist its its cultivation on On extended scale. It EMUS ) however, that only upon *mountains from fifteen hundred to two thousand feet high, where the ferestA are often bedewed with mist, does this tree arrive to a perfection that Will make its col• tivation , profitable: but there are several, sections on the islandswhich will answer the requirements. Decides, there are other islands in this quarter of the world where similar conditions prevail, and it due efforts are made the world's supply utqninine may continue unexhausted. SfNOULAR INCIDEN T, —Our attention has been directed to the following singular inei• dent of the late war, which' is as remarkably strange as it is said to be truer A corres• pendent of a Southern Paper writes "There was if of Company A, Twenty: seventh North Carolina troops, named George P. Finer, who went into the tight with a small Testament in his,, pocket. - A ball struck the book and penetrated as far as the , fifth chapter - ac 'Matthew, 21st and .2qd verses, , , It merel f rblackened that I f itVsage,, glanced off, and left the man Uninjured.-- The verse read _ 'Ye have heard that it was said by them of olden time, Thou shalt not kill, and whoever shall be in danger of ( the -judgment, and whoever angrrwith;his brother, without cause, blatlU be in dangdr of the judgment.' rbe man said 'TfintYaakee ball was like the devil; it had to turn its conrse.when met by scrip tural opposition''' MI Tan DAvonna AT llour.--To be &dojo got dinner, to sweep the rooin,.. tolmake garment, to tend tt baby, wot4d add\greatly the`to list of- a young lady's accomplish. monis, Where can we behold a more lovely sight than the eldest daughter Of a house, standing'in the swat simplieitrof her now womanhood by the Hide of her toiling. eare• worn mother, to relieve anti aid her ?• Now the presides at the sable, now directs in the kitchen, now amuse* the fretting babies,now diverts a half score of little folks in the li• brary. She can assist her younger brother* in their studies, read the trewspapers to her weary father, or smooth the aching hrow of her.fevered mother. Always ready with a helping hand and a etteerfnl smile for every emergeneY, she is an angel, of love, anti _blessing to' the home eirele,.. Should she be called out of it to originate a home of her own, would she be any less loving or self sacrificing? MEN WITNO UT IINA NTS. —WO Roulet; Hi meet with men who seem to think that any indulgence in an efTectionate feeling is weak ness. They will return from a journey, and greet their families: with a distant dignity, and move among their children with the cold and lofty splendor of an iceberg•sur rounded by its broken fragments, 'l t ln is hardly-a more unnatural sight on earth than one of those families without a heart. A father had better. extinguish a Imy's eyes than take away his heart. Who that has es• perieneed the joys of friendship, and values sympathy and affection, would not rather lose all that is beautiful, in nature's scenery than be robbed of the hidden treasures ,of his heart? Cherish then, your heart's best affections. Indulge, in the warm and wish ing emotions of filial, Paternal, and fraternal love.—Mfas Muloch, —Quebee . has had a little affair of honor. A.gay captain jostled a civilian at a .recent ball, and the next day the latter thrashed the captain in the street. Thereupon every commissioned officer in the regiment, except the captain, challenged him. Ho naturally disclaimed any desire to fight all Her Ma. jesty's troops, when they cried in haste mid in chorus, "we accept your apology," mid there was no bloodshed after all. Philadelphia •&, Reading Railroad. (Revised.) • RP1A414,0 AlratrfiT raft 1804. QUMIII ARRANGEM ENT PASS NU ER TRAINS, August 3„ 1808, Five Trains down to Philadelphia; pasting Rend ing gt 730, 1035 and 11 30 a. m., and 4li and 0 ;R) P.Up m. to Pottsville, at 10 40 a. in., ami 550 and 0 Oa' p.m, Trains WC.' to Lebanon and Marthhtiro t Western Express from New 'York, at 110 41. and 160 and 10 10 D. in. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at 716 a. m g and mail trains at 10 45 a. m. and 0 p, On Sundays, the down trains pass Reading at 940 a. in. and 425 p. m„ and up trains at 10 Cu a, in. and 6 67 p. m. The 4 2.5 p, in. down, and 10 50 a.m. up trains run only between Philadelphia and Retuling. Up trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, liar. slams and Pottsville, at 730 and 8.15 a. in., 12 45 noon, and 330 p. in. and 515• p.,m., for Refuting only. The 815 a. m. trains connect with trains for Tamaqua, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara and Canada. The 815 a. in; and 330 p, n. up trains from Phil adelphia, and lb 35a. in. and 4 25 p. in. down trains /Op only at principal stations, below'Relvi intr. Heading Accommodation Train: leaves Reading at, 730 a, In., returning leaves Philadelphia at 6 b p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pelts them at 45 a. in., returning loaves Philadelphia at 430 p. The Western Express Trains 'connect at Harris; burg with express trains on the Pennsylvania R. F,. for Daltintore,•Pittsburgh, and all points WOl, and the 10 45'eattil train connects at !lard:AWN for .Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Chantbersburg Sunbury, Scranton, Pittston, Wilkesbarre, Williamsport Lock Haven, Elmira and the Canadas, Passenger Trains leave Upper Depot at 7 00 a. m. and 015 p. 131„ for Ephrata, Lille, lhancas ter. rind Columbia. • - Through Int.:a-class Coupon tickets and Emi grants' !lake s at reduced fares, to all the principal points in the North.-West and the Cantub..s. COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 213coupona, at 26 per cent, discount betweea any points desired. MILEAGE -TICKA'TS, Good for 2000 wiles between all points, at $25.50 tow families and business firms. ,SRASON TIOREPI Good for the holder only, fur 3.0,9 . and 12 mon .''as, between all points at rafted fares, School season tickets at ono-third less than the above. air Passengers will take the Express Trains west at the lim_er Depot, and all other trains:it the Lower or Old Depot. 100 pounds of baggage allowed each passenger. Passengers ererequested to purchase their tick eti before entering the care, 4,9 higher (area are eharg edit paid in the cats. ' Excursion Ticketsgood forone day, I,y 730 a, tn., Aceommodation Train to Ph iladelph amid return. at $265 each. 0. A. NICOLL'S; en% Supt.