I q.„ Fi , R-EADINO, PA., NOVEMBER 10,1848., CITY_AND COUNTY. iii NT ED1T10N...12 1. P. IL • p. Blue_,_ Red, and Gray, meet Sixth, 8, No. 1 White. Important. Bloc 'meet Mad], 7, No. 1. Pink ' ) meet Sixth, 74, No. L White, meet Sixth, 71, No. 1. BOATlNO. — Bpagcitis remarkably brisk at present, and boatmen are busy as bees, and their countenances beam with radiant smiled' s t the harvest they aio enjoying. h ope the season will last long. floiso TO CllUROU. — Perseverance Coun cil No, 19 ) J. 0. of U. A, Ms f will attend thb'FiftliStreet M. H. Church, on next Sun day evening in a.body. Rev. Mr. Pattison will preach a special sermon on the occasion. PENHIONA. — Many soldiers entitled to pen. *ions under the act of July 27th, 18138, and under previous act r o have never applied for t h e m; it gives to widows, guardians of minor c hildren, dependent fathers and mothers,_ the arrears of pension from the date of d ea th of the soldier, and gives to the soldier himself the ariears of pension from date of discharge. Tug Ilmertotr.—Next Saturday will be a va ts day for the Reading Vire Department, on w hichoccasion the "Rainbow Company" will receive their splendid now Steamer and a grand parade will take place in honor of the event. We hope to see a full turn out of the different companies, and a display ouch as no other than the gallant, firemen bf Reading can makd. TAY Cot,r,vcrons.—The following appoint ments of Tax Collectors for the city of Reading, for the year, 1808, were made by the Mayor on the 80th ult., and . confirmed by the Select Council: Wm Helder,-Fifth And Sixth-}yards. Isaac Leech, Ninth Ward. William Brinentrout, Seventh Ward. Daniel lishu r Virst and Fourth Wards. KNIOIITB Ov PYTIIIAR.-T Supremo Lodgedf tho linked States i _p the 'Knights of Yythine • niet on' - Mondity, tho 9th int., at 'Wilmington, Delaware. 'J'his now order is spreading vidth Unexampled rapidity all over the country, and promises eventually to rival some of the older secret benevolent orders. There are three lodges in this city, Friendship Lodge, No. s'; Mount Penn, No. 0; Hiawatha, No. 99; one at Lyons sta tion anti one nt Leesport, making five lodges in the county. PREPARE.—Tito , weather • prophets are, as usual at this time of the year, busy in their observation of omens , indicating a severe winter, Lay'in a good supply of fuel, pro, visions and clothing ,protect your small fruit, shrubbery, grape vines,. ; see that proper arrangements !lie made for the coin• fort of your stook—and then you are pro. pared for any kind of- a winter that may be in store. Always prepare for the must se. vero winter, and you will bo•aure,to come out right in the spring. • P4OLE DEAD.—The celebrated bald eagle, eo Well known in and around Germantown, and for twenty-eight years one of the at tractions of the Wistar estate, died recently. This Hite speeitneti of the royal bird,became the; property of the elder %star in 1840, in which year he travelled all over the State, on the roof of h log cabin, and became a tplebrated character. Ho lived, in the trees it\ front of the mansion, and though ho occa sionally winged it away. a few miles, would invariably return. His head and tail, origi nally black, became as white as snow as he grow older. • ---•- • ANOTHER pi I i i.:ND.-Yesterday as two little daughters of r. Samuel, Miles, residing in Irishtown, wore on thoNetersink hill gather• ing loaves, a Man Attacked them and treated them in a manner' which would justify his arrest, and severe punishment, The little girls ran and screatned for helpovltich fright• nod the fiend off. ' There is no clue as to who he was, or, of •his whereabouts. The girls say ho had a knife in his hand when he foil' lowed them, and wo have no doubt con. templated an outrage and murder. We hope ho will be arrested and punished to thh fullest extent of the law. Fiat: Moors. —A n ordinance authorizing a uniform badge to be worn by the menibeia of the Reading Fire Department when at tending tires, (unless wearing the equipment of the Company to which they belong,) was approved by Mayor amend, on the 2d idat. This ordinance .empowers the police officers on duty at fires to .empowers and eject from the fire ground all persons not wearing the equipments of his company or a badge,pro vided that such exclusion or rejection shall not apply to owners, agents, or other par ties directly Interested in the property or fire, or property in the immediate neighbor hood of a fire." ImesovEn.'.--' The Oloy Turnpike has , re cently been improved. This. road, so &r As completed, is very substantially built, and is decidedly the best turnpike in the county. It is a great improvement over the old road, -which tiering the winter and spring thaws was nlmost impassable. Workmen are still engaged upon it in the vi e inity of the Oley churches and the village of Pleasantville. Additional subscriptions to the stock ere needed to finish the road, As the enterprise is one of great; importance to. the citizens of Reading and the farmers along the line, and the investment cannot fail to prove paying, the amount yet required will no doubt be made up as it is needed. ArreaerrED SUlClDS.—Aboutseven o'clock yesterday morning, a young woman was seen - to throw herself into the Delaware ) at Queen street wharf. Persons who witnessed the act hurried to her rescue, and she was got out by moans of boat hooks, but not until she was well nigh exhausted. She was re moved to the Southwark lock-up, where she said her name is Mary Cooney ; that she be longs to Lancaster, and has been in Phila delphia about two weeks, the object of her visit being to procure employment, in which the did not succeca. She represented herself to be without relatives, except a small child, now an innate of the Nbithern Rome for Priendleis Children, her father and mother, brothers and sisters and husband, being all dead. - ---Philadelphia Ledger of Afonday. $1 A Bann.liE Comm.—Much space has been occupied in our columns for e some time past, in thd discussion of polities ' ~ to the ex daimon of miscellaneous and other matter. The contest is now over, and we wilt make full amends for , past neglect in miscellany. Ladies--dear creatures, you have borne tins appropriation of our columns, with a great deal of patience. You know l. we men must make State.officers and Preiadents,.and as these officials, after they are made, belong as much to you as to us, therefore we pre sume you wall pardon us for our apparent neglect of you, .We will attend toper wants uow—and we have no doubt ;111611 have many a.pleasant - chat. We will tell you stories, slug you songs, relate to you anecdotes, and be loolable generally. • _1 iA VALVAILIE alle rlftiValtiVrthkrt'- ing the life of the' late` en.. Ueet.'ht of this eity l he bad collected a large and well preserved must= of Indian relies, trophies add cnrlo jet Th3a.collmton # 4thicifs mas without iitiabtri the' ant ^ situtble one in Pennsylvania,. being 'pined* several. thou siftid donate, was receritiy presented by the heirs and epeuorit of General Heim to the Sfnitbsonian Inatitutionoit Washington. The receipt of the collection was acknowledged by *even) letters fro Prof. Baird; and the following letter from Prof. Joseph Henry; Secretary of the Institution 4 "Smithsonian Institution, Nov, 4,1868, "Dear Sirs--It affords me great pleasure to acknowledge in behalf of this Institution, the receipt, packed in three boxes, of the extensive and valuable' collection of Indian remains ionic by your fatbitotn4 . let 4 with his Children at bis decease. Please express to the other members of your father's family and receive for yourself the thanks of the Smithsonian Institution for this varylaccept able donation; embracing, as it does, so any interesting forme and representing so ex haustively the antiquities of Central Penn sylvania. "The collection will Ite duly_labelled as Coming from your father, the Hon. George M. Kelm, and his name placed On all the specimens. Yours very truly,. lositPitHEsity, Sect. Smithn. Henry M. Kelm ' , Esq., Reading; Pa." _Besides the collection above mentioned, Gen. Keinvleft, a beautiful and valuable col lection of minefale and•othei enricisities of a like notate. It is .gretttly, to be regretted that thacitiiens of Beading did 'not sectiro both these collectioakand deposit them in a museum in this city.. .•Years hence, when the advance of civilisation has blotted out almost every trace of the residence of the red man in , this part ktf the country, this mu. soum would have become the resort of thou sands, endow colleptiono would 'havo beer! more highly priiedWith the lapse of mole: As it is , _ the collection of minerals should be secured at once. The erection of a good museum in our city, would add much to its attrnetivenqss ns a place of resort -foti those who annually' flock qo this "beauty spot of the SchuYlkill Valley," in quest of health and recreation. I=l TILE MAN ABOUT TOWN.—A whole team of three horses wee thrown lnto the canal yester day. They were safely got out. Turkeys aro coming In, in large lots, , and sell at 16 cents p6r lb. People aro pretty well stocked with cabbage, and hence prices are aot so stiff. 'The protracted meetings will be continued in Bt. Peter's Church during the week. A fashionable wedding is shortly to coma off in this city. busineni yesterday on Penn street, was quite brisk, This is fine weather for builder& Painters are busy all over the city. The mud hole at Sixth and Franklin will be converted into a Skating Park. Tho Court room was crowded yoaterday. lirlint kind of water never freoseaV Hot water • Coal oil lamps. In malty part of the city, aro on a "bust." "Shinny" is the latest sensation among the Jove- A fall that maim no prash—that of tho year. What Is the most changeable trade? Tho turn er'a. Tho wheat crop of 1863 le said to ho larger than has boon known for sovoral years. There is a great dont of discussion Just now about long sermons. No one should complain of the length of a sermon If a man preaches for eternity. 1 it In family of father, mother and seventeen chtldre ,in East Tennessee, every one chows to- 1 !wee a cept two girls who dip. - L The Public School House that is now building on Elm street, above Ninth, adjoining Mr. Crouse's new Church, is, progressing very ' rapidly., The brick wotk of ' the flrst story 'is ,completed, and judging from what we can see of the walls as far as they have progressed, it is going to be one of the most beautiful specimens of brick ork five have in the city, Quite a large meetingor the Young Mcennerchor Society wne hold at the Jefferson house. Seventh street near Franklin, on Saturday evening, and the musk rendered would do Justice to Older asso ciations. Thomas Richards. hay., starts westward this morning with a number of stone-cutters and ma mono, who nre to work upon the "Reading Furna ces" in Missouri,' Library Ilall has been engaged for a series o 4 select sociables to take place during the coining winter. • Two distilleries are in operation in Ber Liss county at present. That of John Lavans In Union kiwi ship, with John W. Ryan as storekeeper or watch er, and that of W. A: J. Kalbach at Hamburg, dilth Richard H. Miller as storekeeper or watcher. • The Secretary of the Treasury has appointed the following additional U. S. Storekeepers for the Eighth District of Pennsylvania; Bertolet Grant, of Reading, and \Yin. Bucks; of Bern. Tho ladies of Ephrata, Lancaster county, are _so liciting subscriptions to aid in tho erection of a Lutheran Church in • that town; There is no church of any deriominatiOn in Ephrata. • • The Germania Orchestra l " is one of the many ex coltent musical organisations of Reading The Orchestra is composed of some of the finest Musi cal talent in the city, and its renditions are co older: ed equal to the best. s Coal is now selling in Pottsville at eight dollars per ton / Delightful prospect with winter coming on sharp. bet a hat it will be lower before p bristmas. The Mill Property and Farm, containing _O4 acres of land, in Robeson lownbsip, belonging to the estate of Jacob Kurtz, Sr., deceased', was sold at public sate on the 15th of October, to iamb Kurtz, Jr., for 118.193. Our confectioners • are already making prepara tions for the holiday season, which is coming on apace A small boy came near being ran over by ti horse. at, Sixth and Penn streets. yesterday. Lots of country people In town yesterday and to day. s.r." The man who earViiii the point•pithhed It strong It was on a bay-fork. iThe Pennsylvania Central Railroad has 532 loco otlvea—la larger number than any other „railroad corpotation in the country. The measles preiail In the northern part of the county. • , DIED. ALDEN—On the 3d of November, l&A at A ps ton, Camden, Delaware, (} arid, JONEsALDIx, son of Farrell) , and Anus Ritelinen Alden, SIM 7 menthe and 6 daYa. • ;MILT RICTIEW or iivonnots. ' RIADISO, Nov. i 0.1868. 15 Philadelphia, the mimey market Is essier,and loktueraer be - efiketed:at loweiriles,"ely 7 to 9 per tent. on Government Collaterabs and #to per et -on mired 'Onside* The rePortthigius I:Secretary of the Treasury is ebent to itt-lisie the greenbacks 'bow hoarded in the Sub.'lreasury., and to purchase a Government Loans , has canted more confident tone. , 1 There was less spirits! peiltock Board yesterday *kerning, and some irregularity in prices of the ;speculative shares. In iloVernment kans there was an advazee of %per cent. State Loans were better demand, with sales of tits Qat 101103 at /01%, and the second at 105%. City Loans were steady at 102)4 for the new issues. Lehigh tlold Loan advanced K. and closed tit 04. /leading Railroad fitioitnated between 4 18%R48%. closed at ill% regtilar. Camden and Ateboy Rail road sold at 128; Penna. Railroad 534; Norris toirn Railroad at 67; 31 was hid for Catawissa Rail road preferred ; 14% for Lehigh Valley Railroad, and 31 for North Pennsylvania Railroad. In Canal, Bank and Passenger Railroads the sales were unimportant. " Philadelphia Cattle Market. Beef cattle were in fair tit;tnand last week, but prices Were unsettled and lower; about 1900 head arrived find sold at the Avenue Drove Yard, at 8 a '9 e. for iistra Penna. and Westarn steers; 7 ar4c.for fair to good do., and 4 a do. per lb. gross for com mon, as to quality. • Cowls were unchanged; =OO head sold at slo@as for springers, and 1154)8,5 per head for cow and Calf. Situp were dull and lower; GOOO head arrived and sold at 4a4% per lb. 'ends, as to ConditiMi, iloas were in fair demand at an advance ;1,800 head sold at the different yards, at 811 al2 sti per 1110 lbs., nett. t MONEY MARKET Dushong & Bro., Bankers, No. 16 North 6th street, quoto as follows: !Wpm, Nov. 10,180 i. 114 108% 107- 107 Old U. 13.6'a 1881 - - Old U. S. U'e 1862 - - - NOw I!: S. 8,20'a, 188), July and Jan., fiew;U. S. 5.20, 1865. May and NOV.. NMI U. S. 1865, new - _ , N. U. S, 5 . 20's 1867. July and Jab. - New U, S. 5-2)) 9 8.1868, - - Ten- F ort y Bonds, - - - • Gold in Now York up t 912 o'clock. - • Gold in Beading at Bushong &Bros.. - IN Philadelphia, there is no better feeling In the Flour Market, and some holders of choice brands demind an advanee. There is no shipping de mand, but the home trade are buying more freely. About 1,000 barrls changed hinds at 87 25p7 75 per barrel for Wisconsin Extra Family, and $76048 25 for Minnesota do. do., including 600 bbls. Penna. and Ohio and Indiana Family at trAll ; some fancy lots at $ll 25®13, and Extras at 114 75@ri 25. Rye Flour and Corn Meal aro very qUiet. We quote the former at 7508. There is a fair inqury for prime wheat, but in ferior sorts •aro not wanted. Small sales of Rod at $18502 05, and 2,800 bushels Amber at $ 2 lO. Rye is steady. 1,050 bushels Western sold at 8160. Corn Is very quiet. Small sales of Yellow at $1 17®118. 1,600 bushels weevily at 81 12 ;600 bushels new atsl. and Western mixed at 111 1641 18. Oats range from 69 to 700. for Western and Pennsylvania. and 60465 for Southern. 'Whiney is dull. Sales of 250 barrels duty paid lot at 91 03@I 12.;:1, as to packages. BRUM Patois. _ White Wheat per bbl., ,1 81350 Rod " Extra Family per' bbl., , 12 60 12 00 Corn Chop (old) 135 Cc:rniotld) (new) , 1 10 , , , 135 • new) • 6 ' - • 110 Beat Middling. '' 130 Common ' 100 Bran . _ Corn meal 150 PAYINI PRICF:H. White wheat per bunlipl 2lO (old) Redorn " ' 1 200 C Corn (new) . 02(t5 THE announcement Is made that the price of coal at the mines, has gone up 8150 for prepared and $ 25 for nut coal, which will make a ton of coal cost the poor man, when dumped at his door, from $7OO to 8850. An exchange truthfully remarks. It scorns strange, passing strange, that the price of coal always advances about the time winter begins to blow its !coldest blast, and what is still more strange , , the Increase invariably takes dace after the rich have filled their cellars with s flicient-of the article to last them for the season. Wages have slightly increased at the mines; taxation not in creased, the cost of living at the mines Is no greater now' than it was a month ago—yet the community is coolly told by the owners and controllers of the mines, that coal will cost from 81 25 to 31 50 *tore than was paid for it last week ; for no other reason under God's heaven than that the speculators and monopolists desire to oppress the consumer. The whole proceeding is one well worthy the condem nation of the press, not that the callous-hearted money greeds who control the business will relent. but that the people who are made to suffer by the extortion may know the fault is not with the re tailer of the article. As the .ottl business is now controlled at the mouth of the mines, it tends more to imposition on the mass of the people than any business now conducted in the country. The present rise of the article is a case in point. Itmay be called robbery of the poor man; an oppression of those who are compelled to buy their coal by the ton. As wo have already written, there is no relief from such imposition, but that shall not deter us from demanding it in the name of the sufferers from the speculation. • Many a poor man, whose pay for daily labor is now inadequate to feed and clothe his family, will be compelled, at this rate for coal, to shiver at cold hearths during the coming winter; while tho widow and the orphan must content themselves to freeze, or satisfy in sonigway the greeds of the spebula tor grasping to overflow his coffers with filthy lucre. God help the poor! Man has no pity for the helpless and needy. RFADING PRICES. Stove, Egg anti Bi - oken Coal, $0 $7 00 V ton, Nut, - - - , 000 50n Pea, - - - - 4 -00 it Bitumi l - nous Coal. - 25 - ets. It bus. ____ ---r- , IN the housekeepers' market, prices remain the same. In a few articles, however, such as cabbage and potatoes, there is a slight decline. Potatoes are coming in by tl►e wagon load, and aro offered at $1 per bushel. Cabbage can be bought from the farmer at E 5 per hundred. READING HOUSE KEEPERS' MARKET. BUTTER—Fresh dairy, li lb., 48a 50 Lump, 35 . " Ctrrsx—Cheese VI tb., 20422 LARD—Lard 11 lb., 24 Eaus—Eggs 11 dozen, 40 Atemts—Apples V peck .34Q40 • Dried f quart, 12 Pe*cults— lb 20 Mckr—Beefsteak, round 14 lb., 20 . •• " sirloin, " 20 45 41 rump, " " 17@18 " Beef roast, 18 Beef dried, ~ W " Veal cutlets, 44 21 " chops, SI 20 " Mutton, 66 16420 " • Puk, 64 /3@ 2 0 " - steak, 46 20 Sausage fresh, " 22@25 " smoked, " 25 ifAu—Hams, 41 25 " Sliced, .15 30 SHOULDERS — a) 111 SIDES —. 20 POULTRY — Chickens live, " dressed, " ' 66 'rarities live, " ' 111 " Aressed, " Chickens 1ive..... .., 60@100 • Potatoes V bushels e V air:, 76a100 ALL PEnsimis who ordered trees from Wm. U. Townsend, and have not yet received them, are requested to_call on 3. Dall BolKener , 517 Court street, or John O. Bohm -r, West side of Ash Alley, near Walnut Bt.; a take them away.— Suit `will be brought 1 , soll Who d o ndt call toitnin three days. • • nov,92t 14 O'CLOCK IN al. nail v Nitwits ir. 943.1 tins • - - 70118w:ices - • - 4ra Vasa length, 9 hours sod 4timiautes. Stal• ql As WO the', 12 o'clock At. %Thai N., , , Stale at Th ervicr eter. Monday. Tuesday. Tut: conductors and brakemen :on the 'New Jersey Central railroad are uniformed. °Fa, boys and girls aro already talking of sliding, skating, sledding—tho anticipated joys which winter has ,in atoro for them. Tag month of October passid showticf us two 101 l moons—not a phenomena preelsely, but still rarely occurring. Ilona TutEvr.s..—Quito a number of horses have been stolen, lately from the farmers of Lancaster county. Onr fanners should be on the lookout. POLICE lETELLIGENCE.—F. Covington (colored) Was arrested' yesterday for beiiig drunk, by officer Fagan. lie was fined $3.25, and haying paid over, said sum he was discharged. Six •lodgers found. shelter in the station house last night. A - RECENT medical writer states that, the vies of thd American character may be brief ly'summed up as follows: Ist. An Mord'. nate passion for riches. 21), Over-work of mind and body in the pursuit of business. Bd. Undue hurry and excitement in all the affairs of life. 9th. Intemperance in eating, drinking and ,sinoking. Gth. A general dis regard of the true laws of life and health. THIS season we resurrect in Eats one of the oldest fashions—the sugar-loaf, with crushed in top and curled brim. To be cons sistent the next revival 81100.1 consist, of the well remembered ,bell-ciroWn—with which the stage Yankee is to this day furnished.' And with it we might do well to resume.the horse collar;,gwallow-tail coat, and the peg top trowsers with narrow "falls." If we cannot imitate all the wisdom of . our grand fathers, let us seize upon the style of their clothes. 10 09T 1 ID 10551, 135 134 NEIY INvErtrioN.--The transmission of by power from its source to pro of ma chinery at a distance, is now engaging the attention of the scientific world. It is said that this principle can be applied to common manufacturing purposes and at a cost one half less than the coat of steam. To illus trate it, we Nill suppose. a dam erected across the Wyomissing creek, with a current of water turning two water wheels, affording . say, 2,000 horse; power. _ With these air is pumped into a reservoir from which pipes lead out in every direction the same as water or gas pipes. When it is do. aired to obtain the power thus' afforded for any particular machinery, a lateral pipe is attached through' which the air is supplied. Should this invention prove effective, it will be a great advance in science, and we hope may have a tendency to make living a little elleapor THE BAIL. OF THE 8011ILLER . VEREIN.- Every one who wishes to spend a pleasant evening should attend the Ball to be given by the Schiller Verein, assisted by the Mll3ll. nercher, this evening, at Aulenbach's Hall. Thq entertainment is varied and interesting, and no doubt will give much pleasure to all who attend. A largo attendance is expected. The programme is as follows : • Introductory Orchestra. Threo Wishes, F. Abt Ma3nnerehor. Nocturno — _ . .A. Jungtuann. Plano Dnett bkkirq. Borg and tighoane. Orithe Rhine, TechkWh iiiiiiiiirehor. Wee du Concert Q. Scheme. Piano Duett by Prof. Mane and Rhoads. Knight's Parma Kinkel ?if tennerehor. 1. The Last llone B. M. Gottshall. Piano Solo by Prof. Berg. 8. A Sleighing Party ~ X. Ohwatal. Grand Musical Burlesque for Piano Ddett and full Orchestra by Muennerchor. TABLEAUX. 1. GURIA on the Rhine. - 2, To "Rohl Olooke.". 3. Colutnbla and Ooramnin. 4. Captured. NEW POST OFFICE Box.—An improved post office box for the receipt of newspapers as well as letters, is now on exhibition at the Post Of Department, in Washington. The opening of the box is bight by four inches—big enough to receive the largest en velopes and newspapers. This opening is covered by a lid so contrived that when it is raised a cylinder just below it revolves until a similar opening is presented. The letter Or newspaper is then deposited, and falls on the bottom of this cylinder. When the lid is shut down main, the cylinder revolves until the opening is downward, when its con tents fall into the letter box. Of course whenever the lid .is raised the turn ing of the cylinder cuts off any "communi cation with the receptacle below / so that packages can be deposited . norm min be abstracted. This letter box' beat's upon its front a' dial or clock- faee with hands. The cagier, when removing the contents of the bOx ' sets the hands to the hour when ho will' next call for the mail, and thus every one can see at ;what hour the letters or opera he - deposits will be called for. • COURT PROCEEDINGS. Reported bn Zoi►is Richards, Attorney at Law, 630 Court Street. SECOND DAY-TUESDAY. \ Thomas Scott plead guilty to assault and battery upon Daniel Smith, in Reading on the 9th inst., andivas sentenced - to $5 fine and 8 month 4 imprisonment. District Atty. for. Comm ; j. Ross ,Miller assigned to deft. John Blum, a German straggler, plead guilty to the larceny of a coat and shirt from the house of William Spatz, in Reading, in August last. The deft. has 'already been in prison 2 months, and has sentenced to 60 days• additional imprisonment. Wharton Morris for Comm; Gearhart assigned to deft,• Two sealed communications, addressed through the Court to the Grand Jury, were handed to the foremanby Judge Woodward, with directions to open them and submit them to the Court. They proved to be anonymous communications, one being signed "A friend of the Tax Payees" and the other "a friend to the Poor," and related to the administra tion of affairs at the Alms House. Judge Woodward's:laid that anonymous communi cations were' entitled to no consideration whateTer by the Court or the Grandlury t being, in this respect, on a level with anony mous publications in the newspapers, while on the other hand, the communica tion of any citizen,. however humble, and signed with the name of the writer, would be entitled to a respectful attention. This in formation will be instructive to all who may desire to communicate with these tribunals upon =titers relating to the administration of public . justice. • The letters referred to were withheld front the Grand Jury. Geo. F.Leitzel was convicted of assault and battery upon Peter. F. Seidel, at the Ham burg station, on the 25th of September last. ID tDITION. I= PART 11-BALL. The parties were rival omnibus drivers, and the affray arose out of a Oiliest for the pre cedence of their respective vehicles, in backs . leg along side the iffutform. Sentenced to $lO emoted cost's. 'J. floss Miller and Beet . ei for Comm. A. B. Wapner felt deft. Alfred Young was Convicted of assault and battery on William Gottschall, constable of Spring township,. at the polls at Sinking Springs, at the pctober election. The deft., with another peison, was creating a great deal ot, noise and disturbance, by o ff ering to bet on 'the result in Beading, and Young booming engaged in a fight with a' thio person whom he had challenged to bet, the officer laid hold of him, upon which Young struck him twice. The defence set up wits that Young was nift awnre of the official character of the constable.. Not sentenced. J, S. Livingood for Comm. Becker for deft. EMI PREPARE FOR 'PREM.—Tito annual meteoric shower is expected this year betweetrthe 12th and 15th of November. The astronomer of the Cincinnati Observatory writes to the Gazette of that city : .On the 12th. and 15th of Novemberbo tween the hour; of midnight and sunr_tsb,‘ watch will be kept at the Observatory for the so-called November meteors. In this labor it is peculiarly advantageous to have the co operation of several observers, and as the observations are'of a very simple character, the director would cordially invite all who aro interested in this subject to unite therein with him. Those who cannot do duty at the Obser vatory may still accomplish something at their own residences, especially if provided with a good watch and a star map or globe. A map of the bright) stars within forty-five degrees of Leo may indeed be easily con. strutted beforehand, and be used with good results. Corresponding observations will be made at several points within a hundred miles of us, and it is hoped that some results for parallax may be deduced. • Sumke.—The improvements recently made in grindingrand preparing American sumac fOrtnarket, , have been of a most important eharacter,/and Consequently ,the business is increasing largely and is already promising to bedew a large source of revenue to ninny sections Of our - country. The cost of start ing a sumac nil completd is not more than $350, and fine ground sumac will brill from $75 to $95 per ton in England ;, an American sumac in .England is Just as val uable in - the leaf as when ground. Tho in troduction of American sumacinto Europe was not at first favorably received, but it is thought that all difficulties will soon be over- Come and•sumao will be a regular article of -export. The amount of sumaogathered the present season is more than double that of any preceding year, and more care being taken in preparing it its quality is therefore greatlyimproved. Sumac grows wild in considerable quanti ties in parts - of Berko county. It reedit) , commands from $1,25 to $2 per hunOred pounds, at Which p i pe the gatherers can make a fair income nring the season ; and as the demand is large and increasing there is every prospect that the gathering and iwo •paration of sumac will 'eventually prove an impCrtant branch in the manufactures of the country. ItiADINO DISPENBARY.—Wo have no insti• tution in this city that bettor deserves sup port than the Reading Dispensary. What are its.objeets? 1. It supplied the best medical attendance gratuitously to the suffering poor. The workingman who has no money to pay the doctor, the suffering female, the mother with her sick child, may go theft) freely and ob• taro the best advice. Our leading physicians attend there every day. " 2, Besides the advice, it supplies, medi eines: ' Many a poor little child haS suffered and died because its mother !Hun n° . money to pay for the medicine which the physician had ordered. 8. When patients are too sick to call at the dispensary, physieirs attend them at their houses, 4. The dispensary building is in COurt street above Gth, near the Court House. A male and female nurse reside in the building day -end night. This institutign was, long wanted, and now that it is established, will the citizens of Reading give it the support which it needs, or will they permit It to languish and die? . . The managers have appointeil nOnts' to call upon our people. - They • want annind subscribers, so that they may have Sothething to depend uon, or.they will take dentitions: Citizens of lteading,givo these agents a kind. reception It is a noble charity which you - arct'asked to support. Amid your blessings renuOber the poor and the suffering. You will never miss what you give. It will be returned to you ten-fold by the Father of all. • Wonimunteated. 1. EDITOR EAGLE :-.-Allow a whilom , tent of your beautifulcity,a small space in the columns of your sprightly' young "EAGLE." Several evenings ago, whilst on a visit to your place, and promenading Penn street, I observed a crowd of persons at a bulk window, between Fourth and Fifth, to which my attention was also attracted. In this bulk window several caricatures of Seymour and Blair were displayed. For the moment I concluded that these pictures were exhibi• ted for sale—not at all supposing that a bus iness man, who expects the custom of all parties, would lend himself as a tool to in sult those who differ with him politically; more particularly after his political oppo. nents (also customers)) have been van. quifilied. Whilst these thoughts were pass ing through my mind, an acquaintance tapped me on the shoulder and said: 'HI possessed an artist's power I would ,delineate a picture very interesting to be• hold ,• as it is otherwise, however, I will merely relate an incident,. with ,which, (so I haveibeen told) the proprietor ef this bulk windew and its contents is very closely con: nected ; but you must promise me never to repeat the same to any one:" To this I willingly acceded, whereupon he related as follows, as nearly as I can recol lect : "Some years ago, the captain of a canal boat, whilst lying at the wharf on the Schuyl kill Ride - of Philadelphia, took a notion to doff his boatman's habiliments and to don a branlbew suit of black broadcloth, cover his hands with the softest kids and his head with. a skining silk top piece, and to sport dandY's cane. After being thus accoutred, he made a bee-line for Chestnut street, where he found a .suitable hotel and (it ;in seid) registered- himself : "Capt. -Id the U. 8. , N." Some time after, v d tcouth.looking boat boy enter .ed a inquired for "Capt. The clerk looked suspiciously at the odd specimen lQf humanity, and rather gruffly asked tho boy "what he possibly could want with Capt. --, of the United States• N avy.," The boy, with a broad grin on his face, turning to the stern-looking clerk, ex claimed ; • "Capt. of the - United States Navy, only Captain of a Schuylkill Navigation Boat.' • hly friend again requested me 'never to re• peat this incident, and I never, never, never Will either, .. • 11, • Philadelphia, Nov. oth, 1868. . =l= I= =EZEIN Too skY Yesterday yea Wre, a sespitleent opal. A better opportunity to see the fall amen the n was en in the streets yester day 'sr neseteNoyedo ,If arty fop s tyle of dress prettier thaa th anotber • it is e pro' sent walking costume of Reading ladies. Gaga§ Laves &Do% 441, Vein e. outgun* to sell their stock off smithy. no • pill, of mum ,. 0 where they eau parc h th e otherotalt goods. At Ibis store can always Num • see and well seleeted stack of eretykh ne t D the ry Goods line so that no one cep tel to mate ase ec lion. end besides it Is sold Wiser then any ot er . house tn the city. Tan ItaABON Mi t if I ALECUaII MSS Constitution and all diSesses of t wile N Iteumlastra ments to throw the m (ohm Annals to ,tne seat of the disease, theta y agaJecting , Mira to tto change. as medicines given by the stemma arein variably snWeet to, Scores of persons i ll testify to there tliraoy in ail atfect(ons .of t 0 Blood, Throst,Chott anti Lunt. Otribe equiS te4 each tar of tho gest, exoe.pt %unda* /and nionday, at e Keystatto House. Kea Ina'. Vie sire a few refereqoes from kending and Le banon, of the cures pertortneKl, by Oda %%silent. Abraham Itert L eatarrhai Gansu p t 0 Howl Hann. heart disease and nen ' la. jams Moss, !Weise Orate Kidaets. 11, Henry M. Craters, Catarrhl consul:0141 0 N dine Kelm; Cancer of Stomeot. 100 To Trout* vntniutplion. wiyi l o n soli' nouteatilM. lilt% Willtant uds. heart 'Memo. William Shiner, Ritotiontisin nail DisPerAic Mrs. Ferdinand Sh ants, Asthma. Amnia Garen rips for it sears. John V entl tilt, theumatltun for 2 years. man a Sat to *its fOr 4 years. 'ate Walton. Itronchial Consumption. ammo) Brant. Fits. • wands Millielmok. Fits for 0 years. fenry Hemp% kV!. floc& Krill, Bitosso of Kidney. 5 years. • Connie finoke. Fite. • Lortua Wetornkan. Bronchitis for 10 years. . mos M. Fox," thattithel 1181011ptIo,n , Mary Prey , Consumption and Female Weak. nos& Abraham llambergorCatarrh and Nenrelitlik. Mary Tioe, Catarthal . Consumptlon' anti Female Weak neo. • Dtharine Miller, Falling Fits. avid Wentling, ittratuaattaut and Heart Dir e/00, John Steelibtiek, Disease Of Kidney.. nov ti-lw • • Litt thoso who havo dotooted th, premature ovt• donoo of ago—the telt-tale If Waning of the Locke, the unnatural thinning of the covering if hlah ne• turo design - id should ho preserved to throrioci of dhsolution, loso D0311[116 in seouring.a ottle of "Barr4tt's Vegetable hair Rfelorative, " t great nntidoto to baldness, gray.hair sq. wigs.—Buttato &Tyre rt. fook.lo4ruo FRESII DR1103.-Dr. Light, No. 1 North Fifth street, Reading, Ps. bM in hie 'store ono of the finest and beat eoleetoit stooks of Nall drugs 14 this, oity. I.)r. Light and hts asalatant are sterol ready; to wait on persons %shove In wept, at any our of the day or night. Or. Idght an his assistant are both iooompllahed druggists and gentlemon,Yersed in khrinnroology. HAR , RI.iv PEA RI SO A P THE CHEAPEST AND DA'ST AitrpfirOU Atf, PURPOSES THAT SOAP W U Alt FOR, WASHINa CLOTHA'S EXCAPTED. TIIE GREAT AMERICAN SOAP COMPANY take pleasure in informing the people of Real rind vicinity. (but- lucre particulatly all IMO llousekeepers that! they aro manufacturing ar. introducing a ono superior to all others for the following purposes: - e, lIST--Tor Cleaning Paint, Wood-work, Mar- BE iND—For Cleaning (and Polishing at the same t me) Metals of all descriptions.) Ronal:tome can at once too the greatidvan tage of t is, as its entirely unnecoseary_to keop as heretoforc, folishing Powders, Briok Dust, Sand, Aei e, ko„ THIRD— or a Palm or Ilath Soap.' moon? whore there aro any impurities ore tains upon t e hands, such as Paint, llreaso of any kind, Printers' Ink, rice. &o . rOURTH and last—For the thousand and ono other purposes for which soap is In constant use, and which it is Impossible to enumerate at this time. 7:o1llitOTIONS leen USING HARRIS' POOL SOAP for'eaoh and every,,Putpose above mulled, To be used In the same manner as any othei oap with this exception, that it only requires 0 -THIRD the amount of our Soap to acoompllsh t o same rq sults na others, and ONE-TIIIRD of thci TIME and LABOR saved, WANTED, every Person in Reading to ill/ PEAMI9 'S OA P. BEWARE OF 'ALL IMITATIONS! , Nututfacturcei Erclueivelp by the Great Mull,' Soup 0).,1(Xt Arch Street, Phitacie/phia. HARRIS 4c, 00., Proprietors. ItultgitoLegn a MADRIRA, corner of rfth and Mtuthington Streets. Sole Agents for Rea log. /WHETS WANTED IN EVERY STATES.. tic COUN TY IN THE-UNITED STATES. The soap Is now offered to the Public at the fol !mint; Stores Stauftor 114' Shonfolder, A. Potteliter, J. & B. Saylor. Baer & Boone, D. Kelso , Pundgro, A. Swats, • J. 0. Monies, F. Keifer & Bro. J. H. Hildobeite l, W. Stott, It. Hernmig, F. Behan, W, I3oyer, 0et.17-ly CONFIFAITIONERY I CONFEOTIONERY CANDIES ! CANDTES I I ICE CIINAMI 11. F. IIVIIER; At No. 107 North Fifth Street., (Old' o 'ail) Reading. lanow proasred to farniah ouieltitens with Con feetionery, Candies and leo ream, at wholesale and retall. Also all kinds of and Pag et'. Cakes, fee Cream of all flavors e itstantly on band. A call is solicited. Jana 9 11OTICE.—The attentlen of mechanics and la. boring men is called to the Fortune Building and Saving Association of Reading, Theshares are 111 each, and limited to flßeenhundred. Already a large number of shares aro taken, Miring few Adore for disripsal. Those desiring. hid better call early in order to secure them. For further information_ call at-the store of Jo t nes 0. Thomas, grocer, border Fifth and Court streets, or at the residence of Robert Wagner, N. H. corner Fifth and Court streets, or on th o under signed, j. ROSS iiIII4I,RR, Secretary. oet 29_ mo OIIIce, 521 Court Street, REMOVALI REMOVALIff BARTO'S I LIQUOit STORE, Hu been removed from the Keyatone Building to the new and elegant atilt.), . - NO. 437 PENN 14TREET, Whlro cuatomere will find every large stock of 114 beat and pureat WIikIES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, ' &a., ever offered to the publieof Reading. All lb proof of the above that is. ref/fired is trial. A share of patronath is aolicited. TOBIAS BARI°. OIAN -- - .11A880 < NO PLUMBERS, GAN AND N i rtitjg - ' Firtißst, AnkhiallUraire" of PIPE RAILING •PO CbIETERY, LOTS, ail. • ` 113 fiOUTH fiTnEICT, . - READING?,' PA. • oc2-3,m0. . NElystpyiß • A large lot 'ot • old g ' lot on. and at tit o w§leh will be gold OM. . Yocum & II ueuw. & J, E. C. older, P, ichlhorn, Ilinnerehlta & Bain), C. Ifeffeltiriger, P. tihaeffer, D. I_,) liretn & Co M. Keifer & Hon. G. K. Boyer, J. Jardine. J. . J. , lino,Oa Dobler.