ip4M , - - READING,'OA•I • 140VEMBBli 10, 1868.. TIKt ASRAtiiiIPIA.TION tiCfJl )I E, The next move on, the political chess board of the 'Radicals, will probably be bogus attempt' to assassinate Gen. Grant. This will be done for the pirposn_of inciting the tiOrthera people ittgainetßonihein "reb els" and northern '!copperheads," no as to pave the, way for, negro starage.and negro equality, bleeding the people to 'believe that the negro vote is needed . to keep' down "the disloyal element".in the country. The leading . wire-pullers luiVe been for some :time preparing the public mind for . this , movement, by perverting the meaning of the "sPeicheii'of•Flank Blair, and other . DemoCraticlenders;and there is every probability that the b l Ogus attempt to kill Gen. Grant will bo made before 'or soon after his intlegitration; ' . on' the 4th of March next. . I , f This attempt linty bo only alaree t 'but it may possibly be . serious affair for Grant himself.. In ease ho iltould refuse to bo controlled hy.the ultra Radicals, ns will per 'haps he the case,tho &tempt:to hill bun may Im carried out in earnest. ' ThOre is no donor of the aitSassination of (ion, Grant by the DeinOCrets or the South ern ex•-reliels. Any sensiblo man in the Nortlyind any sonsiblo ex•rebel in the South, would sooner ho ruled • by n coot soldier like Grant than tired-hot, negro-lovieg, , : Know- Nothing Badtcal lift° Colfax.' 'We therefore predict that the real or ptetended attempt to assassinato,flen. Grant will be niado by tools of his Own party'. There aro plenty of (leveret° men *he could be bought to do such a deed, and plenty Of fanatics who would s tindortaktit for the notoriety which the assaisination of Lincoln gave to 'Booth. The men who'atten►pted to. poison Senator for voiitig against the removal of President Johnson,' and, who, tinder the pretence of being Southern sympathizers,nrged the fana- tic Booth to'kill the easygoing Lincoln, for the purpose of putting "a man of more firmness," as they hoped Johnson would be, in hie place, are•wicked enough to 'do any thing, Taking OF these things into consideration, our readers may expect a "sensation" in re• gard to tho assassination of the Pr'e'sident elect, es among the first of the Iladical de vices to incite the people of the North against their : unfortund(e, downtrodden countrymen in the Southern States. . INOBEASE OF THE NATIONAI f HE T. For the'pa9t . few Maya, the Radical jour nahl have been boaNing of st decrease of the 'national debt during the month of .oetobcr, frhe'reported detrease of the debtis another piece of deception oti the part of the Itntli iulu. They are "robbing Voter to pny Paul" —borrowing from Novianber to give to Oe . toher. The ease is thus explained by the Phihi. Evening Herald of Saturday: "This morning the journals printed the October statement of the debt', On the fnee it would uppear,thati the debt had been Ili. (laced $7,61.1,160 I,3,the sum total being $2,- 627,129,662 82, hut the real fact is that the debt has ttetnally_been inereased at least 20,- 000,000. On the day the statement bears date, $:10,000,000 of coin for interest due was itetluded in the Treasury balance. Thus the pulpit+ are lulled to apathy While their load IS Increased." Thu'hiln. Daily News of Saturday says : "The monthlyen) t the public debt, is much more' favorable than was ex pected, and shows !with what unrelenting purpose the bleeding of the public is contin ued. As' compared with the statement of October the debt is reduced 57,514,1(16 13, the sum total, after qducting the balance in the treasury, beiug . ,52,527,129,552 82. It must be borne in mind, however, that about thirty millions of coin fer interest duo on the day the statement bears date is included in the treasury'balanee, wWh, if deducted, as it is proper to do,iwould'shoW an increase of upwarda of twenty millip:na of dollar's, The com-barance in the treasury wfis one kendred and three millions, whilst the cdrrencY bal• once was reduced to less than ton and a half millions." Toil on, taxqtyerit, for the end is not yeti But gain aS many Democratic' Congressmen in 1870 as you have done in 1808, and you linty lighten your burden at last - NEWRPIFER ESTABLISH:4I...NT FOR SAI.E.-It will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, that Mr. Charles D. Elliott offers for-sale the one-third interest in the Evening Dispcitch, published in this city.. This is an excellent opportunity • for an active and en• erica° editor or printer -of the Republican faith. , The Evening Dispatch iathe . only Re publican daily iti.Readingovith a good eircu lation and an extensive advertising patron. age. The editorial corps of this city will sustain a loss in the retirement of Mr. Elliott; to whose energy and ability the Dispatch owes much of its present prosperity. It is hie in tention to engage iu other business. We wish him abundant success in . whatever be may undertake. &ascent for the EAoLe. . . .. .. ~ 'irtss Pon . W. •Fousrrna is editress and pro:prietress of the Liberty (1a.,) Advocate, which was forrfterl yubliskell by 4,r father. lie'is now in iiii/r " altb, a 4 she is lifter-. wined to suppotk in bitleciiiikag tiara: Sn4ceSs to 1 i nobetiortaN 4 t . i? r - ---- i--- - a-iii- tl. tk ~,,i EAGLE. Tne attempt to.take the life of John H. Sutatt has failed, and • he has been dia. cbat:ged. Who will lie the next: victim of Radical maliinity? LirFßPm g ' Nev. 7:— Information has loin received here - stating that the bark Nate Darton, Captain Slocum, of St. Johns, New Brunswick, from Liverpool for nom• bay, was burned at sea 'on September 28. 1 The captain, second mate, nd tell 'of the crew had arrived at St. Belem, but the fate of' the rest of the crow is un nOwn.' Nais, Nov. 7 . .—The ex-Queen of :Spaia and suite have arrived here.' • Baussimp, Nov, 7.—The Madrid eorres, poUdent of the Independence Beige writes to that journal that the Provisional Govern ment, of Spain will ,entertain no, proposals froyn tho United. States looking 16. the pur• chase of Cuba., , MADRID, Nov. 7.—On the advice . of the Generals of the army, the Provisional Go vernment will immediately despatch a forCe of 6000 men, with four batteries of tillery, to Cuba, to suppresithe insurrection there. gamut, Nov. B.—Mitrahal Serrano has etutfirnied the appointment of‘General Prim ns eomMander-in•Chief of the Armies of,. Spain. A brigade, of infantry will sail for ° Havana on the 15th inst. General Wee has postponed his departure for Cnbn until December. 111,trot1o, Nov. B.—At a meeting of repub= liens in that city yesterday, it WWI decided that the party should vote against a iron• 'welly at the coming' election.' Prim has issued a circular to the military commanders, .rewinding them that it is not proper that Soldiers should take part in'po• litical meetings.. IsmooN t Nov. 8.--Deapateltee from Italy report that the Papal army continues to be depleted by, tleaertione l .which ai o .on the in• Creitse. , AVM At' , . , ; • LISBON, Nov. account has just been received here, announcing the almost cora pleto annihilation of the Portuguese in Mozambique, South Africa. 'line expedi- tion, which consisted of about six hundred soldiers, with artillery, &e., was sent into the interior of that country, and was attacked by natives mid nearly all the soldiers killed, and their artillery, &c., captured. Only sixty mon escaped to the seacoast with their lives, • . . - The Trenteury Depart!hens. Affairs in the Treasury Department in re ference to the-investigation of fronds, are in a considerable muddle. The . President is determined to have,_if possible, a fulltinves ,tigation of the frauds perpetrated, lot the blame fall where it may, - But n strong and apparently almost invincible combination exists to prevent the ,truth from being ascer tained. Nut only every officer but every wit. nets whais willing to testify to prosecute the offence, is at once subjected to the merciless prosecution of an unscrupulous combination, which includes some of the ,most powerful officers of the Cliovernment. The Congres• sional .committee has lent its aid to this coma binntion, anti done all in its power to arrest and tuppress investigation, but the proceed. ing is to be earried out. 9Exp'sAl. Oninntissiouer of the I 1 ednun ' s Thirean, has. submitted his annual report. it shows an expenditure of $3i(177,000. The're were expended for school. purpose's $600,000:, of which sum the freed"- men paid $0,000; Northern benevOlent societies $700,000, mid the Thum $94,009; He thinks them is no necessity for contimi• ing the Ilitreawbeyond the time fixed by law, Jan. Ist. , lie prOposes to Continue the freed men's hospitals at Washington, llichinend; Vicksburg, and New Orleans, and estimates the expense of so doing nt , $OO,OOO. The educational work among th? freedmen, mid the supervision of their chinos for collection, is to be continued until Congress takes further action in the \natter. (IRANI' "I:EACV I I is bcig illustrated in Florida. The Governor, Reed,refuses tore cognize his impeachment by the, Legislature of that State, and declares it an illegal body. Lieut. Governor Gleaseb having attempted to'obtain pdssession of the plxccutive office, has, with the Secretary pf State, been lined 1)y the Governor for conspiracy against the Government. Both the Governor and Lieu tenant Governor have issued prOclamations, the first asserting his position, and the lat ter declaring himself acting Governor. The Legislature has adjourned until January. A WHALIMISETTLESIENT established three a half years ago at Exeter Sound, in Davis' Straits, North America, has proved "unsuc cessful. Thirty »ien, with ample stores / implements and everything needed for coin,- fort, were taken out, but the experiment has been attended only With loss. Lust sea; son twenty•two walruises were eaptured,, am: seven more this year. A few seals were also killed, but during the whole time the' settlement has been in existence not a single whale has been captured.,_ The ekperitrient, which hqs cost $50,000 tti $60,000, has been given up, nd the men have returned to England. . . Niw Music.—We have received from D. Faulds & Co., 639 Main street, Lou's vile Ky., three pieces of excellent music; entitled "Why be vo so Sad at Heim," (Hilda Waltz Song,) "The Mountain Bell Polkas," and - "The Absurdity of Five 0' lock in the Merning." This enterprising firm have on hand all kifide of Music and Musical instrumenta l at the lowest prices. Fortiori No**. 'ENOLAND. FRANCE. ' SPAIN'. ITALY. . .., _ tgIIGICAPIEM 1 i 1 .1 ' ~, Pix 4,' • • • • TUIRSDA,r ik :': ' • *'- '.': - Y 4 - '', ;.. A • \ in 'Arras despatch sap tiatib ti ., . •I • ; ~(eared ip . pat State, and the GesarnerAitt •iirdered' tip raising of a large militia (prat 41144 $e no new deyeloitneiits reititill*g • the cciiatli4 ot antheritj in . Florida. •,' :, :' ' Hon. Joseph Howe has.publishtd a leiter to, the Aovu Seothips, declaring it,uspleas to iceep up the struggle against the Confedera tion. _ A tidal wave in the iidend 'of Hawahait de/ atroyed a number of houses and caused con siderahle lois. The Board of Health have ordered the vaccination of the, whole popu lation of Honolulu. • The Bentley Springs Hotel and cOttageis, in Baltimore county, Md., were' harried on Saturday, lons $40,000. ' The emigrant steamer Palmerston, front Hamburg . for New York, has put back to Plymouth, leaking.: There were heavpiew*nd rain storms in Kansa's and Missouri iiiterday. The Supreme Lodge of the "Knights of Pythias" is in session at Wilmington, Dela ware. The TentlessOe Legjelatur met yesterday but bad no quorum. :rho Governor of Georgia has issued a proclamation offering $5OOO reward for the arrst and conviction of those who killed Sheriff Ruffin, at Augusta, on election day. Speaker 'Colfax bas arrived in )Vaahing• ton. It, is announced., from Washington' that Secretary McOulldch may make an addition• al,issue of 8 per cents. An earthquake amok occarrcd at Victoria, Vancouyer's November 4. Fro. quont earthquakes have occurred in the Sandwich ; Islands,,and a sea wave has strOyed'considerable property at ilawahah. An insurrection ,has occurred at Ilawa haii, iu the Sandwich Islands, growing out of an attempt of the Sheriff to arrest a " prophet" who predicted the end of the world.'; The ; Sheriff ; was 'killed, and several of 'assistants badly wounded. There Was a great popular demonstration , in - Cork, Ireland, Sunday, on the ocea• . Mon of thq funeral, of James Mountain, who is suppesed;to hays held a projnineat 'position in the Fenian organization. Over six thousand men and women followed the remains to the cemetery. Mountain (or 'tnerlyresided in the United States, and wes a delegate to the Fenian Convention held in Chicago in November, 1803. A number_ of wrecked Japanese were re: scued froM St.'Peter's Island by the whale ship Rotch. They had boon on the island eighteen months, living, on birds' eggs mid fish. The rebellion in Cuba continues. The country is ravaged by robbers, under the name of revolutionists. The insurgents have seized the mails and assassinated one mail catrier. Only, the Estero District Qf the Island is in disorder./ Advices fretn Paraguay state that the allied fleet is befoto Asuncion, , the allies hope for the surrender of the city. • . Tax store "of the Working Men's Clo-operit; tive Sooiety,in Halifax, England, is a hand 7. some stone:building, erected a :cost Of $lOO,OOO. The basement contains seven shops belonging ,to the society—a buteher'sea provision, a boot_ and shoe, a linen draper's, a grocer's, a woollen draper's and a tailor's. On the second floor are coffee rooms for , the members of the society, male or female, reading rooms, a dining room, and a amok ing room. Various other convenionaos aro provided for the fortunate association, and the whole building, it is stated, is fitted up with nn elegance and a liberality not Sur passed by the best London clubs.. The aeso elation has a farm ,of , sixty acres, situated about a mile from Halifax, where grain is grown and sheep are, raised. The members and their families !gip out to this spot and enjoy themselves at rural festivals. The as• sociation commenced operations inl&lp,and lived through a long period of , discotirage ment:, ''At present the association numbers live thousand members. Its yearly sales,in 1860 had reached $600,000; its profits $60,- 000, exclusive of a sum set apart for books, lectures and newspapers,' • • A HISTORY of tho ' slave trade earrried, on with the port of • Charleston from 1804 to 1808, taken from the Custom-house records, has recently been published. The whole number of slaves brought into Charleston during theyeriod nientioned amounted to 38,770.. Of those 19,049 were• brought in English ships, 679 by Frenehmen, and 8163 in American vessels. PETF.RR' PARLOR COMPANION for the Flute, Violin and Piano, for - November, contains: "Genevieve de Brabant,"" 'And' "The Sensa• tion Lancers," each comprising an excellent selection of l ively Rirs. Published by J, L. Peters, Box 6429, ,New York pity. PETERS' MONTHLY GLEE Hive for No vember, contains :."Starting for Palestine," "You've been a Friend to "Thou Art the Way," "If You love Me, Do my Will," "Now our Mailer is Approaching," "We Swear to be True to aßrother," 'Ladies, We areßunters Free," and "Mile To-day and Frown To-morrow," all excellent pieces. J. L. Peters, ,i)ublisher, Box '5429, New York city. PETERS U.. S. MUSICAL REVIEW.—The November Number contains the following choice NO , Music : "A Heart that beats 'only, for Thee," and "When I • went -Home with Belle," two hew Songs by the 'author of "Nora O'Neal ;" a Sacred Song. by Bish op, entitled ° "Seek and ye 'shall find;" "Pleasant Thoughts • Maiurka," by Chas. Kinkel,. and "Loves of the Angela . " a beautiful March by Packer. This . Iloilo is written especially for the REVIEW, antis published in sheet form at a ,coat - of $2.40. In addition' to the Music, the 'following rending matter . .appeara: Poetry—Auttimn Festivals; and Nellie ,• Soldiers' Music; Popular Songs; Early'Years of Meyerbeer ; What are the. Bells Saying; Our :Village Annals ; Music in :Poetry; ./Egthetie Mb nian New" Music -; 'Review, etc.--making in all 32 large pages; - The REVIEW is published by J. L. Peters, 198 Breadwty, New York, at' $2 per year. Sample Copies, - 25 Cents. • i .:I•,.;W;•*' 4 4 , "•;f l ..i , ;‘ , ' J r ' '..-.',- -1 ,• .. - • a • • •.• • . '5,, ,i ,r:.-,4 4: • ', r',,„/, ,-, tg, _ .x . . . ,-,.. • -- " rvr s .. ,e' - • ''' • • ~ _,,7" '`"' 4- e . -AT 7 , ,,14-1:::•,, r, •••• , -,, 4-,.. ''''' ' Al titi 0114 ' MIT4„,li ~(.....,, 0 ' - .7 ', - j. 4 ,, . ..' - '2 - ''' ' ,,t 1 :5;!1, ' . ' i ' 4 ' : I • t' . .k. , ; ••7 , ,, • ,j• -,, . ~ :i . - .4 , , •-;* k 4 A , , ._,l'..i;'•4".::f i ~.p ~).,-...1,0-, '• -.-,,,,•?. .5.. - ..,... ..21,-.. . _,:,,?...- ',_i,`,51. - 4 , 2t , '; ',-, ,! OP - . . ' i • ,• KLINE, EPPIIIINER & CO. v s : a BLANKET SHAWLS, BROCHE CHAIN LAIN SHAWLS, PAISLEY SHAWLS, MISSES' SHAWLS , BREAKFAST SHAWLS, MOURNING SHAWLS, GEITLEMEN'S SHAWLS, Also is Stock, a full assortment of Silk Vel will be so'd by th e, yard t , or made to order in at short nlice and moderate prices. TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. rsoIII9ALE. new three-atom BRICK HOUSES. es. 503 an, 505 South Fifth street. $ rooms. A ,2 nevi ti o•stert FRAME .1101Ji3M in tiouth Tenth "'treat. near the' Cotton • Terme OM) Possession immediately. Apply to' J. B. ORIESINGER, nov 10-3 to 415 Chestnut street. ATTENTION-FOl4 SALE —One , third interest in the Dam. EVENING Dia-, PATO% published ill the flourishing elf i of Read ing Pa.. the only Republican dailY in orke coun ty; s offered for sale. The paper bail ateireulatlon of over 2.000; and is doing a eourielibig bißigiess. This is a rare' chance for a live. energetic young man. Reason for selling—a desire to embark ia l otber business. Address • CHARLES D. ELLIOTT. Evening Dispatch Office. Reading. Pa. ERE yREEL FREEI! Pliqr. ItIITCHINGO, 'THE OELIERATIRD LIOHTHING CALCUTiITOR, f New York city, will give his Grand Select Free Entertainment, at Keystone Ball, on Tuesday Evening, Nov. 10. This is entirely free. Let all merbants, bookkeepers, clerks, ito m ace., Wm!, Doers open at 7 o'clock; Lecture at = n94l* • - 11LTOTICE is hereby given, that the_partnership 111 lately subsisting between Obas. W. L. licrffedits and James Ruth, of the city of Reading, under the firm of Holfedits k Ruth, was dissolved on the 31st day of October, 1868. by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership aro toile received by the said Jamerituthi arid all demands cin,the raid partnership aro to be presented to him for payment. CHARLES W. L. HOFFEDITZ, JAMES RUTH. 11.—The - business will hereafter be continued by Imes Ruth, at the epme Plaoo. moVll43t* JAMES RUTH. F RESH CANDY 1 A large altiortopt of . CHOICE FRESH CANDY Just roooived, vrlti - oh bo sold chow Pleaso o ve me a c a ll, at No. 030 Penn street. • nov 9.3 t , ISAIAH HAMM KEYSTONE OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 17TH, 1808. 13E0OND EMI BERG CONCERT, On which Occasion the following Artists will ap,— peer - MAD. BERTHA JOHANNSEN, RIM. .lIEN-NIG, CARL SCIIUNE, Organist of St. hones' Church. Tickets, - Hererved seats, Tickets to be had at E. A. Berg's Music Store, 40f3 Hall maystreet, 2d floor, where a diagram of the all mav be seen. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; Concert to commence at 8. nov 9.td GRAND RAFFLING MATCH FOR TWO 'FAT HOGS At the Drovers' Mid Mr. Eightk & iroehington ate., ON HATURDAY EVENING NEXT, NOV. 14TH, 18(18. The highest number of Heads thrown takes first choice, lowest number takes second choice. Tick ',eta 25 cents. nov.9 CITY OF READING ‘O D S for sale, at a Discount: Enquire at FARMERS' NATIONAL BANK. sept 211-3 mos VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING ,CARDS, &c. of all kinds, may be bad at the Emil:Nice. Elettretypes Ann!shed ifikstr.ed. /II *as be 4040 the most beilught44l st . tao 10r . 40 Wok. APPLY Itthe X 4410 re El Mil : lILACK CLOTH CLOAK; crillicFnLLY CLOTu CLOAKS, wernli nEAvgitCLOAKS,` . FROSTED 13EAVEli'moils, WATERPROOF epotAKS,' CHILDREN'S eLOAKS, • OPERA CLOAKS, 81.1.1c' VELVET 'CLOAKS. vets, Velveteens and Cloaking Clothe, which the most durable and feeluoanble manner ! , nor • r )uiiikmt.uiwl7---.71-1 10110AIRDINliiir-Two•or ;three gentieinian 'eta be .x..skooommodated with board. at 739 Pena street. • .nov 7 2.w 1110 ALL 'WUOMIT 1 114 LY , is hereby giren, not to loatianythiug. o tore trust to my wite , Esabella. in my name, as eh I not pay aur I debt of her contracting. she ha in left my bond atutheil with' faqir's*. uov 7-3 t • Ryg BAAS. JOSEPH_ REBEPIZZ i ' i 17 • j 110 PENN READING. PA . _ • hos constantly on hand the BEST BEEF, itg well as all klndiofuipit and salitiess, flyer puddink blood paddtd• irankfort hwattan , mason &0., all of wbi 4h will be sold at the lowest prices. • • , noy.s-3m • • • • EVENING ENTERTAINMENT :Atio WA L L BY the SAIIILLER , TEREIN i , :Assisted by thq N SEit ,AIII4IAINII4OIirS • Tiseadtiy. tlisyeaster Jolts; floats roR ONN ONNTLEMAN AND tiO LADINSI $l. PROOBANUS—PART 1. • CONCERT AND TABLEAUX. pis+ 2: • ", • pALL. . • • All our old filende and puttees with their fami-: lios arc respectfully invited to attend. Tickets OAR be had of the COMLNttect, ADOLPH MOPFRAN, PI L. BISIIINOER, •OA L SCHOEN& pH, TZ MAYPIL • • nor t 44lt . 11..0. REIN, • • N EW GROCERY & PROVISION STORE ; AnnpAttieo pilbliatdAt tie tuts opeAed GROCERY k P ROVISION STORE at the N. E. Corner of Eighth and Franklin Ste., where he will keep constantly on and a largo and well selected Stock of Groceries, Provisions, whichle will soli at the lo*ast tuarket victuile. are of public, patronage is rospooty " A A solic ited. Country produce bought and sold. ••r J.-D. MOIL . N. E. Corner Eighthriad Franklin.: GEN. TAYLOR HOUSE I Within a Square of the Upper Neio ko'rk Depot. J. A. NUAEPPEII, Proprietor. .210-3 m Prima Donna. BUCKWHEAT FLOtiR I Violitidellist. BAR HART & KOCH Have Just rece ved 10,000 poundad the best 76 cts. $1 00 MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Which they will Pell out, wholesale and retail; cheap. Also, constantly on band the best FAMILY AND. BAKERS' FLOURS, Ail - kinds of Feed, Kiln Dried Corn Meal, kc., &e: Oct 30-2 w Nom. 22, 1 21 and 26 North Eighth street, IMPORTANT NOTICE 1 THE GOOD WILL FIRE COMPANY, OF ALLENTOWN I PA., • Would hereby annolfrice to the citizens of Reading that; owing to a considerable number of tiokets re-, 'they unsold as *OF 64 coupons nnretulnzod i they are compellr to postpone . the driiwinii until the 22d of Deem er. Tickets can be had, for a short time, of ,Rlechard, Agent. V/Itlr and . Harrow 'hotel; and at &Wichita dr &O. .1 3 ENHA4tT & GRIM% " - t BILiBt Wll2l'l'4lo, And " OBNiatA . ?;•' Rama lii Maoldnists' and ilennuiii*nrere Wuppitoir No. #37t AID 629 yuinu.tw Arm% ian24- AVAingo;l°A. . ~ ,~f. ME =ME 941 North Eighth Street, READING; PA. BARNHART &, ,KOOll, v.TAA.Z3`.:S 1.• 3 3. A i'?: 1 7t l 1., ,, 7.:KAT. -- -‘-', ~ * i3OntAt l ,c l P9o ,B YITERB) 4 oofitinh' German .Tonto, •.,-, ~, :,,, ::. 1,:c., :,.. .. TAsi Chu. Remedies for all Diatasts of GU i : :1/Aper t t.Stontachior Dirstire ' I ii o Olifita j tilleilllttli ...Bitterl3 eintapiwed ot th.k PltregLar Vtltg fec Llualyyzititi act 7,4 pa ArlfwmtinailrorMint: - arrow4RO . • ; 1100FLAND'S ORNIIAN TONIC th oombhuitlon of all the int redlentsofthe Zeitit the: qualitt wf Sotto ae.;su onwordie most Await e a to rented es ever offend to the public, OSe preferring a • Medicine ftee from Alectcli e ed !glares wilt q• HOOFLAND'SeIIIMANDITTIIR9 Those who have no objection to the eocabiastioa lathe Mutat. as IWO. w .use • • .• ; z , • 11,60FLAND'S GENAtAN TONIC They are both equally 4004. Sind contain the game medicinal vitt:tes t i he cholas between th e tea being a mere matter or test°. the Tonle betas th e moat palatable. o etotuso, from yerletY of otte*, sach Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous DOWRY,. ere„very apt to have its tanotiocut detwatted. 'the Lie ilisympithising Radom/11y as It does wile the mach, then beoemcwifiketed,- the retalt ot w leh fa that the pat Sat suffers from moral er more or the following Wales:. Qeymption. Flatuletioe. Inward Fello w i t a Blood to h e Head, Aolditt ?f the Stomach. ausei, eartburn, Dismal et tatal,,all - or Yeighi in the 87ach, mut h;ruolations, inking or !tittering '` at the Pit of th Stonteph, whtming of at Ilarripj or DiOloultlitvathinv, Muttering at the Heart t Choking or Sulfoest. tug: Sensetions when_ in a ying Posture, Dimness of Vtru. Dots or Wsha ofq4o ?she % Datt , Pal Lu v ill i tikeeflich 0 elettre • t on, Y °lige non ;Iv/ Pa to th Kidd Theok. Ohe ./Aulbs;•e 0., Sudden Pius es oiliest, Burning 'nth° hitch. Consteut Imaginings of /411, and throat ; Derresstou of SPitibt. OM The su ff erer from these Mafiosi* ehenia eierchs Okagroatost caution in the sotectioe 'o( &rimed; for his caso, purchasing only that, 'pion ho p ar sured from hie investigations a tti ll itteuirles, pot. -sasses true merit, is skill9friily Ownpoundthl, h free fr om injurious ingre 'Hants, and establish ed for itself a reputation of the ciao of disessai. In ihis connection tire mould pul*J 0913 - will- -- knevn remedies— • - • ,: I % , - ~" f 1100MAND'S °ERMAN. lIITTERB lira. ' A' HOOFL A ND'S 0 HRMAN TGQIIO . , [r e , SIMARD ST Pm cad i JAoceox, Philkdi!gbis,Pn Thirty-Avg years since they were fret iqtrodgod nt4 this country from tiermettryi during avoid tim , hey have undoUbtedlY porforauakniere one, lei Jenefitea inaering humanity to a grantor entem i 00 any other romedien known to the public. These remedies will offeolual i ! i y cure Live ; Com- Ve if il t iq, a , u a ti r l 4l ° l6 D og. 1evier.°111,0..04. :7 al `:, Kt neys L add ilDiseitasi arising 'nom 1 Dip er erg 4 !4,tYgr.. i titouateh oc atoning. ' 11, E I3l'l'l # 'l TY. i ßeaultingkora any .43twie nhatever l Prestration :t , lof the tigsteta t 11 1 ,4Poed Preglr,ore Labor, Hardships, Ktposuro, Fevers, ko. ' Ihero is no medicine extant equal to these repa id es In such ,aases'.,. A tope andlviger in impigrted' rhe. whele gyanni, theAapotite issirengtheh e b tild is enjoyed, the itometeh digests properly, li blood is ,pgrilled,, the complexion. becomes son • and healthy, the yellotr thige is 'eradicated from the eyes, a Woman give,' to the clocks, and the Weak and nervous invalid becomes a strong end healthy baths. '-- PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIFE, , 'Arid feeling 'the hand. of 011ie Weighin hull) thattheta with all 14 attendant Ills _. wi l t An 4 is e use of this IIiNTERS; or tho TONIO , an fth will instil now life into their veins, restore it ai ineasure the energy mud ardor of more rood* 46gs, build up their shrunken forms, and gift health and happiness to their remaining year; ' NOTICE ' It la a well established fact that fully ons•lielf of the female portion of ourrulation are seldom le the enjoyment of good health, or, to IDO their own expression. "never feel well. ' They no largrPid, evoid of all energy, extremely hereon, sy nave no appetite. o' this class of persons the BITTERS, or tiu T N IC, Is especially recommended, IVEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of either of lbws rotnedies. Thep will cure every case of MARAS• biLJS, without fall. Thousands of eertificates have accumulated . it the hands of the proprietor, but space will allow oi the publication ef but few, Those, it wilt be ob' served, are men of note, and daub standing An they must be believed. TESTIMONIALS. Goorgo W. Woodward, Chief Justice of the Supreuie Court, writeh "1 And Hoofland's German Bitters is aped tool( ; useful in diseases atilt) A digestive organs, and of :great benefit in cases oflidebility, and want or nervous actton in the system. YoursUßO, tly ru. W. WOODWARD. Hon. Jamoe Thompson, • Judge of the Supreme CourtofPeunßylvoiL "I consider Midland's Harman Bitters a calla ble medicine in case of attacks of indigestion or Os pepsia. I can certify this from my experience °fit You JAMES ra, ect THOMPSON." ' • From Rev. E. D. Feudal!. All o stant Editor Christian Obronielo, have derived decided benefit from the use of flands• German Bitters, and feel it mYPtifilellt to recommend them as a most valuable tonio,to sit who are su f f ering from general debility, or from dishases arising from derangement of the liver. Yours, truly • 1 13. D. YONDALL. Frain Rev. Joni* H. Kennard, D. D.. Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, PIA 14 DR. JAOICSON.-DRAR SIR have beenfrequeut , ly r7uested to connect my name with mow men aticuis of different kinds of medicines, but* girding this • praettee‘Tas out of my aeProtri• ate sphere, I have in WWI oases declined 4 I but with a clear proof in various instances, and 1401 0 ' utast) , in my own family,_ of the use of Dr. llool• lang e German Bitters, • I depart for once from Dv usul course to express my full conviction OOP general deb il ity . oldie otter n, and opecially for kW" arnida int, it is a sale and valuable preiMtatios. 10 some cases It may fail; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those wbosufer from Os 'above causes. Yours, very respectfully. • .1.14 KENNARD, Eighth, below Coates 01, CAUTI 9 N . 'ffoodfisnd's Ferman Remedies la re coaiderfeltod. See that the signature - 1A °W. M..lAUKBOttliga torthe wrapper °teach bet-Aldo. All °then arect‘aa• . r Prin elt cipal Office and Mantifaeteiry, fhb &raw Medicine Store, No. 631 Arch Street, Pbiladelybit. j • CHARLES M. EVA.NB;Froprietoe , Formerly C. N. JACKAON . A CO. . . , - , PRICE. Hoojfaxd's German Biaere,per bottle, - - $ 1 I • ill " hal/doses, - :ltootand's German Ibnie, slut up ilittart, bottla $ll9 Eft bottle, or a half dggen for 60. 1 LW.Pollot forget to examine wilt e attlelo in buy. la order to getthose n nulAL • • • , ' 7 , PRILADiLPHIA, March 18, 1887, POILADELPHIAJAPriI 28,1868. FOR SALE BY ALL MEI =NM EVERYWMIL i!!