TRH of tho -``tritest sited locomotives over built 'in , this count% vielghlim forfr .eli f .:rtetp tir West for me tone erton t .'weto ;effigy song. 4m , (Ito Pacific Itailread. - . They wore manufac tined at the petairlit toootnotive Works ;Q. Phlladelphim' The loComotives are , intend e4 for uso on the 'mountain divisjon of the roadotud are calculated to draw heatry trains up steep gradeg. They each have six driving wheels four and a half feet in diameter,and tho eyilnilers are eighteen by tArenty-four . inches. They are very large, each capable' of carrying two thousand eight hundred gal ! lons of water. —A man named James Warner, says the Wisconsin State Journal,.living at Blank Brook,. Polk county met with a fatal acci dent last Tuesday. lie was out hunting, cold had wounded a doer. Ho had a doublo•bar rand gun, And the haunur to ono W i thout (loaded with buckshot) was cocked. Ho uu• dertook to club the dee; ith the butt end of the gun, and the hiqthrer . coming down the gun went off, Warner reeetvingthe contents in hie breast. He was a poor. man, and. leaves a wire and fivo little helpless ones to mourn his loss. —Dr. P. A; Simmonds, of Rochester, Mis souri, publishes in the St. Joseph Gazette an account of the siulden and mysterious death of a Mr. Stephens, of Third Fork, while having the ordinance of baptism ad ministered to him' by immersion in the Platte river. The usual indications of apo plexy or 9Pilepsy did not appear, and there were no indications 'of his "having taken wa ter into his lungs ; and tho doctor thinks it moat probable that ho died of the "physical shock on the nervous Elston, causing syn cope or fainting immediately after the im morsion." —The largest /tipper leather tannery in ( America is stated .to be situated at Chicago. The works ) on the north side of the Chicago river, occupy nearly five acres, including docks. - The..main building is 241 by 80 feet,, and throe stories high, with a two-storied superstructure 75 by 85 feet. A steam ele vator in the ,centre of tho building in used for hoisting purposes. The working force of the establishment in one hundred hands, and its producing , capacity oho thousand hides per week, —At Saranac, Michigan, recently, a crip pled soldier named Taylor shot Dr. Perry dead at a Republican mooting. Taylor had becomo a cripplo while in the army throUgh the nogligonco of the doctor, and shot him for revenge, emptying every barrel of his revolver into his victim, the first shot pos ing through his head. Both men wore Re .publicans. Taylor is in prison. —A remarkable caeo of resuscitation•from drowning was that-of John Crowloy t a boy of seven ) who fell into tho water at Boston and was restored to consciousness after tWo hours of unremitted attei4ion. Hot' blank ets and artilleical respiration wore the moans used to restore him to life. —A sect has arisen within tho Russian do. minions - , whose adherents would seem to be "I)eists" pure and simple. They acknow; ledge n Divine Being, , but have abolished every . other degma and every other token and sign of religious belief whatsoever, such as prayer, church, saints, etc. —A. New Orleans lady with five daughters, three of them grown up, and all dressed in black, just arrived from Paris, attracted much attention at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, Now York. They claim to have lost a beau tiful span of horns under Butler's admin• istrallow in New Weans. ---The . flecretary of the Treasury has decid ed that he has power to re-issue the redeem ed legal tenders that have not been canceled, if the amount outstanding is not over $400,- 000,000. This position et taken in view of the present condition of the money market. --The city of Pabnoro. Micily, was re• eently disturbed by about, 400 (laribahlinns attacking the Ace of the Bourbon organ, the Ave lblea, nitd.tnaking no onto deft! of the contents, to whit.b.wero added shouts of "Vivo (larlhahli I" "Death to the clergy." " 11tH, if I should 1141 noq.go to Maven, Nhould:l wear] my kmoire iltitique dress?" "No, toy lOve; wo can geareely suppose wo shall weal the attire of this world in the next." "Then, ma, how ivouhl the angels know I belonged to the best soeiety —A ::hO4 time since fourteen tine, large Iris, said 'to bin excellent rellk for eati n g; were brought from the Potomac river and deposited in the , wate rs of the ‘;tooptehanntt. the intent being to stock the latter river with these desirable --The result of the elections ia said le have a remarkable idea upon the Department clerks at Washington. They suddenly dis cover that they all voted tier the stteeessful party. Kindy, aged 26 yearn, a cook in Philadelphia, nt 1302 Spring Garden street; hung herself in her employer's cellar on Thursday morning. l Cause not known.. --Three negroes, naniZed Carroll, man and wife, and Ucor Ifonse have been arrest c'd, charged with the 'nuttier of Mr. Andrew Rowland, near Hagerstown, Md. —Miss Lula Daniel, youngest daughter of Major William Daniel,'of the Edgeheld C.) district, was recently burned to death by her clothes taking fire. —All the prisoners in n Kentucky county jail got out 'recently by breaking ri hole through the ceiling with n bedpost. —Two hundred French factory Aids will sail this month from Havre for New Or loans, to work ns servants. ---At Fort Scott, Kansas, the inhabitants peoenre all itheir'coal by grading the streets, Ayr° it is found in abundance. • —Flx•President Pieree,___. being too ill to walk, was canried to the polls in Concord, N. 11., last Tuesday. —The Spanish Minister at Parii carried elf the furniture of the EnthaSsy as Security for his salary. --A plantation in Mississippi, which cost 60,000 ten years ago, wag sold lately for $269. —RocCoon meat is'a luxury at 'present en joyed and praised by. tho epicures of Bos ton.. --Aug() numbers of Georgians and Alaba mians are said to be emigrating 'to Adm- RIM Western farmer has imported thirty. six inunlyed apple trees from Russia. • —John J. Smith, colored, has:ngain - hcen elected au Assemblyman from Boston. —Wheelharrqw_election bets aro now ho 7 jog paid off in nil Harts of the country. - k • 44 MiItIOCZTIZA.O. 11(11111;.''' • , sollroOr. pofwv JtiAt received at the EAGLE 1100ESTOREin full lino of hooks in use lathe Publics Schools in (hie city which. will be sold at the very lowest prices. It would lie to tha advantage of such who aro In wont of Woks to uncertain our prices before purchasing elecwhore. We have • cswoollhoty's Now Mothod with German") I~7Compositionßooks. EEI IMIII El G Slates andPolib, tiponceriankfLopy 800 El l 0 Anthon'l) • Bullion a Cioaar. E WoodburYalo SchoolliVaskots, Crittenden's Bookkeeping, with setts of Blank-. Bookkeeping, Ponnoelea History of England, Greece, and Rome, Mitchera Intermediate and Primary Geograptile& THE PENNSYLVANIA CHORAIJ HARMONY PENS AND PEN UOLDERS I A ham var. ety of dUferent reek's, for:Wets!, the ''Mule ' Bookstore. soltOor, sOolts it Fuguelle's French Courie, lionnicamtle's Mensuration, Stoddard's Aritinnotics, Parker's Philosophy, Bullion's Grammar, Ray's Algebra, - Cutter's Anatomy. Goodrich's U. B.lllstory, tiroonlehri;Arithniotio, Tonnoy'A Geology, Arivis' Logomlor, Thome Etymology, , DlotioDnarios. Pons and 111Ponholtiors ParkorW,WattforMorlos:uf Bahool Books. 351 PENN.STREET. IIEADINO. Containing tho principal CITURCII AiELODIES, Provided with GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT l For auto at tho "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE. 51 Penn Street. • p REDERIOK Vot.' , LAU tll, " ' 1 ; ' , •:,r , i!4f;i:%; , '.° 4 o.L'll JAIL, '• • .._ (hyper Mk and Washington etere.le. Read jag, Pa.: Solo Agent for Berta and Lehationcountl6. for the celebrated SAMPSON SCALE COMPANY. The Most reliable and durable Scales ever placed hetet° the v11)114% - Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. . Superior inducements offered to buyers. , A lot of second-band ' PLATPOR lkt SCALES . 'on hand and for sale4oap. Dept 4- _ _,... . ._. fIOOD NEWS FOR TICE LIPEOPLE.-410 to the NA :- . 4101T110°1111tYeSnitli O E ftr i e c 'e ll h i t b l v t 3t v ig t o 2 r;) • below the -NAGLE Alice, to buy cheap mail welt-suede BOOTS. SHOES and HATS. oet9-3mneod L. LICIITSTERN. CITY: HOTEL, SOUTH SIXTH STREET, (Near Penn,) READING, PA. 1011. Charges moderato. A 4 N. IF.STP.ILLY, Proprietor. auk 0 El TIIR followint table shaws the time on which all Passenger trains, on the different Railroads, arrive and depart from this city: DEPART—FOR PHILADELPHIA. Reading Accorn.. all way 5tati0n5..,........ 7:30 a. m. iix press, Rtincipal stations 10:35 ' Way and Market allstations 11:30 " likpress,_nrinelpal stations • 4:20 p..m. Way and Mail, all stations ' 6:30 f FOR POTTSVILLE. i Adllrilia, Tamaqua, Ste., and IV. stations,lo:3s a. m. Pottsville and all way stations. 5:50 p, m. Pottsville, Ashland, Vamaqua, &o 6:10 • ' FOR HARRISBURG ANTI THE WEST. Express, Lob,att i on, Harrisburg and west, 1:10 a. m. HarriSburg and all way stations 7:15 Mail, 11'arrisburAand principal stations, 10:45 " East, Lebanon, Harrisburg and the NUM, 1:50 p.p. Way, Harrisburg and all way stations—. 13:06 Express, Lob., Harrisburg and the west, 10:10 " Analogfront Ilarrisburg at4:lo, 7:06,10:25 a. in.and 4:10, 0:23,11:40 p. m. FOR NNW YORK SAnd_principal way stations ' 9:44 a. in. or Now York and prinotpatwayitations l 7:o6 " For " and all way stations 10:30 " For " '" • 2:40 p. m. For " .. .. • 9:20 p, m. 'For " and_prinolpal way sta'ns. 11:40 " Anarvie from Now York at 1:00, 9:00 a. m. and 1:50. 6;00. 10:10 p. m. READING AND COLUMBIA R. R. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23d, 1868., Passonger Trains will run on this Road, as follows; Leave Lancaster and Columbia at 8 00 A. M. ' Lancaster 300 P. M. " • Columbia • 300 Arrive at Itsatling 1020 A. M. 630 P.M. 0 , • t RETURNING Loave heading at - Arrive at Lancaster • 920 A. M. • 41 Columbia at 9 " " Columbia and Lancaster at 8;30 P. M. Trains Nos. 2 and 4 snake close connection at Reading with Trains North rind South. On Plink and Reading Railroad, anti Winltou Lebanon Val ley Road. No. 2 also rankest:lose connection with Train for New York. Tickets can ho obtained at the Offices of the Now Jersey Central Railroad, loot of Liberty St., New York. and Phila. and Refitting Railroad, 13th and Callowhill Sts., Philadelphia. Through Tickets to New York and Philadelphia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Baggage . Checkout Through. Trains are run by P. & R. 11. Time, irliieti is 10 minutes faster than Penna. It. It. Time. GEO. F. • Superintendent. N. Ft KenyEß. Gonl Prt. and Ticket Agt. 61 ly East Pennsylvania - Railroad. QUMMER ARRANGEMENT, COMMENCING WeilnciidaY, May 20th,1668. SIX 'MAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK WITH OUT CHANGE Oil OARS. On and after Wednesday, May= 20th 1868, two Passenger Trains will leave Rending daily, (except Sundays.) for Allentown and way stations, at 10.80 A, M. and 4.10 P. M., stopping at all the way sta tions' between Rending and New York, making also close connections for Mauch Chunk and Phil adolphia via Lehigh Valley it. it,, and arrive at Now York at 3.30 and 10.15. P. M. Four (4) through Expres, Trains will leavi. Rending daily, (except Sunday,. ) for New York and tho Easl; leaving Reading at 4.41 and 7.00 AL M. and at 2.40 and ILO 1 , , M. • • Those Trains ran through from Pittsburgh to New York, withoutehanso of cars. Stoppingonly at Lyons, Allentown, • Bethlehem, Easton,- Hamp ton, Sommerville, Plainfield amt Elizabeth, and arrive at Now York at 10.00 A. M., 12.00 M., 7.25 P L M. and 5.00 A. M. The 4.44 A.lll. train will not leave Reading on Mondays. The 7.06 A. M, and 11.40 I'. M. trains tuti daily, Sundays included. Trains leave Row York, foot of Liberty street daily. (except Sundays) at 0.00 A. M., 12 noon 5, 8 and 8 . 2(/1. M., and arrive at Reading at 1.50. '6.00 and 10.10 P. M., and at 1.00 and 2,52 A. M. ' The 8.00 P. M. train from Now York leavesdally, Sundays inducted. A Sunday Excursion Train will leave Reading eVery Sunday at 8 A. M., stopping at all stations and inteimediate points. Arrive nt Allentown, at 10 A. M. Returning; leave Allentown, at COO P M. Arrive at Reading at OP, M. Tintsormovii are requested to purchase tickets he fo o entering Gm cars, as '2.5 cents extra will be eharged and collected on the train from all who pa _Y the fare to the Conductor. june 23- , C. 'STUTZ. Eng. and Supt. Pbilridelphia & Reading Ititilroad. READING. AUGUST GTE 1868.. (21IMMER ARRANGEMENT 01? PASSENGER lj TRAINS, August 1888. , Five Trainsdoarnl.o Philadelnlila, passing Read ing at 730, 10 35 an 4 11 BO a s sn., and 425 and 030 p. U m. p to Pottsville; at 10.40 a. in., and 6 60 and 800 p. m. Trains West to Lebanon and Harrisburg: Western Express from Now York, at 110 a. m, and 160 and 10 10 p, m. Ilarrisbarg Accommodation Train nt 716 , a. in,, and mail trains at 10 45 a. in. and 605 p. me On Sundays, the down trains pass Reading at 940 a. m. and 425 p. m„ and up train); at 1060 a. at: and 5 57 p. ra. The 425-p. tn. down, and 10 60 a.m. up trains run only between Philadelphia and Rending. ;UP trains leave Philadelphia for Rending, Har risburg and Pottsville, at 77) and 815 a. 12 45 noon, and 330 p. m. and 515 p. in., for _heading only. Tho.B 15 a. in. trains connect with trains for Tamaqua, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara and Canada. The 815 a. ni. and 3 30 p, in. up trains from Phil adelphia, and 10 35 n. In. and 4 25 p. In. down trains .stop only at principal stations, below Reading. • Reading Accommodation Train: leaves Reading at 730 a. in., returning leaves Phitadolphia at 615 p. in. Pottstnivn Accommodation Train loaves Potts 645 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 430 p in. ' The Western Express Trains connect at Harris! bOrg with oxpress trains on the Pennsylvania R. for Baltimore, Pittsburgh , andnil points west, and the 10 46 mall train connects at Harrisburg for Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Chambersliurg Sunbury, Scranton, Pittston, Wilkosbarre, IVillinmaport, Look Haven, Elmira and the Canadas. Paasenger Trains leave Upper Depot at 700 a. m. aid gla p. in,, for Ephrata Litt:, Lancaster aria Columbia. . Through First-class Couporistiekets %and Emi grants' tickets at rediiced fares. to all thb principal points in the North 'lVOst and the Oanadi.s.f • COMMUNTION TICKETS, With 20 couPohlr, pAr cent, discount between any points desired. - • • mizEok we nn, Good for 2000 miles between all points, at WM fo• families and business firms WRASONI,YIORETS; Good for the holder only, for 8.8,9 and 12 mon',bs, between all points at reduced fares. School season tickets at ono-third less than the above. tar Passengers will talio the Express Trains west at the /wet. Delia/ t una all tither trainsat di* Lamm or Old Depot. _• 100 pounds of baggage allowed each passes r. Passengers are requested to purchase their tickets before entering the oars, as higher fares aro charg ed if paid in the care. Exaursion Tickets good for on t o 40. by 7 8014 Accommodation Train to Pyladelphia and return at 5265 each. G. A. NI OLLS, Gen% Supt. / . , 1 ...' j: wo et =I TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ON AND AFTER (Revised.) , fit.". , • ;WOOLREIALS 1 RETAIL DEALER, IN R ! TAIL.. LU E Rh Keeps constantly on hand and for sate at the) LOWEST PRICES, A gonersreoortasont of • " " WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK; • SPRUCE, CHERRY, OAK, 4,811, CHESTNUT, INDIANA BLACK WHIM WALNUT, CAROLINA YELLOW. PINE, • . IJ M . 13 E R , Thermally seasoned and under cover ( 1 WHITE PINE, CYPRESS, AND NORTII CAROLINA GREEN SWAMP CEDAR SHINGLES. itTehr unPtlF tended to. Igor' prices, &e., calf NEW BRICK OFFICE, On the Corner of Fourth Pine Ste., Or, address, I J. KEELY, Reading, Pa, feblily n 'A. GRIEBEMEWS VI Extensive Grain Warehouse, Now ready for FARMERS AND CONBIONORIi t Wh eem o mTs a sroU w L s ri t sgalr 11 0 1 . n il k se c iutrtr ra stU ‘n ol FLOUR AND FEED, fte., Foramle wholesale and retail, (Atom? prices th an can bo purchased elsewhere. Also, a superlorlat of Buokwhoat M'oal, and Potatoes. Offloo,No:105 North Eighth At. Roadlfifaa. -febs 700 A. M. 615 M, T"' • "READING ADIAER" Tho 'driest German Newepapor published in the Circulation over Five Thousand Tho" Rend Peg Adler" lathe best ti . dvortloin4 *no- (Hum for the German Dietrich in EaeternPonnert• vania, having a Circulation of over five ,thousand copies. It contains twenty-eight largo column° of ativeTtisenurts and earofullysoloctotWoadingtnat tor, Tho Adlor is thoroughly Dahlman° in prin•, eiple, endeavoring to incule'ate the sound political doctrines ofour forefathers i ns laid down by Jeffer l' son and Jackson. PRICE ONLY tin A YEAR. Published every Tnekday merning. by li , SVIIIOOI. COMPANIONS. I Wo have just received a largo let of those desira ble little Caskets, which we are enabled to melte! reduced rates ,containing a Ruler. ;teal, Pencil., Crayon. pen Holder, Slate ' Pencil.. Gum and Sponge. . • awns & ( X); Eeigli ..13c!ok.tiore. NEVI - SP/ITER§ A largo lot ot • old nowipa pers. on and at' t office. w lob will We sold clomp. J.. 8 LY. RBADI#G, T'A. anti MICHIGAN PANEL- ♦[SO. , Unlted States ESTABLISHED IN Ern: & co., No. 351 Ponn Street. .tr'' wt,.**b.!, yip 11. vat N. BOOFL.►AND'B Rbittli Hoofland's Gorman Tonto, Mil The Great Remedies for all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach t or Digestive • . Organs. Hodand's German Bitters, • . „ is CoMposed or 4'l, Pure.' tikes (or as they are Med- Jejunity termed lairotts of Roots, Herbs. and Barks. makin 4 a prepare 11 - tton highly poneentre- I F ted anti entirely* m free Ifrq utcoholid admix.- ture ( t ram/ kiwi. - HOOFIAANbt:GERMAN TONIC la a, combination of all the ingredientaorthe Bit ter& with the purest quhlity o f Stiehl Pros Rum Orange,-&c., making ono of the most pienant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the publie. rhos.) preferring a Medicine free from Alcoholic admixtures will use 110 OFLAND'S.OERMAN nirruns. Those who have no abjection to the combination of the kittens, as stated, will use 1100PLAND'S•4ERMAN TONIC They are both equally good, and cent:ill:lie same medicinal yi dues, the choice between the two being a mere matter of taste, the Tonle being the most palatable. Tho stomach, from a variety of causes, suck Indigestion, Dyspepsia, NervousDebiN t ,etc.” . is very apt to have its functions deranged. no Liv , or, sympathizing as closet fly as it does with the Stomach, then bectomealfaffeeted, the result of which is that the Patient suffers from soyera) er wore of the following diseases: o Consumption Platulonoe, Inward s PRO, Putte es of Blood to the Head, Acidity ortho Stotruton. Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food, Pull- ' nose or Weight In the Stroh, /Your Eructations, Sinking or ) 'uttering at the Pit_of thoStotaaeb, wimming of the Head. flurried or Difficult Breathing, ' lilutteripg at the/Heart, Oboking or Suffocat-,‘ lag 'Sensations when yin a hying Posturo,Dtgatiest of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the )load, Deficiency of Perspira tion, Yellowness of tho Skin and Eyes, Pain Who Side; Back, Chest, Limbs, e_to., • Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evi) and Great • Depression of Spirlis, The sufferer from these diseases' should ozorolso thog.reatost caution in tho Wootton of a muck for hit ease, purolnuting only that which ho is as sured from his investigations end inquiries, , Pos- Bosses true merit, is skill/ fully compounded, b free from injurious inftrolJtlionts, and establish ed for itself a repiitation fur the cure of (HMSO. In this connection we would submit those won known remedies— HOOFLAND'S GERMAN Bin Ens A.Ki) lIOOFLAND'S ORRICIAN TONI( IMAM BY DR. OM., JACABON, Philadelphia, pi, Thirty-Ave years since they worn first introduced into this country from Germany, during which time they havo undoubtedly performed more cures, and benefited suffering humanity to a greater extent, than any other remedies known to the public , . These remedies will offeetuallY ours //Nor Com plaint, Jaundice, Dysuor, Ohronio or Nervous Debility, Chrome Dialr Discaeo of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Diu. ordered. Liver. Htomaoh or Intestines; • Romultina from any . Cautai .w.hatovoi I Prostration of the System, induced by stoverO Labor.. Hardships, Exposure, k'evera. Jte. There is no medicine extant equal to thou° renr. °dies in such eases. A tone and Vigor is imparted to the whole system, the appetite Is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach digests properlyi_the blood is purified, the complexion beeomes soUnd and , healthy, the yellow tinge is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is given to the cheeks, and ,tht weak and nervous invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. PERSONS•ADVANCED IN LIFE, • And feeling the hand of time weighing heavii) upon thou 4 with nil its attendant ills, will Lind in the use of this BITTEIO3 or the TONI°, an elk that will instil now life into their veins, restore in a meaSure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build up their 'shrunken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years, • It Ina woll established fact that fully one-halt of tho female portion'ofour)opulatlon arc 8 oldom in the enjoyment el good health, or to use theft own' oxprossion, - "nover fool welt'' They ar. languid, devoid of all energy, ortyouiely. nervous, and have no appotito. To -this olaszi of persons tho BITTERS, or tb, TONI°, in espeoielly recoLutuended. *WEAR AND DELICATE CHILDREN lIE Are made strong by. the use of either of them remedies. They will vitro every case of MA1413- IliUti e without foil. Thousands of certificates have accumuinte l dl the hands of the proprietor, but spacowill alloy o' the publication of but few. Those, it will be Ob served, nro men of note, end (Amick standing that they must be'believed. . , TESTIMONIALS. lion. Cleoigo W. Woo4wiwii, Chief Jo fitice.of the Supreme Cohrt, writeL "I find Hootland'o aorman Milord fu ligond tonic ' mein! in (Decant; fifth° A digenivo organs, and 01 great benefit in pipes ofilidobility, and want of nervous afdton in tho system. . Yours truly, 6EO. W. WOODWAItD. Hon. i Tamos Thompson, Judge of the Supreme CourtofPennoylygmie, "I. consider Hoolland'a German Bitters iv on/tio tile medicine in case of nt lucks (if indigestion or dya pepsin. I can certify this from my exporionco of It . ' Yowl,. 'with rp ed, JAM a ES THOMPSON." Prom 80v . ,•331. D. tends% ' Assistant Editor Christian ChroniCie, Philadelphia I have derived decided benefit from the use of lionthitl's German Bitters, and fool it my privilege to recommend theid as a most valuable tonic, to all who are suilliring from general debility, or froth diseases arising from dorangemekt of the liver. . Yours, truly, • E. D. VENDAtIo From Dm Josoph 13. Konnard, D. D.. Pastor of tho Tenth Baptist'Church, Phila. Dtt JAdtouni.—BßAß Sta:—l haVolmonfrequentr ly requested to connect my name with recom mendations of different kinds of medicines, but re garding tho practice as out of my opproprl ato sphero, I have in all oases declined); but with a clear proof in various instances, and partio ularly in my own family of the use of Dr. Hoe f- Imid's (1 ernian Bitters. I &Part for once from my usual courim, to express my full conviction that, gen rat Li! it v of the nistem, and especisilly for Litur (Aaapiaitti, it is a safe and ',alembic preparation. In some cases it may tail t but usually. I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those whosuffer from the above causes. Yours. very respectfully - J. IL KENWARD, • Eighth, below Coates Ht. dAUT I O. N . Ill' . . . 1 pollararret Gvnian Itrneffie4 aro counterfeited, See that tho signaturepofo3l.3AoKbON 180 D thoratiper °leach bot- tto. All othera arocoun toff it. P acipal office and Manufactory, at tho &man Medicine Store, No. 631 Arch Street,.Philadelphim s.. • ' CHARLES M. EVANS, Pr oprietor, • Fdrnierly C. M. JACItSON li Co. - PRICE LT ooflitnel'e German Mien, riVoide, - - 11 • a dozen, • • ifoatiand'a German 2bniei put up in quart bottleai sl'so per bottle, or halt dozen fois7 *.,.D0 not forget to examine well-the article you buy, in order to gat the genuine. ' FOR. SALE 'BY -ALL Druggists, and Storejojepero, DEBILITY: NOTICE. Pll 11, A DRLPII !A , March 10, DA P 11111.4 DELPIIIA AA prii 28,1866, EVERYWHERE. A BrIROV ''" 0..•••••••••••••• are....... DIO/ONARIEB, r,~ , Websteet Uruitridged. Awitiemicc (iter. ka) Webstoes High Sgboot:titey. Webetor's Common School, Webster`e,Primarr, (Iltr. Iteitts'•English;DietiorittrY 6 Worcoitert4 Comprohonsivo Dictlonair, Worcester's School !Mellow?, • .• Adler's tlermanland English Dictionary, • 00111 whiner's F i roriouncing 0 ohm . an Dlott4ttary, / IMO For sato at the "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE. ast Penn Stmt. :nor Fourth; GREAT FURNITURE DEPOT. SCHNDER & FELIX, Waroroom, corner Fifth and Watling= streets, MANUFACTORY, .WAB,qINOT.ON:STRESI IJELOW FIFTIL 'HOLESALE AND RETAIL. rip, ItRiiPROTPULLY IN. vto public attention to their splendid stook qt rstlelass furniture now and constantly on Usk— and rondo to order to suit customers. Among other articles, espoold attention is I. 'Atoll to their unsurpassed, - , . . EXTENSION TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, DINING ROOM 011A,IRS, CENTRE AND OTHER 'FABLER, BEDS'T'EADS OV THE LATESTSTMEI, and every other article In their line of bullet& ,Every article 10 imufnetured by themPeiry their admirably arranged manufactory. with I ; moot porfeet machinery , and akilifu ) mocha ca, and finished in an unsurpassed manner. , Alp prepared to execute all Mere ror CARVING, TURNING, • SAWING, ',lna MOULDINGS. All ordors promptly executed, and wftrrftated to givesatlftfftetion. ap.loi N. 'l'. GEHO , I FASIIIONAI3bN BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 663 Pettit Street, Reading, Pa. AS CONSTANTLY ON lIAND THE FINER Assortment of Fine and heavy Bootsand Shoes thin city, also La Hos' and Chldreit'a Shoes of all E'l Inds. See list of styles and pr i ces s- Ilipn's calf boots, home made, ' id 25 . . • 5 50 11. •,. kip 14 , 4 COW 600 ea f balmorals, - ' 250 400 • 4. 00 CO " Brogans, • 200 204 " Congress gaiters, „ . 2-76 4CO P I novo kid Congress gaiters, 400 50) /Ilya' kip hoots, .. —2oo 300 bal morals, •1 50 225 Youths' 10 boots, 175 20 , balmorals 1 25' 175 Women's glove kid high Polish, bat mOTaiff. 350 400 Wdmen'slaStinghigh Polish baimprals.2 00 8 W i' ' goat patent loather tip " •200 31* • '' Kid slipporn, 100 175 Misses' goat patent leather tip bal. Morals, 150 240 Children's goat patent leather tip bal. morals, • 125 150 . , N. T. OBJIO, sprit 2ieodi 653 Penn Strlst. ~IIFREADINGIREINAITRANCEAND TRENT COM Is s ,A NY OE HERRN IA 011.0ANIZND JULY; 18471. Office Rending Insturanra Building. N 0.19 Nora Fifth circa, 8. E. tbrner of aim( sire. • 081 co boars from BA. If. tO BF. U. DIIIRCIToRS: J. Prlnglgje7loB, Jsmos McKnight. Ilonly Z Van Rood. Jacob 18haffnor. • Jackson, D. E.Not. - Jonas Bhalter. J. T r Valentine. George Moser. This Company Insures all kinds of property against loss or damage by dread rates as low 'sin/ !Ilb or rellablo Coinpa ny en d upon very Pi an known • 13took Insurance ComPanieS. • Perpetual Policies Issued renbiring noreperrel and upon which tho Amount of promitan Paid an bo reclaimed at any time, less p. deduction of Are por cert. The advantages of this method lab worthy of the titten ti on of l farmers and others ing first-class dwelling houses,Perla and mu" buildings, in town or country , as being the AVIV eat and safest.' polielem for one, two, three, five or moreyearl. for less than an d year, isaued ren e wed harge made for Polley and survey when or when in surances are transferred from other companion The' citizens of Reading and vicinity , hitherie. • dependent mainly upon tbrolgn comPanleat now the privilege of effecting thelrinsurancesta home institution, well organised, with an adeto paid in and guarantoed capital ,_ \ pretends la strong a basis ofseourity sic that O y Other ao!IP pony. The_ advantage of doing business direet4 with tho Company arni,tho Importanee of keeling some portion of the ittricsums paid for Insurance.... , In circulation at bortioritil be artedhY anffit J. PIN° JONA, reident, ...1• • JAMES Mo NICIIPL• lee Presidia,' S. B. ANCONA. 800'y an Tress. - flunelfi- T_AUEIt'S BREW.BRY I. • '•. • i • LI nzapilia PA.— , I , 0 „ . The gobtoriberrespectrally lin t ionneeo to the P_lte Ho that he h , ',4 receolly gala.% bla Xretverrto 4 tonklderahte exteot, Radiate° %ea item few_lt. in all ita deptrttn anti. and Li now r6taf to' int,tw all demands for :; '' • - , .. •, ' ' , SUPERIOR MALT LIQUORS, ' . iti,ok Fin home MO, distant oomiugsiktfoe. or MelLtiteu?mmerrauteiktozeoP, litt,4l/ 1 777„, ufgl'rslntowx, b41011;•***:':' BOTTLING ;ALL, LAGER:BIiow 111 / 1 0.C.. ' liberal per !Antes, !ID be float AtienM abroad. ilaa CA!-PITALork,oO,SI).