. , . • ' . .. . • • • ••*.0..“0.... , „. . ~,. 1...• ...{., yrr ~_. ...... 0...1..70 :4. • .. 1 . •• 1' tt .7 , ~" ..." . . ..,...,.............*................ .., ~.. , ~ ...... r . 1 . _ . ... -.. . . . . . , . ~ ` i . ! .t., ', f ",,' 2%, '',"' • ' ', •,!, : % •."; 2. ':t1% r : 4 `? 'i' 7r. • 4 ,' '• V ' l. •fi• i g . . •.. • . , . •• • . '•,..1 •• '• ' • • . . .. . • • . . . • . r • . . . T . . ' . . . _ • . . . _ , . •,• _ , _ 1 ,'''. ' • - t Gr. ...,4 , ID ; , . . ; . x. X lia le i ~ i. .. ~.„,,,. i i ' . , i-Y 7- . . 1 4 . , __, ....... , • , .-. . . - 7 . _.....__...4.4„...,....i.r..,......_ _ ..• , . _‘.. ",...:. ..... .... . • _.... • • 44 FOG, THEI, GOOD TH - 61DH,STANuagt FOIL THII4 WRONG THAT NERDS RESISTANCE. 9 THE DAILY' EAGLE PUBLISHED EVERY AETEENOQN. (8 Ma Excepted.) AT TUB oillo4 OF TUB READING ADLER, No. 3511 PIONIII The Re►olua DAILY HAW* wilt be turnishedio' labteribers le the Olt strew otitis Pis west'. TO _too abaci riberi at ws. 101440 51,25 a quArtet aid for lambi ly ad/woes: A liberal dem o tion will be made to clubs of tenor more nub ,riberi. To prevent mtatalteh all lettere abould be "BOADINO DAILY ICAOLIL" WILLIAM[ 8. lIITT/Ort; • JESS* a, Ramat% 1868. . FALL. BUCH & BROtHER, Have opened n Lirgo and Selected Stock of NEW GOODS! At Portico Row, NO, 543 PENN STREET, READING, PA, or Ltvi 9. COLEMAN ! Cutter, "VA Their Stock of NEW FALL GOODS !1 Were selected in the City of Now York, and will be disposed of at prices far be. , ; low those of ,any other cs• tabilsbrnent I& the , City. Pentlemen'a Clothing made to ordell. Boys' Clothing constantly on hand and made to order. • The StOckof Furnishing Goods is decidedly the best and most extensive in the • city. Call, see and satisfy yourselves. • Th• mere fact of having tho serviCes of tho cele brated ofttter. Mr. bevi 0. Coleman, is sufficient guarantee that rill garments will he made tibr In the but style and latest fashions. Remember BUCH .& BRO.'S Headquarters of Fashion NO. 648 PENN STREET, READING. Portico Row, Nl4 SUNDAY SCIIO.OI/ Sn4 . dING BOOKS ME Am TH E Mfg ROOK STORE, No. 351 Penn Street, (:-c' Can bo had HAPPY VOICES, HIPPY VOICES, THE NEW GOLDEN, CHAIN. THE NEW GOLDEN CHAIN. TIII SABBATH SCHOOL BILL, TUB SABBATH SCHOOL BELL, Together with It variety of other Bingin Book for retools, le, may l tf DAILY FAST F R EIGHT LINE BETWEEN READING AND NEW YORK MOINE; AND, ESSEX RAIROAD. MI I j 1 1 Leaies Head ' a tip . indind New /York at . 5:20 °,l, O O4 FAte 'eil . tot • New York at Reading Tit 01111; eig'S 0 elook p. ut,, or for Read- IKI t tor mare a" ktreet, New York. before 4 ° u'oelt h t.rn..wlll be dellreed at either tole t with out Ired unnent. " • w_. F. H.AbLIDAY, Heal "relight Agent. M. It H. R. R.' Hoboken. '_, 2 _ E. .• RAUCH, • k . ' bli ' . )5 • Ii Agent. M. &N. H. ~ Readlor 11 4 0- 01i0i ' • •. • • • • 1868 MI MI VOL. I---No, 246, PROFESSIONAL. . _ D 11.• LOUIS De i3A11,1111 KUH?( OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. • No. 244 North Ninth Mt tie t, Retuthig, I'n. oct 213•1 mo" WII 4 LIAM It 8011fENER, • . I ALDIMMAXAND ATTORNEI'A 'l l LAW, Wilco No. 513 Couit Street, liesolll l lC. Can be consulted in English and German. h .. o t:11-31u • iiiiiiiii:iiiiiiti, 7. ATTORN4'Y AT Lii W. Mee, 29 NORTH SIXTH STREET, READING. Oot 23. TWIN W. lIIICKEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. U 01400-44eser BuildingAlst floor. back.) No. 1800entre stied Pottsville. *Man be consulted I In the Uerman an uago. mart ISRAEL C. BUCK ER ATTORNEY LAND COUNSELLOR •AT LA W. Office No. 510 Court Bt., (near eixth,)IiRADIRCI. Pa. ml! GEORGE F. DAM ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEADING ) PA. , . °vim: No. MO Coutifgroot. (up IWO.) . 111. NAGLE, JUL o; ' • kiIYSIOtAN. (U. S. Penton Burgeon.) 840 Penn Street, Itonding, Pa. Office hours-12 to 2p. tn. otoB p. tn. JESSE U. HAWLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Moo; No, 40 (Recond floor,) North Sixth Street, poorly oppoelto the Court House, Redding, Pa, jan. 2.3- fpUIS HICHAUDS, , ATTOBNE r AT LAW, Woe, N 0.530 Court stroot, over the of of John S. Richards, Esq. feb6- WILLIAM 0. RIM WSTEIL (Organist of Firsi Refoimeil Chnreh.) TEIAOIIIIII, OF Pit A ll t O m taTE, OROAN AND No. 223 North Sixth etroot, Reading, Pa, N. B.—Pianos Tuned. • (Juno 23- DU. E. MOSER, 4 , SURGBON OFFICE-519 Pentillteeet, Reading, Pa. Invites the public to call and oxamino his now plan for oxtraottng tooth Without pain. All opor ationd in the profession neatly executed a nd ohargos reasonable, • - ap2.) DR. A. 1114111 R, • i • . • DiENTIST ) • Office—No 0 North Fifth Ste, Itendispr, (NM` DOOR TO P. O'RRILLY'S ROOD BTORR.) Particular attention pall to curing discasos of the Mouth and (hung, such as Scurvy, Proternatu nal Orowth of Gums, Alvnolar Abscesses, disease of the Alveolar process, Fissured Palates, and all diseases to which the mouth and gums are xlth cot. , Teeth extracted without pain, and Inserted on all materialitsed by the Profess n. Office hours, from 7 A.M. to 71% M. Be $ .8,• BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE PEOPLE. TIIPA BET AND CIINA.P.ESTI REINHOLD & SOHOENER No. 41 North Sixth Stroot, READING, PA. • rpliP. SUBSCRIBERS HAVE: JUST ESTAII - Relied a first-class Boot and Shoo-making estab lishment and store at the above stated place where are able to accommodate customers with the boat articles in their lino of business, and at lower prices than nt any ether place in the city. ' Tho following list of vices provosall wo say : Mon's calf boots, 8i 00 and upwards. Mon's kip botits, 231X1 Mon's working shoes, 1 00 Mon's French calf Congress gaiters, box toes, 3 90 90 Mon's calf anemia gaiters, ' 2 25 Men's calf Babuorals, ' • '2 00 Mon's kip Balinorals, 180 Boys' calf Balmorals,. _ 160 Poyie kip Balmorals, , 1 25 Youths' kip .Balmorals, . 100 Women's lasting high Polish, 2 75 Women's Gbngross gaiters, to 250 Women's lasting Balmorals, . •1 90 Women's Morocco Balmorals, ' 200 Women's Morocco shoes. 1 65 . .. _ . Women's kid slippers, 65 Misses' lasting Polish, 145 Youths! gaiters fromls cis. to 75 Youths' and boys' shoes from :Acts. to 90 Also, a large stook of notions on hand and for sale. The above prices aro lower than at any other similar place of business in the city. It E P A - I It I . Particular attention in paid to all kinds of ro pairing. REINIIOLD k SCIPEENFIIt, NO. 41 NORTIT Slkr.l4 ISTREET, (Arm Tug COURT ROUSR,) READING, PA.' -spellll ALBEDYIJi & CALLAN'S - FRENCH STEAM SCOURING • . •• . .:AND • • DYEING r . . EST A - B I, ISIIM E N T, 141 South. lifoventh St., oppoaller Depot. • • Office in Reading, Pa. . , • I . Offices in Philadelphia lith , MO St re Raet.ce Street. and 132' ' • South . Encourage 4 by our success in our new method of scouring and dyeing, we have resolved to opon a b ranc h ( ace in Reading, and respectfully call the at ention of the public to our above named estab lis iment. y our process and newly •invented .machinery, Fro are enabled to clean and dye goods in a gory superior manner so as to give perfect satisfaction. We clean and finish Ladies', Gentle and Child ,ten's garments without taking them apart or inju ring them in the least., whether the colors are genuine or not. Our dyeing is done in the very'hest manner, and the goods in all cases finished off in superior style. Kid Gloves, Ostrich Feathers, &0., cleaned at .short notice. . sept.2B-3mo BLANK BOOKS iv.enkte on Pale law variety of Blank Book., w will be giold theath 1111 TM, CO• OKA A !ILE READING, PA., MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9, 1868. INIL 1 INK 1 1 INK 111 duet received a larte lot of r LA*GIILIN A BUS4IELD'S Celebrated Chemical Writing Fluid, in Quart, Pint awismaller bottles. Foraale cheap, at tho EAGLE BOOK ROHR W. MAYNE'S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, For tho cure of Totter, Itch, Balt Rheum, Scald Ilead,liching Piles,ltlng Worms,Pitnples,lllotehes, Defects in the Skin, Barbers' Itch, Ulcers, Chronic ErYsiPelas'of tho Face, &o. For sale at tho "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE, 351 PRA ,SriIEE JOHN FOLEY'S CELEBRATED - 0 0 L D I' II N B . au F Pe nnS traet,he a"EM urLE." !BOOKSTO J R a E , No RITTER & CO„ BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS 351 Penn Street, DR. EUGENE SUMMING'S CELEBRATED SWEDISH BITTERS Cure with certainty chronic derangements of the Liver, Stomach and'Kidneys, is the most Pow erful Tonle of tho Digestive, Muscular and Nor vous System s and the most Reliable preservative against all kmds of Fever, Disentery. and Infec tious Diseases, especially against Cholera, Typhoid and YelloW Fever. Price 75 cents a bottle. Six for $l. For sale at the "Engle" Bookstore • RITTER ,Sc do., 151 Penn Street. H ELLER,'S COMPOSITION PAVEMENT AND FLOORING. 7IS PAVEMENT AND FLOORING Ira NOW J. acknowledged to be the best In uso, It be cornea hard and firm immediately is dry, durable. and impervious to water, and notaffected by either heat or cold. All orders promptly attended to, and the work guaranteed to give mtisfaction. 'apply to D. O. I,II3LLEIt. No. 27, south Fourth Bt. June 18- 181. A +Ls i CARPETS! CARPETS 1 I • • B. 11. MARKLEY Itz CO,, No. 119 Phan street, below IVanklia, tit lawn Sixth and iSe . soak streets, Respectfully inform the citizens of Reading and vicinity, that they nre lannufacturingthe very hest Ingrain, all-wool Carpels, over olleru4 in this Latest patterns and colors. Whole's* and retell at Now York prices. . I Wo invite the public to ciamine our goods before Purchasing elsewhere, atnisitvo 25 pir cent, Buy mit of fist hands and save money. oct 18-Imo B. 11. MARKRI CO. K RyiDER & CO., OIL SWEVER'S Oelobrated Tonic Bittors, Also Solo Agents for BAlLfirt3 UHRIVALLID RYli VIIISKIES. ' For sato a/ the Eagle Bookstore. LET FACTS BE KNOWN FAR AND WIDE!• READY MADE CLOTHING, Vormen end boys, or got them mode to order, Is the plaeo popularized by good goods, tine styles and low oleos, and patronized by bnlnonso throngs of pimple, to whom CORNER SIXTH AND PENN STREETS. HOUSEIIOLI) WORDS, It Is well-known that we make up nothing but what is good, that mr largo business has been built up by always having the handsomest styles and the best fitting garments; and this, coupled with moderato prices, has been, and is still, the secret why so many people buy at our establish ment. We moll only what we ear; recommend and each customer, therefore, has the satisfaction of knowing ho can depend on the article ho buys; We aro enabled to buy choap,'and therefore, soil cheap. Call and sco ' oct 13-11 a. JAMISON & CO. STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS. WILLIAM BRIDEGAM, No. 242 Penn St., Reading, Tho undersignod respootfully invites publio th e ntion to his newly invented neater, named BEST HEATER EVER., INTRODUCEk It burns loss coal, makes morn heat,takesupless room, ftnd gives better satisfaction than any simi lar invention over introduced to the public. Theiadvantago of this superior heating appara tus wi Ibe fully•explained by tho l'ropriotor, who gparantees that ho will be ablo to satisfy nil who givo him a call that it is superior to anyone inven ted. Tho; advantages aro so manifold, and so easily comprehended, that it needs only to be soon to convince the most skeptical. In proof of this he respectfully refers the public, by permission s to tho following named persons who aro now using thnso heaters: OE°. R. l'uthr„ MIZR. J. STRVENLION. U. D. Oniona, • Bud. & Co. G. A. Ntonous, HRNBY JOIAIROX, JOHN 111T.M10111'. -JCSIMJA K KRIS. - REUBEN AMAMA, WM. HERVIEL. JACOB KAUFFMAZI, Blandon, HW Orphans' oleo, omoladorf. Be also invites special attention to the . BEAUTY RANGE . . Which is a. late Improved, Superior Bnngo for walling in; and for which ho is the 'Sole Agent, in this city. This Range can be seen in operation at the Iron City Hall, No. al Penn street; at Peter High's, Franklin street above Fourth, and at other places. Particular attention paid to TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING. Ho employs none but skillful Mechanies—all orders promptly executed, anti Ivarranted to ivo satisfaction. • Wbi. lIRIDEOAM, ' may 22 No. '412 Penn St. REAT REDUCTION IN FURS.—Lndies VI - desirous of purchasing Furs should call at tho National Fur Store, N 0.311 Penn street, leo doers below io EACILS Office, hero they will fi nd well selected stock FURS, which will }e sold at small pro. in". • oci - 6:41 - dUe - oa PEACOCK Corner Second and Franklin Streets, Have constantly on hand and sell at reasonable prices, LUMP, BROKEN, EGG, Sc STO'liP, COAL, NUT , CUESTNUTAND BITUMINOUS COAL, HICKORY and OAK WOOD, LIME AND SAND. KINDLING WOOD BY TUE A r BARREL. AliPbWo deliver free of extra charge to any part of tho city. feb29 NEW WINE HOUSE, Dealer in all.kinds of Domestic! Wines of the best quality. LAGER . BEER, ALE, &v. . ‘• sp2l • blanufacturers of t importors of WINES AND LIQUORS. ,\ 3 NO. 121 North Third ir r oot; PHILADELPHIA. . , -00 That the best place to buy JAMESON: & CO., lIAVE II NCO MF: REYSTONE HEATER!! THREE SIZES. AND Plastic Slate Roofing. No. 052 PENN STREET, READING, PA. OSCAR, R. CHRIST, PROPRIETOIIi Sold by Ml Druggist* and Wider* In .1 9 Mens Medicines. • H. BIRO-11 & BRO., Dn. A. li . LIQLIT, W. J. TIIIER\VECIITEU J WILLIAM WELLS. , Agents, Rending, Po. (QUEEN OF ENCLAN.D SOAP QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP, 1. nug 24- . _ For doing a family washing in the boat and cheapest manner.. Guaranteed equal to any in tho world! Has all the strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile, Try this splendid Soap. Bold by the ALDEN 0111EADICAL WOINKS, IS North Eront mtroet, Phtlattelphlos nu 7.amo RITTgI,I le . CO., Bo okseilera v Stationers, PAPER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PllO. (raving constantly on hand a largo and weilsoloot- ea stook of MISCELLANROus, &mem; AND RLANK BOOKS, PAPER AND STATIONERY, • such as Writing and Wrapping Papero, Envelope'', Pons, Pencils, Ink, Slates, Copy Books,Pass Books, A varloty.of fancy )LEIOIIINO and AIEVALO ROBES lwaya on hand. ,0 to order, altered &0., which are bought for Cash and will be sold on L. LICIITSTERN terms as favornbto as those of nny otherhonao in the City—we respectfully invito Merchants and Ohm who deeiro to mkt) purehmem inourlinoto favor tte with Beall before purchasinkohowhero. Ciders by mailpromptlp and cardatty filled. LENITART & °RETIE, Machinists' •rid Biattufseturors' Bupplios THREE VENTS PER OOPT. TEN DENTE ER WEEK J. R. BARRETT & .CO., Propriotots, MANOTIESTBI4 N. Q. , I , may 5/y AND WHOM:MLR MIAMI IN TOGRAPIIALIipt&POCKETBOOKS.tto., No. 351 Ponn Btroot, (Near Fourth.) REAPING, PA. MAOIIINDITS, BRASS FOUNDERS, And GENERAL DEALERS IN NO. 627 AiD 828 VRANZLIS 8711111116 -Jan.2B --.`" A „ Ao^'• irrinisup switvAXii erg*. 1 4. taSit Ainfliatf‘n. 'rho New Albany (lODineiviat tells us A very interesting ecnat4a itoty In 18 . 15 Mut Elliottlefi hiehomo and his wife, who had borne him eloVen children, In Putnam county, Indians, .•sudtlenlY mut in Passion at . so me ight misunderstanding that had occurred hetweett,thent. Ho gave his family no,intimation of his departure pro. vious to leaving,ttud they never heartier him again until the lapse of twenty-six year's. The wife . believed her husband dead, and atter two years of waitipg - Elbe gave him up as lost to her forever, and married, Fespect able citizen of the county natinkd Hallett, and has resided happily enough with hint near Cloverdale poor SitlCol until last week. It was then that the first tidings of her sup• posed deceased• husband were received by her. ' It was in this wise that these tidings reach• ed her: A letter came to her through the hands-of a person who was 'a stranger, This letter set forth that if she would visit a little town several miles distant helve Cloverdale she would meet au old.and very dear friend, and her. .»ot to vnit making tho visit at a certain time. Thellnter impressed her strangely, mad she oonehided to visit the town named at the desigimted time, and dia so. What was her surpripo on entering the ho r se whero Cho meeting was appointed, to meet, her first husband ! Tweatpaix 4 , oars had passed, and time hnd•left its impress upon tho man, yet } oho recognised hint at (pee, and throw herself into his arm, for notwithstanding she was now sixty eight "years of sage; the sight of her , first choice' . warmed the loving , pttlacs Of her heart and broke open the fountain of her affeetimil that had boon so long sealed up. She throw her antis about his neck, kissed his wrinkled cheek and wept, liked girl,. the tears of joy. Tho husband's heart was also melted into tenderness, and hu onAraced his aged but long deserted wife with all, the fervor of a young and ardent lover. The past was talked over, tho 'sudden: disappearance, long absonco and continued silence of the husband explained, and then and thcro it was agreed that.they would spend the rent mint of their lives together. Mr. Elliott accounts tor his absence by a visit to California, whoro ho secured a for- Aline, thence came to Lincoln county, in this State and bought a fine farm, upon which ho has been residing since 1850. Mr. Balton MLR-very loath to give up his wife, but finally compromised. Mr. and - Mrs, Elliott passed through the city yester day, taking the Crab Orchard train for their home in Lincoln county. • `The negroes, and a few superstitious whites, in Kentucky, are terribly •Irightened by the news that another "AMMAR-it". has made its appearance in that 13tate. An ex change gives the following account of the' strange visitor : "A. wonderful phenomenon has recently' made ith 'appearance oil - Willow Creek, in Itrackea county . , Kentucky,' and has hem soon by Oho a number of worthy • citizena of that county. It is described ns follows : The object wns about six foot in height, awl walked upright. The ! face was eV. that of a 111(111i very pale, with curb; of flame • falling • over his shoulders ; eyes of sulphurous - blue; changing constantly in size, ono moment as large as a Jib cup, and then gradually , decreasing in size until it was almost invisibte. • Its arms were them of a mini, and hands &wily pale. In ono hand it held a torch, and in.. the. other a sword that seemed to be` about four foot iii length.. Its lower extremity was that of a horse, . with legs well proportioned, and hoofs as those of a horse. Its tail, which was about three feet in length, was of flame. Its breath was a solid sheet of fire, which vibrated with' thd henvings of its breast lika the pendulum of a clock." 144tA1UKAIII.}: BRE4CII PROMISE In the o Morris County, N. S., Circuit Court, tho cnso of Eliza Oarthwnit against Richard Powdll - was brought up. This action wan brought for the recovery of $2,000 damages for breach of promise of marriage. Thei plaintiff is a widow, and lives in Now York city, and is, ns she alleges,s7 years old. Tim defendant lives at Flanders, Morris county, inn widower, and has arrived at the ago of 77. The plaintiff alleges that defendant, pro mised to marry her four years ago, and sitters that time has broken his engitgement and. married another. The defendant denies titer . * was any engagement on his part, and,if them was any engagement, ho afterwards learned. that she waA a very passionate woman, and that she and her former husband lived very Unhappily together, and thought the best ,thing for him to de under those circumitan7 ces,was to retract his promise. The jury camp into Court on Friday, rendering a von. diet of $2,000 for plaintiff. t BEADIZip• PA. A KENTUCKY NIINSATION. DOER FARMINU PAY ?—lStr. Joseph Brown, of Woodstock,' Maine, bought a farm last year for less 'than thirteen hundred dollars . , and raised this "year two thousand bushels of • potatoes, about sixteen hundied of which were merchantable, and among lot there were not two . bushels of rotten ones. They were Jaelcsons, and grow on high land, not manurcd. llo.also sect &4do fifty tons of hay. Ile wintered seventpeight sheep, which also turned out well. lle sold one hundred and ten dollars' worth of wool, ,besides what he reserved for his own use, sold one hundred dollars' worth of lambs, did kept fifteen for hialthick. Ho can sell his potatoes,now for fifty cent a bushel. Fon a great many years the Russians have made use of the expansive proper ties of freezing water in quarrying ope rations. In summer they drill crevices in the marble and fill theta with water. The cold of winter causes the water fo act as a wedge, and enormous masses of marble aro thus detached with the smallest expendi ture. of money. —rho warrants issued for Government.ex• penditurea during- October, did not include public debt redemptions, amounted to $21,- 861,000. \ •