II risme; I= —A. bold attempt was made on Monday to ob the George Washington Bank at Corning, New York. While boy was temporarily alone in ttio bank , a nian entered and repro aented himlstilf as a' United States Marshal, who was tibout taking possession of tho bank for issuing counterfeit notes. lle took a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, and put them upon the Wrists of the boy, who was nearly paralyze 3 by fear. Tho boy began to scream for help. which frightened the. thief, and he relensecrii;on. He then Old the boy to go with him find find the cashier,and while they were looking for him at tho depot the thief escaped. —The Protestant Missionaries at Ching keang, near Yangchow, in China, have ro- Gently been the victims of an outrageous attack made by a mob of eight or ton thou sand Chinese, who broke into the mission house, set tiro to the premises, and attempted to burn' up the inmates, consisting of the teachers and the children undor•their charge. The riot was occasioned by p .panic elicited by a report that the missionbries boiled up the children, to ho used as medicine. —The Moncricire gun carriage l a new inyen tion, is attracting much attention in Eng land.. li, it ordnance can bo mounted so as to sweep the land and Bea by their fife, 'and yet the gunners, while loading anti aiming the piece, will be - thoroughly protected by parapets impervious to the heaviest project ties. —The catch of herring in Massachusetts Bay this season has never boon equaled.— One boat with a crew of two men and five nets ) caught in ono night 60,000 herrings, and were obliged to call other boats to their assistance to get them .nshore. The catch of halibut is' also very ltU.ge all along the coast. —The New York fltin has a carrier who, has distrilinted that paper in Williamsburg and vicinity for :Seventeen years conseen• lively, without missing a day. Another in• teresting feature of the case is the fact that he has made the comfortable' sum of $lOO,- 000 by his occupation. —Rich gold fields have been discovered on the Northern frontiers of Norway and Rue. sia, stated to surpass those of California.— The severity of the climate will, however, prevent the placers being worked by emi• grants from i tbouthern and Middle Europe. lidlnday evening, some workmen fell from a platform in the Viola Congrega• tional Churoh in Johnstown, Cambria coun ty, by tho giving way of the timbers, a dip tanco of eighteen feet. Ono was killed, one was dangerously, and two severely injured. • —General MeClellan kto ho l e a salary of ten thousand dollars a year from tb,o exe eutors of the will of the late Edwin A. Stevens for superintending the comple tion of tho famous Stevens' battery at Hoboken, —A roll of bills of $250 was recettly found in a rat's nesc in Twenty-seventh street, Now York, for the supposed robbery of which a young man was sent to prison, which ! caused dissipation and a pauper's death. —A. largo Belgian vessel nrrived recently at Civita Vecchin, having on board for the Papal government a considerable number of Remington rifles, 600 kegs of powder, 200,- 000 cartridges, and sixty tons of'lead. -Frederick D. nut, principal of a school in Detroit, has been fined $2O for beating two girls • of fifteen years sevorely on tho hands. They worn one minuto lato on no count of illness in the family of one of them. —A radical rebel had an old Democratic tnienist, 00 years .of age, debarred from registration in St. Joseph, Mo., last week. The man had lost seven SOUR in the Union army, yet was not "loyal" enough to vote. —Ale Columbus, 0hi0../ourna/ calculates that there aro not less than ono hundred tulips of emigrant wagon trains On tho road between that city and liausas City, going weit;•ard. • —Mrs. Otter,on, :t widow lady residing at Sum.Ynitville, Cambria county, was found dead in her house on last Sunday. She had hung herself to a bedpost, and 0101 found life - Kis extinct. —The South German States have agreed upoit a common plain Of mobilization for their military forces. As a matter Of mitt's.° it is not to be divulged, being considered a State secret. . ---Tho will) of Bernard .Wagnor =erns drowned at Mt, Vernon ► Luzern() county, QII Monday, by fulling front a bridge. Ilor body letd not boon recovered at. last nc• mums. --A black boar, weighing 100 hounds, was killed one day last week. 14ack or Pittston. Another, (a tub, weighing 150 pounds,) was shot a few dayt; previous 'Oar Lackawanna. —Pearl lishhig in'the prA'lvinee of Olonetz, Russia, 11118 lately been resumed with g reat success, and some km specimens have ioeen sent to the Env()Jor. by the peasants. —The Oyster police tont Ives launched at Baltimore on Monday. his a murderous looking affair, heavily armed, and will look after ptrato oystertnen in tne Chesapeake. —The Now York Evening Mnil says that hundreds of "nice young men" in that city, many of thorn "soctetyfellows," Hie entire• ly upon borrowed money. —Pent is used in Fond du Lac, Macon. sin, as common fuel in stoves provided with hrates and is giving satisfaction so far as eard from. —The body of a murdered man was found under a coal breaker near Scranton, last week. lie was probably killed in a drunken brawl. —Since the overthrow of the Bourbon um. narelly in Spain, it is said that live hundred Jesuits have fled .across the frontier of Por tage'. —Emma Ross drowned herself from a Cincinnati ferryboat because her lover wont for a soldier andwouldn't marry her. —The citizens 4f,' Madrid have publicly burned the concordat before the palace of the Papal Nuncio at that place. —Moro than ono•seventh of the State of Mississippi, it is said, is advertised for sale under execution for debt. —Pennsylvania will send five Catholic Bishops to tho General Council at Rome next year. —The Roman *Catholics are building a $8,000,000 cathedral in Canton, China. r--Another bond robbery--this time $120,- 000—is reported from New York. IRISOICLAANZO.Wit. SCHOOto BOOKS! Just reoeived 'at the EAPAR I3OOKSTORE.I full lino of books in use in the Public Schools in tbli city, which will bo sold ut the very lowest prices. It would be to the advent/vile of such who are in want of books to ascertain our prices before purchasing elsoivhere. 14 have . SWoodburyto Now Method; with Gornatin,B Composition .13ooka. C FOquelle'sFrench Conroe, Bonnlcastle's Mensurntion. 1 . 11 Mc(Mardis Milli metles, Parker's Philosophy, 0 •Bullion's Grammar, Rayll AlgobrA, O . . Gutter's Anatomy, 'Goodrich's B. History, L • Greenleaf's Arithmetic , . Tenney's Geoloy, Davie' Legend or, Thomas' Etymology, Dletio - lanarlei t Pens and 11Ponholdere. G Slat9a and flf3lato-Ponelle, aponoorlanA,Jeopy.Booko, L tn.111:n0 'el?. E NVootiburreElementVary fiermanßeaderE flohoollL, Caskets, rarkerAWatison'aerles:of School Booke, I 351 Orlttenden'a Bookkeeping, with, sotto of Blank-. PENN STREET. Pennock History of linglanti, Orocoo, and Rome, READING. Mitchel's Intermediate and Primary Geographies Pl' PENNSYLVANIA CHORAL HARMONY Containinethe principal 'CHURCH MELODIES, Provided with GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT For eale:et n "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE. 861 Penn Street. DENS AWD PEN HOLDERS.. A turf A. vary 1. et, of diiterent Tooke& for ; nalekiLthe 15111110 Bookstoio. HOOL 11001 ES 181 at 9'13 ELi;s[iiiiio,v, FItEDFAUCIc W. LAUER,. •'" 4 ."OLD JAIL,,9 Carnt r and tiSiuhiaptwr shce fa. licadinp, Salo Agent for Bodo and Lebanoneountio, for the celebrated • SAMPSON SCALE COMPANY. The most reliable and durable Scales over placed before the publie. Cull nod see them before purchasing elsewhere. Superior inducements offered to buyers. A lot of second-hand PLATFORM SCALES on hand and for sale cheap, SL • rf EIOOD NEWS FOR TILE , . kTPEOPL.—Go to the NA • 40. g ° if i Bi°At HAT STORE,oI ienn below the lisott office, to buy cheap and well-made BOOTS, SHOES and HATS. oetll-3rnoeeclL. LIOIITSTERN. CITY lIOTEL, SOUTH SIXTH STREET, _ (Nonr Ponn,) READING, PA. *9.Chtirges modorAto. A. 14..E5TP.111.1r, Proprietor. ant 6 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Tug 'following table shows the time on which all Passenger trains, on the different, Railroads, arrive add depart from this city: DEPART—FOR PRILADRIRBIA. Reading Accom., all way stations 7:30 a. in. Express, principal stations . 10:35 " Way and Market„all stations 11:30 " Express„ principal stations...-- 4:20 pox:. Way and .Mail, all stations 6:30 " YOR POTTRYILLE, Ashland, Tamaqua, &a., and W. stations, PISS a. m. Pottav v ire and all way stations. 5:50 p, m. 4 1 otts le, Ashland, Tamaqua, &a r 6:10 tpa , #ARRIRISURO AND THE wkar. Express, Lebanon, He and west, 1:10 a. Accom__,. Harrisburg and all way stations 7:15 " Mail, Harrisburg and principal stations, 10:45 " F Lebanon, Harrisburg and the west, 1:50 p. In. Way, Harrisburg and all way stations-- 6:05 " Express, Lob,„ Harrisburg nd the west, 10:10 ” An sun froth Harrisburg a 4:49, 7:06,10:25 a. m.and 4:10,6:25, 11:40 p. in. FOR NSW YORK Andprindpal way station 4:41 a. tn. For Now York and Principal way stations 7:00 " For " and glliiramtations 10:30 - " For " 2:40 p. In, For " 41 " 1 1 4:20 p. i tu. For " andprinelpal way eta'ns, 11:40 AR mut from New York at 1:00, 9:00 a. m. and 1:50. 0:00.10:10 p. m. ItEADINGAND'COLUMBIA R. It. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28d, 1868. Passenger Trains will run on this Road, as follows: Leave Lancaster and Columbia at 800 A. M. Laumuiter 3 00 P. M. " Columbia • 3110 P.M. Arrive at Reading 10 20 A. M. .. 5 30 P. M. RETURNING : Leave Reading at 700 A.M. n 15 P. M. Arrive at Lancaster 920 A.M. " . Columbia at 915 A., ht. Columbia and Lancaster at 8:ti0 P. M. Trains hos. 2 and 4 make close connection at Reading with Trains North and South, on Phila. and Reading_Raliroad, and West on Lebanon Val toy Road. No. 2 also wakes close connection with Train for New York. Tickets can be obtained nt the Macs of the Now Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty M., Now York, and Phila. and Reading Itailroad,l3o and 'Callowhill Sts., Philadolphia. Through Tickets to New York and Philadelphia Sold at all the Principal Mations, and Baggage ()hooked Through. , Trains are run by P. ,tr. It. It. Tit o, which Is 10 minuted faster than Penna. R. It. Time. • OEO. P.-CIAGE, • Suporintendent. E. F. KBHVSR, Oon'l Frt. and Ticket Agt. of ly East Pennsylvania Railroad. SUl4ll4lllt ARRANGEMENT, COMMENCING WedneEday, May 20th, 1F44. SIX TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORE. WITH- ammmianin On and alter Wednesday, May, 2oth, 180, two Passenger Trains will leave Reading daily, (except Sundays,) for All entown and way stations, at 10.30 A. M. and 4.50 P. M., stopping ut all the way Ka 't ions between Reading and Now rark, inciting itho closcuconneetiens for Ma nch Chunk and rhut daphin via • Lehigh Valley it, IL, and arrivo at New York at 3.3(1 and 10,15 P M. Poor (II through Expro, • Trains will lna`i. Reading daily, (except Fnuday,. ) ll,r 'New York and the last; leaving Beading at 1.11 and 7.00 A. M. and al 2.4tt and 11,40 P. M. Those Trains run through from Pittsbnrgh to New York, without change of cam Stopping only at Lyons, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Hump ton, Sommerville, Plainfield and Elizabeth, and arrive at New York at 10.04) A. M., 12.00 M., 7.25 I'.M. and 5.00 A. M. The 4.41 A. M. train will not Leave Reading on Mondays. •The DO A. Al and 11.40 P. M, trains run daily, Sundays Included. Trains. leave New York, foot of Liberty street daily, (except Sunday?) at 9.00 A. AL, 12 noon, 5;8 and 8.20 P. AI , and arrive at Rending at L&O, 0.00 and 10.10 P. M., and at 1.00 and 2.52 A. M. The 8.00 P[lll. train from New York leaves daily. Sundays included. A Sunday Excursion Train will leave Rending ovary Sunday nt 3 A. Al., ptopping at all stations and intermediate points. Arrive at Allentown, at 10 A. M. Retarning: leave Allentown, at 4.0 a P. AL Arrive at Reading at el P, M, Passengers are requested to purchase tickets be fore entering the cars, - as 21 cents extra will ho charged and collected on the train from 01 who pay the faro to the Conductor. Juno 23- C. STULT'/., Eng. and Supt,. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. (Iteviged.) REA DINO, AtTOUST GTR 13(3, QUMSII.IIt ARRANGEMENT Oh` PASSENGER 0 TRAINS, August 3 1808. Five Trains down to Philadelphia, passing . Read ing at 730, 1035 and 11 30 a. m., and 4 25 and 030 p. Up to Pottsville, at 10 40 a. in., and 550 and 600 p. In. Trains West to Lebanon owl Harrisburg: Western Express front New York, at 17,0 a. in, and 150 and 10 10 p. m. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at 715 a. in., and mail trains at 10 45 a. in. and 6 65 p. m. On Sundays, the down trains pass Reading at 940 a. in. and 425 p. m„ and Up trains at 10 50 a. m. and 557 p. m. The 4 25 p. m, down, and 1050 a. M." up trains run only between Philadelphie. and Reading. Up trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, Har risburg and Pottsville, at 7 30 find - 815 a. m., 12 45 noon, and 330 p. m. and 6 151 p. in., for Reading only. The 815 n. in. trains cor neat with trainater Tamaqua, Williamsport, Blasi a, Buffalo, Niagara and Canada. Tho 815 n. in. and 3 30 p. m. up trains from Phil adelphia, and 10 35 a. in. and 4,2 a p. m. down trains stop only at principal stations, below Reading. Reading Accommodation Train : leaves Reading at 7 30 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 615 p. Pottstoivn Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at 645 a, in., returning loaves Philadelphia at 4 30p,m. The Western Express Trains connect at Harris. burg with express trains on the Pennsylvania R. R. for Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and all points west, anti the 1045 mail train connects at Harrisburg for Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Clunnbersburg Sunbury, Scranton, Pittston, Wilkesbarre, Williamsport, Look Haven, Elmira and tbo.Canadas. Passenger Trains leave Upper Dep_ot at 7 00 a.m. and 615 p. in., for Ephrata, - Lids, Taaneaster.and Columbia. Through First-class Coupon tickets and Emi grants' tickets at reduced fares, to all the primly))) points in the North, West and the Canadts. COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 26 coupons, at al per cent. discount between any points desired ' MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 2000 miles between all points, at 125-56 fo* families and business firms. SEASON TICKETS, Good for the holder only, for 3.0,9 and 12 mon'lls, between all points at reduced fares. School season tickets at ono-third less than the &hope. SW Passengers will take the Expres_4 Trains west at the Upper Depot, and another trains at the Lower or Via D e p o t. • 100 pounds of baggage allowed each pass;enger. Passengers are requested to purchase therrtickets ,before entering the cars. as higher fares are chart ed if paid in the cars. Excursion Tickets Food for ono day, by 730 a. in, Accommodation Train to Philadelphia and returrt, at $2 65 each. 0. A. NICOLLS, Gen'l. Supt. satseltiLmaiviltovs. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN LUMBER, READING, PA. Keeps constantly on band and for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, A. world:assortment of • WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, MIMI; CHERRY; 'OAK, ASH, 'CHESTNUT, EMU INDIANA BLACK & WIIrDa WALNUT. CAROLINA YELLOW PINE, MICHIGAN PANEL LUMBER, Thoroughly seasoned and under cover. WHITE PINE, CYPRESS, AND NORTH CAROLINA GREEN SWAMP CEDAR. SHINGLES. Orders respectfUlly solicited and promptly, tended to. Tor prices, dm., call at the _ NEW BRICK OFFICE, On the Corner of Fourth & Pine Ste., Or, Wulf, J, KEELY, _Reading, Pa, febllly n A. GEtEEfEZdEllit3 u ! Extensive Grain Warehouse, FARMERS AND 00i)ISIGNORS, Who may wish to etero Grain, &o. ,Slorage and commission reasonable. Also, asaperior stook of FLOUR AND FEED, &e.) Forsale wholesale and retail, at lowerpricesthan can be purchased elsewhere. Also, a superlorlot of Buokwheat Meal, and Potatoes. Offloo, No:105 North Eighth-et. Roading s ra, fobs- f TaR ‘,` ltilADI NG\- - A DEER, " Tho ohleit German Nowepapor pub Ashed In the C'irraldion ewer Mee 77witsan•11 The "Reading Adleeris the lioFt advertiring ma ilium for the German Dhitrial in EMit ern Penneyl• vania, having a circulation of over five thousand copied. It eontaina twenty-eight large eflilllllll9 of advertisement:land earefiillypeleeted reading mat 't'ho Adler in thoroughly Demorratie in prin entl en vori»g to inettlente the pound pollard doctrine:loft - 111r forefathere, n 3 la id down by Jaffa- eon anti Jaek Ran. PRICE ONLY ' 4I AO A YEAR. Published every Tue. lay *ming. by 1 4 b.15 OCMOOL COMPANIONS. S We haveiust received a large let of those desira ble little Caske , which we are enabled to sell at reduced rates ontaining a Ruler, Seal, Pencil, Crayon. Pen older, Slate Pviell, Gum and Sponge. RITTER it CO. Eagle Bookstore. J_GB PRINTING.;B I ET, 9 7I'oge Job Printing neatly executed at tne 7'.aAGLE' Printing Establishment, J. KEELY. And IMM 1 li ' Nov ready for United States. i' 11' A 111.1911 R D TN 1797: RITTER. & CO., No. 351 Penn Street., I= nOOIF.LAND'S COLVSN. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN I.3ITTERS, AND Hcofland's German (Tonto, The Great Remedies for all Diseases of flu Liver, Stomach; or Pigestice Orgaas. Hooiland's German Bitters Is composed of the puroJuiecs (oral they an med icinally formed Extrotthr of' ltootp, Herbs, and IlarkNrnitking f)repnrriti tion highly conuentra tett and entirely freallift»4 alcavtio admix/- tare chiliff kind. lIOOFLANI)'S CEIthIAN TONIC le a combination of nil the ingredienteofthe Bit ters, with the purest quality, of Santa Crux Rum Orange. &e., malting one of the most pleasant and afireeable remedies ever offered to the pubile. • rhose preferring a Medicine free from Alcoholic admixture, Will ix% gOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Those 'who have no pliketion to the combhontiot of tho Itittersos stated. Atilt use II 0 0 A;ND'S OF. RMAN ONI They aro both equally good, and contain the same medicinal virtues, the choice betweenthe two being a more matter of task, the Tonic being the most palatable. The stomach, from a variety of causes, each Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, etc., is very apt to have its functions deranged. The Liv er, sympathizing aselosef as it, does with the ' Stomach thou hecomeslJaffeeted, the result el which is that the patient suffers from several or more oldie following dssoases: • Consumption, Flatulence, Inward •Piles, Fullness • of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for foosl, Full ness or Weight In the Stomach, Soar Ernetations, Sinking or Fluttering ' at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried .or Difilault Breathing, I (uttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Di nos, of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, /Defleieney of Perspira., tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Cheat, Limbs, etc.,' Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of l,vil and West- Depression of Spirits, . The sufferer from thoso disottsos should exorcise the greatest caution in the solootion of a retouch for his ease, purchasing only that which ho isas sured from his investigations and inquiries, os. misses true merit, is skill/ \fully compounde d,l. freo from injurious ingrolitlionts, and establisli ed for Itself a reputation for the more of disoups. In this connection we would submit thoso known remedies— 1100FLAND'S GERMAN itirrEllq AND 1100FLANDIS GERMAN TONI( REPARRO lIYbR. O.M. JAOKaOII, PhiladOlPill,a, Ph Thirty-five years since they wpm first introdueod into this country from tiormany, during which time they haVe undoubtedly performed more cures, and benefited suffering humanity ton greater extent. than any other remedies known to the public. These remedies will effectually cure LiVat COM. plaint, Jaundice Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervour Debility, Chronlo DiareVhcea, Disease of-the Kidneys, and all Diseanear arising from a Dis orderbd Liver. stomach or Intestines. DEBILITY. Resulting from any Cause whatever; Prostration of tho System, induced by severe Labor, Hardships, Exposure. Fevers, are, There is no medicine extant equal to those rem edies in such cases. A tone and vigor is 1114611 mi to the whole system, tho appetite is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach digests property, the blood is purified, the complexion becomes sound mid healthy, the yellow tinge is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is given to the chocks, and thi weak and nervous invalid becomes a strong awl healthy being. PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIM, And fooling tho hand of timo weighing heavily upon thorn,. with all its attendant ,s will find it the us° of this 1111714103, or the TONIC, an dirt) that will instil now life into their voins, restore k a pleasure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years, NOTICE. It is a well established fact that fully ono-halt m the uo portion ()tour mpulation tiro seldom it the enjoyment of good health, or, to Wit O thou own' oxproesilm, "novor 4feel well." They all languid, devoid of all energy, extremely' nervous and have no nppotito. To this CifV3.9 of persons tho BITTERS, or- th, TONIC, is espeeially roeommonded. -1 WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Aro made strong by the use of either of these remedies. Tboy.will cure every ilif , l4 of MAltAti MS. without tut. Thousandg of eertilicatea havo accumulated IL the hawk of the proprietor, but FPaceivill allow o the publication of but fow. Thom), it will be ob• served, are millll note, awl of roo m standing Mal they mud be believed. TESTI MON IA I ,S. Hon, (loorgo W. Woodward. Cliii.f.lpttice of the Snpren►o Co►:rt ► ivrite piIif,AIWAPIIIA, March K 1867, "f Inid Ifoolland's German Bitters is a good funk; useful in diseases of the . tligTltivo organs, an..l of great benefit in eases of debility, and want of nervous Helton in lie system. Yours, truly . , 4EO. W. WOODWAII D. lion. James l'hompnon, Judge of the Supreme CourtofPeuusylvauin, 1 1 011,Amsr,PuTAPpri1 29,18rh, "1: eimsider Ifoolland's germ an Bitters ronige ble vncil ine in etuin of nttneks of indigestion or dy/1 VoliAia. I Van certify this ft om my experionpo of it Yours, with respect, JAM TII071IPSON." •, .. Prom Hay. PI. P. Feudal!, • Assistant Editorhristian Chronicle, Philadelphia 1 have.derive. 'added benefit front the ttio'of (; Ilooiland's ['ferns( llitterg, and feel it my privilege to recommend theta as a most valuable, tonic, to all who are suffering front general debility, or from diseases nriaing front derangement of the liver. Yours, truly, E. D. FENDALL. Prom Rev. Joseph 11. Kennard, D. D., Pastor of tho Tonth Baptist Church, Phila. DR. JACKBON. — DEAR SIR Lave boon frequent' ly requested to connect my name with mom mondations of different kinds of medicines, but re garding the practice‘fas out of to appropri ate sphere, I havo in alll.l oases deolinedh but with a clear proof in various instances, and partic ularly in my own family of tho use of Dr. Hoof, land's G I erman Bitters, depart for onoo from my usual course, to express my full conviction thatjor general debility of the system, ant/ especially for Meer Complaint, it is a 4afe and makable preparation., In some eases it may fail' but usually, I doubt not. It will be very beneficial to those whosuffor from the above causes. I Yours, very respectfully,J. H. EIsNARD, Eighth, below Coates St. CAUTION. Ilanues German Remediev lITO counterfeited. See that the signaturerlofo.M.JACKSON hen thowrapperefeach het-S./tie. Allotheroarecoun terfeit. Principal office and Manufactory, at the fierman Medicine Store, No. f►3l Arch Street, Philadelphia, CHARLES M.. EVANS , Proprietor, Formerly C. M. JACKSON Sc. Co. , PRICE, • - lloojiand'• German Diger*, pir bottle, - - In ie • • - t ha If dozen, /holland'. German Tonic, put up in quart bottleS, ill 50 per bottle, or a half dozen for 87 50. 1113.110 not forget to examine well the article you buy, in order to get the genuine. FOR SALE BY ALL Druggists and Storekeepprs, EVERYWHERE. AiINC Ei,LAPtEOV9 DifnIONARIES.. Websfer'i Webler's Actidemlc,citer, jr Web,(', high tiohooh(loy, E 3,) Webs*'s Claumon S%!huol, NI IV.±l,4ter'd Prituary, ahr, Itohle English Dietionftry, woreester's Climprehensivo Didionity, Worerster's Bchoot DistiAAry • Atl!Wei (lernann Engilah Not iottary, oohlscllager's Pronouncing German For sato at th• . "EAGLE" BooltStoßE,'' it.;l Penn Street, near Fourth. GREAT FURNITURE DEPOT, SCHWEDER,Sz FELIX, Waroroom, oornor Fifth and Woohingtot • ntroota, MA N UPA CTOII Y. WASHING TON MRS! BELOW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN. 1 vito public nttention to their splendid stook of flrat-ulnae furniture now and constantly on honk and made to order to suit Customers. - Among other articles. mould attention is In. vitod to their unsurpassed EXTENSION TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, - IHNINO•ROOM CHAIRS, CF NTRIA; AND OTHER TABLE% BE risTEADs O 1 THE LATEST STYLES, and every other article in their line of Whom Every urtiolo is manufantured by thenneirtsjo their admirably nrrangod inanufactory, tilt lo go most perfect machinery, and skillful module, and finished in an unaurvalatoti manner. Alio moored to meat) nll adorn for CARVING, : TURNING, SAWINO, and MOULDINGS. All orders promptly executed, and trarrantedtt give satisfaction, ap.lo• N. T. Gum, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 6C13 Penn Street, Reading, .Pa. T_TAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND TDB FINEif assortment of Fine, and Heavy llootsand Roo in this city, also Ladies' and Children's Shoe:lod kinds. Soo list of styles and prices: Men's ealf boots, home made, 11 6 t 3 26' 60 }d o II 400 to 53 '.' calf balmuralfl, 2500 101 • kip 2 ' 5J " " Brogan?, 0 00 25) " Congress pilot's, p 76 45) " Glove kill Congress gapers, , 4 00 53 1 200 3 9 W 11oye' kip Imota, - 1 . 15 0 23 I I 1 lialMOrAl, ' Youths' kip boots,. ‘. 175 2a..) luahnorals 125 15 Women's glove kid high Polish hal m orals, 360 43 lirtinion's lasting high Polish balmorals,2 00 301 goat patent loather tip, " 200 _24 " Kid slippers, 100 15 Misses' goat patent leather tip bal morals,l 50 21W , Children's goat patent loather tip bal morale, , 125 110 N. T. 0110. 653 Penn atteet. npril Mood] FOIE REA.DING FIRE INSIIIRANCE AND 1' TRUST COMPANY OF BERMS C. ORnANIZSD JULY. 1807. Ohre Reading hoar (Ince Building, f,19 North h'ifth at red, S. E. arner a awl taw', Offioo hour§ from 8 A. u. to 8 F. It DIREaoRRI J. Pringle .Jones, /nines McKnight, Henry ZVan lteed, Jacob Mather, J. T. Jne . kBon, I). K. Stout. Jonns klhalter. J, T. Valentino, George Wear. • This • Company insures all kinds of proper', against /°ss or damage by Ilre etudes as low assay oth errellable Companyand upon ovotypian known to Stock Insurance Companies. Perpetual Policies issued requiring no renews! and upon which the amount of premium Paid ain be reclaimed at any time, less a deduction of an per cart. The advantages of this method srs worthy of the attention of farmers and others her. inq first-class dwelling houses, barns and other buildings, in town or country, as being the elan• est and safest. Policies for one, two, three, five or moreYesre , " for leas than ono year, issued and no charge made for Policy and survey when renewed or when in surances are transferred from other compere; The citizens of Readitii and 'vicinity, hltheite dependent mainly upon foreign companies, hill now the privilege deflecting their Insurance/Ms home institution, well orgenised, with an admit& paid in end guaranteed capital, presenting $ strong a basis of security as that of any other eons* pany. The advantage of doing7business direct/1 With the Company And the importance of keeyini some portion of the large slims paid for immures. in circulation at home, will he appreciated by O. .I.•PRINGLE JONES, President. • JAMES MoKIMIIIT, Vice President , -A. E. A NaoKA, fica'y and Treas.. - fionelo -LAUER'S DRONERI( I READING. PA. • The a übsorib err` eepectfuUy annoancee to 000 6 " Ho that he hr J recently enlarged his Brewery considerable extent and introduced steal PO" in all its departments - , and is now ready to eapilf all demands for • SUPERIOR MALT LIQUORS, . , or home and distant consumption. Ris steet et Malt Liquors. warranted to keep in all Mantes. / 1 as foilows:_, DROWN STOUT. PORTER. '- BOTTLING ALE, AND' LAGER BEM 'BRED% LAUER. N. B.—A liberal percentage will be allowed Agouti abroad. Jan.l36" II =I CAPITAL litiOrALa