- • -YosiiatE. =I THE REAMNO, NOVEILDIM 7, NM Oa* or, itcoisravoiriros. Aebeiding to thq report of the Paymaster General of the Army, which line juat been sent to the Secretary of War , the sums paid out in his department for the year ending June 30, 1868, amounted to sixty million, six hundred. and sixtrnine' thousand, six hundred and eleven dollars ancl sixty-five 4.entß. Tbe pyracitte . wer r o'fta fellows: troops in service, $ 1 18,,270,077.82 ;1.9 troops mustered out, $ 4. 2,108 ) 094.13 . ; for bounties, bp& pay, colored. claimants, and dues to heirs of deceased . soldiers', $40,19 ? . 539.60. There are sixty regular paymasters and eighteen additional paymasters—thelatter of whom, it- is said, , are to ho diacharAed next year. .The number of clerks in the depart ment is 05, whose'snlarics amount to $BB,. 000 a year. • Bather an expensive peaceestablishment for a country which is nearly bankrupt; but the people have just voted for "more of the sinne sort," and they must pay 'the expen ses. 1 1'111E CONSEQUENCE. Thkimmedlate consequence of the 'elec tion of Gen. Giant was a decline in the price of government bond, a panic iri tho money market, and an armed negro insurreel l ion in Cholla. The Philadelphia Ledger s l ap, in its Ntsv York letter fif Thursday : , "The sudden and heavy depreciation in stocks has madibeggars of many who, a few days ago, accounted thetnsolvca rich. * * * It is now acknowledged on all hands that if this state of things does not expe rience a change for the bettor soon,tho most disastrous eoneequences to general business are inevitable.!! • A few speculators have succeeded in low ering the price of gold, but it will only be :I' spaamedie Contraction, and experienced bit- , siness men prophesy that gold will be at $1.60 before two weeks. Pdrhaps the money lords have tvon an,elephant, as wall as the tax• payers. THE PHMOCIVATIC ALMANAU I for 1869, is now in press, and will be : published by Van Evrie„.llorton & C0., • !N0.182 Nnssnu street, Now York, about theist of January. It will contain, besides the 'usual matter of all al --1 'panties, full and official returns of the Pres• i r klontint and other elections, compared with previous ones, tbo most important acts of Congress, 'President Johnson's Veto Masa keit and Proclamations, Lists of Federal and State Officers, Members of Congress; ► Statistical and other information Indispensa ble to every politician, planter, limner, mer chant or mechanic. Price 20 cents a single copy; 7 copies, prepaid, $1; 15 copies, pt:e• paid, $2; 100 copies, by express, $l2. li4'very Democrat should have a copy of this valiin• ble work. Address as above. 11ox. Itev►?►cuY Joutisox, Ameriemt Minis tet to England, is disgusting al) prariotic Americana by his sycophantic tondyisni to the English government. The United. States government has already borne more than sufficient wrong and insult froM England to cause any rimpectale nation to resort to arms in ilefiinee of Ota honor, and this cow ardly cringing to a power which has openly scorned and defied 119, should make every true American bli►sh f9r the representative of his country. Tax NoW York fioy Bock IA made its appearance in a Anpletc now dress of type, and, presents a linndsome appearance. The hap Ronk is ono of the best conducted and most fearless Democratic papers in the coun try, and welt deserves its present prosperity. It is . published by Van Eyrie; Horton aro Co., No. 102 Nnssatt street, New'York. Pitussi . A. has launchch formidable war vessel, the steam corvette Elizabeth, and has been making heavy purchases of grain in Russia for the use of the army. France is also making wad& preparations in secret, , and it is feared that these two great powers will soon be engaged in a war that will plunge huTlreds 'of thousands of helpleti's people in to misery and mourning. Gm KILPATRICK has boasted for months that ho would like to meet a rebel in deadly combat, but ho is afraid to meet Gon. For; rest, who has ehallengdd him to , fight. A blackguard is seldom mach ota fighter, and Kilpatrick, by his personal abuse and ion , slang, has disgusted all decent men, oven in his own pirty. Ix Philadelphia,sinee the election of Gen. Grant, coal has gone up to ten dollars a ton, government bonds fell 3 per cent. in value in twenty.four hours, and other government securities fell in a corresponding ratio. IN in a'poor soldier who deserts his colors on (teem], of a defeat. He is a coward who' abandons his political principle., on account of a political reverse. MMIn!IM!'iMMTMF27 r i Arisurirg or. sourrinltet. • In reference to . the payment of additional bouitier t ii4derhe net ; ' of J01y0866, the payinuter Genital's reptirt states. that die whole numbei of elohniAled to Oct.: 17,ris 486,199,0 f whteho7,o9ll)ave hien 141(1012 1 .. 403 rejecte4; rilioniiiing l ittnsettieil Only Pr); and of those unsettled, 8,047, or more than half, will be paid at once On' present*. tion of the vouchers,, leaving ouly 7,8458 in the progress of seitlement. Tho Payinaster Opera' has disbursed, under the h', $37,- 764,774 78. • The claims of colored soldiers, heirs of deceased sohliers,and white soldiers who have lost their • discharge papers, are scttled bj the Trettury Departnant.7 The aggregate sum disbursed for additonal.boun ties to colored soldiers singe tha 'law was passed, ',somewhat, .exceeds $34,000. The Paymaster General suggests that Congress fix March 4, 1869;fis tho dato before which all claims for additional bounty must be pre sented, in' order that business may be'closed up before, the end of tho present fiscal year, WENDSM.PIIII.LIPS, the arch+gitator, calla for the impeachnient and verrioval of Piesi ; dent Johnson. Phillips is alwaxs plotting mischief, but lie will probably have ,some trouble in managing Gen. Grant, after hav ing denounced him as a drunkard, and he is therefore desirous of wreaking bas vengeance upon President Johnson, Arm Taur,—A Radical paper says "the election Of Gen. Giant will bring • n fasting peace to the people of the United States." We fear it will, especially to the poor pee ple, wholvill see fasting enough, from pres ent indications. Greif are both willing to fill the 'position of United States Senator, from pensylvania l and a Kilkenny eat fight May be:Opeeted among their respective adherents. GOV,EntiOlt GEARY and Iron. Gittu.sha THE Radieala intend to have a grand parade and illumination' this evening. They would do well to save the money they * propose.to spend for candles. They will need it all to pay taxes before long. - HON. HORATIO SElrMorli is proposed as United States Senator from Nev York. ON TEE BLACK LlST.—lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota aro said to have adopted negro suffrage. Let every man choose his own COmpnny, . A3‘ the elecrati on Tuesday in Newark, N. J., Mrs. Lucy Stone Blackwell and her mother-in law, Mrs. Blackwell, presented themselves at the polls and attempted to vote, but the officers refused to receive their tickets. This is not the way in which women wore treated in Now Jersey in, the olden time, when all tax-payers, whether male or female, were -entitled to vote for school di• rectors and all officers liitving control of pub. lie money. The different parties then sent Jersey wagons for the convenience of the female voters, and made use of the solicita tions that are now employed to influence the votes of the males. TELEGR.A.PITIC SUMMARY The trial of John S. and George 11. Wise, son and nephew of Gov. Wise, at Baltimore, for assault with intent to murdtr Edward A. Pollard, has been fixed fur the 12th instant in the Criminal Court. On Thursday, Mrs. James Rice, of New wadi, N. .1., was fats* burned by the over• turning of her : kerosene lamp on 'the stove, while she was endeavoring to keep her two children away from the stove. The children were slightly burned. l'he Retrenchment Committee are about to investigate the mispension of procedings against the members of the Kentucky ban Whisky Company, and\ will report on the reassembling of Congrcsit. (len. (lranthas declined general recep- tion on his return to Washington, as he does notj desire n display. Secretary Seward is back ,t Washington. The Supreme Court of the bistriet of ,Co• mumble, yesterday, sustained the decree of Judge Wylie, ordering Surntt's discharge tmder the statute of limitations. This ends the Suratt case. Gov. Crawford, of Kansas, has resigned, to taco command of a regiment against" the Indians. Ilis place will be filled by the Lieutenant Governor. The public debt statement for November 1, shows a total of $2,641,002,572. Cash in the Treasury, $113,873,019, of which $103,• 907,985 was coin. The total debt, less cash in the Treasury, decreased oVer $7,500,000 during October. , • Harrison Reed, Goveinni . of Florida, Was yesterday impeached by the Florida Assem bly, on charges preferred by Horatio Jet& ins, lately President of the Reconstruction Convention. The LegiSlature is expected to adjourn to-day. Two thousand 'stand of arms, belonging to the State of Florida, were stolen from a rail. 'triad car, near Madison, in that State, on Thuisday night, and destroyed. Loss $20,- 000.1' Tho PreBident has proclaimed a treaty be tween the United States and Italy for the Surrender of criminals, to continuo in force for five years. The Board of Directors of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, at a meeting hold at Richmond, Va., resolved that the chief en gineer lie authorized at' once to make surveys and -estimates for Coiinecting the Chesa peake and Ohio road with tidewater, and the York fiver railioad by horse-powor ; also estimates and,plans for new depots at Rich mond, WrItSIMMM=M. 111M1 I= SATURDAY, Nov. 7. 1110 MIES COOit talvirsb. iicpted c*,)7. I .11EAD I CIlst WArlll .! 2 Ward 4th W Ward assi 4 ` l th Ward " 7th Want " Bth Ward " 9th Vi rd soy -2 ' 3 51 l i n fo 2.300 21L4 • Reeding Albany, Alsace, Amity, • D er, Upper, Bernvllle, ethel, Boyortown,* Breeknook. Calmar, on.. Centro, • Colobrokno* Comm, DAstrlet, Douglass, Earl, Exeter, (lreenwleb. Hamburg, HAldleborg, North, "- Lower, Hereford,' Jefferson, Kutztown, Longswamp, Maidedoreek, Marion, MaxataWnY• Mublenberg, Cloy, ntolanneo, Penn, 339 305 63 368 144 40 to co ice 178 186 70 115 106 erry.. ike, Robeson, Rockland. • Ruscombmir, Spring, • , pulP9hoebo, tiehoo'nUy Union, Washington, Winsdor, Wometsdort, 6,193 12,931 Majorities, 6,133 6503 •Colebrookdale and Boyertowt until 1867. Seymour, Grant, - - - Seymones mahrity, - - - 6,056 On the Democratic ticket, Reuben Stabler bas_ 1 vote less in Idaidenereek and 8 votes lesi in Longswamy—total 4. David L. %moll has 1 iroto less in Eighth Ward, Reading, - .8 less in Seventh Ward, Yin Sixth Ward, 1 in Fin Ward, 2 in Four* Ward, and 1 in Lower Heidelberii—total 12. William Shirk gains 1 vote in Seventh Ward and 1 in li'aurth Ward, Reading— total 2. William A. Galbraith lost 1 vote in Seventh Ward, Reading. John R. Packard gained 1 vote in Sixth Ward, Reading. Edward S. Golden lost 1 vote in Womehi dorf. . Samuel 8.-Wilson Jost 1 vote in T' dorf. On the Radical ticket, Isaac Eckert gained 8 votes in Third Ward, Reading, 1 vote, in Fifth Ward, 1 in Maidoncreek and 3 in Womelsdorf, and knit 1 in First Ward and 1 in' Eighth Ward, Reading—total, gain 8, lost 2. 'rom Cnilfornfa. SAN 1 1 '4A , TOI800, Nov. earth• quakes liar been an almost dailpoccurrree here since October Ost. Last night at:o p. m. there was a ehat : p shock, lasting twelve seconds, Which created considerable alarm among the people, though it chased no dam age to property. Di this city the vote cast reached 25,700, tho largest ever polled. The Democratic majority is )1 1 313, The, defeated Republi can municipal officers intend to contest the election. The election ofunembers of the Logi',la tare in British Columbia was held yesterday. Tho Confederatinn 'candidates were suc cessful in every &strict, heard from. NEWS \ITIRDIS. r —A. mq(i dog was shot at Freeland, Mont gomery county, last week. --The corn crop of Ohio this year is esti mated at 141,000,000 Wallets. —Pecan nuts arc very abundant this year in Texas. —New Hatiipshire had a man 120 years old. Ile lived at %tastable, and died last week. —Mrs. Lincoln has arrived in Paris and taken apartments in n private .house, near . the Champs Elysees. - —A man fell.into a vat of boiling lye at Southbridge,intpsachusetts, on Monday. He was rescued in .a few moments, but (Bed try° hours afterwards. —A baronet of Vest Nortlminherland, England, is organizing a large party to go out to the new gold fields in Africa. A ship has been engaged and the party is pur chasing mining implements to carry on operations on a large scale. —At tho Episcopal General Convention in New York, Jost week, a new canon was re ported providing that it shall be unlawful to sell or lease pews by auction held within the walls ofa church. After debate, the canon was modified to read as a recommendatory resolution, and adopted. • —Prince Alfred, of England, has started in a steamship to make a voyage around the world. The voyage will consume two ears' time, it is said, and perhaps three. lie will take this • country in his journey. His mother being unable to manage him sends him away from home. —A serious disturbance, arising out of \ political feelings, occurred in front of the schoolhouse, in the Second ward,Allegl►eny, on Monday night, during which George Bothwell, n well•known citizen of the ward, received Injuries which it is firobable will prove fatal. Four of his assailants were ar rested. General S - baler, president of the Now York Metropolitan Fire Depart- ment, ordered all the firemen of that city out on parade today for review by Gov ernor Fenton. There was much dissatisfac tion on account of this order, which had too much the appearance of turning the Fire Department into a military force. —A miner named Patrick Duffy, during the darkness on Wednesday night of last week, on returning to resume his work in the Iron Mine, at Franklin Furnace, Allen• town, mtscalculating the distance,by mistake walked into the pit, falling 155 recf to the bottom. lie wits found alive at the bottom, his direct descent probablylbeing broken by the jagged walls of the mine. Although fearfully lacerated, in all probability lie will recover. • ti ~~~. FP.' ,., ME MI i I ij :~ ,~ 3,030 49 3216 3016 WS 224 82 1 75 N 115 116 a 66 23 , 0 X 1 iol 1 61 41 ' 137 63 229 380 278 292 202 130 233 274 201 436 295 E 45 70 B 181 '433 246 128 CM EMI 13973 7917. 13056 4 were one Distlid 13,973' 7,017 =MU MN= •‘ : , " 41 t • V ,•:41 ' . • 811 WL 01 EPAMM: ME KLINF4;,EPPIRIMM & CO. BLANKET BRAWLS, BROCHE SHAWLS, CHAIN LAIN SHAWLS, PAISLEY SHAWLS, MISSES' SIIANyLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, MOURNING SRMVLS, GENTLEMEN'AI SIIAWL§, Also is Stock, a full assortment of Silk Vel will be sold by the yard, or made to order in at short notice and moderato prices. TO-DAY'S ADVIERTISE4IIENTS. 110AIRDING.--Two or three gentlemen can be r.lovaecounpodatod with board, nt 739 Penn et e t. nor 7 2.w S. It : CHRISTIAN. flpo ALL ,WHOM IT KAT CONCERN.— 'Notice is hereby given, not to loan anything. or to give trust to my wife Isabella, in my name, as I shalt not pay any debts of her contracting, She ' having, leftany board and bed without cause. nov I -3t LEVI HAAS. A , GOOD GIRL Ivantsa place as Child's Nuree,• Van do 'general housework. Inquire at 321 South ?fi fth street. nov 6.2 t TIE lOCRATIC ASSOCIATION. The JL/reikular monthly meeting of the DemoeratioAs sec intim will be held at their rooms,to-morrow(Sat, urday) evening, Nov. 7th, at 7, 1 .?; o'clock. A full attendance is expected. ISAAC li. FISDEII, President. P. D. WANNER, secretary. r , _nov (PA POAIRDING.—A few gentlemen ean 'ne cominodnEed with good boarding and, boOing applying ot No. 391 llrashington street. nov 5.3 E • GEORGE ORTROST. ro t RTANT NOTIGE! TIE GOOD \VILA, .FIRE . *COMPANY, 01' AI, ENTovr N PA. , Would hereby announce to tho oitizens•of Reading, that, owing to a considerable number of tiokets re maining unsold as well as coupons unreturned, they are compelled to toqpoho tho drawing until the ltd of December. 'tiokets can be had, for a short time, of E. D. Riechard, Agent, Plough and Harrow Hotel, and at Strickland J.; liro. nov.6 JOSEPH REPROL fZ, * . , • NO. 710 PENN lITIIEET, • READING, PA., • has constantly on hand the BEST BEE F , as well •09 all kinds of meat and &lunges, liver pudding, blood pudding, - Frankfort "lichwarton magen",,,tc., all of which will bo sold at the lowest. prices. • • n0v,5.3' GRANI) RAFFLIkM • FOR TWO FAi lIOGS Al the Drovern' Hotel Cop. Eighth &Woqllitittloaat3.. ON SATURDAY EVENING NEXT,NOV.III4IFA. The highest number of Hembi thrown takes lirst choice, lowest number tubes Necimul choke. Tick etii 25 cents. nov.4 k V" -- FTN -1-2-sifi r 13 • AID .A L NHILLER VEREIN, _ Assisted by the READING 2111EINNIIR011011'. AT 'AIMENDAOLOS HALL. Tuesdriy. Novemberllolll, 1/36N. TICKETS FOR ONE GENTLEMAN AD TWO LADIEfi 41. l' ROMtA 11111. - PA Ill' 1. CONCERT AND TABLEAUX PART 2 . BAIL. All our old friends and patrons with their fami lies are respectfully invited to attend. - Tickets can lie had of the Committee. ADOLPH itOFFMAN, - 1118$1NUER. CARL SCIICENE, FRITZ MAYER. new 4-ta . U. C. REES. N"w CiROCERYit PROVISIONSTORE, J. 1). II G Announces to tho public+ that he has opened a GROCERY & PROVISION STORE at the N. E. Corner of Eighth and Franklin Sts., where ho will keop-constantly en bandit largo and wall selected Stock of Orocories, Provisions. &e., which ho will soil at the lowest market price. A share of public patronage is respectfully solic ited. Country Produce bought and sold. i J. D. MGM " N. E. Corner Eighth and Franklin. _no„„ .4, G EN. TAYLOR HOUSE! 341 North Eighth Street, Within n Square of the I r mer New York Depot J. 11. SHAEFFER, Proprietor. ellMm KEYSTONE OPF I RA HOUSE. POSITIVELY TWO NIWITS ONLY! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, OTH AND 7TH, NOEL REUNION AND. FAREWELL TOUR OF TU WOIMD-ItENOWNED • HANLON BROTHERS, GEORGE, WILLIAM, ALFRED, ED. WARD and FREDERICK., • With their Avon'lo Prodigies, FRANCOIS, JU LIAN and VICTOR, and their new TRANS-ATLANTIC COMBINATION, -;•1 - • NOW making their FAREWELL TOUR of the Unite&Jates. In addition to the attractions pre 'sent ed by the lIANLONS, they have also under m engageent the following European celebrities t• •PFAU, the Daring young Russian Athlete. JA M Es M Pli IN. Europe's Greatest Harpist. Miss EMILY THORNE, the accomplished Com medienne and Vocalist. ALFRED D.SEDOWICK, Coneortiuistand Buffo Singer. Efessrs. SYLVAN' k BENEDICT, Grotesque Artists. Dolga open at 74 o'clock,- to commence at 8. Managers—George and Edward Hanlon ; -Trea surer. Wm. B. Smith; Business Manager, E. P. Neadell. Admission 60 Cents; children under 10 years, Li cents. oct 9.9.6 t ~ '--- ''l---- i- OP . . c . -.-0,--,-- vets,' Volveteeis and Cloaking Cloth's, sr which the most durable and fashbonabtelnanner, • no! 4 ARRIVAL ANDDEPARTURE OP • STAGES AND MAILS. • REAMSTOWN MAIL AND STAGE LINE ' Extended to Union Station—Leaves Reading at 0 a. m, triweekly, TuesdaY . Thursday and SAW day Rotuma same days and arrives at 7p, m. It'serves this following named Post Ofiloebt Cumru, Gougletaville,' Alams).osyn, „Sol:marts villa, Raamstawn. • . , • i. BOY ERTOWN MAIL AN`D STAGE LINE - metres Boyertown at 6 o'clock, a. m., Arrives at Reading at 10 o'clock, a. tll. Returning., leaves' Reading at 23 p. m. Arrives at BoYerttnarn at 7 D. in. It serves Stonorsyillo, Brumfieldville , Greshvillo, Yellow Blom, Earlvfile and Ittatera town. '4 v ' BERNVILLE MAIL .AND STAGE L • LINK Leaves Bethel at 3 o'clocit t _ a. ni., attives at Reading at 10 o'clock; a. m. Rotunda% leaves Reading at 2 o'clook, p. us., arrives at Isill eriburg at 9P. us. It serves Leinbachs, Lower De r , Bern vile, Rehrersburg, Bethel, Tulpohoeoon ' and Holsters Mills. BLUR BALL MAIL AND STAGE LINE Leaves Reading on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day tit S o'clock, a. in. Returning, leaves Blue Ball on Tuesday, Thursday and I3aturdaY, ar riving atHeading at 4K o'clock, p. m.' It Wallin lktohn's Store, Knauer's.. BiTmarsville. Muddy Creek, Terre Hill', Weaver's ill and Blue Ball. ' MAIL a.m. D Aor T ri A v G es E a L t I R N e lt adinn on, cave Rending on Monday, Wednesday and It Ida y at i 7 14 l o'clock lA l lA , ts T esday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 o'clock, p.m, lt supplieS Mt. Penn, Bookeragile, 'hands Furnace, Morgantown, Talbotville, lionoy Brooke, cambridge and South Hermitage / LOBACHSVILLE STAGE AND MAIL LINE Loaves Lobaohsvillo on Tuesday, Thursday en Saturday at 6 o'clock, a. tn. Arrives at Reading at 9,4 o'clock, a. m. Returning. Loaves Itibading at 2'/, o'clock, p. in. • Arrives at,Lobaohiville at 6 o'clock. p. In. It serves Abaco, Oley and Lobaolt villa. ... READING TO COLUMBIA Daily by Railroad—Leaves Reading at 0 p. m. Arrives at 10s30 a.m. SupplionFritstown_,Reinis olds Station, Stovons, Ephrata, Millway Lids, Man hol ns,Sporting 11111, Lasidiavillo and Silver Springs.l WESTCHESTER TO BIRDSBORO Tri-wookly by Stage—Loaves Westohoster. on Monday, Wedne'sday land Friday at 7a. in. Ar rives at Birdsboro ntl p m. Returning, leaves Birdaboro on Tuesday; Th ursday.and Saturday at 7a. in. Supplies Geiger's Mills,l3luo Rook, Long's, lV4llace, ,Uwohland, Lionvillo add West White and. . i ' READING TO ROBESON Semi-weekly by Stage—Leaveaßeading on Tues day and Saturday at 7:30a. m. and arrives atßeisd ing at 11 a. m. READING TO HOST Semi-weekly by Singe—Leaves Reading !cruel 'day and Saturday at 11:30 a tn. ' Arrives &Mead lug at 11 : 80 a, m. Supplies Addam'sTave 'Lower Meidelbarg, North Heidelberg, •Kriok's Is 11,s and Host. LEESPORT TO NORA • • • ' Tri-weekly b y' Stago—Loaves Leesport Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 12 m. Arrives at Lees port at 3 p. In. Supplies South EvansVillo and Molitown. IATCII READIN,G, PA. I.liThf = BLACK COTE( CLOAKS, CHINCHILLY CLOTH CLOAKS • WUITNY BEAVER CLOAKS, VROVE6- BEAVER ,cLoAFs t WATERPROOP CLOAK ' S, CIIILDREN'a C1A9A103,.. OPERA CLOAKS, BILK VELVET CLOARg. (Revised N0v.7ib,1863.) COXTOWN TO VIROINSVILLE • Tri-weekly by Stage—Leaves Coxiown Tuesday, Thursday and baturday at 9a. in. Arrives at Cox town at 4p. rn. Supplies Kirbyville, Absalom and REIIIII3IISIIURG STOIJCIISBURO Tri-weekly by Stage—Leaves RehrersburgTues day, Thursday and Saturday atll a, in. Arrives at ltehrorsburg at t's.p. In. Supplies Wlnterarllio and Host. HEADING MAILS. ' TWICE DAILY, Not York—Closes at 10 A. a. and 10 P. y . ' Arrives at 1 A. U. and 2 P. U. Philadelphia- Arrives at 10;30A. u. and 0 P. 11 Cl9llOB at 10 A. u. and 4 P. M. Harrisburg—Arrives nt 10;30 A. li t and 4:30 P. N Closes at 10 A. U. and 5:30 P. M. IPOthV HO—Arrives at 10:30 A. u. and 4:30 P. Y. Closes at, 10 A. u. and 5:30 P. u. ALLENTOWN ANI) BANTON. Arrives ot2:QQP. u. I Closer At10:00 , ItEAMBTOWN—toroo tinaea a weak. Arrives at 7:00 P. M. I Closes nt 8:00, • 111311NPILLE, - Arrives a t 10;00 A. w. I Closes at 2:00 ,Ir. BOYERSTOWN, Arrives a t 10:00 A. f. Closes at 2:30 P. M. I,OIIACINVILLE — direa times a wook, ( Arrives at, 9;30 A. M. I " Close at 2:30 P. u. riguA—three times a week, , Arrives at 7:00 r. m. I . Closes at 5:00 A. M. BLUE HALL—threo times a week, Arrives ut 4;30 r. it. " I • .Close at 8;00 A. M. UKIDELBEIM—tVIICO a week, - Arrives at 0:00 A, y. I I Close at 11:30 a. m, it(iilEsolt—twice a week, Arrives at 11:00 A - , M. I ) clO3O at 7:30 A. M. B UCKWHEAT FLOUR 1 BARNHART & KOCH Have jtpt received 111,410 vettrid3 of tho befit MO t INTA IN B tl.O Which they will Fehl nut, ivlinlesale and _ cheep. Alpo, constant ry on hand: the best FAMILY AIZI) RAKERSs_ FLOURS, All kinds,of Feed, Kiln Dried Corn Alen!, &c.d.:a. BARNHART dr, KOCH; act 30.2 w • No?. 21.24 gut North Eighth street. LYONS HOTEL • W. R. ARTMAN, Proprietor. One of t 0 beit houses outside of the Inrge cities. It is locat d on the line of the East Pennsylvania Railroad, bout midway between Neadintt an 1 Al lentown. All trains between New York an the West, as well to all way trains, stop at Lyons, and immediately in front o f the Lyons Hotel. • 44•Ever7tbjeg in and about the hotel is ninny- Passed. A first rate Livery Stable Is 'also kept, In connection with the Note!, • • ' 4024" BLANK BOOKS We have on handout' for sale a largo variety of Bluth Books whieb will be sold cheap. . HIM% k 00. 77 7- ogrip 71i &tot ~x ALL ruaNiT - er Rs. tre l 4 ll 4. 11 , StnidAl4l4 ji m my of ...goduptiorfiaWki, tp11777 OA,Rt,I'ETINOVMATTINO# AND 'Ott A mittoek:)riwark sAmearou good.. Lootim, ME CLONES WRINGERS, . , .. I . ' • _ • • . STET' LA If pDER a A ) ( . . ?. ''l A , , 1 •(- M°KNlGfff'S HARDWIRE STOtE ftUg 10 MoGowan & Miltimore, • 1 IMAlLiftli • H A RI A It 1 , CUTLERY, PUNS, HOUSE FU !“EfILIN O , G 00 D:13 1 M TIN MA 'EN, ,s' .Itiv.2 , IRON, Bud rktio, ' SADDL AC% /, I No./ 612 PENN STREET, 'READING', Pi. ,apzi- rv*ltu ‘NOTWEt GREth! - ; I*DUCTION ; ; . - - :„. j''; rtlN . %1 BOOTS A . 0 SIIOEBi HATS, CAPS AND ' G 1,0171046 1 1 ,' i , ER GEIGER, & 'BRO.; I, l ' ITNN STREW, - We hove juet received asplendid stock of the above goods, 'Mitcham now offered at the follow: , Jog low prices 00 Mon's calf boots, , Si 2 ES "kip boots, , '... French calf Congress gaiter.. ~,00 workingaboes, extra nears', 112 P0N"403 ' If Bo if balurrals, sowed . 1 CO, Doffs' ol . -e ' r k ip " " 81 r to:10 5 Women' s luting, high Polls, 1 I ( Al le Congress gaiters. . 800 41 luting halmerttls ( est), ,1 00 Ladies' bat morals, 1 00 gaiters, Hoye' hats,_ ) 60 11'.2mon's Morocco balmerain, Polish, 2 CO "shoes, A 2 17500 Misses' lasting Polish, ', - SI Women's kid slippers, 111 glove kid, Polish, high hest balmomle, $2 65 to 3 25 The above prices aro as low as any other similar place of business In Clio city. Particular attention is paid to all kinds of re pairing We aiso bare on band a largo and well nelociei stook of FURS ; TRUNKS, VALISES, &n. tept 22- MONEY WANTED I MONEY *ANTED, ~ BY THE CITY OP READINO. ne undereigned,_Committee on Finance of tbe Corporation of the City of Reading, havidit been asthorised to borrow the num of -. SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND • DOLLS. for the purppla of enlanring theiWater Work,/ Of 1 the said city, hereby give notice th t they are pH pared to issue Certificates of Loan. eating IliZ per k cent. interest, to partici desidng toJ oan mono/ to the city. Apply to either of the an erslgued, or to William Heidenreich, Esnrtweer. R K 1 . ri t• A N .l l l4l_ l‘ 1- ' Corn Wee on inakoo. ~ . 1 O•) - RINTI o Priatipit aP l ribriesCurenetee"e ,(ALL wAR!IANTR4. { ED THIRD AND 'PENN 3.78. RHPAIRING. I,temember the name and nu:Laic:4 OBTORR &, 491 ,fII.IVN STRRET. a G t ttrihrfrAldi