~~. TO DAitr RAM: ROADING, PA., NOVE laposee Y AND COUNTY. EDITION 16 • .W 1 MAWS .• ADTansies arena, notto4 to hesid !At thole sd-' „nutmeats ISM "4" 1116 1 Oa DIMIMIO, i ncre ssieg el alio map& se to go to tea beat 2P. m. 000nTMICATI011 itilmimatgagemilol in s% DOLT 11Aots Mud b. MOO y 4 1 7 bit awe, as a raasuts , 0 ttir Os F. a s h e writer. 'Kat law, s $ bop& bi od us i - lus 0 desired bt =of Write oat/ 00 ?le •. 0i Mir, sad ',pi IT 0 passible, mitaoo m 0 W. „ - Pont eras who fall to mein th e Elma i.•. isli u r ky, will colder a favor Haying notice et Am delivery compilers of Ittintu of Will be promt i f i ret l i t' . to ea t cosissroxossTs should Disko their eptuutualea- , 00 gout sad to tho pffint. Oar ipso* Is too Hui.. Ited for verl long Oasis& D. L.—Blue, meet Sixth, 7, No. 1. _ Pink, meet Sixth, 71, No. 1 , Purple, meet . pixth, 74, No. 1. sAPI ABOUT TOWL—A largo nuns ter of new toeoniotives'sre to be built la Ole Bead- Ng shops Ole winter. 0013 ditto. stmois igay wanted—see advertisement, At lb. SOLE book store an be found all the books used lo the public schools. 4. we 80, gresteatpvlag *IWO, will shan t, (Ire a owed lb Obi city. The hit factories of our city •re very busy.. &indictors and brakemen op the Reedii i Ra i l . rosd If. very polite. Heal Crouse has woritmea laying a moment.: float h lot on-Rtiveoth streeti from Peon West. to Cali alloy. • • WWI Leis Is completing a 'Wiliam three' AM brick tHiuse In Ninth street. below Chestnut.' A horse fell down yesterday afternoon opposite the Cotton notorh—wsus not hurt. The Harrisburg Passenger Railway don't pay woe% arUl the nutrsaaers thrsiden to abandon tie onterolto, t A YOU, lift had an '0! 7 felt at koorth and Pon ONO last Int:gni. A "beetalbil" Kent arises out of the gutters In eterteut street below Pearl alley. The number otioertAlere derv,. turn 4.44 pups, In 'attesting dell, In RevAlp*. The Court Ware Olook mot be 101 for del?t. It buena redoing Orilla tbr aaenr YOl . ll. . The protroom me.tuais beta, held In the M• }I Chichi are well attended. , The I)ew engine "Keokuk" woo Out on trial yea- Jl7. , Flolois new Beer Walton Is 'timeline utdreresi mullion. His Is the last and dept of the kind that G out. Nowt:trout:lg to Eighth oitreet. aotosw Chertnott. Two oar loads of live turkeys passed through ttte yesterdatiAnixd for New York, A Thit to the fork. county prison will convince ton th►t everything Is in good order there. ' Perdisibiois , takonlb• plus df volition in tee 1411244'0t:1w tin-you old boyi. and ire belnir tailored in I go qiiimtlUoi. The steeile!on the metket house wants to be plated! I Foots :41 &nolo, • Natty et and Olklidles. An In order when you dirt with dandies! The streets Were deltic list night. ' A dog up town eauatitseven rata yesterday. Mei for ht hogs will soon be In order. Shoot - log matdiee ditto: • Reed letter Ilia, and gee if there le-a lanai in the Pon °Motor you, • • Accommodating-0u police olitcoro of our city. The total value of elate titularies west of the bottlah river and In the vicinity of Slatlngton, ie about 11,910,000, 'Niel begin' to liven up over our I,4l!road'. The (\moanloner of Internet Revenue bow de" eland that all will stills are to be stoned. ~• Prof. Stoilch's dancing parlies t are largely &Usti- Whit the hungry ones at the beck door asp— " Lot us hare (a) place." The Dispatch says an old lady had her pooke t licked on Wednesday at market. To keep apples, look them up In a dry eillarand throw away the key. , Now let Councils you an ordinance forbidding the firing °reunion In our main streets. Work on the Port Clinton and Topton Railroad tie been suspended at Hamburg, forjbe present. Waterlog places that remain open all winter— ?le mouths of milk-oane. ' ' Why are Cards like the %bolt* House? Be asts they are over the Whey.' ' ' - l i feline Been a farmer build a houso to tarp ttu the Sheriff turned him out of doors. . ; rt A bt boys were poisoned. Saturday'. et 0311u0 0 0 1 t, from eating Indian turnips •for artichokes. Two bare rinse died. we here seen a doh min'', son begin .30min Ida tither left or, iuri awl where hie tattier Maen— Wnniieae. • I.lote monogramhandkerchief sre,now lash -19 mbar Young gentletzien. They are more for . 4on thsase. , • • • ' We hire! seen a young man wbo despised the; totzuel or i the wise and navies of the coed , 4 1 2(1 . 1 0 brier In koierty and Wretehedneei. ' . • B Natkodi Bays the feet ate a ttah4 tilitosto,: . 4. 1 us heart That qthey, _144; ,0211„,,,f-7 klatt nu% t they axe' 01014;111000."tu" 11114 : 0 mfortably triai4 . 0441isini• 114 14 add If the meted Weida teed in a etirtain4 other direction the 404 is eionotbnei in ejray . althl and offensive condition. and Weald be. sowed in a lively way in MI learnt wuhtati. 8011 8011 n for the tiOur. Fluta t R a 1 tiortivirr *set, pi; bei. b. °next to hittind Woks* iati nada' dt7. Dr. t * Itts 'i n rtto wait Dor Ellt *ant it zur cot ,or :dr t. IA Ind his t wiz aterapil e ed and lointlennemersod, ' ' -- . e? Apt, *mime oVot thttr i l V I , 7 0 4 .. " ..., 0r agoril= If . too cc of 00 WI tie Se gub • WI 4 1 - ,11144 t od to th pall VV. Irranotrprip • • ir ott to to, an I h a & %ray 1411/, - i • Iri gi laao _ Oistipliroato. : *err. pi the new proprietor the "American last night. MAIIIIIM,•+-A young men, naok4 PhilliPPi• had One of his fingers mulled. off, nt the bicott Works. :; ' lORN ifusutra.--Hacking parties are din rage in the county;. The red ears are pro. tr.okingly s.rixpo this season. lirsoitisito.•;—The libel suit brought net the Dispatch, some time ago; bteon stable Diehl, of this oily, has been com•; promised: Poem. PICKED.—We learn that • Mrs: Smith, residing in Bingaman sweet, had her wh po ckele t pi marcked of $ l7, on Wednesday last, i at ket. SAVER KRAUT. The loiers of this article are now making a goodly quantity for the winter's uao. Our restauraut keepers, are especially laying in a plentiful supply. . EAOLO 80ov—A large 'grey eagle was shot the other day near Slatington, by .Mr. Thomis Zenner. It measured - seven feet. and two inches across the wings. . RORRWOOD FOR SRAM —A large amount of yosewood, which costs four cents per pound in the rough plank, to us e d for Auto wood, which receive a high polish, and aro very beautiful. . DIVOVIDEL—The First National Rank of our city has declared a dividend of four per cent. •clear of tax; for the last six months. The Reading &rings Bank his oleo doclared a dividend of three per cent. for the last sit months. STABBED.--A young man named &Musa,' was assaulted on Wednesday evening at they corner of Seventh and Penn streets, and stabbed in the leg. The person who in flicted the wound was a stranger and about., 17 years old. We could notlearn the cause for the set. He was not arrested. COMPLAINT.—Much complaint is Wei made in regard to the occupation of Seventh' street, across Penn, by trains standing ore the tracks as lonq as ten or fifteen minutes at a time. As this is a matter that is caused by the shifting of trains at the Walnut street.' bridge, it could be easily remedied by re moving the shifting further up the road. No one complains of the passing trains, but of those that aro allowed to stank across the street. SHOULD )3)1 ENCOURAGSD.—The which is to take place during the holidays, for the benefit of, the Reading Library, de serves the favorable consideration of all good citizens. The ladies propose to raise two or three thousand dollars for the purpope of filling np the empty . shelves of the library and making the institution, more attractive, if poisible, than it now is Extend every encouragement to the laudable work,and the fair workers. t ,Tae Novemkoer term of Court commences' on Monday. There is n large list of orim inal'cases in the hands of the District Attor ney, which will come before the Grand Jury. Many ,of these enime axe, O f too trifling a na ture to occupy ' the . time Of the Court, and should have been quashed by tho Magistrate where the action • was first brought. We hope the Grand Jury, will discountenance all these triflin?, malicious prosecutions snit when bills are ignored, place the cost where It rightly belongs.. , Tan B.IITI7RDAT &VINO POST.—To those! of our readers who wish a city paper, in ad.:, .dielokto our own, we would reconlmend th: SATURDAY EVEHINO POST of Ten POST has recently been enlargged an beautified, and itsMories are finelyillustra - ed. •It announces new • Novelets by Mr.. Roemer, Miss Amanda M. Douglas, Mi.: Prescott, Gustave Aimard L and other dis-, tinguiehed writers. THE rOST is also the cheapest of the first-a:1188s literary papers.i Specimen numbers will. be sent gratis, by' writing to H. Peterson & Co., 819 Walnut street, Philadelphia. • POLICE 'NUMMI/MS.—Samuel Stewart was arrested by o ffi cer Fields yesterday. Stewart is from Philadelphia, and came hero as a book agent, but not meeting with any success his mind became uneashand he took to drinking. For the lastfew days he found shelter in the station house, and had noth ing to eat litil,what an "open, heart" would occasiobally give biro. He hod' a hearing before life Honor, the MaYor, when it was found that his copaktli* could only , be inv• proied by sending hinkon the hill for 80 days.' tiliornas• Holton' :wag arrested by officer Steffeuberger, yesterday., l'homas hid been drunk,,disorderly and saucy. ille•was sent to' prison for 15.daye. . , Miry Clernmens was arrested , by i4fficer Kemp, at 8 oiclock•this morning. Mary was wandering on the streets and didn't care hos+ things went. She was placed in a place where she eannot'dispace herself. , At the time of taking our report she had nohearing, but it is likely she will belent to'prison. • Oeorgo Wickhelni was found. by officer i c iemple, at 8 o!clock this morning, on the eceets, dead drunk. • He was "dumped" in; to the lock-up, and will remain there until he is sober enough to have a' hearing. Five lodgers found shelter in the station house, last eight. 14 . igT of letters remaining unclaimed in the Healing Post Office, up to last evening. Persons calling for these letter's will please menti on that they acre advertised. LAMS' LIST. ' Mrs. Ann , Anshity, Sallie A. Boyer, So. pliia Dtboi_ .0 Miss Annie Field, Miss Kate Fox, kt.rs; Elizabeth Gay, Miss Beckie •A; Hahn, try'aroline !renege; Mrs. Mary Hass, Jose pi ng Hurtaddisa Ameliaßeedy, Eva trpit;' Mr Jo _ fiap, ifery:.amith, , Marie Wilma idles E. , Wood; Miss ' De; kirk:Miss Emma Hollinger, Mrs. Harriei Miss Jane Stewart. , • WritTliilSSA t LIST. • -Alfred Armstrong; John B. Bechtel, To; Ides Burkhart, Fichtheytilb Bilehler; Phtlij Carling, Alexander M. Dam*, B. F,Denni, John F Donahower, Samuel Decrees, Cleo; Exeter . Esterly, George S. tister".Henry B. Poremen,_George Fetter, Lome ';y,,Rev. EJ J. Guy, Istiao Johtf-Ounn, Dr; ' l l. B 1 Grifsemer, Jacob Gastle \ *Wayne Griswold,' . 0. J Haas, Willianyg_ig W, K. Hall, DM vid J. Jones Be F. Ka beel, Oi Lash, A. J. Miler, John MeHale, Charled •R `Miller Jonathan Carl . Frederick Marirer,.Frank D'4` Maurer, Miller, John Moore, Jaj cob D. Moyer, , Moseit Shearer, Henry Ox f, George A. Peterson , Joseph Randenbtuth, Chiirle4 Spot% Daniel IL Sayre, John•Seitil 3: R. Spohn, ROlomop.oll.A.Co. Eli Trout; Franklin 4. Wentle ,1 John 'Alt?, WaVir: Weavei, (Attila Dnos__, _e &Ma & Co., Jameti . ,A. rte4oriPlf, , R. o . 4 lo l lbacii. • Rimoat 004 enattectdelivered oil, colt leased at'llesiling Post COMO, for month or October 1868 ••. • '• t- • .-• .dattiets ample :141 I No, DoliSery tripe '• 2 001100160 rip 2 No. gin W00'431 4 40 ; 20 0 7 • No. local letters &area ' NO. egee*lse..; delketed I'lo NQ ; `•tooktned to the office 141, • 'oollioted 14, No:Nov*o6h; ao., collided 88 DAII47IP StreINESS. • • •. , Noy.q. be . Phlllittilih;OiCpreastn, for *4O Yoga Prialliotett at - *put opt Holterawkats asi high as 14121* made . lied on *Wel.; laneous • &Amities 11 2 4112 Per cent. Th. MOO I. In a favarinik 'find ittnitealtlay ' condition t few days like this must brim; with it disastrous resultß; The `/afire , Hoek stisliet was demoralluld and alssolt irarylising pa the .list:wae lower. S 9 a 2 t Idea of the araielty of money mar be inferred front the tut tbst le. per than blither was paid for 6+4 , -, er'smTotioar than tor rush sales. (loyerment Loa m Patient lower. Beata and Oity Loma t Tell 1 per east. ReadhM Railroad sold down to 441 i-u dean° of Panarylvanla Rallroadirold at 54-ii decline of .% I and qataxissa Railroad preferred at *-a do• cline of 2. '45 was bid TAW* Ekh4litili Roll* road 66 for Norristown Railroad: 67 for Sine Hill ,Railroad t 64 for Lehigh Valley Railroad. and 2434 for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. Canal stooks were all lower• Lehigh Navigation declined l, and Schuylkill ThsTisstion klifernmi N.; In Bank and Passenger Railway shares there were no gales: IFS•ont the N. K Iferatd..l "Affairs ire rapidly coming to a crisis hi IYall street. and the monstaryttringency was more se vere than at any time previously the rates'paid for lossls even on _government subtitles having bleu M lgh all KA % per cent., while in soiled Instances % per cent , commission was paid on Weed collet= orals inadd(tion to Overt per, sent, per annum in currency.' The extreme pressure led Many of t te holders of government securities to sell out 111 a view to buying back it lowerlige andikese gales exerted very, depressing elect Lres, uPog the market, the decline in the entire list baying been from ono to age and a agr per Old: between the opening and the elope. There were not wanting indicatletui that the principal dealers eno9Preafd amildew alent teethe purpose of Omit sap Stock - a n the immediate result of this rapid eline wilt p roba bly be ashen) onward reaction; stimulated , y those , who have assisted the downi ward comb of prices, for it is indisputable that there never was a time wli en Peoplevrere more de; sirous Of buying Uniteds tates stooks on barging than they are at present , but the scarcity of mone y is an Insuperable obstacle in the way of spei t uiwi lion to alt but strong parties:and the latter to the ability to turn the tide upward whenever ey see ilk Although, therefore, prices may g 6 lower pmP4blitil t nthe bears would be aawbeaet to look or a nine recovery, New York Cattleidarket. Nov. 5,1848. ' Bxxvls7.-Prices this week :—, Extra Beef. mow% Prime (little, 15kAlMe. That generally rated first, quality, 10461411 e; Medium, or good, fair quality, 133014—c. ; That of ordinary thin Steers.' Oxen and Oows.ll-312e.; Inferior or lowestinlide of Cattle. 10 , -,1)1lo.; Tho general average of the, market to•day ,estimated at 13M—0.; Extreme range of prices from $O-41010*.; The moat of the, sales:are from 14-01044 Mason Cows—Good' milkers are in demand, be., lug scarce. They will command $lOO6/10, but must be tine and have a calf by their side, Which . ; goes with the cow, The supply of all kinds Is light; and common cows go off more freely. seldom below $65, and soap tes7s. A really sui)erlor cow would bring $l2O, with fair cows at $9O each. . VIAL AiLvics--The supply of common peel ealvis tat been larger, but prime vials;off the 'cow, are seam and worth 12',§@18c. per lb. live weight. Fpw are ooldl below 100., except coarse grasses by the bead at $80)12 each ; 90 such avera= 'ging $960, sold by B. litetiraw at Fortieth street. MONEY MARNE?. Bubonic & Bro., Bankers, No. 16 North 6th street, quote as follows: READING. Nov. 0, 1868 , 111 4 tl.. & 6's 1881 - id U. 8. b's 1862 - - - = ow U. May 8. 6 20'6, 1864, July and Jan. ow U U. Big% 1865. *ad d 4eWU. 8. t allow • ' U 5-2A's law July and Jan. - ;wIJ. 8. isarovides. - - L'on-roqy Bona, - - - Gold in New York up to 12 o'clock, - - Gold in Roadingat Bu6hons - • Ix Philadelphia the niOvementa in Dreadstuifs continue .of , an extremely ilOted -charact er. „ without essential change. There is a fair Inquiry_ for OLOYOUSIA. Timothy nothing doing and prices are nominal. Small sales of Flaxseed were made at stt 000263 per bushel. ; There is a fair home consumption inquiry fo* Flour at yesterdayl prises, but shippers are net, operating at present quotations. The market is poorly supplied with prime What, and this description commands full prices; othe sorts are not wanted. Small sales of Red at $1 85@)2 10. and Amber at 5214. 000 bushels Wes. tern Rye sold at SI bO. Corn comes In slowly. Small sales of old Yellow at 1122, and Western mixed sold at 11l 18@1 20. Oats are steady. and 2,000 bush. els Penna‘ and Western sold at 72e., and 1,000 bush. els Delaware at 630. ' Whiskey is firmer. sales at $118; duty paid. ; BSI t LINCI PitlmM. White Wheat per bb1.,513 50 Red .: illsra Family per bbl, f 12 50 12 Cotn Chopp (old) • 18 05 5 . • (new) 1 10 Clirnio i ld) 1 /0 • nel l / 1 1 • Best tdditttwai ; . , 130 Common ' . .. • • A , 100 '' ' 8 Corn meal ' . 1 PAYING rRICEII. Yildta whoat Ferdinand Red " " • " 210 200 Corn (old) 120 Corn (new) • 14 Tun coal liminess continues brisk. and Race" hive an upward tendency. In, New York. the inquiry ,for Domestic coal is leas active, owing to advanced primes asked; tha late auction sale completely unsettled the ,market, and the local trade has been greatly rest rioted, ans the demand for the East has greatly abated elides from the yard at 10410 per ton of 2.000 lb. Foreign has been in good demand and is firmer; House coals are more salable; sales of Liverpool House! Cannel at $203 , 22; Liverpool Pas Cannel at 1116, an 4 Newcastle at 81050; Stove. Egg and Broken Cosi, Nut, Bituminous - tuminous Cosi. Ix the konsakeeper's market , there .13 pothinq speolal to report to-day. 'there is no decline in prices, and no indication that they will decline', We are drawing nigh the holidays. whloh will somewhat stiffen prices. Large quantifies of apz pies areidally receivedirom the West, iwhioh are sold at from 115@)115 50 per barrel. or 35 cents per peck. Turkeys aro coming 11, and sell at 14 cents per pound. In Philadelphia, the provision market contin. use dull and prices are unsettled. Mess Pork sells in small lots at $2B 50429 per bbl. Bacon Hama are quiet% sales of plain and fancy bagged at 16@180. per lb. Green Meats are unchanged. Pick: led , Rams sells at 1641511. "Lard is quiet,, sales of barrels and tierces at tte.Per pound. READING gOORN KEEPENB' MARKET . Ihrizin--Fresh didinil tb......, 42 a4B " Lump. 35 gussig--Cheese 1 1 ).• ....... . 2022 zamr-Laid ; au...—. 24. Enen--Est , dozen Yowl 40 i APPLIZI7.- v los N. Peck, ....WHO' en * Oirt. ...........42 - Plicalle — " ' th ...... 2/1 : Mus—Beefstent. round VI lb.. Il sirloin: - " ..... ..... "..1 1 II 4l - n ila p. •" • t". .. " * ".. 4" . " ! Ara ', Beef roast, '-.' - 1'' 41 ,9 ' 4..;':.;4 , '.-.4r41 ' " Beef dried: ! :: ' Veal little% 66 46 • ” .21 • . 111 e ors . . 1.4° ... SO . • Mutton. 16 . aNDY ". Port _____, . , .fL: l a i k, ..% 1, e l ...,.?",010•!..4.1..r.”Ai.• .14,,, , 1 11140 ire b ea n. , ,: ....A....i,i;r;•iuo igi : , " 1 "," 4 "1!!"“ "r" • 0 . amillta,• •4•1 t •,,,' :-; • ..• 400:40/ .. ...p."04 - . 0”, , .., :: 1 ' , , : : -;•1 , 7•• . -0 , " ••••44.•••••••••111r, ,, ~,,!' /. . a g .M II 4PA7 -.' r , , H ••......,••••• • anntit '44 , ratrun iy...4ukens Lk . " 44•••,*•••••••• , ..o.••••••••• 7,Tif , , 11. . 11 $ . . , •••••6664.404.46111111.011 .... . I f ;...4..... ' : .*:. ?a ' 1 1 1 1 :4_ , i ~,. A i I( ,',( .. '4 ' . ;;P d 1 1 ` indeli* r1PAT 4 066;04.16it;t60 . *Potatoes lit haeltese...•lk sair„.-4...44.4.044 5 ?? . i"' 11 • l• 4 \O 4 - 11 A IK P. 31 I=Ma=Mi latio ere. filua uses • - DalltA 43 58 gla sets - Dies hours 8 minutes Stet of th 4 Weathr .1; o'clock X 4 7A4NOT.•`;' 4 l l ear• ' Molt, Veda**Jai. hunday. , SEP 50° „ - • I , 57° , ';•‘• er D. L.—Oreen, meet Seventh, 7f, No, 1. Red, meet Sixth, NO. 2. Imenonn.—The hotel *tit the corner of Tenth acid Peen street , yui beeti im proved. The hat i town is fixed n • ;Oen* style. TaR pm.l.—..'rlieilacha7ikiii omit, keystone Second Nines will , play a vista gime .or Base: hall on Siturdv, afternoon next, on the fiehuylkUVe grounds, in. Caton tOwa• ship. • Ntw WAGON.—Hain. *B11), have received a new and handsome , . flour wagon, the workmanship of which reflects much credit upon its builder, Mr. (rider, in Washington street. BAD BOWL—This mornings *mutter of toya set fire to the leaves and rubbish near he Washington street School house, thereby endangering proper. A lady saw the fire and extinguished it with a bucket of water, Buiwx Dowm.—Yesterday afternoon dur. ing the high winds a back building of the residence at the CornPr of Eighth and Bingeo, man streets was blown down, scattering tho bricks over sidewalk. • FOOT CUT Om—Bernard Boyd, aged fiftyyears, residing on the line of the Read. Railroad, bad his foot cut off yesterday,' by a car running over it,; Ho Was taken to the Hospital at Philadelphia. Quirr.—Tbe city was never more quiet than at the p resent time. Morality appears to be on the increase, and beyond an-,occasional arrest for, vagrancy or inebriation, there ie nothing lett for our officers of the law to em, ploy theirlime' and' eiterthie that: "eternal vigilance" of a faithful servant of the people. &mum—Beggars are becoming more plentiful as winter approaches, and their ap peals for charity must touch the most obdur . ate heart. God ,help, the poor during the bleak and dreary months instore, when the consciences .of unscrupulous corporations and monopolists are seared and , steeled ( against thew. sufferings, and there is naught but despair and hopeless_misery for them. IMPORTANT LAW SUIT.—Rev. Y. P. P, Noble has just recovered a verdict for, $15,. 860 in the Lancaster county Court, against A, W. Raise% Edwin and James M. Clark and others in an action for damages. The, plaintiff, in 18$4, was induced to purchase the right of a patent tlour-mill for Illinois, which mill proted to be , practiodly woad less, the sum paid the defendants being slo l = 000. - - 18 10 40 8 - 1064 - 11:4 _ 191 MOUISING CAITARIRS.—When your canary birds are moulting and: cease to ping, do , this : • Putts littliroxida. of 'lrani (iron rust from the drug store,) or let 'a couple of lath nails be in the water they drink ; take away their bath, so that they can't get any drink but their Medicine. Iu another , water ' ;trip immerse a ; little saflkon. • The later . gITOO Color to , the , inceMingjelitheix; braces their systems while moulting. In a little, bile they will sing loud . enough to Ottelbe a headache. ' , Sumea.—A, sample of a Philadelphia brand of this article was recently tested by ti chemist in Liverpool, who reported that twentrone per cent. of tannin was contained therein. The highest quantity ever obtained in foreign sumac is twenty•six per cent,' but the average 4f the Sicily sumac is sixteen, per cent. while the ,Pvenc4 contains only sixteen per cent: Comparing the prices of the foreign brands, it Is asserted that the. AMerican sumac should command, and in time will command, eighty dollars .in geld' per ton. This plant grows spontaneously in some parts of Berke county. ' INFORTONA I III A600115T401.1241 GIRL DROIIiNIO.-A Aged six yeari, daughter Of Mr. Joseph Colby, of Lancaster, Pa., was drowned at Gloucester, N: J. about, seven ololook last evening, The child was on a visit to.some.friends in Cilimcester, and shS was on her way to them on board the Glouceiter ferry boat from this city, in cow paey with a young lady. When the boat entered the slip at Gloucester, the child at-: tempted to step ashore before the' line had been s'ecured to the wharf, and she fell into the river and was drowned.. The body. was bot recovered until several hours after the accident. -Philadelphia Ledge. • SAD ACOIDINT' DNITAR it ' S: Three Men Killed and Another ' Severelli Huit —A sad and distressing accident oc curred on the Lehigh & Susquehanna Rail.' road f u.short distance above White Raven; about 5 o'clock 'on Titesday — morning, by which three emplrlees of the road lost their, lives, and another iosa severely injured that, he cannot possibly recover. The pirticulars as , we learn are as follows : It appears .that while a train of empty cars were going up', the grade at that point; sixteen of them be•l came detached from the train, and coming ; down the mountain at lightning speed, and' ran into the engine (No. 49 of the through, freight train t which was going up the grade.; The concussion was so great that the engine, was totally demolished, as , was alp part off the train. - ' The engineer, Tipp Leonard; thefire'man,i, Samuel Noble ; and= the l?rakesman, whose , name.We did not lea rn , were instantly killed' and buried beneath the wreck. Another employee (name unknown) was run through' the body by a piece of, steel, and cannot re. , cover. SO 5047 00 VI ton'i 00 01, 4 00 25 etc but Thelrakesman t who was on the rear end , of the runaway coal train s finding it impossi ble to hold the cars in • their descent, jumped from the train and saved. his life. • Two of the men who were killed, resided, at Hyde Park , near Sersinton,t/kntoion News. .• $ • A CoatostiT or Solstice.—You may pass, wet stick or your naked hand, previouely dipped in water s through a, 'numb% stream of molten iron, cutting it to and 'fro as joi do so, Without the slightest injury to either, an exchange says. ' Water, or even mereury, which freezes at 71 degrees, below the freest int point otwater, may be • frqzetaw into lad 'mass at the bottom of Phintitum' crucible at a white heat. The explanation; is that the' bawl ' , and tie stir, do not, emy r ,tooch, the, 4•00, for the, mercury f or. • ' lOW ?;o•_the,,,'llieetKe, , A- C2)11110)1 of "Vie. ' , l4itiniiititeiusly *u raiNednilth. extirt4o. *ay 11 Pd frea si ft 04*(4 'oo* i - 1 1, 904:the 10k' ie trilisk . frous in, this way. If the water MUNI oStalti itt Ittnyomettr. 7A. IL • . • B S° ' 74EM dropped mi. 1b they are too hot ; hat t t spatters and boas t. they me just reedy ibr nae. Ahs TINNIP4 this is that this e4hion of vapor is instait aneously formed and prevents the extreme surrOundinif hest freas resching beyond' the surface of the Crater, If the temperature is reditied - coolly* off the forestal by the addition of atm fuel, the (rater almost ex. ptosirely takes the fetal. of steam, and lo thirty") , without doubt, maturboitere, which hare *le eqn 1 to any 'ether testi bare CellePrad. • • .• , • ~ ;o .. . ROOM 0161+1011.r"All 0301.841110 011 the following recipe 'for taking ' care of the useful fruit from which kront is rusenfiictur; cd: "Prepare etmiglat,sleadoe poles (pine Or other) tire or, three Indies in diameter, of proper length, say eight.feets Olean, off your ground and commetgo as though you wort going to build"plain pen f .three corner ed, using trio ptiles instakd done,. so _as tq make eau side of the wall doable, with a space of eight inches between the poles. At one corner NI opening is lett two and a half feefwide, for a door or entrance. " Tq close and make secure, a cheap batten door may be made, and hinged' to posts 'or jams fastened to the wall of poles, after the fence is Completed. . The firet tied' or floor of,poles having been arranged, put on a row of cab'. bagel, the • note occupying space between the poles,and the heads turned in and press ed compactly:together...Corer the roots with friable soil,and place on another tier ofpolell and cabbages, and continue tilling Op space each time with soil,. until Yon bate gamed the requisite height. - few pol . es thiown "prose the top, and a heavy 'covering of pine . tops, corn stalke, or'auy litter that will fur nish a secure entering, is all . that, is nonce. vary to completo the house. Corn stalks or some other protection should be placed against the outside for fear of severe freezeli &c. A trench should be dug on the outside, and the dirt throwa splintthe corn stalks. They will serve to render the floor or inside dry. The Cabbages thus holised will bo very convenient to access In mid winter, and will continuo as fresh as if baried'under ground; All that is necessary is a knife, with which you can.sever as many heads as you want at a time, leaving the stalks to give you a sup 4 ply of early coleivorths in the spring." , BERKO COUNTY 113LIXOTION RE. IVI/01. Name of eatit A . IRection Die- 2 ' • ~ Ida arranged •A ' A G alphabett-i j calls. 1 j 1 • . • I. ..1104D'a let W l o t , 253 207 813 209 ,100 gd Ward - 338 482 432 476' 403 "3d Ward 27 331 340 365 849 , Sq " 4th Ward 187 304 221 3 32 226 847 " GthWard ,237 368 289 • 348 269 364 " 6th Ward 483 , 206 t 63 2 265 ' 260 4 i• 7th Ward 260 -233 836 2 1: 842 13 " Bth Ward 294 231 390 sAS 393 " 9th Ward . 320 137 531 2(3 633 299 .. .—. .--.... .—. „ Reading 2,300 2, 49§Q 3.036 31 3216 Albany, • 2G2 ies 49 151 Alsace. 208 . 80 22 82 A mity , 195 1 171 193 175 ern, • 839 111 nes 118 cm ,Upper, 30 16P 218 116 Omen's, . 03 7•Gl''4o ' 50 in rth e i. 368 • a 335 W 370 104 oyertown,* . 84 . 39 83 reoknock, . 144 40 1 89 let I rernarion, A 93 1 60 -91 11 Centro, 06 3 260 68 Colebrokd'le 4 216 • 103 'll 8 7 1 48 Ouniru, 220 178 241 220 245 Elstrlot, 148 it, s 126 l'i 188 enema, * 179 . 511 1 86 48 18 6 arl, 203 . l9O 44 7 Exeter. 321 132 371 127 359 141 Greonwleh, ' 367 55 34 66 851 61 H am b urg , 164 60 1i 133 171 137 lie s idleberg, 148 Go 1 57 74 63 tionb, 129 U 194 1 9 192 24 " Lower, ' f 111 01:40n: . 210iT10 48 211 iii i ntstown, /11 in 129 45 121 50 ngswamp. 315 186 NI 238 33 6 • aidedoreek, 216 -76 Z. 30 99 214 4 , Mation, 221 113 • 226 102 ilo 100 garitarny. • 3 29 1 7 - 189 880 143 n linger, 278 72 Q 2 278 103 Oleg, ' 301 136 1 144 292 le7 Ontelannee, 145 no 161_) 148 120 153 Penn, 269 36 =3 i 60 243 7 5 / Perry, 00 274 • 46 202 fll k trimond, i 18 201 27 '196 34 • J 438 ig 443 DT Robeson, 220 • l'i 257 258 332 Rockland, 245 46 260 55 262 53 gottscombm'r, 192 31 229 70 234 73 ring, 8 3 8 167. 336 1 ,,, 48 338 170 alpehoccon. • 339 67 ' 860 va B § o '7O Tupehoo'nUp 187 og 186 57 181 65 Union, 190 . 228 174„ 293 . 181 204 Washington, 218 GO fa s s „„ _ 2B3 n 106 Whisdor, 2 1 3 40 a'ar 1 ''d &Iv 81 Wqmelodorl; 122 '.99 182 108 1 28 117 ........ _.... ....,_ —, ...1..... ...mum* 12,031 6 193 13923 7413 ' 0000 • ~—. :-.... ..„.... '........ Dia)orltles. Colebrook midi! 1807. • TUE =MOTION. The following additional Warns bate been received t • •• ;% •,Vonnecticat..-majority for ()slut:o4l— total vote 98,000. 1 •, New York has certainly.gone far ' Seytuour and Hoffman. John. Morrissey, foie; Con• grou t in•the Filth Dia. trict.' In New ;TOW" the Democrats elect 8 Congressmen—the Republicans, 2, The Democrats gain 1 State Senator, and have 6 majority on joint ballot. Seymour Carries the State by about 2,000, and Randolph, Dem., for. Governor, 2,500 to 8,000. ' In North Carolina, besides Shobor, the Democrats claim the election of t Dur- Apra, .ConservatiVe, for Congress. The Democrats have made great gains, arid - the State is doubtful. In South Carolina the Democrats math; great gains.. They claim two Congressmen; and the State is doubtful. In Tennessee the Democrats have made great gains, and the Radicals are throwing out the votes of Democratic districts—among theln the whole county of Fayette, and thel Third, Eighth and Ninth civil districts.—: Leftwich, Democrat, is elected to Congress { by 'from 800 to 600 majority, unless other' polls should be thrown out. Georgia is claimed by the Democrats by over .40,000 majority. In Alabama the result is unknown. In the i .white counties many of the ,voters bad nal opportunity of registering, while the . negro'; voiels unusually, full, hot the Mato con.' sidered doubtful. Arkansas . is also doubtful. Roots ) Re.. publican ) is generally admitted to be elected; to Congress, over Cameron, Democrat. In Missouri the Republican nisjOrity is estimated at 20,000. It is stated that 80,000 Remocrati were Aisfranchited in Missouri. In Louisiana Seymour , will have nearly 80,000: majority. ' ilis . majority 41 4 New Or leans in 28;600. " Avery large number of negroes voted the Democratic 'tickets The , Republicans claim California by a very !IMO majority—from 1,000. . to 1 ) 600: Aztell) Detn. j and Sargent 40 Ruston, Re publicans, are probably elected to Congress. Nevado is claimed by the Republicans by 11 QOO majority. - TOW, Rep., , 10 elected .to kCongres'' ","" 43;138 ale ap 0508 do a Boy = ameztm===s= • , b • book pail r The *xtuiliiiiiit*liii. t °B. e,11,44011` )444 the ,1 11 /4 13 1145 1 4 '1-14 4r* * 4414%1 ' %noels *oil Ali An 44121 majority,• V 108 JAW NZ a l elf Sir= hto p arte l t meats to throw VA ra loins Mrs IUF to Uri ROM of the abeam'', there. y a rgizllkt,44oo tzwigar5i44444a.41 4 , 1 14 t ofr e a r r i t Oka omit tf t a . van • antitrovr i e MD gadWitlt *a ii, at "Kanto oast 1 flat - ' ''' '•d " , : * Wee r ' We alroAi Ant ram* oar fro tadierr tad '4- C i r k lev i rlirl)at te &iiangkg " o Ull"t4 ttlitaohleart nid Niaralgia. osa a ll ea!, o the Ideate. ~ , tria ;i4 l ,'&4lrr,""!" 4 "`n• IN moue u' • • -. . - ut ia nt gi u irrsar t ,"Aswi t .' ..„; ' ~:' ' • ....Ntei alsa• allual Ou .P.ll' Pa DIA in . • re. Fe Intakd i toatitharc - 1 • *, • ' Anli a tja t o tbi t t l yeata: 1 ab, 41 , ram uk for vFatiri• . , Amu atop _ for joke. • i A Kat, nohlal txrunktuptlou. T.,.:_,_ w a d VIN, N. Fita for 0 resit. . , ,• XX tfa i l l it n ialit3f Dim, 6 yaa ' ra '-'s 7 r ' t L ~e a o coop er 11,06 MA - . ,r' , fitili t ,§OM_l4l Bf9ooliiibl fbr ip 31111FL I L ;1 • lIIMO . r OX t ytalitralli! WoritukNon, ~_ ~ SW , OMB VenAUMPUOiti• ttill reinti6 V Mt. 11°3 traham Bomberger. Catarrh and Near tats, . vi tfery Tice, Catarrhat i Coutunptiou and fouti%la °Anew: • • " ,•. 1 . .QatbNiao gliter.adlinir. Iltsi• • •v :`„J , ~ marra iv4pur !IF" . ‘tleglUM,kfli/, prik;Akciku, AP ii' " 1:613tookbook, , Diseme 'of ittiineri. . '•-,, HARRIS' P EA R•1 . ..i - . 'SO 'A; r , rsi 4 vgf iggeNTlifT rl fir' R 4 , 17,' VI, . L OA • ;Oki' .. 1 ; ''' ' 11111 OREAT • AhillitlOAlp, SOAP COMPAXT tal r e aliatri . !!)lAfbroatnit the , piptig Reath% Po_ m_ti Iteep a ela). ( that rei? Part raai l t " ' oVa t ital linr °ll ` walk 4,l l Pert9 ll T r to ail ..!), ors pr„th• olio astPUrposiO I' , '* . ' • • r r rez Mw d wr, fiti i . ' Nfo ' od - iiii% jrai bi ' ' _ , , u D—For 01,1413.1 (and. Polishing, et' the Fame time) Metals of all otortptiotur. .11ottie t geperr eta' titan°, sea.tbe Stet itailan.. it " " es t" ItiV"iii i irli b rtl"),ltta. * he re. o 4 Oir ere, t! ;3 , , ,Mi . ; Ae., t i ~: . . • . rot a Palm , or tb 807 ealmol,ll, where t era sip. eay MAWR or itl i k !.41 ) kk Win ?Mt eueb et gaitq; wean in any a, mums ,• -• • :,. • ki ir ilferr e aud iitat-Lior the thousand and one ° erl ia r r i N f irtw hi c h iCtiPtirn ATV' 1r• ill VI 0 trIPONI 0 01111 0 oft 111 . dam ,• ' ' , 0111110010)11f SOL VOIXO HAIItIfe . Plllllll4 SOAP . , . for Oa ad even , ;mote above monitor r be used In the tame temMer as say otbpy Only 14 this exception, that it only renal ON -Till, 1.! •t he amours of our Boa_p_ir wont 'lett the sill c ro_ . IWO as ot t ers, and ONE -THI Dor the 1 Ilti 11 And TaitltO eav4u4 , • : '. . MANTRA f seri Pfrsots Ita . .IZeodittp ea trst, IlitURIS' PEARL 80 . 1!i: . nitwAnn OP ALL IMIDATIO N Htb , , ' Manufasturtd if.oclutictly, by Me Cfreol' Atneritk Soap (1)., MI Arch Street, Philadelphia. ' I HA - 1111.1 S A& CQ.;:.: : J ! . 2 , •'. MADER4, eon:M..ol. and Washlzigton Streets. 8010 Agents for MAX I /. AGENTS WANTED U NIT E D JOV_OI3 34,901511- ,TY IN TUE STATES:I - • 00t.174y • ' :•• 1, colnivenornmay CONFEOTtONEVID • OANDra C ' C IL P. tlfHP',/i, ! ' l At No. 107 NOM! MIN Ntritei, LIDOW PreKited to furnish our °Hiltons trlth Con fectionery, %Addles and Lao Cream, at wholesata and retail Also all Mph of plain .and fancy Oakes. Ica -- Org ans of all flavors constantly on nand. A call la soltoltad. Jane e , • OTICE.—The otteptlon of mechanics anti Nbotlns me i tis called to the Fortune building and Saving °elation of Reading. Tho shhkes are $1 eaohotnd hutted to Moon hundred. Already a large number of shares are taken, leaving u for more for disposal. Those desiring bed bettor call early in order to secure them. For. further Inforinatlon call a tpe store' of Jones 0. Thomas , grocer. donor HlRWa gner Colt' mete, or at the _ residence of Robert W, . . corner and Court itrekte,_or on the Unde a geed. J. ROSS MILLER notelets , . got 14-1 1110 'OMOO, ii;Ourt Wrest. •: (11:"(14 ---- 1 one District RieltovALi REMOVAL!! ' ' • ' • BARTO'S LIQUOR • STORE. Kas been removed from the Keystone Building to the new and elegant store, 1 • NQ. 4117 PENN NENEET., . Wb4ire enstomers wlll find* very brie stook‘of best and purest * WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, ie., eve! °Easel to the putpe of Reading. Alt , th proof Otptationjettehottotterde.q. 11ASSON & NOUN, , • PLVMBERS,;. - 1 . CIAN AND AITIEMNI And lilanufaciurers ?i • PIPE • ' RAILING FOR CEMETERY LOTS, ' • lit 00 04 o . l . l ****# . o4 l Aitt, • • READING, PA. • , „ :t, .y ; COY OF A8A.14141: fi;tt tar. sale. st s Discount. EnquirSit t ' " FARMER& NATIONAL iipt.25 , 31324 , • T TOXII IitOTZL• • • Wiltegtr#AN,ProPrWor• t tot •ve l opootuvv ois itev, ntink wpbetweig. entirwa. AA Antos between mew ej an the tyhigntientintratnba "juld WOE is , Orr a i5... 4 . tet ra .Uo ° 9 . Me trilictsrrigsvo f' •-• GENUINE BLOOD . ' NokstiN tna % l f e r S aAI f PI I III I VIVii .4' . er il . 0 Of • CANDIES! 1 (014:JaII) Reading. )', ME ME IBEI