IN:16, READINO;PA., NOVEMBMIA 18687 lump 011 initimusATions, Detuomsta l 's keep up your . orgeuizetiOne. 'the_ Radical Party is too cotTupt:to Either our country will become' s monarchy under Radical rule, or ..the itadieal party of the present day will:cOme 'to Ought. The Democratic party G fouuded upon the im: mutable Kin'olpfes ofltiglat, and Right Must win in the end. Several times the grand old Democratic party has been , pronn'imeed dead, and each time it bu Arleen hilts strength and, caused its enentiestoirernt4e &tits energy and vital.. ity. The Democratk patty ia, the party of truth v and the trath'enn never die. For years past ionVenernitebave endeavor ed to trample the.lifsi out of the Dinneeratic party, but Witkput inepiss. 'Oink God 1 it still lives, more ...vigorous t0:47 than it,wu four years ago; and it must continue to UV°, for in it lies the only 'IMO of the perpetua tion of the prinelpiu of fv4e government. Tatra coursph tbezetore,,,,Pemocr#, and bide your time, f lqu; made a feeble ve• slitance to the aggrusioni,of your condition would now be pitiable indeed. Your gallant 411,i;,fik okA Prinek pies hai caused, your enemies:4k dead yone power. Though •they ,have the : will; they lack the courage to oppress you u they would• wish,kfor the Mier* of the white mon;aye, and of the noble' 'White women' of America also, are OP your side. ' Reform your., lines; be active, be vigilant, be brave. The clouds are dark above you now, but God never yet deserted the patriots of America in' thiit hour Ocneed, You are having your. .'Valley forgo now; the time will Come When : yen Rol hare your Yorictown.. The party to witch our country owes the ptesetrat,lon of constitutional liberty for more than 'seventy years, is not to be destroyed. • • f • • Continlied , 4efekt 1 1 WHiciceninii con' tinned poverty ie depressing ;, but the end ie not yet. If ,Oonetal,cfrant Ozooi!cs, to, act the despot, he will' quarrel with Congress, wlio are deterdinettottile the country their own Congress shOuld rule, YO'n hive still the 14114.bCti, and when the, pressure becomes so great as to.opert the eyes of the Wield rank and file to the short-cciminge of their leaders, you can . elect Democratic Co& gressmen in , : th i e & i ce of, the despots *he are endeavoring 'to usurp the 'rights of the, entire people, If the kallot-box should be closed to the people, and an attempt should be made to rule you on the system of Might against flight, you are 'Ovally the strongest and bravest, and you eau right your 'wring? in the maid which they will force upon yon. Courage, Democrats [Your cause is Right, and Right Mast win. It May be one year, two years, or even four years froin now, but you must andwilllriumph at last t Keep up your organizatiom, and be ready to improve the golden opportunity when it arrives. You may not have long to wait=-be 'ready TOIL 01/4 TS *JUTE SLAVES t The shipments of - sped° to the European bondholders confirm* • The steamer China, from New York for Ltverpool, took out sBo,oooin coin onWedneaday. Toil on,ye white slates in the North! You have (lane• ed to Radical tunes, and now you must pay the Radical piper. You, rrmst . pay a dation• al debt of nearly three thousand million dol.' lire, with interest, all in gold and silver;you Must pay from twelve to' twenty millions 'a year for the'enppor, of the 'Freedmen's Ba: rein; yOu niasepay about tWeniy•eight lions a year to the national bankers for issa. log paper money , for you, when, the United States Government could do it with little or no expense; you inlet Pay' fifty year tor the standing ;ferny la the Southern States; you must pay plitithousind gov2rn. meal of revenue °dicers, and other treasury leeches, when six thousand could do the work as Well under proper tusnxite , mentrandyou must pay back, in the way of steelages, all the money eXpeqeo" , by the Radicals in carrying the election. , ; • • : 'Rah foi Grant! Toil on,ye white 'elayet; your masters; the Radical •arlstoetite, lima; more motley, 'to thoy will' have it 1 - ' 4 l;fiti for areal ; Olio ,;spodholiie're and the national' b* *ere I Shout, hut tell pa,„ for you are 101440 slavery for four long yemt to , come I !gal for Butler ? ' Stitnrier. and , Sainte, yoar masters at : . - p`') Tun '!.101111 sgs that ti Na well 419 1 001 v)% Donor. of the election, from the: ofiloom ,pt the State Nita, the Telegieph, 'end Ike 'OA Very proper; riodonbta large r‘jority of the in. mates of the latter, named Inttilution are 4Radicals.. , Ox election dap, • Harrisburg Radical asked tor a tiolgiit.lqibi kraut and Ooillb6.;." A his repriteOititi of thi iiiiittilisiii pit , . * ty of the country." ,1. • : itaiTamivo The prOprielY oi, holding the State . end National 4444tms in.iol:lBtat# oa the 100 dig is being k t ugly nr04 ,1 by tianykgelligent persons. is no tOod rea r enalsby both eleetioas ' s hould pai'hod f a Pennsylvania, as well u in New York, New , Jersey, California, and other States. Such a change would save much expense, and tie only additional , trouble would be in having an air" box for the Presidential electors. Bleitioe day Is always an unplea3ant day for peaceable citizens, and by this .system there would be • but one day of turmoil and excite• aunt, Instead of two, as at present. '• Besides, by holding both elections on the same day in all the adjoining States, , the practice of ycolonizin g " would 14 greatly checked, as every man would be required to rote in his own district. We hope to see a speedy *change made in 'this particular, and we hope our brethren of thopress, without distinction of party, will assist us in urging the matter upon the atten tion of our State Legislature. Of COUCH this Change would not affect 10. 'cal elections, which are of an entirely db. tinet nature, as they should be for many rea• sons; but where great States are jointly, in- Aerested, as in the elections of State 'officers and Congressmen, which have a certain beer ng 'npon national interests, it is proper that the choice should be made on . :the witne day 'in all 'Parts of the country, and thud check, or totally prevent, the practice of colonize. ,tion, and the freqfient charges of fraud, now :made after every election. , DIVIDE THE WARDS. The wards in the city of Reading should be :diiided into precincts as soon as possible, 'for the accommodation - of voters of all par ties. In some of the wards the polls are so crowded that voters are frequently kept . waiting for,hours at a time, to their own per eonal annoyance and the hindrance of their businest For instance, in the Second Ward the 'total vote polled on Ttithlay was 989. Sup. Pose the Radiealein #o4llatuve Oise - law (as they. 061414 Will), opening 'the polis at Ba. in:: cloiing theni at 6p. in, This wOnld gi've but ten hours for voters to deposit' Weir ballots, without allowing the tlectiim board time for dinner, and the votes must be polled at the rate of nearly 94 every Hour, or at the rate of less than a minute for t soh vote. The consequence would be nrowd ing, quarreling, fightingoind the keeping out of many votes at every election. - In,the other Wards the vote is not so iteavs,liut it will not belong before.the-num ber of voters in a majority of the Wards will average 1000, who will have to vote at the rate of 100 an hour in case of the passage Of Bub a registry law as waslinder discus• 'ion at the last session of the Legislature. With our present v0t0,0,201,it would require to ballota to be handed in on an • average of more than one every minute. to poll them all in ten house. 3 e - A in the case of changing • the time' of !inkling our Stite election, we ropiest ,our brethren of theliress in this city to . aid us In urging the division, or the Wards into elec. tion preeineta, ...for the accommodation of Citizens of all partici. Poltinoir is recovering, though still yory weak: Wrote the Morning Patriot.] UST OF KEINEEES OP SENATE AWE HOUSE OF ILEFIIESENTATIVES. We are indebted toJohu Resident Clerk of the lime of Represen tatives, for the following correct list of mem• bars of the General Assembly of Pennsylvn• nia. SENATE. Philadelphialst Dist., W. M'Candless, ; 2d, A. Wilson Henszey, B. ; Bd, D.,' A. Nagle, D.; 4th, Geo.' • Connell, I. V—Chester, Delaware and Montgomery— Wilmer .Worthington, B. ; C. H. Stinson, Vl—Bnelts—R. J. Linderman, D. Vll—Lehigh and Northampton=-R. S. Brown, D. Vlll—Berks—J, D. Davis, D. IX.-Schuylkill—Wm. M. Randall, D: X—Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne— Charleion Burnett, D. Xl—Bradford, Susquehanna and lily oming—P; M. Osterhout, IL 241--Luzerne—Samuel 0. Turner, D. Xlll—Potter; Tioga, •M'Kean and Minton—A. 0. - Ohnatead, R. XlV—Lycotiting, Union and • fljler-- Soc.!•-n. Book ) D. .XV,"'NOrtlit/iPberlarldlMontottrleolumbis and Sul'fun-00mo D. Iftt*On, D,. ?CVI-41tiliphili and tebnaini—fat. Daw!in oleinari l It. . • , VII-44ancaater-4. 'Maher, It. XVIII—York and Cumberland—Andrew O *iner t D. • , , • XlX—Adams and Franklin—C. M. Dun. can, D. ' • , XX—Bomereet. j Bedford and Palt Stutzwan, • X.i.l.Blair; Huntingdon; bentre, Mifflin; Juniata and Perry--C. J. T. M'Jntire, D. ; Jno. Robinson, R. • . X.Nll—Carahria,'lnditina • and ;ef.terson— put, White, • Caminin, . Cinrini s For.ot and IPk—W, IVailao; D.' MXIV-4 . crentnioreland, Vayettc and Oieede--T 1 B. Bearight, D. L Russel Emit!, 'lo;vi—ivashinifoioiinii Taylor, ?-" 'MYR—Lawrence, Butler stud = *O 7 strOnip4anies - Rehr, R.' • miff—Mercer, Ireoice Ink —Jas. C. Brown, R. - • XXlX—Crawford inaErio—M. B. Lowry, R.' mmors. Republicans, Democrats, Philailelphia-Ist district, David Foy, R. ; 2.13. aistrig, John D. ; 8,1 district ;' Samuel josepbs, 4thdistrict, George W. Myers, B. ; 6th district, John 4. Rogers, D. ; oth district, Charles Kleckner, B.; 7th district, James Subers, ; Oth district, j. V. Stokes, E. ;. eth district, 5..1). Dailey, D. ; 10th district, E. W. Davis, R. ; 11th district, Daniel Witham, D. ; 12th district, Alex. Adaire, R. ; 18th district, Michael Mullen, D. ; I.lllk district , John Cloud, R. ; 16th district , J mes Holgate, R. ; 16th dis• trict, M. C. Hong, B. ; 17th district, John Clark, R. ;'lBth district, B. Hervey, B. Adams-.A. B. Dill, D. Allegheny—George Wilson, R. ; (leo. F. Morgan, R. ; James Taylor, it.'; M. S. Humphreys, R. ; Vincent Miller, R. ; Samuel Kerr, R. Armstrong—S. M. Jackson, R. Borks—Riohmond L. Jones, D. ; ff. S. Hottenstein, D. ; Henry Brobat, D. ilucics 7 Joshua . Beans, D. ; Ed. C. McKinstry, D. • Britdford and Sollivan—J. IL Webb, IL ; 4.'F:Chtimberlalii, B.' Blair—Joseph Robison, R. ' . - Cambria—John Porter, D. Carbon and Monroe— James Place, D. Centre—P. Gray Meek, D. Clarion and Jefferson—R. B. Brown, D. Clearfield, Forest and Elk—T. J. M'Cul lonh, D. Clinton, Cameron and M'Kean—W. J. Davis, D. Chester—S. M. Meredith, R, ; J. M. Philips, B. ; ArChimedes Robb, 11. Crawford—Killian_i Beatty, B. ; F. W. Ames, R.,, - Columbja'and Biontour—Geo. Seott, D. Cumberland7Theodore Cornman, D. Dauphin—A. J. Herr, It. ; H. B. mit man, B. • Deijtware—A. B. Leedom, R. Erre—Geo. P. Rea, R. ; John D. Straw ahan, R., • ,rayette!—W. IL , Playford f D. Greene:—JosephSedgwick, D. Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juniata—S. F. IlroWn, R. ;, Amos,H. Martin, It. indiena and Westmorelind—David M. Idarshal, R. ; James A. Hunter, R. ; A. b. Hamilton, R. Lanetister—Aaren EL Summy, R. ; W. W. Ilopkini, R. ; Jacob G. Peters, IL ; J. O. Gatchell, R., Lebanon—Jacob G. Heilman, R. IL,Fogel, D. ; D. IL Creits, ••lycoming, Union and Snyder—W. P. I. Painter, ; Thomas Church, R. ; Wm. G. Herrold l .ft. Luserno—S. F. Bossard, D. ; D. L. O'Neil, D. ; N. G. Weeder, D. Mercer, Lawrence and linger—David Robison, R. ; Geo. S. Westlake, R. ; John Edwards, R.; Alek. Leslie, R. 'Montgomery—James Eschbaeh, D. ; Henry M'Miller, D. • Northampton—Lewis H. Stout, D. ; Oco. IL Goundle, D. Northumberland—Wm, H. Kass, D. Perry and Franklin—John Shively, D. ; Jno. H. Walker,lt. Schuylkill—. E. Nice, D. ; Michael Beard, D. ; Philip Breen, D. Somerset, Bedford and Fulton—John Weller, R. ; J. H. Longenecker, It. Susquehanna and Wyoming---Loren Bar rettt IL ; A. P. Stephens, B. Tioga and Potter—B. B. Strang, R. ; J. B. Niles, • R. , • Yenango and Warren—A. P. Duncan , R. • Junius R. Clark, R. \ • Washington and Beaver—H; J. Vankirk, R. ; A. J. Buffington, IL ; Thos. Nichol son, R. Wayne and Pike—Wm. M. Nelson, D. York—J. Hersh, D. ; B. F. Porter, D. Republicans, 431 Democrats, 39 VECIAPITULOWN. SENOR—Republicans, Democrats, HOUSE—Republicans, Democrats, Majority on joint ballot, TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY FRIDAY, Nov. 6. The Alatama Legislature, which met on Monday, is still without a quorum. Under the laws of. Congress. no election mil; held in Virginia, on Tuesday. Voting was done, however, a yiajority of the votes in Alexandria being given for Seymour and Blair. Of course, such nmelection will be regarded as of no effect. Gen. pant will return toWashington next week. en. Canby will probably leave Was hington for Texas, on Tuesday next. CI en. B4tler was serenaded in to well,?tfass. last evening, and made a speech in which he said that Congress will "find a remedy" for the State of things in the South. Vice President elect Colfax was serenaded at Pittsburg,last evening, and made an apy praprlato.speech. The public debt statement will be iss ed to-day, and will, it is stated,show a dee e. The negroes collected outside offlavannah are started to bare dispersed on Wednesday night, but reassembled yesterday. A des patch says they are reported to bi armed with United States muskets. Another of the policemen shot-in the Savannah riot has died. • den, Roieerani Will AMR for Mexico on the 10th iuet. - '4 4 .L soap and candle factory in Cincinnati was nearly destroyed yesterday by the ex plosion of a tank. Loss $25,000. 'ryta per- SOUS Were injured the explosion.' The Bellevue Itospitol, in IttOlmiood, Nas yellter47 -4 9 11 tEltil by fire,' • depplaiiali ildvices'AQ ,Octobpr 28th state that the President of remain* kadi 4efesited &reel •of insarrectlemsbi , in - Us Bantei; and was about to go to chirighlr • , isa;s noun OF aliPitkfiliNTATIVRO? t, 1 *i.l ~~, , MOURNING SHAWLS, GENTLEMEN'S SHAWLS, Also in Stook, a 144 *ailment of Silk Ate will be sold by the yerd l itirinade to order In at short notice and moderate prices, TO•DAT'S ADVVIRTIIIZIPIENTIO. A GOOD Alit. wantsaplsseeas Child's Noise; S tcan do general housework. InqUke at WI atit Fifth:street. • nov64' I§6IOI6MAILER WaIiNTED.—A coal, eteidY hand, on repalrlnE and new work._ .6teadY 401- , oyrnont. Apply at No. 6 Neverelnk atreek'llor ner of Ilingaman. - . nor q• At TIEMOORATIC A S SOCIATION. The tillregular monthly meeting otthe DemoomtioA sedation will be hCid attheirroomestormorrowtelid urday) evening. Nov. 7th . at 7% o'llook. A hill attendance Is exploded. 111AA0 D. 14811 E% Ptesident, P. D. WANNIR, 110 , retaxy. nov 43.2 t TOOAIRDINO•4 few gentlemen can be ae- Deommodated Wi 30 1 Bood Warding and bedding by applying at No. ‘Yesbiogton street. non 6-3 t GEORGE GETROST. • IMPORTANT NOTICE! THE GOOD WILLFI RE, COMPANY, Or AibLENTOWNOj1 1 ,1. 1 Would hereby announce to the citizens of Reading that, owing to a considerable number of tickets r maining unsold las well as coupons =slurped, they are compelled to postpone the drawing until the 22d of December. Tickets can be had, for a short, Ring, of E. D. Riechard , Agejlt Plough and Harrow hotel, and at Etrokland & Bro. nov.s JOSEPH REBIIOLTZ I , NO. 710 PENN• STREET, • READING, PA., has constantly on hand the BEST,;BEEF,, as well at all kinds of meat and auntie's, liver pudding, blood pudding, Frankfort "Solivrarten magen' &0., all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, nov.s-3m ' a RApID RAFFLING ?SATOH t" FOtt TWO' FAT HOGS 'At the Drovers' Hotel thr. Eighth d Washington es., GIikiATURDAY EVENING NEXT,N0V.76.1868. The highest number of Heade thrown takes plat choice. lowest number takes second choice. Tick ets 26 cents. nov.4 (EVENING ENTERTAINMENT LL • AND ' BALL, By the . • , gOHILLER VEREIN Assisted 4y, the HEADING 11.2EINNE 11,0110 AT AUCENIIAOII 9 B HALL. t v oday,. November 10114, 1809, item Olt ONR GENTLEMAN AND TWO LADIRR 61. PRODRAWIN - WART 1. CONCERT AND TABLEAUX. PART 2. BAIL. All our old friends and patrons with their fami lies are respectfully invited to attend.. Tiokets can be had of the Committee. ADOLPH HOPPMAN, _ PHIL. BD3BINORR, CARL SOHOENE. • FRITZ MAYER. . nor 4-0 t If. C. REEK,. . • - NEW GROC RY 44 PROVISION STORE, J. D-. HIGH Announces to the pub \ So that he has opened a , GROCERY & PROVISION STORE . at the N. E. Corner of Eighth and Franklin Sta., where he will keep constantly on hand a largo and well selected Stock of Groceries. Proyisions, Am. Which he will sell at the lowest market price. • A share of public patronage is respectfully solic ited. Country produce bought and sold. J. D. MOIL N. E. Corner Eighth and Franklin. nov.4-Im 18 18 -8 81 89 -22 -- -- 2 G GEN. TAYLOR HOU'SE I -341 North Eighth Strout, Within a:Square of (hel Upper NCIO York &pot. READING, PA. J. H. SUAEVFEIt. Proprietor. alO-3m K EYSTONE OPERA HOUSE. • POSITIVELY TWO NIGHT.. ONLY! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, ' NOVEMBER 6TH AND ITH, 11188. RE•UNiON AND FAREWELL TOUR OF THE . WORLD-RENOWNED • • HANLON BROTHERS , GEORGE, WILLIAM, ALYRED, ED WARD and FREDERICK,. ' • With their Juvenile Prodigies, FRANCOIS, JU LIAN and VICTOR. and their new TRANS-ATLANTIC COMBINATION, , .. i4Vr. makinetheir FAREWELL TOUR of till United States.! ..I_n additten to the-attractions pre served by the; AIitNLONS„._ they We also under eniagenae t r e Miming E uropean It 'brines: _JYttat i lit 13W a rlpteeO u relittitana ivt• I v Miss IL _THOR/lE. the won* hed vorn6 medienne an vocalist. • • . ALFRED B. BEDOWICR. Cctcerilnist aud Buffo . Bnger. , . Meant. , BYLVANX k BENEIBLUX'aritI,Ine owns open at 73 O'cittAmnlel/6.1%., • ana4 ens —Cleersc an 'Hanka l• tearer ' nt. , B. Smith; B nem Manager . . • ••Admiakon 50 cents: children under 10 years. 15 cents. - . 0c11#44 BLA etiMlLBoi imatt acheag. ° 2 R hara.b. , • '; '•• 3 1 , ^.: k `i% •`, KLINE, :EPPIHIMER &. CO. BLANKET SHAWLS, BROOM SHAWLS, CHAIN LAIN SHAWLS, PAISLEY SHAWLS, MISSES' SHAWLS, BREARPAST SHAWLS, OF ' "7 - 1 - 1--" 0 Brikeic . c4OTH CLOAKS, CHINOKILLY OLOTII CLOAKS, WHITNY BEAVER CLOAKS.' " FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS; WATERPROOF CLOAKS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, . • OPERA; CLOAKS, MILK VELVET 'CLOAKS. vets, Velveteens and Cloaking Cloths, which the most durable and fashionable manner;• • • novvi CLOTHES WRINGERS, STEP LADDERS, M'KNIGHT'S HARDWARE STORE, THIRD AND PENN MS. atm 10 McGowan & Miltimore, DEATNIIII IN • 1-1' AItDW A it . CUTLERY, 01 NS, ROUGE FURNISHING GOOD'S METALS, • , • TIN PLATA% SHEET IRON, Building Materials, SADDLERY, &a., Ao.', 8441. 1 No. 612: OW • SWIM' .111,i7ADIN9, P 4. iI UCKWHEAT FLOUR I, BARNHART & KOCH nave just received 10,000 pi:1111164 tbe beet 'MOUNTAIN BUOK.V/HRAT FLOUR, 'lVblob they, will sell _mit, wholesale and retail, • neap. Also, constantly on bank the PAMIII,,Y, AND , BAKERS' PLOURSi All kinds of Feed, Mtn Dried Corn Meal, ke.o.k°' oct 30-2 w Noe. 21.24 and Z North Eghth West. .NEW WINE -Hp . :OSE, 652 min* OTOS% • READING • 080 a • ,:.• .• • p 141* Qi6oiastte so Wil of limbeiit • ap 21- uill*. 0/1 • • ~... US.OER BEER , "41tA 1 5) „JO. 1111 ALL WARRANTED. I= AT • BARNHART it KOMI, se ; , • HOOPLANI) 4 B 421 2,1010 SITU:Ms ffooftand's German Tonto, TA4 orsfßisaies - Ai ail Inu a i eto p h Liver; *.igachoePigiativi •• • - Hoofiand l B:ooitigin 13ittent ... troietof thapiner (qr Oa thy teed. 17 Oro Nerwl. u n v Om* had tad Ur • eV? " I r j r:i% ci li a 00 116 1 1 1 :: hire (Ong kfan. • „ ', . . ,•, • . , r ..• , . • • HOGPLANTORAERMAN TONIC Is a nOralshietionof all the ingredients orals Bit. ter% VitbLitilt %rat quality ,of ',Saabs CMS .e til . atitimi O 3 MD OD% otthe coat plealeat as • remed es eyer ollared to the Public. "IM4V, preferring a medicine free from Aleeholle admixtures will use • • - ILOGLAND'S GERMAN' BITTERS, Those Who here no ohjeCtion to the'combinetto of the Bitters, as Stated, apt use .. , 1100,FLAND'S GERMAN TONIC 1 ' They all both equally good t and erudite the pame.inentoinai virtues, the oho ee between thettm Watt a mete matter of taste; 't e Ton lo being the most palatable. _ . The itomicli, from a gsrlety ot mirk such s Indigestio Dyspepsia. Nervous Deb illy, ett„ t o very apt tri eve its inactions demi . 'de Mr er. sy7thlsing as elose9ty as it oea with the titontao i then Poolnes affected, the result.ei whiett s= that the POO suffers trout rental or snore s) the following ODOM: • ' • ~ • • DonetiMPtlOn k Bletulenetanward Piles. fulletis of BIOOd tO tlici Dead; Acidity of the Stomach, - . Nausea, Into, Disgust for fpodi_Pull . nese or ' lip tinth 0 . litoDuobb. _' cllmr • ' Wilda o a ring or Muttering • ' ''.' at the Pit of the tomaeh t Swimming of • • i he Bend, Hurd i s li: milt Breathing, kuuertgg ,nt the e 0 °king or Su ffoeatt tug ijansaVoni when_in ar itut Posters, Noakes of Vislon..DoO_or Webs efore tberght. Doi Pain in the Herat, Delloienoy of 4)rsplta tion, XiIIioNTIDOM of the Skin AD ,Nie,s, Pain in the Side. Back. Meat, Limbs, eto,, Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh. Consts,qt Imaginings of Hyll, and li rest ' ~ Depression of Spirits. 1 The sufferer from these diseases shOuld exercise the greatest caution in the selection of a remedy, for his case, Durohasirei only that w his, h Ike is iota oared front his ingest aliens and inanities. Dot 'lessee true merit, is sk 11,NlIt compOubdkil f is fie from injurious ingre (Dents, and establish cl r itself a reputation or the cure of diseases. DI this connection we would submit those we remedies— HOVLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, IX° _ ILOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC' ItatARID BY Da; O:.U, JA(ll4o2te PhitadelPhlk PI Thirty-bolters slime they were dot Wiredraw% into thts °gun ry , from Germany, during which t1: 1 1 they have un oubtsdly performed more cum. benefited su ff ering huma nity to a itreattit tilisni. thAn any other reuttill i tewk:os a ro to the Iloilo. f T ikt e j= l o e : //1 6 pe e L i u Otgicoor v ile °"l" 17011.1 ebiltty, Mimi o thou hoes , .ulteass of th e Kidneys allcdoeakeo arising from t a • pit. ordered Liver, kitomaoh or ntestipes, I 1 • % D,E . B It T Y.. Resulting kom any ,Cause whatever:4 Prostration ,of the Nygein , pduced by severe Labor, r pardships. aperture. Revere, Av. LThere no medic no extant equal to these rem -0111 Itch oases. Atone and vigor is im clwill . 11 018 sYstom , the appetite is site*ma. od is e eyed. the staunch digests proper ly, the ood is pulrlfied, the complexion becomes song and healthy. the yellow tinge is eradicated from the eyes , a bloom is given to the cheeks. and the Weak. and nervous invalid becomes a Strong and healthy being. PERSONS 4DVANO9D IN LIFE, . . • And feeling the hand of thin weighing heir upon Osumi with all Ito attendant Jill sill ne le the use of this DITTSRI3, or the TO 10 , an el elt that will instil ne w . life into their ve 11* reatotel*, 121xiaeure the energy and ardor of Mote Otani' ,-,.. bull& up their shrunken forme, and glee health and 'happiness to their remaining yew: It les well established het that:fully one-half of the female portion of ourtpulation are seldom la tho enjoyment or. good health, or, tome their own expreesion, never feel well. 'my are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely•nersoas, and have no appetite. • To this class of persons the BITTERS, or the TONIC. is espeolally recommended. WHAH AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of eithei of theft remedies. They will mire every case of MARAB. MUS, without fail. Thousands of certificates have accumulated In the hands of the proprietor, but space will allow el the publication of but few. Those. it will be eV served, are men of note , and of such standing that they must be believed: TESTIMONIALS. Icon; tiebile W. Woodward, ChiefituatiCA of the Supreme Court, write}: PHILADELPHIA, MIA 16.1867. "I find Hoofiand'e German Bitterais *good tonlin 'tiara in diseases of the A digestive organs, and of great benefit In caul ottlLdebility, and want of nervous actton in the system, • Yours. RO. ruly, O W. WOODWARD, Judge of the supreme CourtofPekinsylvapht. "I consider Dootland's Gorman Bitters a ble medicine in case of attacks Of indigestion or drs pepsiai I can certify this from my experience of it • You respect, ' • JA MES THOR P 12,010 • From Roy, E. D. Fekidall. • • ) 1 1 : s t ilatant Editor Christian Chronicle, Ph iladelphle • have derived decided benefit from •the use of °Oland's Gersten Mum, and feel It my privilege! to recommend them ins a most valuable tonic, to all who are suffering from general debility.% or from diseases arising from derangement pf it/envoi'. Yours, truly, • E. D. •PEND.4II. Wrozn *W. Joseph Kennard, D. D.. Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church. Phila. 4 Di. JA0113011.--D EAR S I II :•••I h SYS been freolono ly rigubsted to connect my name with reoom• 14endatlons of different kinds of medicines, but re larding the prsoticepas out of my apptowl- _ ate sphere. I have in all oases declined); but with a clear proof in Tar ous instances, and earth , - • plait, my own family,. of the tiflo of Dy. Hoof • hind ottoman Bitters. I depart for once from MI USUAL course, to express my full conviction tba y or Deserts, debility ants system' and eppeChtliNfOr kW.r assiPtakt, it is a ogre and 04 !scat* prepa ratios, 44 110 /4t Melt it may fall; 'but usually, I doubt not, It will DO very beneficial to those whosuifer from tint above causes. .Yours. very respectfollyi _ • J. IL KENNARD, Dish tb..kulow Coates CAUTION. Hoodland's German Remedies , Re touilteifelted. See that the ofgnature f kofo. ..IAOKSUK bon the wrapper of each hot -itf tie. lothoni are Coon* t• eat, oipelphl ffice id Mieitteetorii Grimm Medicine Store, o. rob Street. tutaelybi", CHARLES M. EVANS l Viiiirietor, •Fonnerly . C. M. JACKSNN 4t- " PRICE. • • HootlN:v*6 . ' 9 74as Biller*, perbottle,. - ea(fdosee • - • • Hockiascrt Getman lbele tt Jest up injituat bottles,' sl_ Est DOJO, or ok Are wfitli 0 0 '; ax° sot forget to Mto OWO 0 add. der buy. in order to set the genuine. I)raggiiits and ,BWrekeeporet "Ti?. NOTICE. lion. James Thompson, PHILADNI.PIO4I4APriI 28.1806. FOR SALE. BY ALL EVERYWHERL