Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 30, 1868, Image 3

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-- clutoitittFolo'Vir
EDITEON.`r.I2 4.2'v. N.
ADVIRTIORRS Ara requattei to tdeir
rerilletneuts as early in the ay ea poss ibl e. as our
rapidly (curtailing circulation eompeliquu to Ito to
fess about 2 P. tu. •
• .• • —• ,
• CoVidtnitorneXeJetendest for Digleation the
pAlor HAMA malt bo two:agent by a respond
bie Dim e. gi guarantee of sincerity on Qui
of the writer. The ham* will not be published un
less o desired by the oerriimmu t en t.
write only' on one tide of the gaper, SSind' as plain'-
iy o possible, without dourbibee.
RBI who fell to reeilve th e BAOLltielre+
/I. w ill c onfoy a how by lesiviris notice at ilk's
offlee. where ell owerkirkte or Irregruiltrity An d
lateness of delivery w II be promptly stteedied to,
C0111151.0)1DWITEI ibOUld mike 0 1 011 , 0011iDIUTI1C8.
Ong short en the po Est- Our splice to too flat-
for very lon, *Moto&
p,1,,.-131.1e, meet Sixth, 7, No. 2. .
IVhite, meet Third 7s, No. 2. Meet
Fourth, Fifth, Sittth Serepth
73, No. 1 t
Pink meet Sixth, 74, No. 1.
Purple, meet Sixth, 71, No. 2.
Yellow, meet Sixth, 71, No. 0.
Illack,'Hient' Sixth ; 71 1 No'. 4-411.
C. T.'s Purple, meet Sixth, 71, No, 2.
NNORLIALATION Conivevrill bo In session
ne=t Monday, =November
Tug juIAN ABOUT TOWN.—The sppte 'ls
*native of 'tali.
Holy men—guys-dlffieri.
Thy m ust be Indian Bummer.
Jenny Lind istiti to re-eleft w.
The "Last Mitudrel."—,A linens shoe-trisker.
He In • doh man who has God. for ill! friend.
Let every ohs
,aubioribo to the liketine Pork
The roads through the country were never In
better condition than at tide time•s
Lfirs• hones ite( en erb tit book aduitred by far
mers: but farmers are most admired who pony up. ,
T4ukepivini ttpyro,sioh)ng ; and tzrkeys
are colatailti ‘'t
Many Isaiah itirued oaf hist jil:sh, him*
, ; ;
Why do cabmen prefer tall ladles to short °nos?.
Boom° the higher thi fair the hotter they like It,
The snow-birds, harbingers of winter, bar)
wide their ApPeatitti(ilL
A young man gonefilly &el a look of hie hair
6114 syreethimyt..befora he marriesoo). l ., After
marriage she aomettmee belo hersel f; an don't
me selnora, • , . •
Nominee, tnlMlOß'Seypitallooli 4:4049
.tuekei i nt) rikesau • tbet, w men who
keeps cows should be a qns•ard, , • '
Applebutter frolics pre all the go in the ',estouistry
Just now. These festive days are oortsidered dais
"Jubilee of the heart" by Eill'the "bush bilvva" and
"sohcene land malt."
I 1; .;!," 1.;
The man *hie remeinbere the "scribe" 'oath.
keppy;neossaleitil Pkiitrinsonial'alitspos. ,is itki3-
reniembered th o Oeribli . stover. •
The sellool boys td Bangle hare h u Pared and
fifty-fire bolldso In a year. Wouldit't that be
splendid here, bon? • " • •
Peeple • setknie aboutwhat oonititutes a "more
trIMP' ins oses his wits, sino his nob ,
duot Implies thit It Is a mete trite ; saltier loses
si:ponoe;• aad, hs Is • troubled for forty.eldht
At this B►onf bookitoie eau' be found all tho
books iieicl id the sohools.
FAipry9iFlTF l togat was out on sAmh
ing (04r, ind riOrned Wino with 45 large
. 1 :
• *# ? f 6 '
13Eino Immo am-4131rd street, lAyond
Walnut, le being 811p4 up . and put ineub
stands' order.
Pitior;' STotibieil I;4ratlik , Party
night at the Keystone Hall was a success.
A largo nOtsber were lq attendailee. •
, • .
Porn Tustivilw:439tno m iscreant' atdlo
an ttXB ) two buotioto and a ratoring:pOt t
from tho Itinggold Engine Houma, on Wed•
nosday night.
Cowmen To PRISON.—Tho white' man
end the nigger who robbed 41 canal• boat yes
terday morning, were th!own into ptison to
await their trial at the next Nutt: •
„, ~ I
' 4
mu, BE MPROVED.-.011 yottu A ay nett,
Red. Yeiger will CQMMOCIOI) O' tear out the
front of his building, 4831 Penn Moot, t 9
nuke; placo for u large. aid oxpenniye AO*
Tam triton t Pa, Erri)rtro sale, that 'the
Atounde" of the Northampton Agrlenlin'..`
ral Spojetk aro to be removed to Bethlehem.
We should like to'row how- such a job Is
• ' , ' 1::,. '
ON A Bratia.. , -The etttplt_iyede' ef• geveral
of tho Cotton Factories at' Philadelphia are
ott a strike, in oomequence Of the prices be ,
ing reduced fifteen cents on each piece of
goods. ti
Worm.--Wo aeo that 100 men are wanted
to work on Bections'lo,ll 'l2 and'lB of the
Volebrookdale railroad * at $1.76 per day,
,Those who 'mein search of work,shclild apply ,
to (L kerr , BoyettOwn.: " '
REAL VATATICIIALILI y twoo 'cicninuceer,
real estato agent sold on ednesdara boar
and lot of ground, on. 6th stiketACAby 280,
belenging tk'stottim !timriet
and brother, for ihki,ellll4 of mu.
Comietot —List 'evenitiltis
were galloping up Parla sip*, ihtiT came in
colliston'atth 4 horse and boggy. + 00e Oats:
, was thrown, oat of tho loge, ,fotu4sp49.'
not seriously hart. The horse attached to
the buggy. was much injured.
.0. A. kitcOus t Popp )tioluet ted.. to
Christ Chu rob two lots on North Six th Street
to be set apart for, Church purposes. TAO
lots ato worth about one thouaand dollars,
soil bein g i n t h e , ver y centre of the growing
Part of the town will be 'of great seryien
thofuture progress ,of our city. •• • • •
CoNsatawitom OP ;
ittiloßMAßbi. -•-• This, ,Ph4tel'erected b
Trinity Lutheran Oclngregation on , 'NOrth
Ninth Street above Buttonwood, will • be
consecrated to the seivide` of flpd oti tai
morrow (tiaturdal) o f t A i t ooni: Oct. 81st, th'b
anniversary of the great. Reformation. T.
services will eotnetme
, O fit 2} Weld* '.4
The geneallY 10 6 'hl .
ASSAULT AND BASTRA'.:—A 1101111131 oatne
before the Mayor this. 4uornink end made
complaint &garnet her ungrateful husband.
The supper t itt Interne, did not snit? his honor,:
which raised his dander, when•bel stitioli 140
wife three ,blows? over the headi , leaving
marks that could •be seen this morning.—
Steps were takers to hero the Watt pati . •
istaa. ; t•
arkeeonitifikibie'44' •
glory. •Yeittetdity,its i t tike , ioOpte ity the ,
one of those of , the :''ere; 1114
_ . ;
. , , , ,
• WAttrzly4.4llo4 o been iegursted 14:0‘
number (*citizens to. reraintlolie ithatling
Railroad Nrapatty Of the fact, that a '.6:Wau:le•
man" .:' is wanted at 'Seventh sad : Chestnut
streets. :Within'a few days. several :narrow
escapes have been patio by teams crossing
i t.t
tilO railroad tpere:-., .;•, i :i ',.. :, :.,' - e f i
Tux season of fall Nitwit and a game
is upon us. Let anrone Cid' his eye on the
1 3
surroundin hills , and ho will !realize Mit,
cor's idea o "The Sere and Yellow Leaf."
The scene of our,valley, at:all times beau ,
tiful, is now gloriously, enhanced by .these
autumn tints. „Men andAtaideos, let not the
beauties of nature pass unobserved,- . ..
JUBILEE &avid:se—Services appropriate
to thii close of the great Jubilee year, will
be infld in Trinity Lutheran Ohurih, on San.
day next. Rev. C. P. 11Ciauth t IL D., of
pteacliihe sermen•et the
morning service, and Rev. J. Fry in the eve
ning... At,two'o'clock in the' afternoon the
Sunday &Imola connected with thiccongre•
oatiOn will hold their festival in the chant,
at which time the heentiful medakalmok is
Onrneninritioti et thialubileei will linpre•
minted to the teachers and•scholars, • •
00D Fiimowas Faiio.-=..The R. W. Grand
Lodge ot the United States, L 0. of 0.
at their recent session, adopted e flag to be
used °wall Public, occasions. The flag is to
be of white material, elkher, buntipg, cotton
oloth (41'300 thaPtoliottionelo
'df the length for the width. The 'emblem.
three links, to be placed in the centre of the
flag, with the letters I. 0. o.' F., find the
name of the State, District or Territory us.
Jog it, to, be wrought in scarlet color. When.
tever the lag is to be used by the Ennui*
ment, two crooks .are to. added. The
Grand Lodge of the United States has or !
dared a NationalVlag, Wok will be borne
for the first time in the grand-procession in
Piiilidelnhia, in April, 1869.
QUARRRIANU.—If anything in the world
will m4lte a man feel badly, except pinching
his fingers in the crack of a door, it is
unqueiltionably a qnarrel; • No man ever
fails to think less ,ot than before.
It degrades him in the eyes of others, and
what is worse, blunts his sensibilities on-one
hand, and increases the-power of passionate
irritability on the other. The truth is, the
more peaceably and quietly we get on, the
bettor for our neighbors. In nine cases out
of ten, the better course is,-if a Man cheats
you, cease to deal with him; if he'is abusive;
quit his company, and ;if 'he 'alanderii you,
take care that nobody will believe him.
No matter who he is pr how be misuses you,
the wiliest way is to lot him alone; for there
is nothing bettor than this cool, calni and
quiet way. of dealing - the z Wrongs' we
meet with.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the
Reading Post Office ) up to last evening.
Persorni calling fin, theee,letters will please
Woution that they are advertised.;
• - LADIRB 2 List. ,
Mrs. E. E. Anderson l Mra.. HelentiMams,
Lydia' Ann Ber
tolat, 'Miss Burdett, MarY Coalman, • Mrs.
Ann ,Cunningham, Miss Marion Day, Miss
Rose 14.1 Dale, Miss Alice Fry, (4) Miss Car•
rio L. Gray, Jennie Oreeman, Ilium Frances
Henninger, Miss Sarin Lacey, Miss E. 1.
Morris,' Mrs. Thomas L. Moyer, Miss Susan
Miller, Mies Carrie Maggie A:
Robinson Miss Della Stambaugh, Miss Mary
Speleber,Miss Mary Alice Snyder, Miss Kate
Weaver, MIAs Weaver, DDSs 'Rebecca Veit,'
Mrs. Juliann Ziegler. •
Andalusia Base Ball Club, John Barkdoll,
John Barker, R. W..Thirketraiser, Christian'
•Carbury, Daniel Crommisi Alfred
-C. Diet
rich, Isaac K. Eisenhower, Henry Fisher,
Hugh Ably ) , pr t ,i uoitiogt .v.‘ A.. floor,
Franklin Hartman, .
Hutchison, John Hardline, J. A. 'Harris,
• William Hoes, Dr. A. M. Korn, F. B. Kai
.bach, J ames '
'Kelly, Jacoblai: The'
• mas Kerr, (2) W. o.' Keck C. J. Loral',
William Levan,-John Lusk, George W..Moy•
er, John Musk © t Patrick Mooney, William,
Moyer,-;Williamtiore;N. I):.ldeCleary,•Ar
thur Ruth, E. B. Ritter, :Joseph Reimer,
Moses Rufner, 'William Richads, Reading
Cold Company, Charles ginith, George Steb•
ler, John Smith; Josepho44ville, B. hichoen-•
brun, William IL Sh,de, w W; Snyder,'Ati , '
thou y Schnick, L. C. Thonipson 4k ) CO., Ed-'
' ward Uptegrove, Thomas Tetlow, Dr. Ben
jamin Wish, Daniel A. Wentzel, E. Wilson,
David Wenn, J, - Wilson, Mor;is Wadinhous,
;Franz We:el, Adam Zeller. , •
s f4 ' , 't s., .4, 0,.., , f
'. BUMS CONVENTION.—Purouttt to a. call'
; Issued by the Pastors of the Churches in this
!city, a • convention composed of delegates
!from all denominatiops in this county, es
*ambled in ..the Firsv 'German Reformed
church, (Rev. Mr. Bausman's), yesterday
afternoon, at 2 01010 ck... Representatives
(were present from the Lutheran, Reformed;
;Methodist Epideopal, Presbyterian, Baptist,
and Episcopal churches, from the Evangells
deal Association, and from the United Brelb
lren in Christ. Rev. 8., M.Schmucker called
rho' Convention to order as Chairman of the'
Conimittle bfAtangeeients,ari(Vitrebed the
Ip m r e ey e t e in r. g with reading the scriptures and
1 .
' The call. as read by the Secretary of the
;Committee, Rev. T. A,.Fernley. •
1 A. F. Boas, gs q ., was elected Chairman,
,and Rev. T.A. Fernle y, Secretary of the
IConventionYl4 W C l' ,l - .`, * t t,u.
- A L Business Committee was appointed,
!consisting of Rev. B. M, Schinuelier, Rov..
'E. J. Richards, and Dr:Coblente. ,
! Topics relating to the Bible cause and the
;circulation of the Holy Scriptures among all
the 'people l so as to plikhe A copy in the hands
:of each and every child ,in the county, were
4riesented by the Committee.
• After the consideration of these the Corn
imittee reported a. constitution for the or.
Iganization of a Berks County Bible Societ3 1 •
{wht e h was, on motion, unatl994lY adopt.
fed. It provides for membetahi% tot and
,Year by the payment of 25`cerits at least, or
life membership by the payment' of $5 at
',ono time. The armour provided for in . tho
Constitution wore elected as follows: . .", '
. President—Rev. W. A. Gotidl o -' i . ' : .- 1
Vice President—lfenry Crourie, Esq. •
Secretary—Rev. J: Pry:
i . Treasurer—A. F. Boas, Esq. . '
. Mafiligere•-.-Rey. J.,. P. / Lnruly, Rev. E.
Itfithards tame ti ' Jihnisini. lliq., Emu B.
•Dausman, Rev. T. A. Fernley, Rev. B. M.
Behmucker, F. G. Boar:, • Esq., Dr. H. 11.•
tfublenberg, John Ermentront, , Esq.,Rev.
, 11,_Pattikon i . .-,ov, O F E, feqm
fi Di id'E' i St 'at 'Hiq- •'!D''' j h ti
e s v . op. .1 . r. 011 B .
rooke. - . •
f The meeting adjourned. till evening 'et
Which times putdie !fleeting was held.
areBB.B "ranter 1: IT: ..tttliti Pi
liew Tor j d- i 0 . 4; . • To" rice;' , of
Philadelphia, • ' •
Remarks were also made, by 'Rev. Messrs.
' iilehtnuckerr and Fernley, and a epilaction
taken to gdAkt Npcl4.oo floOety t e ;)
~ ;
Altogether therneisting wed ilierfilirt . sit;
begs, and we trust' that measures were in.
Ognrated wldeb wiU,Slatilt in grooved to
Ilsopeople of Old'Berke,' •,. ~
1. „ f1,.,,,i,,4,iti •i,A;fie 1 i':-. , t, 7 %$ 4 , .,; , ;- fil . 5: ;0) ~1.,
- , , •
S L 1
vie ea 1 ountithiiiTomss;
imut Court attehtaliertNilgitt
welthed at the 'thief? wilt smut eftet•
01 1°° VAT * IL " In" t
, ' tiabir *to3 ;' , 91i0 it' 0,
•to ttiogoor,trotlissryi ltinding be.
hind the 40 set w ho ‘Na._ Vatered he
captured the hi $ end h hhatiltee,to the
lock-up, *bombe remeakettuitil this morn.
• fag, when he tendered an 'pageant of:bjm't
self beret* the' Mayoir;bitt id it Wiz a eery
untatiefacto:rrstoooputi, he c 'irqkilent heck,
the Mayo' welting for &biro' fleve!opmente.
. .
1- POI.IOE, Itrtmi4moicaeL-(llcorge Fischwartts
was, arrested; last evening at Seventh, and
Penh •streets * , 'by , officer Lewis, .for * , being
drunk and disorderly,'B.o in general , greats ipg wag , lodged in th-usta
tlon kOltte anti) this nsurnktg, when he was
ealled'up before His! Honor, the Mayor.
Qeorge had no money , to pay for the trouble
he had. canted and thus , was -sent back to
stay it out.
Leppla was arreste,Hisst nigkt gby di
‘cer Cullenlor being drank. Lek.% is an
old ge.llooltesoker * and don't often get drunk ,
at least he says so. Me hid mot ail did friend
and they ,took drinks .together until he got
enengli, to make him drank, and aot,fit twin
loose on the streets. Ho wis verY"sorrY that
he was so unfortunate se to got into,the leek
0; and hopet it be the last time.
His ease seemed te,be deieriinr of "mild.
nees"'oulhe part of the MaYcir, and after
His ifeaer gave, him.the usual good advice,
,ho was lett
. At,t. stit ii r ,
af Ai „,....I, SittSabbatl .. „ ,
rr.-4 , will ;be
All Se; is day 7 a day which, though ranked
tioning l the' miner • 'festivals, hats 'Many Mid
very peculiar claims upon our affections.
Its - 11404 'assosla t ions are with' Paradise—
with the, tiosein world, the storehouse, of
many a treasure from which we have hen
.parted for a season. In the Greek Church.
this conimemoratiortof the ULM' departe4
was adopted earlier than in the Latin or ml.*
other branch.,ln the Vest, about A. D.
0081 W 810,The\ antheon, once dedicated to
all the heathengods, was captured and con•
vented to Christian uses, end its dedication
to the memory ofall Martyrs may be taken
as the origin of this festival. The Wender •
had beeh*,w;led with Oats or manta &ea
tion only, whose history was wrapt In deep,
obscurity, whose claim to Saintship was
often but a .very doubtful one.. , •And hence
to do away with cavils and objections uriAing
from such a source, he church in Inter
times, saw fit to retain, only with a few
marked oxiteptionVtlie commemoration of
our Lord al id of Um Apostles .'
but hallow
big on one ' day in each year the emories of
all, whether' the. Chick Mil l
teht, or at
rest WittiGod: '' It is our Preeti al realize•
lion of the doctrine of the Communion of
Saints. 40 there is nompthipg ,peculiarly
consolatory,, as well es instructive in the
frequency with which gm departed are re•
celled to us in the, church's offices, .'. In the
Cried, at the celebration of the Blessed
Sabrament of the Altar, in the visitation of
the sick, and around the open graveye are
made to think of them ; and that, quite, 'itr
dep‘ndently of this one day in each year,
on which .we are especially moved to medi
tate upon the animating example of the
The Duty of th Democraey.
It is needless to say to the gallant Demo ,
• crAcy of this city, And county, that. there is'
much' importance in th&coming Presidential
election. If three ler& States of this Union
.have heed carried by. the enemies of our
country by fraud, coloniziition and corrup-
tion, we can redeem them by electing our
statesmen, and christianti. It is for UQ to
fight in this contest until the people recover
complete sense-a-Until the rights of States
are restored—until taxation is made equal—
until the laws of our country are respected
and observed,---until there is n,restoration of
that-Liberty, which will - be trampled under
foot if the numbskull Grant iii elected. It is
'for us to say, march on with constitutional
right, never give up • the contest through
which . you aro . passing until honestly and
fairly-won by the traitors abusing the de
fenders of constitutional liberty.' IVe renew
the battle of our sires to make this country
si'lienno for the poor- 1 -A beautiful' Paradise
for the down trodden of other nations,
Whether from the Green Isle of Erin, or the
vino-clad hills of Italy. . ,
:It is for 'ifs to teach the traitors that the
great Democratic party is not demoralized,
disheartened, nor 'cowed 'iloWn by fanatical
outbursts 'of exultation. It is fort us to
teach these cowards 'that the' magnificient,
' ;patriotic columns of the army of freedom pra
yetill'ntatehing On ' with banners` flyingT in&
iil i gntint at the insolent bearieg or the
, Every. Democrat must make the fight his
,o in, and hurl to infamy the insulting and
traitorous foe. It is our duty to mete out
justice to such villains as Stantonpwho - ut-
I tered thefollowinglii Albert Gallatin brown,
Senat'or from the State of Missippi, when
he took up arms against the go vernment:
'Atr.,Brown, go home; go to your people;
'stand with the ;
to , shoulder
;with them, and I will pledge you one thing,
you will force these black abolitionists of
,the North to concede everything you South
ern pqople demand." Strike nnterrified
,pt, these traitors, and let us "war
to the knife, and let every blow proclaim
the truth of such dastardly and traitorous
Why,shquld , nettle Democracy work to
'ut down such treason and win still more
loll? Is therp „any, reason, to tarry.?,
Should we lie supinely upon our back 'lrti,
some noigeless, sopulehrp and; Nt , traitors'
have their own' Wayl 'Shall We des our con
stitution polluted,. our country disgraced,
'and despotitun reign iipreme'bi a •
pathy ? By
no,ineans. Take your glorious flag in . one
Iliad,' the eluireof gar cohntrysiii the other '
rind swearliy the Eternal that no traitor shill l
bullyrag: the' sturdy yeomanry of old Berks.
If you ,wititi doliyerAnce.from he&VP taxation
and `d espotism, tyranny and lyiug'falsehooO p ,
hnow ye not "ho' "Mild' be rrue, them
selves must 'S t ri keshe blOW.": .
Then, Democrats of ,ojd Derk!, cheer up !
asa tenth, jasticb'snd cefolituttohnl rights
rom'one, man to the other , sing .it •in PAC
midget, Oaring, clarion notes; beat it upon
Your Dettiodrutic drums;, proclaim it by , the,
deafening cannon'stoar,.ead let one 'grant!,
Shout peal through the atrlrom millions of
throats, that you are' fighting at the ballot
box for the
.good4t,freedom given by our
forefathers! Thep_ there will be
t i V; "110:11).ushtqf , illsht, ;,,,, • ' , , ..„;
riOnie. retrea . n unbecoming deed
iThat,ergnee fear, each will on himself rely,
As only in his PM the moment 11r ,
i Of victory. "
1 tarot:VlVO(' TO Vingte.--I)EltliM day
4f Nor ‘4o6ttere ttl MOW lil• II by
alled It t*Obsrito ii Owed uty ey owe
to thEntelveli. There are two pa rties In te . con
ill_ollll4 0 00491r4oautrso.
PaliVlerFaooliaaa 41oreat. aNdi with',
that de co ere wII be kirreat ePreselon of eptr-'
ft, superinattelDta lowl or eppetals WI an entire
orialariphOrArLittinatiitit 401;1011V ay , noted
[ ado ' 0 unfortunate in the .eonrt • afore.
Cut II bid 4 *Weep!" ,p, i lrfil , a oefland's
1, rmark Bitters Or WOW that / .ed ly restore
-0 tor is i:eir stopeeOpp 44 . /0 tkeoo o tefrr
me , me. Theielpre do ere tor Wait Di
. _
: Ashy ! tgoi ~ i es trentifurt. ...
AO, 40, iiiNt.**o. ifia. t i , c; - i 4 4'l l
11.1 , 01 Oar li•hav ~ w , : . i ie , 0. , 'r 4r.
. •i: `'f .
. .
"' '''% l :'''! s s•7: l ‘,.• '7 V 11''''7`;'''' k.. ; Y i p
'Y'•' , , '.': , •ski,t • .4., • it'' '' , ~ t' A lt,• "" :
~, 4 , 4•1 4 , 44pC. Ohtforkjit or Avol.;so4.- '.. ~1,- , ,"-.,
- :- - *i44 1 ,04. #lo'l3t htarket irs t elmmit.
•, ' eldhlt. ii* ' • , tfaYst# Mealy eon
lied tg tleitiri list; o
ikith eih4.4 coal
4 * O 7 14teds ' 11 , 0 1r i f i t 1 n k,V#4 1 . 1. ' 1 1 1 .14 4
,iitili ItHi t saotsil a* es Mown' by' th*Abiro
o'er gorlininn east.ntilifedttWar sOilita to likSe
4i4 to the eireedibitOiejt*feelhur In ell 'de
soiSlona,OfAeril Pfnitertf• , illifte , vlns *1'6004
eeileg in' alinost all ralitia7 share*, at en *ll
ante 43114 •to ft lit priene.:' , . i Oanal shares were
toady, with moderate sties *ll4O Neill/Lion
t Sbeikvi t :'ilia or ssiiivioilittow ht 21,4.
' ' mpany bonds ware attehangintind elosed %weak,
tY 611, 110 W. Wall ' di4lidi et; 10 , 11. and the old at
iN. Rtite ' loans were not, offered „in - any
. naiderible amountsoind 'ruled all dill* at
- lags
. notations.} aoraipment leenritite tibia in kitokit
request.. 4 *bait lerevldus • daA '' riees.
betikla unth ins 4 , )f a f litiye,cbsrneterlikOey
• tinneittidslis in ilia' iiiiiiket, and 'elks et New
' ork than there bestrewn: The activlir In money
• he checked thattherntif mell Ise ,in Philidelphie,
!nom the Nets di
; York Herald cstesterdago
"The market fordomA i li t tinfotonde film tnl ed
ineelele eniet d :., e peittoreek, and
. riaea ha Undertone i r netnationt than for
me wee s reviously, The approigeh of elestto
1 .
Si tends to 'direct attentlen front ovVl i n bu l l
—lilies, and etil the itlr eleatinh- a al : kre
, eon numb, among Put i events .vt e ry E 1
.biog. can , expected p the_complek nci the
,• arket or , in pike. ,enrrenC 1 There wi l be but
ow new bursts in market four * week ' , or two—
vorrbmir seemi to feel ik dull, keno ir?
, otna. 'or star at home Until t electi on ay, so
hat business during the vaoseeding weak b de air
o be' ihnall-Temallir. indeed, 'than or any
eek for a long time. et, saes no atiles. the
arket is MT an bids Alsip !slimier, the
nleroeetnent 0 cotton hatifand •ti • ivarpool en
• Hinge most avorable iminenbe en Owning tali
• ra to hold their goads with 111014,04 ed tomato. og
mediction that the market for cotton fabrienwontn
, 0 controlled during the pre*mi y l i aison br the
• rice ofoettott eren more than • demand and
unply." 'has teen Verified in full , thee/node mar..
et blithe followed the diensea t tn cotton in every
ri i i
n lance, '
.' *Ohm rieg, tho Nth lam *Art. toprio e e
4 his ü b rn A g etg o i ti s e irry am gc= ll 44fo r pi i°e :;
. ever in so' prosperotte 'a condition'as , 4 blie been
hist 11. I. , • • ' • ' , • • •
lgo . N qv 1,441pc . 5t . _
Baohonit t Bro., Bankonk_No. *North 6th k street;
Old U. S. B'a 18A1 • • 61 -
- 114
Old U. S. feo 1262 - - 112
geiv.R•W Wiggi: 1864, 3111, 001 km , '4; 1) .110
New NO, ay an 0
New U . S. 1865. now • - I • 1
N, U. $, 18C AI, s 4d Jan.
New U. 8404, law„ •
Tbn-For_ty rnao., - • - Ns.
0014 InlNe York tip - tp 13 O'cl2ok -
An 4lh 14144141115 e tionono or*. 3354
Th'e arithraCite cold trade for the, week ending on
Thursday . was heavy . , Tile t onnage bY .the
%lading Railroad And by die Solinylkill Canal wail
141,127 tone, against , 112 1 ;595 tons In 'Ootrespondlni
week lust by ba t, works for tha scamp
.1.10,50! Inas, against 8,861, ions to corresponding
time list year, a deeteluia of 9%475 tont. The ton•I
nas4 of all' 'Aka' carrying corap)iiiles :far lbn.weak
Onion nia 01:4670 tons. and for the season to 11,-
0:15.494 lona. against 10,844,518' . tops to align. ulna*
107, showing an inoreaset 91090;544tfi1i5;„ The 4146
without, Innterlsi cliange!rfnAn' last Weeki
The deroind for prepared coal Is gtatiii.' 'Ode' foie
lull:wand broken it is sleeking ifitt a tiltde. • Alt the
operators are' inaking as much
• prepated• ooal sui
their faollitles will permit: The Were*, 'Of the
coal trade' yla the Lehigh yailei, i0.*01,11 yartri
is 55039 Onii....Thara. is still an ibundanoe of °oast
, wise vessels at ftbollt the
,rates of freight current
for the fait t4ro week's; '
In New York, the sales on IVednesday, (480911*
ton ceal, were une4twetedly large, and at prices so
far advanced tin:those of Oct. Ittit that this etasSOf
100 will bb held to eqnsaniets fo'r the next month'.
at glirp , ar tOn t iff that,itet, It'L to
conelinuinidi of ttiii roport4 Jars° quantity that id
being pnsbed• into this nairket,'• M hisiiity declinC ie
exptiotedbi speculatiO t ., r . ,
',e at ovo.,4s Proken,Ooil. , $54 b960(000 00 tp•
N i • • ' •
Pea, - •. „ 210 sil
:Bituminous 0241. 26 eta ,ip bus.
. In the:lkiselieepersf theie ferret much,
to report; prices of everything the Inner man
needs, are ,as firm as a rook: Butter beide out for
and4 , 6'oents per pound, while nig isre Sold at 26
'cents Per. dozen. Produce was vended through the
streets by the load by hucketeriand farmers, for
.;which the highest prices were naked at first; but
after the farmer had been perambulating throukh
the streets for some time, ho found it best to soil
out at ti few cents' less. 10 contiwas, asked for a
head of cabbage at the hot of Penn street lathe
morning, and in the afternoon the same could be
bought, front the Same wagob, for 6 eentS—e slight
difference. No trouble to get rid of goods . when a
yeasontible pride !snaked. but, If it comes to make
:enough money on a load of cabbage to buy a cow;
people; Will 'do without soar !trout. 'Cabbage:
brought from Phitsdetphla actually, sells
than that which ii.eiosin in tho immediate vicinity'
;of the city. Turnips wore offered nt4o and 60 cents
pgit bythel, • Potatoes, if the 'purchaser had pdiett
the Whole load. he'.eimlit. the,
bOusht than for
$125 per bushel, but as they,coald be bought for $1
at the huekiterie kinds, they 'wer4 left for some
'other person. who could afford, to pay that price.
!Apples are very`plonttful in this oity,and can be
purchased at 11.061'25 to $6 Ceti& per •half peon,
"Sw,eet potatees are piled, 1 .1 1. ; 1 n large heal'? !kt‘thq
heeksteie r atisfidi, ekdaell'at heti 16 up t0'9646ail
Rionto 1100* KtOtice
Burian- ' ea. dairy. 'E lb:,, 1 L ', 1.:..4111s411
Lump, - •
Hilts! - 4 416,811,11,),,,_.0.0.,i.q..p..?..t.......... 2,1
) Asp-L4 39b,,.y. i ;
.............. 7 i .: ..f, :•
It" - NIMO W dOSISEI I , • - , •
n ,P_, 00 . 14 _, . . ~, , fr
,•. , ~, u ea fi finarw.....,.. .' • ,• • ..1
... 1*
reAoast-. ", ' 11) 1 ~ 20 •
naraf-neaulteac, mom lik ff., W
! .. alrlold, 20
1 " - • • •" •, ' • rump 'I • ..-...;... - 147018
i " '' ttearrnast, 18.
" • Reef drieu,'. , . .- , ~ ". . 20
' u s ,Yo?l'optleta, , .„ .
i" ' • : 1 0 89PoR ; ,-.) is: :" '• • 4° 1
,i, !" - iittfn„ ~ - , v • „'' ~ . 1n)
, Illi .' ' , km'. , '' ' 4 ' ,•,430p.......y . ... . t....aorwisF . '
. n:jsiithge Nits
~.)1 . ', " 0.. r. 220,2 i.
4 • , 144011f44; ": ‘,
q .. .•
.. ....... .01;io.4.1 ,• I
HAVAilitlilli ' '—'
' •,,7 ‘• ' 4i :I •• • ' , v.' "1
. '- • 8/04411 , -. .•
' : • 1 .. V% 4 1, , f1 ,• 01 . i . .44.1. ..... .../ I S. ' j
1311dtrasing-='‘ "' l '` Jo.)
;Inger -• : :-. ~ • • ' OVIMRY-4/litekf i na !Iv?.
. i ;.. ,
„ oh ....
Ire M 0 • ' , . ,•''' '
" ' TtlrklOS live. — ", '''
. .4 . *.tt
' " . Arerianil, ".'
•Plkittkps ttya it pftlr,do ,, . °At 00
POilitee* *4 buthei. ''' : V . " ' '..
7.5a1 00
ANV , 0111 . 1aN .141.1111ERT.
___ . •
Win.wa-:•- - Wlstts Wll?st, 11 )1.1.•,......
. $l2 2
p ti p—O ord chop, Itbdalto 4.,r.....i0. .1
... 1 4;341.1 43
• " fl r i l A n dlinah '•' ' '• so 100
ggAtm-oora Mew '3 •...... .t.: ~......... IGO . •
asts l =- ' ' '• '-' ' ' '
'wheat - " .
,!. .... • . 14•1 I 200 0210
i 4
Ye :: : 4' , 1 83
• " ' coin •
1_" i• Oats • " • 70
l A Y l4 m ovl l ; Y 'l tt4ll ! " 1 ,...,;,.'. ' ''' ": " ! `l Ig 4 •
• ~ ,
_, m e adoc ! " ... ... . . .... . ......... .15 00
Will ar t Wit. B 6 lo l 6 01 1 01.4t1risetess foully
$e n kb nes,:tirLdtin ex bition and for
15e et theaters of D.,_ K. 8 nits, 614 Peon swat,:
11 sari see them. .Po 611.
.17 of sowing, hem
dd. felli_or snit ootheting, wi oat ohmage of ma,
Ohio°. - PKVIRSQI.4.4t MAP 2474114 Atent& B.t
i ts
; Pups D trod.—Dr. Might. ,50: 1 • 1510811. pir t b i
s to r t,..e Re " i Pa 4 bad, id: ii steie 6n6 of `the
lintkind selsot 4044 0 ttPlib ilrdde in this
Aitt: Ds, ta n d 104014tist lit* *bran rtiodY.
di .
to trait im' di ri d id" want. fit tab ,f nour or
the day or li l t. Dr. 14 hi andltis sftistset ire
both WOW hesistrtift , ANlvthiptrken,vented
1. Phartnl6o oil: • - • . • .• ..
'lot 000 r . ith_O bite 44it
et* orato , 7lo4lll,tall :
p , 4 4 Bffe r li d sol l rw " 16"ki
n r i
tlto to
k 17"
't t • I
• ' . ‘ ..*t:tie 0477 064.
vitenly 1 rol,
a P:
*Ow td a Perm
!Akio: s =4%l:r
''. hip mid ofiffaio
i . . . fpqt 6.arao : ,
' 0 , \
,• • C
av tbtis ik
, e unk
iiet 3l s
7 619
Wale kith.' /a boi Afr
rs and 21 *ln tim
'Nfilte et Ile *01402 cp , 'olock
A t i***V o 74 4l l. 4 oro:' - • • •
aote Of illittivitOettrs.'•' 4
L' . • q 4.
, ~
• Mex.—This mOitiirig-elititit ti tedoelt a
Oro broke out in the hat facto Cif Joseph
Levlin.l92aPeniketreet r ‘ , The re,originat
ettme the 'font ',ovi.i.,\ tim' oardin' room. Itt a •
store pipe hole, nod bid worked - its.way+
some distance hi between the roof and the
ceiling before -it ; wmi .141*o:doted. It woe;
hOrver, •iliVeorreld' iiii,thiltf, 3 l4 prevent%
from spreading, and 'as the water was very
handy 'the working men succeeded in putting
it outs. A 'vexceroriot ftge'rOf‘ l 4 l4
to:,bt orn up,and,the, 04 S 1jrtimehitilgae
somewhat damaged by . water. •The alarm
brought out Abe firemen,. who 'are usually
prompt, and on the spot witel wanted: --,,
...i • "•,.:--..7- 7 iti-&' 7 4 r ;
Ai.n.—Dr. Gibliart, it . Radical,
was on the 1.80 train to Harrisburg yester
day, when , he taw seven IL 8. soldiers in
thwear ) ' and, beinebided, to:; Make "polfti:
cal Capital by etinveseing the car, .A. vote
was taken, with the following malt: Bey.
inner 28,.Grant 8. One . .gontl6inan begged
leave to change: his', Votei-Pitking the te.
suit as follows: - Seythotir 21, Granir 2.
Every one IV , the' sold4ra voted for
Seymour t The Itadiesl aspirant, for cap.
ill " waautterly POnibundedi 'and was
eompletely '
redstage by a veteran sergeant,
fresh from the Plains, stating that, thorn
were several thousand soldiers in the' army
cii this frontier who would vote for Seyino4;
if Om were pertaittedAn vote at all. TM
Dr. won't canvass• any more trains in 'a
hurry. ~ ,
. .
rizobans.-1-Ouf atieitiaie of *gal l
Vaal the live year old child to Me deereind
old man, asking .alms from all passers by.
Many of thenl, we bailey!) to be in actual
wet, lind,ilintrving ,of . all the charity
bestowed upon t em; but by far the majority
are a fraud, ana are actual swindlers. Our
citizens should be very eareibl on whom they
bestow their alms,for t in , nine maw out of
ten, their ,
. 'charity is thrown' away upon
class of people who are totally unfit to 'nova
in respectable society. Be free t o,give when
actually , necessary, but withhold
.your ,eon.
ttilnltteng *hen bad use is hiade ofithem.:;
TI4OIIEIO I /NR . iirtre. :rho s'•cond root
lar meeting for the purrentloar,. ;1 , 01 be held
this evening in the' high' habotilliall" 7
ceeloek,'. The exbreWea will be of an bate•
resting character, consisting of an address
by the President ; thF,reading of the heti;
tuts paper; tote* abd hiteries ; iltAoussions,
404 interspersed with vocal, These
meetings are interestingoet may to' teach.
era, but i he general i ' Ito
are Qly
WAYS - '•' 4:t t.
IX 'rambling through tho city. we 8130 prog
re* marked iu every;square. Persons •ab
'sent from our city, fo! , i bn,t few past yeari,
are astonrshed r on" ther• rettira at the im ,
!riroveinents .made.. Structurr i being °vet,-
tad' whieb astonish 'MA . our . snidest snhabi•
tants, real estate increased an hundred fold
in - inane, the' &tibial' tispcet things so
changed for the better that recognition is al..
most impossible both .visitor and resident
exclaim, can such
Anour this time look out for 'fire:. The
cool w eather and high winds of fall are bore,
allandthe leaky chimneys and riokotty
stovepipes aro again:collettinto
Tni Democratic headgunrtera .Keyinono
home . , and nuineroue ► prwete bqldings were
illenunnted leaVnight.“ ~ .; • • "•- '
. •
; • •
.A. J. C. Ir.- Your
appear lo.►imorrow. •
' Ott Ititt.ilt:rospeotfit
OUR friends that ho has not up eellingdonfoo.
tio6gry. Aw won t! he koopti a 1144 inocloip hand,
• •
Wpoitil to DM Eiot,E.)
. „
. " " ParT4I O II,C . E, PA.l'qo.oo,,lB4pt
The dry,honde• of the • SitheikkOillelifitY
Lumber ComPriiiy, , in thli 130 4 0410104 re
this morning - at 6 .6',0,00k; .1,60.," 01 4-#0,( 1
, with great fury for'ilevei t e nenrot bjeroOgo '
,exertions of' the . renietiAi,
.4.3101 A
from the Main httildinr The 1104,41ering
'and . doors, end ‘"the slate • 1 001101, 4 ': 1 0nded
',greatly tit .'prevenk , the epieed , ' 41:44;' Ore.
Protptble Has, t*,9, - ,thmitteed delii4;i-:.;. ,
1 • - '
imPI4EO si ow itiON, stonkritiitilli*!ittst.
Vie are inde bted to nis Rich t1e,,,q.,
; . '
t t
,of tbitveity, fory.the -folloiylng,e4Mlo4 :re
,port of 010 ;II . - ' -0 ***PO,' y .
! filoOr;',4tiliO4: l 4 .fro' 44'11144 5 44,0ig;
'as ori g inal! lien L . §:iliVAisoctilitgd Peeiiii,
Governr Seigneur commenced by referring
;to the last occasion when. he addressed the ,
ipeople !rpm the same spot four" years ego. i
Since that, time war has carried desolation In
;to many homes in. Pennsylvania. The Ithpub.
'lican party has failed to fulfill the promises
they then made oaf restoring, the Union. In
three States it is a crime to- exercise the
elective franchise, gad iif Virginia, the home
of Washington. the'peOple have no right to
vote. Where is the. good government they
promised us? Our taxes. have not been
equalized, nor has our burdens been di;'
ihinished. They were mistaken when they
thought this government had hefli restored
cilerely becathiti l Oider hid 'Nen: restored it
the point of the bayonet. -••• . , .
i • When inen come here from abroad, they
'say they 'want five yettni training to qualify
them to vote ? yet l an ignorant and degraded
!Ansa just emergpigfrom slavAtv, hofl ballots
Vit at enceinte limn. thilda.'7The condition
pith() , Seuth excited his pityi . men went,
dory Sob the North with, eo intermit in her
affairs; and became her representatives; Ile
referred to this beCause it was a wrong done
to the men ofilkitinvivisokt, And New York
as well as the South, lilt safe in.a geirern
meet calling itself replisentative, to have
such a system of representation.
Since he stood here last, sixteen heudred
millions had .been spent—more pone) , than
was expended tiVote 'the lotitidtitiolOtif the
government up , to the yeer 1860.: Hist) , thee-
Sand,of&Cials,,were,einployed to perform the
government service. Ihey , swarmed every.
where, and if we Say -ire will thein
all, they laugh at us, and gip" the laY ii'be° ti,
first chance, He saw hiberiK: niifOrs
him. If there Wes a wise administration,' the
workinipnan need only labor one hour longer
than the regular limit, ' to pa his share of
(the national debt; Now all h is earning s are
consumed fort4inPo n MO. Ti4 o WOleot
hi not ntfe'Wherelere is Aixtrace
'every department. We were obeeprood Not
the free country we lived in. ,Now We .are
to te most, heaVily , taxed people in the world..
He was net heaths to the Republic:an pie:
ti, Ile' recogni* the, intelligenee;-. Virtue'
'and patrietioni'ertlini'MOnleslifikat party,
but when m en tollevred 'bad ,leinlM they
could not fail to , lio. 'dbilliti wroniri Many of, on
Roviblicias hwe4 a ' 4 4 010' ilif• l )
1 •,+
. .
2 P. It
' 64 0 , 1 . •
I,; .
( i ••--...+
tilitiO '
.iii loil iiit*
a. - , *AI *144 •
1 10,1.: ti• 0740 , 7 . of,` he** On
iAen dissia kooti," . . ."-
ears; b 4 tax vi oil. . . •
it. - - - ,
.'0 t ?
got t 4
Y(o)o499llo4,ittilittleilit lOWA 6 . 0
mail wet* sataallft ,' T a 'war 41014,*
meat had boollit. a goat . mug war vessels,
othqugh hoßkaraysihoulh,t3hAreltAke htt• 1
siness of the nMy. ..Wl9 l4. ;l . llkolvcw 1104 W
how that* was paid for them, Rad *he got
the.mono.: To. op(41441;01,o mtutilirtot con
POO 00 1 4 AttfoOldar 4 0 P5i110 0 # 141 061 1
with piSeknixes. iteptibitoans a1t04h1,41,4*
look at their books, for in this they . are as
The: . ftqlgteihh 'Mit 104.1 01 . 11 / 4 4 00 __ ,A 6,,,
Issues w t in• ' the laatleur yetirfp '4 ,
appear by referring to the fil(Vl of their aerie.
Pitlo•-; nove+l,oooal,lt , b a r,, ,, ihikkt albv
imika Op ioroo appoli.., oot ktt0,„404
that they did fotifyear, ago :LI, ~ , , IVC., , W4it
in Broadway this brig ht 011 moonlight.
illittltilitoo , ',W,414,• 1 144 *OO , Prlhf; l o4 l 4
4roisoopo,lon4.lthictkita.lll4o4.l ,
when you .A 11040,4 , 10 4 14 g t 9.14 -WP
and marked hi won us Sur,aeo, you wou i
4 , ,,0
verißitely, ; , k.,: t . kr tat our : potl et„; had '
boo lt Miltic..' :.. 40101 A
boo 'the' tOt pfip,oowitit: i , •
minds of peoPle 4 it* iffitirit' a it Zbi t.
80 Osq ‘YlOn i el iIZt?,,,IAO OlVal,r, 1 , 090,4111,111.
W 6 410):IVX110 111 1' .''
' ' -i
'AO COS he' 4411 'l XM. l $l7(O* '04441
the canvass woe ktf• 'IMO': nibieient vii '
should ho ciao,: whether •the burtlooran( .
eP t Ois Of thi; 0441 140 1 1 14 1)47 ;' °Yc
Oh 14initelf t thOpAtt Ofkir W9.' .404
not citified tin the ' In tiptrit of ‘'m nitnin 1:
ty with which the eoldiet* returned m'tlie
war. Qn ha , field : Of battla;aamto thgdmi
ikact 'dying tuy,kott ids thO`Wo44l4 lul l
eniy, and nosed hiciiilikokhiolliOri‘.lo4l
we dad these,tieople eittsliedAt ii - onitfitik•
tinn duty t 4 lilt them up, and .our busine'si
interest to put them. ,1 1 ),‘ 4 0 l ie ctioto r k"g
tini.,...4, - .0 , . , 1V0 mustlimi to 1004 ft'
hiithehili, tti;i 'bpoiodVio,ho4, if 'Oeilti
'lf ' the people - deotdo ' 'to *hi la 14(10 OP
Choy apßove.the polity otthi- ilinbiltiat .-
P 4o 7* , thAtPP*lF,lnigo-A ,l l ,, the•
ogontnY'S UMen,th ,;A yq_u,oo, 4octwomt
Omi; PartY,li• %go ,0 0 010,,it ovittliit
will look Into the - r000plo r w,410)1:1k mr, A
interest of `ltepublioans as woilito Dein°.
grim.' ~ ~, . ~ , •., ~,y'kj ,P; 'L , VIN 4 "
no iota hOonAtildilif9r iboArritig l 4,l)l4
life in Weater4 rettositvantaim ark haitirkeii
i n ti n di g gin g from t,lte 40,00 qilp *Oh
the material wealth of the coon r . Oho
love 4 his eountty,before..4oloP4. _ 1 ,4 !Pow,
wyl, l‘o confe",ed to hiving a tioal!o, to floyAk .
her. ~= ', •:, ; 4 -.. • =: . •,..+4.0 4 ' .J 1 `1t11!
.—.— itto II Ise i
' lititertostitic DiiioOveriotit'
,:- 11 ,
The - Anglo CelCgivos thiifielloidng einionnt
of an interest . inediscilvell in
~F, o yBii i ,/ , rii•
land!' ' ' ."':-``' .; r " A ' i
044 H
~ I'dr,..; ~( laiiiikel,%Sitl4, olf' Lai04 13( 4,1 1 %
titt(eis thstlrhile 'eniaglid
~ , siltli. lit'(_ol '9n'
Titesday•lastOntilnknigith iliitteOliti - orhOrff.
Aim ordinary depth,iliey AinitiWift tikov
of fiags resembling the t, of 4 tlywn,
citV , rifititig"*bleh'' they tiiii i elf ri,, s tltlk i
. built 4014 1 4 5 0 1 11140 0 A, at 6 'l! •
obtitajnitir thii'slige(onsr. , f 4, i s 6 e l f
attt, the 4011 of `which Iniiiiiii 4 i 1 .
in clienitiferebeit '"Altingaide' 4 l'ri°' , t •
lay 'the corroded remains: of 0 :west' of
War; trieltv` feet' long, ish4iodlliVcrti: hiot,,
with Ili bciok 'milli° nide," '. Hajtall,tlic'Aiihay
ceirefullY rentoyedio ticresidelittrat'LliVtiyt
Btrandi and interidsieloo Went Seth tint
Rome museum in Thibllfi 'r:lertt,'lllifiiiii 'driltiVi '
se. the curii)ps can pottery thenarl.,y,(4 hay
ink d ~ i fit, to hitihptibiS t , ' s
' ''' ' "'•T "' ...,.Yi. t r . 0
Malin liiiii-thArelt ibt tifittiollintilit' l4
0 ''6Bltl).#:':-2'64,t) 1.
l, *0 x oiro o po o phip,i; or tho,,, OF
164 bot*iien , woo ~ 4 1 A oxiii,w e i ffti
INS erinald,emmenced at Lynnfiela t
,from Uo,iitott, at n,1314 . 4 this. Mgr% 40' ~ ' •
•' One rohni4 iv,its fought in ton mtnmtPpai,kiii
at itS Cleso a sqqad,'of rototepa Linn ~Tkotitc.
'broke:intn the ring, and, seized click WilliAit
iinia liefere thley Could leave, ythilc trie,prpplt,
'fitiattered,liite a (leek of sheep; '.'fli ) e, ; #r,rsisV,
1 90,1)1kr,,,iZtit:W1 4 ,0 1i1.9 , 0,K1it to i Lynn, fpr,er,raigik ,
,in'ent a ioic' notice Bowithil. 'i , ,;r, .
.., oiti
trAAExs ,
~...: ,VPARI i : ' 5 . Al'.' A"
.1 ' ~
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tght WINAP 1 myp ItEBrAliTlOldf;pihi)
.ALtPII.IIP S ,'S 2/LA 2 , . SOA P PI USNP ~i
.' P(Vt,' WAS it 0 OrOT/Th'S•PA 4 P/1/41',/).
. , ,
tlike pto annli in Inforining the poonto,ol' 1411? kng
and yiettillY,,` (but - mere' , Ohrtionintit ' Ail ' tittie'
ifougekooporg that they ore. ,fin(aulluOiing dnd ,
ntrodnding aMOAD ampprtor_p), 414. gth,qlll ,f9f ; At# I
01 16wiiorvarpios:
.flitta--rir oronitm • Paitt; 4 F4
:IPi, , k; ,/tfi* it i
... l ithftliDl-40y, ()1 ea ninL s tend . I,solirbisigHatithe ' 7) .
pimp ihne) Metahl of all. priptions, ~ ..I.+ ~4 b/w
IloneekeePeni oan at once see the sr at advan.-
iage (4011 it 14 entl; 01, a n t l ealitt s Mg l a
1 :11
hbrotopite; 611shing tlte4os, jigli ' / it ,
;Astlee,ao,i' a, e i• .' t , ~ In • o sl
• YRIIIIPIt'rot sc Palra, , orilath 1800 eepeallit I
wq9ro.tneto arowy impurotOs orota i llitoot A e i i
hitmlegmettlis vatnt'Grease oflinyg n'airri to $ , T .
Int • 1 _445, • ;• -- J'i ~li • • , i 1.01 i.,,• ‘,1 , 4 j ii.4
slld biltr:49r , tbtif thOniAnft9l4:4, i oliort
of o f burpimitor,waloi4 pp4p to R0e 0134 , t,ulO•v
and Ithlehit liCinspdgelbth to ehninor tptni.
_ . •1 ,, ..1%, ; T').31 4 :•, 1 41
time; • , . • -
11)111110110iii )1011 IJOINO Minus' P,INAlif, slur
for eaolt and, every ParPOilekabl4Yo Mar s 'to
be USW in the Mme Ihentier As at til t At with .
ihle exeeptiolit that it aril, yogatrop9N. A liltD )
the tultosat of oor Soajtjo minialottlieshMtn i ti
suite as Ober., ,aad Oct 4?" 1 3f 1 4 1 4f i 8f . 0.1 l'fi ,I
end IfABOR orre'd, ' ;" •
4 1 l '' ' '
' ; Viit 'mai, dieril Perion' i , i)lcii tt,ir . "
It Af RRI a , , , ' zr: Acali'' 4' V"
‘ .' • , , ‘, - l e .I_l.- A 1,.0.1),4
ItHWARE op 4brA It 4 A 41Aitibl
ifiebefatituriit g , 4e/asfeek h ei 'o l li ' i
' SO 4I P 04 e Arek ..S7rert, Rdfltufstp f ' l '. l "
I '',, f
~ • , ,
~• 1 ,, , , ~d , kr",r , ••:,,,t1 - 1•0 ;.? s 4tizt ota,V,
: - : ; ;.- 3; ••, r;:i ,i :.ui •PlditittEirliMillmbt,
wriicreiitof,tiik446Alizip 4t4ilieltiltlif!
and Waishinition Igreeta.;Waltiostp . foruotaftia
4 , IEtatt i iIizNTAILINVIMI:I4 ibitif
it" / ; 4 ; I : 4 ISPNAA S •VNA 3: Sttl 010
. 1 hei4 : 4, " '''' ' "1; - ••. • • 1 • ,
COktrw: .ortEß*l4-004‘044 1,6
. OANDINg I , : atip!A"'94 .!()1
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'. • - ~.,• '., --•, i.• • 014%1144 i;! i, a , .!1,,. , 4,1 r., II) lk .1 ,
-, Vt 1! ;.n! r.,,L11, . ' k _ to 4:: i :. , i; ,kil 10:e to i •
-: ' l' 'IC jK , ";eltig 'le "iiitit, eAltist '
- • •• • i.. ~ % , ' 5 ! . li-if-,. 5
,4 1 44114NrAVIIkir(51. 1.:!141
, ~‘ ,i, . •
.• ~ i •• ~ • :; 13. ,. •y r i. : ,i. i t , '. l i : -i i e t ,A).,;11,44 fo
, -...•••.,• ~.... ~. ~..,•.% sl '4. 5 , ri IT ',., xi, 4ittAftl f sktfi
.. .- . At ,;'4,54 -Ail?: illisr4ll - : ESA* 044 , 00 . 5p1..t.1i ttl)
- •,''' •- , 5 , . -, si- •dk,;. i , ...:' , -• f i v t i. , •_ll,oi.o f..14Q;.il ~,,J# h.. , ,A
i .. ,• ' -,,' s i tYPt 011 14,f; 4 410/4 , 4 . • fr- thoi . oolt
, , , ,I '• •,, , r.• , t - ,1, p.t . ~ f! , 4- ,:),
til air • PrOWed ASClS.lo4l*.tini eitiViiditiftth Otila 4 .
too °nem vatiatos,a,na ice (11;e:itaw0:1/11440!)3 .
WI retail ' „"; -- ,
Also id M ade of •01,slis:oncl, ,fsnos • oak* .fOo
Oreg e l0101),(01 11 0,014 1 .kt11,i4-4 1 4, 1 1W 1
.7-p..,. ,p 5,..,. .:,.,: :: - ,-;• . 0.4,44‘ _,V.. A ..,-, 1'110, , ,,;4N.t-mo!ft
ATOfiOliftliliti iift6itithiifrt ' 400),),Us 4 ' iiil4.
oill i Tilr ' g l 4 l 4V i r F i lly 14 , •
...._. SAO i linds ' , (ad o . /4 e
Irst.liitpbsto sjites, oh - *ir e tyr
1 4 0 : 0 10: 4 4.4 14 5*04 4b , Poot t -. ~.14.( !w1:; . R efillik
Ti k
: 41 4141- 1 01:1..r . O . 14 5' AolVll
ih001..,0.., 94044 ' • l'io:to ;4;4'
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jr Id
,Court fisisiritc
‘• - oat Si tagt• ~ , '-' .* : O. • - ,41 re.OtzmOt
• 1 , ? ' lO . 8411
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