SNO, PA4 4 ,Yofo, ll o BO: i* istional IV!Hillisetions POi PRR(II(OANT: iO4l. 110BATIO sEymo, OWNSW YORK n . V(0}1 :PRESIDBNT t. *EN: FRANOIB P. Ems; • . .• oP mnisoviti., • • Biecg", P '4 0 (1 4 1 .'' 01.. I? 2 4, 641 43 1 tt e 22.1). gii 0 1 01 a . grfr , .. ..„ ... ur... as" . ' .1 2 ., otstrhiti, RAU. it o gg' -., nap 4wit .4.; , THE „ 1 t , , 00ra‘PUTFORM., IPqyaiqpit •It l t 0 • Paid la De•it.-4quel Talakil•64e'lli 17 4 ' Opetatqw , et Pre* 0017.-4#l• , ,lP• t rrqqe, rqr , the Opeeriel -.1•••$ timm :She t0•010-The re, . berediviOilikethellier , , Veßllllolllolf, • sol dler t iliorqdn. r A - 41. tki , iii,t4,11,040r, A IMO laiiiittir freloil'ittelltote to Coss ••.• ~ 0*.1; 1 11 0 4,?, ,, ;•,..;•,1 ~ Slate lam idirec ; 44.00,/ Depiocratlo Coriimlttee pf eplisylviol, v to 'o ff er 0,, ,the coaut*, Orbit% NoVeuillbrolti liirgiet per oimtsge cor. itiore4l4oli6verits D'ablocratio rote in 04101214 boo.neri irithi appr,Oprists, de. Th alire43' ' s. ! ililikiii.4,ti ' . , "I.t-f:Pr 3i' A , • ° E. aeltinan. TUBN •OUT) WOBIETNOMEN mports. 8. /. • I 4 ;: s f%rli! 1-„1 ~,t ~ i„ LA,BOR ItEPOICM, ; WILL ADDRIthEI ~, • . , THE 11E011 4N/08 AND ;WORKINGMEN of Reollekthie Oviellig at 71 o' 'clock, from the begoky tE4 HON: 1110)RATIES 162 4 1A011/11, *meth- The reception • or Hop., Horatio Beymoui. in ROANS, last oo,soingrwao a perfect ova 9 tlonb The special train arrived, titittflfar,, riaburo .boat 7 p0n.,1 having. been delaYhd abopt,aoltoo; Jotthestaxieti'of the people' ° f4 / 1 14 *Innii:to Otok a t inteonversa with:Mr.`, Beyonso f =.• ;, • I <, jah. lot'SO OTOlrtkitifittiraeons I'd assembled at the depot / itnieng them a nuesbet• of the Demeter:ly, mounted and on foot, .with tor• des att,*terns. On the appearance:, of Mr. Scrteour he, was greeted with, the most hearty applause. He was accompanied by the Committee on Reception and Escortleon elating of, the following named „gentlemen', Hen., ,William . iGernaud, Hon. Hies-. ter•titynier o llon. J. Lawrence Gets, Hon. S. E. 6uooua, COL: 4. D. Davis, Edwin Shal- Oro i saq., F. B. Laucks i •Esq., Jeremiah Ilagennian, Esq., William Rosenthisl,,Esq., Dr. MM. Negle;Jense 0. HftwleY,Esq. t rred• crick IL4iner,' 14q., John Kepplematt, Esq.; Dr. W. Murray Weidman, Maj. 0. ,P. lenberg, L. Jones, Esq., Evan Milder. Esq:, Alfred Sanderson, Esq., and A'. J. Darlington, Esq., Mr. Seimotir was escorted td a handsome barouehe, drawn by four white horses, with their heads deiorated with plumes of red, white,and blue. The turnout was driven .by the proprietor, Mr. Howard 13. Boyer, and presented a splendid appearance. Daniel Ermentroiit, Esq., Chairman 'of the Demo cratic Mantling Committee, Vrederick Lauer, Esti, And lion.lllester Clymer, occupied the eerrittga With Mr. Seymour, anti the other ininibera of the, Cointnittee followed in carriitges, A. detail of the I), L'.s,,w ith torches and lanterns, marched on each aide of the carriage containing Mr. Seymour, end the procession' moved off, led by the Chief Marshal, Calvin 'B. Ithoafls, and aids, fol-, lowed by the Ringgold Cornet Band. Next came 6 company of mounted men, then the' barouche'and parriages, foßowed by men on foot with torche;,,and lanteres,,and an irn monse crowd of persons, all Struggling, to get near the'earringe and 'obtainaglimPse of the distin4ulsited yiditur. ' AeyrnOur i vitta fr'equently greeted with cheers and the waiing of handkerchiefs by. ladise l iandimanY houses on' the • short route dowfl pi th,sti'ept to tl;e . ICOistone M itlBo were iiiiit.r4JPo34;, .PR' 100 1 3ing . 0181tiotel, the crowd was smdense that it waswith diffi culty the polies, cquld forcu,a package forth° party ,ia the . carFlagcs to the side: door, which th e party, .entered and,retired for re' fretheseittsiedskbriet laterviii Of ietti VOlia,r.dlli r,ent' 4 , tiiii •14yatlOO An oro,doeTer, in4lpeat t petit' ,the, whole : Of, the Square, appetite the ho4lWillii %bloolv ed op by , the minting mass;' Ilt; among • ihotn were matky' 441;4. , Vitheii ' 060iOnv made hie: akicortiece ' the : applaule,.A;iti deafening, and the vest . crowd swung and wed flkout tide td side in their "effortS , i,6 1 get -,iitir th 6 balOony s 'While it' wet; aletest' liajoyilbje 6,MOiginside, of. the' hot ' . On account :of the ' pressure of , the immense t h rong ., , .1; Mr, Mr: tileiiiidur *. introduced to the 1n?... dif_4 o 4', 0 1 1001:14 1 404triniti . itsi., and' delivered, ‘vilibolVento.sind `. impressiVe . ad , tri drew, whigi'f'yaft • neatly -interrupted with 4 0 1 #1 ° ' • ;'•g4f. ii ; :#0 7. °1 . ' g i ii° o 4o *lial fluent aPeOictii.fig#4h, ii, 4,4 1 ,904 0 i'i11q (ti.t' be ,proud of tioAst,,,thittktheyi.iaalihe ;the', RaditialOi have 4tartdokti. vs ea* , miiielit speetlt:' Ate'hoth tife4ide'idiieoAlli t , Teit . ,.' , i• hi— • ,, I t , ',,: ;.1 , :;f'! ,"' *IN ielatogi was (oll4ilid i ' y gOil#iFiiit . '• Cid ,ItilmoiocNrt york;itaid dedilittew o fßradi_ 4 o4ooif wh 4 t e t e * Gi : l MOl• aPPllusgow- ..' : k . 1 !, ‘'', , • •i = _,, :, Alia tba . clese OE the spetic ing t which wits , followed hyripreeikket . oheepi'for 845yraotti "4 siori l treeiiitrOA took' jils'ce in the ' ,dit4 Ptonember IA 1860. fORI3: s rt W. Case. Wile (L,AINSITiIIitI, • + rotteiWithlngton, WO ism florgas. wig tabs' . Liebe% Oirtu. LT s talling ► 01Os V. To t 01 111 faith, Jon s / tie Id, goo cur e. 1 tope A V his, • , w , Flop, Mud .1 ilMn. • HE *go itittpL_ OWtticanaki atirstOigo of.the ,, oppertunlij, to tee Mr. Rernottr by the, bendr ettle' •end ttnttf• (acted matinerliion tbl; . ho,o4s 'or.. all, iitta the Democracy yft. his'liresence_Soffiolllll ever. devoted to their 44 14 4' PiNsir Lion which he is Se well ilaahQdif tit • Mr. Seyinotir lias then 'esco 'tied to , ihe house of lion. • gloater Olyoter, Wherit passed,sho night,' Re left for 'Philadelphia to-day in 'the 10.80 train; accimpanied by the . following tnned. committee frnin that city, WhO came, up' in the 13 'o'clock train last evening: lion..Wnt.,l o . Richard . Vaux, 1.41169 U. CasstdY, John o'Byrde, Gen. R. Derrell, Chas. Magargei E: Morwitz, Gen. Wo: B. McCandless, :Vincent L. Bradford, Chas. Donnert, Mr. Dodd, and Jplin ' •, ' • Hut for the very brief notice of Bey-, moor's visit, the meeting, large as . it was, would .ittvo been mutt* larger. - ' was an .untniitekrtble evidence of tho affection of the ,masses of the , people for their•leider in the *rot, battle for . constitutionalrights and and religious liberty. , . , Hon. 9qe. W. Woodwardoif Wilkesbarre, `accotnpanied .. the Committee•of Reception to ißarrishurg, and introduced-Mr.` Seymour to vas t rowd at'Lebalion t 'where he was en-, i a thusi tically;yuceived. Mr. Seymour will epeak in Philadelphia, this evening, when nn immense turnout of Itho tax-payers'lnq Pp.eXPficteil. • • • , A condenSed report,,of hisaPeeeb' wilt be found in our e!cond edition to -day. TIBIAS. . . 1 4 emleriil Ms , Illeeg.of lbe-Cralted • 1141 9. 15 SlTltiri . • ~' • • , 1. General 11,41101dt:oho militar y conlinan4. l yst• in Texas, is going it with a' high' hand i 0 Obis district, end&yoring to . onteElickle 410c inea.and out : Ginniliir. 'Geiger. se, has honed any orderi 111613 , 1. 404 gai;iltineeeeelye one, earns td tie'woriathoot,llo,pFeeeclng.. , The atest'exoliit of the Genera l' is 'a direct irk terfereneo in thp,business of 0 civil court, ithout any appdaranee of,eanipOrjustillea• ion: President Johnson luis receiveck the ollowing'dispateh from Texas : ,! "Mc'mono, Texas, Oot, 20, 1808. His Excellenq Johnson, President of the United States:. ' • "The follbwing order was received h e re by telegraph 4; • i ' , - •,' , f• ~ ', ) ‘.7f6 Judge , Alabriandi /*Amend ? 'Tixiis i' ' ' ,"For reasona made kaown by the Govern rapdA, ,Itasty,Goner# l ,you will • continue nail'next erm . t i hoT cause? , NY0, 1 ,, , ,ing „the iiesilini Of Ibilietkip" the ettate of .t. O. l ar k, l ie cess id. ..,.. :.,,, 1 , • , PALJI tov. •ile:Jir Repolde t Breyetlfejor :(3hklbtati -f We regard this eider as , ' a gresemilitaiy r: ,:i i i i p e tt o t ti io ri n t . dir l e t ot i l i n a g d ii i i r in eg t e L t ro k et ad riie o eft he, question Oftontinnance.' Btat .parties re ' present band ' represented by counsel Oase, ready for: trial& Shall thp commander f the district.control the judiciary? We ask you to revoke the order. Answer. "R. p, Trigg. Ilohn T. Harcourt, plaintiff's cognsel."' The President has replied that he could do nething,as his handslwere tied, and mat- . tele linty could bo bettered by'the ' cieneral in/phief. , . _____ STVMPICIi ME f i (fen. Voirrest denounces gerl: lalPtOrielc *64y:bitterly in +pUblished.loiter;end refers him to O'en. Basil l?ulki,isville, WhO will receive any etimmunicaticin which Kjl• ittrlok may deans 'proper. Vorreat objects $o the abusive language of Kilpatrick, and is willing tio'give hint dthe opportunittto fight +reliel,"4bith he'prbfesses to wish for. Al Kilpatrick Js too muCh of a blackguard'to be Much of afight,er, however, it is not probe ble that he will take the hint for 1 1 pistoli and coffee forlwe." .• 'Pushing cavalry into ac. .tion, dismoutnedovith fong rangeriflea l suite Kilpatrick Mach better than' meeting ,t`thb iebels" Piirsoohliy; • , W090.' 1 011 0 ,Vl(r_fortlr SiALTE. • ' M0“14.. Tho local 'election in DaltiMore on Wed i)oiolny, for tritinibors'of (kienella t ; reinlifed lit a mimplete,vietory for'the Thimooracy. Tn some wards the .liadleals‘ made,, opliesi-` lion. passed off ifuietly, as has been the case everywhere this till where the Democracy , haire'hi#l (lOWA . t: - • TEL' EGRAITIO,SUMMARY Fittbkr; Oei, Bothona. Wainisley;'a' laborer, cholced,'his Wife to death ie Philidelpida'on Wedeesdn'y !tight, because she would net gilt hitit some gfonbq which he Wanted 'to Spend, as hi'sup• posed, for liquo,r, • • • , 1` . - The official retard of the recon(electioh id Indiana gips a'llepablican, raejorlty 0f.'901. The voto was--41cpublicati, ,171 t 076,; , De thocratici 170,010; ' ' •, ' , Jetlito Willifirne" 'tacit Mit lent ;'off the Bench of the'Sapeethe Matt: of Pdraiiflva , nit% ) at liar,riabarg, last.Taestlak. , ," ,l ; ' OoVeroOr, Geary ) of. Pennsylvania ) :and Fenton -uf,Now., York, have„desi,gtiote,d, : No, vember Atth os a clay of Thtink!ign94. The'Episcopal denerai COnieniion at New York adjourned ,yestorduy. • :\ " 1 W.' Simonton, iigent'Of We' Riw'Yoik Asso'olated Press, bag sued the Tribnne of , thnt city !or libel,. • , „ , The building Nos. al and 89 Woo,stev strget, Now York, occupied by floveral busi ness firing ) , wild yesterday dostroy64 l ' by' die, causing a loss of $260,000; - flour, mill at Witter,fordt,N. ,441 .1 01 d, On Wogneaday, Loss $BO l OOO. fire lhoghninci tob, N. Y., 'yestbrai‘Y deiltroyett .over $54,000 vivith Of ) A Akatink rhik aiveral other''build lege, at Fond daLie, IWise 'were.%•burned yesterday, mss VOlOO O . , p . ve men were killed by a locormAlye ex ploron, near I,touieville • on „P Wedneaday , .1 Matie'ra i iinie'iiult(t g at 'NOW terdaY, •)Valeneral‘Stendrbali Usti tOriin ligned . his -13npatintendeney of Po ice, ltut t the , Board would not ~accept llitujor VOnvikir . Oileted Adams : die t P.oporititendens *mei' bt • •Obiikia '340104 - to tliovWtketeplitarthirwit ilOsiesdon of thq'vfffee, .-1 • orernor. Seotti of South Cikriginit; has itt.' sued kproelannttjon in vrbielk,,ho, congratjt 'ppm the peop)e 'of that State upon the good effect of red Ont ittknifeitods of 'Wkia4liamp.' , ' ton' arid'the Deincieratio` Conithitteti iFi storing harmony; and connieltran,co•opirtie' 91! ePg.bactli , 0! ), POlie 091**Pinaugurstell.' ;;. A' 14 itawi saili 001 " re 4 1, 4 40 a kflit ef Sire AgiAlv tourrittlimi or Iraqi No* 1 1 ‘ .1 Y"4 "re bola o , : e 1 4' 440. 1, 4 0 1 4 Au low * ilte ourselveli, 'n e tt rack tradert , da*ai 4,0 d Ontrii•sttiakte Ireland. t 'Oellow.lriehrnen, to you ,waappeafyi this Our .day Of distresit and trial, Of opt 'and' misrule.. Like you of the Ntiith, were once eitizene of the United States;, we had a share in'the t eleetiort of the Men who adminiatened the, government, and of those who made the laws: We were recognized as an internal - part of the body politic, and the •most honored and respected, bf our fellow, countryinen were, elected to , positions' of trust, honer, and distinetion , , Now all this is changed. • We are no longer eititene. . We have been deprived of our A right to vote, and in many places have been , driven TroM the polls. The :Radical Registrars have refused to enter ptir names on their registrationlista. • . Thousends en4l: tells of thoneands of our fellow -countrymen in the Southern States have thus 'been 'disfranchised, while every ,negro who preients "himself is admitted to tho rights of citizenship: ; ''- ' •We are. to-day 'regarded 'by the Radical :pidty as the inferiors of the negroes, and we hive no rights, political or otherwise, which they are bound to respect. Hundreds, yes; 'thousands, of Irishuteri *have been depriVed of the official poeitiolui 'to which they„weo, elected or appointed in 'different cities .thrcinghout , .the - ,South. need odly refei t, 'the cases ',of Mobile an New `Orlitinii; whore :Irishmen have been :ejected from •officee l . whiCh were afterwar d c ecieferred on - negroes. ' , • • fi'ellOw.Trlshinen of the Nortb,snll this* been•done by the Radical party, which now ,asks your support, on the ground that it is , the friend of -the adopted citizen! Trust it not 1 Radicalism is Kitow.Netti iniism in another term. 'lf that party gets into power another .four years theY will, die. franchise:you . , Irishmen of the Northern States, as they ha4o disfranchised 118 1 ' teener thii Southern States'. you we , are now , earnestly, auziOnely, eagerly lookini for ;solidi:lA redemption. Save ,us, by, X* v, ( Keal 11.90 negro 811 * pro:l'3BoY l 840 , ney'bi your "votes, from the rule of the bayonet t ' ' • Pbar in, mind .that every Irishman who, With , lhe Radioed Party, votes for Our oneMies.' , • We entreat you, by all you hold moat dear, riot to be *misled by io-ealloo . , Irishmen in your midst=-traitors who ba te sold out to our political enemies • and y4ura, renegades, Who have accepted the ever.ready , bribe, for the advocacy of a• policy that has made us, aliens in the laud of our adoption, and soli. Seated us in this country to, all the injustice and oßtrages inflicted upon us in the land of, our birth, downtrodden And oppressed :latld I, • , • t' Restore to tie; through your honest, manly, honorable,' unbought suffrages, the rights of citizenship—those rights of which . we have, been deprived; that we might be degraded by the Radical party below the, level of the, negro I Fellow-Irishmen, we appeal to you, by the 'wrongs and sufferings we now endure, by the love you hear to your wives and little ones, to . save as from the blighting, Wither • ing curse of negrO rule and negro domino. tion. . Remember that every vote you give to the Radical candidates is a vote giien to keep us in ,political bondage, and to subject our fathilies to all the horrors of negro equality. Remember that it was here in the South that Know-Nothingism .received its, ,death bloW—from Henry A. Wise, in Virginia, Alexander H. Stevens, in Georgia, and Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee. . As you would free us from political bond age and negro Supremacy, vote against the party that h as deprived us•of our 'citizensbip. Vote against the party that has 'made us the iolitical inferior of the negro. Vote against the party that is. now Making of the Sonth another oppressed,,downtrodden Ireland. We are now looking to the success of the DeracTratic , .candidates, gartitit., Seymour and Frank P. 'Blair, to , free us from politicel bondage.ind the curse of mongrel rule. Your fello-ceuntiymeti, non , on a visit to the groat Metropolitan city of New York, 'limas G. Mapes, Jtutx.cogains,; W BERNAun CAna l • , nu. tM 'Atiaw M'Oui • of Nov QrleaPsf Monist, lytittattott, Chins, xs, liEttitV OtToot.u,' • I ; ME Tgomas.o',oos4 l Anwann.,o l ,guit,Li ,PATRIOK • • of Savaono, Awl othOrs,'lrrlqiialf of the dfefran• *Weed Irilpinei)'of•the tioqtkorii rpgilleqt.of npgio6o inarchedin it grand Radical torchltOts pro. cession Boston,. on Wednesday and'riefe 91!60edliy ide: of "Hub:" for: , !kirant -, '4nd §40)4-1 • • ISfeJaa:GasFmT. jot, the mete: ran 'qt' 1812 and t4e,Mexiiian War, auppoitii Seymour and Blair, So does every good ' nnldief 41410,10 e. I )4' c 6 titati - more -than #atty and, , plntid4r: • • 4. . I ' olll44,l4 . B """ 4oo . ) AsNeing o)teo!Plifild. l 9 L0ut84046 Vdtillf do you vionk *Pt more of , n ot ; vote §tr,nour an d Bi a li , • ; A '1W . 1414 vioobt 18: kiliiMOtij..lollotig 'thieves. . ". 7 ~ 1 - --`: . - IR • . ~.... ~ ~„._, , , ,i ~, ,-• I ~. ,• '.. . - ..P9 - ,' ~ '4 ';,:' , '::; •*'''''-'''' - r XT - IN —ETTIOI- ' . I t - ok . CP . '-. '' 4 - C, • ' : ,vV , -;._:•f.: - ' , , ! C ,.1,' A'; •"'l, -": '.'".'- It' A .4. , ' • ';'-' 4 ' .. . • - 0 -, .. ,-,- , f , ',, - i' , .". , • 4 :•': . . A ,. ~ t 9brks:::.;•-, 0 . - .- '-,),, " . '-- • , • p.• , ti , :4 .:..t ~., ...v , .* ,;. ~• 4 . .,.. t ) 0 ;,.- ; ',„,- ,-,,, ;..-- -,,, ,,.,,. ' - ~,,, . t . . ::..- •. : . , i- : : = i., .- . . .'".."' littS g --4 . 40.1 , s.- - it.4tpk Tit lit •• • 1 ~. ,,•,.. ct.,.•,,,,•,..:. ~, =1 FRED. WINKELMAN'S FANCY FRENCH DYSINO 'NOR S . arrnergf Sixth and Pornkiin siretts,,ltendi Silk Wool, Cotton Gina 'Moil dyed in short nieloe and moderate priges. Do not iii place. „ BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, 1 BARNHART & .KO Raw? Just repolved 10,000 pow4sOf,the bat, MOUNTAIN ttUdkVfrMEAT FLO Which they will sell out, wholesale and cheap. Also, constantly on hand ilia boist All kinds of Food, Kiln Driod Corn Meal, not, 30.2%; Noe, 29,24 and 26 North Eighth ' etroot. ;PROW. PRANK t#TOUOIVS DANCING ACADEMY Has opened for the season, ' , 1 • I , : AT THE KEYSTONE OPERA H , USE. Hours and Classek—For Misses and asters, from 8144t0 Isl 4 P. M., on Monday athij3a urdaY• For Ladies and Gentlemen. from Bto 10 F.' M., On Monday and Friday. Several new donnas have been Introduced, Thankful to his patrons for past favors, ho will strive to please in theluturei P. &ouch yrillAtivo his firstparty ,to-morrow evening, Potober gutlitat the liboVaplacei and in vites his !Ideal's tti be present. • • . oet2B-4 rOTIVE.—An Eection for seven Diteetors of the Reading Sittings Bank will be held at the mking Blom, on Monday, November 1,1868, be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. The annual meeting of the Stookholders will be held att the same time and plea, ,00t. 204 • „, A. If, VOA% Prosident. CITY OF READ IN G toe sale, at a,Dlsciourit. &gall% at FAMti4 NaP6i4TAL,ijiti.zic. • sept 25-3 mos • • COMPOSITION PAVEMENT AND FLOORING. i • nou s PAVEMPNT ANA FLOQIU:NG• I.'imknowledged to bo' the beet in •pie j . It be comue hard and firm IMmedlatelyja drY O Urlible., Mid Impervious to water. ind notaffietec r heat or cold. _ L orders promptly, attended an d tie work guaranteed to give eatlefaetloti, • • A.; kIBLLER shine 18- • . •No`. - 27. :04 . .01h hi. DAILY FAST FREIGHT LINEH • , BETWEEN YORk 9,f At9klles , Leavei Resoling at 4 p. rodind New York at 5:20 F . Goode shipped for New York at Reading i brbt House. before 3 o'clock p, tn . o 'for Read- Pe at rooter 'Barclay street, NOW 'for before 4 o'oloek p. in., will be delivered 'at giber ;int with out reshipment. •- • -W. F. lA, AY, , -Gen 'l Freight Aierit, M. & H. 1t: R. Hoboken. • _ . It" Looski i ii tit, M. • R B , " a °ll. lG - 11 . BeDt 8-Smoe , iIARPETS! CARPETS! I .. la , B. H.! 2 44R,KA , gY 4' CO,, No. 118 Pitio ► eked Mow Fr it an 0 I .betweets , .. Sod Aid atraehrOtreek' '' ''t R feet 4a, p pity in Otih ilasiiiiiiehrst ins aryl oin y, .t at they are annuttactunny oam ow, oanthipalToo4 %mete. eYytne 04. 4 4 11 6 t Vtittiants and,coloys,,- Wing: • . ; . tt. tifiratterial“Aio pertestet eleewhert i rdteye , ~,i , 4 : 7 o iii h orbit Limb end to .nuleuli. ',• ' .:-.• oot 15-into , I:• ' .. I C-Mitlitt" '* w• =I ~ i ~,~l~`~Y BE ME ißtf4(ioiii,*B'Y•`'' -. Flt.F4-941.:P94iii,','-•:•i, BILK POPLIWS, . 'MOHAN .130P109,, CUE POp~INB, ALPitht - POPLINS, PUM:POPLINS; STRIPED POPLINS, VELOUR ONDULA, VELOUR RUNE, vntiouit .PENGLE, • • In dij th'etieto anti Cledra AD'VERTISEIrIiIEI . IrB Mr PAWL): AND BARtRS' FLOU I= BARNHART & KOOH, BONDS M 3 ISM MORRIS AND 'ESSEX 'ltil;fltOAD: T CLOTHES 'WRINGERS, 8.1 tithe NA El Eil OM =MEE IL ' etall, 0., &0. Ts. „ . gWHOLIBALII AND !MALIN IN t 'WINES •$Ez , LIQUORS,' NO. 7 NORTH NINTH STILWRT, • • :it:FADING, PA; • Constantly on hand. a ohotoe stook of :SUPERIOR.; - LIQUORS, • , &Ara°lag . • , BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, • FINE OLD BYE WHISKEY; MONONGAHELA PITTSBURG • WHISKEY, &c., &0., &c. niSge , ve o tigractsted to . try thom emayi. 11111ADQUARTE101 • • 'CAMPAIGN GOODS ! AND BADGE DE'OT, 114)..14 NORTIE virtu. 157 4 . - ~• " (Npat door toOsiltrening Dispatch Office.)''' . 20,000- Campawn.• Batigeal. . DI4IIIOOILATIO' AND. nogunyof, :Di t z i t from the Eastei_n and otherminurerlee. we Volt at. Neu' York priceei tho - 'ea ail hull or. • dozen. • They lit* the 11, 1 `sottatorit e or:offered for tale tuthe cit. , ' or - Aug, kavjpiroverone hundred different pa tarp. enek ad Medals.: Ana.',Sleeve' Buttons. ao. Good Agog* wanftd=a °pod percentage qt , _ • Wed. Our Itelull pilots are from 10 inkts,to $4 00. Per ions do well to live tic a call' before purag,s. .73/ elsewhere. . • if all klndtiriadelo order.: aloo. jewelry °fall de pawlptleaw *aide repacred, IWatehea !wad ,Clooke prop Ely repaired. ;t . 411.1 l en OVA:161 INEMOVALIi :13AIXT(:)' t 4: I,` r.i - ;:1;•:"', 'T ;!' gao.loooo ieuvior,al two the Kfiito4e 8*1411141 : the *,w * - - 1 4 .,4 r.• k • 4117 , Ps>iJlr Wrifi r rit • , •-• :Wbtiagoooro of the ,„ • WINES, BRotowt3;_wiinsKiEs,, ~3. - 1t4.4 - ior to to*ipiitiiiot 11:th .I%va vilwat 444 0 Otto II • • • • =EMI We Ot k • GOLD MIXED :NY*TEEPII9OI I I BLACK MIXEp. ! ,04:rEPARO,Orit E ROW N MIXED WATEEPRODPi •J31.494,1,MPW,t,:,',.., .BROWN VELVETEEN, , •• lap.itoß 01A:dB's', MOIIIIN4Np SILKS, .BLAO.I,CTOPLINB,- ' B I LAO! VELOURS, BLACK OTT,OMAN POPLINS, LACK PitPA POPLINS. des, at very moderaiespricot. STEP LApDERS, „ r I ALL WARRANTED, n ig Ili=ll AP KNIGHTS ...• s , .. v 11:ARDirAliE;.STO:A; MIRA AND PENN S7S. auff 10 . f ' ; AT TIM UNION JERMAY III.OI;TACT,O4Y ,SOCIETY . .BADOES,' MARKS AND PINS EMU Mg &eat .oeinedles for all ..Deitate# of tA. • Moa t 'Ooisapot s pigest* • . , . • Gonna tiofiand'a : Bitters' , . , ., itrirtlttit h riV„,6li , r i m o k nk t ai 00111, elk il 4l I/ conce a ukt. an natirel, AO reef Oesetio od olit , tare //font/ kitu4 ~, - i. A. o 'l ' ii iiiit.)iii. it 1 11 991', . • . . . , , 0 Is a Bomb /lag the ititrsileata o u t tem witlithe .0 ,t quelq , auktql , m• one 0 to Maliipleh2; aeterem se Irrft 6 N4lO tat pa c ose prate 1 au/004U R 44 tco4l 04 ' e f t admixtures wi ~, .'• ~. , 1100,FIAAN1108 ORR/44N lIITTRIIB, noliti . Who here no ohleigen to the 00104 4 ,4 10 , 9 , 444,Eitithohe itauml. rut 06 ' 1100,PLAND'a GERMAN TONIO That ire hOth equillY IMOd,' and mutat* at ,punwmeaeituovirtueetbeehoeelotWakeh ety wing *mere matter orteste, the nolo hsiga ' most palatable. . . • , , • IA - _, l The stonmeh, from a yortety of or elf , It/digestion, byspePels, Nervous Deb II ..L'lltslii very apt to Intve Its Innetioni delimit ~ wil y. . er, eympath hang as olose/ Ily as it et 4 lei II titol3oop• tiiVti heoomeawiffectal, .the rs/ tof which is that the pails/it suffers Crete sere 0, mote o the f 0110 4 ,1411 4 1 1 441144. 3 . oOneu Wen, Iltutenoe. initit4 lel F 411400 1, 1 of B 1 Olt° the tad, /otidity 91'140 WWI. , Neu !Bear urn, vjagnet cot. Fp JO . ne or Weight in the dtgumeb, &or u4sttions, li ding ger tilutterlpg . ~ . c theoritg the tomeelk, thittw at o of ~ , the ead, lturri or lAtlicult t at,', , 'olutter ug at gie eartghokt or u h. • tug Sensuous when, u los 0146 or Vbionlota or Web* sOn 4 nti u • Pain in t e Head, Deliciekey, at . etsplu,, tni truir ,' • itt elbelillet ofttie,gktnsu 140,4 . ? •0. the ri• sok, t. est, Litaks, Ve.• • ' big ett-trlnenes aril:at, turning in the r .., , f. , Constant busgjn gs otlitil l aud 1404 / Depress on of Spirits. i i t The sufferer from these diseepsh ihould eierolle the greatest manta/ In the eeteetiou Orgy .for Ms case, purchael only, that witted 4 bee* /lured from hie invest tions mid inqul ea Doe, geese* trde Merit, to s kip,(4ll/ ookutiouedia, 6 tree t)om Injurious intro r Monts.• and setebll4- r for Melt ;Lt • reputation' et, 114 cure Oidieme, , 'a this opnrootion we woUld submit those ask corm remedies— • ' , • ' '. • ‘ , 1111 , , . ~ • ARO 't • : '.• 11.00 FLAN D•ba. GI El lt liAli • 1 1 1 0N/0 eitrAtuoity De. o , :hi , j‘tOlcatrif•Phill4oll44,Pe 'fairty-tive years alnee they Were • qrstitg. tri Into thts oouutry from (lemma', olittni It to g they hove updeutotedly PorrCtured MOVol.euvel, an d benoeted•eniferleg httmattity to a' greeter rat4lll, than any other remedtei know; to the public, • , These yemerilesli effeetually ere t•ivey etsek., :rot, Jaundiee; spOpaitt . Clow& ok Mery , abi lity... ehronlo • lot limn,- lliseque of Ike hilneyu L 'and all Dlsigulegi titian* 1.€9111 , I Dip, ordtrtil layer, tftourault , or. nteattnee, .• '''' tr 1 B I Li IV Y 'i l .' '8 Ciiiii4VBl • • lbotiand'ilennan Ems ME 1101)FLANDIS GERMAN arITERO r . Resulani ttoutanil!uktelier; Platia of the Ors em, diahut Oddi player° .14 or, Fixttbsurtp, There sno me n° oxtant equal to Owe ions. sales in such oases, A, term awl' visor is imparted to ti o l whola itYStetui Igo apPgtite is M 01111,4110, rood s euloyeat lue stonnou 'arts ProlVir. tut , 'blo is nuritipa, tho oomUlea on beeoulessetula And healthy, tho yellow lingo s eradicated froto .ttie eYOB. blown IS giveu . tc the . cheeki, and et .weak and nervous )(wand asoolues a strong and healthy being. 1 , ' s • • PERSONS ADVANOP IN r ;LIVE J • • • And feeling the-hand,.6t thipil welsh* heailij ;upon thothi with all its attendantillt i fi n tho Woof this BITCH/I& or the Ttl te , gen el that will Instil now-llte Inqolr ve restate Jet a ineaeure the *natty tuld or of Mots youtheal days, build up 'their skrun en torn% AWL sin ; health and happinees to their renutirdpit ypars; • N 0.1 1 ..1C'E • It Teti ,01l establbibed fact !Wilfully onelmill 01 the !emote po rt tori of °err:elation are seldom the enjoyment • v?f good' health, or ) tise - thsh ,own - expropelou, "novo feel , •'Tbey • langold; devoid of all energy, extremely nervous, !and nave no appetite. • • • To thin class of persons thePITTWO, or the , TONIC, le especially r ooo linhenaecL WEAK AND DELIOATRI 011iLDREN Are. matto_otTong by the bf elthor of !btu rirdeles• 04? will oUro overY oliee. of MAW, without ail. , , .Thousaada of aortittentei have'ireauinnlated It the bituda o the piopriutoi, but ipagowilallowol !tie publ!oatiOn of ut:.lovr. 110/10, vt I. bat* 'served, are men o note, and o sitteu grin int pry 4 thet:myttlbe' beJteved • , • , I'EsTIMONIALs. lion. iaeorso W. Woodward, Chief Justice of the Seproine peat, Itte!, PHILADILTBIAI Muol 16,1564 "; find ifoofland'e German Bidets is atobd tonic, useful in diseases of theA di7tive °roes, awl to great benefit ha eases eft &deb end went ei nerydnii.aetton ha the systena. • 1 •.; / Yours trul Hon. James Thompson, judge of the Supreme Court of Permsylvards. ' • '' , Parrutostrul4AAprit29,UsS; "lemuilder floofiand's Oermiin Bitters oak* Re tnedietsii in cane of ottoOke of indigeetion or dri pepsin. can cer tify this from my experience of 11 yours, with regime', • • JethiSB TIIOhIPBOII.O From ROY. E. D. Fon.dajl i r s Asstatant Editor Chriatian'Obrontolo; PtithutolPhik I 13 14v0 dotttfed 4001110 d benefit from the um, or Ifoototoid's utilnaii Bitter, and root It r47Privutgl to,roOnnuatnd thpirg alka ifloot yaluable tondo, to tom ackor*Saticritiff ft9lti ,solfora! , dobility, or flop, u lseasois orbit ng [row doraniarnant at 1,4404; ,-; Youra,ina, ' % t , 41 r B, D. 718NIMX1r: NM Yroftt goy. tosepiclit. iciou,k4rd. - 4 4 ''' ' ' lBlo.ol' of the Tenth il4poAirlil. Ai*" • • DR, it4.0114.0K - 4)454 80 i'•,wt bsirSl4ol4PSuenr i • .11 14 Y e r n e tittrus S 4fIltr 1 40 111 ,14 12 1sO li f twi mell i ol i n w es ," but tii,-. 4 04 ir , ' 'Atli Trawl) , as out or my t a t irsvi• lite op 4E0;4 tiovo in 41 ' discs . deelln ifut ptb,'ltlear prota% rtilEst. 4 11' 1r 1 5r1_,,,.14 • 10,qwn xi. 0.4 be pee o• y. °st ilt 1 linu "I t ennl i n. Ml* eV, . tiror ono. froin t r t if usual oovrsei 140 oxo . r4t r 1 'ostivic4i a ths Or ,sltticraille4ilitifol/4/0/Iteliki .4 al** be . ol f ? tkopfastuili 4 4 //Fog p.aptooßtr la isms csiSs It Pi* =bat lf t ly,'l, Albs_ .not 1,w111 . 447ery•4644 S1)091400, ?041 • 141%,„ 01 " ,iborpi naive ,. ca . . -'. ' - I_'ll .1 'f'4..e j 1 ''. :-',' .--'.....; :,, •, ' ) ,:.,. ....,,-. ..., .: .. . .•-:. i• , ~- • . ,•'• ;') ", 4414 4 6 1/ s A . C °O4 r "' 'l ' • ''l' ,•': • '' - `..'4 .„.•!=, 44 ... • • -•., '.. t • ~- ; ~• . 4, ... 4 ,), • CA '. T . l'ilL o '-_,,,,::?' . , ;. . . ~-,:,:.-,,,- ....,,.V . ,'' ifeefielia i e aerinae •Rete;lieellei , 4o e led/ si d sfs 1 a r• '. ► of° • IA WS llss, 1 , t. o te m o r Tiltio; doi.i. i k tionn. :th:oscit.f. •,., .--... •,-; , -........,7,,,A . nistpa tt inoo•4ll . . _ t.„ • „.., a . m.,,,, ,1 4_, ,m a, ';3l4Klielntiil ' ..te; Ns: .sirroTiFijoiigfWil. I . • P tHiAtiiVlP , EVAilt,o4oPrie!igt ' , t,.). k , ~ . - . • • . 0/0 .0 : • Fclrmetkr , O' M. • JA . •,• . „ 44:kdisiseivairdif4.0.P. 4 /*' ti --- v #4. eutr.,..9... ' I*„aigiltvan 14: bowt, I L. , .. hotiorget ..... dithdo.ii egen„. • • ition.stiAlln*At4; - ' • -1!,•,!- , ,:1), f " V ~1( , . ‘‘...5t.,-,';'? iktaistw Storek(mimi• • .413 . '• *4. 14"" ti' .. ;~,~ 111511 IYOODWARD. :E ,~ i ~+, , EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers