BRADING76., courong,4/o r i,r 4 _ , Y COUNT.. EDITION••*I9 ,149, P. • _..- iirßltTlll lllll . are requested to hand is their laments es early fn the day as poselbla, as 0 4 7 diy lapreasing *Mallon compels us to go to about 2P. lab' • • COMMUNICATIONS intended for publication In the DAILY NAOMI must be accompanied by a respond., bie n izo t ,;u a oatuntee of idtteerity oa the perti of the writer. The name will sot be publiehed an 4 l e ap desired by theeorreepondent. • , Write only on one side of the paper; and as Plithr4 it N poseiblii, catboat floirishet. - - Bveroarisaa who faUjo reeelre tielaourregu= loy, will roofer I favor by leaving notice at thld *toe, where 1111 sonrithOnta of, irroeubirity utt limes of delive'ry will be promptly stranded tr.N, 0011101/OXDIIIIII ehOtild make thelFoommuntoark tions short and to the point. Otani44 b too fled ro, very long "Aides. D. I).—Blite, meet Sixth, 7, No. 2. White, meet Third, 71, No, 2. Meet Fourth, Fifth, Sixthand Seventh, 71, No. 1. • , flack, meet Fifth, 71, No. 4—all. Pink, meet Sixth, 71, No. 1. • Purple, meet Sixth, 71; No. 2. Yellow,,rnoet Siith, 71, No. 6. flack, meet Sixth, 71, No. 4—ail. tre Purple, meet t , 31_1!, 74 , .1.49..2. NATURALIZATION COURT will be . in session neat Monday, November 2. Asrrvicr(os, ' Membere* bf ti?o BiL. will report. at the upper Depot, this evening, at 6 O'clock, with torches and law , tank to escort. Hon. liorathitelmour.--i Turn out, every man I By command of the. 9. ; • .1 -----1 , ...••••••-•••••• • • ._ . ATTNNTION, 140148$1M e at at i 'Laner i e Garden," Third and Cheotnut . etreets, thie evening, at,ol o'clock, to join in the pro. cession to receive Gov. 13eytntinr by the O o'clock train. Come, all. . „ 018, RHOADS, Chief:Marshal. THE MAN AlgAl* TOW — Donee brown' —the woode.f. • r Money and local items aro scaroe; ~ to Odin raw oyeieis always peel the shells oft before swallowing. The sheik are indigletible and, apt toll. hotect on the stoirsoh.: , • A New Hampshire editor, who has kept a record of big beats, innotumee tliat "the beet 'that, best the Wet that, beet the other beet, 11 now.beat en by a beet that boats all the beets, whether the, original biet,,the!boot4lukt beet, the beet, or the beet diet but the - boot that but the beet." Bottles are aolonger cM the table • of inalienable dinner parties—ill the irines,withlheeaoention 'of dampig.neibeing 14 7 4 il,l l Pich4C l of !" 111 d - ; some workmanship. , • It Is very well for a'•liodee t 0 to'tip; but indlvlddal. 1f Ahninson for 1809 for sale et the HAMA book 4 store,' Never t!nvid, on pio railroad trains. Many per genii have died tinexiniotddly by tbla hit priidonoa. People phould now lay In, tholr stook of potatoes.; sweet ones -ma well as . those of murphy proollyl-1 tlel. ~.6 ; Baker. hint at the 'enlattement of theft loam( In eoniesttenee. 0; the, Yedlletko ip 111 0 : Pips of dour.,. r.; ;(1 • The best lent—excellent.. ' (dd ones. of courser , About the greatest paper blroulatlon nowadays Is the Shirt collar. It efrontiten abont every whey.; and mound almost everybody. . " Everybody .wlll turn out $o see and hefts govi' Beymour to-nlsht. • Go to the ..I{AO4ll book store for your books and, stationery. • ' Dons shOuld' b& : fieOurely ' bOliod, and every caution provided against the incursions', of burglars who aro now infesting our city.: REMOYED.—The 'Junior thebanica; No. , 21,• have removed theft place of meeting from Yorgor'a Hall in Penn street, to Library Hall at Fifth and Franklin streets. • Tint Stockholders of the Reading Saving s. tank will hold a 'fleeting on Monday next,; for the election of directors to Eerie • for the: ensuing year. Nsw FRONT.-Mr. Andrew Fiehthorn,,?4i, Penn street, is coovOriiottheircint TOOttl o his house into a store room and ie putting a} largo open front in it. HAMPDEN FIRM 00141 l AWC—Aepetial Meet-; ing'ef this company Will beldld'atDO'cltiele tomorrow evening ? October 806: triapOrV ant business will be transacted and a full at- i t tendanco is reggested., • ' , A. S. WHITMAN, into editor and proprieJ tor of the Daily Tirnts t ofo4_B city, Do, w,*C. understand, .been app_ointed'DOptiV Sheri ff ! under Sherif f ,W. B. Fait 0 VERSO/MD. —Yeaterday .atlernoon t r . near the guard look, the towcaugllt i a man on & boat ) and threw „pm ov,& - r§pard., Ile could swim, and no damage vile sue- . tailed, only that, he ran the rialc,'Af:gettif*, the "chills."' • Tun repairs ;tad improvements IA the' Sheet Works of Eleifert ) ,, liegetnia*;ool are tieing pashed,intlraid"ititkra 4 . working and night— 'When n .1011 completed It will be one of th 4 largest in the State. • - -Tee Eaet Penne7l,.l,6* Ratl t ioid Cbtii piny hive , bought fifteeti here's of lind North 134111eltem, for the Purpose of liallC ing a depot sh scion as the' extension : road is completed to East,onj The, cost $15,000. '4n, Teo "soio•kraut" Switiati is at itie4srldiad, and cutters are in' 'demand eierywiiere. Cabbages easily sell at from to 10, cents' Aeaul lArgesgoldii4 Out out.tititv are,do ) , voted. 'enti ,O edly`rthe o9lo4tjon cal)bsiie; and ith trorors r9►lise.algoo profit now. • Doces.—SpOrttimen „ are.. n w. alio/lug delightful upon. Quite nun i ber dicils: are being ahot . an- the riVet';' Farm ie morning We tiiird the ionnd of the ipo 4-; man's iseni aid we , 'applied that . 44 , 11 i doCks" Was the result. • ' • • • . !:t BINA BIIIIIIINOO-4 Con4eoipacornei of Went., fOm'ail the C'herchee in. ike t county ,is th'o itt. man'i ErsV,l4formed Cltnio, this (Thurs•! dlky) afteroaon f and'a general meeting of the: friends of, the Bible, in the nettle, placo;thii. evening A, 7 o'clock. • The meeting ; will Ire' addressed to•night•by ' Rae. 'Dr. Krotell, of Philadelphia; 0. Torreiek, Bet% lichoff of New Yorks and,. others 4 • AU arej invited. MIMI ~ttt sail' 40 contest li . ll 4 te r mini • • • - '• ;*; 4- A EtiI I OATE 'Of OM en. nod let there 14:ecilitil it to their education, there should bci, hp: limit to the aucolon of, embody...-QuOir, them to '4O the goOd•they can in tbut, world °Cavil.. • • • ' •Patze Ditawn.—The beautiful table cover, wide by bpi pttion.ittidipttve p( thisoil, ivaikiestitidif dlipostd in.saitittsiy! at the EAOLX office. it was drawn by .14.14: S. &mond of. New. York. - Ourmas should remember that a law was passed hut winter inflicting a tine of twenty-': thoe dollars for shooting inseetiveroas birds at any fi}et.y.w. 4/11is laW should he faithfulli , observed - *ad those who tran.: Wily violate it should be punished. • 'file Wilmington andlteading Railroad is progressing rapidly r and a large force is en gaged in grading the bed of the road within , the limits ofthe city of ,Wilmington, and'in *short time th'e road will be graded from Hedgeville toiwithin a short distance of the Newcastle junction. ME WON'T some charitable parson at Sinking Springer look 'afti3r the''cavrespon thin t of Vie DlRixstch at that place? A. mustard plaster on his hollow head might be beneticiul. Judging from his communication in Nerd to. the Demberatio` torchlight procession; however, the only proper place for him is in soma Insane Asylum. CArrttßAD.WO.lagia hailing.frOin Phil acielphia, were yesterday morning.caught iti one of the lower townships, this eounty r foe stealing watches in thitt city. The "birds" were brought to Reading by two detectives and taken to Philadelphia in the 11 o'clock train, whore they will be dealt with accord• . log to law. TOR revival meetings 4ow being held in the bin 84430 Methodlo,church, cootinUe; with no abatement of the interest taken in them.: Rev. J; sA. Woad preaches every night, and manages the ,prayer meeting ser. vices. The dutch coittinues to be well filled, and wo hope they will go on in their good work, and make map) , converts. • PAoacaung i10x4.4-4W6 learn that our old friend Jacob Conrad will retire from the Packorack hotel on the first of next Deem-, her, and that Michael Rightmeyer and Wm. Drumheller will . then take charge of it, Mr. Conrad intends erecting se large slaughter house and stock yard, and will hereafter fol= low the.huteliering business and stook ing quite,extensively. . . AUOIDENT.—This *morning, a boy nnmed George Fisher, residing at No. .7 Front street, started out an a gunninglour. He carried the gun under his Brat, and . when he had proceeded a short diatanee'down Front; street, he left it fall, when the charge ex ploded and took effect in hie heel, tearing the heel off his boot, and some of the shot entering his foot and heel. The wound le not serious. • • • ' Tim business of making sausages,hog's hcad , cheese, "puddings," brawn, an other results of the ihKethering 'of the pork Crop . ; is called "hog-niggering." A great m a tiy I I people ii the country around us, during si x monshe, ii the year,. !peke a good.liviq by it.. A bog w ich they buy at $lB per cwt; is con. vertod, . under their manipulations,• into; products that double the , investment ivith, very little labor. , • , • I - '.' • ' ! Mil Mamma TILE POOL--They ate away with pub, 418 noble. hearts .alt beside • ti poorly fed fire on a winter's day as those that revel on the damask cushion. Fortune, favored the rich the same as . it , created the ti i poet: 'Me itind loo t '" gentle s iterd, map; lighten a heavy sorrow •, one ft may: ease an aching pain. • T hey cost but little? yet yleloo,b4rge, a pie tang. return. ~Turn, not a deaf car. `fables turn, and you may. yet covet the crumbs from another's table. /tamale° Ai4n Ttloativ.-T-A tornitable bf Mahandy city, in this Bytte, arrested pater-. day, at 705 Callowhill street, Rosanna Joust,' ayoung womno, on the charg,o of ,infanti-, nide, ..'Sho obtainedliermigiieri te . `retlie‘fo', another room, upon the representation that she wanted to make some change in her, clething. and succeeded in effecting her es.' cape. IVhen the conatOlo made seaqh for het', she could not bolound:—.Philet. iiettgir.l STATE DEPUTY.-Mr. John o Easton, has been appointed State Deputy .of the National Labor Association!' It is said that the pthor karty.will hp . brought kromi-; nentlyibiteol%o6 .kfteri Abel wining. November eleetilbn. And we are pleased toi hear it. It is* time that: the workingmen or, tha land look• alter their interests, They' have dulfered capital to` do as it pleased long enough, • RECEPTION or GoV,ER 9 R m SR - mo-a—The' Committee of the Ccinse ,ll rciative Soldiers and; Sailors, for the reception of Governor Sep: moor, held a meeting last 'evening at their, rooms, 1208 Mena Arcot. They icom plated their arrangeinenta for proceeding to , Reading to escort Governor Seymour to this city ontFriiipy, in ',eop i junctlon,yith.the Cit-' inns", Cointaittee, 'Consisting of Ron. Asa Packer, Richard Vaux and iliester Clymer,' Rags. The Governor will arrive at the Reading Depot about X o'elock.—pilctdel-, plats Luker of to•dag.. • o 'Ma. jotiEs, ofthls , city, has retired from the position of Reporter for the DAILY; on'aocount of ill health. Mr. Jones was an efficient, gentlemanly and.popular re porter, and his many friends will regret to learn that be has abandoned . the 'editorial profession until his health bevore fully re 4 stored. We wish him success in whatever he may undertake, mime are confident our readers will igree with us, Mr. J..has been succeeded by John X. - Smith; formerly fore-, man of the office, who'. We guarantee; will fil the position to the satisfaction of our read ers. Row DELTORTFUL—Last night,- at; the city clocks tolled the hour of raidntght; our ears were filled with the atrairie of delightful mu sic. SoMelair one on Penn, street was the recipient of this most exquisite compliment.' Homeward bound, we strolled "a wee bit" ; out of our way to listen and find who weie the charmers. 'ltocboll was the man who 04 it! to,hip,were we andlthe many oth-; era who were held captives indebted for the strains which floated out so grandly in the, midnight air ,of as' beautiful a nvionlight• might as we ever saw. Success to &choirs Olreheatlsi . OUR Port Clinton 'correspondent; furnishes us with the following Items: , The St. John's Bundity School of Port 'Clinton, mft,49j4iltiteir Vilma elactiowneit Snnday afternoon, at the Public School House. Punctual attendance of officers and• teachers is requested. . • , Rev. B. D. Zweisig, of •yOur city, will preach hi nifitniti.aillEnglish licit • Brinday, evening, after the train arrives, in the Pub-, Ho School House. • The public( are respect., fully invited to attend, as au interesting Bev.' zßoNis expected. ,„ t , 0.. •,. .‘ 0... 4 . A lEEE: 4 ' ) Pen *ere 000 to. theipet4i' you • •ii ',I • Fteliteer4sl4.l4l/1 11. `Lie ) f -iOO Ai Kr. , • ; . T F 4 . fliaPtlf A geff:o4 ••-; • i f tieo,retelJeirie Ktegisig .?••• .' Dlreetopteph Miam i Daidel Mast end'Frederiek Deaner. D* 4 ora holding over -40seph 13iifner Christi a n Koeb, - Lewis Gable. 40(041,440i sOd 'Anthony New- . borger. • • .Value of eaeh there stale eod of theliret 7epp.,518„80,, ite; • , , , ~ ~,,, . A. Psossio Goiie.—Tbe Potta4llll,lgtaad , ant Of Bittiirday l saysi Mr. Robert Smith, ail °ld snd big* esteemed resident ~of this, count/ 0 ., departed this life on Wednesday morning ' lint," caused by_ a Cancer in the low-. er part of his face.. , Mr. Smith Jeanie to Pottiville about thirty-1 ve o thrtyyeare ago. Ho was the Brit plumber thit earne to this el b . vicin4yi and in Ins business r eer , here be "superintended the titaildjpg of e„Old • illah autongO iitteet water Wan, an leld the first water pipes in, the borough. . When about thirty-five years of po t he was made General Superintendent of the Reading and Centre Turnpike; extending:from Reading to: giun4 bury. This position he hold for over thirty; yeats, 'and discharged hie lutles in'a erediti able tattooer, realgoing it only a few Yeari ago.. lie.'is blirled orchlAday. ; It s ft w 'l4 un er nd• that it'Was determined at the meeting hold last avoillikat;the )(Millen Bbittii; to coot eider the propriety of purchasillg the Skati MikParitito Start stibteriptien piera itt outei with the view of forming a stoc kassociations , And raising tke suidof $1;806 1 w hich amounk is requiiCit the purpose. The park is! ..49,1:6t, and will soon be .sold to •pay the intionbrancee unless purchased , and the. liabilities have acctirdintly been started 0. 0. inatitl Wilier's, Stric kland Bros.',and D. P. tash's,l fr,•90 1 -owhlch OW POO*. *my. learrklkl7tliO,V particulars. We trust that the enterprise, may be suc; cessful. The season le rapidly approaching' upon the park will be needed, and whatever is don't shoulole lone speedily. • • BOAT ROBBCD t Alin TIM MIMS CAPTOR; RD.7--Thill morning about two o'o*, a nig- Or Imo, white Man robbed the canal boat "Oaklan ," lying near Reading , while the Caßtain, °ruling Maley, from Pottsville. was ashoe . The e men wereliti the employ; of Haley, and hernot doubting their honesty,' left them on board. After , he awoke he found tillable was robbed of all his Clothing, his' watch and some Money, and eveh' hid n boots left to put on, so that ho had to walk some diiktange to procoro another, pair to give the alarm. Men Were ithmediately 'out, on their track, when they were overtaken and captured near pouglassvH,le.. They were btonibt, to . this city and lodged in thaatatierk hogs°. Mr. Haley was present and ideal.: fled the thieves, and all his goods which they, had with them. . • r): ) • 1- 1 VENTILATION.—As winter CtIMOB ' on and' heaters and stoves are made ready for their work, it should he the duty, ()tour ellizend to see that proper precaution's 'are taken foil the ventilation of their residences, to secure health and comfort. Full and free ventila-` tion cannot entirely bo secured by looking well t i , tbe;egistvre ; but chimneys must.lbe cleared from the mass of soot and oohed, which choke them, and pipes must be thor-; oughly overhaule d, so that when put up, act noxious and dangerous gases which arise from certain fires, moy not be driven into, the rooms, instead of out. A little atten tion will secure eqmfort and health in dwell.; lags. ; A • therinomOter is often hung np to mark the variations in the temperatdre, but while it does so, it cannot tell, nor is it any teat of the purity of the air.., 'A' simple cowl trivance for discovering the impurities in the: air, is a bottle of lithe water.i If the air is 'mooed ately become' impure the water will 'm 014,, This 41 1 invariably, a ure teat. , . -,A.TTRAOTION , EXTRAORDINARY. , —TtIII BAN; LOW 'ARE CONING TO RHADING.—We are pleased to'announce t& our citizens, that the' world famed Hanlons are coming to Read.; in g on. Friday and Saturday'of mitt 'week, (Nov. 6th and 7th). They_ are now united— theTiVe brothers, and,. have a very large company of able assistants, consisting of Pfau, the Russian acrobat, Profs. Sedgwick and Brehm!, Blamphin, the Harpist, the beitutifal 'Miss Emily Thornei tind many celebrities, not omitting to mention the three "Hanlon Midgets," Victor, Julian and Frail.! coil, who are the pets of every audience be , fore whom they have appeared. They have' st concluded an extendedl engagement in Puhiladelphia. The Neu of yesterday speaks of Ahem as to} lows:- , • S The Blttnlons the Oheatnnt reet 111 extra at 4 traded, it is needless to say, a full house. Evert body knew, the Hellions; most people are aware that they are by far the best acrobats in the world; far surpassing the celebrated Leotard; but it Is not generally known that all the Hanlon brothers are uow asse)nbied tosether.'and to 'combination with a really remarkable amount of gymnasts and athletse, with music, song, and grotesque acting of a very varied kind. The Messrs. Hanlon are men' of education and intelligence, and we can well re ember that on their first appearance at Nibletk New Yprk, the late Fits James O'Brien spoke of them as being • ekeellent linguists, and the most highly cultivated artiste, in many respects, in their: calling. The singular novelty of their perfor mances, which caused much merriment, was their great velocip_ede race in' whi c h they displayed re markable skill: In these P(ua, the groat Rhsaltur performer. Is truly wonderful, far excelling any of the deeds of the Ravels. Javellis, and Blond.lnsof earlier times. A' Very , pleasant part of% the por l J formance was the harp solo_by ames Biamphin, and the ballad singing by liaise, Emily Thorne.? Taken altogether. the attractions afforded by this troupe are truly admirable. SPECIAL NOTICES. • SPORMIU will n a large assortment of single and double' berreled, suns, shot pouches , powder _ flasks._ rano base andisnmunltion at' Oct St' -1 w. • J. L. STIVITRIVO, fio6 Penn St. • WHeataa IVitson'a improved 'noisel es s fatally, Sewing Machine& are _now on • eghlbition and for sale at the store - of D. K. Shnlts. 014,1'0n street.' Can and see them. Do all kindit ,of sewing', hem-, min g, end gathering, irith out Ching° of mai chine. PETERSON ar CARPENTER. Agents/34 We khow of no other establishMent in this oily,' where parties can be bettor edited, both in C ualitr . of goQds and price than at Charles Co's. dry goods store, 141 Penn street. This would ap pear so Judging from thegOo.ds they sell , and DOM' the large number of PeoPle'•continually going in' to the store. Theyfiave now a splendid assortment of dry' goods, which they two Rapidly selling off at low Prioes. • . IMI .- - ; i:i. o ~ • , T , •-1 ti •' , i ' • • ' Tiflis are some isopre who deem to think it al r ., m, moot e Pin to dress well. Such people we suppose. , if iey had the world to make, would have made the MINI sky blaekrrather than blu , and the brig t towers gray or brown instead of red and purple. They make a sad mie-; take, and the' . mistake Ple the , more • harmiolot bo4Pse.lbey ?irbo Mike :it are often. among the tea bolt of opt people: iir y iui betray.: ed into this extreme , by, a 'nude le, esire to avoid what itmereir show ' and vac i , ,But there ti, it a world Wide 'difference betWerrn beide, itreeeti like atop or a dandy and being wed rfremtf.' Our'fl idea of this Mater Is about Firkin the clothes we, have seeo,fr , ornyr.Arricr 4.90 ii skim Palm street: Dressed in 'I *tit eut "'awl toe' , at'' this es tablishment tablishirtent pot; a tract , attention as being, well fitted • swil%cell , 7 .,Add,you can eleo, that you a rc ea ilt a- !aright, lire I tl l ifilat elm state t at e ad just reeelybd a: lot of an er garments, sr irts. drawenr.ete., which are SU ebld-at very low priebs. • ' t 4 , ADIXIMSIIIIII the EAO4I; -k 111111 , . .. ''' '' l ' 4 '4 01 0 1 4"04=- ." Int , a 1 M 1 0 00 4 „ ' • .S l ' , i ,:('''.., : •-,.. ;• ;' .. lbriiik 04 **JIL ',. liißiO*ll' . '43 iiti3Oi f ,4o:l4, tkit' fliw. la* lift** i A. ":,$,l . :r :•,'' 1 i .1 .. t , '', ' r : ' : ass ot ista(Mit W al ly ilal liffal i grldskei Ist izetio , . IlSrst rlf urine 4 bl / 4 ., •,. , , pont t 0 qkeret, mritkal 00 it 0 9 one eye* tto ore.webr mest artist teltiffri t r i lathl. liar. , '4' m 1 74 1 4 sty is win es loam sense. tti Olio thP,' ,JUIt $4„ Vitt* Monty in the 00;410 )10101iieute treita feitweekso i hat the Sudden ritiravta Of *liven lee knillt Otos ilti i i eirctilk, on and the prate le t titastocsarket era tato -141 leaden to beeztOntely natt elf loans: loor,Atar 84011044,410 ,91 legal, and, eVel% 0•7 th e letii liVo6(10 delhee Pe collar to all street. &N en percent. is , nfourse, the rate yedd,whlcli nit lawful demand' may lie made, hat there Is at, Statile ' tti pretent its HO'''. tnent in gold 'butte 6111lettOti or u cm/OA/41 0 N eq.. ttivalent to a bonus, tne Use of the tattler. Itende, In• the present Roney, ,harrewere ItaVe been eatupOleffo Soltri,l l leirat tel toit**l'efs 4 ' eent„ lateteit.' .'' .' _ t el •:' , Inkhuartti,,ttflui*,,,markpi iiirtsh*?fev'' 0 b, biati a primer" 3fealsasi *IP n 4 t 9-0 b" 417, and the eontbinatiolv its Nei* York to depress and ututottle . the tswltet items 4 Asvo lost its liiroti There ate numerous ditsfiithlsag influences at work; irrespective of the mustard Stair gatabling" oherai dons and , fittetustion , ItiluddOiltidtt *lll be likely, to keep the market in an unsettled oonditiolifoi4 some time to estate.' ' ' ' ' 3 Negotiations foi Itsill 'ding' *ere amide on Gosfi ernment oollitterals. nutaZ hem oto niperetiito4 and on misoill aloft* )"" ritleareirie)4 to 7 pet cent, but the most of the. trapneotiona • were at our lowest itgatas. , The ' ,, ettittitt tuottottfolks ' Ili iiti Prict.iPf toalti o'o9,o4ldt:die securities have made caplielistktihiarlially cautious in looming monei upon this class of collate mil. epd,th OY are denteudi int brit)or Inkrittfif thin tvi tilinSci4ttii OA. Thal Is grant distrust in . Ilse stab lilt ,of I toette—tt Mai trust that seems 1 tistiliWby the hilliyAndated prices now,,eurrent tOf '1114,n,y of them, from the, (go that some of ,these itopOtteit, are atoning far in excesinf their intrinsic isle,. ' • • :s . There was a small business at. the Stock Board: kost4iitiay; • M ornitii. tOA fthe SPeMtlittitaabarer t Mired irrequitriA., laoyernment and State Loanl I were stimuli, withaMilted too*. • Oily Loses were Mier:and thii netilksaiiiiimst lON' rieltlib l , Oold Leah vissi dill at OW /, , " • 11 / , '.. Readiniiiiiiroadopenisl 'at 41i)i rind niosisit .ie bid b. , p., ! an,adVspri?" X. • Pinus l .o 4 94' ll4 "rd ftli AO Atel ,gif t 1110__ Rglioi*EPritifreresii edf 4 .an advance ofd= with lve bid for Camden and Ami . boy Railroad k ,!..5 for Lehigh 'alter Ralimad; azi forNMili•Pennsylvanift Ralltdiitt;and defoliate,' delphia and Erie RailroadN 3 The Most important change in. ()anal Hto _ aks ITO a btelih in Lehigh ifivightion, 'which kisld dOWn iiti Sti—a decline of vg i Schuylkill s4yhtf4‘on ilefer red waietstn filet 5ii 2 434• 1 1 1 1 40 44)44 1 ,16 11 1515, ' ' "1.15:01» the 'Ape dissferday.) . - i "As if prices of the necessaries of re bid not at-, read, jittsiniKl An vtitititdo *Mat bioes them all most Woad the reach of the wort n men, we ob-+ serve that complaints are Made rt t o New York! papers of a disposition evinced , t e holders o 1, grain out West to kee b bsteir t ehipMe ti Until th closing of•tlie Cana,. w ay/ OW tO the eritistitin p an n 8104241 140010 a nda e didgent advance In prices: • Wts' tsult 'that WV * oOsirdir Letii:il'l he punnet beelines', • ifsuneemftilly ear to t. ilt be plu active Of much 'lndividual b ffeof. mai Mal l o tas -it mirt redotted 10 the asig few *pets re, the s ect upoh the ClOrditi *of to tnonorm ket wont belijuriOnisi Ilia 0 the banks would be Naked upend 4 tVe4 11l ni4. l 'tying immense 'Wks 'Orlintin ,Oa t 7 p i 01 compeno‘toomrs,4o‘4,4,4o,: r , st. AI whereas, If produce come ibrwargr t ? 514 i 1 Eastern and theeitern markt eh brit trt, 0 lever rata-of jotOrott wont Prevail" d V I ! hank) viottid be alble,to aid the t oosari4PiOntik 1 enterprises lrbielt now lig vl undsiveloPed for t want of ouch desistencp„ 13 opt Ourposattas not to remark ripen ttlls Wes or Movement in gralq alone;. but' Upon the. tendency of capital everyi where and Irk every line of 'lncas, ,to • t9lnbille , and-to throttle' legitimate . trvid ,no su it ter whti suffers, until it o delpetle are complied wit It it the stand an d " de l iver PrinelPia . of the hhWtl) , 4 man, with this difference s that the fo,otp p re, t only titian the vielthy, uhilt its moo owe, the Ootabhclitot. hi ruler 6 ro ,stookho do m Bun nieteh nts; rind 1 1 ro, ri, t lirive, bistspuec tboark ropploti tit palsolarnsei and unless t i checked, it ill 'sp d wider and irldir. unit the'workingmen apoi th 4 Aol i gt are Aillnkti DO) sheath the tome weigh artfeis a ptirse-prou me P 4 Dail i c.`„' ,',6' ~ ,t,' e I . ', `F'.'l , l o ,IN .i_ MONSIIVMARKET. the BushoittlAtanitere t ilo. 16 North 6th .treat; qUote as rollows: • Nsantao, 09 t . 29, . Old U446'61681 • .1. ' w • Old u,l96'e 1162 - - • 112% New 11, B. 6,26e 6 1864, July and Jon. - • ' 111 New. Eh 8. 5.20% 1865, May and Nov.. 111 New U.S. j 665.. new -' - • - 1990 N. U.ll 8, 5-Wa 186; _july‘and Jan. • 1 New .8. 6-20 a, 13W. - • 11 Ten-Fort -', • - I Gold inl ow York up 1912 9 421429 k. - • 14 1 ()old In mutiny at Monona aurora , • ." UM' • , „„. ILUADING FOUR ANCI uRAWI MARKET. Ft.tiyalV t ito , Wkrat, 1 411 pl.,' 1)'. 50 Ftso-;-Ooro Ohop, it bOisbol 1 454) 143 ro t n,' i • 40 _ l .' '" . Mloidtimgo, ' ' ~. • .954 1 09, MoAr.--Ooro Meat. 1 1 ' 1 00 RAW—. " Wheat " ' "• ' .. '2 00 02c 21i " Ryo " Corn .... ....... . , 1 li " lOata ~ , 70 HAT—Titnothy,lft top., %.1; . ; , • 10 00 1 , Closer, 7. , ' 15 00 . oiougow . - . ]5 00 , I The - 43041 basin," of our city eontinuei notivei There are many erho have not laid id their winter sepplY, but with those mopes le poareeJ ,knitthslY.filqJust 4tei 004. however, Oak the ?r199 Win 1 1 0.114'4'1Na muob higher, 'air 'thriewha NY' lit. !aria 'qudritlttes are pretty well supp!lo for the season. and the market ie,¢eooiai'pt well stocked; and is likeli that thint4 har,e boo so adJustedlu the mininitregions)liat 'there rrtil be no More: etrikei: Ti o poo *opt tnsy inoVeaiie the demaid ovial to thi and Nithts are riot Tibet Prioeb Will likely reulaini atettimarlr: ftt64e, Broken 004; ' *soisite. *ton : 7 • : j Bituoibionicomi , - 25 ott „ ' • Iteinixo Kiipitte'litAntri::', 'Burt4R—Fres6.4l4, 10 tb.; ' ' ' ' 42 a#4 Lump, '• • ' . 404 . : ... ... ' ' 55. Olisani—Oheesp? lb. , . 20@22 L'Astrrtlapird y ID", - • • - : ' ,•i -• 44 , : R006.-Arr Ts "do n, , t...• .. :• « '•,R,...,,,p rr .......P0 , AippLga.-. ppl q s peok, ...... .....' t .......... 1 ”.........306441), IllittAiltltaktti ''- ' 4 ' g ' 12 • frirs-7 LO t .s. .t 1.40 OA Beehteatt, round' 14 qp.,..,. '2O '' i 64 so - Ait/Oin•. . ~ . ..... 20 ' • 'I )70_11i, $1 ; cor ro ' ot — • ' , • - 0 . ' 18. " . lteel dried, 20 ',; > ; V eal Cutlets,; r-, i". ; ..... ..,-. ............. .". .' , , - eho'pr,. c ' . •M. ;.".....: ..,.. .. ;',; .. 20 f ,- " ' 'Mutton. , • "”( 10 $ 20 " Pork • ' 44 , 1 1 4 2 i./ II Go li pts i kk . •,, . :, ~'...:. , . 20. " Sartimet '•eili, '. ' . 223,25 ' . ...4 . 10,0ked, • "'. 25 lIA*-1111014-' # . 4,.: ~ , . •., .4. 1 i • 25 , " She ; : OFIOIILDISBEI '2O et DXS-- PonyraY-911okerus 11vo, " . e 4,.,....... t ,;-:. .. • a. ' eres4ed. " ..• ' • ';'utk es ltve • ,!!,. 4i.:4„;..,i . „,,.......: • 4re. ; ;_'‘....4.:,:i./:,1 • , Cbloions 11 0 p air,. 00®100' P,°t59 011 .V 1 !, 8 40 14 40”0 , 4 ""•.••1 4 . 0, 1?" , N ' ' 450100: ,_ .. Passe Datros.—JDr. bight:No. a North Filth' street, Reading, IPre, Du in his store one of the finest and best selected Itedkrof frestidrogs,ln this city. 'Dr. Liebt and tail assistant are always ready lboa iisgoti persons who Writ krwant a ny hour ot, he day or nisht. Dr. fateht and h assbttant are. o,loooll.theddiVitslll4l andtttin 1400,Tekted' 0 rnamwororty, , :• - • ~, i; ~ . , • ./- ,- c Vett first foOttrints suriiiiitit‘estdireiheli, pli awash 110, kW hit yet been vered to, eradicate the foster. the tattAr ntay ' golly ob.' lAerated,b,y al l US. 01.4WINAgetableAgabtoete, We kgpw to itwitt tawre vat bar tom' eti g ,, 1 color . a' rentepre frtro rtte,s ca lp or . 14 14 111 or littfir-Arhettter #411410 04 diem 4- Ell fOcia: fl l 4l l l9l 4 olol o lloincrtAilt Oak: g bivAg fy,wolw Ro 4 1) ,;,Tukt wafy, • -' t 'l 00T+10./W. • i tre theii irbiihave detected tke''iiiiiiitgre iet• e wst orpto...A. teiirtae cites of . t 44) ROAM ii unnetursl thinning 9f tee gore g watch nee tiltun destentet stteutd • beittewr to*, gegiOd gOlutloplr tiat t urth e a %w ea r , Itersett'e,yog . JfilitoMbrei"lher i1t_ 1 ,4 0 At. 4 .1 49: PO W,# :Wl' 1 1 1$ Ilihrfr- , ',./i ..w . m4 , e. ,,. ~.E . : ~ ,;, i ,•::• , :f; ~,, , %,,,,,'1,!.. .443.... ill ',, • 4 • ' ) 1140#144 • /J O:" 141401, 10 bowl AW *1*(1. - 1 ; • z ftotii. 0•40 k, 1.177WWP.: c • I l istrumettr. ' • . 1. it, " - • p, Monday, ; 4,4t0 _ , my) • In *4 teFell444 lovely deye. ':‘ , i l .lowarute % T amar, gegTor P9 1 ,1 14 N0 ou fir tteort; fecmrea. ' " 1 4 6 Ow tott.—Camp (11 ...hillier Saw . or Ameri* V 1I ittentrAhe Milh Street Pies hi terims *44 *rterct'' Sire4y erdeing KeV. - 3 . .oohirde .1111 Pretch a special sermon °kali occasion. ISenn ate thro4tioui dui city ate proseciiting'lltelr work visorbus4 ly, to got all houses under roof before thri gap roach of winter and its consequent disc i . able days. .INgelir *M to much ietteli tirnanifested is 'We' nil* aes tuaixig this class. • • • 1 _.• -AN accident happened -to a frieght train, on:. the Pennsylvania ',• Nai!toad yisieri 1 day morn ing at Newport, caused by loose wheel. Ono oar 'Was thrown off th track and ;tu ck tho , cep Bidets* injured Otherwise no, ,damate,sse . done exeslitin the detention of freight trains. ' • ) --:-:"--o--- , - I , ' Pointer nogen.—There was a report hi market yesterday morniag that a !titan fro ' Robesonta had his 'pocket - ploked of a poc k et book containing arsmall sum of money, while he was passing throngh the crowd iti :the 'Eastern ilarket‘i,linttsa We:did 4 1 014 Irani the' genticintaiN - nainit l or the °tact AmOunttof Mont* he lest. 't i p' , ' / I'; j' 1 I r _4l', '' Di En.—tilre''. Sigliat' , lin t' , residi ng it tifth street, 'bitivoth thestnitt and Sprdce l l died last evening of apoplexy. Mr. Lingle was subject to this disease. Ho workedyes4 ; today as astte4' itiiit iitike , t6 , ,hl a death ) 1 4 1 ,t `sitting in a roc*" 'iUding. 'A 'lb* miiitea' after 8 o'clock he went up stairs to drevi; when soon after - a noise was hpurd, and a member of the clupilyproseetted to the roam , and found him 4101: Ire was out in bad; and about lb or , 1 o'clock exorsd. ,Mr. , Lingle was an old resident of this city, and was highly respected. . .i - --, 0 , f Panr. look A,' Math; niiitle another nitig l nificent.Balloon AHOOllBiOll from Lebonon, on liaturdayufternon. It was the finest tension we .over stiw,i'itithottglithfr.-Light has made a - number of splendid 'ones front / this place. The ' Inilluon ross gracellil, ly to a great hei t sl4 l ,oo then sidled to the' east It was. q iAtit upwards 'of' hal an hour, gr. G. hided safely in the neigh borhood of-Sinking Syringe, and reaoks - Labitifod in the i 1 o'clock train. There i no aerottautin; ti!P r - Orytwho:ltlnoraithie oessfld in his 11181:0114)11Ei than Prof. Light, i Lebanon Advertiser. I= Two Min ltu.t.En.--Two terrible acci4 dents occurred 'en'• the' •Philadelphia and Reading Railroad this morning. The first accident happened at Schuylkill rhiVee l a t the crossing of the Minersville and Schnyl . kill: Haven xiiilroath A The i.signal not beill properly attended to, tato loaded coal trains came in collision with the down piumsenger, trairi, . Some thirty_or 'forty cars were piled . up and vrrecked,Wnrttitititely, no one was hurt bere,but within the space of half an lieu after this accident, as the Pinegrov4 - trai was on its way to Pettsville t between Aubn andflehtlyikill Haven, some , cattle being the ireek . ii, a short curve, the train • ran i over a, cow, throwing the engine off the . track . down i an. embankment some; thirty or forty If, high, tumbling over midi Oyer,. when tho thigihn 'broke, loose-#9m the:, paisenger cars, mid laid over iri4vtitanap. , l flip second car,Semaitked on , tlfe**ll, but the fret car:hung on th'e,sidikettinieilabank;', ni ut, and fortunately iiti:fine in'thif , cay w a s' h 4 t. • " 1 ' ..,'".. ,\'..„:• ','_ . • errowful to'relate, the tingineettabd fire , man, who held en to the envie r Were, both; killed: We understand tliatf,he firektin was, a Mairied mall, Whti lease'', ti4ife',4l4lthree: v, , children to mourn his los1114411140:10( atingle man : illothcweTeAtt:'olivof the' wreck end laid on the side of:th i ei . leieki'one: deed and , tlto ethbr , just abetif!,eite kahel for'e'head of :00 ' setieLkidqttv:lttiUtititelyi sufaehpd.'- We are it nOle at Oliiio to get; fusther.partipplaris, but willl, sa t ty§tcs:' l the, fatse by to•morrew., ~.'''i Y; 4 At' i Will not 'nor . LegiSlature 1.44:14itt', be.' half of humtitlitit and make frg ' - '' toa d in' tliti VoremoniVeldth fence in gkelf!:;icige, so' as, to . present eattle ftoxii lothieori the: tittbit,.and thus protdet the kites"• o,l,Ambe! °l tk e ,i# l ° ° en l At#, 4 1 Vg,''',1*:7' ,, '•I: ~ . 1 1 ".. , 4 - : - : - ;,,,-K ,,,, ^`5 4 1 I nAtl i ffiritP ab Ot t iii; J r*Ofo in • i misSiones,o ',‘: Ott ReVe ttlf BB vo id!, re. { °anti) , Ansde't - ik folliinving important ok sions t Where an administrator in the final settlement of his accounts assigns a mortgage' not due to the guardians of his decedent's heirs,the assignment requires the same stamp as anew mortgage for the• sum still secured, though no consideration passes from the gikardian to the administrator. The tax in' case of a mortgage does not depend as in the. ; cmp„of a , conveyance 'upon a ,valuable . celp, sidoration. • AR persons who come within the definition of wholesale liquor dealers, must keep did books prescribed in section 46 of the act of July, 1868. They will not, however, be re-; golfed to enter, in, detail ;Ales, of packages thin Hie' gallons. , Ilotetkeepers,whose. sales at the bars amount to sufficient to make them whole sale ! dealers. must have the whole. knits dealer sign, tke law making no distine.: lion between the classes of arteh dealers. • Smok ing'l and , tineleity• ekt , Ving tobacco, and snuff sold, or offered for sale, after Jan• uary 1, 1869 1 ' and all other matinfaetpre.d' tobacco of every deeoription sold or of are& for sale after July 1, 1869, must be in stamped : packages; and tobacco on hand after the respective dates , named 4( not in such pack ago; mug be • reliteke, to comply with the" law by the owner thereof. The expenses of re-Acking and stampingpafd tobacco at those dattS Must be hor ny the owners. • , '''.,' MIA — kilt ititt ‘ titififistro r, ; i The Abbot of the Monsiteiy, at St. Vim cent's, Weetreerel4ml counthreceived, prior to the election, severs! letters, threatening , to burn the Property of the inetitotionif the , men enneeeuni with it attempte 4 Ao.loo3. I These letters were written by the Mende' of John Covode,.es the votes wereeertainio be cast against lute. „The district is now. con. tested : by the "scalawag," becanink the vote* from the eliove timed institntion,, were , Ostholies t :They , r4P:l l o4ocktiobsttp Par taxes, snit entitled to vote woo mks which goiern other citizens.., The only trouble shout them they ,Were net gist: for the9lepebliesn csndidato. • -,—, ,---- K 011112611111, ;)174tH sii,l4ll, nth* ptli i ell Oid " • 400% . l'Ot *MO dies, tin 0 Rimpoill Ailed lipid reit, i: 8, Wilk Ibe .OWOO oFAivk of .ov4out. ored,ircl:iaWe .l. A A . .?.- ' ' 'it M * 1 1.: 214 +4404:.` ;° ' P' 7 Clik • * 1 .;° . . W T 4l4i4; peppasedi m mat • 1447 Am Meu,n3sio; Ti,4l)4l‘q, ache, thaw* Ilhommthme Sosdae;Butt at Fro st ni* o tiaidf*Ftite s *OM* troitioteitifft3t4,4l44l ,totOttitt , . 1 00 °4 #0, 4 0110 q 1 4,0, 4 4 4 W, J ll6 , I !V‘ saw* ilor.otrailay iiiirooos,l4l4ltejyty Alin is ttio Intodoitkin bt cblotoltirto end iiiot4OOtto:Y ,:" 141 K k \f i l,/ 41 1, 44 ( 11 % ;$0,91 14 11 t 1 -? , , F . ygp;s4, N P rioi S lT Wt ti . 14111 Alp* oilksior4a6ll4t4: . ootroly !oral* lo to troOmapplloolili loth .4 0 A 1 ,' 1 7 1 $'Wtti‘j1rttrk'lll tku" tt! Itch ig`t4ilo4,E ll 14 , am-0;0141 i49iffai , , t , tho'6rlc , 4llll klliiitig4tt l if 4 Optical deem of ititruts t 404, := Alltalaiffiloi NOM „Am bid* it s **VI:4I4 • • .A . family that Oril4 . 6iico . .'ineggtriiiNiltrtll :104/I;(l4otritiim ; 14 ,•1; e' - 414 01 . 1091111.i'ASTAA:ktiaki,40411'0. • Alliki"ll4EßA ME 4) r theilrui of Date, BYo h*lir /rho. .10 • ( Ise 0 Artaxsi P , , , t E A 4 LI A) $ * • r,'.l f . t, 0 rovrosipq,Arit Atfuogir NR, Kulp gooproogrk t *IN °RUT 41111111t0ANI BOAS 00hitittlet t q i qy f. ' Di t Oar pit re in ` in u i t ertill the t r o ntioi r oT i itra g i o ti txnlT radrililii en! 001 i t r I I +t r ot Ltt bil re _ifor 01004 istutr WoOr o c k t AM ' 0 D' - ro! Oleaatait (and Polighpur at tho the !tali) Wide Of ell iNiNigthlnili t S ; , lioniekOopato ) 01113 st tined lee thot trait omen teen nr 01 it n ie int* untmitogoercto he'll tti neitOr s l ) . o, o f 'hug yorrfere p 4fermilf Amid, 144 it en, o „ o. RIZ or •t 1 Ns or Nth Soap. oopeolaPY itlfrlV. ou s ontferta ,Igne ti o Ll O e ntiggatTitt4e l ilfttika hat—for the ousand and olio oor our for • Ts looli Pow 4in 99netantAsti. an wide i hi inweehne to inumerato at WA c 6 I RllllOOOlll5 Sit Villte *UAW Pll/ int 03Ar Nall Ott even orporo above theittojeC To t Vi i roeUlt l gi IV a tirtitara f r t ellolol3o or` . ollr 110 r ilft ills thd 0 114. gulls iu o ere, att ONII.III of tho TIM Intqtt,o Singir j ic i ) 1 trAAt BD, every rerun fts .riendioß fqtrp , # LlAXtlittil' PliA,,rtz4 80/0t .. , 110WA1114101? ALL IMITATIONSI , A,i', IWiattradured Exclutively by the Great/ A imed* RoapM., 103 Arch ',Wed, Philadelphia. . . , ~, .ITARRig '64 - C(Y;;',;•,,f,,ii • • • -pgapitodiw.o , ." t! iiil • 1 Di MC1[0.1)11111 R ...ADNIRA, corner orlit. and Washington Btrcets, 8010 Agents for ltelid it A . ENTI WANTED IN llVRity Day A. ••• ~Y flllO UNITBD , Oott,irlY , • ' , r. • r 4 11 lad, - 1, ( ~ la t) q 1 ‘• ifil ~ 13. . „I ttb . • ... !.• . 4 1' .. ': tr. . a , 334,. ~. .. . 0 ~.• t 1 ii„,c; t: lii i 09 .irlo. i , , , . --, ... , ?,ti . .,. .., , , f Jr o• I 0•,,. , -s4 ti-, ", . ~, iit i :4 irt , to, , etir : t 0 $4 ! I , i , .1 , , :- • ' • • 11 , 411111, ~0.1 • i fpri, ' PI H a • =... „,..•:, .•, , • -.. Iti '4, ~. . : •v• • . -,,. ~..,, , ....,,,' -• I ~,, . „ 6 „• ~ 0 fry „ . ?, 1 4 1 1- t . 1 „';. ' • Ai% , '3,, ~ 6.;,1 .i; it • 0 • i 0 ..! 4., , ,:;0.1 .4 .. .! . 1 4 ; , . ;on , ‘ 4,111 : •14 :, 11. 0 ,, , i , `•:.0. 4 :p1 Mr, , , .: • • lli 'AI ' i $. • ,T , 4 1 .. .: 4 , • • .:' to ..,,f,, , , h„,4., , ,:_ ‘ sfAit *ill i 0•• ''' a, , :::: , : ,- .1 ,-..0".4. 1 Da , 4 . 1.. 'r:i-' It 4 . 01_. o,k .1' 0 : , , , i; , . ~) .k , 10 , , , .., It; ,:, - 11: nil A 114,•.4/ :Mi . .0„,„.. ,:„„ ~,,,,„,...,,„,,,,,.,,..,,, f 'I; 410,10 if,`• r..; ....•• 5 . ~.., t T -,,„: . 1 , 1. , `,,,J,1. :qt.) fivOiao„.7;t4 0 9 1 1 ./ 10 ° 110 k 1 / 2 1 9 1 rft -.OONYEATI9MID CANDIES' . • ' • ' • , .. .OA,NDIEsI:V 1!1 ~i,ti. " e4i:,..nCiit4 1 , i!' . 4 , ' t..' I'9 ;•f- . ., , , :::,ceti@hi'vf,t.i, 0 . 1 . ,: v0i . ,-,-... ~ . 1' 11 . "f"" , • nit uiti , ,!i , ;;„ . i , ,..., ~,.., , t,:, , .%., •r. ~,, , % :•4 ::14,,, .f..,/1 .“.., ~, •• ~+•.. ''': / ., '!',#! k- l i tt! ..' l l er IVO* 1111900101-41011004.14*4 C ‘:' '7' , " fl4.;'lo'ifiiii 7 ai4lLikkl i , , lif : lo 41 ~.4 . 1 -,,,,:' ,:.. ' ,i , ;':,,i - ;•'' 11; ,, , I pr u inly „ifi(fatw, 1.0 oftuoisso " '• I 1 4.41 41.144 _9)SigAM4 11, 44 Cal ,*- 61 1TA T I,k t h eir tit „, •..L...,. , ,t, -,,, •-•,. 1 A.. -124 ,- 5.11 . .Z; , ii,t T.t,rici'q t, t; 9 314 " 14 $ %/45040Adt.,,,a44,t,V);k4i 4 V4 , 4• ' ~ r ~,,,!.,',.':;;-,- ~:,., 0 vf,!ol:4: ! ik,t&i?•;lV,v,ii:' , il,l4;filit ''' '.vi •'',••••.. ..;.,;,.,. ~',.,,' .',A. ,i :," 1 4 ; V." •1 ' •%••••`= `-, ~I.k:i, ,--4,4 , ,, 'IM:. , ' )141 . w.i N .,),(0 11RNURnllii001) , VPVilt , 4 11 ~ ~ .c:4.•... , , r . -',4:1 , i4q,.1,4 irol ; 1.1, , ..kqt,t91*:,i , ..i.,, :I. I! ;,.: t? ' .'' i - '....,,` , 1e,1.),,ii ;',,,,t;!w, 4.i" ! •,..vvi ,c. i5 ;‘,.. ; . ; ...„ 1 14101 . ...,„ _ 0 i. .. , .. . ....w; ili i i t 4“44 '. ' . li• • \/® ' flit ' o'-„. , , - • • • ' dt;•11... tl , ,11 . t {F ' •i f 11l OW ' •-• p ow •