NO PA., I. - *tit Inns oro maostod to boot to thot4d, Atlllllllfutil e j i ltr as paella, as' nir , IPPpiAkiltto 1 to EMI CM3 oonannompii Intended f ottinestlon lathe Atm! V 141 1 11414. . , raw* Me as* al F44.' Os tilt Pin of Om OWN: k•• *Mb irilinigiolloitink . - toso oo dootrog 01.110erd. • Wristmap rokr. mut 1114446.. 1y al pordbio, wititoittois es. flusaultu 'lto Ile to rook* thor 9111 , . • larlh :Cr regliordlii pot it OW . 10' of trig' wow of ues ho man* *obis to, Commonrooms AGO took, thoir sotaroutto. glom short Awl to titia. a m * itiout , iwa for via ion . D. L.:751 41 0i 14 0 4 - -.1 1 4 10 , ' k '' T Aut Meet `' ' " I ) , ,)" :' and Be .* reith, s ri, ‘I. 1. ' • 0 _tv, beef 11"entth 7I No. 1. , 1. •-• bill e t of 5wi1i0ti,.....: Black: meet Fifth , ii, k0..4-41. Toarofirtnamervillit 000160 ov 0 fielteb stochlogo with ficotolt molts will ho Two fot woo.; 10:11 , 5q 1141 4:141 , irth0ef , ..,1 ,, m , 0t , f,q,ii) orktisaust pr • "Orsoliut bor wtabold: by slay toosid.toift sui of now to Iwo, thirstop. . . Jaz% Arno 14 OkamikaP awn; aim "Worn. woman, c 441vre•444 loath eoo1r." Now poreVAMAt4loo4**l7 parte ot the city, au lIIVOMPIMMINIIVOIN extbatt *4l with boodi tq tbo WO& The swindle on &stalks fe tea Goats peso. Why doiiiii liaNial'sdiMokilto log a Inks p 0 , 441_011 4 1i 1 9.4#47 Oil toiltiobabie Mil 7 ' s ,• • , • spl het would common eilenoe be with its eye pat "Mt 1400 1 0 s itgrithlri I,i Ei lik A (09 , Yl' )1 #3 Vit 'Aim York tkehloadifiiiitlestea Are *ore ri. s ter l ol4444lllMff b t plw er ta 0 00 cu • ants .004 to ! eoa aor of reepiratloiiiirtilkiiitial . ' Kr ilallerkitilitl74l4o3ol444llll4ahris eyes Vik iti ll ti 3 6 . , 4 6. . ~ i1, 0 :41.1 ti 644 pupoi . . 4 /0 LAM OtOlitt"114 I,olViliii tllT'i 1 , 14 led 9 An u fly 1t Li: ii on 9 110 4 e 4 Lr.; 'Ay Are WIN ilettlealtwripte oa their ehHitit - te , ,ttittrOlt.#o,llrl /Won bwommigile Wait A light hod oittatot *MOIL ! • sot* " 4o 4l4tAaligg 014 ttl iikKolliktiolitft watt to Duo o Our ore Oomuattri boos to gets INISIPIPOONeriit (I RI I A ttf Min ti 11, I lett ‘ i l ik IA4 I4i 'AI 'AAA Mat c lOda ft 4 tt%it b(tef)lllittill 111111 P 10 in Itn nkfoqox 1'514 q ti r t t. Volt. rim *best three Doer. heefititakefeil Zligitilit=htqWEW. to o era NOM ; . ,tlOl.l t(.l 3CO 1r 21121.thittedeir but r wittolowthkoiiitur etttsbui sod mann you wadi. lend tell them youmeht NATIMALIiAzioN Cothillikhgfiritialol nut Monday, govember. 2. A LAROI and beautiful ptuisengor locomo tive will soon 100;140 alialHeinkliroad show. . LAID OP.—The "Abet" and the. "Witch" are both on the blocks In the' Reading Rail road \hops ; 'n re • 446/44.,4. SAL or Lore.--John Baldler sold three building lots, Masted In Sixth street below Oheetnut, to Mr. Landis, for the sum of $4,- iSOO. ,d tr*-7717117', 114 / d Cow X111111).—h. cow value d at v an belonging to Iwo Boyd was run over by this cars on Monday below the Pomace, and killed, 'Li AVVIIII/0101 V• 1.1.0,111 II A. Con.assroininv wishes to know what kind of An egricultural produce horse-racea are ; they ben the chief thing exhibited .at ilitioultotida et al 0x..)5 a4Tithv 0/613 lilt r.,:6,1 6,4 4A ti I :•3 am osi D. P. Lunt the enterprising proffetote ta ,thP.Kgptpu... V111P4.141 , .1) •41 1 , 1 _ m d (4080rai, lug In rah :WI ? et Pqratinr,etel feat bet ears , id 10$0,1 4 now. pour Pb all tletsl &loading are lrit all that willbe ....PitilOireik* .._,(1.1.)11 vi ola v . $0 1 102,1.44.'• ;: -.,..., -. , ...,. -, ~ . ;•,. - ~,, , ~ '. 1::1.. , ,.... 1 .-,- , 4%.-- ', - : o -'-: • ' , • Torn 134.-411444* Ihimi Rau auti of Colunibis," 4111 risk trae oitioni• Mirk. glltlus de for 'the purpose of pier . 1 slag* ofpati . and heap! le enterlakeielkS 'et the Of the gallant • %irystoners.' • - iiE .so4oillwinuahrson.--Jacob Curran wait as day arrested at Seventh. and Penn by *Meets Oland Lawrence. Jacob was Ivety ti .Lglgulf tlers cm:o olong " Train% ed him in the sailor/ house. He was c all e dup this morning, but havingnaty a red to pay costs e was retained. Three lodgers aceommo , dated last night. 4ibuligiftiort.ll4ll4l,,bo. .ght the pub moms, not only . (or 'the benefit of tho,” who wish to 'become artists, tae an admirable enercise of the eye and and, and iihel* to add _greatly to future culture and intent of life: The know'. Illiteilicate c 646 haracter o plaid° att in this country, Ind give us a better eta* of statues,. Tug Annual Nag Transportation in Penn. 5 01144 it resorted as follows: Star ierviee l , 8,401,220 miles, costing s2o6,Bl6; steam • hvit i n il& .4116. 0 . 10 uti1;121118 BOO; railroad, ,OlBme*, =vane o 8,847 Wawa* the statistics are: • Stu service, 08,400 miles, • costing $9,695 ; railroad, 148,884 mules, . costing $14,088. Total, 298,754 miles, at anoxpense of $28,878. WAIIIIN*II Hon Miaow:fn.—At a stated meeting of the Washiitton Hose Conipany l • eld last erenlog u the- oliogrifig Officers were elected to serve li b iblyear : • rresident-4. • Vice President—W. a: yon Neida. Treasurer—Charles Peocock. Red. Secretary—Win. H. Miller. rm. Secretary--John D. Ml filer. Librarian—Lewis IL Schull. Trustees—W. fi t jipl9l,ll, Win. P. Bard CharlibilPeWotici We'lDiller, Wm. H. huller, Hose Directors—Geo. Darrah,L /I, Mull, Edward Deininger,Peter &knacker, A. A. Heiman, Jno. F. Keever, Jacob Green, C. B. Miller. • -4 • , ANOTHEt BAOLII le the third lull) that has been s b ot within- the !Attire* )Tho'hilitiT lietheiiettiltyvvranote ton t and all too neon the old Satterthweite grounds t la Falls township. This' noble bird was shot upon the wing on'the Nib instant by a young lad named Harry gem iflVetbaftentletbettotattillAifitiviteltidle brought him to the .ground, whereby he was thus secured as a • prisoner, and then igno miniously (*aped to close quarters in an undignified and unexelted old corn•crib t in two svdivaligtken, corr•s=ftteit it aid e appeer, as if this king of birds in his rude prison looked litna l k ;e o l l P triti " dreidr i better for him ' o die tin Ironed dtathe • 1 '4)4 ,11" R,Pftir,rmofilcii'l ;1.4.1 ,RIDLOYAII• OF AW OLD Bar L.—Yesterday the gpoilvit Nat i l kinktltt **VI UMIIIII was removed from that ed ee l an raised to its new Position in the steeple of tli Lutheran Chatiql erected by Trinity Con lithYdloteNtitiblibitti iftt*ticoh r " 41t1 The bell weighs about 800 lbs : , and on it is the following inscription, cut in the solid 1491 1 14 1 .4111 7 0 . 1 11,4'.1431 VII ".",`' 7.1 MJ "I'die hen yor the Byanaelkai Lutheran Cbnyre qattoni of fading, /*sported by /fenry Kepple, Phaade phta, Lon* leilliWAVAlaatitoinkithti first.buildh‘ erected where Trinity Ohara now Stands, in . 1752. When that building was torn down and the prosegt strueturp erected ' , ip 172%, the bell Now it goes to the 'new Chapel to call men to worship, in the same tones with which our fothqs were called, oge hundred and . solualgeo bw.o t,..» • , 7 .BTREL MSG% /110;C:t—The.present .$ cage of Iron," as Americans fondly term it, - bids fair to give way almost sutimlyto thThipclph ing age of Steel. There'll if Yetolutibti *brie, login the application of iron. Engineerif and mechanics think and talk of nothing but steel rails, steel boilers, steel machinery of every kind, that is liable to wear and tear. 1 Th cau e sig 4 il k . 4Y °rs'. '1 4' :kilt fat y more 0 I_ l .at t . epro twil . e great er eventually. Teets made recently atritte burgh, of steel boilers, have proventhat they can resist an immensely greaterpressure than ca n a boiler of the very best ofiron. The use of steel rails will bring about the use of heavier lo ~ , trios with increased motive power, for t . oaten demonstrated that there is great economy of heavy loco motives over those of lighter construction, aim there is a saving in fuel required to transport a given amount of freight a given distance.:--the heavier locomotive pulling nearly tAlk.llo,4Blmpeer. , A' SLIGHT litsvano.,—As chroniclers of events &0., transpiring in our city,live deem j it but usti that we make note of an incident that occurred this morning.. A, very fine specimen of the feline raci t runed,Thowas Cat, whileyt urged)) , walk ing acrosalk iW ee s attention sud denly. artestad, by tea pproach on • his left flank of a certain Individual of the canine race, named Bowser-Bowwow. Tom; coura geous fellow that he wee, halted, shortened himself somenbsit j vd,hoisted his back just in time SO tece lWlWlNlge of the enemy. Bowser had the ;advantage of Tom in size, but in agility, was thr his inferior. He swept town upon the ratnetcher with a task that Owed pia* he "did not know hie mane' for the lightning motion with which Tom struck forihe eye, and tairMoVlirkityil dthat went up on the morning air, u he bean ed back a yard or two from Tom, led us to believe that somebody's "dors" wee hurt. Suffice It to any that poor Bowser "double lniekW' it home, a eaddwpyloppillei•4ps4 • Olutourx atm Came. We have often I i thought if society Would contribute ea much to vent crl .. e ea it does to .uulati it, _IT a ' . /. the °nil ' ' ' • • • n , •nt erimirml 4 Come slowly to metutityi ymeectedluiroetr alsed,untli the stern, unyielding hand of the hir is stretch on to Antall, From she hoe bees mi n . • treti ware born every i in London seven children, who, fkowt their validates) 111 morally infested 418- . - Innsi,h*ltebly leed ;Me of ethae.' . • •• . t Is 4 , . i VON IC -; ,"1: ii,i, „ r ~ * . els en• .geemlitstrad_thetiihol of the young tainted *ad ruined, it hit owl thought, but (meld)r loolts'esiteli on, sees the of sh 4 the , 4o,te tt rt et pit sh' sive.' It ne , no 0 001 4 toriiiih. • Let as to , to . re • deem, i t this will , be less work to do is rea li grag i Se:eisslso a et* vailwer+ ' 1 10 a t . 4.qr . • . . ,t,,a. . lec !is a it4,l 4, , riciiikaoli .,:,t : . • Arr• '‘''' •lir ' r . '4" ISt If.ri ' VON 114,,ks the lit; 1 Ode* 'ie usnil : )ngbt to , witfirt 1 naked Or bushel, but : __ ___, __ ____ iitPenn at VA . ' -• . ~ , 7 , WO eft. _.., J 11. am,. . =lts go What ': fl • i 78, A TOTAL tbithirillirk IS 18139..- MitalWh il ed e ller l ist ocellklbi t ill!). ''lfir Abe e iz i li coUtifsner t a . -4 . We ee""etifi n rovler heteoP the mornidg nod ~1 ,w en the sha dow will move in a nisiiheastarly direction; we ll s, turaiagutripatliwardly, ss ate( liitifitad North erlalaik .. n • , , l itit i t irbence, moving . . . • . 1:. ullimeries, "W i g! f' 'Pr : "1 • 'sl betw t ' - ••• ....' -' -pi_. . 1 t: lioyin; thence sorrm— :st •L ~ • • A. s RIC iLt . UM -r W Eincre XI A _.• til ' ' ' 7 "''. .—On Sunday a' •`, rt. l a 040 • . , prainool whom was .To .0 Oen.; IdOO aged fourteen, iMinrectiWtili slteeli, 'Tisiind Pier No. 52 East river near the WO I fittigtfir e + Z ilitti l tagi I tt WWII 0 barge O. ) 228 o the Lehigh; Coal • Navigation Company, which was lying at that pier. Eihelwinaforig policeman, mod during her absence the young scoundrels era and rA VVVt te ia tl err il l . and it * sl teny t at Ithe, boat was secured. The same gang went 111144 4 440;11 plicliombwowtok, 4, tr 0044,1 sod .M01012161)01K1).01Nr And bt the , ' eapi , tain'e wife the bands of the boat be ng all ,absent Wh y ; 10he endeavordlo drive the boylleti tlieffienikWitdea throw. ing stones at her and her two children,which cpn4R44so exuspexated her thig ebelvant,to Mrriltirar l il l ni S r 6 t 6 p 1, k. 660 lio t ; the crowd of boys, as she says, to frighten i tee m s M l ATAs e d%oripi , . Le 1 er 'The woman was arres an locked up in lettMell'OSb 10!).41allry,t0,amilo e on o the b roile r. pp prop*. loom& pita coolAmd collected after her arrest, and stated that she had no intention of shooting any of the boys, and only** the pistol at random. TON BLOM AND WILMINGTON RAILIOAD t —We take the following from the Re ..rt of air togukittofigioroliktor . - , /Alf lisp ell a portion of it, this is More complete. i and will no doubt be of interest to our citi. zens,who are all interested in this enterprise. li t • cikifftlreo llB ßl4 i nitinti l ! sonny of the whole line were taken by Win. X Wiley & Co., for thtenra. of $506,010 26 ; which li only rilibliV fOOOO per mile,_with' ample security fox ita fulfillment, which is ! one of the cheapest contracts ever made. -The masonry for the bridge at Birdsboro'was taken by WmAill'4l3B:4lothill sum of $20,- 088 61,making the whole costindependent of ,superstructure $621,298 70. The Report says: Tilare,arnintt,twe gstleras. \0 , •,tu,tvers e 'grade upbri Oh rdite; ilk, first ascending from the Schuylkill Valley, where the maxi mum is 62.8 feet per mile, for a distance of 7.08 miles, reduced npon curvature, nnd he othif filigniditii 'liutil orithellilley”Of the tßrandywine, from Chadd'e Ford, where an leitiittinti 01'80 APPer'lilili is tinti•loyed for' a' ,'distance of 6.16 miles, reduced also upon I ',Ortrvatnizeitind; P0116*(31148 hithe forniei case:' i "The summit level from Springfield tothe MastitrandyrrinhilLn B .; is 0.46 tailii long, ion which we have submitted to temporary l undulatintol With ligtittgridei to ' Model tho ,cost of construction, but the undulations can ibo Watt tint whati i re tratilor 'shill'. be - Como' such as to justify the expense. With these ) 4licktiltiohs,:thalead"deseettli , loatidh tide,' _ s faith a maximotn grE(do of 52.8 foetßor mile i fintfganetally With light des: '" ' ' ' 113 1:. , - . The whole estimate ofcompleting the road ready foi business with 75 miles' ot' , main' track and sidings, is put down as follows: reeparations for track, $878,857 77 n# damages ? 76,000 00 ' BuPer . g YPlV e l. I ,,z< . I ' r.l Tiiii fl27Mlr c* , Total,. . $1,488,857,77 Making the cost per mile $28,624 72. t ,• . SQUIPMBNII3 FOR 0014M11011MINT, i 10 10COMFO I LTtri 19 t i 111 • ck,,..„1 1 4 90 10 pisseittskiikA, tti; ' .l i Vii'' Ww 00 o 2008-wheel freight cars,s7soeacn, 150,000 W ii Stationery ; 15,00000 TotiA:gost fqr,,linploess, $1,788,857 77 Thblifstifellir 'or Mt present year is esti mated as follows : Tom Orton Reet(ptc Anthraciteo-oal, , 207,468 $178,458,90 Bittitfilii6iii It Wasitiml, 44,800 28;600 00 Iron,- bloom ) , pig and - - ---- -- manufacturedo i TIA.I 89 200 'Yi 1448,450.010 Iron ore, 40 000 , 80,000 Og Lime, t I aT,A, I, 61X41110 , '80,26880 Umber & etroieum ' 28,512 50 I .4fkA4M 3 A fo.gliktike sant% . - 1 4 8 25 • 4* 06 r,ll:l4lngerse -r... - ?;: .t.t.,:j. 1., z• ) . 1-,%,.;11 ssl(tiM alhat ikotiv i :I,l al t004224Yc M l 9 10 Allow sw r onnt. pf this ig . not to !t Viiiati o lVra . 1 , f 4, ‘* , l , t iii 4., 1 t 7, more , tire nest of the road, au .i ' . , latti . e Bondi PllOll l 4 IP 11941194 is -, i „ buts." The Moot subscribed is 8809,900,, all of whfekibis been taketcbylagitio W . 'tholfiiw and at the terminus which the President Bays is "larger tlum at stdek'lliablei fi ptift per mile yet made in the State of Penntrfi mis t . unaidedirreo tim mun icip a l subscriptions. ,ne 4lnuel4 b proposed to , raise by a mottri . O\ o tVe rW, the dra ft of r ~,,;.....;,,!,,r dt b,,,,,„",,..4 4„ „ ~. completed at the o one of the present 4 ear, and ix is expeldeil. i to have the road . y for businesiflifftliftliting of 1869. . • ' no43t or°°;', • t , .* • 112111* fobutol .a r • dan. w 'oh ire. tither identical--pure S 4 CM l44 seriat e ' For gentians* - are *ably p1u,44 sum rfatpatebivimper lof• M gum that oold itc . • " so Aril woe Is aOacera tt,Vrg a•: • • a 4 11 k 41 1 111 V ► rri J jot • Vt , ; 4'.4 V.l i tm osatv ow - -. _ 4.toscr fret &claw to down. -4411111,011111ww4411114 Oh. Mow SOW wetadaki kklotato.44ll:loMinite* of 1 rtha atelliounkriti 04 watt ti s tataiVat i attlet22 deems" OfIISTMON,OdAhttWOotti of 110 9 . a* TIN tastltatioaa Ufa la Mr armee Wawa i ,of waL d tae l t 2 =l:trrer t jtitd;Adk, l and oluadatha: 710000100sosodu %ti. to the rot alroatonto dWI VW ISCOOgilitu of their tee ISSITION44%. itill OP.111“041 °Mal ' Woo ' WO " . i 1 . i.i in . "Mr t ~. 0 $, * ''' a4' I• 4 141 ‘ i r , so • n . ' •... 1, the - 0 - - J,r , - , ; .- 'I ' ll HUM , twobablltb , i i . l. , , aim altar oleo.' tloa. old main i • ;''' It ...: wortakosta Moro via, lito `. ' " r ` Board th is *alai, willutat. hottorwi f iggi*An : 11 hilt 544; "``' OM, Qi " . .r• ill I tlafaan& *WS* ofthitta , Bit woad aarlai ~ ~. 1 4,11 Oita A Want at i 4 i s ' IWO tiaoi. , I=Kark Mtl i kokritt l OriNV : 5 I*Mtr 14 "„VW44* iss olt i n an i from ,theAeilmftww,o**altor boards wootardaw. • , .. 4 . o Am ta Ni .%0 iistow*,Th44 q ta .. gi l ftta .. prik t ilitik . blilip ti I: , r - ..-.. it . .„,,. , i $ ~„ ..,,,,, r , t i lifil: ' l 4' °- I: SW 1 .; • '. OT., + I . 1 ' ' , • ~. i :1 , 4 , • -. 41 14k, . * . 1141)4ailid 41 ......i, t „ S W It": .A 44 I. ~ , .', . ' • ' r • ~.,... C I ,kilik.t ti It pi 1 , I.fie:ik $ ' • h , ...i ' a* , . tti w 1 • It . 1 4 .ki. 1 4feWZQ i. i inlMMitettltitUt• . 'men who fold tinware. htidstare. estrtkinwere. 1 b" 0/1 114 040 1. li Xtritittgen a ll ho e 1 47,111 h #l, .10 T941+00 Hee there Yle ar rle m e 21 1 11ttrtillrY 1i.i616 • - t n alfra gb e lsrarid4ntsuraf t mittet ;his store bOx relay to ask 791M1 Una" WOO. ittlitttari f Orinta t thi l l i gittal l Int 144132R0A $4O/6101401110016 PUr3hsll- ft% IVAPti POl fiPillat ia lf ii iteStiC l ueevgaNA mut A-‘lR9Ye`i pint 2107 MI Pk • t , t t illifitZ , . i < - N MU i • 1 0111Viri l Alliilledr e til , 41 :.1, it a tl 1 1l ta l i' 'ol4 l 4eeettet4 " ‘.. ire= 14 " 1 11 c ia trettraiiiri ' *On io 8 di, . IV; ttoiCol4o .. olnp SM. est! ' cox thini ustelli ..... .41 t , *SW GM*, Is met' 'r - • ' hill het 11, 3 414 i the era*iik I , is bands' ,ll* ,' • hadi SAW* , , *it 'MOAN* hes but about 1 titiViiotiridi ortititi•r'•fe ME t itanic for OM he Weaned ts Mikelk , be : hi):4o444socka , issci 2 But trill buy nms,ro ;Ike 4e pfet, hi ti oaten. he will no up In hleeklittlitlrini. 44 Cop t a red. more !still kolpaj this 40:4Wintitxis040.10100; M r 140 0 4 #1 0 t; OW o,oVArit. 4 * , okoen4 Won is tat Istitary sirs iwitAstise bait*: ItattuAkb iWitU %rat Irmo asked it was notvtar A4tliiAft 4§,p9l4olMit : i turnips Instead. which mere at I genal hilit64kl44lri iliStlO 41 there was a large lot. itsOrAouldbe taken home at was not ti:om 16 ri p ri IM .,egos iz . oTheri ' sweet take the il ale of them. The last run of tomatoes ilpekosiesffionikliefillt,frOettlims beeno(ner)thele , a w 4 .041 0 .1 saki Sash telli:thanill44ot 1"300041":414 6olled their taste as Ifiew - #4 . 146, 4(4 isatil le osniod sway for 0 and 10 iest• I . ner half p•O.. Applok rith roccvlaftits. and, 1 ; which-came to theaor tOir the Otistsrar 0 , !were •614' it tiiiiii 215 if 3 iiiiitriier half' lc' irtoee Ittitob t !ere rats Itit iDi s m to nt; ?of Btritiosohltila Ilk, ht I •`Ol 4 il i a tpock. .1 1 41, ri ritiVedie "Ante t 44U '0144 !peek. OVletclatife et tgb''',4ienit Afar on %Anna 'butter was spoonifi, 94 for ' 40 .01•4'. " if Oat. pose (oup)kopt holey" et a Osten*? 6 cents. A large lot of eablime waa Oared. inhlph wee sold at *um 6 cents tdlOtaits per dead, err 'es per Wide 1 Atter market 11 `lilt the,,storel, 4!ZI Perin street i °tune in for their s 4of the; hwy custom, and ,the "counter bocce kaito;, leaning over tha ;counter yesterday , 0:. LOLL, (4,0 1 were kept bolt It must'' b # in our storekeepere 'f. that they are very obits and onstomernOstutot 4 cornylaln of not rOCIIVIAIt Witten. ' • I i RIIIADINO tiOWllatiliiiiB° MARI*. 'ft IT:- 1, 4 ?i,..4,-4. t o i ~,,., ad; , $O4 1111 • ,' t , • -1 .): 11 :61 ' ' : 1 ‘ tilil it i: 5 OVP I 6 . a ~ :1 11,,: *, Oa 0410) 4 •-• • - • .0.,' -- ./....•,-,. 4/ 454:1rittetili r` t a l; viii t•'' HZ ta t AO DOSI, cheapest; Mtn' " ..m..1, oh At 4 fre matc, 1.505 pan se. J et zt- Da i vi t tipr. al ; vo. North Rthis now tO 9f I MANWertfaif - pl- 1111.4A— dosFit .777.7 • , • , • • wa l lt to, • 61H Ittet , • . *Wad 111.• i' 1 ' ,itotOt filiir: • I t • , .V. , , , SIP.* • . pityl actikftyt ".!1, *At ye:,,t,41110 'Ari I 't Itgiati I , 111 •fls 411 VI, t+o4 10 0 i 4 d JA 'A 0 SEGT q. , 1111 li. 1 I te *mliw iktn• 10 a• • ~. •,, •._ 'lvo A ,tBtll4 ''' t ,et*Oltref 4 *. ", - - 1' 10 4 11 ea.thrOU0 4 1 ' • ' ' tit "' ' .....,......., , , ! 41 1 tr ockkti f ini„ r oirtittood m ok ...-:,......0.4... r .:: . ' 1 Dooeserio Itestiso in the Second Wad thil veni* j oilet yo*Ousim * 1 1 If ,fir ! i ' Tim eosin° i Tennal sante," on the nod • ins toed. is t he largest in the United States. r eromon"l.,,,,,i,.:sit. i.1.1.1t1M44 , 0". A , CI. . ~ Y. FRANK &WWII . 465 opened te 1 1 . deg Academy 6:4 the season, end sr li ~ ' Otis Sept fthit i Wy*Fitiotrow art' 'WA See lid!' 01 . 1 • ;' . ".. Itimintra Sts a P —4 meet/I:st lemon foto ,toitais hf e Ina ts. a . , hda Itoois e On H owe 0494 this evening. xonsEss' cr , J 4f, . pie, 1 ill i 1. ,:. ow any definifti w y , many come out almost any* ere, and •• , , Ittas often next to aowhere at 14 Thlf id -.papawstetAvalas,Oontlairens put ~ . ,eoutive labor, the het& do or die, Is a spectacle which one in a thousand have no more comprehension orthati women hive of t itenees to ona iw alettlip hem 041 • ' Tdo Gov AND .• L. 14.1 liati c Trltighlt .. ' ). .: . %Stand li p s n e o unimum . .-. '-- qt. co urday night in conelderable ore*, sad '. e • the rultinlate vd4tr 1 livreg tirn ). I It to liihae4 ,_. ; , , et 9''' hislcsalde made Air retreat to this' .eity without paying Bonitos his bill, serviL " him about - the Ir4ss the coartWit,9 !..: 4 kl Blue *cut Vino trOpU4lloll_ .1, f' ,• et I t t nton, where . they ate ,er whole et oc when on their way to the grand pow-row 'Philadelphia stew weeks I ago without Agl far th aia the& li a tte±:liiwoM , ,) t q - , • ,F ITan ROMAN T Frocan.--The proportions of e human*: are strictly mgreticitts i. wkole. losiso Oro laiglik of I the loot. eth th feria be ,deviationd getup the rule holds. , . - and 1 is a o deplxttio... , - h -hest *aen I proportion. u , .`. , made All eir 1 statues ioooo r , . "I rule. The , from the h estpolat o the forehead,whea 'the hair , ns, to the chin f is one-tenth of ito tett , , e il l . geavvii - the top of the chest: to the highestpoint in the forehead is a seventh. n' the :-lingth of the face from thorlois.444 l lo _hair to the chin be • dividetfeboiliew val putts, the first division determines the p ace where the eyebrows meet and the second the place of. the nostrils. The height from the feet to . thatoPof ,theshesCietbeearne sit the dial lance from the extremity of the Rogers when I the arms are extended.—fkkofed, ' : • . A OAT DioammitMitobinthicii moreittfn ( two yews ago 6 young make rospecumihty and education, by chance 101 l into company with a young girl who Was just bridal ,Q Into tbti P a if ATV - Ittkike IA "--- War a medium *tient Ace *wet r., the fact that this the rd Cent in• Reading Within one. week—for we __de MA yet grown .to be so large a city that good audiences can be secured for good concerti, at all tithes end under allairounistanees. 2161Crt shretaft anent, and were by no means sparing in their applause, nearly every piece being vigorous• 1p encored. "Prof. Rents will 'be ileateinlmredas the iptleman h o . ties very do. htfial 004 • t • 010 00t4P • , on he was oubstatially thee Woo talented compani which he pesonted r • last evening, KW LOOS Woodruff, thes comer t hits 'possible voice,her speciality in her low the ord • !Irf, 4 -- The quishe tenor of Prot tk and the eltsswv; ling voices 'lnd itch stage ',tenets of Misses Omsk . Rents and. Mary Thomas all elicited, as the! deserted misted and hearty tokens ''of A s formia wombs, these three ' Wire e general Amor %pi. The benefits of their widnous and !careful training is evinced in a steady pro. Ives' in the musical art. • , - The fOli t of Mr. Da Costa_ Af is atail a better, . goo ,than in t eso o. Prot Beg is hnpro ng in musical smmution and Wm nnollnutPrin. ticeb Re trill pezdon however, in en. prossing our °pluton:that his distplano solo 2:l 4 Z:e h : 4 1 1107 11 L ie lMitre st atig fora Concert. p o "4' ica scs ow and the 1{409111 OKI wipe Pr follpr it! hish the'sudienes Prot - arisen,; - - gOod gentlitle to of tike lure blas Oa* IWO* a a iit i. '..• .., ) , :‘,14,4 .4, “ „I•`- (-,4 1 . • - i b AittirMaW I . I ...:; IL NY*l lt i VOMPNIIand I '. " JO - ' .8. . 0 f‘flN‘ ' , ilW(MtialYijihe WA ' . 4, 4 • ' '. l ViditlVlHOßtil ii*o.n ' (44, 434, , ,itiik Okaiiiiadi IiII*101131010 4111 ) loomapint Voa dlllifida4 sorskit openktlous . AMID „It 4 t y k ...,0, ; :„ r . .41 oR ' 316 K, gal 1 X. till k 4 ifl. 4. I ~. , I , ' ‘ .VI I ' - i ; . f 4 A ; A,W,416' k 1,10,1 19, . .• , $ 41141 LPL .t • Av a A• • Alt / r t o t "SAO ai OS Art": • , wtil 3111.)N). rtl Imucl..ei . 41 '1 as r-• ti• Aav e fr-1 Of °Ado,- it-1- 19 ' fit 7.4 I) ; 914 % I 1 1i1 e. dill', iM . :,I I, 1 : .' ? ::1 1 l a it? .4... 's 4. ~ ti tut tsar, tinOo o t ileidabld 2 109 i Av 0100.14 , 00 0 ~ .ra rumt) WOW .1 , 1.113 111 in t b 9.41 o 4 lo 110 l b d i,bnio trod) *id 101:rgliotAt' . • . .r4refial . . I i . 11 7lllll RMVT II , .i w ygg . 3 ; tlriiirtt'ill Vi At gill kV, Nifith MIMI li t i .:I`ll,7•ltirt beglisl4.btin botvin nitrr A min .it - .1) 4bOin ill/ * ITlWitt 4 , Ont . IA 10'5 T.' (i k s vo 1 I:#s e i l morag op nit,. i 10 . .. I saptT , 1114 1 *61,trItti V. '.10611/110edovt tar/ En Ni ; f ops, g
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