Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 28, 1868, Image 1

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The ItIADISO DAILY Bawl. will be &refslledlo
subeelleers le the el Y 'Yu otters Nth wins. To
ou lailie e rs t r ~W I , eeat is tirAA
o mmonAlim.,oo4,ol=44o"
soribire. T o prerentiplatateh allletloss should
. • • •., .'• , .' 2.. j.) . , • i 1
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6 att i tai4 n i Oaktil: l A
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: • •
fllmilEkirttritstik-.bums emlinsoalue.
tra :itrars. , ° l6 . 4 " . . " F'!","!4* .
64 2 04111,- 4 111;1 8 1 41;1' , '‘'''
di, and sturdsz at IIN 129 t _tiyou au eaf
glst i lent WorritailbaWinVh 14
Holt. a
Td-ireeklytlielMeitheikidsh .
Thu ay sad tg &t at ii m veil at boar- ,
it:l it t P. M. DUPPUM With 141 and
TriatV i rretrag y, ;
Thms4q ami el NI L The at cox
vs ate •. m. pp i ppm! , nil* , aaatikmlp4
?" .1 I t ~4 04
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fam z . :.. „, ~, • 1 4,
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PAT: ' ' at la. Ss takio. r. lt, ''' ',.
- kh r liiikilOtir- Ira iltigin. (l 4 l ,raitop,w.. ,
eus at t 2 I A N.
luta 4 3 f, N.
ilarrOutalmves t apl i A. Il i An t:80 P. N. , i.•,'
00411010-6.441111 at 10
146 A. :I n li 11: a. 4 :
•, , pi at lA. It .„. , 1 , ; N. .. is , v
, t •
I t y kisi a at tAiki.e.4. .
aameroimrtileis Aloselimek.
Attires at Egw It 1 • '' '• 1 ' • 8:00 a. N.
katejejli*Aat it i-" , 7 111 . 1.41 ' 8 Okollti'M 9400 P. It
1' 4t; AG 0101101 a' 200 111; It. •
A i it — a ' s ki° • ‘C : 1 ..1 ".
nit. ree timer* week, ' ' '
Miser Rt . 4, A t tuve j thom 6 lop at 4:30 p. le !
f n
AniYM A .00 r. s, ,1 ^ -• . O losea f at 8:00 A. at.
• ljt t tlikrur - tbreo times a week,, ,
Attires u our r: at. ' 1 k 0/011.0 at 1140 .11:3i.
amaiusa . aw l -taloa a Week,
AMT.. at SOO A. IC • 1 , ' , 1)1 8 ye at 11180 A. w.
sommoa—tvtaa awe , . • •
ArTl,lll at I.IP 40 t 4 i I '' ' c 40, 4 1 :3 0 A. ii•
Vms s irse . Nolo
Ant •
Mathints . le and itennilioturerie 13491169 1
Na 617 . MID 629 hanitan
imffi.' .. READING. PA.
Wiroint - lirsisnai. •-. ' . .' .'
• .
iIY l'ini OiTY or ItHADING.'•':
The undersivd,oomaftee ops Plosnoe of the
Corporetton o eMr of ideastlng, baying been
ittborlied to now the tuns Ot ' ' •
for am PurPtsse of enlereini o the Witt, Works of
the said e lls hereby glee no ee tb t they are Pro*
sred to issue Ontidestee of an, exact NIX into
mat totelst, to
same • destr ow to oass siopey to
§ 5 oltY. DDly to Mt . rof: e . . endezed, of VI
illiem eldetrelOkr : ' !' s 4
I .‘ • :S ! - I ly •; ,
Gommttee en ' • s'
!Mown & Miltimore,
D 11411311 Ix
OUTZlifir, GUNS,
TIN PLI4,VSS, MET 1801.4,
Building Materials,
B ADDIAIr t iv:, '&33.; &0.,
Ittinfroarziar, Visomor
ORLEBRATE6 0641;p41#
ARtickrAlN 28th.. . ,
MOO 011eatt
D Lousy. suligst
°ma AND WID:10M,
I.,ll44isti4t,iiie r , ra.
oot wine •
riv. mulatt o A AV.
CrOlnflide L p ) A
to roes
slu r
• wank
CiAll,lfillavor o ve ;
(110 , 4 404 0 0141 " 1 9' 146
. ,
assolaps •••• • ' -
:Ys UAW, '3l • ,
,• • ~• - ItiLy;lixo f PA.
'Oriruist Itti.644lliareStriik(apitideci
f •
4-4 . : 4, • . . • •-.
a t; • Trir k ,4!in:,•l4'k4•
. • c,•••r:t.s, r
rams Q. ErAwiazir,.'
op No . 40 Gloona 6040 North Oixitt Streit;
I oPPoolt• the mot Ho*. Reading. Pa.
oh 211- -
t i OVIN 111101141111 DO; . ' . .
' 0, Arro#ifir Ay zAwii ' / '
af MP r i T# 4 0.1.r0. 01104 • 14 n0tt a
4 A f; , ; 1.4 ~ ~ v !. e:I . A •,:fil, I
Uritifiglaii o. anumwsrme, . 1
- V V (Omani.. of Pi rot R4/OmM Mora.)
Nit, 214 North Sixth otroot,'Rooding, Ps, • •
14. H.—Punos Toned. - 'Juno 21):
Ds. Z. MOSEL , . ,
Oltrica—aie Pena Street, Re^dloir. res.
Inettea the publito to call and examine his new
plan ror extracting teeth without pain. All over
Won• in the pyofeuion neatly executed , and
charges retumnae. ap2s
D R. A. lIMIR,
D E WTI 8 T,
Oitoo—No 6 North Fifth $l., Roadhair,
(XIXT 1:00011 TO r. olisator's *Hon atonn.)
Prentour sttlntfon geld to_ stable dlsiasas of
ti on stiOnms. snob ns sonv Prete=
row looms, Alv A Imes.
t • to
s t rproosm. awl states.
thesees to w UM molt And srmsui arnr
sot. • •: ' '
Teeth atit Intfliabi. snit itiosttod on
all mats us t eft on, _
oMos hours. ►
m 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.
1868 FALL. 1868
Hare opened a Large and Selected Stock of
At ,Portico, Row,
* Ltvi G. CO/4MA.. • Cutter. lit
Their gteriedsf
, , • .
Weroeelectini in the City of view WA ) and
. ,
,will be, dialosed Of* piiepa for, be-
• • 'to* thee
• tabiiiiiinont is the • -
City. •
Gentlemen's Clothing made to order.
,X 07 41 Olothing conotantl4. on hand and
halide . .• : • '• •
The Stook of Furnishing Goods is decidedly
the best and most extensive in the
. city. Cal see.and satisfy
The mere foot of haTtrut the services of the eels•
brated cutter, Mr. 'Levi 0, Coleman, Is sufdeleat
nteithat all garmenta ',lithe Made up In the
beet style and latest fashions. Itemetaber
BIJ9R & 13RO;S
Headquarters of Fashion !
t • !tow,
'INN •
7. ,f' •
' • • - 7- •
Ds. 'A. H. LIGHT,
W. J. TfilittiftnlTEß
Afatlit f -14 111 0 1 g1
gas 617 , •
fit vim TAN GOOD THAT L . / Loin AIRISTANCiIt ifietAPTHH
0 1..
~•, ~,r
4 1
nig RISPIRADAT EVEKINe;' ti ta titt o .
1868 k
BOUTS A:10) .1 8110 E S
A N, 4
No. 41 'ma notistset.
agenita, #A.
?, • ,
4itoiluonr Se p. 14 t.‘ oli ibi4ll of w
NO. 41 NORTH SIXTH- .81 1 0,E!tp„ .
( . I **t o ,T4c 3 o o # Off 1 10:.
*•.? • • • ' •••,•`
• wki;1 1 410,,0. 44*
• .1 • , • • ''t
firOURING." ) s.vf /VT/ t
; f.„.., , , ‘,.•
NIS( ) ~. •
•$ I -.; ' . f ' !r•
, • ,f‘l $. ; •-t, • s ,, e ,„; irrioi ,
••• I) ZIP'
,''` , ' k.•
” t •
.8: ~/411,
• : . • ; . „v.
11111 , 4estle 1111Tesall 1115.1.0101141,1t.001/06
•' ,
tOdoe ' a) e r ti
Bitiadolikis4 41.0 1 /iiiie'Stritatiiidl3ll
• - ileum Iltb Street.
Encouraged by our sueo L eiliiii our heir littalt of
soouring and dyeino wo hays resoly4 to °pelt 'a
braneh.offiee in Re inge and rtiaaeatMly tne
*Mention of the pa to our Above nvue4 estab.;
• • •
By our process and newly invented maohliet7.
we are enabled to glean and dye goods ,in a very
superior manner, Soule eve.Oetleot let lob
We clean and finish Ladies „Gents' an i d if tfih
ren t s garments l!ithont taking them apart or !du
ring - tote i r et least. whotior tht colors are
go o n Or no ' 'f •
uur dyeing s done in the Tory_ best manner. and
the 'roods In all gales finished off ikeuperlor style.
' Kid (Roves. gas es finished
Feathers, dto.. cleaned at
short noti c e. , , • • ' • • • eee 22-3 mo
, ", IN
I oom AND 13110E8, HATS,' OAFS op
Latebet. teoeitea s splendid stash di the
pDp% goo?. welch are nor offered at the follow'.
s Km Or del $
hi4it's V ' %t t : . ' ' 112
" en calf Congressaltell, ' 1
BM' 00
" • - work zur shoes, extra h eavy, #2 00 to
" calf batman% sowed, 4
ut,,,,. , II , , 1150 to VL
rsorifiniirleillep tat g li b' , . ti
" . liAnalt OWn, 1 1 1 (belli)* : 8
Dulles' balmorsp. - • •
~ , , • ,
.01 taste* . , . •
tilieliiitotiicki balaiorals, Polish; •2 0
shoos, 2 00
pmea' lilting Polish , .., . '• „ , :. 1 1
4e " ggve l itiri'Volleb high beet
' bakmOrois. . •• ' $2 65 to 3 25
. . , • • , • ,
The shore ;Woes are; is law as any other Molnar
place of business in the.olty; •
• .
I,i i i
etkular •atlentlon la paid to all kinds of rim , i Hoc i F" -
, Wee also hayekokhaail blame told well selected
stook of .- . ~
lemetnber the name end Anieber,
Opt 2*"
H> TO GET ITI .-—.. •'
1 "T• i 17;4721.nm Sired , lieturingi A its. •
), ''. '• , ..............
1 i! S.' Y ' 'F 1 1 A NI "4 1 :0HIC,E.
4 e , , , . :.
ww ,,
gotP, wi :
' ' 0/iiMIOTRi O ,:f:: :
i eqtaltlyofiticatlationii, ..;
i .16,001,1Alimp. ' - JACO R. arrilL,
1011 M
. 40041
• .1
411 in
~i ~ i
-, ~ ~ t ~;
Etillol o, irM
• P.*:
C.' W. 4 1.14 • I Nag,
" al 4 , 0 . ,
I pp.
• •
I:l*l'lr•khiP°l)4 •90
READING'AND ak. 00IalThOg R. R.
• , g.
', Olt AWN ATTU 1
*ED.NPI)44 I ro OSPIPAPtt 2 3 di 1 44
p4liti ,
igssitigoot ,, a ,„„ i s 4
, . , 041 41 1 , ,
iv, tyst,oflowo lig,
itroll lki Ins '‘ ltt
Luxe Beadintirt i At
: 0711 , 00 , truto ~ T. i k •
u tioluat b.p Laatittetat i Alt :
t P ittea l ipi lt ia l ltkittit i
filid7 . ko Cid* &es elo*olttatto OE • w
% ew l r rtt i ta At i : tts r tti
lie me oft* OA t Lime
l Er h * :
El 12•Ch lA IL
'2 '' far t
t ei 441 " I"
ii AsLtaa tivi b lki i i ,o• !MANI
t 1 , Ti i.vlti+ 114141411111
X. IN XPRlllor 4 401)10. 40 41 A4ll
..‘. . , . • ' .
. it i . W o: .1 , 1, 66 •.4 'I
• t
O t Ar it) 0 11 01# Ay ' :.! ..'•
la Ta7,pe t a s a it i swmpu?
~ ori hild'c AP *Matti:lloK idarrtikiltelk tra
LtrYs e S ori l ite r tri l i e n in& g ar Inni
l i
Onaltithoe, Ii a ni 14 4 1Ork t , Igerp
i ass oonneo out ?mon iusitukictoot lohli , l
f o l t e t o s i gk ° WI ; * 1 111 4 ,A'!VAN L IIPA
VaiV , (4) ' 11w , . Arikw‘
girtwil4 , aki . , ..)44217,3
-. itt9 4 l 49 7tril 4 P : ii:Pftll6o . 4it'd
Net' or Awitbate4 ; t . t el l i tr l . ' 1 47 Bir
at gns, tient° _ . _
tit, j
ton ' 06nittervillo,3•1 , 61 ,• ,
I titsivoat.i Nay, Yorir. lit /9.00.. , , 02, 4„
hi, and BAN A. mai ' " ,-.•' '-- - - .1....
The 4.44 A,_,11. train 1101 Prik itiMii Alenit 'ln
Mondays. who iO6 A, psi an d 11 ow r.: . train.
:if ,tisily, Hand sinolulleck .. I,. l ;iv a i e i t , : i, i t ..
;eine seat/ _ CT A r prkLlOOTol , r
,!. _ ir?j,
ry =Cell ti bands's) it v.OO a.':__ ~ 2 hat b , 0, 8
all di P agraat 'erre% 1P.%
an 10. 013: , . ;an at An 42 . . v
The B.OQ P. ~tra fFD.AI,C 4 9 I t 14 #k/OsTe44o7*
Sundayi Main ed. I v ,
•A' Sunday
,SiropstOlOt Tra ‘B l wo!) leay it i ll ße6dinit
ei , orikBunday at 0 A,, 4 ildng,a,t, 1 stations
and , otertnediath ,vo ts. , ?rive at optvovny
at 10 .14 .iteturnini,•, leave illient",n, at 4.1,1 V
Pil.' " titia at Reading ht, 6 t .-'', ' ' "' "
t 1 , amagoni aro topa,estod to purobeso ttonotsbaNi,
fore entering the oars, ad 26 tents' extra will o
charged and 'ballade& .
on tbo train from all w ho
DAY WO faro to tho Condooto • ,r , • •
- , Jane 211. ' ' :‘ o.l3TyliTg, Ettiv and; lihrvti '
Philadelphia,' :& Reading . Railroad*
asAunfel, A 17007 62'n 1868. ,
8 , 341%
vo Tralnii downcl k,. an "" 148 A NUR
,to r ilaaolnhhi, nu 1 . RIM.
ing at 7 30, 10 35 and 1 30 a. tp., and 4d• and 080
k Ile to Pottsville At 10 40 san and 650 and 600
ihant Wed to ..ishete • w
Western Itiress from Now York, at 110 it. in,
lAI 50 and 110 pion. ' L , ' ;1. , )
i arrlibp 000tomodatIon 'grain at tl5 i s m.,
alt taill as at 10mde
118 11 and / 1 41 " I n I s a l m
ii 1 m....% P. t .. di n t/ tts a oa.
.. 111 ite l i n I•. i t. dbwit i rd 10 50 Ati t il
! wilt'
..ti a e Ifttell Phil elAkit ti V II 1
Gp trains
11 :ve thtladel pia or
rtsburg and otterime.'at Z.lO im . 011 a. 4 ip s t P. Walla Ina P. Til V 2 l
out,. ..,.e . 6a. xn. trains oonaeo tad for
TiratuttWillisonsport, Emirs. B go. moot*
a ithltsr. lc ittsl 3 3011. m. e thane fritin Phtl4 ,
s ivi tof elP o h n i4 ly a an t :Wept a m talron it s, 4l.l4 4ltw% 46 arnk ribis
tiding AebOtaModattoll Train : leares Reading'
at 80 a.. tag returning leaves Pigladalphis at sla
potitoim MoomMOditiOn Train loAvok Pot*
to at 645 a, m.. returulog leaves 1%110414am
ati3o m. , ~ . .
1, he
t tat
o w Pap t re a ll M a l f ir god Ot v ratt
r lO i f allinsoro t i'ittil li t b. atui alltp west,
mid tl9 atialtit yam pi n to 44 . ft (eta' ,
Pittsburgh. umeaster„
elematou. W kes "fat " 1 :P
/.1( gimp aka tha
Kalsenger eavo Uppe said tOO i. 4,
i staltig.m., of pinata, sit . /Asaouter
trans Phateo4lll coupon ticket* lan4 Mint.
mute Uo e at remains to, I thgprixeiggl
W "ln iti t t a lets tiPter ?sil l urbetWarit i
11 /0
l am
am Potato lad •
if 411 Waal%
Good for 2000 in es
get 0,11 petits. at 05/50 reo
finale+, and baldness rats
Good for the holder ouly• for I. 0, 9 and 12 mon a%
between lairs:ants at teemed fares, 04001 seston
ttakets at, one-third teas than l abovik, t
P*ltrigers will tahe t e Sleress Tralut
rfest at the Mater DePOto and °titer trains at tbr
Lower or Old De;pot.
100 Pounds
of b l e i ci l alte al lOw vod
lr t ,
ruslentullOrareque4tedtopehiseaairt ok e
before mingue oars. SO higher tares ereerg
Vergoigolrowltor4ehit t by7Bot.e
Aeseramadation Tor,ln to Pbltedelabla and return.
at MI6 each.
Q. A. NIOOLLS. 00n1. Say%
• t uoo , oir:
. ~t
0m0r 4 1 0 010 440 44****6
;lull's) *ale Mt ittrasiOug•lt
' Molls
*ton ; octAL f lifro
tsollisteNlNAimaritrid*oo3oo4 s , rt
- ~.
WOOD r ''
ow &ID BAnzirGicooplknot,
v •„ r 1:;•,; , x;,.. :7 - ...4-4 , ;.-
libkWe Olitiifititiottitt*elk* to 01 1 .
i tho City. • sr b
t i
a4 ii i., " 4 44:. 4l4lL ii. ftitijili li
r ~- f= ROlMPlOttalie .---.. 111,14 1.?1,V i
A ,A 1 : 1 . f , !!, • ? Aq i ,lol,' , / .. , ..., - A+ 4A3
~. , , s 4 •,_f Fz•-, - PP , vl ll l ll l,ll A -,. .ii.t.'
IE I NIT 1 'P.T 1 1 1 0 11 1;74t ia Ai' 9 969:40
i v
duly t iidd!eisof,t 4:l,„tlii **t r. :
liattliki, iiich atoms ttit kfif4,4, ill* a 44:f;
, '44 1 111 1 0 1 0 11 4' L the a4TV41441) .40Ifii ,
Plol l ,Prit , l% t„ , 8 91818 , .., 1 89! i9 81 9, 81, " ( 1, 1 ,9: . 9
4144q4 Oi sue lderwpf%pf,lfneuall, otsn
* 11 1e49• : ; , 40 " i i# 1 4. , . t t ,iffo* ypitAelll '
!„.,;,,,,...e,....c...,144 Aliro,.
nabup bi o:Dent?.o44o. it 5 0. 4 40, 1 1 ,1-
sOariiticlpifoternaketilt..l4o l w . • '
iv i
eikei .14 8 .4 e, 1 004 :4 1 0,t1 iiiit;99,#4o4, „. ,
tlikiluisot tie. 0 8881 4 '89 8 41 11 1t 8 4
09' 8 014.7 1 p lei i ! u r 7 948 0 4 e
/ 1 4 1. its ) RI . 0 :eveitr4oi..
00, ~o st umula hik 0, rim . ,a`. . ey. biii
ben. ~ 4: 411 5 43 wi1it411 iiiiint4.94on l
0 81 8.8 4 0. „. 1 1 90 . t,, a+ Ft94 1 ,09e
'OD 8 Or k1E441,. ' °N, , , ,, .- •,,,, .• ;, • ~..-,• .r ., t
i ii re g 0 19914 510 Paiisl,l l kBoB4P49l
0 ' *PBwet , bf ,38,44' a*Mall)
11 , .0%Q 1 1, 1 0:4 81 R 8 4 1 4, 0 4; ootintil s , A4
9 1 , 44901 11 041,00 998 W 47
r: , .i.iii. ~ 0 1 1M08 PI 1 1 99148t,0f*
0 1 8 408 litay ultr.fill souvegi
( W' tit i ,
_ B 4u# 4 Dx 00 1:0y, AKIIi. m,
mi t
i l
lif t etto: .LAvro*sit , Mci u st i M
i)ftq ve4o eop ,. ,
41 i.m kw" au . . 81 9 4 1 . 1 14814 kg
pp 4 0 4,8' 8 94 810 499 . 8 44.. Sei 0 8 fif
mut " 4.1ft , <0410149,0A8 404'3044
09.10:9, , 11049!944 10 # 40' .. 8 1 401,8999 8 in
8 94 , 01491reYttj V - A 8 ' 95i , MI IlThill*Ar
420 1 4414 Wit% 4 8 ,1MIPLF 8 89t0911
a9 1 4 8 . 4 441Vi49/4491t9Piri1 1, 4r481
4 9 9ft .90P •R D At"' 9' wg Pt lk,tl,
, 0! thik, .0t,14 *s t iditol 44 4 igtfer i turn
kl 19 . , Pi14Y,1i.?; 1 .c04, ell_ till
ItAQIC paith t 4 '-• iptiiii,suo
usurp g ent Ala r4r. et t :eQu'llt°
otioo lilt kliiitif" 1810n00, `iket i 'nb",, ht
the initittition andthii finidarnelitelp di
elples 'of, onr:= government,tthatiwe dtend
il l
revel tion 110,44444040011g10.44 0 1 4
The a onsatioe , la,iteteded, _ feiid ab.ellvd 3 t i
canal) be entertableil4tee 5 steentetet , ty any
18.4 a ~ : ,y,Otarl ,114 x,:. ' af t _l_49lAbit,i: Ivo"!
owl 4 4 Wilk i'• :/9 /%IVMI T,P RI t 9
'OM .I'•t.
_ : ___OP . '.. ' ''i t :, ' •• IVIIII*
2914 6 WA: • .._ i' . , \.AL s oyitilitim
r , I. I 9_ I VA ifki .' • 4 fii , it". '"i s *
Ai r is •iw . " , it4e, 4
tellik eetigt4l,4ll4:Vit ' ••• t ' /*F
Ifitelk Or i4 l • • ' • 101 1 71 • 4 ifie
I ; WM_ j , WV. bit •,*;;',ff •,.i.i-,,Ske ii, ' • , tlitleitii
I Filk% %Wolf e.,4\ 1 1 1 ' 4' ~,,WAP;e91 4 ,1414,p,
.t, elle ;$ •e. , a 4'ffl tlait e lt
iller.9 ifletA to TOMO° gm ; Ups ,
IP* eMev Vet kve ,Perlgl.W* relro, u 1
spy A temptlideutl,9lo9llB9Bl o l' iriti6 ~ 0
ballot box and the supreMe, , s ieili pr., the
444ev pat!, pople RP tile. ; 0ti1i404:41411 of •,re•
141,4 1 1 1 , 8 ; O Av keb we 1,94,1Ft5".- -, i ~•; '.„,;; p ,•-• ; ..,,:
v ,,t(e4 ow, inpperatat 4 1X414 , 8444•10,
Al 41% 4 1 04P1 1 . 11 8 Ala Alla • -1 , 910 1 00; fQP.
i YAK 440fkarliail 441419 1 11% POO Mile
• 1 110.89' Yi.,t4B 1 94 , 3 , 8, -,ile k i404# 1 1 , ,, fleet iite•
*OP, see, °TATA:IIO9I9Ft*. lot. 1,4
proc*.etkaraitor!eit Itontiree,„ KT :Ma Iltla 1 4
Op Oilid*to, you ttrii ihi'ittii;who Lois 4*
vex; tbe.B4 0
40 8 v.0,,eUtilet,e 1 9'01TAPti•
rompilen)f - gqiopMerit,4 ll l4lafitg tO. ,ifig
!toila by Mgr°. t11911,41f:A19908r/ 9f,PrOilf
pgitirlo reatF l •oB4 I . ;. thtlEk(l4t Wh o Ila t ifo ; in*
creek 4 our,e,noretouett by,,P*.eifittlf 904
ogre their , d eePerg,, Or., i 4 1 8 lieelk - le ,
ty , ,o a gcO3 I TP meedve . •4 8 ivit friNketivfki
Od their ' incompetent:lY to ' dim nisk, A ottr
burilens by iitmPiot . ii oPkiitiiiklititilmith
11 ,
mutt ; Om , en who ,ltvo., ea 4;54141244
our; herdiii.t at they prees.xith' oxiitekle
Iveigtot k upop i 11Q !Apr, and indnetry„pr4
octint , tpalung rich mcn•rieber, by nab •
poor en poorer. , {- ; ;• ; , •,.,, - 1 . . ;f, ';,-; i
, (Wing to: yeti we t tin3 6)4'. 1(144, 41%
' denze4 for three yeere orpimit.Pci 1 11 ,, 1 94,4'3
dune to .deny Until your votes Ores
[ self•gbvortnnent to the'Pe9l4o,4f ten ., .1 5 .4044v I
' the ptii who hav,o ,tehen.:eway,the,, , f reg
of on OhlefVegistrate,te.,hieuve.l a•Af th'rel
9/009titm 9(..thellewsy qr.= to Noitiffittu , t i e
, army, andihe pavyot - the United ti - 4 , . e
' menlirto did, th eir worst to expel t he ,
~ 5 -
[ dent Irrotn the White • Ilopeo,-roroi
~ . a
faithrtilly the behest* gryonr suprettiof , ;.
the menwlio,belegeopscious $)(044.440014
le l
dr,c4d4d to ,hav4 the Supremo Voutt..4o Itiff
•their 4 quttlittut and , the foyer Aria , 1 1 ,*
'Julie lotion and silenced it 4 votie.l , - .., ' , Atli
whg eVel'AleiMl94ool
•viield 1414 8 '9.0g , 40.
_,„. t• i •• ,•
_i' i til - El
ti l t,
•apy ontoloions, ' fl 1 PIVA9PO4 ,: 1: +i, ;;
' . 4, Ag net theielniiii4iid al theivldespetle'•
pu Nei, whioli Gonentl . l3ritiit Woold,bois
powe lean to hinder as he whom they sleeted,
tour ears age hiui been 1 against these Melt:
, their primes in the Palk their' fast • weeds.
plishrg deal/. ns in the future Ton are sone,
to in ke oneTinal end determined ontileitgbt,
- Ftitir Yeitre age we:felled to ex p el theta
frem,lpower t thotigh we predicted theA,
s !
lop, redio; their :incompetently to'gw,o,
teth pcople it,eapo 1-'401644,0rib, 'ea Wet:
116 W coax°, tho revolutiopari, PO/Pc l l l l l it'
their iniet• 4 04'0 legidirs,t.. 106 r i llelbeii '
p4rty lii. esthey Wool . rule we' titiOntiy, 'With'
t t
,tip dts oti"sway. . Buttes e th,itrYOrs•hriff
Joh ed lir warnin g.'' °orient p °delis,
then ere heir enaimente•;;l9l% / ` . iir• - ',1 8 9 •
ebred th y lioi 04164 , •Thertkoliiti*thei
u*llo steady prof/tee& .. Oleo ripe, e- it
(Kiwi patriot to . jOirf our: rota. • -' -,•-•, 4 1'.. , i•-,
3f4he peciPle*lll, noir, rittelti titeir 04014:
•aud ight, theY can isf,:tiiiir , ,,fiAttutimiii
and ebnild ;hem ; If theitri:oittlinkfout
.tie, dlOBB of *Or sacred titteivilif t #o tittfelr4
ht the last font yeail liaitbeinfittieomPllthed,i
, alid lo much Ili thepettfogrypireineyOsilyi
'be actomil.lehe4ooAtteeie then reftsi A
that he Revobition w il lbeeppiea fliieal
.thqi,, truetttro of 'mite goeiirribient ;will itif '
488 8818 Plet9V vetodeled:' , 'lt trieyle a
Bove nment ; still it will no longer' s ' be yor , -,
Representativetilllfl44l4ll44,44t,-; ''' ',.,.. ,' 2••'
Vor this fillet 'straggle then; felliii-Diite- - :
v l
erat of ,the • Unit,e4Stetes, It turiovigt
eve muscle an d• ierve,-overy boort,. '--, e.
44120 ia sherl.',.,The reeleityibbOvn 84 ' ,
ere, for. our..,vieterrWonld„lie. the 0;
We to thelieppblican ploy. .40oilit.. ee
.1 ) 8 9 11 bold tegether 48 8 8 1,4 841 no - • * •• i)
,it .not not inirvivk, i9 B t : 98 ,„,"8191,_ 4 8 -
`,One victory , ioi . teougrw` , AoT-1414 . 0311'
14 1"' cabOr w, 111 4 88 A4 113 14 0 1 14 /$ 1 3V14 1 9 8
ktiitlititiOcki;itit it `-!, .
Wiltkii§ri .• " -an !;.ii . .• i
Al it4fitioiptl i o ~ „,411040#,,z..,
.*,ittAind - fill 1 ie . , , sp.,-
iii - ,v.i4.T4 44 4 ,0 , , 1t\-,;00 1 ). 0 ' 4'0 4
or. ' - 4 ..7 -• • . • .t,"
)fir riPAgil*f ifllbicikit,n,3:- .4 iitik
lista "04.*0#0 ',to tittC . 4oll'
uts,Victorli..,,, , '' :-.. ',; . 4 '; 4: 5 '-, -:!.,
41.110,„pift„0*,,V, 444300444,1,1
, i''_i' - ! ki,:!•••:. ?, • ,
,„ 41 ,„ ......,,.,. i ) ,..1 L
:4 o i l l iwi t , 711141 F -, •
.ri 1~ x
5".7 !'
l: ~~i~l i t
~'~ ~i
1 5~ ~ ~ ..
= 4 .
..,,, 1,-.:? , , , i ',6
;7A 4 1 1)0)
tbithltirjtiiitk., tf40 3, 44 4 13 1 34k. 4 : 4 4D .
tennis the bloolcallt, - And ar . 3 Yl*ettor• -
b *SAKOP i r itle; . 440, 1 ,th.
414ftle , '', moltikiliiiglx
oyokything wi'dkoottlitotat4ifol for hs fulfill.
T,, ,, ,, , t4. 7 kAt ,
WAl t ,ttle'tip 4; . a tr i , S . . rac
k,..cia, rti , , .thor
a body—laurel-4M ofi ifivi of one in
to the 0140 '
of ttk
1 4 3 01 ) ,,e•
0 0 t
60 (
hvintlitsatiietiV9.oll* *O4 ' i :
ibi,itilleiti4 • i
pu ,
Ah *1 totouit 4411 • - * C:'
itiw , letitlia,A9:o4%.4oelk i ,.nle . 0 wnod•
, '-,' ,t. : i f. , &,44 4 1 • .-• is .
, • •
(kMfederate vpaddiesat intdv, pewit W I Vith
g0rginuA,N 1 44401P01.9401 1 4,-*44oetigsri
were' prendiment ' doilnieiti: eifille ' blade
tOin aritythligktiderlhil futiiikettaw,ioorna
!4 1 '7% . 111 , 0,405t $O. 044eiltit4 44040 di(
spa:Ata ? wite .o 4ealt Jn •'lluvaeefibe mixed
with rye .'' '' nye oaten' Ili it' good' eubetitute
*ben. , Vier 1 • and :' bideisde ;''lldititi'iniViivinty
available reeelree4, i j o loweApat v lo mid drank
it on a,eold wlnterovening, clear and Burg,
iiitiiTi 16404 iiiiiithlittlati did ii
atm far kelt drill ).?it'4 A'..v , ..;:lpf,f t t..*1.1 '4 , 1
11,1t,wakit etrleentelibtlittiltnsokwititloart
itt9A4)l l ll. li tt,9lp,Witif 01 10, 0C.54 , 1 1 10 4 1 11
paraphernalia of , Dotties t to l Amli let
ir r
li Orilal dross whifCsatlllgfr •
woolitortiettoludisiliti:'' 'i‘ Ili
10 istnillolo4 , 4l.' Ind t e r ''Sil ! 000. . . Ntik .
, !.. .
iiiilaitiffir Wei' laig hidteitet ' ' ,, 4 . • ft ,
liiii r 6Whiliiillti l itel Mill ' lOW • 'Mi.
dies' secondlWirlik6htf t 7VMPoldtid !
adrll444yritite tento4o4' eltillittliidi d
iiiivfifti , ,*(l(in oplt o ttOst i viir 0 .
r i
lidokit tOir6 in. ga it :,(fOnuin'olllr 4 o 4 ttl ,
fektitiOukiel WeAld - litilt'trOV:so' •
EiiiiiiitelitiiiitiliAlflnditt l efirketit iigi
ifitisifilailiett.l44l4l4difraiiitt 101 1 4
otVir,f4; l6 l t itYlitielWa'r4V ' 4 01 4 1 4 1
ienliOAS nli s ito
e "t l4 -• ta O lly 11V1 'S ' IrkiiigiliVlA 4
':l4 inidfiatidiienitilintidtibeil
but • 'llii lir*, fiqjt 40404 ctiithltholi
hitsbande, fatherileit 144tneghting ! dig. .
posing ;Pt Verrillpt4lloWVArt4l9•Pt#Agallt
itear, for "Virginia Olotlo 'Anil rintafvia '4
tnoiit pi . it,itr Step ' , to tit 'last ~ by.thaz `MtittP , of
eottOni but atter i certain eifsif ft Wan,Vd#
Medili nhteine4). ("4 4 0 4 0014V OifiAl,n*
that had been , silent eine° the' lintooP4,
grandparents ! once" mOrei 'gay° • t4it., liNtei!, , ,
fui bang innigetibant,tluthOitilbeld,OP: '3o' ,
a thrtAr.liow.3ol,o3;:i44o:i fiki44ko4, f 4,
the fair belles, ;n'sed to nothiltg : sass ~ it
silk and'find linen,' t' 't
1 , f:: 1 ~‘ , l' ‘•t':', ' ,f;.', .: ';‘'
IscOstuawswiro waoskiAtti***.A
:q: Itiir, 6104 ,4$!. 4 r 111 4,ihi s idPk .:),!'t
4lattOr dated St.'.:P4Pri s* 6 01: 0442.
'rack's island, from an officer of the V?H
..lietrei ' stituter ,
,"illayanda l :' 00 tiVivs*,
inibied, on 'our:way to this plaa'Sioll'Orelo
berg 9r. 1 V:0 , 9/1A 0 ...01'04 00 ,1. 0 0 4 44 * - Y,i ii:
al;plo . iti: Am , cost coed ",lteielsokaysi
prefil.,en'a !until napitit:.;ln f(tot,tiiiii -, 00?
try o.l.t,,Asit i4li )A0 4** 464:414'0. 00
.ro l t
h-seilk an far lit' , MaeW t , Vr# : o4,
, whose, think ' th e . . 0 4 YetillOPti hiii o4 l l :4l, 4 lk
Phahtlet 04 le. on
. ,i lids " iii, * - eltate. • ,
• The Indians, Itt(Pll 4 ,4l'lli i thrit°A4l4l7 . ll4 .o
a most indolent raeiti l partieulayls , i tiko,soktit•
i ern tribes "I:btit at we
4 ' 441; 0 . 7=1 4 ve0 1 : 61, e it; Pr'
`4o:e.tipliecorthgt..ll6, 40.11 b:
sour tie with the Austlanor , :
liatte,*:fanieftet to 7 , '
141 0 14, 1 4. 1 0'04*,04 . Ai l
t e ;
iteiligWd bi this,eliengi4p.
i I fez,:fi rill 40:!thIR 49104
4* 444 . 0,4 1 ps i!,ffimet.**9l4
.hofvixttellome, ti.:pl) ilk%
04er . \490,04, tho,4o,v_ ,
tpopoi l 41.,04.1 4 .** Rt0 0ki
:#4O foiql,)rty. ~; ,i,, ~,i ~
.t.,OutP4itTgi iii,), sJo9.ip
iieli 4rtoripOr#9ol,4 l
2104 ilidDlon ;I**i
,ftli 11 , 17,1 1 re..0 1 1% Pi) . ?
oe,otisli ' 40 i t ti At:
,ottift , a* th Se it 0 1
{Melts: , iiindigi pr .1
anions Ann tmtskertint , th:l4,t
itl s
Iprinmpall ii wiser, ttoestuppat ;
istantly s !- -
is 4P9 , n %.•
. 4 I Oki ilio
1 lee teol et
',and China 1 1
r 4,0001
1 1
Wnd Tl %
t - t
ice rondo' ,
;1 ant toldirt
fat klui)
~ H , l t i t ;'' •-•= i o, ‘, !:.;‘ , tow
, I r • '14.0 pr:, ; ' 1 ' • '. . ~,$ ' ' ~,„' . t• , ,
,11(14fittctudtv Sthitylvi#444lo,l .- l i ... •
northern part of our ons la _ ~; ikei
lie 00eatt. WOW* .0f tin • • '' . tir
ltiattafilittilr. NO Off't A ll , ' k ..
1 4011414 1 04-,1't.04 etlt ~ l' 4, 4 ' ''.,.
04 o,Ait