Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 27, 1868, Image 3

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    DM, PA• ?
' 14 P. 11.
manna: are nniasteod to bluid in their &d
-ements er *We'lp, tte del as P 0 104 . 1.4 04, 01 4 r
111400 441 44 0 1 4 1004 000
abosi giAs.' "
cow s:I4IPM lateadedispy . PaidloO .
ap, V; Ote
Nita NAOLIi halt be laiest•ispailed bi iitleAsii.
Ms Pisa% Mlll, RI o „ ri 0
of the iertletc • . e - i t . vi d
Nu to mitred tir th a rv a rr;
Mite only, on else Orli of the paper, and seplain
ly as 011111141, itilhOlifidiatishili. ', ' ".: ~ -.. j.,:••A);,
Sossosissas wbo fag t 4 reoolTc.the BAOLII
willooriferitsvoit Weal* Nottecatiblit
'Ace. where all .rpteithocßf inenimittand
lames of deliters ill' be prtieiPtli attended-to,
comics roitOi rit , oalit arida tir *cattail ,
dons short and to the
- !ptoo
lied for *ori , Jtiti l atiric
D. L.—Biriet 0 14111 04)1 -. ;#4 , 4,
Yellow) meet - raudilt)
Green, meet ,''bled,
White, mOotilirdil :2. lied
Fourth, Fitt alit and Seventh,
74 1 N0.,10 . )
ig m y, meet Fouth', 7* / .N O. 1. •
i l it O t Ail t b ,
Blun t meet if•inrtn.'7l l l4o. B—all.
Maki !IPA Th# l ,l, :PP!.+ - AI"
TRIM YAP( A 5.017114 are
already looking*A4ll4 titT hOfts ' 4'4 *
Dbal bum 0406* 4epvsi, ,Oathoiptltj Jr iii•
thew on lOU manure heaps: 4
The Iltilottatoket kW be tubtorlible; with die
Croats with enproldevid ends' are snub worn
by our belles. $ _
New fashion kid 00,60 t or I now t
with I Ormill ' " ' ,
This crisp Magnin W Oll O/ 9 41/ 1 ., at k J PP-4f 0
the rase ands rosy odor to the °nee I ',I
Our lain merobinti ittidiets heti! decline In
stein. Those who hers it to sell, had better witch
the inarket..
Wild phsonibere tiben their departure. Im
mense nuntberi were shot in thh locality. •
In Goads they tar ,the formes enclosing racing
freaks and la cross, grounds, to
,prevent youth
from peeping IP. •
Vail Wide tis litiw winding up. Rehll , 'trade te
brisk. It will Imhofe al the trether groin alder.
why; don't AM4 Yporta spt tan
to be attached to the mouth of bohicoo • Chewers,
to that they wOu'i pill their ahirt bosoms or other
people's Alas
Oblong and thovoornereil cnyoloPttl ore 4lsin
In style.
The season fbr roasted ohernutehei come. Dal
seetil to MODOPOIttO , Ott the trade.
We saw a buteher thief other def. lit a street up
town. cedebotVir i t6: 0011 Moils 14 the' 1 1 0 )1t0i
large olse4oolV which wouldn't go." ,The moo
to a staid still. Reiulti $ crowd et smaller-sired
calves gathered around to witness the performance.
Mutants lu considerable qualities ere to be
found In the oltv they. are oomuiendlna high nrl.
Ott!. •• •
k ef le44 4, 'lli it Portland hotel; s (ow ',Taniniii
doirit l told the olerk the tap
144 , 00 4 Oil htkrn I aw AtOisht It ir 1444 11 .
a•Witiok. • , • )• . r •,
Not Oleasant tick to have about the hoore—s
luttot,ll" f'
. • .1
Yakut deporikOli; talking nltiordly. Oohing Yl
- ' '
ihorto nik,oilniOit 'gist geaMlltFanea ire anii
potoii to 64 the "pottO as °Min as -Otopt people.
The "Irontinw men" who how by, his loge to a
t raPrie bar told lift to horse ' hie teed', boo gr
Tired Wit Europa Nov' York, 8 , 44 will *ion ap
pear in pubtio., .
People should now ley In their o'oalundttotutoes.
Boys should not be allorrud to play base belt to
the Atte% •
P,ottan affairs are dull. No Art - 4' for
drunkenness yesterday. 'rhree lodgira
in the station houso last night. , • f
Comettouista,—Tbe difficulty lit regacd' to
the laying of a crossing in Washinitou street,
across Fifth, it would - aipeir has boon ad
justed. This morning
. wpricnion Jiavo corn?
mooed to finish the Greasing.;
MR. ABR4IIAii Biogrm, is just completing
a hindsome three-ettirY' brick residence JO
the hetql of 'Franklin. street. There 10a
number of other new reaideppe4 being, built
in that vicinity, which . addln Oli'to that por•
tion of the city. Pr..;
AOCIDINT.—)Ecr, oun g en ow%
.ployee at the Sheet' 0 geiyfert, i eManus
a Co., yesterday, fellin the ePideelit, 'and
was sorneirhat injured; ' 7 lie was' taken (At
by his I ' ellow.workmen;'and,w i jt4i l Obahly be
ail right again in a few days.
ciumilD l ''seidit sold
his tavern, "' Pie Washington Houtio,"' PO'
livery stable in Hamburg, to William Phi
lips and Richard W. e s idel. ThO house has,
recently been refitted, and no dimbt under ,
the superrisiOn of: these neon , it mill ' be the;
leading tavern IA Hamburg.
• •
A Plain% BiPanigirkt."—.oarialay fiiegda
can make a very pretty table' 'ol.pirtietiti
cutting off the top of a Olittegill4 ;
la a saucer or plate of water, tritli,a, few biti
of charcoal toir eete4 If4'.' In 'Xi Otact 04 a
radiated feather. plikel 'form t 0,1.40 snekni
unworthy to grate altulyie table: , • •'• •
•, ;, •
Lone Our rOn 'A'satito sift.',79n
Democratio'frienda should carethlly Sean th •
lists to see that no Misisikati :otre made. ,)
is highly important thafAk:matter itho * .
be looked after. "Mit' btoinna a*e
clean," and we warn our friends to be
,tleirlward, ;that AO, ReMlieVit i Pt vPterFl
swept out of the itakeisment.'-.
- BRnes C6CM list, ElOtiiers.—We k yes;
terday published thstiones of officers Ofthe
Berko County 131b)e Society, , and •Atk the
article appearedot wade ,it read as, thontl
they were the officers at the present tinge '
This is a mistake. TheY_were the officers of
that Society in 1862. Through
Only portion of tbe article appeared i And
hence the error,
Ar rEND TO Uneasy° Poptu.- 7 There is i.adi
most 41148 41 lb* lweelit in 'stuttimn of der
lightful , weather t . And the„Fdqwt , fitri9e
will push Ids;Sslicole • force - the 'woiiro
cribbing up Ms corn. ' The e 'W ho delay
Sure to enter front 901E141108M undbeuld
base their fre,l4 . auttfOutter Ainjurea AllOr
extent, Bind ; the shake , la - buudl . int
'strong binds; alter reattoSlpg Oa' essitt .
put them up In: a secure , paitipo4::;,... ' O O
when the cold istOws 00 1 0, , , ,fAYP 1 1 "" '` 1 1
Inth elr t h a.,:y. : 1 .. ~ A ~. .. i; 1), li:f.,
, •4.7.71-A-n ,!, 14 ..4 t ,•21.:( 4;t3
rum' ;I:.
Want to ti
its lands.
On Sitar* Aftertiomi Wit t Awe* &n it
ho 91mmpicm pedestrian "of the worlda
complished the wonderful feat of wait%
Seven• and ono-fourth , miles in fifty-six
pinetes and thirty-three seconds, at the fair
ground at Allenton. It willfie remember-,1
e f It* Mkg 0 6 10 el'auckido.9 1 04" 1 1 *
?summer, sorest m i les in es.
A Yew days ego a yenug girl, accom
plished and beautiful, who two yep . flt ago
moving in , the highest society in New
~Yotlr, died in the cell of a station house,
having been brought there drunk and disor
derly froth the t streete..4let , father, once
quite wealthy, had failed in business and
and she had married a . young man from
ene of the "first families,' who bad deserted
her, leaving her with a child, unable to. sup
port herself. She serene choice but starve
tiojoi opuitexand'.chegae.tke,_hoPrtr-fitto
drank to drown 1161'16'60k and ni eighteen
:months met her death.—Zachange.
Tag Pooll.—Tlie lowering clouds and chill
,winds proclaim that rude winter is approach
ins miat 1 1 51a4 0 4 PRAInt
,housekeepers ire prepa Veet the n-
Nasion. Coal bins are berg replenished';
;cellars stocked, and everything which can
relieve the dark and dreary days will be put
,into requisition: But there is a class which
'winter alwayi finds unprepared—the poor.
At this season it Is meet that the charably
InclinedAepht,doyjhusApeaus to am White
!the coddititin ethnic:Nib chunbthel them.
idelves.' There is a great andgood work be
fore there, Which should not be neglected.
' "Ito that 'giveth to the poor leudeth to the
Lord." -
A. DEMOCRATIC MEETING was held at the
house of .Henry Ifiller,.in the Eighth Ward,
last evening, which wag largelyattended. A.
gied apidress vta • i• =ado by , Ralston,
Esq./after which:on accOunt'of the cd)dn'ess
of the night, the meeting adjourned to the
inside, of the hotel, where an important busi
ness Meeting was held, which was character
ized by great harmony and'enthusiesm. ,
These cold nights make out-door meetings
rather unpleasant, and it would be advisable
for our Demooratie. ficiengs •to , hold their
meotings under shelter while winterhovers
so near.
The Democracy of the eighth Ward are
alive to the importance of the coming con•
teat, and will be "heard friim" on the 8d of
November. '
SUM OF REAL ESTATE.—The property of.
W. geld, ; deceased; situte ip Lenhartsvillei
this county,was sold to Benjamin Reigloman,
for the sum of $1.750.
Mr. Samuel Greenawalt sold his tavern
stand in Lenhartsvillo, (hie county, to - Chris.
tiara Reaser v for,q4e sum Af , $B.BOO, ,
Peter tturkey sold the Cetitiellonse in
Hamburg, to B. P. Egolf,, for the sum of
$2.800. Mr. Egolf w convert the house
into a tin.wate and stove store,and a portion
ipto a POW° residence. .
'; On' SettnidaitYadi the old Tavern titittiA'at
Suranbytown. Montgomery county, for many
years owned by Daniel Jacoby, Esq., was
*Old Att ;Oublio. sale by his •executot's,- to' Ai
H. Aelpti Esq., for $B,OOO.
Plaints halt been made recently of ' the
prevalence of chicken thieves. Our citizens
are, subject nightly to the incursions of these
predator) , bands, Their uninterrupted sue:
OM has emboldened them to such an extent
that they now perpetrate their robberies with.
perfect impunity. Their only means of sus:
tentinen seenif ti 'arise Iron' 'imetulation'
stolen material. We hope measures may be
inaugurated that will lead to the detection
and punishment , of these Ascreante, The
arrest of ono of the party will tend greatly
to dirdinish the, number of robberies, if it
does net result in a complete reform in this
Particular.' We hope' the atiffertirs" by the
late depredations will institute a vigilant
search for the villains and rid the community
of theirs.
NEW RaintoAn.—The Lehigh 416 Susque
hanna Railroad Company have determined
to build 4mediately tho,liesque4oning Tat
ley Railroad. This road is intended to make
direct communication between Afaueh Chunk
and "a point on 'the Catawissa' ltailroad~ die.
tant about thirty miles from Mauch Chunk.
When this road is coMpleti3d.the Lehigh
Susquehanna Company wilt have a abort aid
direct route between Easton and
port and points further North and West, As
the Lehigh Valley Company by their connec
tions now run to the same points, there will
no,doptit 'ponsiderolo 1.111,y ke l, tween
these' roads.' . pfeldine; •ihbtineer; that,
there will be suillezent passenger and other ,
business done on both roads to amply repay
them for all the expense and. trouble they,
may be subjected to in 'their construction. ;
The work upon' the new road has not yet
been contracted for, although proposals will ,
soon 10 received atstlie:otHee of the Com- ,
BTOOK OP Q00D3.--Tiarlos Levan k
Co. j 441 Penn street, have now on and the largest'
and handsomest stools offal) and winter dry-goods
ever brought to this city. It consists of dress goods.,
silks, s,atißs,,to, Their stook of eheatinge is tutu-.
tuallY 1 1 4 roiMillitold Wet? kiir 000.00: Call and,
°amble the kook; find be eenvinaed.,
large and extensive Planing Mill of Jacob
H. Deysher, Esq., located on Third street, ,
near the Packer** Hotel, which was lying
idle for some time acXount of , the break-.
'rig of thtiTtitie'fit Wheel of the engine, hap
- gone into operation thin morning, ,and if
fothing happens, it will run on full time! ,
rom now until 'nett spring, giving employ.'
went tea large number Of hands. This mill
is one or the largest in . the country, being ti%
monster framethuildingl 60 feet front on:
Third street by 100 feet deep, with a brick
engine and boiler house in the rear,• 6°6
onghly fire proof. The, engine is a 50-herse
power,with a horizontal pattern and the most
approved construction, The boiler stack of,
the mill is 160 feet higb.,-, , TVlMilir.Wo,nre
informed by Idrokbeysher, is capable'd
planing, sawing, - and ; preparing : twelvd,
million feet of lumber per annum whertrun-i
ing to its full capacity. Some of the smell
et saws are calculated to, make from, two to,
three thousand,revolutionif ''tier
first floor of this establishment contains six
sawing : planing and moulding 'machines;
three rip . aaws and two right angle cross-cuk
Olitt , ellierAT l Absct two terdng machines
an two finite tathee;iiltli ther machineri
of various 'ads. The second flood
,contains,a spit i cions carpenter ihopi
with .telve double work b cheti
• for. the ilkimnfitetqrai4 , tha ,flumberle s ar?•
'tides Whlelrtielnill'in`eilehlated. to turii
Out. • In the central portion of this floor ar
a number of labor-saving machines to twilit
tate operations, cone's tug of turning mai
chines k , „fit 4 31 rilltpla';
chines, %% t {
-planing matinees, etc. The t rd etery 4
used as 'a store room for flubbing work. •
The establishment is c or omplete thro j ufh4
oroput, 64 otododo ist rltiit; Ina iiktenor
c 7
Antonia IteS4tei. •
'.~ ,ti n
• • .1
ininey Tin
• ';
fulnice.i r o4
r •
. 4,..._ .‘ ~ ;A' 4 1 LPIX 1 01" 1384 ' . staritalaimproetalts
r4 , = ..... :2=4 . 4 .....„.,...,
Thelnaineas at pp litge*Al9,4Thettrary moil'.
lot wiz . moderate; llnt l arlietridierlither IMO-
Ark trnder,th. 014 1 0* ' tif. At,lowe' s
Nut New ink*, kprernmsal. ~, !ere Wli
; per cent. lolieMiiiiki.teW4 *without es.
5 0
'isential .oh lige. City Loans were steady at 104334
for the new, aid 1013 , 1 fir thi bid dd. taller Oold
Um wappoteds4o4l9fe 1 ifdi Pri Tri u v.s
The l'bealo ' made' i v4orolas iismult on the
'Lpharetit(at the'dalntlift,ll4lonestitalnT*lng
i ltead l 1 4 44 9affi_q* 11 J 4 . 04004 ,blkt Plisr
martin i t old it li• - . 4. 4 llinitisirintillairrimd
sold at 6 6 34 t Osisnlioni erll' " *4
3 --a decline of ''' . 4 ' 1 witlir b d iff li ' data Aut
hor Railroad; 6731 for lNorristown Railroad; 35
'for North PanaartriAla Ra11y1.4,4#420 for Phil
-I'44i:4l;l4mnd Brie Safirolid. ' ' t f ' '
In canal 13,skaAltersarall Itlirmstfeelip. Le
,liish NavjgaNn adireOld tilla4. ttlid Scinolkill
iNailtellee Preferred 1i fox - - ,
immiot and nuienier taltvi
i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiesdes
}were unimportant, ,w. 't ,
!. , The. 11,i. .Assistant Tream, er nt #an
!ittliited on 1%14 bit tialfhtoltllell airetat 4
614 11 1 11, 1 4T7 ef Ake Wresser7lloVo4 l, Fs#,lni
At total o f 118440,000Otaolit lelit to the Thu* 'Ot
ihe Val* Stafia Ole. the'll‘litOpplituaA OS&
i The , Phitatidlphhi ie4gePe. New s Yvikt cones
t :CP • 4 i 4, l end . Boh 0 t. . lii.ii. v l .: en , lend air
) thenmeives to th n ‘s colanapirso ,of the bean
'to °teat* c 7.
o r money
Manta, 0 11674 . 4 t w -mere , .
742,16 4
lousiness 0 the co n..... lntry, will pro a 17 ItYSleon• '
1 1 ,1 1 P tic /), MrtZf u rnErert blie D INPI3u steM ,
w s ee a or two pas t i ti watang the mods.
opera i y
elt, einvstan i la, _ atcoon as
that bOdr i l i toi, nano on wlti b e eul al will
Et Vat e.powor °rimy National fiver
II I lobernes of thatchers°
with!mil ea MIS are ahm Ilponmpon ewe
with the beoretary on liinonNtol t.. • „ .
t , iirktitit4 liiniiiikNo; t6ltsiritattiiiiikt}
quote as follows:
I la u. it. vassi .
.. pi. , DT°. Oct. 27, It
iw61.6;;51V:184 ( .i 447 an n: - • 110 1
E ,' st Vtill:iip. .tr?: , ...., , ,-, - ,..610
u. 14. .e ij .. T ut, and :an: -
:w . . 611 %lam - - • • 109>a
o ;I:4 lo g rit tip tg li o t glik ..; * 7 '..t .034
1 a4l at masabut a ro;., 4 •
- ' -U3 ~
The Flour market at Philadelphia la almost at
stand. Mara I0(107, 0 )10ePt forimall tote
to meet the requirements of the home trade.
Small Wee of Northwest Extra Family at sBaB6o
per' bbl.; Whit* Wheat do. dd.
loth 4E160613, and &trait it $7 60a8; Rte Piegti
sells at $8 a 8 60. In Corn Meal nothing doing.
The Wheat aka ket la sten dull ,and unsettled,
buyers "And.WelierilibbideitldelY WWI their
views. Small sales of common and good Red at
$11;141112 10, nnd,..Amber at 88 . 1,4,0 Bye., la
eteiti 'at '4l 85:' fihb = meth Lndtor`L i bttifiae lb
off and prices are drooping; 1,000 bushels utlibd
Western sold atlll2B, arid'buyera andonly offered Obi
figure for Yellow. Oats are unchanged; 1,001
bushels prime Western sold at 750.; suporfide
60o.• Whiskey Is dull at $1 26 for dutypald.
But in spite of the gloomy prospect of this ' mar
ket, prices hold on firmly, and it can not be
long, borer? itmstskive,raT, '4
The grain and flodemarket 'of our City his Some
what improved over preceding days, But the do.
mend is no other than for looat trade. On Saturday
and yesterday . a large lot of•wbeat was brooght to
toWrilbY f'osiers, whietwits taken' at S$ ii 49 foie *Mill'
wheat, and Red, at $2lO per bushel. Old oats bawl
come dowel to 85 cents perk/shot. New aro selling
et Orient&
Several loads of bay were brought to town yes
terday and wore disposed of at $l5 and 810 per ton.
, F1 1 97,* A.14p , ,911Api , MAKE%
ripos-7White Wiwat, 11 t 1)!., •12 GO
od 00
.-Co n rn Ohcp t t I?uphel , . ~,.. 1,,, 1 1 2
, 0 143
" Ri a d/Inge : "— 4
, •
On 100
Miut,—Coin MORI, I: 1 GO
°I411"- Wheal " IS 20002 20
n . i
41 111
fi y fo io . • .' 1 35
„ • - : ;...r ' .1 , 25 ',-
" ate II 70
gh - mayt i at l YAMinl '• i i, , , . 4. '.
4 ' ea ow " • 15 00
, .„.
The' hou s ekeepers ' market pilOes don't seem to
;lye ultherysy, There . is an aby.ndance of every
thing. Cabbage was vended through the streete
yesterday_ at 4 and 6 cents per head. or $ per bbl.
Bider could he bought fiom the wagon for 16 'cents
por guild. Turnips w hich are ,brought in in large
quantities are sold at and 10 cents per half peck,
phipkena were.pold this morning at from 6Q to $1
per pair. /latter and eggs retain sameprlces, with
an upward , tendency - •
Buck Wheat flour will soon bo plenty In our city
and to be had at a fair price. If the price of butter
was only within the reach of poor folksWe would
soon bo breakfasting on our buckwheat cakes.
The prices of beef in this city hold out firm,
though In Now York and Philadelphia prices are
conlint:49lo; We hear of partle6 ithebavo'gone
West to buy alarge lot of hogs and cattle, expressly
for our market. and which we are assured will be
sold cheaper. The • prbspeot thus far is that beef
will be much cheaper this fall than it was last tall.
There is plenty of stook:in the oottetry; no disease
In hogs or cattle having diminished it, so as to be
a pretext for high prices. While the Now York
and Philadelphia markets are supplied from Texas.
oni'etock remains at home for home consumption,
An .Philtutelphia. the cattle market was very
dull last week, and prices were unsettled and rath
er w i rer. 'About 2,600 head arrived. and sold at
8 a 90. for Extra Pennsylvania and Western steers
Tcinfoo. for fair 'to /good, and 4 a 60. pat -VoUnd'
gross for common as to quality.
Boras* OOP)1/11) f1b..L.L.....p.g . t..1 ' et 045
. 1 p . 35
Mass ' see; * lb.. 20Ra
, um: o 4i * tn„........ , ..i...1....7,1: ' u..,a,....2,4 x I
IV dozen...—. 80
Ate“o-1. plvi
npa li aert. 9..ratr ,
lum:M.-- .
ku 4161..1* ,
) 20 '.
0 47 .4r e bbtok; - . N r otio *??.,'.; .: , 1.-44...A.4,:420
• II sirloin. 20
41;: . 1 ;•
. 16 4 e ft rol , y o r
rs , i 1 40..,........ t ........ 70111
‘„ • *. t .,. ,/ .. " . 8 • '
1 5 , a 0r Ad 6 %. ,' 1: . :: ii rf . Tn"t e. r . + , rtt • •
if ' : • ?.r .1 Az !-• •„; 0 0t—,..gfui1....0.. ,:
uo' • . '
f i, —t.11. , ..,-;!ur.,. ',„
44 Mutton. deeosite• ISMI
... ;7! POrk,• 1 '-' I,' ' l ,' i v 5.:46.4141t,..4.44 SO
11t....4 20
, - ::t,. ~ i flailhsna fresh, , •-• ; 7, voltro"n l l•o4.fl2s
." ..
' Hi t zt4lems, i _ '25
' Anted, . • , l' s _ ',i4i4e . /..te..l*.iar ,
SHOV4DERB". ' ..... ':1
;IMES— _. . II . % k j ''
Otl e llfler- - Utilegetli HT*, , 9 ' . 4:l'''"
".- dressed. "
Males liza • , .. ••:>t•(• ....... -•--
i t .. • dt e ss
i • it • -
Potatoes* 1 44 ' Oithkeni VO Vin5ir.t.....6.... , ...
buttier.4 t..:...u.t..1.......i' *•.' 'f.1511 4
• I ' ' - •Fmariwoon, act. 27, 1808. ):
Aw litxxxsz BED . or 40111, i 9t1104 1 10
mountain rid e extending-Worn Etrillineto 1
the Lehigh allehiehowede vith'ilOs motel
in inintentie thihtitiell. Yrdnablillicoveries
Vek.OP l 9o 4, 4 4 Paiilit , ,Thi3, ore along the
vlitcrosidStof thd'hill 4 is Int the specular or
hematite kind, thepritnitive lying exclusively;;
tOI the sou etelde. - ~' 4 4 t - 'i-
,' '
Amp . ,ng the latvit i iligeicries worthy. of
notreeiitontilmide by saiTuei nniiiii; ith.,
otpeoloos octe*PROPMS4.!4.O.I3I,PLIM
TiOttnes, Aro Alit two tatiOwee*. i otiNteal
iroodi Ai intidn fs'tt , Ofirlf ; ;oirited ta :TWA*
Rettitifdei 'Mir art Phiplint'ss l 4B.oqi
Donn heTil, #Ree lion ht it t ,7empla a
itk. • 1 - arilopstaopur it m Th ()Fejt (Kik b i roirifielpastozy k
heat anyth ouPet 'V i %' , 6 1 al:r" a' F
iler itpCiihet.litieltent tlie•it,ectutiW &lin'
moms IfAt • p ' i left itZtAir i
•thifri ' 4,• )"
~,, s 4 4l_ 4 , rloPt., the , leeitt flikt.persee r tirttto.lrOL'.l , i ll"
c " 1 / s r t * '.
' , ,f' 1 . 1 1, ' - '0 :APT f •.• : is litetelly,A9#4 ytort ,4ltognther the
. 1 - ialdWl ''o - `OWh *its • The din;
*• - '''''. . 11414 ' • e tea ihei *Lb .h . ' good
, M„.7, i t '.:4 , f ,AVI Ci rt 0 70 11 ,413 -1 ' '' -' 7 '. ''ll l A ii(f trei
~,,,,,t,:, 1:--, ~t,',1.1. It. ..i -,;,.......! t ti II A '•
1 --' tlt'.. i . ,' : , :' • .• 1: k. t . l -k i- 0 .— . 4 .d i X :,-, ,
~ „ o g
.10, „A .1 , .i •,, :,` •"q,-.. - .• ,it . ,,r•% .' ; i,t .3,t, k 1 , ,, ,, - 1 ~
~•,.•,,. . ,
,) , 1 „ , • ~,.• ~ ..,-,-,•:•.;•:.:, ••,•••:. , .!It `....i , Vi fy, ,
ye. Est and Xlioken Coal.
as, • • y r
Luminous Cost ;
th S a SSMOSSASig at tr,.
App .
i 1
i a
. , , Ital .4 hams li tt
pt •. II t , icr i f. ,,
I :_;- -- r --- Jie,g,.,fia4i,‘*tAe,,llodo t ir. : •
~._ -,,
' wirierreP a N4av av - tr- 5 v,•4 ." ,,
, r , ' ; - f •
. 4 et N e tr li M i krfr't 2r. mi
158° •• '
.. . ° l 4 lP it't t.c .; '; I 4e:- Y t• .).'_,''' .i e; 6 0 . 1 I I ?'
~ meet . td
Red, meet Third, 1 , 1 . t r .
o i biapilki 411 i vtleaso
Pos.neightiors e
. of t t
pecept 'our tutu:A" l i - Of
potiCe. " • "
,ist. Iv stmoieitpte l 7hipv 1 . 411, it
no ttio v,e wor o
-,. 1
'Atillinitlibt Tablitlaie'iranaiii tylnitiC
11311111 Itedgrotre tt wii4o : d o osed of to-unir
ow a ft ernoon at tlie l e nt nice ' '
Cep orr Tiiß taiclC.-4144 kaprnly if
coil ears_rißOf ,thi l Ari k at 0 a u t i y
Pone, ilittriitifilettuniftrthil fi g nine
Pr. 4 1 /Ong time,
gannruarAndiiin * liitio'lltainbliilnt
))nildiagain process of erection in 'driterentf
Inns ourWcitypigiff. 'nit small
'dwellinge and low rents titer in excess pr ;
360 stpplyi , , si ;.! •,.
•. .
e compan y I
'- Paned a ff e"luVaT qU a giltbe•beit
;they - sill a t ten‘
',President at Wai11iPPrt,11..7,.,74
`:moin• Or, Grant. . .
i RENTes CoYol)vr,-L-this efisneert to-night
Re il c l i l ts )e ii r l a o ie l hili ,t i t ic o i G l . : . r ,o ist i - ol ti ,,, il loe d reo; , 3 e iv h ii , o o :: : :: : b tri o i:: :
;attended by all lovers of good music . Pr of;
will o dou b t iro pro* . e
•progratomov t
,he vity 'e t: 4
vs° vO9 ) 444
. 1 41, ivOrkistsiAt
• -
ToittAx, will
ticni, now dii ea
;n1,1 . 1'04 ratiy ,
'State Guard.
Tea latfobisTs hilliwootimetret4e.
icentlY divided,some of them professing faith
in fe et. washing and immersion, Oolleotion
;are . being token 'to erect , a' separate 'than%
for the latter, who Indulged in iminerslbii
'on entidair:kilAirrioOni ;tech
• otheVa'foet ih eletkihg.
SO otte iitottumitt.4-1C tit: Orotknied tt
rein • fund in tbdkeity tobags monument
the, meinoV)% 'AN in
en-, ente*ien in., which %not; 'phi r; fltepied
'fathlr, *boa s * . • son in:. the :ehould
f O l - 10 ! 4!!!?,,PyriP,11041i:.-f',:;!
- ,..14,410;046,
4.i r; Esi:;=dogiiiiii6664L..
verf fitloln on bin (ittiorit:#ol's), 10
tite,,,,,atid; .3lees4s 'tg44t,4ollSlt.'littii
*l4+e gie Weilpef . Ate ownimillitinglp
14 90 feet ) and is iioilt of alipirior ilitdfittniei,
11 all
taken kra;his iinarrioa near by ~ , ',.:.1 ivoi-,..1
' are bandioutely, pointed. The - blt dil is
surmounted With toko oupolia l; tad 14 nip id
in theyery ‘ beet tiile. 7 - 7 Tke ,rontia 'eov red
with elate, liyidlbe eapolia Ornamented with
handobma hallo yam! ko
Tom woodiandaare 40F 'OO in their got ,
r olls autumnal tot)es, frasoatipg flip, 1,40
ireiti4,Keepb be,f,Otta pi4oh. of Wl4O
- .ittapleo r thO and
poplars, the - crintdon: 41 41,0 6 d,t' imd.`,o*
be'eohtii, 'pregVntAt'vien
rioty of colors, truly, Charming to*; the .bif•
holder. Pis is dm to,,tho .1)4,1a
aid" tdesmitaliui,' whether for ' Health ehjki
ment ; when the hilly slopes aro changing
from grcerr to fioarlet,pail .
BusiNsss.—Tho month of October is al.
ways marked with netiviW in all'branebei'of
buSinecis:?'' Bfethanies 'niiitinfactUtikki
whO, 11'40144d advantage df thd'd4)l sant-
Mar months by recreating among rural scenes )
may now be found at their' usual places of
business thoroughly inperse4 la:the - pares
and , perp lexities of IlieireOling. Theiner•
chants, arc purchased largely , falVand
winter gocidsiandluinuthotUglithave,secnr ,
ed the serlites of fult forces of nietslian l er.
• ) ,
To PKDESTRIAWS.-Ati tho Corner of 'Sixth
and Franklin streets can be seen a "nice."
state of affairs, which certainly' is worthy of
reportorial notice. The gutter there is about
seven feet wide ) end two feet deep from the
level of the stre et, audio filled with mud and
foul water. The - curb stones. extend half
foot above the p6pinepti and bricks lie
down and look up fot,,Morey. The stone
across the gutter is taro. sand a half feet i high,
making it dan . gerous for children t 9 pads
over it as the lotesvpuehf would precipitate
them down into the . gutter. It is surprising
giat thci;citiFeka litrog iu ; t4tivie i nityidp'not
a'petitiod tii . ha#43 thingif Ole?.
Pedestrians %biting odliailon mime that
way on a di,irk night, will be on the lookout
and theta:ly . siivd•themseltes'a'dectel's' Jai
How 10 • Naomi, , asse .• ao
Tait Iffou.-4.Thonsineds' obi young .tr(;es , are
destroyed • rpgallyby. those little ',Pestifer:
Ans Qcainpe . , Whey seldom tail to give ,me
their compliments, and in . a!Lob' A ' metier,
hive, „wrsitted. trees with • pa per raid
twine ' ploughed the ground Imola aufniie,
flu t 1 . 4 e 0041,-,caref9lly evroydfein
ft* oa the rees ; ,yet those ;ittlethio,os
steal into ray'orehatd rit4' gardee; itad vf3ry
c 9R4 grit 0 6 19EfIr
wits , 4i vise sitre ready
tloif would be'itierhiakdinjelily Waif,
eqbal Piiits of pine • tat . add
getlier thorouglly . by warniiiigr#l9ll talc
brash and put on the trees . 'OTOS
Eir s t/00 1 . 4 40 MfolTeAr ,fifteeti ' inches up
aronad it injure the trees,
and there will be no more trouble , with mice.
triecilt mgpeyireq 4'4# tit tyi trif§s bat
winter's d wo ked + s i thaMi l My
trees never were more thrifty than during
the present Eles6tair4-DitArkle, Jour.
sui of . •
Is Mo o °6
up 01. b u
Go. Fas6ote P. Eta t JaA,,,,. ... Our ,' t,
swine. for Vice- Ntiald rata ''' ''''
le city ,in, tha 2.28, train th ifteknOon o
way to Mew Iforkyihere iii it to 04014 00,
l ilt
10 be ino6l!,ciy . tollisht. •
lokkommtwtrit w* o nly known hero
hi moo ea re; quite a number of
rominitini l emetrate were at the outer de
' I,to pay eir respects, and as the train
0* 4 41treP,4,07 Agri 71 ,4,
'lltil i a 44 4 l 4 ,l klo: ! /. 0 4iiC;064 16 :::1‘. ,
illaitA fifelliiti.Aalt 4,014,14C4414'
brlll arrive io Heading on Thuttiday at i tern'oon
eit a il
and wt 80 4
0410 y in tbe eve,-
ug, f .The fultpu&ulare wiltbiiiiitionriobd
)0-morrow vening.
Mr. Seymour will be, accomprinied 1
, by
,Y o o4 B ankirit 'OP 4 .)' 400,‘. 1 4 0 4itAuguil4
Ipiichell, and Hon . Francis' Kiernr), - "ell of
New York. " • • '
4 16 in• 008 1 4. ! ' A l . 4 itt • • 4 .
) t .ty et 7
. 2, 186
EDITOR 1 11 1 4 :1 Aso On : Sattirday last
the female hers ' , and sole* other Yeeng.
ad of !hls bottuglii 10 a ripit to ttl)e
*tone NOrmar MOM;•having engsgp'd a
bus of Mr.! Rich Seidel to coneey,thein Mt&
'Cr. They spent a Very 1010411001 day at that
mope Institutioniootetliblikridiel the Nit
that'the Priticif.alt,' Rey. J. litolo)**OUt t was
tabsent, and on a visit tolmother similar lue
Lstitation lobetedst Edinboriough l Pa. Prof.
!Ertrientrout 'barite i Om - 00146 tof all the
teachers and friends of' Othication in this
;county, in being the ptime prover in -tope
rearing in Our midst a Normal Bchooloollich
!commentislitself to the teachers, and capers
ibdly to alli those pirehts Who would have
:their 801111 114 'daughter. properly educated.
Mr. P. arkey, of this borough, sold to
t i
Ir. 0. Eg if &§lo4,o44Rniortnyg
t imbil i ty a te t i e tedi einAtal 0 "Con
1 ouse ) eitua on Ida street. for ,IP,BOO,
ermng bimeplf the right of sli (8) feet of
I Etround i ntioArti e ehOhNbOr stands, ig
i t v:fa u : ulii ample= e in' w adi:4ooE7th
' what he ow ,has, upon which to erect a
large war °u se, the dolt '01%104h is in tea
,ids of I% gully otograits. 1 5,, 1`
Apot . tad meeting will shortly begin in
the Methodist Episcopal °herd, Rev. Mr.
`Grove, paitor. A good meep is antielpa
ti?ij and mry Conversions No ' fbr. f
• A new Estoril) bridge li i w being, coil
denoted o er Derr's Oreek, near the corner
'of, White :Oak and Pine streets, which at
'I4P#PPiIiPP# it, lip ll: l 4 Nlixec•Ooni ft/
otnewha is4la s, . V. Addition. 1i i
The "Ire Moun n''' haa now changed
the wear s gof the "Blue" to ayellow l tinged
with, '
red, which LE in striklivitrlyEA
its apiioOatibti frovieeis ; > ~q ‘
•S. O. I
Tun N w gain* ' .00 8 .—There are
five differ :nt kinds ,1: ~ ps--fill of them
being extellent sp .. ~ ens of Art and Idiot
them in keeping with the usual liberalityy of
"Uncle Sam." They will go into effect An
And After Ihn Ask' ofrlsiptembdrrittirt: 4 eb , l!• , :t
The i'distillery . Witididuse stamp" repre
sents a harvest seena, a very Sim engraving.
This stamp Is intended to be placed upon
every barrel of lybiskey, or other distilled.
spirits Prepaititoil to' being . Placed in the
bonded Warehouse'. It must have the signa•
turo , of the' Storekeeper . and Gauger; and
After being placed upon the barrel, is stem
etilegiciosa by . tlie rostieetor and Gauger.'
The "fax.paid stamp" is for 40 gallons,
but in addition to. this amount, there are
small or'narrtiw coupons attached, varying
from '4l Up to 40. risfiliini•l This stamp .is
very ingepiotishr i made. It is about four and
a half, inehei; square, and in the cento is a
circle of jvery thin paper about ono and a
half ,inehos Iri diameter t ,nylon ;which the
Colleetor i must 1 writoAta signature. The
vignette l represents . a harvest . scene. The
thin payer Is in 'educed, for. the. purbose, of
prev,enfing Imo
~,thihr..tikitt pf,,,'it , king the
stamp off and:, eAtig. c,owitito ' • Azure'.
i l l
Tbasoaiiing 'pietas w . 'OOO4 , , ft troy
thethinkur_4l,nd f kWit ,itallif 0:' * i .re of
the Poliector is otittrelrilestrojed, . . ; ,..t,
Th e skimp of "stock otkittnid" il l. deqigned
forlhe use of all parties % king v 0,.. fifty
gaKOns o f spiritcon hand: I+ 7 o* eitettitjlhe
tarpaid!prioito geli•Stabei,istoleatt, , Vie
fished Over for - p ereervatiin. %ey are .41
bound. in book form, numbered t and. tiowe,
mergiol references. The tax-paid staaip fli
the mos important of 141; and ' every saft‘.
guard has been brought into requisition to. •
prevent , the second use of any one stamp.
The m rgin contains tha number of the
stamp, td the 'blank is so filled up as to
ree/rni u 4s * virAr i vatTet Pi rdeti
t o
(whin u,..a. 0., so that all errors may be '
easily detected at headquarters.. Of course '
these- stamps are to be used in all, parts of
the Unita States, and they 'will go . into ef
fect on the Ist roximo. „ , . , • .
• • 6106 trues iiiiii6igiiink ' •
. tin ro?: i p i Oct. 27.
The British brig Seaside, ' a, cargo. sif ,
900 bble. of petroleum, took eat Hunter's .
Point, near, Williouniburgi gi lOo'clock Sun •
day night s .ualimadlhidedliel Ake•. water's
edge. The explUsion of the petroleum Was
terrific.' The reverberatiOns,Were heard over
a *lda surface of country, and' led many
people to suppose an earthquake had occur.
red.a fire rapidly extended along the river
front Second'ittieetMdt Fifth street on
,the no b, and to - West Avenue Olt the east, destro *ng the sheds and petroleum own
ed by
essrs. Itopkwell, Anderson is Devon]
also arren's ystl, shed and stock, and
Bellylel,mcf l iptoitungt,themhcqe, lontairi.
le g afiiegiegifil tit '9 l BOO '-' bble. ' itetftileilm.
_ The Csx go of the Seaside was, destined `for
lAverpOol. :The loss amounts to about one
hundnid thOusand dollaTs: The - insurances
have not been' ascertained asyet, , The 'fire
on thelwharves kept burog koigttitt*
in the Afternoon. • 1 , • '
__ _
. One; of the crew was onnd on the. •deek l .
terribly injured, by 'the, esplOsiou. • Three
, other men are supposed to have lieen".killed.,
During thepreval,..,eapfl then - eke:neat
'AilleidinAVlVit -."- ', ' ~. `'ll named '
Thomas. KUM ;.'mat: shOt ! y an'tmknown
rowdy; who watt prowling, , .utprObabl,y for
some ill pu!postf.
Th . 10 •4 s ol #o l te4l l o Splooo. -
3/6 - rit 4 ' : • - ior t i ri l
. F,4, wgq
r ' O ,- ,'.:+ ,-. , ) -„c,1;1 .i
_el, 1 ._ik
r i g ti r s 11"114 :&
..;I', 4
* e 4t l l o( fi. " i i 4 10 11 " 4 0 4 t 1 :1
1 4% 54
A . i. M tftin , pl
, p nesaione, UM* ' WWI R I 'Wei
it‘m. z: • •. . .
It ‘.7Pirde4t l ,4* ll ,4= - ii,t 4 104--- •
s l to )04,1 ,1411, ttIiMPA 'kt if
bistoiwniotibitt•4o,l6o, Ni. • rul kk .
tkiente In cot own tlo l h alte l kds 0010TOtt, by Wird
4 k-9 1 4141 ,•„_
__. OM ql.l4,ll 4 k4lw!hus,
icc#o9.!rk.,•, • : Tirnlilt' l 4 .' ,, .e: , 41
to via - ..''
I . • s 5AY.a..2 4 , Q •x;ci.1...A.,,.1:11,,
NT . , ,, 4,ll4 , sittak
lc '
: kNSTA . ,
too ,
6144,0014 ,
i its•PotewicsooliWo
sotlonosiewobilll4444344o4k4: , °tic : h.
0.1•141Wr1AT,444,43tw to.
ItiotblittliiilrbeM4 MO '
isn't 101 4 1eapplitagoaOnVreiti ribtinflitlif a
looptio,aaa„4o4.Argy:o-o , tiprovip
o rg
1 41
;,, , . : ,1.\ . 4 't',_ ' .',4 .s 1 .• , '':.,; . . 61'0744
,1 2 .,f0/4POO. I ,4 I ,I ,4 4IiItteOPPYMMIIOd
i +;'!Uith 4 94 414 4*A.* •,.' . . gl,tiVit,
~ •, • ~., : LI, .- 4 ,E;‘,F l m _p: , 1 4 : ,.vi00 1 l 1 11 5 4 , k. 4)
Pt* OM .. 601* 41 11 . 1 V vAt
...p i ... R N
• , ~ ,4 4 ‘ tbio,
4 ,
.1 1): Ekit ' —. SOAP -I C
I t
'i• ) V1( i' I ' gsms.4o.lo
• ) Ir A
; 7 1'.1,1 1 ", 11 1 , ,, v , lo wt 1 :1 ; i ,•.,... 7":.:ii
tiiii,6 tUiLfitniiiiii H v itsbiliff4:4o o l l o
aty (. I,ba pproru ea at ,P d I , ,'
r ov id l . 0.7 e mt, they are talkauntota pg apd
~ ,1111),0004 r f i cti g klRejui p pr, the
' .4 1 +'. ~,
~ , '
~,'• 1'. , - . ;:tqi ii t , kiiimel i t o & l iti 4 4l
t.. :- l't 1:" rerteeire*OaratlittatisuilW *Or,
'erne flute) HOU Of all awelptlonewt l't :,4 , '. 1 / 4 - z{•tif .!.1
Hou teller, oars at opkoe lee the greatndran.
1114 rittiltra l itiTlfrharriput
,• -‘f ,i .._,lsl. ~. „ ~t , to; •,i)t . ; „4 , ,,,,, , ,
Pilid ., erilethti ti lit4tOetillei
fare t ere, ark aur popaurp if or , ,a r i i ,
inds 101011( as valet, unit areal k ~ ,--rrh ,re
. t
ttlatd Imi—t the thousUni , aU:i ' one
i " 1rM 347,1 4 1: 04 14P 4 A fad e
, mei ; ; ,:),,,.,-,,, -• , - F. , ",' :,., '01:1'; ,:; il. ...Or , ,', ~•'.
-•,• eitteurtOart OR FOG gariatlVAßl44l4oooN' V--
o ea t mevory putpc4o stiov.. olio "/S TO/
-be are in the same al mle; par ppio,t ~
-thlr excePttba thet it 0 1 7 reciliirmr •
th kern o all Omar el 00_0. aegoop eh the rame,re
milor if b,t 'ow It,: umptTm ut :01 , the iViet 0
0 Ift IN Aare ' t , .=. ~ ,:--- r.. ~.)„L ~,, 1
v ,I w4iNpio. , evilit; nroil in .4dossto by ,4.. 5 x ..,
11 katill3 ,!, , t'IP VI-A.liti L 4 43;0 lee 4t.1,:,
. - '1 ' 1 : BIM • kitli `Op :ALT4 , IitITATIOII4I. : a -,.. ,- 'i
alfautAteit(red NgcluOtelv. bi lb 1104 qt Omeiteen
I: , i,Soap (1)4 log , itrolt ',ltem , rA tpagetOrai) , ~.,
, ili ' ;': • n .atilljtj ' i - + , -Ct' I.)
' •i' ''', ' ”
..`'... Zif i r % : -, ;.... ) '.. ".l. jr , i'• ' ,-;• ,` ; -L - 1 ~.'in,“- 0, 4 4
. • ' , ''- PijOtriag 1 0A1%,.. ..
/iir iv iIURICHOLDICR 6 MADISIRAp oornerg h
antl t eehleitonfrit,To94t 8010 ditentaP„B et.
o itft
Allinfi 91,5/0 , T P,AT liwr - 4, ~,u,N.I
TY fi 8 T jil t '. v *,
, - , • ..,,, ~ „.. ; .,0-
. i .. . ~
' • • t ' s• ' , 1
Mg. I , d " ''' ' ' ' • 14.: . I 011 i I tlt ' V . : 4
6 - • • i ~ .-41 41'41'
;I • , ,: 3 4 31 -; '33 3 4,:„.,
.:,t , . 41'.* . i
?. 1' -,i ;:'','
41,0 i • ' 11
• J,
~f i 3 it . r. , •:. V - 4
-, f •
'`.; ~. '' ; .'" ' . 4, :4, e, is'.; il4 ‘,.! • ~ , , 4
. .
: 1 , 0 '3l Hri
7 f 3 - 3 3 ,
; ... 'N
' ;,.'t ~ t,
• , -, 3 1 .f • . 1 ~, ;,:il 1,.... -44)11111111161.44!.7:,..„4-1..4
-. ..,' - i'f? 4 - .
len f • 1
t. , , , -; , i'l ,
' • 4'rt 1-, 'I
• ', 1 ,-!.. tf 't..1 1. 1
'.,,, , „ . . , c,..4 1 :-S:•‘ t" . . : .0 '?:, i:J":' t!.‘St ~_ 1 I
~.,:: :.., . t • ,' '.' l lt , ..,' . . roll! i.'• :4.1111
odor •,.: '. '-01.01.... 1 : ' "-AI V
i, O ,
't. ; ;:j . 1..
).1 1 iti • , swi ii i It , 4 - , ,
'F ' 1 • 4 .c, i , , ; 7 1 1 ,; 1 ... , ,
. 1 :';
fi . ~ 1 .41ó1 ' 4•1. • : , I •gm 4
- %-itti ',•-• ••Ii• .:•
• - • "' ' ' . 1 3.3 ‘. .
'3 . 3,3 k. „. 0 3.: ; 1 1 l e }/1 . : 6 fl• '7l ,
ii , 51 !Ilk *': ; : r' 1, 1 ., 1 (;: 113-^i.(l , ~;. it 1114)- ~t„
~.,,.,5„...„, 4 t....,,,,„
.„,,„,,,..:. rz , . 7 `., T: 4 . i . r7 . 1:: 1. 4 -i ,1 iii 4 ;;10
i i . r.,if,:i 1,,: .cl,t 5t . ..4. ‘ , !:',.i . , 40„Nfyt ti
i t , 4; . 4 ..,;;,, f 0 }ILI . " ' ,l,lff , ;; . '1 iri* . I.i . i!fec,,,r i ,lt
r 1
' 44 f - ' I 1+ ( VI I'4
• •••‘ a .5.,-,z : w ~ ...•41 - t,014,0,:t ~,,.-, ta ..r. ~,k, , , S..
At, f.S , ;MW 1 - ,:le‘' r,lliff-,041 MO 34 4II•411.
r tit . r.yr . 1 ,1 , it - : t . co - i , iiil•l E ':1 ! 1 71 4 4,04. <4 f Vail
. ' li'''. CI :+cla ' VT ,1.1;154'4 : • Ciil ;114 i f i t ik-e,yy
, •::',:tiit A iNtt*; 4 l'tifel
6 -.71, , Li -it, t : , , ..v , ! , i A - . , i,.1: itiv ' - ::;1 , .'';') 1:)i At; 3.4 t•ii-Ii
94 1.1 5M0 .fri'- - ;;;l'''' . li, I ill: ; 1. , ,: ) i s\ : •f' ''
i.liroo4fP - il • ()i' 46, 6 1 4 ' - (s r , 1- 1i;1.1 - ;'4,
,-:..-.. ; , ' ( it
1 " L '
1,..'4,....1,r? i, ,, ,.- , t)ti4 , :`; ji .,.. ,- .- '.L ., atU
. 040 -itia.3
ia4liii i 4,oo - v,or"J
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