, J. II TED pugiamo, il AvpR.Y Atratitiocig ~ ,, e , , (Sunday. Oxooptod,) - • -1 AT TBH °PEI" Ob 11`411111114PitglwApaite Nth as', via . int iii;l4l , ''''• tit y ..., ..„ „. , • ~ , , Th egtllo4-N9 VAILT geOta TfUllefiralalstie 0 g Üb!C ell n 14g CU, AV itv caNiejPilti !In./ O mill etiblcribere at ;S,DO a *ear, or r 2 ,25 ikl el —to be veld for invariably in, ellionce. 'A it are!] dednetloaxill tto to WO te flUtp, 9 r tort or raoro apt>. OCTET* , ' l•42ooYellt tflitaxehoill lotigto ell Quid ba ad resso4 ( 11 PIAPilfik' ,• Wit'll9Lt ".• t • ,'' 'ill! . (t ,;'. .'• •, • :•;, • 14 ' ll ' ' ' • ~ • ' "t-,0 1 8 Ct.,' tot.s, Auiliv;it . as t l i d arriput ;or 14G . AI •, . ir id 41411111 1 9 • e1m ,A„,...„..., i _.. n gteg,ttkontir4o4lo • • gilY' 1 ate val*.. ~...16P14"401: t o 4P e lt n eerv44llbiOlititt l ifiiet iii4ii i ii, i • gui rn t ,' e ier til. 'tt , ll ; ;= .u 1t i1.•,....r1it111. l ui toyq wit Alt pita Aiiiittot v i o i rtA l p v /ir ki l it t ar lii.tt ec tittlll; . mires Oei noway tit +I7I Ir. in: fea t * ifirt :4L -11 l D ID , t ilkryor i f tile, rntnee,rdirin 44 Errol:alit°, Yellort 0 p Flatly ean d 13 070Da . toinl. " DEBIT yTH wixbAttp sreopLivu f. ',tool Doi ekt 1 , 0- PoosoPt_ln arrive, at itetdins of 4 043 o.oh, Aoltpo ri oOvirD R i 1 /0,11113 , ffeadlos atil t 1 1 040:d it ? .. yits at worsouri i ii iii,P . l ii . 0 1 lit s 4 lq o r2 l 1 OM . 1 14 ° r erzVe r A i : 1 e l l VI ••• " ' ' ?: ' ‘' DO "P.,.,, , : ell LI 44 I iii, Air% igiou :: s 414 1 • Lail 9 oirli n o ;, ) ,ndtr4i AygOqq , ,Id 1 , 1 tip I 1 011 ii e Cul a s n •i s l iF 4 t e lttY oll 4 ana. o r AAff/1 , i t n r b • Iv ns, I I „ -moor's 13 1 P. 13 ► . I V o ir ,?, e, ,*, „,b „ At , , v „,,,, ziptlyr a,,, i it , „, I ,4-0 l if 1 4 A D A)1 ta r • Car a' etti . 4 7 On' OD IV, t. .e , if ileAti 1 pr dayt _P'o 0 ,0, in. o d.otriv A ad ng on , Tatum i 'On e . a.y.e.n „Is. to *7 l tab 5 0 • 010011. - to in. o d i ta "o tor ,c. pi n ii l e to r wo lt u r / vikioft an ofti: 0 6 1.,..9n.7 rOo 0, tt iii IA) AviltY,_ ILL _T4. .114644 ti. ANIL' Lee Lobe _v SY4 c 0 ort on if t an o S rises!, asx oo o . sr. rc, . Trill at oa ng 4 c',o .o loog 4 o.,sis t ) otii ng, • ros f pm *Wools, P. in. yes at, olim ilb oi o i l ook. p ! sew p rommigqp.! ;von 0#:: • - iikApili# E go:6llbilitk, \.. .':.!kv .• Mink br staltroad—Leastos • engine.), tt i lirritessil.o;2oa.ush tut) ItUfcitstouttlie u rtn i r ' WIN PTI c'wfitt ""ii. an. t v 6 ' 6 kki t illEfralt 6 til l ,t s ill 11 an. t vl Irli•lv co 1,1 y hitago— olives onto oibir on Monday, 1 (tubular, and Mrldm '47 a. ini , air, Tres at Bit sboro at Vg. m in, AtotUrnlng, haves Irdsborp on Tuesday, ursakt and Saida) , et .m. 014,214e309. 1 2tr a Ille, Btu° Rook, ioss 0 , allecoo urronland. ialortyllt, tind West. Vhito ,lkEttDlNO TO ROBESON ” ._' . floixd-rip`ohixbY Bldg o-losastos 'toad lair en Tuoo 4 areal aliMarti 6 l ll 7q9 a. Ilk and nrrlvos nt Rend , Ittlitrarm to 114 • . • r ' ' ' 'Oo l rat i litlyo 'Maga , - orstte . s • edlitg iCadi, 47t. $y gt MlArlirt 110 ,4 Pl• '‘... Yea 114 Item ii Stilt 0: a. ttt. . 0101113 raile r 11l LoWel el elhorrt. AO fad el Orrt• . 41 IP, . Mtn, oft. '''''' :01 1 1E44 4 TO N I ''• ~ : : .1/1•Iroottly i Inge— caves . ObsPoti,Tcl'esdar e • Thuriady Cold rid uraay Al, 12 m, Mrivoi at Lees port at B• p. tn; Supplies. Oputh \ ilyansellto and 'ct Molitor% *• 1 I i:: 1 -., t , 1 • miy.N TO v itntuiriavitir. , Tri-yrrlNar.tklbtrgr-- , cfror vox yin uosday,' Thursday and t3aturday 4 a. in,. A ve, at Cot - iiffn i st 4 An;' 001411 011 ixtrUttli 02elom and tut nisi le 8 . 131 RigtBDURO STOBVIBIBtIitOL .. . 1 Trl-wflo ly by btaio— oeves,l_tonrersburv:uos. • tot i f,! i s i t t gl i rtt A ll l . l t r i s . ttiT h ti lpito l iii l lit tn niiitilre e :l3 0 oat. .. •• 413A1)I IT MAILS. . , • _ . 1 1 , • •svoo 1 DAIL% ,• • ' Nultlfork4-4 lOsos ar,lok.u. and 10 • P. u. , ?tilos at l' , and 2p. u. Plithitslphltv- o irr e l o v s o: a lift l i mnd or. u. 1 jisi#lll3urt7Artfves all :26 A. u, 14i id r. tr. • 1 ' .1 1. 4 it et °" At t Pt145 1 / 1 11 : v et u ' ' • . 01 • p •lo— vos a • A. 1 ~n _. r. u. , - ..• . . 5 '''• tra t on?st a gi t i t la p totrZ! us '' • _ /1 1 04ki1 . A12: P, U. A -$..2„- , . 1 ; 101matIch20A.A. i ..,.. jilts erOWN7.I. 0 0 irst4Od n MO. ,• • i , . AilY olll 4l‘l s l. 4 ) I , ''••••-••• A) o 6olo,nt 0;001: U. • • ,• ". '.sialiti lam b ' it• •:; . ' ' iltrlVo l l4lo o # 4 4 ' . " • 910611004011). u ; . ~,dr v ' • notk . devill, , •_"* •• ' • •‘: - , • titrireplOthoo.l. u. ~..: ', ~ Closes 4440 r.:Ss, ) • i AolikplulitiMayl !co tips ta rslveou A •. ,- ._ 41(1‘418;411;,,au A. U. . •• ~ , ( ulolici c.I,2:DU [ e . g. IP. -`• 71QUA-11iiirt tlmes,a %root. ... • .1 An j vliS illriatV•tii .l 9d tt ' Ce C t! C' i s v a tiotc!! :°l) A** . AlritO2',l44;oo nil: 'i.l. ' 1 • Olosd at . tnoo a:ii. 1_ • .- , • l usionr.anst , twld rs vook, • ~.- • ) •.• •; Airtree sit y;00 a. ,114 - .1 - • Qv" oat ZOO A. U. _ _ . _ . v„ „ . . - "IQ • . •- . k _ ..- ()henries', ......__Alr. 431pelottpi.- — f aro. ~,--- thrldt liar all the ftr Otho old resin pleplyith io -mild m 4 • lathe pit iqualittoe, or ,genulle stllt, lity_thli i i eplontlid Nptip.... eoluily..t•Lo LPEN OHM CuAlicWouliu; 49 t riOtan IPRont otreet. R 14100101 1 4 1 106 • ''' au 7.141rt0 LIINIIARTA ItAOHINI(11% . 11034:1 1 011PpERP. , . OBNIIRAOnft . isits'l# ' 1140hIntatee end ATlOuriOink;Oial4UP/1)1°31- No, 627 Alto 62,VpAitilii iviA74 4 ,,,, i t 02 3,, , , ~ t':' , , ',WRADII7 • • 1 1 1 os)t WittiTEllo: , 7, ~ ~ ; . . trito . NE:r—wATsiTlipt iltliii3 OITi OF ItiADINGE. ' , The underaltnod im oomratttei onlipanee of the! Corporation o tuo ty of Iteadin , I having boon eitborixon to orroirthaeunkof 1 , SEVENTY-FIVD THCIIISAN_P , DOLLS, i t i t fsr tike purpose of Onlargln tho Wator Works of i theyitd otty, hereby givo no oe tngt they aro 0'0 4 : pare to issue Oorttneatos of eani nearing six Pot Cent. nte2 , 3t,to partlioesit ng to loan money to, ihiS °HY. PAY to tit roft, e annotating, or to : i William oldtaatolq• 4Oi n tP rill' . . ''' • ; ' . ..i Xin ; ' A IHL P N, Committee on inenoo. - McGowan dvMlitimore, DEALERti IJAIt.DWR E,!, comaar, GUNS IiOUBE•PbRiniiIIINg GOODS MEj f iALS, TIN PkAr g i M E T 11 1 " ' Building Materialso SADDLERY, &v., Sco. •y' '; • , • • Pat PBIOI,,'PZUPErs READiNG Dt EVORNII tIOIKONINCIII: , , , ... ~w ORLEBRATED,s• SWEDXSII BITTERS „Cara iltit certainty ajl i rreni i ; deraaitomert of u 1 2_144m, 13tontactt l ana rano . lathe most ow , lam ran of tno ,Igcrt vo i _. ettelaT and ert most 11011ablo ineSery 0 ' ;Pas ictal,t feTolPtseat pitI v o It y r etv, moo tdiyito poo Atk. mo il i •I n 01 triryor4„priit7¢ Cola i t 0. , 0 or ore oat rag saga - 411 or ; 1 •- • . 861onn Etre ;t. •~~~` I= =lli (p. tint r 44 And ' `c w.f.! ,••• 4iimuligalo26A-Venith4D,V.W4iigif:stfataig2o ht s, —. \!‘ ,l 4ls'''''o .•-•--f•; •toqi'••••—• s fv- ~. •• . - - • '''V : l - ' -‘ ;'•• =" Z. -• -i-Vir.YA - : , • , , rii*fe1 , c1,...::‘. 4 • • -t,, ,r .5.t.,,•,rc..pzy 4 ~...,tt,t..‘... `•:".,, . P s l. • .. -4,,,,,,- E - 1"*. w=9 ,` ;- , .../vlth --- trg•-i'' ' 0 - ;'# 6,- V 4---,-. )41g ,=. 4 ' - --:#. 4" - ' , A t- ' ‘ ' , .1 . . - ---. •• 'Tilttkirila:tv. , f-,.. - T i d,riffirtir-- , '17-,tit ‘ t " lT:lerTr . :ii - , - .4••., m.lr' -. ''''"l"'.74ls44 ,44 . 11 4 4 k -'9 li ' I3 , ..,, •.' s t( '•'-i , , '', •••''''‘', , • -1 '. • ', ' : • q••.t ••••• .' ' t •fzi . •l I ..' . •' .. i' •-• it ( ki' .. 0 ..-.., ~, 'l'- i ,st i' ti ~,,,, ~ ,i, i,.. , ,;, , ..t. 1:11 0 .4 ; , ,„ ; - ~,_,., ~. ...4 4 , f. , , :5 . ,.. ' si: 3:. *a +i ,, , ‘ ,.e : ; ...... '.‘. 1 , ,', 1 : 1 ;, - 1 ' '., '4,--ez,',:si.. • ::.;;.-.•.,::. - —. - 4-P .. •-k, ......-.; ; ' 4 , ..1 1 ::', :1 , ...,i . . 5 . s 3 . 2 '. : ,/•,....' '. t.:.. - ',, .. , :,.:?: k,, 1, ~,, -:,:,:*;;,. '' ti tu.: . n C 1 .6 f '' ',' , ' i , ' .- ..'. './ • . : - : -7 ' i -, .-- 4 , • ' ''', ~ 1 ' • . ' 1 : . ..t.-4sti—,.;." - ~, ..,, ; i.• ~ . .4 1 .),,, , . '..' < to, ' ,' *- :<<;": '. - 1 : vvv.“.4 16 . 1 t 1 , • , j i ' , : .' ' :-.,,,', ',,': ,f , ..1 ' ..., ,I. '''. :' ..:': ~ Z ''. 1 1 ; . •,,''',. ' : ‘ O , . :.,‘ s' ' .rf '., ;, • ''''::!.. .' 1 " - 7 . ' = 7 +4 '.. 'l. .01 4 - ', 4 --. . . ::: .1 .7 i, . -- _ . . _ , 4 A V"Oa 741,11, CFM)11:1 Timm , Likop 0 ‘Ol---No./84.57..., • PROW iSPii run w.l3lctiltMce ATT9IIIO4X.ATSAYI. Offteo—LocaocPtlik(lolll:lo;.",:ptki,42 l vontreetrotproi sgtlyall.ww,‘v a r r , tbo U9sratin Don 04 . ' 1 1 1 1111110 . rit; e#44lpaT fßugi t all i aal• Lip 10044,,pi IZOBON * .0411! f air.l• f • , .7 ' = A.TrOgNET A LW,. • 1 , , , • , • . • • ..1 •t 4 t Wkicr Oul di ll , F o, r l .9 o ! l ll4 4 o,a4SPOOr,L) 1101r' 71. *AGSM,' • ' 41-11: ,e, 1`; P•lfrfilf 0 r x ,A., • • (U: O. PorisiOiii*iooo ' • Worm Streot, lietoittir vi e -. floe hogrt-ls SO. re. togv.3n , • • it 4 ) , E144441 0 ir#, -' i '''' : '' ii l'i i i oil r i r k r i 4 V A I t i tt .1 Ade, No. 40 (epoond'floQb) North ftlithAtroot; , tarty oopoelto the Court Ito us o, ittaalian roe i isn 28 .- . I• . . • • • • '9lllll ItleritAllllM, • . . • ' •.• ..,. • t • . A T.VOI7NBY AT1A1i......';.: , ' ' i - teAl.Eo,l3platt a treet. , , over the ofilditiifjobit ft ', newec.pro• .i 1 , ;.• • i : r.,.1-4•4"e10i.).- V 'xrair.tAtt 0. imarwsTian,' • (019Ettas/ of Flyd Reamed CA nrch.) Ipill4olllsll , 61T ORGAN A ND l itfl i tit6rth Stith etre ot, Itonding Po '• W. .—Yittnos Tuned. ijune 20 inn, E. ripat , Emir/keit SURGEON OW/ICE-51D TOerin fitroot, Etatalia[r, I Invites the pall° to 011 and oxsmino lits novr 'Wpm for ortraoting_to withon_t pain. All_ opor_ g i r c k i r n g s ea lf ea t . ;o 6 o na turos3lon neatly oxooutoulapgd DEL A. na1. 141 0 • . • •.. .- • . • .. . , DIiN.T I S T , • •...... Lta . co—rio 0 P. (unit DOOR TO' P. Wiliiitivt's siola nt00.1.... • 1 . Piittlouliu , etttntlon . !(1141 I, l l oughts . diseastie of the out and i mums; e et' 1(1 ounProtoratit- Val ? t ror of (Joule, A vpla AOto t3 t Ot. atlAn /It t er:fot t l o c i?th ß f r onto%outlr a l lt l'iiltee)oireeneub -3 est ( eoth-extraote4 sriiiont'prilvi i, tind Innortod on al motorlal wool by t the P 101033 ri, • I 5" hour° , fOm 7 rALto7 P. M. . opt. 8-Iy. , • , . , , • : 1868,T,. -: ' .1 .- . F '•A ..-. L .,. L .„: ' , .e ''—,- 868 . _ . • • 1 •. • _ 131JCITA BROTHER, 'Hay° opOnod ft,LaTgo and .Eloloote ptoctc of . , . -G 0 a AS NE W : ' d ,„'.._ . ',._f • . ..., 1 ; -,,, At Portico Rovh • .. - . .1; ~ ... • ~• (,; , • c No. 641$ ;PFAXM f f i nt# l3l • , r e.. • ! f 4. 1111AD;NCVPA., g(er LEVI Q. CouniAtt, Ciater.-103' Their. Stook'of NEW FALL GOODS! Were selected in the City of New Yorli• • will be disposed of at prices far be, low those of any other ea; tablishnient the! Gentlemen's Ototh'ing made to order. Boys' Clothing constantly on hand and _made to bider. ' I The Stock of Furnishing Goods is decidedly • the beat and most extensive in the city. Call, see and esti* • ; Yourselves: • ' ' Tho more fact of haviog the eor i vices of the Ando hvatcd 'cutter. Bir. Levi G. edema% is uillolent . guaralOo thatalifianuecOvVillho inado up IA the et to and latest fichlone; Itetaercilier :..,.livQ.ft:.4 - :'.11R0;5..-: . 4000.0.40:.:,:02;:r.04190..! NOt 4 48 MP STIANA 4BADRIG. Portico Row. sl4 afropr : 7, it '4 , . 4114101M7410041 Coi4 biy 1 . R02 . t Reatpr,4 vatons waeme3. , BRO , DR. A. H. • nn, TIIIERWII(iIiTER; r • :WELLS.' • zAge . gait ' r ' a. , rig', nay 517 • . ?.. . , IBADitiq 1 1 A: TtiSBOAY OEM lIIE OOTS' ,AND 415119 Pon THE PEOPLE • t, I , llu BEST AND 9111441 1 , 1'40/1 pE1140161) UN EOROMR EXIEN M , . ; ~ • a. ttar4; prdd to au ktndf9f,ts. .PV* , t AigaPA , Sqllq . Pol 4 =s . • 41 Notigitsixpi spligwr t , (4qmro , • ALIADYLL k CAVAN'S • iptrannt ORRAII ' • , • • ' SCOUIt/NG ' • ' MID • :. 1 • '' lol . .riln Ur EFITABLIfi 1K ENT,: 11 1 voutti iieVOnth Ht.. opoo,llto • :Woo ife . steaaidl. fa ' 9feioel tit iiilitadeltb a i l ti k ; do S itotreoto. atr(sot.f 0044 Bot . ' • Fnoeuragod by our eucoesa,in OUT Pow method of soonting and dyolng, wo haio resolved to, open a branch °Moo n Reading, and rpspoetfully Old attention of t he ppl4lo,to oar (Lapp? !need esinbi 111111 i . Jinti li r t* prooes . e'anenOrrii '644/ited wo ato enabled to oldaiand! are :plods In- very eulorlor manner i so as o ive potat;stttlliflution. vor6 olean and nish Lad les '.tient), , ands Oa ld ron's garments w ithout taking them apart or Wit ring than In t he least, whether tho colors. are gonulo t o or not. • Our dyeing Is done in tho Try_ beat manner, and the goods in all oases finishe d oil lnoupottor • style, Kid OlovOs, Ostrich Foot ors, &o. Maned at elkort notioo, • , ,* ;opt 283m0 r r A B , NO T /° Et GREAT. MUCTION BOOTH AND SHOES, HATS, CAPfI'AND . I (ILOTHING I EtilEß',i'St...Bito4 .'!.:. ,-.431 I'EOII.ST4,EF.Ti, , , .'..'.' WO goods, just waived a spl r ondld stook of the Phpyo oder Trktott ato tiOw o otod at tho follow ing ter ethos: tisa'a calf boots. , .024 00 " tip P enoh op t lf - Congress gaitent, , (,),Q " 'forking oboes, extra nom% 6:4 00 to 83 o.l l lf,balmareas s sawed, ' ' 160 _ , kip .• 81 69 6 2 0 5 0 wsra°ll'4lolLloll.)tkna ji lttr:64.!si., 7 , 50 " litat,Lut btumcsrabi (b eat);:.(fro L p tll ys tos t : trt b iti al te mo u r i aLe . 231) , ' iKinnerl s blor b o oat bAutpritte 2 00 rissost lasting Roli s at el i! . • 1 7 ... $ Irymon kid slime , Ita , k O O r°l4u.' high heel $2 05 to 2c, Tho abovq Priam are SA 101?, qis tiny other similar Qtaco,ofbneinessintaco PaPitoular Atteatton 18,yaid to 01 kiaoB of TO* PwPao have on hand aillr,gl And Well soiceted stook of Copt 22- 431 PENN STRNEE W HERE TO GET IT 717 & 721 4tiveld Reading, Pa. -;:=','...0 - _‘,tJi:..,l_:V: - .0 . i4t.*;: IN ALT WWI AND MUMMA, '4 • r • ,r, , 4114 Itaiatllttiint a tii the 6 /010 Died iI9ZI ittd FitrOt td(Ald 01101 . t au' au, 9 01 4 1191 w; pal 94 Vbroots *Ant of oily qtrticle ofltitzlioro Intl 9 t9ost exppOlva49T4N, 0911eittpl. • :t.ivAirTlkr.oB kitti , Atioitoogiaw4iii o o 4463, o:loo:soil;__:: '4l " . ‘JAdiRIL 7 AlElli fe 9 7 a 21 Pena-sty, S. S 13tror •• Nob- -4.0 . ,t5, • . .7• nriADWG . • • en, .1164. olutomerkvith the ArtOzo, 014 a toliat tno city. • rat all VO Ety 90aud upwards. tort4bcilk49.o:;‘ :): a MEI ' AN R!PA`.IRING FURS, TRUN I RS,'VALISES, &o. •"., Remember thename and'ilumber, GEIGER & ME at t IIQES ,j 7 _i • . Ofi^ 001114 . " 4 , Oh •••• • ~'' z~" Q.QI lIM NM . . . . , or l l l l itg An . 1W11:1111;i t ialgiis 4 ttr iN , k:M ' . ~. • , an. Nab. #tiv.,...,.4 i t t , or , 4. , :: 1,: 4 ; , .',..Ai.;'•; thl:43. 0t 1° i • 4 • , u..40f 7 fOi c iN For ; A 41 1 ' .._t , tt_p_rintilisl trey . . 14.04, — 111 , 11118 . 1 A How xclk at LOCI. %%Pa. P. 4IA 6 11): At. W. , , ~. , , IQ EADIN6 AND 001411160. B. 11, • ' Ill• ; • , ; ' , ~, r'.' , .!: , , .'ki •• 3 . •' - ,'' , 10 ;f \ 5 )16 irslEtt ' .' • ' .'' EDNEBII4.Ir ) 804pglirg ii.ifds ilidt, ) (1,86011g0r T 261 / 1 4 - Wili.rtiteol/ Ode Road,* Tpwo tamoaatopr ppel Colombia of ~ , ~ 4, .• 1 sanesster ` ' .• i e• s ' , elan:ibis' *, , ', )... " ~•,,, 0 Arrivo at itiadina ' ,- . 1 Y . : - . RETURNING: ' 1-4 , Leave It'ialing at 7 t k i ''', *%./ .., • ,? , • 6 ; - 0 1 Arlye ,t ta r te r '. . '' s ' . .8 .' * j , _ co umb ft at • " ' t :„ ,l's . Columbia and Lanonstor at. , P.;11 1. T , qini b0p...? and Mithq OJoAO Qin* oil tit Ito Ing with Trains rio`rt elmt tint , "on P I t t Ll,toadlo<rillroad, an Weston Let a., e ' olta. 1.40 410 ixtok 3 ‘4030 oOtinootion tya ' sin for New Y ork •,. .1' ,-,,,,) . • • i• " 'Tickets 'oa e ofitailibdli be Olnote irtit* pm Jotook tgrott nattron,u I: 901 43Iji/UOrti VI: 1 oYO(Prkin Philki ll a i net Act in lial goad4iltb, and vailow It fits., liter lb. , '", ' • .•• Zbirongh lo le to eyr or arid Phibitelpnit E old at sia the flag, Val t.kt ow, arid' "gala (indexed :throng i'.)''. .',l;' a ' It .? , .1 Pct', . i . Trainor , / ran i pp 4 Mi l lt, TlM%,villitt 410 , ablaUtbs as or BA iniilloi ROM I' , • f t i . )i . : 4 *' . i • ''' '‘‘ .. 1 ' . :1.; 1 f 35011440011, i t P. Kerrial:qont Fgt. and Tioitot gt, ) ,'• o is; East Penkylvania,•; Railroa4.. l gOMPARft tilliiliciiiii4T,'CO4blllNoll4(l , iYednesday i Zday Valli 1868. , , • . • • •.. •i:if. i It: r. ..„ 01X r titAll•t O tl_DAlf4Y lt 9F To Nnw yo lut wrap.. w; 011Allu vAiiii , .._' On mid after Wednesday, May 20A1, 1263, two Possonsor Trains wlll leave Reading dully, (ezoopt 13undaye,) for Allentow n andoray stations, at 1030 . A. tr. and 4.20 P A .ditOooln at all thou _Olar •itol3tvoon Xie . ad f it Egt N e Yo k 0 smso dome conneotions or aneh liun • • a bit. i tiella via krill& 1 11 1 11 5 1 V §. 1 ~ an :arrive :at 4. 11' w r c4 al a tbi• otIR ,ffiPr_ek.'4:criliP3 Bill ; ifist :11erilling dally i lozootlijrn4las:, ); Nl' 4 ,:iew r It'd on E f: 4 grll l ,ll 110 e P d V 4t 4. ! . 4 1 1 44 .! h,;s u ll raffia run t iiug • dra y tittsburgNlv 1 No Jr Yor i vrltboutohnn o o ,oarii i . - _ tooting° ist •at Lyons, Allentown Po hie om gasten, Hams,- •ton Sommprvitio, Plainflol ani a ßlizaboth, 0144.' 1 'arrtio at Ne o L A York at 10.00 A. '., 12.00 M., 7.25 ;P t _ . and 6. Af t • , T 4 4.44 A: ,:train will ruit'letitd Minding on IMondov, . Tho 7.00 A. M I and 11.40 P.M. trains /run daily Sundays 1001ud0d... , p,-,1 ••,•• v.: .. , . - • 1 i dairy, ((except S l u l. r a 7a SYs 1 ) 3 r at. b. t A ° V,l l 2 ° llVot t , r B,l ' fa 1, and 0.4‘) P. Di. iand arrive tit' Iltendlilg at 1.80, 6,00 • and 10.10 P. hland. at 1.00 aod 2,6.2 A: M. , The 8.61 P. Al.su. train fl•oln ii(Olf?Lorkleaves4y, Sundays noludod.• • • • A Bun ay Exourelop_Train will leavo Rea4loll ovqry Bundoy at BA. rd., stopping fit nit stationS and intinoflatb. points. Arrive at Allentown, at I_QA. 1. Itoturningt leave Air ntcvit.,at 4.W P._Bt. rrlvo at Routing tit OP, a , , •• • • Passongers are requoated to pure oat; tlole`ete be ! fore entering the ears, as 25 ()onto extra will by onargod and oolleiged On tbo train. ftoni all whb pay no faro to do Vondootor. _ . . ~ Judo 23- • O. RN/AZ, ling,and Eledlt.'" RE '-e): , ..t. .4 t 4 ° o t 4;t:', °trend .114 re! ear•tani other ett, ,cry: =BE PhiltidelSda . & 119iding (RovlsoC) . • . _. ___ 'ltsmaga, nbovat OTB /585. SMM ER •AItRANGEBIENT OP PASSENGER ir I iRAINS; August t l3OB. . . • 1 vo Train s dawn a nd hOodolphia,ps'ising Read. tag at XBO, 10 85 and. 180 a. tn., and 425 and 080 PN.P• ; •. • Ink 40 Pottivfilli, at 10 40 a. in,, and 5150 and oleo . ' his Fit as Mavis and garrisduivi 1 : *stun. fhb from ite.r Iforgi at 110 a, In, A' 1,50 an 1 U m. 2 . • . ' • 6 s i nir a tt ne islograotigori n T il rgha it 715 4 skul .; i On flundaYst, thaown .. trillts pass F itOidiug_-sit 940 A. tn. and ,4 25 P. in,, and UP trains lietifb.69lPS, m,_puds67 p, m. „ , .• , • Tap 4 25 p. ni. down, and 10 50 ilm.. up trai ns Tu l l only botwoon Philadelphia and eading. Up trade leave Philadephia for oading, Mir. ris urg andirtsville. a 7 80 and . 816 a. m., IS 45 noon, and 8 p. W. and6l6 p. in.; for R adlng, only." , 'As 8.1 , a. m. transeonacc_t with tra Ds for I T Tamaque,,W,Wiamsport, Elmira, /Jaffa), A irs and Oanaqui: - . • ' • • - ;( , • 'Pa 0816 a. tet:and 3SOp,m, ng m trains froUl Pllll- adelphis, and 1035 a. m. and 4 p. ~ dorrntra rts stop oat). atprlnelpal stations, below Heading. . , heading AoootamodationTralni loaves Reading at v 80 a. ni., returning ledvdls Ph illidelph la at 615 Pottstown A oniinf t gAr rain loy,*Pit, otts town at 645 a. AT.i 411 leaves yiilladolprila Mit 80p. mest. The }'stern BamtailTrhillicennehat Ilarria. burg with oxprds,J _train a on" the Pennsylvania It. B. for Baltmore ( Pittsburgh, ancy , JJ pojnts wont, Pndtrio 1045 mail trairiconnctts a Harrisburg for ittsburgb, Lanolustor,loatimben3 urg, BanbarY. Borantan, Pittston, Wilkesbarro, Williamsport Look Haven ( Hlla and tho Van adas. Passenger Train eavo Upper Bono! at 700 si.m, and 81.6 P, In., for, Phrata, , ,pitiF, Lancaster a n Column\ • . -Throng Pint-olsst Qoupon Whets an 4 Epnlii grants' tic eta at rodnoca farts, to nil MO pritiOIVAI. points in t a 3Plarth,:tVest aro t6 4 la 4 nado.a. , MMUTATIOIY TIO ETA ~ 'With 2643000119. at 25 per seat.: ant : belt/cap any points desird._ . • ... • .; • , • , , , MILEAGE TICKETS!, ' • 'Good for 2000 miles between all points. at 052.50 to, families and business firms SEASON. TIOICNTG, Good for the bolder only, for 8.0, 0 and 12 monls, betweon all points pt roduced farce, School season tickets at ono-third loss than tho abate.. . /Or Passengers will Mkt the Express Trains west at the Over Depot,and another train pat the Lower or Old Depot. • .. . 100 popnds,of baggage allowed each pAB.SOI3IIQh Passengers arorequested topurehesetheirtiokots btro entering the oars. as higher faros are chars !, f paid in the ears, . • ours on Tickets good for Oho day. by 780 ails.. Accommodation Train to rblligemo a and return., at $2 86 each. _ , • —.• • ~. . , .., . - It. . NlcOie :. Gore/. Sap% . , piLWOOK 01011; ' " • corner Second and 11:cintdpi Sere" lino constantly on hand ind gelid tonsouggls Price°. 1, • tugP. DitoitE% gqo, k *lova utai CIIIESINtEr Agri nnuulgOtiel COAL .ioolto4)( . . : - i,i4p:g. : *i : 0:0; • Own AND SAND. KWilstittiG woop BY TIP ..244,101,W , • We deliver free of thitivi'ebeitiitiiitoripert of the ' f 01429 • • MERE 4011„414011 ' 'lt * CI : t ja C&''' ' '''.."` "`. -,•• ... .. .. j l lMfire i ......,..„,„ : l 1 11 irofiji t 1 . . z t • ...4 1 ; , iy .. 1!1•411: I :# : .'.. i *Wl*. 16 btititoi . . MEI MEI . . „ ilscifis 4 • Aiwlik4s4o . N4i e 1..3, 4 cl•!•t< - 140 , 4;01 ••••• • rers! . , "Te - '' t $7. 1 4 /4 1 7 1 Yr.` at r•• . ; : Yi', i , }l , .',' ,' ,' .' ) '''`, A - 1 .. .‘ 1. , : c. ', '.„ : ;. . , '', s ,'' , I , ' ,'" ~ 1 ~..' '.' , '',..•;ii. ~ • i , . ' " ' ' ' '', ,) : ',", , I .. , 'll • t ~:i'' „- 4' ' '. J , ' - i , • tZ' { ?'. }, •,' I‘, ''' , , ' ' ~, fi .4 . ~ ~ ,d . . t 's , s,A I It , , 1 '' ,'• ~ , ) , , , k' ''.: 14 ' t r ' ''' ,'1 4 : , t ~,'-' . 4 ' ' ' 7 : •,' ` :, t '. 0.. ) 1. , : .. ..,. 'l','( : '' .. ... •' 1 •:‘,• '.."," , ' ' .l , i' i_. , '!: . r ', %! ''"''' ' L : .'r. • ‘ ,.. i• ';'• 1 1 e s,,. :il ; , T • - ~, ~,>~ El - - - ' : . ^ h' V. . i. .1. I tio 44 ft Heart tetebtow to the iit`Til coati to4c., , ~. teittatitead tond,olthehtait ofad'o'fot '' ' ' t oche Lor idltettois lerfaliutia aid truth. That 'me* lire. Ilift' the 11446 tthit tint tore of #r ; 1 2.„..; , , ~. l it ' i° V I ''l f l''‘ } t i iiii li/iO-iitttt '. ift• hi " `• • 44 A POPOOrA t i It',‘ 4 jE . 1) , ( !i ' ,!, • .4A jaietiit eaftikti#,i't 4114,i,. ,:, )ttlgifita44l4slattllil'Otaie ii l ii . . i ayeoikipie MI ttiatl ioinity *hurry ,' It bi-. lreyilla#o4askittiiiiiiiiiiifsitettsisltel;;".Y tilittitataiiiittetiiiri'aiidiketiSrOitiake:" suiTettintlaktbiolutiotti rititki4 o l4 l l. l li, it ' . ' tt honors all'thlnit that ete itort!iloilirt A t. , eoilevos too &little% le, take' Is ealltd"Ateth, • , kor Ito rratohed It 'fottslth ,theipk i lt _ c a n 'II; ?.;14 1 P", i i ; , ‘:•,,i , .. -'',•• r:,,,4,9i9.,„,....,...:s ~,,, i. , ii,-.,.o,lfelit6l,olorkm 4.11 1 1O11' , :; i- davit liter eellMtOliaiittititt'atetteallss4t, ii*Ofit Ptiiiviiiiitoiooiifol*i:-/::; ? : litiitViT amen d Alt.*(k 4 4 l 4o:ritt:itti•'.t., t u'dese i te to arae . dtt reeks pia pateh-.", '-. 9%, tilirrA,it l )#.ol ) .iii!ji.444(!, - !,,, • . ~' l'i l M ° Y l °V4 ° W?l'r? . 6 1.1°,10 4 . 1 4'401 4 # I l lllr l skittthibeitriaialaitdbe.tilit • ' #.04 4 4.1 ii i i°16114141 01# 44 !'? Y r P 4' : 4 11)14,40 qailtiteleiilllS 4 idesOlitaf,s)4l,, • ~ 1 • •;'• • 5ie5.......-- f • , ',. • . TRIP • 44 /PAT ciorir IiFttINI4O! :',' i,. : ...ol4oiiitiii I)=in circle; Iva .iGfitiei . 010ii.Ogroid i ttio dr a t. Oi A iit r ibt ; !#r i to get4 h iEl'ilit§i.ihd bPO6li Ri:io!ct;Si 44004 • 4. , iny atiitl, en 6 daii the 01b, 1 ..iti5t,..,-.-4 theetittittatatiaeat iSatiel464: 0 his gilnoiowl i k iic. l 4oiltitiilti .".I.iiiiiiifAi4a,Litgoli: l 4le 0 1 1 r 1 :00 0 40Y!. 0:ii•41. ''''eki fpoiliiiiptisfO(puni. • ,i)iotohe4,l l l 4 4ol : plc retelic4:ordkoof 4!illintikiii!Pk.": r ificOSii!vii bl o cilkti'.W44ll:) . 49. dmPti,llo3owiii .., i following is tkia.iyotisitea lilt of pliatY, tstest ' 1 , ,' ,: I t, 1 ~ ; , , - ; ,• , 1 r) . ., ,, v, ` ,y = 'il •11P CinC;l9f(ol itil . dso 10 1 . , , i1 •gt i k 1 41 1) 6 I P EII , OrOt9•Pilliii4go4ii..: e4084;11yorfo:d. - . ~,. -. ~ ., . .r -.•: f 1 1 Bone Belling Establishment. ' •'s' ';'Yi''. i Pghtifiqiittlia,9l9 Werke': ~' ~ Pg h t , l l 4 . iilie.* 4 '. l , ' i . ...5 i Curapilnivi ll e, or ono Box otPille f as !p'ai drawer iorefors., 'flop tiote to A i3n . f04.0 . 111t: 1 1 Sillier Plated Trotting Ifortio. . :1 Doien Bottles Essence of Wintergrehii, i li Bdiett,Bettles of • "Essence of Ohl Vir; IIIP, 1 4•" 1 , B -,_ , .. l•beadt dttles pf , "Pr..Jamos 0. 4Cori' #llllOB BOM 011pirdtpr o , • v . , ' . I . , ' l, ". t , it ~1 • . 200 Brial Porinitili:'. - , l' . , '-en., ~k't , i,-' 6 l'cl; 1 Bode Balm .4:if 4 Thoaeaft, , Bariela l 'tif .Flottrl 1,,. ,';. .i' ~' .(.',' • • ,' , , i ' illnagnltleent d*ellings in 4 'l3ttelitown.i,r ~ ' .I . Piat Offip,, polifodtlt X Rohde,, , : 1 El ... .ei at the TheatrO.%; , , I. : ' , . ! 1 Bo24.aide of the -Heal ' . '''‘t ' ,',; 1/i)itbe Set . Silvar Plated • Cottage', .1.?4ra1.' :nitro; ... :111 / 4;r 1 4t4edjAW 0 011608 * '`; ~, 1 1: P .of Ohlikeas 'on toot.' !:. .1, , 1,';: ~ ,', . -1-P4 et Chickens la did Shell.' ) • 4 r : ' 1 ' .' 10 II allele of Corp in the bar.' • ,Ilv 41. Otßoin in'the Inlet,. •,., • , Ono' pant* thew). `. , '• 1. Gitatid gletOotaikiSetyliitlio.ehitie. , 1 4 00:4t . Olibili,ti - c9,lg .g e. .. - ' ' ,' . i 'do.i at 'ilijonii."Btratton k.De • tratt'O Business Cello o. , t •i: ' It , (will) 41(;:iit tho zsntt(intittlf. .1 ettso of Ititlee' PhOeo.• ' r 1 Il r Paso of Ohiilera, 1. "Case of Conscience." 1 Largo Centre Table. •' ' ." ' ' • Small Multiplication Table. 6, Doi.en roaillolee.. 0)01) 1 47E11E1*km WHIM.% 1 Snit Of Cloth6i. ' Suit before Stidgo Straub. I, PO of (Bureau) Drawers. • • 1 Travelling Bag. 1' Bag that never Travelled. , 1 Briek Melodeon, Silver Plated, itilahl :With a ileum) and Let,(of Children.) Six Montha' Tuition In the ABYlout for •,' • of Ivory Ifanated 1 4tikto. Ono Ext Ticket , ,(ar the, Payton alkott Lino Railroad. "' ' • ' 1 :ilOrtutitul Ivory itatialed; Ailvo Ilt 0 0; • Half a Stritig of Davi ken , '• • ' , Iyr p o tICo. I co. 1 , 11(# of Dog Collars (paper.) .*,, • 606,000 filleto6 id the Joor. inge'Dgek t •n Onto's. ditco, with tt,e‘ Ono *at, kin% in ' , W' ari l , 3 Xoniftur ilivP 3 an iiccount 9f nO4.:qiinternaix bed 9ea! oulpq o, iewb ti a large quantity 9t 4 014 4 deiCi boneo, hive" been Thle - animal appearn to have pleyT1 1 11:fill30C1c11:113 fart lathe earii!iteelogi of EU Z' Otig i 0 '1 4 0 '15 !?4;i.,'4 , 1))64 OirmicA s and . /ihi 3 inada tgi l4 C sit:4o6o 6 R that the latter'was cold an -Norway Lapland at thoierrotrotfOvo!ivitht o foimil tion,ormpi49,4o4, abroo yogis, ago tha re. alpine lof the ieladoeti wore , found bedded • my ip. ner V e `o, ‘ 4 7ta e pa camPah:f ;0c ) , PO?? o.`9ttlic i PlaFaiiiii*, the eett*oo or, 'O4 hati'sPr eta,' a O lOl O . l still fiord enrkilitl4l9ool4blooiftit 16) ring) efilenco Ottutiiio Ind tholt shape f , edified by human hands, ME INX ono ,% . , ••• ‘• =NI =MUM ME 121 . 1.•1 ;: `44tive in it . 1 i 1 EIMI 4 • 4 .400 IN .. - ..- . i AVOO.VO,I -.411147r71thP4t. "6"P, 4(bilit h*.:Woe 4 o l l't 'Art tOk * 6 3 l )tn - of-.IM - YyliowtogooalitglotiiyoftOot• AO' ii.o4otWitt.§,f• YOW k.-, VII) 0404 W the , I , lttilit o s 4- 4. ' . . . ',.41,4' iit - 4 , 4 7 1 1 ..' IN 41* a :000.11iblifiitolvixivails . pt, tho ittoiestltitta r g44l#ls 0410 or!' IlittOt:Tlxi . .**0101.4111:,t 7 . t0 04;4 ilii v :.. tie t 9 Pg.' 1, 0* , :' s y ,:kpl.ii i ,-(4o4ut *a elthtf n'.- Vl4 l iii'' ' 'ma441 . 044 , 4*.teL 4 elkt tt .rejeeti4g ,the • lioittittitf.thautOuti,* .0 .Nr6. ..I legellv , vaadiCaltiteei , lii , " 4l io.-Ctiuxt -t ,ef Nit' . 1 itho. AlitliliticAll6 PI *edraymbel of, ~ t oi,ii. l: oi.l,ot l, i i P ii* 4.11 it ....,. k nAgi ' ri Ol 1 4 . 4 4 0,0 f: . ...ii . . .1' ,„ 1 ;,•;:A :!.. ,' •, q...'' ' !JP.lth" . ..,;S t * 1, . Ai* , .11,„ , . LOO PM ).* , a la k k ~ 41.. I: . Pikt it..; ,14,10-.,-4-,..141 '' ' AiftOU , At,i' ' '..1 1: 44 ' 1 lie • tkOf f etl4o.loop _ ik,, _ ~ Ad. ibklo.* . 44,110kritehtie.kW :. ...-.... lifi l l'. ' 4n a n ~„„ . thickS4lk. i, 'awl alidaVutiitthif *tile I . tt. Atkii n Otiti k ;..;•', • .r. WlOllllO.- o **V- 4- fOs t 64 W l '7 . t4titlVO.Ottifttiltyj,, :i*: . it 10 1 / . . 144 fkt -4 . ;00 1 1s: i', ,.. ...;:i , :f:-.,:i - i.... • 1ii. t . .. , '-: v . .i . ,.,L .... i'i 7,1- :--- . : ',- , c..'' ''';oo:PV.l44AoAii. , .lk ) :::#4i ilt)Alot.i . : i . :i 4l . l .Efts* . k 41 0 mci..0.4 . 5 tit tAlpip;ii. lb . toot ell , .10,0. nus„ ~- `sA CtiAl • 4 ,tixioattivititti6v,:v4,.xemoo4, op* Astit t .1602.ounztalt 14'.#,taiktyp .1!1*1 - 'lll4yow / lcit*iitt, - 146titottt .fit V . -; h.. i s I . ' iYartrOtitio'oll64'6l' :0',11*..0 '4611. i tik ,'.'! i if4(g . ,A , 0, - ' btfe,:,o:ot7potoogintio ~... imoto,:i: RitAX*44 o#loo , llf lick,'r . tght;. 1 `I:11 3 11411k .r clt rage;Ott. * Aiugi ..09f,r.', 'ail 11,14 1.0 q, e*ltt rottlii 10i1 - ,' , :-' ~. .f , ::'' ii war - "t 'to 4040 ,iii iio litiiii6iii,.!, wthkilati)ll,tatirot'llakotibi t it . loti ,-, otho polli),,i.,llo:lpOsOvaitloi;. et, - 6', pcm i stltu.-, lien A 44 010.110.01:004 , Ptii0li Acq`.`qt:' l '+'ol , ,y, Orli ,and ktgb,k Alici4 eng1a,40,4 1 ,i, 1 19.1t. A , ` O , l , tosd Oolad'*o'tk,ctAd' figh t . . • ..,. -... ~- ~ ~ : -.tillY '.ordo!' of the! potietiatle stato ~" to nxii. */h.444t.4‘ ; *404 41 .01 ' : ' , c.i : ' . ' '• " ' il'a - fili lii' ) : 4 ," . '' -,-, '''-';:tf'''" . ". , ,.?. 0 1 '''. . „ ~ . . . ; !, v . ; ' RitUtt 15041.1,..110tati1;'00,t,"Ai4 Y.); i 1 :110.4.0f,t gß4sp,, Attvp44...kTkily,s,4 4 l . 1 ,; , . ,:,‘,.iji...„,,:i ~ 5 t,,, ,. ..7.,,,, ,! ,, ii; . : , 4 , ,.... , . , A f!. . -, *94Y. ,10 1.?5'4 91 ! ) 1 4 1#11 4 .ti! 1) ' 3 44 6c °: lii l ~ ,,i t. l , 0 1 :ifi.. a : fiu t t ? , : E41109 : 71 !11 -11 :: ''' ';1 , , 1 1 () . i :3 , i :7 : 94 . 11 : ,, . 4 4 ,.: , . t . # , " ,. : 1 : ..:. r1 i , ' ., 5: .. 4 ,, 3 4. . 1 : . 9 : ' , : , ii . 'ii . ' : ' ,.. 1 : 1 : . . , '1.(.13)tk 1i: - . '..4 . i#tt io Bo!k#l4o n °ll,Y ( ' '' POi t 9§M 0# 441 '?r , t0 64 ..-P T 1 ,44 41;; - : l4l ;4 i iii io B: Pat k.9,r1 1 1, ~ I,'.,Rif -; tl ~ ..t 01 cr.t.!.. , : , i , t. 0 f)Y 1)45 '. 0 .1 1 Q.AT.A9f . 09 11 k 4 1 .!q!,,Yr.P1iq?.•° ,11, optipl4. 6 .HA.3 l o ' l l l { oo4Po,oo l t,s ) 4tl ii i: . .'Brigiii) 11000 4,oii 04# a Ofitiqo in lice t ) iii ti ' 9 l - thOOPPPII9 4 :.!# ( ))° ,4(1. o ,,' ..' '.g!i r4tr: Yi - Pic; 21 ii.C14t , i 1 4 4 1tpf9'0,04 ,14 04.#44, t l ' 4•:' Whio.,(l l ookqtAlpPßotT)lt.ifc,io, , ,ili? s qg t;i4l, gia'f..qtatextaioa4dtli4aOrinliS t4tie a o 644 . ',OA PFoP,Cooll3lo..,loo:,)Ao4o:c#,:xelil s f:tley: iiioo iiiioPO,ldit:llool44, ~ylf.Oltilit,4l,o,‘ 4 4.01112 ofl7lEo'ol rain; whoa th Or oniuo a eiiioillofrittor - t '0i1:441 - W daitbiiii and f ), • ' -----s , ‘ c''.'l t ,fl l : odt !Y? (3tirt Yk i4' .. 4, 9o ,,4ir iPs tl P, r o h.ts4',' ising iiikor'a!i'li , iitiiovolottio, ,i . qiiii: l 4Ai :. thtlii.itioiaqi34,o,4di ....:,'*, - .. ,7 ..f . ..-., 4 . .ixili •et 1 ~, i ~ - i.z- V"i'ltir a, .'s.,t,! i ; , ) • P 9 TY INI ) 9.,r49,, , of a ppyfitok p ri from our torii*tiiiot9nfil444:ll o9ill i *CAit _ . s - ,3., 14034.0 t. polionto, 04t451,. - :,9ol , iiii4t 1 0 1 ii.. 4 100 1 , 6 #0`: , Piok ‘ii . P),t l lNF(':! . ,;l';t.M p, 00i 0.;.. , ,,:: 1 ; ~ , : . ' ! : ip ' l' , lA . . , f!po. yesterday, iliq.: lii!ii, ''','ato .-- a'ii3l4iiii iiMoli I:licpppoii*:4(ol4lMyyilit's(i,o l qT:ii' t , Alioi,it 8 o'clock •, .pi iii. - 4 li:(iil,i,c4""t44''''4Y•cii and observing 04t, oti - iiO4o l p ''• -•' '' #o*'' 04: ti9004,04,1hi!,00i, tstir;hitid ' ` . (ll4 . tentwest what I'ooc . to Veili Of mio o •ifa V iaenio; fire, but pAi - 9plikßEt , ~9 } _l 4l . 'g..9.r. { ' . 4 . 1 . /edtht.4.lt .. iyol, riot a 0;11i, i , I yh.lit 1i t i,t,,, 74'! trili..liultiiiY' , of ii4 , lit,y, Olio;1:1#494 - 04 . young It _Cii4t.t444'o,:otiioi9tii:tiiikhi: about two 44uiti 1:400tip5if,6446.44..11ci1AS lice, thatit N 74110410 444 ) 8 . .i' ii:io iirtikol?P4,lBl Nearer 11141 1 / 2 o4qiOttiiiki 4:ollhiii?! . ",thii . otpi4llol-*,oolool,iittEiL:44 .. i . Z i cir4 I.lliii Poi ) ti* , .o* ' o:tOP!' l l/I . VO''iPisVP l4 .??,i i i;? wards, ,as far as 0 0 - i ei* 00 10 .'. # 0. ,t . ,. , 9 ) )..,t,' count deiiiiee.4B, - *( l # -0. 4) 1 ?”$;„ 0 0 ) ;,. • 41., 4011, et: living , : iiipvegl4ileets!iipliiis• hoppers.••_ , :'.. ;'. ' . ... '- p (. I .'' ~ . Q., 4 !! o ,4 Al 4 t i 'l n v , 4 at o i c . c I , P. . I O tYk-,o fßs o , - e .: . O v er tl , 1* 44 1..-4,.j34i, fli p , 9r -,Je..t it Leon 44 3 h01. 0 f OlaitOotoio.,.is'bOk'Ou)ii , eget& w ore ,moving ahead if;:i,tiigixt4i pirl,! ; ,They,rOFoe946 ilieoolli s i:4aP y and as tong each iio, as, iiiit':iiii . •4i;;o4 1 if y 3 4 1 . 1 PIO. .this Odd' Pp. 0004..Iieto i . fii::,ilieij 'op. pic140144.-, !iiaiatiee6:t.4 41049 . 04,i i 714 they , ,Me;e4after, thilr,e;ielied.,p . Pip ~lol' was teFyllinited . o*cept.tii. t . 4f: Oio, 40ijoonplip 'pi thoinn,in . ..• : Tho p' I.ol . o4',*iip;:,,,,tottli l etitdiri39ttoiii itl'.o,lickvo.piligoiliteit bf 0 4 I.l oePlainB6 . ; 4" , .9-A.#4l l P , OP' , .. What 344;° of u 5 ? •: 7 ;;' ' ''''::t;;' ,. : -' - k?!tler'bingQ;.t.flo'...( l l ) p v( i. lic.ki.vrtitO i l it'a. 4"ogil thai.llo.#ospliOpptiris:.'bikirOacii,..ti(e4 x"4II4OPit.YI - a .-.-.-,..-., f:-.,;',, 'r ,. -...-0 , 4.4 .., A:oodetetillizi.old'Ot on o' of the' inkl , {rats iiili'4otiiiti iii:lgliiiiiiiik.':2 , Viiiiiiit:'o ho iitt4o3:/4.'ciiiisirillo; lii4Nii4,4loiiiioeitt deiiiioo44*9,:inii4t4Oil,iolO`td?fittS:ifiii nil4oit piiey; ift'Aiiittiiitgiki , kftiefalkgi• o'o6 to the Itiolialfiiia*A*liiiriffor titeiiO4aiti.itioiltraiii,: lia...,iiiki.! - 4)iiiiii . t9 , ..6. ioglitii* q , A - tatiiiik l lll4 , , , iiiiiv.*liiiiiTiti4.vt biroeptiiiitii*hVithe 4 '.ll4liip7o at thi;.4egfi ili . iitcliititviliii still 'llitilili IlY:llifi`Ofohi. giiidled te'i,ifiti k .t4i;,.4'oeitllliate'of 48)4fiat tion. The folloiving. co4Veijitiiiithe4 Tetilk p1At i r . :4...,.. - , ,::. '. '. 5 Otitiaiti,DlCYail 'hilt 11(0 .,, ibbilliW in 4ii.witift . i iii i iiiitio•:iiiiikl l ,. , T , r i:: - f=.) ,,, ° , ,,. , :: - ; ; : ,1 4 .. . ,'Pt:6kA'fiA. 4 biili:Oifeic*4 l iliisti : 4iiilii , i44oiliiiiiiiifiOirokiii'iaitia6 iiiiiligcio iiiiii tt6iiii *hiii t 0 iiiiio".. ii4co!iitiititiekeli ''',‘l4 2 #oiitiii i ho;id4: . .e466.k .., ,-y#ts , laihts State, ~..:, ~3. ,,, . :. , , % :,,.., . ..., , ,- f i;, ~..?;':,,, ;,i.r.,5i.. , t , .y.1ii . r , 6' . 'oo(titiblivilitiikiit' ; - '''' 'iv"'''' ire}. ~.,...f i:• st , ~..---,--e - --, ".` ''''.,,';-'-'.. !.,?.,_Atrati «Tattozl4.6,o4.,..tmoityl i vitg, ti oipt§' of . 'boil/ township; :. 11/010,00: ~ goefity, di(Oiled hottialt! $4 . Jti irkit"otio:ol4 . Fildny, lettiliviti", Oiiiiie not"lhoiviii '!<.' ,l -.. ',' .',..t. MIN ME ':'i: ', its MEI MI ME MIMI 111 ED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers