Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 21, 1868, Image 3
ED ED ) Ait rtdb 11Les1 1 ts 'l4 tmi46,ti..**-44 1141 0.1*„ , 11 Nu 21 4 WileP* 4 r PI WWI "111; 14 Pbt ttuAintleketOlittat ble sime;i l I Itarslollo 14401 04 94:141t io desired 'by thel WO only on of/ f oi foto, insert Is 0 poslbte, itithOittiOtli4V ••M I . scrum's* Opremspitp*. 101.iiiir•Oni* I , ,ts *WON amorttere sif• Olt 4 „,,„ (VitiliriPM l , l o 4 gont short sad to the 1404. ' ; '• it e d fot roil I 4 ;,t p, tot 10, I 4:14 " I sh ' r • I , 0 ; • Grey t 01 . 4 Papis t , is .10 . „ 4 , if whilvmelt . 9,1; nrown,,Ho 0 2 I t- • . , fn., Drtso, Yel o loir, iseeitittli t ri io6le; tied, . • ~ ...„"44_ • T - 01 Tits .11AIN ANIPT:,,-tiowit„gift„,4 Isis eonesioit- 9 al? 47T $47 , 61 it,— Bum on Peen 5ti 080 , 44 1,0 0 # 8 1041 ) The report thettini OW *ol4o4lo4llitillp petal for ratting tliONWlirebil. i 1 test FrOit has woe 40,04,1,00 !ill reshiel l lire until next sprint. Vol? Vt. Wei, soot ts, e t ptlon 1 , ' 4 .4 , 14* ~,q ) trti.ll $1 i ', if A :,„ 00 to the Hem bookstore for your iileitonet4; i ..tittu y is limdwiro men ors nirooly dinplaying skate, their show wlndoentil /t r ; ql ' . ," is 14 Tilton do not ooMfdrin of dull UAW. The boys of on! el4r ay" yerryptly on the 'tree la the evening, end inuoh complaint le made; !hese boys ere they'? I A shuns ad la bate formed IA Ott oltr: ' A lons tool oiddWinteitn Orodiodod• t , I• 1 Erma 1,040„, *it% 0 6 4 11 4 ,X 41801 k 80 4 net with mueopeoem. 0 , ' ; 1 All desorlettons of blehith an Oolataitil /11° 4 had at the 1 40fit o t a itato. l'' a nd as be t on timed 11144011 a It 1 ) 0 0 13 1 1 0 The I'l4 et i tili t titl i t iee 4 e,oit'iiiida ottr oM Ali 14011* tTT talli://014 6100 .*Ste 0414 "r 4 D 41 144„ 4 i ll 16 014 4 Pq 1844111 0 g4 P 611 "." me armlet 1 ,/ ,t • i I, .1 ' 4 4 11 Come on whit swift A.l4V... kt ngd rote fill till theta Mt , , A 1 raWwwor *44 A . 4i;' VA l ra t f a iP ,, 6 eon etrod i tge‘,, filr • • ,I i %A. ! ofte ii Nli 41 4 0 540"isitoo44,tittsittil alibi**.l 44temsettierhstuautro ti - In i them deten t lki‘j#, thilli lit adittettilb to (t/tnbli *NO lirtintits itetity I(44s..mist4ois frit in 4 1 4 1 100,1 4 44 . OM* by thou sg. m h o beys. I, 1)4,, ..A . • , . • ; # i 1 41 . % 1.4 si 1 V 1 } ' A otroin wagon of Bah ilostie Inetutserle WU nil to(wh lio prwkaik ihrfrnkli S'idiloirtown so frilids* ogo. It 0nt0 5 iggi44444410410 t 1 , 4 , • • • 1 he en MOW mit ) 1 1 1 110440 lb* POO_Plubr t e Etat Nottlinifidiihietind vehnroh, in MOW reams. on Mlntlly I*OIIIIIIV r l, 18 th lot* Pnvenlonte NA l'rO ha iled with droning! 'via wlustrSio 1 b s , *is, losinic th. l tellage. it m, A ~, .1 i t i ~,, e , "1 , •t 1 , : Joeusais's*Jis '4 1 401'44 to ring blip ' kil!kt! ill ll k e ‘t 1 1 4** 4 . 29 41 , 4 , L ,i,Pr 1 :•• • • A gingorimso ill i t: lt tiv,n..-- t i ' We notimilosimpegi: teelatogsk.s s , ili : We elution GO po4l4lecidalfetiottple atria Jere vow irroWling 5h0541.4 tionntroollOAr 4 I looking mon *thong aOA andlldo oonotikoloki, ' rod hood Moil Wolliiiin I &Will shoed in Ms sh &gm load birm looMot t ''*ltiloottlf lotioroOoki d k. sad mks An , Month itioOkrohi tor them. t , Yorney inklig gime oiann• toPlOann hi Onlffni him the 'King otifolopf , " On v 4.04.0,014 hit Minicab linw Jaok. ' I' l. 4, fk s•, . vt• d ',. '4 Lei Stit7bo4l, A Ueda. slnei the, hare papfirs, —ln their 11)114 ' „ i,,, , ~ , f 1 ,1 bias so Evorrtidni tondo to dorohlinonAn l / !Pia A hoofts. R 1911,1114 san,thoro 440 piog ~or 4 htt. business circles 11 Is mottmes altos:metal they is snob „ • • Itopo alrOod things but ti 4 • to bottor. " • , •:fr'” ,•, , . • "I loss lbw thee a! Inul`snna — 'Saturday *italic 4 kg4s*lPP toll* Pilagh i k*At f apj44,4lll' 4 a si lli Impel 4 walk ba stoat WI beftra tlitt kti of t i • • tt: iy , (:•;t ; ..1 . 1 / 4 tvif 0111%. 044411 iit, id ti. l l k#Urrh*E‘f ll6llo " I ea 1114 44 46 -4 ,44/ 00 . , , i i le! 4 ,4 40,40 ii!)1, Rotiiiiiiiiktamili •kk-ittiL*l4t***o ' PisinotOdoiff.434,lo-.Sklaitiii44r 11 44 43: ' %lons of in helot's. ', , .' , •-• A, •-• i • • • t• ' • f',• •,.,• • •-• , i,t , •-i •',/, 'f , • ' Saatiseitat rili a stilitaisialooo,7 " ' /, ; Billthiaapyp.rbe Skil akairie s e aaiiiiiis4 illl+ fat: ll4 ' lo •P l * l !l,Onf•, 64 , l ,' ;,(',4 ;=•° I k l4 ‘ lll o .ris t —7 ' t ii; •`' , ' ' ~,,.,, ." 't ~ I •:.e.. , , i , '" -t,),i' „ • To watin . sW,A. . tlbe, • tio lt;,..i • ijrti• t. , &m a c rtitioir maletdo 0 1g0r %01.7 o{o itg 71 .00 4 1V ,1 ki &Pm Bo ►. 1- BiWiliiltii of -iisto—otitiAgiiSt...7oiniA. N0t94,.,- -, ~,,- a t : The triviis low! 'r ~ 4141* 4' . at< st• hmits 4~ blitligic . traftiiiiisisaidologoid Matt ttifli* ' ILI( 1 1.4 ._ *4li ' Mitt iiitth. '41944t= • - - - 1 0 ' 41iyokiirs hi thsboti„V P 4- ;: , l- • '-• . tioilii/' litetillig Ou, - Utigiy. pp, killintotadigor Al i vrk !, - 1. 4.3 +yr lei , rp-i,: . 4 11 t0 10 .::4 , e1 . 4 1 1611.04 . *o4o' ) O ng Skiing' , lhipilt . i'W U, Dinkins' Ifousei'iott ', Men' le;lftlf 2, The Annosi meeting of th e , teekhohimettill be ,held at the me time itutplziee. , :•; . . tame ' . .t. it' t7 if.-1- 0 :AA' •- ~. j • ot • .tits. . 'Onion 'Atrotict ? girth WiiiWtet , ,i'estgued his gMtfett is police 't.'' 4 ‘ Of, ' - 51 °Urt ' Xikt"di • - ' ' stA4 the'L , i d i „ , 21 , ••, • ..,_,. it „ 1 . 4,., 12_, 1 , ' c "ill: 1 I o' "42 r ri .•,‘', t" ' ' nr - liffeiti,! • . .1- ..' t, -Or ' *•. m - . . —.'t, . . th e , c' ~ 2 3. lit,' lit IVI, fria , i4tils I f 4 4 if t ,ik . i - 1 '..,- 7 , . 1 0 .8k 4 :4)•4 4 15ig 4;1 •.. All .1!,t1 ! 41 tie 4 , 0 ... 04 I .1- '2.64 .44 tliti; w k i f l 'i i iii' , ":%.kiii 1 44 1 4 11 ft I . k l ' 1 ~; n - t_ .. , , . i'f't i l F a „..., 7 i.,• ' '• - ,5,,,A R. woe., , le tt ,i. i , ,' , ,' • . . 114 ' + , ! d ':, . ' 0 ' ire . ~ , , 1, y . . ttix 4 to %,t t xtlitilia4, it , 11 • "thitaliii ' fit 01 il)) '140.04)r 1 ':-. ' : - 41, , ifii , Count,*. 1 VBsits + 4 l .llfliiioOntniAterTkilifri9,.. • Elooletiel orour city are about- to commence , ' ulna, eolieedomNi praperator7 _to thi i;•c wilder campaign clarity to the poor midi seedy:of litiV V. , ' Mel ihOpo thy wilt be‘ met with i libe ' oneoarsgemeSt. ilGtvei , and It aba ft be iehilitilyoo.!' • i TiiiiikofirilditiVeit e e‘iii•iit liiitAgetitl jl4l tia Mond last has Sot,* bee* ce tered.' The 1 , of fast' e.e'rettidgwiii nt erroo , ~ ,0 : -, . Itilictiugh%) RNA* ~ , . .e. . ei • itt 13iterito behigh comtkr. ~, The . i 14 sal dries .here was aot`thi t tke`l6 'for ? - :f. . . . , vc v '4l riAwia.. ,roiPto , i ! 4 ., er tri-XetOlL°l3llati tr Alftit i .;, , t elitriteitia ;Beeo itait Ol # , Itraildifiltke,ew oof *to watt nta Awe, bx 4 Wrilageo44l . image to•say, ileitis be hart.'"Thd hake ksmeked , hita down, 'whoa the carriage passed , oretAim Sgtotitlite wheels touching, him, _,, , . ' t: 4 ? iit ititilioo A. 1;4 ; f rilt• ii 4 an . laid out from the new 1 adJeo4 Bridge over . th; Bob skill ,sear #o talen t to the Perkiotee and iftaPtleie Bete; hat?: • . 1 0 4bowl - mined its fixing Om Illiml Att ~ ~ Agliosie of the* met a third time hero • ...,. Ming Its work. The lesgth of the, . . ~; bo ut tali a mile:- 3 - Attetount Ze4ger, - , ;• - ' ' 1 , • . , ..a 431 "Ir° 111 . — B fesolutsOrAelloli .k 7 titilillavitattaa adwiy. got . laurmat meet, VII #, 0 1A7 l i ftrFf ,t . ,stilder.° di i 1074 %b i ke* 4 ll !V° leebrid odi , ,br . .. i AI 1 1 this, itA diiim ittliiiii_thit Mbteof MiMi4to strg tol brotiosen , WWI:. be, teirroluitt 9f •tviidri f is heretofore ; arid tbittof th' tird of managers; 41(11460i At not rresideet, d sold six,lhitisiethieur,eliedi tat a qmaum. , MR.' Tnnik.istiApts*Ohlds oitY, 'who ) : t . •, , 4 zepertdi. , rolv,g:fio i. , 1 , • ~.. _. ..A r pe,_ ~ •, .in 1 , i i., , , 1 s r v . - lotAttatNio . 40)teift l ioilii .. trAl: ',.:' '', wl tatr'4- a .' 4- iisi4lkii'. i, .l4t. .! i. t * ... sirellMd becsinnoteryltd,,,nus , :- i , )1, LI. fecnter*lnch he til tie* tient OW bit, -1 ,t, • • '•• -*inwA,,i;i•:to , ,4„,...A..,..??....,„. ink til '61)4 t inlet Dickinson Tiro: booed hate re ?lid 'in Eickceneri i on,;4Cirlit#4ot l issued on pattkir i LetiTaltaratanolitien - 00ar police , IdNoetik; Charged With b7Fsltaiittnil an assaiN and battery on '.14 44 rittolt r iii to al li Tir le ' l liS' et Ws 91L f oil n Tues, st‘ 1 18, Moe liihr tir , toil 4 , 4locolr.hoeißke)ol l .4*:. ,Afet . tobliFkotti origin comer ST K atte , Fp NO' nr.kt!?alD , 4 ~4 -, ...1 -'1 ' 11 , 1 ! .1 ",-' „. j 1.44119 lip . RUA ' adetleorkettior, letqbanoni - zativelPoUtLowet • We Op i ,, , It boned by hatice f_ipohntOt Lower 1 01be s tt on • Oct. 18; , tWughl, hafoke • Abkainalr.iiithotWlainkfa44l:o4;4l44l ?II s4oo*h to appesetkPop* Ntu a If i . • .shipp„ , „otivimioNiii n ft•- 'it State. younen orxeorkey v an a r # r , .A, ~,., conffienlill a i mu t l ilin n trt rds Yt t r t hale p fe l at 'V a I sil o Fon iv and.thotlikittetitt ) gtateleoluioWor &Tier 1 reeh f ilni The tainuslirt etatethrit 07 Alit!ftelprii "'. io !'' 1 04, Atiki.,4 i ff i r4,•d r , Vic , tik . r . ig e leWat La, in 41114). a .. .to b4thilo Ittir ` Or? "oWcirsi.O . tg..).n suing 'yeag,lfork,. aft pti •8.'0., . COO A W. ,enlciee. - trig . I __ , jll3. T. 0. John_ ''4. U 0%1714 27 4 drat tl f tot Ver t C OI 1 ° I ) ll l lZl 44 lll 4 ollt i tit r iiti A t::. itA or i vo ir !irl .. 7.l: toothi l Vbaft ifirVOf tito6lll 006~ . site tO liitiot asi u st il ,etr tnoli t 4ieniz,Loefie, of No.' 15. ' -- ?A t tept,etOntati on fronithe . dite . ph ,of the State w4re 8 " 004411104,A;s4smember. of i loaf oifyi br)4 t i,len Ati. epee s inside by Os4i '. ix Av...,e; k ieevlL adilnyderil M., )4*.e, Atiffert Yili . , A. s, Roc**ce akaitytherdo I , Thaifrie . 4 , ' -lihlP ftit# 4 4:o 4 ol4 AV ab "' of ' 1914.:40 , 0 , q.opyit_t4t011iite 511,4'40-t;:4 f *lad .4 0 ' ISDIXOB Or . 1181. Niatinnbtalso 'a •,,,, .' 0 npwall -- 0pkh , 11 ,, 1. 1., • , . , WU aid . n , n a zi e, . , t, . , Ol 414 ithi :ChttrOb•' • • , t , • , • .• , - , • i r .i " t• ., i . 6 'l' n ' ' ' it k: a l: : ''l en nterettnin . . ~ 2: . 0110, SO 4 11 , 4 . t'- itigll. '' fa , ~:r. 4 ., „,,. . . 1 Th& p e i thb : :, b no vigl• • .no it lintrthain ' itixtbet oort,ta En t j 1 ~,010,., .:-.‘c l i 4,11.‘1.6,-.:•.'... , ....... _ _ , MIS Mil te - a • 4.1 1 1 14 1 41 L- ----IX consequentjAy i bivi t , walk, and Scroll. °lti r r ' 4 = l l 4a tartg' Et eon ~ h ,-,o ._ , ntiritafrAs 4 44l4 9 ‘4 , en ,an onor net n ns pIN. per toles,* hill offi he was re ed and his AsAMArtietre9L:' get , titt", e v lin 1 00 1 0 g the '' 'el i • ' ri m,. i •alectib• F attlelt es ao Irks_ ~ ~;.• • eatorasy) * b . / coloq,fleg;00 "deed" unnl itt! vial. 11 ho.l 2 n_' ' !IOW i striethottreenskih:tindWtt, 1 tih#44ll. cot came eptitiOnd' . llrrOMod , .1.- he Inrowt, know w*o.thomilasqltkii t ietoze.what be cage erb!th 'l4y//,...11011)e1140:W*e, tht4 I titfigt 00.itt 44= 1 211 1 l o t 1 become of, tel.:: ,Me Ortpkthe Maier gave lt, tey Madd, *IA char 94 I. r the trouble he had. wised, t,' ! , As. .haio:lr vig iid thh(Mtate ..W,..'...1#4 nilthrdifib g 2.0.• : , . X 4 •., 43 iff* :JO._ '4. 1 7 13eimiel• Weltletsitiiind: i ttterdeill Eighth street, ii“lmAtiiit Mt* wood, by oillcer'llegge*., 800. was druhk; nd too k matters o ,frec and esiY."' He wa4 plAciid - ivhere thiniii . ***not so "free an easy" until, this to when the Merl charged $8.26 for, lodging. But' Sam having no money he was retained. ‘• i i 1 M i tiVi s 17 p ee Iltri 4 1 OUR DEIIiOORATIO t ADlnn.—The Dietot i ridicules the "Democratic womonikof Bead Inv beano° they feel hurt , and indignant a the defect toftbe Thimderids 'in this State i Why ihnuld they not, lee) so? Theskpoo *Omen, 'Who hare toiled and eoffered '' fo years to,keep like wolf from• the, deer••44l any 1 of thith theiole tOppOtt"eriblitteselittl i ones during the Teen; that their hnetan were fighting, as they vainly hoped, for th , Union—lookiidt *ivied Ws iDetnotratio vi I tory thie fall as a harbinger of bettertime' They • hoped to see again the good old Dem o., eratio,titnee ,of pearorosperi t y and I 9 ofiewor thtinece of f mho poor man's table' was elided 'id sill tho ' necessaries, and many luxuries. Their hu bandi t fathers and soil toll constantlyounne• thrum both . * and night, for what purporte to be high wageitlbiVrthich, paid in miseraf• ble, depreciated paper, reply_ amounts tf• , much less thin they recelved ten year, ago, w.ll :llValli f f r igragtfiti l i‘ e Cit t pum ly e et, r I , ~, 1 . present. They hoped for better SIM h feel-that the ,chcated out of. the_pr ••,: nailed. relief by rho Abongktimentes, 0 1 40; moneyed aristoereoY, end tbeff have keittlt ,, fa ndianant. : 1 i fW§f Kai *tiOdalleti belltkibi working: women will he obi° • to . 'prot' t *bust, the tyranny of the Radical, mon i lord* at the billetwboOlhetir their' pro will be of some avail. The women 'of Am ridtgimotailmter,44,o* . blit ali whuiltWe nandifocif ilitiOrMit A li:th ' do the men °four nation,demondiaed byer aid,i;delidert ,i)itv!ii trys)l ~ S iff.fli y' 4 6 I • ht , TheelioDemocridic, , vtimenalof, , sent thOso neatest and . dearest to them ' thu battle• fi ejd to Room! 4. I pion, Th y` I sent th6lol , 4thOtalufrived OW ", . . flirt to e polls on Tuesday, to make another effort 'f r he Tien! 'o 9f thellnien under,the Co • ;IA 01,.' , ' 'ffol4s l .lkoinieteriholo d oft "e Itt 1" ere tAftduffe4 tint"Orth6 . • ,sult , ef the ivictori, by the Radical monk, d "liitrr:tifit t nntlAll o ,4Tol,a a tit Y ehofi `e. '' ' ' ' Wiare proud of the "Democratic women `,otitteeditieciikbgibilMlo,glo4oll . 46. ikii. is not yet lost. , Let them , eefigNiat husbands, eons and brothers, to 'the is again on the 8d of Novernber,to maka opt • er effOrt'for the restotation of a Frernme I t f 0 Win rA e ; :f geiral l e,etngitoflgXhe Ara - ample, and the victory may be won in NaNth-- ember. frt 14 / 1 04iiiii tiiiV6o6'id Cretoitoktiiitr IN . ~ ' ,ltaitienpin Oct. ;slat, •1868.1 - Eturoa D,g,t,T BAGILIIS-4 the absence )olf any *ery idiA•itigliiiiirrinutt be content witknoticing a few improvements which ae , taldtinghiltawklArgout trelpfle i tlyough ti after having toll in the echo° •room for ~ th4fieoUrgeter.little totriolifinod{:freeh he . Aa k i imam Moog Vdteiyahnhgeetsi. ilit A neidipopposite thopiriethOVSTfo eee ehapellt stotioistiest.twoleloryp threl? lug otedokaadinewoempiedubyt for , s 3O •Dekaidlitkich adds very mach/40A bee tf i,of ; tto.part. of Abe ' atteeteil - 4bminits,ht 6 ifailhei toithe tomer! ofignostreet t end it ,t 1 adjoining it, 'still. another.sis lbeing,holit f, Mears. Bhollonloitget lc Tobias whieb,wh 0, eoulettioll will be hp leis -in Tobias _ the thbeikoilidlithinkid. 6 Prtik WsidenCes *hie ji,ctikpi k Ockki ti nntieuktedlt .the,linbiit . ~ t lbeNte ItneitittMx7., 'ltiglidle *half long ,en can be exten d ,odidethrit mite • if requ.ire‘mth. . t safel- %to 4 ,t'" 'l :4 ' ;4 ilblUtt l y ' 1 7 • , .1 e - .1 oftritte kilititA A . -:p its : • `Oclite '', . end en ' 'lt' . ,!410.W444 " ; g ag a Inn h stpset ) :t,..‘‘v .....c..,, .ro I" tl fi nd s , I I**l r i t ifkl; nObritriliAMMit i .. . ,e 1 6. : ;114 h ceir t i011 r ,1,, 4 • e con h pastop-oU ,e t . Rdforme ev, olkftlinfliblill ' e Emanuel chur,ch,this borougnontenas , 1, Ito zeal f his 9 , % 41144ounna , o "J• 1 .r' ,• ri b, flit . b i f , i, •r ! 4?f, t t o well nekloWnidyffill*t4W l ,4; and eupe tr , send Abe I , of the,,n , Uns_ s both,' ul o' 3 ' •. 1 I.i i#:' l ;,9l4 6 ii ' 4 .);.......- 4 4. , : Ig,i ISE ME En lower Al OW sltii. .04..,. 11011400114 14011401441004040004° tax itp efAi mot. Ultima 14 'kir (V lkot eix/MWollili'gahii i ) t ittni lodit omik ttokoidiellet rn k W . tailaLL, tookb a tiiither; Kis - ii - 4.t' iiki The 111 !./ * l l f(o,t,ifi;k `.q. 1144 4 / IMM stopped 1 *l4o#l ),) i ,ft MgOOd °PoOrta: to. 'i s Eh v ' Mil!il 4 , 1 1 llin lOW* ' *91141,44,4"*141° ri t ta l atli i I ° ' * ', I t *0.44 1 011)**,4, 1,44,000Ke . ~411 u, 1 ointhkeic***osito 1 PiPt itie f I smell tots it Ilillit t SA' 44 AO . 410/40Mati MAIL JIM 11.1°1 we give the,koes v a t0 . ., 5 ; Tik' PAMOVROM 7' ICOM V 4110 04 vid Mg our . tftetherp .40911,1106, ' , Nnli 0 0 i *AO 00b 41 ' ONO otiir Aoi . . F it i oeskilkt On el 141 ; ometWO WiegiNUM94llo44Wo 164, *rib ettetker thee e re . Four I, ftaciiiWieAtiAtlattilY,'OUt # ' *A§ 11 ;;Yi***03 1. i ,O I ~ tY ' )01 ql, n0 ,11 :461 r it ' t , .1'1,;•?!. t 11,. it i or I tet i:). ~,f. ,i( ,14 012.0. 40Asei Z ',aim,' 0,44' rrii)Ati 7ita o,leaLVlnic e g, 4 iiCli &ten " 'ary #14 4 0 itact4st nilatenhl witi uotit t oco y .. kr, se it irowees t 4 Bali of the e ii et ii i i rOg ON. hO •. . '5. L eiti bro ,"a roue .., o9a , . gotiqee ~ her! s d . ..,. 3 ,0, ~;tt,P4 tt !, liffo. , , 1 VailrOniillV, Ihnitedrtra Igu.. 411'10E, 'La , , ItilifiOlk 44 a 9 , of aboa ; 0 29, the' 04010 11 paidoil,l6lr. ito , .with 'AO,* 0'1; fuse:. -, ;,,,,.; i, - ,,f '. ru1,014112i4a,)t, +- ~ .-- . • . Tani wait.' Jiro A ldsnCe ,ne •ntar -4 0 this I maritlni 1 b h. Rios 'and sells . An abitndance of qtbing.-wes nffeied t prices.'Somewhat I . 44fir ibati,;on Satard y Wt. ; Eggs' 881d . iiitlik,ke r tita per Anise; wh e I r a ts .i ' i tA " Ol i ge t 4srt ..' . . 2, I _ ,4? '. : lard ilif*iiiiirlitii Thrttiliatknii4d fro' O. ....... - 4049 1 100 4 14 Eittelgit.Po44o4.4 , C .: Ott iSiehle.Ooin ,13 10i174enttlet ri 'I PikiMitituls , 4ooo4r t l i l li . "oi4l6 ;. h ire‘itie iff+*lerith.: ' I i'V:' " . 'ii: '' et ic l n itl , ,* . ''. r' iatr; . 4 )tioltik! 17) 1 i 4 Olit9Ofi t *Sti)"‘ ri AiTf l i*kti:VAAihlh#OiLi! . et &#* - 6*!!! 18 -10 11 9'01'; l. 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