Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 20, 1868, Image 3

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littigo l o ool .oofril
• 40 4104044/; . sonis
boromiliairilitstko •
*4 WI? SO
ilia Abet ,
it el 1-
/poi* Pa U
blo ***,.
of theNlift?
loai so dioitiol
Write oily
!loss 6114:4).-
ttrd fof 1t57140•41
ithit!srll 1 .. . , •
Black, iiiiik.Nrrikf a i 11W 2tA.
: f r i sielSt suukt 7 r , 4 ?; i,-- , ,
.Pir ;1104iiii
. 11a Ai. L , '.,
. uli Illeo B", 1 Ti, itto, s. j
' A ea
kihoil• .1 A i ,111 ti' , lf )1-; . L ,- ';-',) , os b‘r
"ova. wit*
viotoo* Lo sk '• , • i
,• i—. '
4askotooalsimor!ign , ,; ,. tl; , ` , ..
i so siodo ' .o**44osioloire `'::, ). ~ • •
~, , .-. ~„ ,iy. „: '.* r;ei i1i,1,... el , : :..'r.
8010i81.01111,10 . 4t P444aburf. . ~ 1
~ • . ~,,, ! ,
Stn: NOwsoll Hall 7M litoion. , .. 4.
1 .)'1 1 J l 3 t
Coy. CU!) 11 4, SW siiii* OIL •••
' itO'lr io 'O4 Ogoo,to Ivi•ri,AlOVlrit. ~:
• , r ~ q ,
lionlo*Viio,l4flife r :fro i nt.
Hartfordhas a moo *la! twoliooliti.' , , ',,
',, 7
Cold siotordoo-Atat otefollifierage by air. ,
-No obatbst ' 3 l.oft,olni 4 / I ,d, "i
Illioliorit polled OD Tot*. ' 1 •
D 6! 1 r1 114 1 °,10 _ 4.1 ' :; :i , . , ,
` 'Albs Sol Ot—UIS weather.
• 1
Will bo eispoir-buckwheat °aka,
"AU the p?
How to Oil vrottrwoo iota tiando, •
• ' TtioNpoti'itAitoito hola.4oefitiati,•; .', • , , •
Now te the WIWI* odtottloo Ittiorstir.; i 1 - .• .
A 844 on oalOrtho fifty of the bondholder.! '
No loot* td WaNlito ru4gss wootlootott—iltort?loir.
" 1 4 014, 1 210iThaissid , Of , btliio74tio been
, 1t, 1 04 I'o 101k,ot,Askis!gi,ki ~,,.,
inghtisicii i liallUtf the' 414‘' Iii ii amb
b nitim i 1 1 111 111 0 .30 , 4 , ,•%, •• . • '' , c
„ f J 01.104. IA ' ;AltlelAtolikkailiitte: Tisi ;kayo
,tilt tittli
00.olt 4 01 1 1 0. ef ,' , ' '- '- ' :, •
t utor*.
iriiia4 l iuttatotillit:dottOr itiita+4o.
o, • WWl's. '' . . ••'- , • ,
Batton Ovid , .1;o* iFe now used for trlo4ofos
d i t i l s a„l ;"yr
)-0•11110,4bies, ac.o4 for young ladle' and tio are
kltobl intalattar are,howaTer b uot wad
hat '
1 , h e llos
o' 1 Gr o use ha:o els son, lied those fond Orfila
•_,• sport whwa It oat ; gindo will; no,ilqubt, oilier /oxito,
guatislOotikptitio. ' ( i a
i 1! '
~ . .
The De! 100 if Ades fbr min, as dliplayed In
soMe of the e1tb,p , t , , , ,40, .t Vow Toth, mak lOW,
toes Tart 14470 tarred tonte like skithis Iros.'
.. ,
• T h e *With* reel/tete an 4 count, ,ofteeth to order'
Ant i It *EtPoetlr the tnelOrtti Ofvotem a Ireed
that .111101alltaa IWO, 04, bast Ploor 011 OlOth In
Reading. 1-iltare Third sad *eon alreets., ' •
Thi minon hil Ilitltiyo Is tot' ikaltroachliiifr the
.. limits throilaliciat the ootnity hors tubed sik iiii
mil annittor tkikArioont isar ' 1 ' . '
f‘; ,INOw le ths, tuns at you Om poxlloo ,wlko inlond
pinobsolag Was tb nall and see them with the
• °net on. • Thatwili 4 istl the store' ,of the Merits '
.of the*et ate Orford. , •: .
_.• : - •
1 •
• 'Wed Ilk. ott o the firm with prOps on tb4 time
0 1* /Ws 1 . ''. ', . s , • •
. .
t /40,411Wfuld, ;rap, 4444 colored Plaid silk .
- Nam, at anima, lonsor,oonti, and flappad till
mash? oveteoCta. ire the tilt fashlons for gentle,-
-Wl"' ~ i , ,• , , .r , . , f 2., ;
Very Iseenrenleut—The short dress, wbgi ' iii
new ifillait into flophicos, to a lady who iota
Nadi b? railroad,* she Inuit invariably tnlss her j
41 4 116 ., 0 s•
Ron who s In the habit of tearing , dowii bills
shont tows do re4sl4. that tinilmi la k
iit4 of fir•lll4, toi,svia $4O. 06 0 0 14 • •
Roger ottimilintr—When, a rittloallisVO, * hIP
lady pleasure walk.? xi
the Atlletikee , laefhed ani rude *with
' ' 4 o o a . i.etreet 1 ,
A lasi' ilsoilt )14er irmieritmay tout the
pre tiro upladon of blast lit ei atone nurirri. In
Utrus Oill thitnrdeylel. ;:lle lain no danger Of
1 .• hle DOI; •
• Or riow to therm solid clad olden In.
dlan :der, end the tarot trees prevent the
eerlogettea !We of the *IOU*. It is 'ohyinins
40* 'Mt (dt arnstott ieeMl Titant
' With Jon' "
• 4„,..„,
0, ,, ,,,
..,. , ~..,
41 , 0141 4
t rier ‘
• Vt
el u rr e :l7 l I n tif e l fratitrtiVil . .:
glitif e 0 e litgrouirs :ai! il
y oor Att . to l ba t ea% i 4 4 , 7 ial virikraiL
. . •
• • BANErtilty. On thillith hut', ;Too
Baste, e r•Orst
The lot iniailitanecn of thi . d a tesed
PAM IWO& to lAt4llO Mita natal, Th af
tattoos 01.016 without Anther not front
the residing. if hie 'mother. No, 1K North VOW
*net, to to dodo Wove, %SOO.
eqw WO :OW on ittithLtite
Oat • Ifeiontoknoo oe,roh
Moioti yokttvos.opitrlmotsb — li r til‘
110. 0. Rr of P clootiontal todei No. 'IV!, . 0,0.
F.. Puma Cher NO. 28; ittotherhOod of the tili=*
U'io NOW , 1 4 1 V 0 4 1000 04tho• AO 404 1 4 Noll
ooetiotats Of inhiek`the deemed wits it 314 1100 0, 1
On4oo ht. 111#0.4 'pool honk ht. into`rod-'.
dot* In lion% Nifth etkinkon lfedneep u t at tt
Ohl 0)104 pi jo •,to ,1 1i91711.1 ,
am* to 1 i ae Ootioters. ;
Bun mu art it Itko4p. -
; •
t J '
had& m oo t
lion of toot I**)
a:4'3.l'4)f SOW
thigolls are bel is tl y ti ir kken'out tho
=it glattosd Comp Ws, 10141 the
Owed ti tentob:
mews; (of ' TAxign. boroeitt
► • ell of Hamburg hee*poltited
104/4 Ofc, r ,gt*tt r,l( 4"—
4' ••
Vonmentoen- , Wontehfowen ,
C(4 1 " contractor, fee„,bnitdieg theß dun at
lißandukree, ” Wnedeileed opereihne.'tes-
Ueda'', end will Push ,the work,towatil:spe
bill, • \ ,
. 4.1• • •
Rat. Jr. A. Ante fOrmerly Pastor. of
Si. John's Moa t ./hobori t. died on ithe
28d of, Septenibei l after di long :Miele, at
veadenoe in Sohnlheerk;, , ;The ronniine
'lto/ MiLetavi&Y,eterati inoinieg the
train from lektnnisiten , -tokliendb*,. on - ,tike,
ROelingnoColtotbingnikOnd f • wee dolma
isdiKint nod -f iv eYselnateit near Colour bhii
"410 mint gleing 'The train•ranch
ing SmAng lkilOtte'7; . ' '4' ' • •
tone na'',cow mak commence on! the
second Mondaykethi of the month, And not
on the -- ant • Monday, *4 was etttnitbiag
printed , in the Shetiff's •,Proolarnetion or, 1
0**,414 the Weekly papers. The tt i tie
for holding several-termer of our Co,
*emanation. ktee Act of Assembly, pails
it the lest peseloo,otyhiehtheprinters *ere
not cruse him the riodatimition was held
•edhisThterror h been corrected.
• Oila
CF. l l , lP4• l OOl l .r . Via 'Wig° iq . fie' goon
Teik wit a Dumber Of farmers - rtildin* 'in
Col counts, Md., quite nat* blpeastor
i ii
`county line have lost a nitintler of inttl by
dim , i l i heitik flingers: reoldo prinoi ily
along the 'road lion' Istiositer to VOnii,a ngo
Bridge. o:3loorgpiri lost twohritd jJ ohn
Bennett; tiro; Mn.Ui- ste, a • sow; Randel
Moore, a cowl Me. - 11111i 'at Rack zEiptiags,
ril *do , in Allo*outli d 02 1 14 bfui.d.' bftvo
led..'44fersonicia. , ... • , ,: ~ , ~• . :
' • '
14;6 1, ? 4 t if,proPoted to hold Alit Our•
leg the meting holidays for the Reeding Li
brary Company* !tod ft, is hoped that the lA
dies who take an Interest In thlireally bigot
lent Institution will, attimithe
riefetiet it the ' l ibrary; WV* on Tuesday
afternoon it So'oloCh. " '
The proceeds of this fair will be Invested
in - Boots. and av Committee of the. ladies
wnl seleik the Peeks oted4 prftlient the to
the Libra* Contieity..
• • •
Faiis Piss * ow - "KiiMumna.—ln ! the
Supreme Court of Neir /*me/ Chief jujitiet
Beesley pie a decision in Ule OM to -
Kinney, administrator, 'VC Central arlikoad
Compan,. in which It ie decided' that Where
pasty holdings: ,free;; ticket, containing a
clause that ,the company, would not .be iia
bliforinjury otaccide.nt, was , , 11. an
acmdenCupon th e tioaa f f said CHUM WAS a ,
legal k*ltritet between tile deceased and the
Company,and no action could ho maintained
for damage by hit adMinistrator. •
,eseoblg between 9 arid 10
o'clock, a Oro broke out ifthe
of Seyfert, /lONents tt Co. It oriented
bOtreop tYPP-,811101 0 3 ; Pear the ,ventilator on
Om , OA r vi)oC-It4woS' : ,estingoifil ‘ ied'l3efore
aiy i rottesa. Thertwaritti
dittoe.of hos an les.tes, ; rialptovel protopt
brodgbt I to regolsltlon by the workpeen,
*vokibooktlart• fite,wit . wtTeventol, t The
brongbi,oilt"it'portlon of,tko'lore De
partment), Itblob l. as usieli !es pronipt In re
sponding. • •--
' •
r oe ilTaßN poultry,is beginning to come Inc
It sn't look rd nicely u barnyard fowls
utivi the market stalls, but Is :gamey never
theless, Oyeribe grain, farms eblek
eui run It'd. They fatten upon the
stubble fi elds, and are'sbot ind'sent to Mark
et sit the end of th e soasotilike so Miiebtsild
fowls: • 'The birds are plunged Into hot *Mei'
to loosen tlutir feathers and butily plubked..
The lkidelekilttiollaek them in barrels and
send %bens to us: They bring two-this/s the
price‘Of4lifstor rodsters, and aro, tiro- birds
Dotter. -• .• • ' '
, . .
'' Piainwir Boto.—lii. J4oob Kramer; of
Windsor townsikip; sold his'iltrai ofBoecres,
and '46 perches, t0 . .,310pb
,Hefuer, For the
sum of S 8 t 150; _ i ... i ,_:
'I lirtlttlitbiOrit s alieldt of ,Raplibtrgi sold,
a)isot'ofland, 414 iii 'Windsor' towoshiii,
typokiping,lB,aerps, inoip Or -410, to George
Lewd Rr that boiough, far the a mhof
114IM= , I ,:,,,, •i, ; - , ~ ~ I, .
n lin. Ludwig, of Hamburg, So d his
mill rc9BrtYr. , nhonted , iulleetwoo ,' . .,to'
4 "? iliii;sirPriFir'PentWood, for . the's*• of
" I '
Paile fob Punting itstablishment
is mippliitirith the material of aco tn
jobbing office, and we are daily doing letter,
work thin can bedOtie thit side bf tletVXork
,pr Philadelphia. We ariprepare4 to reoelyti s
orders for any description of Printing, plal
or colored t , which will 104.101044 wit 1
promptness, nektneis, and at , prince Whig,
cannot 4.0410 in,chespuess f quality of
work olineiderod.t , :Persons in want of Job
Printingarill please bear these facts in jmind:
competition in this line of
IrsfFsitatili. Wig* ,71t i kth e ijit 4 10' this
earth can compare wit* t attach:
meet ofii*lfes,uo Presto* who, for the obieet
of he4ove, is SO indomitable, se perievering,c
so' suffer - and to die;' Under the
most dietreesing •circumstanees, *Oalan t a
berallnighti 'power all hal'
alt ak ag aa ng piss away, and her
spirit 'Mires the Armne‘a Marbie---mik,
reumtinelirmiese *ben ctroamstaniat
tter to it forthidl eitettles under the
inspirailon l of herysif . ectiory— Webster.
4 • - .
Tug Vora or RastintaThe whole nom
ber of .voteilioljeti for 4.uditor General in
thi city. ifl sditift on, , the Ifite ,
0 1 066. Thia is ak increase - or 1,497 over the
vote forTtnident is 1.864 i MA of .702 over
the vote toy Governor ,ut 1866. •
Estimating five inhabitants to each votet
although we think 0 to 1 `
.would be a
rirtirCYB4 l l.4frrittra u ltft
wont give kat' popkatioti o 86,670 g whit*
is pretty near sehat ccnsus, 'flaked et this
time, wont!! &auk .1' ;
'' bie 13:iitii'idit iiiieWi;b4 last, dame.inithi
lite itlipiAo. liodiettain , 61414, world,
eomplbt)ied[theiiiiindertni feat of .wOlking
severkOnd ottettiurth *twin fiftpeit inin;
040 Irdcmtilltar ,thee saitco,,, o!lv, at the; fell
l'Enle .
i iii a it tieety nit Vaviging, and
Is , , niage l4ll6 941414‘1011 I to pm on ail
' a Ito hi of le) If, *0 rauthre ,to assert'
be wiltson'beatble lo4test a locomotive:
weleitit - . ttiotAnv , woods : to ; nnairtake
*paha *WIC lithe'oin* of 'a few dikyi.--
04/54‘ AWL' ;.- t ,
v 0 nigeiiiltidA nth raked,"
onr mind oti , • . . i , ,
A %le f
W:4/ ‘y .
``• shoe* Y:\"
it *WO J:f6,' , 1.011114 /14 4i ff.Ared, i' llot ' N;
'Door etect l , th e third motidai - ilitthy to
°retailer.' ' q": - ; `'t, '.'f i:', 1 i ,
Peter S. Al bi t _' ti4. l .oouity, And tar
elect, add a ZattWriult Biro ocital7
s9rteYq 0 , 94E 0 4 18 /ft °T 0 1 400 1 11 / T v'
1 , • ~ • • • • t,
. •
, pw ,WskritoiL-TY: 14:40.: rev
nuisAk' roge Otto, • , t ukitte *Wag 0.004 ot
hose iimew ireWpigtotitsta-::lo , aubutiii:
tial cost flOt;utort heieiet k ell 41 41* C 341119
J o
preeleikimlo there unio rici CI 4011 of 11 ot.,
tug Sunuol.. ' The polimi!;ior . fabrics ' i
delicsu howpf.,llpmuot ,tho Pert ho an
Gate been exolsipd 'tor tltO lieuHry„q sots '
Alowit,uvoi7 coonV,pugup ?rot OCIII
4bint lit 1101Uffe011if Otla itOTO,
iklltildc of st9v . e Opef'weedifig tokatiais r
to'aio oUburbs. 'no eiiod4am-ste as
is candidates Were deetieer while the
housofornisl4ll utore-kwers s m potting
*rat thole volilionitoto alit. teitir Itoblgra t
andprhigns out, plutolfirumo ,l 0d Other
co** %nu of *Wei; A'fir* aulemOri s
sett thump of boOltwbeet - *4l; be in. 'Let
us pt.*, rorOalisinnit: ,
. ,
.' A' coiiiisio - ifiti 401# thif Pie - in fli
iri: ~ • ' rkim4 tiVetii lll 0 lowfilele
10 thc:ii 'sa per,
7.7 8 ,,,, A , ;-, , itiOhitycal.•+ , ThesoiciOled
piglets.] minion on exhibition in your Ally
mov • °come, by some .eoret power -T.
wei ' 'Oriipvings, which are wound if>li
'ben ipOleer or water pow isr frni4
fivikpereaps sleek& r . t., ,
requir"..bstiorin out zinc is con •
etklike coal under a *team boiler. The w 0%
point of Iwo*, is that the splines 'of
the tnotive power with the v isible Wheel so
hidden that common observers cannot MO.
it mit t partittlarly'when their attention it
chiefly attracted by the visible mechanical
combination ;which is claimed to produce
the perpetual motion. In short, all perpet•
nal motion. arc humbugs. ,
i t
.. . . k
80611 L KINDXgBO..""HOW Ind ill a Ist
affection! When the world is dark wi tho ut
ire have light within. When cares di s tub
the breaste , when sorrows brood around the
hearto.alvhat joy settlers in the circle of love!
We forget the world,with all its animosities,
while blessed with social kindness and "Waco
. eon. , That num cannot be ooldlkkg hasilove
ing hisitithat vibrate in sympathy with his
own;who is cheered by the buillesofikffe‘ltion
end tenderness. 'Let the world be dark and
cold, let thd liatennd'enunesity of bad *en
gather round the . place of business .hut ,
when he enters the ark of love-his own ,oher
4hedeirole—he (mots all these li the:clOuds
pus from MO brdw, mid the serreivi Nin,the
heart, The warm sympathies of his wife and
Children dispel every shadow, and he feels i
thrill of joy hi bis bosom that words age hot
adequate to eyprgss. He who is a stranterto
joys of social kindness has not begun to live.
Bram; thaour.svos.--43ome days ago a
meetibg of theDastore of this city was called
by the Rev. T. H. Torrence , See , of the
Penna. Biblp Society, to consult together in
reference to• the , practicability Of canvassing .
Barka county no as to Seiened a thoroug4 via'
station of all the county in favor °VMS cit.
°illation of the, Moly fileriplures.- i tlt tePPeixil
that tall Is We" only: county" id the whole
State where no County*Bible Sotiety e*ists •
aid: the NO:, pen tity. without ,
in the Huh u, • Bible ISoolety.• Rev. fl. M.
Scumuckel.,was elected Ohafrmin and 'Rev,
m. kv,PernlOy itili chosoliSectetiry oft the
Pastors' Meeting. After due deliberation's;
'paper scull* forth the faetswas adopted,ind'
the 'President and fleoretary were appointed
a Porntnitlen'Olvbeliag of all`the Pitstiri of
Reading to'call a meeting of reisesentatiVee
from,the ecighty Ohalto4B andcongregatiOn
and to,tatiko all ' the' eriugements fdr the,
same. , •
.-WheY have attended, to,tbat work an& have
appointed the tonvicition and Meeting to be '
held in 11ev. Mr. , Church, on
Thuraday, the 29th inst. In the afternoon
sundry topics,of local , interest.' will be dia.
cussed by clergymen from different sections
of the county,, the eveninif - dietinguish , '
'ed'ipeakera fain% Abroad *ay be • eXpected.
We learn that Rev. Bishop Sin:peon; Rev\
Dr. Schaff' Rev. Dr. Krotell,' Eon; Mudge
Allison and others will be invited i b i r the
Committee. The occasion will doubt' ss lte
9n at of mud;
fats:n erect,in ( as .• the' object l ils of
gre ,
The following is the circular issued:,
I . ciao RAIL ;
trio NolVitoit and itembeity Oa . CAtiotialk
Ohurehts fwßerks ungy: I' ' , '
DRAW Barrnagx:—lt is now about 4fteeit
years diode Barks County was regularly WC-,
plored by an agent of the County Bible_ I•o
'eletyi aiilli eupPlied with copies' of the 11161, 4
Scriptures. , FROM the report made by the;
Xitenfod the ConiplatiOn of his work, dated
•Detn' 11th, 1858 it appears that out of 10,989.
fkmilles visited 1), him • 14987, or one 101,11,
were destitute 0 ,a perfect copy of tho,Word
!of God.' Sinco,that time. nothing has WO
*Moto - rt.:new the enpply' 'of the ' cri_Ptures
throughout' the county; indeed, the Scriptures
Bible soclity hat tenting - In an ulmeat un-,
broke* sleep since 1858. An attempt was
made la 1861 to renew the activities §f the
,Soolejy,, but it VMS 110,913 10A !light of m the
inxietielt of the'war'i 'i k
, •
Ifiveconahlir s the wea v set, tees, of books
. 1 4 4 111 1 004, - ittlally use, the large fit;
cm:twerp:4M tion during the fifteen yearii;'
them fiber bf new householdi•eutsblished, It
will be fobnd *pm: liflOesiof to
,t 4 ovateps
t i
for * "Onwireir liiitatki* AIM 'aipPli. ', The
late tbiletibe9ftheltible Sotiety thr o ugh.
out, 0' hlted litio - ktio /shown that each
ma , a mild, be 4.o4lsited ,every sevn or
eight leafs,: and:twicelhat period haa ohipi ,
ea eidee'the yeit*ll, fidddid ibis dludir
, The 1141414. :.tgait :Of tlieTenbilyivan a
'Bible Society bas urged the pastor of the
churches, German and Bestial: l in the city of
Roading,•to unite in, extending a Call for a
greeting of all intetette4 ilt this work:, fro m
all *rti Of thi con** i ,'/ .3 ; I ,•, . •
'' 'At a Inbeting of thdpistbit billeading,the
undersigneCWere appointed a committee" Si
Make arraoliments for JP. general public
Meeting for t e Purpose Of rinewing ti/ or'
of he'Cinenty, Bible ,Samety. and
taking stepato secure the r;sitation an
i f soW
PiVi the,Coo l o tsith t 1 .4) Itely ' Sett 415,
:KOlo Owego* is hereby *WWI* aid in
'the eittor Witig t on Ihmiday, CPet;gBth i i
'it 2 . 4) m., .in the Mrst eiriaaw RefOned
churci; yader,the offer of RAI. '11f..; 11 0 11n "'
Each Fongregettoriii tlie eiiiet.i,
_` of !oval
4 74 4,, , AeRd!Pikieldd*, tid, in * l ed td seßd
two almami eisil lei pester ! and ishitre no
reg4WkOhitiniekkeTdeletektesi oak donee
eleitily bifma4ol 111140 tbakkti*achris:
antalow attittil, •Ilttbe triaing ;Abe aims
Atr P ila w ;grunt f*parsOns inteeest4
ea la shit Bible arieletY.S,workwlU . be, 'hell
in th* lime place y 7, pd )44 ,st which a Ml*
_belt of addiiieset will be &lima" bye rniuent;
'iOdieriftiOit 1 ,401.4 . 14.0 11 4 4 1 1 * ilrited ,
to' attend.' ,' '- , ~ . , 1 ,', : r -(„, .'",' •. , ''' '
!, 1 , 1 i 'X qm..eMylit e , uttirewk. -
.• t ~' •,-. ',.:1` , ...1;-; ..,•:,; ..., „,•, •' '
:?rei*NOLstii :4 1, 11-
100 , _.M11.E1.„ 4051hts 414er tohlAt b
I * 7 .n lll Wit i l o 4 o o4 *Ott e r h : lo P o '.
' the ioutig :oriov alk fool'
[ iothiesselise*PVo,l.t • .
L itrZ l 4l l :44l% 1144 400141
040tew Ooreahosatioaihil44* , ol4 l 4 l s•;
offig l 4 *WI iehttiiiketkif 'ettotelli•
it t0t a # 0110 4 4 ,....:$ fOtt 4 4 044°,* WI 4 0 4 tot
'4""*".. , • ; -'•
4 " O4I4ITIZZAWItait=
tik ii k,t,kle.A . P4l ll4lll6*
0 1 0 1 00 AMMO WOW :40 1 hl4l POW
*UAW Xiik4 l 0 1 4, 1 0 / 1 4R." 414 i
i% tot thipads' MitresAltehtrA tod . 21 for,
Meitishti Ifith UMW ,
Vona &Ow IrotOildWistili hob* i , ,T;odsti
Soldkoalli'MX o;dii.#4** 4 ftontieheaseet 14%.
(1114.0sald woe soothe,_filth
saw ottolton`ol,t thithieelttehestAtittiootOlifo
ot eti OffettOftedithih et ieititOftehils
Tho We Of OOOTAili; 141014 Tot
tut "reeky:at 0gf 1 . 419 0 1 1 014, tigategt pMitot
tatseilsts 1050110 outiseis'eltal te isliciaisl.-
15040 ; ;11, gat 1 114 Wig Isporti Moir
MOW t0P000.50 sold. *shut mitt ft
owts4o4l# .40
11004000,aug tsk taw ' meshed* sire:4l4les Ilse. ,
are WM" - tea tM the yr*. 0110.1011. Alia
" 10 m duties thw WOR, SOOT* le Solt
Yl O l l l. 1 . 41 F, (Nike szohe*re Is dell,' amt
rook the 1,1014 istlkir *Olt • Comiiro,l4l
Ms in better i s ilia ateele ImPlOst of
fatter AOC loitkot !OP*" ff"ithAil th"
Reiss was to ISOM more Wilefe !hood 7 4 Itir•
4 146 be) noir !1t4444116. 1 .0:1 the lents bor.
tower Seven Por elts‘,ros the slid otteftesil.
witkeitesitielt, on OiWriwitwents , sk atm*
• ra", 1 14110 M0.1f $!U!e f o ie' *
pmeet.) , .
1.31 g. closing' at. 187—the mil as on Itateldsii.
tyilieris Aiotted - verfsessei; ' • s
Thar* wai rather more Mood ter move*, yea.
*do. sad rata an °fawns *IT, 111110X11 1 / 1 04 6
per 'wilt. 000 eamateretai PaPet Li 4 1 4344
to per teat,: sad the h'sitko continue to dbtount
fq the i r elOto la oditiith'i~ito i at at l.ol
• • -
Bastoog* - 11:9.,.0•1ik0kx.p. ie tro th liii it f .,'
'; . , 14, rTallnlq. wt.*. k tirk, 16
f t
4 • .g, -,k,,
." . .-e:';' 4
.... • ;•:.,. li
. 2 : ~ , c , vesiatritrot,:- 7 01 4 a
r 6 u ; t„a.. .1 , il
, , w 9 tip tello ° ll24.' • .."
MOON( OPIO.O • ' ' ' '',
:r .
The todenOi of the emu pallid to iUIL own
w4; tor with* let the wholo'peolge,beßhaaktat
The • narked - Ooohot, with *eoneter4 tee
dehq, to *too. Bat tha;doollho t 1 ttot yekwhat
should be Sioux - peak Coin - down toles., than
woe thine. 'A: ofairolitoeat crop of wheat and nn
orOil • °foto deleePa the red4tlee ,
and" hiddrojind will boivo'W he complied with.
11/ OP! G ' Ro th "P . G/4"
4/ 6 „ . t . , " . 1 t 1 12 W .
Ps ' •. 41 , 11A{OP F01N1MW1, 4 , 40•4106f.a . 0te, l'V.
4.1889, " . t
1, 80
MIA • I .111M4111,' 11 ,` ' '
I,9lit t ntt,':
, " 4; • - _
'fi • •
.„ .1 • ', 44 • ,
•• 7 •
1141m0631100; , 10
ozr, ..
clye • ... sop 5 / ,•
•We tMderatand that the Lehigh _MA find iNarH
alert Co. 'hive tidied the toil lgeints per 141 .
pet mile, 'on the Tiehllb, Canal, and throtti tone
on coal reaching tidewater front Manoh Check 44
Beaton 49 eenta;:and to the I/elmtare Oyer at NO
hoed or Bristol, 88 0144 Per ton g . .• • • .
The Detawaro Laoka*Mma ,• and ; trestelßallo
'lead Company tranapotted ;tot, the ..week, ortli s
17,804t0ns of 'Mali and &nth; 18,972 toils, 1121
tonnage for *Wye* of 80,270 tone, and for the
110A$011 1,803,903 tonic, against 1,859,282 tone tO same
time last year, a ebriltitt of 55,4719 tone. ;
Itt v p as Bi 1 0 0411 1? B .... ririon 00:83,,..
.. $5 4 50 m45 _46_90 Vt tip
4ta, ' T '-1)
2 °Q
L i ' 4 ' ,
111M122113 00 - 14; ' . Olio ji► blut.
' In the boitekoepoiril ,thirket , there' is a, etiah
chino to•doy. poet hobs oaths . dow4 from
42 to oonto• loviP butte!. from 4d to 38 coop. In
beef, we aro *Opened ,to mirk beef rout, *multi'
'to 90 oo s ot's itt4ttot, tro th 10418 ote, t 41840
• 'l4 • that* Ponta • PQr The ;Polk it 0 910 1 11 tn
t . 14yiblifti4ids tAit foilAth Bttptiet.
.AOl4O in*. 041419d,the streets 61 21' aq 40
bliehoL• Loidi *of 441thge odd be boifilitlit:
iztt , 4 7 iletito per, IthoA. - •
. .
B url " if , ' 1 k 4'1 0 ,1 644.:.,4 4 , A ; , ;•...; , ~:;..,40 a a
, I , p ip . ', ~.,,,., . '
~r . ,:,,,,, t ..5.,4.40,.:040..488 '
!ID) I . 1/1/11/11.411.14.11011111.4 qqqqq .44 ... 4 22
...5.. 1.
F • t.
Ism _ i 0 ,. .T r5..... .......................
L.................4. « .... r ..
r il ko id
I;f4 114 0.101ros
is6lolll-=. '. ' 111 =::::::::::..::1: - .4 "
i t i,it,-Bestit•sig. to i tm,_ll,.. - t., , ,.... - .... - 4.—ihsto,.
IM Om! „ 1....•••••01m0,•wi
~ ~ , 4 I , :qp,
~,„ pauotow,l4taieri 7®lO,
.. , to t o ~" ..., ~.............0.4 $ , i
.....i s . ...5...i.
- so, . ~. oto. :''' '' " '.... ' - • •,ts '
. ...... ~...1 . ..r . .,
- 111100•,, ... ~ , ~I s e :„ ..,..5... , ..5.fi5..t..«41 I
i . 17 :" 1 :1 10 I t i ii i ': -S , "!:: ' - ic%•••".1•14.1 4 4.”*,«.!rw.:
~. , ''• •. . - . .., ~ . r 0 saitfiro.4....“•••• • :4 ',.• ' : , .f
to i '''•• 11 1 % /111..0.411.1.1....60 • X
' , . ' - , - - IMO 0411 ' 4. : 1111.11**11 , 04 • 0 •
nat..p/4 • , ~.
,r, µ , I 4,.. e.,,t
~ . , •
1 - --• ' • ...'. • ;•'.: ; 1 ' i t ..4 . " 1, " •• ! • ' '' ‘.
I . • ~ ' S i',..k ,"'' 411,8414.1.ra5• . 1 '
*0171; lib" ' ''' ' • ' 4 "''
. ,-.• i
, • „ , 4.444.64444.. L I . •
IDX*-..: .., .. ". et sitison•••• ' u, •
yr ", . ti, , 4444,...,..».." tut '
..• 44 ,',...4,1440t.f p; .11...-t . t - ,•-
•i - , - -,644 : 401 •Li5t51.4‘41.0 4. V • I.‘
, , , , ..imiti•••ftert. 4. 4,‘
' If , ail # g0dt„;....5.44 11$
Potstoes 11 . r.......:,..,,...........,..4..... 100
,_ .-,- -, -,, ~, , ',. :1 , -i r •. , • "*"" 4 - - 1
. A "t' • '
. The PhUsdelvhtelieet sod Shoe Wer het • 448 e.
ea" eoivolrith.the' lisnufbetpere. molly o Ai*
:,essitiorist Si Mil* !Sias as Oil fir:
The eldatioa dozissibsPastwt4 interferssip4W
'irbsCirit4 the , WO* of , ' JAAsssf; lc eviatj ;
manybuyen from Slte , Sitiv `;
-; •
s!QtD :"•TA I is iv
.ti , • , • :
~,, 4;':'', - :::—'-' , ' ; i- , ',':: v '5,`,.i . .:'... ',.•;.,:„.,
, ':•:;..-:'',#4)*# , :04 1 aw:Otimtkiit :•-
Ist in t t gl i i" -444,0400 84 1 80 , 5.
eiliSWo4 - ga t t i gl*" } :ii
- 8 - ; , , .. .‘b • ....:‘.,:i , ., , ,..-.-:; '
4: , '•
':. \ ';' l'i W l kt i •A . . at'l3`o4l Elt:::: ,- .1 '',., 1
i ii
•.fi - 4 0iiiii .,- ' • ;i:: ., . ; i . r'k -,,:,.. ,:,,,,,, ~; ::.,1
- - . • . .. ~ ... 4 8Ti*,,--,N , ;-. , :; . .f00pt•-trt 1
Mozart _Mow.
e 4, vi wrinui•l444;* •r, ,I„ • .
f ,, 40 .11.011.i.14.1•6,1,, 7 'l' 'I
glit; i
.: • • ' '...
e •4•.%!!0«.,t.,„,. • / - 1
14, 0 . 1• ",t" , " * " * " /
041,••,... , vre• ki 4i; .
, ,
. 4
7 ;
o.f, 1 76:04
~ ' -., - ' se4
L• ,-, -,,, , , i , ) , il l ; r": 4 'l i ' ,
I ; e *iclOi tArnso, Itii t shioni4 gut ,
MI tout', 4110 nueowl_.o l •
titessooo is" 4411114111411, ' iie ‘l#4l SbOt
an iT ryoht titei.7 ixii - vtui ion ,Iti•Avii 1
the lower pot ok Berkftrui wppes paA, 4
I(o 4goknett co 4 lo/ k 'l ',.' st b 'l 4 '
~ . ) .• 4 •,' •,` 4
. Artikaiatel or Alk' - Yellte* *Mr*
kte Ot* at* ,40th Wikik %luta Ori ‘ ,104t et* • •
1 4 i
posed to WO cot a' sok' gieeetretiag at et
pile% This is coming to the' "tote ej
poiqt". flitte r mi,ddenly itu), ape ti t .,
pAtiog will ao,ll9**m 44* Irope;
' Pitteenevelt:Ususetc ititeXtei. Ire ;
teat niiethecofthilttietita` theh,
the toniber of Piesbytetjet tiew on the iron
of the Gene** Aue*bly, (0. a)ir. 142.
ihotener ,041911 eutoultte4 lithe
MeettOti Ilite6-%**4 th, Pliebytehts
tette% vote far theilltqlsid; i Noe dela
eee.roxoth wet Toted; Cop , 4144py.
= e l
6 1144 of _Ow
The *d OA
e fib* *. z4 teiit
viettl ee'd 45. Or. Oeit.eppre*l', the uitioi
was jot t ited..fik the ilteti litioa the 46e.•
tr, .• •, , .
, . 1
Waigitorat AID ' Sitarlita‘ Illittioitx,.*i
r i
The report of the Wihuingtoa etyl tie .
ItiliroM'Verapea t a4oBf t `ektUr the
eoutract for the .gru bb log t f ir'
bridgiag lad melon* tige eittral ce in
Wilmhkstoti to Birdebero! (tteciesiew Oft
brit* over the Schuylkill) wee awarded
Wu:. II *1 . 0;1 9 ! for $601 1 ,014.0Ct0d
,thet * • , lot ,44.14040pry:Apc14, 14:
ti rt.,of Nos Albeit • 1
,Tho litittli — o a 'read, ii - ee.74 atiles t ratt
!the Preeldatil elite that thionstneot 010
Vilest tulle in greenbeeke thettAnigiir.
rer.:Nork has . heretofore ,Wit eon**,
ti ' g old.'! ! Ho belieur)ltaClu' the ei) c ilet ,Of
_lBos4ihe road wilt peoyeeed.i ' '. . • ... ; , .1
PolP:L i nktu oll o* Ooinas'
lies; a rt ' at the, ilorrtic.ot , fierenthl arid
SPruee streets: about t o clock last evening;
by efileer Maurer. „Thorn*** drank end
no fit to run'l loose Ott theitkieki; lle,w e B ,
piked behind , the bare, until, Anornias,
whittle . * * heating before R io *note
the : !Wor t and $8.26 iris required of, hint
to pay for the' trouble hnosneed 3- but 'alai,
Thomas had no stamps, end be Ira the*
fore retehnetto "ete.a4iit. o ,t , •
John • epeeres &mooted bi , ofieer
temp hist evenbag "boll 7, 0310ok t in ens
itreet, ', between, :., nent" end 'Eighth. 08,
nuit ive dran .
►iiiklitilkd Main' for h 444
earne despe,tate),l4ll l llk* 010opta ;to
thinir nboothintr4 l , l6 o/# 4 4v ii7 1 441 0 '
brea s:numconerOs came
in bird's eye *iew'of the,abOie ofileer t e 33
ixiilan Bemired aid *ought to headquertert.
He wee planed where he could not break
things. Up to the thee ,our report was ta•
ken 'John had `no heating, na :pollee hare
not appeared against 41m.
„ . , . .• .
'bier' or • j'onrr "A. • awai t Eso, , -;•Biii
M'arrixo.—Upon the announcement, of the ,
death of:Jnba•A. Bank& Esq., ,the members:
of the Berk* County • Bar assembled in the.
Court room at 2 1 3 ' 214 On Monday, October,
19th, 188 Q. ', , ', . ~
_,,, ... - ,- „' ,
• •On motiOn'OfJohit S.ltieliardaiEsq.',,the
ta ° l 4 M k t leer SI I t ' A ltat e
'0 OM Oh . ones toi 4 - k
Boyeri Biqi#:;•wereappOinted Ekioreteries. ''
Daniel .rmentrout,, 4F t , mowed that'a
confroittee of . seven .10 /iplioilitod to draft
resolutions exprkattive 'ONO Sense of the ,
•menibers of the bar anon the'detaise of ;obit
A. Banks,
.Esq.•; which"as adopted l amd tho
chair appointed Danielgrmentrout, Samuel
L. Young Wanklin *Lamle ! , ITo flow'aril
Jacobs, •William' N. itsiril; Albert (1031reeti t
VW. . • • • t ~ 1 ,.... -,,, , • .. ,„ t ,
-The eerntrateeelhritie'ghlteCliliman; Mr.
Ertnentroat • • relibrtedlhit"follotriag resole-,
tiens, ',which were unaniinsitieljtiidopted ;
- Whir* .11 • has pleased!the iiid ',Father
Of us all, in his Divine *** , 'Cal home
to hitheelf ) 'after,* Wei enatint iliness,o4r
friend and brotheraohn - ,4410 ;BR:
' •Reaolrecl i ,Thattwhila:;,, ': tort in Linable
'sabMieeloiv.tve - dikpl,fie' 't his' death •de • a
p l,
Icsa to this bir';'ef *hie >Arc'', 'Oita a 4411
and exemplary Meniblir;'4The,'solidity ofhis
legal ackinirenients ond,the l o o n iness othis
Judgment; wore will 4roft: lky.thho 14acit
and unostentatious mannitie WO bernide
them.,:effootir,e/Jri).6o:','dise_barge , of ", his
, Aittioa to'coart an 4 Client. ~' The loge, 60
'Of gage , igoriti ntion *OW hy yenta Of
resdintstii# and oxperleoce..eVet. ready at
cominafid;'welli adorned the 'Xta*yer t - : ;end,
,msdeshinS an' entertaining and geaulnetom!
pinion, . • • : • ! ' ,:. , :, 7 -, .
'Resolved,• That 'we 'tender. to ,th at !kik
lint deipait iitidAnost heartfelt sympathy for
theiHrreparobin loss. Re was a kind broth;
•r•slikil..effeetkftude eon . Frank and' fair
.104 eulOgewitlilile professional bretpmn
liberal and tiUble to all men.' . ~,• , ,
May'hOslatkrestillpene f and Ais ;Oka
Bliouit;e0; That as a mark of respect tOliiii
ittemol, this Bar attend” his • fonera, in i
el c minualcated to / 4
role* That a copy of O
024 we relle itlons
beiL the of i e - de.,,
00114 , } , That a Minute ottheae roc " php
bee ntertsttlithe Veoordietthe Court ; 4
It:kislArelialeei 11 4 b 6 PO% $ ll l
Asiperto tile city imd cqunty ~4 ,'
A OICIXIOthAti' th. 'afar apPoleted_
,A$ /f.,,.;
SinteraY•Vinre 4 , Hoher7 'Wiwi
:,, . MP *4 B.lY*Aill't,..
ob SI to tautesibe the pe4j-. iiiplpf
Praintit that**. WAR
ortbik4, , '....:,..- ~ ' ,..., - 'l4;, ' ''
.- Oa inotigi f ir 4 ffaltiatittt *Si
resOlf&V the toensheri of fth '',
at th COors mai 04 Tkinaiat ,: ;#
i e,
at' Or P. 1p OA pet h '
' ~/ • Atrael,4, .140 1 44 1 P.t titso
..s .
, as ' taus ras, no. • - , • r-,. ', ,
r '''''•'' , -,
l '?Wi. i'is,94lekni:**dcint. •
'• li , )O5 °lasi '' 1 11 - .-.•' • v
..., •
-. • ..iiltslorlog.
4 ,1 gib A % e
. r , . •
,er . +
II , . , Ai
ft! ii thil
. ,
NOW ~ 0
r dit i, ,
leg. 1?.-; "
Utilo 14'4'
.‘7014P.0 4 If
. r .:* '
. •
, 14040,1 #.
' '
4r 6
. 1 1, ,!'ilfif
' o#l.
* ite
`'':i -
4 41 ,4 :"*• ' 'f' - '
, ,
' l l l 2 . { 24
► 1, ~ i i ii ktailli„
$ 0 144010 i
Me It
1141(614 Pik* a t
illihkee Aw ki)1111011041310 ot
11114110141 ling
idettell hi 4:41 rag*/ thill *ilk r i lir 4 ('''. 1 4
~ ..11 1 1 , :itt1.4 441Y 00-11 0 tVi r : • t "
001041 OW* *
' , ‘ S,, . 4 .4 fet 41 $ ( , .'1 , I. Ati4:l44
. I
ANT Aall
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' l° `'` )
0 ft
' ,4000 H
•444 ,
4 0 4 1 4.. . • 006 t(\i.
, iit • 4010 I , l4oosiftgioi , •
, tik , Ati.y.
11411'11 411141144- r POll, 4C I 1.440 iltixt'
, • ~.- • ‘,.,-., T.7r. ) , ~z .= ,I, lik 'ii
r . ",) . , ,sl. se VI/10f .. , ,,W . 4' l ' '44 • ' '
:: 1 ~:' 'i' '' : ..1,,i ,'' • ' t
416/41 1 0111Y 14 1 40, '‘Vticiftlo,ol,44 a,intiNi
etili til
tio i t h4 * -4440k461 Vie ''''
, • V l ,:evi •
• ',•;' .1 ik 400 1 ,10'04
.# •=- ).1,v3 0 1 OA iV,
• • • . 7 .• t• 4 ,::41 110 13. 4, •
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.kt '‘ •
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. 1' "i • <:"? t4t264:09!
' ll 1 ! rt.) iA 42 .
• Tql1:01091.
*IV 1
a F fets
to-::. ~ "1
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; Pa : 44440 'WPM
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• ';7 t • < 4 'l , Xti b::44 . 10 ,
•` r
?SOPA t4l
, • 1 , , , h oe:,
4 qkliA
will tak lye t
fin a l ise ! • nod show ,
-hi - oi l y. A lays 'too t~aY~il
;t9ot • •
(, 1 1: ~
.:,=.•,,, t .,...4,..,,, , : ,._..,,,.:„..„: ? .. k ,..„ ,
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: g' . . ''', •'. f ; . ' = 111 ' 40 ., ( '.P - ) 111 4
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