liset4olollli t wAil ' D. L.—/16.1 ei;.:(v 4, 1 4 'pef.; • Blatt ! asiotlevik 11 1 11 o: ~ - ;1 • • ' * - 1 aria •• • • 1 , 11 1 11 t 1 ;_h .1.114,1014.10011, erstolkitelail444l4lo.74f4 as lOW* aim Ji t t!Misolisi&et,G .. k . o!!#,loticr fffs, 1 wasi ki l 4 11143;. " 414111 1 1 , 1 - i r li tif 4-7 1 a d m 4 t • "Thhil 0 04 :0 4. 1 Olt 00000 4 / 1 111 06 till Wit WO M!" arklaff • • 4 ' • N UNN #11! MLFI4I/ el w UrR. 4rdit IMIFIMM*4IW 4.llGreq hei. IOW? • . • A lot el , WOO 01_ W #0,1114! ;1014. dui of ON f* O *M AW WATII W,O 4. ailvirliirri 5 11 MI 6014NAios , * UAW, a tryte:‘ - • • - • 1401 0 jai 6 YAM 0r!,4 4 4 1004 1 0. 11 . 6 6004 thir Owaii oa Mir Lads. 004 WA tato 144 die of tam 411* Is the 604140. • n.leywarath.c.msa coital Avividista W1)01toloopt =ix 411 0 = iN fi r rs e 11,01: 11 :6i1 MOM' s alai a it*: 4411 . 1 1 1114 1.14164441 . 14 ,/ taibra air yintiias, loWliiii# 1:11 0 111 4 104116 Aloise i t ar oo atm*. Illostatet *etas Itorit *noon to pito* tito moss It le soli onto/ Oaf rose ot• later. *toe 1 4 1 ,0 4 t0t *MA Mr WO" Wing. loss IWO* illbottA l o oto 411,111* eadols borooeha la seiwaste solo, INN to brut a issohtio to' how du lotheedle re hi the onwehte *ll,len "tieeloet - dui to the 'oil , W M Morn Palle rso-40.b. IA a ham 1111iidkursesvosOile Nee r a!thi sidewalk. to.o4o l 4.l l .44iiiskib dai opt dw deo* iiilwit_ WOiddistWi *VW, WM* NA TikaPli4oll!* **mai sawl a baitft Peatosolp Baum NOM Aiweietioli IMAMS Mt Militia, Pa, :4-imittint 'Crimea) , 0•4011411` Elth, is seitilsoiCskse,l es .Ibr wing 4 9* ' , 1); ril;, , O'lC- :it ,c ' 1.,* ' A saidosiotbmaikuistawsuelvel rolisidar bli Ohm* • 44,14) , cola ' Plot "40te-r sell Ifilltiftl woo. 0 ' , i . ' -• ' tistA l ltratrt s=rtr salai.:l“ e ittrzir mow hi eis rat rm. Mime aUM SNP dm 11,11,4 ~Os owe la Mee set,r4F• „ eisiliss ars sks*Latutiatiskaihks—kos* tbi, Pik,TOM T ow* WU a *IWO 463 , . Inis eold• itemr=iiii al ti: White novoie,llll4e 40 Wi. Ike iill Vegehr *pi b salmi% tie‘' UM boat abroad, st kb Coasert. ilt io l t= o Ur t s w ooki M irio tith*. . I .ililmose dreakem dm OW were wen at "WO OWN** 1 TO lielltel MOS eleteee itielie Vol -14 tie bfi ' Aril iiiiiiie — ati intiosieett *we: , , *Walt* Lif_iektieikel wile . Wee kkeieettee \ s. 11 1 WI 114,000eillitileOlirbel*Pkw— at 0101. see, •' ' n i li t , Ilkel Pi, MOD WM, ^,; l'th s s " 011 . OM* • , I, . . L , . ' . I 's A . 0 40 , 1 ' Viei 0,4 1 4 , if , ' •teNTWie, ' ''' " . 4‘ , se Eurt6 , . 4* t 41"14 t " '*lllo. ' Ikt* be es ' oloo., "NO adli4 iteemm O i Oat Immo, hie beep lag So UM els4•6lol*oll'ailik it ea lel ditto ieleee4seie ' ‘4l,rgi 4 eieeseei it.' deeet, tfiel 'vf \*4lolllll4llll ' 4' CP00Alro? Giatamo WO I / 4 -14‘- 141110410t0 , t ,3` • 711";" .4 • A. 3 . 4-11. ' 7:0 - iipneweRig a i k d 'Mk 111111V14114. lett* at' atm* elkorekel! Oithie its es* litelele this city. We the Ws seta the Seed hie beta - , i , ilik-, .-- •, , ~ - 41 15 4%** iorbilanduie 0 A ili_ a l,visY siost:ot ail. um " - 4 . , :,,,., ..,„ . . im‘yrnolys , . , • , EMT! Thithompts44:l4***4•o mike shoi wid 'Meal WilliMula NlCOrahito aellelli6. row lOC arrested. l',1; irfriterra* %NA later; - i titiLtirti w • , 6 ' It Sidle 1 h .twsen tAO ilikolAPell ' 40, Ivo, can, at. thif Yipw.arti ', lleft,ikit'ftployee otrthe' ring. P , • .) 4 • ri; = 4, f•-• 1 4, 1=' , 11'.' s - . a PiNgrtiso tralversal- , tit 611 re ieetorasepui ' et GI raloae ' oulagi istanioit 4roied letersougi uses•ds4wll.,wolt Nimaimo, ',ll4NRife, .a; visit to ‘ lll 4O:Y e r4M, 4l .(:*, l l l a' iIIOW Ar t "' Vo24 . ' e f"i4lll7l " t it t fq Ink* . i' .f Of 0 11 00 1 0 1 , 1 1 6 ' • • • -.. " 14%11410 ChtAiti UNE OW tiro , f 1: 4 1 4 11ielr— 13' TO ' y; j . ,_,, t iti4kortoF t ) Th• Rot4lfaii orMoOltiiforpt Lolgoi of , 4 , : , L , A II p / at 1 4 1 1:41tritilili - 1 bile dhi . • o. ,f, OW Obliii ' let of. W. Pena' !Ado ilfo. , d6y _arid , : ..-44. Ohaiies Rittow of Iliovollto .14Od pp. 0 ! • 99.: • ( 0 0 1 . 11 1' 1 611 04' : •• , Enrroi Dm* Lai., tx - -Woa4e m-tied lestfr (iv* friend hi.ttifi., 400 4 00 U tome tkee egie eity to !teeth them It odotidas tkeloUiniati ':'t 11 We not seen Anything fro* liesslipMC iv of two Hamesi greeted in so orpbert tved and . byoeght to the ser Woods., I . tOiottioy pocket borate in the %lowa . One, welt dereeded. • Eio hereby I set the king' Of birds free, , and retuiv vote of thonks." ;Popo' IntitioanoB: , 44llhtebeth Dengi hoe wee eneeten •on : Saturday by officer . 'MO.i O ta t t ltlf Irak Mh. ' • " o ' , litogitc4h_tlio Oriping. to . 1 1 4 . 1 44.* In* "Misi du r .144:si mi. i r I* iir ' sir ~ ' 1 444 AO:: le get ri ' t r tui . t " ' 1 piirt -of' Wing ke t nierzer:reef. 'VW" else itVtived-.14 1 ' stems *ere ill gone ) . end she lett the edhotii 0t drinking rio t end cosel On to'etop bete; endAkfps E. va ;soh i t inible her to 14# the to her ti I . Met eision Welt *mit es 'she posted. In the mine of her rivoidevirig . iLt4lied tilt at. Mom :4111 soleind'a ,go War sstehquuneuti, 118' South ' Seventh *est i Soft kiitessitiolisobio of help: ~T he i "hitt! othelp'*atflot , ,Oinli tO Ingo MI it was,' thou* if she ivoul4 get inOneiltiVonld still, Blithe? bring helativisery. c ..This ilea* 414 not s nit hit , vise then eheibgan: to Owe the foram ~ %peps, Whine!: m 4 ' itint iiebirtt 00 ler tin to Iny bends on thine won funi'- and throw thorn about. , Tins' I 111061 dial* Imitirevior r al ne B lest long ' effog Fields wee to the incoe t if o wired jilhate4. in 4 anoketed her tco i o:llo*4ll4.ftss d-' tt ----iw y_ft ,tol ~ i ' fa r _is -_--,t—__ the Ss Its. reu in to . *dal a bo ve, . I The litcons. iiriC 4011 V* airt (*WA itist . dowi atiflai itlhi OfiditAtia to, *Won Mood Admit tligtoulg phic-1 id bk do. OP. . Xs relaioili NO C i tta l get ! '' o tat! *LI . 'woottiO of Sixtliond Poss apholOsoto llttarithE i ro. briAlkortillio. '., ' 001 tio , ' 1 F" sad Os la forg? himself .es to. l ute & es thou' glailiti ' t toVierdnufiiiiii gnaw pif,,Oofiffileccr 00for Wks coot•! joil *am t.AiDitoiel '-:_tcv hecompsay,, We toy Go stattiottshogouwittO as ad,when hi wois be IV . quote* with ,the: 50 ' 7 l47rilleptito l . es U l4 tact i did iowLit was, $1.25 for tho 1 Oi " he tad' *, SAS No over, when Miiii • k,i ' l Al Uti! , V,"'' (e . "‘t i' VA ME EN= $,• s : ~ ' 1 .. . Ot . 0 ' ;VA .' . . i4P. it 4 i itleit eitiel I ' ikiilli k a al e ; •,, ~,,,,..: i i, -,.!-, 1 1, ...f, • , •-%,,„-;.., ~ ME aptilt N' ' Imp, -,—.. corns btoe. SI'S bi - Os* f' Out Il di e 'i' ) i et ,i , tittO ft hnint. : . '., Amoy cifinft, • 1 1 4*Agiq , anis' It at°l l 4l- ' pis A I ,4 kii . ,oftlis . • , L 44 t , - , .1 4,4 .e * ' . e 1 / 4 4 4 t 1 ti ;? • - 'rz.litid . _li , . lietestt .',' . 1 •'. • A ' tr,l leer; i .. 4A.,. PI ' . Itnregmrow K4ps; 'A , , , 1..., /ogee and John •'' ,5, - ' ' donee IL 'Lula* .i. . Maths liillis t ig .. 40 1 . A l 1 1 1 46 Of lick IN! ineWtof; Ist r,_ lat i t " *Vitil" 7 - It J .., .. Tr . t e ng . tr o itit . 444 , , trs,i,*:_- 1 ,::, Vii 1 1 . • . W. W. Ca .. "*Nr• Oder; , t • 1D .... it f a l. , -.. a ll arOli s f`ri ir. ye Vi 'Prat ,7/' t .. .4.4. v. 1 ~, - s -:,• ; • A- ~ . 1 r i t ti " i titlid l'k. Wdlt ler1 011 101.; tr'f'l4 i ,- I'i' ',,, t o o ts ',-,',: 7 , l'' . ir t o, 441 1 1 * ' - sr " ffoi . , . R L 4 . • . -4 ~441 - > Tit o - , . , tha.ittr e nt i tti — 4 : , The sow** were solesas'il ' , ... ‘'' Addreeesa were Mime* 1 To 1 11- V,i,en 4 . ' 4 4 ' '• : 14 y -• • wis *, ' 4 , .Ttml 14 , 4 r- yi ,A '' i ; ''it ' t afar ~Sit Y .. ' - '_ll4 At • OW kogig i hid this i sit MI own l asidedielitiothe Ishii* of Oaf S almi as • a ffiree•will,,,,, , The . following' shales were placeit t corner sloe : - 41; coy of the ' le. Methodist byma' book. nistory of- t o Methodist' Church.. Damiptios of the • New elsith. The' l i. iwrifll-,oAlt '4:lll=inab for 11,61V1 11 0 k a l rf members of the 'Methodist Omference of. 186 S. Photographs of Mir Alloehm,;, chil. ' Brotker I Bistes. Crouse and duds two; dren s : of, the Methodist Ministers' 1a ris. 'Clestifey ' Medal, by' Rev. L A R. *Wilma. - Century Krodel• bY children ,of , Mew., 17.4 A. Fertilsy. % Mission' Sunday_gebool Roptert (4r 1100. tWordose of the Western Female Cloiltge. Viridian Advocate. Reading papers: Currency of the United States. Uolathei the United States. This oh itreii when Sulithed isi# bias o rue melt to WA Olio* of the city, and any be .lalt POO 4 4' ' e t e sB43 Ansitt,itoW r , riot. • Our. a eitimill - lag of saseleCredii, In cerryilig through ibis philacithropic enterprise. Would that we had mearnsere Seek men among us.' The church will be 88 h7,B6teet sad will have a brown sanditone *oat, while the body of the edifies will be billt of brick. oir44-- c tirfitatiteig4rs. ' Morton EAGLI :—I am a natutslited Ger. man, and have l : a lwr voted the full Demo. °ratio ticket, este ag at thohtte iketkii; when I cast my of form Gomm friedat, Joseph 040 4 ,404, I , ol_ter—:not be , mei I battled that y child! gessibly be elected, but on account of my mehleg a die ooven,, that many of the very hien who bad ariefiXwe gentletnen to allow thelr names to beest: oaadidetee on the WWI; Knotr MO alt, t , Wlloll2lßefitllek(4: were deternaned immilee them—using them! merely 'AS a decoy to dwelt* naturalized sad other natuteliseil cltlsons,"by, tell rhem that they epnli now see ithi; were really the Weeds ofisbei adopted cid. , tens, as theathe lmet Wooilyheasisi p l aced two neiatiateu citizens on their ticket,' when at the same time they knew that *WY (tq 100 W Nothing portion ofthem) wauld n ,44, ***l Mill 40, ,isoUreto for them, it t out violiting a solemn oath. ' Often you could hear many of the less Cautious of theOw Nothing _ portion (when a little inebriated) say : - "Why the 11--11 did they put two 101—d d—d foreigners On oar i tielmt.-eind worse than idl e that Ober!, the Catholic? I can'tand won% vote fa them. I ain't goingto break my oath." My friends Obert and Walter were told 'time and spin, that these fellows would cheat then*, I but they refused to hea;ken unto the truth,' *MeV hb'weiror, since 'the elbction, can no longer be kept concealed and must convince them that the Know Nan party , r . iiii hot ebpport • a natural! eithhm hi office, tetut ff MoNv ft no chows for Me deal' pen, "nth kemptaee Um on fileir **eland - for Ms she* dm it Insiprospedgfitii Ntirtofrat as we ocor o str odo Obnt eold tor, re a all sigi l eithoup, I maho the Adlendet of the alietien Maim ,” Ast ea Mom - 1 Waket sal, 04 IL 0411114 W. iiiiiinedll Vibelllo*6.6V ihaa inuakek Or SY Ma, law' , istoralised Ummut eitiamme with imp esilf, eroteLias our Malik sad Wenor. SAM emesplog of tfeess Lwow otikini iumi 4 lei to 40.4 ......„,,, their, do ' Cheri isad akar) lemadasa altar as * n•flew Sea _ .. 1 _ I In • the 9 ' er4s of.the city of Heading , Ilild 118,• ) 4lgenamay flriead &ll* .. , it hogettlei Irmo* 'Yr ,il ' , .. y sad et) 240 vets'if•thik WOO 2 a dietricts he ;Who ms *ono ilionliarthefk. Ho A l io , al il i t i l itre e ",,P, l4 lY l lar Mao tut Oat infixtrailft: hi 2 arils al* 0 4 , :. . ri ,47 votes. In 7if . ,sib . . • he ma lam a , , :, , ' ' ,aa that be is' blatenltst ' , le , e 4 ltualk in votes, ' a $ I ea IA i rkpiti i a at m. 0 4 ° tent Ito reason cause he (W.)fordsto=rshol a Catho lic, and Obert he p) Is one. pit noon soph meanvirited, "bend, narrow. , Ito ' • T rrhte forw' !M64 o,l obert mit 1 ,004 e., aciriaik,S* r bithisfitialotk 0 14 Witi.ithiligck 4airi °ld"' tatiWON to a t'at's• WON to . , =II REM t tA • SeT*l4ll4ll*l I t. goo, &ales iktfO yr. 4 .4 -00 r " , Nei thtlA 4/0 4 24% * 1 11010000 0 *". Pau reeklari,' Mt/IMM ai kt 114141,41 1 irmuklaltsl~tom • bit omerarailiamailibisaimigi“ . . . . " '4144011111+ 04 ,.‘,,1, i401 , 4 , 4 ;4 i - i owl A *itiiii,,, , ~0,11 , 4041.0•11 tiz , touttr titl z m -4-00:711-0141:01.1„doi, ogioadrwei-somor":0- ortattuttat4 . ,-ti• i pelt thee elate mein then Niel. opet tyi , I 4, 941 .!!!0• 1 000 11 0 10 **Av o i e , WI; se tiro sold is Pitia4his. 441 itt know leeteeeee etheivedeholihtstint lapilli eileht lieteletie petalled ' ii ‘. 4 4ty ORI: P 044 1 . 1 0 901 i'#, lll , l !ha Imml! N e We jcMtii i '': liiiiiliTailit tittilk? W 1 IVO, e441,004,!1041.101 dialer kf diritikie ikke. , MO** 1 44 1 1, 410 0 144 4 i . 11elidelph14:04 1 -04444114 ,01`***Yi 4 4:1 0 0411,, t ;'-i il A t *i l l e ' eon liikt kra. I litabsol, ti IflPitilialbia****: oooloo* Mt Ak 6 41 41 , 4 i:# bri /O ti f 4 1 0 ° 4 ' '- .-, 1 _,_ , ~„__,,__,1kii,4 14 ).01 14, 1 , ;‘4 0 *11i3 : 1 14, ailtw,-.lo_lo!,;ittithso_lootit ' tit l it e 444 Ot,the WW . littili . o, itill*tkly tonna thitt tbisze IS •Weieittliktit4 Wieight". oh! it' ‘ifaikot tier*i_rehottiWldeh.,_ } will - 10 1, ! him 44 .0 4 40 111 7 0 011 °Poto_ Iwtu!*.rdlov 1 1 dslphist• rerkpet), •' We' knelt alto ' 0.4 la.' [ 10 91 04 :id* 101*,pil_Oed , good'', ;In the, hardwere line, In .ctivitotell, And Hatt bo la sumo' 1 4 Atli . olio; o.:wintio ii4 . 4x. Pease of gialii to Phttaklilila , and there imrolikti4 the' told,;! tivibloatiol hilke it, cook him in tale eity.•l . AAertir4 Wahl keserid that Ai. *Alfa Utley* 14144011 toted in thie:eitY, ~ _ i ll° ; ,thnt . ;1 34 ;' flitai .4044-04. vilenier,, 490.1 , 4,4w 1 'ilaisiegiiaton - 4;ike-grota4o:_i_taiitie ' 1 than it , cost 'ie, thlii4 ' We me* Min Lion theia4lloo. td Aiutt • thkt thlidelisi ~ 'tinder which so many pf oar, people simi te. 4 lid4! 3 S-7##00,-Pi.# l ,. ,01 khtot tsPO4,4 tiWint (Agri 1161 1 01: who *Ake, with theni thii money lad business of th e thy to Phillidel, phis—lit , detrhM*l4l ilk t'kieinterest eedlielt fare of our eity.'''' I ,' ;' ", ' `-- '. -, ,!, Oa Elaturday,kiteinn# not me* witidone in the etorls on Penh streeti but in the even, ;log all'immee :Ado their share. , ,7411inersi lied stores and Olcithlng iiimies ecming in for the greater:shire. :1' . ' •_ , • Ir temeennti tretnter-and we, bare tie reason to olcsaktthem.7» , the cranberry crop II large this poised out treekets will soon be supplied with this sort of , fruit, which :Alibi in greater demand thsitAr inotny 'years towit owing ,to the genentl*lure 'of other crops. Beam Ileyps Kwisselkort. . ' t gad'. -.. . . , _kx.„ , . . ~„ ! iip . dm... i%•••••••iO4.11 0 , , .1 Vool, • V 011 II 1 Oftie RV 0 II 4&',..v. ...44 ....., .. k .—;::....:. .‘' .l 4 .. i • ....... , • .4,.., • d ' • : : 4 •trell .. '.. , •'. 4 ,' 'lllll4 •• - ll.' ~ ; • ..., ' • ' Nret,•••••••11011,0•1• • : ' " , .14 w " . .,;. •••41.44i.4 • • , ' 0 1 : ,; .• All .r: - ”:: - "I L. *9; -', ." -,i, a• c . •., r ,4r. • Hi i:$11 i, 4 t '*" ''' . - 46 '.4 ' .', A .4. :k 4 4!) 446 t . r • ~ ' 7 •,•4z. '•"; • • ,k. . • % ~ 1 . 4:4f.:44 ' ' • - •ist. • , • . '''';' , "'• - ',1...1.,..4V -, ' • , iitte44.10.04.1.,E., . , k• t Plit li l l. :•'- •; i'- , ;•;!..: ; 4 •4, 41 / 4 '4 1 . , 4 4 44 4 •'+ 1i ii i :'-' 00 . i ' '",%, " ,i'• . • ' , :14,,,50,4,;.. - 4,4 • - _; ; . • ra , Fi l ia , , '.. ' l '.; • %;:- ii , 7!!"T 4 r o or._ '''. i • . "'- t , ' 'N'I •. 1 i ~. •• .. . ....«........ 7 14,4, 0 a , 1 ,, 1 I 1,.., ,i 1 I. I P' ...,„ ...... r .,..., . ~.... '3.- , - i . . i 4.,C, 4 1, ?... 4444‘441,i,i,,,,4; ...,044 ,',, 1 :, ',VINO •'' . i ' p•M IA. ,' Se ,• '', . - ,• ' ' ' . C. fit: 4 , 4 1f, 1 94 1 1 04 00i4 4 1,At ". } .. ' ' 't ', , 1111 : ',' .•' ‘,‘ . 1 0 ' " I/ , . ' 7 .,.'' ' ,r i ot %tow 2 • ....; ', . ..., ..r.V. , 43 . 3M , 4 , .i. - • -4.,- , -.4 , ii i: . 0 , • • - ' 0041' 110 4 11 44 0 1,4 6 * ' 1 1114M1 1 1t; bur 1 1 ' thei 'es* bilUiraiter OW rot krnikt Mb l 7 *O.; SIA,00141. 3 4.10 1 11”"111 canal all dm baste km tosta maitapaaatil ri" l ". 4l pi P l at a • 1 P1 4 ,,,W 4 op, kr alai* flaps, , lints eltaassto oaken, li*tlia loci °ley stared, 41,abgtki!MmikPis Sens: ' Koz of, •4" .6(4.1. t o r , --I %. •; , , . . . . ARIMMO.INNIIIIIIIO.O. ,• , .. „ .. . mi. viiiivbilirk Oil limaiiiiifiiiiitiiiiiiio— iit I' Pt"' . 1 4 01 i0iNtr v e 'AO: wiiirolik .-:--- .'l , '. .? V - 1 .-'-- - ' 1 , " it % ' • .• ,„ . . . . ..... •z: ,- - - ~......, ill ~, «,.. •: , e , , , ' ' ,60 0 '0, 4 46 ..,,,,-, , - 71 , . • • ..' 4 0100 1. , - -. # 1 "91 77" • • ~,. 1 if "" ''' 0 !q.11'1•4 0 08.;.•“• J. Sli .Y.l• i t i , ' , A 0;1W;;,4,,:0,,,;,:,, r - ,. ~.%-'-: '' )' *? ‘ f si r(. „, *RIO , S O l. , , Iv' ;•3,,., i 4i !' "4 ,. , 0„,;•.:1 ~^ eir .. 441 :1g ', • . ' -' 1 -,-, . - !,1, ,, t 4 14 . 01 , , :' ..:'' I . 'l4 : ~ . 1 , 4 , •; o lit l icy , ' ;', 1 4 ^.: , ';2: - .. 1 ,`,VP/T ,rt ' -;,..thi , f • -•:1).1 1 - c ' , '-`i - . ...,,,, ... ••:ir:i . . ,. . & 0 144 0, 0 ! ,- : ,' ' -,1 ' ',..:,f,',.,:-.",i OIL . 010.! rer"t".,,” • • - • .-> "1 4 - «ron#, T rvrievp: _ , 'A or • ';•;' • 4 0 ,44. , .., ; 444 06 ,2 ) • ,:tic i • • 11 1 • •"ri ' MEE ~~.:~i • iroc. A •N". , :).7 *,.tl VP _ 6 a 1 - 11 itity,4l64 tkisise* 000.11014000: • ..' ~...- . ,- - -- -- -----,-- 4** 8 o'clock, Um imkki gibs twattiejulia• it d eitit , Ott, 1... J 0WL k‘OhlgiAls o 'idgrnsmgVawg'ii ' 07(‘ ifili Cuom omoth Antit — Asiol P lO 4OO ss! it is la wore s tarsto 07,.... 1111111 i P M " ' ' , . , 11 0 ' , 1 1 11416 !!• 4 ' ! Lei**, iiiiii;boo4 4: 'lNVl4lo " . 1 14 0 i '. I Dot K lAti t t it 4114.041 . Ost sisio4 Wks is , ' r. a ' "assimakft k II , Ii 0 ' Ail • iiiosit 4411,441144 jil t ; lip Sio polisis blimp iiilP ,‘ 'OllOlO. ~60004Atip *OM 11101000 11 4ANICOOIC lOW tip" 10W 41, 714,0* *lb , I pi= NO/ Obt tisiotBlo4lll4 impOommey OW 0111414111, o :r A i4 te part lr t im i . i ' m . l 46 : or t0,14140.1114r 4.r. 7 31 t 0000440 , OftA ui WO mikoiOtioOlk to rip*. .; moo um* Ito if** 96V h domm a zt=0 " , a week whets the whams km besp; misplaced. rind El b*eirjor• la SO tolkkeor we may some t!sy t*rd s tertible dent.. • . Synod or, the rrespiteriot Church of Popp.: levee* inelading. iiVe•Tresbitirieh, it `meet in the First Presbyterian Chttrehlof Ode pity, Jo &alb' Fifth Weston -to•inor, row , Chesdayli:itenieg t . October Mi t at oielbek, ,et If dim Om openbog opolk win' .be' Prost* id . b y th e . gamma Joussoir, D. IX,' of‘the: First PlllOOOl laCiAfrokofPlatsdelphis(leieDt. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers