HON. 1441 3 t4+ OW WC' .ati, Wirt : ~WI !1 /WNW rbli4eiy dtiiiiithOtiegettW N WO, alifolleikikilialalaiiiiiioituftti iihinilitiMOlVAAlkiti4o4l l l6lloolifik 411dadViA 4 16}0 itil*4oodiistl66l ce? snytiling in riturni Pth# btiottlild**9 %I*s. 614644 to tittiMitillo44o46lol4 o a i tii‘olviddeik, • IN ilaer VOW* 444064 d c bt ildrAf Voitheliti , b+Afiboldit, 446WAiivoiteetittabbidrfOr ivithgat theilttinglitir*Walitit.. l 4ot the Slave ihithit4t4) , 64 1 t dLrortft ts *tits bfr.thaa the negro slave or the Routh tiadjrbeedtlee the SdutßeiltAita 6444414 *kill l aitlepileit•by kitietiliVtitillei ) 44 l 4kitthethi'itle4e r te• hilttettiw;tioitli b ki wap o id i mfrlt. , ti v„i‘-;r bn . t ‘ f liteit tot tlaifi Ntitilitideatler dad 'es4 44 . }V0110r ca' omit *whit, thiettill rush tbbiq td4h. earth, and wheie4iNetelakjiitceatteelgine tree 'ihtereetiti.stothat Ahlikkat eptivoiliitte the) proiieedi 4isbOiifeollief4 froaithdrte by tot tbg purpose of theciatifest laths , bonds; ithd - trisettollk t )44400 .14m-10140 itujierelf I itir the fitot i mlit .61itt J;ir, Labor.—the eapitaVetlitte` pbto”. oast tifbityfttteptettieVelillid fatalist in gold 4104 WAN tela thh i•tichlkittdhelder; ditiffitl,)reptilettieti thel•eitdb t eirthelOofeiwileliet taxesii ` ,- hy :shier' sri 41iii! 1.16 h 4tt nilthei:!and , the peer idea Rc i ost w i t • , 1 , . f ,;, *ibhdo:tht tleh , bettdheldii , enn give hie $l,OOO End ' , 52,01)0 eVtining:fiaitieg o irloo in, a $l,OOO carriage, with 'E korai of feet hdrbae 'that tOlkhlin % )itttiOthar slo,ooo4 4 he' 1160 T Wocki or laborii tat iti Isltt/iconitta out of the inane''c l''llott.lOitg will the riCot i white labateraid Ott bii ihtitiOneetind siOarty who: Wl4 cote each a police ask Egaltt 4 -hdir lone 411, ;,,, Ooklighted's , fteiveculair; orgi yaw slot laid uttinatedeetni wout i dountry.. from, the evilf 0 114 A . ft 4 1 , .9 1 11,r1WPOlfi z r4 1 1074i:0 1 .0. 6 h ol l l) , , 9v ; oili '"0. T. reh! at ;de . ' ybiltia4 , , c" • • • They 'elit ,ygti4 ,:Vaiillad heitithe ne AP i. 14:rte olng ; intiliol 'Ort ii,- okf ti e ..., 4 r i ~ ci) ~ { , , ' r ' " " es ; p ii i elv 1;4,0. py,lif „,,,git , to Alititsittest:o 20.heniporatio niniorrky Jo, thi, et 0 Itt dinlilivillite-of iladlealifiaidaja - . ill I ,'Nee tteritia"lititithy . Waidtil ' l -. Wo ' facie . ..,,, x kAWICAI..;!O%etrit Iriii .1t- *o7l l .ofiiP 4 rtlakertytitainalority,toriteilmenneV, ~,Xlie tvierve fits - 44:44111 , 61104ipd it tliaOk:the t',ConneflitiT p ,Re t tuhlitians, for,reltrintill• , ia Et I tM. 10 '01; 1 1f' ," .Aiwa 9l ) 12 9P4 1 1 66 0- , ./P pT,Piitik , ,tifrY th'Par k )14p4sy.rrog•ami '' .'. ~,..i, r ,),:,, , fekr , ) 116* 0 f fltltpnVtlei, ' 4 iivi44... t" " ("'it" Vt 'OS dm Git i' ' are otnp sII ag ea •o pr us glepti*reetelnello4 tatutohl. ,TheAtes4eil • / Iyetlil not JO be trostediitathe piridtioas ttireiencia. eutliaiitaaf 'wimp „Vglim,4 ' 4 ..qophAitheMeisfie" . 1 4 0170 6 . Ala** vitpoile,ot Awl 40P411. 4 4011- ; k iheigkerveitiiiikseitheleleitioatiiiiaroe .it ~, . .• t.'ol(pasil ~!!:Thr o t ) ww•ilmOscrii , InitWi . :, . We'' 4 not Delitrie that at , thovir t Cttniei ' - .loitylailid ilehri**l*XtetlioCitibettylVenle ) , 10 3* I.ll r lr li ttp i 'Vk l i f, ` i •'. pi; Allik ,r , $404 8 0,# 14 .P11 ) ,• . oar rwao to *sit patiently top the, pt :4141411100)1414'itiliielleired 401,:xfsiaignotti, „. . ifi 1 + :ti r, r til .1,- ,I ,- , a , ;,,„?., ri I . 1;.1 /, ftlf ,it 9,rett plitu,,,,,y9A,Pmls! --‘-‘,, • (••• • ' Ake. likl of:2 , tlit; I:B6ldlW.' i I. 7 0IAt . 1 "Agit -1 Th o 4loi' :P a l i r it i i.loPiAll} 1 1 ),Aillint OtifitVel flit:spec .1' • .1,, ~ , , ~- r .... ~.. d ,_. ~41:7-4 1 -6 .i. -,',. 4 f •'''. ' 1 ,pc.,44.s;.‘, )t os4wi' 4444 , 41044,..*•.., ti4 ,...„,,, , .....44.v., blikl,yitoil i it o wt, •,„••., i ..• ~, ~:.... „'l • Po.' :f. ..' ~j , ‘ ' ir, r l-, ,' - '1 11 ‘ ,..::,! , r . le ,. , 7 ;0413A0 )16 ir.,bit ME , majotity,t, of the !At dutch as. ; ' • Ibis mitten.' . cans et fOtti v lfai, afore o f espOtlam ? sue 'its led hi,ve had.., Meant declares he will have tontdr Isr.Oppositto, the fanatics Who .0% n,CoaltosiC , Is _pledged to let these beast dopir, orsl.way averylblet.: He will be the , mere tool Of,thip, mosso. p 4R, rone Itadleals: Suchl.en of the . Government must, lnies aantirle(: Ittlilt n el t O i rV n 'On 0 0,r 1 Plot, ifti;* k ipt, 1 . edo L, to . ovetooidots la' the' Bertib . -. era ,'states will be Maintained by bay°. r. • r , rime *An, z t";?is' I "( •‘ .l 11411168 V ~; : ;A gigantic Army will he kept up foi that' purpose, at the coat'of the toiling masses or iholiortb, ' , ; •/110; feyeloimen's Bureau. con ,Thei •oultt, ‘.prcianctivo each icor. • ' • • • Tho people will ho continually rendered less Capable of paying• their pioper share of taxci: • . El MI ' The 4reep i l l of ,ovity, t a r t j e t h e North, 114 °ruby epOstlint It‘breised, The . Wien e' being unre uked, will continue to p 10,410?! ItiO•:Py)410-TreasurY. at will.. • . I I— ' ''' "'-'' 4 '' . Congresit will appropriatecmoney with greater4seeltlessbesist.ti , Lft ;sr i•ibr( ,11,,it •) I T - a The ihted gtilttit , !tstftilitilfillid #,f4#?lpttO,lii will be opened still More yildelii:' •-, , : , .I A, seat horde ofg're?dy tiOdAV , ilarit: ' i,iti a i .'ttiti will be 11 1... V fi t !A, ; A - :should vu Il i oAaPte 'Hs 'i t 4ti' , lo, 4,1 i CCi cilasteide lii ; ihiffetilidOitelfcil .biLtile verdie!p . the people .',., ' '.. . -.,. ~ z it ;, pequillinium ,fot, , politkal i ithhchla ~ will have been. usherepi in,!"itild'lttlt lgYantsg? Will bo taken of it.i" • '. , •:, ••,.. ;F; !4 o t 1.) , i ~ ye(' the present oppreindy,e ritititeni ,of ilk/410h will not furnish . , money enough , - It) `SOttlefy the eOratorants. ' ' ~, - .t ' - - •'„ ' '' Who debt will,contlniie",to Jnerease, , as it lies been doing for months pot.' • , - tio attempt' 1411 be. iiiaile` F td paY , , it, dollar . , 'of the•Prineipal. „ ,The Bondkoldere will get the interest , for is while, but ebipplete • 'repudiation will certainly follow. ~ There is nil hoist 6r relief :for the . t,ali• payer, nq ? prospect that the,boode will eyor tit '048; , . utileity tleenbilly. and reform ,are Sititillyil ;30104•Firittode'fo.er "sirs More ,of MAIM rule will banitrupt this nstion.• It may ilot_destroy ,onc liberties,, but it, will be almdit ii*tillii 'to lea ' tei - a' 'War for 'their maintenaod. '. ~ z 1 , 1 i lk.). , ,•,• sI, , , . I l IPC P IT APR CORIPP 6 ON D E N°E. . • ~ • ft elasheld Ahead of Pleirriepont—dab: eliptieu oiltAllo.l4o ifer•the deymoor sad. Illatir.PWpalita. „ ; ,',1,j..; • • ii . d t t,if . , # t*lr 0 ~ Di 4i . v . qie, 4l. OP, ' .‘ ti 1 ii" . , • , • .i.ik c'‘4l 4t hi 7 t. iim tic,' e ~ • -, 1 e& : i , liiii . - -Liiii,4ster . , The followi ng correspondence is import. gqii,d ; tt l ‘ Peictiaaily ) ,llleistratii,tbei ii6;4 o 've, , 'thinking .anel enterprlsins merchants, and; • those whot heti& not` iltOgethbr Lost tbeirlovol of,cointel or Constitution as handed down by "our ' ofefietheti l reii Wbb 'helve a respect' for maintaining its honor and character e ... , I. , ,t 0 : .- PWO4 t, P i l . *w i s oet, fli,c t ..! it t r . To George Waslington Langte,O, Esiz., firm! of Lanes', S'auterlefjißtacktoell if: Co.' anißroadecoy ) Neto7:KOrk: *.,' , ,-' DlLtii Ste r When Roiatio I)°ymour , ,v,eite' by acelaination,nornleetWor Presiden t ` i' the United St tes'hi tti g t erDiMiOcrettic party,' it ! p eae l . contiefl 4 l i ly 01 partipe Olt, lee l!as, ft' 1064 itattihnh 'OA oeid , defender.bronr; Const)tutioni bet•sicea his, nomination I have; niii,tieo:intintildnaeoOs' reininics' in ffitaia in Ms eehauet, diumg :Ilie %W it, llippili t i /Jon.' A, tl,' Curtin ) : ex4loiveinor of Periu-; irylvania; has .expressed himii molt; molt; friendly manner, remarking " - that 3lia least: said 'against - Seymour's •conduCt elniin# the ,rebellion the best for the BePubllati qty,' as'he would acefuli him of sttOk abuses , ' '.. . ' Now as to . P. P. Blair, tbake'obser,vedin several Republican paper's "statements that. he has no claim.whatever,upon the Pecoo-' erotic parkkand to this end 'Would say why riot ? ' %Vas .et beeftWie he fciteght in the arMy and for the restoration 'of the.Unlont Re was nominated'utifamMany trial with shout's ot applausp, just after proclaiming that:we. Must' have : a President uotroooneltod•by an unetinstitntiOnal,-oppressivel and - arhitiery ' C i ongre o Pl aiPPC #4l chaPq,oft,ho rebciliop 1 , have earefnew noticed , the e4PrailiOß -of ' .Southern jOurnale,. politicians and_ mer chants, and find thnt all arelesirons of liv ing in bormony i and,expect that the, election oftiniliOnr 'Alia ''llliii illi ho the tne,4tts of encourugOnient .: find theiientenblon'. of the right bond, of fellowship ) thereby °Meiling a &replete: vindicittion'tif the'ohitiet 0' the war and of the.Constitetion, Auld restoring the rights of an,unpoyffiehld, ' and oppressed portion oftheleOutetty. ' , • ..',., t . Before concluding, ,I will addrese disiolt to the young and i ent l erpripingmovellestel , lobbriog olaasei. 'ln the various city pa of recent date l _l havo.noticeda correepoti ~ once between qiindie !. Pierrepont and A. T. Stewart ) the au at nee of which was that they both desired the election of U. S. Orant for President, Judge PiprpePoni teit4lerinvi check for $20,000 for tfefrtidetiet hit eliettOm Now, to the sensible reader in tOtheyoung merchant, is not Otis in itself perfectly ex planatory of their interests, nod is it not op. pt i ii l t r yielletititinnlesitt I no l i lo r . c; t r il p e llt% ; emu - la I e 7 Thetonteat presents a , well•cle ned issue between the bondluildersi and thfilelitiVilildifif imdtlaboilligf classes,' and resolves itielf Into an Oppression. Artaabankailpronnwienkgolfrottbkother. ' In this Correspondence X wouid not with to U. serf anythingagut tlAepapuept of the debt, 1 .. , but the interest ' s 'extirbitantAtcanttot be i d, e*oepOng ljt the slam cur,reqeySittliclt., thilitidi' and ' 4 1 / 1 01 , 1411: it fikl6 Alltlik4Pital seeks other, initeetineeitief:l4 More lucrative, 'olimikteci tbe*l.Ptod4g4NralerfinliYal 0 1 14 1 1/lAtoPto.o l g4 l,l yola •-biuoi4t, iittiOnstoitilperroltly*:lo,4ejidertAti ° i ftms4g,oop i to bit wied in each a minute lie j l fat : Of i t,4ooV , Pti4Olg; tcjf,#ft*pi -b!ltn i tiutolfer it ri ~ And kind to e weik t ! le.oo . 'PeOikOt4 a: t OOktlie 0 1 0 , 0041 1 t: 1 iy yours, ~, 1 1 ,1 .. . r, . ,c.• l s_ corsol.n.; .•• "it: •01 ost V I.} it . i'. , • ` ;1• `0 , 1,. •t). , :.)•..i • S 1'; :1 in * . ji Jz. , 3 %' tUte , ,S,ll#i / WiT./ ../ ''.'.' .;f:tt 1 , . a' ' i banit'tireirs zi t 694 Broe4iilui ; ' tuln r t l , ',441 ' •. sod ;:it. ;Mlip i t , fla Art,. p, 1. .112 r• ~, •" , A , o i r , • 1 „,i e t 'i4k or .• ~..,;e...., „.. , ,,..-:,.. 7.1 - . 4,,,,v 4 ,, , ,,,,,,,ii,, , .,•,, '..:,, , -,, -..k I iogoo wAsuitiotuuttiviiiitY,' ' 1 4 11 4* gig i IPA V. 44,0 0 00 k Ver lie , fre 411 ". I flg toiroMpirirlit* a viitheir' $t5) , )4190 Sprieg 0411 dimiiik :•410 6 / 4 ***lL. s , MI JAY 0 0 0 1 titi *PeCalatOr governineat bodes. r./.111 Lsii "fite'liFfi* dam* the Money ot . thi tax. PiYersi o*e 414 4 * to guile Riptiblim meeting In iroie s omer, ounty; *wog gOiceli . *lag" dielie(iaenthitelnot: Xo ol 4 ol o'' ccotito) 140. :$ 00 * SIP ° fat P le ,f 44 , prime. 414 money wee from the peek. *4, 0 41 0 lasklgliPWO and P/Oiik 11 4 _ _ 6 / The naldkal aristoeno ,ten welt •MK to eappos.Orietrind 001 4 1 1 , but the:queli t ha 1., " 44 the Ifeo# 40 14'**is** nili• 1e t ' k...., .. Inn itokookore taikh g yetondo4s4 fbrit*Welies* ll , 4 4 l ell) 91, .t e,' out gi 1,11 poet in . Congofs,.., The , )arit7 tothliopiion§oVroylehin I ste9 l lo ,7 6o(vitilol l ,l4thllOOks ePUllthcclTAa tbs) ll , l ; ll)l3 tiiPt) CONVOnd it *M 10,191'' ouxiOid hi Ow ttallionlithOlielves..: As Boon th 4, tienr4 Oat, picks connty had given 0,0 Derthoorsiio msjoritiithei itooliirs that I* 19es .4971t7 in tho y 4141, I IC'S hardiy. thOpetta °mei' of the Fifth Distriot trill submit io this 4 01 0 0 4.1**:f..Pief0 0 A1( 1 refitt,9Yers' attempt': to , doiVitid.:thani or thot, , , riorot . 0.1450,0400 1 '4 "eoi;', '.,. ' gni MEI advieeS state tlist . Ohirt- AO has 4etifinititeolf indepeitdent'ot.N;s• i(nd orgatifted a new' go4rnment; with Senor Ariel° is President • The ,Govern. went '',ooopt! had,been , 4110defeated:44er, the! late 'fieeretitri of Otete, Vine, who,was Innboat Geuishttrit, : had aF rived it ' It. 4i th re ye ete omits 1 0 1 , 6 4. 1 , 6,1,0 0, P4 ,- R ' T es ' i T.l'rk: o . n ,:rIP4dIkY, !locale' Moaner would' hot fig ht another , o* r Dyokumn kn,ooliod, 1114 ,down.,,adf, The iiitirdever teiss.o.4l:"i StiOot WOW•littifebek.i4iriVe4 in,..)V*l l .' inpon,oprestotdat, , :. , llii is, mne4 proved; fienl,l6ands, iiythol46,* ~Xte 4110,4` (in 44, .Presideat and Bseretatl, of iyar,,and ,. waS /1604641'14a' tOr - several .honre ; in, hie!P 6 ol4:,,' The joint:4inieitta et. AO can and Atiantio ' telegraph companies have'L' decided 'to abolish, .ftorn ad' Oar Istovein• bet. 1Bt o . 1888;' the oy4oni of ,coOnting in eitobli,hing tariffs ( and to count only 13r, ; 4031.48.. , ; ;, -It is . Oppose!' thilt,COlco,' RePub)ictin; 148 1 , 1 hi:to °looted to' Congreos lit the Tiir!t4' (riot; composed tiottuyikili and Letonon,l 4A014 1 :;114eif 004 tp,b,O Veat 'Off- 1 1/*Yote: Ort, 'oft acconnt ot the"stopposo of the' n)inoo lootiktWO? and opting, syntOna`onnOO•i qtiont onfttotion of the tiiinete to Othot coot l'ho Sebool iPtesbyterian; Synod : of 4bauy bald thoir:SmOateefetiloti'atl4fittegti,) AtiOtik'; 'clatity iniiilsters arid' eldefairerti :present.; gov.' tor', Stroitipl ihraettiel*as chosen;litaeritOr.' Rase Intl ti* io'faioit,bttlio . Utilon Of, the, Ole m 0! Noi* . tielkol *ere adopted unanimmiel,t. 4:gr9t fire in Antwerp, Belgium ! . teeter`- sap;4:teetriled , a building , 2,00 4rreli of petroleum and mini ; millione of gallona tiaPtha: Loselery heavy, ' • ~c Mt. Vointilui 4:again in aecivn ... Omaha; is ripoxttsl,to ,bar4..beica , *tied , by the , Itepublicaloa,..byapot4leactioiltyi,bati the, coreootlratatoa"lutro not been - received. (-::, At': te 44004 '; OM the (..t) ; oo4 l i',' , Cisii`7l 0 1 4, 1 Pent:" bed „f?'4,0t00 . 4;, 9. l !fir; o P B o4 'men ken; ell'e arinand I . *T'74-` ~. ~'• f':;,llnii`. SiVi4:liiiitrOiio44os fßigni - Oarfi 40:10,0 1 1 11 . 611 40 140 *,; 0 040 Pf° iiin hist' report' Of :,lilajoi: Ho 'cot , tbe; , 6 43414 ' :dlilltirbliti4-" IWO** ; so l ttio:tio , ) of the freell i ctieeplei''444oogivi; one; from. gm: L'ir.itoimitoor officer of the 11" 13.1 ' to , Spain, forty-eight cities, being all itti- ; ministratire centre', `adhere to the 'Junta; an: 4 , mgAnektehLia. , , PriliciPlee. ;, EteiNti , chip', ilehouica the blergy, and all 'dehotuica iell-). 0,00 .oydarti: oThe st4ettoleiol . tho.Portile. blta i beark fixed ibeliiiitieialgtr,lll., tio that rep:: ileeiyitiitilves tioin'thitieind . PeAn.Wee'ineyi 010 i ~. Th, army will be ex,t'repat'thai tikat'tip.iiabotit '101)0 low , - i '.: ... I . , Iv 1" , i 1 Itelyradd Anderson, w ho ' are , iipplioned : lit AltiiisOr,,Cauada, awaiting, the, reaolt Alf; a Sepia!, trial for extraditiotri.eadeavorbd to' break jell yeit.ii4iity: by gettlai,' through , the', ttiti'itllti;,i'eie . 4:o l ofriite4l* ( l;olo 4 4l;O i itefro-nilide *tibia .itt.houritho 'iamb' oy tol sliiibt delletive;Pinkettoti; liVn, ..iii;innWriiigt iip.illiiksove , o49; ` bnofils , ' , i:, : ''4 t ! ) ' - 1, } i 1199""sTli?114:40:0)140,i10.004Atif t intik, appOtt4d. Noveritbei . 2o.4l a dijf Of :thinkipi aixipg.; , ,. ... ... ,rx , ~ •;,.,, '4, ',' .r . ; - : '',2. r . i One plikrui killed seven 'ilioio it 44 - .:, OtiOitt i ffloOf 4 1 3 p. wAlis, 0 30,t,1t pew haillltog; Wgt. tiiioreisigicitlai: - ' '' . ',' * , 1 '' ' s `ritiii '.4 ; . Capt. Oliver itihbe eviautur4e . 4., Ite ' sdi ' 4 TOOP t ikiflitr,:r,"lop,toght,ito. three tiegroes ve juet Veen arrested In De:' roit;•forthe cribia.i ": •'', ,' ' ~ ., . 0; 'i ' , ,1. ' :•;; 1 . .The customs p.'oietpiii. froni October let to' , #'i',r 4 l4s s , 2 f I9 IQOP ), , . 4 . 1 4 .• ,' ' .:•,,:i.•tiaaai.iioli;iifii.*l' aii...tita" 'illittl(i Ward OaC f raieslaTt r !qhs, #'" 4 " 4 ' 4. fril*es 1 1 10.4 . bef911s his ovtOti'— -'' 0 ° .I'4 6 ' 4410Yeo'or. the t i t tiiy_Uaiteeibleitti as* ' WA eelk . for ,Allit 410 liteiriotuf ~'Oe t 16 4tIan :t4tietiiik eto .dii ‘ a .1141$ =',.eohige: 4140!, , pairjog,p4o , ethet„eA Oittell Hitt 10 ) 4.14:1W 4.1 .114k OPOIPAPP , iv4PkWAllekkei.,Pti___,,‘ ,. , ' .Yottageiatith! i (1141, 4 44n t aa. ,M a ify . if 1:4,..•. •, s #,J.: ! 1,:::,,), , ) ,'%"';' 7 7, '...-...,.,,- .e. , ::Y:4 '_". -- :,. -- .*:` t , .. ..:.- ..• —,-,-..--,_ _ . ~, .. : ,r 1; .,,-‘,.'ff-l'!. -- ?, 3 1%:: - .V.:4, - ,:•';in , l`';:f,t,'",. - : - , , ,',.' •- :c':: ,, f l ': ,.., : q:. ''i ,..0,,,:; . ) * - '_ - ' ,t,-,,,I,,,,.,,,,, '?-:--,'-'-, -. ' '-..=,'' 41114 - ' :•.• ' ' ''''' I - 1 '.• : '-'' '-', , `:"/::',‘-- ... - • ,-• . - 1 2 Xr {1 :; 4a! l ':.(' -- . 11.. .. Y' '''`'. k L 4l ' ' ' C i ',:- -': '. '~hf :*' .!' " S. ..I' ' i ') ''' 4, :. ?:•"-"';:, , ' ;;', '? • .i . ,.. • ~ i• . • • • - '-' 4. '''. ,= • '' , • ';'%.l:Ol,CA4i: ...i,:•-• *,.... e; "' , ,:.: •. I- , ..p ..-...; .--...W '. ' :,,, ~ " -,- ~ : , ~., • : . .. •• : • ~,,,,:'-:.:'••:',%,;...,,, ::, „, : ~,- ~ .. :.: ~: • •• —' • • --' '''''`:ri:''' ' ' ',..' ' ''''• '' ' '' - i''''' - • . ' '' A 't,.. , ;} : i'..,4 4 , , .N' Yi, %., 4 ' •,'; '' 71:.,4 - i',,- . • t, - , : :,;,:•, , , 3- 1 r i, i ', ` 2' •' ' '! ,4l , ' 2,..,,1. ,;', ', , ; '-'• ~ , r •' ' • , . • , • • • .' ' ,„ imo - popislNoi- _‘.‘, ~ '. •* ,'. ', , ~, , . I '1,3 . • , 1' , ~ „I. ~ , „ , ~. . xiifv ,4•', i ; - •,,e.•':',V.,,- 4, , . 4 ,4: ' ,',. 4 ~,:- ' 4 '.:-.A', . .i ~, , r +,'.' • • . ,- .' .--," , ',„, ", . •'. ' ~. - 4 . ,''' s' '..' , • • ~ .. : 144 ' 'POPlstibk '. ' ' -' " •t ' • ... - ' ,' , L' ''' '; 9 oIiAN ROPMNO, -. i 3 ('. i I'Lt K f ie, , _ .-, ,_. ,-_,..,., , nINIMM= CIIENE POPLINS, ;r>4E46 Wham) 't kalgt vonatiql EfritiPED POPLINS, CLif• VE ft UL A, Ma s.w ;the Itadlieitts csniem the; SION " 0413.' 4, 4 ,0"47 6 0 ,. )#.49h 1 4 bap bo34,ftr' ried'hithe `While throne; thOnoit blushing frand k , : .14ight..,thensand . fiegreea voted, 'end Aebtabuta and ' f ake ,counties' were overrun with Western 'New Yorkers,' Eggleat )4 ogi t coepci nd : 454114ey t , , a1l R 04 4 1 40 104.1 ouTaikpor,", GRUplanUito t October 18th.—By, carotid, manipulation of:the iittarria'4ohn : 004odit's: vote has 'heett ' , dtiCteree to Ole district, (the ,"I`wentifiest)'teilviiir . it inajority di 2P‘' The- outrage canoe' 'intends indigeatiett':„ among, the, 'Democracy ,herct. neat, Foster, actually elected' icy 800' majority. '• " oilitiss' Illifitimikekeki-tialik 1 PIO , C 4,1 1Ern5.4440*: BT. LOifti; Oki 16.4;.-'l:atiktoltel from J.J. Bingham, Secritatilif , the Indiana Demo-t crctip State central , Comp l ktee, 41 3 . 1 , b e ' en . received , (pilots's ,election is •NlPo o 44te4 l / 0 0 80' bgt,irc hate little,;,aoabt;; that we have elected The:WV cola ciaina t the Stnte, but arfunable'to name"; any niajorsti. ll I 'have' every reason to be 4, Bove .the ,State . . is *sate. • Llirge; gain fn ManY , centikiee ke-1 ported., Neblick, in the . ,Firat District, in 'the Seetind,,llPlsniul l :l€the. Third, 'and: Voorhees, in the Sixth, 'are positively elect-1 ed. ' This is a gain of one over our last prel vioua advices, and "'the figsks: insure 00 1 State by about, 1,1,00 temerity." ".' —A young man,. rotor of Baptiatchureh, in . Kenosha , Wieeonein; could not find any , 990 ** 'Amami* dayod ti); Eleffßkol the 119 - ceasary task 'of painting his chur c h sP re. Accordingly he , raise 4 a ladder, to the to , of the spire, tied axopkround it and rows ' his body, then boldly Wiri ng off and paints ' the spire himself. '' • r Ir4)..+Ailill+litif-ig NTS ME ? , pp. 410.41111)114111804 f ewmales Nut bar, Street a. mottated with, boarding, at No. 11 2, No Stat . ivoot 1 ' ... • Malls; s rwiti,l6.listy skuPP. of trio Ali, t kostruglong to a 'halt number or young IfliAltA i eye tit Dal ad Ellnaltari u tar oloa. • . , If 1. • For _port Galva , ftpply .. at t ,litriatland i *slo t Stork blot stmt. , oda lir • CEDAR WARE,. . :; r 7 WHOLESALE AND,ltHtfite . c l ''/,/t , f i i ' t 134 '., s' ;/ 4 , } ' , t") 4 ;4, • .3'. 4 e4, -, F.1 3 ,t ' , iif ' ' ! tr• . 4 4:44v",tiv,4 ', .it •; t 0...:0,- , i\ ''.,' , •: : l'- .7 :1 i.:'l' k3 l •'?',4 ;,0 1 lit. , ;i'lli .. '::i't ) ~,, ~,, , f• 1 Oh., ft• , , y0. , ,r,.e , r(4 , ! .. f, , ,,1 , 11 , 0 4 I ~i ,..) 9 41 i•- '4 ':: ? 1, 1V ,6 ';' ,...7 ' 11 5• • • *, : qT";t" CAMPAION-ligiODS MEE .'. P ; 0 4 . ,t,,rx, ~ a :• :.' , - ,' f „, .- , U.ift)ti • JEWSCItY • MANUFACITORY , 1•, ~ - . ~ ~ -. ~, i.-, ~,.., • ~ ...... it . 4 • .I , g,t .. ~,..„ ,ii ~ t, vi ~ t{ Amu •„,. 1 ..: ~. ' 0 t.. - V , ~,, ; ~, ,• , , ,t i ' ' t-4 p,' i ' 1 . . il* . , :p t, ' al e 3 1 Ali 4 f re' K W ,' 1 ''''' ,•,..(‘ s i fV,;,'; 1 , V .. ~%.,: ‘4 ,...,,,50 , I x0;14 nolige4 t atlritik sz. •1, ~. ... .: , me to ~..,.. . • 4 (Next dooLtotneAvexts mettle, ma.) } 20 QCKs Oatapt4a a,migell )i . ! .„,i ~.,.1 , ,1 DRlLocrarrotAgusortmLic. i --- Dirmth,l v iiiit4 i terft.pm p ' Qt.t:, ~ .parhumsta- r sof P Pe re Ta: 2e , • n :r i g, e x i, : , 14:414 11 :ne hill ' ) 1 ° II 4 4#61pri / r ........ Philo PITO , 11 , ,t4 01 34 154 1 414. 40i 1 1. 1 ,;L , 1 . i• :1 , 0°04464 wanted -4 ' oat ptreeatage at, *deo Imitee.eke ole loieete to ti, 00. Perl so* ille Iloilo live as aWM befoka,perobutl ifikere.. .'.. tiomart B4ipossowaroAND.rztei .. . I *OW /001#0111A Pno6ttert, seat MEE Rai Mir AND UM , . • ' 'Pitt BM BE l iV a, , o .l ol 4Atr Inhiata i - 1.4-41miiitipol, , ;4 , ,Z.„, . , t 'i),,, i .., lii '.• ti c.4 , 4,,i, ,:...... i-...., • ' „ 1 1 00..1 tWitigl#P10 . 10111 ; ~ s, • , . ' :,,i"; 1 :y 7 , ','' "V:;:. ‘,•:, TA1k„0 7 0 1 4.. A•• i , , 14. 1 1. 11,43 04 ' •.'••••4esewr, or , 6 ~,i , it ..., '4l 't , :itii 'l,,r. ‘'.o., S . ; . :::;::,' ~:, • . . ''.. , it ~ . o , , j a i , ' i ll. , 'z; • OXI ~.„ • : , ,!, , ....., 7 :, : , ,,} ~,,, ....:, ~ , ,, i ,, , ,, .., : • A ) , '. N ' ii 10 01L i titti. iII . , , 4* t o w 4 ..4 4 • ‘,,'.1'..; - " \ 11 44)4 : Al i f. r k q 411 0 TONIC 4111 gladelitir, lettidtlit Bi t _ 1 .• , es 4,, Sat , Watt * IA ~...,.... -I.* .... (•1 . ' 1 1 171A r Xik fl• tt ' • , ' '' •.' ,77110 1 I Vi, . -., ~1 , • 1 - '.• ,' ' • . A $ 4.Vii*, ~ IREPlAttl,rturaß a . 40.4,._ - Wiiieloli_*4l.*Mitaiheo** 44 • fikto r ia**4 o mrwiwlo6 ; '.. , ,,t , .! ',,.; ~ . e. _l•tn,.,. . ~' , •••-• , ..ct .q ROO pli#l4D'i 0! 04'414 , T0 Nio • ' I ,I . ''''' Atit to t a' ' ' 'tl o t 4 " 7 . '1661100f 11 t: • 6.6 • #Y $.ll 1 Upa t lit 1 ii et vs 01) •Att t n s 1 TtV l " 1 0 01. tk ~ 1 4 1 V ilin ' , • EM ~l t`br , kb Thontoottoxittitetmoaat "It alstultmlitittf4.e v v it ritito likk Id gm.., 4 1 0, 4 it t, 11.41„„u ski* true .8 0,4 •0 T o , - , k. 1, rt e r tit se tt e ph o k t ili l itsr . o . inisAi l irgt lf41 ~ fi g ~ Po pipit 1 1 4, proljruipvip JirrTEßa : . •., ~ -;D 8' :' q ' 34 • 1t 09, P,YAI! , .._. /1 p. of T.olig ..,Aiti1tY014;91 . 4 . 14574044 9 1 ( 4114141411 . 11,10 k Thirirlir o llgtiVl4lllll:sk lig: t tt lth ' t i r M I r t i 1 0 1 9 ; OA '. 'al : 10 aril st ei in eV . ,Up • 0 IN. Here 1“; It . , ,t ; , lelti ft lyn el* it ~ .. 7 , istrei 1 , 0 e 4 Yet 0 . i Tie: - • ..' ft,o DIO'BI PI Zitli,•.' ~ ' ~,,,, , [.,p) t I‘," , iiit.- , - '. t. " %,:.' s'c-4 1h : ilopal.,r__ rt erenty'lluit t t 4• row ~ i i#iiiitim.:). :, It= 4:414 ~,.. 1 4- e *sot.. ,f It. .1.1•0 'tater fild 7 00 .),•.0101star3 I' 4 .74, ;, 04 ~..R.d,.,trti 00420$ o 4 Deoo4l itei4 and Gamy, the ; Ye ow' !nil' eredloated froi the eyes, a bloom tr.. VOA Act. the eeeeep, sea 4( weak and otollier pra,l4,f l ,loeeinee 4 110044 sii healthy being . -- :f *. r :- ; '''...''..‘' ' 1 •. PERSONS . :40,4iiiiiio: lit bit And hong, th•l4 o l. q t,,ti t illii bpp) re 14 11 :74 * " k t o ti r n t 6WIr 1 that Wlll iU. fe•lntos ir e i t ik e i rirtes 411;7 and ordot iiit a ‘,49, amt., otapkitt Okrom_.44i 0 ot i ► 9 th 44 happiness tOt l2 o ll `reaunvq4lo/4 ; ' • , ',Olt CR , '.. ~ ftiiit iiiilti o ite h l i git#4l 4 Y44‘i i ric ji It: f r 4 ' ' 1 /ill ~,li m it 0 et. ‘ , 1* ...... 1 .ow,n:fp 04 r - s ir" %Ft 9f ti r at 4 ll#o l A ~ . 44 M ' . it ittiF_Rxe i r4i4 ifiAl*itEt'et tit ), ! . ,1 0 ,. cf s on l PuY TO F•Fi'l',. !.... f, r: • ~ oiv, , Eo , . !Diziaktiitompw , 1 th6a 1404 i4m' i.t f ' iv t 7 4 0.1 4 . 3f:iii ntlitt oB.lithot 'kY.e.tt.W ; , . • 43 ' 6 ' A ll 'i-i . 1 51 , ..1,1iir,P1 ? I ti.. 4 l!ry, 4 . for , ,!. ~. ~ *.,. 1 . ' '‘'Aq;,;•‘. l 'o, ~/.0.):0 ; ;• . . . - • „ - . 4 - - 1 ',',.". y-. , • , -s..p . „:t., , !' .0. , •f.'.., • . 1868. 1111 111 -.14 Ai! , t, *; : , !: VEIiTIMONtALSe'''!' ( tk ' thief hketioo 0.06 Orilltito wiffkr ' 1 46 1 1 11 . 4 ; 1 • , MT' . 1 0 . .14:::doodind'4212 rilara, los in iatom' or p fi(44 1 1 0 t i lorMotioattlyi li fo • ••• ow;, .c•-egvor. WOQDWARD, fit 4k: . KokAiiikift,ONWh. i'l r , u f l P q 1 4 INPrrar i nknea rah, 1 • !pi!" 6414 4 11ft4trerta l t r rititesToT h i PeP. hi? 4 SAMtVi s idfre t t rIYISPO , WO ' 01111.11 i ' .4 or4MIROARSOr jOti gg t { M , to riffit , h 7 AtiAlti r 4.4 4 0'7 . 4 , 1 l i e l e _al U l f t 4 m.. cr a , CeV rata , g . 'k 4 i ; I'l We " . 't. M lP Offil l ,*ii*Atitit ME =IN , w #7tgroz . .1 , ,I .‘ , &A • 4 1 7 t , t ir , t re Ff il (00040 ...tor vetiztow „ „ prior, 444444, 4;1,4 , 4 1) -41,,:if 4 , i...- , i, ri' , .7.01'11`1.4i44[1 : 1P.14 4 i::i: ' 1 : - : 1,- -1 , "r•-•,fi ',' 7 il' ' P' , ! ' !r.',Ll ' s \ 3 46ve voi•% , , - f 4 ,41 it4ft :, ' . Pars' It „". ...,..,_ ~ ...,,,,...,,,,,7,,,,,i,;%,,-,.,,t,,,,;,..,.w,,,,.., fs: ~...F.,,&• ,!,S 5,' , ' '', t i ' , 'sl+,4ryti ' IF. , , s ". - 7 7 X511 ,0 , 4,t(!. , r , ..76 '177 i.l , ' ' , 73V 7 )::45 1 4 ' ' '' ;e74.l.4 ' '' , *4.i'.si• Git?t- 1" Z ' '.' . 7 j ',' ;' k •i : ; Pg 1 . 4.5,1.0 6. irtili- .' , it It ' -' . 0 1 5 tit,..l isevpsr ir