Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 26, 1868, Image 2

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PA. - 8
INlfl*slà NsiàU*Nlßl*ssa.
, :(7011.PRROMEN 1 5 ' •
ithks,. :l V" , gET ll O l 4nr; -
Foy VlOll PitIt4DENTI
. • OP 1110$01ML
PeApt, liiTl.a*,
CY 6. I
tgr l
it t • .. r i n nli_ i ..
MARY N. r .it ,
Moen is 0r...
i t iall 6 .ii . egor4l3l ,
tp i r i t i ttfitain,
U l itatt r ! . '
Dentotiratii i,lititte 'Nominations.
• • 0
• 01-7-4- •
if OR. A
11, 4
. VIA iintrsYOß MINERAL,
. NOL , ,
Macaws, Tues442N• ‘.od9bAr 18 0, 1808.
DOPli o e4l l l o C<liiiltY )1401111111tOlin.'
" "Fie Pitsgma ; , •. •
HON% J. LAWRENCE 4E'I I Z, of Reading
, For Ascemt.liti
13.1 1 0TIENFrti rOf Maiitri " flAY
BROBST, utpentidoott )' .
RICHMOND 'JONES; of Reading.
• • ,For, Maria Attorney , :
OD! Alia 1- , of Wit&
For County Commissioner r'
WILLIAM 11. YOUNG, of Reiding.
' • Oirtft . *
. .
For ,Director of th¢ Poor:
DANIEI, 13, LORAI.I I ofLowqr lloidolhor
0' For County Auditor: • ,
,rtyrER'S.II.I.IRGIET, of Perry, -
•, , Far County Surveyor':
RANIIO O apit'Aup„s, of Iteoipi.
11P._tynicit . ot Pithlle Debt—Daunt
TIMMSIoop of Utterly ecie* of Prop.
l ir -4) P b trro Peo p leyGo
m t an the he
borer, ;0111ce•bolder , Pe:intoner,. Not.
titer. Producer, And 9 do Bond-Wilder
.toßmppavra, 'remember that Friday, .oetri
ber'2ll;,iti' Ilia 'day for hiseßsinents:
ktadical loan in MainO \ nine° 1860 in
nearly , 7 ) 046' voted 4 ; What, n 14 1tcpublican
victory! :
s Yuma neffroeg were ott AicChieaday admit:
t 0 to the,liar in*Simfh''Cardlint,, ‘43'wtiy,
white man;'do'bO4oni'ral,l - on do to Howl"
liatteocK is' at Longwood, Mo., and
be•anfrering . frOm tho reopening of
the *fund, h 6 'received 'at Gotlysbnrg, • 'ln
tho meantime 'eoarardiy;einy•at•hotne..itodt
eiilifat'e denouncing him an a "rebel" and a
traitor." Hneli is Radical gratitude to Rol
ilitira I i ' • • ' ;
luaiNg Aito amtity•ltfo years lifere the
iOals mho into power the . aggregate bx
penael,o( the werntatott weVil $17,QQ0,000,• ,
,000, , Daring ,tbe last three years of pene,
under rule t *.the expenses of the ger
ernment were $15,fX90,000,000.•
am do * you'. want . nay more of such expen.,
8111 Q "peneo?", if ',not, elect Seymour : and
, ,
.TelkApaich jtus he oiiphrill . oled impu-!
Apace' to pule . to publish/a letter,
r. the siitaking "loil'qotiard, Gen.
'n = 11' kw , 0 ept lf imsolfgat pfdingeiduring
I tha whole war, add teeetvCd,a . mujor gener
al's, ; PaY, 4 . for publishi4 lying dispatches.
from Einedla And Stitsts an. We considir
don. IStx a cohfiElt4 and, humb6o,- and Wd
would as Sethi . 'publish 'a letter ertim' the;
' devil's bw&Pet;'llriniatona
OP the ninttden hundred ntilli'ons_ of six
per eont."gold. bearing bonds, sik.hundrod
and filly tinillions,aro, held in Europe ; four
hundred unit eeventyrfive Tillions of bonds
aro hold the ttational Banks ; 6nd, three
' hundred and ',thirty pillions aro , held by
'savings banks'and 4nsurance ,00mpnnies-74
tOtel, of foutinen hawked and fifty-fAvo rap.
lions ihreo•fonrths of which are holdhy Eni
ropean t iaptialists National bankers.
16 4 P;o4 Plb gq!plgs' hive tho linpdaene .
, tOt'oll the peOple thnt :Vie bonds ttro thostl
held by the mance bribe ponplel'rOoniruent
• I .
. 0 ,
. •
fillt.24l•Aliaitte; , • ,
T00;40008 of, the cloierntneht, undet
dical.rure; during the hint ativa yeara,
were three times as gre a t ae they vvoro iidripg
the etventkfleolears preceding. , .
' erponaltitrea of the. Radical Cievernment
ih iteies fears. were,, $0,879,651 1 20,0.4 . 8
The e steh date tea cif the pie. ,
'Joni 72 ye ar s were, 2,120,162,828:12
Difference ir ., , . $4 1 259 1 388,872.81
The Itadieala hadona war; the previous
Federal, Attig t ind Democratic admin,stra
: OCT I B had to blini . the !expense df several
• iimorr4etionsi, tbe.tluri. consOkacy, two for•
eigrr ware * (W,ltliEnglana And lifexicol)
sides exOnsi)co noiie fighting
with tikan and %Apo% the riiicti(ise of
lie-Siinthortatern• iecrter)., toady ',bloo4y
„Old wars, and ihn..opoiting
Of .the i ; clyi4t'lilfst F lo ftide,O'porepupueree
by large iryabases of • from , the
19094 ••••;, ) ,
yirsicluyers; bubObl the (lifferenool can
• yeti tifferd,tp trust the Radicals with the en
tire control.of your kuouey four years long
er ? 'tourer at the polls!
hi ‘ 2O, ,
Niro! bei. M t 1808.
itS • •
,J W• e °
'yips anston /
l c Perabing,
ros it :for,
tn. reap', ,
oust , MO,
atiyea LI Ibipkini;
ward Ll. ObMen,
Samuel .IVilsou.
I " 'w.• i:;,-*:1•:•:•14.•',4!;',4,.:
"rum iniscaninws sellEml•
R :The Radicals bolo beeapnbliablegfer'eed
u3do atatergept,..4f Comaiissiot4tr%ik3„ tO`
the, efibet the total aOstrof the - Frectf,
Men's Burear, iiirto 'Jung 89, 1868; was o
$4,017,00. 41 1 hiiis eMmilffet. thet a'
payers, but den. hervard; the Commisiloner
of the Bureau, who is directly interested in
•depreciatimi the outlay, recently 'made an
00cia1 estimate for the fiscal year froM Jan
1p 1866, to January 1,186'1, which gives
the only dsta from that source of the expen
ditures. Ifeie is what he says ,
' " It le estimated that the antount * required
,for the e4penditures of the bureau for tiefis
• 1 year eomt4eneing January,lB66, will be
11,746,050, To tuns is rtgufete for the
. .
llowing purpo ea :
tdariee • of twit nt and enb-assi,t, • - .
wit commiteionera ' • $1e7,1•500
Salarieeof clerks - • , 82,800
Stationery and printing • 68,000
Ouaetera and fuel • ', 15,000
Of • - di; ibr' 760,000
for Ototributi
cOratmagary!s stores
School superintendents
Bites for school houses and asy
'Jams 0 1 000,000
Telegraphing 1 •• 'lBlBOO
Therkis a falsehood betiveen those two
Badical authorities, and it is tolerably cor
tsin that the cost of the Bureau is far above'
he amount gated by either of glm, Bat
the tax-papas foot-the bills ;so a few mil
lions more or less will make op difference
to the Radical leeches who are fattening on
the life!bloed nf the ;nation, , • ,
Qh, freemen of Afnerica,hoW long 10 you
termitiyonrielies -to berobbed and swindled,
in'the name of loyalty ? Elect; Beythour and
lair, and redeem yourselves from the reign
thqse soulless robbers, tholeaders of the
Oadical party 1, ;
j—Tho lbport of the Grand Secretary, read
at the* recent meeting of the Grand Lodge at
furnialteo the following statistics:
tNumber of Lodges in the United States and
: Britii:h North America, 8142; Grand Lodges,
41), Grans* Encampments, 81;
2 , 18,798. 'Money expended in relieving the
.brethren and their widowpd families, in
l educating orphans and bprying' the dead,
$083,090.• Annual' 'receipts; $2,098,145..
This Order .bils been established on a r•
frnanent basis In Australia ) ;there being' in
that country 4000 members affiliated with
the organization in, the. United States.
• /191}AOR GREELEY, of the Now York Ti`t•
bone, is supposed to bo ono .of the blest
reliable leaders of, the `.`god•and , rnorality
party,", yet Oil Thursday lastito deliberately
published thofalso statement:that i'rederick
Latter, lsq., of this city; with 124 of t his
friends Qnd employees, had come out for
(Inuit and Colfax. This falSolteod, 'which
was gotten up for, political
,:eifectrrival, of
once refuted by Mr. Latter, in a letter to the
2Sibune. iliallndienljdurnals
. at present,
are brintfultsif falsehoods, and are ttn*br•
thy, of, the confidence and Suppoit of decent,
people. • .
Oun doinestio expQrts have Allen off ten
per cent, sine© 1860.0 Orr 'Commerce,' at
this rate, will soon be destrciyod. But we
nAtt have "peace," under Grant's isaYenets,
though the nation should be *Tina. So Say
the Radicals. l'ax•payers, what 'de
. Vert
say ? Answer at,the polls! "
,NEWS Immo, • • • - •
—On We4ndialny an iminpnso Democratic
meeting - wus held at Indianalions,' Indiana
It -is estimated that LNOO9 persons were pres
ent. Addresses were elivered by iron.
Geo. 11. l'emileton 1164 Geo. Frank P. Blair.
There Nvnt4 nn imposing\torOliglit procession
in the' evening.
—Arm hundred 'levees 4t Bossier Boint,,
Louisiana, hare risen .in arms and demanded
that , tho property of the whites shall be divi
ded among them. They demand the "forty'.
aeres'iind a male promised to them by tho
earpet-iiggers; ,Tho whites ('deserted their
honing, and sent for tho, United litotes troops,;
thirty of Whom, under Capt. Parran, • have'
numbed for the scene of the disturbance.
s . . • ,
, .
• —Rev. Mekullen, of Chicago , hes gotie
to Rome ? to urge ,the , renmial A Vipluil4,
Duggan troto the Catholle i diocese df 'Muck.
gp. I,lov. iT,..l,lnles, 'who (0.4? ) epoierfroin,
:the materitte of the Clinich of the 11617,
'Nome, has been reinstatediin his ecelesiastir
cal factions, thoug h hO will be obliged to
lonvolhe diocese. -. , ' ' .
• s
, if • ' ,
—Dr. John,A, Ontwood was • murdered tit
Rocky hill; Ky. ) on. Tuesday, by . a rarm
hand Dived Lancaster. Cause no. known.
• ,
—The monster fifteen • and. trientv•ineh
guns,ararapidlylakingthe places of the old
guns in our fortifications.
The Boston Post is of, opinion that tho
now Awl - Spain' indicates that Qtice4 law
bolls is " walking' Spanish." •
I •
—Don Jose Maria Vela has boon appoint
M Minister of Salvador to the United Statbs
in place of Don Jose do Iriiarri.- • , '
• "
—Therlindsoni4iver Railroad Company ip
erecting lit Now York a freight station to be
488 feet long and4ols feet wide,
—Political' fooling runs high in Bt.. L'oni§,
and it is feared the election cannot pus olf
witliont colliaiona,
1 -Tito dioceses in Ranee have given the
rope six twolVo:tun' guns and a quantity:of
ammunition. .r•
-Thoy • have harvested this year is Cali
fornia a vhent crop of twenty
bas4els. ' ' . • •••
—Moro stories of great gold discoveries in'
Montana' are .started to' wire' a rush of
emigrants and tho rapid ple Of Claims.
--ritight Rev. Jeremiah Shanahan lull
been installed as. Mit Bishop, Of the - , new
Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg, lu ; winch
Lad - caster county ia included.
—Mrs. Ritterwolf and her three children
were killed by lightning in their hou ; se at
Chicago ? 'on 'Tuesday. ' ' '
—l3aughen, who was ' bung . .at Secrets,
Kansae t on the 18th inst., confessed that he
was one of the gang who, robbed MoLain's
bank : that he tired the shot that wounded
gtal l i D On teeltt i g T
r l iv w e r r de t r eee il Tionarnsaagod.
4len. James R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin,
L R. Fellows, will speak at , Pottsville
on Wednesday, Sept, BQ.
- -
111,111;:WORMING':' P. ')
At the meeting of the NoleAr: -
Wereen t aAaseciation, held on
was. stated that' in New , York' city:.
cloak imilterts are paid s2f Eartieldrie
'operators; $0 a Week i!shirt makers, fromsl.
to $43 fh wtek t dress pokers, $8 Reek! roe ,
.10 houre,laber each day ;. workers 00' hoop.
'skirts; $7 'to *8 a•weeki working 11 hours'
each day; vest ,bander $5 a Week, by Work
ing over hours ; saleswouten in stores, work
ing from 8 o'clock in the morning until-9 ,
o'clock clock at night, receive $7 per week ; book
folders averoge from $5 to $B, actording to
ability. v At thin meeting Mies Susan B. An'-thony, an extended address ma the sub
ject of increased compensationi' advocated
the. necessity of womeli. first securing the
right to vote, that they might to some ex
tent 0:m061_4,6. law-making, potter. She
spoke of the 'necessity Of organizations for
the protection of operatives, and advised all
interested tO stir ap a "wkolesome discon
tent," to the tad that women.'s rights might
finally be attained. The German machinists
and metal-workers of New York City have
recently formed. a protective association,
numbering 120 members. A constitution
and by-laws have been adopted organizing
the society not 'ony , for thnpromotion and
protect on of the interests of the trade, but
also for the protection and aid of its mein
hers in cases of need. Members of commit
tees appointed to confer with employers in
behalf of the workmen` aro to recel4o $lO
per week in case they are discharged from
employment in consequence of finch 'action
on their part until they obtain employment
again; „ The average wages of this class of
mechanic:lMo only $l4 and $l5 per week.,--
In Lowell (Mass.) a inoiement is 110 v in
progress in the-several mills to have the
home of labor Contihuo, the Game throng,*
the entire year; that is i to commence in the
morning at half past siX, leaving, off at the
same. Lehr in , the evening. leaving.
being extensively signed by the operatives.:
',elm. National Labor ,Coggress, now in sea
siOn iq NOW juts adopted a reablution
recomnfrindinif.the various State Legiela
tures to, pass a law holding employers liable
for ihjury oh lobs of life in the erection 'of
buildings,&e., and if said-employers are not
responsible, then holding the owners of the
property on which any such actident may
occur liable: Provided, each accident .'or
death can be proved, to be owing' to - a diSrt ,
gard or neglect of said employers or owners
'to provide proper safeguards. A resolution
was also adopted urging wothen to learn
trades, business;joinlabor unions,
form protective.unions, and to use every
honorable means to persuaAle or force em
ployers to pay *mon equal wages for equal
work with men. The' application of the
eight-hour law to women, was alp demand
ed, and the Federal and 'State. Legislatures
were urged to pasa , laws aesuring i equal sala
ries for equal work s to . all women employed'
by the various peblie departments. A coot
tnitteo was appoieted to wait Upon Attorney
General Evarts,and request hun l iu the piano
Of the ivorking,men of Ithe United States, 'to
give his official construction of the' Eight:,
hour late and that in, ease of his endorsement
et Gen. Schfield's position, that they be
further requested to whit ontheChairman of
the Ooraraittr which its reported in the
Eight-hour 1 w, rind request him to insert_
clause whic h admit of no iniscoustrue
tiori. A resolution's asalso passed asking
the creation Of a now department at Wash
ineton;to he culled a"llepartment of Labor.”
Stud Department to have charge under the
inwS of Congress of, the distribution of the
public domain, the'registlation and regula
tion,under a general system,ofTradeUntons,
Cooperative Associations,aud all other org . an,-
Izations of werking menand women limn
for- their object the protection , of productive
industry and the elevation of those who toil.
. The plan proposed by Ste - hiving dt Son for
the organization of-the piano -forte makers
employed in their factory is as follows:, The
handa tiro to form an independent lahorers'
association, consisting of all ' the workmen in
the factory of the firm;that,it be divided into
twelve sections, wording to the different
branches, each section to elect a' man who
lies - been employed in the factory for a length
of time for their foreinan, a nd 'every section
to forma special associat ion in 'which the
elections of the foremen and the discussion
F.jit special interests shall take place indenen
rdlntly; the foremen to form a jury together,
who are to settle all the differences that may
• concernindthe accuracy' of the work
done and claims of ;the' workmen against
each.other and the'firin,which decision shall
he equally binding tipon all 'the parties con
cerned. A benevolent association to be forni
ed from this body,the workmen to contribute ;
ten ceitta perweek and the firm tosubscribe
$BOO per year. 'The . seiisienti and meetings to
takoploce the factoty, The acceptance
of this proposition is still under e'onsideration
The pottery manufacturers of Sheflield i
England, - 4 instated, have _lately concluded
a convention. with their . workmen for the
settlemeht of their trade disputes by nr
biontion. The board, to whom future .dif
ferenees are to be referred, is eoinpoied of
ten menufacturere, nominated by the ehavw
perk, rind ton wor kmen, appointed ; by the
'working potters. : •
On Saturdayeion . itiglaat a mass ht&iting"
of the German mechanics of Now York city
was hold,, in order to promote the success of
the "eight-hour" movement. The different
trades were largely represented.
The Workshops' Regulation Act of 1867
is exposing in England many curious facts
in reference tO the manufactures of London,.
One of the sanitary, inspectors under this
taw reports that a workiliop with breathing
;free for only twenty-five persons was &co-,
pied by forty-eight, nearly double the legal
number. In Alm-same place there were
several children under-thirteen years of age,
working twelve honrira dny. The business
carried o 4 was that of manufacturing fioivers
and, boxes Out of shells, and labelled "a pre?
sent from Brighton,". and 'Other places at
'the sea-side. This is 'almost 'equal to the
manufacture of antique ornaments.. , y ,
%Ex Gen. Itoseeraute, WV was afflict ,
e 4 with sburvy, ian aPpeal was made to the
Governors of the Northern States for fresh
vegetables. MI of them except Governor
Seymour responded by referring the subject
to thi3 several Christian and7Sanitary Coin
missions. Gov. Seymour sent 150 barrels
of potatoes at)d 50 barrels, (If . onions , raised
on own farm. Tile' atboont (root which
we condenso.thia stittenient, says they were
the only vegetables received before the
army mottled : .Comment UpneeMatx•
Montgomery Blair will speak ih
LaneastOr soit Thoriday October
let. , •
Da. LIGHT has just received a large, lot'of
Pure, fresh drugs and -medicines, of all
kinds,.Those who desire the pure article
(i)nd who does not?) we would advise' them
to go to hint. `llia inlces are reationable,and
ho ivaita upon all his customers in a Eereinpt
and gentlemanly ninnuer., „Ail preseriptiens
aro put up in the most careful menner, , and
there •is no dangen, of any mistakes, oe
.Thp Dotter has also all kinds of toilet
iirtieles, for wnt;)ies, soups,
brushes, combs, &o.
4temember the place-No. 1 North Fifth
attest. , ' , ' ang
~ •. :
' - ' .l: i''':;'-';' ,4 ttertaiSaa‘TrO ~: .CPX)333ATXIV 4 :3I- t • i
, • -
',,,,,W*.9 lionlo, , ,,,antiounee'tel,ottx eifstolueiwand thq-publl9 geneiliAlk, our . ,iirst.
gineriil,Opettine of this seaSaa's 1 ..;1,.; i e:' : ., , 4,z• t 4 •. ' c: , . jk ~ ,:4 ,
, - • ~ • •(,,,.,-:‘,
AND. I i i - l
4 •l,
FALL.' . I ',,WINTII4I, 7DItY 43001:$ t'' ,
.4 ~• ,.. , ~,,,,
• FOlt
~ . . ' . i
. , .
• ; :SATURDAY r, AND iitcoNDAN „SEPTEMBER. 19Tht AND . 2IS,T; '
. , .
, .
When we expect to have open it large and unusually attractive stock Of giioi.lo.
Our stock.of.Dreai 00600 vall be more complete than at any , time , licrete,
fore, and will inelude all the new and handsome goods Abr which thiaseasoni4
importations are:already noted, and in quality rituging,p•Oin - the "hetipestDe
Laing to,the 10014 elegant Silk and:Silk Poplin. '
• Our stock ef Shawls.will be large and varied, aii4 will. be Aitintttc.t,oontaitt,
everything the market affords, from the plainest Blanket teltelfhieSt PaiSlo
We will also have ready ourpattern - .
', \
, .
, - ''
-.I •
anil will be prepared to flirnish the'most fashionable Cloaks, ll'om - the clieap•
est Cloth Sack tokthe most elegaat Silk Velvet Mantle. *. . , •
'Also, about 25 eases of' Domestic GloOds,l3lloll/ftS Flannels,Vanton Flannels;
Blankets, Mullins, Calicolis f rielengs, - Clieckt;, 4:0. BuYteg) as we do, t4e'se
i f
goods in large ,quantitica inowl r - to supply our wholesale, as Avell.4ls,Tott4
trade, we claim to offer extra in nceinents to customers in this ,departniont.
Our Carpet stook will be 'Roe and well assorted for tlieVall Trade, -- and
will comprise the best makes ofTl.nglisli Tapestry, Brussels,' bed . . Tittoolilys,.
Ingrains, Stair' and 'Entry . Carpets; also, Innings,Oil•trotlii, 'Window
Shades, &0.. - , ' ' Ia,II.NE EIT.IIIMEB & CP.
so ,tl6-10t
SA:TURA:UM OCTOTtIgt 3n, 1868.
The Democracy of Berke eonnty will asiembleon
,Saturday, October 3d,1808, to be addressed in the
English and Gorman languages, at the following
'points: The Democracy of Marion, Heidelberg'
Noah', . Heidelberg Lower, Heidelberg, Spring.
,Womeisdorf, at I o'clock p. tn., at yomelsderf.
cakers—F. Laucks. IL' V.: Koi m, Traumas.
cadet Erin entreat;
aVe r ter D eVa l titt . --.B (4. lll Rart: rj
T o Demoomorof Albany, Windsor, Greenwich,
Upper Bern Hamburg, at I o'clock p. m., at Ham
burg. Speatters—llon. ects,, A.B. Bassoon!).
J,Ealstorr: Wm, M. Rightrnyer, 1.8qm., Dr. Samuel,
C. Ermentrolit;and*Johe D.Echamer, FA* - •
The Domoorney of Brcickflook, Robeson, Canner
von, Unlon.'Cunqu il at 1 o'clock p. tau at Gilmer's.
Speakers—Hon. B . Ancona, Richmond L. Jones,
Low. Wanner, Edwin Shatter, William IL
good, Ems. - , .
Tho Demooracy of Richmond, Magatavfoy,fßqs•
combrunnor, Rockland, Kutztown, Maidencreek;
Flootwooti,%k - at 1 o'clock P. in., at Fleetwood.
SponkersT-Jmnes Deohtel, J 'Hammen. II H
Schwartz 110 Booker; James N Ermentreut and
JesseGHawley, Exp.,
The Demooraoy ot LarkAgoity.Douglasa,Maph.
!oaten, Colobrookdato, District, Boyertown; at 1
Davisclock p. Boyertown. St i eskers —llon; JI)
D, 0 P illuhlonberg, Wm ' Good M man, I•lsqs,
Dr F Bruner,ll H Shearer,W erten orrjs,Esqe,
Tho I)otnocraoy of Ontelauneo, Bern, Mahlon.'
berg, Centre, Perry. Leesport, giciff
at 1 0'010.0n., at
remelt, Speakers—Win Rosenthal, F Babr; J
011 Bortior,oeo Arrmontrout, Esqs.
m y o B
The Demooettie upper Tulpellowen,
Tulpehoccon, Millersbarg, at I. o'clock at
Millersburg. Speakers—A B Wanner, Esq, Dr.°
II Wanner, A G Green, Wll.(learhart. Ems.
Tho Democracy of Penn, Doraville.. at 7 e'otock
in the evening. at Doraville. A B Wanner, A(I
Green; Dr 0 II \Vanua, W 1I Gearhart, Etqa.
The various committee , men and• Clubs, in the
above localities, are hereby instructed to procure
the attendance of the people, and make the neWB-:
nary prifarations for the meetingsovithout "delay,
Ily ord of the Democratic Standing Committee.
S.—Tuesday, October uth, has been fixed for
the grand general mass meeting, at Reading,
Meetings for Saturday, ()debar 10th, will be AU.
nounoed shortly. ' • • • Rept 1111 -tit
QOllOOl. TAX...-Notige is hereby g iven, to nil
Opersons in arrears for *hoot 'l'ax, that the du'-
•plicateSOf tax on real estate..also - fin trades and oc
(lunation& will .pass outof the hends of the sub, •
scriber after the first day of October next, when an
additional five per cent, will hoadded,
Treaburer Reading School District,
sl5-2w] Mee N 0,11% N. Si;tb street, up stairs.
by Councils, PURSUAN CE
DM; owners of real
state within tho City of Reading, having Pave
ments in front Of theft raked re proPerties out ot
repair, riro hereby notified and required to repair
the same, forthwith ; • otherwise, the provisions of
the * Ordinance providing for the constfuctioa of
sidewalks or footways, passe4
ho strictly enforced, ' By order of the ,Conimittve
on Highways and Paving /
July 15-11Itf ,8, , F. RAUE, Secretary. ,
AON VE N U N T DWRILLING 11011 fill tai
Wanted within a reasonable tliOnnee of l'ena
Filth streets, betwoen this time .and the iltAt!
of October. by , a small ANtly at the office'
of the • • • LOAMY EAGLE.
iv lOU
1 . 141 C E NOTICE!
, , • - •
'Wo have Just received a splendid stuck of tho
above goods, which are now of at the follow
ing low prices: • ( ,
Men's calf boots; -• • • • , • $4 00
• kip boots. ,` 225
" Freoch calf Congress gaiters, ( • ' - 3
' working Shoes, extra hoary, 'O2 00. to 2
" ellf balawrels,'sewed; . \ • 4 0000
B s' - . • - ' • 1 n_o'
• kip . ` "' ' ••
. 8150tol 05
WAnnen's lastiag, high Polish, 2 00
, Congress gaiters, • ' ,‘
lastrk haltnorole(bestV . 300
loglies' balm rale, • , i 100
gaiters, , 1 00
I V7lne li ti l e ti kotpeco,halttierals, Po l ish, ' 200
shoes„ ' 2 tki
Misses'iosting - Polish, ' . ' lio
I+lpilau's kid slippers, ' . ', '
' - glove RR, Polish, high heel i 2 070 3
, .
• • ,
' Tho above prices are as low as any other similar
place of business in the city. - ,
Partienlar attention is paid to all kinds of r
We also have on hand a laige and well selected!
stock of
Romemlier the name and number,
of 431 PENN STREET. "
AxrANTEI) ittimedisitoly; ititelligent bog.
Y 'or two activ e poilwrmon, to post bills, Pow
wages *riven. Apply at this ornoo. soPt. 22-tf. •
WANT/Mr—Two ram. Folk • on 000 ;fo.ohd
TT Six girls to Work on'pants and ve Stir; at Ilu
do i3ito'B.. N 0.543 Penh eta, Iteadlok. ' tf
int I tililE I : woratil—Tho '' avow iiiit
)111(treflog of Dm Goo() W LtVito Co.. of Allentown,.
Wll •bo drawn ill boot% is I) 4,,,,„1 'old,
which will be in h libri 0, idlePou be r ,
for achor; time, of D. etc a , Adenki maw
arid Uftrrow Hotel, 8 cbilind it Bro., nA utlon
House. and KO7llOllO calm. 'OA 12
With is a Square of th . , Upper New York Depot,
, r
.1..0. SIIAEI''FI R, Proprketeri ,'• •10-am
liroAnoitivAlßTWO *VIA
20,000 Campai g n Badges 1;,,
Direct from the Eastern and' othertonntifaoterles,
idhich ire can sell at. Now York prlees, by thowt
rand, hundred_or dozen They. are 'the fi nestairk
sortment over o ff ered tale in the city of Read
licilitivipg over ono hundred differonl, patterp,
eueimi modatil; Tine, bieoVe 0. 0
Battens Sunlit, ae. I .
Glioul Agents wanted-a
,good percentage al.
Our Udall prices nil) from 10 neTitA to 114 4)Q, Par
soils will do well to gtvo us a call before purobc.s.
ng elsoarhoro.
of all Modem:id° to ordor jewelry of all dP
soriptions. uu►do and topitlrod. Wato,lo3 • and
Qlookit propel•ly roratcy4. a Ad
v , • t
ASTBD,:—Three tipPreniteetor Won Yens
wanted, tWthe °New York MillhutrY Stoll
o. 334 Penn street,. Apply initaeOlatolY.
N0..4; North Sixth , Stroot p
Relied li rst-cl ass Mot pid Shoo , malting ebtab•
llshinent and fibre at the above stated place; whore
they aro able to accommodate customers with' the
best articles in their lino of ,business, and at lower
prices than at any other place in The city.- ". ,
'the fallowing list Of 1 , :tc?o, PrTrell all PI) 0 4/'
Mon's calf boots, • • e 4 00 saw Upwards.
Men's kip booth, . it 392
Mon'a working shoes,'• ,•‘- • 1
Men's Wrench calteontiress gaitersi box toes, 3
Men's calf tbogron gaiters. 2
.sfen's calf Pal morals, 2
Mon's kilt Balmomls, ' •• ' 1
1,Boys: ear( ilaim6ralt,
Boys' kip'Zialmonys; 12i
liputhe kip Malin rah!, 1
omen's lasting high Polish; 21
oraen'e angkeaiters„ • • .• t q 2
Women's lasting Bi stg laterals, ' , 41
Women's Morocco lialmprals, I° , 2
Woman's Morome shoes, , )( • 1
Women'S kid slitiperl; • '
Misses' lasting Polish, . ' 45
Months' gaiters fiat , 15 CIL to
YoUthe and boys' shoes froin ' • 30 ets, to up
Alsa, a largo stack of n009218'041464 and fot
•• • -
.00 , 0 • pfices• Ufa •IoW er Ttbaii at anti 0 I(er
far plate of business . thaolty. '
RDPA . •
.Particular . attaatio4 114!fild 041 kln d
POsitis. ;F • •
• fiEMllolsl).kiitaiwN4l ) • •
41'4;0n/1X SIXTE4MEAT
uft. " •
WWI 7ri - IXI Os*,)
~• ; ' RFAMPIat PA. • • •
i~Qos~, ....,--~____.__~---_
341 North Eighth
' ..
ii 4 1 I I
AT T'ltt
• -
I '
AND ''
NO: ti NOItTII EIWII I NLY• - `-'-
xt door to tho Leonine Diswit4 st4tice.,) ,
FOR nip .PEOPia
---44ftrI1114trtk'e len"'
IJooflatNi)'R 90'40 PllllllO l
• Lig • '
It. Great RemeNa for an Dittast s of
• Lireri •-liasn'ach; or Digestire,
- -09020 3 . - •
Hooftand's %m on Bittin
_cO sc Nt o m. 01. t 111 kiin9_4 0 b li i* • n ' o"'
l k.
liar at.e: oil llnitilropataianrildTgAbted and *am* Iralyrot4 04d -
1100 FLA NW'S o . grtmAzi Totti o
Is a 4omlgaitinn of all the lagradlenttoftlut : ''
tens with the purest quality or $ O O, l e ns it
o rtum w Sto,, mak log one of the mint pleisset Ai d
mrceable rem r cilios oyor ottermt to the I m o.
. those pref e as a Medicino WU from AMolie
admixtures wit use .
Those Who havo no objeotion to the mantA ttit i ee
of the Bitters; al stated, will use
;Thoi aro bothettuallY good, Opt 1 echistrt tit
slime utedicinal'virtues,theeboico betwesot tettr
being a more *titter or tasto,,tho Tonle bolas u t
moil. palatable. ,‘ - • -.. :
VtastraingtSo'cs lektetk,
The stomathAtOm a lan* Peis; nicit s
Indigestion', Dyspepsia, Nervotid De bilit y etc is -
er, sym atig
very *pito h s a i v n l t i r ta fti tio n o o o t o icia
Su* ,A en comes affected, the rott i t et
which •is tad the' patient suffers Nut several or
'more or the following dlitbasns:
Consumption Fie *nee , InWald Niel, Follow
0(1 1 / 00 4,e440 lo ad .' Aoldit.v piths) titotnneh,
~ mouse, - urn, Disgmt.for rooft,itun- •
• ness or') e g t'irl trio istomsch„v or
' . ' .4untsni OP4 Oinking or kluiteritet . ,
: at tie Pit t or boScorkittoh, Swimming of '• .
• ; the Mead, Harried or Pleleult Breathitt,
Fluttering at tits lioarVhoking or Butiocal-
Ing )4ensattomi whek in a 'leg Posturr,Diancti
•of Vision, or itrobs oforo the Sight, Wu
%pm * t o 0 Vesta, Donoloncp or rarvpira
ton, olio netts Of the Skirivind , Nyes, ' '-
' l'aitt in the Sido, BaoksriMesti,isimtis„ ete,, ,
;. Sudden Flushes or limit, Horning in the Flub,
constant Imaginings af Evil, unit West
,poiirkishim of BOrits,
The sufferer horn these diseases should emelt'
thegreatest caution in the so cotton pt skreisck
for his Case, pnrohasing only.t at which he Inh
lured from his investigations 4 .inquiriscit s
sasses true merit; is ski 11,1 ly•oompound" .
oo (rout injurious jngro tents, and establish
' d for itsolf a reputation or the duo •of dims%
u this. oonneotion• we. would submit those well.
nown toutotlies-- •
, A TM> •
Thirty-tive icnra shwa theYWoro drat laitrOdiod
into this country IYotu tieriul fiy. during whlpiktimi
tboy have undoubtodry perfornianaoro cum, end
Wafted suffering humanity to *VOW ox itink
than any other remedies knot% to tho'plblia,
s ptukailee aLliLeffectually cure is va co. ur
Valnt, Jaundice Dyspepsia, uhrollto Harrow
Chrbdo Dlarrtlhaia. Odso or tlis
KidneAlanti nil Diseases arising tropi 'Dit.
°Nonni Liver. iitoinneh or nt.stlnea,,
. • • D I TA'
Resulting ken; aby Cause whatoveri Piedra%)
of tho induced by severe Ittiborp •
• Hardships, IgxPesure, liovers,
• Therois vio medicine extant, egnel to tiose
%lies In anion once, A t tone anti vigor is ittil
t the whole Osten', tio appallte is strongt fl
'food tho stoniaeh digests proper ly,
blond , purified, the complexion beronios need
and' hoidthy•tho yolk)* tinge orodicated from
the eyes; blobin is given to the cheek& an 4
weak and nervous invalid hoootricsiu strong and
licalthy•bolng. -• ) •
And feeling the h u fnd 'of ante weigkii, -tit!
Upon theni k with n 1 its attendant 11.4 ItrUl
mwoof this MI hittl, or the lON Lc; opt
at will Instil now life Into their veins, Tosterit
a 11,4)1811kt the energy and ardor or mere youth
days, bad up.their shrunken forms, and give
health and happ i ness td their remaining years,
:N U'l' • •
It IR atwoli established filet' thatililly p elialfet
the !male portion et ou:li:ovulation aro soldoat la
the onfoyolopt of, uo. 0 (1 h
.9,15 0 ,Re 064
own psrtession p ?Over 4 10 $ WOO. . They
lard, uoyekt o en ray, lextroruely uf3rvout,
bri l re no ajapetite.
o Is chissAf persons Ilia lIITTI3IIO, Ciao
'FUNI ', is ospoelallr,recorouiviided i
wiiAl AND . ,ID ET4iOI4III,
Are raadji strong .by the use .or either oflheit
remedies. "They will ogre oveiy casco ot•MAIIAS.
without t 1
• I
• •
'rheusands of certificates baveaccuinciated I
the hands of the' proprietor, but epaceel lillbwot
the Publication of hi it tew,' 'ilibto, It will be ebt
served, are ticeii ornate, and suck standing tail
they mat boi
lion, Goorfgo W. Woodwfrd,
Ch iof Justice ofiiie Sitprecoe .Coi irrites
• • I i SIIIADRT,TIIIA, Mardi 18,,1861,
"I Ma' f4firtiut's Clerui anßitters 44 good toolo.
liorcou, iwiton t t o spa r .
• ly,_
• o urs, ru
°4IY • wOwAv4IIP.
From Boit. Joe.Oh if; Kmloud, II 10,
l'oeinr of, the'reitth Baptist Chursb• PhDs.
• DR. JACKRON . .- - 4)111A118fat--11 have been freqfpr
ly requested to connoot my name witb eebler
mend ationl of di ff erent binds of medicines, butte i
earding, the pronticoNaa out of my uppreiil•
ate stilton% I have in all e%Ses deellnedg
with a clear proof In oue instances, and pot 0*
Only !truly own family of die .use Of, Dr./W.
land stlertnan lsittnra. I depart for once frost WI
Usual ouurse; to express My full comilellon tbse
Oenera debility 41' the oat fmt, and ekpeciaUVf'r
thontabit, ii it safemul valuable Pretioratiow 4 1 1
sofa° eases it may fall; btii, usually,' doubt not,
will be very beneficial tolhoso *hoofer 'tomato
abo've Causes. •
. Yours, very rosPeolie ll KA like "
J. IL RI), •
• ( Eighth, below Colima. •
. Ron. lameS Tharpison,
Judge of the Supreme Couit of Peuoulyaill.
. I - , PRl4DurnlAAApril WSW
"i. consider libotilind'a ooiman Itlttorr 'booty , '
blo medicine in cote of:Attacks of Indigestion ordtt
.Perillo • . i 01 4 1 0,40 this ftaii MY bbportono, An
' • • lc onto
! ' ' ' lit 4 404
' "WrOnt Ite4. 311.'1); iiinfikili" . ' -
Mai Cltditoi Oht.htlan Ohronlolo, PhtlrAtof .
11 ha o ddrived , doolded bonellt from the, id
Hoottanci4 Gemara metre and re 04t DIY Pi ll
to recommend them an n. moot vain le ton e, 0
who aria eti fi erhur front ireoetat dob lity. or Its
'dlsobtos Miming from,doratt4eniont Of thb live. ..
• , . • Yours, ttuiy; . '•E. D. i'MIR ' i
ALIP , ,
V.: fin
1I y
—. •
• s ,
• Hoofland's German Remedies aro •coaaterfeited.
Elea that tho tigoaturol - 10111, JMIKBONboa
the wrapporotoseh bot-JV tla.Atlotheri to vow
t,erreit. • '
Yriaotpal °Moo ;fa Manursotory, ilks
BlecljoinofitAio, No. MI Mob Biteet;Thiliadro .
. CRARLES. EV4RB, Proprietor ,
• •
•' • Formerly C. M. JACKSON tirOeq
lloofbidtreoe t rii iii.4;wsirt f t o t
libojialtd'i 21;nic up, ittr iauos,
Pay,loolcarohogigAtrotkwidit 0,40
NY. in order to go Pit goggh.o.
( F0R . 1341E. BY ALfr
Druggists and