=I I] THE PAILY,BAO ItHADING. PA., BF.PTE?&BEIt 25, 1808. :t3~s ND COUNTY. wow 4*--Gray, meet 7j, No. 1. Pure meet Sizth, 7j, sharp, 0. 1. T .4 ' ; Red, meet Seventh; 71, No. 2. ;- - Green, meet Sixth, 71, No. I. Black, a ll meet Sixth, 71, No.l. • Important. • Blue, meet Sixth, 11, No. I. , . . D. L.—Turn out, to force, at the Demo'oratle Sag fabling to the Second Ward, Saturday eVellitif,, lit ti o'clock. Sopt23-it MAN ABOUT TOWN.-1310 Import• ant loical matter In other colutnno. • A largo number of people at the 'fair yeaterdoY afternoon. Our country Manila visiting tho'fair. should not carry more money than to really necessary. Pick pockets pro on the alert for their mistier. Men who r‘oktoaily drive through tho streets In the oily, ebould at onco be &netted. • ' New brick pavement has been put down nt the corner of Ninth and Penn stroots. The clothing men are very busy Just now. DIM according to the thermomoter,,not , aeCord. , inn to the almanac. Thtehestnut burs aro already beginning to burst under the late few frosts we have bad e dad they will soon be Introduced in mark 4 The cloudy parted Yesterday morning and earth looked smiling and joyous. In the afternoon, however. a slight shower fell, which disgusted the, visitors to the fair,. made thorn cethe down Penn street 4 . denblo-quiokgme, and destroyed the . hopes that had been bitoyant and flattered by tile /prospects of a clearing up. The political canvass is beginning to heat aprt wax warm, and both parties have ofiterod the field with their armor buckled on for the groat figlit. From now until .election the din skirmishing will bo great until the decisive battle comes oft MO way to find lost time is to look ahead. If any ono offered a premium for the most capri cious climate under the sun, this belt of latitude would take it. There is no safety In writing a "weather paragraph" provloue to the last mintito before a paper "goes to press." • • A solf•aoLtng wagon brake is shown at the fair, which attracts much attontioh. " Tho furnaco and hatamor at tho Reading Forgo, which hati boon Idio, for repairs, Is In operation • again. The trains whtoh arrived this morning brought many Oeople to tho ohs': • ClOnk-makors aro looking forNnrd for a bright , Wane* To have plahts inn elm bed-room at night is a practice very detrimental to health I ail plant o, in tho absonoo of tho sun, render tho air iklpuro by imprognatluir it with nitroge r p and carbonic, aohl gal., There Is no reason why People should become ci mush eieltod and hinted when they get Off and on the oars. We observed, yesterday, that two mon and a lady , rusted, fpr the , cars before the engine had stopped, and If it had not boon for men stand ing by, they would have been run over by a bast ing train. ' Another effort was made yesterday to alarm our city by tin unfounded sensation story. • "Williamsport has idOro pretty young woman hood thai any otherNlty in the country." Muoh said ; "any other cltyiln flip country l" think of nom:1141 " A young man Vas arrested, Yesterday, for stoat ing a breastpin . from &lady. lathe Moira room, at the fair, grounds. Ile will have to glye an accou4 of himself to-day. • A horse and cad came down Ponn street, this morning, without a driver. • 'Spoil° the driver stop ped in lomershero for a "smile,,, A -grand sparring exhibition will be given at Union Xtali, in South Seventh Arcot, on Monday evening next.. • Flowora aro the alphabet of angehisoattorod poor hills and dalCs, and'sgoaking what Om tongue can. not expross. Go to the DemoOratlO Ong raising in the Second Ward•to-morrow evening, at 6 o'clock. A boy named Cyrus Rood was playing With some of the maohlnery at the Fair ground, yesterday, and by some means got ono of his fingers between. the coat and hurt it badly. One of the boilers in Motlvain's rolling mill gave out on Wednosday. It will ho repaired in 4 day or two. ' Some of the stock which were on exhibition at the Pali passed down Penn street last nightqn way hoine. • • The disoonsolato ono who singe "Have you seen my Maggio ?" has heard of hor. Anbther follor !Moans him, through tho musk storo, that "Map gleli by my sido."l now to make a rich Am—crowd twenty flub inably tirOssoil Indies into one omnibus. The ono who wailed so plaintively, "Do they Min me Malmo 4" was misstd the other day, to:- gather with a neighbor's wife., Ile is mime& by'i► wife and eitimi children'. • •Ifhough boatmen aro busy, yot thoy nntkono *duo*, tho freight is low, and food and food is , . Mon who work for tho interest of their employ er!, work for their own interest. , .• • 'he family prom and eiminor should bo soon by every houaokeapor, and then they will toll how to aim 'tare and time in' tho kitchen, It should ho tried b nil' persons wishing , tq economize. Me- Knight solis Thom. • Why is it that onions aro so scarce ? Jersey pop •• pie Say that the crop is a failure. Ever lingo ihe ,war began an onion has coat as Much as a Ittivana, Otariso. If clerk of tho weathor Wits to remould• a joke, he would eay " dry up." . . , the tinto to lend ,aoy Article 'of food in Its best condition is when it I. met plontikt. A few aayi morn And "chickens " will be ►noro abundatt than beef. ' • Tho "(holm' bond" isn't popular in this . oily. 'For the sake of womanhood it is to be hoped that the " fashion "alit not spread beyond Saratoga or 'Cape MAY. • • - A dull, dismal day, In which a cold, bleak ra t had the away; is the 'weather report ycaterday. . • Potty thieves aro quite plentlfal In the 'Hint Muni, and raids on the back yard of private. ro !Hems arc of hequent occurrence. ToAaimay be termed ''''doiieious," leas,t at this time of initials) notheritindanding an old philosopher deplored that that ivord should only be aPplied to ire Men and peaches; although ire don't see the application, he why possibly be right. Dot to-day is all that can he desired, 'even in a woman= Just enough of cloud end sunshine to ati ford a pleasantilontrast, a little ,variablo, hid , sat Boot to be regarded as plguent, and warm enduth to be etrfiesible, and as for poaches, this is exactly the weather for them.: We suppose the idea about the weather, wom en and poaches.got into oilrbia from !keeellinic the . words of an old song, Which says; . "But when the is kind Oho 4 just to my mind, And Male was BO I romember. 84 is like, oh dear, . . ' Sha is tike,•very near, • . A melting ripe React In September." If it Willtil l 4 tblOg w hy it mot bavo been setae gang else (snit, as reasonable. . i This is not to. • Tho Messrs. Bushong.will vote , for Seymour;And Blair and Against No. lion al Banks—the; lies of designing Itopubli 'eani to the enntory notwithstanding... A A - Wit i'oo ;art Jlngsifsrr.ne—COnsitlerable ,citernent was caused yesterday at thp Fair' ground, by the arrest there of , a Philadel-. ,phia pickpocket, who was plying his' Foc4- tion: He had ,made stiiterni . unsuccessful attempts at pockiit-Picking. ab 'Waded a portmonaie, containing a small • sum of money, from the pooket.of a lady,and was caught in the act. and arrested by officer 'Maurer. The light-fingered gent made a desperate attempt to got away, during which ho was struck by the. bystanders several blows with fists and a stick. l Tho hearing is 'to take place this afternoon. ' , exttnolop 01 aoh. Iwp Plaslehger I LlmAno, f t tottinso Loss.-41to &emi t 41tellinti Holm of :those bilittlibl "his; iSltir Wee Excursion rosin Ifirrisburg, come* off to.inoirow, • Boturilayr 26th, ,-at 2 , o'Clockk Any otio going from Reading nod purchasing lot, will have their expenses both ways re. 14141 Ham Iftumt, very respoctable boring man of the 2nd Ward has heed chart od with having voted the ticket in opposition to the Democracy. Mr. Diller is in his 82nd year and never voted anything hut the Democratic ticket. He has reared a famili, all of whom are Pomocrata. W defy any ItePablican to preve . the contratf; NE have 'been infOrmed that the rtepubli ons are circulatingthe'reponthnt.the mem bers of the well!known and reliable Banking nouseof Oushong & Brother' intend voting for Grant, because they. hold largo . amounts of IL R. bonds. . ' Tito "Invisible's" had a "grand parade" last oyenin#. After all their trouble Lind ex pense, only fitly-two were in the procession, by actual Colint r fortroight of whom carrigd torches.' They wore bronzed caps and, capes, and presented a very pretty appearatteihwith . the exception 'of the false moustaches and beards worn by some of the boil in the ranks i Ah, boys you can't make a !maiming-bird looklikenn eagle,: nor an infant, look like•tt voter. Bettor "tarry at Jericho until your :beards bo grown. l ,! ' • • PEOVIN I in whose houses there is an oven temperature, sotno degrees above the freez ing point,\tan make to themselves a pretty ornament of living green for themintor sea son, by suspending over a 'vessel of water a Carolina Potato, Let the tuber. Just touch the water, balancing it Over the . edge of the vessel by . a broom.twig,or its equivalent,run throu . gh,tt., It will send ‘ down from its lower end, into (he water, a mass of thread-like roots, while • from . the top will sheet out a dense growth of vines. Place two of them in hyacinth glasses ( stand the glasses upon a hurettu mirror,and in a little while the halite of it will be . covered with a growth of ver dure. • DEMOCRATIO MtWITNGI3.-A meeting dam DemocracY.of Marion, Heidelberg, Heidel berg North, Heidelberg Lower , Spring, and the borough of:Womoladorf, will bo.hold at Womelsdorf on Saturday, Oct. Bd. Addres• es yvill bo delivered by P. B. Landis, Daniel Ermentrout, Henry M. Koim,lronaous tor, Daniel E. Schroeder, and P. D.Wanner, Emig,. Speaking in Gorman and it English.; A meeting of thd Democracy of Caernar von, Breeknocjr, Union, 'and Robeson, Will , be held at °linter's, on Saturday, Oct..Bdi---1 Addresses, in German and English, will bo delivered by Hon. S. E.lAntiona, and •Edwin Shaker, Richmond L. &mei, Low. Wanner; nd W. 11. Livingood Esc's. „, ! DIEETING OF LODGES AND ASSOCIATIONS.” The following named organizations will hold their regular stated meetings this (FnIDAY) binning ; '• Angelica Council No. 01, 0. U. A. M., at Springville, Curnru township. • Seminole Council No. 'BB l 0. U.'A. M., 'Fifth and Washington, ' Reading Degree Oirclbk 13. U. (g. F.) C. A. Brotherhood all, Third and Penn. - Hermann Lodg9 U. D.'o. H Yeager's Hall. ' I - . Royal *Temple No.. 1, Masonic Tie, 703 Penn street. . Penn, Lodge No, 05, K.. of P., Odd Fellow& Hall. ' , `, • Wohington•Oianp, No. 93, P. 0. J. S. 'o'f A., "Muhlenberg M'aneion," rourth nnd Penn etreQta. Hebron Enonminent, No.' 8, L 0. 0f,30,.' F. Odd Follow& Hall. • • . • Au3bington oung),,No. 00, P. 0. of S. of A., of Wernormlle. . , • . ' MOTE!) STATES VS. 'THE RRADIWG iIOAD.--A. special term of the United States District Court was commenced in Philadel phia - •on Monday. The first case put iipon trial was that of The United States'va. The Philadelehia and : Reading. Railroad; ib which a freight car was the subject of claim. It was conceded by the defendants 'that the Car, when .seized by the Government al einlat contained fraudulent whiskey, which ndtmssion relieved the plaintiff from enter- - mg into any proof as to these facts.. The explanation made hewever, was this ; 1 , Sit unted near the , railroad in Norristobvn is a large distillery, having a side track It ) innirig p into their coat yard, for thourpose 'f 4nn ning theip• coal and other articles to andfro from the depot. , Not hang since the Oroprie .tor of this establishment applied 'to the agent of the Norristown Railroad for, ahorSo car fbr the conveyance of seventy-five sacks of corn from' their place. The, akent re plied that ho had no suchaar at Ins dispo sal, but' thought perhaps one could be' ob tained from the , Reading, Railroad,. and at the request of the distiller he requested the agent ; of. the latter road to lend,thena one. The car _was . readily sent' across the bridge from Bridgeport and lodgedin the_ distillery yard. On the following, day, es was the custom ,every morning, the • coal and other Cars 'were taken from the distillery to the grounds of the Reading Railroad, and among them was 'this 'horse ear: ',The agent no ticing the door of the ear standing open, and seeing no one come in it, looked into it and discovered the whiskey. Like a law-abiding citizoly he had the car at once set aside and sent for the United-States, Collector ,Of the district, into whose beanie' the, matter.,wah given,. In the view of 'the facts that they had not participated in thefraud, and had hastened to' give the first intimation i of its tie. / tection to the Government, the . defpnilants maintained •that they should' not bear the forfeiture of the car. The jury. , rendered verdict fettle Railroad Company. • • Tsaousna' INSTITUTE. flat regular meeting of the Reading Teachers' Institute, for the year 1808-9, will Ito held, in the High School Building, on to-morrow evening, Fri., day, Sept; 24th, at 7 o'clock: A full attetid-: ;meet the members should 'be, pr,eaeut l i as officers for the ensuin i g year wilt be"elebted, and the general working of the Institute dis cussed,' ,Let it be remembered that all tical teachers residing in the ;city are eligible to full Membership, and that Members of the Board of Control; and graduates of the 'High Schoeloind members ,of the Normal School, are' Coneidered honoriwiry members' of the:ln. , - , .491'.9i. Brioisirr, Sept 2.14 . • .104104 t4.50 1 :°4 „_,. nrition th4 . ,thpip.r,o tvirfirtki •; ktAblllB l 4Ar. 4 • _ Bowman, POILC~ 11 PPM Atnj -4sherm.arkis..a,te), s ant :"Dltall ; .1-41#10 Witt; MASI ktin lit ff**ol: , ifj./4 AWN' *lin:learnt Mfa;M:" A. ; ; Ketl4l Ss' Kt* 140Aigi blood sit r Mist; Maria 1. Cann, Mary . Ann ;. Itight'tnyor, flan fitah ; Itimantor, 'Miss Melia ; Wharton, Mtg.; Wegoly, 31)4 „Mart!' saute.. . - tE ' "- Gine:umems'. , "James Anberi.Llarrison O Althnitac.Dan-, Blankobiler, Francis Breaut,A.Brocitius, William Bordner t William, 1); 'Boyer, Mr. Chamberlin, Wilham`G. Carver, 11. L. Day -overt, S. R. Davis, A. H. Onittr l C. o:Ger hard; R. 00, Gallaglier,(2) B.Or6fr, Geo. IL r3olTmail, P. o..Hemphill, J. tlarrii, Hunter James R. A. inwison, Kennedy,. C.l' Lawrence; James p. Long,' 0, (L Londe' ' Francis ' Mcihn; Jahn McCann, John Richard Meat). vern, S. D. -Moyet, .hotaas: McOauslaiul, Anthony bleary, Rev: Norther ,Amos Penn packer, - Perseverance, Ni. F. S. Rad ing, Dayid SCharley; James Seibert, Joseph StarkoJohn Sheitz ' A. S. Thomas Tetlaw, W. Tomlin, Daniel A. ,Wentzel, J. H. Wen. tier, J. o.Whito, Peter Wetive4Satii. Yoder. , (Communicated.' ' , , A VISIT. TO TIM WIIITI4 SPOT.—beaving the yet silent thoroughfate4 of the city grad.. Pally in ,tho rear, we slowly commenced as cending the aide of the mountain, determined to view the rising sun, before it had scram bled the wall that hid its march from the yet slumbering community at our feet, It was yet early, and the„morning was chilly, but we journeyed, forward with the expectation otheingbountifu* repaid for our trouble with a view front the White Spot. Who has snot heard of or teen, the Mite spot? It is , carcely two-thirds of a Mile from oar 'very doors. Situated on the extreme top of one' of the . highest mountain ranges in Berko; county, and commanding a view of natural 1 scenery that elm scarcely bo rivaled in the State, it looms up beforo us in the distance like a'grand barrier separating us' from our Oriental neighbors of the East. . Wo proceeded • onward. The sun bad not yet left his Attie bed to shower his warmth,, or scatter the dull grey mist, and change it in an instant to the pleasant face of an Au, tunau morning. A few minutes morobrought us to the top of the. mountain, and forced upon us a view that can better be imagined than described. On our fkont, and stretch ing away to the North, flowed the. Sehuyl• kill, and from its banks to the very' base of the hill was ono grand panorama view of the work Otlllfttl. There thousands Of houses, mnufactorles, and, public edifices, surround likes ittseerned, by wreaths of green, rose things of life from the scone before us. There, where but a few years before was to be found naught but a dark forest, whore the marks of its former savage owners are ao, yet barely effaced, and where the present generation can yet point to some of our principal thoroughfares and say, -"There, when I was a child, stood the yiltiwood," t Such is : a brief synopsis 'of sights that would meet the eye, and thoughts that would' enter the mind, of the most fastidious. But permit me, reader, to say a few words in regard to it as a place of resort or visit., Considering its actlesslbility, height, and, - nearness to the city, together with its pure and mountain air, and all other inducomonta that - go to, nutke up a :resort pf natural beau. ty and health, ii has no competitor. For it and its po)sition Philadelphia would exchange its Fairranunt or the Gothaniltes their Cori tral Park. ut stop? I do not wish to run into any w dor imaginative reasoning. I merely j s i h to complete as concisely as possible an ideaeupen whieh.l began, and that , isle lay before the public the advantages they have at home for rural sights and pleasures, iind to advance in the estimation of the ,p?blio a plot of ground that, with Et few alterations, might be made the first place that would 141 visited by our oldest residents, or be pointed out to the expectant stranger. . . ' ,E.A. N. THE FAIR.—Wo are .indebted tb J. L. Fruit Committee, or tho owaKds tuadnin that department : • Appfrs, Daniel 'Lorah, first premium, Win. L. Fisher, second " David Gring, third 6 4 Samuel Kurtz, fourth 4' John C. Kepler, special. " Jared ( 4. ‘ 14 , Isaac & kart , of ' john Sharp, " Adam Fox, , ,Jeremiah Mengel,." Samuel GreSh, " Win. L. Fisher, '" •MagdalonaSehearer, Win. Healer. " Rhoads & Madeira, Joed'k Lauer, It Is John Richards, 41 " rtachcs. Vim. M. McGowan, first protnium, Dr. 0. IL Hunter. second " ' Nicholas Lott,, , special.." Lewis Ritter, if it Peter J. Ertnold, " 6 4 Mrs. A. 11. Schwartz, ti 41 Amos T. Phillipi, '' • " Wm. Wells,. Pears. Frederick ! i nner, first preknintn, Nicholas Lhtt, second " Lewis Winer, ,speeinl •li Wm. Young,' " . " 1 Geti. F. Hagerman, " • " Amos Phillippi, ti ' 14 M. Mengel, !I it Mrii , Frank Ruth; gg • . 44 • Dr. C. 11. Hunter, "' " A. .'Schwartz, 1 44 %4( Alex. Burnett,• ." " John Fehr • 'Quinces.' Levi Slthruntil p fiNt premium, Win. Brit*, second " • • It Burnett . ' . special " 7 •`• ' Grapes. Win. A. Kessler,, first premium, Edw. Sr; Geo. Brooke, second " John Fehr, special." C.,11. Hunter, ci Wm. Young,' Jeietniah Mengel, John Erlaeher, r ' PitOM, &MOS A 11111111; ' first Premium, ,$t 00 D, Wittich, . second ,I : • 100 L A NAI cokiettAsto;the Ctiutitf upon the grand trait display . at'the Fair. The X. ', Y. Tribunt sent reporter tq repo`rt Ahe Fair, and , ho pronounced the fruit display the !fibtst be, had ever seen pt any Cotknty Fair. So much for Old Darks. That radi cal sheet, the Abetting Bulletin .c Philadel phia, sometimeego said that the "Dutch of Berke' County wend stillvoting for Jackson.'' If so, the,y can suit lead Philadelphia in i tlie growthfrait l .and perhaps ;in other things progressirlf ;c. I:. ' -;, $6OO 8 00 2 00 200 100 • 200 1 06 200 100 200 100 1 00' 1 00 200 1 00 ' 100 1100 ig 1 Inta 113 MI $3 O 0 200 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 100 I‘4O I I/ It $ 2 3 OQ O. 1 , 00 100 200 1 , 1 1:10 1 ® 100 100 100 100 1 00 it • $1 00 100 4i,;°° $3:00 200 200 1,00 • 200 • /,°° 1,0 r it it Is it_ + z.'s•riteeiti' 4- fir aoy tlt t o nat nili' State otlislkt , lett, ltectoilic MIO g= - WIN/11181.1fIATES . ' g likettOr t err iv. u ..• . ' . t 164406 poatejda ,frr*to [londay. uesday, ednesloy, t inkroilar. I 'Haw, Sib meet Sixtli f 7if No. pEKopiistin t temeitiNkiiiitt Pgatiy; .0ho• ber 24 ; 1 4 thOkulf 4AY 03!ae.iset4CPAta.1 ----.--r---41 TIM toport our;eity-unosupily ilealtbf4l. There we's° few. ofies s pea's flint their oecupntion is' r,witoo4t go e I THE leciion of . oftieors of tho Friend hip Fire Co iipOny for the foitoWing year; will mho pyi o on tho Bth ofOetober, . , , TiELNYID.-A brealtiroWn Occurred lost night on the Now Jersey Ventral llaiiroad, delaying alien! 'three hours the , western bound Empress train, duo here at 1 o'clock, ' SEE call of tho Democratic Standing Com- Mateo for IN grand Mass Meeting in Reading on Tuesday, October 4th. • Itvery Democrat should turn ,ont on, the.occarlion. „ Poom PIOKR.D.-AN yowl toan from Pottstoro, by the 'lmmo of•l4NAnklitt' Miller, had his coat breasttpocket lek&) yesterday Atibe Pair, of' a pocket book containing $125, • :" • .` . • -. • ZEES Ma. RonEnt Jontisow, a telegraph opera tor, of this pity,. wade Aartow escape, year torday front being rim eve ; by the care. / 10 ' was on the . platform, and . at 7th and Penn streets jakuped off; when' he was ei!nght against the ralling;,which tamest throw huh under the earn • ' .• Smor.g Sum TO REBUII2.-TWO Of the stacks—of No; 1 'find .2=-10 the Scott Foundry, in . North Eighth street, will be tom down this fall and rebuilt, owing to their giving way, The atuoks were built tapering; IVe underatand the diameter of the nst3w Ones will be the same at all points, which will make them more secure. DEMOCRATS of the First Ward, Snit° that your vote is not overbalanced by ,eoloniza. tion. You have maim to bo vigilant. , Bee that every Democrat is properly assessed, and see Mint fraudulent, votes are polled in your ward., Loobont for "boatmen," so called 1 [From our tort Clinton Correspondont.3 Mr:"Edward Gov,eran, oi:inductor of a as: songer train on the. Vast Mahanoy and• Little; Schuylkill railroad, has been presented with handsome gold badge, bearing the • inscrip-' tion "Presonted to E. G. bY < liis; Friends.'" The presentation • speech • was inade by Mr. John .Horn of this borough, andlho response was made by . Mr. Voveran ceremony occurred :a the pn lie bowie of % Joseph Me l where a splendi upperivas immediately thereafter served. •A.P. P. • RAit.no,io AbothENT.--This . morning be; twcen 7 in 4 8 o'clock, QllO Of the Wicks Under tho:baggoge car of an emigrapt train ran Ofr the track'atothe Askew bridge, Leba- non Valley, railroad„, and rolled dowr},the bank. The train was going at a slow rate of speed, else all the cars might have been pie cipitoted offer, the bank, ceasing the deatk or maiming of a large number of the emi grants: , Tho causo of the occident has riot been satisfactorily explained. The morning accommodation train to Harrisburg was de layed about 11 hours by the accident., . NOM who have stoves to boput in order, ranges to lie overhauled ) Or anything, to be done in tho line of repair's necessary to keep a house warm iit,an hour's notice, will be glad hereafter if they do it of once, All leaking roofs should be stopped now,imd all rattling easements should at once be silenced by the application of weather stilips. A few days more andevery meohanic able to do . this kind of work will be , inployed on mnorp important mutters than pairs, • DEATH of TUBOLD,i:BI I MAN 'IN' Non n. Amprox Couttit..-.- Da r Steckel,. Esq., flip' oldest man hi this count*, died at Bath, on Thursday %tit,. at the ripe old age oflol yopfs and . 17 days. ,Justthink of it more than ono century of age I Wei remember well of cal ling to see him at the residence of his daugh4-* er, at Bath, lust one year ago, where wp found him ha o .and hearty, and ;altliopgh he was blind and quitO.deaf, we have seen men Of seventy-five who looked older tlian Ho had a rernarkable.inemory and could re• Into circumstances that occurred in the early days of tho Revolutionary War. His AA noral took place on Sunday last and was attended by an immense concourse of people, many Of whom chum from a great distance. Thus has another - .patriareh passed away.—Flns „. ton Sentinel. . . Poitox AFFMas.--Two young men , — . The, .. odoro Parker and Samuel Rork—had rolif.. ficUlty at the fairground"yesterday. efterno on. They wero old friends,' but yesterday they took too many drinks" and fell out; They struck at and hugged each other. Samuel a piece of Theodore's' ander lip offl Offi cers Shrader and Lawrence arrested the pnr ties. Each paid a fineof' $4.26 this morn.: ing 'and received hig di4eharge. • ' • Zacharias Saylor emoved a badge ftom the collar of a young man's coat at the' fair "yesterday, and was taken in pharge by ofUer, Lewis. Accused paid the costa tilismorning And the case was settled.• • • • Nelson Bennethum hibibed too much yesterday, daring the fair exeitement,"AbOut 6 o'clock last eveningho was staggering against the people at the corner of' Sixth ana Penn streets, Officer, IVhittaker took him in chaike, and epnveyed him,to police held- 2 uarterti.- Betarnedln default of payment or Jas. Curlew was arrested 'yesterday, at Sixth 'and Bingaman 'streets, accused.' of striking Geo. W. Moyer threntimes on the, back of the bead, and tearing his coat, while the said George was Conveyed home • a, 'fel low boarder who had become too "free and easy.". The charge was not sustained at the bearing this morning, and•the case, was dis missed. . pmma:Rechle,r: peon a tear.yesterday.--- 4 : She hid met aeottntry on at thafair,whito treated her to brandy. She became' a niiis snot/ and endeavored to opset,the buggies, &e. Officer Lewis took ~charge of heland bro w her to the. lock-np with difficulty,— Retained in default of fine and cost. , i • Tol Dlrrptssolz.77olle of the chief points of difference liteeween,eivilizerandlarbarous maiihind in the - attentiongiven to' the, naturarcavering ter the,headf the one being onrefully erd, cleaneed and brushed, ana 'the. othei alloWedld`teinain nrithinkoMpt., The use 4 44 Bayretitv's - Vegetable Hair Res torative" will empire :all that could be ;de `ailed !),y olviipottir:o,r iporo4 by,botfaiisni. —Boston 'Pod. setit.l,B•,iw :Atornrivil in tlinElnial Mi!SEI 40-I , l* =I . tt,tl,lAito. ,inlitAifolilareit e l . Major , General , . N e bat hadAn.lnte • ew with the' leo ono with *3 ' • esigtlty Of Wer, - ;''',lrere the letter he' J etittUreetruetlit9y .., . A l I 1 nce te;hit p' - tnd ,pr4t,e4 ', f tt! • • 1 itimiumultipiftipsiti ii coplinitill i and as it neceor mon on tf epartmettllblilne gllirfsYl%e•Ateade eiblioss.ooo444ooo4itittlOW‘ .. . , ()tenet' inreatigition of the , , :• , ~ l eorONlMilititleiiiklidliflf *NOV attire n to s4 justige,i 1 • '. t uor„„,-, • li I 1, it , 1 14 )11 :* , , !,i .=, , f v., .) •`A ~, , Viettahg 06 At.• ,-. .I._, • • • _22-_-' totomimi*NYerm ik , 061440bn: urit ed ilAy; with thiritt'Oitiefin`stelyttlitalldWilie, on the groupd,that ho ,w 0 r e lkesed prosecution by 'the An 'appeal / MO entered 117 1 the Prtitetnitidi. ,lelikai!•l4oo.airatoirot Joh* :3)74181069Ni ~4pfto" Was : : finnl,o' 4inclow46ll::this r4OrAnp , tito 06vilnniont, abandoning : 06 . ease'• '.l%dge . . chniged thakinntunuch att 5W4441144 nnt ,bon,t!red:;for ttempu;'.And 'Copspiwnly,, within two ,years the innotie Gill 'or' went wail in!iii4l. r ' .PIED: .. • • . SNYDint.—Tn Roadintr. Sept. Zth, nanny Au. j a quarua 4 infant ar of arid and, May Ann PnY• dor, aged 11 won US an 23 Oro. - 1, '._ . I . '( The Mends eh to yea ire reopeottnnY tor I tod to attend the fu 1, without furthir notice, oh Saturday,. Sept* 'Mtk afternoon at 4 o °look. to proeeod tolhe Oothoito Mut • toty• -..- v t k,. MONEY MARKET. Iltudiong & Bro.: Bankonefo: 16 tiolGi AWL s treet ^ quota as °nowt ~- , rabl$014 . 01."10• OW: ' Qldy, B. Or.. ... ~. . n o 1 ld.V. .6's 182 i , t ., ~ ~. , ow IL 0:6. o. 1861$ ivilY 1014 40n: ~- , . OW E 4 §, th 20. 4, 18 C 6 1,A 1 A7 sou ADVO •‘. • r 0,111.15. 2 rit0, .• • - .%• :. i .11.13,6, d 18674 • July and Jan. , :wF, r e t . =664 . , - . - • , : .., Gold a llow York . ;_ p lai o 18 o'olool. .: -; . ',' . lit Gold In Readlniat 11 hone &Woe,. T. . - I 41vAliorci Higrax KERPEnte . ' • ", • •144 419:4: • Bur to tt Ito m al , deig„ It , ~.. • IL , grintware1bt0.,1 ,, ..,....., . ',,,..,, 22, Boos—Hotto i doion Ae . . , ... .... .......:.: Ar t rlAS3Pf e rii _., 11 1 4 : 44 12 1 0 I ' s 1 r 44 7 14 1 1 :7'*" , 4 18 41 " 4 4.413 — sefecak, ionitillillB, * ' . 99 : 9 ' ' ',......, 44 , 4• , , rum p., :I , • * ** 4 • ~,!(.. rd , " • toottoost, • • "' ' • " ' Isserlied,, , . .., • _ . 410 ,m " • chi tt tiotg, , i , 8" " • • e ops. , ~ . , " Mutton. - ipis " .. Pork. f . •". • m.. 1.1 18 I. ." steak, ' " , , . ,". Sausage froalt. ''' v•1".1.4.41. b?'. s 0 ; " :. " , stooked, , zr* , litwLllatne , -,., • • *.. ,9 021 SIIOULtikRB--• ! " 1/ ”. BIDES— • • PotfAnalir—Chickens :: -- , . , 1 • ' 4 : ' Turklee Hya tt " • _ —,4 " . Sprlflg r olnOnttil pair, 780®1 00 pEATM9I . tY 04,L,H A:BLE REAL" STATE, win ue oold, at thoi Kentonolion*(?4 ) SATURDAY,` OOTODEFi • lit, 1 o'clock pile., ill hat of or piece of ground, situated on the south a d o of Pebn street, known as the Ziebor propelty, . minded on the east by pro,- k petty of 000, IY. senders, owtho west • by property of Daniel Sehnaider, on the north' by Penn 11 od, on the boutli byihorrY nllo7# coligfr ont, on Penn street, feet, And in depth et, tw ilit thereon erect d a , • • • TWO•STORY.XIRICK DWELLING, • afid a two-ptory SHOP on Penn street, ant a largo BRICK 13TAIILEI on Chem' allot. Ooad Hon, of sato will be made known at tilt abovo Uwe and place. by WM. Y. LYON. Anotionoor, air At the same time and plane will he sold GO aliases of National Union Bank stook" and 'lO shares of 174m4rs',$.1\tlottal Bank btoolc . , by Y. LYON, Auctioneer. - Pert 21, 2,t, 26, 28, oot , CARPETS I CARPETS B. H.' MARIC.LEY & CO., No.'llB Plum street; below Franklip, .betteeen , • Sixth-and •gerenth streets, .1 Respectfully inform the oltitenkot needing and. vielnity/ that they are Manufacturing the Very host Ingrain, ail-wool Carpets, over °feud in tbid oily Latestpatterns and colors. . Wholesale and retaß at Now York_prices, , We invite the nubile to examine our steeds befo,to purchasing eleOirbere, and save 25 per cont. Buy out of first, hands and save money, • septlB-lreo* IL IL hiARICLRY,kOO,t . 0 0 A Tal: COAL!!: NOTIOEI TO THE PEOPLE OF •READINO and vicinity.—Owing to the groat end grOWlng demand for the celebrated Hickory Coal, and the imposition eothetimes practiced upon the cop:nati on', I have deemed it best for the Interest of all, to place the exclusive eale-of the above cal In the hands of Messrs. ODERT & 00., and YLULL & BEYEELE, of this piece, At whose yards can be found at all times a conetant eupply of all oleos. , . . ' W HAZZARDi rept 18-1* .4 ' FRAtIK Age . ht for ShiPpete KitypEß.tt aO., '• htartufaetorero of • • . DR. STGIVER'k • l l ', Celebrated Tod) , Herb' Bitters.' ,* is • Ithpoiterspf . • • WINES, AND LIQUORS, • WIIIBI4EO Also sola onta forBAILII7% MIRIVOUID /0 4 / • ; . No. 121 l'iortyrhird Stoat; ."• PIIILADBLPIUk •• ; ' r - For solo at tho Eagle Bookstore. '1 •' • suit 21-tr pAST FREIGHT LINE • s•I 6 1 • '; .f BETWEEN READING AND NEW YORE v • 5 lA!' MORRIS' AI4O I ESSEX RAILROAD • • . • Leaves Reading at 4p, m. , York p.m. %si de **pod for Now York R la irekrktnous°. boron' 8 o'CIOOLP; , MJ, 0 rOY int fOot of Barclay street, Now xork Da it' o'elock p.m., will be dalivored at el or at - ouLreshiptaeat. W. y hmlifteightAiliit; 7,1414 R 060101 1, . • ,' • • a -RAO i 7 amivo , u4ggept, M. R 411., ~ 13 1 . MI IBM ECCII 1111 t' ' i m* %tequila upoa Micah orgical qenktlowy, • 6 „ A ... l a g .imptp..4 l i . min aeooloolleb t i a i leetioik ' ' I Its elect *petite ere ee 'entirely UMW. 611 to be es applicable to the ebtl4l Qt mt. liter Niro MI 64 tb. 44/10t. 9'tiool l l2oloNlCCWlthil e's. 100. 1 tlitc that tea LI tsbOtik4ool It hot beiraft elt totitmerer, :" 6 ° tiler : ei s444" liVregatitt s'st elrept/04 Mb (y t „ . ~ 1 In fatuumak ra . won • To . bodice' its , Iva. No fam _ sly that once becomes acquainted yijr'kuee,uli be s4lii?s4o!ift.. • SO etc • all *6616. • E.. mismixpt at Co.. • burt•iddin,baki, , Soo lb 43, A.. DA% un Who At* 0111104, le tit far VibT Z ts " w " 4 " 4 "" 1 , eti 84 tv Aliox RIO,' irtlL • t i l t? 1 1, ~ i _ l O.- , ' ',. It . 1 .-e , owavpi t 00". 10 • or i.,:t e r s olzi t a 4.00401 . rt r„, Wit 04110. 4 Jopo imp Ilk onto, mt , I , otrolots ipb, rit* abdomen side, to gt Immo', rue ntati,Y.tir t yloolmit t q; 'thou; to . you re e+ 4y, ono et titt top mm _sslt t to utri," clitti = t VV fi r °Th4 kr = t k h ot rimr , t, 0111 t rt co 0 $ onset. m toy know ,i r ,liktigoitik st on . , firmly hot re toot, fit, a it VAR Ma sari ovary owe sol t umost # l, ‘l' ,1 , - , '' • i , - .. f i rr. , - ' Onto ACM or till - 0,7*3 ', ti, , llama. rit* slew OHL 18ilao8 - RUCH' &BROTIIER i `li'Latee'in'ti Selmit6d; Steck of N E VGO DS! At Po.itito !BOW, :‘ ' ' I NO R - NO, :p.p) P.iim!..BrftlpiT,', • . .. ItgADMOil . ".4. • Niter.* " Thetesiokioi(l:l " • 1 , 0 .• ..‘ : • • • : r „., ,o(yopsit „ t , . Worn, noloceod ln '&0:y:of NoW,ltoo, snit will bo ileposod of ba., low those - of any otherioit.; ' tiibllebinont, in' the • city. , i• . OtAllrives, Mthfpg,tofl4, to order. goys' qotiting apit,stri. '64 'hand and nado to . order. • • •••,, A.% to) ~ no Stock of Furnishttig Goods Is dseiclealy it bf 4 and K6O Oil;c11AVOi IP VI? • ) 1 / ? all IWO inCsktlifi , l • • I ,;1 - / yourn i efv,co.', The? mere feet of avivg the eereloes of the eel e ,b44e4, 114t. , 6 ! "•: Ati,' 144, i ! t.:94;!'eatilii I,4itinbient liturtie tit ail traisste;illl 6-112114:ift UP I OW. / bOiiitYf4'#3l4jE444o4lollt:o4olo; • 131TC1rit : 1110a$ • 1 • " 1 . 7 cr 3i ,`i Headquarters „of. ra2hiOn.! ' ri4it*Nl3TllUE'T ? READING. • • ri. YottiMitO• elAtf. '• • • ' ' _,„t-,,,, N ) tj ( ..-i p 1-,4 •ilt 0 ~ 4 '- • Vi v i ‘ • 1 , • 4t . ; - to- •,' ' i t ,___ • I: ' t * 4 I: , •-•;. 1 ..' !'... W I P P' h.-' , l .' ":, s t ~:.• ( , 1-;10 , .. ~t, . ..,, t y, , , ~; ytt.eu : .0 ~5....t0 ', ~i HI:- .; ~ ..•.-,0- t .- 17 1 . , t -4 , .i ... d.»*, . T. . :i t ~ ~ ; 2. ~;.,, ,; .. Li ,,,„ ..,,,,•,;,.,, %l ir ~Ai,;, , i i ., • • g: flt , , 7. 1 .fv,.. i.. , ,m i , ,A,SFI.•if•I i• /,,.,. 2. ,1,. ? i ll , , dil t illil h 1, -, ~'ct .4, f'• ,; /,'.. L'4.•,' -, 3 5 0 '1 .1 't .!'*; ili ' I, ' ....'• ' ''. ; g, . . .: , f . ' ,. '" 44 ;I:.'f.j. , tq , /-_• ~ i ' ' .1:.11, Stilf,)‘ , 51;1 i I . ? '2l., qi ; ??1; „ t . a• 2 - . 4, :;',.: .•; , i ipa f i 4ip st i - -- -- :.'i; t , . . . ..: .:: I L.- f.).-. ' , 41 , t 2 , . '4 i- 0 , ; , 9 1 ' , 1.*%' J' ', l ti'. ' _44 (-J • ' . •,. . , :1-. , , -,, ~,. ,h , i t * . ...,' .. , 1 •ift. t'le - t. • ; '.- 'A. , . i ., -,- tl' 'T4 11 'di., I:3. P. • i :04 1 11) • • 0 ~' ~ , ,,,e, '. ig.-.-.:,, 1 ,c,„,,,:„ ...: di .. 0 . 0 .,,. • ~,,„i.,,,5. isl l r. %Iwi:•„. , kf ' i ( I n 1 ii•: -1,41 •,, ~4`41 11 c.c.. „ ;"1:i 4 g ::..Iy.t 041 . 111 , .. 4 rpi . 11 - ' 'a E; f)- ' f.' v; :: ':: ' .. . 4 Iti I k If. al Q - , , •-.•<;iu 'O% ' ' '' ' . ..H'. ''' ' '' ;iill •,'•'” i •'; r' 1, 0 . ,•• V/ :1 f;41' . ..:c. , `-(3 :', t , c... •, !et ,i•I li r t *qr. : L... . 1Y1RJ,46r, i, 1ft. 11 , 1 ,F, 1 1,1 1 • 11 s i i ~,' ; ' ' -• T. ;-,l,„l3katinNE :- :1440D, , .ii 4 , 4! P .• ' n.B #st . paw! I MICE =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers