Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 25, 1868, Image 2
s==M M 3 ffilgi ==l 10 A - GU* .• ID I lON. HORATIO SEYMOUR, • • , ; ; Olt NNW tong. 1" 1 i6fe f iRGAZSItot*: " OBtio. • / BIAIR , .- I • ' . ,.....7.1.... ' • , _ ; .1/talky TlieSda,, V; S TOrtaker Bd, 1868. g M t i li/!i4 Da te e°l1 1 1 ,41 C etZne : . tstoi 4 ' ; c IP: I t h e 11P c °11 GOONe b o rr o ti l :i. ii i g l i c. eribl c riii. r tis trli l if se IZS SO Or , 1 ' mos • Noyes, lir" .12 2. 1 " , lotinVtle%rett • ..1 tpui: mossy. torte. • . i1c,1„,,r, „ Vitt:4 rill" , . ; Patt i : re es iD (4 .,w l7l Flon 4 :: , ~ exatoortio . State Nousliiatlonot i' : - POit, Aiorron GENIIIRALs • • . BON. ! PRABLEB E. BOYLE, . -"Anvils COUNTY. • . ;46A3IiiiYlitOltdENERAL: • , WiaLtANGTON I a ENT, H. „ , I ~0 v ,optiymopt courpri. —, 7 -1— narday, October lath, 4838. • i••„ itenonThlO: toasty Nomination*► •G:924tre4B r • I. 4 Awitpripp,ay„'Oc t .of Reading. 4041116.4 1 HIfNRYB, HOTTENSTIUN,Iof Mtmatmvny; , 111gNItY BRO13$1", of Tulpehoccon ,410lihioNR,1 ! . J . Q,N48, 1 of Beading., For Dtspqct Attorney : , EIDWARD IL 841 , 3ARE8, of 'tending. " 4bi• Conontisioner : ' 11...1e01,11413i, 'of Radlng. • • •• ,‘ I ..loor .ISA cliffs • inLIJA/ti B. ALBRI(ILIT, of Cumrv, . 'Ar t Aireeior,of the Poor : • ' DANIEL: B: Lqiiill.ljofLower Fof pounty ‘ iiuditori • ) P,TAR 8. ALBBIGLI r t of Porry ? • • • • • i• For County Surveyor - • DANIEL B..ZACIIARIAB, of Rending. THE DEIAOORIT4O PLATFORM.! Prkyinent of the, Public Debt—Squill' fl*eslou of aver, Species of Prop= erty—One Currency for the Govern.) pent # nd the People—The borer. ohleevhbider,7 Pensioner, Not; filter, Producer, snit the Bondtbolderc t f ifi,llD tpOIIIIITY MANS MliliETll/0. 1 4'148.DA)r, 611,1808,,has boon f4oii 0: 4h , PerliPeratie Alanding Committee AS thd duet the Mies Meeting for this county. A numb „bet of Alstinguished soltlienFand statesmen will bek i propen,to addrosa the people.,. Among those rad ,itt 4, he to;veoiell pre Oen. goorge D. McClellan; cloth /frank Mon.Jamea . Doollttle,l4ll4 S. 8. Coo, Mon. 00110, P,u g h , A ! J,ltogori I Ors A otto., l Mon. Magnus Gross, Dr. Julide Koy4 atpd Mr,, Welsher, fermerly, of the Adlor,*lll ad 4 dross the poopi , 41P qoriroP; The yarieus committees will I.)e announced entii Stoat week. DAMEL Chairinan. iiogrotaiy. ' 1 AD IS Dispatch is afraid to accept the butt ting challenge of the Bellefonte Watchmani The fact bits a suspi . elous appearance. . Tit Nobraska.eleetion will take place on dui 4th or Octo,3er. Tho 'DoMocracy aro • • confident of grottly reducing the Radical majority, while dui more sanguine anticipati . ;1 iiii43ll,- • 1 Biwah, Pow:iiov's' SkitOtt in Reading ant • Woo thetßittliCala terriblvi while his •gentlei• •inanly iiddrevi and , refined language, whiolli irowfc4 hitonaby frieT9s of all Oulieh hotel . 14 atombleta refutation of theq falsehood ih regard to his iiersonal Character. The "'may continue to misrepresent his remark' •to those who were not ortunate enough t hear them—they may flood the country wit ptiblishfd Radical lies abont his visit bOinf AI . " benefit to the -Republican party" .'—but • they cannot 'erase the impression made upott the minds of the tax-Rapers that " Brick ',' I "spoke'the troth.: Ikfar from " hiring • hitit • to eiune , here again," they would expend their 44 bottom dollar " to keep hit; away. •.IWe regret that the length of his able addreo st.ptiiieuts ue from „publishing it entir4, - .4 4 Brick ". • mist hC heal!, howevety fullrePpreelated: Let the Radicals "mitelt hita t " if they CAn t 1 . ' CHMIII - OPOLOWIrIiAI ‘ . 4* - AiIITY.. i i . 1,. ' 1110 Repnbliean party kopresoots the idea ,Oithe teyr against ,the many—the one man . power spinet the many me a, power---napital t4o(aat let)Ort.luxnry against industry, fawl. ! illy , egalnat : merit ' , "and that the white racie Aoelleciatteingle trith'tho bleak. i '• Ihn :prOot":,theae several allegations is th o )ff t e ItePuhliefte Congcless is attempting to ' 1 '.' ' ~ Vet'rld 6 tlt pOXCeII td IVO add, judicial 4epart ,,ao, oak government, and theriby ruin ,fie 'FOintryi, the establishment allover the o of Itoo ‘ional 'll anti; 'Ana giving them , 1 ,Itp l k_ile g e.,4,idf•4 , 0 law, and money t, ,4 ea, 1.,01 1 1‘ not' intpnded to ctnsh roil, i je t te lkOilYeka; and: individual dtiterOiße i in pOppekting 040440 m out 4 ,, the hard earp. htio,olioneiii,lehOr?,, ‘ . ' ' ' f '•'', } -,lles not't i e LO:tielaterO' of reonsllvanie, Aso the ' ePrib lentis' , hovdt, controlled' it, prettied all; kinds . 1 i iiieattl Ptiviteges to a : Sow ,ekv‘iriAls,,and s ay t o, mit t . thme,fevoriOes seettlataairivitege AO 01;44 tir maelyes to nth' iajull of the ma, y r . De not the leaders li ) ', i t . 11 4 04 16 0` . 0i { tfi r kte t v : 4 ( 'Henri i i I , &A l i P I MA !PP ii o 4 . ; 1 .40: i 40 # 1 4/ ;:de' .41 4 0,11iat lii negro istla'l4l 0414 44 rite. itifittis iffit :11 , th 0 F Wake; ,paler° ' iliiiitiiitatitiiit tiOd'ije`lfeo'a ii i .t . tiku s ei t t. 'IA" ergs'teg• 1 tare ? 1 vi ao - lteptiblietto dare deny this under hie name? • tairWilijait;W:•;: q.. 14- 4Wci:i4filik , ;4ll 7 o - 14044k4W.4-14‘:4k. f " :Agunwal esaiu An WenD rJrO The bondii* oftetfpnt the qiestioni:-- "If the Deraterite pay Otheiiiipopka bon d :with greenhabkhjivbieh ;one natOnal fcli aro;they to redeem the greenbacks?" ; • First, The Democrats propose to redeem the interest-bearing bonds ns fast as they fall doe with greenbaeks w,hich carry no interest,' And apply. the $128,000,000 in gold pow paid tUthe bondholdere tis interest, towards paying the public debt. Second: Thij Deinoemts pro Pose torednco the standing army to a peace footing, and save thereby another $45,000,000 a year. Third. They pwso to reduce the navy t 4) present necessities, which would be tine ther saving of $10,0030,000,t0 $15,000,000 per annnin. . , , Fourth. They proposo to abolish the Freedmen's Bureau, noinher snving,bf from $16,060,00 to $201000;0Qp. Fifth. they propose to, reduce the miscel laneous expenses of the government, includ, leg printing, stationery, &c., ••&e., amount. ing to. tnillioni; repudiate Impeachment Al.- . bea, .smelling,committees, and the indiscrim inate legislating away and agitandoing the public money, amounting to . !aliens tkpon millions. •• • Sixth. They propose to•reduce the number of J. Cooke /t Co.'s, whose name is Legion" and who batten and fatten at the public erib, and who Made and are now Making millions • out ofithe people. . •. , . ,Sevett i th. They proposo . to have tho United 'States Revenue collected by %the , ' Staiesi by, the officers elected by the people of the sev eral counties in the States, who now' collect the county and State taxes, andio dispense with tens of thousands of COrDlOrrititB who now prey upon and suck out ;tho jfo blood of the people—by thil saving other millions. 'Eighth. They propose . to diminish the nufnberef p articles' taxedfor United' Slates pt poses, and place the tax only on a few, ,best able to bear , tho pressure, by thei o means simplifying the collection of the Re venueland thereby saving at least„two-thir'do of the expense of colleetiam. Ninth. They propose, by the above enu merated retronohnients and savings, gradu ally to pay off the publie debt r ineluding Bondholders' :principal 44 interest, dollar for dollnkand prevent repudiation, which is sure to folloW if the national debt continuos • niuMfbasing monthly from ten .to twenty' millions ofdollars. Repudiation is 'hot the word, the word will be inability of the pea-, pie (with the beat intentions) to pay the in• creased 'taxes necessary ,to meet the in creased expenses of the government. ' Nifty to pay, would bankrupt the 'national government and the people,. including the bondhold3ra, • . Tenth. They propose by these measures to prevent involuntary repudiation of the pub lio debt from inability to pay. Bondholders, hero tho'great (biler to your Interest is em bodied—inability to puy. Look to it that in your eagerness to get nor you do not lose ,alt; TUE inummussinLE CONFLICT. The war of races broUght about by the Radical policy of : reconstruction still con tinues. - The following aro the telegraphic accounts of the two latest engagements : mu LOUISVILLE MOT. I Loutsvim,e, Sept. 28,—A gentleman who ar'rived in the city last, evening from San; ford, reports that about fifty men had band ed together in the count)? of Pulaski, in Alai State, Ipr the purpose of punishing n white man and a negro who are reported to have been the leaders in the numerous outrages secretly committed in that section. But by some menus the white man and negro be came aware ofithelatentiou of theregulutors, mid itpun gaining the infatuation, they iut ihedintoly called te,gether eone hundred of their friends, and being well armed ) waited in atilhash fir their expected visitors, and as The regulators approached the house et the white min, they were met with,a volley from the 'coneealed ,party, killing one of their number and sermesly wounding three others. The greatest excitementr prevails in that re gion-, as the regulator's Were so.exasperated by the killing of their comrade that is feared all of the suspected pity will ho killed in retaliation. /41 1 Y. ° RIX' trOnble last night originated from a man on the sidewalk night for Seymour and Blair as the rear of the Republican procession passed, shout ing for Orant and Colfax. Thu negroes in the procession are said to have rushed at the Demoaratinhouter who took ming() in th'o confectionery at tho corner, of Canal and Bourbon stfectN. • Tito attendants bonimenced . closing . the doors, When the" negrocs demolished, the glass windows and doors. Indiscriminate liring,eommenced, ,when the negroes ran t but retufnedi when they . became involved .in r. row with a portion of a white Democratic club,' and tweet of the lattet were,,htirt. The white club were unarmed, except: with their torches.' • The no roes spread' through the Second district, demolishing the windows of the confectionery at the corner of Rampart and kit.'-reter streets, which they also set fire to, The building was saved by the timely arrival of the policemen: Ono negro was killed, and, as far as ascot iained,a number of both colors were wound ed is stated that' several policemen were slightly hurt, There is but little unusual excitement this-morning. Let as have . peace I" with the election of Seymour and Blair, for Ocrant is pledged to carry out the policy whieh has brought about this terrible state of affairs in the South. . „ Tun commissioners etlit .from , Japan to the United States to purchase vessels of war, and who recently returned to Japan in the .ram Stonewall hellion, .havo fled to San loranciaco, it tieing unsafe for them to re Main Yokohatna during the present' poll tical dipturbancea. „Tito leaders , of 'the Southern faction ,have threatened to decapi tate themrif captured. The earthquttko wave occurred in!the harbor of Yokohamathe day following that convulsion of nature inrSouth America. , , Thu Lancaster county Democracy bairki nominated' IL B. Swirr ma canliidate for, Congress for the long Atkin, and Robert Crane for the short term. ,Thenominations for: Asseekbly are,; IT. $. 'Kerne l Dr. IL. Reernsnyder; Liant. J. M. Johnston, W. W. Steele, Tug NEW ORLEANS MOT. , . . • • - . . • • Ica i • • r t - 44,• yriV• • • • 44%,"40.44410•1MtagMA1 •Co ?Ili a s ielttr;liourpr t 1:10idk at4ionii for • Cciogresi; la* I • i 61110140414 , this fal,l; are giveii belew t alether ronjOrity in the district ibo election. in 1866: -7 • . Argt District —Sanillei J. Ratidallytlem., Benjainin L.. Berry, Rep. 'Democratic ma 'edgy in the distriet in 1808, 4,484. Second—Thomas B. Florence, D.'; Charles O'Neill, R. Rep. majority,' 8,187. , Thr—John Moffett, D., ; Leonard My era, 18. Refl. 'majority, 1,001. /#l3 'rth—J,_ B.' Nicholson, D.; W., D. Roney, It:. Rep. maprity, 2,425. • Afth---.T. B. 'Reading D.; Caleb N. Tay lor,,R. Rep; majority 469. •' • ' Sixth---Jolin D. Stil l D. ; J. R. Breiten bac!il.R. . Dem. major ty, 2,658. &vent/V.-R. Alonaghan t D.; Washing ton Townsend, R. Rep. majority, .3,430. Eighth-4'. Lawrence Getz, D. ; Henry S. Eckert,_ R. 'Dem. majorityi 0,189. • • Ninth—No Dem. nomination ; 0. J. Dickey, R. Rep. majority, 6,023, Tentft--J. J. Conner, ;H. L. Came, R. Rep. majority; 215. • ' Fifteenth—D. M. Vcin" Auken, D. ; D. 91 ,tetif :ofus, It. Dem. majority, 0,780. th—Geo. W. Wobdward, D. • Theo- doro Strong, R. Dem. majority, 2, 006. IrMrteenth—Victor E Piolett,D. ; Ulys ses Mercur, R. Rep. Majori ty , 1.287. Fintrieenth—Joseph F. Knipe,. D. ; John B.Tacker, R. Rep, majority, 1,616. Alleenth—lt. J. Haldeman, ;S. Small, It. 1)0m. migority, 8841. • • Sixteenth=-1 0 . W.Kunmol, D . ; .John na l , It; Rep. majority, 625. , , .Sevenfeeniti—John P. Linton, D.; • D. J. Morrell, It. Itep. majority, 1,810. Voihteenth—L.' A. Mackey, D.; W. IL Armstrong, It.. Rep. majority, 2,040. - _ IV:indeenth—lt. Browtl, D,; Glenni W. Schofield, R.. Rep. majority, 2,620. TgentiethL:-.R. hi. Defrance, D. ; G. W. iltep, inbjtirity, 1,884. TwentyYret—Henry D. Foster, D. ; John Coved°, U. Reit majority,l24. Twenty•second—A. turtt„ D.; Jas. S. Negley, R. 'Rep. majority, 8,005. Pioenfv-third—lJ. G. Mitchell,' D. ; Dar win Phelps. It. Rep.,majority, 4,185. • illeendyloureh— D D. Crawford, , D. r .1.• B. Donnelly, Jt. Rep. majority, 1;588. NIC112171311)1S, —On Saturday, near Cincinnati, a steam tug blew up, killing, ono colored than and wounding two others. --The bay gelding, John Stewart, of BOR., ton, trotted 20 mites in , ono hour, withont intermission, ut.Now•York, on Tuesday. —An eaglo at Simmon's Point, Maine, recently attpoked two lambs but the bird was trampled and killed by tir old sheep. Both lambs and the mother ere severely wounded. —On Wednesday evening, in Now York, a daring thief took a box containing $l,OOO in tinged States bonds from a wagon \ bn• longing to Adams' Express Company, which had Stopped for a moment in Broadway. .Thonlarm Was at once given, bin the thief escaped with his booty. . —On Wedneiday afternoon nn unknown, well-dressed German, throw himself before a train, near Newark, Now Jersey, and was cut to pieces. —The semi•centennary of Odd Fellowship will bo hold in Philadolphin• ourthe 26th Of April next. 1 . . —Last week a nogro girl at Rees' Con aer,Delaware, poisoned the family of her employer, Mr. idoffecker, because they re fused tilpermit her to attend a festival. AU recovered, and the girl was arrested. —On Wednesday evening a negro girl in Kent cOunty, Delaware, attempted to poi. son the . family of W. Spruance. - She con• fessell the - crime saying that she did. it at the instigation ot'a negro men. --Man fatally stabbed in Oincinnli t in , Sat uiday night. Cause— rum and adieul teaching. • —Three persons were killed at a: hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, by a boiler explo sion. • --Thera is trouble among the Catholic clergy in Chicago, on account of the removal of Fathers Rollins and Dunn. ( • —The revolutioo in Spain continues, nud there is much excitement. The fleet has re volted against the. Queen. —The Phila. Evening Star aelcs the City Troop to, start the fashion of riding veloci pedes, as less expensive and dungeroy's than horses. —The women of Vineland, New Jersey, dermUld the right of suffrage. • —The Mexican . General Ampudia is k,ead. —On last Saturday night a horse be (w -ing to Mr. David Gardner, of Butler county, fell into an. unfinished well about twenty feet deep. Strange to say the horse was taken .out without receiving any injury,except a few scratches about the head, which he received in the descent. The lower part of the well had caved in,leaving a space of about twelve feet, which enabled him to move abeut. —As the funeral procession of;alfrs.Carr was crossing the Erie Railway, a. i mile west of Painted Post, New York ! ou Sturday,the Rochester Express train frightened the hot , see of a carriage. Mrs. Drake, a sister of the deceased, was thrown on the track and, had both her feet cut off by the locomotive. A child of the deceased was also, run over and cut to pieces. , THE INDEPENDENT ODDER OF ODD FEL. Lows:—At the session of the Grand Lodge of this Society l ,now being held in Baltimore, the Grand treasurer, in his noun' report, states that'the receipts for the year amounted to $50,785 17; total disbursements,' $31,684 35-Meaving a cash balance of $19,100 82.-1, The groskassets of the Grand Ledge,includ ing the cash balance, amount to $29,825 82. The report contains an annual statement of the Wildey Mcinument fund. The receipts for the year amounted to $528 11, and the disbursements s6o,leaving a cash balance of $466 11.. The gross assets,ineluding the cash balance and United States 5.20 bonds, form ing tl}e amount Lto $2,468 11. 'rho statement'in reference to the Southern relief fund shows that tin) receipts, ko.f amounted to $14,327, and the disbursements to. $18;,684 59, leaving iicaih balance of $642 41'. -The' Grand Simon his report,stated that the nunlber of members received daring the •past year into the' eMbardinpite lodges ei• eeedit 40,000,andlhat the finances of the Or .der-were never in n better condition. ' The tiOrisurieti-are tinganinted; and the peciee,and prosperityin the Oider,is the standing word. , , MAJtrt. GESEItAIGt. I)..IC.NYER irS stumpingg alifornia for Seymour and Blair, General Keyes was one, of Mr, Lincoln's warmest partisans,and one of the, oldest Major nun erallt in' he Army of the Potomac: He ass% he will vote tta he fought, for flip pre., activation of the Union and vOniititutional liberty. I "AtAuvigaviressurati. towOeirT. itarr—No. 111140tv , fittli ti*i, ,occept44 W iatta U. ff l /Iner., Pqrswop vim onto istOrAPIII next .ApPtl►li Bantai* wt ~, • „ • ..-...,5e v[assoeiers .vamonrusski.-tainnikso • men orals leR~ % D,W. Collins; Op= trot 0 0 - arto oealhai eit houses aAd toolMor. - The toOus to town. • 82154 t . IoBll:—A.railir o tedion a ebit to the Wriest J , beirooket k yesterday. rag skint ka dollars, The , ader ls.t•taliest to. learS it at tie EMI 00100, for wpm' MI 101 be suits* ire. warded, *mance va sake of the most • briritdissu ain Ms of the Nailll4l owr!ot: ' , ' OW, 2-it. CITY OF f } tEAPING, ..BaNDS• 2. . for rale, at a DlAoount, Enciu!ro At . • ' , , FARMERS,' _NAME:AL BANK, eept 2541110 A, Pi ExPEßiiingipzo NitaslG ,wlshei an .a..ormakoluent. 0410 10 ' MRS. PRTERIXAN, sant 24-3 t. 128 Franklin aired, back. GRAND OPENING W. VAN REED'S 926 PENN STREET, =I ./ • ' Juat received it large kook of • FALL & WINTER GOODS, which will bo old at tho I • f LO WEST PRICES. Call tind seo, and jafigo for youroolvos. ; EMEII • 1868. VALI. TRADE. - 1868. • NEW -YORK MILLINERY, • - AND FANCY STORE, .834 Pions 'STREET,'' . line opened with tc tarp and well 'elected dock of FALL 'G 0.0 D S Its endless variety, compiosing FRENCH PATTERN Ear MEM BONNET VELVETS, itt nII Andes, BONNET SILKS, HOSIERY; GLOVES, RIBBONS, VELVET RIBBONS. A larg_o and elegant assortment of Featheri. French Flowers, Av., &q. These goods have been bought in Novr YOrk front first-class importing houses, for cosh, thus enabling me to soil at a lower figure than any other hem in this city. ALEXANDER'S KID GLOVES, From $1.25 to $1.50 per Pairs • • M. E, COMM • eopt 2:3-Ime • • 334 Penn street. BOOTS AND SIIMS FUR TILE PEOPLE. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST,- REINHOLD & SOHOENER Np. 1. North Sixth,Eltroot, READING, PA. ri311113 SUBSURIBERB HAVR JUST ESTAB JL Who(' a first-class Bootand Shoe-malting estab lishment and store at the above stated 'place %There they era ablate accommodate customers with the beat articles in their lino of business, and at lower prices than at any other place in the city. The following lige( prizes Proves fill ,rd say : Men's ell( boot& , c . fil 1)0 and upwards. Men's hip boots, • $3 OV ' Men's working shoes, 1 60 Men% French calf Congress gaiters, box toes, 300 Men's calf llngress gaiters. ,'1 • 225 Mon's calf //Rimers's, .. 200 Men's kip Balmoral& • 100 Boys' calf Balmbrals. 160 • Boys' kip //althorn's, I 125 Youths' kip Ealmorals, 1 00 Women's lasting high Polish, ; 275 Women's ChngreSs gaiters, ; tO 200 Women's lasting Pain:torsi& ..0 , 190 Women's Morocco Balmoral& . • • 200 Women's Morocco shoes, • • 1 65 , Women's kid stippeta, _ 65 . Nish. • - jiliseirbiaiingliaiii"2 Youths' gaiters from' 15 eta. to N . Youths' and boys' shoes from 30 00 Also; a largo stock of notion onpand and for sale. . The above prices are lower' thans any other similar place of business in the city. REPAIRING. I Particular'attention is paid to all kinds of re . . rai r ing. REINHOLb SdIRENERi O. 4i NORTH t SIXTH STREET, (Lam Tail emir noun.) READING, PA. sprint-a ' , DICTIONARIES. • - .Websteestrnihridgd, • • ' Webster's Academie, (Rev; Si)) Webster's High Sehooliiker:Bi.) • Webster's Connixion 130tiottl, WekiderWritoory, (Row, Ed, ) Reid? English'lnetinam' • Worcester's Compreb °noire • ' lEoreesler's Sghool Dictionary q Adler's Cierinot r eod EnitllaVbieuonalT , OrsoMeget's Proilooptiog German Rioragg. or rale at the 'HAULM BOORS RN, on2S-tf. 851 94)II13 street , nor olortb• ' #irs#..,a ,tr/gaittliziv4k4r . it? ' • • _ • - . , INII W. VAN. REED, 8213. PENN STREET. • '&l4E' o'. .Oltimict4i w 4,4„i t i iiaatnhlaoa our baste.. iner . s anti f i rt , t ; *lnOiatkponiiit Oi.,l4;neakpW , ,ii 14.11\ Alip- VINTE,R DRY SATURDAY AND MOND2 , . _ When we expect to have op9t . , 0 large old u . nuatiOlY . 'rittrOtivo stook of good& Our stock of Dross Goods will be. taoro ceniplete.thOtts ot aus time b er i, to. for ~ Ai - id will" ifipliale till the now 60 haudsouielootis for-which INS soutzen's ifitvortattonil aro 'alrOailj , hotod, at 4 in qurilit , rogifig. frifia:thevhcapost Do 1431110 t?'tho :104st clegunt- Silk and Okik Eqloti -.;'• , . ) '', . , • . Our stook of Shawls will be E large - .Knit . vatiod, , awl will ho Aal fifi to contain ovet7thi og the market; affords, Ilvut , -the , plainest Sluukot to tlaillucettaisley We will also have retaly Ajar ptittOts : 5 5 •. • • .;i : . • ' 5 . . . . . - • • - CLOAKS:'''FOR - FALL' AND' .WINTER,':( I . . i • , • , And will be prepared to flirnish. the. »umi fashionabie Cl,"oaks, fl‘onl the chea ( Ost Cloth Sack to tho•most elettant, Silk Velvet 31antle,j,. . • '. • : F) Also, about 26, eases of Dombstio Goods, smelt as Flannels, Canton Flai mo k i Blankets; Itittslins,•Caliedes, Tickinge, ()hocks, fie. Bqying, is irt,\ ' do, t h e ; o, goods. in large quantities in .Order to supply , wholesale as well as rett i i i trade, we, ,hum to offer oxtra•inducements to enstoram iu this - depaishifent, Our, Carpet stock will helarge and Well assorted for the Fall Traile, and ; o• Will .comprise the bbst fnakes . of Finglisli Tapestry, Brussels, best TinleeTtv i ingrains' Stair and , Entry Carpets; also,also,Mattings; (Al Clet6 \Vhal Shades, &e, • • , ' , •, .. , .-. KTAN}), co: omit 16-10 t • o ANEW'S • 00110016 I'AX.—Notico t hereby glean. to all Opersons in arrears for School' fax, that tho du plicates of tax do real estatt also on rad9s nil oo oupailanK will pass out o the handl' OE tno sub soribor after tho first day o Ootobor next, when an additional Bye p er cqnt.yrill l t bp p,dded. rlallit JONE S . , Treisire r /110 d[nift3 ohoal District, i sl5-2w) (Moo Ne e 11' lt, Sixth stroot; urstitlrs. PAVING NOT/OE. TN PURSUANCE OP A, ItitSOLUTION passed by Counolls, Juno 27,180 K, the owners of real Estate within the City of Reading. having Palio ntents in front of their respoctiro properties out ot repair, are hereby notified and required to ropoir the slum forthwith; oothorwiso, the nrovisons of the Ordinance providing for the - construct i on of sidewalks or footvrays, passed July 21st, 1860,. will be strictly enforced. By order of the Cotewitteo on Highways and Paying • July 15.10tf: 11..•le, II DWELLING ROME NtANTED. A 00 T DIVELLINfI 11QUSE ie ,ftwanted within a reftionable distance OfTenn and Fifth streets. between this time and .tito llrst of October, by a email family. 'li rift at the Moo of the DAILY t.:AGLIL alOtf TAKE No'nom! RAEAT 'REDUCTION on AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND CLOTHING f • GEIGER & BRO., 431 PENN STREET, Wo have just received a splendid stock of •the above lo abodp rice e, s I which are now offered at the follow ingw , .Men's ealeboots,. ' • • 114 6 • kip .boots, ,%. 2 25 II retell calf Congress galtbre, 3 00 " working shoos, extra heavy, 112 00 to 260 II ca ilf baluvals, sowed, , 400 nnvs , • 100 If kip " ' ' 111 60 to - 1 65 Women's lasting, high Polish., Congress gaiters, ' ' 150 "- ' lasting_ balmorals (best), z_ • ' 800 LiNlies' balinorats, ', . , - 100 Dora' h PAL gaiters, . ' 1 0600 Womon's,Moreceo balmorals, Polish, '2OO shoes, - • • -L- 200 Misses' lasting Polish, . ' 1 75 IV,onien's kid slippers, glovo kid, Poliph, high booty' "'almonds, ' .. 82t05 to 825 - • ' ‘ Tho above prieqs tiro as low as nay othor similar place of business in the city. 1 REPAIRIWO. . . , Particular attention .is paid to all kinds of. re= pairing, Wo also kayo on hand a largo and well selected stook of FURS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Remember tho niune anti lumber, ORIORR & BRO., 431, — PENN STREET. aopt 22-if • . . Vlij - ANTE.), immediately , an intolligont boy. TY or two aotivoyoung men; to pm bins. Good WO zee given. Apply at dila aloe. rept. 22-tf.' WANTED.—Two mon to' work on coats and V V NIX girls to work on pinta and vests, at DUCH *11R0 . 8., No. 513 !limn sta., Reading; it • A STIftANGIA COW enuie to tho prorniies j of the subscriber. in Spring township,Wrin farm) soul° two weeks ngo. fho owner oan Who her nivaY upon,paying 'expenses find proving pro perty.' ' ' WILLIAM (1. LASH. sopt 2240 . IyMOCRATIO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE t the Seventh Ward, The Dentoeratio Esemitivo Committee of the SeventhiVard, wilt meet at the °Mee of Israel O. Beek er t No. WO Court street. on Friday, evening, September L0th.1668, at 7%i:o'clock., By order of ISRAEL O. BECKER, Chairman) sea 22-4 t VIRE I VIIIE 11 , ) FIBIlll t--The Grand '• Gilt I! drawing of the (lo d Will The i r., ollißentown, u m will be drawn See's th e tie eta are Mt sold,. which will be tea short, time. Ti kets earl be had, fort) short time. Of B. D. Reichard, Ajt vo eel, Plow and Harrow Hotel, Strickland ,k Bro., nslitution House, and Keysloue saloon. . sept 22 In lIEWARIt. .. . r OST 9.8. STOLEN, 4 DROWN DOG, tnixed JIJ Spanish and grey-hound, with four whito feet and tip of the tuft White, The above reward will be paid on his return to PETER REINED, septlW2t* • , - No. 947 Penn drool. P . . H.F.APTOItY foilentrEq; BAl4$ OF a largo lot of now furnitu r o . and en binetwaste By virtue of divers 'write of execution, Jesuitic' out of the Court of'Common Pleas of Berko Coun ty, tiiii bo sold at public sal ei at_the furniture ira ro room of Ephraim S. Miller, No. 310 Wait Pim. street, Itetiding, on Saturday... Abe 26th day of Sept.,. 1868, at 1 0. , clock p :in., a; large and well assorted loe of superior furniture and cabinet-ware, consisting of 4 sofas... 9, loungos, 5 Ares/ bureaus, 4 /We nt', and 1 furuiturtmagoji and so of sears, besides It ibinet. and cowmen wash-sian E. rocking emirs,' oureausi• marble-ton : and other tablet, pat rao.tie.. towet ' rae)N, bedsteads. Mattresses, writing den& wino seat, ' ode tteil. _Me t and eqtantep ehatre., breakfast and ex enston table, oraweo, voksi sty l i tee4;"werKbetto es and lot ItoOlikand a large lot of fancy and WA nut coffin/. oolde, other articles • o numerous tail:Jou. - Taken into ex Clan and to be sold. without re serve, as the prop of Vaal. Miller. by . • * TO AO BART9,.l3heriff.... '), Sheriff's Office; Segt../8, 1 , • W23-3t DII. SWAIMIBIS , ALIrREAIANG OINTMENT, < • fteiihrige of Wier, Iteb; Balt Abeam Scald H Obis! Pllte4ll3ll Worms, Yiniplesblotth to e ectsiOkeifk. BarkiersatekilioetkOhren 1,4554811111/01111, %apes. FIrTESIDEA 1M Y• 8 • NEW GEN. TAYLOR IlOt r lSte I -.• • ' `.841 *irth Eighth. Stroot, Withih4l Square of the.V.PPer NriO York 14(i. • .: • ~ .* . „, \ Rif4tDlKo Al, • • • J. zi. : sIIAINWIMIR, ProPrketor. '‘..10-314 piPOIiTANT ‘1%.0'.11.C1 ! VIE 0001) WILL FIRE COMPANY) . . - of ALL:NTOWN, PA, " borebY Whilltwo to ttio ottittim of Desditt that, owing to a ConAitlerablc !lumber of lid:dirt maining • _unsold as well' as coupons unrelurna, they aro nompollod 'to postuono the •drolo t until tho VI; of Doonnber. Tiekots can hohad,for a short time, of E. P. itolohard, Ploutth tat !Farrow Hotel, ad Strickland. Bro. slO4l H it A ikitiuAnTioes Us, Secretary. CAMPAIGW FOODS UNION afiIVEIJItY IitANTMA,CTORT (Neat door to tho Eroninir Dispatch Office.) • 20;000` Campaign Badgesl ,DEJdOCEATIC AND REPUBLICAN, Direet from the Et torn end other manufftotorin, vrhich we can sell at Now York pile% fly dor sand, hundred or doson, They ere , dortmon over offered for into tn the city of link ins, having over ono hundred different pattc each as Module, Pins, filoeve Buttons, kitudo, Good Agents wanted— .good percentage al lowed. . . Our Retail prices'are titan 10 cents to 94 00, Pc sons will do•woll to give us a call before pus ' rig elsewhere. , SOCIETY RADOS, MARKS AND TIM ' • of all kinds:l:ado to order t also, jewejry ofdldt seriptions • fiande and repaired. Watches id Clobke properly repaired. &it/ • iipprontkev or imPree l Fwanted, the riOly York fillineri,EL 4 a, 334 Penii street, Applltgracil 141 Ii sir`f , , Ivr"o'ric itAttpulti.7o.A s) 474 , iivitosiw.-80 - 0,4 olaposi bl rr eolyed by ti) Committee on City Pr peril f. / Corporation Of the city of Readhliff theta of's new engine house, at the Nort -out coral Eighth stroot and liberty alley. Adroit Ind I of tho'builtling, with "penifications, eau be tea thOolee.t , Connell chamber. An d I / streota. Propooals trill bet received ;Wilt el ingiloftho 20th of Hoptember;lB6B. BY order" Committee on City I'roPortY.- Sont.ls4lt Jl. J . IAUEI, Bidetirf• W • • AN le tat, as miner in ti fiat -class Restaurant , / 14.—An natty' 0 man, with a entP city. For p rtieulara utiter,rtinmanraAritlingteAbi, ,ti aug 31-tf , I ,' • . Ileadias F.' , . riaksvmiEvirom 43 u a IICIL-171malf VMeat Cure fur Consuipptioit nod roAf , _,I fectiops, is prescrlb,ed entl.recomplen(K • 7 siolins all ovot the country,' awl id ri„„, E1.r.i.... ~.. ALL. OTHER BROOMS' 1 a will oorivluee thi nilt ePr ttle;, six for to_.__ii i ipt i ir ' r aid by B. 0. VP A . Sri oath.; stessts,, Flallisid, plilas indlitt Pnigil . , TITY ',ROTE soviitt • ancorli' (Ne& Penn • READIN 1011.01mirge,s modem A; 14 7 :.Eitye av" if sold chap. 1= GOODS, rE A 14.1) 21STI AT TIM BM BAI)G-F, NO. 1.4 NORTIt EPOT, 1. 111*. idTra