THE DA.ILintE, it3ADS - g.i. PA., BHlq,l4l4Balt 28, 1888. CITY AND 'ol)Nis iiiiiii EDIT )2==nll2l P. li.—Gray, meet Sixth, 71, No. 1.• Black, meet Fourth, 7f, No. 1. Blue,Meet Fourth, 71, No. 2. • Furilo o ; meek • tillitha Sit ~fhtgri NO. I. Brown, meet Fourth, 7f,_N0..2. Red, meet Seventh, lf, No, 2, Green, meet Oitib i ll i No. , THE MAN ABOUT 1 1 01W111.—f3eci impoti.l 'lint local nui4er In other 'columns. nad nibt—blkianist. • llOw to do the aptlebt tblog—be upright. Umbrella dealers are tejoloil3, at the proseeet wet weather. That pump. which hood for to mai* years in Ik. eastern Market House, was out off Yesterday. , The engine la 'Eckert k Co.'s Fantle* broke. down last week, but wlll be all rlgtit again In a tisr days. A diehlag mad fishionable widow says she thinks of suing some follow for abreact' of proadiem that tho world may know tbat she t in themarket. , The melon season 41 pearly over. nuclide» nd difficulty In disposing of their stock beford it ba r comes axle, fiat and nnprofltable. " • A pleasant old lady fp Phflatlelphla has a mOno• manta for throwlnglet srandoldldrea eat otthtra story windows. .Au alroollowde grandam, Quite a number of "nate to town.: I. Mika will be dear this fall. lteabon rupply. • " 1 , ()o to the Domneisthi:mietlii to-14bl. ' The Colninbti MIME noli In ' . • . A vegetable 4144,45t,' Boys may be ityled goon, In a roondsbOut way, John Puy, sold to bel ilia fastest type!iottOr In Philadelphle, died MI Ueda,. . • slxtoee photographs for opolothir can b 0 had at Yesger's Qallery, 413331penn street. ; • • A boy ahOut twelve years of *go fell In a fit on the corner of 6th and Penn streets yester4oY. The little tattoo , was carried into Dr. Thinteeliterie drug store, where ho was soon rebtored to cone . !doneness. "The Ohl that keeps the Poa-nut Stand" tho whoWatlon of our Whlstllnk youths. • ' , • A steell oscillating enxineVas , on exhibition at City ,119. tel yesterday ; whtoh wad tun by it common ell whole thing, 411#1110 and bolter,was not btrger than a quart measure. The steam was sot u from cold water In' about two minutos, so that performed 'two hundred and fifty rovolu tions per mitatito. • A young friend asks us how long,l4tas have been in use. You have tut on the airing now. boy. That Question atlas us. All we know about kites Is, that they are a high old instittattote and that there by hangs a tail. .- Hoarders ate now !faeotiously called hOsh-wtest far/. • Scan of our pavements peed repairs. • If you want to select front the largost and boat Ideated stook pf furnishing goods, and under-oloth -1061 60 to Duch & Bro.'s, N 0.548 Penn street. Rainy day, yesterday. It was down in the Mma nao fot the autumnal equinox, commonly nailed Nookamixon—but it passed by without much of a bluster or blow. Dad taste—protty young girls kissing, widowers' children. i ' , The latest Invention le a maohlne for sorting po t►tooe at the fate ofd bushel aer minute. The BWlsai Bell Ringers Will open at Lancaster to-morrow. . Dealers In boots and theca nro enjoying busy lisies just now. Dusters and straw hats aro not altogether abol ished, We cart several each to•day. ' The season when buckwheat cakes, looking hot, 1,111 bo a moping luxury, to fast upproliehhur. Coal dealers are Wolin flush times Jot now, and an idvenee may soon bo antlotpated. The cold weather has cadged a reduction in the . use of too, toe cream and summer-drinks. Largo quantities of cattle and steak continue to be shipped over the ratlrAde at this point for Eas tern markets. t Farmertfoomplain of tho dopreditions made on their fruit by men mid boys from tho city, whose views do not either agree with laws or corm nd monts. Thor . ° aro nt preiantl9 locomotives on the b ooks, In course of construction, in tho shops at tho old depot. • The Life of Ben, Butler,by Brink Pomeroy, is for sale at the &din Book' Bloke. Prjco 23 coats. Rich and racy, tart aml truthful, About now. let people subject top. ague font fy thombelves against it. There is reason for the excrete° of exceeding care on tho part of every one living in the vicinity of marehy,ground. Yesterday was a dull, bleak and dismal day.. A steady, chilling rainiell all the afternoon, render ing the outside world cheerless and rayless, and lending additional enchantment to the joys of , home / Wo claim for. this, ate article mach needbd ln every family, that no housekeeper, after tieing One of these funny pressesovilline without thoM, " They aro all warranted to do as represented, at Me- Knight's hArdwaristore, Third and Penh streets, A tow years ago tho latVes wore a kind of-hood, tilled "kiss ate if you.dar4." The prebent style of bonnet [night well bo callgd, with equal proprlety,; • "kiss me 11y6u want to.". The people'who arc at pkiont building, aro hur rying on Oak workmen, In onlet to get the build ings under,gbof before the 'cold weather Ote in.' The "001;11)011" we have had has raised gill* A -IMO aging them. I The Drop of irrsPia this fall ie immaitne...Tha Jerseymen say titsObeir eines are breaking front the trelltsel by'thelloafor huh. To mathro the stapes sunshine hilsolutely necessary. In shaded 0104 in the glty people do with the immature Product ail best tlst.,Y, can:, An y artist in , this's tilt is, engaged, on a panorama which he nag Cothts/4 Ito scenes ara . nanttV after the style of trOPleak,Siians. with a Proruatim of flowers.prisity foliage and all that, surmounted; Of course, by tho' bhitit and softest of titles, Another artistic painting ono representing) 814 Months After Martha°. The sky here Is also blue -very blue-,but quite different *old the former. Instead of flowers 'there are a groat many anima and weeds. , , Though It rained, yet the market this censorm o rning s r was well attended, both by producers d censor mere. Prietw were welt maintained, nd POPle hurried off as soon es pomible with b kets well tilled. There was an abundsnee of everything,and no trouble was had to make. choice. Producers realised, on an average, the following Prices: Chickens, from 90 to 126 tents per pair ; eggs, 26 to % cents per dozen; butter, 40 to 65 cents perk.; tomatoes, 10 tp 20 cents Per ki peck; Hula beans, 18 to 20 cents par quart; apples;lBto 80 tents ger . 34 peck ; .apple-bntter. 40 cents per quart; eablotte,'B to 12 cents per Bead; peppers, 8 to 12 ee,nts per d ot -, en; onions, 25 to 80 eonts per % peck 1 green corn 18 to 20. cents per dozen t egg Omit, 3 to I; cent; apiece; citrons, 8 to 12 cents apiece; sweet potitoas t . (large) 22 to Zieents per )4 peek; sweet .potatoes, (small) 16 to 18 tents per % peqk t •Irish potAtiDes` V. to 25 cents pir % pock; elder, 20 cents per quart; Peaches, 75 cents per 14 pock; hops, 5 Conte Per quart; beeke, 2 to 8 °mita; beansels cents pert:taut; rousahes, 2 to 4 eenti i 'fog grapes, 8 to 10.eenti pitr, quart; mane% 25 cents pet dOien; . • ' 4.0-..4:-,....... Raading School _ 4' their. monthly 'meeting in ' the tin it School . oit Woodsy evening,'Sept, 2 0.4 008. .- . 1 11 'fteit4dPtt,, ` i jiltp; ILL ' chid Xiiis'' called ,rho meeting to order, ftet *bleb' toe roll was called,' and the follawing inemb6rs 'were presents '•I, • t •...;- ~.,.. . ._' .: Messrs. Boyer, Banat, Beyerici, Ernien- I treat Geo. M., Frees, OyiGornand ) Ilaien ,mtui,lfolf, Jones, Johnsioal - Jacobso ,Lein, &Caxton, McCady, McOoyan,', McKvJght, • Meets, Richards, - Kitte4ltoland, Robrbaclk, Ninney • Shelter,. Van ' Leer, and Walter 7-26.. • !Absent—Messrs, Bissikumer, i..inientrout Daniel, Gots,'Hawley, Marwick, `,Mcidatme-, Mulligan t Neff, Sprecher, and Shaaber-10. • , The City Superintendent, then read lis monthly report. • '.• ' ' •.' ' ' • (Mr. Frees; Chairman •of Normal &tool Committee, made t verbal report, recoil). 'nliSnding the ‘re.opening , 4,•the • Normal *heal, on the Ord Saturdity'in'cicieber, and nominating the following teachers: • John S. Barnes. Principal; George' F. Wells, 'Assistant: , ' , ;-• •• • . • , ' . Oil •mtitioti - the rend was 'received and „oppt•torand the'nommitions' were. orient ) wool on fi rnied.' ••• • •' • • ' :- Mr. riner;• Chairin an of Grammar filehool Cointhittee, Matte Open, and.atated that the coitus - 14W; and the. Grammar teachers; had mot' together on lust Wednesday evening, Sept, 16th. ' The, subject brought before them for *Sidon:Oen was an appliention 1 m from `the Grammar 'teacher for an. increase' ,of • salary. After ma re deliberation, the ; committee had directed him to recommend an increase of $6O a year toile salaries of the Grammar teachers.. ~ ') • •'• ' ' ' ' : ... 1 Mr, 'McGowan moved that the report be approved and the inereato granted. , Mr. Hoff olled.for tile yeas and nays ,on the motion.' ' •'• •• ” '; After a lengthy discussion, Dr. McCurdy moved to amend by reccinimending an in. ereiso•of $5O a yeay, also, ,to the, saleries'of the Seeondaii teachers. • . _, The question on the amendment was taken 14 yeas and nays and was determined in the negative. . , 7 • • , ~ . Yeas—Messrs. foyer, ilagenmen Jacobs, Leiss i .UcCurdy, McGowan, bfoliniht, Ro laud, Hannay, Shatter, and Van Leer-11. Nays—Messrs. Briner •Beyerle, Ermen trout • Gee. M., ,Frees, Thy, Gernand, Heff, Johnston, Idaxten, Moors, Richards, Ritter, Robrbach t and Walter-44. '. , ,• Not voting, btr, Jones-I.', ' • The vote then, recurring - on the original motion, it Was disareed to as follows , : Yeas—ldessrs. agenman, Jacobs,•' Mc- Gowan, McKnight, Rooney, Shalter-6., ,' ' Nays •-'4dilsiirs;%Boiero .13riner ? Beyerle, Ermentrout Gee, M., Freon, Gernand, , floff, Jones, Johnston, Lobos, Maxton, McCurdy, Moors, Richards,Roland, Rohrbach, Van Leer, Ritter, and Walter-20. , •, , Mr. Roland,' Chairman of Secondary ICommittee, moved that Mrs. Paulus bo ex empted from attendaneo at the Normal School. Agreed, to. ', , Mr. Hoff, Chairman of Primary Commit tee, reported the nomination of Miss Eliza beth Mason, as Assistant teacher in Second. Male Primary School, 4th section, in place of Miss Mary J, Frees, resigned. Dr. McCurdy, Chairman of Milano 4gorn• mittee reported a recommendation' Of ths off to exonerate Isaac, Helder from the collection of certain taxes for the year 1860, and moved that'' an order in favor of Mr. Holder be drawn for $61.00, less 26 , per cont. •for amount overpaid. • , The report was apprbved, and the motion agreed to. , . ! ' , , Mr, Moyle, Chairman of the Ldaal Com mittee, in Brd section, reported the follow ing bills, which wore ordered to be paid i • Fox, Hagy & Co., chimney tops, &0., • in Brd section, • ' , • , .- $l6 20 Josiah Thompson, carpenter work, • Brd section, 64 98 John P. nautil i _ re p airing stoves, &c., • Brd section, . . , . 48 88 Mr. Roland, Chairman Local Committee in Ist section,- reported the following bills, which wore ordered to bepaid: , , . . John Sinithinger, 2/ days' . labor in 2d • section, ~ • " °lsB 75 Peter Brown, sand and. lime, 24 see. 285 J,Keely, sawed shingles, 24 section. 120 B.' Koch, repairing and cleaning , . 24. 1 8 m i ' OcetivT,. , . John pinkie, work at school house,. 24 section, (i 50 Mellott & Kinsey, 2 payement grates, 24 section, , . • i , • 340 Fox, lingy & Co., 2 Oinil.„,,, , itops, 24 • section, , 3 10 00 Andretv,Davis, 24 feet flag 'atone, 2d ' section, C o . ,Eisenhower, Fink & • , 9 hours work, second section, • ' ''. :'• 262 Mr. Hoff, from . Local Committee in '6th section, reported the foll Owing bills, , which were ordered to be paid : . , John W.%oiders, painting at High; •• : ‘1 School building, . $ 201'6 George Solders , laying pavement,: . • 'High School building, . . 17 00, Chnst, Elie% 569 feet flag stones,' High School building, ' ', • 55 50 Martin ::Richards, 11 days' • work, . • lime, &c.; High School building, ' 18 , 60 Witman & Worley, 1,9431 feet nth , 1 facial pavement, :high .School building, \ . Wm. Bridegatu, repniring , stoves, • &e. in, 6th sectihn 7 . 80 76 • Mr. 'Boyer, Chairman ' of Committee on' supplies reported the folloiving bill, which was ordered to be paid : --- 1. W. 'Harper, 2 school:registers and • 2 blank books, , ' . $55 21 • Mr. , Van Leer, Chairman of Local Com mittee In 4th section, reported the following bills, which were ordered to be paid: • Eisenhower, Fink &Co. intik-, , • - ing 'fence i at school bu ilding,' . $163 89 Fjaderiek Barth, hauling '77 loads (Around, 4th sectiop, Josiah Thompson, repairing liehoei , i houses, 4th Section', - - `• • 19d ;an 'Miler, Mending lecke; 4th • 'section, - • Aaron Greenleaf, hauling bricks . hnd dirt, 4th section, •• ' . John W. Settlers, painting school house, 41h section ! , ' 85 59 J. B. Brown, sand and coal dirt,4tb c . ` section, ' - ' ' • - .. . . 450 Wm. D. Shatell, carpenter work, • lumber, b., 4th 'section,' 10 og Ritter & ,Co.,publishing notice for • . .• propesala tolhild achobt ',house, %' : i i house, 4th, sectimi, • 2.60 `Evening Ditpateli,pUblishing ice' • -for proposals to , build ' school' ; • • 4th•section, , • A Hiram S. Fry,balffing dirt and ley- • elling, 4th section, , '' ' : 1 • • • 11'60 Win. Gints v eleaniag briclui; 'level- ' 4' ' ' . ling; &c., 4th section, --`' • • Too Lewis Gable, curbing' and paving, ", , 4th section,, ' • ' ' 24 ,80 4, P, Dauth, coal btekets; stova.' ~ pipe, &0., 4th Sectiini, ' 880 Samuel Sponagle t plastering , and raorter,4th seettop, , • ,'' ~ *Boykin to,M)1441100 ) ,Pai•Ptt , I.loek, &0.,.4th 'section, • ' 470 Smith & biaderrpainting end glazing , ;• , • _ 1 in 4th section, ' • ' ' ' • $3194 Mr, &iner t /Chairman of Loral Committee in sth: section, reported the following bill's, which wore tottered to' bevaid e, ' , . . ' Buthauan '& .Hullinger,plastering . ial ;. '' '6th Section, ' :, '4lB 60 IS Mil =I 4014 ' , .. -_,-: '\': -•' 462 ''4,lwJa priner, 881 y . srde wieds l ,lls l , r 44 in . bdiaceticin,, , ` , i- , - ..i, • ;,, . ' • : i4rB ,.b tvi u scaup t.stli tterVsir. ,'lvr:i i2l:is - `lfni. 'Bride. ••,i,Uns-oof an rep ~••.' ' `-' :•- •'''' ii 4, at 1 giko4qol,, . . tin s 1 011Mot1011 bttrPite. tliketl6l6l ) . it billta ' seated foklightaintrods on the illglr tic otil, Boildil was referred back tai the ~ 00,1k' •)1. 1 : teoTdr: /h4rcizonsidefsilloW 1 i 1 ' i 1 , Mr: a en - min alabludved that tha ;Tea. Enter be itiet:ed tO make a statement at the .nOO meeting of, he 801.a4, or 1 1 10 ; 11 1° 0 , 4 9 f Money eollectad orrilin duplicates orgiePrts sent: year, the amount disbursed ' , and I,liti parpOaes for iliieli tlicatinti iirsieeitiandeik Agreed to. 2 ' " \ :' ' (• l• 1 - ' . . , j - ' . . .4 , - ~ On motion of Mr. Doff, a bill • ,pr4entoll kir n new roof on the 11,igti School Building, Was ordered not to ho paia, pritil.,tho A-Ant' should bemeasured. '' • ' " • 'Mr. Uiprli ta'oviAl &it 'lli° LUctil COrniiiiV tee an School Proprty in ad section, be on. thorizod and direct to hay of Mr. John f_ipchn, the part of the lot in th e rear of the Fr4tikliti atreelachcoi Mrs°, at's' prieel not exceeding $l, .1,• ~ • •• • -, ; i ' The motion i s distigreid to. .. t „ 7 h • : Mr. Boyer; airman of ecantnittee on . Supplies, , submitted the following proposals . far furnishing coal to the school houses. ~.. '' L • I teAeliio, Sept:2lst, 190* t UtimMittea . on Suppl ies of 04101de:710 $ OO 9 l Bowl.• 80. • ' ' ; ' '''' ' ' • ' '' '. I . Sir:--1: propose to deliver through thollfo "Ina coal yar, well wane(' tato hundred (200) tons flrst , class trhiti resit egg , Co 4 I - to the several 8011001 h91 1 84$ in hg city, et 14 0 committee may direct" at $4190 per ton of 2000 1bi1,..',. Bespootfully submitted. • 1 ' ;,, ; v . , : , T . L Shalom. R. liLtits4Eir.' , .4___ ' : iscitnici,,tept. 21st, 1808. 1 i HoCtil KRIOK:—WiII supply the Board' ,iitlAonl at $5.87. ' READINet 'Sept. 21st, 1808. M. IC.' Boyars , Esq—Dear Sirs—We will furnish•the publiO schoold 'of ithe ;city f heading with 200 tong of Kear Bro.` & Co's. *hit° ash egg coal at $4.79 .4 per ton. , I. . Respectfully yours, . . , PEACOCK & 011TII ! ' Mr. 'Hoff moved to award tho contract to Samuel Markley, as lie was thoilowest bid. dor. , Agreed to. , '- ` i On motion of Mr. Llagenniaii, Certain our gestions Contained in the city duterintend ent'a report, relative to discontinuing recess in the dehOols,and to getting tickets or cards printed for occasional distributidn among the pupils, as revards.of merit, wero taken up for consideration,. " • •:. . Mr. McKnight nioved to diacontinuo the Morning and afternoon recess hereafter, and in place thereof, to shorten tho half day sos. sions ono half hour , each, as follows,: The morning session to open at 0 o'clock and close. t 19o'clock a. .M., and theafter noon session to open at 1/ olelockand close at 4,O'olockp. / in.," throughout the year.— This regulation to apply to all., the , Schools, except tho High School. Mr. G. 'M, Ermentrout offered as an amentlinent, that the half day sessions be shortened ono•fourth of an hour instead of Ono-half an hour. ' .. ' The amendment was disagreed to. ' Mr. M,eKnight's motion was then adopted. .. On m o tion of. Mr. Aagenman the city •sn' perintendent was directed to prepare forms for reward tickets and to submit them for approval' at the next meeting of the 413oard. . <6l 41, Mr. Fry moved that a /committee be ap pointed to inquire into the expediency of erecting a building on tho High School lot to be used as nn office for the, BoArd of Onto , troller& . . Said committee to report at the next medt ,ing of the Board. The motion was agreed to; and the Presi• den t appointed the following committee: ' Messrs. Fry, Hawley, Beyeile, Miss, Ger i nand. Mr. Wallin, Chairman of Special Cotmnito tee, to proper rules tuovern the Board in granting the se ofschool rooms for Sunday School purposes, submitted the following report: READINO, Sept, 21st; 1808. ,To the Board of School Cohtrollere of the city of Reading: OminuarEN: —Your Committeoll* ted for the purpose of reportinf wha - t's*t lif any, the Board of School Gontroll44 uld requirobeforp the school housokait ij by Sabbath pchools and other putt** , eaVe to report. Ttiat the Board ?of School Controllers should'require,froui each and every applidant or applicants, a bond to be approved by the President qf this Board, in the sum of $5OO for each 'L4ebool 'house• or room occupied therein. This 0- - take 7 68 is seenrity,to be for the . pueposo of securing this Board egaitist any loss that may arise - by reason of the negligent or abuse of the, school . properly. All of which reseeetfully submitted, MICHAL )YAllifEß, NI DAO4‘ 811AADER (Signed) s u. r .Committee. v NOERS, , ' LEWIS BRIBER. J Op motion the report was received, and the recommendation approvied. 4Str. Walter also presented an application, i from tho choir of the St. John's Lutheran- Church, for permispion ,to use the upper' room in the Poplar alloy Schbol House, on Tuesday evenings, for the practicing meet ings of the association., Mr. G. M. Ermentrout moved that the ] application be favorably considered, and the - request granted. Disagreed to. Mr. Moors, from Local Committee in 241, section, reported that the lots in Franklin street, proposdd by him at the last meeting, had been purchased for $6,600, and that the nebessary papers would be made out in a 'short time. He moved that the officers of the Board be' directed , to sign the aiticles of agreement, and to complete the purchase.— Agreed to. . • Mr; Beyer, from Local Commiltee in 4th section, informed the Board that the lots be. yond the rope' walk,mentioned by hitd at the last meeting, could not , be . . bought, as Ur. Jaekspn, the owner, had Werae4 hini they wereqot Tor 'sato. ", , On motion the BoarttiOlaiifs4, Jottx D, . BAENES Sec. 262 41 7 70 2 40 1 87 AT tiio public sale of building lots in Le banon, on Monday, the, following named "eititens of Reading invested s Thomas Stott, 1 lot, _ $lO5 • Daniel garlett, 1 46 105 George Dieffenbaeb,' 2 . lots, i - 210 The let, pr,ee,nrpd by Mr, Barlett fs s cot. , 800 LIMIT his just received a large lot of pure, fresh - chugs and TnedkeineS, Of all kinds: t ThoSoi 00 desire the puro ' atli 1e (and who dace, not?) we, would 'advise thinn to go to Illm.;lllarrlies are4easonablo,and ,hewait4 up,on Al Ins Customers a:prornet ,and tentlevanly Minaer. A)1 prescriptions aro put up in the most Careful manner, and thewis', no - dangers of any, mistakes curling. Th e: p pc m, toilet articles for sale;—oils; Washes, soaps, brushes, combs, 4te,i • - . Remember the, place--No. 1 North Fifth street:- MOO .12Irti1ctirn'Itit'd 'Windori Shadie and Pape* tneflP, at • r• • 0. H. ebtootnala, ' otreeV . • ~, -.-, , „ , :, p,qtrg_4llo* fr. , ~; 9 fleet ,* '",i.• 4 .• 43 91 Imola lots, ,r . aVY4 il* tWiti,tail Si trOuter.: ‘ gat* ele ell'lWealtir, ' jto l itock ilf. ." Witid li. Vi. - I ....oistt•' * ' ' .' • ~-, . -- ; : '•‘.. ' ; ' ' ' '4. " '`...'' '' .''‘' t '. •• ''''''' , o ) . (' "le y ` 9 , ernyi'mn. 2 ete • ' • tie' • -" F•ji 62) • 210 ' • : • • 1,66 today, L.—Turn out. In foree.,at the Dentoeritte iteit ifeitieg, thp . klec o iviWitit . ol4ol*.y. evenles, et o'eleiek, • . • Sept t3-1t ;THE Pair, vOl l contieito ilia wbo o o this 'ireek, closing' oh' ilitit'itlayttftet**; l - 1.. .#, '.„....7 4- ,A... i ' , IMR. WILLIAM IlAtify . ot Inte - ' - tity, sh ot, ytaterdiy, it uifood ' :ife! : !tooth of 1 this 'city, ei g ht grey nod fai .5..11 r Klliirele ? ` A suffietent uoiber ref A 1 , . , .„t .ple.. • • ; Tit* feet itort'af• thtiVirta , iiiociltOle4 , of this City ill•toke_phtee 00 alinrailite: 4 * ',lies,. Qot., O f At Jipyi3tOne . uperet• 00$01 411011 'P '- gitY 1 454 pltios,ao tilt() Piestrreeteo;;,-/ Basait..ooirs.:--14 is ropottoct Oho a aerionabreak:•doinocOnrrodynsterdity MOM. Ing (tart'', o% narrishuri t On' the ',l4banon Railroad: Rovoral ears tontaloing vtativible freight s viol% precipitated . ' , over 40 bank into the canal., The RoadiagAirrockera *oat to the' seents 'orni straightened' , up mitten ?gain. Tkily Wtornod tO,tkiaeitilailt`terOn. , . I ,Ntiv ;' otirrininiT;44...very - vigorous counterfe i s64ressnry note hi in circulition,' The east t. mode of detection is by the green oruainoo en'griving lonsthirlse across the iiiiildleoitthibill, which in the counterfeit is of s peer color. and,. sUsequontly "hack brighter look' thSn tho'.derk, green of ,the original, Been under the uilcillt*P o ' Mg q oligraTi of the- counterfeit is coarser than the or . gindlood there are smile. inipiace , mentor omissions, init to`tho 'naked '. eye it prosen4 a genuine appearance., " ~, , , A Ma. Monomer lira • th Pottstown, He 'went to 'Philadelphia a few days, on a Visit. 'While there ho met a man by the name of Felix Deforge, and inquired of him the way to the depot of the Philadetphia'& Reading Railroad Company, 'The stud pe• forgo volinteered to show the, way; and also expressed a 'desire to go to "Pottstotin'for work, and Mr.' Henan* in, kindness 'of: feral*, assist him ! and gave him' Money, enough to get two tteketir, and allowed . himl to carry • his valis,e. - Define repaid this kindness by disappearing in the crowd lithe depot. He was captured, howover, a few inmates aiterwards,by'a policeman ,whOhad .watched hiin and suspected:him, •A, heat. ing was had before Judge Allisen—Cour Quarter Sessions—yeaterday, and. the cused was sqnteneed to one year in the c ' ty pris,on. ~1 • . , ValioBlllr IfOptlX; No.:7 1 1. A, A &Mae organized and initiated on Handel) , evoing last, and the followirig•otlicers installed:: J.,Pc M.—Harry Ir. Birnin, • D. Winters. R. B.—Geo. K. Helms.; F. S.-'-Howard sagle. • A. R. B.—Alex. Print& ' • •.. • T.—James Di. Saudis. • • - ' Chap.—Riehard W. Lakb. ' Con.--Wm. H. Koch. Azt. Oon.—Wro. 8011;1411er. . T.—Daniel Lindiman.• 0. T.—Franklin Hain. , • - • • 4s _ • . DEMOCRATIC FLICI 214101NR.-r4RO Demo. orate of Second Ward will have a'grand flag raising next 'Saturday evening, 'at,7 o'clock ! at the Second Ward Housoot Jacob WentT el. The Democracy cif Reading and vicinity are cordially . invited t 9 attend, . • The following speakers will be'preient : It C. Becker, Ea q„ Capt. 0. F. Baer Daniel , Ermentrout a Laucks; dqd H : Dernocrats,triin cut in force,and assist your tried and trge Doieocriktie brethren of .the Second Ward in getting up 'a grand Go'early, and show your zeal for the good cense by a turnout 'that will astonish the Radicals. - • • [CODlMUniettlety EDITOR Esau. :—The Pispatch is a'very curious paper. It wants to' know all about Brick. P-omeroy'l ' speech,' and is anxious that all the peoplo shall know it. • Well, thea, ho explained to us, and proVed, that the workingtrien, the farmers, in short the great Masa of the peoplo who did their duty in" the last war, and • wko got for their great sacrifice's the aggregate amount of. $6OO, are Fore ' d' to pay to the bond•holders-and aristocrats more than dau hie. the amount in gold. The Radicals are on the side of the aristocrats, the Democrats ' want to lesson the burdens of the people, and won't consent to it. It is not enough for the bloated bondholders that the peoplo ,endarod all the miscbief attics war, but in the time of.peace, they shall fatten' that aristocracy with the bard earning s of their Work t and whoever won't 13 übrnit is a rebel. Is it not ao, Mr.' Dispatch ? TEIXGRAPHIC,SUMMARY .-‘`i'VebiEse.ty, Sept. 28. L- The Spanish rebels :have 'captured, Cadiz ) , and ,formed a Provisional 'government .in Seville, and the rebe,ii is rapidly inereas.. ing. An insurrection in , fairor [ of a republio rt is also reported in Souther , ,ftily. , -. ' The' Retretiehment Co ` mi)tee . yesterda y begtm its ' lnvestigatidn o , e Catilses of the noaLapPointment: ~of, tho 'Reveible qupo:tii; sore. Among the, wipeasea, examined were Secretary lieCalloeh and CoitiMissioUer Rol. line. '.; lie Sioux and blinienne Indians, now lo• cited• on the Republic river, refuse to re , move to their no reservations on ,the sourL A call, 'for,' an organized, opposition ,tq Goneral Butler's reelection to COngress is reeeiving'signatuies in the.: 1111,k . hfassachi• setts District.' Aq ( IPle' Blo P_Pleutred Yel!' 43 rfi,tirP l °.ntirig 'in Rickards :4% VdtPlanck'S 'oil retlnerY t . at Jersey City. Two men were killed mid two itijuredi and.s2o:ooCo worth c of , oil was'ton , • The Roe Mil) ?; in West rhiladelphia l burned earlyyeaternay inotnog. Lose sBs;.' Njo , - • The 11etiolutionftose Company of Phila delphia ItostOn yiiteiday t anii were Department Of that city. , . . is thought the :,(lovernsiest Wilt 10,401 , .. 'tiOthing ' bf thci teteiit- defaletitiO, v ~ ,00 , . 'l ) T$W O c! ) : , D. 6 O l 4 4 # Ol : tp' . .,*; • ''; . - , lisngs, 'Oioputyitiriiielit ttkoSovEr 166404 ,41600. be ie i 'Ageeeety rreeliale4l4oo A. ~, 4;•iirfyi e n tered by the preseeetion, imul the i r ealkin ' Atwined by ec 46 0 1 4 0 #4 01 4.# 14 . ) , , !therOsAlcular, tot* riot at Oariilla t 14 4 1 1 f4afistOt ratoll4 l l 4 l lc lel4lll. and wounded `in tl e Oft**. t 4 6 ci t •ritot fornie4 the , 'intdect of s, toortimHU. nkAtion by the Cbziverner =be the Legisiature;'and that bodf haal idopted riP Otis, Waning the negme4 4Tbeing APOL . :Tho riot has been the subject of atouference bitween'the Preisident luld S c 4Tf ist V* 4 ' field t and will be further investigated II) lia f w Orleans 'Wait, i nighi i a fight *O. red bet Ween liadical and:Ooniervitive dal* ind44tal stntta wetpflred lit, atreetti hp 44 nO'onoiiitzi Wawa th 134 kili4d.i r ,' W I I , /*'"V.1...'".," $ \A , Tun ancient, prod inetttha ! tlterinaids, 141 YmPho l i Naiaile• and ,the o ,nktek4d 'gni; flowing tresses which' made the ehried by their opsterit of eaith. Vat they arose out Of thowee foam or bathed in fountains r lathed kito reortal hands‘ and kept their 'Wks of, $44/oakdark and hofrowi t :n4ollo hit iiik,n . 44 of itink's V4Atiktsl4'., Wm* , which pa domg the 0411110 thing fol. t Dowd. of peep) input day. - sept Ifl•lm' ' 121 ' • Tap A r rt o klat, sots oft, P . 0 114 m his op s ow the tltt dri spell t: - zat AatAr so_ogosi wow SO lOW at y, re:44Na. tlom tn* tem' is had to uso oo!ki to them oitor t!to trout spottt. To-ui t )rrow •the river 4111 be moistened toy the lipgri ling cart; to keep the dug from worrying the Wbikt esith the " poet of the eeepnit•:',.!• • • I wad not die in Ortam i • ••• 'With Pesobeg 4t fez • 4. When the troy hoffie to rrilpe,••, •• • AndAandidetei tits treit tin " ' ' ilkaialla bleat rin • •• . 1 • • niekory nple t ie t thie os • r •• . 041 who romp% pit 0 drip'!' , 1 ' Ur eVen gitttn 010'P • • • Iterneeqtier, Toiler's 034.0, 034 Zinn Illtirit; • lePt 23 'u, ` 't • 1.• MONEY ,MAEKEL ' .04 4' /W.; Banliiii ' à:l6l6Hk' etti 'iambi , ' .. :,-1-.. 5. : citiOtpoiollows: • 14° A! 41 ' te rl' 2 4*l l 4 Id:U. S. 5'.1883 y'. • n i • • •• •• .4 • - "., "- 114 ' • : elf D0..641,8ivairy5;dthi. ,,,, ..• , .6 -,, 1 , 4W •St 5 Si 0-7 Pd. oy,—. - wit U.S. , ew .• - ....• -', . - ;1; ,'-- • s'. 1 . • u i tt f raw 'eW , • t o /NS. \ ~•; '.. . :4• .;,,' X :,,' '.: ii; t 4 1 11 31 011fOrkt il f::( 1 1:0!ti/le::" '' • 1 i t old in ailing ushoh Bros.. . 4- - 142,k RF,i‘intr Hpinig!sq*,' MesicEF i ' • i . ' '' ' '` ' '' Sept. 4 180 k BUSTIIV a4 relli di irn le 1bW..„i..i.,.1 • tint& „ , . ' t •141•4•••••••io!livant ~,,, !$$ AO iiiip 11),, ,4 ,i , ifii4ii , . f! , la, 8 — en 0 VOO ga dorm tkla -$6 AryLu-st,t ril glow , ' .. •,, :AI filtdatilltr-. . ' . ' L 1... t NA7"Beefslenk, robed VI p„...,.,i,0 , ~ strioln, t 4. ;.1 pi . i r ci p, ,:: ~. 5 t ,,.;.0,,,,,,, ~ /11 , ,„. ....... ' • IMIL , J6 , , . tiolo.ego . '"• . ee dr ied , . . ".< .i , , ra. '4 • , II II e s t etztleut, \ „ 1 '-f .; ...I. . onops, 1 8 ' 1 .II . Mutton . , ~" o,...V•irt,tatoteklill4 e l li ,', Mutton . . ~ . ,•• of i ~.ta i 14 I es s tew, . • - 41, . - 1..,1,,,...; ' ' is . .". . 'Unfair* fresh, " .... 4.1 , fflt z (—=llama smoked-. 1 1 . 1 I ,ili "Sliced, ' I' . V LROOLDIIB ' 0. DES` 17 ...rocienir—eh Idke d n r is og l s iv oi l. I.: __ al Turkles live ) . i ". II . dressed. " • ' Spring onlekentiP pair. ..... c 78o®100 CARPETS t CARPETS I 1 . f, , ',. ' ' ''.• , . .. • . • . •B. 11, MARKEEY 84 CO., " • • \ - •Zare. 1181'1m/I atreet t .lietoto Prank/in t between -', • Sixth and &Tenth tdreete, . ItespootrallY inform the °Miens of Reading pnd vicinity, that they are manufacturing the very hest Ingrain, all-Wool earpota, ever o ff ered in this city, Latest patter and colors . Wholesale and retail at,New York r im.. • • Wo invite t Eipublie to eiamine'Our goods before purchasing elsewhere, and aavo 28 per cent, Buy. out of first hands and save money • , Rept Is - Imes - • • B. 11. MARLEY &•00. . " •. C . O.A L ! C . O . A ..1:4 v'OTIOEI TO. TUE PEO PLE OF READING II and vicinity.--Owlng to t q great and growipg demand for the celebrste Coal. and ‘he imposition sometimes prie ice upon the consum ers, I have deemed it best f or the interest of all,to place of exclusive sale of the above opal in the hands of Messrs. °BERT & W., and BRILL & DRYERLE, of this place, at whose trade can be found at all times a constant tinkly or all sites • FRANK W. lIAZZAItb. -sot PIA tv Agent for fihipperS K RYDER 'it CO., •• • ManufokOttarerig of ' • DR. BDEVER'B Oelebrated Toni° Herb ~ B itters., Jomprtiori of. •, • , WINES AND . LIQUORS. „ ‘ 4l l B 9 ogO iti l l e Agents for //OLIVA vIIRIVALLIIO RU No 121 'North Third, etreot, , • , P/lILADIMPULA. , For sale at the Emile BoOkttore. aug • DAILY..FAST,FREIGHT LINE ~: • • • , .i • :t, • I. • • • . . . 'BRFIVBEttittAPINPISP-NEWA T. ORit, • • • . , ,• • , . ..• . • 4, : "•MOBRIS AND ESSEX ftAILI1041). •'•'; .- • • • •• : , • . Lea' va Beadi ng at 4p. tadiad Now • Yor foill o r ds shit tar OW flfSitk iit i n relight woe, be orb o ' clock pA i lit or for ag at foot of maid atreet;_ /low ark, before 4 o'olook r will bodelived i ttli A Int outrods 113e0.. , 1,2 11%, II 4 , W 1 ridsht Algot. M. 4 oho to, . • :•• - - 'LooslAtetit.l4' *Fextißeitilinst* :,40Pi.843m0s •• ; • •.••' awk:Ptraklrew" s „ .0 0 #710 , 1P.W1*... mat it 104,1,61 4 ), *404 4 1 4 1 .1t4104 . ,40 1 :, iTo altotioto havoati a iiparrilttiii Mot ( 14igiteot ciao of Oki tn . ; 11000004 C 1 11111 4 **S . " 4oaca to ova shad* sososoopAtiomis • .. dookaini44 041.***** - - 4114 " / "P`0 10 1 ' • - r„ L A4I.B4S f t . i ( MTANT PADt „ ' 1 • sclomplah br a tottwaillAtlimaoa • - H It. ettott Y podia* 1l#414: oat Ito wartiatorolki, • ,oathily bum** to Imo ao opptioaolo - t4 ilia 414.1 ttii• t AlWaso so to the ailatt.„:Thodwada otoicomitol koooo* that thlo to I* &Oak,* a toot t4inat ottoatroyeroT; • , gad oloil9,4l4eatioa of 1/oclaroatt paretic* ttit tacit . ocoptict4 014 1 4 4 0 1. truli'lfriaidai Priktta •:, i„iY; - owdziwom Tits . WO* • ':•iro Palma!, • .1 • _ . , ,No family , that once beloirttla acquainted • with itt virtuei Wit beitu it t Priii .40 (nil. ' ' add tO "A litiliiiii ' ' ei',' masioLimrai cO to - , aohlmidilseglifibora. C ii 46 • ' a li Vl; "ill litititVo4l4ll.lll,ltr f • lite io, ifigriiiiit,, lrina. :' • Il i t liff:l4 !: i' o a 0 •'1431 11 l i tl i ooL i zre 1 1 •1. . , , 0 0 , • IP) 4%101611 OM. 0 ' t ' Y *au earl! . tn i zo2t o Tfas , i nh , N o , . 1 . 7 il!, • . f u rerotilt :'.,,, fir'-14-E4 ) nom minykutor •,. 0 . ips , " nub , believe er is , 1 *ps, , ll_ 'far IV, lki moat , uy, : •,,. , } jate intbienn 41:0114.01 ' b °' I ie' late... _ _ .• , • ;- w , ,:: M. • . =EI ,jF't 111 , • -; IS6 O Pit I S:v , BVCII Dit.°lllM,l ' t 3 , • : Usio.openeCti Largo ito4,,fielootellAtmic of • • I . 1 • - N E W. , Gao Ds, F.: (::- t.: •!:: PP r OfO•# CI W!•'- ,„ NO. pp MINN BTasirro. . , , . Pfir 144 G.. cot.ssp.w# , C01ter.,10,4 NEW FALL GOODS! 'Nero selected, 10 'th e City of ?ew, , 7 l tprlt ß f itl4 -will be bed poacili , af nt prices •': '.1O! those 'or ney tithe 7 , iablieb*orkt the' •'; .; Gent MCll l 4l,Cloihing t?iade to Boye' f ,-,plothirig popaykntly„oe bottd Ond made to order. • • - • The; Stook of Fornishi4 Goods br . deeided#' the beat (lamest 'otorteivo_ in the • - • ~ , t'ell;\eee 'and The mere faot'of havlrii theiterifeee of the eels- - 114,4 . cutter.. 'Air., 1411,0. 049:11,p, 4,01041,0 ' go' aranteg that all saimeatsl4lll bote4P4P. 04 • to4i stile 4051;fittlitt,011444 Rememb e r ' h , ; • " t• • Ileadqultters pf rOOO, NO ins kEEIN Bfßigt portico RcrTl am , : ,.. ..11• 1 ", • ' f; 4 l.:. ( Pi i AI 1 • i. , ' t4y3 . 2 , , 1f.0,. , • et..„ , •1, t. . 0 , fI. Jr. ~4 €.. i, , CR S . ' 04 . 1if..,-. , • a , &ai., taa• a ,. , ~. t ., 4 , i , I • : &P hi:l4o, PI V ' I a •,fi e , , , r• w. , , , ' a' t s " 1 .... , , igr • • I ; : f ?L. ?, ' / • 1 4 , AO, il t .•' 10• 40 , •,. •• X 0, Ar lie .. 'l ona • tii ‘X ' 412_,, , , , il 1 7 1 ,• • \ ' '. ...,, r . to •iv , , „,, , -, • 8, ~,.. : :.,.. ,:. ~, ,.,i • . , r gr. ik 4; . If ' i t. (" 1 " iIMI .1 ' ' A, , . ' , •' ' ; 0 to R , ~..,„ , : 015 f-,3 itx fi r, ND . to , .... f t ." t - --f ; y - ~..1 k ;:,, , ,- - t; ' ' • ..-..ritt* ~, 7 ' , ''r • - 7',0: , -tio`' -I hi 2.4 rl AT9ugNolowilii:o4;,. • • • - O at " ~;;4 4 t yse" " trohilifir-TE 000 ; , •;••••,•,'„ • ' =II " ItEADINO • • • • ‘,l • Iti ‘,„ „ lIIMI • Their . EhOok of EMI • %. "P; i ' ' `• • • j ..v:;;,`. ? OMB =1 ".' t , 12 • ` t , il• MEI ME