El 111 THE DAIL E,AOtEe B. pIMG, P 4 'BE 1121311 MC i mi FIRST ,EDITION.-111 4' P. • ; irieet Third; 71, Nog Black; meet Fourth, 7i, No. I Bitoi,rfiteet Fourth'lii_No_ l 2/ Groy f rieet Thiril, , Perpte meet Sixth, n, • thurp, 'No, 'l.. • ' Brown meet Fourth, 7i, No. 2. Yellow, meet Third, 71, Noi 6; ' • White, meet Third,yt, No. 2. TUE ADOWT• TOWN. — Beetrim* ant - Neil Matter In Otbeioolunnii. 1 ' Out ot date—icp oreim. Martino bas goy, Tbo lost "sonostloe tiled Will i Doe, a, errelp)! ia the thr.9 . • hay, w i ngs , le 0;51,111p 4f 'fit*. propelled 64 iilLor A ellibt mtgunderstand lag, tut evokinlKbetwoon two young "chaps," brought thenl to Nowa, but through the interposition 'ofs bystander, the "mill" was brought to a etanct-5t111..., . The liiminirg 'battalion will take place on the, 10th of October. In getting IR In the world be earefhl that t Is , not b* the aid ors rope, • f • • , Money bar deign:tied As great, um* , lore people than the want of I t., • A few week. AO tans were siren SIMI? trans now snatob-safesarebelnitdistrlbntellgratuttensly,; Wonder If the tlitn!,wkik not come wben,nlenos will/ be Elven awe's , Tc“ • ct , " No olass make MOrd ,d'oolsiod bits than prize fighter,. ' The 4 0 Y,tril ink, U 014) Company )tottsakth riew and beentlhtl !,coirtiatie on Monday last. , The obd! sans!, trblch ltas beeP,ln spreirl for twenty rO, en years. will be pnt tq s gims cuo. and ,preserved as a memento'ofthe Msragrv.• Anything in the stationeryline oan be had 'at the Ewa booluitore. , , The near ewienilori to 00tert, Moidirins k Co'i. tolling mill is now completed. A patty of ten Milts 11114 three trentbnPei4 Paid a visittd the White spot earl), on Sunday morn- The Eire Denartirlet of this oily WAS never in a hotter condition thaw not. The Grecian band is pow called itnolrounxbendi-, bustrosity. . . A forob of men aro at work , repairing Bingaman, street, below sth, and laying the crossings Conn ell ordered at their laid Meeting. The ;flan wittt the I"blnyting machino" has ' ar-: &oil in toiyn . . l'ity tho capacity of your iiinga. hie "pulling mmlllllB .l ' is in town, n9nr.etrongth. , , The men with the "galvanic) battery" is here, Try the itrongtb 0, your nerve! ! • JaeOh Rising, the "snake show man," hue ar rived, and will astonish the nativel 'during the, week.' ' Photographers are busy Just now. Some of Ofir , artists Working Oaf arid night. Last night Yoa., earls establishment, 03% Penn area, mounted ,600 picturee for one party. iie'xt season short dramas are to be worn on all occasions with the exception of balls. • To-day, the day and Wight will be equal, the sun, rising at 6 a. m., and setting at 6 p. m. &jut:lntel aomnionoes today. Mosquitoes , are getting discouraged. - Thehl, reign ofainvanee will soon terminate. Quinces have'uot4et Shown' themselves in the market. The question is, are there any to show? Toutateei wlll, soon be lying, 11;41'1 . '11ns and bloody, utAu the ground. People: who have ni4 made limit' Wimp shoUld bury it up. , the late btu of oust &.Mast, Wt walk ptS hls pew .110 . and hie it already up to tho seed M Mot. afr.Otpst expects OS be 14' working order by November Ist. "Ohaugeable" silks and poplins arethe flebioq for •Ms Ivlnter.•, Out' reporter would ' like tq "change" about halts doyen of 'em from Immo dry goods store to his . house. That, is the kind "change" in silks that would stalt ut t The "wlckedeit"..num in Needle* to a Repiblr 414 One of militias has Just taken a lady at 4 oral slot. It looks like 'a bundle of dry goods WWI gathered and in every mixed , and missed coedit non, It will no donbt go, as the lady was trying to r when taken. There wafts fight in WWI Ninth street rosteri day afternoon. Wo could not learn the name of tbp parties or, any partioulars, only tbet ,ooa pf them bad hie eye shroided in Mounting: •-• The regular annual gathering of theManc Oraif •family took place at Mils on Elatuiday last. The gathering was vety'large, and the octillion is rep resented as bailee been very Interesting. Mr. Begat Is putting up an Iron fence in front of the yard adJobilnifhls residence On South Fifth Ily ! , Seyfert hie ono of th finest realdelleee la the city. •• Great rildietion Sa boots and eh es, hats and oapi and elothing at Geiger* 8r0... ,fienn drape r See advertisement. ' lOar farmers atrial bass putting Out, their fall crops as Ole weather will permit, Some two week!' back; the weather was too dry end the ground too has to Plow. Now it Is too wet, hut taking it all Snail, the weather • hag been , very faiorable for farmers, With' 'prObably more working days than generally MI to nigh' lot at this 1104/1031. , Teklog plate and haidkeretsiefs fr4ll young dies by tOrsie ip considered a brilliant exploit by some genes men, though •we hit to, see holy gentleman can do anything of the' khid. •We are. ' glad to Mate that a • yOung man in Samnton his been arregted andpunished for taking is ring &al hop trOad. We hope this la only a 'beginning. itid,thiat toidiy inch examples wig sidado. • ' • • - ip high iliet it don' t go down erect it the Welsh • ' 46*its and tender Planta ',Risotto thb atstimiptiers ham been blighted by the late awl dog change In tiro weithara Eatkelic.ometG Agar visible through a glom. - it Wated stearthe eggetellatlong Gemini and Cali , eer, and can -be aeon between 3 o'clock ant, day light in thirmoridag. After t a e latter part offiep tquiher, It can be aeon with the naked e)fe froMO in thb the morning. • Chief Burgess Sontag; °tithe borough of Nara ' burg, tire, notice, that the streets and gutters of that Wage must be cleaned immediately. Sharp order*. • ' : • • • The winter blde felr,to be to!tpyt,leyo earlier than %t eaa lest year. Novi's the time to got dor. work done and win dows wither-stripped. • A outdo of Wake from now the store men will be too btisy to notice small sobs. t ,• It Is said that a• buret of petroleum hi w cellar plil drive Ilge t ,l ruts, • • Ebel sockets with -rnhber tops; for lied pencils = an excellent artlata—taa be need until the peilly, Is worn out. For sale It the Paiile thittlaterO l i, The feet ate better *levied to reel 'gild the When' you' are sild-Atlantlo are you nieewi l lir half seas over? Gollettly sap he likes snewo, eptrit.- -}toot of hla acquaintlicie are bitiztenden. , d ' liw k w Is the 'hie. : id, the combined •p 'wenn for frailly ar il it is onsl et tteten to ever eptpd. , c au s e . theta for sale 14 his store; hu4 and onh itieehh ; :~i~ MII 'RCM EtrA7ll SOLD.. , Mild kautlitan sold a flu* of•lo9iiieteti Sitogtfit in Ceotre township, this countyito the Dori ong Brothersl feT.maere. t ' r• :1 I iiii 6144 A ' " 2 'eielielio4itiSakst the Dispensary -t wo sprained ankles and a broken alp. • Oh c,118(3 is doing as well as. can be expected.: ' • '' ' . • , 410. ,fiTAMB{I HOP I of this,eity,'Arew the sheep gt Itt4rollorre last night. Hif iml4 it inneedintely to ' "111111 e" Vforrell; 'of Phlla delpbia, for $2.00. It was worth triple that amount. ' Stumm lot of ililmlowa3bades and . Popov', cheap. at' " . IC: Cutivint's, sopt 21.2t ' . • • 730 Penn street. TIM Becks Comity, Agricultural 'Fair commenced this morning, and will clofie on Thursday evening. We will endeaVor to give a till and correct account of the pro ceedings and artieleffeh exhibition. i3loviF.—i.4o 'young cattle—from six to eight !mouths obi—teethed this 04.0,6 moping from Now Notli vtat 'the East Peon r.aiiroad. They were brought liefe,to sell, 0 ' '604 1 4 thecermere who may vis i t Iteidiqg doriortlM proseat . wok /Tits T " itAineotriAroki•lay 'CoAL,--110.0(10 tons of" east wens • ,transpoited over. the Philadelphia and Reading railroad last week, ending on 71144dfiyi /7th Tillar is the largest quantity . 0 goal that has ever . beep eonvoyea over this road in one week. „.....0-, , , 'RUDE Twix Henry . Kurtz, of Mt. Joy fi Laneaster county, is > the owner of tiln'steers, between four and five years weighing together nearly, 6900 pounds. We understand they will be on exhibition in, 'this city this weeki: , • • ' ,TugAdami 43enntrikgricultural Fair will , 'commence to-day ) '22d inst., at Illattyschurt; and will continue until Thursd ay , the 24th. On the fair ground is a half-mge, track, and the society. offers a premium cif $lOO for the' beit trotter—open,to the world. , DEUOCRATS ) turn out this evening, toijenr Jolin'O'Byrne, Esq.,._ of Philadelphia, Who will speak at tho Kozsiond House. Go early, and' take yotir neighbor with you. Should the weather prove unfavorable,the meeting will bo held in Keystone Hall. ' "1)1E Invinciblea 'aro filling up their ranks . very rapidly. Bring in the reernita boys:"—' Certainly; bring in the boys—you can't get' men, and the torches meet im • carried by sonlebodY. Boys" 'are the only'recruits you are likely to receive. StaminaAtvr.—A eitizen of tho Seventh' Ward,. Atie. !Thy ! WI raised -Aivo flower stalks in is pia. the one ho 'named the Seymour and the other.the Grant. stalk, On the former stalk twenty flowers grow, and on the latter. only twelve,'and those are be , log destroyed by caterpillars. A ismnY who lived 27 Mita off,mo‘iedlo . this city yesterday, in wagons. Upon un loading they • discovered a , bundle of bed-, quilts missing. . It is not hnown.whether the bundle was stolimiir lost hiong the reed.— The number of quilts was flbout ndozen,dnd their value not less than $6O. - . MARTINO.—Last. night Martino presented a beautifully chased silver horn—worth some sGo—to the Novereink Fire Company, No. 8, for selling the greatest number of tiolcets to his entertainment. They had disposed of some 00 tiCkets.l The horn is on exhibition at Von Nekla's,'Smith Sixth street. BREAK-DOWN` it EelittriT t 8 FI7RNAOC—The cross-head of the engine, and a large cog wheel, M Eckert's ftirtitice, In the southeast ern part of town, broke on Friday, suspend ing operations. ' The machinists of Messrs: Douglass tic Connaid have been working daY and night, since then, makieg,the repairs. • •, , Tum NEW M. E. pIAPEEN—The masons commenced this morning lkyitig the founda tion for the new Chapel in Elm street, above Ninth. The excavation was made last week. The, dimensions of the lot is 76 by.4o,feet, and the 'building, 'Will . be _65 by 86 feet. Mr. Crouse owns 60 feetfif ground fronting on Ninth 'street, which we understand, he intends reserving for a large Church build ing to be erected,some years hence. . • AnouT ono linndred of our citizens paid a 'visit to the Mineral Springa last :night,' and partook of a suftiptupus supper •which was gottten up for the occasion,. They wore eons vp,yed`to the goring in.eleven carriages and six omnibuesda t and were aocothp Med by a band of mole.' Thek had a delig tfurdrives and spent a pleasant . . evening, 'returning homoin good 4piiits,pleased with themselves and the rest of mankind. - ' • ', ' , BALE OP REAL HOWL—John U. Smith,of Hamburg sold his property on Min *ree l to Oliver H. Sellers, forthe sum of $1,765. The farm of Jacob Focht; deeeased, - of Windsoro township, was sold last 'week. to Idichael,Atenchler, of Upper township' , for the'sum of $14,260. Ale farm contained 211 acreP ..tres.7 • . Wm. D. Shomo,. of Hambu rg ,: sold his store list week.whteh holed occupied twen ty years, to Joseph Ilatzfield and' Harrison Shona), of that place. , • • . ARE You 4.BBEssai4.-Ati thci eleetion c is close at hand, every voter • should examine the tax list stuek up by the' •Aarsor in his district, to .see if hie name. hi" hereon.. 'lf not fbund upon each list ) you • m st go to the Altsessor In person and bavb yont. Ilante:en• tired—it havingbeen ilecidiA that no assess monk is legal except upoa tharrsonai appli batten'df theiolertObbilifiesie&- : ' Let ever) , man lrld tf) highiiinwlunt duty ( k t cinc - eat iltauld d cpriy e d of his vote at the Coining election. • • "Owl press, whieh as been broken down and out of ifeibieb'for a week past, is again qui cive."—Diapateh. A professor of languages is badly needea , at the Dispatch office. the 'German edito rials hate- collapsed because the Germans couldn't understaa• them, end now the Scfs4.otites are trying their hands at French. And such. French! • Shade of 'Napoleon! WOn't`soniebodtpiesent bur neighboiof the Dispatch with a French primer (Our preita is again qtii,viva P" • Take our, hat I • 'IT DIDN'T CONN QV; RIGHT..--4 . 11 excursion train to Lebanon Yestertlay t Bully Lyon canvassed the train to ascertain the pglitiCal•views of the passengers, being.oo6- fiderit of having a :Repuhlican., majority tti report: 'thifortnuatelY for Bally, howevvr ! the verdict went4he wrong way he:took , his seat agaip, refesin j i to make ;public 40 result of the vote.. Tins' is generally the ai4e, with' Radicals. They ire. always . taking votes; on "ha cars; if there In ntsjorltY 'for ,fil e rat4i,bas altrayspublished with it flour* 01 trumpets) lint Irthe Seymour vete prod!) = tillages, nods ng isalit 'o6'4 the metteret n Oh l BOW fair play , is ti Jewel, but yott 4on't appear to think SO. ' CRAB. Lu au & ilibbeti 'lid:AOGolB're is lordirp Domet i ury (100da. 4111 Penn ottootdaext door to se.. Bank.); Pattlat WOWS POl l to Igo sitdo to order. in it Felleir in 's !est! and of government_ and ofied by:eitizeitit of Bee W e have no, I meatm of Awing tt this inseerilei, `--AVe iiikei;"'" 'oglalt e t for, once It'or ey,,teita the ttptli t ,,. *hat does it prof I' SitnplY; that filWeit ilkoos ofthe weak 'of "Berke toasty it , eitimpt f . ton_ !autism We noice,t* slit aftwial prolertyin tin& iouity, in 1841,1!rinjected Ct i t ti ntligilV:it i lA i l kir W t tlt M i l ' did not. embra4 . :the _notile, ,but merely horses, cows, carriegie;turnituro and other ettOntil effects. 1 4 4 have not at .hmiil the tlgures showing the rate of taltatien in that coanty„bnt presume it is so- less than two P.er Cent., 01 foldt If so, the ,tix.pnyere, of erks coun t y wo uld be relieved of e.l)oiit oge i , half their presentdburtheris if thaDemberatie, doctrine of taxing these' bands was in vac- : lice. "Thr} people of, ill 'other atitiena Would. fare citutillY as . VielleH-Hatrisbnr# - hreief, . 1 o.4arm Floor L ana roll)10 ., 011 Clothe, Door anti Carriag9 Mats. &c., at , G. it.• CLeAvinve, - ,,!°44" • • , ' 1Nte, 41 % SITIO' 1. INTERIMINa TO liasops.—At v the recent election of officcif o 40 (enatill Grand; Chapter, Royal Arch' Mason:: of the United' States, the following peraonk were elected : James M. Austin, .of New York, )vas .elected General Grand High "tied; 'Robert S. Burns, of South Carolina, Deputy Grand High Pr iest] Hacker ` of lndiana, Gen eral Grand King; Martin Collins, of MikoU fi, General Grand Scribe; John MoCiellan,of Missaellusettt, General Grand Treasurer ; i John D. Calibre% of Ohio, 0c oral • ,Grand Secretary; Lame S. Titus; of California' tied- Grand Captain of the Heat; Arlin 8. Miner, of 111 in Ois,Generaio rand Eoyal A.rchCaptain. The A:lli:living were elected Officers 'of the' Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States : Wm. 8. Gardiner, of MassachusettN.Grandllatiter; J. Q. A. Fel- , lows, of Louisiana, Deputy Grand Master;: Kent Jarviii, or Grand'Oeneritlissimo;, Lloyd W.'Bell, 6f Missouri, Grand Captain Genera John Frazzell, of Tennessee, Grand Senior Warden; Wm. C. !dungen, of Ken tucky, Grand Junior "Warden; John W. Simons, of New York,. Grand Treasurer;, John D. C. ColliWell, of Ohio Grand Re corder ; Alfred Creigh, of Pennsy l van i a, Grand Standard Bearer; Wm. Barrett, of, New Hampshire, Grand Wand Bearer; and' Thos. W. Chandler, of Georgia, Grand Warden. - MEETING OF./.40129 AND ASSOCIATIONS.- The following named organizations will hold their regular stated meetings this (rvEsimY)' tivoning ' ' -Salvino fAidge No. 106, I. 0. of• 0. F., at; Odd Fellows' Hall. Emblematic Lodge No. 169, L 0. (KO. F.,! at'A9dd-FelloWs' Hall, rhcenk Division No' 41 S. of T. porcine() Hall. Washington Cump, No. 01, J: S. of A.,' "Muhlenborg Mansion," Fourth ' and Paiin streets. Osceola Council No, 34, O. U, A. M.,i Fifth and Washington. Morning Star Circle No. 24, B. U. (11. C.' A., Worneraville. Voroinigungs Lodge No. 193, A. D, 0. 829 Penn greet. • Goethd .L'odge U.' D.' 0. H:, at Yeager ' s Hall, Penn street below Fifth, 1 Guttenberg Lodge, A. P. A., at 703 Peun street. Deborah Franklin Home. Communion, NO) 0, Brotherhood nail Third and Penn sts. Mohnsville Council, No. 80, 0. U, A. M.; Kutztown EnearopMent No, 128, Wertz'. Hotel, Longswamp. Resolute Council, No. 27, J. 0. of A. Yerger's Hall, Penn street, near C e v oath. Iv you want a good-fitting Vest, go to Buoh 34 N 9443, ponn strett. ; ! u • ~‘„ ; POLICE AFFAlRS.—katrick Kaler came td town yesterday on the cars. Ho had evV dently stopped off at some station and took e"big horn" before coming to Reading.--, When he got off the cars nt the depot, he thought ho would take things "free and caily," and acted in a very disorderly mhn. ner. Officer Roland being onhand,took hini in charge, and conducted himto . the "mini glen," where such fellows are straightened up, and sobered. Ile was placed behind tho hhis until this morning, when hp "forked over" $2.25 and was discharged. He coat on his way rejoicing, promising not to visit tint 'fnitinsion" agaln. Win, Walter creme from the country. Af tor seeing the sights, ho indulged somewhat in "bad stuff," which made him kind o' "I don't care for anybody," and finally settled down in Seventh street, ,Between Penn and Franklin', His rest was sbtin , however,dis. turbod,. by officer Lawrence, who came that way, and as it becanie his duty, be took, him upoind conducted him to the "place of rest'! —thdlook-ups This morning ho was called up before HIE Honor, t the Mayor when it was found that he' had tio statnps,and after being reprimanded he was let off, by giving seen• rity for themum of $2.25.- • • Patrick Brady, yesterday, beta me so tor .heavy thit he mistook the pavement for his "virtuous couch," 'and thus stretched him , self at epse. Officej.Maurpr toek pity oil him, and conveyed )ilia to the "bunks" in the station house, where he rested ;well, un til this morning, when ho was called tip ,te sive an account of himself before His Hon or, the Mayor. He was fined $2,25 and diti charged. ; MARRIED. , BROMN--MAVI I 7,BRRGRR.—On Sept. 21 by Rev. E. J. Richards, Mr. imam 0. Bsows to MP MARY. daughter of John Maltaberger, all of this city. No cards. The happy emiple hstro the thanks of all in ;the EAGLI establishment for their present, which was duly disposed of and hghly appreciated. May. their wedded life be & lons and happy one. , • DiEn. e ' BERTOLIT.—On the 20th hut., in Oloy towa sbip, pawl Bangui!, In the 88th ',ear of his age. , The Mends of the fasaily,are respeattuity hutted io attend his fUneral. , ott Thursday suoittne Witt, Sept: 24th, at 10 o'clock; from Lie late residence, is said township, without %Aber notice." 'O2l-3t BUSINESS'' NOTICES. fins DIFFERENOE:—Ocie of tho chief points of difference between civilized and barbarmis mankind is in 'the attention , liven-to & natural coveriug for the , head f.lthe one being carefully,cut, cleansed and bruiheyl l and the other allbwed.to remain dirty. atif unkempt. The use ibf,"Barrett's /Vegetable. Hair Res turatiye",will ensure hll that' could ijo de sired by civilization or ignored by barbarism. —Bogen But. 4 - 4 iepilB4.l* • Da. Ldiur_htdi just received a large lot of pare,, fresh drup• and medicines, of all 'ATliCsier ; d Aire AtelPtiele land Who dok nOttrwe wod d advise thein Ao go tck biro. Ills prices 111:() Actusonable,add h e wake Open all his coiddrners in a prompt And gentlemanly, madder t ,,,. Allpreacriptio are put itilbe most car e indiiner, add there is no danger of pay. 5118444.. oc coning. The .Doetor , haa , 0110 , kinda of toilet .artieles , for sale,--oils, washes, soaps; brushes,' combs, &e., .to. Remember t he ‘ place—No. 1 North Fi1)11 street; ' "' • &di 2144. I= . su .'t I" 116 0) Da?' teti ILlttonra 00 in t inute!...... Wind N. Iv , -••• • ' • • Sitiii44ol4Wovist`ft : i; Mosdati, , • Tuettar, 62" The politieinna a 0 speakers of 'bpth par. ties ato Active and vigilant" and are carry big on the carman' with the groateat ardor. A number of the latter.are announced to ad. dress audiences • at, different,.pointe during the short - tinie Vhleh infervenes before the election. . , ; , , • i' , ;l44l,Avipsjolutiito a!itiz!nicklikve reitit ized a season of unexampled Rrosperltithn presentssuniniei; the ithpetiurgiven to build ingeoperationa testing' their, reaeuxeoi 44), the fallest •• t r , , • , .t• • 111p:false algoi of, fire' af , nion, toidtt . ,l, , . WO caused by, a large citintity tir,toko lining lions' the eldennes of /41`i Ra inßooth Birth" itreet, , oear. Penn. "rliO4, 6 Por,tho , otinief timid not bn, seen: from the atreet,%, The Urethan' tUrritid, otit with theitunal pronviness.'..- •• • • IF you want a tertian!) Over-Coat, so to Pooh & ti,04431, Penn lira- • • A 'malt waifotvod,' dead 'at Nenglies litoe• .kilos, in Oorestoga Valley, Otonarvon tom ship, Berke county, on BatOrday morning NIL •TO was al , elite 'stranger, and It is supposed was a lib° er on the AVilteingtoh and Beading Itall!oad, who probably got to , near the blink when intoxicated ) and vents` suffocated by tbO . gas. • 1 4 0 44itegis *are° es' gold, ,dollait;.‘ Reader;if you allow us our choice, we'll ba like the boy that was, offered ,his aide@ c)f; Sport--goo d and bad ';— by an indulgent teat, we'll try alittle,Of both. , • doubt„ if there , is a' city in Pennsylvania, with a pfroportionate' population,. improving as rapidly. as, Rea 4•! lug. Improvements are going- on every :Oeve. On nearly every Went flue logs are being erected: Sem qre not ' sae jly excelled in architectural beauty and .substan , tial construction.. At places where.no ingsare going up the lot owners aro en hancing the value of their property by laying pavements. .No better investment can he made than the- purchase of bricks • for paving or building purposes. Iv you want It wolf-fitt ng Bult. cheap and good material, go to Buoh .54 Bio's. * [Communicated:l ° "NEWS tatEiC Tatar NORTIVVVEST." SINKING SPRING, Sept. 22d, 1868.. E'DITOW or Tilt HAatV r."--11i6 Plat -Ttil . publican 'mass meeting and torchlight pro cession that was intendedie beheld at Sink 4 ing Sprilla itrat'S4tnrday;eyealtrg, turned out to be (as all • sensible primes expeptediti grand fizzle. ,; It'hadfieen heralded Or:lough the Republiciutreas of the COliwthindiNtni Ang handbills, were posted in All prominen places, announcing it to be made the. grin revival of the "Radical Demorr,°,' Whielcwa ; then in its death throes in that part' of th country: ' - ' • • i . At the hour.fized upon . - the .band airiVed ready for work, and fi nding no person there jumped on their horses and rode to 'Johd ituth's,the place fixed for the Immense (sup/ posed to be) gathering of the cavalcade; bu on arriving there, they found p 0 one but th Committee of Arrangements, and a fella who was prevailed upon to, act as Chief Matl shal; being thrnighed with se berm) as an ini diteement,with 'just thirteen baby faced herr, 3 gip )0 WO ) promised' the possession of the tore ,Sk Y would carry,them that evening; , , 't being arranged as beat they could' and aftAY a distqbance among the smooth; foetal:MlS as to:who shahld cotriatiAmerit can slag, which they stele'from - a Democrat about an hour befc,lre i the immensetavalcade of "bone add slat* loyalty," marehed slow i ly up, the street of the village, Aftrir