Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 22, 1868, Image 1

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Aram *mg, TORAPPOR.
, t. .. ,• t
.!,- c ~,... „,,,, ",,,,,, ~,„,,,.,
unt.,.....,.„,,,,r..U.1mafataia1ted to
il era lb MO 01 WM trUlteitit WM. , To
mail subscribers' st a year, or S IM s quatter
tbe I olistr aif cf/11300. A ir
d 'II pi eat bleVoripe b.
no be . _'• ris ail' temp be
&tiro/Pea ' MADIttO Altar A 01,11,,
. WitaiWia ei MaValt, ?
Tam iliairAtozei 1114 • .
~esins, gm prose,ntoemiqn f , ;from. flee t.
12th to Novemimi 12th ) tt period 'of "three
Eitme" Will be lesnedio
tiouittlitteeutoct,#ol',l4: t 10. 011 174114 tartest
140 . ti t wept. it& t q Nov':l2thi 2mor4
Them Oet..l2thtollov: 12th1 I me + <
No inbseiiptiou for the campsigtr,Boeur :
will be received unlesi neeoMptihied
cas h . . ' t• L
. person getting up a , club., of • ,Ten,
siVeerlberi s n' copy gratis q , ;.
E i tami will keep its reedots well in-1
formed on all • ihn toPlO:s.of the 'day, ,
rritl labor and seslOuily'; for, tlie 410eomine.1
tier* of sound
o ptituivratio3.doetrinee l the;
Unity turd harmony of the, greet 'enteertitiel
parth , and : the:. triumph of orneeratii,
priuselplek oprl t6O DamOcratio'eandidntee.
It will alsocentalu • i in a cotidrinsed form,
all the'plioneisl ( nOWs tho,drti ) lrith'4 tom.:
pieta aid i oriept*eotin! "of ol)' leett4nat• i i
tors in or vonneotod mph our oitliod nouns
ty.' •
• :1
Everyt'.. / ter,ln &Met) , ,:abould tali
the EAQLI for tho ismptkign. 3 to` 1 '1
1,d(11 : 485
• xtrrr!R k 'CO„
Eagle tthice,
pier tlus Pail, satto.
'tstairoX , lN a.salrlreasseirito wOicioyontso,
lirig*Litert 1
The deadly struggle, or to usedin re
modern term the "irrepressible conflict
between tho ' Patricians and Ploblane'of t o
ancient Re•matt republic, and tho eventual
success of the,fortiteV, Wm! the vent cause
the destruction =Of that ,republio, and tii
censeqUent Vreistion of an empire' in whichi
as liistori , ttills'its i nli lire either Patrielane
or tierfe., • " 1 16 hdpe that a more 'gloriocul
eliding May 'lie xmiched 'nth° Contest nevi
going on in our 'land between capital an
labor, in thnpersens of , the bondholder,an
workingman, the writet himself; a
the bamirter, most resPeitfully begs leave t 4
Pee, Oa ce_liewing klitenient Of facts, lnisf
ea,not on the invectives of
, Stump orators;
or the 'effusiene of nowtipaper f writers, but on
the ineontroveitibio nuthOrlty of an atith;
radical calculation, the truth of which will
not b'e doidited 'Wan ago Chen it is generallt
:acknowledged that figures cannot; lie.)
knOtif die fliit stitiiti the tlotincial policy o
the souttled Repuhliean part y, * Wfts to so
ntortiage the nation that t ,theliolders of ife
bonds should bear ti•Lcpart in the burden 4
its support' ) ihtur, acdavielthni‘ the tabor an
enterpristi.g the, Oovnt4t to contribute not
only t:c: Ita'aupport but Ono to that 010
cAPltairtitc, *A1 . :9407 ,Me 0 03 44
guaranteed .by the goverfinient without
sisting4a its maintainaneei4naking the labor
of the tax-pgYer ootnewhat n Mintier to' thtitior
the 1101110`11'spolten 'of in Oreelan‘priydlologY,
'di'? Wei 0 11 041 10 4 lafetlial,t•egtoad o
had assigned him as %task the filling of
red tiot esnildron With, water by dipping' it up
with ti sieve. ,
It is to this Mitch Mooted bond question
that I wish to call attention. Tito Radical
party leaders ady that; the Demoeratio party
favors repudiation, because the platform of /
that party calls for.tho payment of the pub
lio debt in greenback., Abe ourreney in which
it c'lls contracted. Tho,radicel leaders and
platform say abut the United States agreed
to: pay Its boffilit'orissipat aststist;i%
g01d.., Why'they say sol do not understand,
in tie ibeeripe Otinithing on the face of tho
bond itself,, or with the act creating those
bonds, Stipulating Such payment; 'The , fol
lowing le the' Aot of Congress creating the
so.called2o bends: '
" The fittioAuthoil i ting the Arst (M g qf
Greenbacks and 8:20 Donde, is as follows , :
'ACT OP vsettu'atisr 25 1 1802.
"Sitotrox I. The Seretary of the Trevor,
' hereby authorised to issue, on the • credit
of the United States, ono hundred• and fitly
millions of dollars of Vatted Stateenotee,
not hearing ititerest,payable to bearer at the
Treasury of the UnitorStates. and of such
denominations tiS he may deem expedient,
not leas than five nodes each.
And such notes shall ho receivable in pay
meekorCil,taree, internal duties, excuse*,
do td' dm es, end denaands of every hind doo
to the pitted States, except duties on inii•
porte,and'of'ait claims and demands againet
the Untied ailks of every kind • +Mateo* r
creep iiitereet 'wpm) bonds and tiot#,
which gall be paid in coin. And shall also
be lawful meineyAand a legal tender in pay
ment at sat dtbto,‘ puha° prod private, except-1
datiett oti,ldepOtteand Interest vis
* *: And uoh United States
notes Mali be rmieed the same as coin, at
their par value, iteraystAttr l'oß ANY I,4Ns
that may be Iwo/Ur sad or negotiated by
the Seeretaqf the .7%ectettry.
"Sao. 2. ''he Electetery of the TreneavY is
hereby authorized to Issud co'npon bonds or
registered bonds, to an amount not exceed
-1 five Leeched million of dollars, redeem
able at the , pleasuie of the United States
after live years, And pa,yablo totent, yeara
from date, mid bearing interest at the rate
of sixper centime per annum, payabie'Semi
annually. And the Secretary of, the Treas
ury may dispose of such bonds at any time,
at the market value., thertirtf for the coin of
the United States, or for any of the 2%easury
notes that 'hare been or may bereetfler be ia•
sued under the provisions
seen this aot j
all stbcks, bonds, and other ritie of tbe
Milted Ototes lield by individuate, coor rai
lions or tuumeititions the' Utqtaa
States, shalt tie exespi AVM la:ration by or
under stop authority.): •
Now, Mr. Farmer, Mr. Mechanic; Mr. La
borer, the object of tho writer is to get yon
to take your slate and pencil and ealeulate
the value of a five twenty bond for $l,OOO,
issued in 1808, when , greenbacks were worth
from 85 to 40heents on the dollar .. Subbi}
. ' , ^ -,----- " - i - - , ---.-c- , , ' 1-
"; - 7777 111 r , !t..'t :i• 1 &.t:i , .t 0 i ti:,4 4 4 1 ‘ 1 ,I i , Ugl'a.,'-
‘• von in; tiocm TTIAT avirsiiiiiarrAnv
? , •
. , . . . .
c)1 ! .",1r*.40. 1 204i,"
bond would therefore \ 'cost say
,sjun, tor.
which interest to the amount of $6O Pellefir;
bete been paid in gold ' ) or, at, the Irate (140
per cent. {ow, Mr. Blacksmith, or Mr.
Carpenter„kow *in would 'our business
last if y 64 M5..11)4 , 14 1 / 4 4 , soli ht*Rott z ill
{ bey irort or lember? Do you. - yro'u
'uld getia living, aa,d your OWI I 4I I O II .
money, at the lame time?: rat'Olkt. isJOBt,
the) iralifout eamitri has .beep lining under :
'ltailleak4nanagemenk , ;Abd , not content
with' this,; the' Ohlesigo platform Bike ;yen to,
144;301 !of ,these bonds' in gold.:
'YrOtn bib biviitlilentdf $4OO the bondhold.;
iar' lisp sitteadly r'eatiiod the interest foi
kekir#, 430.authik to $ B4O, and it we pay him
noir in greenbadis, gold being quoted at
146,- , bis , $l,OOO in paper ist, worth .about
$7OO iii‘iOld; add iterrealLiti4 in five years; .
Trlnelpal, {soil inymt o / P o *, in specie for
an original investment of $406 ; or, in . :Other
words; he mattes as mutt; ii Oloara fronti bj4
bonds,44 he welqd, in-go years kad htlnreit.
ed his 'meney in any other 'Way.; :Yet the
Radical platfoso nyhttr§s,lliitk a et . i ;7 910
and his keeper lVesbburne at thelk herid ti abli
you to pay!tholbondbbldor-sl,o4oingoldfor
hl4 bond, by which he would realize, insteg4
of $l,OOO, the ailing sum of $1;800 , in (Iv 4
yehrb froiri an 'original' investrnont Of $4OOl.
or in eater, words,,,would t troble his motley.,
fel tact; tlio Radical plalferin `4llkii yon pliin language Le the' bondholder 4
prosent of 80 cents on'ovory dolliir ho line
InvOstod in' bonds...
Tho next' 'at:cation that 'arises is, Ivhcro
does the money. como•from to pay the
est ,en this debt? • The' bondholder pays
40thing-rhiff bonds aro, Oxempe from all
taxes r but the, poor. workingmani`whori he
buys a pound of, sugar, paye,a 4;40 4 PO
to support the bondholder. In 1860, Were
the' viar; good sugar could be bought for 7
ets.• per lb., therefore •it would be supposed
that the consumer would pay 11 cts., but
tpat4qt,th9 cagy; yott out uyinq sugar
for • n per lb. 'The eek, of eugat to the
inducer before the war was about 6 eta. per
tb., to which add(tho wholesale dealer's pro
fit 44 20 per coat.; 0 4 0 No have 0 cents as
the cost of . the' retailer, who; After adding
fro 16 to 20 per cent. as his profit; sold the
article to the consumer for '7 ets t per
'Nom the, Apittpl , cos!. ?f, the 4tamo* su gar *0-
day is but 5 etc . per lb. hi epeele;ni
in Currency,: tor,which add govern me n tarot
4 etc, gives, 14 cents as the coat to tho
whoidstui deatei,lwho add's' his ipiofit of 20
per cent., not only on the article itielf, bu t t,
also on the 4 eta . he has paid nagovernrnent
tax, compelling the retailer to pay, indirect
ly, 445 Coats fax, instead Of - 4 cents, as will
be soda front the following calculation:
Coat Ogpfedaction 6 cte l Orlin cur?
lost to wholesale (letiler t . 11,ets.
AslA•,'• " • I cl, at 24 per •
"Aotit, ' . 840
Cost to retailer,
Add retailer's prat of 20 per et.,
Final cost to consutner, , 10 1.5
from which it will he semi that thewholebur•
Apo Qftaxatien falls on the, workingman or
consumer, our liberal Itadical rulers hA , lng
A l rratfgedthelr tax e,chedulo in such a manner
that , the government and capitalist should
both ,olloct a tax from the working men,
fora lastence l if ;the tax, of 4 cents per lb,
wfie colloCted' from the, retail dealer ho
could sell his' 'sugar for 15 Boats per 1!,.., but
the tat; being 00110041 d fron4lhe producer
alotber cent is eaten,up in thb st,lape Of pro-,
ilia, compering .the CODapper phy 6 eta.
per lb. instead ! of 4 cents tik d his snpr.
pow,' kr. Workingman ) auppi a
iOn. 11$10
i) l 3 PlitbidA ,Of sugar 4 yati. VOtt *mild
ptiy $lO tax* on your sugal.,4(cof wbieh goes
W I the government, and iy*thatrtpitali s t,
As a penalty for Fou r bein f oor. , 4upposo
ii cOOlB S4QO per year to cil4oll,Y4iferel
I r ', you and every other vreAthig man would
pay at the above slqo;6otitvthe shape
of taxes for a single yeaii, Itraifflie next
finerthat arises Is t What 1 14 4014 Ivith the
finer manes money? • 11 7 batAekilly ddes he
dative from, the $4711/O,O'OlP tied by
tAn Radical Congress clutinitty, ar 1807.
The itnitttitl,4*z‘lillitft of Att s9V,in 1, 1 0 are
noi itii*W4, l 0 1 4 1 : 6 1 1 fktinfilii* e
Exsnattiottiikito • t6i . .., .",
almost - tuteltilivew to en- • ,
, force ,the so.ealled region, , . , • i
atruetien nieasutes in the ' i
South, and plivent •the
fe9,l4° , ,Pr thow Otilt4 B , ~
von enjoying that right : ; y' ,`
1 dearest to every, freeman • .
—the right of self-govern- '',
ment—rwbilti our, western
• frontler isurkproteoted)ae ,
cording to tho last message
of the , Y'revident, ~I $140,000,0,
Interest on National debt, ,
bettilei , kohl interest, . , .
$1 1 004,000,000 at 0 per et. '
604 la groonbaehe to 1, 140,000,*
Totorest on debt blaring
, greenbikek intertst, $4O,-
MO,OOO at El per eon ~ 24,000,060
Coat of Freedmea'a Unreal) , 2 ' QM) 000
Wailes oof . °Metre eteatea , '
ender radital;administra- . '
OW 6 t ' . ' , ,' I . ,19,0041000
1 Total tpttra 01,11161 ?.
r ich 41ediiit from $.17'1,709,00b and ire
fit% otl6,l4loiooo'aitlicOollition4e evenit , a
c t
of o government i if #o , ceoelky occupied
;the aouto' riAttlitli't , , .iliiit4B6o, 'ilieit 4 he
t*p dais were S 7 2; OO( V ) PP. . . '
~ T e expenses . of the tovirareent for the
,tint,'ol*,'nion)hot ',of the Oiltent year *tire
liboOt, '05 . 0'00 OW it bit 'then AO receipts
y'. ,f , ,
v•tll:4l,o , v ti
F. `
;4 ,
41! 1
• •
1 cts.
18 4•G
2 2.6
- •
0 4. tmerlN
',' tal
.•fi':k;' it
.rota,„. I I ~ . . ,r I ~ ..._. .) 4 )1,
,P4t eewcea , Pa, reri.,9"fl°T , ''.?,t' i r
!iordei the tuotetiel :4eht Jute #!e!egelVi° l
Aboikalrogutfla!Arh lit a Mi t tclii , F4 A l hA4
470 ed gut, agev l 4l. tA ,th 4 Alke iO.: abpnt
$60,000,600, • which if persisted in, mei
,bits 4t In sit.; , l , ISO . toy. Tit'
reports { ikf the WC "t: 1 Dbp '., .nt, wbic
In / B °. PhP.lleft," 01 9 ,; 4 1 11 r*i a #
.$011 0 9%9 0 0, flOT) 2 : 1 1w," . t; e trV4 !
S 2 O 4,7 "KiR 7
reree . effaf'ol9 B e,e4
,that either the, Zfatiqnal 4eb,t A!"!Okgß i'"..k V I T
greasing, or `: t 4p re initerleYieltlet 4 4 tTeed i
the ,, eheilm .0t 30 4 4 toinnet, o ooP B ol 9 :4o
governmenti OA how imPosokble the WArk 0 i
!retaining to specie Paybiont, or, Otylaith
bonds according to the Radical plaifernU
Now, Mr. *orkingman, go to the Bolts to"
the, .Bill'of Nerembetand iutrgs th t i tl
cal party wish wog: forityea,re longor, an
endorse their policy during the last 8 years,
loan the c$ of 4 years , yoil,i , ll l bttVe )40
1 0 01 0 8 1 1 8 0 0 )000,600 in taxes said have atilt
a 4 4 t. of s2t B boooV loo i f tlaiVadlif,olo
ei ) °,9 ( X ), if CittliS 6 ht• ' ''' ' ' 1 " i
.1 NO *1 the Vetkei UAW Piect th 4 Deoui•
erotic candidates, whose platform callo for
the immediate reAliction 'of the ariniiel'ipt
we' meet eitYkßO thQehY Pet fi ni . n u ll ,tb ° 8 1
of ' $00,00,00
Tho .aholition , of lb° ,Fqied• t 1 ,, t
mcn's Inircati, savkg_year:
ly, , 0 , . , , _,' I, , . , -22, 00 0, 0 C?
The abolition of\ 'Ow army. ‘
,of revenue to rowers, COl-
lectors, vice, pimps L' &d.:
and compelling the, Staten
to collect r internal taxes , , , ,
for tho gbnoral govern
ment, Having thereby - an , '
Total 'redaction /of attuual
Then the Democratic platf?rni proposes tiS
abolish the' Ilittlein'al tante . (Which institii•
tiems are ••allowed
,to Aimee f4,90,00(009. ? 1iv
circulating'notes secured by the government,.
which, Gookabio; d0p40400 , ninon 't, l
of 6-201tondawitli, the treasurer of I„bq Un
test States, and for which the bahke'dra '
inteieilt in 50d at al per'sent•Yindid Islme
greonlineks instead, with which they will i(p t .
decia in bondi the' .aiim of $400;00000,
••• , ,
saving m -interest Jinnuidly $24;00%000 il,
Old, or samog,goo ilk greealiabkei, whit
added to $122,600 f 000, Shows a reduction 1,
the debt $157;000 1 1160 'in; one • kitc ; 4d
tbiall reSiialOiiisf the interest bearinede t
of $4,00 1 0Q0 1 000 under Demooiatle -admlcii , •
traticin, ciillieting.the same, amount of ,ttiX4s
as the 11,40leale propeso, and saving in Ili*
torest. thyaccon'd year,.. $481 8 004
Saving in cost of Army,
.I'geodmenta bureaui &c., • :1 22 , 0 041 0 00
-Amount of- taxes expected' • ~.•', .
..: to "be Vollebted front the , ' 1
. , South from the impetus to. . i
business expected to bet, • I• ~ ~,, i
given by the•withdrawal of i i
• thd 4taty. Ala tho;.sebatitu• c '
tion of 14gitimate govern-'
i went for the •preifent car...„ ~,. , A
Addinstltutions, . '5126,000,00
Ad saving let yeati • . •, , .
Totatreduetion in 2 years, '5452;039,090
Add interest saved and '
filar reduction Ild year, 287,p0P 1 900
Total reduction in, 3 years, 039,00001 r
Add saving in interest, in.
creased revenue, ace.‘, 4th '
year, $820,000,090
"Total reduction in 4 yrs, • $1,059,0049,960
By which it will be seen that tho coaidry
would be $1,200,000,000, tiehet undei De•
mocratic rule for four 'years than it would
limier Radical rule for the same time. , I t
1 4 But suivese , that by some mishap 013
Radical ,portY- slioµld rOain 1 3 9)111c,(9rip
years, then• you would have paid in ta.xps
$8,00,808,800;ind have 'n national debt hi'
creased •to $8,000,000,000. Noty, look El.
this 'picture of the financial condition 10r.
8 years of Democratic rule r f
Reduction in 4 years, $1,040,000,40
Adtl - -"redaction rof interest •.•
and increased revenue Oth -
, year, • , 882,080,080
Totol reduction in 5 yrs.. $1,801,000,000
Add reduction of ; interest • ,
and incroaaed revenue Olh
year,' , 855,000,000
Total reduction la 0 yra. l , $1,7A000,000
‘by'whieh time (tit of 419del# bearing intdrl.
eat in coin would, be palae and also 3,60,-,
000,000 of the 'debt' beariog,iMe,feet'lti
reney. • New add the saiing . apd , .'inscreased
revenue for the 7th jrear 05807,04*M, would
leave : !
_.! . • , ; -*:2,358,000,000
which. udd. interett
j po
.tiopde •
rovoiaiuo Year; . ~,,f ' ;. 5 4103,41,000
. ,
I* l.l i,ductiPn rri 8 Yri W 6 41 0 0049 00
leaving only about $45 1 090,000 ofciebt, none,
bear,inteiest, and showing a
belnaielnfa7or of the Demattratleiplatforin
`ot;eV4,C1;00,1000* -tR,t l O6;e O X O
.#l(Fe:ttliku,tite 4 ipt4ll::(lot l atili; kin?e
Wor)ingoloni • ehonee your, platform.
'Monne yen! tanplatn. seyin9pt Or, Grant!
PrOsperity or Raja I
—Two 'nett k lieirYtotl4 on
Saturday. (pram& bpi, ihmtalling•of appii
ratuti for hoisting brilikk and roprtar.
.Nrliauneot beeti Oro.
rota, 000019. A eon.") for Mill •
t 4 rs tb, bolottimid4 Rik:onto pn
Qc bet Ist. ' ' 6: -
;•e-:Sherlfr Liughlooi ,ItOeltlitid'obufiti,
Ufa;. ia ; mi sipg, flail beliOved' to' haft) tom
witted suicide, or been murdered.
;4' -
. e kit:llat t4
murdered, was ,found river ; at Clgve~
lagd, .Ohio , oirklatarday night, . ~ .
. i~ti .f..~... '
7.--- •• i
!, 1, 1 / 4 rt . -< • . hli: , jk . .IED s; 12;f1888
D4tY i ' • N:
~, ply c 1. .7 ' , , , if , ~ • ,
. • ,) - \ 1 . Y ,,,
i' • I.s:. '6 , : ) ~. , ',. . .
• -I`:',.'rf
441 , 41 . 14" A 9f i:od•
'l °l lll 00 Wee el IS
4s.v '" :`-‘444 4 4,
' 141! i bl ir r 41t.if : a401 7 Oa .
'A:11%4 ..• „L •
•-,- , - .
i5r , 15 4 : 4 5.frrf , 4 ;e4ilJ%l ; L
fie t r
kvar t fl . ,
rANDaiI LT cf'r . t ot o m
lerßt §k4,0,0 1 ff,6 "la
P g I:Onus BiER,
4TVOUNRY 'lAfr tikAir A ,‘
t .
‘ • RlRADnicht PAP , •
° "19 11 ! i°ll99(lltgrflet',..(lll) $11q11.) I
(pi j I)..pensten adTiopri.)
MO Penn Stied" Rending, 'tt'. •
' 94 0 PR kfkut17 4,3 4 0 2,F 0 % u4i 000
tvr - Asn .-- "ltruiiiir It itz'on,
lititee.lfo, 29 Drib 6tb &Oat, opposltelPostalke
i 4 l 4xentns and dnivreinnernt oxoter;111
t • , ,'.". r, AI i ',' 4 'C ,i ifilbl-0 , 43410,
• .% .3 ,-
'I , =1 0 I =,. ' • ), '` '
I 0 .
i t.
( Wen of the Jate,9oo. N. Kelm, Roit. ) :1
, Oa* cep,tFo!trept,,OPPOtfa tUeXplitgoprolCUrolli
litivatAnnsi- : •
dQ100,N0.5,90 Court sire o t, o vet the 0 thief
U4ohaT6s, , ,; • ,;;;; febgtfi
North A/0474' '•
A UOIII3TUB S. BAt3l§AbiliN . ;, -
Offlee, N 0.40 North Sixth tareotoPoaike
Coroultatiens /4.l.irt the Bngils or ue
wan language, , "} ; • fel*
JOHN ItALSTO • • .: t • ,
,• ,
(Mo, Dues ftrith*trd9t,'oppooftO tho !Cat
atonic, I Reading, Pft,,v , • , febertf,
BOUNTYI.,) Y - •
ONT : 0. *ANN RR, l'•
r: 2 1 2VRNAT P
Ntg i littalititifgBAttn:g . tt n eV l ?l,.
and Batt streeta, Read ing , Va. No hos uo•• Mid
milt the ol!sSoll sem9(, l ., , febti-t •
e. k •
• • • 1-s. • •'•
(Orianiefel First Reformed Ohnreh.) , 1
TB4OIIp4 . py,;PIANo Foßm o i Qii( ) 4li r
N. 223 Nork . h.StAttfotrdot,,RotAng. Pa.
N. 13,--PistuotTuded; ' 4 fiuno gl-tt
DPI Fi.?lt 4 ", 3 Y4t!
Q'X' jr ' , I>IIAT-4 . 4 4 1 #
' orkitE-Sig 01HtrefOR*44 1 44 1 /6,:rfil
• „•
Eil'oVitbilOYOUlol . e l iiii)P° MS 114 i,
plan for extracting teeth *it on Phin.
Minna in the profevion xipatly4 eouted d'
charges reaeonablei 3, ' • • ' t!
A lm Ln fa a
.' ' t - klipl . ,E.ooßlNc: .: :' '
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los s / .
,P iightOt ANp Nitinixo irt3,oo*,
ack4ol, t hreifit mb,o,4lveg (a uso.,3it'be,
9 rocs Imir sud, flou imtuo . 09400 du, dumblo,
11 4 1 I° ,<Mol 6 ,ltat9i , Itotalroot9d,bs9llNor ,
e llt ° or' g i, roptir otfoiidOciii.Psidd Lid ii ) o i
gt, ',PA c Fl gt t il,fv s t . 6 . l \4lft m l ° Ali . frfig'ii i p lit
Juno 184
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LIONIVs i . • • •
PMl4ftetrittis .
1 W1L1 4 1,64 \mats. '
may Z ly
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Vora Nrtri ' 'edit Front stiepta.,
• • • •.
7ifiu wo:ostgovraF t wav i siktonn bill
hitndtinci VC , . 6 eparest to
atitlim rue ,Desk . o apd andto "117,
411 , 2:er e oltt 474.4112 t,
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l'ega , Rolool# i*U40114;`,60141 . 14N itkii , WPOO)
, 'MA 004'4 & A o#l.4*Wv tinilre.e4Wll , /,1 pt ,
'-;/ . •1 1 t 1011kbOotirb trbib, 004 *OOl. 'La , :. ' I
1.1 i ?,.pr.4
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h, ' lairei4 74. i.i.' ~,Ite te,,
iSOO, • , ~ . tOU • ...; , 4 , 1 , , L , 1
0 1 / 4 3 'bbiater, i , d eu to ;
i i'. . ,i•:.i. ~:1,,- . :, 45 ,Pft: I rPt , • - i
4i* ' 1
'This * Company , insures all Mods of viopkit
aktinst lis oriipmate by ttro it rates as low Plant
°lnehV t ktvalaglia , rkad'arPoa even+ PIO known
to Stec tttutauce yomle , , , 0 1
' Perpb at Pollates 'issued ' rzitilritl no ronetrai
and upon w loli OA attioltai Or Praiminus Odd nan
bp reclaimed at any time. lam a deduction of Are
per. .el The. edviugaraz pt. Able' latltiotli art
wo, 9 he attentin.° ramOrt fig otners,/r
Int ist mg' titidllnt antes: 1M i ruitUot Ot
bull int% ill tOwn Or e 010417. al blip . * ittlat ( IP
eat and tritest. , , ...0., . 1 ~• ; i v, f sc,
Policies for one, two, th r ee, ft inOre /OM: 9
Or 100 ltibp,i)ne yes; 04;4 Ana absobwithya a
tray Kollar and surrey Whew lino tifd Oft 1111 A 1
sttthea ate ' transferred , . he o or torp I
, e'eltiona of iiquittbif sg. . Ottiti.l4
deant; i nt =abut upon' ores
~ ~ Of A
iow t a : privilege of er't e t .4 no ni
omt tktOli t l fs V t o la )t .an:•. ua
' ant i r i , , tir v• WI
stroll li. er LY/ it b oily o , tit
PUY. 7; ' 0 , 4 O. 0 tlit 0 4 1 14: .. a
with the Mp Add lab, rept) nee o.* opl
1 1 0 10APIP 9r, a large spins pa ; imitano
us e i tol it a t i k
) 11 of i trili9B SI it.“.0.f.:1.
tot 144 olcur t
fetitt. ' I (Me tt I
g 11
eIKOOL 00X18 t ~. sr fit. 7
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't• ', 1 'Ar4/4 WE P9OIAS li
• :• stlit •ilqettO4l ( at . 00 / 1 4 1 •14 t t6° Xigh / 40 4
fill) lib Of 90 OIP Lll1 1 0 In t 0,, Vie 0.4 IP
thig , ott3i, Prrbtehi wilt bol tOrd' at : flirOtliwtet,
priees., It Ovoid be to Ato 04 4 E 40 1 4 °I °A 7 / P°
aro in want or books to aecottata oer pr ooe 0 to
PUrobasing oltowboro. Wo.bayo • •
I)r"°4"Yt enti v olft e g t . i . plfil 0gr ,, n , 13 1
,bt , :. , PiLispoliliN wrOID COuttkit•• .: of $ 1 1
• Bonaioestlele Monsuretlee k n.,-• ,
f . • Stottdord'a tithutotte,
~ 4, ' f I,l ll ‘tOr ' a th4l94 o eYte . ..
• i
1 ' .011 lOU'S TM 11r. •''it 1 ,
~ :
.; , :, , Itartimilebra, ) • , ...- w, i
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oo tic A , . lia ory„
'1;1 ~,./ i
. (r;pl#o4lll4,l l LAlibtiOotloi • i
• 4 4 ' ' •-. :1141 0 . 11 "6 , 1611 . ) 4 P1 ~ 'f. , '7
Vi •' ' Pavia' Xipionder. /; : i ,-: ~ t ~ S
KJ . . Th v ylias' istyanolouY.
A ' ' ' .'
' " P6A 41 1 1 151 1 /' s rn e p4l' .!I "
ei v . , ,' 7 Slates ••and. • tato' nons,l % 'l,
kx • . , fipertearlan • PY • 1 00 AN A;. ,•:,
L tc.
. • Atithon'o ill% , • • ,
4 • , . npiliplA ColSar.t . ,
Woedlnfreatooqtent , tty wortnaAtedot i
t,i •, , •.j , sch . oo), uaskotii,: , ., , -, „
PaFicer 4 lirateotee Bodes of Schoollfloobe. I .
../: if• '•.•-•, ! • t ! ;••351;') .". • . I, —;i • •
Crlttenillia's 4oditboenine •w.iiksoita ot,iitank*.
booVe, ' '
A I'o4 •
t di.” , ,t4yo,ol%tiN,,WflXENT,, , ~ •.,_ ~ ,
F i enneok's tiqtOry:Of RtutiortiLlat4ooo. and kollip•
" ' '')'' • ' '' . : l ROADINO: P- < ,''. , 4 1
tittoieilliabiliol#tp,i;44 icitilit kotokitiphiet :
1> ; ,_,, t., - ~,,,,,, . .., .„4- .:,s-_ --f--.:.._:,?....:..
vitswrina VAllltogo f p', l i, • •
•..; • .
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: - ., - wiiIPPIOO .441)4,,, teo.„
1 ~' l l ~
I. •••f;;;;,ri
t r
,r , • 3
(1 (0 kfldfiNUNl7 b 6
, 13 a4 OA° 444 6 4 1 cOrq ,
..peetrotfpes tarnished tr desired. , .
reiidityill 44he' tie ,
ter, an at teellotteot • haat. Apppt at ther % isle
,N.' , 111E1416 • ' ' •
• • • 01 ° 41 c l /1 1 9v :0 to
sNa: 14 North•ifistia 'Street.
Where eho Ica op a full 116 otTihatqnsit,
the pt et tot table Patterna ler Lad teT unit uttuciyo s
'elottkin Fr.< Partioulay atteatt on paid to Cloakitna
ta, Opad,pork,en,i/ perfeet4ita warraated. ; t •
vbritr , .
ret{ham w"shino:
ot,, .• •
MANVFACrO i ffr, ,ir.i.s ; llpl6l'o,4V.BXlL6 4 ?
• '
, • ,
atteatlott td thole ealoadld stgo.k of
ggAret-oiaee' farnith re , notr, add coristantly on haati
a z d mailka to °Nor to,fultputoraqrs. • . , •
tiloat OtorArtioleiu esaeol4l attirtion to ,
vital ta their asurpassed , •• ' ;
Ditrissixo - itirit,o4us,"
DiNixo ROOSt
• otylits onturtlii.))4es
PEP4 2ll 4o i r*S i t A 1 4 0 4.
f . rf ,
1,341 ir aitalpithit e.
Eyvy art% m ttu ata by tamo ra
their adattegita anaaged-tnatiniaatbry, *Ws
gostpatfaetjaaottia,eiz ankakilifftlia”lol3li
1 4 3 •4 qs d o L f4p .an F 33l4 T 9 Pe i qg P• m 9l ,.°T. • •. • /
Alpo preaared . t. , o exacta, all ar4eis )' i;
es 7
TiA lt v6t .
rr. • ,7
j43.l f ? ' 807 NO; itOd
' tOULDn'tatt i : ,; ! y;
Au ord.. its Rroußtiff txoeute4, and rtatmtei) s io
gm? 012 , 001 • 49..40-Tf
. -
tlo:i, .P.ITAI!ir. II ,: . ',".
We6t 14 ribilaiteia ' '' ,
Wo ' , tercet
e ' ootierato (Rol , 4 )
/. . f6beterli High gehool, (Rev. M.) ',
~.'. I Mlrr l e n Pr li go f i je i h • Mr ' . 7.)
'lOlO tnridt Dlotimuy, , , • . ,
. 'W t
u laterial Ilitippisfyo Dictrontiii e ,
V ,` . . '. " ' WO% ii 134100 i AletioliftrY,
Adiees Go iii_and - Rogl b Istionaff • •
C lire h airgare"TaffalgO i tif i Brik M • •
..b11123-tf: , "; . ooL , Pe,n,n 8troo), !loot *lam', !
tromrscl! t IIVAILNISIR..,:, , ~, °; , .:' ~., ;,;• „.
',Mt itEr 1V14.44 t i 01' 1 : 1 "
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; 13 yil , #?l, 011' y ..Ole '4lLazi):(o,! ,
~ kThentidont e ddlonara l firgi Tfatioeir lir the
tkoqtfitlein il thy Vitt ill ipso bliv*i . boev
iku..PPIV4,O , .. Ni g! i IiAR.::;N.:,•-.4, 4filtf,'
6EVENTY-YM THeglaajb. 4-D063: .
te.t* . aver l 4ll.4 ,iti _w :0104/itioil
i ip74_o4iTe r tialn
Atilt: inteteettlOlNlN i eat
.2. '' td : ," t
izeneyi tb`
theJ) eity 444.,3 Apply to oj worth* •al. 1 ~ eg s .pir, tit-
X 1 . 1 ..., e 5 1 44. 4 ,TCT 1 .0...E 0 0 :!.,-A •• " 1, t it, -4,
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- l ' '' ` "Vort,tatt tiVitilfi '.'" 40. M.
- AnA,UR k 4..) a .
Itti!r*Of i lOn'tss l oP.49ll . l/2:A. t
Aviv° at Aettltag 2 --' ; ? : . 1 0 6%
..‘ 4:
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Atte at Laiwaskitatt , l la at R k.
,„'„ • ~:: . c . ,w) , 11 . ) %tir, ."• ,ersit j , )1 4 fi , ..
Fol taditi k ati i , ggc, 0 ..i1l ~ 1 , - :
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ht; flific . , r•, c,
F' Val tip -.. •„•:,‘ . taatto;i' 4)64w!
oi,Pay l kitoPilo9'. ';:ri,f•etoott.fwv:"
- 'ott Ili*. tital ~. li .are 4 vie
tiowAetita4 it AAR . • i: , ..5 , , , alperl.A.
fgraggill IR 1 A 1 .-,. : 1r ler
ti s ,
'Parent). Tio4' io' y: At 0111 3 10Idelptitri
oat Rn tbe . no 0111116 0011. 0111011411000
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Traind me vat! yN. az i, . . Iry ►!llir-FP .
annutos fastot two ,t am% * ht. . . 1 :
11. P. giaiiii; iiiiliiiti4W 0 U till,Aty
'Etat 1/
NA 1 na44o
fqX !RAP
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ig6Nt.vor Ar a, I v iit In 1 •• 4 i 7
tit linns. tontorni t o lithoot it to , DlP
ton tiottunorvilto •ria fitlekvon ?$ k. isa Itut
4,44 Y ittl 4 49 144 ,1 , • ..• 25
• and . it., , • ,
i-thi .1:f •Id it hot , Itoveatitsiit* ion
' `4111:41644 IfiginorA rifyi -4 47.) ;fl u
, . Trains lea,va - ow, Yorktoilt,,.l,ll.borty s ittlet
, daily, '(oxoopt dity5)At,U.0114.112.,12#6611,0, 8
• and 8.20 P:Al i k to rrtir_o at Itotitit i t h bp.. coo
and 10.10 P. Al - ; Ila 4 , C4 itllNt ad • • ,A
• 'rho 8,00 P. At. r Atm row io • Tif6danY.
Suridayojnolude . 1 "•• ,' 1 : " if , '1 il - •
A Sunday .14 urilfori l rfasn NISI nktro Itoguitoir
ovory Sunuti at 8 . .a. ,/ atop aolkig„vioo,
and tn,tp, t at o- PO It, itrl at " Allotiont
at 10 A. . Otittnl 1008 entort. t,Lvu
v its , ..‘ tirly s t, atjto . Vat 01k ';'. o le; 1
- `P4sengoro are rood .to putt WOO tune a.
C tl n k fir el6 4l ll i t t tlli'Vgiet e
of o an, not ate b t b
.11t , tr
, pay form to the Ooadaor./ ~ .7• 411
.5.1.,,,, , -," ,
, .31=9 231 , ,Q. BO 'N'i i Sof, kola
PhilcAletpWpAC 4 Preadin t rittillieadt
I lliettoid.) s • " ••.$ : 11 / 1 .; '+ 41y_
, „,, ~ ;,,k 4R4PIVIai'MOYAIMS ;0
1110111 naI:I9OPN/ PX b i ff il ic l P lt
1 IP. ii. 4 t k i' ' • '
live Twine down to 141 4 3blphia. tau, Y1114 0 ft;
ino at,, 734, 10.36 anti l• 54 1 a. mg , ala 1' ...r. 4 ,- •
, !I . il %, , ,I. f • - 1 , I, ~..,t,), ~,,..,„
N • lip. to Pottavllie, at 10 40 a, in.., ft nl 660 tad 000
P.• 411 •
'3'+ • Trans Pit to ..t6anto. cod tforepptiree:
an It7nA C , l lllB7,lr 41 '7 4 cl l. ' ttf i i,. it -t•r ,
t I arritimrip AooomploikailwaTralatm4l.4o..
al Wall traldago atta, in. alni 4 to_ ~.:
,On Sunda,* udowit ' tria l ' VW ' killgi at,
040a.m. an ', p, mi , atl tn? tralpt ab 3 a.,
al and ti 67 In vi). • o '' II ' '', i , A Ilti , I, ,
L it: ni t YV agetair e i lif f ttl 1 1 ' ' P a '' ‘`'?
^ I t i tald , VA II pal e ' „...
~ y i
414 um . an Matt 001 ~ 4 1 0 1 ' - :M '
440?!Vagitl • St itclailn 01621....A4 f t • 1 .4
or ,
4 P atititl 4 ` frau , ala i , .c fi .
i r it
441411,1 3 11 A t " y. 43:16; , :i ..., : :Tg oilii. ,
p ;
' , Adolph! la 10134. 64604 ~• ~ *V.44
st•Qp only at,prinalpal otatto9l, eto ~,), ,) , ,
' , melding et. ~ ~ niedajlon .ir . • • t .' '''„•
' mWte ) imite/1460 44 ' * '•
10, m. ;• w - i 4.1 V u`s,4' , OW• ' '', 4 .
ROPatqlra 40 0 20d10441e1a 04 !Ar tviissiotto.
, toxin 4604.104 tater •' C ' /'EliMilltalk •
40.400 - .
' • Vali Wbgleit •B#l.47rittliO4 iiiiiil •
turtwil b ll" itralffmoodf
,1. or al ti_tnorth Os Ott , a a ~., t ' a •
and Ma 19 4L watt train coat:lo ma
s :111l , , 'tor
ittebursh, li
ttneoptg.,-Dha e ;igo . Uri. ,
toll, ' rltlAtonj witko ilitaiptist/
ir jlave/Efiniftkatget, t 6l74•;22 ,' •
assongor rpo l icairo o e p 4 •116
'and 615.pint:if r 4, phratit; t t Caw*
Oolusabia 4,,,, , 4 3 i ll ;
Throneri Fiint-elatot •Voittidn'ilelf rt % I I.
smite 414 0 r tosto r t 4 „ oma
potato In t e prtb i , wee oa
• , ,ii , (X) KUTArt At • , • .4 - 4
With 24 coupon!, at 25 Per 0 ,10• '' - MP, ,
any points deft t i • p
.'s, ' t •"` --.?: ,
i iiaffvorini6,64.tz4nilf : , •
; .I;iiiitp,
tuxi Hotta," atm 1 0 8 1 1 1 1 304*Ptit.. 1 4 4t, Poli ►
24800-11 - .6
bflokil for tho bo dor k o., , i 3• f .
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el t" , .4o ; - ' 1 : 4 4:: ~- ''.
s i n •, I, . • ,,,,, ,'l
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I , 451 . 10 , 1 1 414 r e. -U. 1 o
at " .1. , ,•e -.1. •*. .
: ~ Ito geed itA t tgAgg i ti4 o l 4, 4,.
043 , sz , lan. •
.' . 0 t i iisri t titi ihIPANA ~ .
I'l,lEl ' 111111t1 1 , II•. ; ; .• ,
•,L•,,,A ,, ~ Is ~•.‘ ,I,r ,r It . ,A• '5. ,, , , ••• • 1 1 .4 -?.`4l , '
• , - 'het reeelied a lat t lilefa ,•P 0 1 '
—, • 1 ~, W I O. OI A rA, 4 1 ;r . . 1 4'4 '
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0 0 rate 4 e
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