II -/ Y t D.• ii.:•l'tilovi'siiiio.oeiiiiilit c 7, ttii I:'` '- ~pi ' " 71' • 0 T.y,V ,Zr.. ....itt .o ja. ' Tao iiiiiiarrviEaiii id '4;1;4 e- p the Itadloilolo4l l i -t I .' t. 0.1 , • •': am i1egi11404, 1 0. 14 41, 1 ** ,t'.i••. , ' • 1 it lan 40114011$00s$041; •1 -•,..' 1 4 •••ei •: , t' , 4 ~,....„, • ,• •• 'f , ti ii4.fl:4: Ivo , a ° Y ° ~ M 7tMel vj it t,,,ia, 1 , 1 ~ , , e 4, 0 1 0 ,0“ kod IPIA II Hold la yoly haw visa rat Mrs **rib 0 crowd. ;.+ °: i •i. L i il osi i i I IT.: , : 195 lionciefila IR g ', aga^ Nikkl + i f a v me .Tr-,,,,,11 ~,,,„. ~-,,,,„ A 11140,61 0 7, Woo 4 1 11 IMO, borm, Mogi art ottooo to soh WO sot haul. . • The pm */ Woo , soa allettAdi , l l l4l alibi ' Wil t! "ri ; ; • Road oittotiowonts la ta*. 711 44 ,11 to. d a y. • two ;‘,,.. , , . , P14110 01 4 „ v t o tan ii :#7,!""f t DNA tio to boosaktofiet i tio!i.4moto.tiotott gt troubJels t!}!„ ~ , , , ;‘,4!1;,,' Li :„1 r,' j,4 T r .,% '', Ti;i4* . t. 0 i"!itil i fiewlik.V#splmik o lk 10118gM4 .: ,:, 1 t '. , c, ' '.' I '''. '', . •',. ''.;: i war of a,l!iNorMi , mko!bt , ,, „ iiiii csirli 3 / 4 ., aorta. MS Inti*WOVll*o9loft t Mails oi & 10 110114,0P44.6 . 00P4,0 1 4,04/0 1 #01 1 l'•'' MM. Milt* 04114010414 1 41* " Rao ovorsiallkßko-144 aff - •1,..L ;0 :. 14 the OW • • .-ri , "l7 l '. 3!•,l4r4hkr. . ° WI:64d a *ii/h7orlin= .4#l . • • L i e morales. A law *tabor finales 144‘.40134.10Alkativi. The Dl9 W ted to morns'. "Prendshtir'tit r*topoistO by priaoketi tors •.' ' A'sphitiOsi t p*i*itat within" Wee!, gears men irlli 1 11#414** e* . :lkti 'sd iiiitt thattiieThl IgtelOsste Whin is a 64:4t111141 , 1 •0 1 11 1 0-0 1 q:;:,1,;( ? , 4, The IskteittetrgteAtelitittoViariN ontletpatkri of the adlettglilkir ftatkidid IMO, Moodier 'uplaitkpktiM4o,o4PrAki g ooo ffim4 to The 004 Wu*. to mad ohi bat Xl4! 04404 loolloof to • !Mori *AM rum ?fib* ' w o w 1 , !% Stoma iMett istosay saorobst Lid Ire hepthittestaltdag. ' • tti The *Ow gaols bke.thet.rioh man In Quilt% Man. who pelsonid the' thttreis Ii his garden so (bat htoselatibototheel should get so toore hoar., totigk ''" ••'- ' ' • , We'lliVii bin Went** tlttittother*Oatf lady had lei dresi soiled, :tome brit. be/W:44'lOJ bases Mei 0.1 liiikUioll VW On Nan 'WM, rut k 4 " 1 "4 1 1 . rtl. ig l W i. No or ebith las * taeoe of the t W i lil a fr asikasve j i0 . 1 044 iteA* 41 k 41 , 1 00 Id' : st rpaaleheil tbi . it,; 0.1 Jobs Wiiiiii.ll:segi igateli I, the soh Pli i 0 04: ' i 0 0. 1 0001019414 oop 40. Is oa the street ' x , . 1 Opl i wwUr i e bbi lif be WM 0100 a 4,01 • 1 itif'sblf. 3 ' few We sore, NW 44_ ' 100 1 *. afi tb *40004 hie talibi 1 .• ~ *, . . '' ' . 1 . ' . . - • . 1111111 W 014;;;;IVAW P AW Moral* .441301 11 4‘ 41* Pail#o4: 144 .A 111 0 oi~i'; r ti orv it ow debtor Ali 904 Oki, walla PlAr) iIkINIM) 1 70 ,0 ,flit(ert** SI 00,104. Its#4 atot !VW "r•Sdilte,O*Ukis4i4. , , t ;, Mirky lloweralitl fillpo•4 to the aireeephere `eke beep laighted by the la tik n - 444 **4 0 01 , i 5, ' s'l l o'4l#4otot4 woo muk *we tied r it i i;On lithikeo for orraveibli W4l MI 014414/04 kr s•putmia• e*lttarti. 44 / 1 4 4 0001 1i 1 KI bleakete coal to • The elti hal Wax of traveling 14 :=0. 1 =4 194 " " WW4 tloliNtooOk 1001011401: , : 111," oompoltol ,to Mott' to , illooport000" 1 1 1**Ok• :4,4'14 4 •,1,,1,y; No Tot" mini !fie' oac 'of At's" ot4i ooin A Milo too " for vim* pics sod 000kotettie b 4 1011411011. Alt A4'4 so * .r. 9, 1 1 #42 It: 1 4 11 4, l ow iw r t c' 'ne lot lot. Boma Ws*OA& Illotosimi hot oven* Rho f 1Mot" 94w griorroad "toosood'i ~q 014% atilk*Nllo ROA ) R V! OA* 0 1 .140410)ii, WAtilosidown.: 111 :. iiida V ai .iiAd Waal tka ' " ' is*** , l'OViattaaigad; wow 0. *dot at theikib iitTli.' 11164htlitd4cht**01 : c0tit414440 4 0440*. 6 0 Or lett !Wawa Mootioalt i ' Ntlllob timoi,ll4 .00 ati4o, tilOsotorttiolootholl •0 44441) ! two 614 00 1004 0 .1 two " I floPl' • Lai: Imo „mpon to A resositahto *Wile 6 eleofeittosert shoo". '!tie allt . 1 ' 3 iri Wm' Al e 10111rt4 Nei am** el IreilhlS the* if 4 I n " d= OSI he Roomed% taat shin to intler is th M e Whig, while still 1 mai isse um. mei, i wit sunil wood be West" , %Mesa ' 4 ,64 4 ,14 , r o'sioeC the Meeks:silk sik ley still .Al 1 AA Boottut, Wm likerickliol4loollo4o POltlOßnini heads; tins Welds et tin shop, ea atorwerdo t Plti t==it *11441 NW fro* tko Wow to 4041 sow tko mg i tar t is tik linl.lllllllthinioda viligtol4 liii 0. a is burner AssiV S ene, piny thy Droop* ea latili,lo4llll ► bit j tii NMI* WWII asi IC i 1 ki•ibikirMiliphisyritiwilas, usen rtidisa (*wit* sidamoidski t on IWO, sto II Wits t sir Web* 25 onto Poili mitt rink sostoso. * lf 35 . 0161 10031 to* I talijostopuwois e k, 1 t° tal " tot 4 otter l e r " FU li tt:* Itittpri t to nuts esitshipes. sto wit*ateiess, th toasts* 11) MS *Ai Wit it t Psni*,tl 3 °lmo Pet bloat hitersfii# 6 Pirg , hnt 64 the ins* **(see et stet, fa ais a other eohnse): itillan Wiii "11141e511004 Nil* 014 "14.1 at , 114 6illc 1 t r n.l 0 ID . ItrtiOSISO op 1 04. - 4041, ;.- *Pi , ' •q o ol•' , liiis i'PlAi l o ol 4,•`' 2- • i • • ontoot e* t s . 4 , • ' dint ' ' mg, bin *it ,eieled.; i " PttreereYEateAeolwthelepion of .tlii*cirkin A koen_and &weeders, arrived in elb fr osts NO* pork; et * p.m. He 1 , WO' st:stestretteite'et the deppla E s ' fil , t . ' th ll , o : ;rha ca bilimilleille" ' wri -, , co rated in e in f o r :d o it ts n ' tee t ‘wa ., : ? :lt ' bil c. 7 o '' ' ' Osis iVA ; l6 lni ksti ' hi o 4 f , AL *Al i , ,Zei t i ~-, ,Illieunnest of ,the tde, Sion • Committee. JUlamiel ilirmixitivat, or'elogroadiatOltkiaputeCnktioatoridialt osslttati, sad J,l,Warilai-000141 red *I Rtilliftfielair. %tilt rod mt. otoroy to', sit ir's 1 1 ` ; mirth and a' AMOS, *hire he Itil greeted by II intbet of otwillewlocintic cititeins. , , . • .. . )nsisod prOcessiOns O'clock th e ,viclnity Amine of Wild • exci* „horseback ; to Latier's WE ' er, arid li.. 1 ' 0 , :n.-Rhoads,' o 4°al en.' isi 0 prone! ( • 14ti o te't..dfloo ii, On SWQ/1 'and. dashed' 'wards the speedily formed by. xiitadej.. • Ti e hixtv, dtkill . Old '*ilittnlh' tee Of time, City, stood •liiiiietif the' trainer' city merchant, lint gory, Mead vris bestrode by • one Of tbosik gitelitiT Iti ' ` tett ri l lO rY ril :L ) t it liti ittil trite Deaperst.l. , ..; .• ~ . ~ 1 c•- - ' • ' ' giiiiiiiii dna eret7thiliiii right there oar trimit'3l,o I** V.t” k'eete Street. • Sixth and ,Elerentb, , terusth and Rh Wards were dralintim font street, heu the earriege, gootainipg r. Pomeroy, th ifeiliti. lltiley, - '..`Et4CtitetietVfflOnard if Wm. Roseptlial, 'editor of ,the German sottingibsi l ifirrkved there. - 7 i": 4, i , . t \ , '4O CanislA Rall4t)0 400,11 4T01 1 0ed by he hardEfistektiogingmed; litill Mr. Po w . roy waslntredne toimd heartily greeted' , i y norm! of them.' "An' escort of six men , : th Ohinisielenternimider our friend Daniel. Coyle, ,wero, detailed from the - Sixth Ward; the tend , Third,Eiglith and ,Niuth Nerd% Wirehed into their 'assigned( 0014101:10r Oa ilhoadii,With' •no hundred and , thitty.fire eemaa,carsiry,,wheeled into fours eV the ,Sk i d of the column, proceeded by the Riog ldßand, t , -i ,, , ". ;•.• Ererithing wiswrianged in the hese man er 10 AIN{ .f t p. Dayi6 , viii9f upsho t islet by his am, .1, 'C. isoilinfaosq., and tweet! 7 and 8 oielpok ; the portege . moved i tko the: direvnnt 'lcavds dehoinched 'into. i i ; it o t n e : t a at e r e. ee nod t ii ., t 4, 4 0 0 7 r ote h i: o e ti tt in d oe ,i-ttl an w ti h r o n le a !and tritisparencies,.sed flutterihiwith bill, Phile the roar of epplaute thet , grt4ttid .. Mr. omeroy was deafening. L ,_ • .• Between - Second and Third :attests, *a pio• ritentitry bait was made end'a youricia4y, .Misalsouiteiltoebl,4lY,,t4nced Ito the car rie,ge, ipod, , presented , r.ropseroy vilth a beautiful bonnet, : tlOd'.With,silk t libbckii of red,wbiteond blue: Mr, Pomeroy; r eceived It with a fbi : words' dfthaniti,gracellillyoxi j prear k god, thp propelstiovilsored o ne f • 4 P 9 .P l 'ol'4l o lo l 4 \B4 1 0'0 0 0 , I Mere al awd` 'Via' uotilti; then the - - . Bei. `faith WWI; en 16 i jOnallas Elatitiner,'Esq., !then the caPriage With its escort 'of lanterfi bearers from the Sixth Nardi then the . Sixth [Ward processioh,. marshaled by Meier*, ILonis Noland, Edward Bady and Daniel Cole followed` by the ' Fiftb"Ward . under %AV japeli, the. !fourth and First inidei e. nal IC. KAMA , the Second' wider Ospt. John Denhard_ , the Third under John N. Bolicederiwti Eighth tinder ''lficlitel IC: Royer, Francis' Rebind and WM; Ebert, and the Niutk,undoi Levi IL , Llea ,8 , ;ohn Cook and Joseph' Muster. John'. Miesimer was Assistant Marital, in _command- of.. the (41, 1'1t". i . e'A ft if "'', - 2 ' . '. ', Hu he '11) lies de the Itiontild, were taltietla;' •WRAWS; :and. ' the Niuhlenberg dinud ("apt. Dienile!ii Drum Corps, fill; lag the sir with sonorous melody. ' The .tramipOßele.o, with their various • designs .trams niettobilc wi th Waving flags, the blize.of flve hundred Chinese lanterns, the glare of odusional fitetworks, end now end then the roar of the cannon, "Little Mac," on a wagon,. mjth the dene • crowd on 'the page mote ' ink' the ' *fieguent rend uproarious roh, PI pp ' 6 ,,eoVke whieh.will not ti. to ti by Own *he Witabood lt.. It was the genuine enthusiiiim of the people .r.ths.teg.payerl-4or their ftiend and chem. php' untleil'Potheroy I‘, =,. • - , s• • - . - o the great credit of the llepublicans 'of Reading, and.dfioni eithient generally, the beg, of order' prevailed,th;:oughout the riiareli.::. ,, The little Ws it4girli, , ,partien• iVVO) are•ltt fliveritai with lir, Porn. ' 1 404'00,41tielaetleItftheit; 'reception of fiente Of the' ii:iinsinironciei and designs erm% hipidioatelY gotten up, and many were ;quite comical.. We regret . that. our spaiii . okereats an entepdod desariptiow ot, titbit. Moe Rioix office and. seieral ,private dwel. (Halt *ere bandsornely ' illuminated. !.The `Golden Eagle in front of the -office held a 'flag in hii beak, whilifii • later, flag waved. .abere his head; At Some Wilms., ladies • Oliered and waved their hendketelnefe, add every few minutes a roar Of apfilanse broke forth, which was always graclefulli acknow. lodged by Mr. Pomeroy..- The Democratic ' pooi offices and the resideices Of sortie' . • mit tlietneerats were loudly • (*eared. be led ofthe Oissettenisilluminated with' 'lorg•Veiti_ti" arid ~thit Ole,. windows of the no wine . Wert open sad twined ' ' dial flemon_ WO*. ' 4 4w u • ' ' '-' ' t he' A. t twdte hhiftad ill)ltnOni WOlllll , prOatieltai,c Alittua lite, Modred, of , whom,; ramittlete t y,,N)l,44'„ oerriat , Oh i ipso lentera4 ' llM•hinaPoitenbiti;' ,‘ , • : Alio ot eeTer the rwegvibed 'mite,: lir. ,Ponteroy, *minded lila standf - ia Market Square, wherebe.Wits intrOdinxid to the poo-`, le a neat iiVeblit 'Daniel Ermentront,; who wits' .heartily applandedi- The' fie are was fairly *lied With attentive pee.' Pt!) with 4-, Ow of, iantekne on one side ) , ~w de hiunitemeotoptanied . facie ' s, in front aid.' groupeik ~around, esgfrly 4lialted Abe, :} o fiteneet of "Thai chili: t . in ifOultrl 4sipo thatop:cif.tho ti lkiktifir 4410414 , ide 'adfcbia that ra t -- ---- - ' 'iddreiaidlha . ‘.4* 11u4. 1 .: 1103 ill I IPC 4 O i P; AA 'Oa tit!‘ *SW. fie was ,ireeto thel motionless k , 4tai ir the ow ittle*,. as btWll, 4peakety, ~ )revote tiefroa' Zt i ol i lip Orio 4ek: 4144tre *II 11 IVO,. Atea n tatrUthi , 11 . dial fok ,- ~ _ ( 4- 9-.4V..0 -- - ...r. ~ , alp - egg ' ' . him'. n, . ~, I X it: 'A f ,kt in it e O S C ..' . ~'.. Vibtero - g4t; nit ' ' .0 able heir; • Mr. I'Olneroj ,s,lim (ip. , ...a . P4) - llttron ilt :is • 4 .3•!1-.. „ 5. =I , tod ie rV: i ntisiii, , , „ 17,nis , . colail ; W! asaaltik',. .. ': at 4', " Whet holies ~: . ' l . ,t. n*, itnel Wl* e. 'NU* too gos . ' '', •• ni' 4fp Vbtle .4 „coli*,e4, kaPP I I I ,: , % ' ll . : L la . ' a r g, or his tot iteeption Ati hour co/PY: ettentioti surd •Clamttli :leit•Neechby .ttotillin t 440 . ett .eheent,'fOr f Fifififftvir„. -A , taateji hiek4ire 5 ,,,iii i,....,.**0.1 Aleto l ,op4owed.hy tieamodoittiffilkeets And *tura for' Opri ". *tutietilly.' ' t i tkromerto ironies taltWorl , ltotiiii '044 the' erlient , quietly IttOtieethulZho' Omit kernels: , ',' , .A.wettifio t 4 Perim Warn intro qiieettl) Mr.' Pomeroy', Wltcf , Nen re 4941,0 0.10... 4 .0 , Y,05.41:4 this SeClßine Irlo C al l' tortittithe stein by. the receP, On - dOtainho kee l and left for. New sorb, promising to, return to our beautiful city at no distant Ili lastiniti 'iir.•; teinitil)Yin',•of ineotion beigh*, od.wallinilt,--noniewhit luild, With light hair and VeonitplenlOti. ,Ite, hue a line , lorchead; : an an open,prit•oiseseing Countenance, ,with an ex re of quick gess, tireless energy, and dauntless bravery. .40 atipieker We have never , ' heard' him ek. celled. , His humorous reutarksoirew forth harem of lirepiessible „laughter, 'and , hie eloquent, and frequently ': pathetic remarks; Were listened to with the closest attention tad highly apparent appincion by all.; His' ! olee,elear and penetrating ,the notes of a ngle, penetrated to an' incredible distance, tui eruteenteniat "o:distinctly audible. i In' manner Aft., Pomo* is a plain t , naas towing ' and ' nOniteetts gentleman. ' He dresses plainly, but elegantly, in black,'lnd *parson ids breast a beau tiful ' and costly If' Inblem of - the; Mitioninfratetnity, of which iis a 'prominent and resnected member. a is strtotiß r tnntliernto, niihg neither liquor or tobacco in shy • form, theugh be is not a anetiesVprohibitionist, preferring to let ev a erl,nien,m4e his own,choice in his made In hying. • " ' N . • i Mi. ' Voinirogrestly admired one besati• till eity,:and • was detightiAliith 0101 1 0,01 h. the icon*, and 'the , blooming fertility , or t !Old Darks, whiehhe p (anises to visit again. He ,has Lett behind hi 'heat of friends, of ail 'patties , sQMO, of horn. were agreeably disappointed to findth t the terrible'. `,'Bric k PonlorOy". is hot •a' ruffian toe a fiend, but a taudedt,..upaisittning,',courtcenif - kild*.affable gentlemtut iti every sonsonf the word. The immense ntornout, of the ; people .'to an ,evi ! ., deuce that the best wishes of the masses are with the , Democracy and their champion, and that Berke county will respond heartily to the request of Mr. POnieroy, for nn . 'an. preiledinted. Democratic majority, at . the 'coming:elections. : •-_ - -., ; , - . A zisw furnace is at present in process of crection at Lime Ridge,. near Easto4 on the :Lehigh Valley Railroad. The land wag; pui• chased from Hon. Asa Packer. The eetab• liahment will be on an extensive loge, and it is expected that the works will be erected and in operation at an early day. Wn advise pnr Democratic friends through. ooght the country to Call Meetings in every 'township at the earliest _possible moment.— Arouse for the light. Throw out your ban ners, and by - your Works show to the coin mon enemy that you are n'sdlid earnest.;-- Pennsylvanin Will be carr ied by the . Demon. racy, And the only, question. tsr—hote high shall we pile the majority I Plenty ofipeA ,ers are now to,be had.. Have a xaCetingAv cry Saturday night until the day of election. MYSTEMOUS.—A Mill living in South Soy. oath street,arose from his bed'on Thursday night,to attend to one of his children who as sit*. Previous to retiring, not feelingftell, he took a short walk down street. TihS was sbout 2 o'clock a. m. ' Arriving at theitorn , er of Seventh and Pine streets, ho heard a 'noise in the yard, back of Mr. Elias Rother. mel's store, at the southwest corner, and di. rectly two men elambeied out over the fence, an o ran away. It is ,supposed they were burglars who had intended to break in to the store. - * i _ KIifONSOO TO ArmsLa.—Kindness to ani• male is no unworthy exercise Of bemitlence. We bold that the life of brutes perishes with their breath, and that they are never to be clothed again with consciousness.. The evitable shortness, then, pf their existence should plead for. thetictounhingly., The in sects - on the surface of the water, poet ephemeral things, whhy would needlessly abridge their dancing pleasure of to-day ? Such feeling we should have towards the whole animate creation, *To ; those animals over which ive are' masters for however short, a time, we have positive duties to perrorm. This seems too obvious to be insisted upon.; but there are persons who act as thoughthey thought they could - buy the tight of treating any of God's creiltpres. , MNSTING Or //ODORS AND ADNOOIATIONO.---. The'following named organizations will hold their' regular stated meetings' this (Smut brr) 'evening t' Preedom Circle No.l, B. U. (H. P.) C. A. Brotherhood Hall, • Third and Penn. Fleetwood Council, o. 20, O. tJ. A. M., at Fleetwood. Hamburg Council, No. 74, 0/ U. A. M. . at 'Hamburg. ' , . • Rehreraburg Council, No. 129, 0. U. A. 11_, Rehrersbnrg. • - -.l.4espott Council, No. 131, 0. U. A. 'M., at 'Leesport. , Pleasgutt Lodge, No. 475, I. 0, - of G. T. at rfopewell 'furnace. ..Frieadeldp Lodge,'NO. 6 1 ' of 'at Temperance Hall. • Junior Circle, No: 21, B. Lie _ ger Reading 11i*ialmi, No: B. of L. E., at 7QB Penli,etriet. Longewamp Lodge, No. 684, 1.0. 0: F.; at AVertittailiomptiramie: •`.= Pereorequee Coneol,4. 0. of A: fifth end WiebingtOn. • ." - lonoreititri or *na Poem; ItOetltteit= valteso,. , -We notice the highvWs are ire= issivlog it good deal . of- attention:Air Fall, litre4l *683111111 -110itld4 ' - Stmie '' ' Of ‘ the crOssuage ire !Wog repaired,' Others entire* rideidi add at toinegtohttoitherithere were, no, crossings, ,before , ow* ones ate Made.' Streets and gatterenro being repaired. , with? 'spas , and „cobble Soles, , curbs roast and' walnuts Mid& Old,plefike Qty the bridged ire gitiagillik7 ~to , new ioner t neir ',street' lainpe,ainbeing44 in each ward; and invadnient is ' on evetrehere. e l' his, hi at it thoild be*i ' a , ' dating the in'etent. Eleiteili*lfestbeft, le OA 1#11144)10105,0;'0014 . I.ooiniiite; sott'irheti•.oati,*o . Vnigiii! ippsars wo rili, be tiVepOnl 40 ' *nee( hitti.— we eau walk Oil etrectswithOlit loileogerioi ott, r. 'resoak niOtiking'thloge pjeas4 iii ) Oki' ? 00: itiipr9voii ' *lt ,',loo,otee l b ; :th e i raise 'ofpropeity. - • •? treel:COntril'issiont era Comnottefo* *101,1102d, WIIIII6 and the City Councils Itte'etititled,to await credit for lozn-heddditiiintberin'tbli, 1 itialttr., i,, ... : :.:- ;,, ,-':.„ 1 ; : . ' , ,„ ~ i inoile flefAiniicased KM, ` the J.10*.: 1 110 014 4 , t iout - 1 80 Ae ' t, 0 ed to 2 • 492 1 788,865, slid o . #ltinibeil t 1868 i ' to $2l 1 0 1 4 1 8 / 8 : ''' .'''l ' " -'. •4. ME z „ . ,_• • •7«liciliktraurciovotoce • • ;,040ittt,indat i _ w • • 41): . ~ . , . r . ' ".. Olit• ,• •'-•' : et • ' ... 1 :'' ', - 1; 'A;I4 - . 1 - fieziii; . T . • ' 6010.p‘.p.,,......., let ~ ,_ , ; au 1 104 10, T ii ',e e : ;31 114 t t. , " C r ". " %ILI:N S Vil a ' r tAii;i i i i 4 leal a NCreA* s - , 4 03' ; ' - ' ~,; * it daaxer, : ,cw,44.1450 0 0,v, to„bi) *eel l*elTitherellUd POOrlmil, l l.*CralOr.fikei ears. tkraptviousioiklioselmaiitik tpriaitsiiiiidpi - fe:AktVi h tt ,,, tlfOrcireglir -( , , .., ...,,, .., •• , • ‘ ,.. 4, , , p„./41 , ,te,v & I . C!, 11** of *o,l4itigteoi Ot, (ft' • * - 4 1 ; Poll& 4iiitiC. . '' 'e hid telliNri'• *not ' .. ' ' • i lisk. lila' Oassitos fitl. , A ' ' :' lop .40*en:esitisi,10.* 06 ,Al ', at r!'. ` ll * ree' " 00 . 1141 r 4 f?r 0 4 1!', Ovilkr', ~ tp irt:* iett it • i • ' . Ait itat4aa i to-alaht.a ' Oa a!: . bt silyar 60aiii t aii00 1 41t10 'II e tc el, 40 1 7 161 04 l ‘ hilli t Sei, 040 3 1 ' eilooFf 0, 11 .: ,, , ,.,..,- ; ,, , „, , , ...,, ,. .. „ , , i+f.'e'; i' ~.•:, st, V.:: ii, +!.., *4 OI4I )!ZZ 4 1*."'040041y 0 004 *AO o' Iry a' kerita. 4060Aelitay4 ' mai ilkeleet!ltthfr, l o 4 *A l 4oV her !raison in ono "trot ) . and FrOkline:' The hiSeloimi,' 4 a nal' 14:1 1 1 4 * 40* . 4 0 0 1 i(V:, ti 01,1 n_k ill he Itati what liken I dies.•aanam44qatvehielo:l matnekibe curb ,1it0#04 . 40 ( 44 keiiiieh4; terley opt bruised her ,bodyc ;fad iniifsiel *ld, inieneibia. 'oOaditioni 100' tt, hello of Marrs, iltps by,",and, gr. liAtt. man eat or, who drawled her wounds. mis horse was elght it the tort* of %SW and Franklin ; ', streets:. The . wagon was' not liiii or Pitoillitre,—tir: "Levan VIIIIMOr• back apitNik ppperty on : , P9,a ' *Mt* tweett ERA aanialiiitteeta, t iictging, to 114 Joseph 1 1 4104,10 i s.' 11 ! . i , ‘T :i , ' • ;,/' , ~-•1-.iiir.... -,i-..:.; o.„ii-_:of fit.Toiaire-:-Oa , - pluiadat - r ~ lot ottoraeis rat . litobtrr h ,itoriv . 401 11 .. Zettlainbp*'-icc tireearricv Awn% iN • is It s county, s bora* kin Me. 'lmo 111 eFijit 'Albany tolinabipi ands tOPtlitl/0: _ ON Iltti Jolla . B cheidh,9l'..:Fl.444o! t -trros P I A' ;riggitig coinplete: ' '' ,'' ' '' ' '' ' : . litizotove tioileigt-ttliffetvel4B;o4o44- —Roy. ac It : 1140000,110 ` •:iti Opr,ikii *W V of- this enure r meat,` Tim* toemorrow) m 9 " 4 1" 4 ert4ngllit. ll ar kc i l i r'# P4b1 1 9 , 0 ila t a a t ‘ , , 111 .4hete.itilt be setilielik the : ptiet %urea., bettibp'.loeVeinir IN g el ~10 0'610404'0 71.4' 0 1 egk 10 0 tAv, , /Tenoning by the pastor, v. Gems .t &dond NO*4 Churek.—TheS wily ,preenhieg I* , . thilVLehurchr An SOPtit t t il eireetonovning an ..evening , 4 the',vig At , :heave, lirthe IteltdiloPnleT t ' " - ' ' ~ , .t , Bra Iteipriet4i r :Omwea.—Services cow l/101100 in the morning at id enter* and in. the evening ati7-41Wpastimpeti Sankt* ollig2 :81 - ,1 ( :ti... 'f . lil t 7f A 7i1 0 ., , 7; t in th e morning by:lll,* l , the eteningbr th e r oe I : r e ,lT i r 49 4 1 A1 4. 41 1 e kiiieh o t it ii the usual hours. „mashing ht the la ' g bit the Iter. Fern4el iFill I k ktq.CYMIPIT 4. Paulson; Ina tv nt' t 6co r egail . . Zig Boalowa •,OF Otinitut.4.-Thetit fe no question but habitual cheoffitniiik li a very great blessing. But,when cheerful po l o le aro laitded i 'let 14 beirenietheradi 'la is . - eral thing, Wit' they sire bfniore dcrOtiu jai for it than . a person for the_posseamon • of at milt o beautlibl eyes, ' Uhiietfuluess II 'a matter'of health s/id,anctll4llon. ' 40 law' lid or a nervq* poi-sown - 3' veallOOltitiVe person, easily aOeteil by, llitmosp brio i and other influence!, tantaot be Anif ly cheer ful. lie may do Mu& towari ' en46aVoring 'to be 06, It is true, bit it must be U.tbing of effort: Manypeopl6-,sre,Chae ' *suss they are apathetic. % l'itO aOrrbii Of others rfil o. not being their, oWn, are aim . ' We do not wish to ' decry this 1 sunshine, but let us notforget, , that ? ski aro very sweet flowers that' iltmtA, :and give out F el, perfume only in the stile., :, , 4 =M . ..., . LIOISE 811021 h 0 . - 3 new system of shoe ing bores is recommended. in -the recently pnblisted report of ths juries of the French EnhAttion. • It *enter, M. °huller; con ten dt that.the phwint" Styli of oleo destroys the horses , row `,and spitOt t utes, fort' iron bind; 'fitted - into to Hetangdar" #wle. 'coped from the outer tire% of the horse's foot.', This band is fastened with Seven Yee tangnlar nails' drivenligto-ovatholle. .f, The Sole of the foot and frog are 101 10,11M,,,e0b, touch the groutui t th e bon :sloVer Sl i go. 'and - never -gets: disease of • a font- ‘, a, at tail new, "lion has :beet tried by; ii i , tikitti tiii( Imp i lablais...* kagLittio *orb ,* lanaeueSt in 145.10,10100 - 14 f Piro. y, ei Oettillkqs Cein , 1tta1ii),.41.01641t „ • and Spay * of 4 borOrmersitiC.lii - .‘ 4Age V4oligns?"ElAt Perf94 ;,,4 i cotenipOral/Y whit hi mite.? 4; :, ,:., .. eek iiith lawn obitinirt lattateo Of., ' • of uniformity iCik9ll4Wt,llllrlditt, rea p n1164(81:1;0 o, n 4 , 0: 9: ' oth•ot OParen •I ltOolik4:: 11 bi49* - 04W. 1 4 . 0 Olilt . 1 44 ‘ . 4r;•,..., 4 •:, • 'l da inn tiiiio '• f '' • , ' tie rind b' '' /1044ialftlitiiii the trial they tire mtdeftin. , , Th4we is !! ',: 4 4 4 ! is eisi 41.41k4aisk:c1014 -4 - 1 4 11 0400 1 04414 the order at the 44 a ltimit mat' menu &clarets •make clnioneys, from Intibate 0 lime instead , of silicste Of lead.'" The unini tiatedess miti'lell the difference of the Obaatty owe of *ego ditroreet qualities of glass b ringing them k the vibration •, of the 1 ' 1 glass chimneys has' aitinasti 64311-like stianaj whilst th e lime: gloss '' US 4 sh ort,, ! hors -- -.‘ vilid• ' ' 'l•' I ' ' • •- ' 4.:•.- • i •,- - • •. • ~ , :.• , ,, , ,,i .... c 4., I-- 1 . iiiis mumuiria‘ szacTioiri,, ,1i..13 ... , I*oo4l4.4y..posisfoopAr t ve s _... .. s. .f Au ~ -t ;•01.7...*'& ,. . , .. ! 4 4 , - 1 4 .40 aoit.o , 1 4414 f l ief ;7104.::. A ' A Itinii 10 ',Wiwi from- 7 1 0 vourr r , -,7, .., , , towns 'give . * ' ilepkl4l#lrity, of 20,31 t t r The sto, Vis 0 _. . ) l i. Ot' ll ga . 4) lee 4 . 1 0 141 !'' k-- " 4 ". 1114 ‘ 911 !Tt ''' P5 41 ,_144044' #! -2 54!); 1- '; ‘, *-, , ,.: -', *', 714 ':R44 1 )40*: 11 4) 14 i .- 4 1 ' 1 ' „v,, , ,rt44)_.:, 1 ,1-,, - . , i klgikiliait Liutoiti , if 14iiiii) ,- Nilo .01:14 , 1,vithit3-,.i , „4.iz t , f,0.,,, ',1:,..1, ; , , q ~,...r it i r r o y., ) , s -,., ~:tt ~.J “; 4; 1,, , ,k,.. ) , A,!..• •• 4:A ,: _____` ' ' "IN t Atlii 4 • ' , 4\ • . J 1414004 ~ . • . MI ME 64' _ „ 44;u - ,14 t 4 ev, ' 0 .0) ,11 4 , ,0 1 orasby ttr, a !eftits Ni ,f.„, ftt MI tViii t. '` 144 I fa 44 1 • • „ . . D T 11,41 , ft f , 'w014.:(41. IC %Ott } v e, ttt irin V4 A I'." ,hpofiffoPp,l4l.... „ , . u • .*;,t9z , 4 ii/14.t at f-t . 1 I ~.**ll* 04144000410 erJ 1 1 ' ';11111' " 4 „, 01 , 1 !Ir.. f' :•• .10 401'40,1 w ild .14* * -, •,• 1,,1 1111 0 1 1Y1,, v l l lOl lMb • •T, T irOk t aZi ‘-ar 1.1g , 4 0 0,tm .i el t4.6 ( .; 1 7!•41 . 741 - 4' , 4 11 0' 4 '' • '- •11- AP ; i" aitki.)l.,p;to: L t: • rf , 1 , ~ Lt. o V . NI/ 51 ;X0 iA 8 A /.12 • ~•••4 , t) fj. !VP . .t . f • Si7lol/4, .• • fr, 011100 11114604 tr 'lrtf,;lo ll * ,~'.~ ',t,~,A .L. 0,1 *O , O 444ifi4f#70 • :r i• NEM =MEE MIN ENE Itigt ~ ~ / r . -.. , . , ~ ..*ifilg . . „-, :,: , , , i•:•, •• . . ~, • . ._,.., y,,. ....,.. ~,, -.., :,,,, , „„/,..,,:....„,,,,,,,, • .i..„-: : Aittta stitliraliii ilite: ..' '''' . l , : ; I : I 4; I - t NI ME 1121 tto#, VIVI" ..ttriontot‘ o.o'Blol..notriao t`' • • .„ • ,• ki , ;tl - 00.) tsii) • ik, .4 4 • , • icr‘twi=eli totidk t e , f 4 wOricd 4 11 4 411 44 A , st idAniksl vt.,4 fesVbrfit IvOkOttft ;Owl . P vgiso !torttlial na-b t.wt r? y o . - N1;4414,i tliii)l434 • - A' • t ;) rif 0110 141 - ' 11YK •Sri / ,',.,;: . ..• • - ••• - „ '• " " . • `7, - • ' =EI MS Vat - 0i 4itifr ,400 • '~, • •'l., • .11f:TeMilY1 )044k. El IME ft, ia.l)t p& MEI A ~~~_ Ell =3 , ti rin