AIL THE READItta. yA; 1 11(401114111B0 leee Cat A.1.111:.(10.1;rtat FIRST SIDIT44x•••xs I_i Rio ~ • . meet Sixth, 0, N 1; • Brown, peel 134111,..6f ifSP. ?.;• ; • V 0 , tO4; • Tlill *All AI*OUT TOWSlrrPeoilifsirs are olte•iiiinsli . diailtllis Mines ' o lol‘ on 4 • heoltbsstoto of mortar 'slats tbrouglittt, to city. Street b l ip. ars belni put, up ilf oroitito oity. , 800 bill-poster in otirortising itottiolus::' - , ,'.;' l lopplroo4 ll , l n o o4 l *. ilp truth a the rop4t tfiott!ifts,WuOilitiiiiobl 4 waiting On the anal. .•-,- , • , ~ • , . • liso coati Of par sfo 4 1, 04104' lin i oifis) •Of . 1,4; 94 .0 A Keyon`will ouitibittlioir iriiirt *t ons is Wit*, on Boturdiy. the Nth bit, ,: f 7, , 1 priof t Xtetts. wait kubwu to our oltisinikmill,itiro a mud oOiArt in Ali olty Oh the 21th of ,03ktibir. .h . ntan wsikneeked down in the street lot night for inrslthis tl,srrod him ritihk • yest4rder mortal' i ferootons ittlielieci cow, belonsini to Mi. Jr.sob nushone, in' North. FM stmt. end t tel4 het to the ear of. the Sow. lie wss only sees tist with much 'dittlitilty. , He tore off the whole est of the eow. Tbis"dore. olibt to be atrystehed to the Bind of "Worthies" eii*.s.'„ liar° your chimneys Swept; and see thiit all your stovepipe, is in good,Ordethefore yqu put, pp your stover. • • • 's . • . . . desert of forfilakke Ore roil/tatty kept orr had's% the LAMS 0:11111)e pure obsuld Astir in , boonit book.. y Tki, swf ,ot 41Sept bend Arians, are . st 11 1: bldlo l f ilisALS 00 Prow, l lo'ol 00#4 , 101 aid . , mlie tsl,„itELPli 4 1 1140 1g! 0 4 1 . 1151 4 PAP - : re; ideilhi . nwislolol4 liadaileas *Many held at a dee1hd0Wm1nt.JA.,,,:.,1.. 0 t..,•;.•' $1,600 an amorists offered ford lend this *side of Charles Wane' Cemetery. It irm reinsed. • ' ; , biiet‘ 'fib° ) 4 1 404 ts tio'ir's b 4 clawed With earloultotiete. • Nachos oontinte groat In 'price and email in Aso. The pieta eon be aeon by the naked eye, but hardly the , poaphoo, 'We saw 10V6111l . men return from a,sunning trip yesterday, who wore imry sumeasful..' Sweet potatoes, by ttiOtar load, are brought to the city. Apf4e,bittter Is vended through the streets tit 40 . ets. per gaud, • • Rua over and faituutly,.dug 7th uu4i, Nun 'trusts. Yultaidui, bi ttb- } 4 .o°4o ok 04. One Vie / 41 , ? : ; Amw y4tlrs . ittir4on witi poop, iestv4y,.. Oo shill Rolm! to aleirdettpoit A 'tar Ash' °in beim seen itt4nr..lroo store, oth attest, Quite a curiosity. It wan' hYoilibt hem thUSelpble. , • , . 1 ; A in an last 011111111 0 44 0 considelfo lo 0/ 0 4° —*aid be MIA a Grantiutan. We took It tot Cifroet:ed he was. I : ) 1.t , ) it The old 10comotIve , "BIsoli,D1414ond" has attain 44.'00 on thel Reading railroad, thoroualy bl A t ; ; :: . ,Thivtene thaA was shot on. wsottesdkl.f short dlitance below -the 011/, mesititokll , obeti u tilife and half; inches soon the wins. • ." The itilabi :thin whleh ' , itoishinit• at 10 4'04 !Fe Rittledeinhle } yeststdey snorpint met with Utt sodden t )Enfitir ;01stion, - .."A'truolt tbrohinsiAieral otf,/h e.traetcti it ' Its many iterte fit the pool e s tstiiiinant water. . *bleb ,havu ~toaffeottheb4ltho f 1 .4 1 1• 1 1 those ttildhur the v.lootr, *a brood 0 411 " lance And disease. These lots altOtild be tilled, and the Weld skid heatth of trait eititottactritrdid. 11 this inch IS thine proirreasini backsiardi Tbst Now Tiii(4•444 gOini,beolt ' lO ll *01! 0 0 t0 t r 6 4 40 0 1 !, 11 44k 1 ** IP+ oolturthie sew Yaw ' !„ ton4i l if#os lP a PO t t i ke4 i 4tlPh l (1, aural vieaner and starie.);snusitanuielullt bulk"! the Plow 40,1,/losrOW,lloo,l, this mominb and, ntynoted great deal of ettell4Dtl nPv° l appearance, r't tit , ' The beantlinl mud hold at the Ansalas of Reed alley in Walnut,street, has received no, attention says . : ' : ..., ~, . ,..,;r. .st 1 1 ,, , ; 'Wes,, ave eh'onit licOssion befoi: , ` caittinet, cit." ise'mt of to pasi underneath 'the soliffoldsi of new house's. Thta morning a lady, paned under a ,self= fold out Sixth street, When a kick fell down, just about one foot from' her. This ' was no Serious seoldent, but It might have' been ! i ' . Bee advertisement Of Peremptory Salo in 'adver... thins oeinan. B4l.l4terklet & eti,,lli Pllnietl4et, 4ita' e et(t thhi =instil ht an al:ketthienteAtiVadi elkic 4 0, people that they Ciall 111 eat'P? ) fte 01101 T , 118 .6 nY other him in ihi Chi. ' ' ' ' ''''', ''"l 1 Wo saw a iaiti , this 'twining, timing komo a broom. - Wonder if !his 'wife hid 'silt broken the old one over bl* Orlttfdin i ;'' '•' "A ~ • Everybody *ants tO'hear. "Bricrpicifneroy to -11414. ' ' '''' " Be. important beat smatter in other colimis.. t , Painters unjust about *Print the iniii/inft, tot: to a row of 17 new' frame houses in "liiPle ill' , betattienlgth and llth 'streets. .1 „ / ;,,.; , ~ -..„) Reel lace Yells are coming into fashion c again. Thosefonti,atl Itt tf.e'PoknAr.**!PP . ." 6 # hi, f , , ay. ! li 'l!, t Railroad two tope West b Ork tris increase. , , tiAVIO who iiietezia to WoOl;t4to such Aiiiiteilo ,natters, positively predict a decline in the price 'et wheat and *Our, and ltdette (atm Sri* t 4 bold th9lr crop fora rise. ' • • ' " Tho celebrated foetus mare, Lady Thorn, has! heeisold tee $17,600. 'Y,, ‘. • 1 •.i e , i . , . Th. ,1141, fast losinit their .folfacti t , and *ill, sposi Bl i es,.barreit.' Vesetetlea 14(4 1 106 1 1 CoMe:, susilie .verdttse of the plants yield to autumn's PoSOK llowino 40. thoforlontsi at aitdetek i Ottiaiithit thawliter heariet are to be rai4el patlitiii lifts il ride into. , • • 0401114**1) . ., iloitiiiibink ie. trati * J days 4 prudent war,7-Elwit I, t All fashions-71ot, own taste; ' „ • Ejantion ftny ikappßitchint, atitt:Witikit liteslJ loot fbr its Invariable aebompaolment--ehestnuti f AO smut truss-maker can 'reap a fortune who will'deviskan atip li ttnoh toreitte,4ltho v 01 1 0 4 40 curvature of the spine called, the Oreetaa Bea& 1 , - • ,• , "Walter, V tldo a Spring illOksst, Moat remark, , -c. ----- -----, .'?' Ale fowl . ever attpuiptea An assault upon 4 66 "TIC . 04, Meg ,8 TIT ohlok o o } ' MOO! els , , POI- s 4144 e ' il) ypa let, iliAt sprif4 bier/ time zoid., 440#4*)411:41:140 4 t", . Ma' Volir rithiM'9tts . ha, 'satinet+ Whop' bon e? rattle •Throse cit . Ae !mite ould ' tpik. wall for It , eibiottut!. . - , - ~ - .!l' - ...1 _ Two no* Teleittaph Wes wets ertotod WodnowAy olk the ith of :illeeent,h *et . MP . . 1 t ,!\9 4 . 1.6 t#4 9 1re1e gqfeli v \ , ' 1.0 4 !NW k f t i t wed livosstou'i:tetkg lot, t.s one, f t irtntil lisi to 140. the Plain e clfrailair'rni.itig i l,ol4( of alfriWkwiakee t tt , ihrt;ha a•tr1476:1=111111;10,10 t t t 0,4 V II 14 'kat .14 /V! artd tiql Moilli l it , VilbliniX P l igkrf l ititiM ' ' '' $ POO lif ' '•Mitirt011400100141913i001 b9 o lll l loTe t r I • 1 , I Mimi takilp4loust their• rd. Thor never 11 ! " PA .q, ll4 . 3l " l " * "Fllt* ' (1°P1F,000740)11•' :“ . . / it 44 ' 6it i)nit lit ii i t il i Meni 41 bolll4t, . 0;- t Of : ig ts 0 PAIII4BI of flit* etql 'lO% *Pala Sto l - it‘Vek 44-tt baronet", last treeing,- forteigiort, t 0 `13.1,/,81140i? 40400, 101 l K; of P., of that "s u hr• '. •• 1:-, . - '2 , `. '•;'• • • ' a l / 46 /iiii4 4 4iit r . le;gittAt'.4o : 4o : iiiii: *OW cittenii of the donontOation 'of 'sf i n it* -centif:humade . 44 appearanO. It is an hop ovemettif it regards quellity t . upon an pr. ding Issue. • likenesses of; grant and Sh an are, cm the right and left ends., The beck of the currency, whielt gives the 1404 sli§bt tinge of the' same color.' - ..'-' `~~~~ ME : -. --*—_— , iaTIM free excursion and great auction solo f y Lebanon lots, postponed from . last Mon on ascogat of tbor . eatbor, hrto mile, o ff On next 'Monday; Sept. 21st, affording aline 'opportunity for Investment of capital or tho tnrchltiftf of" oheaP :044 PtOttaffnt home. Le anon Si attracting universal interest, and :is stained to become ono" of the first towns' in 'the State. $ Ir . is supposed that a band of robbers are toe c ated between Lehighton and Selberlings "Mot ,Lebigh`. county. }.. Quito a . riuMber of 1 oast) robberies biroiake'n pipe°, as well as , ortietiliarnea, ,/tc t ,:stolen itY several in. teneee. It Is .sappoilo the thieves genCi• ally I l k de,Ytimit spy Cut, the . Ogees' where' they Wish to , commit ; depredations, Aud/at nikhticialiaticir'exids. We h'opo' they May !)948estired• ; . , -,. - . : 'A thitocskrtc hlies Aeoting will, bo bold' n klaturdity;:Sept, 20th i • 1888 1 in 'the tiller noel% andAseningi 'at the vublielouse of John' Botte l .in New Jerusalem, Rockland tovioakip : ~ 'Addresses,. will be delivered •lii the Engligh and German IlanAuagee t and thq. lAyone iiiiil*l3and.llll be in in attendantp. At Demooratic and Conservative citizens ate • invited td bp ilreeent. 'By order itif ' ' • " • Tun , Coot A#EHTtON I 110118i1 ON f--We aro request ad by Mr. 0. B. Rhoads; who will command .moiMtect men in , the procession this seeking; t)utt Mon ,- bavinehorses heed not trouble themselves to Mint for sad- Idles. As workingmen and plowholders, we must not be fastidious, but come with or !without saddle's, as . niay be convenient. Thh Wen and horses, with any kind otbridlos, are all that aro required. Turn oAit, every Man who has a horse) t• ~ 1 4rrnimArt Coltrsicilog.—Tho Second District Confeic i nCe of. the ,I.,,nthoron Synod kltitennisylvAdi4;;eompiiiiag xl4lBOOl irconi phigh r iKorthtmpton t Carbon s MCnion and Wayne cOntitiesi' l .meet on Tuesdl the ,22a of Belitember , at 10 . o'glock the Egypt (March: seven miles froni 'Ben , Pwog awl pear litel:oll,l3tation, or Oleg. led'W,BrJdgel OorjantiCliurcbAucetione t are to be pliscuase the Sesinons to continue till the following day, .1, BOY IV ..14-Boyaopairua, aft pr and hang on tty tsjuirteon thi, wag ens that pqaaOlcopctlyvitrfilqs,(l,f ; our city, notwithstanding the admonitons of the pa relpts, the police With°. citizens generally. Yesterday / mining about 10 o'clock; a small boy'atteMpted to Junin on a Wagon While it was in motion , north() Faith' !Atka (Aeßevr)' !of ant) was aatighklntwega,the spoke !of the ; front, wheel and glebodyottho wagon. suitameil heypre an d , wp,s con ' veyed to )ii:streC c ••• ' ' ••-• '••. • • • • • ; ATTENTION; iIENCIORATE 1-All /Jo:worms who Mak ,to oiiVon' horeebank in , the procession inA,Onottet-sAßriek?!*''PoOemit on rri,dgy t .avAnifigh ; wig report ,to Cal vin B. tthoads, Lanerri Garden, Third and Chestnut' streets, Reading; , any, time WI. fore 0 o'clock, Friday winning: " Th e mounted ' procession will , form at — Laileir's Park; Third and Elm si.i6dts, on, 'Friday evoning t „ at V o' i cick. bproopapn car ry Mountedmen from tho 'country afe'es-. peciallyt invitedve, >.! , • Sept. 14.5 t BORE FRUIT 4iiAL66:-.2inet evening some luilta-dege`d boYi, living in the vicinity of Eleyfert, M'Manus4 Co.'s Rollins Mill, eAttrod the . mehard of ,Mrs. Hem mig, yohd;tho Leander", Midge, and dubs M:igtoliqPl.koocAo4,,apkles, off the trees. rs. norarmg,,withi.a servant or. twe, went tb'ebasolthem out of the orchard, when. the boys turned on thein with their clubs dnd I ) l3Zl e te i ta r ki v e e ti l lt!y f !loli h e o e officer Kemp ITO 0,114 for, lout before any arrests could be' mtt dethe boys bad disap peared. The names of the depredators were aso6rtained'aM*o wereAnformad that war rants would be . issued for their arrest; =I '2144 (:444.-- ,4 4 ,•godA) - ''•?; ii,;;;,, ~,. _ : f,l, .A . : ' , , , C3`tr; . .. t' , .; . '‘'' '‘''' • , I *4 l ol lo #_ ... ' .. . C eS it t 11 , A 4 4: 11 # 1 11 1 ; ' ..*,..'.' .'. ',.:. *iiisio*,,.• •_...,-,iititi,.ltiiiiiTt ~:..,, , ._ ....„, . I i ;:,;;r,q!A , y4V`,,:11 , ' ,,, !',, , 1 : !., i l l eiatiuoteite' ow ~,..:,;. \.1•::,,.,,1,.,,.,...•.,,,‘.... vaij0k .„„.,3,,..„ al., .. :4044eming. limpt , .. I_i. 4,:, - , ‘,,•'',-- : 04 ;(:„, ~, , , 7 71 ,91 , „0.;'.0* - .A,' ,W4e, ~, , ~ l ' It '' 1 , ''''' - . 1' \:-' - ',- ', . -I '. - '1' 4 . 1, 4 i, Ili,Y .'•1 i.lnt , 4 2 ., - ,- ~ 1 , - ,NF- , 4 ' ti ,1,-.40 , .0!'i•,5 , :;„4451 :,f,t,o ' ti , et e•';'S"••••' • • :" : • . j , .. 4ko * :YrAq • . , • . ••• ; 1 - ' 7 ) , • 1 11) • .t* . „), 3 BM , : NrET' 1 , 40. , ~,,,,-, ,i, i - , , , i 1;. ~i.,-; - (,: , - ' ,' 1 ),, , ''.i, ;;,-,:,t,',:.);;i, FEffl 11/11 , ?o, '1? -• 4 0, '• ' ' "-- "• - •:• 1 -4' r ' ./.41,,P: .•' ~,,'•,,••„ 1.,;:,!..,•; , . •‘ .!,; • .- , ~,,,,,,.,;1•,,.1/1, 0 ~ , ~ .- ' V.; , 1 ,- -f i? ,?,:'??,-• - ,' , ..,• , ,, , .. ;• - : ., 4, , , t .%'?.; '''''.- -•. -,;,-,,,.! v„-#S, ••• .0 -'4,4 1 . • i . ; 4'r,;‘ '•*4 # *a ' 4 01, '-' '', .••fs.'--;271::‘,.4' 1 7,,,, - • •••,,,:,-: "; - , , ,' ' .:; .`i-,•_-,t,;•,',.!•;£.4,',01-". 4 ,0.1 t- : ‘ -,, .1.:-.`,1.:,t, i`t,•l.l.,'"'i•,, ~;,•• , i ,-; ~, 2,, ~ '• ~,.'. 4 - 40 ' , O , •., • •••f: , - ; .. ; ; :_t - '•.•'!• '.?,* ''' , 1:;:•-.k.: ,9: - If ' ' i,,,)• • # -- „..i, 0.1,'...4 ' ,•,40 ti. 0 0 '! , , 111=1 . , • ' 4% , • \ ,l „ , • - , .. • .:'' ,- ;, ~ .., i - .. .., ,:f ; 1 , 1.1 . , t i ~: ' 1.,., .„.. A . }i._,, ‘ ,,„ 41 i ~....: A", • ~ -r 1 , . 1 . .. , . it , . c .1 . • , , ~ ,i, , . 4 ',' _ ~..-:!: ~•-, ~ '.‘ ~ 1 . '' •'' . r''•::.? : • ;• 1 , —. t . .Y 1 . , ' :, li . 1 , ....,,,‘ ~: •;. ~,,,. ~. 1 ,, ,• "f f... 1 - - ' •=ol.liTi. El " 1 ) f* 11-01),WitRplITQIIE 1 4 0 :t t)io:•, /, ), f1,114a- ~e~ r - i .~ ~% =I SIM • ',,'• r, , • t.‘" t OWS MEN= :,.. , i• ' : ~.:.,: .. ~ 1 . , 0 7 , ':• :Ni. , '; . :' ~ :I. ~4 , :;!- , 1 ,":, ~, ,f,,,, -,^l 4 ~,,, ~_ ~. r; ~. .... ''''' n'"'i,-i,: . '? l ,ltiii:, , i, ~14:44,,,,,,;,(1,41i,: 1 .:-. ~::,,,:.;,,,'.,, .., ?-., - ;;; ii.;` , 44',- , ~.., ~ . ...~ . ..-, ~, tic . ;, , , ", - .V.!.. ,_ , .„.. ~,,„ , .1. 1 ' it: ?.i 4:, , . 4c- , •,, .1i .. -' - ?::,';.i ir ~;: ? '- tH, y i',, I ~. 2' v . . k, :,,,,,,,, . - 1, hi ;' t i e ,l t , ' - '.. i .' :, . ~ .., , ,i 4 : , 41Aptik I i ~,., •:. 0 ,, ,, , i , •.. ; , ; , titi.: - )•, ,-.., ~,.. i, !m0t i,,,,,., '''') 1 tiz, " , t . 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