11 . • , . •. . . • .. . ... . -- . ....-..... _ . . . . . . • Fl; :•'1 ! ;'. 17 %' ?:; '-' i " e ii ei '. . • •'''• • / /- • -‘ j i• •f • • ••! '. i %' ' '• % - ,•:• •• . -' S •.• '%.' • ''• %•' ~ ,': • ~, te• : o 4 .ll` i': ":', i ':• ‘. ',. i. .irt:;•:f•' , • - f titiv';"o i, t, • ;:-•*; d; - • i: `''. , • 1 ~ t , . • k . ~ E . ' H .747 . S: :,i.: • - ----'" ~,I l il. . • ; ' A'. . ... • . •• ~. 1::::::_'.','....: . ..r,....4,,,,........,,,,•,,,y.,..: .., , 3:. ~,,,.. ~.....,,,..„4„.,... 4: ,•,,,. • . ....,. ,*.4. 7 ...„......,...,,., . , ..,. .....„.................„............._.,.. , ..,.............._. t..:. . ~.. .•. gg FOR Tali 0000 THAT LA0115.13 - ABSISTANCEt FOR Tun vino k o3o l nokir mums Rististoreo. : Ty.AE E PUI#4IBiIII).IOERt:APTEIiNO64;:' (Sundays Excepted') ' /1,11111 OPPiOE OP OE REAI)INO,,AD ER, 361 PIEMINI STAIIMIET, • The 1111#000 Doti /LIMA will be fling:bed to subsertlm l ikbp ellz at Tax clutrapta wier.i .TO mill so 1 at fe,sl) a year, pr*l,2s a quarter —to be tutl fo lararlolr iiadirlllloo. A liberal dethiettonylll be wade to 411 u of ten or more sub. ipil ,scrlberi..Toreveat mistaken letters ebould be liddres3B4 lilliAblita DO # ll'. LOLL ' . i ~ . . WILLIAM El. BITTER, JAMBE G. RA — WLIIY. r , ..okisissioNAL: `. Lows 04'sAttituiruvnic • • 010110 .40 RASIDENON, No. ii 4 North Sintketrea I, fteadi n g, pug 20-Imos • • • P 0 W e,1313 . 9 . ._ relark t Z DzfrrtWri ot Squares over Davi% eDri °gods Stoxe, ~Hitt Jong w . *XL. ATTOJINNY Art L.W. ffice—Looser Bundipt. 08‘ u g o t, boor.) rio, 180 contra street, POW? ie. 10.0 an bo conatiltoit In thao ermaniontuoge. mar4tr • . • INit Allis 0 iliGp R ATTOItNitY AND • 00UNSELLQR AT LAY. 0Moo: No. 4O Ogurt Bt.. (near Eitxol.)lictouro. Pa. ml4tt G EORGE F. DASH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RUIN NO f PA. Orcois Nq. 540 OOUTt Street. (up Steam) H ar' , "'LE' • PIIYOIOrAN, (U, O. Peoslon Burgeon.) Ig e orbt r eh it t e at7M. Pa itol pad, ' RICII*IISOIIII, ALDER,MAN, Office. No. 29 North (Ith Streit. opposho PostO face, ilViorlyonhlctuul popreysniolng promptly at tended to. •febl9-3mo, ZO. Del!. ILE!Ilip kJ/ (don of the lute 600. M. Keim, Rel.,) ATTORNIVY AT LAW, Mee: Centreeireet,opposite the Erdeeopalolinrell, jan2B4l . , ' POTTSVILLE, , JESSE et y • ATTVRNEY Oftleo, No. 40 (iecond floor,) NOMA ',Sixth Street, nearly oppoito the Oeurt Rouse, Reading, Pa, Jan. 28-tf HENRY '• ' • Al COME A:r X,W. Moo, 29 NORTH SIX U STREET, REIADM Jan f. • 1 4 01:la kilitniAitnii. . . . , ' ATTOIINIfiIY it .IPLA TV. Ofepe, No,to Court *AO, over thp Moe of John 9 ltionards, c ' , • felyo-tf 11191IANTRADVI' • I A TORRBY AT 4AW, Moe Itiporth Sixth Street, corner Court Alloy: fae.tf •* • :• • • _ A UG WA US 13. BA IPA It A 14, . • AITOinoIEY AT LAW, Office, No. 4Q North Sixth otreet,Oppoolto tho Court 11°1 : Oonsultationo hod in' tho kindieh or ger man *virtue. , tt : , - 1 • NM ___________,__,_____ JOHN RAESTOIffs 1. • , ATTokrEY AT LAW, • • Office, No.lo North Stith street i ,opposite the Key stone House, Rimiding, Pa. febe-t1 BOUNT it 1 JOEL D. WANNER, TTORNEY AT LAW, : giV v egl r alt i rensto: t 4n e ld poraiy n Aly t t gOaadrPia.' Ito heogiLindea anti ma axe lamed. febe-tf WILLIAE 0. BREWSTER, (Organist 41 Pirie Rearmed Ohnrck) • irKAOIIER OF PIANO FORTE, ORGAN AND lARMONY. • _ N. NNlUTtlintri R°"‘" , P rtito 20-tf • DiF. E:XOI I 3EIR, BURGEON DEITTLST, • OFFlljlit:4l9 Penn Fitreet, Rending,. Pa. Invites the publlo to call , .4 examines his now plan ibr extraotinf teeth without pain. AU opor allow in Alit profeisiOn neatly exeouted and • charges reasonable. aP2stf ~ M INAIIELLANEO II Er f L U R ' °MONITION PAVMENT ( AND .IFIMORING. riIIiIB,PAVYMENT 4114(1).R/400111NQ Is NOV aokpowl•dged to ber tho boat in use. It be • comes bard and firm Immediately. le dry. durable, bad travertine to,erstsr,Vadl not affected by either efit or gold. All orders vroraptly attended to, and the'rirk to renteed to atty..) satiefitotton. App) y to June " ' . 27, South Fourth et :coon= zra, If: v. • 8 . 0141 by all Druggists nail Deniers In Viitent Medicines. • B 'll5. 'l3ll 0 . , DR. A.' H. uani, W. J. TITERWERITER, yaiximq wgus, \ Agents; Reading, Pa., 51 WEST END • ~C_:,o Al-1 LtME,i SA Nb YA-RDI Cor.lin and Front . , , 11E undersigned 'would respectfully Inform Ms frlend4 Bala the Dr Almt he la prepared to th 4 best Of pl. Lime, and Sland to any Part of the bity, the'e care. • .• . Orders Promptly Attended - to. JOAN B. Illtlo_W_ 1111251 t 102 Prot A gent% 04. BOAdini• , • VOLF'I7.I6No;IOB, (' • ZliE/LOOBlilikNEOUII• THE IMEADII444 *ME liitgiltANCEAttD TRVST coatievvir.or PERM! • oeoAistssn • Cirrot. .000.00. , • Readies, latunutee' Building', No.lo Worth k streef• 8. E. (bluer 4i (burs ems. (Hike bouts from BA. 11 . . to 8 P. It. • ; pI3II3I)TORti: Pringlo Jong, • Jam ee McKnight, Ilenry,Z. Van end, • , Jacqb Bha ff ner, T. Jackson 1,, E. Jitout, Jonas Shatter , • J. T . Valenti*. • ,George Weser., • This Comps y insures all kinds of pro Porty ainst loss or Mago by•fire at rates low' as any other reliable Cogapany and upon every plan known to Stook Insurando Companies. Perpetual hle Policies issued requiring no renewal and upon whl the 'amount of. premitirn paid can be reclaimed at any time, • loss a deduction of live Per test i The advantages, of • this , method are ortly of rho attention of ferme ua houses nt and others ligy, ruil Neg. i tirto d w w nti i r tredeglar estapd safest. , • , • • • ' Polities foione, two, throe Aye or more years, or forless than one year.•bull and no charge Riede fig Policy and aurVoy Who reheyred or*hen In-' allranCts pito. tranorred mark other, conipanies. The oltisens o esuUng• and vicinity. hitherto dependent Italy upon for e companies, here now the privi ova of effectin g , t oir insurances in a P.m° Institut on, Well organise , with an adequate paid In and .•guaranteed dapital,• presenting as strong a basis eCescurity se that of any other com pany.' The advantage of doing kindness directly !with the Company and the importance of keeping some portion of the large to paid for insuranoos, in circulation at home i will i a6 - emeolated nil. 3. PII,INGLII Jt . S, President. JABLEB MoKN IT, Vico President, B. It ANOONA, Seo'y and eat. Uunelo-tf scnooit. nooxist soutooL BOOKS I Just,' received nt the tAGIst BOIIIitSTORII, a full lir of books in use in the Publio Bohools in this, c ty_, which will be sold 1. at tho,very lowest prices wit•uld bo to the advantage of, ou who aro in want of books to ascertain our prices b oforo purchasing clamber°. We have QW oodbury's New Method ;with ilorainn,B Composition Rooks. Fasquollo's French Courst. • -7 • Bonnicattlo's Mensuration, I_l , 8 ti) , d a d r l t ir e d r : s s 011114n o iAl y os, 0 0 • • BuilitinipGrapanuir. Ray's Algebra 0 Cu tar ' s Anatomyy, Goodrloh's U. 11,111 story. • Q 1.1 ir • Ortenlears Arithmetic, • / Tohney's neology. • FA - ' Davis' Legendary . • 0 Thom asAymelogy, . '. IR APens D l a c' dliD a e r nirold ors. • 1 Slates a d Slat° Pencil 0 G . . Spence n Copy Books; • L Ant 'a • Virgil, ,' . R Sul n's Ctosar, EWoodbureelitopentjr ar, CortnannenderE • , Bohboill&Caskats, * Parker Sc Watson's Series of Sohoollbaoks, 351 Crlttoildon'a llookiceett y with cotta. PENN -1311iEET. Ponnoi*'o.lllstop , :of Bniaana3Grocco, and atom°, IiEADING., ditchers Intortnadiato and Primary Qoogr a Aloe. • VIiiiTING CARDS,' BpSINPSS, 0411DS 1 . Y. • i • WEDDING CARDS, &c., • of all kinds. may be had st the VAaraz Electrotypes furnished if desired. All csrde ill bo done in VA e •A ll Py b i glli f e I CYO MIPS. J. V. , lias removed to No. 15 North Sixth Street, Whoro she yrill keep a full line of Trimmings. the moat rellabloPattonn for Ladles and Obildren'a clothing. Partiodlar attention paid to Gloak-mak• lng. lt Good work and perfect fib; warranted. gprf ,ra \ RITURE DEPQT. SCIIRCEDEIt& FELIX Wareroona,. corner Fifth and :Washington •streeta. MANUA4CTORY, WAS'iIINO.2'OI4 STREET BELOW FIFTH. • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rUNDERSIGNED RESPEOTPIII.,IIY hi, vita p'ublio attention to their splendid stook of rat-class' furnittixo now arid constantly on hand. awl made to order to xult customers, • Among other articles, _especial attention is in. 'vlted to their. unsurpassed EXTENSION TABLES, . DRESSING BUREAUS; DINING ROOM CHAIRS, .• CENTRE AND - OTHER TABLES, , • „ BEDSTEADS OF TER LATEST STYLES,' and evert Other: article in their Eno bf business. Every article Is manufactured bythemselves i in their admirably arranged manuitictorY t with most perfect machinery, filld skillful mcokan Olt 4000,0111 m urisorpafsedinenfler, • Also preparld.to exeoateali orders Or. • CARVING; TURNING, , . . • SAWING, and MOULDINGS. • • All orders promptly executed, and warranted to give satisfaction.. . op. 10-tf. . Ll' l ' 7 ' • ONARIES I • • • • Webster's Bnabridged, • Webster's Academic, (Boy.. Ed.) • • . . Webster's Ilighßohool, (ltov. Ed.) Webster's Common School, • , Webster's Primary, (Rov. Ed.) Reid? English Diatinary, • ~Wercester's compFhomdie Dictionary, • IYOto ter's bobl Dictionary; AdietljklerWan and Elie eh Die onary. . Oeldschlager's Prt.nounoing Clerman Dictionary. • b'er side at the "EAGLE BOOKSTORE, jan2/34f. 831 Penn street, near Fourth. Mil WANTED. MONEY WANTED! . • Y :4 1 OOZY Or ARA Dj O. The undshgrgeed,' Committee ton' Pidanee of the Corportition of the City of Reading. haying been authorised to borrow the sum of • SEVENTYTIVE THOUSAND DOLLS. for the imps. theirlder.WooB9/ the said oltf. hereby give notjee that they are pre= paled to issue Certificato3 of Loan, bearing six per cent. interest, to parties dear to loan MOIIOY to the city. ATply to either or e undersigned. or. te wit-Rani He donnish. Es.4 v itcv Treasurer. • HDR. BBL_ DANIBLY p ric, • ' DAN EL HN, i • Oonua too on lux* • II • PiaNG; PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON ' SEPTEMBER ~ - DIIBC I. IfAN Eli CITY HOTEL, • s I 01:P4 SIXTH STREET, (Near Penn.) ) • . ' • READING, PA. *,Charges moderate. A. N. ESTEBLY, rtopzietor. sag 6 it 'URNIS Ni UNDEB,TAKEB, . Nor 329 Penn Street. • , . ..- . . , . ALL kinds ofeoflif f furntsbcd at abort notion Funcrals attended n town or country. - Entire attentlo'n given to the wines& - , auk 22 , 1 w - E. p . 14114LER.'Ast. MOTZER & J - JOKE'S • . (Formerly Aalockuiuehrs)l F 11,:t E C. 0, N.O SALOON, • UNDER THE POST 'OFFICE, - • • 'RHADINCI, • ITAVIiiO bought out Mr. .4., Bookmueht's Aileen, under the Post Office, tho undersigned announce that they will continue the business un der the above firm, and..provide all the varieties of entertainments for ‘vitioh this place la celebrated, via; ' • Free Concert Every Evening J • AND . LUNCH EVERY MORNINGa • • Soliciting a continuation of the patronage Om appreciating public, theyare • • • Very Respectfully, J. 111. Moister, a4-Imo. Daniel Hoke. NEW WINE HOU S E, • No. 052 PENN STREET, • READING, PA. *, OSOAR R. ORHIST, PROPRIETOR, Maki in all kinds of Dotnostio Wines of tho beet lity, LAGhR BEER, ALE, &o. air 24-tf. • ' BLACKBERRY COI rnAL. FOR THE ' CURE 'O DIARRHCEA, CHOLERA MORBJS, SUMMER COMPLAINT,' quota , • GRIPING PAINS; SICKNESS OP`THE STOMACH, &c. PREPARED ,>IIY DR. WM. THIDAVECHTER, • Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 540 PENN STREET, (Noxt door to the schmuokor How) READING, PA. Julylo tf EAGLE COAt T * YARD! • Front Street, aboye Penn. • READING, J.E UNDERSIGNED ragptiotittlly inform the citizens of Reading and theivielnity, that .thoy have'opened a NEW 'COALYARD on Front St, abovo Penn, whom they wino glad to see all vrho are in need•o_f_agood article of coal for either FAMILY or MAN UFAOTURIN,G pur poses. t The sup erior advan tagep thei,possess es for roooly ing and delivering every description of eonl,rend era COMPETITION win' THEM IhiPOSSIBLIk • • PRIOR I.IBT. Red' and Whito Ash Nut Coal, $3.00 and $3.25 IF on Stove Con); 44.12 Egg do • • 3.90 do ' 2.00 4 .* H. S. nnowlst & co.. • Proprietorn of Engle Cold Yard . ; ° June 1.3m0s 00AOR NAILING 1 COACH . REPAIRING 0. 11. HESSLER, Sixth St., between Washington i ar Walnut. Respectfully announces that{ he is prepared to do all work in his line with despatch. The experi- M:t t rrn a tt nY . patrons.. wille s be fo the:tittnaetat be given hY any, attoty in the oitY. 00A0/1 REPAfRINGI r afaiepshitli of ever kind, as • welt as BLAO 11 WORK, atten ded to at short notice, . Jan3ltf O. IL RESSLER • IRON 91tICS.• LEWIS NEUDOERFFER, • Court' Alloy,. below .Fifth - Street, • (In the reeof tho Fannon' National Dank) ' T PREPARED TO ATTEND TO ALL inky friendefnd tho oommanky In , general, ',dm may need an hing line,_aneh as making IRON RAIL G . LOOKS, HEYS. RANGING IRON REP ROG LOOKS. &o. All repairing attended t,o a thee hortest•notiee, " Charges mod-, 'erste:: LIMB I , II=OII , I4IFER ' CEMETERY LINE ! ME LINE OF OARRIAtIES FOR THR C,EXETE R. Y Will leave Fifth street end Chen* ellev ever, hour of the day, commencing at on o'clock, until ihrther -tf orde're. THOS. ROM BRO., apt EAnirmickitimall I 'SO trek , Alianitk: CITIES Itp!NED 001148.841.8 Nsvt?aii, September 12.'46 itediottiir Guiding Ater, from Aapin*al), brings the folj lowing intelligenee ' '•' On the 18th ult., 'terrible' earthquake visited the eitiei'along oiteitt and' Ectiador, pleieby,thirti-tivo thousand' liVes were lest, 'end pe l 9porty valued, at,sBoo,ooo l = QC* was destroyed. A rurnhling seined t pre: ceded tho carthqnake, and the 804 was "terri bly agitated, and flooded the land foragrcat distance.' ' • • 4g - Arequipa, a city of thirty:fivo thousand habitants,,bas pissed away, 'scarcely• a, v,4s t,ige of it being left. Over 400 lives wore 198 i Arica; a term 9f 12,000 inhabitailts, Was also destroydd, not - tit bousoloing r jpit Wading, In Allis town 600 porsOns'petisti6d. A tidal wave, fqrty fe , at high, rolled with (et ride force on shore, *cariyilig ships" fbitlicr on land than was over before known. ;The United States stOreship Fredonia capsiicd and all on board were lost, She had ,on board naval stores valuid at $1,800,00, She was rolled over and sinasheilAo atp ms,. , 'Tho United, States steamer Watdroo' was carried half a mile inland, left high and. dry, ,but only, one sailor was drowned. Owing to bei groat distance from the son stes4n , never. ho got afloat again; The Peruvian 'dor:Tope Anierici Was also carried ashoili, and 88 of her crow worn drowned. The Amorienn antman, Rosa Rivers, the English:4%lp icellor, and the French bark Edunido, Were'alsn lost. • The towns of Iquique l tlequegim ? Loctimba and Pisitqua were 'utterly destroyed. ilior 000 people perished at Iquique, Tho - Ame• ?leans Tt heavily ? and.nearly all are' totally ruined., The towns of Stin Atuntapui, and Imutad aro in mine. :here tho town of Qoatipaelii formerly 'stood is now a lake. The poo'plo of theao' Covina worn almost entirely destroyed. 110 . tONYD'4 of Palish°, Ptiollaro and Paohigunjp Were olio destroyed. Tho dead bodies aria() nu morons that "the survivors has been' - forced to flee froiu the:stench' 'of the pion:Mpg bodies. lIAvAxA, Sept. 12.—Adviccs haie hew re ceitcd announcing that Poru and pounder have boon' visited with a most terrible Card'. qualm. The shoo o'cOarred,On the 1:004,of Aagust, and lasted only five niuntos; but in that time over 25 1 000 peoplo, poriahedond 50,01 X) were Made homeless. The cities of Arcqvipa, Iquilue,.phalaAad Chincha were entir6ll ilestroyed.- The lois ofproperty be. tween Tacna and - Arica is estimated at $14,000,000. The 'United' States, stoanier Kent:Argo is tondeting assistance, . the sufferers..• • • ADDITIONAL PAATIOULADS. Nnw Yonx , Sept. 11.3. — Lottora.fiopl tima givo additional d t otailti of Cho earthquako . and its 'efkots. • • • The shocks commenced a4:5410 ?Atop Pio lath of August, extending 'from 'Bolivia to the southern . torts of Chili on the coast, and over 100 miles inland. The toWns and cities mentioned in the despatell'es of last night were literally ruined;, all the buildings not destroyed being so, injured as, to. re. quire demolition for prudential 'reasons. 'Allfthe public buildingif itt Arica Nvee stroyed s inoluding the . Ctistela contained over 400;900, noyth efgoeds i all of which were lost,' . : . The loss of thaVrodunift . and ' iftinling of the Waterer! 4ve cleSarib64l,4 tollaw§: They were both at anclior in the harbot• of, Arica, near„ `each other,: Afti‘ii the'; ,grit`, shook had occurred tin in n d;and'irhlo4 ere-. ated great consternation on i botb: ieftselepr.! Dubois, the 'surgeon, rind the paymaster 'of the Fredonia; took n boat and went oaehere' to inquire torihe welfarsi,lif; 'apiao ',OOlll/q,i and to offer thii'seiviCei of th e iihti few moments after leaving the:yeaseloi 'eatl npheaving of the waters it(tle`b,k7t,eiirJ, 'noticed,: 'and the 4 , l4c.in`g 11,0.; chains; 'was dashed ribonVl4the M'ciie,y, , thn, sea, and thriftily was 'dogma: Aftwpieces,on reef., •Nothing of the tteivi l lirap Havekand her' officers and otew, 11 in tAtt4her, lost; also Mrs. Dyer, wife °Niro Lientniirinti Commanding. The 'Officers', name's, were: Lieut. B. Dyer; D. Organ ) maker; J. (3i,' Cromwell, Parser; S. Lunt, secretary to 06 commander. - ; . .• • The vessel,had about .$2,000,000 worth of, stores on board,"all of which were.totallY lost., - The Wateree was more securely an:, chorea, but ' dragged her anchors, and the great tidal wave swept her, 4 60 Yarasirlau! l ) about two miles , north o f , the ruined; town: She now lies, hetWeen two hillocks of ,sand; very. slightly injnred, :and it will be utterly imOssifile; extricate her; , and '..Adroirif I • t e Turner is only hopefel savipther bettor)! and stores. Only one idler. was wailted , overboard- and drowned: Lieut . 'JohnsON, of the Wateree, WAS asliorejti the'„thee; ( lo4 while carrying his wife 1104 einis to scene place of safety,,shi, was 'struck by a poitilmi of a falling beading and Inatantlykilled:',', The PereviancOrvetto 4e;ricatt,' the stole fate as ,the We're°, but f loat tree officers and thirty men. CoMniaeder of the %Vetere°, 'atter the Aieistei, to ether 'with Dr. Winslow'and; Di. Debet4 pr, ifie Fredonia; were or gicat habitants, dividing their protisions anion* the entering intAbitatA Terrlbe ,?t ! cms of Great Destruction of Ilroper{y. • , gical ilt:ietier 'from Atte% ••4ited vAolooi,141 ) says two Other .teesele, the brig CWMperillo and b4rk XidaturloOtro alio 'high and' chtibly former losing eigh,t men. •-••• • • • Erfunti • Tile scene beggite description." Enthr,Otrof niathineiy,gUit carriages, hoiaselibla , fart tare, berrel4. delid 143i4111114 inurmatilited corpses ibtintAn 'tOnfailoi4 The oity.of Arica numbers 7000 inhabitan4, and its lialtittides stand helplessly. beggarqd 'on the bettoltl+three hundred live* wore the city. A`contligritiOiliutiOd nearly all !Ittii 'lna net lleinOlislted 'bY: thO and tho rob'blo' ribbed r eta despoiled whet remain d. '‘ ifeavy t:enticiti were . carried 'OP froth the'fsland Mittel, and now lie buried in'the 4r,ld'iraffroni the :Cheri. •. At. Ulna there pot; 'dt6liipi done, although Ike - ehOke:' 41Ifetr (66 Will atos k sting ,titoaol4, , itittit ftg7 l .Pg igi O"liftiff 4li fh,`! } l!? trey botiOiti; vp*ozOoxi,4the,4lo4l4 7,; Admtir 'hyper, iiith the f . 4ote P,oldiskti tan k !qt bins with ft ',id) carg o of pr,ovisloito t and had. arrivad Arica te anceor , 40 Ainonctin seamen there, ,and ilia iababittinta abb. '81:10 will'elso se've , .the °Teets the Ytrateroo; ThOlCOoriege rOnehed Arica from Onijahnbo pioVisibnii • French rasal?Pwar itholoh, aid tltp inhabitants'at Aries, • and , : other place,' on the cottit,t iihn'artvetarviag, • , ``• Itoiey;iNe . at 11 1 map was energetically, aiding, "iho 0 494 of his pirtver ) in alleiriating'!„ho tlioraw, The tnerehaftta' and citizens are contrl' bating by ilionsanda pf 094a,r41, eqUip and load vessels with elothing, r provisiona, aneth' GOVerurnent 'is 'Moat Onergotieldly using all'its pens to' thdVa!etr ' 44,B entailed by tho terrible Wad tiphor , • +• • • ::.lien, iiittootsk-Dogines ititsVOiliction. At Franklin, ltisson l rl; on !rhursday lust evening ; DemoOkatio , meethig.was in prpgross, a 'train' painted Areugh; General Hancook on board, which inion-be• coming known, he weiv;reeelTed , tritlygreat enthuainsm and called on for spOoehf thanked tho people for •the reception thus tondercid to a stranger , end was ,glad to bo ; lA ciPv4 fqr 10:9V oPiiiet.l4A largo gathering of tho friends of,,SeymOlir apd )3lair.r;,/jis.,hearo!s, best, nieb9p, were : with' them in the coniesti andi be: regretted that time would . not permit hina to spealeat length, but „helore, the oamess l;t0 tioPlxl be.able t0. , 440 1 ,4 4 11140 ° * f • souri upon theimportant . issues"otthe 'gay. He hOpod'for OrluMphant!,ictou t and bade tboni'f the proseat., . . kot4 is making gre at pFspartiti") for the Convent'On ,of •Xnfghts Tinipktrq s , to . 10 ,hold, there thig week. • REPlOyitit' .8111110VALlt "'.! • l• ' LI.QTJOR: .1164 been removed fttint the geiotopo Bulldiad to tke per PktgalNtopt:,„. t') • No; lay inent-jirateiri Whiri cneloiaerb *ll otpke ; beet, tuAttitot • , :" " WINES, • BANDIES, WILIt3ICIES, I_, ever o to thl pubtl 00f iteett. Allski MrliTottoisterStatiskikt4: id ll /0411: . ..! N. PURSUANCE 61 1 AREOLUTIO r f Timed' by Co oils' ile V, r 0 opoe .of plal l tate wttnin uta Ity,of R no, bay mr Polyd *Ott) In fring or oittorpoborevryortiovg• repair; are'hedeeillotineo and;trecid tale 3he same.; fail/min ; pthetwilly Uptl4ovolo .Of itto Orditumarpravldtpitior e, ognitrulatlon. off II idewelke or fOotireYe, pissed dip' zietja6o,' ►lll be trictly enforo d. B 90ar of Oa paw:alto& on lijattway* and•l'olxt 4_. ',..... •• ' ' ... . i ' • • f ',Jul" 15) , 10a • Air, tUAVBl:B6ofetirto ; LE.Ii;IIIAIttik GRETIIi... it: -. , t;L: •• i + i i ..,,. =. ;! 4.. , „, . . ..-,, , • 1 • • . ' . i , ' LI t 11AORIND3113 1 ,111,i80 , TOUNDEBEli !I ~,:,, 4 ,t:, •!•'• :%>;', ,f, 01.:',-1 f. • -, 44111,e'. - ‘ ir.to,-., ;,:',', , ,-',•,;; i i, ! ' '''. ' ' .- 1 GEM4I# DE4LESSIZT '' • '" i I I, !4,9 l 4o4W , ,wlM,giFig,i4,utrfri,t,' , ,P,PfAesi' '.'', '' tii• 'ONE? tr.i 4 0440 , 618 . 111114.., -,1 , 4 ;•.-',' ~--,, , t.,..1, ••.,...iw.,.,...., •;., , ~. 1 .i , .. ,,-, „...lf•?); ). i i,t. i • • t ik kg;t: ;.:,.,:. ;:i r t ";...-;* :::: , ,.:mabiNG ; ' AL. ; '. ? ,I.:, ..'. ;' ~..", ;.,„ : .. •t -• t r:,.'.e.,,, .' ~6:"/„. '' PR.,N-IL LEIDY'S.. ' - ,, ,-. i hint() Nediestinetmenxii9+ the, 1 14 1 44 1 .tfrivatti l e aff i rit hk n t42lll%atil li tiit7M u Yiys474 de.tiwitiL F esecr.: , thtlimeireiotbd i ek; rtrysi or noVait t . Dr. Ftepiolitit t tlifp _ V, ' piei halo bir'i to -*nu IV 4itv, sze - . 9#7 , - - - . - 4 1 ti th illy! ion .... , d A hale' lot ot NE t i gr Of flt tejaVnt s 2 4' Ft, , poi% • op . . • ,•.• chpaN_l' . • ••• • • , • • ~ ..! lama WENN It . zOiiL . I imd t .o.lf , T01" y..,..t5 , -......4. Aiv:l : li -- ~.t ‘.) w,i. Th / - , rt- ‘ 1 -' .. * ,. ' i t ta. rt. • Ir p h tgl tNita l ia ~41 914 t. ",..t h1 .21 -v - ' 'in , - i' • - --- e 4 'di , V ~ :41pi001'4, 4 )P• tn. ~,,,,r4;,‘,, ‘,t • l'.'••- • 1 ..1 i i i : • , - . .. . ••••• , 411 ' ~: -- 1111 , - ~..• . Vein Ott _,. ' i i ii •.. .:' ' I 4h-t r i . ,.. i L ,:,1.„,16):. aouip.ad. 0 . ' • t '4 01t-.4l4lX . Anflt '. , 4 At 91VP-4, rt•,. jr):.s o*l4l. 1, 18 686 remenr, r Xraius k 14444 itoati, as ~,,,,. -1 • i. 0. 0) o l i I,44:lteeing it ,1 . ;.3, i. ,t p ~ 415 I. " ~ - - . • ). ura • .1 - • .• '. • * • 1 . 1 ts iii i Lanoaet • 4031uNi . to. 880 Pi RD itiiiittittaalllth i I;iiik l b e gllo: , (too f. . 800 ~ I. Artlio at Reeln2.4 , ~;.. ~ .., ;..., IQ a . 20 ii P. t . 1 . . 30 ..: ,', '''.,,' ,:al ia , atRIDAT TitAINEII ~' • .. Le&X.'!t nu t s" -- It Arrive fi la t tioaslir *Ski p ... aat • .11,0. g • ... 3 ' -• UOlttlib I ' ' f", Vkif ,( ' VI • . .• - . 'll 'r 't ' • ' ' • '-' • tPf ',AV. stems', ; ' ,',. 4 • , El , k : ' ilf / -I tt o :; r 4 , : : f .. 14-1,4 ...,,, s ,. • 8 0 . .. . ;At 1 ') , 11 I '. " e - . :'-'' ' "lil' l4 .6.- .:' • t : .. .!. "1 -9t, ~9, 11127 4nr t; i i.' t 1 .k: ' 1 1 . : : z ''', 00; to partlos to ad f lat ! I t) i ',. '... slt ' ..,‘.1.- . ; : o ldli tt i ail, in. °Sisk , 1 onion; .fp . '.. for 0640T/ r ains ° ll ltiabs ''' Na ''' 14 '.. Pii: S O l. iI, i l i,_4l7sll,llein t "tvil:' . llllflro a il l ?i l 'k e ' 1 04 mit owtitt %stir to x i 5., • !.„ .. 1 2r01314.: 1 3 0kktil,tir (I:. or 604 a nt i sp 4 1 gto quo pas. rs, out., lltiraaan Altlo rout ~f' ' "'' • , ,i f - t 1 !,, , ~ ~ o i .. . II l'2ratunby P. &vit. , R i ndop .whiolt Is 10. rnmutos war sup Portua. 74/I..Aitti :' - '- -:, .. '.. , •, - 0 .I. G (Ts • . ,• .‘ ~ 1 - goo, t 1 ellderite•± \_. , 111.f.r. *Riqsa..Glekel Fri and Tioket .sr, •: t .1121,7 • , 4 . ~ ) 4..: 6. • . ..i. ~..., !. -- . ld giPt • xellnforDitttlitv; Itittiro t $ 9 11 1 ,0 4 .44 Itiv rick 4 4l4oli 0 slt - *11.4 tiaAii.y . ;ggiii- ~ , ~. ~ On •iiiik or - lYte n1ia2 3, % - y, , t. t i--11868,.t.. , roman/et swill leave . , nr , y, (oxoett • t an ttons et* -tb ') S . , ' , • mat In al " C °llll-s Wi l - ' 6 ' ' Ilion vit. Ppm lit filpla la via Lo •.227 . It., an . crisp at I , Il iti gtirli t i 48 13 Irv'. ayes ' . l. if 4.1111 . 0aya ~.A' dnu If t Szopii . ' h ' i `i Now York is! I An ko,Ensti, oavip; l . e lat. at, 44f nu4' 7.04 A .an ; t row t ''• hen, 11111 , ran.' f. rOnsticomlA'ltttbutalifo Mey-xot in about Apar oars. ;stopping duty at Lyorp; A llentown il ; inn to era c i l lßaston,Attuop.. top l flonk ereillo,, lain id an Elloabojb, 44 tt v 0 aV wY t tkt 'lO4O 'A; .; rap Au.; 't.z3 N ..- •,' ~.:,,.. lb if ks , m„ - 47triPillA°Veriti.i,ItPv on 41 010. a 0. . 1 ‘, c itt t 1 . . . ~ 0101 run sIo4IIY/ Ituillel4 tit T o n i fi.v . ' Sit% 1; Tral 2 r e , oyr: r oot o , ott street daily, osoliS ir Sanar4l4 at . l A. ../ 2 noon• 5 4,.0 an t t 8. P. . - an 4 arrive a n lillpgit 140. ti.uu an 10,10 P j • and, at 1.0013 2 Ai . 7 :. i . T 60.00 P. 'trign hoM Vow ork ayes a ally„ Sundays of dad. .:'A•B Mar zonta i li t 'praln will leave Reading 0111: andtat, B,A, .. *pain, at all . stations . i and in tam titir7Arti, . at. Aliontow n . tul ip at 10 A. .: tap N save' A ontown. at 4.00 P. 6 l4.Arrive at Rec d If at. 6P, : - • 640616111"4 reque sted Pato are Pokes be-. for nterbt dig oars tul °ants extra will bo 1 ob 04 an eolletted an ki t a e : t r ail ,frow all who pay t eta% the uopdsn o , • ' June 23-tt .. 'O. BT U) 2, Eng. and Supt. Philadelphia ar,, reading' Railroad. , '' .• :, , moyliso ' • •.• • . • aIIADINg! .61011BT inn 1841, e n umulp, AlutAxorm awl 9r POSEN(' 1411, TRAiriflidkagnet VlB. • , • ' • . PivoNralas down 14 PhilOalphis, passing Ito.td ing at 730, 10 86 and 11 30 a. M., and 428 and 030 p. Up • , , to Pottsollo, at 10 40 a. m., and 660 and . 900 P. m i _ , /yaks Isle la to 4tii. trriatire i 1 irtrillia ?I, . 01 ,4' zi 0 , 9t rat/20 a. tu, : arrisbung ' oomModatton TniA at 715 al d r , " 0 n m •At t ay P l at es wt i liti t t:infr tttd I n t , 940; a. M. 26 ,P. mit an d uP trains Of 10 80 m. and 5 „O. * i i . '1%454 25' p. nu downild li)60 16 pl. VP kat rui only batio;o2l,._ o_pb and W i i l ad mg. s Its trabit 6aYe U sin ipp dlag, 14 ris mg apd t 14 , 1 7.0..... a. m„ 1.1 11 tOO% 'Ad : a •Pa In• '515,p. M., tor Road g pnly. • •xne. 5 MA. in. 111 lapnaad wttu trains or TaMagahW . lllla,Por4, Mimi .llanaip, nisgara i : an Meting ii i i4 880 P. lal4 WptrainsfiVom Ph il . • . eiPb tr i tVittlg4i n ifglitair lii i • 1 tains itooomm n tavasists eadin li at 80 1 a. m t ., rtdreng ,eaves msadowala at 01a= p.m. • . A. 1 ,• i f. , x.(41,1 : l, . . Pottstown dooommodsgon •Traig Wive Potts- , 11104 645 • 16 P.o:roVirninaz4 1 1 4 ri9aielPhla a m ~ • imam, Eiptoes rtraitis Toot at Mule iturg with ()atoms C a on up ennlyivania,lt. , , for • .altimore, Meant'. an al twig talryti • anti g 4 WOgItO t i lt% PO I 41 Wu ir. r -kir. i y e)ltrrli i,I& the Citiad j - ' meaner tridtiojefive• uPitatPoP_Otat 7Ma; re 'NfoUgg: Pl ' 9. ` ,l Pr t S. 1 ,.. ', 1 t; f.al.!l' 10 ••• - . ~1 i.;f4t,,rAftlTO Ritmo lo,t of • IttreAnielN4 /AM . • E N 2NI