Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 14, 1868, Image 3

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EADIpIO;.. 11.114EPX10110)11;„t4;':!'efa
IrOWL—Rizedipir b
e ight,breireibmW , • • • .
Every net qaasoelatlon If an a 44 of ef . s . nifineee.
Those who leek knowledge, read and study.
Many Pratt thle*esiiiro4. •i' ' 4
Tho upper wrinkle—the POI htyl , .
lies t rule7ibtgoidetic • '
The boot and shoe business Is reviving. •
Bawbuok Diek has returned from this eotli t to,
much improved la belga,. XIO will Optima' the
business of wood•sawing. •
Religious services were held lathe millet house;
yesterday afternoon. by 80. fledge *ear, of the
Baptist Church, misted by aerosol other preachers'
of this city, which were ~attendby a Ike inter
Der dimple:who appeared t ote ileoply interest
ed in the services. ; ;
Tho engine "Illinois," - which ran off the track,
on Battirday, this side °Ube Lebanon VW/0Y bridge,
anti 'was sopsewhat damaged, was gslol . ll 40 the
shops and Immediately repaired. . •
A few days ago a little boy, whose mime we did
not learn, got on a scaffold, at anew 1100110 M Robe
front* Airtime, *hen he booanie.gAidit and fell to
th e %maul's distance of 12 or ltleet. Ile was
taken up by ono of the.woritnien and nettled to his:
home, when, strange milt may sew, It wits Wind
that ho was not More hurt than having his obeett
• .
soverely aut. '
A cart, loaded with tuba s brokq down in Wash
ington street, between Third and Postrth.ceasod by
a whet)) coming off v . ,
A little son of. Mr. Daniel Tobias, who resides
near the new'rollinp Mill, bs4 his for finer, of the
left hand mashed board biting on Xt. 1 1
Our beautiful ' l / 1 1Noith'new
streets offer footwalkerAtok, and ‘ Apadei tenor.
's ti ng ily •on neatly every vaun t 19t., try of
the orstermanor watermelon pedlar,' li hat heard.
fur the louder tell of the, mason, ,i ' more brick-T.
hrlok I" ';
Wo wou,L t again urge the young inen'of our city
to like an interest In the Iteading Library. The
long evening's aro now coming on, And Young men
could not AO a better ,place to spend a few Ocar
ia bouts' thin t 4 the Library,rootne, Read if you
would biNleo. "
Though the heat ires yea* otipreaslyo yesterday,
yet the churches throughout the olt*. were well
attended. SeVerial of the :ptiliAte Were 11110 d by
ministers from abroad. '
?dere lunte do not Make alumna, nor be honoring
harmony. Nevertfielesi 'iliany 'peopto do not na-
Init the theall, iterd'iro thittar'llkeingolves that noise
Is polo. 1 . ... . . •
The Imilvkiuet stiiil took ' the Joke returned It
next day, wltb the e.ltplanittlon that he wit; gaorely
In fun.'
At Lancaster , on riday last; Oharlos. s telx year
old eon of Samuel aeh, Es ,of this otty.r*iis bad
ly scalded by having 'CUP of hot eiffroeslPHled in,
his Moo.' • '.'
Aldermen; police oilicers t constables and the
functionaries of lair and older complain of tho
general inothity. ara hbservence of the puhlio
peace throughout our oily, •
Thislaw requires ,
every menuraotures. °reiterate
bare a sign put over. his place of business.' The
time iNaerlbeil fop so doing espbred .an Titania , /
week, land tboseirlio have failed to comply are now
liable to nlin 0k541191 to $B9O. " ' •
• Man) people ils'ori respect foi their fiends by
hinting thina.4-ortbetr etotaiparta—on the wall.
Capital, but noteasepy punishment. ,
Do travellere whoio multi on rallWays neces
sarily live too fist? ' • •-
The lianiareff itaripoisatten wilrhold
their atieivereary stab; et Litts /bible, &VOA
urday the 191iLust, Where no dOnht bait
large gatheriug on the sweeten.
A large number 6l' new sindjtandsona. Night
cars have been phi/A on the Reading Railroad.
The weather 6n Saturday rind Yesterday via op
pressively bet s guilty.' It reminded °nisi( the,
fervid and glowing deo of .bllY and August;
It is said that a foundered hors° may be cured by
mixing a pint of sunflower seedsvilth Me food.
Franklin street, below kali; bas been put. In
substantial order. The gbod work is going on..
A sort ofa row took place at the old depot yes
terday afternoon. The men Were much °gone&
but the heat being very oppressive their courage;
failed and 'smitten came to a close.
The last, riot lingering look which wo.gave to °hi
thermometer yesterday at 11 o•olookfia. m„ the,
mercury narked MI Ofilegrees,
Industrion! men who rinderelend : fruit ironing
%to get one hundred:ll°re imoritk, brit urine een
be hired because such will have land of thok tOrr4
The school' of Liataturw wiliwpowori MondaYd
September 21st, Wl' the `eieeptiOn of this' High
School, rihieh irlil commence on the antlionilaY
la November, ' •
Base bell gytatita In mar
1112 RUDY 1 4 bay*"
titer degeneritteinto oobasione of gambling; and
it is proposod by eapeetftbio People . ttic seek 'tune
other beiltby recreation. , ), ' •
The number of:Mechanics. from Rot: tag and
vicinity at the Mechanics Parade at Lancaster; is
estimated at 1500. •
A lady's breastpin was lost on Saturday night on
Penn or Fifth street. The Ander will receive a
liberal reward if left at the Barna bookstore. •
A new seirmilno toy Is a magnet!. fish , out out , of
paper, colored to imitate nature, and OWN bole*
placed in the palm otthelrea Wriggles as natur
ally and uneasily as a fish out of Water•
The Macedonian' 011 vendor did quite gotd
business on Saturday Wight. At one gine It WAS
hard to toll which, he or Ool:TOrney. attracted the
largest card--but. ”011",:at last 00Auered and
draw much the largest cr owd. , , • . •
Oa Saturday afternoon 4 ottnit man, named ,
.fames Oster. restdins :trk Ninth street,; iu attempt
tor to out derrn'i trop, (Mt htri right fogt, Oh the
sZe be was *Wag, post botrlhly. The out; is quitp
serious, and may 04tuto the ninintattefi of the foot:
Dr. 'footman dressed the wound.
John? Miller lives in Buttonwood street, abort)
1 9 11 lb, and is in the habit of drinking too mach.'
and then coming I,pzio and abusing:his wife; On
Thursday he wefit a 'little Wilier, thin IWO.
Miller was willing to stand . Ile struck her. In the
hoe and choked her, Shot:node nomplolnt before
Alderman Mengel.'whe sent notulable Diehl. idler
her husband and bound him ore! to • infuser gt
,The Invinolblas of Reading, paraded on Satur
day night. They started out with fourteen lam.
but before they returned they had swelled th eir
"display!" to fifteen. ' • • ' • • . ,
That Betiding is not far distant from becoming'
the second city in the State; in she, population and
mortufseturee, no intelligent Mind can doubt. In
our ramblei through its thoroughfares,' we see im
provement and enterprise marked in minx,. direc
tion, In nearly every street sit/ alley now build
ings are nudist root, and 'ground is bebig broken
for still more. Workshops,ehurches,soltoolhouses,
and public' halls, resound with the steady cry of
"more bricks! more morbsil" 'and' imagist gains
towordcompletion,. fitrenteare baud thrallu
and the beautitul faint buids cut ;P, 4) the'disreey
of oar rural neighbors; upon whoni the juriodictitin
of the city is foot 'crowding. To the northward,
where, bat n few years ago, the plow turned ngthe
soil, now are emoted handsome reoldeiseeb end 4019
iron works. itti on i an 4 if the tide of his.
Proyernent 14 not otkooke4 rye syt4l noon rank. ran
044 %tlt to bllnielikls. -
• •
P:. Pir
D. L.—Oray, - Blue, White,. and Purple,
meet filecoridi, .'sliarp at: No.l ,W.hite'.
D. meet Third, 7},'No, '
Bud, meet,Thir4 7i, No. a. •
meet. Beebud, No, 4.
Biowa i meet • Third, No. 1,
•' - -Important. ••• • • •
, White, meet Third, 71 , 1 ,N0i 1,
' Oray, meet Miro; 71, No. I,
Purple, meet Fourth, 74, No. 1.
• Yellow, meet Third, 71, No. 1.
• .
POVIROT PIIMITI,YANia: , it rat--tly oven-
INV September 10, M' M. Pomeroy, editor
of this paper, will address tho Democracy of
Berke eouaty, Pe.,iekßeading.. We predict
lively tinge if our chief le in good health: ,
.Tom etop's Democrat...
OROAW new organ, built
by Mr. Saniutd Bolder, of Reading, Penns:,
Nut dedieatefrwitli apprOpriate ceremonies,
wlinrSday.lovening, at the: German .1 4 ptheran
Ohara, FitUenth and Coodeti'ntee4 The
organ consists of two manuals, WO octaves
ot pedalo, 84 stops, 'most tif thein running
through 1,811 pipes. It is in every respeet
it' very superior mstrstpt, adqutting of
greatwariaty. The swell is very P1,1* 11 7
A m .
Philadeiohin timing Mai:,
Cursnitio.r-Coto and potatoes b vol . :made
cheeriplprogress for two or thr:o Weeks
past. The greiind wad getting quite &hand
wo Were beginning to call •to mind some
drought bipts which bad caught our ears,
and to deal in dismal forebodings, when Ho
`who is "everinitial of sent a copious
shower, on Wednesday and Thnrsday,which
imparted neat life and vigor to 'growing
crops. We bare.its . yet, heard •no cases of
rot among the potatoes, ; .;*1
Tractivie Arroipirsin J The/ Board of
School Dirictors of tramburg'have aPpointed
the follopqng teachers for the public schools:
High Fichool=-H. G.- Hunter.
Gratimar Schools—Emma Hartman and
Nathan Confer. •
. Secondary Schools-4Eloes G. Sm0;01a.
risen Biller and Ifattie
Primary Schools—Mary Burkhalter.
Two Female Primary Schools are yet to
be, supplied , with teachert
litutittY.—Oompitny 1, - First Regiment
Reserve Brigade (Grey Reserves), having ac•
copted an invitation from the authorities of
oer city, will come to Reading on or about
the Ist of 'October. Tito members of. this
company have a host of friends in this city,
and will no dOnbt, receive anhparty welcome
at their hands.; The Pair Grounds being at
their disposal,The company intend having a
dress parade and to engage in target prae:
tico. A milit4y band 'and a drum corps of
12 drummsi4ill accompany the visitor..
• TM; *EP ,MARKET.—TIIO 'New York pa•
pars statothat, in that citY,the cattle disease
is umpiestienahly:eurtailing the consumption
of beef. It is'itated thatothereds Avery, son.
sible dimunition of the number of animals
on sale, : and the butchers' bills .of most ho.
tell axal* a corresponding Abbreviation.—
One house in . l3readway, that usually avera
ges. $7OO per weok , now finds $250 su ffi cient;
another in Brooklyn i which utuf t lti s buys $lBO
worth has dwindled down , and the
same state of things, itde probe le, exists at
otter's places. Nuttim,-,vettl, pork and fish
al o ne are in favor at the reateutants.
Ix the recent mechanics' parade at Lancas
ter, Conestoga Council,. No.l), carried a mi
niature printing office, including a composi
tor at work, and a Gordon printing press, in
operntion, ,distribnting circulars as printed
*long the font°. ' " ; ;
,Leespert, of this county, No. 141, *ere in
the canal-boat business on o'small scale, but
owing to the diffiCulty of supplying the float
ing power, 'Wore compeliid to employ the
more solid support of wheels. It was pretty
well gotten up,consiaering the disadvantages
under vhioli-it usicupatily labored.
Sinkinklibring, No. 77, gave an insight
into the business efeetiehmtiiging.
r , - - 7 -
MARTINO, THE ILLlTBlalatiT. The aboid
named eras came to us from .California,
where le is reported he has reaped a golden
harvest. • 111) makes his first apearance be
fore a Reading audience; at the Keystone
Opera HQIIBO o-night. Oar exchanges say,
ho leas no(equ I in blagic, And his Ventrilo,
quism adonis es even those who profeSs tO
fellow .tho ,prpfesslon, while his beautiful
feeta:iii Watery are the wonder and admiral
tion of all. The *onderful" living head and
the magic growth of flowers, must be seen to
linedappreciated. • Martino' is also •highly're
lined und gentlemanly in all his *aye. He
Vrill introduce many new features during the
evening never before attempted. Ho keeps
'.his audience in roars of langliter. Go to the
Hall by all means, to-night, and get one of
the; many presents he gives away. - •
D. L.=-Meet second,` /:
. .
IN ,
4 orabee NOKRO."—Tho two t olicemen
'stationed at Lauer's Park, in No th 'Third
street; on Saturday, to keep . orde and
rest any persons who might create a disturb
ance at the Mechaniee pie.nle, bed each a
number on his cap—one .the figure "8," the
other the figure "7." Thos . ei who noticed
the addition thought it :o,', capithl arrange
ment. Nang offioet, whose name might not
be known, should bo guilty of any miede.
Meaner while on d uty, he could bo reported
by his number, at once, and identified -with
out any: difficulty hy,the Mayor or Chief of
Police.. Wo believe' there is no law in
t i
for o requiring the police to wear number's,
bu it . would be a good thing for Councils to
san ordinance bf the kind. The above
mentioned officers ' of the Third and Seventh
Wards are the only one's who lave placed
figures on their caps, and it is good evidence
on their part that they are determined to do
their whole duty as okeerh and are not of
ff.aid of being Ingjrmed on for delimpiency
or misdemeanor. 44, ', i - 3 ~ . •
EAST PENN, ExtxtzsioN, A. large force of
workmen is enKaged in ' our neighborhood
upon the extension of the East Pennsylvania
Railroad to Easton. We believe that, under
their charter, this road was to be. built be
tween Reading and Easton, bet, through va.
rlous,reasensi the: company did not build
'the road any faxthet than Allentown. For
itottio year!) , past, work has been ocoasiontilly
anne upon the proposed extension; not,
however, for the purpose of . actually builds
ing it, but 14 order that they might not lose
their °barter, / Work has been again com
menced, and we learn that it is the intention
of the coniptiny to complete , their' road to
Easton as ratidty as, possible. If the 'road
is extended, It will cross the Lehigh neer
East' enn. Junction,. below Allentown and
will pursue nn almost• direct linato
hem. Aceording to the rOute:proposed, the
road will be bUilt beyond our borough Ihnite;
which 1) olio y would not Of,' tmy great
benefit, to the company. Therotitktlien ex
tends.tb ,the Bushkin :creek, and p r oceeds
'along that strewn until it reaches:the Dela
ware, at Easton.. ;It , then .cyosses the river
to New 'jai*, *here connection Will
made with the Morris and gitse; Rnlitoad,
the kinityinfintber diWt =mtiaulf . of 'bdth ,
hannmtion Weed New .Yoo,,add Vitt f?ir
Weds` li t Dagy Timek.
Ilii‘. lB k
11 , 1 9 O'CIAICIII.
_ ' , : , PAIIpt ALMA 0. .
San . rimeti' 4 i ' 5.471 Sun sots •. 1 , . .6 13
:bit,Ta i n length 12 hours 26 minucts ,
. , . •4 • ,
1111 4 4.T0 di? Ttrlll' IFIEJIMER, 12 6'01.0011C M.
Wind N. W. - .4—Weather cloudy, dealing.
, , guru OP THERNMOTRI,,
' I A. M. ' 2 P. M.
660 67°
Tnesday, —o
D. L.—Bleek, meet Third, 74 1 No. 2.
Tun garlville Camp•mceting, on the. Boy
ortown road, 11 miles from this city, closed
D. 1 . 4.—1 n case of very bad weather, Blue,
Otay, Purple, and 'White, will parade Third,
instead of Second, same hour and place.
' SSE advertisement of Steele's Rubber
Cement. This Cement is very hishly recom
mended for . m'ending broken articles of all
kinds. it.
• POSTPONED.•rOII account of the 'unpleas•
ant weathei the eicursion to Lebanon, which
was to take place this ailernoon t has been
postponed until next - Monday, Sept. 210.
• ,
proved pattern, was cast do Saturday, at
Scott Fotidry. 3. S. Roland, of this city,
is the patentee and the wheel is ti be plac
ed in John Fahnstock's flour mill at Milway
Lantaster county.
Tut: Amityville and WCavertOwn Sunday
schools, held% celebration, on Saturday, on
ail Island in the'Maaatawny creek, about a
Mile and a bOlf from Amityville. The cele
bration was a fine -one. Winter's, Militaiy
Band, of this city, was in attendance.
Timm was a meeting of the Medical Socie
ty in this city, on Friday. Avery interesting
address was delivered by Dr. Colleen, of
Philadelphia. After the Society had con
cluded their business, the members went out
to thellineral Springs, where they partook
of a supper that' was gotten up for the occas
ioO. They cajoy . Od a pleasant evening, and
returned to the Sy at a late hour. • •
Ninthltsistnet.- 4 -The Democracy of the
Ninth Ward t flung a handsotne flag to the
breeze on Saturday evening, in front of the
Seat Hotel . , at the corner of Eighth 00
Buttonwood itreets, There was A large
turnout, - and speeches were made by Jas. B.
Bechtel, W: H. Gearhart, L: C. Becker, and
bow. Wanner, Esqs. Mr. Levi EL Lies,
president of the Ninth Ward Club, presided
at the 'meeting.
'JOHN WE/ITLEY boards at the City Hotel,
in South Sixth street. He is a conductor
on a freight train running between this city
andilarrisburg. Last night about 12 o'clocic
While on is way to the new depot, to meet
his train and go on duty, in 'attempting to
cross the Lebanon Valley Railroad,• near
the Askew 'Bridge, the night being he
fell into an ash pit, and striking hisoreft side:
,agaiwan ken rod extending across the open
ing, he hiirthimselfserioasly internally. He
layabout an hotK_ before he was discovered
and taken out,;of the pit. Howard Boyer ,
conveyed hirti to his boarding house, this
morning in a carriage.
Dr Mernwo.---On last Satur
(lay afternoon a large and enthusias
Democtatio meeting was held at Willman's
Tavern, in Exeter township, formerlylfrup-!
WS. The meeting .was organized bT the,
electioil'of Wm. IL Snyder, Esq., as Presi
dent, and Vice Presidents from the adjoining .
.townships. Able addresses were,i made in
English by Hon. J. Lawrence Getrand Ed
wm. Shatter, Esqs;, and in German by F. B.
Lucks and Freder ick Lauer, Ens. •
Strong resolutions were passed in favor of
the election of Seymour , and Blair, and the
moetiig adjourned with three rousing eheerii,
for the whole ticket. ,
• '
is 'a "tramper." Ho tramps through city
and country begging. He called at the house
of Wm. H. Spatz .in this city, on several
occasions. Mrs. Spatz gave him alms twice;
The third visit he made she had nothing td
give him,Ainking he came too often. He
used threatening language and left. He vial
ited the house a fourth time, September 10th,
and demanded alms, which being refused{
he stole coat and shirt and made tracks;
Mr. Spatz made information before Alder 4
man Schomer, who issued a warrant, which
was placed in the hands of. Constable
Schwartz, who arrested Blumm, and in del.'
fault of $2OO bail convoyed him to prison for
trial at November term of Court. ,
- -
Pnoossnixeri or. COUNCILS . —.Astated
meeting of Councils Was' held on S tarday
evening last, Sept. 12, 1808. Moro harmony
prevailed in both branches at this meeting
than at any previous ono for months. Each
member appeared anxious to have some bu
sinessitransacted,' and there was but little
debate, very little more than statetnents,and
there was no hurling of bitter invectives at
each other. The following resolutions pass
ed both branches:
_,Whitt, the sum of $B5O is hereby
appropriated to the Commissioners of Water,
to ley water pipes in Washington stieet,from
Fourth street to Ash alley.
• .Resolved, That the sum of $lOO is hereby
appropriated to the Committee on Highways
and Paving,to plank the bridge at the corner
of,Fourth and 13ingatoan streets, and repair
the wall of same.
Resolved, That the Commitsioners of.
Water, be and, they are they are hereby mu
pow,ered and instructed to employ a compe
tent civil, engineer to make surveys and pre
pare plans and specifications for the dam
which Councils have authorized to be con=
structed at the Hernhart Sprngs; and alsO
for a new reservoir or , basin at or in the
nei'ghberhood of the present reservoir&
)13004 That the suave(' $5O is hereby
hppropriated to the Committee op Highways
hndPaving,to,repair the pavement on Eighth
Street, beyond Walnut.
Resolved, That the sum of $5OO is' heilehy
appropriated to the Committee on Highways
and Pavingyte-shape Ninth street, from its
intersection with the Kutztown road, south
ward. •
• .ftesekAi That the out of $2OO is booby
apPropriated to the Committee on Highwas
and Pitting, to repair Eighth street i frem t h e
First Lane to the junction 'with
Ninth street., •
• Rooked, That the sum•of $5OOlO hereliy
appreprlat4d to the ComMittee on Highways
not Paving, to grade Eleventh -street, trout
Washington to linttonivood,
Resolved, That the alum of $1(10 is hereby
appropriated to the Cciumittes on City Pro
perty,to chew thq roof of the Liberty engine
ctils e l(•
• R 'goa l . That the sum of '41121s hereby
,apprppriated to the.Committe n Highways
and Paving, to pay bill of Charles Ribble and
Jeremiah Eisenlbleis fbr material fartiitdoldi
1 3 t:C i * L Y
tilt 'street.
keas paieed bY Vointoori
IRON; $2,600 to lay 00spirt
in tack, hightWifirfriai
erred in' hy &lett, council,
highwaY iteßit,',iind inserting in lienthere
of the following: "fotirton in first district ;
ten in , second dtstrictitwelve ip, third distriel;
,fourteen in fourth district; ten in , fifth die-.
tract--sald'crosaitivi to be located its *Arced
upon by thfinetithers of Council in each die
blot respectively." '
Conuon branch aliio passed a resolution
appropriating $4OO to quarry and prepare
stones for streets, which "-was ••, concurred in
by the Select branch after adding the follow.:
ing amendment: •• \ •
"Provided, Thatife portion of this appro
priation be expendbd on North sixth street,
beyond Ole Alike* bridge."' r ' .
An ordinance making additional aPpro
priation or di nance
$5,000 to the, DeptAiaight
ways and Pering,for the fiscal Year 1060;Was
originated in Select Council and. concurred In
by remm on Councilias also an ordinance that
"'no person shall fix, put up; or tgeol„Opon
the sidewalk, curb gutte r ,or Vaventeot any
sign WI, or biilletin" board adireWoing
show or exhibition of 'any kind, or • any de
vice or thing whatsoever in 00 hatnro there
of, under a penalty of fifty 'dollars," •
The following resolutions, which had 'pa
t-sod Select Council August , Bth, were' con
mined in by Common Council _
Resolticd, That' the sum of $5O, is hereby
appropriated to the Committee on Highways
and paving,te repair , the ItOptcin*44 frqm
Tenth street to-the City, lino.
&solved, • That the sum of $BOO is hereby
appropriated to the Committee:oh' Highways
and Paving, to shape Jeffersen street. •
Resolved,' That the sum of $OO is hereby
appropriated to the Connuittee' O. High;
ways and' Paving to repair';Ao gutter id
Franklin street, from littitoto street out
• RisOired, That the sum 04800 la here y
apErre2priated to the Committee Highways
and Pavng,. to repair gutters otithoth sides
of Ilitigaman street, 'front, Fourth Itsi • nth
street, and to repair street.
Resolved, That the sum of $lO. le hely
appropriated to the. Committee High*
and Paving, to repair the road leading to t e
Aulenbaeh Cemetery, at the toll gate .on
l'erkiomen Turnpike,
The following resolutions pegged Common
Council, but were not acted upon in the
Select branch. .
Resolved,. That the sum of 05 is
appropriated to the Committee on Highways
and Paring to pave a gutter across the Per.
kiemen , Turnpike, front the nortju.ol4;
Franklin Street. . .#- . qv ~:,
Aesolved,,That, the sum of, S ,HI ;- I,;' ,Y.:
apprelpriated to the Committee ', : ;,, it
and Paving to pave a gutter aer - A .._ ' 40!.
kiornen Turnpike, from the . No ltt
Franklin street. ; • '
' Resoked,,That the. Cominittee on City,
Property be and is hereby authorized to
have all huildings i helonging to thn eity in.
sured, ) if not already insured. ~ ,c , ,,, ~
Resolved, That the Committee mt% High
wap and W aving rro hereby ,authorkzell 4 )
receive proposals from contractors tO,.corry
plate the grading orSixth street , ' beyond
Askew bridge until iiiept,, 20, 1868, find flag
the contract be awarded underthe dirottion
of Councils to the lowest and most vespom3i•
ble bidder on Tugsday Sept. 29th. : • '`‘
The following resolution ivas referred,byl
Select Council, to the Committee , yigh.'
ways anti Paving.
Resolved, That the sum of. s—is hereby:
appiopriated to i the Committee on Highways
and Paving l .to place the gutter ,on the,eaet
side of Neversink street;louth of the Eighth,
street Railroad Bridge in a proper etendi
tion. i
After making appropriations!'fer the par
menu of salaries of the .04. titlicere ottaqilti
adjourned at a late hour. -. They , had.tratie. 4
aetad alargq amount of business in a btisti
uess like manner, , and the' test - of Ailing
had prevailed.: - .
~ ~ \, •- i
[Cominmileated.) 1
EDITOR DAILX Beet..—ltirlistetling f or a
while to J. W. FornWeispeteh'te his'ehoddY
friends on Saturday night, I took notice tha f4
he repeated the assertion several' times tba
f ifteen millions of, iovernnient bonds - wet
owned and held in Berko '.connti.l Can yo
or anyother man inform i ns who holds them
I know that the Batiks have seine and I 418 .
know of a numberof, private individual '
holding some, but all these would not anionn
to more than two. millions' if , that' such.
Who owns-• tle' rest' 'Forney . pertainli
krTwa. He too made money out ofithe wall
while his crazy followers bad thepatisfactiort
of hurrahing. Who owns the : f 16,000,009
Government Bonds in Berko county? A
correct answer to this question might show
*more lying on this subject than all the
speeches of all the Foineys.
' , •, , i . Ktrainx.
. •
.'t '
MiSTeatoas,-0a Friday night 'three
young men came up Pino street on their way
home. Arriving at the corner of Third street
they were confronted by, a man who eadden'•
ly drew a pisto4 out of his pocket, snapped
it at them, withoutdischargmg_the 'oad, and
then walked quickly away.. Saida filluSirit
up further they met a. man who , whistled,
which was replied to by, another person, the
sound coming frezn . . the
,:lirection in which
the man went (whom .they had first met. There is a mystery about the e affair which
bas'not been cleated up. , The three'Youpg:
men were William Caster, Israel Icarinety
and John Gift. , - , . . •. 't
• , •
—A roan was robbed and nearly beaten'to
death t" HarqutAte, Mi k ehigan, on Wednes
day. Ile lost an' oar and part of his nose,
and was covered with stones and• left for
dead. Only "a little blciod-letting" Anil
"righteous con fi scation," •as preached by
the Radicals. . •
liugons & Bro., Bapkers, No: 16 Nor* '01&. 1 14'00t
0a0t! sefolloWs:
WILDING. bevt. 14. 1968. ,
- • - . 118
- • 133
' 109 Y
• - 11
Old U. 8. 6'B 1881 -- -
Cid ,B. 8.5'8 1862 .-' .- - ,
New U. S. 540'4 1861 July and Jan. .
ew IL EL. 81865. .2 1 / 8 . 186% Mayand Nov.,
k 8 new t .
N. /
B. 6-20'8 1867. lAtly and Jan. 148. 6-20 1868, 1 - • -- ' •
en-Yerf:nas i - - .
um In ow Writ op to 12 oteloe'k. .. •
Goltrin tont Bushonn do Bros..
• i - , L: ; ; 0 •
Burrn—Yresh &Ors'. lib...
Afi 4 5440
0 Lump. • • • •
Cason—Cheese It lb.. v , ` 200
LARD—Lard yi Th. ' •
As: & 'y 'y dozen. ..............,. . ,.. . f.
.... 4 ...:. i . •.
dkr . pr. , BB 010118_10 PIcii•••0.- . t:f....r? ?I
n ti l v VI I.; ' .4 "
Pita l l i r:eafteefileb I'o ' sllnd Ili itte......k ! :66/„.; "
ramp, ! : ... 0 .4•••411...
N 40 ' , , r •,.. r l
. • Beeir : ess sir , l°in :: ( fa •,,. ' '.., , —7O .
a• Beef dried.
4 , . '
• ' .30 ,
• 1 • V.1041011k. .' •,, • - '' • 4 28 ' ! 1-
''. • ' ' ekon. , ~, • 4•4 18 .1 i
44 M u U wv •
.. ...."...... t.:4.4•1•••••/5014
steal, ''• ." • ' ' ." 'I 20 i
.l oact '•
eirrigotreib. • " 5 Po ~,,, ....,...,..... r p.
. ~-. smoked. . „ a' . . .... , . ' o '.•.ittiv . • '
1144- 1 1 11 1 a5. • ' • . '• :` • ' • t " . ":"• 26 30 :
Strummas--• , it /60$
, - . 13 • ' ",'
POliritrrekslolllXe s q. ".• ••• ' . •
e 4 fi . : •--- ' ' -:•4' ',
s , • .
• , -I jil• " Turklei live' i ," ' . ' - - ....vp ; t •
4: • • .4 drat:o 4 , ........1. r .:,..0pti• W " : ••1
4: ' Sprhtir ell ke . ri . .B* p811: 1 `,.. , i-0.400:001011. 00
~ i •.b ...f.- 'i,,
Sept. i 4 ..
• , AM) HAY MAXIM • - •
I t
St i ttle i lle trelb t e rrOf fiairiir k t i at
WADING,nett, 111%, I.
Pifintli e gi,S 7 11 ° 1 0' . 1 ,1:"-7"7 44 .. A ii co)
tr..... t ril
Ftlreom 41 . kk op * It In i adiel,•••-,...... 4 : ri: • ,
~ , Wilif .. * 4 t•••••••14: 4 •L :;1 186
VOA ni 1.b,,q - ~ i 44:46ikliaiii• 4 ' k 45' ' a '
Utitllh” .. i; + ',' li• $ / `,,,, 1 l'-'' si ,:. I =' 1 t I
ed i '2
:: . ki) '-''• • ' ' • ' !'' :. I -•.3 ',ll ,
• m • I• "1 1
1 ' .
ti tt i r - ; it gAl t- ii ° ! 3 '•,.`,`! • .' • . ' -,, l i kaT -.,
vli4ow " . •
. ,
Wil6WA*lllollignagigilli . ':. 4 ' . ' •. A '''k
. ft
1 TL'
IvOTIOE OF ciiinNoir.—l hereby. can ton
1.1 any and all pe no atelnot tpurft ttagnit ii t
tain Dromllicatri o &RIO* bi go L liktit4SYlio.
Agent for the ~ 8 Meaning BOd MOILPILLOT
wo hundred and Jodi:oilers. 7). dated 'July
0, 1068 4 141140 011)11 10 Illytnt Arietotwoli
wiii tater Pl4Y'Raid no .at !IF*
was a tlaud !tont beginjaing o aet . I ,
1. 1- ,' ,- SOW ON ~ EiRIDBIt. A ,
" ''l' ' ` ' itVitdr Towne p.l3,9rkgeOttntY,
Sept. 5, 186.5.7-e,,0.A. 4 ' . ~ • ‘ : ~. illy
amAirgi sioral,.-Avaa, vit so
r ts
rigitY445:1841,1414 , '
T 4t4 rival RY ili,
' OUNN ep io . of ground; on , t 6 tib -West
corner o ir ir tilr smd visestaut Arose, mill MY.
This di ! ' oftise PrOPertkiii inqablTO for ss
saloon or
.i re, e fs ajogilA o.d.
Also, au E. V -,IMIVIg. OMR orrlightlii
street, nos Mos t. - - :
For putt Maracppirog thoptemisecri • • , 1
G f
• 1
• *.. • ', • .• - v -." 0: , tl. I, , , 1;:;.;.•,' ,c, ;• , „:tl'
1\ „„.• • ' . i
_,, jNG
ND : N EW'
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• ..,,:•'' ",.' :,1 'IP; ~'",: L.-, , ' , )',.ift",t i,..) :1
,Leaves Repling at 4p. at t end New York et 6;
P.• in. uoode ',blued ~tbt Ae i rr i Yerk at_Reedbur i
Freight House, before n o owe V . * JI o for iriklil
'4oll.ole9VAll63llflien illy 61:at
out restilp.let r '!' il k g
Genii rein tAgent, - :Iv ~ 1 1.4.1 , 1 eboken.
ei ' ..;. L R.A1100„
• • Local Arent * *. kB.R. 16 Iteedlng
eept 8-3nies ~ 1 ;1 •1,, t .4, ...4 l : of e l ,
ALi p kW! , W 4,911, ,10 t 'ZS' )
DOSICOOP.; atti AtiliPOrted •
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: at “l
Por away •
13..1) : `Ittit l ik ( io O ay,
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to thygo?Vlgt o_
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EDWARa - SauLL ) :':' , , ,
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NO. 11 , 4` , 800ritlIrra .STREET,
.BtiNfitelottaxviott9fAtfolm ',
Aii k hoitiAto‘ r` jilisrilri' 0iii4i4,10444
Put thb,Darlitufisn'e , "74i ....--, .--- A. Palo ' '• 11 1- 1
Also;leci . '.,• ' , , rah:, ''t4.
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f inEteitto*-pwv = 4 4,u -ER 7 1 .7 , 1 4'
I .4
it) I; ti eAti, rt-
..• . i
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Owner 1171.14.anit - Washisoopt • : . POC.IO,,riI.
, . , ,' : '-' 1
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Soli A teit forßotito Ind ir c •
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mil n Olik tiAl4l),ViVeuttit al~L irlAltb ibo.l
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• To•Priidtwo:l4. pgiutt,
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