.t,' • " .4 Alt#o:44 00 1 01 001 0 1 ''' tO Al1„1 ~,; 411111111411, - .r. - ,Y,11011i. : , • i ', • i . .;;, 14 . 10/A Orli. - "00 1 PAINIV .. • ' . j " ..',, • ~:r oi ,0 7 a ' s ~ 11. ~ ' GEN; • ~ ; 4 ' , '. , 1 1 i VAT V T . . ~ •.41. , A A. 00111111%, • . • • ' -‘; ' i ATICHOIS ) lia* Pettier Ipk;0611. Remimittilif l ollsC, 00.01reni; , AON, J.LAWASKOWORTCof Reading. • , Ame m ? 111 ELENt .. t ) aY i I_-_, l 4_,Tllolkliecoa I) , l Olip I.: JONES; ef,Reiding. ; 3, ; , a 40, 000gooler •r; . ' !!; . Pr Ammo's, .:',. „). ~,,. ! ; ElAfigt. 4 R, of / 044 4ij' ' . , • - . • ' :, I leVi, 9.' . G; 01 1 ,1444 ~ ,',/:1 , , 1 .1 vt • ~ - I, : i, ~,f,„. 4.:,&4 i , , , i,', - ,` • ~' ..., ~. ,i 3 O in •(..'-', *XlitliSi:4lAlo,l4 : iiii 2: W ) " i ' liiitinlid 0.1040;4140iir Ileidellitie 1 • '.' . . ', : ". ' ' hi. 17oirsofhe r itodErir: PETER O. MARien 0 . 001.4 J: • , - ' 7. : ;•. z..,',-. , ....r J.' ?-4- , •;:. ..: OV ... . 111, 1 . A or i,' ~. ; DAN1E4.4 . :' , 14.0 RI" 4Rasdies.i v. kpEllrool44 0 , ; +rel • 1141' . ko,•-rr46., . 7 A t , twin „. Wen bunitioine o tlie, 48 1100:$00 lqiklolliT Vermont," So, ',godly , boasled'!eif. the " Radical pipit., it fear !k74 Sod ; 1 0 01 #,4 1 : Tun Wilgethsport ilkoulaid endows the • proposed ; r!014010i4 1 of. Rork, 111 eiter - Pt !nor for the next 001111103 r, of Pennsylvania. Ciu r , Radii! Oortitiesitztito frOth the Tepth . , Piekfit *ill be dOee b.rOve ibte'f,4 l t. Ws constituents of fiShisyniiil antr tskenois intend to '(/tittOriel *,lOl good ' Prue,' 'trait Co • • ' stmssismiOrsOrmiilieol_ Tee /woes; giyei•tfirreslLyen;dleionte• diipstelt to fietb ,IttoblefitStittiti reported the Assoolitid' Press teiegritia . pate* lidditt tq Allo 41101 . 6; . (1414)11, Otitt'f, its OWA inreotion; Ott;',lditssioi , thy blush? • A'uu Radicals aro preparing for a. grand Jollification over the' Maine election.' Why don't they fire a salute because the people qf Tithkuctoe, In Africa; hise ohoson a 'l°l'4 king? It Weald be atitialiet COG. , • • Tn krournalletiors hard to make Demooreey gcarrel. anionetheipeelves. • t reminds tie of the fbx entreating the ere* to slug, se theti,ehe wobla drop her luny of cheese for , 8a alOuteree*, yU)r , know j but thi'D'eutobiati doOk sear i tgi predate enlhikieulneB4 . ' IN 180 1 the Radical Whjerfty is Vermont wad 251,005' , `1 1 4 : I#oB l the ROW Dieit4itY is only , 2:5,00, via thihosoeraiseeiheiDA. ten ntiffikrittfs4 41/014 6 0 1 • WfterOjs Abe " ppiobilestootory, ,) 40 metal:toted ofbi We 4161 Fleillt 1 f AN milreamAPr o ti itivrtirrioni— . Ingovilirr IraVt.1 0 4 0 $ 1 1, 01 !• sultirlinOs von *is. , r 1 4n iliiioticai 'bni, ind been Pnifoote'l IA Rinantt in 41n n 40 1.04 ,004 10 a & I M P kill, s6iolt 41 ;044 imam* lavorukoo4 to an 400004 okitt tiiiiArniintininnu,4o ll . B enenlY• . gnat tkWi'AnitAn! , ql P 9 l4 l Ol $ 'haw bfen iinen *inhtef'lnst tinUni+k : efts of 4 tk filoitiOni , 146 tor It4g wisiliskt-tion blisaild itir44ll6o* ilk. 04%,'- i At ' 41 • 114 4 4 ,i ,1 0 1 . 1 4 *thi) 6 lifilti#, farocaoSriSon,i p i i t n y : t " r 'e col b c ' a k o• g P4 ,ii poi :r4;v; .A*f tlkit d aidnaillaolab ifia* . l40 1 0kg ' ' 1; J'alionn6,) i Alo' 4 4%. ' 7 .001111 . II? hit ftii . lo4lol ' .. , ; ' AIWYNO II at i is . ~.. bl fig9o l C l o o , WO ' If No. • , . "hi *** ll4 * 14 lininli AN beinOwoie 1 6 ) 1 04 , 41fikk 1 bitsee! it 0 1 0 1 141411 411 1 in pole tatott ild tona per weak. • • •, ' 1 ar. Arne.* 'ilohni liklita patehts 'the sesOtifoOSl*l or fig metal a*Cof steal, with Lot aligbt, f* 040. (941 is aa4 ease in the cs l * AtracitiOn-O finnicei'' . • • .) This import* invention cannot fail ‘4s _ li ES w ; 14868:: tiway; IMMI IEI , country itch , Pk- 1 cct,),04 1111 , 1 4 moll Po* Z „ , iti*** l 444l = 144, 2 14 to' 1 ' - _thr!PlO tbis cofluaufl! .0* ill,. ( ”. llO4 is * ti , : ~f . . wi5p:4, 1 e ,000 1 41 0 04/ 1 0 4 0 sly stateiene tvdot any appear. in these peasphiete. Whenever a doctrine is so Oa.' ;s a ble list no respectable newspaper toadnit it into its columns, , it it un. Airioni thipatiphleti alluded to are thoie imititled 1$ he New ' Rebellion ," '0 tipik) edited,` AOovenkineit," U., noiii, of*Cli ' i tiectlay of. being read by: an into di Penton.. This* dome:linte l 's** lieblietitin; Sir* iiimilated throttikontilerks.. conetY; in'tka hope 00 here and there 'a Deniociat m4y he silly enonglkto basil the frilislOali, 04060 10 them.. Mint every one Yon ilia, and keep yourself well infoimed open TAW* . topics by reading . the &emend . who' . sputa - aid resPoneb). Demooriiia R4'f i6 •: .' • . ' ' . : . 1 ' • ' . , Tms Kula Hurniumr i width tidas• plies toe*, excites. inueli Interest in this State, Asa matter, of coarse the Radicals Will 'Mire ry.the &Mem they hate done foryeare past by an Average majority of 20;000 I but the thototeaby hopkto reduce. thii Melo:l4in inch ii way that there will be no doubt of the " , turning of the tide," ,in • Maine. .; The Radicals are doing their,best,, howeter, and 'the Democrmoy of, Vennsilvania,tan only give to their brethren of the ,fine Tree State their heartfelt sympathy aAd their most fere vitt wishes for a large De:AN:ratio gain. , • 4 Steritlyff ittortatatiabat. The Harrisburg Pat lot of Thuridai come plains, that our model iPlovernor,, Hans.' ,Geary, has acted In a mann'er:unbeotiming a Min in his high 'official position, and calls t4min' the' okutoh of which Hans. is a meg:- bli to bring him to Weent for profanity. The Patriot says: "On Ta4day while Mr. George Prince, Oda Of our oldest and most esteemed vide, sons was examining the 'monument on Cap.' itgi AUL erected in Died:pry of , the heroes pf the ; Mukluk *ar t be made the remark scat iw beiia t ty could _beat .be i r:parted and a good via* afforded by outdo •l down a Sof of the trees surrounding it:. also refer dt4 the oPiniok of some New ' Yorkn-; ttieman is to, the ; Mile of the column, w hen Cioveratk Geary, beat oboe of band, almost frantia 'with :indignation, re:parked that he "lid not p are a o—d d-ren for Ne w -Yorkers "that har t eould manage hie own affair, withi onttany' outside interference, and madel de the ' most unproroked 4inkujtit u'pon Mr. Pi that hate! ever been obligee to reeard. Ile denounced him in a ehainefulii manner, applying the , most opprobrious epithets to him, and indulging in violent protso . ,. hp?' , • , ' , _ • , ..• itiusi appears to be a fitting leader for the &died *V in this State, but lie is certAint ly, not afitting lion to , the position o r thoe,nd., pe,dri s kylrania. - Perhaps, bow- OPOI • Litt utilts. tinder Oes isfitteice 'of the if titl SI YI Tait' ibiill4l °boot „ip 16' "red. hOc." All;eeits ef elpetipneering tricks are .repeitOd , to, generally gecd-natered;, and itoe•deeidedly Original; The' DameOrn% tellnitanee, gieased the: rant "on. the Ken. 11604 rollico.4.totirevent t the Portland ite- iinblle.ane ikoinjet;lng up to the big *pub, [scanZnOptikAtion at Auguata.:i season. pq_bliettus, bewayer t chalked their eels mg wont ahead,. f, • , TO. Wlniltisiir Plop !.. . ' Theioarne Men bricklayerstin N e w Ytir . , ere St i ll prof easing a determination to con• tinucthe contlestuntil eight !Muni is .'firmly ostablisbodaa:tha proper iingth of time. fbr ri day' i labor. . • , - The istrike Of the .pianci•makeie, in Stabil' wilyls astabliehmant, New York ,, Still coal. Unger,. - , , .- , -- : ~ . • . The Compositor's on the Brooklyn Pap_ers, Vel et riment s ee 'another strike. le New TOrkeit. seale,cif prices was delis* ded by the men; end, - , the - •empioyeh re.fusiag te accede, empleyes ceased wOrk..s , Their PlP‘a bg!'f9*en Sled 'Palilyl), 141:7i? end young 'women, *ho.worK et low rates:, 'Both lierties,dlaro theirtdeterminatioa ; to' hold bilk ' ' ' —' ' • -•- ' • • ' • e'' .I TheVorklui . Nellie ,Dildlnge-Verein' or 1: 1 44)3,e 1 . e AO' tide igo, , contemplated PS. PS )100140(m'airetiolVAkit of :Nnre-, peen working am. . !twos intended to form 4 procession on ths t ibslsaud parade through Iheitriets. ' In co equal), however, ' of a 'Meeting at which Abe ler og mesa leaders 'ilkalared in 1k or 'Of the E ropana• socialist " 0 1 44 / , and' ProO, 0 2 ( 4 1 Oteresekes to be skeitaer Austrians no aermana hut,Xuro . Pettni,'e prohibition tow been issued against the intended primesidon and . fraternization . .PSI videtsolly.... ' The law ert.pnblio meetings pa; et posolllol4l. tojseld -the lam o 14 ft;fAil 44" Atbister pf. the *di Mt e ;all ordiaWAssett: the ittl , ..eilislen.i* lyttiettted,' , We is 'the ,' r 0 t tl teii,lii__,„• 41 ' the. 11414ite'Perceleitiell, been !row .:.,F, -..,:. ~ •, , .., '. , t P' . .-Ttitsulkire, **CIA , *s_ifit . is laded. The ditulkia We' beee' cia 'WI ittike'ler titeleoilthlyieittithetwi those - 4o euiple'led , trr.iteOft !theitt Anneek - retz:verot, riiiii i ' oars Work with Arip . ._ depers :1 dayi unkat.othet ~ toses:opp6s44 : thew. aiilti4,',',..tert depo,steoe, , the ihrpoieeie " slid 4h° owners 444 `4Peatlitit . docks and ; it , e stetetii heti agreed to,the caulkers'. twine, se tugetmeed Os" and bow Work is . ' 4 1 0 0 4 (pi **out inte*oon, . ‘ . ,;. i: 01 liiii iIP 1 - * '7 ' •, . - 0 6114. ' ./114 . 111 . 1111 ra ji l 1 1- 0 44 t ip. • Train. ()Prom 4Dµl hice44:ol/4inete)teifiergi''Ph;) ' . . ' :VW,o the 1* IreOffi peg of oeL des r,i:, Pill . 1 0Pd iiobbAXll, 7,1 1 9.4v0 poi hanata 10 b°o 4ll 4t 141. 0 1 4 0 - ofto9 To , & l ea 444 4r ev ' ' 441 0'0 02 1 11 0," al* Pitv have 4W4aroreti, ' three OffiiNot *salons, to 4 64414 trains oa ail '; forth, Iliriose tit giq* * l 4. iobtrog • thole. - ne: toritmalion•Oveivin oil , 112(i'the tack 90 , eithoe , litid'as 'the triune palmed iisiniervi,Vis, bid (1448:110 \ **YetacipEtll) :44mi1ie;.,1 *MO OilhalitNi a th 4 '43 1141444. eii Wroict Ili - imsitiwe. *a ,aad .. , Thmi way Yob uirilatiti P ia if likeetk in _., ‘ ,.,..,...„,..„. 1 -- ~• tetit4 4 ,101114',., 5 , • ''' ' -I-- :e - 4 -41-7 I -• fifYitta ti • •• .., , , ' I • " .'., P'. . 9/f7 11 4 1 , 06 **4•• What MO 7 . , , • Al t oi MA& 1004 1 SW* ~ LOOP I i r * 0 0E 1 4 gt rir ". °l4 l ii l:..L'''''-" 4 . untjp• 0;1 -..' • s Omit EU :.... " I,* i ~ the past wiekintiaheen' , '' p bi 6NM 4444010.,1* ,lam p : Wed; and coltiegtientigr ~ttC,,pi - less eoisphditt 'kora those **Vett IP the. treetei' and men feel Moraln. II condition , to follow their **end avocations. ..,..kcainp meet;.ig at AnbOrn, achuyikill'Conn% him drolia goodly number of our young People thither, and pill elm:thee yesterflaY hive co been So wel atten ded. 'lleir.l). - ZWel 4,101 yosr City, preached at excellent liar. vest home 'sermon at tilt , Jobtt while** , Grove disoOmed in the ,Meth odist Episcopal church In Vs usual happy style., • A sad ao , ', oldest %toured yesterfav soOntkli . 404 a *clock, to John Linderman, an estimable below man from this. Ow; a4hortAistenee below 'Port Club* while' attempting 'tor jump ottr as total train. It' appears that he In company with en. qther man• 'proceeded onithe raikoed v intenUng to go'to Animvtt, Schnilidll county; to etterld a camp Meeting Web Isbell* held there,' andlrilflii 'about 1 , , of -angle thid side of , the ' tunnel, were Overtaken by .111- tiftin f mici in the attempt , to jump on, ha fell ' and' the wheels of the' cakpolused over his left foot, crashing, ir Wires to nieke . antipatatien necessary. e was conveyed to his - brother-In-law's, W hen Drs. Petteiger and Xrebs were • celled and formed .the operations. Mr.' Linderman doing ae well as can be expected. S. 0. J. Tax, LAM'S' FRIEND J _ TOR OCTOPI. ^.-A floe steelplate l . "The River Spirit , " a brit fathiotillatet ind a spirited. wood-cut of* group of young people amusing theme !elves with Ilallaw•e'en'rites i arethe leading embellishments of the October number of the beautiful monthly. In literary merit it to decidedly at the head of maslaiiiies of its class.."liiieeing fr om Fite;" by birdie Chandler Moulton, is a striking story, Worth any o'ne's while to ;cad; "Master Casimir," from the . German„ has, tie novelty of foreign customs; "Aunt Paget'', Pitcher,"by August Nll, is'a quaint conceit, thegenuine bj-Plar of geoins;The, Doherty Fortune," by Arnim da M. Douglas, grows in interest with every number; and tho poems by Florence Percy and Beatrice Colonna are such as one does not often meet With in a lady's magazine. At the same time, in tasteful patterns of the fashions, 'aad Work-table cuts and directions, it is,esppeecially suited for ladies of refinement and Culture. The new music in this number is'a belli&-6"Fauey Brings Thee O'er the Lei." .The prospectus for .the next year contains; unequalled :inducements,new sthscribers, and we advise .Our readers to , sendfoi specimen . number (Which is fur.' Wallet gratis), and avail themselves of the publishers' munificent offers. It is publish-, ea by beacon do Peterson,sl9Walnut street; FEHR., at $2.60 a year(vyhich'also includes a large steel engrivifig.) "The Lady'atiend", and "The. Saturday Evening Post," $OO., MEWING OP Lo o* AND ,40800)ATI0N8. The ((diming named orgatOttions will hold their tegular atataa meetings, this (lifortnair) evening . • • 4ermsinia Lodge No. 158, L 0. of O. F.;, atrOdd Fellows' amatitan lodge No. 82, I. 0. of G. F. at Tenverance Hall. Kutztown; Council No. 48, 0. U. A. M., EitKutztoyni ' .; , . , Neversink v d ontieil N. /O r a U,,` A. ,M.' 'at Womiladort, =g ' .0. 1 ' rtiendShip Oirole• o. 17, B. U. Brother. hbod of Union Hall. c ' ' Birdsboro Lodge NO. 897, II 0. of 00. 1 1.; B irdsbor , oi •. • . Liberty Circle tro. 28, }3. ; U P • ~04.‘ SinitiogBpring4 `A • ' Carpenters' and Joiners'' N. U. No'. 74; 703 Penn street. ' •;• *, -,, , Ul • ~‘ ` Lod 0 No. 74, A. P. A.; Baa's lirall; Penn slow Seven th . • ..„ , •' l Was Ington Camp No. 89, 1.0. ofJ. - 8. of A. M hlenberg's Halt ' . ~ ReadingA A: chapter, No. 192, Masonic Hail. . =MEI ' AtretiriON, DR40,0104.114 I-All Democrats Who wish to turn out on horkibaok in th# Procession in honor i of "Brick ' romeroy, on OW. evening:next, will. report to CO ling. Rhoads, Lauer's Garden, Third, and Chestnut streets, *Reading, at any tithe bei fore 6 o'clock, Friday eveningi The mounted . procession will ' form at LAuer's . Pah l ! Third ftod F,lm streets, on iday evening neat, at ei o'clock. Bach' mimosa will Cam a small American flag. r ' 1 1 Mounted men from thoe \ ountry are es. pecially . invited. • sept.' , l4.l t Plum REMY Watt arrested last week at 4 hound over to apear at Court,on thochargb of malicious misc hief,' in throwing mud on the newly walked clothes of Mrs. Shannon. Bch sfr A Doo.-41 young man kr the name of Samuel Deininger Was severely bitten in the leg by a ddg last evening, in s Seventh street, below Pine. The, blood flowed from the wound, EAR and, near throughout the Whole Country, the newspapers teem with the won derful Wes performed by Pr. Russell's Magnetio Oil, /Wets. and $1 00 Peibdttle. American House, Ree4tag. [aug. 17.tf !OAT a comfort it is to mothers to have a good and substantial carriage. to bawl the children in,and we advise all inwant of one, at the reduced . rates, to call at McKnight's Hardwer(Store, 8d and Penn. Sept 14-1 t . . • Too DIrTERENOE.—One bf the cbiefpoints: of difference between civilized and barbarous mankind' is . the attention. given to Abe. natundeoveripg for the head the; one being eaFerultf cur, Cleansed and brushed , and the of of *Mewed to remain dirty and unkempt. The use of "Barrett's: Vegetable Hair Reit -toratiie" willonsure all that c ould , be de , sire4l_byeivilizatiop or ignored by barbarism. --Resters Post., , wept 10;1 w Ira our friends will use preparations for re- Storing gray hair they should use the best in the market. Our attention has lately been called to an article which , has an extensive sale and a very high reputation, known as Ring's: Vegetable Ambrosi a; an d are in clined to think that , it possesses more desira ble and less objectionable qualitiei than any otherin the Market. It restores gray or fa ded heir to .ite 'original 'color in a most TO tairkible manner, 01/4 bg its invigorating sad 4100.10 g pri)pegiftarnnoves all dandroll 10 4 hunnorit, Tr OSP the 54.14)),.. 41v9 *4 fair trial atidyan canmit van to like pug 118 t a. War has just repo#hied a iarge lot of pitiei *fresh ,druga and niedioines; of All , kinds: Those who desire the pure - article (and.who does not?) we would advise them tq go to him. His rites are reasouable i and he waits upon a ll his customers, in a pro le fit -and gentlemanly manner. All prescriptions are put pp in the most careful manner, and berit. is no "thOmer of , any mistakes oc: APE ga Deqte, has ipso all kinds of toilet arfieles 'for wasbeil, • soaps, brlaikei, combs, *o44c. :I , Keitember the. place =No.' 1 North Mit )0 11 4 , ' • aus. , ;BUSINESS NOTICES. „„„ ~ .:•, " . , 1 WNW, Sept, 14. ,' 1 m A )th#4. election tabu earl to , i-)1O , 1 tkii it 4 0 11164 $ 14 4 xhoof, Y I *fi l er,* i.e.!. Ogee ea ore,* i, , ,01 ' of 'AWN excePtioilikat year, fli,Vut: . AOsil us litaPr Uir ii# k ki- 1 1 1 01 4 1 1 0 ): 4 elmbil• adram'are working , bard to preserve illiti aveiege inejority of 20,00(); bet the . Demo ends hope tip redeeel t,. and they will pro. bably'do so. .' , • . Court of • iniviry ,into tho":eelidtml - ,41 004 O'er kat hen aPP9inied,,co4.444ll Generals (So. Amu*, Hancock, , T erry and lielt s ‘the latter being Judge A d, The Gifolti Rfate &We i t.y T4ta 0,24 to 11 1 has the colored . 40o#I0 iq ieligiblo to eeeta. 0. J. Dickey has been chosen at the Re publican primary electlen Lancaster county.as, the pominee'Of, ,the,Paity toithe vacancy mired by' the death of• Thaddeus Stevens, an 4 also the net o(mtress.: . Theodore Strang his been nominated for Congress by the Republicans of the Twelfth District of Pennsylvania. . 1 The Tennesseoctinunittei lasagne borne. Tho PresiVent l in obedience to their request, has directed the militart to support the civil authorities, and Committee .an nouneo themselves satisfied. At billiard, Mass:, a Sand bank'caved in last week, end killed four children'; The saes chip Patapsco wakburnedat sea, near Cape Lookout; No lives were lost, but the vessel is A totsl wreck. • By the destruction of, 1%404 Collendet:'s billiard table establishment in kovi York,on Saturday morning, those gentlemen lose $220,000, partially covered by insurance. Heavy rain storm - 0 are repoited in Central New York, causing much damage to bridges and other property, mid delaying, railway trains. Sonia snore cases of cattlo plague have boon found in New York oily; and the, dis•; *mild cattle have been o;dered , te A man and wife wore murdered in Indiana on saturday night, and robbed of $.10,000. '• A soldiers' Nounty and pension . collector, in New Ye*, named Charles Crosemani le t reported to bravo abiooiidpa a large. amount of his lients' funds: • . ,Successful raids ,were wade by Ibe pOlice upon geieral lotterysbops and gambling hdus l es in Boston and,St, Louis, on Saturday. • EW ITEMS. —toxibo Lamar, - a native Attieani. an said to be one hundred and sixteen yearl • old, died in Vineland, Oa., 2d inst. • i —A Montana gallows is three rails, set up like a tripod, with a man "hanging betweeti like (I pot. —One hundred and mxty•one murder 4 wore committed in Tennessee during the year ending Jul 1. • Such is,the happy nigi ger kingdom of Brimstone BrOwtiloii.'• • ' —" oaten" Corbett, the insane Bergen who shot John Wilkes Booth, was sem time since reported dead, but he has.tufne up as a prayist in John Allen't dance bousti in New York. Sohn is jealous of this neve lien, and it is thought he will backslide and °•punch" Corbett's hciad. —Russia is troubled with Ku Kim Rom of 'the, 'Russians now attribute "the terribl fires ih that country to the vengeance of th Poles for the oppressive acts of the Russia government. '—Four constables and a, justice of the peuo 'were Wasted in Chicago; the Mho. day, for refasino to pay for then9ager and creating a not, —General 'latch, Assistant Commissioner of the rreedthen's Buremi for - Loulidatia has rescinded the order which directed tha planterkwho had received supplies from thl Bureau ilionid send their crops to eertaiii factors in Now Orleans, and to none others', The planters complained,that in, ,con eider* tin of the small amounts of •supplitiS,Auli furnished, they lost the control of their whole cropsi while ,it WAS impossible for them to obtain a,releale from this obligation upon the payment in cash of,the full ainciunt, of the suppliesSurnisli. • k . . • , . . COVOIIADO: • *. Another;Angle-note from tie Wert —filhe renames recreant Vermont: I 'DENTEU,Sept.•II.4III over our Territory the Democratic plait has swept. She giver; greeting to Oregon, liers'aieter hi the• wildti: Mr. Bolden, candidate for delegate to Congress, has been triumphantly _ . elected. The Radicals were , nowhere. ; • ';;; ' Colorasio return's . , herself all has won a munificent nemopratie'vieto4. f She tollo*s thefleaCof the live. Ita reo*- ing DemocraCY. 0. W. P. • During the preaeot campaign, from 844. 12th to November 12th, a period of three toonilm k , the Datt* Zuni; b? Issued to campalgo aqbacribers at the rollowingiates: Faun SePt. 12th to lov, f2th f 2 rsioe . .. 140 From Oci. 12th to Nov.l2th, 40 No aubacription for 'the campaign Eltilie will be received unlpta accompanied by the co); Any person getting up a club of Ten subscribers, will rece)e a Copy gratis. .! The EAOI3I will keep its readers formed on all the pobtiCal topics of the dal, wilt labar-and zealously, 'for, the dissemina tion of Boned ,Demooratio doctrines, ',the unity and harmony of the 'west rientooratie poly, and the triumph of beincieratio winsiOlis and the Demderatieetin4Weti. It will also contain, in condensed fonn, all t h e Pneral news - of 40 4ay, wi*ii 61 4" pletekind correct .aCionnt eau Joesimato ters in or connected with our city and voun.: ty. • ' Every voter in Berke county should tali° the Eaols for the campaign. . Aiidresi BITTER k Aigk Officii / 4 44; 'PA. **WWII 01111111411 P - L . ....iitbitait e tor o th* Vie 3 osiN ' ' - -41041 0104: . t • : . ' rA iL • o previott to as • NUS of oa*lete = Ie*MMO /MX ILek I.N puttee. appointed by titn t -- odtnralliocitty. to t t ipeateo r :tto Ik e a Isma p m d 91 OS FM!, • trt; It AAA; AM, • k .4 ";t1 leDt -" -,• .:- .• • • 14.3i 4 „. ,t tt“. Sam pr swim =ME The OC;11111110tOtit Greeted& of_the Eleoutite Qom- Oates of the Maks West) , *MOW* oletl• wilt cell. • ON WEDNESVA.Iri 4e4'P:'1,1, 1 cAulk4, 4io on Ull.lrlter 311111 1 :1 0 16 Mains Mont Weenitnini Ati onk. It following 1- '' ' :'• . ~' i , N ,.. el ernallibOtilileirettilhatteite . ' : 4 14 & W4t. + f not. '7 wIRCrO- W. I WIPP, Denton• • ' -. 8., • - ' ' 01 .. 11 it; • ". • ' ' 11.0 itt C. 11. OtaArritiki 11113(41PTION MR% 4 E. 1 • • EIBRIEB',.OF . . 00N012111- , to a.ioivra • DURING THE . OOHING , SHARON,' ARE NOW 'OPEN Ar 140..Pozzormo •- " • iltrleicland Jr Brea Book:and Maio Store, E&at Pena !agorae. V • • Drag P.'1414'. Opera Billiard ,4004kir. Norm • Sixth atriets B. A. Berg's Plane Weserooies '4Qa West Penn Sitoe. • • • Persona rtiehltig,i4otieritte will Olease, de se st; ogee. , . seot 14;tt I 1868 PAtIA, BUCH BiioTHEli, I Have opepid tvLarga and , Belooted Stoat' otl • • • 3 ' • '• • ••,• • • • • ••• ;: ,„ • - • N EW: .GO - • e • Sir 1/UVi 0. 00/ANMANOI ' Otitter. NEW FALL GOODS! . , Were selehted ih the City df New, Fork, ad will . be disposed of at Ptie4s'fittbe• low thOse of any other . eh-• - - tablishaieht in the „ • - • • - City. ''• 'I , • GatJews's C7o4hing tisaildlo'order, Boy? clothing oonstatitly o hiind (1114 made to' order; Th Stookof Futdahlng Goodu 1 deuidedly: • ' the beet and mtiat Ike; ,'• • • Aty. Call l 4,ce, and Hatisfi , •, ; rinraelvea. , ' .`' The mere fact of baOnit.theeprvloee er,o4l43oPft brated outter..llr. •Levi o.lk.lenuin, guarantee that nu garnienta 'ill' be made up In tht beet stile and beiest Nadi:hut: 'Remember . BErelf& BRO.'S Ilea,tiquarters of Fashion I NO. 548 PENN STREET, READiNG. Portico Row; B 14tf • B ENSON' fic.'l,ONE6 l •• • • P NT :R8 . 1 • • ' ANk . .PAPEIVIIANGE4B; . • MVO Jytt reneited from timPhilidaphis and Ne • York paftets the finest nmortmegt, of . , • I WALL-PAPER . • eves .offered tor 100 in this city.' Cell and mio them at their - • • • • NEW . , • PENN Winn, READO4 9 I.. • 1 a7-3tee. • • • - • 4 r. ~ L ~ IMErtia l ta; BOUBE4AiIITED, ' NVDNI '1 4 D*ELLlfiti Bit anted within ressomble .111 &Mu* sts between - tb)r 'put !stet of the; o nn by a flail,' lOW*. - 048Wf° ofthe • -, • •,. . • D „ *lO • • • • • . WA* ll l O l 4 4An sloth* mac Nl* Ogigi +VI ,tat, Poirtsist n~iotia city. For ffsiA sadrest u rstat ta ' I • , A.R Erl ' ol , (O.— , er • 4.-k fr, Z!;21 At Portico Row, NO. 648. PENN I lIIIIIDMI iptAbirtG;'RA. I ' } 'A* §top4' of W*NTI4I),. WidVio t, trits - 6") 1 , „„oreris- e q, atIU Fl4' "11 S • A 14 "0 DidcOv Iltrifi • - h i s; -, . r ,I,L 1 GRN. lAYL t : 0 I ,s s44,3ifoitb, *With street', ' Wit Oka Sgeortqf as Riopki Nnt l'orb.Dtpot, - i- • ' • ' , MDING, PA, •..- %-• •' . 4 -, r •••, , „ - -... , , f 1 1 ! 118 ,4 111 ": 11111 * r t . . 0 ! , deSI '11 1 1*Ilikr,P',I44:0010;&P: 1 '' OM : , GOOD WILL ' COMPANY,' .! A .0 ,ktto,Ntoirit, arikti hir4l44o.llo 4o M e i t ittieilthiehioleadl e ii aatodl,nit° le *umber Ott dm ; est abee.d. so we U ' at, a ,tu; au mid, .te, -the et anw thvone vet. oaeteautbe , • tiarrwToUt EA lailk:r.'enA P,EQP - 4, Edttor'ot titileyt::Zo4ll4per!, Win stdross the '1'4411140p! 644 ~IfGrlitutiteik oil Perko woo lon • • e - PM,* 1 1 44 iEI 004 4 18 0 1 1 8 9VARA ' /lithe a 43 1 1 ?eaa* • ' w or ii nsm o ars eipeotalis itivited to tittatid. sip 10 Btll K.EitgortE, orp44. to I SE, 4 4 hart* ilrestda t niuumger. SIX. Niain i g (*al t - CommeitittiMoidai-;Atteit*, September 14th •••• 186 Et • • • • • • , . ' THE GREAT 4 " - 04f410.40/4- taUlOO/40 4i i :: : J... " . . . .• . AND VEN - - TRUNQuISTI • 1 _., Will preafrit etiott':o44ialriin' I', / Entire Change,!,4f, am*, teph(e'seith .. , q,, lY s ita , 0114 .4ea • Ali Egteireei . ) •,, - r. :,... -, 1 inolutli' ' too , ~:' • • • WONDED*III4 iLIVIIkIq'IIIIAD,,_- ~.. : , •!, ' ' . 4ID•SUAIITIitUi: -, • . ' :' • l' OROWTR`OP yLowEatt_ -__ L __ i , : ' woo ' , JMuisoIMII LXltagolit „limb cooly . .t i irresen!!iwuil•be litveit klieg ~ _‘. -\ Ev,.o NL411.,t; ~,. 1„,.. . ADMISSION, 26 - Donal ' ltesergeol l 14eati.;60 Cants. Doan Opel tat 7 . o'elook'reolutnenoo at • f ' ; ' ~ e 4iiii,:iiiiiiiiierMisiii ' „,..: ;* ; Statir4l4 Aftetimion fiiaptember 1611 i, ii 2 al i olik. when (111117 child Vii.reoeive a• Ira cli ent. Admitslop to . fithatacts . , . •-!.! , t,ititxmluvu 118, Agent. :4 0 "Tf o igina l . ' , ...f''._• 4 ., , 5 -, ' x,7 IflAwrintk vot i . '' ":: 1 - " ' '" • it: c . '•: , ':• . . „ 1868) • . I . ~.,.'..- \ .. , ' cjii: , _, 4 ....... Hfcl..._ ,•:, ' ;,‘ : !:...-; . -,' ! .., '.. • • ~. ~:‘:.-: . .:' .;' t i . MI • UNION,' JIaWItLAY MAN U FACTORY 'BADGE DEPOT, - , ~ we. k 4 NORTII4IIIIIII SZE r 1_ • (Next dol. to the . Evewips Diepliteh 0116.) . . . . $O,OOO Oarapa)gluiThidgeol • DEiLOORATIO AND tuiptTi t ic" Dfreet (rOw the Baste al other tosnureetithlo• wtdah we eon sell a , t New ork prie, 19 , lor au f l t li d l i l d aci cligAilr tx , ,p) , ~ A t Inc hay ottpyor.qpo •hm red 14ereti _pi On!! Silos as poeFV-row. , ,A e v e r . tone, wt .is • • • , (loot Agents ici„anto4.--alpt4lieron(ge it• 'i r . , t .•:, , otti , iiitiiir bilteiSiti hiiiti2blittti r olsig ir ‘ol3i It lido We ,t4?* vie 11l - ditl off to • vA, emrOire. ! t ,?; ,- . -,,, . ~ 3,7, ~.,,0 ; 090ETY tADOEIVMARKEPAND VINO. . , . . of all hinds made tO!order s also telirAry of all de• serlptions wide and repair ed. . watches and Cooke properlytepaired. • a Btt • KRYDER *VaP?t#Pnlrl# , •i. - ::‘ Qaebrated - 'Tonic t • Eittolsk o i Mil ~LI YQUOR43;' Also 1340 Agents for .11.SiLlrg l a tII4IOALLIIO BY/ 'fluter : • - ..• 1 . - -* L1 • 1 1, 11 9 0 410 1 . . 4 1 tifetS • : .• • For sale nettae • !•'••• e• :rAus%-tr • Di:A. intinAtil, ,' : ':. - .- -'-., ' } ls -, '14 1, T I 8 s r 'l . '• :. '' ' otisee- - -x• ii .. .* : 40,44.iriti4 ii,, leadloP i;4iditii atteiitior; tiii:tiigihiedisviiii Of the Mou th andlnins, sir hls Iv Pomp; rat orowth of Ulnae, At egliv , A mown of the Alveolerproee* t Fissured *hitch t r i diseases to which the, mouth and fig* are n e et. • • • i 1 • . : ~ , I i Teeth Oxtraettitli wilhOt Rain. and, inserted oa all mater"' USed b, the roftwion,_ Office hOuri., fr om 7 4 1 1,,i ..tO7 P. M. ftt. 8-Iz. , . ~, , ; , WHERE TO OBT i 11l . • . 4...... 717 if .721 Penn !Unit, i!.ditiftif t ils4 F U R. 14 ±lfxi RE ~ • ~. i . 171 411, wri," Ar*iii.frritii4o - , , • tgTM - limiest sae Await lisi th e dui select hio, and glewilmieli hwer tar any' %mai aroVirptiNotr, goiegied._ OARPETINOR. 1114TTIN,08 AND ..-..•.. 01'1:CLOTHS; 7": . . , ~ 014,44,i .. • • ~ : 4 01 1 / 4 0ar. atm? 4 low. ativsatOpn nist.:' . ' 1ir 117:14 41"D if0.264, 11- ottect a tfig ~1 .f, MEM ' AT' Titt _;,~ ,~ BEM El AND OM