Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 12, 1868, Image 3

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CI'T'Y ;AND':. , 0U
..._._._T' .1
'Epinal.= 14 r•
D. li.—llitte, meet Serena, 71 No, 2.
Yellow, meet Seventh,' Ti,T No.
D. o.'o of D. 1.. meet fiecort 71;
octant. 1 ' U 01
P. 14.—Meet Second, 71.
. D. L—Orny t Blue, and 'Wilke, meet See-i
ond, 7, sharp, aNn. 1 Whits.
!TRH MAN ABOUT . TOWN.—A. 3, Bast, k i n 0..'
its ran street, have JUst placed In theirtob ~ o
s torn, i n very handsome show case, hying 5 feetlo. ti,,
2% feet wide and jfit foot high. It' is mad of
Italian marble, mounted with sliVor turners, Ind
the frame work holding the glum Is of walant.
It was given to the Atm es
Italian harpist Is atil(strolling.thningh our striete:
disieeslng 'his mole to crowds of okildeen..--i-'
lion; W in. St r ong, one of tho Justices otthe flu;
preme Coon of the Stato, is In town. , fO .O Judge,
looks remarkably well. —A Southern weather
prophet' Predicts that the tint host of. the season
will occur on the 234 of September. 'That frost
would S have come in handsomely yesterday, with
**the mercury up In the ninotles.----Abont 6)
o'clock last evening smoke Was discovered Issuing
NM the basement of tho keystOne bitllding, °cou
pled as a .owing machine shop, but on tho door be-.
ing forced It MO found to come from a stove, the
flue of which Wu outof order.—Threocornered
sisiGtij cards aro, the fashion now.--t---7-charles,
Batitneols flak sOld,the lot edjoining his own •dwell.
'lex house on Potirtb,street, below:Chestnut. to par
ties In Norrlsidwn Tor 11200. They Intend building
a fine
. dwelling for Choir private residence.
Nothing checks the play of 'the Imagination more,
eiTeotttelly than .an empty
are of seine use 'alter all, Yesterday after:wee'
two men were 'hoisting a barrel from the °eller of
fltiobter's store. wheni i 'dorg", bit Into the rope and
pulled at it,like &good "tiOre--;—)Ve notice that
many of our °KIM are In the habit of placing
flower-pots op window sills and baleoples, This Is'
a dangeronkpractieo;es aim or heavy bind, Weiss
they kre'firmly proteoted, would cause them to fall
on . passing pedestrians, and sevore results possibly.
ensue. -Seymour and )Hair badges, of various
designs, can ho had at thsksotabookstore; at from
5,6 15 cents.,-m-=..eharigeable poplins are an
nounced as the coming rage.----Sugar mime down
very suddenly this morninikas a bey dropped a
portion of a pound coming out of a store, rho
limes mats down newspaper thieves as "skunks,"
We do not know -but that is the proper term' , r 1
them.-.----After many-Milo to get a. good art c o
of children's carriages, A! Knight has at last suc
ceeded, and Solis theni cheaper than any bthors in
Iteadini. Store, TAlrd,and Yona.--Tho joint
'afloat of ()borne Option and Billy Wright, at the
Theatre C4itiquo, last night,' was a success. —=-•A
toper thinke the blow . ho endures most cheerfully
is a whiskey punek--,-Nearly evirybodycarried
ono of the advertising fans yesterday, which were
distributed gratultonsly. •
—llow to • make• your
mark H-take a piece of coal or charcoal ,• or, if Om
are not handy,- takd a big pinoll.--- , ---Aspiiing
people must have perspired. yeatorday.-t--The
Nail Works and Nail Plate Mill of 'the Pottstown
Irori Company, .roeently destroyed by Are, were
again p'ut In operation this wook.—Tho saltines
of Cuero township give notice that they will allow
no porson or remits to trespass on, their lands, to
Shoot, Ilsb, etc., without permission. Sportsmen
MAR pleue notice and evold future trouble.—
The hone Is vloisig with the human Me about
this time, SPeed!atul matches are all the go ; and
they go off well. The whole lumber of letters
and papers deltic od y the carriers of the Road
' ing Post Olice d ing the Month of August was
46,099 1 the whole ;number collected amounted to,
17,033,—w—The, man who found it “unploacent" to
walk an hour before breakfast on nn empty stom
ach, no ,Iks with tolerable comfort ona etiolter.
Wal round the edge of it, probably . Col. H,
k r
R. II wmisp,•ft. 0.10, Orocollus, Samuel 11. Tea;
Charles Diokley, 'Daniel Sehronfoldor, Ohas. A;
Saylor, and Otheri, loft,• this pity ' yesterday fort.
Louie; to ho present et Cho Triennial Convention o
the Grand Nacampmentof Knights Templar ofthe
U. 8.. which takes place on MO 15th instant.----
ThO Schuylkill and streams aro somewhat sviollen,
owing to the heavy rains yostorday.--Mo read
in the Biblo that Joshua .commanded the Sun to
'stand still, and it did. Thor° are a good many
Joshuas now-a-days who command their tone to
04 %0 Allis but thoy don't l—lioarly all thobirds
have taken their departure from among us, for
• more 'Wel ()Saute. It Is said that their early dem
whin indicates a severe winter. It may bo se:
If we livo we' shall soo.—A. P. Tutton, Esq.,
late Assessor of this District, has boon nominated
Revenue Supervisor of Western Pennsylvania, by
N. A. Rollins, Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
The nomination lain the hands of Soorotary. hlo-
Oullooh, awaitipg his action. Always do as the,
sun does -- look at • the bright side of everything. l
For while it is lust as cheap, it Is three' times as
. good fordigestion,—; . Aaron Einstein will take
possession of Shillings' Tavern on tko Ist of Ootilt f
her, next._ Tho racetrack will be la complete or. l
der by that time.:---iiiartino; the great Califor
nia Illusionist, will hoot the Keystone Opera Houso
next week, commencing .oti Monday ovening, to
astonish our citizens with hie unriValled perform
ances. Ills tricks wlli "astciiitsh the natives."- 7
Wooden shirt collars aro atinoinced.—Thoj, match
wooden heade:,Blx 1 ree flags float to the
breeze In Pedn street.' . - • . • '
CONSIDERABLE editorial mattor istverowded
out of our columns. to•dai.
, -
:UNIVERIMLiBT this churuch
Rev:ll. rotors will give adiscoursetto•rnor
row (Sunday) 0.04 ) on "Revivals; with a
contrast between tho true and the false."—
In the morning ho will : preach . "Tho truo
Christian Home."
DAVID WOODS ) emp eyed. at ; the Sheet.
Mills of Boyfer, Molls us & Co., yesterday,
accidentally Slipped' and 4ll on "a hot sheet
of iron and entand burded his arm severe
ly. Re vat sond4tad to his home, where
he was properly eared for. - . .
Qua readers will bear• in . mind, that, the
Free Eseureio6 Train fgt. the great • auction
Jude of building loth s t LAMM ; will loa.o
the lower dikpot t Reading,.at 1 o elciek pre.,
duly, on' Minds)! (14th inst.) and, that no
better investment. can b 9 made than at Lob.
Pig 'Democracy of thplipth
rpm a Seymour AO Bair flug this evening
at the Scott House, corner of Highth and
Ilutterornna 'Streets, - at o'elbelc. , Thorn
will bo several speakers resent to. a ddress
the people on this oocnstou,.' Let titer° bo
full turnout.
Mo. THOMAS B.' MAHBH, Artist, former]
from Philadelphia, is holding forth at
Hess's Otllleryaifth and Penn streets, an
is noiv engaged on some beautiful paintings.
Air. Marsh Is an excellent artist and to those
(Jour citizens who approciitO the fine artsi
it would be A treat to see his productions.
.PAINTiI s OHO ! varnishes, French mil Arno
tlean glasi, and a fall assortment of builders'.
hardware, generally o , at 012 Penn street, by
McGowan Miltimre. aept 6-2 w end •
CANARY Biaaa.--Whe beat aesorimeitiOf
&wire andsfaiey, cape, bird seeddieb boatti
cage books, /ta t , town , at 012 Penn
by Meadwaa a Miltba9re. ,
• Sept, 6-2 w ilid; : '
vine Sunday School will hold a -celebration.
op Saturday, September 19140808,
Bruckman'a woods f about ope mild From
der edition - On Kiefer Exe4.
ter %met 'Band bkprelent pelitrei
the parade;' . ;Addresses willbe deliverOd:p*
,The occasion. All nie,llolto.
Mondayeveningnext star
tine, the great California illusionist 'and
Ventriloquist l will open at the Keystone Op
era,llouso,corner of Sixth And Court streets.
The hall has been beautifully fitted np and
gentlemanly ush4l engaged especially for
the occasion. This ajil be a great, event in
Reading, for the reason that many valuable
preseptX will be given !Dray at each.perfotm-
ROO. _ • •
amusement loving public will not forget that
on Monday night next Fred.' Alexander, the'
star pciformer, takes benefit at the above
place—fierenth street, between Penn' and
Franklin. Fred. will be Sustained in his
characters, on the occasion, by the best per.;
formersfrom Sterrares and from Mansdorf's
Varieties, who have volunteered their pro
fessional, services. We bare no doubt the
hall will be crowded,
ODD,D 4 NUAIVII I kARADV. —A general parade
of the.l.‘o. of O. V.voill take place at Lyons
Stations on the gest Penusylyaniaftailroad,
Berke county, on•Baturasyi th e ltlttt .inst.—
Bovoral ontinentielergyman kern abroad will
positively be present .to deliver addresses )
both itt the German and .English languages.
The public is respectfully invited to attend,'
as also the order in general. No hucksters
As 4 allowed to coma on the ground except
those who obtain.
committee. •
THE market this mortdag was agai n well
stocked with an abundance of vegetahlea t
and prices rated, on an average, as follows :
Cabbage at from 6 to .15 eents f i egg plant,
5 and 10 cents; tomatoes , 10 aid 12 cents ;
corn 15 and 20 cents per: dozen ; peppers,
6 and 7; cents per 'dozen ; sweet potatoes,
25 and 86 cents per half peck; grapes, 16
cents Per pound; apples, half peck, 26 and
85 cents ; water melons , 16 and 60 ;
eantelopes, 8 and 10 dents ; potatoes, 20 and
85 cents. Bator helm 40 to 46 cents.
. Voo ? ti. lliefito we have repeatedly urged
on former occasions, shOuld be now goner.
ully.taught lin our public schools, It :is
wonderful how much fresh life and .vigor is
,Ufflised into a school when all, turning from
The dull round of their. dutics,'join in some
cheerful song. In the Prussian schools,
which arc not excelled in the world, singing
is Wight as constantly and its thoroughly as
readitig, We hope the time may come when
singing ma be taught Aa a science , as well
aspractice , its an art, in all our Bch,
Wn learn.tflat Mr. Robert R. Ta lor,of
this city, 9einventor - of a patent bra • e,with
spiral spring attached, for. attachwont .to
street passenger cars, is .having a ear made
with the attachment at the Lebanon Machine
Works, for triat'on the Tenth Av. passenger
'railway, N. Y, The president of that road
has stated that the .patent arrangement
would move the ear one foot, when the ear
was to lie started, it would save the life of a
horse each' day . ,. if applied, and would•he
worth' two m illion dollars. Mr. -Tayli)r
claims that he ean*move a car 80 feet.
Accnnwer t -:-The "masher" at the Terra
Cotta Works, located at the foot of Franklin,
street, gave out on Thursday. During the
afternoon of that day tho workmen endeav-
Ored to make the necessary , repoire.. About
half-past four o'clock, while they were re
moving a cog wheel from the shaft of the
Masher, the shaft, which had been raised by
a rope, slipped and . fell on John Weidner,
one of employees, breaking several ribs
and otherwise seriously Wiring him. lie
was immediately convoyed to his home near
and a physician ; eont far. -
PRESENTAVON I —The members of
Jacobed s Lodge of 'colored Odd Fellows met
at the Presbyterian Church on Washington
street, Testorday; when the ladies presented
Ahem with a splendid blue silk brinnerf ap•
propriately inscribed. The banner was pro
m:alto:I bylV, IL Still in' a very neat'!ind ap•
propriato address. M. J. Jerry received the
banner in behalf of the Order in a few 'hap.
y remarhs;eulogizing the gift as well as the
ladies from whom it came. Atter the pres•
ontation coreinimies were over they all seit
down to a banquet which the ladies had vet,
pared for them. Theyspent a very pleasant
Mmteeonv's.—The best place for .
the the
atre-ping citizens to go to, to-night, is—
Marsdorrs. -No where Also can they spend
so pleasant an evening as at this place. The
programme is an imposing one, and the (10-
Wks are first-class. Antong tb ose_on the
board are—Mrs. Itat4Brooks,
the ,vocalist
find commedienne; Mr, E
Brooks, nglish con
certint ned.piallist; Miss 'ROSA' Smith,' the
prima donan'and &muse; Maste ci r . Jardella,
-the celebrated female impersona r; La pe
tite Maggie and Master George, the little
prima donna, and the little come singer and
dancer; E; 0. Miles, the finished and
impersonator of "Uncle Joe," "I am 76,"
"The Rollicking •Old Man," '!The Golden
Wedding," &c., XT. The best winos otid
malt liquors 'at the bar. . ,
The following named organizations wilthold
their regular stated Meetings this (SATUR
DAY) evening: , •
• Freedom Cifolo_ l No. 7 1 B. .U. - (.11: F.) C.
A., Brotherhood Hall, 'third and Penn.
FleOwood Council, No, 20, 0. M.,
attFleetwood. r • „-
Hamburg Council, No.' 74, 0. U. A. M.,
at•liamburg. ,
Rehrersburg Council, No. 129, 0.• U. A.
at Rchreraburg.' •
Leesport Council,-No. 'lBl , 0.
• A. M.
at Leesport.• 1 .
Mt. Pleasant. Lodge, 'No. 475, I. Q. of G.
T. at Hopewell Furnace. ' •
Friendship Lodge, No. , 5, R. :of . P., at
Temperance Hall. ••'
Junior Circle, No. 21, B. U., at Geiger
Tux Divrzusxcc.—One of the chief points
of difference between civilized and barbarous
:moult:kid is, In. the attention gliien to the
.natural'avering for the head; the one being
ca'refblly, cut, - demised and brushed, and the
other al lowed to remdin dirty, and'unkempt
The Use W'"Barre,it's ,f Vegetable ttair • Res-.
torativo' will:ensure allthat could be de.
sired 14 civilization or ignored by barbarism.
—Boston Post • se t 10.1 w
Reading Division; No. 745 ) B. of L. 8., at
Mt Penn street
• 4.4ongsivamp Lodge,' No. 634, I. 0,0. F.,
at Morta's o Longswtitnß. •
Poiseveranco Council, 3. 0.1 of A. M., at
tiftb and Waaldagtop;
Ws met man yesterday on the street Who
seemed to bo,Tery , in, a
great harry to get !apfents street. On. roak
tug inquiry, we found that he was bOotid for
N. T.'eshola fashionable Wet and shoemak
er establishuienti 658 Penu.iireet t where itui
be found they4ieepsst boots id . s4o6e in thl
, Fox' timber local nowe,see !secolid,pavi.
• •
iitin ryes ;• i . 6 46 f Sunsets . . . 6 14
Pstis's length 12 houra 28 tutr . )itr. ,
Mit i)P, THE WirAllikil l 124000 r At.
:,Weather klesr and sultry—Wind N.,,W.
g —M . ,
A ~
,•y ~ EITATS (11* TH6III4OiItTER. .
• 7 A., Af. 2 I'. H.
Monday, 69° . 81°
eaday , 69° ' 79°
Vednesatty. 60° • ' 80'
Thursday, • Vl° 88°
Priday, 74° 01°
Saturday, • 74° ' 92°.
Tux Sixteenth Annual Commencement of
Pennsylvania, Female College, at College
ville, (late Ps:Almon) Montgomery county,
will take place on Thursday, Sept. 17th.
The exercises will be 'very mtereating, and
there will no doubt .be a largo-nttendanco.
A CORRESPONDENT of tho Divatch asks
the EAGLE a question ; but as hakes eovored
his Idoa with so many words Olaf wo' cannot
make out his meaning, wo are unable to an
swer him. -
A ioutio lady in Franklin street, below
Second, was severely hurt to-day by falling
with her arm across tho edge of n tin bucket,
Causing her to faint fropi the pain and the
shock of tho fall.
Goon Mtnno.—Mr. You'l l vio
linist! and Mr. Solomon ' Lohaye, pianist !
exellent ;performers aro daily and nightly
aiatonraing delightful music at ' Wehinger's
Saloon, No. 40 South Seventh s rect.
• RAN OM —This morning about six o'clock,
two gray horses hitched to a carriage, be
longlng to foyer & Son, ran away front tho
stable in South Sixth strecti'south, beyond
Franklin, where they were caught before any
damage was done.
.ltetr. ROVERT LISMORR, formerly of t is
city, will preach to•tnorrow evening in the
1? first German Reformed Church (Rev. Benj.
Dauman'a). Serviees to commence nt
. Tire Mechanics' Band, passed our dice
about 11 d'eloelt.this morning, on the, Way
to LauerilFk, discoursing !delightfu thu
sie. They resented al( 'exceedingly rieat
appearance in their new uniform: dar Blue
Navy cap with . gold band, dark blew Muse
with shoulder straps of light blue and t old,
and blue pants with red cord. The b ud is
composed of 18 members,
A Amen and six 'children, named 'Nit
'min, were found in the woods near Ring.
town, Sehuylkill county; one day last week,
in a starving condition. They had been
living on roots and berries for two weeks,
having been deserted by a worthless father.
They 41ave been taken care of by a kind.
hearted farmer, at his own expense.
Plc-Mo.—The members ofthe Mechanic's
,Band, of Alsaacc township, and their friends,
are pic•nicin at Lauor's I?ark toolay; and
'stripping. the light fantastic toe's to' , the
music of the Social Cotillion BandJ—Wm.
ltooholl, Bandmaster. The party fs a &ag
ant one and, Avery one appears to enjoy
named Augustus Enz and Augustus Furns
kup, entered the orehstrd of Mr. William L.
Visitor, in Spring 'township (Jacob S. &it
singer's -farm) last evening about 7 o'clock:
They stole about a bushel of apples, wore
caught in the act, arrested, brought to the
city and lodged-in the lock-up. They had n
hearing before his tfonor this morning about
11 o'clock, when they were bound over for a
further hearing at the next term of Court.
Seattios.—On Thursday next,Sept. 17,1868,
a grand• Democratic Rally will take place at
the public . house of Cyrus M. Ruth, at Sink
ing Springs. Speeches will 'be delivered in
-the German and English language l p. The
BroWnsvillo Wass Rand, will be in at
tenidanee The meeting will im organized
at 4 o'clock, p. m. Turn out Democrats,'
now is your tune to he lively.
CUT His FOOL—At the N. W. corner of
Fianklin street and Peach alley—between
Eighth and Ninth—is an open lot. On the
N. E. corner is a public school house. Dur
ing recess, and At noon, the scholars play in
the open lot. A. tins w ith, whose name we
did not learn, is in the habit of taking tin to
the lot and there painting it, and letting it
remain to dry, Yesterday one of the schol
ars,. a little boy, while playing struck his foot
against a piece of the tin and cut his foot so
seriously that it is feared ho will get a stiff
ankle. The wound• was so large and deep
that a surgeon had to, sow it up. Either the
lot ,should be closed, or the tin should be
taken to some other loenlityto by painted.
N. T. GEM), No. 058 Penn street, has
just.returned from Now York, where Id
produred the largest assortment'of boots and ,
shoes of all kinds over brought to the city
of Rba(ling. Ho boa already received
large assortment of the stock ordered, atni,
the balance. is coming in daily. Ile has
boUght cheap for cash and can afford to sell
cheap, on the same terms—his motto. is
"Rapid sales and small profits." Among
the now styles just received, are Woinen's
Cilove Kid, high-Polish cut—price $8.25 to
$8.50. Women's Turkey. morocco, Polish
cut—price $8.25. He has also Men's good
heavy boots which ho can dispose of at as
low' a figure as $8.25. .111 e, has all kinds and
sizes of boots 'and shoes that any person
maidesire, at the moat reasonable prices.
We would „advise all persons in need ofshoes
or boots to give Hr. Golko a call . and ex
amine his stock. We hitve no doubt the
most fastidious can suit himself as to price,
quality and style.
lir our friends will use prepiustions for re
storing gray hair they should use the beat in
the market. Our attention haii lately been
called to an article which has an 'extensive
'sale . and' a very high repitatiou l -known as
Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, awl we are in
clined to think thit it possesses more desira
ble and less objectionable qualities than any
other in the market. It restores gray or fa
ded hair to its original color id ntnost re
markable, manner, and by its invigorating
and poothing properties remove 4 all dindrtift
and humors from the scalp. Give it a fair
trial and You coop 0 t fail to likeit; aug 18.1 m
'Dn. Lou has just redeiveda large lot of
pure, fresh drugs and , medidines, of all
kinds. Those who des t ire the pure article
(and who dcies'nott).we would advise 'them
tugo to him. His price are reasonable,and
he watt upon his customers in a prompt
and, gentlemanly manner.. 'All preicriptions
are put up in the Careful . manner, and
Oars is no danger ,of any
,inistakes oc
curring. .
The Doctor , bait ,also all hinds of toilet
articles for sale,- 7 -oils, *wheel, soaps;
brushes, Combs, ;
RemetaWr the Plate-No. 1 'North. Fifth
s t ree t,. . Aug
riurx ALKAriA
Tini - Vintuiloeople's Christian/Lis' 6etatien*
ariiiiiitifiettt Kinder evening at 7 c4V,k..
• Mrs Watts, - of New York'. city ; whoso
horio vs* entered ,ndiebbed .by two burgi
lilas on the 2d ins(., 'during the, absence of
her, husband; died Thutitday morning of poi
4 4 818 , caused by fright. • Ms recovered her
speech but once after dm, shock, and then
only long enou gh Teat e the elreurnitinees
to hothusband.-, ••
The Tennessee Legislativueoramittee had
an interview with the President yesterday,
and asked that more troops be sent to 'that
State for its prcitettion. No. conclAsion wad
reached and there is to, be another intor2.`
view to-day. •
The georgia State Senate is preparivif to
follow the example of the Rouse :in onstibg g
the negro members. . t y
The result of
,the . oolorado election is Is
doubt. Yesterday a' Republican . Succeed
was reported;; but the Detecrais now claim'
to bo successful. At • thoi last - election the
Republicans had 670 majority. , '
Col. J, .I.lConsior has been nominated for
Congress by the DQ1110C ) ots in the Schuyl
kill and Lebanon District inthis State:
JAMOB Mann has been appointed ,Supertl
sor of Revenue to'r Missonrit) the Reeretart
of the‘Treasury. This is the frit I#Coni•
missioner Rollins' nOndaatiOns that has
been confirmed.
The Democrats bait) carried the Alton4l.
linois, eleetiou, and claim a gain.
A. few days ago, Hugh' Oilloland, of .
hiiddleaex towntiblp, Butler county,. burnt
his barn and then hung himself. • Cause—in-,
sanity from the use of strong drink.'
The Indians made a dash at Sheridan,
Kansas, yesterday—killed , three '
men 'and
captured three men. During the past week
they have
~ run off 500 head of cattlo and
scalped 20 people in Colorailo. On Septem
ber Bth there was alight between the`troopa
and the Indians near Fort Lyon, Kansas, in
which four 'lndians and two solcliers were
killed and two soldiers wounded. Attenapta i
apperently unsuccessful, are being made to
restore peace with the Mohave and Walla-,
jack Indians in Arizona.
The town 9fWarren, Macomb county,
Michigan, has been visited by a deal-active
tornado, which damaged or destroyed a large
number of buildings, rooted up trod ; threw
over fences, eto. The drainage will exceed
fifty thousand &ars, No lives were lost
The captain and fourteen of the crew and
passengers of the Wrecked steamer Hippo.
campus have bepn saved, and have arrived
at - St. Joseph, oft Lake Michigan.
During an airray at Cincinnati yestordayi
in a rolling•Milip one man run a red-hot iron
bar through the body •of another; killing
him instantly. •
An - unsuccessful attempt was; yesterday;
madel to release Some prisoners from the
Massachusetts Penitentiary, near.Boaton,
Ex• President Pierce is reported to be het
On Sunday, September 18th, the time of
the through trains betwee,q Now Yorh
Washington is to be quiekened, r and they
a eto run through in less than nine bows,
The qUolori!do .Iptettfon.
Witsimanoti, Sept. rresident
this evening received the following , deo ,
patch :
DENVER ; • Colorado, .Sept. 10:—Colorado
dodo a D:inioorat.
. GEozioh W. rennito
Chaim& Democratic Central Committee.
The Vermont Itleettou. ;;
Nsur g ItORK, 12. - -Returns from Vert
wont indicate a Radical loss
• 1864 of
2,183 votes.* Since 1864 the Radicals have
decreased their vote 1481,and the Democrath
have increased their, vote 702 in the same
time—a Radical decrease of 3 24 per cent.,
anq a Democratic increase of 61 per cent.
FAR Alld near throughont 'Whole
Country, the no,papera teem With the won:
derful cures performed by . Dr. RussoWS
Magnetie Oil. 60 ettf.‘and $1 00 per bottle.
American House, Reading._ Ding. 17-tf
Buabong Sc
. Bro., Bankera,No.l6 North • 6th stoat
quote as fallout ~., .
Old U. 6'3 18,51 - ' Bitaots . o. nen!. 12, lilt s ,
Old . 13. 6's 1862 • - - • -., lig
New U.S. 5,20'a, 1861, July and Jin. - • 109
New U. S. 5.20. 1865, M ay ila NOV.,' • • 41 4
New_ U. S. 1866 . new •• - - '`• .108
TU. 0, 5-Wra ltV July and Jan., - ' ' ..." ' . lOB
* ow U. S. 5-20, 1468,. ~ ~ , . .
en-Fort Bo ' de -, - - • •i-, ' 1 i
Sold in ew York Ili to 12 o'clock, - , ,- 1
Vold in eadingat monk 4k Bros.. '- - ' , 1 4
OOTION perlb.
PIRTROLEttiti " - 1 "' -
nova. - • •
• $ 7507 50
Ir t t , ine e., 7 ' - 8 0008
orthwest, - •
6. and Ohio. , - - * • • 9 00011
- • , 10 COOl2 00
aney. • - • •.,
~ —3B , i_ . :1400
Ity* Puma. ,.' - , ' .. 9 I 1‘ - 850
Wheat, Red • • •- . . • - $2 ,) c 2 20
Wheat. White. ' • - .- ~ • 2 .1- $OB
... .. • ',.., - . . x 1r 1 ock
Ili' y e t, .... , .. . ---\.:., .1 ...,- I so
d West: - • , - • 1 ••1 -- 1 81
Oats. r ' i-. m e. ,
Malt. per btik - • .!
Barley. .- ", . - • ** •i - '2Pi 1
IP a Le.
rime Mess. " 1 -.: - .. , • ,111 3 g
int • • . -ii • .241
t ri
ess neer, - - . . v
`At clear sides 't . '. '' ' / .'• tnials
Shen dens. . • -.-. • ;', 1040
,Gasax &firm. " . '.. , „ , ' . .'
'l4hcek rid
d egrdled ' - . 4
' -.
' .''' '/ 90 / 9 ti
Elm ;al Bay. ' ,• •-1
mackerel. • • - :, -. vi 80 1
Som. , ) -.. . • , .
(Moyer per bushel, , . •:_ . . 8 ,1": 9,881
ra o se n ,74. '7 -, -.;
"-.- -.
.• . - .1, 1 . '&:. it
Coal per tsBt. , ' , '
Leoust Kt tamp and steam't • •
, . •. . Witten --- ' 1
.1' 3KO
'"' Preloarett. . 4 Jo t
• Lehigh lump. steitnb't ** brOken ' ‘• ,11
Chestnut, . - i • 4
go h 1 al. re d *Ski , -• _-, - '..- ;, 1 . ' '4 09i
-. C lu ttii:llt ..t. s' 1' .. ..' '.‘" • 'i - c t' '
d iu
I T&VOi cl fr '`* .., . : :'i•' -: -488", .' It
0 .. 2, •..-. . , „, 2 2 , 1 , t,-
ppt'd A -4r.
• 8114,
Dorsit — lk in ,itantre4s„
t 4 VII ...,‘ ' . • ' tavikv.44.6.l tom*. vvvi
I. IPRoil . , l 9.4••••••vvioall•••,••%49 , 04v.
. ,V•t•rror • re ~,, ~,,,,,,,,,,
1•11* *4
1 13411 0 17.10 .1. 741. -
' ' • lik
gititt0...,,,,,,...;........ « ..
siproP li Vit, !Vim*, Ivied AI N...........” .
ilinOiDi • •••••••••••••. •e l ,
. H ~ nap,
.4: ~,, is ss ksits ors mmt
p i. 0 4 . 4 .....
...„ 5 ' d
ill •,,' . ..4 -... it n ej x i
•J •••••••••* , } 4 , 4 ' •iveovv..4a,tv . vv.vv9
II - .
~ .0
MI K tr ot r .
48 ‘ ' ”. •,{ 1 . -
vvv.rfl ~,,,, sal. 7••••11,
ill +,.......5904.04.•••••/
114 . i
l ' lllhilall4 * ' 44 *4. 4444 4 4 11;114•114.01•11.
" 40 freak, . " •1.•
• sikabox, Al •4.4..l.letteb•vtvtimtvil
1 1 . k • • l l il i rna 7 'if: „
,411 4.
E 01•111.4 44444
1111' . ..... i
iI . tTIOr . "4II O 3kTS lifts, . . V .I . .
...4 ,
reSSIKI. El , , , •
". 1 . 7111 r— kea live, -.,
", - ' dreip " . my . ..vim... ts Om es , 1.14. 1 . 1011 ~.
Bobs oblArir it
'new' movnamssuislorm,
GREAT 4.70Tx04 . BALD
01' ait irsAtiriirtit ,IJ tIILPINO,. OA
tit ofoiLste'a au*-mirrstos °rum bigovini oP. t
. < I
CpUNTX Aga qupAcTir
„ • At 2 o'clock, .4ti Ow Thimist.4.... • '
. .
' Lebanon isg thAte o ntre th :f o thrti ti li t st r reoilintt
tork "g a bl iv ri o " pdtgezi , atilt itkul Othetvo i 1114 4111 i
Rallroa an . ana er " eorninerg N.
ikmonk septum It Itte npainnif Q. 1 0
ew flue tees sild Le on 4411krit d pro,
gross of oorgruotion. 00illeotiit with itc
4 111
coat fieds olp lasts, w ereby mann a
, interests; al y egraie, y 4 • Nam
tromp. 'Pe co t it Snit .0 Olt .na. ' cal,
site or ,y large. ollyiulYsi Its., to De .Ctur r tit t
matter Or surmise that Vim its Orin 4 art
adyardages it should not hale slrep Y. Mlt °att.
le sd will ultimately, beoome 4110 of t "'Largest and
mots flourishing towns' in the state.
The eta to be sold (formerly the property of. 5t0 ,. ..
seph Kochi Esq,) are moat bputill and epr
TalTilf eltuatod Oil Kra 4 Het 11% UP
med stoly on . thejoa 0 the .11,. . .. n elosn
visaedrog mity to me Bath% Lect,, '.l' ey Mil
as to betwithin t e reao or persons Calm 1
means, while those desiring: ergot lota can't*
•ohase a number adjoining Baohlot bop a private
sate price marketh upon tar plat but.wAeu put up
. at auction , they will he sod to the highest bidtler
1 wipiouf reserve and without regard to prfte. : DUI
perfect/1i good, Titaini—oardird , coo k W anent
I one, year with interseeuret bg lief on theq4ei
nitses, or all' etiati A 00 3 1 1 1 1 $4 1. ,„ **roil ik
_!.._: ,1 2
'CAM!, as part Obeall payment. to u 'pale prl wen
totwhen told. • eedt No of expose to, rannhasert4
Wilt leave' the Lower DepOt, ltoadier, et to'f;lock
precisely, ton,th day of italocannoafry growls w
ipe* ihnt Rea kg to Le Pal find Oita
..Sk• iffiCcif
charge, OCI dIVI Or min° .! at owl- !anon lb
UAW. T 0 awt WO t i ll , ttriMippeAt 'etattput
on the route w ere t onetil 0 Ilan at exnurei22
rates, Free tickets ireri 3( 0 0 iki . 61 4 - 0 1 ) be n.n
at the Lower /ppm 'RN_ Lay i jgdrribUS to he trio
starting.- - IV.II. 11, MN WW I 'duet opeer. i.
•., • :
_! f. \
~ .. .4epetion t
i 1 14 t i l t2 l o it ilettikuj . litWiteTo• ' . :
sea '1 st! '.. •, • . ' t
• •
' " , •
• vIA7 r -
Loaves Reading at p. inLabd Now york at Ih2o
!fm, ' Otolds' shiPped forliew York At Readilig
reight stonso, before o'olookp. ta m or for tuna
ng at toot pf varelay , street,' ive* ,- korir.,betto
o'clock r , will be dolivetod at sitlm A tarittk r
outresh ment, ,•w. F. JIA IL "
Gaul reigkt Agont, If. 4k E. 14 4..ltokokr.
• • •
Looal Agent, M. 4. It,. Betiding.
opt 8-Intos . • • '
A .LARGEI LOT . Or • '
Domestic and IfilipOrleci:.
IVOOT.SiT AND - , dOitON 4, kNiltll4(i
• • TAR !Til t .. ,
'Pot 00 Oleo at - •
34 4 ' ,. 1) MITI?
. : • : . 704 Penn Street above ~erenth,
.aluti,2Bl7r : •.1
hleving 0010 • cltbook horn nts.ettOmill 14rooP ire tme,
tog not tog anOpflie roaae,4l, *0? .4verlz
, to e sue ,
uuthwq i WheoletrAti
, ? • • • f, i•
Gas and . :Steam . ,
N(5: jo t sOing hPik.
.1.1 5044 of Reading and Oat to skyrel.
Mandango kip MAR Sittig&
Mobortnottne.' 411workdotio;Pdaisnteed.'Soili
bbt, tbs, boat woikmawi l npiPiacli"
Also ailot•of 11t0t, 7 0 chandor
Itatoe;',. Pith llabbp' a Ea* OM
*prays an band and rot , oat tee pw p
AMR() of the plibbe pairing io
inne 2t4nt• ' wAtib wart&
"Or sitoinii ft* 011'11412'Ni;0 i beftl
PuesPOlablaut -•
Ex i l e in ,
worldl' „ all, 9
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t i ed:,
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p a n e • ,•, . 1 . , Aliffi i be, e
ALI) ; , 1 )• 10...•
latoraioicla LAIIE - 1
OLD ;14./li t tir
cbrser Flit n ifailibtfiore'streeti ? '
sole b V A t for Berko sdlibillogooontlicg(i!ittio
SAMPSON. givArOcemaii.
be ffolthit' e het P,so4o:l4o#
A. lot ' • •
t• • • • •
vo411: 'S 0 ArsiglC,"•='i
_„• 4 J:.;f f r . •
on bait Eafoir alto 404 8) ,, • ioet
suabitmeasti 14.
PA* 44. A"a
elligaolo4llliftilAtim iniasi NA*
Nob Bites, easleasoateplav °IV t
r Mleriate &Meld tosotnh Ito
41 0"`st1 4 .its("0 CI
I setttiait Wei ti 4 S
ate hi**, M 419 , 40, iv? allsky ilk, wild
evnaegliriF4:4 +4lo#
t 4i A i rc
ioit`46*****444inio44lWiik 4"
Iti Affect Pot*Ar 'o)4'4 .64 Ifs
tYtiltdi !Anatol* hi tilUeeititAkeitAr to the child 01 im•
dve ego }a t*kheectitti, k c""
ei itiatititili tialiktkiii bt% et *I bortibhuifttruvetS.
ri i4nghi enoilealloit it the ektro wilt eetivlnee the liked
rafltr`ltiltj~tultecglw pba ;'+ >t Oriti
cum4,Ego TIE WQAT:ri
Proance . iiii tvid.
/Vb./41)10y that airobeeliiii - otrequarn,
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