Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 12, 1868, Image 2

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1101.1„; •J. LAWRENCE OETti 'or Hauling,
, .„ kr Assembly
-111pgRYS. HOPRNStElN'lifidittatawny;
g Amy now,. oriNakhoocolt, ; .:. [
. 1110 BIA 0 4P,44 11 0; 4 „El 3 ; 0 1 ; amain& •
t Mstrici Attorney -• I •
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: r t. ;Um . 1114401*—ThAii Soo
ree l _ bolder, hkeigilirkers. Sibt•
. ft". r Wrote aid ,l/M11.1514111.,
--Queen Victoria Is in Paris, maintaining
, strict privaoY.
, .
— , ,,Thu.iiiituckl of Haien' is being ascer
- tallied. b _fy iignibrtiirOugh the Oulst`eable;
Ab warehoutetor exports oftobio•
Co his Nit beets established by tho i Revenae
Depe.etment, in Boston.
—The Meal;arer's nepartment at the
Philadelphia opstom house has been abolish.,
ed, sad four (Metals are relieved thereby,'
-4The :Emperor Napoleon reviewed the
French army_ at Chalons Sur. Marine ba
Thursday. Theirobps groeted biw siithuei•
&slimily, • • •• j 1
. .
—An extra oession of the Atabamaltigle
biture has been 'called to ineet 181eptensidei
1401 to vase a registry taw fei the appioaqh•
,log nieoncia. , " ,
4glyen by the Treasury Depart
meat that on and after Monday next &yew•
thirty notes must be forwarded there for re•
. Th,
— . me Sultan a '..arkey has per'
viral blarrapt, in the flagship Franklin, to
pass through the UosphordsTan extraorait
nitry concession. , •
..-,Jeff. Davis is in Louden.' Where :is'
•g_tat "sour apple treat' of the Radicals? line
• Horace (ireeley i eue of .leff.'s boridsrneu,ent
it ¢own
• -rare t oil • sxcitement in Titusville, Pa.
People ere Acta burned withfoil lamps--oil
speculationeditte. ,
einlin . 'in Bradford, 4unty;
Pa.; was dangorOuily 'shot to the backirhile
stealing thoney. Ile got himself Into'', a
. •
oweet piglet°.
• 4-4 he Maier of Philidelphia,haleffered a
rewind 0f,41,000 for the arrest , of the dead
'*_wbo, on Pawky !light last, o l itragedk,and
murdered a child named Mary Armen. • '
' —A wholti family,. named , Alexander,
Were recently poblened by a etegio cook, in
Fairfax county, Ye. Theirliveti were
saved by proper antidotes.' The cook
• • 4 •
;-,A. safe, containing $80;000,was repantly
stelea by burglars at Grass Point, N. Y. It
was afterwards found ip ) 18 feet of water, In
the river,' II har a the.. leyes had lost It in
Tying t o # Into thc r boat .
. •
+-A neer`,prepense; for canals has been
tried at Del. l And •fotend , to
• cork 1104/ It made flee meleaacheurAiith
very slight' disturbance of the Water. The
wheel is incloied In a ease, outi.drives the
inier,toiarde ttie botteni.
, year aPpriii p pueblos& ety t
. ..P4Tee of bud i tw n Seale • • Teemed**. Is
aeaseek they, gathe • • waeolte'
, from our ease to • 'for Abaci** Wet
• diediendrised eitisens t;of SORIA
• ,I,a: arab •Tennessee, are refusing, to pay tOe
' - p. and white it hale been collested
• rigs ire to lbe taken to test its leolity.
eicr.sre,lTOO disfranchised • nien in that
• -conntydidetei• • • a .
‘l•42iCy. English Integiven all railroad con
.4ilucaeitic in Vonnectinut "Special Police"
cemadoeiens,,,thus enabling • Ou, to More
completely govern unruly, pass engers.
—4lnearsoor jileymour delivered the annual
alone Wore*. Saratoga CoontytPair on
Thursday: `„Ile wok otAfritarder..serenaded o
r oad an -address cap !delivered by Gen.-
41Ordeu limier. • • ' - • •
Aftlleelt'las .1%114 rePOrt to
yost4( l s4.oolltion .of %S.WRio is
A a,
.stakiNt Qua WO 4I pio4l;l)4µWOO4
.. .opt Of Wm; oold*told . A
damps ohe4lo, cOrrojtoil iitat
i s trattdoind ~:,`
InO,bo licemer; - :-..0v000 1 0, 4 1'
b l ow gale are i ri ctmos ikoliktilit'qmon
cOPO*.•; : ;
mittod Ad•
=4. 11 101 0 :1 1 100ft. l'4llo
Or 'llollnull 43011MTY. •' •
T. the Democracy of _Derlat cOtifil.V: ~ " ' i
ID Obedierkee to 1148,788100,100 orrhe De
mocratict.lointyCour„entioteof toid 'l, pro}
,at once to eater upon theillisc or
Joy &Ale.'" Chsirnilia of 14 :411 . .. al or : cal it:-
1 4.$
mitts*, I congnstukittiyon'opois the •o
niouspetion ofiour delegates. ,: The' eeided
vote'' ven by thwart* the; inceessfuT midi ,
dates' I conclusive evidence thattherrellect
ed beyond ' ell cavil or doubt they sentiment
Of the people in the selections they made; It
will be the duty of our nominees to itiOw-by
laboring zealously and earnestly for the.sue
(*so' ofttlie whole ` . ticket that they deserve
the ;infidel:Me you have honored.therfwith.
Those who haVe not been successful will,.
have abundant opportunity to show you tha
/their;, attachment to the principles of the
tarty is sincere, not to be weskenedliy , .per
.sonal disappointment; and that it is founded
upon something better than mere personal
ajpgrandizemeot. You will werely utessure
tbbir deserts and their Claiiiisfor office here
after by their conduct In the present. There
is no man On. the ticket who does not do.
1 serve your support. Ills your plain' duty
oheerfully and - heartily to re them:this sup-.
The "eyes of the ,Democracy of this, State
are upon Berko County, and I know that )<
send them •wor4s of cheer which will meet
with a grateful response in every DempOratic
heart; when I announce Id them that the Do7'
ntocrecy of Ohl/lake are in the field again',
is of yore r a united, harmonious, solid Oa.
banx,,eager for the fray, and determined to
ring out s vote and cast a majority worthy'
l of her splendid reputation, and surpassing
I herself in her best days.. ... ,
' To this end action is necessary. We must
work.. Work from to theclosing of
the polls, The - time is short. , ' Xour State
election takei Pliice.on the thirteenth day of
October—an election that will be' decisive Of
thebettle in NoveMber folloWing,and decisiie
of the great questione tending yen And your
children in elmost everY rotation, as well as
the'fiitiire a the' Country s queations probe:
bly the gravest you have ever been asked to
pass ,. upon in your capacity as citizens and
"voters of .this great ,Itepublie.., Within the
period' of about thirty days it will be, known
whether this people are inlayer of or against
the enormities, Outrages; wrong's, ant) crimes
'perpetrated in the name of the law, the Con
stitution, %liberty, and the Union,, against '
Over) , feeling aid principle usually guarded,
eherbilied; and maintaineilinder Republican
institutions. 4 do not propose in this address
to discus* the nature of these outrages. You
know,:thein too well already.. You feel the!yi
every, day ,
o f your lives. You see them in
the 'reports and statistics of the national
debt; . In the grinding taxation'of the labor
'of the country. In the destructioe: of your
commerce, In the passage of infamous re-
iistr.y laws, bytßadical legislatures, attempt
ing to .shut',.the' doors of eitlienahip to the
:foreign born. . In frauds perpetrated at eke
41040teld •tinder military ,domination. In
the s editious utterances, borne to your ears
from the unlined and unproductive fields of
the hitherto Minimise and fertile South ; by
lawless and half civilized incendlariea,r
ganized under the leadership of unprincip! i i d
adventurers and carpet-haggers,,threatem g
the torch, the bayonet, and death to all wlici
Will not join • with • them in'subreiting our
form of goiernment, and breathing blood.
shed and civil war, rather than yield the ad
ministration of tho general government into
the bands of 'thoSe whom the people m4y
lay/fully *Sleet. ' —' ' ' ' ' ' - t
The heart sickens at the recital of them
and the tongue wearies in describing
their miminir. • - They will not end, until you
end them' by theexpressio'n of he t ballet
bei, that noble remedy provided b) the wise
founders of our government, for the ills of
1 the 'nation. . To this end I call upon you to
give me; and tho Standing Committee of the
County, your cordial cooperation and assis :
lance in bringing out every 'Democratic 'oot.
der. . . .
Every white freeman being a citizen o the
United . States, of 'the ago of twent ono
years ,or more, who shalt have.resided in the
State at' leaat one year, and in the election
distilot, where he offers to vote at least tort
days iminediatelz preceding such election,
and who has within two years paid a Stale or
County tax which 'shall have been assessed
at leant ten days before the election, is en
titled undho,laws of Pennsylvenia to veto
at. the ro u g in g eleetion 1. and white freemen
'between thages of twenty-one and 'twenty
pko years, ith theabove'qualifieations, may
Vote without either assessment or payment'pf
•It bp your duty to see that every De.
Mocratie voter thus qualified is protected in
the exercise Of Oda,right, and any election
,officer or Officers.wh4 shall refuse to reeei've
the vote of ansuch person is liable' o pros.
ecution, Cons, ‘ tion, and,punitiltinent,, by 1 0'3
olir otill et , ',proclamat ion (Oho' controb
n 04041400 ay. , .' i•
. _
• • 1140RALIZATiON LAWS. ,
SUIVPi to, OP, glove provisions p ersons
born in foreign, Mit:tries, may acqu ire the
right to vote by naturalization, eantornmbly
to the lowa of the United States, in the
Courts of the respective Statea: 'i ,
The requisites for naturalization aro as
follows: ' ,
, 1. In the ease of persons Arriving ,in this
dountry of the ago of eighteen. years and up.
wards,' jive years' residence in. the United
States 414,0ng years residence in the State
t 9 beIVPVBO Igt Iwpiclintrea, a declaratien of
;hied two
to, ecomp 'a citizen hating been
',flied two puiviPreraVi the date of a d ppli..
cation' for final airlift of sat aralization. -
g,„ .11. the (pouf pepteptirdving in the
tOuntry ander Abe up or 0,0400 p yppra. a
jiivelyetir, hitielied in the Country and one
you. In the State, proven • by he° witnesses,
trahou_. the filing of a previous .:declaration.
All.personi: residing in, this country,
' ' *m 1 400 0 14 8 Weir. o o4,PoTle yeas
I:at •
' . / data o t ' the. nitnrahsattea nt' their
pilti g oo
• ' ' ' siti iiheishy iiiideeithielai -,
`.. 4 ~' as who have been engaged in the
nfibtaii z aervica of m
,the' United Statas fro
!vhii the iVre 4 91 wab4i Witcharge4, on
prof ?Pi tVw.itueires, of, residenee,yrltbin
'tileaftel §4414. for eassteqr and upwards,
' and productian 'of - certificate Of honorable
discharge, are entitled to certificate Of nate
ralizatien. There is an impressionthat each
persons are entitled to ;vote, on the produe •
tion to the 'election - board of their cert(fleale
of d4pharge. This is a . ..mistake. They
omit liave acertificate of naturalization fro%
the Coaet..:i.: • ' . ' . ' ' - •
„ Ina regular days .for naturalization fixed
' by tho Court between this and the thirteenth
of- October are September 14tb; 20th,
October 6thi end 12th. ' ii . . \
In addition the Oonrts will sit upon notice
'as a nabinklizatiord Courk froth day to• day.
I hive announced ;the names -of 'a number of
Attorneys who villt, ebeerfully,ttend to all
eptdicatione for naturalization., - .1 ask all my.
.or.Deriloctites lathe county to IA indult'.
tßepp,44l‘ e, and Akrgent to securing thenatu.
raltaattan* lhose emtitleil„ta it; and in
,efillgtAkiktery Pell6o4,o6vottt in `their
. ‘ttse: , nalghbokixop,dii.' is aasested be
• ; :',....
~rail dik, of thfobft. neicillat being
, ' • Alifiliti9oo44446;betbrethe else
-0 ' ' 1 0 4 _ _. , 0 . _ ol 4_!it` Pt PprlPPiii; frau:l.44w;
Ammunilleed Derire ,
,(kr , , after,. that
- , ~ .4 „. • ,:. .. ' :
1) 1 0 4 1 fait it 4i 4417,ick ' aildrein you iny
telleti‘eifikerts; pn Sleet Intittirkof ditail;bei
'MO iciari)oto anon' aetge thirlisite.• • 1
, ;,- - :14 7 Tf. , i 7„ ----- til-4-1-r .. ‘7:7 , 47
ritireppressea tape a 1 e otixtet ot ltit
campaign to the great , ts;otly 'Of the people,
beesuse every one of you *tit ftt :
l 1 . direet
pe tonal interest in this 'great ba e. With;
ont it vain and -impotent are ail ihe efforts
of your "Committee, Awake; then, to t h e
litnportance - of your duties.- Let the
100104. •of 'your past . aehlovements,'
inspire you to substitute - thew; for tho
grievotis burdens of the , 'present, and
to hand them down, with still greater splen
dor,t as the heritagenf the attire. The signi
of the times are anspielo 0. Our' enemies
with the desperation of nil ed gaineoters, tire
with trembling and cowardly hands plotting
all, manner of witked devices to cpvemthol
enormous frauds; iniquities, and i' , obbtries
oftheir administration, to sldeld themselved
from the indignation of atio!vntroged and
aroused people. • '''b. i
•, • Damp. EIipiNNTROPT, .
Chairman Democratic Statidink Committee.
~Reading, Sept.' 8, 'lBOB. ' 1 - •
For further "local news; see ihfrOpage,
(From cur Bpcctil COrreep'ondentl'
, . ,
• ----: BOYE9TOiN, BCpta. /2, 1868.
• i Editor Daily EagU:—lf you • would have
'a delightful ride take passage on the stage
that' leaves the Keystono at 21 o'clock, P.
,M.,.frorn Reading, by cirenitons • rout 6 via
'Btonersville, Yellow Tavern; Woavorstown,
Ainityvillei Earlville, Greshville, arrive at
Boyertown, at 8 o'clock, where yoaWill ilrid
good Democratic accommodations, at the
Hotel of Moms. Holler, Who,will make you
feel, quite at home, and cater to the inner
',Man to your entire satisfaction... .
• :This thriiing little borough contains about
.800 inhabitant?, and is surrounded by a'rieh
'agricultural district of country, containing
aTtiq immensely rich beds of iron ores, which
are said to containor cent, of pure iron.
One of these beak, si wired in the borough,
is worked by the Ph ix Iron Co., and the
ores ate shipped to Phcenixville,whore it is
smelted in their furnaces. It is also the
seat of two private Institutions of Learning,
via: Mount Pleasant Seminal . , and Kally
neon Academy, both in a llou lolling condi-
Lion, and , very pleasantly Situated, the
i former on a' commanding knoll overlooking
the town. These Institutions exert a refin
ing influence on this community, which is
'felt, and • is visible on the countenances of
the people, being well disposed towards all,
and of a very timid turn, and intelligent.
Then are also several private residences in
course ef construction, which when finished
will add much to the cauty of the place.
The Colebrookedalo railroad, which is
being rapidly constructed from Pottstown to
Whitt Pleasant, a distance of about 14
miles, will pass through this ' place. Real
estate, has already consequently risen in
value from .16 to 40 per cent" and no doubt
will double itself in value . after this road
shall have ' been completed.. The citizens
evince considerable intorest in the improve
merit of the place, and are manifestly show
ing it - in the many iinroveinents which are
going forward'at this tune. That Deyertown
is destined to bo a large Manufacturing town,
is eirideiit front tho mineral deposits which
so largely abound here l and,which, whenever
found,, have -demonstrated to no the fact
that towns in close proxiMity to these ele
ments _ grow into, cities where invei3tinento
in real estate are safe and ronumerative.
The town is supplied by excellent . water
front a large spring about a mile north of tha
borough, from which it is convoyed through
iron pipes to , tho town.. As regards tho
health of this community, it is generally
gold. S; J. G.
gentlemen have been appointed a Naturali
zation Committee by the Dernooratio Stand•
ing Committee, and all applieationa for
naturalization to them will be cheerfully at
' The regular dayfi fixed for Naturalization
by the Court, between now and the election
in October, are September 14th and 20th,Oc•
.tober fith and 12th. The, Court ,will, how
ever, upon aoticeby, any, of the Committee,
sit as a Natuializiition Court. t -
-The qualifi p atioas necessary to entitle a`
foreign-bornresident to a certificate of Nat,
uralization are :
. 1. In thocaso of torsos arriving in the
country of ilo age of 18 years and iipioards,
five years' residence in the United istates,
proven by two Witnesses in open Court, decla
ration of intfitition commonly caAed first
papers, having Veen filed two years previous
ly. . ' •
2. In the case of persons arriving in the
.country under the age of 18 years, five year's
residence, one year in the State, proven by
,witnessei t without filing of first papers.
8. Foreign-born persona who have been
engaged 16 the Military service'ot the United
States, forNwhi6hkthey hold. honorable dis
charges, on praOlof the samb and one years'
residence in the - country, proven ley two wit
nesses in, opea , ohit, are entitled to a certi
ficate of naturalization. It is a Mistake to
.suppOse that tlitiproduction of an honorable
discharge . 4mfore the election board willed
:titlo this t itter class to vote, ,:They must
Inwe a this t itter
the Court . . •
`'lrennens:,Shalter, Esq., 29 North Sixth
Henry N. Heim, Esq., 29 Nerth Sixtl
atreet. '
B. Frank. foyer, 'Esq., 23 `North S i lt
stmt. • • IA
J J. D. Davis, Et* 21 North Sixth street.
D. B.• Sehroider,Esq., 024 Penn street,
E. ,11. Shearer, Esci. ' 646 Court street.
John Ralston, Xsq., 646 Court street.
James B. Bechtel, Esq.,
514 Court street,
Ty D. Beekui' L . Esq., 610 Court street.
• f t . Jher Esq., 640 Court street.
•N P glorb44 l sq., 632 Court street.
J. Dallas &limner, ;Esq., 610 Court street.
C.' P. Muhlenberg, E5q.,533 Court street.
Wharton Morris, Esq.. Court gm!.
0, 11. Sohreffer,'Esq.,, 630 Court stmt.
W.M. Itightanyer, Esq., 686 Court street.
Edwin /halter, Esq., 541 Court street.
. M., Goodman, Esq.' 641 Court street.
Lew, Wanner, Esq., 2§'North Sixth street,
Livingood, Esq., 38 North Sixth
K B. !Audis, 40 North SiXth street.
J G. Hawley, Esq., 40 North Sixth street.
A. S. Sassarnan, Esq., 40 North Sixth
P, If. Wanner, Esq., 46 North Sizith gtrep
R. L. :Tones, Esq., 46 North Sixth streo
A. B. Wanner Esq., 43 North Sixth stree
O. Ermenerout, Esq., 33. N. Sixth 8
J. N. Ermentrout, Esq.., 83 N. Sixth 8 ,
11. Schwartz, Esq.,.hutztown.
• ONE of the best_places to go to,if you want
In adept / from a large stock of-.good bootti r
shoes, bats, caps, or,readylntule clothing, is
Geiger k Brother's No. 431 Penn street.
They have just laid in an extensive stock
goods, have bought cheep, for cash, itt the
'Philadelphia and New Yor`k,, markets, and
on sell cheap, for Cash.. It is the place
where - the closest buyers can secure bare
gains aml; ho perfectly satisfiedi They offer
their goodiat prices Oat cannot be match
ed. • ,
FLSUING Tecua-=-Just „ recely9di , a new
4 0 4
lot 'of rode, ijnes, snoods, +' and
Vie elbratesi Carll* hooke r _ tit. *llan
st . M ilti in o re' 8 1
~ - Eitpt: 1 pod
4tiifir* just conipteteo, tho- platting rt
litodseiee banner, for the Sodality society of
St, Nulls Catholio•Church_— street,- Ninth street.
The . prikitie'R; represents' the Virgin /gal
holding In 'her right hand's stalk 'of.tilies.,.t.
The painting it_ caiefully .and Facliaticallj
and doe 4 credit to the 'Artist; The
bitok-giro;ind is !)gored satin. On the re•
verse of iho banner 19 the following ipscrip-,
;10n, in large gilt letters: .
are Maria!
_ Sine Labe Coneepta,
Noble. ,
The. banner will be trinune4 with ',gold
fringe and heavy gold tassels. • %When_ corn:
pletcd, it will no doubt be one (tribe hand
sontest banners in the city. We underatioid
the Sodality Society will hold' a celebration
in St. Paul's Ohurelt, sometime next month
when the banner will ho exhibited.
A a►s►tnen- of the Mechanicab rg Cornet
Band was killed on tho train -to Lancaster
yesterday, by being knocked oft' a "caboose!
car. It appears the Pennsylvania Railroad
furnished frieght cars for country towns and
first-class cars for Philadelphia' people.
Being too mean inside, this man, whotto
name we did not learn, took outside passage,
and - lost his life. -
Tusßeading police have -received notice
that a black horse and mare, and n double
seated carriage,, were stolen front Tobias
Worman, in Blegelsville, Bucks county, on
Thesday night, Sept. Bth. , ,A. reward of $l5
is o ff ered for the ayprehension. of the thief
and tho recovery of the property.
Trn wifo of David L. Davis, .of Malmaoy
City, committed suicide last' Saturday with
,rat poison: Supposed insanity.
"---- ..r...._
River Piracy in draw. __ Man
glued and Two Wou nded—Captore of
Hirer Craft.
5ept..11.1113 yr "
PIULADMI,PIII4 e iz... of
last vening says:. The United States Arso•
nal Frankford has been robbed of late of
/ lead and other metal, by river, pirates
; -
rowing up the creek, who have afterwards
disappCarcd, leaving no sign behind thein.
This has led to special vigilance.' Last
night the watch was strengtheaed,and Major
.11M)0, who is in ,command of the post, re
mained on duty with the guard; : About 9
o'clock last night, two boats,, with Muffied
oars, shot silently up the creek. Thera
were several men in them. Two of them
landed, and began to load the boat from a
pile of metal. ' The entry challenged them,
i ii
and they hastily rn hed for the boats. The
sentry fired and hit a hum.
Major Beebe alio fired' at a Man in the
water who was trying to swim across the
creek. Lie thre'w up his hands:as it he had
received a mortal wound, and sank . to the
bottom. q' s ho rest of the plunderers . seatter-1
ed. One man was captured. Ho,gives the;
name of John Miller, but refuses any further .
explannt%ns. Ono of tho men who was hit
was tracked by his blood to the yard of a
barrel factory in the vicinity, but there fur..
ther traces were lost. The authorities of the
Arsenal captured three yawl boats on the
ato,A spipli, eloppint, the 'Mouth, of the
,creek.' The robbers had evidently intended
a whplesale operation. If not interrupted
'they would probably. have loaded _ the vessel
Government property.
Miller says he knows nothing of the iden
tity of his companions' in the nefariciui ek:
It is thought that more than ono has been
killed.. From the profuse flow of blood from
the wounded man, wholnade:good his re
treat, there is little doubt that, if living, he
will be captured. . ;
Tho Receut Attack on Fort Dodgy
Weentlmrox, Sept.' ,11.--The. i offiena
patches, received here, froM General Sheri.;
(lan, -regarding thejittaek by Whom on Fort
Dodge r state the fact that, .after the assault
on the 'fort, in which the Indians wore re ,
pulsed, several bands made their way into
the fort with flags of truce and surrendered
themselves to that officer. They stated that
they had not taken any part in the-recent
outrages on the Plains, and professed a 4,-
sire to remain at - Peaco,.' General *Sheridan
has asked'for authority to transport theM to
some -locality where they-will not be distnrb•
ed by hostile tribes.
—Late advices from Mexico state that it
was reported that theMtiarrectionists in the,
Sierra Ppebla had been defeated in a battle .
which had recently taken place, And that they
had lost all their artillery and many prisoners.
14 .10 11 RENT,--Threo conveniont rooms. In
quire on tho promisee, No. 303 North rront
street. soptllr3t*
HOVKII TO IfET—To smelt family. 14.30
Coart, street. Two-Story ' brink; six rooms,
Rout por onnuril ; poescssion giver! immedi
ately. Apply at this oilleo. • ' septlo-4tfr
DOG LOST.—to'st, a small and idaYfur tan
eolored dog, with a white spot on his forehead.
A liberal reward - will ho given by returning him to'
N 0.424 Franklin street, heloW Odd Fellows' 11111.
sept 10-3 t
euntru township, Berka county. Apply at the
public) housb of 'Wilson Switzor, (3hillinglim) in
said district, on ~the 3d day of October next. School
term, tivo months. For particulars. address •
810-31,* w Gouglersvillo. Berke Co., Fa.
341 North Eighth Street,
Vith in a Square of the Upper New •York Depot.
I. If, SIKAEPFER, Proprietor. jilo-341
Would hereby Annctunce to the cititens,of Beading
that, owing to a considerable 'number ef tickets re
maining unsold as well 'as coupons unreturned,
they are compelled to • postpone the drawing
until ttui VA of December. Tickets eawbe bad,l'or
a short. tune, of E. D. It eiehard f -Agent.Blough and
Harrow A
and at Strickland -Bro. sw-tf
M'M., P 0 Y; 'ESQ.,
Editor of the La 00480 - Donivrat,
Will nkldreee the Tex-mere and Wo.rkinginen 'of
Berke County oil • . • . • .
FRIDAY EVENING, aErliilßEßlB:ni,
• _
Air 7 o'clock, in
NA.HKET wer*ttgi. 1 •
_lathe (fly of Trading.
Worktamen are eikelally invited to attend.
gaol° Std '
lbw* Wort•wi•llli., •
• ic ? ••
NIOO4I ON•lati
• • 186 S. .
• IYlll present each eve:whurio:,
Entire Change of firograffinte l I . oo,loigh
Nm at 4 Reitinpri liftlfitrt4
`" including the
5 1 10)4/1311F111 1 LUTING 4101'4 • . •
O . ROW i rli QF PLOWERit
Ono • Hundred Illneireilat wad - emetbr .,
• 'reseals wUI Olveta Avis? .
ADMISSI9N.' 23 Conte;' Reserved 'Seat*. .01)
Wits. Doom open at 7 o'clock 8 commence id
' •
Saturday Afternoon ' 'September 19tti, at 2o'clociti
•when every child wm receive a, Handsome' Preii
cot. Admission to hiatlece. 25 Ceatt. • ,
Beet last
ri 01 1 1) JOnStil, Agent..
•• '
. •
• . . •
, A
NO, ltd NORTU MTN' St;
(Next door to the Eiening Dispatch Office.)
2G,000 Campaign Batigo 1 •
Dlreet from the Eastern and ;other ns i tufkoieriest
Watch we can sell at New • York pr
hundred or dozen. They Ave •
,t %mit at.
Itortnibnt ever offered for rale in the oily or /teed-
Jug, havjpg oyer oe hundred different 1404314 w.
each as Models. P ins, Sleeve Buttons, Mudd, &e.
flood Agents wanted—a 'good percent* al•
lowed. I
Our Retail prices Orb from 10 colds to SI (x)'r
• Pe
sone' will do veil to givp us seal l before purchi.s.
ng 'elsewhere. .
of all kintistaide to orders also, Jewelryof all de
scriptions made 'and repaired. Watches and
Clocki properly repaired. • • a stt
K RYDE,II, & -co., i•
Manufacturers of . •
, ; )
. •
DR. SiliAtii'S ~ 'l.
Celebrated' Tonle . ' Herb ' Bitterti.
ItupOrters of i •
• . • . ,
Also 8010 Agents for DA11411163 UNRIVALTAID me
lithium& • . • • it t •
No. 181 forth Third Street,"
• i
• • i
For sale at the Basle Bookstore. ' • ', .•
_. • . 'atig 2:1-tf
• ,
Pitt. A. IlltEnli, ) • 1
".a , • 1
• DE,N.T I 8 T ,
• • ,
Office—No 0 North Illth W., Itehdlne.
Particular attention paid to enlrik diseases Of
tho Mouth andji um; such as Sold iry. Preternatu
ral Growth of Gum, . Alveolar A scenes, discs*
of the Alvoolar.probers.• Fissure, Palates. and all
1 1
diseases to which the mouth and gums are tub
a et.
Teeth extracted without pain, and,lnserted On
oil material used by the Profession' ' e ~
Office hours, from 7 A.lll. to 7 P.. , I. •
. Bopt. 3:ly.
; ;17 (0721 Penn Street, Reading, ra.
The largest assortment In the city to select froth,
and prices much lower than any other house. A
gnironier:onsv of o f
r2l ! ti°
om th e expensivenot o olfclt S.
cat CLOTHS. • ,
A full stook aIWaYI at low advances on cost.
• Call and see. j'A B.
B Ruin,
fehll}tf 7 do 721 ken -2
11.wanted.within a reasonable distance of rent)
and Fifth streets. between this time and the first
of Weber, by a small fondly. Apply at tbe °Meal
a 10tf
TATAINT/41)v—An cleave man, vial n Final; cal+
• VT tal. ns partner in ti first-elars Restaurant In this
pity. For partioglorooddrosa. immediately,
, L • A t ItESTAURANT. -
an • 4 -tf, • - , • . Read ng .0.
gotgirl, well rooommendpl.
at No. 20 Nor U Utli St. 'ant. 28-th.
pers, od awl at this Office, IV 4u wilt bo sold
• A I N.'PE
• • •
iWIL I VIZt r e n tt t ll 3 4ll l =eitt al itt 1411.
ever Offered for sale in 018'44:: Call, 00 see
thew at their. - -
„ • ,••,, • • ,
'515 . .-
pYREETi,REh i DING'+' •
1 07-3itio. • ° • - , •'.-
j °ll # l9 PErtßtsßiATiti ‘.
•Ci 101' LD P IS a • •
"RAOLE" 13001113110/4114
loy silo 1/4 P
MI ruin Otreilt. zybar is gum I
IPLAsies teetV,l!lps.
rtoort4)ri ouiu t t,#N BthER%
Hootliorklenn i iin Tonto,
Pe Gnat ReWain 'WI . Viscates of tAt
, • „tdEvi **id, Pr Pigessity
, ; alma.
'toolipol s nan ' Bitter
1. 10: ,..„ 4 do e pot (eras trip i ) aro Mel.
Arail“FAed Airatif Or tV4OI tMN imi .
he, mairex prow* ;lon his ly cout elitti ,
ted 'and out toy. ;vet , run Ofrollofie ado ir• .
twist OA", ki ,•'• ••, • 1 . •, , . • ,
H00,E4470 aKtOothaI.TONIO -
. .
ha gonalgastiq of alt theingsed(ents oldie hit
!re, witkthe V ,it quality Or & its u nix Rii
VniAlit 404 sal tai 040 1110 molt Fleeced mat 4
stem I. torsi es aro eff ritt to tugs pupils,
Thee. pref. nova Medi* ne !hareem Alcohol,
o,llolattsret w 4 WO. .. i :. 1 ' .' .
1100.Mit NIVA GE i MA birrEllB,
- Those who have no otthictiOn to the rotebiestiou '
or the Pittorti. its Stated, "Mi s use . . i
Uoo : FLAtat e si GE It MAN l'lONiel
Theraje both await) , toed. and eontqa Ic e mo
oe m aid v i r t u e lk sko choicely 00cl:ileitis,.
Mini a mere matter of * t aste. Um :mile b the
mil palatable. • ,
T Th e stomaelt, horn a' yartety' of causes, et t at
In icestion, Dyspepsia, /twos Debility etr„ is
ve apt tb have Its inns:Mona deranged t i L ie .
qr, syr o sathisinxfu closet ily ail i li , loss i f d t t h e
title ,
_then ocuure..ralLeot ; th e u t t of
w oh that the patient nacre 14 sit rat or' '
more o the following 'gessoes ,
Consumption' PiTienee Inwiaftt r il es. Pitiless,
of Blood to_tio g ad, didity pt the atoned',
Nausea. H i rt urn', istillSt for feed,PiThe
suir 1 alalet IR the Stqmsteh, sop
ota opsi Wising or ilattering •
" at t ePit qr the touneell, fliviMmlnc 21; -
lbw' Shad, burr' or Ditilcult Breathing,
Fl4tering' ate a l t . elOhokiect or ‘ tinitimit.
t og mull esh ri_n a tilA hillitill, Dikineu
of, Jilin, (I x ° Webs the leak pm
• Pain in t 0 cid, DetteleFy of aspira
tion. Yell wit arta. in and Ryes.
Pain IR the i3ide; k, 0 mt. Lim IA etc,
1 40
Sudden Plashes or oat. litril he in the blob . ,
constant Imaitn age of 11. end Great 1
1 Depression of SP tits. •
The sufferer from these dlseasea sho?d putts.
the Fatest caution in thi s oi %Alen fa mash
fur h muse, putchaelne ,onY hat lots eh he la 0..
sure from his invostigo outs and 'inquiries!.
imues true merit, is skill f lly compound ~is
free that Injurious Ire ti Inds, and estsb ini
ed }fir itself a repute! on or he cure ordiscues,
In this connection w weui submit - those veell
-known remedies—, vv. . 1' " ,
\ • i - •
. , ~AN4D
• •
00PLAND'S 01111,11 AN TONIC
ivaloVemso air Da. O. 1 4 1;JAOIN)IN. Philadelphis,re
Thirty-fiveears slim they wore find itstroducal
Into this coun t ry tram Germany, during Which tins
they have upoubted, ly , psitrined more cures, and
benefited enffering lltIM yto a greetbr extol,
than any other remedies gown to the pnblio.
These yeruedies will effectually cure Ltvor Cos.
plaint. Jaundice, Dyspola, Chronic or Nervous
Debility, Chronic Warr pima, pease of the
Kidneys and all Disease s *tieing rom a Die
ordered biver. Stomach or Intesti ee,
D I?, 8 . 1 I, ITN . .
' I • 1
Resulting train. anY, Cruise wits ohm Prtstrallos
of the Systent, induced by dyer° La or. ,
hardships, Expospre, eters, it.e.
k i
There is no inedloin extent noel to Ihe4ge reta'
°dies in euoh cases. tone and vigor is imparted
to the . whole IlYalni, a Appetite is strengthened,
reed i ts enjoyed, t o s mach write proverb', the
Moe ig puha° , the complex on becomes gonad
and . eilthy, the Yellow. tinge eradicated hem
the eyes, a bloom is given to' the cheeks, end the
weak anddiervous invalid becomes a strong, sad
hotiltitY,belpll• s 'i 1
And fooling the hand of time weighlnehelly
upon theta. with all its attendant ill. wilt tinin
tiro NO of tits BITTERS or the TOl4lO, en e li xir
that will instil now life Into their veins, restore In
a measure the energy and ardor of more youthrlll
gem build pp the ir , shrunken forms, and giro
ealth an dhappiness to their remaining years,
, . ,
It jea,woll established foot that fully one-111'1(ot
the female portion ofourtpulattell are seldom is
the enjoyment of goo health, o r ! to use their
own , erosion, "novo feel , *ell. ? They are
langui devoid of all e orgy , extremely nerreus,
anti ha 'o no appetite. ,
TOo this class' of pore no the BITTERS, or the
NICt is oSpoolaily r mmonded,
Are made p rong by the 1111,0 of either of these
remedies. Th y will ouro every eau) ut MARAS..
MOB, without. ail, . I - •
i nOUSKI(IO 0 0011111Q11011 bans aoeumulatid la
the hands of the pprlotor. hat space will allog ol
the publication of p ut few, Those, it will ho ob •
served, are men , onote, a d of such standing that
they must Ito believed, ' .
, THSTIM NUL% • • •
Hori. -fleitifte :W. - WpOdivaid,
Chief Justice of t)lo Supreme Court s wri tes
PRiLADHLFI.II4 March 18,1687,
"I find Wetland's German !littera ix agood tolli
useful In diseases of thek digestive organs; And c e ' ' l
' groat inmolit in eases,ofilldebility, and want o
, nervous aotton,in the system. , _
~,,- 1
'' Yours truly,:
A - ' Mt% W. WOODWARP.
From Bev4 Zoier#ll Zr• Hentlisidi D.
Pastor of th 4 Tenth Di Church, Philo.
•• • Det.J'Astmeiox. Dame fitn:—.l havebeenfrequeol• -
ly requested to connect w . name •with recomd
Alendations offlifferent k huts of medicines, but te.
carding.the/ Practice NMI out of my approod•
`ate sphere, I have o in all oases declincdf; .
with clear proof in voila s instances, and porde
ulari, in my owp of tlm. use of Dr. Roof
land German /litters, I dgpart for onoo from
lunar votive% to express my full cOnviotion that, or
genera/ debility 01/ eystrta, and eipedaffiffue off
Cbaudaint. qea e and valuable preparation. In
some cases it nay ail; but • usumity. dimbi, not it
will be Vfal benpfidalio Jima whosuffor Apia M.
above eatteds, ,-- •. s
Whin, yery7pecifuliy. - -
at, KliNNAlifl
th, WOW Coates
IHbri. :MON Th61011(116, • ,
Judgoof tke i gapronm Coy rippemisiltanip.
, .
• '' : Pev.migtrtrAi Airil g9,1866 t ,
"1000'41er lloofliqd's tlerriOui Pfttero a voila.
ble:lnediciso ißeme of Attioko 0 juiligootion• or do
00810. 4 can cotity Pa fr rrny exporieueo of it
, , ,
• '." • ' Youtivni
' ~• . .. ' J TUOMPI3O."
From Boy. E. D. 'fiends.%
Assistant Editofehristian lib roniele. iladelPhic
I have derived deelded enefit from the ate of
iloodasurs &mats Buffers, and feel my lOW
to rucommend Monists mast Viti tta fp ton to all
syho tire suffering limn general - deb lity, or from
niscasse arising Itom derangement of the liver.
yoUrs. tyntY.•
. 0 - • a: D. FENPALL
• •
,• •
Affooffand's 4Wrman Count/Oohed.
Se* that the signature of4)..JACKBON .•
the wt3PPer ofeaoh Ht.= liothr are Cola
terfeit.„ • o'7
Prineipal onsee:andiganufaets Striie fieyipp
. Medleine &M t Pim tut Matt lit re, kliglideVraP h
. .
• CIIAIILES M. BV.A. 14,TroprietOit
Formerly 41„„JAPP3 N Co*
•Pawg.: -
11•04,04::nfe•Gimiillfgers,perbittld. ri
. • fitivdoon" -
/7%fand'e Oenhan 2btitS at u in . qinirt bottles.
Ii per bottle. or a half . p doze n fo p r
VIODo not fortat to:4400111i well 'o article yea
bety, in order 014 tnOterloint. •
Drugghlts anilltorOkeopoo