D. L.—Bice, ske•t t althi.,l._ It f rAtt“ w-Ir 0 ' 4r44 N d 1). 9.104 1 0441#4,4 1 , 7 .? lat.• ' pepta • , • R,,170040, :self tWkt?; 9p i No‘, - ImpoFtaak; ft:..e 4 TAO 14111AW , gcmsilik'he . *, 'M lot of A. eilillOnim "eel] DOO O botarsterli.--Laat wing 600 bat OM* s • on the treed aflkMals.st 1 10 047 4 1 4 Hato : stein, in Mstitiiitv Prirwkll l o *op WWI. ---Jodie Woodward% 'heti*, sahlnitton . atte s., Not t s ?pis and th i tilerpldkifendest tonart, W 0414102, 'Whitt will; bn handloide t ridelse and tiAllgets able skiifivo le to MI onini'late lbas sks: —A fuse of workmen are engaged dusting up thlr,itiieu. 00 oa Wept . gnat Erb; Olitid tian Mack, Pioebtov- of Ark* *woo. south. Hermit street, WAS 0011114111111dOf ridoin 'moor eosins liquor 'on Oulder.arssOirerkusen are Duly Whig rEleArraewtelirvlkwislin Welk' betel Eleeinth. THY eloild ebritimietheitiabeis 91 that street, 1 0 0 10 71 4 0 00 , s FOWAC 4O4 2 PM , mints on the Smith dd. - Of Inutkiin itieets,pont' Seventh to Fiftb.—wfig 0117114 *Mu dropiski lest niekt was setae loam sielightftl to, ducv other people whit Eat gel that bugs sistisOfeV i rpu i rpoisq Howls it With bombs:o'4- 44 4 lgeterday grave the impres sion seek be,reMine lied, toy Osa altokl 4 ,l# mt. log that heats b eetseeveti i sfrl t o b r hirlAinner b i ut snor* auttlillyli ,a , 'le kr,toit o t that Wish 'Wok' Veen. two a a teall*bt4 ha cob tq lith'thraf Vey routs dm out° is been salaried, alCothekiiiini . kinidsontety proved.—Three s train, lode of noir, licstatees were brat lrift to 011111,yesterdirtse roods for tet, t lts.tettlessient,f-frit intlirt 404 itOtel Eta IWO; hist livebing, delighted the people la the Street Men solo en the tambourine. ---they hate QSII novel war , ofbrutiting,oer i wheels at the dip* A its:10'100114d Weight, eoild cut 1 rid; litilseti nisieiut of., itane, a distance of 2 ° NISI Ir rit i f VA t f O l f I ' ol°4 ' which it bias 's ate, eptor---=:n. real ghost, Is souls/ people lei thsigenthriesterrs' part of our City. -It is suYpouid to le that of amen phose widow married too soon after his' death to WV his ehoetilly:" Since hbr appludineet, la shirt on' a clothes line at nightwilt firitlsten Pomp bravo peo-,, pie 30 badly tho tusks' neisiteitheir hits el f 4 ---AnotheripW'Msook, Roerpapitns," a bent' little arrangement for eoltolarsJai received at the ItAnt,itl Aistrif4.4=7Tbel s artd frktrite )nord. Int of7red. hieyermearly opposite the Old Depot. li6o4leted.' ItgoistairisibrinlOgirbonte:lthiehl are to be used as seloons.he Arent ind grit= tar, at /bah stud Itinklin elottai look lotore like a ravine than a street in a elly-Ahe gutter being washed out was to leave the curb stones 2 5i fa it above ground.--The engine& Taunton, Sleek Diamond, and liagersturp t lisetepeently been pit, on the blocks , 'the slope,' tor. tepeinr—fir. John Balkh, formerly offkiladelphits,;ball 010404 11,40411 i 4040 It 'ftenittlit etreey , `Asuutift tikliiil o o44 lo osW o o l ,4 l t 4 ilMlL44 thiDelaysti, The Vtltaii hiettiagth;titi sliest• t t ° "rift"; riti4 1 ;0 Mo.: min Of ft Anis nOf Usti, tittitader of Oen. bee; Berke 0611110 Patio 60011 S• ili0: 6 1D0111414 let the Joint bersilit'of MUM.; Charles Ooriell And. niuY Wrighl‘kilhellteittre.comiqUe,tollilght.l Yesterday the uliateatliotated Dahl Wenriob, oti , towor 11 6 140bitor , i9itlinrelvoV4ri At Flint swamp, talon Inspectors,7----A,barpust was in town yesterday, librpenisrug iniseVmasio, tbrOugli the stash's. , 0. - 461111'a aatenshoo miler Atop in Ointrolt "dish beyond Elm 'Streit, is' *ell under, heedwlfftrffelgl'ita , " fluter roof to NR; wootto from IpolttitiailaiNs ' easy (410 y, tit .t 6041 i gtlitte s two: 1. 9117 4 P, tine extremely debut.:, Iloareg art not onlign, tired and plundered pita 'firtsilig held' bey dtird kit the °petition, but 'they noti'to into fields 'lnd milk the cows, and' getnwisy uhtlitseted.rhe winter bonnets eonolat merely of a rosette of lace with a bud, bird orlutterflY in the centre.— 'heel -- ever the railic;ads ls beginning WAHL o ff 10Mil hit, lOUs ,tulle- ;to 130 1 the , tooet. (ushlentibist ' for bride' this witifer.. 4 -4-=0„ IpleOdki imortmentist stationery can, be round at tile EMILIA bookstore,-7 7 -Titis Is a beentilld time tp visit the eenseteries, and Many site biking ad vantage of 11.-If *Man gives yon kis tar. you should not ask'for his pooket•book.---A man in the' country unbitten. , that: Ihr golden, wedding come °RAW OW Hart' (rem nor, and o ff er 4111)04 dboo‘r) Prompts )114 frieitikteO Oda tit Maki hint . ; -4 -Yesterday , a ad o threw -' threw a watermelon rind at • 'More' ankh* bhn .oe, alsowline !krona thi streets, Aids soon bros t kt out thin Or tkoitreuxiind visit iftet MK:* ling as though the; old 4 NiOit" WAS after thew which he ought to hitObeeti long age'. Orlno wPAre PAO' 4 1 04;1104 0 )49, 4 " pf reduced for the eopitiag*son.-'7l-ner• nilitteo 1 knit hilt tottiito §OO ill 6 i ds' , V 2 o l ° he Prefers it oriNsitkt:- , -, Potiterer;ts wale* Thesstre •Oom icue continues to he ,Well Lent's New York °hens has started out on another 041 ttinetbrooktil l otutlidiontal Xi o ono; slid New York. We_doe'S know bat 0144 snatoome this siiy.A. 4 -t 4 Very. fettS a's:ttilblt issit Ajght. "" L teet'eatiit44oolo4.o44l444lloeippit'. • the thermometer • et , tad 6140 &stets la the shade. Add a os owook this atOnani: tti 14-4;eifiTe*"• 1 41 1delikil art, MOW ie4,sit'inigefintsfl.siii*" I ering * lapin et jaioirtty,diaing the itaatpsign. are now enjoying a darn sttendinee of pipits, Alla In a. AOUrishitlir aor,tdi tlon.---4t is stated that thiirild gebeif. in let* flocks , tel tare ksetk thet,OPP,SO44 robe!. a Cnabir.Otiobia*tan gioweiebircitelithe last toX4lol#ol2l4•o4Ormuoivid vse.nkc• PNytaits*Oliepoio,o inwiais; 6i4listA #Ol ' Iropor Mik• 1404 6, ' • -11 , Afro , Ai 31. I iil4. 11194 of Wohneadort, for several years inspee• , for of distill( spirits .in thie distriot t _ has been Appointed; hthifty the' Secretary of War, Mr. 11 Otuto.fox _tho eekensaktielt ) Di4i ot• •bisd Iliseend conspsititoyi4otr his position. • .• •' • • • " Wantet ; a . rean ypsteviday el*, street who , seemed to bo . f i l , 'nktiek ' = cited; peat hurry to, tip P i tts i ;Lptitett. On mak-1 tag inpty h i4 t helwas ,bound for N. T. Ueho's.fikablona_§_a tken and sboemak• ; establigunenti'll6o Fert6llool.llllk* be found the'ehielpest boots and shoes in tne city. 14t;4..144k't 431r1/"' • C • LEBANON 131111.1)1NO Loil.—the great ado- , Lion elle of these _central( itbd ObeautitltY, building sites to come off on Monday i next f l to be attendedVerith free excursion fro m{ Reading, will enable our Citizens to invest• their mopexto, a4vantem. „ No ting moneyln property *lttestich iirouodi inEls end prospects 11.8 are posses y Leb-, AQOU. '1 11%1 Arronennwr or iPatt9w quirsiztints. ,The court appo4tted, yesterdily,the follow-1 Prison.inspwon i , .visi z Mr. David 1. Wertrich, of Lower Heidelberg, to - take the, placte of Um David Katz_ , whole ter 21 . T1) awl )11444qii 74tletcor'Vil who taw the hicWof ti - jriXes, see** Bottcveriexcelleut ap folnigkents: • • •ot ME 1!=:1 it* erßbo~o *tot. 199 k den ibrough froin . *no reAstPol;:ix4 Skeet, ti sb yaloro ;,erec* igAg , tat 19j0. 0 1 416 1 1 be " Irs* Irprsumitto se or the ia• trio! Or thiT le iqff- , „it.r • Too Diiihinone4nostr,the eblef '. . iota rdifferieinifelvinUd lind bib' .. -,? .4lookind' , lO.'hir the "ittentl6o Iltini I tti ' . lot rid overing for ille hoot; the one be ":''' 4re s foll 4 Mt ; clesniod and brushed, and the tther efforred to remill,kdirty and unkempt. "se Pr iatt e ltallat t ir4 li t roilie s t * ' GO * n 1 be e• fired by civilization or ignored by barbarism. Poston RA : ~„. , _-e • ...,.. . nept.lo-Ver. MAR4IIIO.—In ft few days this distinguished Ilusionist undYentriloquist,whoso bills have , - -n etaringArps tcospleyery knee; box nod 'ell in toirn forlhopmt week, will be here to istoniablhe citizens with his wonderful eq iterforet!in ; If r'opOrt speaks truly, Mar 006,iiill il "Ali ihOtiit.thing in the ,tirestidigi-' eon Ili.' '0 *U `l itt ifoirti anythin4 *go are et' tilt distil iii Reading: And beside' UtLB; lk41 1 : et tirayteeitli _present* glory felklti :-' a* ble'exitibitieks will haye -40)1P) 0:51t . - kith/ r : , 1 ': '' -/ : , . I M3taceirt33»onnialere.—wThe Board of Man ii,gliti of the' Givhinis 'Hotne j at Womeladorf; Igratefully acknoWledge the following contrl• tielfe' In the rota , of workj material ‘ and t ° L e lo rt towards r u d e s e s ortfl i e n to a nt w e !g gCo l lTro g il 8„ Troop do Bohn $8.00,' Jacob H. Hain 5.80, Jahn( 'ireKnight $2.50, Frederick eller $2.60,•J0hn - Ireat k Son $6 00, J. L. L. dishier $B.BB, Geo. Lerch & Bon $12.00 W. Yon Nelda $ 4.40, (1 o . Brief 16 ete, f John nfientrout $80.0% A:Vrreilds2o.oo,l4*, i Oermlin 26 eta., A. Hoch 26 eta., Vim 'louse $2.00,. Henry Rhein' $2.004 John R. i • htel $4, 4 0. • , .. , , -. , fro'. M2IO.INO,pIi t IiODOIJI AND Assoossysoss. The filltotileg nainekeiganizlitions )heir regular stated meetings , this (Fafosv) evening s • , -; Angelica Council U. A. .M.; at Springville, Cumru townehip. Seminole Council 'N6.' 88; 0. UN A.; Fifth grid • : Reasjing , ,Degree F.) • p. 14. i Pt 9 004004,1i,P i tl.rhl ! cland_ enn. 7- I ....i iieroplaqdge ? :'V. D. U. 11. i YeNteei • . . . - 6 , . • Royal Temple No. 1, Masonic Tie, 7713 Penn street. ,ii ~ . ,c 1; ,; Mt. Penn ~,dr No. 65, K. of P., Oda Ir t:p Fellow-a , v i •,,, •.„ ~• ,•, , k ~/ Wtishtn n' 0i p, Niir9B, l lb. b. 1.. SI 0 cA., "Mu lenborg Mansion," Fourth and 'Penn streets. . c' , ' . IlehroruEnoamptustkt, fo x 8, I. 0, of 0. :r., Odd Follthis'' MO: ' ' .: 1 2 '' ' ' rthi'iiii ' Viii -f. A kft N Istl __ _ ' 01? __gA__ __RESTRD. ' l l4ot night, while Milli nUteretia Boyer ,Was ,OA her way home in Walnut street, she was ;followed by a stranger, whe Attacked her,at tliO corner of Reed idley.','Bhe. screained,; ' i v(tion Ike tot* to hie s haele,mdran. down the 11 17 F°41 1 .-{qUi Yurto lies m the vie. ih t of ed eqrt street,' and .hearing 'the noise rittV u 1 Itifed.',Boaehirig With , i ington street he sit* oe,:tuan:rutntinft f l WOO ' hkin,hi the. alleyi, who, .ttoeoinniended to , ."slOW6ilk!ll ithooLf ) After `l4l-altig Snit ellentiflitdrbattbattrattacksdiAti,oflcer lodged hitpriiinter itithiidoektliptnirti hear , lag this'morning.. This morning Missiloyer recognized tho arrested _persen as the ,one who hid attacked her.'' - There were also tWo young men presen t t:atthehearing, who ' bad seen the prisoner , follow the , young lady. jThe arteetcd 01240 CPA ,hisnatuP as *IR l'etigiWit: it% maul of imediuni height, 'and • about 81 years of age. Held in tap() bail !for a hearing at' Court: ',.* -.. : ' '.. .: i Taus. 7 7•Ne ebservatioa,woip tiuer than'' 'the rent Of a 69tenipolkEt tbet total pl ptra always render a full equivalent for their coat i aad rtrinieSpllif 1 the snood' 9f Ithe ' cdhlity.:' MeV ate- it ereryl-viehiity,lehhy things et c interest which' the' county repent l l etiltbirAtiWn, rind ivhieh could reach the peh', lie in no other way. The ' reporbi 'Of the preeediqg,spf the ,c,eqrts, of public, elopt i . .300 etleollioeitftiesi site., are all of; gene ral interest, and are worth more than the paper eoste: It, is taken :as an index by , strangers, of the prosperity of the section where published. 'One ,wishlng to c c i to a 1 noir place naturallyloOke to the lo 'aper i to gipq him information 'concerninN t e re. se4reeo , 44d,diyelopment 40003104. find stn` a_pieltratiett 'find charts . exeicise 'tie small in fi nence in decidin a s to the desire,- 1 blentioi4the lbeation.lv 6 intim:4We' of a well condpeted paper in 'attracting attention and immigrationito to town'. and county, and Cetpeattentix increasing the value of prop' ertYo l very great; 011ie it Suffieretit reason why, it should receive support Item all en teiprising Mid int i oiligent i citizens;--4. 7 Chatege..,. i , . ~. , • '', l ' , 7,, '‘, . ,!Porabz , AVeAtes.— taritul lana,WWl a, r - rested by officer James Maurer at the old 'depot, ,yesterday afternoon. ''Drank' and abusive. Fined $8.2 ,and discharged.: , • John Jones was arrested by offieer.Shrader set evening, in South 7th' Street; tying on 'a perch with a "brick" halo hat.., Reta ined fn 'default of payment of fine. • %. ~ : . ~ ' John Brown was'arreStOd by'odicer Leirks at tile cornenof Ninth and Fritakliii street.), John had. imbibed 'toe freelytigtd was . a nuisance on the street.,': Paid 42,25 fine, aid received his discharge. ', - • John 8; Case and Jonah. Mack are "POW' i l 4"41, 01 4 1 )401 11 iiici„ qiiie to Oda city :yei.l terda s 'by 'the inOrning train." They are i l well known Or :Ike. polict..st . home potte4 town.' They '.lSailie 'W. ear '4)10 lait night. 1 They' e re Arrested by Ornees,Boone about' midnight, .on pppm's poroh o ,Seventh and Chestnut Sir . MO ' Steh'lna a heaiy load of, benzine oe,11)440,- Old Aid() it WU rather, late at ni t ilit for itusuitions oohing stranger& to be On *Meer Whitikei *Arrestd' te dis tinguishi Ashore and Conveyed them "to the ,Lock-up.' Mug $2.25 "eh, rd discharge& Tan COttrcalcs of Schuylkill will tebafion adjourned last evening about 6 o'clock, hity; laare4 "Alpe: wol 3 a ~ 111 JO Conner t of ] ny kill, as' t a iniicionitie aandidate for Congress la tlioXenth:distriet., This arrange meat Willeffeeteaby'the'veluntary Withdraw'', Ura l D ie gilin l i nl be tr i ctl ln' ' _ ,Oo ekv.i t e 'of e Pti-i 'laxity cif btth,conipetitors, the, duty ., of the: confete4 inie liideedik Aelleate, One, and butt for - the gentleman concession of Dr. Olon-- ; Inger iS fie. Aowiagwhen,they woliht I d, bail§ 0 ti c hion.'#,' . ~..,. ~ y A. lief diroii:itilia -, Col.:. eftiter oonid t notwell are been made. He to well, knewtt ,ittidfitt y respected by mean!, all.', PartiOti aid VcogniZed broil is a modal business • man, Afoterprieing and` tae alien ' `sod it trpe frienfl,t9 . thO itoiktitiniOn: . That r beirill roll up an overviliel.Mv i g `majority in idelittylikill there is no dolibti, and there s every ieison to believe that the DelilPerneY of Lebanon wiltimitate#l644llel4ieh and PA tried° S i e,Unllle of xr.. 014 1 195 % . ' " 4 ' d° Iliejtbeet4 9044 If j e a :3t f e o - ,ortit' l centepthit, Radical matlerl 4t0., e6mity, mid thus give air 0501 , 'I aera te 'nfembir offortroAftesa,Aut TelAkdbilluL 4 , t • r 16 • L' fiiilialifttbil in the Room IMMO r Uiii'LliirdT.Y---.4.-- -4'. ~, ..-f It lr ~, j 0#414444. . ._,Rrs P i e 15.,,,...#,i Ni i /- .? or To ilnlATniglit a 4 ‘ t7l4 ► 11 11. ( '*fliWtiathei ttliW''' 4 ' 4 :' ' 4 :'," 01 - ' 'tri 4 irriiitist t ' Ii• ' 1.. :t.- , . A 0 • SUE& • ,'. . ~, ii 100,91 - . ' 6X --, • ;.,),- 8 / ° , , I . , '': W •!. star R i 44 1 4 ip zt:,.. .. r, , A VA, ;‘ l l4ll O , 1' ~,, , 91 0 0, r , ---- 6 Ay, . 0 • Tt Order "of AMOriCali Mocbanics icy PennsylvsAia embraces 000 handfed Wand aisty-flaa Oman°ihi. c.l" • • Pita Reading indica airreilt all boys who throw stones in the street. Columbia pa liVa, will. take ; notice and do likewise.-1 cobsmbia Spy. ;, Aiji; RO;g.taralt elheeess of /daster.i Jardel, who ; , wit k appear hi the bgram, burlesquo'of Ed/10141m, eis Lady Isa ella, , • / i nk BONO ,OF MANAO6OB iOf the Phila delphia, and Perkioinin Turivike Company, bold a meeting at the City_ lye in South Sixth etteet, to-day. , lye i havo not yet, !earned the restilt,'Of their deliberations. Tok' sato' Of . bn ground! of the State .t''aHr j at , idarvieborgi took place yesterday, The average • price pall stands' was'ahoiii $OO, The low• pat price, paid was s64,,iiud the highist $O6. PA RD THROXlCl Mechanics, om Leesport, il R. - 40111111111: of Ishii Or• 1,, er of U. A. leetwood, fanibprg, fratnaqua,l and other ' lace s north'antl'east; pasted through this eiti this morning, -en nude for Lancaster.— They wore all in fall regalia. • , L L, taurrprzoo ,Onsaalount o --Tap o ne hut.. dreth anniversary of the dedication of St. iPaul's Chnroh, in Windsor township, trio Oilles *Om lipulhorg,will . he colebrated l with aptiropriite.cereolionies i on Sunday, lileptem. her 27th t 1868 . Religious servicea will be hold in the , mbitnipiti and afternoon. The Choir; of St. Johies - Ohurch, Hamburg; will assist in tb94,10., , HOEIR PARMACIA FOR :JOIN Ci4uNntti Fi n nx CoiniAitte-ThOboilO carrnigp Ouichnend ram the Junior Steam 'FirerEngmo Company ' , of Reading, by the ,Columbia Stenm Piro En. gino , Con‘pany A of th is place, arrived, here loiteidafutorniag, Quite largo tilioo of, .0416'144f ei9iiAty porno, ,Nit.ll 11.--co /innbta ' ' • Ilieurrsr Roensay.-- 1 - Frederick Wolfinge e rg was attacked last night about 9 o'clock, at :Ninth • and Penn by three highwaymen— 'one.of whom hit him a , blow and knocked , him down, when the other two 'held him ,while the striker rifled his pocketsand rob bed him of $2O in greenbacks. 'Mr, Wel fitigeri fectsi4cedi person I w4o; stlitelt hibiUinta—and - had 'a warrins ins sued for his arrest . The - warrant was placed 'ln tbe hands of officers Maurer and Boone, 'whocaptured the accused and placed him in the look-up. ;He wail eilbsequently taken before Aldimituan Richards, who - held him in $4OO bail for a hearing on Wednesday after noon,of neat week', at 2 P. M. „The two others baits not`yet been seaurea. THE MEOHANIO9.—Tho several Councils of this city of the Order of United American Mechanics, left the now depot in a special train for Lancaster city, at 7 o'clock this morning, to participate in the Grand State Pgade ofthe Order,te•day. The trate, wee domposed of 17 cars, which were_ all pretty well filled. The number of persons who left this city with the train must have been a thousand. The Councils were accompanied by the Muhlenberg Band, Mechanics':Band, Winterl Military Band l and by a drum corps. Readifig Councii there were some 50 members in the procession, and, Omit the Council =Abet of Siminole Cohen. ' Osceola Council turned out a respectable number but it would have been larger if the weather-had been less threatening. Minnohnha Council numbered sew 00 men. 'Perseveriume Council, of the Junior Order, presented full rdnke with about 125 men; and Resolute Council, alio Juniors, made a find display with about half the number. All the mem• beraof the different Councils wore regalia, and „Reading, Perseverance and Resolute Councils, ,caps, in, addition to regalias.— Withthe.baneers; flags, and , representation of the different trades and professions,. the procession • presented a splendid appearance it marche d Out Sixth etreet; on its Way to he depot. A number or members had gone the depot in advance of the procession, to primps tickets,else .the,procession would have been still more imposing. We have no deubt, as'old Sol has dispersed the clouds, hand once more shines out in his , glory, the Parade at Lancaster 41 hi' grand affair; Liar of letters remaining unclaimed in'the Reading Post' °Mee, up to lwit 'evening. Persons eallinglor these letters will please meatiOn,tbatthey,are advertised, Beam, Mrs. Harriet Kline, Miss Sallie Buck, Miss Lizzie - Lash, Mina Bishop, Mrs.S. A.,(2) Melot, MisihMary Coleman, Miss ,Enuna Moyer, ..Mary Clausa l Mies Hannah Townie id, Mrs:J. K., Oundry, Mrs. Susan Cornelia Hart, Miss Lusindia Wein, Matilda . Hageni Miss Maggie 4nutei, Mimi Jennie Howard; Rosetta, Herter, Miss Sarah ‘ thottri,m i t Ainsworth , Dan., Allen .8. A. , ' : Bartriini, A: B. '‘: ptai• lan d , Vraahlitx", ~ o f a rt it sacirge i). ik 1 , • -, 1 1 .1i044,111ris , . . 011ful ~. (2) , Bie,l Aplot 0 1 ASTI. 11, il o a I TbOintan. l (2) Crosby, Wm. T., Davi.nport, H. S., Devore, thirrifil A., ; ,' . Ebling, John Espenshadei & Henry ENVOI Simon 1 ; r i j Char Jes, r , ~, Field 4aam !r '.Elia.l ' ' Fatynter, Cleo., •(2) Meld, Stephert; !4 ,i 0113 41 N., eal her, James i , Ou dry l •Mobei (2) , A •Greath, Bama_ell ~ Griesemer, Wa4. k - % Adam iWYr§re Daniel eta l Edward l Bhip , - Hill,- John Hackett, Julie* :. , WiliffilmOn ' c T ' r,'Henry ' i r't • !ip. /1411,1090 \ LADIES' LIST. KlatolJ. D. d; Kulp, Peter Lutz, garnet" Myers, Adam, „ *Or, Abel Miesse Charles • Mull, . , Matit, ll 4 D.,, isoba r 'Tames .. Mitchell, Rob,ert Phillips E.. Nee, , Rethenberger, Richards John H., Ruffuer,:Reuben Ettiouders, David Soharley David. J • Snyder, ohn L., Beitzinger,.loseph. 'Shaw, Lewis Shafec,,Peter . • Bowers,Prutztriat4 co Selileart„Capt. Weak, Charles. , ZOler, Mier, Weser mum Y. M. Cktist. Aos., ' Hoffer,& Rex, Anderson Rev, R., Ciossore,, Colwyn , Jacob' • ' Eofter, weston,vobson& wok viti.s - ij ' . 1. Th. I : ii.Of A HMV.* Chi a morel/ it OtO:to , :itti'depertpre of the IT, A. Mt Ar t , trot? ' it t i:nt are; =1 , 4 ~ ,„ ...,„ ttieSetttiat4e %eat Ph* it IR, the fettistilid*se ttie What now • ted JO -'''' ' , ' ' ' 'B,rtilioo Clotyx el t, # NOt t orMACIL '• ' . 411` Elam% 41: Emma J, Mon t . • Retlapell47l4,4 . rlike batik lid contid44o folioiring, as" gilt letterlpg . A Presented eentica to: Nor of = By ,thcar Lady Friends. • Mori . 314 Bil l made th e presen tation speech; which was substantially. as follow': Getoiletwns tlf Seminole ' Connell, No. 88 ; of i the Vaiyai , American Itechaßiar • ' of your lady friends is city, I • preeent , yam with tbie beantifal.Bibley tq Clido'Yog In .0 0 true .Patillt 4( third's career, and to entighten'you I n all Ades" and purity,. not only as fatally w %hitt thlr lodge, bat u mentbers of the great,contnion wealth of win without it. ; How could an occasion of thin kind help but, he ono o r into*, intAlftst. In the days of olk when the brave knight on his_Prenro ing isteed, decked ,in all the pomp of battle array;,. end, srltous for the gloil arid•Writtbi l , of glittdVing hosts or the heairy ersishAT., * o-1 gle emu, stood with vivug lips be re the vast throng that greeted his appears ce t the greatest boon was a lady's glove thrOttn to hint by some fair hand. • It was evidence to him that one tender heart would never' Cease to watch his fate,.that one gimtlavelet would ,be always anxious to weiconte,•his coming. It, nerved him in "every cohtest4 whether alone in the dark,forest. with the chieftain 'of 'a neighboring Mount, ortviith the _mighty hosts ,upon the plains 'of Wes • tine--wh e ther in rescuing front misery the poor and erased, or during a vain search, after, the pgreal v wlitch was believed to have once eld the bloody sweet cif 0 4 4 0. We can never forget the example set us byithose brave men, living as tbey did in • chastity and honor, yet in this • enlightened age,' when religion $4481;0.60 is it fwes_if the middle ages, a sentimental craving after the redress ofast wrongs, and the neglect of present d uty and i;opportatilty,,ftbese fair ladies—prior to your pilgrimage to a sister eity,r—did not fling to you a glove, but present you with this Bible—the holiest of • book!, within whose coversyou can find !poet** precepts for your, learning, Ind great and glerious etiimples for loot gaide. Take this Bible, rind see that its posses 'sion dote not become anempty form. God and our country lathe watchword of every true patriot', but" without God, without chrishanity, without the Bible, wewduld have no country. Washington , in,,elet4ri road a the inspired langdago of th e.royal Psalfnist o and' dating the darkeit hO/ifS of defeat and mortification found consblettlefi in the triols,and agony of the • lonely, IWO 6f Sorrows, and any men or sobiathni men like yhu, gentlenien of Benguela 'Pennell; ‘who g rnake not the possession. or this book a {mere'. form—an empty name— t lesmnot help but add lively to Oristioniti ,and, guiles . lion, *lid belp to create the• truerepirlt of ;this progressive age--; that. ' cares, Ter the- sick' and' , '*elte#6l the 00 6, 'adds to mercy and truth, honesty and virtue,- goodness and happiness. kiee to it, that this occasion be hot meaologlets. Soo tOit that the reception of this Hoek by you, be not without its influence. upon _you: Read and search ' , and you will• learn that wisdom . , Which makes • enter waympleikqe44oBlolo4 he every path, peace. To which tharles n, ing Secretary of the 1 0ohneil, replied as fol: leitre Sir: 'ln behalf of Sen.:l4lole Connell,' go. B.B' l 'l accept front our lady frieeds,whein you represent,'this Bible, and "borer, May this handsome Bible alway's be a guide to our feet and a lamp to our eyes; and m ay, the so lemnity, of this occasion be over toineciSfed by those who witness it. Ever our guiding • oar, may wo never cease to follow it ;• but, whether in joy or in sorrowonay its precepts awake in us naugh t but hope andeonsolati e n, end give us at t o last an eternal ' Here Mi. Wells mentioned that on acebunt 'of the shortneati of the, time before their de parture, it would bo necessary for him to out shorthis remarks. 1141 merely added re newed thanks for the elegant gift • they had been called upon to receive... EitOTION OP orrionne.—The.Grand eir• cle of Pennsylvania,. if, of U., met in 44- delphiN on We4iesday, Sept. 9, 1808. The followmg officers *tere elected for the enatt• ing year : • . G. E. W.—John Wiii; of No. 7. • G. C. W.—N. Z. Seitz, of No. 10. G. O. J.—J. T. Keihner, , of N 0.112. 0..0. F.—John Firing, nrNo. 7. G. 0. Wne.—E. Smith, of N0..<0; o.;Fner"-4ob RV of Not 0.: • 0: G,—James olisthi, of N'ti. 17. G. 8. K.—John P of No: O. G. T.—John M. lArkme, of No. 2; LOCAL NOTICES. . Fes and . rietir . throughout' the. 'Country, the newspapers teem with the won-. derild cures performed ,by. 1. Dr.' Russell's` Magnetio'Oil. 60 eta. and $l.OO per,bottle., American Reuse, Reading. raug.l7-0 . Ii! our Mends will inn) preparations for re!" storing gray hair they *should use the bestjit the market.' Our , attention Was late;y Oen' *Vied to an article which, bits ettenteuititi t die and a very , high reimtation r knownaul Ring's Vegetable` Aftbrosiii and vie are in. alined to,thiuk that it troneaSel mote.dOsiee bin end less objectionable qivalitiei Other'lti' the aparket:', W*6 gitYtt'' ded hair to - its original.. Color in a most re 3 markable manner, and by, its iniigerating and sootbiat PrOPertiellfeVOlMAllikaidruff and Intrnois' from 'the Gip it's fair trial and you char dt railtol t keity aug 18 1 nif DR. 4out ; has just received largaletoo pure, fresh drugs and: medicines, of in kinds. Those, who desire the pare artielei (and Who does not?) ire, wonldisdrise thenil ( to go tolim. ills prices are ressonableount he waits upon all his custkimera in a prompt find gentlemanly insupOr. All preteriptioo are put up in the most careful manner, antk there ,is p k o 'danger of mkr Apj mug. k ;441 r-i rhe D0et0i".444 articlea .fer PIN . :191 8 4W, AMA , , bitishesi'combs, ao. • . 1 ) Remember tke 14141:-.16; %North *trot. . • • . IMM :ORKET. Dubois A Bro.; tow l 4-1 -- .flo.l6Nootil 6th shift quote!fjolloWis -, . i •-, . ' UDIS . % Sept. 11. . Inid FL 6 ::1 8 1,14. 4 1 . 7. '• .."'; .A ' , 7 ,;' i ‘ :o r . .1. 5 e.20' rele. j do l ! italt l i.. .7 . , 1 r '• < l ?IL ' ; s*. , • ' , t newt till 1 -1 - , .:%.' # ;#: ow . t ° . , ... • 1 ,..: es --.,, ' iv " , -.• ~ 5 M 44 liiii' it . "' •'. ' ' ' . --,- ' •.: .- : , !-*,... ~,;.'i-,,, .- '. ] II 'tV 4 i',-:l`ii:P.6l,-1-LA - till alt . . tit it . , . ... _ 1 . st i t•.. .. i 1 .. 1 li , , lit : ... , . st-0.4. 4, ~ ,;.. ' • , _ •= .. .1 , , o' Lob , ... : I • ..'' ti . e• Yl• ‘';1 1 1- --,:. ; ItAtl44 i h ,,: p b , .. /„. 7 „, '.., ' 7 . 1 '.",„' :::..'.',, • :t tikey. , • 3, ~ ..,`':- . l.i' ,' V' `...!‘" 0 / ?,:i',P, IA I II , 1,• -,.':' 1,,,' ' . 0 0 ,..11 11 1 1 0A ''-!•1', ; 1441 't ) , i l t V:11* ' •.. :' / . gig Be s t,.' . • . ,„.• . : .• ' ' ::: I *tear oldie . r. -'' '‘' '' ' ;': 11 ' I, • .\ ' • 1 ' • 1 killjt ea 0 •," • .. * • : 1 ' 'Set it rJa l - 11-1. .. ... •" I 1 ." • ' : mai palm. ~• '- . , I. : : ' „,, . Foroxper baslitli • „,, ::,..4! •,1, 1, , ... 7 , N, , 'i . 111101113' '•' " I " ''i 1 4 t I p t s!py a ' ,' sato atal ataaa't .... • - h r s . ' l, ' i 11A 419 ' l i Viii . l,a2 - 1 tot rad seta t,,, • • ta wirokaa a . $ }. . „ l i ' READOM 10 1 1011140nke litAzErr. , ',., _ , i .•., ,„. ' ',, ~, ' , , , forepit.: 4 . difri.114A.— , §. 4.4 .4 . . ar 74,7t.t.itr..,Err..zig:, —., ,d055e.....,. t „.“.....+, II F, A . 1 p pee k F , i : ,1 111,11 1 , 4 ,440.-t1T?”9. ,, rill- r ile ift, ll 4,'AhLowt a ll!Ekt-till' !.. . - . • t... 0. op lisiap.-; ':• •' ' 4 ir \ lei 4 ,- , .‘"•z•i;,i . . 4 _ , , •,, ~ 2„ o p ei • ) r:',. If: 444.4•4•4 '', 1 41 , ! ittrilk..:., ~ $,:.,•,.. , . - ) 6 - smokedi— , ::: 440 W.? liiii".4/M •••44P6os•t 1 I WWWo 4 i 4 x 41 4 . tf ...,.. fligotsLoW74, , y l it, iti 4 IA *f.t+'.!' IIDIta• ' ' ' 44 TOtt i irT/ItY^-IHOk lif ll . : is .......lorrit:“.‘ ...... I , * 4, • ..!:,3,Vit ~trt,,,,. I . 1, 1 , 44 viyi g t . trte(t. 1 0,Z11."."7,7 4 ' k . 1 P4,41 . . . 40 . 1 14% Pft.attAln?'!"4 so /* 00 MEM I :.1 t';p '!';. lank , ) tio% - Z v ir.i.Mile, -, iii*p'sl34# l ,4*OAtO. 7 . , ~ i i'',f V.P.',l^4!): 1 • • ' • yy LelLlVJUrg i le s 4 4 va i til laYork at MO lertiiirml 0 00V ,it Or• of i inta f6otof, , ali r ,9 . k e 4 . .5 olookti l . oy del t Ali .y—, outran 131011 G 1 en'l litit Alentaltfis , Il l s It, 1o . . ken: ~t A I' _ ki: latiailAgg. . • _Tema Allot. N. is N. 4c. ii„,m,•44i44. 1 1 ° 0 . 0 7 3 1n0t .. ,! ~,,, 3! J.-, ~ i; : ~... 1 ,:,., I; 9i:. , I, " A LARoRtoroyiwm ', , fl; • , r • • Doseatic, and .'„. , • yevqviis . 'it2VOs YARIO, ForAitleeheipst . 706Miati•e4libb4anyttli.:4 ;f 1 " 2 :1,, . l)%i• ival3o#, peeirkUlt, _AAPTAK - lii . 4,10,16310i-,iii it% . . r 474004 tR,OOf:; ,7i, i t t : 4 , k * mo r ot ~,,, a. ?. ~., ..,,',,“,', • ,• f D , JAE • • Mow Anyantiruis ~.. .. . . ii twe tat tore i t el iZip : i.; tr4trit was tt. 1" thill jtatr i ttgarZi i*it4 aAI bil to Ms ilbtpttoill ' i 4 i ; 1114.1‘“ 'Aitir. i ' llir • . UK i i To priAialil ';(9,l§lltitUCAtij ' i itr- „ ~, , i . c , ,priittot?lied ' q TOM* i l la h / klAi ti rf 44 WO ill v, hies 1,011 bq rilhotti 0 t kr,Ml lip ,itI L .64;IITI alll4 • **Apo wp viik, , ilt4 by tip 4.t!t gOi. ":4: " ;1 4 VlOSlttitit 6 CoCh I • , s , . .., t' ; '"' ...';' )o ' 4 l l, , 1V54 , .4,v,t . ft, v .., 1 . 4 ,t . : t_, . s , ~.4 .• 1, ..,-4) „.<,ll ~..: 0,4" 3 , ,..42.,:, 0, # ,-, ..,. 4 , q2 l .:i;tztiAtr,i 4 .01. 4 b. - ,( 'w , L fik" w IJ 40 # 1:: : *: ;;. :- :3.. $=- i:: . t• 11 1 iiitt - ' ,'' , ti '4 2i tti 4 V.it:'..:• K- ti 4 4 1 • ' • .• .. wsg4.! Kdr.V4',, . ~'• ) iti . . .„ 1 , _ ' fama • j04,7R?:11 Or , ; 0' 44 eo . 41,14.4A,A , 4 f4...,g.v.p i i f 4y,t 1 :4 - tre lj la , it M. ii,•.; tit 4:i V to.N.: . 4 1 , t, , Aultxt* 0 kr.» tio at, iAllallif 4i -#46 0 41 Wi 1 4,•;..t5i c1i , .):.; , 4 tkfii4 5+ i ks l l /6 tlifief (ii .t , 0 i,ft‘l-k4 : Ia , 44 rt , ~ ....?"; - ,' •:fr- ,111:e 4 .:.'.. - .;•.- 1,-, , i.` V IN I=l