Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 10, 1868, Image 3

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: ' I .41-61PIIM
READING, PA., figIvIIMBEIC 10, 1808.
EDITION.4* I.s P.. N.
D. L.—Blue, meet Seventh, 71,_N0. 2,.
• Ckeen, meet Fifth, 73 NO:1.
Brown, meet Sixth, 7 , No. 1.
=Potpie, meet Sixth, 7 , N0.:2.
Yelto*, meet' Sixth, 7 f No. 2.
wept. 7-6 t. , .
p, C. of D. L meet Second, n.
Ins s ortnnt. [sop!. 10-4 t
\Walnut streets, can bo seen a large pool , of 'tag
ant water, from which arises an &wild stench.
The proper authorities should give It some atten
tion.—Doe's a stitch In !beside In time save
nine 7—ThOrd ,was a MUMMY .on 'Franklin
street yesterday, Pio bug gy was ato wreck.
'hut we could not learn that •olther the mlrti or e the
horse were• much hurt.—Tho freshest literani
sensation Is the poem, "BarthlY Paradise." •Wigs
by, who was recently married, so's ho shell not
have to Purchase ; got it already at htime.----74(0
woro shown yesterday a bunch of 653 grapes. We
lioked at them, but that was all 1--10 V, la Mee:
get , a y oung l a d employed on tho Gawk- had one
of his b a nds caught in tho press and badly bruised;
-two of the fingers being tanshed.—'--Orand Com
plimontary benefit to Fred. Aloxander, at the 7th
street Opera House, on Monday evening,. Sept.
14th.—Useless — trying to thread a needle at the
point. It may in fact ho tailed *a pointless labor.
—Tha t ° was a brick barn burned at Columbia,
Lancaster county, on Tuesday afternoon, and A.
' C. Duckos °Him of that place, was crushed undor
a falling wall, Ho leaveda large family. If
you want your Job Work done In the neatest and
beskstyle,'and 'at the lowest prioos, call at tho
Smite' ofiloe.—/i Is said that where there's a
will there's aM. Nevertholees It is often pretty
hard to find the waY into a wi11.7-----Peoploirho
carry an open umbrella at night, shoisld hold it
high enough to abb whither the way is clear, and
not run aga,nst other petions.-.------Tho yearly
combined , oehaNatlon of tho Englesyflie, Little
Clay, Oftbertsville and Chestnut (trove Sunday
Schools, will be held at OltristiariStaniter'Swoods,
between Enirlesville and Boyertown. on Saturday,
Sept. 12th. • pie BoYertown Cornet Band will fur
\lash musio. should not be too, liberal
with their photogiiiphs; they will soon cease to be
appreciated, and to mat oases an improper use is
made of them. I4ory ordinary male acquaintance
is not entitled to one. It 'should be a gift of love
or iriondship, nothing less: 7-----A season of pleas
ure Is predicted the coming winteF by those posted,
Balls, parties andi . amusements without stint are
promised, which, after tho'dearth of the past Ham
mer, will bo cordially wefeouled, and the more
warmly approolated for their rarity. —The val
ue of the hay, harvoots in our Northern and West
ern States is estimated at more than two hundred
mililoas'of dollars—it boing tho largest nvor pro
duced. In our rambles ovor the pity, and
throligh the' workshops, wo . find everybody busy
and oheerfni.—A large and handsome sign on
J. It. Bitter's now building, 717 Penn street; is at
tracting mush attention. --=- 7 A now pavement is
being had on Third street, at MoKifight's hardware
storo,--7—Elnitill house for runt. Sec advartise
ment.—The attaches of tho limit oillco return
their thanks to Poitell's Minstrels for soronaile
loot night. Tho notes of the charming Imola still
linger in our ears.--,---Mr. James Long, the tin
smith, is send-stoning the front of his now man
sion, in North Ninth' street.—"-They do not cost
more than A good rocking chair, and can be used
for so mans comfortable poiltions of the body.
MoKnishrg store is the. placo to get these easy
chairs. Wo noticed yesterday, !V9 on several
occasions before, that there nro a number of boys
who got on'tho coal trains at the lower depot and
ride up to the writer station., Wo have cautioned
the boysseveral times not to do this. and if con
tinued, wo shall somo day bo called upon to record
tho death'or ono of those boyi.—.ll. •of
cattle from Pittsburg, was landed yesterday niter
noon at the yards at the new, depot. A bundle of
hay was throvin to them, when they devoured it as
tho s ugh they bad nothing to oat for three dayip,
Whore Is Mr. Bergh l—r-Blartino I will astonish
the natives of this community, for slx nights at the
Keyotono Opera house, commencing •Idonday,
Sept. 14th.--Lots of people are goin/ Lan;
castor to-morrow.—Bead• new advertisements
to-day in the, EACILfi.—Tho number of h\dhl
ings now bobll repaired, refitted and newly taint
ed, is greater then at any previous time in the his
tory of our eity.—A great deal is said about the
"Oreolan bend," but it would seem that the Indies
of this city Imo too innoli sense to adopt the fool
ish fashion, as no "bond" has made its appearance
hero no yet, Wo occasionally see a man who is on
a "Woolen bonder."
IN Toivx.—Tho Board of Inspectors of
lianeastoebounty are at present in out city.
They yesterday visited our prison, 'in com
pany .with our inspectors and commissioners.
They appeared much pleased with the clean
liness and god unmagement of our castle.
.Gsm. Ti Yl n'HnosE.--Wo would 411 the
attention o£ our readers to the advertisement
of John B. Shaffer, Proprietor of the Gen.
Tnylo Mouse, in• annlhar column. Mr
Slue&'has latelY ti nbitg4l and otherwise'
greatl improved tats had, on nc&iiit of in•
creasing patronage..
• t,
\V understand that at a meeting of Com
pany 1,. let Regiment of Gra* Reserves, of
Philadelphia ( a resolution was passed that
they would visit Readin far' target practice. Whon they coin() they w ill receive a regular
lierks county welcome from our people. "This
company is considered Wei merack" military
company of the City of Brotherly Lfve.
I W invite attention to the advertisement
of the fi . co,excursion to.end from the great
auction sale of building latit, to come oft at
Lebanon, on Monday nekt y and advise those
desiring to make good and Profitable invest•
nients ) to attend; for, Kith the vast resources
of agricultural andinineral wealth; surround
ing kt,nothing can prevent Lobanen from be
coming a great city. Bee advertisbment.
TnaFsanwoa.—One of the chief points
of difference between civilized and parbarous
mankind is in the: attention 'given to the
natural.covering for the hr tine one b eing
carefulli e.leaesptl an b rushed , and thct
Other al owed to remain d irty and unkempt.
The Ilse of 'Murat's Vegetable Bair Res
torative" will ensure, all that , -- could be de
sired by civilisation or ignored by barbarism.
—Boston Post. , aopt 10-1 w .
'ife offiep of tho Good Will Gift Enter
prise of Allentown is being filled with the
Gilts,. such as pianos,. melodious, sewing
machmes, parlor furniture, cottage setts,
carpets, cry goods, lounges, stoves, plows,
setts of harness, &c.,&e:, which can be seen
at their office, uner the Second National
Bank of Allentown. Tickets can be had in
this city, for a short time, of E. D. Reichard,
Agent, Strickland & Brother and Plow and
Harrow hotel. 1
• . •
Tits SEAsoat.l---The trees are rapidly losing
their foliage and will soon be studding under
bare po ps.. The gorgeous tints of autumn
will speedily disappear from hill and dale`
and with them will go the rhapsodies an
sentimentalities of the writers who vainly
tempt t,o draw pen-pictures of the season.=
The fact is an ,autumn like till) present is
too grand for , pen and pencil. These are not
"melancholy gays," nor "the saddest of the
year."' They are bright and lovely; inviting
all the world to enjoy them before the seasons
go into winter quarters. ).
Barer Poltizatres "Life of Bea:st utter"
will be for, side to-morrow at.'the Emus
Bookiitore, ssi Penn street. Every one who
wants to see the "Beast" shown up in his
natural deformity and wickedness, should.
read this work, • one of the most lively;
truthful had •comically earcastical of all of
"Brick's" famous productions. Eierybody
ehould'read it .-- Democrats , for the purpose .
of strengthening them inthe ir opposition to
a party which is disgrace by such a leader
—Republicans, that they m y shun the com
pany of such awretch in time to save them-,
selves from staring in his sure disgrace and
punishment.: Price twenty-five cents.
To, &or MO FLOW OF IlLoon.--:-The fol
lowing teethed of stopping the flow of blood
'should he remembered by every one, ho se.
' mechanics and others handling
knives, tool'l
' and other small instruments,
frequently r 'ceive severe cuts, from which
blood flows tofusely, and often endangers
life itself. rood may be tnado 'to cease to
flow as ftdlowst Take the fine dust of tea
and bind it close to the wound, at; all times
accessible and easy to be obtained. After
the blood has ceased to flow, laudanum may
be advantageously applied to the wound.—
Duo regard to' these instructions would save
agitation of mind and running for a surgeon,
who would probably„make .no better pre
scription Who were present.
eItAttACTEIL:—.WO may judge A men's Char
acter by what he loxes—what pleases
If a person manifests delight in low sordid
objects, the vulgar song, and debasing lan
guage, in the misfortunes of his fellows or
animals, wo may at once determine the coup
plexion of Ins. ch aracter.. Oti the contrary,
if- ho loves purity, plodesty, tr uth—if virtu
ous pursuits engage his heart and draw out
his affections; wo aro satisfied that he is an
upright man. When we see a Man fond of
fine clothes, ,and making a fop of himself, it
is a sure sign that ho thinks the world con
sists of 'outside show and ostentation,and ho
is certain to make an unstable man without'
true affeetion'or friendsbip,tond ofchange and
excitement, and soon wearying of those ob
jects and pursuits which fora time give him
Thb following named organizations will hold
their regular stated • meetingsthis (TuURS
DAY) evening
Reading Lodge No, 886 I. 0. of G. 'r., at
Temperance Hall.
Reading Lodge N. 848, I, 0: of 0. P. at
Odd Follows' Hall.
Reading Council No. 46, 0: U. A. 7A., at
Sallada's Hali, Penn street.
Montgomery Lodge No. 69, L 0. of 0. P.,
at Odd Fellows' Ball. i
Muldenberg Lodge, U. D. 0. 11., at Yea
ger's Hall, Penn street.
Tilgrim Circle No, 20, B. U., nt Brother
hoodtof U. Hall. , ' ,
Abigail Lodge No. I, Kasonie Ladies, 703
Ponn'streot. •
Symmetry Lodge No. 103, I. 0. of 0. F.,
. DEMOCRATIC MEETlNiti.—PUrEillalit to
notice, a meeting of the Democratic Club of
the Sixth Watd of this city Was . held" last
evening, at Bushong's Hall, Front and Penn
streets. •
Mr. Daniel Setly was President, and Mr.
Jonothan L. Reber Secretary. '
Although the rain was falling heavily, the
attendance was quite large, and there was
much interest manifested in the proceedings
by, all present.
After • the transaction of some general
business; , the following named gentlemen
responded to the request of the meeting,aud
addreised the assemblage in a most eloquent
manner. • Hon. J. D. Davis, Daniel Ern3on
trout, Lew. Wanner,Richmond L. Jones,
and Wesley H. Gearart/ Esq. The Speak
ers were attentively listened to and heartily
tip lauded.
On motion adjourned, to meet again next
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1808, at 8 o'clock /i
P. M. Attest,
JON. L. REBER, Seery.
POLICE Arkwits.--=The only case that was
brought up bp(orsi the Mayor 'at tho usual
hour this morning for a hearing; was that of
John. Simon; a ,boy in his 'teens, charged
with 'entering the "cabin of the canal boat
"Sport, of Philadelphia," on Tuesdaymorn
ing,at the geard look l foot of Franklin street,
awl taking therefrom a c10ck,,,,a breast pin,
and sbmdartieles of clothing. Ellis Wallace,
a colored man, captain of the boat,appeared
against the boy, and identified the clock,
which had been pawned at Albert Bechtel's,
in Seventh street. Mr. Bechtel wins present
and identified the accused as the boy who
bad brought,the clock to his ahoy; and that
the boy had stated to him that his namo was
Henry Reilly, and his grandmother had sent
him to sell it, that she ha another clock and
didn't need two, Mr. Beobletgave him ono
dollar on account, and told him to come
around the next day and ho would give him
tho balance, another dollar, in full. rho boy,
returned next day and received the balance.
He 'was subsequently placed in the lock-up.
At the hearing this morning,John stated that
a person by the name 'of; Reilly had given
him tho oloek to aoll l and that ho hintselfhad
not committed the theft. The Mayor was
led to doubt his veracity ? and held lam for a
hearing at court, in default of $3OO bail.
ARREST OF A BURAAR.-It will be recol
lected that on Friday night, Sept. 4th, an
iron safe was 'blown open and robbed, at
Shoomakerville, this county. Last night
about half past 11 (o'clock, an attenivt we
made to open the safe in the ticket office of
the Reading Railroad Company, at \Yarnell
ville on the lino of the Lebanon Valley Rail
road. The night watchman—Boone, heard
the burglars at work with punches,, and
aroused 1101110 neighbors to. assist him in'
making the arrest. •About a dozen persons
surrounded the building, when the party in
side took the alarm and rushed out. There
were two burglars, who as they came out and
took to their heels, were fired at, after being
called upon,to "stop." . Some halt a dozen
shots were fired.. xiThe night was "pitch
. dark," and pile of the burglars
making his escape. The other one was'cap
tured and brought to this City in a carriage,
and placed in the lock-np, the party arriving
hi town about 3 o'clock this morning. The
outline() to the ticket office had been effect
ed through the window, by removing a pane
,with a knife. When the burglars were dis
turbed they had not yet opened the sate, but
had broken off the knob and had somewhat
mutilated the door with their punches.
The person arrested has given his name as
William Stamm andis apparditly about 22
years of age. 'He states that the other per
'son who was with him,and made his escape,is
named Michael Solder.
Since writing the
,abovo the arrested party
has - been given a hearing,' before the Myer,
and committed to prison. He has a gun
shot wound in the calf of tlitl'eft leg, and a
black eye. Ho stated at the hearing that
Solder had acknowledged to him. that lie had
blown open' a' safe at Ann_ville Lebanon
county, some time ago, and that he was Abe
person who stole the'tools,tho sledge,punch
es, Le., they worked with. list night. ' The
tools had been- taken fvoln a blacksmith shop
in Wernersville. .They had jnocured half a
pound of powder and some safety fuse, to
,use in blowing open the safe after punc hing
a hole in the door.
The arrest is an important one. Both par
ties belong to Reading, and . figured. in our
police court before.
D fin lON.
1.2 O '(LO V h P. M.
Sun rises . .• .5
43 I Sun sets . G 17
Dayit's length 12 hours 34 minutes.
weather Cloudy—Wind West.
7 A. M.
Monday, 69°
Tuesday, 69°
Wednesday, 66°
Thursday, 73°
MARSqOIII O 'S VARIETIES. Great success of
Master Judd's, who wilt appear in the
great bttrlekue of East Cynn, as Lady Isa
bella. •
Bor. Reilly, Jr., Esq., a member of the
Schuylkill county bar, and a son of Ron.
Ber. Reilly,of Pottsiilre, has been appointed
second lieutenant in the regular cavalry.
MANY of the gutters ih difkrent localities
in the city are tilled with *flying vegeta
tion, garbage, slime and filth, highly provo
cativo of epidemics and disease. The stench
arising is decidedly offensive, and the work
of purifying and,cleansing them should, be
immediately commenced.
A,', excursion train, containing the Super
int euts and a number of prominent mit
re 1 men, will leave Now York, the 14th
inst., over the Now Jersey and Pennsylvania
Central Railroads, .for Pittsburg and inter
medtate points, on a tour of inspection and
pleasure. The excursionists will dine in
Lancaster on Monday.
MesoNto. 7 -of.the Masons iu this city who
will kayo tomorrow evening to attend the
meeting of 4lie Grand Commandery, Knights'
Templar, of the Unitektates, at St. Louise
en the IGth inst., are th following:
Chas. A. Saylor,
.C. G. No. U; IL
Ilawman, P. E. 'C. ; IL C. L., Creeeliusi P.
E. C. ; Charles 'Ackley ; Samuel Tea ;
Aauioi Schcenfelder.
The party will, proceed to Parrisburg t
where they will meet a delegation from Phil.
adelphia . . and together pursue their journey
to the West.
MlRActmous EseAPm.—About 1 o'clock
yesterday while Mr,. J. Ross was mending
some belting nt tlie Steam Turning and
Agricultural Mill of Bachman & Stoner, in
this city, ho was caught by tile" beltingand
carried around by it. twelve consecutivktuues.
At every', revolution of the maehinery ho
struck the ceiling of the room. J Strange to
say R. escaped serious injury ; and
Mien released by the stoppage of the
machinery he fell to the floor senseless ;
his clothing was torn in shreds and was en
tirely stripped from his person.—Lancaster
AFTER Him.—We have given iii the Het
edition, an account of an attempted safe rob.
bury at Wernoreville, last night, and the ar
rest of ono of the burglars. This morning
about 10 o ' clock, Chief of Police lyrn. Me-
Nall, caught eight of the other party, Sol
dors, at the corner of Ninth and Court streets,
and macro for him. Ho taught held of him,
but his prisoner , being powerful f tore away,
and being very fleet-footed, succeeded in es
caping. He ran up Court street . to the alloy
between Ninth and. Tenth streets, where lie
*nod North and soon disappeared in . a
locking thegate behind him. The Captain
had tome difficulty iitgetting into the yard,
and when ho entered the found that the pur
sued had leaped the fence and taken a South
easterly i eourse and struck for thp Novereink
mountain ! Nearly the whole police force
is out, after the culprit.
Tho Republican Convention ,of r4assachn•
setts met yesterday. Hon. Wm. Claffin was
nominated for Governor.
The Connecticut Democratic - ,Convention
met yesterday. and nominated Presidential
electors. Governor English and General
Franklin'being the electors At large.
.Gov. Swann 178 yesterday nominated for
Con'gress, by the Democrats . in Baltimore.
Fred. P. Stone has bedn re•noininated by
the Democrats in the Fifth hrarylaud dis-
trict, and Stevenson 'Archer, by the same
party, in the Second Maryland district.
Philip, Rafferty has been nominated for
Congress, ,by,-tho Democrats in 'The Fourth
New Jersey district. • '
B. P. Dickerson has been nominated by
the Democrats in the Ninth district of Ohio.
The United States has gatued the "postage
stamp suit," arising out of the rebellion,
which has been so long Iwnding Torbnto.
Tholndians aro still at work. They at
tacked a train in Kansas, on M onday, and
killed two . ' 7 ( mon. 1T Commiisioner of In
dian Affair) - has gono west to look after the
unruly triNcs.
Enoch 4fiain 7 Jr., 4 prominent merchant
of Boston, died on Monday.
A colored Alum was
_killed on - the Erie
railwaY, at Dinka, N. Y., yesterday, Mil
body bp* tarn to, pieces by a passing train.
A bOdge on 6? Rock island and Pacific
Railroad was washed away on Monday
night, and an engine- and three cars were
precipitated 'into the river. The engineer
and fireman were
A schooner and bark have been wrecked
on the California coast, -but no lives have
been lost.
The President has pardoned John S. Al
len, of IslevZ York, one of the , associates of
Callicott in the. whiskey frau s. Allep was
recommended to mercy by tie jury. Iris
friends paid his fine of $2OOO.
• Ship Garibaldi, from Valpariso,(April 19,)
arrived in New York yesterday afterrioon,
and reports, on ' the 18th of July, lipt. 58
south, long. 08 80, 'west, ran into a heavy
MO of }ce,but got off without i damage. (The
caPtain , says,the prevalence oreaste i rly winds
I has cariied the ice farther noith then usual.)
Gov: Seymour had a grand reception at
Albany yesterday. Ho. arrived privately,
but when his presence was discovered, he
was greeted with a serenade, a grand salute
and an imposing public demonstration.
In the Union County (New Jersey) Court,
Mary 1.. Ackerman, aged 25 years, wha left
her father's house on acCormt of his oppo,-
sition to her lover, has sued her father for
slander and recovered,s4ooo damages.
2 P. M.
8 O
THURSDAY ) Sept: 10.
7. •
D:l4- 2 411iefri 11, No: 2.
,The itientapky Tr*gedy.
Loutazttor t Sept. •9.—Energetie effeits
are being made to capture the murderer of
the yillich family, near Randolph station.
Organized parties are in pursuit, and the
capture, of the suspected party is almost
certain. The punishment of the blick scoun•
drels will be swift and Sure. '
depraved-lookin4 but respectably
connected white girl of stxteen was arrested
in Atlante, , Georgla, the other day, dressed
in male apparel, and accompanied by a ne.
are of twenty. They stated that they were
from one of the interior eonnties, and on
their way to Nashville for the purpose of
—A widow of Louisville eloped with a
promising young merchant, and set
housekeeping in Indiana, on!) , to find That
her devotion 'was "unappreciated and, one
morning, that her quasi husband,had again
eloped, this time with 'her daughter, aged.
seventeen. - •
—The Israelites' of Itolean, Arkansas,
have pledged themselves to use all their in
fluence to securo'the defeat of Grant.
—The Muscatine (Iowa) Cowie says: "A
day Or two ago, a raftsman by the name of
Goreoyas struck by lightning,near Now 808-
tott, and instantly killed.• Ile had remarked
several times on the trip that ho wonlq not
liv t hrough it. During the storm ho said, ho
'didn't care a d—n for any lightning (lod
over made.' Immediately the bolt struck
him on the head, and ho was a dead man."
Who Congressman Logan closed up
his affairs In ()icier to enter the rebel army,
ho found tha t
, ho had only. s2ooo' in the
world. Ile 'widely chose to, speculate in
loyalty, and has, by severe application to
that business,,accumulated . $lOO,OOO in
Chicago propery alone.
—A locomotives to be used' on common
roads, was recently succeasfully, exhibited in
Edinburgh. It drew a train ofivagons o ladon
with coal, and weighing 82 tons, a distance
of ten miles, passing through the streets or
Edinburgh. Sono very crooked thorough
fares and sharp turnings had to bo passed
through, and giltides 'of' lin 10 and 1 in 12
had to bo ascended.
. .
shooting affray took place in Philli
delphis on Sunday. Three men fought, and
one of them beat another with a bludgeon,
when the beaten party fired a pistol at him.
All were arrested. They wet() "runners"
for houses of ill-tame.
\CANARY DIRDS.-TIO beet assortment of
Nunn and fancy cages,' bird mod, fish bone,
cago books, dm, in to*, at 612 Penn St.,
by McGowan & Miltimore. 1k
Sept. 6-2 w cod,
FAR and neay i throughput the Whole
Country, the newspapers teem with the Von
dorful cures performed by Dr. Russell's
Magnetic Oil.. ,60 . cts. end $1 00 per brittle..
American House, Reading. [aug. 17-tf
Ir our friends will us r e preparations for re•
storing gray hair they should use the bost in
the market. Our attention has lately been
called to an article which has an'extensive
sale and a very high 11)1)0460n, known as
Ring's Vegeta:ble Ambrosia, and we are in
dined to thmkfithat it possesses more ()aka
bib and less objectionable qualities th n any
otber in the market. It restores gray r fa
dllid hair td, its origindl color in a most ro•
m rkable anner, and by its invigorating
soothingad properties removes all dandru ff
a d humors from the scalp. Give it .a fair
trial andyou cannot fail to like it. aug 181 m .
Da. LIGHT has just received a large lot of
pure, fresh drugs and. medicines, .of all
kinds. Those who desire the puro article
(and who does not?) we would advise them
to go to' him. His prices are reasonabloomd
ho waits upon all his customers in a pronipt
and gentlemanly manner. All prescriptions
aro put up - in the most careful manner, and
there is ,no dasger cjtany mistakes oc
curring., •
The Doctor has also all kinds of toilet
articles for sale,—oils, washes, soaps,
brushes, combs, &c., &c.
Remember the place—No. 1 North Fifth'
street. aug
During the presentvampaign, from Selit.
12th to November 12th, a period of thr6o
months, the DAILY EAGLE will be issued to
campaign subscribers at the following rates:
From Sept. 12th to Nov. 12th, 2 :nos. . 80'
From Oct. 12th to Nov. 12th, 1 mo. 4b
No subsciiption for the. campaign EA,OLE
will bo received unless accompanied by the
Any person getting up' a club of Ten,
subscribers, will receivea copy gratis•
•i. :
. Tho EAGLE will keep its renders well, in
formed on allthe politiCal topics of the day,'.
And will labor zealously for the dissemina-:
tion, Of sound Democratic doctri en, the,
unity and harmony of the great Do ogratid
I z i
party, and the triumph .of Democratic:
principles and the Democratic camlidateo.: ' !
It will also contain, in a condensed form,'
all the general news of the day, with a "coin-,
pleto a9sorroct account of all local mat‘i
ters in or connected with our city and coan:,
ty. _.
, .
Every voter in Berke ebunty should take
the EAGLE for the campaign: • •
Eagle Office, Howling, Pa,
Buttons & Bro.. Bankers, No. 16 ' orth 6th Onset
Quote as follow:
IiNIDIKO, Sept. 10, 1868..
- 113
- 144%
Old U. S. ft's 1881 . -
Old U. B.s'e 1862'
- .
New U. S. 5,20'5 , 1861. July . and Jan.
New U. S. 5.20'., 1805, May and 'Nov..
New U. IL 1865. new - •-% • -
N. U. 8,5-21 Ye 1867 July and Jan.
Ntwil. 8 . 5.20'5 ,1 8 68. - .
fien-Forf Bonds.
ti - - - •
Gold In ew Yor pto 12 o'clock, -
Gold In eading at 1ohow: & Bros., .
Retorted and corrected by Samuel ,Frces at
Steam Flour Mills, foot of Penn street,
BRAVING, Sept.. ,
Ft : pun—White An Fat, *bbl 1111
_Red ' 13 00.
Fpn—tlora Chop, Nt busltel i ••• ? '''l 40 • •
• Bran. . •.%•
.." i M_ldsillors t '„ • 1 00(041 30
DMAL—VOM All a!, •
.. 1
.. • ' I ti ck t • 2 35. •
i 4
COM „.• 130, • "• •
1 . 1 Oats CI
lifirt - T i ton..- 2 18 Oil
I •
glover, ~ • . '-- 15'00
Meadow " • .0•........ ......... /s'oo
• ',. '
't '
r 4 ,
Rye, c
m u
-- (1:
Te .
ltne Moil.
Mess Beef, - - -
Bacex. ,
Il -
Ribam N . k clear sides- -
Shoulders.. ••• .
Quest* MUM ,
Pickled Hams, -
Shoulders salted - •
Flan i c as Bat.
A Mae ere, - -
Clover per bushel, ' - .
Timothy. • -•-
' Flaxseed. - - '•
Coal perton
LocusA hit lump and steamit •
: broken : • • • 0 2 , ' .
• " ' prepared t ' • ' -
Lehigh lump, 0438101 and broken
Chestnut, .. . -
f gehuyl, red ash,
" Chestnut.
_. .
White ash briaken, A- ' - • ,
Bag and stove, -
Chestnut. ' • ' -
• i
Isms Lorton,
Pig NI 1. - - • - -
. , .
s t , ) ' 7 -------- ."7t --- t -,
, ~.' .., 4 ,, , • '''' 6014.10.1868.
BUITEIIII , O9a qairy, r lb" 4 ?' . 28046
utnp, - <" , .. , • . ...... .i. ... ",,...1 ~ I
Ongesg—Oheeso* M„ . .. , ..,17: :4 ~
LARD—l,ard V Itg; 1.. ..... „..,.....,, •1
Egos—Ego ip dozen _ , .
, I : 411
AVlAls — .4.llges '* PeOlt,i,„,r ..... ~,,,•„........... : , ...
D . A 0 I luett..., ~ , "t r 18
PEAOIIIIS-‘ It • ' . .% '
M!Ar—Beefiteak.. r e e t u r ll t i*El,4 , ; 2O
Beef roast rum .:: 4 I 2022
, 25 .
" . Beef dried. '; :: I - - 4 0 ,'
• " Vent oatlote, wi
' chops. • " • lIS '
~. 'l. . Mutton, 1418
:" Pork, " ' 160118
1 ~ I
' etenk. ,:: •i,..."•4 . , . E 95
• "
Sausage (resit,
" . ,
" -
llf—llants, s , ; . ~ , „ g
t ,u
Sliced. •
BIIOIILARREi , 11l 1618
SIDES— .. 41 3
• PouhraY-4 1 1gokens Ilvt. V. : ~....%.' '' , ' , ''ri 4,
droned, .
'pickles live ii
, . ,
GI dressed, . 11 i ''''.
il Spring ohlokeal % pair ' 75043 4 1( 00
pVTIOL-oseeola .oounolt 0,•of V. A
M., will moot at their itall,oorner of Fifth and
ashimoon streets, on gridaymorning.
1868, at 6 o'clock; in order to Wend the Parade at
lanoaster, on that day . Excursion tioketsvoir t : be
had at lloohlor's •bookstoro, m' strs'et, a ore
Sixth. All members are requested to poouret air
tickets boforo the raorairm of pfrado. Haoh mem
ber to appoatln full regalia and white if oyes. By
order of tho Committee, slept. 6.2 t
Readiog Oounoil, No. 48 0. 0,17. - 4 cm.;
THE Blemberri of the Milian 1,111 meet a!, their ,
Molt on Priorkv. SeeSeme the dir lith, 146 o cloak,
atLan el an ; rt r :r e .!Vh t : i gli h r e r sl o 3 4 t tg a elt li o e ;
dark °totem iatia end white glevetf. '' • •'-
By order of the Moon.
13014. 7-at • BlBll#B,. 0.
totes landing at 4P. in L iand New York at 8:20
p. m. Goode shipped for New York at:Neadlng
Freight Howe. before 8 o clock p. m. ot Read
ing at foot of Barclay street 'Now York befora
o'clock p. m.; will be dellve4d at eithgtfintwlth
out reahlpinont. • F. HALL DAY, f '•
Gen'l Freight Agent, N. it E. R. obokom
• •
E. 3.‘ BAWL
Local Agb nt ,
, 31. / k B. L B:. Reading:
cot 8-3 mos •
A . 1 4 1t03 LOT OF '
_ Domestic and Iv:potted
'For auto ohearfat • •.; : , I
• , 7051,0,01f00t aboye Eleiltktt4,
• - aui,2B-2* '•• • • •,•
•, • ) +.7
, .
,_ ,
et AVTION.--13omo person having , atqlen 'Jan
k.)Day-book 4ont my 14opilaPPYlons are ea q
Gonad not to pay any bills made out and presented
to them, oacelinibymself. ~., i ~ ,f t
aug 31-I( 718 Fran
in Insect.
Gas' •'ank.:!..Stdain..Fitting!
'EDWARD .130 1 / 1 10,'
idtrfic Fly* STREET va
Bps of Read
To, Aiiiict6i
eons of Reading and viol ty, t at be attends
to• 'PLUMBING, •CIAB AND 621/41 piirnov.
itehoo no tip°, AU'eterk one. ~gsri to None;
but the bestLworkMOtieMPleypa'i, •
' Also; a lot of rot-elass übtattellers Ifrstoketi,' ,
Ranges, Bath Tato. We* . (Niel* oPlfotsi Ago,.'
always on hood and for sale at the spwesw Pricfs.
share of the pall° patronage, As respeotmlfy„
solkdted. ;
Jane 24-3 m ' 'EDWARD SCULL.
1 - 1 BED" ERICC W. - LAVER,: • • .
.12 •
4, ..0rAt0 ITAS,Ara• v *:'
ibrner rick •FeeNlegf dig itkedi,A4Pgitrir-
Sole Ageqt, BOr,kp
ceionw ; - • :
134*SON SCALY 0,014P0X.:
friiiq zOO% Tolima twd droOkt , 1 30 4 4,40;k1iieit
'l 4 4l 3 iigu i i.e u it blis t e ien; befo_re introwilia bueitatit.
suppriol Inv paalkto oireFeji *boo*
lot °piton ' 411 4 41 ' • . '
rt.A. xi' Oil', it lab Lis,
011,1M114 and flir Dies 4-4.
' l 4 ANit Af; hAn w 4in k il ° 4
eiar;* Yadet3o ;1 : 4 9 . • ifr h a /4.
eolg chelP:
' V 150
- 1' -
. ,TA,E
19810 00
B '9
2 7&
3 431
- 600
4 6004 75.4p4
3 8001 '00 99
.3 90(1 3 4 fa
' 00
$33 Itc•s: 00
36 111,. Op
- .
4,. Aid% ltheumathm.oo644 twit
Pilot Stel a *AA ialioitte:ol2l4' • l ' . i_,-
Tv alleviate botao otlkiteir itholtia coromt;le t he
Iligliest , alin of got tit* toktfloktfki\ . Wb4l tblolnttitit a
kit;litlN,4aralts4l4 halt ikiiiii4 iiiihl44l,, iiiliziettlna
rho halm:won yr tiltorototp tovt,e4lto oitcllik, 11 vt0 1 111 1 1
LsOttahqt +t i *? . ..:el* Al .*"4_? l 4l - 111
i• , , IqAFt'‘,4,. . . ill
I N6i.TA
Td ►N_T,..P4AN cult c f .
11ioCtsollipliartile .r,;k 1 4,0 i;:iiv o t.tilifil'ilk* 60h .:
' :''
~ ita eIYNI la pentNly titeglol4.ll 4 l IttioliottlP .an CO
eatloly loortutoe4 M to ho Ili fipplitkl , lol4 t (41114 4 tow
dfetigt'fiii 4 ;*.o4 l ol l ll l4 l l4 4 to 4,:tityll t..), Ilaa%
Illy OM Oita i4)loiktliNti.loit i fact t4lOtill4lltontomotl.
owl n aloglo ppplie
( 11\atittill vpte ‘l,ll,ismit‘llw.o t tli t!tia4
A TM, O aooi , e'r ' iti tilt y'lliiiwoltata till', •
WE Oiltlaptier,lLlE .18,11,a)
• To,o i
rro4lwo 4 4 ,,Egivi . .
• , ..' , , -- , 4• ,1
Nii fa milii /kat .1
mire breopi es troi u a r aloci
Ada e6.V.11. Itiii;'ittial t l , ti4mour e
. i
....11,71c0 taco: , ~ 'i Fipa D y At Ehi !Tim . 11°
- ',' ' • I E, : - P 014 .. . 1 1 •4-qP 0 0 .1
' , -,' . 1,- .. . ' tlol ' o' froprlt4i;t4 thadjlsti Pik
Bee 1101, A ..pudjek et %OM Br ii: 4114.•
lay 41; at ora. one t i me ars irt
,eitt to um
ibinaDl menthe 140 1.1 ..ter is
.: .
~111,Alv i, ni p T i t i i.
-"P liFikalizz
it Whittle MW Pj ; ; , 1 ir, We
greot# *War a 1 .• 91,...0 . p 1 0, , iii
gimenal.rki.l .' L' • T ° 744, r
a ttai n "L i i r e f i s Is t n ti l lctla(pip'
t ....,,,.,, t ll 4lpl. ea. wfw st, ketookivpm
it; t elyirt 1 , f o ugleu , 4 111111
ti r /
_ 9. ,;- ta li sii frit 0 Tie proaati!ili_
U.I I y b e t Oil t nIS' 'AV! 144111,1X0A cow
*Ter! eensoal t e e l l ottditn i r ,1 :i: .. , 1 ,-. :,, • , '
- • , ~ i ,:' .r. L. 1-I. II I4IIDIAT :
Ord% fin of, Ditale*litogo ;‘.l Ottutetrew
- •,, .; , , • • ~ •
~ .., ,-..., --- ilea. 28-u. •
oLo p firEs : .:vt iN u g s ,
' •
5..5 ;5 , -55 t.
• ? ':I ' E
S; n ' ' • ' ,! i 7 -: ;
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P PS' 4 I .A4
i ,~ v
,;-. : tii;ii•ifo !.01,:1' , 1. , ;;Lit.,.'i •
21111 W AND PEN,Ar $2 B.
aut 10tf
r l i r .t, , - t 0,,,, . •,I.e:. , A 0 - , ,
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.1 . 1 .1 k . +
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L.1.,•,:,,i T / 14,, ....--, •,.‘,
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, . 71,155 I'l - b' , ,i f', .1" r '.• ''
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