10 TIM DART EAGLE PUBLII3 . fIED, EVERY, UTIIRTICION* - (Sandals Excepted,' At THE OFFICE OV TEE READING AD/sER!. ' 'Eft 361 - 1 0 111111 STEW.' % , The Xtuoito Peitx BIM will be fultdabid_to 111bBenDeti In the elir R o lm, oar rut To mail subscribers at let a rear. or 111,215 a outer —to be paid for howls ly in advance/ A liberal deduction will be made to clubs of tenor more ettb4 coribert4, f p prove utvijs taseelllot4eri should b. edaressett itIIADIKO PION 'OO4 • 1 • WILLIAM p. lUTTEII, ' . JB3OBll Ct. 'HAWLEY. PROFX D i; LOVIN De PART'S WORN. ' ll . 01414 ANDlEsnistrog, No. 4 North illatbfilirsei,lll4o4lllnirt Pow • aus 21).1mo o . , Tilt, or W. it. WOW' 11:010Pirily ottice, O N 0.639 Stud listkot Squire, otreittad Notes Doodo Store. TORSW. 1/1010144. ATTORNHY AT - LAW, ti! Office—Loeser Dilldsnr, (Ist floor. • baet t ) 1110 Centre street, Pottsville. igg.,Can b e een e e i te j in the German language, . • TSRAEL C. 01113011EXlitt_ATTOR . NRY LAND COUNSIILLOII , AT LAW. Offices .jrot 0 Cloud Eit.. (near Oixtb,) 11111 DINO, Pa.. 6 Eonom v. n.,Eig, ATTOIWEr 4T LAW, &WagOp 0I1102: No, 50 Court Street, (up IWO Ll. NAGSLIN . xj.+ s PUT ', l 8. PO4lllOll Surgeon.) 810 Peniaireot,_Readini. r: , 'Office art—/2 to 2P. 43. 1 3,10 DP* in. 1 WASUINGTO3II ,ALDERMANiI Ofbe, No, OD North thh fitreet;oppostto kostOMeo. al iorivenhug and convoranolos Oromptli it.. tended toi •fehl9-3mo; GEO. 1)011. Mim e o; the tate Geo. M, n ATTORNY AT LAW, 0 omoc Oetitre street, oppoelte the Hplmpel Church. istaii,tt • POTTEOIIIIII.PA, j ma. o. netwtay, ATTORNEY I AT LA*, Office, No. 40 (second fici.gr,) No‘th Sixth Street. , nearlyoppolte the Mutt House, !tending, Pa, Jan. Wit RESAT Et. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oboe NORTII BIXTU BTRRTT. RHADING Jan3Dtf. LOlllll. 11110)1ASTIS, . , .4T20RN141" A 2' LAW; °Mee, N 0.530 Court Wed, over the Oleo of John 8. Richards. Rs. . , febo-tf DANIEL ERMENTROUT. ATA T A if; Once In North Sl i th Street, coiner Court Alley. febo-tt . AUGUSTUS S. BASSAMAN, AITORNRY AT LAvv t Poo, No 40 North BlicAltreat t opeelte tbo Court :ir vonigltationo nut In trio /splash ot Gor an !esthete*. febutf • N. jOtiN. 1141.8k0N. I • 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 . °Moe; N 0.19 North Stith street, opposite the Key atone Meuse, Redding, Pa. BORITY ' JOBL B. WANIOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, gir t rafted ngton And DIAILIAtiq an /tree% maculae, pa. No fein . depiana 'anti the claims are iootred. tOO-tt WII4I4IA!Mfo. HIRFA Venal% • • (0107441 of First Rearked Ohneoh.) TRAOMIR OF PLANO IO/4X XQX, _TR. ORGAN AND MAR No, 223 North Sixth s M Reading. Pb. N. A—. trut une 2)4f TA .10.3tosisit, "LI SURGEON DENTiET, OIrEIVE-519 Penn Street, Rending, Pis. 'lnvites the Pnbile to call and examine his new Plan for oaring teeth without pain. All -oper ations in e profession neatly executed and charges teas table, << ap2stf MIMOMiLANZOVR. HELLED.'S • • 00 1 / 1 19kTIONTAVEMENT AND PLOORING: • %MIS PAVEMENT.. AND FLOORING IS NOW ul Joanowiedged to toe the best in use. It be comes hard and ttrm immediately, isdry, durable, holmpervious t 6 water, and notaiTeoted by either torehea old, • • All ordtre promptly' attsnded to, and the ;fork guaranteed to give satisfaction. Apply to D. O. HELLER, June 18-tf No. 27, South Fourth-St 4: R.•fl iOETT Ga,, Prop!lakifit SIANWEBTELR, Yll4. "4 alir r t fNg Deiders in rgeis: R BIRCH & •B R rht. A. It MOUT, , • I WILLIMI WELLS. Ilass , 517 WEST END COAL, LIME, & SAND .YARDI • Cor. Penn wind Front Streets: i . . . 11E undersigned would respectfully , inform _his ---il trifide and tho üblio, that he is proparod to ' unds Use beat o Coal, Lime, and Saud to any f i ll the 4,00 ordure; 1 ' 0 ettilo±ol)o7 ttend6dle . t ‘ • Jot t B.NtoivN tatt : ' taiihotA you KIN R 9544. SION,A,Is. Agents f lteading, Pa. . ' 144 . , . \ r .- . • T 4.. . . . . ' . '.• ' • l' . . • . . . ~ ... , ...... 1 :404 :;.. . ;...`..: '. '.... •' ' : • .1, . L '' r • ''''4 , - . ' , .i;: • '''' 1 - , :.1 ~'.:. .4•.. ‘ i .•''4 If :1 ... r '.... 0 1 ?. k ' , ' ..? q . , '-‘ A'‘:::l , ,',7`l 1 V• 46 4 44,4 . „.. 4 4 t , t:. , .-1, , , , hi , , • . - , , it ~r,i- ~, , ,vr„,i . ,--icrPr-4--- • , ~. , , .•,, •.( . :,.,- ~..._ A ~, . • ' • 1 .4 -, ',,,, '' ''': 4 . ~‘. d 1 -/-t. ~,1 '' . ..r'S"' - ' ,.. r '' ' •'Of ' ~_y i • . l ‘ ' . t ‘ • ' X IIP' A .-',.i n ,- • ' •,--'.t- '1 , ••- • • 4 tu ' ' -' '' : 41 : 717: ' ci*H ". i i l : 4' -. ~ , ...re, r. A c 1 , -.e,.- NOlsotc“.,, lit t N. • • * .. ~. ~,, '. . .:it:':: f . P x :: 3 : ; i , •- mtt. , _ A L.. 31,3 1 ' ,I( ' . .: •.- i ± t i lt a ll it '.. 4 c r ; . ' ~ ~ • 2tvs .. 1- 2: . - .... "MT V 0 -11111 11 I i 1 -. 4-** • .. 1.-4 < N s , no '''' • 7 4 Ne -".' ' .. 4 - riZi` ' ' 1- e - ' l ' t . ' ... ' ' ,V , ' ' • ; 1 0 4 1 . . ...W..% • • v0tt•t....••••4•• • . " - ' ' • • i:L' ' - . Z...... 4 -" s ` •A: , . • . ' flit • - ~ - , ‘..., -- . • ~,, % •-, •:: -*--• -. 0 , .11 a r lit ' ,1, ~ , rokl itat, ittvw..yiw , . 0:'4) • v•-,, ,r77.47T-%. . . _ . .• . `............. •'. ' N i , i o.it i ywkw..,44--,Tt. a 6 ^` , . Ami t iv h ttm.". ‘‘..# ettv • VOL. 194. - - XIIIO,ZIAZIA!IEQUIO . , pule BEADINIO Wink. TRUST VOSLIY Osoaxi sip Jura, 1867. o.lXeo Rea&lip insurance Building • N 0.19 North ilifth stress, B. B. trabrerr a Gbitrt street. k . i. . . Oftle,olioxiiittosn,B at. Lto a f. k . pup oils $ &Pringle Joliet. ernes Moßmiglit. Henry_ Z. Van Reeds glob Mailer. ' J. T..likeitson,' 1 . N.ltollt, • ' Jonas Bhalter„ , ,T. Valentine. k • lleirte Moser. ' This Company insurer all kinds of property ' against lose or deree4re by frost rates as jow as any other reliable Coen pany and upon every plan known - to Stook Insurance Companies. Perpetual Petioles issued requiting no renewal and u which the amount of premium paid can bo reela pon imtjat, any time, less a, deduction of Ave per (M t, 1310 advantages of this method uro worthy of the attention of farmers and others hay. bng fi rst-class dwelling houses, barns and other uildings, in town or country, as being the cheap est and safest. I , , 1 Poliolee for one, twp, three, five or more years, or for less than ore yeaf, issued wed no charge io kilts Tor Polley an t survey ohm r newed pr wh tt in surances are , t ransferred fro lother comp nids. The citizens of Beading vicinity . hitherto 4, dependent, mainly 'upon foalga Companies, have pow the privilege of effecting their insurances in a home institution, well organized, with an adequate paid in and guaranteed capital, presenting its strong" a basis °tomtit). as that of any other com-• Pans.. The advantage of doing business directly. with the Company and theimportnnee pf keepin some portion of the largo stuns paid forinsuranetc, in circulation at home will be appreciated by al . J. PRINOLPI MIMS, President. \ JAMES MoKNIGHT, Vice President S. H. Moon, kW? and Treas. • Ciunelo-tf _. S IClllOOlt HOOKS I • SCHOOL BOOKS 11 Just readied at the HAI= BOOKSTialtg, a full lino of books in use in the Public Schools in this city, which mill be sold et the very lowest ' prices. It would be to tadvantage of' such who' nro in want of books to c ertain our prices before' purchasing elsewhere. 43 have I SWoodbury'e m ow tithe% with flerman,B b/esquire; Course,lir l e i nelr e ' • ' ' Bonnicastle's Mensuration, ' 0 I Btddrd: k t t m°sl' . )Parfor: iisop}4 ( P V ' Bullion's Grammer, \ Ray's Algebra, K , N 4 • Cutter's Anatomy, -- si r Goodrich's U. S. History, ILA tireenlears Arithmetic, • 'renney's Geology, • ' • Davis' Logondor. - S Thomas' Etymology. A. • Dlottollnarles, Pons and .13Ponboldon. Slat* and /181ato Poona. - • SponoorinplJ: r ipy Books, 1.41 Anthon irgli. Bullion'ak mar. _ ElVoodbury'aElomenttry UormanitoadorE Eloplool Cu t Cask a, Parker & Watson's Box os of Bohoollßooks, Pr , • , prlttendon's Bookkeeping, with setts of Blank-. PENN OPRBET. Pennooli's IlistorY:of England,loteeee, and Romo, READING. Mitehel's Intermediate and Primary Geographies. NEAP IifIAT KOHL ~ ,• Tarnillo une>rs . Igned has iopened a new and him& setae eat Market cons i sting of Fresh 000, le, El oulders, ;Dried Zeof, Bologansm, Beet Tongues, &o, . PETER N. BOYER, k No. 628 Penn Street. aplftt V ISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, 46e.1 of all kladeonay lad had at tho EAor,E Eloo4otYPes furnished if dosirod. All cards will bo done in tho most beautiful mau noriand at the lowest rates. Apply at the Eagle Bookstore. MRS. J. V. DIEHL, • • Ms removed to 4 1 10. 15 North Stith Street., ibere eht. wilt Iteeo) full line of Trimmings, thepost reliabilPatterne for Ladlop and Oitildron'e lotting. Particula attention paid, to Cloak-mak. ink, °od work pa d perfect fits warranted. GREAT .FURNITURE'DPOT. , SCHR(EDER & FELIX ~ 1 Warerooni,' corner Fifth and :Washington streets. • . ~. 1 : - MANUFAMMY. WASHINGTO,N ; STREET BELOW ,PIFTR: , ..' 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TIRE UNDERSIGNED RESITTFULLY IN- I Ate publio attention , to their plondid stook of t 1 rat-olluts furniture now and eo stoutly on hen& and made to Order to suit customers. , Among other , artloles, especial attention is 'in vited to their unsurplissed , 0.. .. EXTENSION TABLES, . . • .. `; DRESSING BUREAUS, ' - • ' DINING ROOM CHAIRS, • OEN E AND OTHER TABLES, BEDSTEAD OF THE LATEST STYLES,' 1 ., ) . and every, othir einem in theirline of business. Every article is manufacturedby themselves, in their admirably arranged manufactory, with the most perfeot ; ninehinery, and skillful mcchanlos, and finished in an unsurpassed manners • : Also prepared to execute nil orders tor cAnvintl i •TURNING, • . ' • SAWING, and • MOULDINGS. , All orders promptly executed, and warranted to givettitisfitotien. „ . , "I); 104. M' MONEY WANTIED. - biONE'i 'WANTED! ' . RI THE OITY OF READING. Thenndereigned Committee on Finanee of the_ Corporation of the bill? of Rending, having been authorised to borrow \ the euni of SHVENTYTIVE . THOUSAND .DOLLS. for the purpose. of ergarging tho Water• Works of the said eity;heteby give notice that thy aro pre pared to iasue Oertiticatep of Igen, bearing 4: per cent. interest; to parties desiring to loan money to thieity. Ajoldy to either of flyiof e lersigned. or to .1Y Dthim H # eidenreich Esv laUttr. AH Oity_ D .LAUER, DANIEL MILLER, ' • DANIEL SPOIIN. Ootamikte,e on Binnut soli/OR THAI GOOD THAT LACKS AIDMITANOIII FOR oniii WDOIO 'THAT NsNOM irtic(ozwpAxi*. •► • , TRANCE AND INDUIS ?AL $15000.00. READING, PA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 10, 'lBO, 4 , i, •' n;soka,LArizoos. rURNIBHrNO UNDERTAKER, No. 'S26 '326 Penn Street. =I • ' ILL kinds of otting Aunighed at short 4 notteo AEnnorats attended in town or,country. Entiro attpntiorloyon to Op business. I , ryng 22-1 w I -a ' , E. B..llllLLER,ititt, MOTZER & HOKE'S • (Formerly A. noel; ipuohre). 14` _lt E E CO E SALOON, UNDER TUB POST OFI.ICE, , RgADINO,,PA. Hl A o V , lN u a m p e o r ulgt o t out Mr.i t i ) .. m( J , 1 4; I t l i o lo ok i t t i n ur e l r i e l l 's g n Sa ,t i announce tht they will continuo thobusiness uh dor tho nbovDfirm, and provide 11,11.th.0 varieties pf entertalmnetd for tyhielt this vino° is celebrated, els; • . • Free 04eert Every Evening AND WNW! EVERY MORNING. Soliciting a continuation of•tho patronago of nn aPPreolating public, thoy aro Vory Rospeotfully, d. li• Meteor, Daniel Hoke, n4•lmo. Good News for Old Berks. • A LARGE STOCK (F • I , 3i :31 X Jek. 41.1 AND CABINET ORGANS, . , FOR SALE ON INSTALMENTS, - • AT E, :A„ BERG'S' PIANO , WAAEROOMS, No. 403 Penn Street. _ Great inducements offered to Lodges aid Assooiattons. • Also a few good second-hand Pianos for sale cheap. . Aeircall soon. E. A..IIERG, No: 403 rClql Sired. jPgir RED i r,OVALI REMOVAL!! BARTO'S LA9IJOR: STORE, Iles G removed from the Koystono Building to the na nd elegant storo, , • N0..43.7 PENN :STREET, • Whore customers will firtivery large stock of the best 4nd purest WINES, BRANDIES,' WHISKIES,' ko., ever offered to the public of Reading. All th proof of tho above soli c it required is trial. A share of patronage ised. TOBIAS BARTO: 00A011 MAKING 1 . COACH REPAIRING ! C. H. HESSLER, • • Sixth St., i breen Washington (f: Walnut, Respectfully announces that ho is prepared to' o all work in is line with despatch. The .experi sue of mailman will be used for tho beneiltql his patrons. Thd terms will be the best that o be given by anyractory in tho oily. COACH ItEPAIRINGt Coach repairing roll every kind, as ell as SMITH worm, attended to at short notice. itmaltf 0. IL HESSLER IRON RAILING WORKS. LEWIS NEUDOERFFER, Court Alley, blow Fifth Street, „(In. the rear of the Farmers' /rational Bank) T Ail NOW PREPARED TO ATTEND TO 41,L my friends and thq community in general. ails I PIVintitiAIXLCICE6, 4 h illta° ll . l lnisA I n ats DELLS. NO LOviai t ice. All repairing attended to at e shdrtest not e. Charm mod erate. . LEWIS pEppCkERNIER sip 25-tf. CEMETERY LINE ! -THE LINE OF CARRIAGES FOR THE CEMETERY Will leave !Fifth street nrul .Cherry alley every bout of the day, commencing at -ebb o'clock, until further orders. TILOS. uopu a Duo: ant-tf - • (FsoffTfin LT00:01 VItiDWATOR.I YllO WOOLY•ROAl)-A PAR UT 8. R. II Of all tho fsitlous men rye seen. Existing now. pr lone sinco doid, rnover knew of ono'so moan As him wo call a'SWYooly•lioad ;" The draft evading Wooly-hea4 I e bounty jumping Wooly-head. Tho growling, pandoring, Scolding. elandoring. . • %riotous, sneaking Wooly-head. From him the decen'eles of life. And ull its courtesies have fled ; Ile loves miscegenation strife 4— • A pesky, stinking Wooly-head, A negro loving Wooly-head, A wench embracing Wool , head, A heart:against his country steeled ; An unanointed, unannealed, ' • Dough-faced. cringing Wooly-heitd. I ' \ , " (bid for.tho Bondholder," Weary.. But no b for thosoinho fought and tiled ' t tO To save ti p Unio lot Untan die, ' , I i p ',' Cries il l ' s ungrateful Wooly-bea ; • ' ; ' Tho Union Loworing Wooly-head s , , to Carpet-bagger Wooly-Ilead; Tho ech o ing, tying,— Coward, flying, ( • Mean mulatto Wooly-Lend. ,' The coward sneak who oft . desired, His neighbor's-4,- brother'i—blood to shed, In prisons damptiavo them confined, Because thoy had no Wooly-head ; The patriot hooting Wooly-hottd, The brother shooting Wooly-head, Tho ale() seeking, . • Service snaking.' • ' Vongenneo wreaking Wolly-head; When widows mourn their lonely lot, And soldiers' orphans cry for bread, ' • lio pays thowirconbado—does he not? Not gold, for those wbo fought and bled ; The bond-creating Wooly-head, The witiori-hating Wooly-head, ' The goldtimiring,' . . . . False, eon Wring; . Nog 'o-marrying Woolylheaa. Nor 3orasn's grief, nor orphan's teatti, - Nor even; a Nation's honored dead, Are saered !Nom tho Jibes and jeers Of tho Bond-holdor's WOoly-head Tho negro Prating Wooly-head, The wench elating Woolyihead. — Thabond-oreating. Freedoni-hating, Reiludiatifig «'ooly lead, Johnstown, August 25th, 138. TU (IMRE or PiMVOS. T i o piano should be closed when pot in use,j in order to'prevent the collection of dust; etc., On the sound•board, and also to preserve the strings and " actic•n frohs the ill effects of sudden - change of temperature.. Nothing can injure a piano so much as ex trome heat, ,whether arising from a bright fire in front of it, or, 'what is. worse, the hot air in the furnaces in such general use. Care should be taken to prevent moisture of any kind getting betw g eon tho kfya, parpoularly when cleaning them, as it will cause them to stick. Moths aro destructivo to pianos and should be kept out of them by placing a lump of camphor, wrapped in paper to pre vent evaporation, in the inside 'corner. Any hard substance pliteed inpon a piano will cause ajarring noise, anil if the -top'part is unprotected by a cloth cover, that also will often rattle. Young 'pianists Would injure the - piano less if they would refrain from striking .the kepi with such force ; alittle touch,with a judicious use of the lOud pedal, will yield a l tar, ,better and equally as full ,a tone as if they exerted all the force at their command. 7 • Few are aware of the benefit to be deriv ed from having their pianos regularly •tuned and kept in order : every new ,piano should be tuned at least once a month, and none should bo allowed to remain untuned over three. When a piano is half a note' below concert pitch, and it is required to be drawn p, it should ho twice tuned, the second tun. ing about a month after the first, or it will not stand well in tune. • 1 41. Fooman.CUSTO3L—A Boston pope , has a sonaiblo art v iclo against the system in Voila() of young amen; paying for each other on all occasions of *moments or in restaurants. Tt does not refer, of course, to special „ and direct invitations to accept hospitality. In Europe, on all occasions, it iS as- much a matter of,prido for a gentleman to - pay;for himself as it is when ho buys A:now cos' or a pair of boots. Ono, gentleman no more thinks ofitiying for Another :than :to 'would think ofiiving hun a piece •of money or buying him a pair of gloves. It would be insulting to him. —lf we consider it a sign of hospitality to pay for a friend ; when we happen to Accompany him to a theatre or to a bar, why 401 , 10 not consider it equally a sign of hospitality toinoist on paying for his hat when we enter, ,a store with linn? In Europe your friend buys tickets for both is a matter of convenience, and tells yon the price of yourlicket as ho hands 'it to you, and you return him thOmoney. In America you. request a friend to buy you a pair of gloves, or an umbrella, or a necktie, while he is in the street. He does - not hesitate to tell yo u it s price, and to accept.the Motley. It would be indeliCato:fer him not to do so. If, liowevcr i , you go yo -a .thkitro together, he hurries on before you, buys two tickets, and is insulted if - :you. offer to pay your share. 'to do ouch a thing in Europe would b e as indelicate as it -iwould have been for hint' to have declined payment ifor the gloves. . • , 41•14. hini v 9014°41... An ola. bachelor 64 , 8 Wet. is a , eociai c.O4tilvanec deoigne'd for the creation of papperi.„ . Does in cities aro qot merely useless but in numy 'cases absolute nuisances, awl iq sonny cases positively dangerous. 11 , remarkable fact,,that the large Majority of the oysters of canines l • ate of the llutzdrlei O we* Having mission to visit 'the family of an indisstrioq3 workingman t day Or two since, who it know ilways fi nds it difficult to: snake .ends meet,' ere Wore hooted at our'etitratteo • to his hut4lo home the barking and growling of no 1034 than fivo fierce-looking cure. slifteralseurlugc our eelve3 ;lot Iva well safe from forth otnenatrations ; we vcutured to . iseked dig good Wonsan.. why so many dogs 'wore kept , "I don't know," was the laughing ropy ; as she 'friendly patted the head of ono of, the most ' wisp, of the 'pug. In answer to our inquiry whether it did ~uot,, , cost con, siderablo to feed them : lolndood it Aloes,'" was 'the reply. "Every r. 04 'of them dogs eats 4, much as a fivo Step this thero was no doubt, end yet this- :hard , : working couple, who found it diffictila proridp for the Incas of themselves and, their three children; wore daily , feeding to them, worse than worttles s brutes nearly much us would have sufficed for the'• woutit of the entire household beside. —P/dhs. Rim) sling Star. , . ODY. ...) irs Omuta on Apts.—An aniusiQg colloquy; came off at a supper table.okl board of one, of the .Mississippi boats, between rin cr.! "qiiiiite; reeking ivitti hair oil. ; and cologrie, whp was. cursing the waiters, assuming very", consequential Jonathan: seated by his, side, dressed in lianiespiin., Turning to vulgar ,Mond, the former, pointed with his long jewelled linger, rital said t . "Buttoh, soh." , seo it" is, cooly-replied 4onatiuf.r , "l3uttah, sah, I 'say!"';* tiercoii tit* dandy., "I kOo‘v, it, very goo4o first.. rate arti• do," "Iluttah, I tell You 1" thundCred the (lan:, dy, in still louder tones, pointing WithYsloi,' unmoving finger, and scowling upon . ( *lits' neighbor as if Would annihilate him; "Well, gosh all Jernsalem,•what. or , it r•. 4. now yellod the down easter, :getting his, dandcir up In turn. "You didn't think I. took it for lard, Aid you ?" • ; 'Sav n IM Itrout y9ung fellow in a eountryotei;),6 who thought very highly of himself, had been paying his 'addroses to a pretty who, omong other attractions, p'ofeaned q luxuriant' groWth rati The young lady.gave ' , the mitten.", Ono ovtning after this, thinking hie time to get ovep had arrived, ho stationed himself in the 41810 near the 'chapel, door, and inking the • young lady coming, throw up his hinds pro. tending fright, and 'exclaimed : "Arend aside boys i orion will tako fire'! Hero C0L1:43 J—" . naming the lady. She walked' 'Very leisurely Ix) whore the young man ryas stand ing, stopped and looked him ift• the face t . saying:' You need - not be alarmed, lir. you are entirely too green to burn." The, roar of I aughtor, that greeted tho young man's ears was more than ho eould 'relish, and he : bear a hastlietreat. " ' i arn . .*= : —A young' coulitoolOpedliout a'iloPg lll "csring eoint,lfttebr, .and.wboUar..#, safe distance from hems were married. Soon : i after On 'officer wag bent in pireuit,'•undiatl living,l4, the' hotel Iyhern they voi ‘ eatepiiitig t. thediiltalieat4e4Ocit riiPpaitindfuAd' #6lll Pug in bed, Ile,explained his ertitik veheletbe young lady.' said,' with .4firirigly : laugh : 'roll Malt is too late,---iVe i ve 'bed married oome.tinse,• and have been be half an hour. To Iho 1. ho- •o - - - 7.l,den f t‘ you get out of bed , for hinvl"L-4reenibure ; Dem. • To Dmany Caaws. earn 14;tugge,.--Tifl4e One doen han's eggs and, break a smith bolo in eitheiond o `and With a s i inali Mick inititt small quantity pcstprebnine f '#42tAn p,149 theni"ehout fhe earn ro, and you will byre a dozeti or more dead crown in or inani4 The` same remedy Will wetly' for skunk* plaely the eggs in the bOjp. 00 : to lay it wtereanything Ose will, take it. 1 1.L4tmr,entoirs,-4Lingi Chipmeyttft4a crack triimbOing - fastened. (#1 too The aciim Pt applied while the' cl4aißaii fa , cold, and (Aim ao tightly to prevent the glass moKiag. at '44 Of coarse, *hani?the chiwn ,PY,?,r4104004). 1 . 0 ,0 4 2J4 1 r.9l)fil 'to, expand and consequently they must - crack.' AlwaYi Bee that the glass, qlecuro f .and,at the same time znevee ea4lj 43.31/03/0/doro,' Fop nuitrg:- The; be 4 remedy`, ; for burlt~, in uni'stagc;iB:l4tiii,n4 aOlition of Epsom salts In Wald.. „PIO aPPlikatiOn condo' relieves - . the *pain, tequi 4alms f t ke& places with wonderful rapidity;' "Um kr• aonaloxperienco'furnishei Oei9fatlnttonces of remarlial;l4eurei rpm 1.1:!'1,..:!:`,4141 4 4ti0l Qf th!ti .i . „. baby elephant, whieltii* gallatin; Tenn.; the other flspelyod hillts t * into otaalqeii, 4 ,looo4 liffAtie)rivi l trkiglkojea irt,OpieetaNisikultOti afterlirtu*iMPO4* sugar boyfl,'eratistePtitki,49:fite:Mittenia ) Anl APAlli - fielibti-bie.vealk,deyonring a peaphglllsl4,u4 theAltunlter, . . . , 'PvNiii ' • ' ' n- . '` ' 7:— ' . ' ' • • neatilliiii;gig Arne. 1 ter Afc haidirate.iikeittori 7 11 '6l remit - arlinut k liatimott. rt Pf . . . -.- • • , Tun awn narj In OUTS PER ~, .i - • • 6:141p.m: t o kmAlkl . _lit N Walt, c, V4kittle, LO a Ok. r ._ J e t*st. P 1 6 464 4 14 4 t ' 01.04 T, it:10 p. to o ra earn .......6A pit b„,,„ ,d1.,,,v,10.-.....-_, *NIVN Its a lA% Witm a to. omit 4;6.6; ' Pi to t ti i i r , 7 \ L, i , ~ - 4,,' , - •, '' --, i tot ArOtir ',. • II:h r e 1 :1011:11== '4 6 " stml o „4l L a n., Anci6 .$ ° I ; ' lo . 04 . 1 4iRrqii4c 4 rY1V 10 It gy m. or "- ' - •', ~ " • ' 4 : 2 1?,, P.l ll . -.4 is 'and,piaallgtray WSW OM i Agri ha naiv lout al tco. thuu I. ca. 'Mai. am. *IQ von. ' • ' • - MM kgaig & Qolimihk4Wlroad, , • ' , ''' ON, AND Apttg--... A, O ND 4 4 —r I , -. 4r VIST II I. , 1,;, 180 8 . Pupiefipt, tiktAit'llt itaXt glit4l 5 4013 # ,as , ~: ; l _ , - ,, ,1 , f0 o itst:, ~: •1 ' • . Lef."o itetaitilt:o - •. ' ' 710 VI Attir" !titt 'it' '.. - ' ' '4 ' • ' ' 'il m p :. ? : It 11, utai ~ ., , itsaivarl%,'..-- Ltpo I.4l , aatlar sA a atebit . , at 800 8 o A. 1. ArTivo at Roe - 10 20 i, I. ' ft 0' l'i SUNDAY TAXlfifilt - . bome Rotupsiy4 ' .-, ~ , ° LA' t , - • . 1 , ( ik ri J Arty° att ncatt4ftiatriator ilt.,: , : o94 iikt i , • 9 4 Mann er,l4 14 ' aim • ' l ioatti Ira 015104 t it k I '7 , '' tit ..,, lig . • tg ail n/PlP t4 .', . ' .7* . I. '' fg q: Aroyelo . altqt, ,.., ,-! t ) ,l • 14. Bt LI w i Vas siiad t a l a i c i i tti n io e nti a til , Z i 41 '3 'vtelLti tittriffil% '• -e" °ro ts i y r To t irl , ..— ' • 4 I Or4r 4 N ., .lootba to partl4 to Mt F a aj 1 11att a t a ''‘itt a otttt t eltieriltitYtla: olpal statlOns on' ta, , row ! --iood for Baruity 2 mina 6 11464 pill bia ' Olititiniliti' alt tho 0 ti` I' Om r IA •'s4' Now J'oniey QoattalitatltOA tat -$. O - I, it . /1 i. Now York, ana t.: l%llp ilk,4 net i int! nu Fon , t t C‘r lihlo al u i ,. V, l l`l l Okt_ t ri 'to fyr Ii a. Phtlaloi ph ka i Sow ni it t ivtho '4llno I'. Rork and , 'mallow° i ()hooked Through. . ', .• • • Trains arQ ratIPY .1:6. ill(kkerAlticr, wl . loh Is 10 r1314M99! D'..+41c4111,011044V,113/4/t.) , . . , c . 4' - ••_ • ~•-.if ..,.:. ....--,,, - , . • Ogpafigto4dula t. v R. P. Kignv KR, a (*I I*,;:arki . ! Tkoket Agt, Mly , • . East , P ennsyl v an i a : . Railroad' dtildlitlit mtjlisinthie; tOtlldliNOlNti A.Tiffedntedi.y, may wig, I .- .T , Bx;gßAltrA s p /7 41 ( )YFF it ' ) • 0 A lt I , ~, On. and p a, Wean, at ,ofsl n t 48119/ two :Poepnger Intrlll leave 00101 aijy, (oaoppt TinaaYS,) Or Al entOWn an way Ot t e ona, at 10.3 ) A. Bi t and 4.24 , fd.,itotallat n lt the way eta tone between f Rtadtni aria ow York, nuking alio °eig:rani or ail . uhuntr anti Hilt adelphi via; idlik'' , tielty, Bran d arrive at Now Xo rk at .. apt i 3.) A., .i.• • Fo r (4) 1 , 1 ..,,n ~..e will tanvo fleatt as dal 4 , , °soot nu 47), for '• New; )(kirk 'WI t e'Nos I 00114 stns . ht 4,44 atill 7.tX) A L M. .An Z(Oand /1.40,k, Al. . . Whose rains r un th rough from: Vittiburgh to Now Yot t wlthotitobarigo of eats.. , Stotiolnit only Lyons,Allentormaz liethlehom. Easton. 11 am ll mertimix!oatmrtnantlitilAriieraati a i l litTigliiii;etlr, anti , 12.00 14,, 7....) • • he 4.44 i t 1: tram wl,ll not. litoo , Rending on ,Dfouliaye4 he 4.08,A. ei, awl ,11.40 .rou. 3 n o w , lua'datit andayilnoludod. I • l '! ' . L Trains, hate 'ROW - TalkifOot qt • IsMistii Allot a milY,_ (oxotvt sunaoya) at v.OO ; A. N g 14 noon, a, 8 and 8.90 1 1 , M. and arriVe at , Re ytt i At 1.60,p 6.00 ard i r.lo J. Bt and at 1.00 ruld 2 . . , I' e B.OOP. . train from New o,r .0.60110 F, Rep ayajael ed. ... - , • '. 4 21/ : • • . 7§ A Btaplar ionritill'rain wiit teaio Itonillng every nunday at BA. ~ ItOpPint at all .atatianN stal intirnedtate po nti. lArtive a ANntopin, i ot 10A . Returnialy leave Aildiftown 'at 4.00 . P. L. hi. rrlve at Readin . cat OP. Ily . 4'l:mangers are toquoavea to puronaie tlokota be fore onterfor the oate,'-•aa VI °ems ()era will ho charged and collected on the .train from all who Pay the fare to the Conductor, . June 23-tf • 0. o'lo=l, Eng. and Supt. Philadelphia: 8; Reading Railroad, . (noyis o d.). 1 • Rkinit4i, - Ati.nuirr Giu . lBBB. 'SUMMER, ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS, August 3 1888, Five Trains dowu to Philadelphia,' peeling Rea d - . lay nt 780; 1035 , and:ll 80 a. ati - asid 4 .C...) and 0 3,) . P• m• ' - " . . OP to Pottsville, at 10 40 a, in., and 560 and 800 .P.. Ms., - pvtint Wed fo fxbanon and ifirrAintrat ... l o r Vxprotto from Now York at 110.p 4 An; an 1 ml4l'loloo, ni. - - . - arr sbury Aooomniodation Train at 715 a:'m, anil Rail. train, at 10 4f a . m. pact 005 P,rn. h riundayftitb down' trains, pus . meadl6g nt 9.40 a. %and 42 2 p. WI and ,up teaiag at ow a, .m,Jutd 5 87 p. ni, - The'42s m: down, aid ID 50 a. m. up trains run only botween Philadelphia and Beading, - ' •Up trains leave Philadelphia for Readiny, Her= Asbury and /?_44ttaville, al 7,80 and o t ls a. in„ 12 45 1100nt 44nd Il 30 p. in. and . s 15' p. na,, for, Reading ,emy, The II 15 a. as. train!! conned , Ifitharainefor L antglik Williamsport. Elmira, Bulfale, Niagara Tr , no 111 4 a. In; a i r a 30 p, rn. ti t g tralrui l'rom,Ph 11. . adeipbia, Ind 10 a; m. and 4 . P. m, dOwn train, /to only at.prlno pal Mario% e ic wiows..„ 0.. eadig.Aocomniodatoo, its lapis gauping 'at- OD W. - nt.l - r;tarning tearer ,b adelohla at• 0 118 0)14 Wottatosie ecomModailon Tin jeilY4l twi totwn at 6 45a to„ - returning 'leaves Philadelph ia . 414 8° t# m . ' e astern Expiess•Trainielneot at Ifirrbt- . V? „,„, etprese judos' on the Anniarlyania R. 11' cir Baltimore, Pittsburgh,. an ali points west, . n the 1945tua1l train oonneote at ,flarrtuts for ' ittsburyh ancluiteribambertiwity„ uneurY, ritntttn, 'P I.oto p, )Y keebarte,' Will nuiport, - it liaren.Elmirstin the Caniideitti l - 4 '“'. i : ' I k e •, . monger Trgiirudepro Upor poo Olt 7pp rn, and 615 p, in., for Ephrata, Bitis. .bancait 4t Sad °43 ). i g i ol li tif ' Fitit-Olait OlUiOit:tiltitiilly s lgii: MMUS - sioltotit at redr ed area td` ie pr !pal points In the Nrth, Yetaodkerliu.!4 OUMM,UT TION Q E • - .Witii 26 oOtkwile,rer ear& 41 int ; between ahy toltits deelro . • • f- S ' ' ' MI RAGR Troxspr e , gglitizAgiv itt ozr.opoyiy.o#,l24o,for 7 - 4: - .... , •BRANON nusErs t a Good for the bolder only, for 6, 0 &Id 10moothe, ' between all pobts 72 14 k ....i....... .0... At onelbird I ttl 4 11, •Ar r . 'RI . 1 ' bv, tem :Train's west at .ei • • - Toi l o trainsatlhe zowee4 4 $ 0 . $ erks4,• i.,...; ..,-..; ay . :: f.-:1 -kit .1' ;4 • - Vaititiji e gitlVOWEntittii rt r rniti r rill f trilltr ioll ' ' 0 f O4I IA* II7 i . ..sled ost Tickets se . o d foro,4arAy22: _O6 ii.ni er. . Anommpdatiso Twill 0, pl . pkploomvg return, at 65 with: :" ' • ••.4 .. ,.. , •;/ ~ , , •*., t • -, ..! • , 41,./4: MOLLS Gael. Sup't filingt — 1 • _ ; A • {-,••• •'; C . 141 1 0A1111111 1 dc, ! • f i e 1 04 4 44 ,0 1 1 1 1011 4N - 4 01 a 0a ; <=l. • inAla4;Piniltil ' ilfroliatet b9 t itiet,-;) , : oteUeehbsp.atthe~X( =