Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 09, 1868, Image 3

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TOE- - 15 - Al. -Y'EAGLK
PA., • SEPTE4DEIV . ,- 9, 1808.
EDITION•• 4111; 141 P. BC
1):1,,-,-Gra7, meet Fourth, No. 1.
White, moot Fburth,
Green, meet Fifth, 74, No.l. . •
Inge moot, Seventh, 74, No. 2. .
' Black meet Fourth, No. 7. ,
Brown, meet Sixth, 71, No, L
r Hell, meet kourth, 71, No. 2.
Purple, meet Sixth, 7i, No. 2.
sort. 7-Gt.
TIIE MAN 40tami Lodge
et the Order of Harugari is now holding its see
tions in this city: Much business of Importance Is
before it.—The &Igo alarm of fire last
brought out a greater portion of the fire depart
tont. There was some lively raping done In Penn
cluare.-16, Henry Crown) Is' erecting four
m ug little dwelling houses on Sixth street, atitire
airwoman. Tho bricklayers me now busy hyipi t
u p the Walls for the first storv. He expectsto have
them ready fdr tentty the first of December next,
--Men, women nod children should keep from
the streets when there is an alarm of fire. and thus
oohed) , Is likely to ho run over, We notice
among tho hotel arrivals that 'thoto ate quite a
number of lon from tho West..-,------Painters aro
bufiYhall over the city making things look gay and
handseme.--I•Muggins thinks it would be more'
r . loen i en t t o stand by alias stone than by a fipg.
.---Leta of people laying in winter coal-wisp I
Lyle Monument, in Philadelphia, will b 6
t it ohed by tho' 27th of November, When it is pro
lend to have a grand display of the fire depart
ment. A number of our firemen intend being pro
rent.—Women have a gift for shopping; men
tmeen't. Itosult-a compromise, by whibh the lat
ter pay the bills of the former •for being let off.
Saturday next, the 12th 'lnd" the Amity
"vlllo Sunday Sehtiol will hold noolebration, on n
beautiful island in Manatarrni creek, on which oc
casion they will bet Joined .by the . Weavertown
School.—Mrs. Hannah Hummel died in_Bouth
Coventry township, Chester tobniy, last week, ati
the advanced ago of 92 ioars.—eThe Disnarch
spells caterpillars with two,"t's." Must be largo
e aterpillars--All the Most 'school books can
belted at the Eantat bookstore-including spoiling
books.—llead the noir advertisements in the
don't look welt for nn editor to con
demn fruit thieves ip his paper, end yet comelionto
with his pockets full of "confiscated" apples.—
Penned up &tokens will not come home to roost.
—Butter sells in Philadelphia at 40 ,tits. per
• potind.—Business is looking up. The money
making go ahead dealers have commenced to ad
ertiso,—&A lady in Reading has mad() a silk
bedqulit which contains 7040 Pieces and dearly a
million stitches. It will bo at the Berke 'County'
Fair.-Potterotea Ledoer.---L-Tho
Oloy, and 011bertstown Sunday School Willhohl
their annual Celebration in Christian Stauffer's
woods, near Boyersto o Wn, Berke county, on Satur
day next, the 12th I at. Music by the Kowtow)
Cornet Band of Boyerstown.--:--Some team &iv.
era appear to think Perin street is a race course. It i
may bo pleasant for the drivers, but it is dangerous
for foot-passongors.—A general dullness pre
vails in police circles. Thorn is little or nothing to
chronicle. Beyond' nn occasional arrest, or some
"ferion hope" of humanity who seeks a night's
.lodging, the dicers of the law enjoy a I season of
"masterly Inaetivity."---rThe Swedent Furnaces,
looatod on the lino of the Beading Railroad, two
miles below Norristown, are offered for sale.--1
Several "ugly" openings on the sidewalk in Penn
street, Initvreon 7th and Bth. Pedestrians will no
tice.—Whllanisport boasts of tho handsomOst,l
boldest, bravest, amlmost polite policeman in the
State, Muoh Seidl—lt is ofton easier to mat
low'a fish story than a fish.—fitareh Is atiexcel
lent thing; but it Is much bettor in garments than
in peoplo.----The winter ihshions not .only
ban% come in, but nobody seems to know what
they aro to bo. Dressmakors look wise. and givo
equivocal answers; while milliners "can't. say fOr
certain" whether ilonnets will be se in reality or
' only in name. Whether' skirts ' aro to ho full or
gored, nolatitlY seems to know,—.-., The Crystal'
Seidel Club Will give thole annual fanny dress par-.
ty on Thursday,' Oct. Ist.—Tho• 'dry good stores
on Penn street make a beautiful display of fall
"goods.—Dr.atooyero Celebrated Bitters can be
had at the HAMA bookstore, Tough stories of
course nro hard t',o chow and 'digest.-----Mr. Ifen
ry Crouse is about to erect a Mothedist Chapel in
P.M' above inlistrool.—Thei foundations of the
buildings of Johnston & Shnabor, in Bth street be
low Chestnut, have boon commenced.--The
plastering on the otltsldo of Odd Follows Hall is
falling off, which gives the hall a dilapidated np
pearance.—Tho handsome now building-of J ;
R. Rittor, 717 Penn soreet l . is rocolving the finishing
toiteh.—We saws a woman comp down Fifth
street last ovoning, who evidently had Bathed too
freely in the "oratur."—Many a man thinks it
is virtue that keeps him from turning rascal,
when it is a full stomach. One should be oaroful
not to mietako .potatoes for. prinelples..,Tho
pie-nlo season is neatly over, and those of our citi
zens who have not yet enjoyed the pleisitro or a
day in the woods, will hayo to ho about It retty
rotm, -- -- , 001141010 mid watermelons n
ho among tho things that are out of da
• During election times persons become more i or
loss uneasy.ap the time draws nigh.-' To avohl a
great deal of this, got ono of Meli,night's chsy
chairs. Storo-34 And Penn.
Tim dry goods storo windows along our
business streets aro .a ready displaying the
frill and winter styles of ladies dress nutter'.
als, Almost without exception they aro very
unsightly. It seems that dresses of heavy,
rough-looking stifff, of mottled colors are to
be the mode. 'Why must fashions for to fair
sex invariably bo unattraetimand mitre?
Sr;.ENDW PEAMIBIIII7. - IVO have been
shown a most splendid specimen of_penman
she, executed by ; Mr. Win. Cii.Nkn Nelda, of
this city. It is en officers' roll of the Never
sink Fre'Company,most beautifully lettered
mid shadockallboing done with the pen. It
is a highly creditable production, and is .
much prized by the gallant "fire laddies"'of
thalloveraltik. •
VILLAINOUL—Lust (welling some evil dis
posed person drew a coupling bolt from a
freight train bound West on the Pennsylva
nia - Railroad, at this place,' severing about
thirty cars from thq engine. Tho detachment
was not diaeoveredontil the engine reached
Chickies, when it is customary, bn Oe curve
at that place, to look for the signal;:light. on
rear of train. The affair created, ionic delay
on trains. The villain, found out, should
receive the sevepest punishment, as the act
is of a criminal nature.—CoZitobta, spy, of
yesterday. • '
gAt3T DRlVlNG:"Vrillatil ECIC I IVIIG resides
in Spring Garden street,: in this city, some
thlco wecilts ago hired a eau °filmes from
SamnetTicto ,to: drive down to Threlsboro,to
it camp meetingi ' There wore Hi* persona in
14 carriage : ling they loft hero at 9 &dock
in the morning,tuld returned at 12 o'clock . at
night. Mr. Trete alleges that tho horses
were foundered find otherwise abused, rind
made complainneforo Alderman Itichhrds,
who placed a 'warrant in the hands ofionsta
ble Schwartz, and he arrested Eck yesterday
morning,and placed him in tho lock-4. HO
Caine up this morning bpfore the alderman and
gave bail in $BOO for his appearance at court.
THE Great,' the Grand, the Only reliable
remedy for Itheumatisiri, Neuralgia, Lum
bago Sprains and Bruises, Swelled Glands,
Stift' 'Joints, Sore Throats, and pain of any
sort and front anicause, Pa. Itus'sztahi
Magnetic Oil. 50 bts. and $1 00 per bottle.
&villain HOUBei Rinadlitg• Eiragii"M
D ,
, , •
tKOCRATB tif NiterAing, attend tho ' meet
ing of the Sixth Wind Club, at Rupp's Hotel,
Front and Penn streetl, this ' (Wed
nesday) evening. Popplar speakers all/ de.
liyer addresses.;.Come all I
fliney cake bakertind
eonfeetioner, corner Sixth and Franklin
streets, is tearing down his hake oven, lc
tending to erect anew and larger one. • His
increase inbitsiness • has cdmpelled him to
do thisl • •
, 'Oca able cotemporary; . • Y. Barclay,
Esq., of the Pottsville Standard, lionorld
I f
our sanctum with a visit yesterday. lie r • •
ports the Demo6racY. of Schuylkill us ful y
alive to the importance of the campaigu l a d
ready to roll upa heavy majority • for the
Democratic nominees. . ,
THE market . this morning was well stocked
with everything.. There never was a time
when there was such a groat demand for to
matoes, and other vegetables! . The people
prefertug to live, on vegetables. • Though
there i s such an abUndance of everythin ,
yet, ;l3 ices are far ahead a reasonable mar
Tng ancients proclaimell. that Mermaid 1,
Nymphs, Naiads,.and the Graces, had long
flowing,tress s which'made them envied by
their sisters of earth: 13utdhey arose out of
the sea foam or bathed in fountains reached
by no mortal hands, and .kept their locks of
dewy softness, dark ,and lustrous, and . thus
had no need,oElting's Vegetable Ambrosia,.
which is doing the same thing for thousands
peOplo'in our day. • opt 9.lnt
CORNER LOAF NO.l—Thi.B atlbjed has been
so often alluded to and the habit so frequent=
ly reprehended, with no apparent success,
that it seems almost unnecessary to bring it
aria before the, offenders. A largo number
NV 0 thus congregate do it unthinkingly, with
!no view of incommoding the public,'while
few seem to delight in putting passers-by to
, utconvenign6e. Not unfreinently ladies ere
"pubjeeted to ,indignity and insult by the 143
discreet. • Would it not be well for all to
,allstain Alm this practice and show an 'ex
ample to tho inconsiderate?
As 01,n' DRen.-8, Gross Fry. Esq., of
Philadelphia, has forwarded to , the Potts
town Ledger a rare curiosity from among the
'papers of his father, the late Hon. Jaeob
Fry, jr., ot the Trappe, Pa. .It is an old
deed given by William Penn to James Crav
en, and , dated 1682, in the reign of King
Charles 11. The deed calls for ono thousand
acres of land, for which the sum of £2O stet
ting was to be paid. The docunient,conaid
ering its age,lB6 years,is in excellent preser
vation,whilo the bold signature of the Quak
er founder of Knosylvanin is very legible.
MEnoiterrs and shippers of goods will bo
glad tolearn - that there is now a daily fast
freight lino botwoon Reading and Now York,
via the Morris and Essex railroad, which
leaves Reading at 4 p. w., and Now York at
8:20 in. Goods shipped for Now York at
Reading Freight House, before 8 o'clock p.
in., or for Reading at foot of Barclay street,
Now York, before 4 o'clock; p. will be
delivered at either point without reshipment.
This accommodation was much needed, and
we hope our business men will give it liberal
oneouragvnont, Captain 1. •J. Rauch l iof
this city, is the local agent':
FAREWELL TO FARMINO/—Among the unfit.
•vorablo signs.of the times. we see 'Wed the
growing disinclination of young rifon, alter
passing out of 'school; to go back to the la
bors of the farm. The professions am over
cro-vded, and so is the counting-house,while
the older settled rural districts are steadily
decreasing in population. The want of the
time is more recruits to tho ranks of the pro
duieing classes and a consequent• diminution
of the number engaged in the professional
and exchanging departments; Moro laborers
and fewer drones, more manliness and loss
pretension, affcctatidn and pride. '
The following 'mined organizations will hold
'their regular stated meetings this (WEDNES
DAY) evening :
Metemora Lodge No, 147, I. 0. of 0. F.,
at Oc:d Follows' Hall..
Continental Lodge,q. 0. of 0. F., at Tem
perance Halt.
Minnehaha Council No. 69, 0. U. A. M.,
at Salladies Hall.
Lady Jefferson. Home Communion, Broth
erhood Union Hall.
Maria Conclave No. 8, D. of M., 708 Penn
Sinking Spring Council No. 77, O. U. A.
M. at Sinking . Spring.
Order of Seven Wise Men, Yeager'sHA.
Concordia Chamber, No, 8, O. K. F.,
corner Fifth and Washiligtou.
Yam( Lodge A. Y. M., Hamburg.
POLICE AFFAIRS.—.-Officor Roland brought
to the lockup last evening, about 6 o'clock *
a makby th'e name of John Gallagher, in a
,"high state of 'benzine." His condition
woul&not allow him to remain , in the vicini
ty of the doiloti 'where ho was lounging and
creating a dtaturbance. Fined $3.25 and
John Seddon' was discovered by officer
Lawrence about 8 o'clock this morning,
bunking on a pusher engine in Seventh
street, between l'ranklin and Chestnut. -He
was aroused, and found to be "three sheets
in the wind," and unable to give an intelli
gible account of himself. Ho was conveyed
to other quarters—Fifth and Franklin. At
the hearing before the Mayor ho stated that
ho was a boatman and lived in Conshohocken,
that ho came to Reading during the night on
the engine in which ho waslound, and that
ho was on his way to Schuylkill. Haven for a
loaded boat. ' Ho, admitted. that; he was
' "drunk," but had not the least idea where
ho had got the "ale" which he said ho had
drunk. Fined.sB.2s and discharged.
The following correspondence will be of in
terest to those of. our citizens who aro en•
gaged in the manufacture of tobacco :
NEW YORK, August. 27, 1808. f
Sut :—Tho question having arisen whether
a manufacturer of, tobacco shall be obliged
to wait until the stamps are furnished petore
goods.can be moved from the factory, I would
respectfully task whether, on application, I
can stamp goods according to the provisions
of 010 014 lo t w, qr whether I must delay such
branding until new bonds are filed ?
Very respectfully, etc.,
Thirty-socond district, New York,
Hon. R. A. Rollins, Commissioner, etc.,
Washington;.o. C.
To this the following answer was received:
WminivaroN, August 29, 1868. '
SIR:--In your letter of the 27th instant
yoU inquirs,whether tobacco manufacturers
must wait until the stamps prov&led for in
the new law are furnished befo 'they can
remove their goods from the factory.
I reply that until the stamps are issued
manufactured tobacco and snuff will be in
spected and branded, ,and return will be made
and taxes paid as heretofore. ,
YoUrs,xespeetfully, • '
• ,
E. A. Boum,' Commissioner.
1' 'aiii4iNot
3 I'2 O'CLOCK 1)..
Sin lses ..6 42 i Sun sets .6 18
s'a length 12 hours 36 minutes.
Wind S. Wt=--Weather cloudy, drizzling.
OP 111E1010)1ETER.
7'A. M. 2 P. M.
69° 81 °
69° • 79 °
66° 80°
nster Jardella, who'will appear in tkil
great M burlesque of East Lynn, as Lady
. Aunteutrunat,.—The seventeenth c annual
exhibition cf the-Schuylkill County Agricul•
tural Society, will bo held at
,Otwtgsburg, on
the 6th, 7th, Bth and Oth of October
'Copt,.—The coal trade is reviving, and the
amount transported over tho several rail:
roads is rapidly increasing. The strike
inatters haire all been settled, !,,,and .the
ruiners aro at work.
NEARLY all, if not till, the railroads cul
turing et Lancaster, or connecting with those
that do, will issue excursion tickets to the
Grand Pared° of,American Mechanics on
Friday next, the tickets good from the 10th
to tho 12th both days inclusive.
STILT, AT Nyonx.r 7 The carpenters are 8611
busyu at work, constructing the .'ventilating
rbof on the machine shops of the KHOO
phia and . Reading' Railroad 'Company,'
Seventh street, extending from Franklin to
Chestnut a notice of which we gave in the
EAot.ti a few weeks ago.
Acetmerr.—This morning a little girl
nbotit 8 years old, while crossing ..IN (nth
Eighth stet, beyond Washington, vats run
over by a vehicle. Her left leg was se , / rely
'bruised by the horse treading on it., Dr.
Reeser was sent for, who nitended to the
little sufferer. • 1
• FILEDAJAINS, N. 1 ,3. corner Fifth and Penn
streets, has just received the largest lot of
fine, ripe, luscious Water-melons, 'ever
brought to Reading. Tho melon market
will soon be over, and now is the time to in•
vest in them. They are just in their prime,
but in a very short time they will be too ripe.
Try his melons, [sept. 0-It*
PICKLED CticunnEns.—To a gallon of
water add a guild of salt, put in the cuentu r
hers, and lot them stay over night. In the
morning wash them out of the brine, and
put them carefully into a stone jar. Boil a
gallon of vinegar, put in, while cold, quarter
of a pound of cloves and a tableSpoonful'of
alum t when it boils hard, skim it well and
turn over the cucumbers. In a week they
will lie fit for use,
ONII of the best kept,andmost patronized
Hotels in the city is the City Hotel, at the
corner of Sixth Street and Cherry alloy , —
Amos S. Early, proprietor. On extra oc•
easions Bev huAdred persons have sat
down at his table for dinner 4 And during
the last few nights his house has been so
much crowded that a number of persons
were required to "Wunk" on the floor, where
. was spread. Mr. Esterly has also
thmeputation of keeping pure liquors nt his
Rior.—A small riot occurred oil Monday
night, about 11 o'clock, in the vicinity of
Seventh and Penn streets. Some twenty
five or thirty persons were concerned in
Several persons received severe bruises and
contusions, ond had their "peepers" closed
for a day or two. The party visited Mack's
Anion Garden in Seventh street, where one
of them stabbed the lanlOrd's son, George
Mack, in the hand with 'a knife, xequiring
him to carry his hand in &plink The party
escaped before any arrests were made, Wo
learn that they were a set of Rads. Who had
assembled on purpose .to create a disturb
ance, and attack citizens who were quietly
passirig,along the street.
DR. VALENTINE, Practical Physician, from
Nye, who has been in Lebanon the .past
month, astonishing the people with his
wonderful cures, is at tho Keystone House.
The wonderfulness of his system of curing
consists in its natural and in many instances
instantaneous effectiveness to relieve and
cure diseases. All p,ersons who may wish
it will receive a careful examination, free of
charge, and in no case Swill they be urged
to receive tr atment unless there is reason
to suppose they will be benefited, or, if
possible, cu ed. The poor, or -those not
able to pay, are most cordially invited to
'call, without money andpvithout price. We
advise the sick and ailing to call on tho
Doctor immediately. sept. 8-2 t.
• NAtutow ESCAPE.—Miss Farnawalt,a young
woman who sells cakes, candies, &c., at the
Now Depot, upon the arrival of the trains,
made a narrow escape from death yes
terday noon, while on her way home.
She had left the depot and was coming
this way, when, a coal 'train came, along.
Same freight ears were standing on a side
track, uncoupled. She stationed herself be
tween two of them, resting her basket on
the platform of one, to await until the ap
proaching train had passed. While she was
standing there au engine backed up against
the freight cars and threw her to the ground
outside of the track. If she had fallen
across the track she would have lost her life,
or a limb. She. received . several severe
'PORT CLInoN, Sept. 8, 1868.
Editor Daily Eavde:-LDied last Sunday,
Sept. 6tb,a 'Small child of Wm. Num. Was
buried today.
Daniel, wens, an Irishman by birth, Ltas
brought home from the East P. R. It:, with
his foot cqt oft by a train. Is doing middling
well,. he'has awife and four or five children.
Thomas Boyer, formerly of this place, it
repored to his relatives in this town, was
killed o the railroad, near Bethlehem; Pa.,
last night. A severe stroke for his friends
and near•relatives.'
Rev. B. D. Zweizig, of your eity,preached
an appropriate sermon in this place, last
Sunday. It was listened to by many
who are l selderrt seen there. Collections
were also heavy for the occasion.
George H. M. Wagner, advertises public
sale on the 15th inst., with the view of my
it% tck the far west. We all hope and wish
lam great success.
- Yonr servauP,
A.. P. B.
-,.. 0
Mafly, Worklariatua sod and IP
The foliowingletter beak's% been receired
from Mark M. Pomeroy, Esq., (gen6rally
kuoum as "Brick". Pomeroy, editor of the
La Crosse Dentocrat,) laanswer to. a regnest
of the Derdocroxy of Reading form address
from this fearless champion of the working
men land the plow-holders:
NEW YORK, Sept. 8, 1860. )
Warren Conartf, - Editor Daily
I' can be in Reading to speak to the
working mei, ypuns men and citizens gen
erally of your vicinity, Friday of next week,
if you so desire, and notify-me by telegraph
at once. That day will be the only one I can
,spare, for that purpose. -
.Alsuring you that the pr ospect is.good for
a complete Democratic t riumph. -
I remain, yours rcspecrully,.
Mr. POraeroy • will be welcomed.. by
Of the Dentoeratio and Conservative chime
of Berke county, to be • held in the' city , of
Reading, on j
Friday Evening, Sept. 18tit,1808.
Workingmen are especially invited.
Attempted Murder ha Sotto.
Bosmr, Sept: 9.—ln North Busse I Wed,
last night, Jardes Freeman, Jr.j discharged a
pistol at Frank A. Burnham, but, without
'hitting him. Freeman was walking with
Burnham'a wife, and Burnham objected to
their being together. Freeman has not been
_ .
MARTINO! • • .
TOE Comm.—Any person who lins . tt tele
scope that will &able him to see one hnti
dred and thirteen Million miles, can observe
Eneko's comAin the East about two hours
beforo Sunrise..
THE Conferees of Schuylkill and Lebanon
have not yet agreed upon a cand34,late for
Congress for that district.
BARCLAY—MIESSE.—On the oth inst., in
Pottsvillo,Ta., by Roll. L. D. Getman Citnus N.
tiAnIMAY• Junior Editor Pottsville ,V;triclard. to
Miss 011818T111 MIPSX, OH Or rOttsViiio.
• FAit and near throughoUt the Whole
Country, the newspapers teem with the won - - -
derful cures performed by Dr. Rugs°ll's
Magnetic Oil. 60 ets. and $1 00 per bottle.
American House, Reading. [aug. 17-tf
IF our friends will nse preparations for re
storing gray hair they should use the best in
the market. Our attention has lately been
called to an article which has an extensive
sale and a very high reputation, known as
Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, and we are in
clined to think that it possesses more desira
ble and less otjectidnable qualities than any
other in the market. It restores gray or fa
ded-hair to its original color in a most re
tharkable - manner, and by. its Invigorating
and soothing properties removes all dandruff
and humors from the scalp. Give it a fair
trial and you carrot foil to like it, aug 181 m
Da. Lion has just received a large lot of
pure, fresh drugs and medicines, of all
kinds. Those who desire! the pure article
(nekd who does not?) wo would advise them
oto him. His prices aro reasonable,and
he volts upon all his customers in a prompt
an gentlemanly manner. All prescriptions
are put up in the most careful manner, and
there is no danger of any mistakes oc-,
' The Doctor has also a ll kinds of toilet
articles for sale,—oils, washes, soaps,
brushes, combs,' &c., &a.
Remember the place—No. 1 North Fifth
street. aug 21-1-w.
FISHING TAOKLE.—Just, received, a now
lot of rods, lines,
snoods, bait boxes, and
the eelebiated Carlisle hooks, at McGowan
Ec Milt t imore's. Sept 6-2 w cod
During the present campaign, from Sept.
12th to November 12th, a period of three
months, the DAILY EAGLE will be issued to
campaign su:bscribers at the following rates:
From Sept. 12th to Nov. 12th, 2 mos. 80
From Oct. 12th to Nov. 12th, mo. ' 40
No subscriptien for the campaign Esau
will bo' received unless accompanied by the
Any person getting up a club of Ten
subscribers, will receive a copy gratis.
The EAGLE will keep its readers well in-
formed on all the political topics of the (lay,
and will labor zealously for the dissemioa•
tioh of sound Democratic doctrines,* tho (
unity and harmony of the great Demoerctio'
party, and, the triumph of Democriltio
principles and the Democratic eandil,dtes.
It will also contain, in a condensed form,
all the general news of the day, aitli . a com
plete and correct account of all local.mati
tors in or compected with our city and court.
ty. . •
Every voter in Barks county should take
the EAGLE for the campaign. _ = _ -
- • iturrE4 tz`co.,
Eagle Office, Reading, Pa.
HOUSE and., lot of ground, on the North-west
corner of Eighth anti Chestnut streets t in this city.
This being a corner property, in outtabla fo{•
saloon or store, and is a good stand.
Also, a ONE- S TORY ABACK ROUSE op, IP,g,lttb
street, near Chestnut.
For particulars apply on the •
- aug 24-2*.
INOTIOE OF OAUT I( OPI 4 -4. hereby caution
any and all persons 'against purchasing a-cer
tain promissorynotttuivon by me to Sullivan,
Agent for the U.S. Lightning Rod Company. for
two hundred any paya bl e ollars, months a f t er
Ist, 1868. made six months after date.
will never pay said note, as the whole transaction
was a fraud front beginning to end.
Exeter Township, Rorke county.
Sept. 5, 1668.—e:0. d.* 1w
Reading (loudl, No. 46 Q. of tr. A. 11..
riniE 31en:thers of t h e Council w i l l meet at their'
J. Hall on Pri,i t ax. Beptember. 1 th. at 6 o'clock.
A. Il i tt u izope to the Depotfor t e Srade
kt r. eAuetabere will peek 0,,r
yrthes, caps and whito,itloviefl. ~. ..
total' of Mot:Sonnet/a; ' d
etit.l4t - -• J, fi.r
14 , 11105 t
• ,
fil orl f Y.
Odd)11 n
Orrou per lb.
11117:111,.. •
npertillit.” v - • ' 1
orthytiat. - -.
a. and Ohte.
or. • t.
RYE lkous,
(4_4 W 4.
haat. ROI••
LWh.ab; IVlalet' - *'
- -
Corn Yet. -
'do •West; -
. (lath: •
Malt. per bush •
Rarity. ' - - -
L kW. Moss ' -.
> -•
anted. -
Bapox. , ,: 1
. .
ill. clear shies -
tihou dors,
(*Mt MIMI'S.
Plokled Dame.
Bhouldens salted
' Lard, •
Flail PH* Bat.
CloVer per bushel.
Timothy. • -
Clo per ton 7
,Itocus. lll t i Mtlump and steatu't
• ' broken ,
Lehilth limy, steatut't and brokel , . , I ?
C4e l i t itstut, •'•.'- ' .` -
-. ' nykrod ash, . 4,.
:, r` Q estnut,
t ,White ash broker', . , .
• Big and stove, ' t;
Chestnut,• i
Xaou perton.
Pig il l i • '
. ' 2.
REsoitfoilousc 144nrxr.
. .
:: ------7-- 1 - . --- , -„7- 4! iv k --77--- i; 1 t. Ii : 11 4 7
Dursn—frosu unul. "fi
muss Amp! , .6 -
n"-ChOesti Vi lb„ 4.... ... , ... , ........... 4.,,',,., 4 602
ItAßD — Lardli lb., 1025
Eons — Eggs ,do son 4...., ....... •;•/.4F al
ALPLEB — Applca 14 poOk ....... 1 i ' ...4.,.. 50
Driba 81 qusrt, ' '44014
I'Lkomss— " 16@l8,
Muvr--I;oofltenk, round V P.b , 20
'" • - , , sirloin, ' 4 , 40, .......
~i .. i . t25 . 1L,
4, • .4 rump. 20@rs
" 'Beef roast, . o
," • Beef 'dried.
" 'Von' outlets. 41
41 "
chops, 41 :
18 ,
.: , Mutton. , 41 ‘
• 1 2 p1!
' Por k ,, •) ' ''. '," , ' 11 ' 414 /IP.
•14 ..' atm*, , 4." ~
•1 Sausage fresh, .2 "
•. V1N425
-" • "' • smoked; ' ""; “.i.W3
lit ' tm—llams, f 41
I . rr. 25
Sliced, .' • ~.;
4. \
Summons, VOlB
4. ("18
ffinns— , •
rouyrnY-701p10063 Mt; . 1066.6 : 6 t -)1 Nti":1"
• ' dreSsoa.
" Turkios live " •Y 6 . t •
1, '
dross , dr, "
Spring epic ens If pair,.....). 1 .”.750011 00
. .._ .
'Reported-twajoile2l.6l '1117,1:44141/11::11-71011
at StealliNlour milli, zoo of elm e ,; :
..,,,,,.-- 3 ,
1 itatdx,a, , ir
tifua-Vhite Yilifet. 111 h 1..i•••••,..i.., .
' Red • "." 0000000 0 ....... 18 . 00
Fes,. ..k r a ()bort. ti f t 1 , 14 4 1 . 11- f ... r . r . : A L -,<
t a
~ ,
" ; lddljtsge, ."' ..• ''' ' —' .4 „. tBO
Area -..5 A MeV, . i i t•• • 4 'la;
°MIN' -•- ,-- - . ' 4 , • ,
1 7 1 :44 * '''.'
0 .111 Qom"., •
,- lBO
41 oats , ; , -.,..1 ' 70
ill7-I'imoth • ltton,
.... 18 911
a 0 ilgover, 'e . ....,....•,.:.'. af;..4....,..v15 Nei . ~.: --,- t eadow " . ' 15 00
IA LARGE I,o'/' •
Domestic and Impcnleci • ,
T r RS,
For sato cheap at
B,' Nit 0 Er ;
.705 Penn Street above Seventh,
Aug. 28-2ve
AlUTiONr—Sonle• Irving ' stone:
CDay-book fkom my shop, al persorts ire eau
tionod not to pay aßbills male out and Presented
to theM,efe o ßpliti m ne l f . a wm • wh
isusBV-it 718 MA kiln etreet.
gas ...and —Steam
tJi.. , s•
NO. 10, SOUTH FIFTH ElTltEbis,f ,
, 13EG}3 LEAVE , t ANNOUNOIi ni
acne of Road* and vicinity, that he iktt,nas
At shortnotlce. All worltdotte,suaranteed. None
but A the belt workmen *m019704 2 . • , • „
hlo, a tot ofjtjt-desa vuenuellert,- , Braeltitts,
Autos, Bath Tutts,Witter 01 4•44‘ IsPlitotf.
always on hand and for sme at tue 1 0001 P
eAshr° of the PUblk o DatzonitO to re q`kuunr
Jtuie 24 are - X)DWARp
. _
. , ---- 7
.. .
FOUt EN al NC I_ ANJ L; - (!i , 1)
rt. .1
1 (-101 t r. ,‘ i r.',, A . • ! -
- - '
For doing a family* . waabbar in 40; bst 'O4
awed manner, Onarankoa44rgnai iw in
world I Has all the it trenettoi oldyoaln wt
the, tulht le virrit jr qSal spoke
eastilei • mu a
i t
ALDEN 11 Iv lid
Prone street, 11 4 01 1# 1 41/0 an
FuONSTANTLIt ON RAND lane assortmeitt
of the best. Cabinet Wm% fullinlinef9hfissbei
ridtnti. able Pitlot ;VS 1101
lance assortment et' alms alto
GUMMI— Best ' 'gnat 'hlel
Mattresses. Pcrsons rkishing to .
purchase; would do well to call end exist** o
stock. • D. 11. REIDEMAII,_442Pent Sinn
Mim i agent fort the cal ebrateil Plp l l l Pin welt
Knot Witch Ihkmi t in s Sexism; Mitolop)S, , tliP2 COM;
. .
Rojtqe, tcYrater POMOOrisc;
AVYING to the extratia4 low afie water
Win the Reservoirs MK • kabobs Mt! of 601a0
olefins the tmprovespents wrings*, theme
supply of the city before the niXt tWO OS alto
malls, the Commisslopere of water would ro
ut, the waterlers of the city to ipaitteoonc--- ,
cal as possible in e . pse ofwAter at proltnitt •-• Blt.
proper attention mho requeok, thee port.of
lull ebnpunely WO , fillibutitl9l* tlyattet'eati'hel
saved. and gi rat! 5pf)07 : 404, , , , loppr l g i
egarantedi fi ltlL'.i , . , ~,--,.
~..., , ,1,4 , 4- -J 4 7 •,•
The save tiros. ialo ,
to cease tesitur ViYer4V, the, preausj,‘
0 reept r ii mos •fire. • •-; - (.. • ~,. -; . ~,, i.sli , .c.2:!t•
•By o et of
•• = ,• : ii ti tt&MEß•fi, OfeitiCar4i
)04, re HA v ,•. > , j,&641
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pmttrilextunewiad. _,._ ite.
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mail hr, Nemidittii tooth:the e ' DIN
ste i ,HOtiati Rhona* iblaii idols ~
t .. ,t
Bitesi \awl e/1 sAtit .
.10 ..,
T. atovikti rani 'a
katthAt 'holm ‘mittitte tt l
bblhrit otat ut do ttuo . pbt4 ~ What tho nixtvh %)
odotml4 44c rolls; boa 4.340 . 04 by tlltyrtioa
do 1 - 4414** biabioisibiot Au. tow itihimi
4 "* 44 .1 "" 4 ,4 40 r05ik0v. 0 091 •
NO accanallth DA OW? °VIPS 4 0143 441 " '
. 'lto otra Is porfoOli m 4444,1141 Ito ivr4p&oit 0 0
t , htitrely horntleas so to At t o 1 0041,1 t o the child of tmt •
4liir ago AA It) the adult, " 011140 . 01111MC1110110 4
ilft that thlois to Actlott#l;4l 0,,, 4 4) 91 4 44.! 0 9 4 k, INV "k ,
tO 14 Nth) nitticotaa bf tbo tit 1 trill ooltvintsiolho mo.l
I , (Vital littfrkll t qclls tr!ity Mlll t ellk b ir V' Sl4 7.. , ,
WE SitAlthiti r 6tl WORY4 1 !
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Pckfaltkily tha! once ,lyetillits
Will tielt , ithOtit it
91 :100 10) snhi6 nil lilt
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tiai:Elr; Silox, um of
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